Culture of England in the 20th century. Cars and roads of England

Culture of England in the 20th century. Cars and roads of England
Culture of England in the 20th century. Cars and roads of England

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The policy of ruling circles at the beginningXX century and political crisis1909 - 1914.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the ruling circles of England faced a number of new problems within the country and abroad and had to make adjustments to their internal and foreign Policy. Losting industrial championship, England could no longer adhere to the traditional policy of "brilliant isolation", i.e. refusal from long-term unions with other countries. In the new atmosphere, this isolation that threatened to leave England alone at the time of conflict with the powerful coalition of hostile powers, became not "brilliant."

The elections in January 1910 brought the liberals most, but not so durable as in the previous composition of the Chamber. Now they could have made bills only with the support of the Labor Fractions of the Irish Party. Using the actual block with them, the government subsequently achieved budget approval. But on the fore, it put forward a question to the reform of parliament.

The hereditary upper chamber with an irreconcilable conservative tactics became an irresistible obstacle to the tactics of "liberalism"; Lords had the opportunity to failed any reform. Liberal leaders did not seek to abolish the ward of the Lords, this stronghold of conservatism. They decided only to limit her rights to provide a decisive word for the Chamber of Commons. Parliamentary Bill, made by the government, provided for, firstly, the budget issues are at all withdrawn from the competence of the Upper Chamber; Secondly, the rest of Billy The Lords Chamber has the right to reject twice, but if the Lower Chamber will take a bill in the 3rd time, it does not fall on the lords more and becomes law. It was progressive, although the limit limit reform: After all, the lords could tighten the adoption of any law for two years. Lords and the Conservative Party violently resisted Bill adoption, but Prime Minister Asquith made the House of Lords to approve Bill (1911).

In 1912, the Liberal Government made Bill about Homrule. The House of Lords could not now apply a veto on Bill; But she completely used the right to reject it twice. In this way, the time (two years), the English reaction was used to prepare for armed struggle against Ireland's self-government. She also expected to use the Irish issue as a reason to overthrow the liberal cabinet, to capture the power and transition to the armed suppression of the labor movement.

Recalling the fact that the English Protestant population prevails in Olster (Northern Ireland), which, after the introduction of Gomrulya, he suffers under the control of Irish Catholics, the top of the conservatives began to raise the population of Olster to methe. Numerous volunteers were created here, which openly passed military training. In response to this in Ireland, their armed detachments were formed. It clearly went to civil WarMoreover, even the leader of the conservatives promised to Olster rebels all the assistance. Indeed, in March 1914, the reaction officer of some units of the British army raised the rebellion, refusing to fulfill the order and lead their parts to Olster.

Thus, the constitution, legality was broken on the right. It was, according to Lenin, "a magnificent class struggle lesson," which noble lords gave the English work class. Such a severity of conflicts within the dominant class to the limit was scared of liberal ministers.

The desire to cut the complex knot of class, intracelave and national conflicts was so strongly in the top of the English bourgeoisie, that it played a significant role in solving them to enter the world war.

Development of British culture at the beginningXX century.

The Great Britain in the treasury of world culture is widely known, and primarily in the development of natural and technical sciences, especially physicists, chemistry, as well as biology. British scientists belong to important discoveries, their names are called many laws and theories. Many of the inventions were made in the 20th century: in the 20s - 30s, J. Bert and R. Watson-Watt approached the creation of television and radar.

Considerable heritage left British writers and artists; Many of them had an impact on the development of world literature and art.

In the 20th century, D. Golsuorussi continued the tradition of realistic novel, revealed various sides of the bourgeois life. In the same direction, I wrote S. Maem, R. Oldington, Green. The scientific fiction direction in the literature was created by Herbert Wells. Large popularity acquired a major master detective genre Arthur Conan Doyle, and a few later and agate Christie.

The beginning of the 20th century is considered turnstanding torque In the life of the Dramatic Theater of Great Britain. In the XVIII - XIX centuries. The success of the performances was determined by the skill of the actor stars. In the XX century, in addition to setting classics, the directors sought to put the performances close to the problems of modernity.

Stationary theaters in large industrial cities appear - in Manchester in 1908, in Liverpool in 1911, in Birmingham in 1913.

In the 1930s, a wide scale and working theatrical movement received with the working movement approach. Then mostly raised agitospectacles. Formed a troupe of professional actors, which were called "rebar". In 1936, "Unity Theater" was created. The famous singer and dramatic actor Paul Robson took part in his organization. This work theater not only retained the best national traditions, but also a new direction in theatrical art.

The Old-Vic Theater began its activities in the 20s of the magnificent actor L. Olivier. His partner was talented Vivien Lee. In the same theater was placed by B. Shaw, who in the 20s went to political satire. There was a thrust for the plays of Russian playwrights and writers, to the school K. Stanislavsky.

The musical art of Great Britain is less known. In the beginning of the 20th century, the composer R. V. Williams was made a considerable contributor at the beginning of the 20th century, in whose works there were revised British and Scottish songs, and especially E. Elgar - the first composer, whose works were known abroad.

Painting Great Britain has long been a prominent place in global art. At the beginning of the 20th century, the english artistic club, which became the center of impressionism, was made against the salon-academic painting, which became the center of impressionism (W. Sickert and W. Styr) were headed). One of the progressive artists was F. Branchvin, writing industrial landscapes.

In the 20s of the 20th century, abstractionism began to develop, and English painting loses its national peculiarity. This direction takes off a person from public life, and therefore it is supported by the ruling classes.


On the basis of the foregoing, we can conclude that during the reign of George V (1910 - 1936) the United Kingdom was not the most best times. Before the beginning of World War I, England has weakened economic and military-strategic positions. Interest on debt and the need to pay pensions fell on the country a heavy burden. Free trade, involving addiction from food imports, made the British population especially vulnerable. The transition from the military economy to the economy of peacetime was more difficult than expected: the heavy consequences of the monopolies and the financial oligarchy affected. Also this period was marked by a large number of working movements that made the government go to a number of concessions. At the beginning of the 20th century, England's ruling circles faced a number of new countries within the country and abroad and had to make adjustments to their internal and foreign policies. Also, the country survived several internal political conflicts. We can see that in general this period was not very favorable for England, but, nevertheless, the culture of Great Britain continued to develop many of the literary, musical and artistic, representing value for the whole world culture precisely at this time.

The UK is widely known in the treasury of world culture, and first of all, in the development of natural and technical sciences, especially physicists, chemistry, as well as biology. British scientists belong to important discoveries, many laws and theories are named their names; Among them, I.Nyuton, R. Tyul, J.Jowl, M. Faraday, J. Maxwell, Ch. Darvin, E. Rereford and many others. British travelers and scientists played important role In the development of land sciences (Ch.Nelel, J. Kabot, U.Parri, J. Sross, etc.) in the country the first cars in the world were invented: in 1733 - a spinning machine, in 1785 - a weaving machine, In 1784 - steam car, in 1802 - a steamer with a fodder rowing screw, in 1803 - the locomotive, in 1825 - the first railway with steam rod. Many of the inventions were made in the XX century: in 20-30s, J.bert and R.Uoton-WATT approached the creation of television and radar, etc. The first cars with the help of which the industrial revolution was made are stored in the UK museums.

A considerable heritage left British writers, poets, musicians and artists, many of them had an impact on the development of world literature and art. The largest preceded monument to the monument of oral folk creativity is the famous "poem about Beowulf" - was created at the end of the VII century. This poem tells about the mighty and fair Beowulf, who after many feats perfected, saving their country from the terrible dragon. In the creation of British literature, a special place belongs to the Great english writer Jeffrey Charier who lived in the XIV century. The highly educated person who owned Latin, French and Italian, he, however, rejected the opportunity to write in Latin, as his educated contemporaries came. Choseer became English national writer, creator (based on the London dialect) of the English literary language. His famous "Canterberian stories" is a magnificent gallery of the images of people of all classes, classes, ages, and, although the plots of Choseer often borrowed from Boccaccio and other writers, his images are purely English.

The great playwright of the world value is V. Shakespeare. In his work, the culture of the English revival reached its top. His images are ambitious, like the epoch itself, which threatened them. Othello and Lire, Hamlet and Macbeth - in whatever country, environment, the era did not live these people, they are full of those passions and thought, who disturbed Shakespeare himself and his contemporaries. In the XVII and the first half of the XVIII centuries. Brilliant satirik, the author of the famous "Gullivier Travels" Jonathan Swift and a number of other satyrikov lived and worked. Masters of the realistic Mravo-Water novel were Daniel Defo (1661 - 1731), Samuel Richardson (1689 - 1761), Henry Fielding and others. The largest poet of the 18th century was Robert Berns. The son of a poor Scottish farmer, Burns challenged in his verses a popular ideal of freedom, personal dignity, justice, honor, partnerships, bright earthly love. In the 18th century, there were many writers - sentimentalists, among which the largest Oliver Goldsmith (1728 - 1774) and Lawrence Stern (1713 - 1768), whose novel "sentimental journey" introduced the word "sentimental" into broader use.

The first quarter of the 19th century marks the activities of the great poet of the revolutionary and Romance George Gordon Bairon (1788 - 1824). Romantic hero Bayron's poems have an inflexible will, powerful passions, the ability to act, the whole meaning of his life is in the struggle, although he is doomed to defeat, because he is alone. Radom with the name of Bairon is the name of another ingenious poet and thinker Perscy Bii Shelly (1792 - 1822), which entered the history of English and world culture as a fiery singer of freedom, who dreamed of overcoming social inequality.

In general, for British literature of the 19th century, a flourishing of democratic literature is characterized, criticizing capitalist reality. In the middle of the 19th century, large chartist poets Ernst Jones (1819 - 1869) and William Linton (1812 - 1897) and William Linton (1812 - 1897) appeared in connection with the deployment of the Chartist Movement (1819 - 1897) and William Linton (1812 - 1897). The largest authors of the social novel were Elizabeth Baskell (1810 - 1865), Charlotte Bronte (1816 - 1855), William Tecker (1811 - 1863), Charles Dickens (1812 - 1870).

Ruthlessly exposing the cruel and cruelty of the bourgeois, a social romance judged modern society from the standpoint of people's ideals of justice, equality, good.

In the 20th century, John Golsuorussi continued the tradition of realistic novel (1867 - 1933). It belong to the tops of the bourgeois intelligentsia, he devoted all his outstanding talent to the exposure of the Rights of the Company, who knew perfectly. Hypocrisy in politics, religion, morality, science, spiritual poverty, culture of mediocrity and disgusting complacency - such in the image of Golzoussi plans for the lads of England. An outstanding representative of British critical realism and B. Show (1856 - 1950); His dramaturgy has won not only the English stage, but also the scenes of many countries of the world. Scientific - fantastic direction in the literature created Herbert Wells (1866 - 1946). A major master of the detective genre Arthur Conan Doyle acquired great popularity, and later Agata Christie.

Theatre. The theater of Great Britain survived a difficult story. He reached his heyday in the Renaissance, when secular trends in culture appeared. During the long centuries, the church tried to use the folk thirst for spectacles to strengthen their effects on the masses. Churchmen dramatized church service "Liturgy, which led to the emergence of a liturgical drama, Churchmen moved it from the temple to pale, where thousands of people could watch it. Gradually, the liturgical drama began to break away from religious primancy. The plots of dramas began to borrow no longer from the Bible, but from the "Saint-Saints", i.e. Signatures are quite real people who have committed miracles in the ordinary setting. These plays with miracles were called Miraclami (Miraclum).

Finally, in the XIV and especially in the XV centuries. The main view of the theatrical spectacle becomes the Mystery - Grand Presentations on urban and fairgrounds. Although the plots of Mysteries were still borrowed from the Bible, secular, the household element became in them the predominant. Actors were given the opportunity to change the text with their inserts that always wore contemporary And more "landed" the sacred episodes. Voflevish shepherds reminded ordinary English shepherds, with their speech, habits, external species. In another popular dramatic genre of this time - morality, the abstract concepts or traits of character embodied in stage images: mercy, cruelty, korestolyvy, friendship, strength, death, beauty, etc. These images acquired quite real domestic characteristics, and philosophical and moral and ethical problems of the era were solved in their clashes. In the peasant sphere, the spring festivities in honor of the popular national Hero Robin Hood: Dressed in green clothes, decorated with flowers and green branches, hundreds of peasants with songs and dancing walked for those who had the honor of playing Robin Hood. The scenes from his life were played on the forest glads. Already in the first half of the XVI century. Political struggle broke into mystery and morality. Conditional images morality were already carriers of non-abstract concepts or human qualities, but real configuring forces. That was one stream, which subsequently joined the stormy sea of \u200b\u200bthe magnificent theater of the end of the century. The second stream arose due to the development of humanism and originally stood aside from folk tradition. In schools, Humanist teachers put the stupids of the plays of ancient authors. Universities students put mainly ancient tragedies. Then the English comedies in imitation of the plate and the Horace arose. In these imitations, motives borrowed from morality and along with real characters Figure very conditional characters of the type of vice or rowing. So the merger of antique and folk tradition began, enriched and the other.

The first constant acting troupes, mostly from artisans, arose at the courtyards of the kings and the largest lords. Spearly appeared special theater rooms on the outskirts of London. The first theater was built by the actors themselves in 1576, and by the beginning of the XVII century. There were already 20 theaters in London. 200 - the thousandth population of London, many people who arrived in the capital, sailors, officials provided a permanent audience.

Mass, so-called public theaters that actors contained on the pays were the greatest importance. A simple landing, not separated from the viewers of the curtain, a huge parter (more than 1000 places) without seating and no roof, indoor lodges with more expensive places on the sides - these facilities looked like. But it was here that the magnificent creations of English dramaturgy were created. It was on the stage of these theaters that the great tragedies of Shakespeare and his contemporaries were played.

In the XVII century During the revolution, public theaters were destroyed, the actors are dispersed, the democratic traditions of the People's Theater are crossed. Language theaters close to modern type were built. From Italy and France, technical innovations, scenery borrowed. For the first time in the English scene, women appeared, before women's roles were performed by men. However, an attempt to bring from France not only the technique, but also the style of classicism that dominated there was less successful. The theater audience of the restoration period wanted to see in the theater cheerful and certainly an obscene comedy. After for long years Welding in foreign courtyards returned to know the pleasures, luxury, shine and the king himself showed an example in the defiant "freedom of morals". The Slutric Courtyard saw her exact reflection in the theater and was not offended, because immorality was considered good tone. It is not surprising that the theater of this time could not create large artistic values.

In the XVIII century The enlightenment and realism penetrated all spheres of art. A large role in the development of the theater during this period was played great actor and scene reformer David Garrick. The modern English theater could not offer Harrick roles worthy of his genius. He addresses Shakespeare and reserves his images. As director of the largest London theater Garrik introduced a whole series of innovations. He expelled the aristocratic viewer from the scene, and Macbeth did not have to pronounce his monologue, standing two steps from the secular France. On his initiative, lamp lighting was introduced, the scene, decoration and costumes began to be manufactured with genuine artistic taste and historical accuracy. All these transformations, and most importantly, the realistic acting skills of Garrica brought him worldwide glory. He is considered the founder of scenic realism in English and a pan-European scale.

From the end of the XVIII century. In connection with the social shifts and the rise of the democratic movement, the theater audience began to change. Again, as it was at the end of the XVI century, the theater was hung the masses of the urban population. The number of theaters grew, but the right to put classic or modern plays It was provided in London only two - Friends Linu and Covent Gardena. In the rest of the theaters of London and the province was put on only entertainment performances of farces, pantomime, musical comedies. All XIX century The activities of outstanding actors were noted.

At the turn of two theatrical epochs, the great actors Sara Siddons (1755 - 1831), her brother John Smbl (1757 - 1833) and Edmund Keen (1789 - 1833). In the second half of this century, Henry Irving were famous actors (1838 - 1905) and Helen Terry. In the repertoire of English theaters, a classic prevailed, mainly V. Shakespeare; Problem playurgy Ibsen and the show was not allowed on the scenes of leading theaters. An outstanding role in familiarizing the English viewer with the best works modern drama And in the development of a genuine realistic theater played an independent theater. He was founded in 1891 with the support of B. Show Jackob Gray. Actors who have thirsty to escape from the routine of the leading theaters did not require fees for labor. Grain and his friends marked the beginning of the "repertoire theater", i.e. the theater with a variety of repertoire, as opposed to the already established system, in which one piece was raised by black-made until the fees were taken. The repertoire theaters arose in Manchester, Liverpool. In 1899, progressive actors and writers were established the theater society. It was considered a club, i.e. did not depend on censorship. Ibsen, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Gorky firmly established in his repertoire. It was finally overcome the repertoire hunger for many decades, and the brilliant drama show won a vocation. In the XX century His plays were put in the "Old-Vic" theater (from 1818), where the famous actor John Gilgud was playing. The Great Actor Lawrence Olivier began its activities at Old-Vic theater. His partner was talented Vivien Lee.

During World War II, glorified actors with troupes traveled around the mining villages, industrial cities. The "Uniti" Theater was particularly active in London, which put the works of M. Sholokhov, L. Tolstoy, I. Ehrenburg, K. Simonov.

In the 1950s - 60s there were new theaters with the constant composition of actors, among them the theater "Workmon", and in 1963, was finally discovered national (ie, the state) theater with a permanent troupe led by Laurence Olivier. Currently, few of the UK theaters have their own room and permanent troupe. More often, the room is rented for any representation prepared by a certain troupe. Only some theaters receive state subsidies, and most hold on private donations, and at the fees from performances. Stationary theaters, Shakespeare Memorial Theater in Stretford-on-Avon, are available in London: this is "Old Vic", "Rooilla Court Tieter", "Merileid Tieter", "Uniti" and "Workton", although all of them in the capital about 50, Not counting very small.

Painting. The painting of Great Britain has long been a prominent place in the marine art. For the Middle Ages, a portrait miniature was characterized, for which, as for the church wallsopy of that time, some accuracy and conventionality was characterized, the lack of damns revealing the image of a given person. In the portrait miniature of the Renaissance, the artists were already more free in the features of the features of this person, in choosing poses, gestures. True, here a significant place was paid to the decorative framing of the portrait, the details of the situation and the toilet, but the individuality, a unique person of the depicted, was put forward to the fore. This refers to the work of Nicholas Halliard (1547 - 1619), and his student Isaac Oliver (1562 - 1617). In the first half of the XVII century. At the court of Karl I many years worked for the famous Flemish painter Antonis Wang-Dyake. In this "English" period of its creativity Wang-Dyack Created portraits who subsequently had a considerable effect on English portrait painting. Created by him Gallery of portraits of the king and nobility makes great displays the appearance of the aristocrat of the time. Pupils Wang Dequean - R. Walker and Somoel Cooper continued the traditions of British artistic miniatures and created a series of portraits of the leaders of the revolution.

The restoration era did not bring major success of English painting, but on the soil of the ideas of enlightenment in realistic painting. The creator of the English National art school William Hogart was the first student who hadved world fame. Ego Creativity is deeply national in the sense that it reflected the features of pure English national Character. Bichui Fallets of society, Hogart turned to purely domestic plots, drawing material from life itself. His series of paintings - "Elections", "Career of the Sales Woman", "Career Mota", "Fashionable Marriage" and others - multiplied in the form of engraving and quickly bought up. The most famous picture of the artist "Girl with shrimp".

W. Hogart laid the beginning of the rapid flow of English painting. With the growth of industrial bourgeoisie expanded the range of customers who wanted to decorate their dwellings with paintings, or perpetuate themselves with portraits of the brush outstanding artists. In 1768, the Royal Academy of Arts in London was established. Its organizer Joshua Reynolds (1723 - 1792) was the most famous modern artist. Over two thousand portraits public figures, outstanding writers, actors have a huge historical value: Before us - all official england of that time. Reynolds often attached an allegorical character to his portrait. So the famous tragic actress Sarah Siddonsons, he depicted in the form of a muse tragedy.

Almost at the same time Sarah Siddons wrote great artist That era Thomas Gainesboro (1727 - 1788). Gainesboro wrote a lot of parade "Van - Deikovsky" portraits and, wanting to emphasize the continuity, put her models in the costumes of the XVII century. Gainesboro knew how to make even a traditional parade portrait not only a psychological characteristic, but also to convey the mood of man. That is why his works retain their purely aesthetic to our days, and not just historical importance.

An innovation of Gainesboro appeared in his landscapes, which laid the beginning of the British school of landscape players first halves XIX. in. Heinsboro himself loved the landscape of the "old England" as the landscape of "old England" that even portraits of writing on the background of a landscape, which acquired his independence.

A peculiar cult of the sea, always played a considerable role in the historical destinies of England, acquired at the beginning of the XIX century. New features. The more England ached, the more prosaic and more boring the daily life became, the more attracted the sea and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe dangers, exploits, the fight against the elements. The central place was occupied by the sea and in the work of one of the largest English landscape owners of William Turner (1775 - 1851). He was attracted by unusual and fantastic stories - wild cliffs, rocks, ruins, thunderstorms and primarily the sea, violent, dark, disturbing and almost always - in the Bayronovsky "Boring elements". His famous paintings "Like in Calais" and "The last flight of the ship" Brave "(in his multicolor gamma was superior to impressionists) and others. Landscapes of Constable John (1776 - 1837), another largest English landscape player, on the contrary, most often - calm, sunny, harmonious paintings of nature . The main content of the innovation of constable was to refuse to idealize nature. He wrote etudes from nature and the nature of constable - this is not an idealistic rural landscape, and a living, full-blooded environment surrounding the human labor. It was not by chance that the paintings of the constable had to taste the tops of society: they found them with rude and primitive. Even in the 20s, when Constable acquired pan-European fame, exposing his picture of the "cart for the hay" in the Paris Salon, in England he was only formally recognized by academic circles. In the 30-40s of the XIX century. in English painting reigned genre paintingswho conducted their pedigree against witness of Hogan.

But genre pictures of the XIX century. We were completely different. The creators of genre painting of that time were figuratively speaking, the varnishers of reality are touching family celebrations, street scenes, children's leprosy, illustrations to popular novels - all this in the spirit of the idealization of reality. Even the most outstanding artists of this direction D. Willow (1785 - 1841) depicted household scenes with humor, by no means trying to call the audience at the audience. Another character was the work of a group of artists, who in 1848 united in the Prerafaelite Brotherhood. They offered to abandon the parade and conventions modern painting and refer to the images of Italian art XV century. Hence the name of their group, emphasizing the return to the Drafaelevsky art. The leading artists of this destination were Everett Milles and William Holwei Hunt, Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

Artists of the late XIX - early XX century. Under the guidance of young artists Walter Sickert (1860 - 1942) and Wilson Steve (1860 - 1942), they were united in a new English art club, which became the main center of English Impressionism, although the club included artists of purely realistic alignment. The picture of W. Sickert "Boredom" portrayed spouses from a small bourgeois medium immersed in a hopeless boredom was widely fame. Among the portrait of the "Club", Ogasses John acquired wide fame (1878 - 1961). One of his most famous work - Portrait of B. Show. Special place among artists held a schedule and painter Frank Brangwin (1867 - 1956). Industrial England with iron rifles of bridges shrouded in smoke of plants, giant shipyards for visual arts Opened by Brangwin.

Music. The musical art of Great Britain is less known. Narodi song creativity He started from the country's settlement by Celtic tribes. Now in Wales and Scotland, where the descendants of the ancient Celts live, still exist folk singers And songwriters are bards, between which annual competitions occur by tradition. Ballads, songs of historical and satirical content remained from the normans. The folk songs are accompanied by the game on the harp, lute, tube, flute and drum. The flourishing of the folk song refers to the XV century. The place of old ritual songs began to occupy carols - songs designed for two, three and more votes. A multifacene as a kind of musical expressiveness arose in English folk music and from here spread to the continent. The polyphony of the English folk song has influenced the outstanding composer XV century. J. Danstebla, Creator polyphonic works. The popularity of musical art in all layers of English society was so great that in the second half of the XV century. In Cambridge, and then in Oxford, the degrees of doctors and bachelor of music introduced.

Then for a long time the music was banned, was pursued in everyday life, I was expelled from the churches. Many magnificent organs in the temples were destroyed. Puritans looked at the music as a devil's destruction. The revival of musical culture belongs to the XVII century, when composer Henry Persell appeared (1659 - 1695), which wrote and psalms and instrumental music, and, most importantly, created the first English opera Didona and Eney. For a long time after the city of Persell in the country there was no significant composer. Italian opera troupes were usually invited to the salons.

It is believed that the developing capitalism almost killed English music, in any case, and in England itself, and abroad managed to arise the legend of congenital nomuzkality english people. Meanwhile, the people sang ancient songs, folding new poems on well-known melodies and thus kept them, created new ones. And here is the prominent figure of the musical culture of Cecil Sharp, having done the titanic work, gathered and published a collection of "English People's Song". It was a struggle for the national democratic musical culture, against the salon art and tastes brought up exclusively in foreign music of the public. Later, many young musicians were literally fascinated by folk singing, which first learned from Sharpe Collection and began to create on the basis folk songs Works imbued with the spirit of England and english character. Composers who made a considerable contribution to the formation of the National Composite School were Ralph Williams (1872 - 1956), in whose works there were revised English and Scottish songs, and especially Edward Elgar (1857 - 1934) - the first English composer, whose music was widely entered worldwide Concert repertoire.

In the XIX century many musical societies arose, history studied medieval musicAt the end of the century was fond of operetta. The largest composer of the 20th century, which received a popular vocation, is B. Britten. He took care of national music, I created the first in the time of Persell, the English repertoire opera "Peter Graint", returned to the scene and opera Persell. The composer turned to the opera genre and public figure A. Bush, who wrote Opera "Wat Tyler".

In the 50-60 years in the UK, a music revolution took place in the UK - a massive passion for "new music" - Rock and Beach Bit. In the early 60s there was already about 300 bits - groups, the most popular of which "Beatles" had many followers and admirers around the world.

Architecture. In the UK, architectural monuments have been preserved since the neolithic times and bronze Age. These are very peculiar stone complexes, about the purpose of which many guesses are built. Many in the country and the ruins of Roman facilities I - V BB. There are churches VII - X centuries. The Anglo-Norman temples and feudal locks are much better preserved. In the XI century Began to build the Vendzor Castle, to build Tower in London. In the XII century English gothic develops, many majestic temples are erected, symbolizing the power of the church; Then 95 cathedrals were built, including in the cities of Durham, Canterberry, Salisbury, York, i.e. In many major shopping centers. By that time, the construction of Westminster Abbey in London, which lasted for quite a long time.

From the second half of the XIV century There was already a later-style style with a characteristic wealth of carved details. At the beginning of the XVII century. An outstanding architect was considered A. Jones, who sought to move to England italian rebirthcombining it with national traditions. In the era of Renaissance, many urban-style buildings were built - this is a weave of a wooden frame, between which the stone and plaster are laid (Doi, where V. Shakespeare was born, in Stradford-on-Avon - a typical phacomk construction).

In the architecture of the restoration period, the architect K. Ren becomes fame, striving to build buildings in the spirit of English classicism. He built 52 churches in London, including the famous St. Cathedral. Paul.

In the XVIII century The classic style dominated. Famous architects of that time John Wood and his son John Wood - the younger used it when creating a balneological resort of Bat, whose ensembles resemble antique city. In the second half of the XVIII century. In the same style, the architects of the BrotherT and James Adams continued to work. They built a lot of urban homes and estates. At that time, parks in the style of classicism were broken around the estates; Strictly geometric layout, arabated trees and rows of statues along Alley. But at the end of the XVIII century. in park art He began to penetrate the English type of the park with a free layout, closest to nature.

Rogue bourgeoisie at the beginning of the XIX century. It sought to imitate nobility, ordered architects the construction of comfortable mansions in a classic style and even in the spirit of medieval castles.

In the XIX century, which English historians call the "Victorian Epoch", there were two directions in architecture - neo-tech and neoclassicism. For example, a classic style with columns built a building of the English bank (1833. Architect D. Seun) and similar to an antique temple British museum (built in 1847 by the architect S. Smeft). A typical example of neogenic is the building of the British Parliament, created by an outstanding architect E. Berry (1840 - 1868). IN negotic style during XIX Start XX century Erected churches in growing industrial cities. In some cities, the Georgian style quarters are found for which the deprived decorations of the building of a red-friendly color with a fine binding of white window frames. That is the whole complex Temple - the foundation of lawyers in London.

In the period after the Second World War, the largest cities of Great Britain became more and more modern architecture Multi-storey buildings made of glass and steel, especially characteristic of offices. But usually such buildings are only inserted into the overall old building.

There are many nations and cultures in the world, but the British you definitely do not confuse with anyone! Although they are considered as cold-blooded, restrained and prim, in fact, they are friendly, stacks and are very fond of sport. An interesting combination is not true? So let's learn more about the customs and traditions of the British, because studying English, it is important to understand how this people lives and what this people breathes.

The British - who are they, what are they?

British from nature polite And never get tired of saying "Please" and "Thank You". They disciplined and will not speak loudly on the street. They do not pushed to raise a place on the bus or train and stand in line at the bus stop. The British will not shine at the meeting. They try not to show emotions in public even in tragic circumstances. They do not lose their composure and retain optimism in difficult situations.

British - Nation of Domosted. They say: "My home is my fortress" and do not like the neighbors to intervene in their lives. The British prefer small houses designed for one family. Fireplace - Heart english house. While the inhabitants of other countries go in the evenings in a cafe or cocktail bars, the British prefer to gather in the living room and sit by the fire, discussing the events of the past day. In many homes, you can meet fireplates today, sometimes with columns on the sides and the upper shelf, where the watches, mirror or family photos cost.

The British love gardening and adore for him to speak.They can discuss the methods of growing cucumbers or talk about their unique flower bed, so do not like the rest. Sometimes the British grown plants in the box at the kitchen window or in the garden at home. They love flowers very much.

Also, the British love animals very much. The entire population accounts for about five million dogs, about the same amount of cats, three million parrots, other birds and aquarium fish - as well as a million exotic animals, such as reptiles. In Britain there are special stores where food is sold, clothes and other items for dogs. There are dog hairdressers, gYM's and cemeteries. In Britain, christmas cards and birthday greetings are sent on behalf of animals. Owners can buy animals expensive collars, woolen coats, lace dress, pajamas and so on. At airports there are special hotels for pets. The British believe that they are the only nation that so cares about animals.

On weekends those who live in major cities, Love to go to nature.Each Englishman likes to spend time in a country house with a garden and pink bushes at the porch - on fresh air, away from the fuss, in silence and rest.

Those who stay at home are trying to do all the cases that did not have time to do in a week. Someone on Saturday goes shopping in the morning, someone is engaged in the economy - washing and cleaning. Someone visits sports events or is engaged in sports.

Saturday evening - the right time for parties, dances, campaigns in the cinema or theater.

On Sunday, after breakfast, the British work in the garden, walk with the dog, visit the pub. On Sundays, it is customary to invite friends and relatives for tea.

Traditions of the British in food

There are some traditions concerning food. English cuisine - solid, simple and nutritious. British prefer a dense breakfast. It can consist of oatmeal, scrambled eggs with bacon, fried fish, toasts with jam, tea or coffee. Toasts they prefer cold. As a rule, breakfast is the same day day.

Tea is an integral part of the life of the British, Like potatoes or bread. There is even a saying: "Seven cups of tea will help wake up, nine cups will help to fall asleep."

Food food is called lunch. IN weekdays Meat stew can be served, fried fish, chops, liver, sausages, vegetables. Rice and pasta British are rarely eating. Apple pie or hot milk pudding is served for dessert. Sunday dinner is a special event. It is served with beef or lamb cutting with vegetables, and then a big pudding with a custard. From 4 to 6 pm - the time of tea drinking, which is called "5 o" CLOCK ".At this time, drink tea with cakes or small sandwiches. In some sense, this is a whole ritual. All other things are postponed for tea drinking.

Dinner (usually after 6 pm) is largely similar to Lunch, and in many families it is last reception Food per day. Sometimes "Supper" may follow him - usually this cocoa with a light snack from bread and cheese.

The British has a popular special dish, known as "Fish and Chips" - Fish with fried potato. It is best to buy it from the tray at the stadium and eat right during the football match.


Royal Family, Palaces, Family Castles with Ghosts, Vintage Universities, Famous English Pubs are the United Kingdom.

Parades of flowers, festivals of rochester carp, royal regatta, Liverpool Four of Bitles, Druid Ceremonies, Robin Hood's holiday is Great Britain.

Green hills, endless meadows, picturesque valleys, rugged shore lines, and, on the other hand, well-groomed gardens and parks, neatly trimmed lawns and lawns - all this Great Britain.

Great Britain multifaceted! Also diverse and multifaceted its traditions, customs and cultural life.

Traditions royal Court Most often are chosen in the form of various ceremonies performed by the queen and her family. We will consider in more detail each component of England. We explore all its corners - from culture to tourism. We learn about the tradition of tea drinking, festivals and holidays, most significant for the British and held every year, we will also learn about their interests in sports and games. Not much important will be considered as at what level they have developed radio and television, print media and other public areas.

Of course, in the first place, we are interested in management. In this work, we will talk about hotel management, about universities where managers are preparing to work in this industry. We will find out which universities are leading in this matter how serious approach to the British to the preparation of new personnel.

The British, for example, love to imagine themselves as calm, intelligent and patient people who have common sense, believe that the British are quietly relate to work and economic progress, several lazy and even prefer to sail within ... Hmm. Consider this question, we compare how much we are different and similar to this "primary", as they are called, the people.

Culture of England

England is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Over the centuries, England remained the center of the whole kingdom. Her historical I. cultural connections With the rest of the UK, certainly were and remain unusually strong. Therefore, the culture of the inhabitants of Great Britain is mainly determined by the culture of England, with the addition of local cultural traditions Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as, albeit to a lesser extent, the cultures of dozens of countries, once the colonies of the British Empire.

The greatest artistic contribution of England in the culture was made in the field of theater, literature and architecture. The country also has a rich collection of works of art representing culture different epochs and countries. Most visitors are admired by the magnificent beauty of the houses of the English aristocracy and the magnificence of the local cathedrals and castles. Although the modern architecture of England is represented by motorways, high-altitude buildings and externally uninteresting buildings of suburbs, but modern architects, such as Sir Norman Foster and Richard Rogers find bright and original solutions, for example: Tate Modern, Millennium Bridge and Lloidze. Anyone who studied english literature, remembers such names as Choseer, Shakespeare, Dickens - can not underestimate their contribution to European literature.

England presented the world English, which is now the language of international communication. In the dialects of the language there are many dialects and, not surprisingly, when people from South England need a translator to talk to people living in the north of Oxford.

Modern culture of England began with numerous changes and transformations in the life of the inhabitants of the whole island. In particular, after 1945, these changes touched on literature and music. The most notable samples of these changes may be the transformation of Liverpool, and then London, to the centers of world pop culture in the 1960s. "Beatles" was only the very first and most famous british rock bandswho conquered the world. British fashion designers have become famous for their avant-garde style, and bright clothes from shops on carnaby Street and Kings Road became known far beyond London.

In addition to these changes, as well as less significant revival in other areas of culture after the end of World War II, significant changes occurred in society itself. The most noticeable variation has increased the level of education. The government began to pay more attention to the development and support of art in the country. The Special Council for Art formed in 1946 maintains various fields of art, which, in turn, served as the expansion of the cultural market, mainly commercially. As in many developed countries, the collision of tastes and values \u200b\u200bof the elder and junior generation, periods were very cruel, especially in the 60s of the 1970s of the 20th century.

Fucking after the formation of the United Kingdom in the UK, and in particular to England, the flow of emigrants from developing countries has brought with them a variety of cultures and religions from developing countries. The interaction of these cultures and the general culture of Great Britain largely determines today's United Kingdom.

Customs and traditions of England

The famous tradition of the British is tea with milk. Another tradition related to tea "Five O" Clock ". Particularly relate to time. It is believed that only the closest people are invited to this tea party. Changes reigning in society are not reflected in tradition. They remain unchanged. In summer period Everyone is playing cricket. Many consider it uninteresting, due to low mobility and low activity. But there are many tricks and tricks in it, you just need to better get acquainted with the game. Darts, checkers and chess are popular in the country. The British are distinguished by restraint. The arguments of people dry and communication is also no emotion. The British avoid denials and finite formulations and conclusions. Instead, the word "excellent and excellent" ordinary Englishman will say "not bad, normal." But it is not necessary to look for arrogance. Just mentality is so. With all these "features" they are sociable.

National feature is a constant piercing over all and by everyone, while avoiding humiliation and insults. Diveliness is distinguished in conversations. Try not to violate laws and rules. Moreover, with the same severity in this plan and to others, and to themselves. Restraint is considered to be the main and most important quality of man. In conversations, especially for the meal, conversations should be avoided on the topics of money, the personal life of people and Northern Ireland. A guest is unknown to share business cards, and before dinner it is customary.


In the UK, including in England, the freedom of religion. Most of the British professing religion belong to the English Church, which became independent of Rome in the 16th century. Among other significant Protestant churches, the Methodist, Baptist and Salvation Army can be distinguished. Every tenth Englishman considers himself a Catholic, and currently in England more than a million Muslims and many of Hinduism adherents, as well as Judaism and Sikhi. For most, the British of the Church have not so much religious as cultural and traditional importance.

Believers who comply with all religious rites and regularly visiting the Church, not so much: just one person from forty. Most of the church is dealing with the church only during the personal crisis or major life events (birth, marriage, death).


Although English cuisine is not so popular, her recent revival covered the whole country. However, tourists can find an amazing diversity of dishes from around the world here, but the travelers with a limited budget will not be able to allow fish with roasted potatoes, eggs with ham and sausages with potato mashed potatoes.

British - Nation of interesting and unusual people, self-sufficient and no one. Many the British seem strange, and there is some truth in this: the primacy and traditions of their homeland are, and the matter is allowed to know about themselves. And yet, the uniqueness and peculiar attractiveness of the inhabitants of Misty Albion are constantly forced us to reflect - "Who are such British, and what is true British culture?".

If you are going to learn or work in England, you will be useful for you to learn about some of the features of local residents ...

No clothes meet

Your hand, sir

The Japanese in the UK feel quite comfortable, but the French and Portuguese are not very. Why? Everything is simple: the British above all appreciate their personal space. While in France, it is customary to kiss when meeting, for the British, a handshake is the only acceptable form of greeting. Everything else is possible only between close people. In this regard, the British sometimes seem too cold and even unnecessarily reference.

In conversations, there are tabulated topics, they belong to the age of the interlocutors, their income, sexy life and religion. For example, it is not accepted here to ask the fellow students about who his dad works, mom and they are well earned.

The weather is the ideal topic that will always come to the rescue if you do not know where to start a dialogue. Your sincere admiration for local natural beauties will also not leave any real Englishman indifferent.

If you still do not know how to communicate with the British, see the sensational series "Daunton Abbey" and understand much more about the intricacies of relationships between people in the UK, many of which have not changed over time.

Man and woman

Feminist movements have done their job. There is no gender discrimination in the UK. Differences here, rather, depend on the status and age. It has its advantages and its cons. On the one hand, a certain position will be chosen to a certain position, and not a man, on the other, the woman will have to work as well as a man without any concern.

Time Is Money.

The British can not tolerate non-package people. As you know, accuracy is politeness of kings. Try not to forget about it. It is impossible to be late here or dinner nor, especially, to a business meeting. Again, many foreigners, such as the French and Italians, get used to this difficult. But the Germans are such an order of shower.

As for lunch, such punctuality is not accidental. In the UK it is cold, so before serving food on the table, the plates are sometimes warm, and the food itself is preparing accurate to a certain hour. If you are late, you will have to warm everything, and it tastefully and entails additional costs.

Oh, sport, you are the world!

Football love all over the world, and the homeland of this sport is rightfully considered to be the United Kingdom. After all, it was in Oxford and Cambridge for the first time a single rules and regulations of the game were recorded. Everyone knows that in Britain the most ardent fans, during the matches the whole country (without exaggeration!) Is waiting for the outcome of the game.

Here, in general, the active lifestyle is popular. Sports are engaged in special halls and parks, and with each university, traditionally, there are their teams. By the way, if you want to improve your personal characteristic, be sure to sign in one of the sections of the university.

The whole world - theater

At the homeland of Shakespeare can not not love the theater. In each, even the most small town of Great Britain has its own theater. In universities, the same story as with sports is to participate in student productions in every possible way. By the way, many famous actors and directors studied in British universities on philologists and lawyers, but, carried away by the student theater, decided to change the profession and chose the creative path.