What is in the British Museum. British National Museum in London

What is in the British Museum. British National Museum in London
What is in the British Museum. British National Museum in London

We will not be mistaken if we say that, perhaps, the most popular attraction of Great Britain is the British Museum in London. This is one of the largest treasury in the world. Surprisingly, he was created spontaneously (however, like many other museums of the country). It was the basis of three private collections.

The British Museum is located in an area of \u200b\u200b6 hectares in buildings that have been built for over a hundred years. They contain the exhibits of all the cultures of the world are stored. The British Museum in London is one of the few European institutions of this level, which is interesting not only by unique, rarest exhibits. The construction itself is an invaluable monument of history and culture.

Its very respectable age (250 years) is directly related to the history of the country in which natural sciences flourished. Probably, therefore, not a patent and not an artist, but a naturalist scientist is the founder of the famous meeting. We are talking about the Royal Lab Medica Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753). During his life, he managed to collect a colossal collection of ethnographic, natural-scientific and artistic exhibits representing tremendous value.

British Museum: Exhibits

A distinctive feature of this museum is a huge variety of exhibits. Archaeological and ethnographic rarities are adjacent here with paintings, natural scrums, ancient manuscripts, books and sculptures.

From the history of the museum

The British National Museum began its history in 1753. It was then that naturalist from Great Britain Hans Sloan bequeathed his unique collection of nation. The opening of the museum was approved by the Special Act of the Britain Parliament. By 1759, when the museum officially began his work, the meeting was replenished with the exhibits of the Royal Library.


These are indisputable pearls of the collection, which the British Museum is proud of. These sculptures are called Parthenon marbles (or Algina marbles). They received their name in honor of the graph, which took them in due time from Greece. Today the museum is proud of the world's largest collection of Asian sculpture. The Department of Egyptian Antiquities has a meeting, which has about 66 thousand copies, and the ancient Greek collection consists of a number of world-famous masterpieces: a demmel statue, a bust of the pericles and others.

The names of their creators remain unknown, despite the uniqueness and scale of works. There is a version that the statues and frieze of Parfenone - work from Greece (Fidiya), who led the construction of the Acropolis. More than once, this country attempted to return the marbles of Parfenons. In turn, England is in no hurry to say goodbye to invaluable treasures. Each party has its own opinion on this subject: the Greeks call the export of invaluable relics of theft, the British Museumors believe that this measure saved sculptures from destruction.

Probably both sides in their own way. Eldin Count Elderly perceived the government's permission to export some exhibits from the country. By that time, when they were transferred to the British Museum, Parfenon over the century was in the dilapidated ruins.

Rosett stone

Without a doubt, this is one of the most famous exhibits, which is owned by the British Museum. Artifact, which was discovered at the end of the XVIII century. He allowed Jean Champsolon (French Orientalist, Linguist French historian) Today, this relic is celebrating visitors in the Egyptian Hall of the Museum.

Mummy catabet

Three and a half thousand years - the age of Mummy Przezs Amona, which was called Catabet. Her body is wrapped with a cloth. The face covers the gilded mask, which depicts a priestess portrait. Interestingly, Sarcophag was originally intended for a man. Another feature of this mummy is a woman's brain, unlike all other organs, was not seized.


The collection of the British Museum has another pearl. This is a Polynesian sculpture brought from Easter Island. It is called Hoa-Khaka-Nana-Ia. In Russian, this name is translated as "stolen (or hidden) friend." Initially, the Istang of Moi was painted in white and red, but with time the paint was blocked, the basalt tuff revealed and exposed. This durable natural material was used in the manufacture of monolithic sculpture.

Big Sphinx beard

Thanks to the efforts of Giovanni Batista Caville, a native of Italy, the British Museum has a large sphinx beard element in his collection. The famous adventurer Kaville decided to dig up the main attraction of Giza. Henry Salt (Ambassador of Great Britain) delivered an enterprising Italian condition that all the elements found he is obliged to transfer to the British museum. The rest of the beard fragments that Kuville left in the sand, today are stored in the Egyptian Museum of Cairo.

Library of the British Museum

It was the basis of the collection of medieval Anglo-Saxon and Latin manuscripts collected by Sir Gans Slaoan created in 1753. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a library was supported by George II. He handed over to the Museum of the King Edward IV Library. Another 65 thousand copies appeared in the meeting in 1823. It was the gift of King George III. In 1850, one of the most famous reading rooms of the world was opened in the museum building - Carl Marx worked in it, Lenin and other famous people.

Library in the 20th century

The most significant event in the history of the British library occurred in the XX century. In July 1973, four national books of books were merged. Later they were joined by the libraries of Scotland and Wales. In 1973, a library system was created. It is effective to this day - readers can get any book that is located in the UK.

In the same (XX) century, Buddhist manuscripts and the oldest printed books from Dunhuana appeared in the collection of the British Library. In 1933, the British Museum acquired in Russia for one hundred thousand pounds of the Sinai Code - an invaluable Christian relic, which the power of the Council considered unnecessary in an atheistic society.

Collection of library

Today is the world's largest meeting of books, manuscripts, manuscripts. The collection has more than one hundred and fifty thousand copies. Since 1983, a national audio archive has appeared in the library. Here they keep notes and sound recordings, manuscripts of musical works - from Handel to "Beatles".


The British Museum has not the greatest exposition of art objects. But if we talk about the quality component, it is not inferior to the Paris Louvra or St. Petersburg Hermitage. By the number of world-famous masterpieces, the British Museum has no equal. Among the most famous artists of the world, probably, it is impossible to find such whose paintings are absent in the London Meeting.

Exposition gallery

Of course, being on the shores I want to get acquainted with the art of this place. This opportunity provides a full British Museum. The paintings of great painters are represented by Laurenz and Gainesboro portraits, satirical canvas of Hogarth. They demonstrate the original British art school in her manifold. England painting competes with famous canvas of artists of Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, which are widely represented in the London National Gallery.

Here you can see "Madonna in the cliffs" (Leonardo da Vinci). This is a late version of the canvas stored in the Louvre. Visitors to the museum can enjoy six Botticelli cloths. Among them are the true pearl of the master - "Venus and Mars". The exposition is widely represented by Piero della Francesca, Veronese, Tintoretto, Titian.

If you are lucky enough to visit the British Museum, do not miss the collection of paintings by Carlo Krvelli - Venetian, who lived and worked in the XV century. Today, the work of this magnificent master is not so famous as at the end of the XIX century, when a huge amount was paid for his "Madonna Rondino" - 2184 pounds. In order for you to understand the value of this work, we note that the only picture of the Gallery of the Great Painting of Dellas Frances was purchased at the same time for 241 pounds.

The most significant collection of the museum represents the Netherlands School. It consists of four canvases Jan Wang Eyka. None in no such treasure. The main value is one of the greatest things - here you can get acquainted with the creativity of Memling, Campen, Cristus, Boscov, Van der Waiden, Boauts and other Netherlands Painting Stars. In addition, you will see Rubens, Bruegel's canvas, Rembrandt, Wang Dequee.

Do not go around the work of the Vermeer Delft - the XVI century. The British Museum has two works. This, believe me, is quite a lot. The most mysterious of the Netherlands artists, Vermeer, after himself left so little work that in the world they are all on a special account. Even in his homeland in Holland, you can see only six of his canvases.

The works of the famous Spaniards are pretty wide in the museum - Murillo, El Greco, Riberies, Goya, Surbaran. The creativity of the greatest painter of Spain Diego Velasquez is represented by ninepath, and among them there is one of the most famous works - "Venus in front of the mirror".

The German gallery collection is not so extensive. Nevertheless, the work of such great masters, like Kranech, Altdorofer, Golbien, Durera, Pussen, Watto, are in the exposition of the museum.

In the British Museum in London, one of the richest collections of the items of history and art created in different places of the planet are collected.

Of the significant countries of the world in the British Museum, perhaps, perhaps, only Russia (which is understandable: the long hands of the English colonialists did not reach our 1/6 of the world) and a little represented India (which is incomprehensible).

The British Museum in London seemed to me a mixture in different proportions of Pushkin in Moscow, Hermitage and Ethnographic in St. Petersburg. Plus Berlin. And Louvre he also reminded me.

Most of all, it is still like Pushkin Museum. And a magnificent classic building in the Greco-Roman style, and an exposition, broken by country-epochs: Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome. And East Asia is similar to the Moscow Museum of the Narods of the East.

However, here I have a mistake. These are the above museums, both from the "sinel" of Gogol, from the British Museum, for it was he who was the first museum of a new type.

The British Museum was established in 1753, and for visitors was opened in 1759. He was placed then in the not preserved Montague House.

The museum was originally conceived as a collection of antiquities of Rome and Greece. But from the very beginning, it was much wider themes, because it was based on 3 collections - a doctor and naturalist Hans Slone, Count Robert Harley, collector of antiquities, and a library of Antiquary Robert Cotton. And therefore, it immediately included naturally scientific exhibits, and a large number of various books.

Since then, the museum expanded and expanded. And sometimes generated other high culture institutions. Thus, in 1845, zoological, botanical, geological and mineralogical departments were allocated to a separate museum of natural science.

And in 1973, by combining the library of the British Museum and several other libraries, the National Library of Great Britain was created.

A growing collection required new premises. In 1823-47, the current world-famous building was built on the site of Montague House, the current world famous building was built on the project of the architect Robert Smok. It is great, and in itself is a work of art.

At the end of the 20th century, on the eve of the Third Millennium, the building was renovated on the project of Norman Foster. In accordance with the new trends, the space of the museum was re-posted, and the courtyard was covered with a huge glass dome.

courtyard under the dome

Where is the British Museum, how to get there. Opening hours

The British Museum is located in the heart of London at Great Russell Street, London. The museum building is huge and occupies a whole quarter. Therefore, there is still an entrance from Montague Place (Montague Place)

The museum is open daily from 10-00 to 17-30. Friday - up to 20-30, but not all exposures.

You can get to the museum on the subway, the nearest stations of which are: Tottenham Court Road (500 m), Holborn (500 m), Russell Square (800 m), Goodge Street (800 m).

British Museum on London map

Directly near the museum stops buses: 1, 8, 19, 25, 38, 55, 98, 242.
Stop at New Oxford Street.

From December 1, 2001, the main Museums of Great Britain ceased to take money for the entrance, so the British Museum is free. And it does not matter, British you or a citizen of any country of the world. And the motto of the museum reads: "Museum of the whole world for the whole world." Only here is the question: the content of such a huge museum requires the huge costs. Who subsidizes it? Someone in the corners are drawers for voluntary donations, but it can hardly cover costs.

What to look

Collection of the British Museum of Colossial. The British was in his Museum, the British were welcome from all over the world, often without asking local residents. Nowadays this is considered colonial robbery. And many countries, in particular, Greece, Egypt, Nigeria, are making complaints, demanding return values \u200b\u200bto the place. Even Lenin, although he worked at the Free Library of the British Museum, he had repeatedly responded about him unflattering, calling him "by the accumulation of the colossal wealth of unheard of England from the colonial countries."
In justification, the British can be said: yes, robbed - robbed, it was. Parfenon marbles and marbles dragged

and one of the karyatid,

and even the MOAI from the island of Easter fell, perhaps it would be useful.

Everyone studied and saved.

And before the British began to show interest in antiquities, not made of precious metals and stones, did they represent at least a small value in the eyes of the aborigines?

And finally, it is better to: keep historical values \u200b\u200bin the British Museum or, for example, in Syrian Palmyre or in Iraq? Where, with the help of explosives, bulldozers and a sledgehammer, these objects are destroyed in front of all mankind?

Structure of the British Museum

The collection of the museum is divided into sections:

  • Ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and Rome
  • Asia (mainly China, Japan and Korea)
  • Europe (on the epochs, did not notice the subjects associated with Poland and the Balkans)
  • Middle East (Babylon, Assyria, Urartu, Ancient Iran, etc.)
  • Africa, Australia and Oceania
  • America
  • Engraving and graphics
  • Numismatics.

money, money

And this ancient Chinese coins

In addition, there is a souvenir shop, and a cafe, and an educational center in a huge museum.

I will try to describe what I remember or interested.


First of all, we examined the section dedicated to the ancient interfluve. On the expressive bas-reliefs of the series of arrogant kings and their faithful approaching hunting, fighting, communicates with the gods.

I remember the scenes of hunting for Lviv, who, judging by the pictures, in those days in Mesopotamia it was an excellent set. Lions in ancient artists turned out like alive, unlike rather static people.

A later period of history includes Persian antiquities.

Nearby is a collection of ancient Egypt. From Egyptian sculptures blows unearthly tranquility. As if they know that they have eternity ahead.

Although there are also very natural pictures from everyday life.

and episodes of war

the famous image of the victory of King Upper Egypt over the tsar of the lower

Surprisingly, as ancient Egyptian masters achieved such perfection in the processing of the hardest stone, because they did not even have iron tools?

For me, the most interesting was the exposition of ancient Greece. It was in the British Museum in London a sculpture with the friezes of Parfenon is stored. And I dreamed of following them since I visited.

It is also stored that remained from the Galicarnas Mausoleum (remind, one of the seven wonders of the world),

the facade of the Temple of Neremid from Lycia (modern Turkey) and much more.

facade of the temple of nonreide

The skill of the ancient Hellenes is above all praise. In my opinion, they cannot be exceeded.

Nextant Roman and Etruscan Products are located near Greek.

roman Mosaic

etruscan sculptures

Very interesting meeting dedicated to medieval Europe. Especially a lot of space is assigned to British antiquities, which is understandable.

But Russia is mentioned only as the distant Norman province.

Many Japanese artifacts. Japan has passed an unusual historical path, and it is well presented in the exposition.

this work refers to up-Japanese Zemon culture

one of the first actually Japanese works

modern Japanese bone work

old bone work

samurai weapons and armor

At the end of the 19th century, the Japanese sought to be like Europeans and succeeded in this.

photo of a japanese imperial family of the late 19th century. Does it remind you anything?

It is interesting to get acquainted with masterpieces made by Indians of America. Their art is originally and fascinates.

Totem pillars of the Turkite Indians, the former one time by Russian subjects

See how the Indian Dragon is perfect

and how sophisticated sculptures made by Indians Maya

How much humor in the products of African masters!

a white man


Good so-called Benin Bronze (who is actually brass)

As aesthetically adjusted Arabic

It is impossible to argue immense and see everything. Many sites are written on many sites, select 1-2-3 exposures. And the entire museum needs to spend days and weeks. Nevertheless, we gained arrogance and ran all the halls. Well, or almost everything, an hour for 4 and a half.

And not so that they are very tired. It turned out that, having received Soviet Education, we are brought up on the collection of the British Museum (sometimes not aware of this). According to school textbooks, according to the articles in magazines, these objects of art are familiar to us by the TV show "Traveler Club".

In many reviews, I read that the British Museum in London is interesting only for lovers of museums. Agree. Who is interested in shopping - it is necessary to go to the hypermarket on the next street, who loves beer - in pubs who prefer a beach holiday - there is nothing to do in London in London. Well, to those who are not alien to the history of civilization, who is interested in art, the British Museum must be visited.

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London is a city where many museums, exhibitions, galleries and other cultural facilities attracting tourists are concentrated from all over the world. The British Museum is precisely one of those places that attend millions of people. He is the second in the world by the number of exhibits after. 94 Galleries with a total length of 4 kilometers - this is what is waiting for everyone who wants to visit this cultural attraction of London.

History and architecture of the British Museum

The history of the British Museum began with a private assembly of exhibits. English doctor Hans Sloan, who also was a famous collector of antiquities, a traveler and a naturalist, even in his lifetime made a testament. It said that for a completely symbolic fee, he conveys his exhibits to King Georgi II. At that time, the collection numbered more than 70,000 items.

British Museum founded on June 7, 1753 by a special act of parliament. Subsequently, the parliament acquired the exhibits from collectors to replenish the museum fund. The Museum has been replenished with the Harley Library and the Cotton Library. And in 1757, the royal library joined the collections. Among the exhibits were real literary treasures, including the only surviving copy of Beowulf.

In 1759, the official opening of the British Museum for Visitors took place in the Montagia-House mansion. But not everyone could get here, but only the favorites. For mass visits to British Museum, it became available almost after 100 years, but this later.

At the end of the 18th and early 19th century, the museum bought a collection of antique Vaz Hamilton, Greville Minerals, marbles from Parfenon Lord Eldzhina, which to this day are a real pearl exposition. An important role in the development of the British Museum was played by the Anglo-Egyptian war, as a result of which Egypt became one of the Protectors of Great Britain. At this time, many antiquities were taken out of Egypt, works of art and treasure, and this was illegal.

The collection has grown and the need for the division of the museum on topics has appeared. But every year the place was becoming less and less. In 1823, work began on the construction of a separate building for exhibits. The architect of the British Museum was Robert Merdle, who conceived the project in neogreic style. The feature of the building is 44 ionic columns on the southern facade.

Construction lasted just over 30 years and in 1847 the British Museum doors opened to the general public. The Museum's Fronton was built in the 1850s, the author of the project - Sir Richard Westmakott. Initially, the fronton should have been the figures showing "progress of civilization" - now this idea seems old-fashioned. But the architect decided to portray progress differently. If you look attentively, then in the extreme left corner you will see an uneducated man coming out from behind the cliff. It studies things like sculpture, music and poetry, becoming "civilized." All items are personified and represented by human figures. From left to right: architecture, sculpture, painting, science, geometry, drama, music and poetry.

But on this work on the project did not stop - in 1857 they built a large courtyard, where a round reading room was located in the center.

By the beginning of the 20th century, many exhibits brought from the Middle East appeared in the museum, which was the result of archaeological excavations in Mesopotamia. Later, some collections were separated into the Natural Science Museum, and in 1972 the British Library survived, leaving the reminder of the above-mentioned reading room. In 2000, Architect Norma Foster made a redevelopment of a number of premises, as well as built a glass roof over the courtyard.

Today, the collection of the British Museum has 13 million exhibits. Of course, to see them all, one visits are not enough. But the fact that this sight can not be bypass is definitely.

Sections of the British Museum and their famous exhibits

British Museum is divided into 6 topics that combine archaeological and cultural facilities in different countries and periods:

Ancient Egypt and Nubia

Here you can see the largest collection of sarcophagi and mummies (including Mummy Cleopatra), Obelisk Pharaoh Nektaneb II, Mathematical Papyrus Akhmes, 382 and 95 Tablets of the Amarne Archive, Sphynx Beard Fragment and the famous Roseztsky Stone (Stone Plate, on which three identical text are knocked out, One in ancient Greek, and two - in ancient Egyptian, one is written by a demotic letter, and the second - hieroglyphs).

Africa, Eastern and South Asia, Oceania, Mesoameric

In these halls there are Benin bronze, "Diamond Sutra", "Book of fortunes", Kanishka Stupes, a collection of Chinese porcelain (David Persiva Foundation), ancient Chinese scroll "Instructions of the senior court ladies".

The Ancient East

Those who are interested in the culture and archeology of the East will be very interesting to visit this exposition. Among the numerous exhibits here there is a cylinder of Kira, the prism of Sinaiheriba, the jewelry of the priestess Shubad, the pair figurines of "rams in more often" 4500 years ago, a collection of bas-reliefs, the Balavatian gate of Salmanasar III.

Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

Here are the most interesting exhibits, among which you can select fragments of the Knos Palace, fragments of the frieze of the church of Nicky Apollon, the frieze of the Apollo Temple in Bassakh, Warren Cup, Portland Vase, Elgin Marbles with Acropolis.

United Kingdom and Europe

Here are the Golden Cup of Charles V, Pelterina from Molda, Franksse casket, chess from Lewis Island, Fouller's Brooches, Vlada of Anglo-Saxes and a person from Lindow - the remains of a man who deceased to the Epoch of the Iron Age.

Graphics and engravings

The gallery presents such famous engravings as the "distress of war" Goya, graphic drawings of Raphael, Albrecht Dürer, Michelangelo, William Blake, Leonardo da Vinci and Rembrandt.

Information for visitors: Where is the work schedule and how much is the entrance

Address of the British Museum: Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG.

Nearest bus stop: MONTAGUE STREET (STOP L).

Nearest metro stations: Tottenham Court Road, Russell Square, Holborn.

Entrance to the British Museum: Free, other than guest exposures. The museum has drawers for donations, where tourists throw one or two pounds to the Museum Foundation.

Schedule: The museum works daily from 10:00 to 17:30, on Fridays from 10:00 to 20:30. Some galleries can be closed without notice.

Read more about the schedule of halls and temporary exhibitions is better to learn on the official website.

On the territory of the British Museum there is a souvenir shop and two cafes where you can eat after a long walk through the gallery.

At half an hour walk from the British Museum is located, which should also see every guest of the city. To manage to get acquainted with the capital of Great Britain, you need to stay here at least for a week. In our catalog are presented - most of them are within walking distance from major attractions.

British Museum on London map

London is a city where many museums, exhibitions, galleries and other cultural facilities attracting tourists are concentrated from all over the world. The British Museum is precisely one of those places that attend millions of people. He is the second in the world by the number of exhibits after. 94 gallery with a total length of 4 kilometers ... "/\u003e

This is one of the largest global museums, which keeps works of art, ancient Greece, interfolding, ancient Rome, ancient Egypt, amazing products of European and Asian masters of the Middle Ages, assemblies of medals and coins, engravings, drawings, ethnographic collections. All museum collections are located in 94 galleries with a total length of more than four kilometers.

Brief historical information about the British Museum

The founder of the collections of the museum is the famous doctor and naturalist, President of the Royal Society Hans Slone (1660-1753).
The museum building was erected for 24 years (1823-1847) on the project of Robert Memel in the style of English neoclassicism located on a plot of 6 hectares.
During the 2nd World War, the museum exhibits were exported, as the building was partially destroyed from airline. Museum halls and exposures have been restored over the years.

Unique collections of the museum

Collection of ancient Egypt. It consists of more than 66 thousand exhibits since a period of 3 thousand years before our era and ending with the 11th century BC. The richest section is devoted to the monumental plastic of the new kingdom. But what is worth paying attention to the museum, so it is on the Granite head of Tumesa III and the sculpture of Pharaoh II.

At the very entrance in one of the halls, the Rosett stone is put up for everyone (196 BC). On it was carved by the text of the decree in the name of Tsar Ptolemy V.
The Egyptian collection also consists of papyrus (about 800 documents) who introduce us to the world of literary works, with theological writings, religious myths and anthems, scientific treatises, historical events, with personal and business correspondence and other documents. The museum stores and the arch of magical spells, the so-called book of the dead, consisting of 180 chapters.

There are also exhibits and wooden sarcophagues (more than 100) with well-preserved mums of sacred animals in them.

The Department dedicated to the ancientities of anterior Asia consists of assembly of works of the ancient peoples of the Middle East (Sumera, Babylonia, Akkada, Urartu, Palestine, Ancient Iran, etc.). This department stores magnificent monumental reliefs of Assyrian art. For example, the monuments depicted on them scenes of hunting, battles, hikes, ritual scenes with the image of a winged deity with eagle head, wounded lioness, hunting for wild donkeys, dead lion, and another 250 different reliefs.

The department of antiquities also contains the largest collection of clay plates with hieroglyphs (more than 150 thousand). But the pride of the entire museum is the famous library of the Tsar Ashurbanipalasis of Ninevei, with its 20 thousand tables of different content.

Ancient Roman and ancient Greek art collections consists of excellent works created at sunset of the Roman Empire. There are also monumental sculptures from the sanctuary of Apollo, reliefs from the tomb from Xanf.

The collection of ancient Greek ceramics is very widely represented: epictics redfurnory dish, blackfoot amphorah Execia, Athenian red-burning crater, Panafine Amphora.

The ancient Roman works of art provide all visitors to the museum a unique chance to see the sculptural portraits of the emperor of Augustus, the Bust of Emperor Adrian. And also wall paintings from the Villa boscow, mosaic floor of the Roman house from Herculaneum or Pompei.

Looking into the department of prehistoric antiquities of Roman Britain, you will be surprised to review by primitive labor tools, bronze vessels, a bronze mirror from Desboro, a cough helmet, a unique treasure of silver from Mildenhell, which consists of 34 items, as well as formidable military armor.
The department of numismatics will introduce everyone to the first coins to modernity. There are also Greek coins from Electra, and a series of medals dedicated to the events of historical England, and other famous personalities.

The drawings and engraving department for its magnitude and values \u200b\u200btakes place next to the Louvre collections. All artistic splendor is collected here: Holy Family (Michelangelo), Arc Triumphal (Durer), Abundance (Sandro Botticelli); Drawings and sketches of artists of the XV-XX centuries. - Michelangelo Buonaroti, Rafael Santi, Peter Paul Robans, John Constable, Antoinana Watto, Rembrandt Wang Rhine, Vincent Van Gogh and many other famous European artists.

The museum always employs guides talking in Russian.
Works Museum daily from 10.00 to 17.00. Login is absolutely free!

You can get to the museum using the Metro: Tottenham Court Road (500m); Russell Square (800m); Holborn (500m); GOODGE STREET (800M).
Bus: Stop on New Oxford Street, route number 1,7,819,25,38,55,98,242;
Stop on Southampton Row, route number 59,68,91,168,188.

The British Museum is the largest meeting of antiquities in the UK! Undoubtedly, he himself is the greatest monument to England the period of her colonial heyday. This place is required to visit not only because it is one of the most popular museums of the world (according to some visitors more than six million every year), but also because many exhibits of the British Museum are known for sure, even if you have not suspected about their availability exactly here. Agree, it is a pity to miss the opportunity to see such things into live! So I planned to view this famous collection in one day.

The first rule of visiting the British Museum in London is not planning anything on this day. That is, nothing! Even no, "in the morning only the edge of the eyes I will look at Big Ben, and then immediately in the British Museum." Believe me, and one day will be enough for you, because the scale of the structure is shaking.

The second rule directly flowing out of its size is to wear comfortable, proven shoes. Personally, my legs had a day after his visit.

How to get to the British Museum

The British Museum is located in the fashionable area of \u200b\u200bLondon Bloomsbury next to the Bohemian Covent Garden. It is impossible to pass by him - the building occupies a whole quarter and surrounded, respectively, four streets: Great Russel Street, Bloomsbury Street (Montague Place), Montague Street (Montague Street). The main entrance is located on Great Russell Street, and the optional is on Montagu Pleis.

As for transport, which will deliver you to the place:

  • The easiest way to get to the museum is to take the metro station to Tottenham Cort Road (Tottenham Court Road) at the intersection of Central Line and Northern Line or to the Holborn station (Holborn) at the intersection of Central Line and Piccadillil (Piccadilly Line). From them to the British Museum you need to go about 500 meters. Russell Square station from Russell Square (Piccadilly Line) and Guzh Street (Goodge Street) along Northern Line (Northern Line) to go a little further: meters 800.
  • You can use terrestrial transport. Near the museum walk buses No. 1, 8, 19, 25, 38, 55, 98, 242, you need a new street stop (New Oxford Street); № 10, 14, 24, 29, 73, 134, 390 will take you to stop on Tottenham Court Road (Tottenham Court Road) and Gower Street; №59, 68, x68, 91, 168, 188 and stop on Southampton Row.

As for the payment of travel, the most convenient to use the Oyster Card pass - this is an analogue of our Troika (who rides in Moscow in the subway and on buses, he understands). Oyster Card acts on all types of transport. Payment is charged in the amount depending on where you are driving (the whole city is divided into six transport zones). The British Museum, like most attractions, is located in the first zone. The minimum amount that is written from your travel is 1.4 € (1.2 £).

The cost of visiting and opening the work of the British Museum

As in the many other United Kingdom's National Museums, the entrance to the British Museum is absolutely free, if it does not concern any specific exhibitions. However, they need to be recognized separately. In 2014, there were posters on the entire center of London, advertising an exhibition dedicated to the decorations and weapons of the Vikings. I was sure: for seeing such a large-scale project, will surely charge the fee, but I was wrong - the entrance was not worth a penny. However, without special exhibitions in the British Museum, there is something to see, so his visit is a great way to culturally spend time for a tourist who does not want to spend a lot of money on vacation.

By the way, the exhibits of the main exposure can also be photographed completely free. Nothing will prevent you from boasting the famous Sutton-Hu or the ancient Egyptian mummies to your photos. In individual exhibitions, their conditions can act, but if the photography is prohibited, the corresponding icon will certainly hang in the entrance to the hall - a crossed out camera. Otherwise, you can safely be guided by the principle: "It is not prohibited, it means allowed."

Do not shake on the audio guide, which can be rented from 10.00 to 16.30, and on Fridays until 19.30 at the family visiting rack in a large yard (about where, see below). The service costs only 5.81 € (5 £) for adults and 5.23 € (4.50 £) for students, people under 19 and over 60 years old. Why is it worth spending on it? I explain. First, it is also available in Russian. Secondly, it offers many options for inspection of a museum that would not have come to you: from full-fledged excursions for the whole day to run a gallop at the main attractions. Thirdly, from there you can learn information prepared by the Keepers of the Museum, which you will not find anywhere else. Fourth, this is an interactive museum map that will help you navigate. Well, fifth, at the end of your stay you can send a certain "electronic souvenir containing a list of seen." I personally did not use the last opportunity and I do not know what it is, and you can experiment.

The British Museum is open daily from 10.00 to 17.30. On Friday, most gallery operates until 20.30 (except for a passionate Friday). Some galleries can be closed and on ordinary days, for example, in connection with the preparation of exhibitions. The list is published on the official website of the museum. The British Museum is closed on January 1, 24, 25 and 26.

History of the British Museum

The main entrance can see the statue of Sir Hans Slone. He was an outstanding doctor and, that is more important for us, by naturalist, traveler and literally obsessed with a collector. He visited the nation of 80 thousand works of art from his collection, which marked the beginning of the British Museum. The museum was established by a special act of parliament in 1753, and it was the parliament subsequently redeemed exhibits from collectors to replenish exhibition assets.

The colonial domination of the UK was played a special role in the development of the British National Museum, thanks to which the treasures and works of art were literally from all over the world and often fell into museum property with very dark circumstances. It is so, for example, many Egyptian antiquities were in the museum. Back in the XIX century, in Europe, there was an increasing interest in an ancient Egypt, which was facilitated by nothing enough, Napoleon's army. French soldiers, officers, as well as accompanying the army scientists in huge quantities exported cultural values \u200b\u200bfrom the country to then sell them. There have been enough and European adventurers who engaged in such a matter. In essence, many evidence of the historical greatness of ancient Egypt were simply looted. However, after me, they still fell into national museums of different countries, where everyone can familiarize themselves with them. Part of the Egyptian artifacts of the villagers and in the British Museum.

For visitors, the museum opened its doors in 1759. Then he was opened only for three hours a day. In those days, there was a special indication to let the museum only decently dressed in the public.

Soon the building of Montaggy-House mansion, where the British Museum was located, was missing for a rapidly growing collection, and in 1847 the construction of a gigantic structure resembling an ancient Greek temple, which we can see today was completed.

With the Queen of Victoria, some collections separated into the museum of natural science, and already in 1972, a British library broke off from the British Museum, a reminder of which is a round reading room. It is located directly in the center of the building, so you definitely do not miss. In 2000, the architect of Norman Foster was redeveloped by some premises, thanks to which the reticular overlap appeared above the courtyard, the final appearance of the British Museum and the modern elegance attached to it.

Today there are 8 million exhibits in the collection of the British Museum, and it occupies an honorable second place (on the first - Louvre) on attendance in the world. Is it not another reason to get to the museum and you?

British museum halls

After passing through massive doors, you fall into a real labyrinth of stairs, halls, elevators, corridors and balconies. Although cards are hung everywhere and costly workers are standing, ready to tell the way to the exhibit you are interested in, not to be confused at first a second it is almost impossible. However, the museum navigation is really thought out very well - pointers are located even on the floor, and they focus not only on the halls dedicated to this or that topics, but also on the most popular exhibits (which is especially convenient if you decide to just look at Rosett stone).

An interactive map is in the audio guide if you decide to rent it. Also for donation, you can take a small map at the entrance to the building.

The halls of the museum are divided into thematic departments:

  • Ancient Egypt and Sudan;
  • Near East;
  • engraving and drawing;
  • prehistoric period and europe;
  • Asia, Africa and North and;
  • coins and medals;
  • survey and research;
  • library and archives.

Not always the halls of one topic are located nearby. For example, rooms dedicated to ancient Greece and Rome are also 0-m, and in -1-M levels.

In the center of the whole building there is a so-called big yard, and in the middle of the courtyard there is a round reading room - the rest of the British library - which, by the way, visited in his time and Lenin.

In a large yard there are cafes, shops and a large informational rack, where you will always tell you the way to the gallery you are interested in or other information you need.

What is famous for the British Museum

If you have fallen into the British Museum, there are a few mandatory items that you have to explore, otherwise you will be ashamed to look into your eyes in your eyes, returning to your homeland.

Rosett stone

First (and "in-main"), this is a rosette stone. If you have poorly listened to the history lessons in the fifth grade, remind you: Rosett stone - not too impressive granite (more precisely, a graphic) plate, thanks to which ancient Egyptian writing was decrypted. Rosett stone was named at its location in 1799 - the city of Rosette (now Rashid) near Alexandria in Egypt.

The same text on the stove (thank you, praising Tsar Ptolemy V Epifana) was knocked out three times: twice in the ancient fence (hieroglyphic letter and demotic letter) and once on ancient Greek. It is due to the fact that the historians of that time knew the ancient Greek, they, after more than 20 years after the discovery of the slab, were able to decipher the meaning of an ancient language, which laid the beginning of Egyptology as science. The stone is in the museum since 1802. You can find it in the Egyptian gallery in Hall No. 4.

Parfenon sculptures

In Hall No. 18, the so-called bas-reliefs of Eldzhina - sculptures and bas-reliefs, delivered in 1801 from Athens Thomas Bruce, 7th Count Algin. At that time, he was under the authority of the Ottoman Empire, and the export of works of art was presented as the salvation of the heritage of Western civilization from the destruction of barbarians.

Already then some criticized this noble looting of Parfenon (in particular, the fighter opponent of the export of bas-relief was Lord Byron). Today, the Greek government is negotiating about the return of sculptures to their homeland. While Britain is deaf to these requirements, but hurry: how to know, suddenly soon will not be able to admire the frieze of the Athens Temple near?

Clay Sutton Hu

In 1938, one person named Edith Mary Pritti from County Suffolk was fond of trendy by spiritualism. During one of the sessions, she encodes the ghosts of warriors buried in Sutton Hu Hills together with numerous treasures, as old-timers rumored. To calm the spirits, the lady decided to start excavations and appealed to the staff of the Museum of Local History in Ipsvice. Whether the perfumes were really visited by Mrs. Prichti, whether the people's memory retained information about indiscrect wealth, but the detection of the treasure in the Big Kurgan Sutton-Hu became one of the most significant archaeological finds on the territory of Britain.

The most significant exhibits are the funeral ship of Anglo-Saxes, built by about 625, gold and silver jewelry, ritual weapons, as well as a lira wrapped in a beaver skin. Edith Pritty taught his treasures of the nation, and after her death in 1942, they switched to the British Museum, where they are exposed in Hall No. 41.

Hall of watch

Past of this room No. 44 of the British Museum you will not pass. You will probably attract ticking, ringing, music and other noise, which can only publish a clock, which here is a great set: all types and sizes!

Especially amazing the imagination of a clock-ship made in the XVI century in Prague.

Man from Lindou

In County Cheshire When developing a peat in a peat swamp Lindow on August 1, 1984, an ideally preserved body of a person who deceased was found, as previous studies have shown, in 20-90 years. e. Thanks to the special microclimate of the swamp, the scientists managed to know even what he ate before he was killed, breaking the skull and cut the throat. Apparently, the young man from a wealthy family was sacrificed during a religious ritual. It is possible to look at the body of a person who affected the druid beliefs in Hall No. 50.

Souvenir shops of the British Museum

With souvenir products in England, things are doing well. You can find a product for every taste and wallet: from beautiful smallest things to a useful and functional thing, not only a pleasing eye, but also with an applied value. Souvenir products of the British Museum are no exception. Almost probably, looking at something in the halls of the museum, you can find a product for you with the image of this exhibit.

Souvenir shops are located on a zero level: two in a large yard, one from the western staircase near the alternative entrance with Montagu Place and another right of the central entrance.

In a large courtyard, they trade in mostly small souvenirs, and in two other shops you can find books and even sculptures. Basically, the souvenir part of the collection makes a replica from various attractions of the museum and jewelry "based on exhibits". You can find something for memory, even if you are limited in the means. But there are exclusive souvenir lovers to see what. Price scatter large:

  • A pretty backpack, written by inscriptions from Rosett stone, will cost you at 17.33 € (14.99 £).
  • A nail file with the same hieroglyphic inscriptions will cost 2.33 € (1.99 £).
  • Cufflinks with Viking Satton-Hu helmet from Sutton-Hu can be bought at 13.87 € (11.99 £).
  • Silver exclusive bracelet, developed by Jeweler Nicky Butler based on Celtic jewelry, is sold for 190.8 € (165 £).
  • The fridge magnet with the image of the Building of the British Museum is on average costs 4.05 € (3.50 £).

Where to eat in the British Museum

If you are hungry (and you will definitely hide, it can be guaranteed), you can eat in a cafe located right in this city of antiquities and values.

Court Café has two branches - East and Western. Both are in a large yard. The menu offers mostly snacks, salads and desserts. The price averages 11, 56-13.88 € (10-12 £) per dish. On the lower floor there is a Gallery Café. Prices there are about the same, the range is almost richer: there are, for example, soups and pastes. Under the mesh dome, on the roof of the reading room there is a Great Court Restaurant. There are already a high kitchen. Tables recommended booking in advance.


Leaving the British Museum, do not suck and put a pound or two in a special donation boxes. Indeed, including thanks to these money, millions of people from all over the world can enjoy the contemplation of the world heritage of mankind.