What is characteristic of the Russian culture of the beginning. Historical culturalology

What is characteristic of the Russian culture of the beginning. Historical culturalology
What is characteristic of the Russian culture of the beginning. Historical culturalology


1. Nietzsche F. Human, too human. Twilight idols. Antichrist // Works: in 2 tons. - M., 1990.

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3. Russell B. History of Western philosophy. - M.: Academic Project, 2000.

4. Sartre J. P. Existentialism is humanism // Twilight of the gods. - M., 1989.

5. Francan V. Man in search of sense. - M.: Progress, 1997.

6. Freud Z. Introduction to psychoanalysis. Lectures. - M., 1989.

7. Froch E. "Have or Be". - M., 1990.

8. Heidegger M. Time paintings of the world // Time and Being. -
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9. Schopenhauer A. The world is like will and performance. - Minsk, 1998.

10. Shopenhauer A. Freedom of will and morality. - M., 1992.

11. Jung K.G. Archetype and symbol. - M., 1991.

12. Jung K.G. Psychology unconscious. - M., 1994.

Chapter VIII. Russian philosophy

When it comes to Russia, you can hear a wide variety of opinions about its culture, features and features of the Russian people, but there is one thing, in almost all - this is the mysteriousness and inexplicability of the Russian soul, which reflected well in the Tyutchev rows: "I do not understand Russia with my mind , Arshin is generally not measured: it can be specialized - you can only believe in Russia. "

Russian culture, in contrast to Western European, was formed in other cultural and geographical conditions, where huge Eurasian steppe and forest spaces played a special role, and where the Slavs-Drypaschi actively interacted with the cattle nomads and threat-Finnish tribes of hunters and fishermen. This formed Russia as a kind of multinational and a multicultural world lying on the border between East and West, but characterized by the original features of the face. A huge role in the history of Russia played the adoption of Orthodox Christianity, as well as Tatar-Mongolian conquest. With all the negative features of the Tatar-Mongolian IGA, which restrained the original development of Russia, we are obliged to it the principles of the acquisition and construction of the army, the organization of postal and customs services. The invasion of Tatar-Mongols was a harsh historical test and moral lesson. He developed tragic and at the same time heroic feelings of patriotism and sacrifice in the name of a common good, which permeated folklore, literature and art of the Russian people.

The formation and development of national culture covers a significant historical period. The main milestones of its development coincide with the stages of the socio-economic and historical history of the country (Table 5).

Eastern European Plain is the location of the ancient Russian state - occupied the middle position between the West and East and experienced the influence of various civilizational factors: ancient culture (with the dominance of Greek, through Byzantium) and the culture of steppes from the East.

Among other features of national culture should be noted:

The extensity of the territory, which affected the Russian mentality with its categories of "Prostor" and "Littleness of the Soul";

Lack of slavery: the country entered the period of feudalism from the community-generic system, bypassing the slave-owned;

Repeated ingenic invasions;

Russian cultural lag in the Middle Ages;

Country isolation, its "closeness" for other countries, etc.

Table 5.

The adoption of Christianity in the Orthodox version in the X century. Very important for the further development of Russian statehood and culture. It provided:

1) the speed of the transition to the feudal state and the independence of the Russian Church from the influence of the outside;

2) joined the country to the massif of knowledge accumulated by Byzantia;

3) included Russia into a large cultural community of peoples
(where the Greeks and South Slavic peoples who confessed Orthodoxy were included);

4) stopped the offensive of Muslim religion to Europe;

5) strengthened versatile (economic, political, etc.) of communication with other Christian powers;

6) contributed to the formation of urban culture in the country mainly agrarian;

7) Special traditions of the temple and the decoration of its icons, frescoes, and mosaic, came from Byzantium on Rus. New forms of church singing (sampled bias). Monasteries began to present major cultural centers, where the education system began to form; chronicle vaults are created, Correspondence and translations of books;

8) Orthodoxy had a great impact on the spiritual life of society, struggling with the remnants of the pagan life, speaking against the richness and cruelty of morals and addressing humanity, mercy and piety, calling for a person to self-improvement, approaching Christian ideals;

9) from the moment of the development of the Moscow state, the economic and in a number of spheres of cultural lag of Russia from Western Europe is beginning to grow. There were several reasons for this. Despite the progressive role of Christianity, which influenced all parties to the life of the Russian state, the church, by virtue of their organizational features, begins to slow down its development, trying to isolate the country from the influence of Catholicism, preventing the establishment of cultural ties and the assimilation of the achievements of the West countries and the East;

10) Peter I reforms contributed to the exit of Russia from the state of stagnation. The cost of great efforts in fact, the country has achieved significant success in the century. Europeanization has affected all areas of state life. Due to intensive economic development, a significant economic base was created for the culture of a new type, the main features of which were a secular character ("Sampling") and a cultural dialogue with other powers, primarily with the countries of the West;

11) Unified National Culture As a result of reforms was divided into two different defendants: "Soil" and "Civilization" (according to the definition of the well-known Russian historian V.O. Kleevsky);

12) The people remained a commitment to the old traditions of the Dopurerovsky culture (ritual, "soil"). "Civilization", associated with the culture of the western sample, adopted the form of culture of secular, "enlightened", was distributed from representatives of the ruling class and the cultural elite. At the same time, the one-sided orientation of the ruling class on cultural borrowing from the West led him to the separation from the simple people.

There was a gap between the old and the new culture, between the culture of the People's and the Nobility. In the XIX century The worst in the ruling circles was the worship before the achievements of European science and culture, especially French and German. It subsequently became one of the reasons for the collapse of the royal autocracy in 1917

The harsh life of the Russian man brought in it deep respect for a strong will, perseverance in achieving the goal. Unfortunately, respect for spiritual quest, condemnation of a tendency to accumulation has always been recognized in Russian culture, so the historical and literary heroes of Russia are distinguished by sacrifice, asceticism and "burning of the Spirit". The vast of the expanses of Russia, the numerous population, natural wealth allowed to carry out in Russia what was impossible in other states.

At the beginning of the XVIII century. In architecture and sculpture, Russian classicism began to develop, the phenomenon is wonderful and distinctive. This direction in literature and art is committed to the expression of sublime heroic and moral ideals. Examples of high samples of classicism in literature are tragedies and OD
M.V. Lomonosov, G.R. Daughter. In sculpture to classicism include a monument to K. Minin and D. Pozharsky in Moscow (sculptor I. Martos). The strength of classicism is in the ensemble, in the organization of space, its main values \u200b\u200bwere concentrated in St. Petersburg. To this style in architecture include: the building of the Academy of Arts (architect J.B.M. Wallen-Demotam: Arch Buildings of the General Staff, Mikhailovsky Palace (now the State Russian Museum), Winter Palace, Alexandria, the architectural complex Senatskaya Square (Architect K.I. Rossi). The famous monument in St. Petersburg is a monument to Peter I (Sculptor E. Falcone). The beauty of St. Petersburg is legendary. Its magnificent monuments, royal squares and embankments, his white nights have become the same symbols of Russia as the towers of the Moscow Kremlin, the Tsarist Palaces in Izmailovo and Kolomensky.

The XIX century became an intense and successful period of cultural development of Russia. It was at that time she acquired world importance by creating classic works in the field of literature and art. Its climbing her was so powerful and rapidly, which gave the basis to call this era of the golden age of Russian culture.

Russian art XIX century. - This is a heartfelt understanding of a person who expressed in style, called Russian romanticism. With romantic works began their path A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol. Art became a means of moral education. In the 40-50s of the XIX century. The new generation of writers came to Russian literature: I.A. Goncharov, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, A.N. Ostrovsky, poets N.A. Nekrasov, F.I. Tyutchev,
A.A. Fet and others who also followed this ideal.

Artists who were standing at the origins of Russian art of the XIX century., Were O.A. Kiprensky (portrait of A.S. Pushkin et al.) And A.G. Veneticians ("on arable land. Spring", "on the harvest. Summer" and others). In the 30s, romanticism acquired a new character - more conflict, sometimes prophetic (A.A. Ivanov "The Phenomenon of Christ People"), historical
(K. Bryullov "Last Day Pompeii").

In the second half of the XIX century. Received a realistic principle of reflection of life (realism). The new generation of writers and realist artists brought new topics and genres (socio-household romance and stories). The greatest achievements here belong to Writers: I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky and L.N. Tolstoy; Artists: V.G. Perov (Troika), I.N. Kramsky, V.I. Surikov ("Morning Streletzka execution", "Boyaryna Morozova"), V.A. Serov ("Girl with peaches"), I.E. Repina ("Ivan the Terrible and Son of His Ivan", "Cossacks write a letter to Turkish Sultan," "Burlaki on the Volga"), etc.

The period from the 1880s to the early 1920s He entered the story of Russian culture called the Silver Century. There were new directions in art: symbolism(D.S. Merezhkovsky, K.D. Balmont,
V.Ya. Bruce, A.A. Block), futurism (I. Northerner, B. Pasternak,
V. Khlebnikov, V. Mayakovsky), axism(N.S. Gumilev, A.A. Akhmatova, O.E. Mandelstam), avant-garde(V. Kandinsky, K. Malevich,
M. Chagal, etc.).

The Russian people discovered exceptional musicality. There was Russian classical music. M.I. Glinka, M.P. Mussorg-sky, A.P. Borodin, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, P.I. Tchaikovsky -
All this stars of the first magnitude of world musical art. Music formed her picture of the world, their ways to understand the life and history of the Fatherland. Also known to the world also achieve the Russian ballet, which has become a kind of standard of perfection and artistry.

The foundations of scientific science were laid by a universal genius M.V. Lomonosov, the continuents of scientific traditions of which were representatives of various schools and directions of subsequent generations of Russian scientists, such as physiologists I.M. Sechenov
and KA Timiryazev, great Russian mathematician, creator of nehevklide geometry N.I. Lobachevsky, biologist I.I. Mechnikov, chemist
DI. Mendeleev, founder of military field surgery N.I. Pies, creator of teaching about the highest nervous activity of animals and humans I.P. Pavlov et al.

Thus, Russian culture by the beginning of the twentieth century becomes the most important component of the overall ensemble of the entire world culture. Humanism and citizenship, cobatriness and collectivism, nationality and democratism, high education and deep spirituality - its distinctive features that will be preserved and developed in the Soviet period of its history. Outstanding Russian thinker I.A. Ilyin emphasized that Russia has its spiritual and historical gifts and tasks, it is worth a certain divine historical intention. The originality of Russian culture found one of its most vivid incarnations in Russian philosophy.

Characteristic features of Russian cultural archetype.

A feature of the Russian cultural archetype is the need for a central event. Throughout the twentieth century, when the shocks of social order actively changed the sociocultural picture of the world and individual national cultures, such a central event for our country became a revolution, victory in the Great Patriotic War. Now Russia is largely experiencing difficulties and difficulties of his socio-cultural existence, because it does not have a central event, around which the nation could unite, which would feed cultural roots. This is manifested in the form of mental loss, cultural dispersion, the lack of ideals, depression, disbelief of whole generations, as well as in stronger than usual disagreements between generations. Search for events - so you can characterize our modern cultural state. When it is found, allocated, then decorated in the national consciousness, then it is possible to build a value system around it, equilibrium in the cultural, social, global plan.

An equally important position in the characteristics of the modern sociocultural situation in Russia becomes a change of values, which we have experienced over the twentieth century. Pure rationalism will break the Russian man. The spiritual life does not have a single start, and the search for its ideals is also reduced to personal experiments at maximum experimentation opportunities with various exercises, religions, and this occurs from the standpoint of accented globalism, the removal of cultural boundaries. This gives even greater instability by these processes within the modern Russian culture.

Also a characteristic feature of a modern sociocultural situation in Russia can be called unevenness of occurring sociocultural changes. These phenomena are observed, firstly, within various social groups and manifest themselves to the degree of their introduction, adoption and participation in socio-cultural changes. Currently, the gap of this kind is one of the threatening factors that prevent the creation of favorable conditions for the conclusion of modern Russia from the current state.

The difference between the culture of Russia and Russian civilization.

The term "civilization" (from Lat. Civilis - a civil, state, political, decent citizen) was introduced into the scientific turnover of French enlighteners to designate a civil society in which freedom, justice reigns.

Civilization as a holistic system includes various elements (religion, economic, political, social organization, education and education system, etc.), which are agreed with each other and closely interrelated. Each element of this system carries the seal of the uniqueness of one or another civilization.

To clarify the feature of civilization, it is necessary to consider the ratio of the concepts of "culture" and "civilization".

In cultural studies there is a fairly strong flow that is opposing the culture of civilization. The beginning of such opposition was put by Russian Slavophiles, arguing the thesis about the spirituality of the culture and confusion of civilization as a purely Western phenomenon. Continuing this tradition, N.A. Berdyaev wrote about civilization as the "death of the spirit of culture." As part of its concept, culture is symbolic, but not realistic, meanwhile, the dynamic movement inside the culture with its crystallized forms is inevitably attacked to the exit of the culture, "to life, to practice, to strength." In Western Cultural Science, the consistent oppression of culture and civilization carried out O. Spengler. In his book "Sunset Europe" (1918), he described civilization as the end moment in the development of culture, meaning it "sunset" or decline. Spengler considered the main features of the civilization "acute cold rationality", intellectual hunger, practical rationalism, a change of peace of being mental, the worship of the money, the development of science, the definition and the like phenomena.

However, in cultural studies there is a opposite approach, in fact, identifying culture and civilization. In the concept of K. Yasperse, civilization is interpreted as the value of all cultures. Culture is a rod of civilization, but with this approach, the question of the specifics of culture and civilization remains unresolved.

From my point of view, the problem of the concepts of the concepts of "culture" and "civilization" can find an acceptable solution if you understand the civilization as a certain product of culture, its specific property and component: civilization is a system of means of operation and improvement in the cultural process. . The concept of civilization with such a interpretation indicates functionality, manufacturability.

The concept of culture is associated with the formulation and implementation of human goals.

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The history of Russian culture, as well as the history of Russia, is generally complex and contradictory, full of the events, the significance and degree of influence of which in the formation of Russian cultural and historical space still causes ambiguous assessments. The history of Russia and the insensible history of Russian culture is distinguished by the constant instability, the instability of the social system, the imbalance of the relationship of social priorities and cultural meanings, and, by virtue of this, a peculiar gap of cultural and historical continuity and unpredictability of its development. An outstanding thinker of the twentieth century. N.A. Bardyaev wrote in his work "the origins and meaning of Russian communism": "The historical fate of the Russian people was unhappy and suffer, and he developed a catastrophic pace, through interruption and changing the type of civilization. In Russian history, he continued, "... it is impossible to find organic unity."

Essentially, the whole history of Russia and Russian culture has undergone numerous turning points, more precisely - the breakdown of the social and cultural and historical space (the baptism of Russia, the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the religious split and reform of Peter I, the peasant reform of 1861 and the October Revolution of 1917 . etc.). The moments of the changes were cutting and deep in content, which gave the basis of N.A. Berdyaev talk O. changing types of civilizations However, this statement should not be understood literally. The type of Russian civilization did not change, but was also in the process of formation, evolution, which, as noted above, is subject to fundamental upgrades. Therefore, to understand the reasons and nature of the domestic culture of sharp change in the history of the domestic culture, it is necessary in each individual case to carefully analyze the entire spectrum of the reasons moving cultural and historical development, considering them through the prism of the social and political and economic reality in force on the specific historical moment.

In general, before describing the history of national culture, it is necessary to present that the overall basis on which sociocultural processes and phenomena are formed throughout the development of this nation and its culture. Such a common basis in each national culture is the totality of the most significant conditions of an essential nature, which include such factors as:

1. Natural and geographical position (habitat);

2. Geopolitical position (place occupied among other states and their relationship);

3. Economic device (features and forms of economic activity);

4. Political system (form of state power and its relationship with society);

5. The fundamental properties of the nation (that is, the forms of the ministry, the worldview, manifested in mythology, folklore, customs and rites, forms of religious cult, etc.).

The combination of these factors forms mentalitet a certain nation, i.e. - internal worldview, originality, character. Despite the fact that the national character is developing in the presence of sustainable statehood and internal ethnic unity (or the overwhelming numerical prevalence of one ethnos over others), in itself it is not able to ensure the preservation of internal immutability. The history of the development of the nation undergoes a lot of different internal and delivered transformations (expansion of the territory with the inclusion of other nations, a change in the socio-political and economic system, etc.). The function of preserving the national mentality in a relatively rapidly changing historical reality is performed by culture. It is a national cultural tradition, through historically and socially rooted in the consciousness and behavior of many generations of people of images, permanent and unchanged, unites various historical epochs, being the spiritual basis of any nation.

On the other hand, despite its own unique originality and specificity, any national culture is exposed to outside. Contacts with other cultural traditions inevitably lead to borrowing certain elements of crops of neighboring peoples (political and economic device, religion, customs, architectural styles, language, etc.). This is especially characteristic of Russian culture, which, by virtue of his geopolitical situation, had to interact with the West and East, experiencing a powerful influence of two different types of civilizations. In this regard, Russian culture can largely be called synthesized, i.e. Harmoniously absorbed receptions of various ethno-cultural traditions. But this did not led to the "erosion" of the roots and the foundations of the actually Russian culture. On the contrary, enriched them and made it possible to create a universal cultural space, in which cultures of many of the nationalities inhabiting the territory of Russia can now coexist, without the threat of internal suppression and rivalry.

Allocate specific features of Russian culture:

1. Russian culture is a concept of historical and multifaceted. It includes facts, processes, trends, testifying for long and complex development both in geographical space and in historical time. The wonderful representative of the European Renaissance of Maxim Grek, who moved to our country at the turn of the XVI century, is the image of Russia astounding and loyalty. He writes about her, as a woman in a black dress, thoughtfully sitting "on the road." Russian culture is also "on the road", it is formed and developing in constant search. This is evidenced by the story.

2. Most of the territory of Russia are populated later than those regions of the world in which the main centers of world culture have developed. In this sense, Russian culture is a phenomenon of relatively young. Moreover, Rus did not know the period of slavement: Eastern Slavs moved directly to feudalism from community-patriarchal relations. By virtue of its historical youth, Russian culture was before the need for intensive historical development. Of course, Russian culture developed under the influence of various cultures of the countries of the West and the East, historically ahead of Russia. But perceiving and assimilating the cultural heritage of other peoples, Russian writers and artists, sculptors and architects, scientists and philosophers solved their tasks, formed and developed domestic traditions, never limited to copying other samples.

3. The long period of development of Russian culture was determined by the Christian Orthodox Religion. For many centuries, temple construction, iconography, church literature became leading cultural genres. A significant contribution to the world artistic treasury Russia, up to the XVIII century, contributed to spiritual activities related to Christianity. At the same time, the influence of Christianity on Russian culture is far from unambiguous. According to a fair remark of the prominent Slavophila A S. Khomyakova, Russia perceived only the external form, rite, and not the spirit and essence of the Christian religion, Russian culture came out due to the influence of religious dogmas and earned the border of Orthodoxy.

4. The specific features of Russian culture are determined to a large extent that the researchers called the "character of the Russian people" about this wrote all the researchers of the "Russian idea" of the main feature of this nature were called faith. The alternative to "Vera-Knowledge", "Vera-Mind" was solved in Russia into specific historical periods in different ways, but most often in favor of faith. Russian culture testifies: With all the disadvantage of the Russian soul and Russian nature, it is difficult to disagree with the famous lines of F. Tyutchev: "I don't understand Russia with the mind, I don't measure the Arches: it can only be to believe in Russia"

Russian culture has accumulated great values. The task of the current generations is to save and multiply them.

Cultural archetype, mentality and ethnos

Cultural archetypes - These are the deep cultural attitudes of the "collective unconscious", with the greatest labor of the changes that are characteristic features of cultural archetypes - stability and emergencyness. Cultural archetypes make themselves felt in all spheres of human life, but most of all they manifest themselves in his daily life. At the same time, as Jung noted, "when a situation that corresponds to this archetype, the archetype is activated, and coercion is developing, which, like the power of the instinct, lays the road, contrary to the mind and will."

The concepts of cultural archetype, mentality and national nature should be distinguished.

Mentalitet - This is a "totality of symbols, necessary formed within each given cultural and historical era and fixing people in the consciousness of people in the process of communicating with themselves like, i.e. Repeat. If cultural archetypes add up "in factum" and are unknowing and sustained, then mentality as a conscious system of symbols and meanings - "Post Factum", and therefore has a tendency to diversify. Mentality as a way to express knowledge about the world and a person in it serves in everyday life ontoologic and functional explanation and contains the answer in the first case to the question of what it; And in the second, - how and why it is.

The attribute of mentality is the identity due to its media ultimately the community of social conditions in which consciousness is formed. The identity is manifested in the ability of people to endow the same meanings of the same phenomenon of objective and subjective world, i.e. It is identical to them to consciously interpret and express in the same symbols.

National characterTo identify some researchers, it is a genotype plus culture. The genotype is that each of us receives from nature, through genes, and culture - what we join, starting from birth. Therefore, national character, in addition to unconscious cultural archetypes, which a person intersects in the process of socialization, includes the most repetitive natural ethnopsychological features of individuals.

A great influence on the formation of Russian cultural archetype was adopted in x in. Christianity that came to Russia from Byzantium in Orthodox form. The adoption of one or another religion as a state and national entails far-reaching consequences not only in the field of faith, but in the whole spiritual

Eastern Christian influence was more revealed to the Moscow period of Russian history, in the XV-XVI centuries, when the Byzantium itself had already fallen under the blows of the Turks. This impact was carried out primarily through culture, Byzantium, the sophisticated and vicious, which combined theology with orgies in himself, created a unique culture. Taking the most important moments of human being - the birth, death, the appeal of the soul to God, "Surrounding them with such a high poetry, built them to such a great meaning, to which Dotola they were not erected anywhere. (V. Orosanov).

In Eastern Christian culture, the Earth's existence of a person, considered as an episode on the threshold of eternal life, did not imagine intrinsicness. Therefore, a vital task was to prepare a person to death, which was regarded as the beginning of this life. The sense of earthly existence of a person recognized spiritual aspirations for humility and piety, the feeling of their own sinfulness and asceticism.

From here in Orthodox culture there was a disregard for earthly benefits, since earthly goods are negligible and fleeting, the attitude towards work is not as to the means of creation and creativity, but as a method of self-configuration and self-discipline.

Based on the opposition of the divine (hidden) and earthly (affordable direct perception), the desire to open the true (mystical) meaning of phenomena was particularly clearly discovered in Byzantine culture. From the illusory possession of the truth flowed intolerance, enshrined in the Orthodox cultural archetype, to all sorts of devise, which was interpreted as heresy as evasion from the good path.

Considering his culture as the highest, the Byzantines deliberately fencing themselves from foreign influences, including cultural. This regulatory age autark at the level of "collective unconscious" spawned a feature in the Orthodox cultural archetype messianism .

With Orthodoxy to Russian soil was transferred and the idea of \u200b\u200bCattle Under which collective life and consent is usually meant, the unanimous participation of believers in the life of the world and the Church. In this sense, the cobatriness was contrasted with individual wise from its rational, according to Orthodox views, abstract speculation. Cathedral experience and behavior was not focused on the reason, but on the "movement of the heart" and emotions, - but at the same time it was always striving for the concreteness, the connivities of religious acts, to their coordination with custom, "original" habits, and not with distracted principles .

East Christian Cat, spiritual synthesis (" alliance ") The peculiar global form of pragmatism is and often experienced as a kind of religious ecstasy. The peculiarity of Orthodox Russia in this regard was a pragmatic approach to various kinds of philosophical concepts, especially social doctrines, the embodiment of which was accompanied by bringing a certain trend to the last limit.

The Orthodox tradition of the Cathedral integration found an expression and in a characteristic Russian culture the splicing of the concepts of beauty, good and wisdom in the word "saying" This feature of the Orthodox World S. Bulgakov determined as "the vision of the intelligent beauty of the spiritual world."

Orthodoxy, spiritually organizing the religious moral life of the Russian people, contributed to the assimilation of such a system of spiritual values, which, imposing on the pagan cultural medium, led to the formation of special - john, Messianic - such as a Russian man. In Orthodoxy, the eschatological side of Christianity is very strongly expressed. Therefore, Russian, Ioanovsky man largely apocalyptic or nihilist. He has in connection with this sensitive distinction of good and evil, vigorously notes the imperfection of earthly acts, morals, institutions, never satisfy them and without ceasing to look for perfect good.

Recognizing holiness of higher value , Russian man strives for absolute good, and therefore does not build earthly, relative values \u200b\u200bin the rank of "sacred" principles. He wants to act always in the name of something absolute. If the Russian man doubts an absolute ideal, it can reach the extremely coolness and indifference to everything and is able to incredibly quickly pass the way from incredible tolerance and obedience to the most unbridled and limitless riot.

"A Russian man loves to remember, but not live" (A. Lechov). Ohm does not live in real, but only past or future. It was in the past that he is looking for moral consolation and inspiration of his life. Aspiration into the future, a constant search for a better life is combined with a Russian person with an indomitable faith in the possibility of its achievement.

Eternal search for ideal - the fertile basis for the occurrence of various kinds of social utopia and myths. The cult of the past and the future in Russian utopian culture makes a real object of criticism and generates in the archetype of a Russian person, respectively, two life-defined areas: constant teaching as a preaching of moral renewal with all cases of social recipes, and permanent doubts, a quest, permanent question without issues without Replies. Doubt and teach, teach and doubt the two of his sustainable inclinations.

John, a messianic man feels designed to create the highest divine order on earth, restore around that harmony, which he feels in himself. Therefore, it is not the thirst for power, but the mood of reconciliation and love. John man drives a feeling of some cosmic obsession. He is looking for disassembled to reunite, light and sanctify.

Fight for universalness - The main feature of the John, Messianic man. At the same time, striving for an infinite and comprehensive, he is afraid of definitions, hence the brilliant reincarnation of Russian people. Ioanovsky, Messianic type, established in Russia, is opposed to Promethevsky, the heroic man of the West (V. Shubart). He sees in the world chaos, which should arrange with its organizing force. The heroic man is full of thirst for power, he is removed farther and farther from God and everything deeper goes into the world of things. Secularization is his fate, heroism - his life feel, tragic - his end.

An oriental man is different from the Russian man of John-type. Messianism and spirituality of the Russian man, the heroism and the expressivity of the West East man contrasts the "universality" ("tastelessness"). In the eastern culture of "tastelessness" - an example of a miniguration oriented to the preservation of the harmony of the world with internal dynamism of development, therefore, which does not require the arbitrariness of human intervention. In the moral and religious plan of "taste" is a sign of a perfect taste, its versatility, this is the highest virtue, for "taste" is preference, and any actualization is a limitation. In the cultural tradition of the East, "tastelessness" is a positive quality. This is the value that in life is implemented in the practice of unconscious social opportunism, which means accepting or eliminating from making maximum flexibility and orientation solely on the requirement of the moment.

Therefore, if the virtues of Western person are vigorous and intensity, fashion and sensation, the Eastern man - the exact mean and mediocrity, silentness and withering, the virtues of the Russian person - passivity and patient, conservatism and harmony.

No wonder the National Culture of Russia has always been considered the soul of the people. Its main feature and attractiveness consists in amazing variety, identity and uniqueness. Each nation, developing its own culture and tradition, is trying to avoid imitating and humiliated copying. That is why their own forms of cultural life are created. In all known typologies, Russia is customary separately. The culture of this country is truly unique, it cannot be compared with either Western or eastern destinations. Of course, all the peoples are different, but it is the understanding of the importance of internal development and unites people throughout the planet.

The importance of culture of different nationalities in the world

Every country and every people are important in their own for the modern world. This is especially true of the history and its conservation. Today it is quite difficult to talk about how important the culture is for modernity, because the scale of values \u200b\u200bhas changed significantly in recent years. National culture increasingly began to be perceived somewhat ambiguously. This is due to the development of two global trends in the culture of different countries and peoples that have increasingly began to develop conflicts on this background.

The first trend is directly related to some borrowing of cultural values. All this happens spontaneously and almost uncontrollably. But incredible consequences bearing. For example, the loss of coloring and uniqueness of each individual state, and therefore its people. On the other hand, countries have increasingly began to appear that call upon their citizens to revive their own culture and spiritual values. But one of the most important issues is the Russian National Culture, which in recent decades has become embraced against the background of a multinational country.

Formation of the Russian National Character

Perhaps, many have heard about the latitude of the Russian soul and the strength of Russian. National culture of Russia depends largely on these two factors. In due time V.O. Klyuchevsky expressed the theory that the formation of a Russian nature largely depended on the country's geographical location.

He argued that the landscape of the Russian soul corresponds to the landscape of the Russian Earth. It is not surprising that for the majority of citizens living in the modern state, the concept of "Russia" carries a deep meaning.

Household life also reflects the remnants of the past. After all, if we talk about the culture, traditions and character of the Russian people, then it can be noted that it has formed for a long time. The simplicity of life was always a distinctive feature of the Russian man. And this is due primarily to the fact that the Slavs suffered a lot of fires, which destroyed Russian villages and cities. The result was not only the urgency of the Russian person, but also a simplified attitude towards everyday life. Although it is precisely those tests that fell to the share of Slavs and allowed to form this nation a specific national character, which cannot be estimated unequivocally.

The main features of the national nature of the nation

Russian national culture (namely, its formation) has always dependent on the nature of the people, who lived in the state.

One of the most weighty features is kindness. It is this quality that was manifested by the most diverse gestures, which today we can safely observe the majority of Russian residents. For example, hospitality and guilty. After all, no people do not meet the guests as they do in our country. Yes, and such a combination of qualities, like mercy, compassion, empathy, cordiality, generosity, simplicity and tolerance, is rarely found from other nationalities.

Another important feature in the nature of Russians is the love of work. And although many historians and analysts note that how much the Russian man was hardworking and able to be so lazy and misinterpretative, nevertheless should not be noted the performance and endurance of this nation. In general, the nature of the Russian person is multifaceted and has not yet been studied. What, in fact, is the very raisin.

Values \u200b\u200bof Russian culture

In order to understand the soul of a person, it is necessary to know his story. National culture of our people was formed under the conditions of the peasant community. Therefore, it is not surprising that in Russian culture the interests of the team have always been higher than personal interests. After all, Russia has lived a significant part of its history in the conditions of military operations. That is why among the values \u200b\u200bof Russian culture always celebrate extraordinary devotion and love for their homeland.

The concept of justice in all centuries was considered to be the first thing. This came from the same time, as each peasant was distinguished by an equal plot of land. And if most nations have such a value considered instrumental, then in Russia it has gained targeted.

Many Russian sayings suggest that the attitude to work at our ancestors was very simplified, for example: "Work is not a wolf, it will not run into the forest." This does not mean that the work was not appreciated. But the concept of "wealth" and the desire itself was never attended by the Russian person to the extent that he is attributed to him today. And if we talk about the values \u200b\u200bof Russian culture, then it has been reflected in the character and soul of a Russian man first of all.

Language and literature as the values \u200b\u200bof the people

What do not say, and the greatest value of each people is his language. The language on which he says writes and thinks who allows you to express your own thoughts and opinion. Not in vain among Russians there is a saying: "Language - people."

Old Russian literature originated during the adoption of Christianity. At that moment there were two directions of literary art - this is the world history and meaning of human life. The books were written very slowly, and the main readers were representatives of the highest classes. But this did not prevent time from time to develop Russian literature to world peaks.

And at one time Russia was one of the most reading countries in the world! Language and national culture are very closely connected. After all, it was through the Scriptures in antiquity experience and accumulated knowledge. In historical terms, Russian culture dominates, but the national culture of peoples living in the expanses of our country has been dominated by the role in its development. That is why most works are closely intertwined with historical events of other countries.

Painting as part of the culture of Russia

Just like literature, painting occupies a very significant place in the formation of the cultural life of Russia.

The first thing that developed as the art of painting in Russia is an iconist. Which once again proves a high level of spirituality of this people. And at the turn of the XIV-XV centuries, the iconography reaches its apogee.

Over time, the desire to draw arises from a simple people. As mentioned earlier, the beauty of beauty had a great influence on the development of cultural values, in the territory of which Russians lived. It is possible that that is why the huge number of paintings of Russian artists were devoted to the expanses of the native land. Through his canvas, the Master was transferred not only to the beauty of the surrounding world, but also the personal state of the soul, and sometimes the state of the soul of the whole people. Often, a double secret meaning was laid in the paintings, which was opened exclusively for whom the work was intended. The Russian Art School is recognized by the world and takes an honorable place on the world pedestal.

Religion of the multinational people of Russia

National culture depends largely on how the gods are worshiped. As you know, Russia is a multinational country in which about 130 nations and nationalities live, each of which has its own religion, culture, language and life. That is why religion in Russia does not have a single name.

To date, there are 5 leading areas in the territory of the Russian Federation: Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, as well as Catholicism and Protestantism. Each of these religions has a place in a huge country. Although, if we talk about the formation of the national culture of Russia, then the Russians were also treated exclusively to the Orthodox Church.

At one time, the Great Russian principality for the sake of strengthening relations with Byzantia decided to take Orthodoxy in the territory of all Russia. Church figures in those days were necessarily included in the nearest setting of the king. Hence the concept that the church is always associated with state power. In the ancient times, even before the baptism of Russia, the ancestors of the people of Russian worshiped the Vedic Gods. The religion of the ancient Slavs was a deification of the forces of nature. Of course, there were not only kind characters there, but mostly the gods of the ancient representatives of the nation were mysterious, beautiful and kind.

Kitchen and traditions in Russia

National culture and traditions are practically inseparable concepts. After all, all this - first of all the memory of the people, what keeps a person from depersonalization.

As mentioned earlier, the Russians were always famous for their hospitality. That is why Russian cuisine is so diverse and tasty. Although a few centuries ago, Slavs fed enough simple and monotonous food. In addition, the post was taken for the population of this country. Therefore, the table mostly always shared on a modest and lean.

Most often, on the table, meat, dairy, flour and vegetable products could be found. Although many dishes in Russian culture have an exceptionally ritual meaning. Traditions firmly intertwined with kitchenware in Russia. Some dishes are considered ritual and prepared only at certain holidays. For example, kursany are always prepared for the wedding, they are boiled to Christmas, pancakes bake to Maslenitsa, and Kulichi and Easter - to Easter. Of course, the residence of other peoples in Russia affected her kitchen. Therefore, in many dishes, unusual recipes can be observed, as well as the availability of not Slavic products. But not in vain in vain: "We are what we eat." Russian cuisine is very simple and useful!


Many are trying to judge how the national culture of our state has been preserved today.

Russia, indeed, a unique country. She has a rich history and difficult fate. That is why the culture of this country is sometimes tender and touching, and sometimes tough and militant. If we consider the ancient Slavs, then the real national culture was born here. Preserving it, more than ever, it is important today! Over the past few centuries, Russia has learned not only to live with other peoples in the world and friendship, but also to take the religion of other nations. Before today, most of the ancient traditions have preserved, which Russians are happy to honor. Many features of the ancient Slavs are present today from worthy descendants of their people. Russia is a great country that refers to its culture is extremely prevailing!