National character is manifested in relation to. Mysterious Russian soul - what is she? Modern Stage Studying National Character

National character is manifested in relation to. Mysterious Russian soul - what is she? Modern Stage Studying National Character

In sociological theories dedicated to the nation, the problem of "national nature", "mental traits of the nation" or "mental warehouse of the nation" necessarily affects. Thus, in determining the nation developed in the circles of Austromaarsism, the overall national character became the first and main criterion for the allocation of the nation. Otto Bauer wrote about this: "The nation is a relative generality of character, since for centuries for large masses of the nation members you can observe a number of identical features, and, although all nations, like people, have some of the coinciding devils, there are certain the features inherent in this nation and distinguish it from others; This is not absolute, but relative common nature. Since individual members of the nation, along with common devices, have individual traits (as well as group, class, professional features), which they differ from each other. "

In modern literature, the cup of everything is said about the "mental warehouse of the nation" or about the "national character" and emphasizes the relationship between them and the national culture.

The category of national character or its equivalents is widely reflected in the literature. As examples, it is possible to mention the works of such authors as M. Ginzberg, M. Mid A. Inkelesgo, A. Cardiner and R. Lntonm, and from earlier authors - E. Bakker.

In these definitions, as a rule, there is no analysis of the specific class content of the national nature. At the same time, it is expressed that the historical fate of the nation leads to the formation of peculiar mental traits of its members and that these features, often referred to as a national character, are essential to the behavior of the nation in various life situations. In Western literature, you can also meet a significant discrepancy between opinions on the very definition of a national nature. Dunkiner and Frinda (Netherlands), the work of which contains many actual data on this issue, allocate six basic definitions of a national nature.

1. National character is understood as certain psychological traits characteristic of all members of this nation, and only for them. This is common, but already rarely found in science concept of a national character.

2. The national character is defined in the same way as the "modal personality", that is, as a relative frequency of manifestation of a certain type of personality among adult members of any nation.

3. The national character is understood as "the main structure of the individual", that is, as a certain sample of the person, dominating the culture of this nation.

4. The national character can be understood as a system of positions, values \u200b\u200band beliefs separated by a significant part of this nation.

5. The national character is determined by analyzing the psychological aspects of the culture considered in a certain particular sense (in particular, in the works of F. Knownetsky).

6. National Character is considered the same. As an intellect, expressed in the culture products, that is, in literature, philosophy, art, etc.

Not all these definitions are equally common in modern scientific literature. Most of all are used, as it seems to me, the second, third and fourth of the above definitions of the national nature, and not all authors clearly delimit the meanings in which this term applies.

Changes in the personality of the Poles in the conditions of socialist society were considered in a number of serious publications. In 1968, the editorial office of the Weekly "Politics" conducted a questionnaire on this topic. The statements of a rather wide range of scientists and journalists were then published by a separate book. The theoretical problem of personality change in socialist construction was considered by J. Schapansky. Important comments on the psychological appearance of the modern Polish nation are contained in Article V. Markevich about pathetic culture. These questions are also affected in several publicistic articles by Ya. Stena. It should also be mentioned interesting, but the extremely controversial book of A. Boching, in which the mental features are attacked by our nations. The point of view was criticized by numerous publicists who basically rightly accused it in the absence of deep analysis, in superficial, simplified argumentation. However, these accusations do not mean that the statements of the Bochnian should be completely ignored. Although his book is a discussion, a largely controversial and in a number of fundamental issues erroneous, but still it puts an important problem of assessing the identity of the modern Pole. Finally, the section dedicated to the national nature in my book on the national issue: there is a wider review of the literature on this subject.

In another publication, considering changes that occurred in the nature of the Polish nation in the conditions of socialist construction, I touched and changes in the guise of personality.

In some of the works mentioned here, the term "mental warehouse of the nation" appeared. Under it is understood as a combination of mental traits, that is, positions, values, beliefs and predispositions, which are currently inherent in representatives of the nation. Since these features are very different, the analysis of the mental warehouse of the nation must include: a) the average mental features of the nation, b) dominant features, that is, inherent in the most numerous groups within the nation, c), the degree of homogeneity (homogeneity) or differences (heterogeneity) of mental traits within the nation. It should also be remembered that the mental set of nation includes both the features relatively stable and temporary, both inherent in this nation and other nations available.

The concept of an empirical national nature, under which I understand the statistical equality of national, specific features of the psyche of the members of the nation. In other words, these are mental traits that are peculiar to relatively durable stability and which distinguish this nation from others more than individual public groups within this nation. Thus, the national character is the main part of the mental warehouse of the nation, but does not exhaust this concept.

Finally, we use the concept of "national character" and in the regulatory sense, having in mind the personal sample (or personal samples) dominating the system of education and objectified in such obvious culture products such as literature, legends, historical tradition. Regulatory national character has a significant impact on education and therefore should be taken into account in this context. The definition of the extent to which the normative national nature coincides with empirical and how much it is a factor forming the typical behavior of the members of the nation should be subject to research. In addition to these three definitions, you can meet another one - "National Stereotype". Speaking of national stereotypes, we mean generalized and emotionally painted ideas about any other nations or on their own nation. Depending on whether the stereotype concerns, we are talking about stereo types and own stereotypes. Stereotypes are a kind of ideas about other nations, and its own stereotypes are ideas about themselves. Stereotypes are the images of a nation, but the images of a special type. They show a generalization, in other words, simplification, as well as their most important feature - emotional coloring. There is extensive sociological literature devoted to the problem of stereotypes. They are also a grateful topic for research. In national stereotypes to some extent reflects the mental features of representatives of the nation, which recognizes this stereotype; In this sense, the analysis of stereotypes tells us more about those who believe in stereotypes than those who are subject to this stereotype. There is also no doubt that national stereotypes play a large role in the formation of the behavior of large groups of people. This is an important basis for research on this issue.

The current state of sociology, psychology and ethnography allows you to formulate some conclusions about the phenomena defined by the concepts of the "mental look of the nation" or "national character". In the light of scientific data, the previous ideas on this issue are refuted, especially the view that the mental features of the nation allegedly have an innate character (explained by the "blood flowing in the veins" or were "wide with Mother's milk", as it was formulated in everyday life expressions that do not have Nothing to do with science).

We know that the mental features of the nation change that they are exposed to evolution under the influence of various historical circumstances. We also refer to the report that some features are relatively more constant (although never unchanged) than others. Personal predispositions, for example, are less susceptible to rapid changes and transformations than views and opinions on individual issues. From here, the methodological postulate of attentive study of the changes occurring in the mental appearance of the nation implies.

We are aware that the mental features of the nation do not have the nature of absolute and universally manifested in the framework of this nation of the qualities of all its members. Each nation includes a whole range of personality types. The only thing that we can argue on the basis of the study of a mental warehouse or national nature is that certain features are more common in this nation than others that in the statistical sense they dominate. However, in no case will this not mean that such features will necessarily be inherent in each member of this nation.

We also know that the mental warehouse of the nation differs not only in the individual, but also group and especially the class sense. As A. Kloskovskaya is rightly noted, the nature of a typical Polish intellectual is not at all similar to the nature of a typical peasant or worker. An analysis of the psychological warehouse of the nation should therefore be aimed at identifying not only the average statistical indicators for the entire nation, but peculiar mental traits characteristic of individual classes, layers, regional and professional groups within the framework of the nation. This approach significantly complicates the analysis of the mental warehouse of the nation.

Finally, there is a lot of data indicating that in each society there are certain group mental features that are imposed on representatives of other groups as a sample to imitate and in this sense are the dominant mental warehouse of the nation. K. Dobrovolsky notes, for example, that typical for the former Poland was to copy the peasants of some features of the gentry, with that. However, that the peasants adopted the gentle damns with the receipt, when they no longer manifested in the shoal circles. This type of class of group borrowing is a particularly important, although the mechanism for the formation of a mental warehouse of individual classes and interlayers within the framework of the nation is not sufficiently important.

The adoption of the prerequisite about the historical variability of the mental warehouse of each nation leads to the need to determine the factors that cause these changes. I define these factors as follows:

1) elements of historical heritage, that is, everything that has been accumulated in the past and what affects the mental features of the nation, especially these include:

a) inherited from the past types of personality,

b) fixing their personal samples contained in national culture, and the samples contained in the literature are particularly important.

c) the historical experience of the past, enshrined in the memory of living generations, in historical documents and monuments of the national past:

2) structural factors, that is, the set of conditions in which there is currently a nation, to them, primarily include:

a) the types and methods of functioning of economic and political institutions,

b) the relationship between public classes and grounds;

3) educational factors, that is, a set of actions consciously undertaken to form a mental warehouse of the nation, among them we allocate:

a) educational activities of the state and dominant in the state of socio-political forces,

b) educational activities of other public strength. guided by other purposes other than the goals of the state

c) a spontaneous educational impact in the framework of small public groups, especially in the family, in a circle of friends or neighbors.

Under the influence of all these influences, various types of personality are formed. From the point of view of the coincidence of the types of personality with the educational goals of the system, we can allocate three main types: the type of personality, adequate system requirements, that is, such a type of personality in which the features dominate, the formation of which the guidelines of this system are achieved, the type of personality, which preserves the remnants of the past , that is, such a type of personality, which resists the adoption of new features and preserves those features as the dominant, which the system is trying to overcome, the type of negative device, that is, such a type of personality that adapts to the method of functioning a new system is not by making its values, but by way Mastering the mechanisms of successful action in the framework of new institutions.

The concept of a national character in its modern, free from the idealistic content of interpretation is a very significant element of a sociological analysis of political relations, because it avoids one-sidedness when explaining the interdependence between the public structure and political system, as well as between the geopolitical conditions and policies of the state.

The same structure or the same geopolitical conditions may produce various political relations depending on which type of national national history is dominant.

Using modern sociological terminology, it can be said that the national character is in this case the central "variable".

The dependence between the national character and political relations is bilateral, and not multilaterally, since: 1. The national character, being a product of historical impacts in each other, is formed to a large extent - although not exclusively and not even mainly under the influence of political relations of the past. Under the influence of historical conditions, those aspects of a national nature that have special political importance are being formed. Long stay under the despotic oppression of foreign invaders contributes to the formation of an anarchic attitude to power. Long stay in a state of war or preparation for war contributes to the formation of such national traits as military valor, a sense of honor. There is a long experience of successful activities of democratic institutions, so that such functional features appear in the national character, as tolerance, readiness for business cooperation with people who share other views, respect for minority rights. In a word, the analysis of changes occurring in political relations should take into account their influence on the features of a national character.

2. The national character at the same time has an impact on the political behavior of people, and thus - although indirectly - to the political system. One behavior impressed by the relatively sustainable features of a national character may be functional, and the other behavior is dysfunctional in relation to a certain system. Many failures of political reformers occurred because these figures did not take into account interdependence, which exists between the features of a national character and the characteristics of the system that they tried to create. This manifests itself, for example, in the failure of attempts to transfer North American samples of the state device to Latin America. The national nature affects the direction of the evolution of the political system, and most often it happens that in the process of this evolution of modifications, not only institutions, but also the features of a national character, creating a new, more harmonious integer as a result. The national character largely determines the behavior of nations in crisis situations.

It is impossible, for example, to understand the unanimous cohesion of the Polish people in the face of the Hitler's blackmail in the spring of 1939, if not to take into account such features of the Polish national character, as a love of not addiction, the feeling of honor and military valor. The fact that the Poles were the first to have armed resistances of Hitler Germany, did not flow out from the current strategic position, qualitatively better than the position of previous victims of Hitler's aggressin, namely from certain national traits, which, regardless of the deep political differences, who split the Polish nation at that time, did The surrender in front of the enemy is unacceptable.

Politician, given the national character of the people, knows that he should be considered in his actions and influence him. Actions that do not correspond to the sustainable features of a national character lead to failures. It is known about this by politicians who, based on experience or scientific knowledge, understand that the methods of government, somewhere and once bringing success can be doomed in their country to failure. At the same time, a realist politician can look for the most appropriate ways of impact on the national character in the direction that coincides with those long-term goals that it sets itself. Such an impact will be successful only when it will be based on the consecutive formation of objective conditions that contribute to the emergence of certain mental traits of the nation. If the purpose of raising the sense of state responsibility among citizens is set, it is not enough, for example, only to call them to this using the means of propaganda, but it is necessary to create political conditions in which citizens could actually take on themselves. In Soviet literature, a point of view is common that political culture has a more significant impact on political institutions and political relations, and not a national character.

The combination of specific psychological traits, the peculiarities of the perception of the world and the forms of reactions to it, which have become more or less inherent in one or another socio-ethnic community, is called a national character.

The national character is primarily a certain set of emotionally sensual manifestations, expressing, first of all, in emotions, feelings and sentiments, in the ways of emotionally sensual development of the world, as well as in the speed and intensity of the reaction to the occurring events. The national character, like all socio-mental phenomena, is manifested in the method of behavior, the form of thoughts, the warehouse of mind, customs, traditions, tastes, etc. large groups of people and significantly less individual individuals. The most clearly national character is manifested in the national temperament, for example, which is distinguished by the northern peoples of Russia from Caucasian.

Specific features of a national character are to some extent condensed who passed through the prism of the material and spiritual life process, the expression of public and natural conditions for the existence of a nation, as well as the historical interaction of the nation with other conditions. The decisive determinant of a national character should be sought on social conditions for the existence of a nation. From this it follows, firstly, that the national character is not unchanged; It is constantly changing with the development of material living conditions and the public life process; Secondly, the national character of one or another nation always unites universal features characteristic of many nations, with specific features that are the result of specific natural and social living conditions and the historical fate of this nation. Many essential national character traits of one nation are in one form or another also from other nations. It is difficult to find any particular feature that could be considered exclusively to affiliate only one nation. And the attribution of its nation is predominantly positive features, and other nations predominantly negative features are the generation of national prejudices, ethnocentrism, auto rover and nationalism.

All nations during their historical development acquire positive national character traits that correspond to the needs of their lives and simultaneously meaning the enrichment of world culture. But at the same time, all peoples under the influence of certain conditions are developed negative sides of the nature in one form or another in contradiction with the public submission. Depending on the specific historical conditions and historical experience of the peoples, the attitude of various national components of character may be unequal, and when considering it as a whole and for a long term, it is necessary to approximately be differentiated, given the differences in the properties of the nation that can be as positive, facilitating public and Cultural progress and negative, impediment. In principle, there is no spiritual hierarchy, nor the hierarchy of nations in nature, there is no "higher" and "lower" nations.

The concept of "national character" in its origin is not theoretical analytic, but a descriptive. For the first time, travelers began to use, and they are geographers and ethnographers for the designation of specific peculiarities of behavior and lifestyle of different nations and peoples. At the same time, different authors meant various things. Therefore, the synthetic, generalized national interpretation is deliberately combined and therefore not enough integrity. It should also be borne in mind that the nation is not absolute, but relative generality of nature, as individual members of the nation, along with common features, have, in addition, the individual traits that they differ from each other.

National character has long been the subject of scientific research. The first serious attempts were undertaken in the framework of the current in the middle of the XIX century. In Germany, the school of psychology of peoples (V. Wundt, M. Latsarus, X. Steintal, etc.). The main ideas of this school were that the main power of history is the people, or the "spirit of the whole", expressing themselves in art, religion, languages, myths, customs, etc., in general, in the nature of the people, or the national character. American ethnopsychological school in the middle of the XX century. (A. Carderner, R.F. Benedict, M. MID, R. MERTON, R. Lipton, etc.) When building a whole number of national concepts proceeded from existence from various ethnic groups of specific national characters, manifested in stable psychological features of a separate personality and reflected in "cultural behavior".

Currently, it is not possible to allocate any holistic direction of studying a national nature. Its studies are carried out in different contexts and from various conceptually theoretical positions. Some authors still try to find the specified, almost directly individually inherited traits of a national character, separating humanity on rigidly fixed and opposing national ethnic groups. Other scientists insist that the concept of "national character" was and remains a fiction, the myth, since the national character is uninfected. However, although the concept of "national character" has a number of certain difficulties in empirical study, nevertheless those explosive manifestations of a national nature remain unemployed with reality, which are especially manifested in extreme situations.

Check questions and tasks

1. What is the structure of ethnic self-awareness?
2. How is ethnic self-consciousness formed and developing?
3. Expand the content of the concepts of "ethnic identification" and "ethnic self-identification".
4. What types of ethnic identity can be distinguished?
5. What does ethnopsychology studies and what practical value does it have?
6. What are the content and structure of the concepts of "National Conduction" and "National Consciousness"?
7. What is a national character?
8. Expand the nature and manifestations of ethnic stereotypes.
9. How and why ethnic roads are arising?
10. What are ethnic plants and prejudices?
11. Try to determine the national character of the "your" ethnos.
12. Describe the psychological features of the ethnic groups well known to you.


1. Belick A.A. Psychological anthropology: history and theory. - M., 1993. .
2. Boronov A.0., Pavlenko V.N. Ethnic psychology. - SPb., 1994.
3. WUNDT V. Problems of the psychology of peoples. - M., 1912.
4. Lebedeva I. Introduction to Ethnic and Cross-Cultural Psychology. - M., 1999.
5. Leboon G. Psychology of peoples and masses. - M., 1995.
6. Platonov Yu.P., Buck L.G. Ethnic social psychology. - St. Petersburg., 1993.
7. Soldatova G.U. Psychology of inter-ethnic tension. - M., 1998.
8. Tavadov G.T. Ethnology. Dictionary-directory. - M., 1998.
9. Tokarev S.A. Ethnopsychological direction in American ethnography. - M., 1978.
10. Spet G.G. Introduction to ethnic psychology. - M., 1996.
11. Ethnic psychology and society. - M., 1997.
12. Ethnic stereotypes of behavior. - L., 1985.
13. Ethnic stereotypes of male and female behavior. - SPb.,
13. Shikhev P. Modern Social Psychology. - M., 2000.

Head of the monograph N. Ya. Bolunova "Problem: traditions and modernity (Novosibirsk: ed. NGPU, 2011)". Published with the permission of the author.

The problem of a national nature in general and the specifics of a Russian nature, in particular, is ambiguous. Let's start with the fact that a number of modern ethnopsychologists do not deny the existence of such a phenomenon as a national character, based on a number of foundations. Some, as we remember, believe that the category of character has lost their importance by virtue of its vagueness, meaningfulness and can be applied only in ordinary, everyday, but not scientific psychology; Others believe that each person in each particular case is represented by a set of certain features to which the concept of character is not applicable, therefore, every person, regardless of nationality, you can select various combinations of typical features.

Even if researchers recognize the legality of use in the psychology of the concept of nature, they often claim that each people are represented by many diverse characters, among which it is impossible to allocate typical for it. The last position is due to the fact that the category of character does elude precise definition. In the first chapter, we have already considered its diverse definitions, some of which have a purely psychological content and addressed to various manifestations of mental behavior and actions; In others, social aspects are allocated; Thirdly, socio-cultural content is invested; In other cases, clinical deviations are integrated, and so on. Accordingly, cross-cultural studies of the nature based on these definitions really often do not give reason to talk about ethnic character differences.

In fact, if in a cross-cultural study, for example, from clinical typologies of character, the expectation of ethnic differences is associated with the assumption that people of different ethnic groups are inclined to different mental illness, which is not always justified and is not confirmed in a particular study. Indirect evidence of this similarity plant is, for example, the desire to apply a single list of mental illness and personal disorders that meet the international classification of the 10th review of the revision (ICD-10: class V). At the same time, researchers note the existence of ethnic variants of symptoms of various diseases, the presence of ethnic psychosis, cultural and specific reactions to stress, etc.

For example, Yu. S. Shoigu and M. V. Pavlova believes that the reaction to stress has not only a typical, but also cultural and specific character. So, at the injured in 2003 from Earth-Station in p. The Kosh-Agach of the Altai Territory was most frequent were the reactions of emotional rigidity, the minimally expressed mimic reactions, practically no reaction of psychomotor excitation, aggressive, including verbal aggression, tearlessness, plasticity both among adults and among children. Whereas in Beslan (North Ossetia of Alania) in 2004 at different stages of the experiences of grief and sharp stress reactions, the victims were observed massive hysterical forms of response both among women and among men, aggressive forms of response were dominated, mainly verbal aggression, as well as reactions of psychomotor inhibition.

Similarly, a number of qualities or character traits, such as hard work, or maternal feeling, or communicativeness, etc. must be sufficiently expressed in any people, since they are universal conditions for the existence of any ethnic community.

At the same time, there are features or qualities of character, which are in different degrees presented in different peoples, for example, feminost or masculinity, the ratio of which is different in feminine or masculine cultures.

Netherlands ethnopsychologist Guit Chofsted, who investigated the influence of national cultures on the organizational behavior of people, allocates five "cultural measurements", which one culture differs from the other: individualism - collectivism; Distance of power (large - small); rejection of uncertainty (strong - weak); masculinity - femininity; Short-term - long-term orientation for the future. The culture as a whole determines as follows: "Collective mental programming, part of the predetermination of our world perception, common with other representatives of our nation, region or group and distinguishing us from representatives of other nations, regions and groups." Within the framework of this approach (the Globe project), the national characteristics of the management were studied, the type of it, so to speak, "collective programming". The survey involved more than 17,000 managers from 825 organizations in 61 countries, including Russia. A "portrait" of an effective "world" leader: an energetic, decisive, intelligent, reliable manager, who deserves confidence, can plan the future and create motivation. The type of Russian effective leader is different, it is characteristic: the ability to make individual solutions and respond to them; openness, speed and competence in an unstable external environment; orientation on the process, and not on the end result; Aggressiveness and concern for status and ... no vision of the future. Thus, it is clearly expressed here the features of a contradictory person with a tough autocratic style of behavior. It is difficult to say which of these features of the Russian manager are more connected with a modern sociocultural situation, and which are due to cultural traditions, but they reflect the presentation of many both domestic and foreign Russian researchers about its contradictions and poles (Floor, 2004, Latva, Ltov, 2001)

G. Hofsted was also allocated as part of its approach the features of the masculine and feminon crops presented in Table 5 (Apazzheva, 2005).

Table 5. Key differences between feminine and masculine societies (Hofster)

Total norm

At work

In politics

The ideal of society of prosperity; It is necessary to help in need; patient society; The highest priority is to save the environment; The government spends a relatively most of the budget to help poor countries; The government spends a relatively smaller part of the budget for weapons; International conflicts must be resolved through negotiation and compromise; Relatively many women occupy elected political positions.

The ideal of the Society of High Achievements; need to maintain strong; strict, punishing society; the highest priority of economic growth; The government spends a relatively smaller part of the budget to help poor countries; The government spends a relatively most of the budget for weapons; International conflicts must be resolved by demonstrating force or by struggle; Relatively few women occupy elected political positions.

Prevailing ideas


Calm attitude towards sexuality as a domestic phenomenon; Weak bans on open discussion of sexual issues; Sexological studies focus on experiences and feelings; more extramarize cohabitation; Lower dependence of his wife from her husband; less differences between sex and love; recognition of female sexual activity; Sex is considered as affiliate; More tolerant attitude to masturbation and homosexuality.

Moralistic attitude towards sexuality as a domestic phenomenon; strict prohibitions for open discussion of sexual issues; Sexological research records attention in numbers and frequencies; less than extramarital cohabitation; big dependence of his wife from her husband; more differences between sex and love; norm of female sexual passivity; fromthe EX is often associated with the operation of a partner; Intriable attitude towards masturbation and homosexuality.

On the other hand, the content itself, which is in one way or another are presented in the psychology of different nations, can be quite different. For example, in the study of the maintenance of tolerance in German and Russian students conducted by O. E. Guryanov and D. I. Seymchenko (by: Lee Jin, 2004), significant differences in the understanding of tolerance were found (597 SibGTU students and 476 students of Munich participated in a sociological survey Polytechnic Institute). German students as the main synonyms of tolerance (tolerance) called kindness, respect, sympathy and ability to understand the other. Russian students as signs of tolerance called restraint, patience and calm. In the very definition of tolerance, the following features were identified: German students consider it as "good attitude towards people independently, nationality, mental abilities, features and social status of a person"; Russian students advantageously represent tolerance as a desire to understand the other, not to hurry with negative judgments.

D. Matsumoto introduces even the concept of an indigenous personality, under which "ideas about the identity developed under any individual culture and characteristic, as well as adequate only for this culture" (Matsumoto, 2008: 518). Accordingly, different measurements of the individuals that meet these conceptual grounds can be applicable in different cultures, which are based, in particular, on factor identity models, can distort and level culture, ethnic, national differences.

Adds difficulties in the analysis of national characteristics domination of various stereotypes in the ideas about typical national characteristics.

Curious material in this respect is collected by S. G. Ter-Minasova (2000), which allocates a number of sources of appearance and existence of ethnic stereotypes, which include, in particular, jokes. She writes: "In Russian international jokes, the British are usually emphasized by punctual, unnoted, pragmatic, restrained, love cigars, whiskey, equestrian sport, etc. The Germans are practical, disciplined, organized, are obsessed with the order and therefore limited. The French are frivolous walks, epicuretes who only think about women, wine and gastronomic pleasures. Americans are rich, generous, self-confident, pragmatic, famous for good expensive cars. Russians - reckless shirt-guys, unpretentious, alcoholics, drakes, open, unwanted, love vodka and fights. In Russian international jokes, they all behave accordingly with these stereotypes. As one of the examples, the author is given an anecdote about the international competition for the best book about the elephants, which in the Russian version looks like this: the Germans brought a multi-volume work on the trolley "Introduction to the description of the life of elephants". The British brought a book in an expensive leather binding "Elephant trade". The French presented the jury elegantly illustrated edition of the "love of elephants". The Americans made a thin pocket book "All about Elephants". Russians wrote a fat monograph "Russia - the Motherland of Elephants". Bulgarians offered a brochure "Bulgarian Elephant - the younger brother of the Russian Elephant." In the Norwegian version of this joke, the Germans represent the book "150 ways to use elephants for military purposes", the French - "sexual life of elephants", the Americans - "The biggest elephant I have ever seen," Swedes - "Political and Social Organization of the Elephant Society ", Danes -" 150 recipes of dishes from an elephant ", Norwegians - Norway and We, Norwegians" "(Ter Minasova, 2000: 140).

As a result of these disordering data, ethnopsychology has developed several sufficiently differing ideas about the national character in which various verges of a national nature are distinguished. We give some of them.

Russian philosopher, ethnopsychologist G. G. Spet (1879-1940), inclined to bring the category of spirit (meaning and idea of \u200b\u200bthe people), character, soul people, believes that the national character (soul of the people) is the unity of experiences ("that in common in their experiences as "responses" on what is happening in front of their eyes, minds, hearts "), the community of relations "to him" created by "spiritual values" and "typical collective reactions of individuals for similar living conditions" (Spet, 1996: 111).

The soul of the people appears in its work as a special type of collectivity, the "collective subject", which is based on the individual soul, and the "organization" of which is determined by natural, social factors and the spiritual culture.

One of the founders of the social psychology of Lebrone (1841-1931) defines the soul of the people (commonly used in the 19th century, the term used by ethnopsychologists and ethnologists) as a combination of moral and intellectual features, as the synthesis of his past and the inheritance of all his ancestors, and what is the most important As common feelings, common interests and general beliefs. The reasons that determine the specifics of the soul of the people are heredity, the influence of the family, the social environment, and the priority is given to the influence of the ancestors, that is, biological heredity. This "aggregate of common psychological features" forms a certain average type (ideal type) of a certain people or national character (Leboon, 1995).

D. V. Olshansky (Olshansky, 2001) believes that "national character is a combination of the most sustainable, characteristic of the national community features of the perception of the surrounding world and forms of reactions to it. National character is, first of all, a certain set of emotionally sensual manifestations, in the first place in emotions, feelings and sentiments - in preliminary, largely irrational ways of emotionally sensual development of the world, as well as in the speed and intensity of reactions on the events. (Olshansky, 2001). V. G. Krystko (Krusko, 2002) defines the national character as "the historically established set of sustainable psychological traits that determine the usual behavior manner and a typical image of representatives of one or another nation and manifest themselves to the socio-household environment, to the environment, To work, to its own and other ethnic communities. "

S. M. Harutyunyan, who also recognizes the existence of a national nature, or "psychological warehouse of the nation", determines it as "a peculiar national flavor of feelings and emotions, the image of thoughts and actions, sustainable and national traits of habits and traditions under the influence of material life conditions , features of the historical development of this nation and manifest in the specifics of its national culture "(Harutyunyan, 1966: 31).

The point of view of K. Kasyanova, which connects the national character with the concept of social archetype and believes that in "the basis of a national or - more accurate - ethnic nature ... Lies some set of objects or ideas, which in the minds of each carrier of a certain culture are associated with intensively painted gamut of senses or emotions ("sentiments"). The appearance in the minds of any of these items leads to the movement of all the linked gamut of the feelings, which, in turn, is a pulse to a more or less typical action. Here is this unit of the "personality principal denominator", consisting of a chain "Item - Action", we will continue to mean under the concept social Arkhetip »(Kasyanova, 1994: 32).

Thus, despite the diversity of national definitions, researchers allocate in it, as a rule, what relates to the actual psychological manifestations and what relates to behavior.

As a result of such a multifaceted, multidimensional and controversial content of the national character category, ethnopsychologists are trying to introduce other concepts that at least contain supposition of various views and approaches: the national mentality, the basic personality, the modal personality.

For example, the category of national mentality, considered by usually as more common in relation to the concept of national character, is defined as "inherent in the national community, a stable set of irrational and rational characteristics of collective ideas about the world, a specific warehouse of thinking, feelings, beliefs, installations that are determined in material and spiritual culture, as well as in the peculiarities of the functioning and organization of social institutions "(Trofimov, 2001). However, in our opinion, it is emphasized here, rather, it is done only on one of the sides of the national nature: ideas, thinking, worldview, but such important components as the specifics of actions, actions, relations, and relations are almost disappeared.

As part of cultural anthropology A. Carderner (1892-1981), the concept was formulated basic personality As a certain dominant type presented in each culture and formed a certain culture. The concept of a basic personality involves the existence of a certain structural core, common to all members of the group. It is a type and method of integrating a person in a cultural environment: features of socialization of representatives of this culture, their individual and personal characteristics. According to A. Cardiner, the basic personality "... Technique of thought, a security system (that is, a lifestyle, through which a person receives protection, respect, support, approval), feelings, motivating coherence (that is, a feeling of shame or guilt) and the attitude to the supernatural" (Ethnology in the USA and Canada, 1989). The basic personality, thus, as noted by the researchers, is a set of inconsistencies, ideas, methods of communication with other people, which causes the maximum susceptibility of a person to a certain culture and allows him to experience satisfaction and sustainability, in other words, the basic personality is the result of adaptation to universal The order of life of a certain culture (formed in childhood ways to care for children and their socialization). In this case, the focus is made mainly on experience Well-being achieved if a person "fits" into a certain culture, which also reflects only one aspect of a national nature and underestimates its active principle.

However, many ethnopsychologists did not agree with the position of A. Cardiner regarding the existence of a single basic personality structure inherent in all members of the Group, since its recognition would mean a refusal of personal diversity, and in this sense the category of the basic personality has an excessively universal and speculative. In an effort to overcome these disadvantages, Ethnologists A. Inkels and D. Leenson introduced the concept of a modal personality, which is a collective appearance, including character traits and other psychological features inherent in most adult members of this society. In this case, we are talking about a statistical phenomenon: the set of features that can be determined empirically by testing. However, further studies have shown that in society, as a rule, there is not one of the most common type of personality, but several modal personalities. However, the latter does not change the purely empirical and statistical understanding of the modal personality, which deprives this category of integrity and systematicism and theoretical substantiation (Stephenko, 2007).

Thus, the introduction of new categories does not remove the problems of the content of the national nature, but only blurs it.

The traditionally used national category has the right to exist and sufficiently adequately reflect existing ethnic, national, cultural differences. The national character is one of the nation uniting principles and therefore requires special study and analysis.

National Character is not a statistical set of the most common psychological or other features of thinking, experiences, behavior of one or another ethnic community, and not even the most common types of personalities, this is a reflection of the soul of the people in all its contradictory and complexity, in its explicit and hidden features.

This is some the form of the people of the people, the method of its existence in history, enshrined in the language and trends of its development, in the system of values, relations to the world and to itself, models of solving historical tasks, traditions, social behavior, in the aggregate specificity of psychological features.All these parameters are in relationships and interconnection, defining the integral and dynamic unity of the national nature and the logic of its development. In various historical periods in accordance with specific historical tasks, certain values, types of social behavior, etc., however, are constant for the first plan, but the sociocultural is unchanged. topology (configuration) of a national nature, a method of communication between its various components. After the mathematical language, the national character is a topological invariant, including qualitative, stable properties that are not changing during deformations, that is, he is homeomorphen. These properties include the value system represented in sociocultural samples, which act as a measure with which representatives of this people or the ethnos commend their actions, actions, experiences, elections. These sociocultural samples can be conscious or act as archetypic (Kasyanov, 1994), but in any case, they actualize a certain set of behavioral methods in this culture, how to solve those tasks that are delivered by the history itself and a specific sociocultural situation in front of the ethnic group or the people.

Coming to a curious statement of the German ethnologist Walter Shubart (1897-1942), who was tremendous to Russia and the died along with his Russian wife in a camp for prisoners of war in Kazakhstan.

"Different peoples gave different images of human ideals. The Chinese have a sage, the Hindus - Ascetic, the Romans of the rulers, the British and Spaniards - an aristocrat, in Prussakov - soldiers, and Russia appears the ideal of his woman. Dostoevsky was right, laying great hopes for her. Russian woman most attractive integrates the benefits of their Western sisters. With the Englishman, she divides the feeling of female freedom and independence, without turning into the "blue stocking". With a French people, her spiritual liveliness relates her skill without fence to compete; It has a subtle taste of a Frenchwoman, the same sense of beauty and elegance, without becoming a victim of vain addiction to the outfits. It possesses the virtues of the German housewife, not taking life to the pots; And she, as an Italian, has a strong sense of maternity without harking him to animal love. To these qualities, the grace and softness characteristic of only Slavs are added to these qualities. No other woman, compared to Russian, can not be at the same time beloved, mother and companion of life. No other combines such a sincere desire for education with care for practical matters, and not one is not so open to towards the beauty of art and religious truth "(Shubart, 2003).

What factors affect the formation of a national character and testify at the same time about its uniqueness and integrity. Different researchers pay attention to a number of such factors and conditions in which he simultaneously manifests itself and through which its formation occurs.

Of particular importance in the analysis of a national character, many authors give the tongue, which is quite legitimate, if relying on the theory of language relativity. " According to the concept of E. Sepir - B. Wharf, the perception of the world was determined by the language, which determines how we see, we hear, we understand the world, we allocate the main and secondary one in it, according to the famous Russian linguist S. G. Ter-Minasova ( 2000), and confirms the very existence of a national character, and reveals its features, and allows you to reveal it not always noticeable parties. The role of the analysis of the language for understanding the national nature was emphasized in the 19th century by an outstanding German linguist V. Gumboldt, domestic scientists A. A. Phebena, D. N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky, etc. For example, an outstanding Russian linguist, philosopher, literary critic A. A. Phebenzny (1835-1891) It believed that the language "affects all the world of man, so each trifle in the language device should give their special combinations of thought elements without our knowledge. The influence of all the little things of the language for the thought of a kind is the only and nothing indispensable "(Pottnya, 1993). His student D. N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky (1853-1920) believed that it was from the development of the language that the child of the National Culture (Ovsyaniko-Kulikovsky, 1922) begins to master the language.

Currently, there are a number of interesting linguocultural studies, in which the analysis of the peculiarities of national culture and nature is carried out through the prism of the language painting of the world (Verzhbitskaya, 1996; Vorobyov, 2008; Maslova, 2004; Ter-Minasova, 2000; Shmelev, 2002, etc.). A. F. Losev refers in his work on the study of Oscar Weize, who still at the beginning of the twentieth century does it on the material of the comparison of the ancient Roman and ancient Greek cultures in the context of the analysis of Latin and Greek languages. Oscar Weize believes that the features of the National Spirit, the national character of the Romans allocated in the writings of Libya and Cicero are presented in the features of the Latin language. The Romans themselves allocated such traits such as the importance of (the greatness of the spirit), stubborn patience, hardness (or restraint), adamer courage. In the language, this is reflected by the heap of the consonants of NT, RT, ST, RS, MS (especially at the end of words), "testifying to some kind of will and the activity of the linguistic consciousness." Latin, in comparison with Greek, is simpler with respect to the rigging of verbs, it is less communis. "In the syntax, Latin affects energy and logical sequence. It is clear that this syntax was created for indictment and the images of hostilities, but not for lyrics and not for poetry. " The syntax of Latin also expressed a tendency "to the subordination method instead of an essay." In general, this language is characteristic of accuracy, concreteness, clarity, it prevails inconsistency in poverty of adorning epithets. Roman love and Latin "is extremely poor in words and expressions belonging to the field of love. Even religion is understood "just like communication (Religare) without any hints on the inner life of the spirit." "Roman poetry is much poorer, land, delulite, than Greek" (Losev, 2000: 28-34).

Similar ideas are developing in a number of other modern domestic studies (Shmelev, 2002; Malysheva, 2002; Melnikova, 2003, etc.). Thus, A. A. Melnikova believes that the language "makes it possible to exercise much deeper to investigate cultural installations than a direct analysis of cultural manifestations, because the last volumetric, multigid and are in constant change, while linguistic rules are specific, foreseeable and only change (And the changes relate not to the syntax, but are aimed at the correction of the vocabulary) "(Melnikova, 2003: 113).

We give one of the examples of the linguistic (in this case, the morphological) analysis of a national nature in the work of S. G. Ter-Minasova (Ter-Minasova, 2000: 153-155). "It is known that in Russian there is a very large number of diminutive and lacquer suffixes: -Exc- (shop. -), - (- anyk-), -Hushk- (-yushk-), -ik and many others. English speaker practically having such suffixes (bird [Bird] - Birdie [Bird], Girl [Girl] - Girlie [Girl] - these are rare exceptions), it can not even remotely imagine all the huge suffix richness of the Russian language, which Provides its carriers the opportunity to express as much as the wealth of the thinnest nuances of the loving soul (since these suffixes even in dry grammatical textbooks are called diminutive).

As you know, the stereotypical image of Russia and the Russian man in the West is a bear, a mighty, but rude and dangerous beast. So the native language of this beast reflects its need to transfer shades of a good attitude to peace, love and affection (language - a mirror of culture) and forms a thin and loving personality from him, providing a large variety of language means to its disposal to express this very good attitude to world. Moreover, it is to the world, and not just to people, because diminishing suffixes with the same enthusiasm are joined by Russian people and to animated, and in inanimate subjects.

Of course, it creates great difficulties when translated. Imagine that the Russian word old woman in Yeseninsky "Are you still alive, my old woman?" requires translated four (!) English words: "Are you Still Alive, My Dear Little Old Woman?"

Indeed, in Russian, we can say about people: Masha, Mashutka, Masha, Mashunya, Mashuchchka, etc.; girl, girl, girlfriend, girl, girl, girl; About animals: cat, cat, kitty, quotashka, quotes, quota; chick, tula, chick, telshchka; doggy, doggy dog, doggy; and also about any subject of non-living world: a house, housesheet, housekeeper, bodie, house; Spoon, forkoik, saucepan, pan, etc. It can only oppose the word LITTLE or DEAR LITTLE: Little Cat [letters. Little cat], DEAR LITTLE DOG [letters. Cute little dog], but to the heights of DEAR Little Fork / Spoon / Frying Pan [letters. Cute little plug / spoon / frying] English-speaking man Do not climb ...

The use of this kind of suffixes shows respect, tact, good attitude towards others. Often they are used in speech facing children. In the store of women, especially the elderly, often say: give bread, sausages, milk, olom, etc. Modern merchants immediately adopted this "weakness" of the Russian people and sell oil called "Maslice" (better comes with such a gentle native nabnitz), oatmeal cookies in a pack with the inscription "Oatmeal" and so on.

Having visited a friend in the rehabilitation military hospital in Khimki, I heard a patient - a big tall man who retained his military shipment even in hospital pajamas, spoke on the phone: "I got here in hospitals." Tactical Russian man, he did not want to scare his loved ones in the word Hospital and softened him by adding a diminutive-lascate suffix. Meanwhile, the hospital itself looks like a huge impregnable bastion.

Stewardess, loving passengers or demonstrating love, spoke, looking at their tickets: "Third Salonchik, second Salonchik, please."

A burning suffix can meet in any word, even in a fresh borrowing from a foreign language. So, in Moscow, a shop called "Perfume" was opened in Krasnaya Presnya.

Professor Hebot Tresterov from Slovakia gives his explanation to the addiction of Russian people and the Russian language to diminishing suffixes. In her opinion, this is the reaction of the language and culture for a serious life in Soviet times 28.

The worse the well-being of the people in all respects, the noticeable zeal to the beautiful (in the spiritual sense primarily among the intelligentsia) and just beautiful, be it clothes, perfume, furniture, anyway. The rudeness of life was reflected in the language not only by a rich margin of faded expressions, but, if it is neither paradoxically, also love for laquelid-diminutive words, diminution, active use of language means of expressing underlined courtesy. Bought and read not just books, but a book, ate cucumbers, tomatoes, a kale. In verses of Akhmatova, read: "And I have a breaker and a ruin" - here and the connection with the folklore, and the hint of the place of reference. In the literature there are examples of hypertrophied use of such diminitive expressions:

I will take the beetroke, cabbage, carrots, everything will nap lonely and cook on a little abonym, add loaf, parshechki, differ (overheard in line).

In the prestigious suburban sanatorium on the door was the inscription: "nurses". His staff, explaining how to go to the dining room, said: "By the corridor to the right", and the medications were given with the words: "This is an analginchik, streptomicinchik and a nootropyl." We are impossible to imagine English speaker speakers who speakers Dear Little Corridor or Dear Little Hospital - and not just because there is no such quantity and diversity of diminishing suffixes, and mostly because they do not have it in mentality. And there is no mentality, because there is no language, they are not accustomed to the tongue to such "tenderness."

The same tendency to increased emotionality in the carriers of the Russian language, to the so-called revaluation (OverStatement), in contrast to the famous English underestimation, inexplying (understatement), is manifested, as it is surprising, and in punctuation, first of all in the use of an exclamation mark.

In Russian, an exclamation mark is consumed much more often than in English, which indicates, perhaps about greater emotionality and, obviously, about more open manifestation (demonstrations?) Emotions. In Russian, an exclamation mark is placed after appealing in writing - in any correspondence genre: in business, private, official, etc.

In English in all these genres, comma is set, which often causes conflict cultures. English speakers are perplexed over an exclamation mark in letters written by Russians: Dear John! Dear Smith! Dear Sir / Madam! Russian-speaking offenders offended by commas after the name: do not respect us, exclamation mark regretted it for DEAR Svetlana?! "

The following factor in the formation of a national character is the natural-climatic and geographical conditions in which the nation was evolved, the community of the territory. Complete here to the work of the Valtera Shubart, who created the original and very poetic concept of Eonic prototypes (EON - part of the cosmic time, epoch), the main spiritual examples with a sharply defined character, which "in a permanent change following one by one, seek to find their incarnation In a living human generation. The development of each of these prototypes and its struggle against their predecessors and followers and attach the history of culture rhythm and part of its tensions and contradictions. " He believes that "the spirit of the landscape determines the differences in space, the spirit of the era - the differences in time ... There are two factors defining human history - constant forces Place of development and variable forces of the economic prototype. The combination and confrontation of these two opposite principles, earth and spiritual, and the struggle between the prototypes constitute the content of cultural destinies, so such difficult to scientific explanation "(ibid.: 14).

We give an excerpt from its work "Europe and the soul of the East." "People's soul grows out of the spirit of the landscape. He coins in her permanent national properties. In endless, unceasing, wide plains, a person will give a report in his insignificant little and lost. Great and quietly looks at him eternity and pulls him away from the ground. So the religions are born. How much meant in the religious fate of mankind of China's steppe and Russia, the plains of India, the deserts of Syria and Arabia! Buddha received divine illumination on wide plains Patna. In order to perceive the revelation, other founders of religions, as Christ, went in the desert. A completely different human type creates mountains. While the steppe has no boundaries, not a name in the mountains, each valley has its name and their individuality. This favors the strengthening of independence in man, but also develops self and closure in it. It protects against artificial centralization, but creates a risk of fragmentation. Ellade and Switzerland are examples "(ibid.: 14-15).

"The prototype goes beyond the nations and races, it can cover entire continents. It is difficult to say where the boundaries of his action are, but in these borders of their domination he permeates his originality, everything, right up to the last human person, does not deprive it, however, thereby moral freedom. A separate human person is forced to navigate this prototype: it can either embody it, or he himself oppose himself, but in no case ignore. She must admit it; After all, the resistance is a form of recognition. The Eonic prototype puts big questions of the era, he forces the dominant to sound, in relation to which individual personalities are played by overtones in a certain counterpalkual combination. He finally puts a large spiritual framework in which individuals with their private desires and goals move to the measure of their moral freedom.

Every time, humanity fertilizes the new prototype, the creative process is repeated at first, and the hot feel of youth covers cultures. Only then seems to be the meaning of existence. All up to this time, the former becomes as it were for the completed, covered stage worthy of ridicule. Begins "New Time". But it sometime becomes old and inferior to a newer place. Behind this change of Eonic prototypes is probably hidden, some kind of dark law, according to which the Divine Forces are poured into the real world and leave him again. These laws can only be guessing, they cannot be explained in all details. You can only talk about the parables or silent ...

Persians and Jews with faithful intuition restricted the ages of the world four. Indeed, there are four replacing one other prototype. They create in the days of their domination of the harmonic, heroic, ascetic and messianic person who differ from each other with their main behavior in opposition to the universe. The harmonic person is experiencing the universe as space, animate inner harmony, not subject to human leadership, nor the design, but to be only contemplated and beloved. There is no thought about evolution, but there is only a thought of static peace.

The world is at the goal. So he felt the Gomeov Greeks, the Chinese Kung Tze, Christians Gothic. The heroic person sees the chaos in the world, which he must arrange with its organizing force. Here everything is in motion. The world is set targets defined by man. So felt an antique Rome, the Romanesque and German peoples of modernity. A ascetic person feels being as a misleading, from which he runs to the mystical essence of things. He leaves the world without desire and hope to improve him. So the Hindes or the Greeks of Neoplatonians felt. Finally, the Messianic man feels designed to create the highest divine order on Earth, whose image he is fatally wearing. He wants to restore that the harmony that he feels in himself. So felt the first Christians and most Slavs. These four prototypes can be defined by expressions: consonance with the world, domination over the world, flight from the world and the sanctification of the world.

The harmonic person lives all over the world and with the whole world connected with him to one whole. Ascetic man is distinguished from the world. Heroic and Messiani oppose him; The first - from the desire of the completeness of his power, the second - but the name of the task received from his God. The harmonic and ascetic man is static, two others are dynamic. Harmonic considers the meaning of history performed, ascetic - considers it impossible so that it is ever completed. Both do not put any requirements. The heroic and messianic person wants to create the world other than the one that seems to be in reality. It worries and forces all forces to voltage. Therefore, their epochs are more mobile and active than everyone else.

Pictures of the world of harmonious and messianic person are relatives among themselves. But the fact that the first considers already existing around himself, then the second sees only as a long goal. In both cases, the world is a lover, which is given to connect with it.

The heroic person considers the world as a slave who put his leg on the neck; Ascetic - as a tempter, which should be avoided. The heroic person does not look down to the sky, he is full of thirst for power and evil, watching her hostile eyes down, on the ground. By the very creature, it is removed farther and farther from God and goes deeper into the world of things. Secularization is his fate, heroism - his life feel, tragic - his end.

Messianic man is not angry with the thirst for power, but the mood of reconciliation and love. It does not share to rule, but looking disunity to reunite it. They do not drive a sense of suspicion and hate, he is full of deep confidence in the essence of things. He sees in people not enemies, but brothers; In the world, it is not prey for which you need to rush, and the gross matter, which should be illuminated and consecrated. They drive a feeling of some cosmic obsession, he comes from the concept of a whole that feels in himself and who wants to restore in a fragmented surrounding. He does not leave the desire for a comprehensive and desire to make it visible and tangible ......

I call the new Eon John the Gospel of John, because it is just in an unusual degree inherent in the spirit of solidarity, reconciliation and love. And I especially think about verse 17, 21, where a hot desire goes into prayer: "Let all they will be together." This struggle for universality will become the main feature of the John man.

There is one difficulty: undoubtedly there are groups of persons imbued with the spirit of a single zone and still not covering each other in all the features of their being. There are national differences. Some nations have properties that are experiencing a change of prototype. The view is widespread about the existence of pronounced traits of a national character, the souls of the peoples remaining unchanged in time. In the life of society, therefore, constant and changing factors should act simultaneously. Changes are produced by Eonical prototypes "(ibid.: 8-14).

The following sign of the nation and at the same time the condition becoming a national character is a historical experience transmitted from generation to generation in traditions, customs, legends, community of cultural property. This experience is represented in folklore, artistic literature and visual art, music, dance. Apparently, it is especially full and reliably, this experience is verbalized in folklore (proverbs and sayings, lullaby, fairy tales), since the folk works of anonymous, they represent collective creativity, the author of which is the people, and at the same time, reflect social archetypes, which, As we remember, K. Kasyanova stand out as the basis of a national nature, hide and expose "unconscious, daily", "automates of behavior", "extravalistic aspects of individual consciousness" (Lezoff (quince of: Gurevich, 1993: 194)). Folklore on the one hand, acts as one of the important components of the spiritual culture of the people, reflects ethnic installations, stereotypes, rites, in which the typical imagery, heroes and antigeroons are presented, ways of feeling, perception of the world, picture of the world, etc., on the other hand In it, all these original sides of the culture are saved, reproduced and transmitted. These images are reproduced in modern literature, act as metaphors, the meanings of which are well understood by the native speakers and are included in the conceptosphere of the modern language.

One of the grounds of a national nature, ethnic (national) identity is, according to a number of scientists, the myth (Gachev, 2000; Osmonov, 2004; Shcheglov, Shipulin, Surodina, 2002; Radugul, 2001, etc.). For example, from the point of view of one of the representatives of Ethnosimolize E. D. Smith, the national identity is connected with the maintenance and constant reproduction of a "specific warehouse, a set of values, symbols, memories, myths and traditions that make up the distinguishing cultural heritage of the nation, as well as identifying individual individuals With this distinguishing heritage, a set of values, symbols, memories, myths and traditions "(Smith, 2004: 30).

Contrary to representatives of the so-called modernism in ethnology and political science outgoing from the fact that the nation is a historically fairly late education related to the advent of the state, and with an ethnicity, it can have only a random coincidence, supporters of ethnosimolisas believe that nations are based on a fairly ancient story. and national self-consciousness, which, factor in the formation of the nation, along with the economy, is ethnicity.

In this context, the meaning of the myth as a special form of consciousness is essential for the formation of a national nature. Arkhetypic scenes of the myth in transformed, symbolic form are presented in fairy tales, functions, proverbs, sayings, traditions, holidays, in general in art and other phenomena of modern life. "Mythological symbols are functioning in such a way that the personnel and social behavior of a person and the worldview (axiologically oriented model of the world) mutually supported each other within the Unified System. The myth explains and authorizes the existing social and cosmic order in his understanding, which is characteristic of this culture, and through this explains his person himself, "said E. M. Meltelli (Meltellinsky , 1995: 169). The specifics of the myth and in the fact that in the form of a story about the origin of the elements of the universe and society, a description of a certain model of the world (Muletinsky, 1991) is given, its origin, its ordering, which is definitely remains in the cultural memory of the people and has a symbolic meaning.

To the peculiarities of myth, allowing to consider it as a factor of a national nature, its status as collective beliefs, its irrational character, syncreatibility and relationship with mass consciousness, symbolism and the ability to interpret with the help of the symbolic picture of the world sociocultural events, contact the future on the basis of history reflection and the values \u200b\u200bof the people encoded in archetypes, to experience the culture, spiritual, eventful community, solidarity with a specific society - ethnicity or nation (Levi-Bruh, 1930; Meletsky, 1991, 1995; Osmonov, 2004; Smith, 2004, etc.).

Perhaps, one of the most important signs and conditions for the formation of a national nature is the awareness of the person itself as a representative of a certain ethnic community, nation, culture, i.e., the presence of ethnic self-identification and ethnic self-consciousness. In this case, a person becomes a responsible sociocultural, national, ethnic patterns, he is ready to measure his life, actions, experience with the relevant system of values, peculiar to his people, to make a choice and make decisions on the basis of this system of values \u200b\u200band paintings of the world, he is capable of positively accepting his National (ethnic) belonging, realizing, at the same time, the inclusion of its people, culture into the universal context and cultural limitations associated with the negative parties of a national nature.

National character - this is a combination of the most stable characteristic of the national community features of the perception of the world and forms of reactions to it. National character is, first of all, a certain set of emotionally sensual manifestation, expressing primarily in emotions, feelings and sentiments. - in the preliminaries, in many respects of the IRO-level methods of emotionally sensual development of the world, as well as in the speed and intensity of reactions to the events occurring.

The most distinctly national character is manifested in the national temperament - for example, which is distinguished by the Scandinavian peoples from, for example, Latin American. The Ignition of Brazilian carnavals never confuse with the slowness of northern life: the differences are obvious at the tempo of speech, the dynamics of movements and gestures, all mental manifestations.

The concept of a national nature according to its origin was at first there was no theoretical and analytical. Initially, it was, first of all, descriptive. For the first time, it began to use travelers, and after them geographers and ethnographers for the designation of the specific features of the image of DSIsis and behavior of different nations and peoples. At the same time, different authors in their descriptions often meant completely different and sometimes incomparable things. Therefore, the synthetic, generalized interpretation of a national nature is impossible - it wears knowingly combinatorial and therefore not enough integer. As part of political psychology, the most adequate is still the analytical interpretation.

In the analytical context, it is believed that national character- Composite element and, at the same time, the basis ("platform", the "base level") of the mental warehouse of the nation in general, and national psychology as such. Complex, interconnected and interconnected combination is mainly emotional (national) and more rational (national consciousness) of elements just represents the "mental warehouse of the nation" - the very "spiritual and behavioral specificity", which makes representatives of one national ethnic group Unlike representatives of other groups. The mental warehouse of the nation is the basis of all national-ethnic psychology, already as the totality of this "warehouse" and the behavior determined by them.

In sourdistsnational character is primarily sustainable psycho-physiological and biological features of the functioning of human organisms, including such factors such as the reactivity of the central nervous system and the rate of nervous processes. In turn, these factors are related, according to its origin, with physical (primarily climatic) conditions of the habitat of a national ethnic group. General, a single national character is a consequence of a pschic reflection of the generality of physical territory, with all its features in which this group lives. Accordingly, for example, a hot equatorial climate generates completely different psychophysiological and biological features, and after them and national characters than the cold northern climate.

Of course, formationmodern national characters is the result of a complex historical and psychological process, which is ongoing for many centuries. Living in different natural conditions, people over time gradually adapted to them producing certain generally accepted forms of perception and response to these conditions. This was played an adaptive role, contributing to the development and improvement of human activity and communication of people. Such adaptive forms of perception and response were fixed in certain regulatory, socially appreciated and enshrined methods for individual and collective behaviors that most appropriately generated by their conditions. Features of the national nature found their expression in the primary, most deep forms of national culture, forming a kind of socio-cultural standards, standards and samples of adaptive behavior. So, for example, artists have long been very figuratively noticed that the "people of the flame climate left in his national dance the same naga, passion and jealousy" 132. On the contrary, in a special study, Swedish ethnographer A. Down, analyzing the extensive material, found that the main feature of the Swedish national nature is the emergency rationality of thinking. Swedes are not inclined to put their senses at the bottom of the conflict, in the case of conflicts do not give the will of emotions, seek compromising solutions. This A. Dowan explains the features of the surprisingly clear functioning of the Swedish State Machine, weak religiosity of the population, the traditional mediation role of Sweden in international conflicts, etc.

With the complication of the methods of social organization of life, the adaptive role and adaptive importance of a national nature, directly binding a person and his behavior with the physical environment of the habitat, gradually went out to the background. In developed forms of sociality, the national character reserves a significantly more modest function - a peculiar "emotional feed" of the behavior of representatives of national ethnic groups, as it would only be sensually wearing those forms of behavior that are now wearing secondary social and cultural and deterministic and, because , Idevitably more unified in nature, as well as giving an emotional diversity by the action of common social factors, their perception and response to them. It is clear that politician-Russian or politician-Azerbaijanis is quite different in different ways, in general, the same social roles.

Located on the earliest, distinguished stages of the development of society, elements of a national nature served as an essential way of spontaneous, empirical, direct reflection of the surrounding reality in the psyche of members of the national-ethnic community, forming, thereby, its primary, natural-psychological unity. Keeping subsequently, they are subject to the influence of socio-political life, but manifest themselves in everyday life mainly at the ordinary level, in close connection with the forms of ordinary national consciousness. However, in certain situations related to the crises of the usual forms of sociality, with the exacerbation of national problems and contradictions, with the appearance of the feeling of "loss of the usual order", direct manifestations of the national nature can go to the fore.

In these cases, as if escaped to freedom from under the oppression of sociality, they directly determine the crisis behavior of people. Numerous examples of this kind provide the processes of modifying political systems, in particular, the decay of totalitarian unitary states of the imperial type - for example, the USSR. It is with the explosive manifestations of a national nature that most cases of rapid lifting of mass national liberation movements are connected.

IN structurenational nature is usually distinguished by a number of elements. First, it is national temperament- It happens, for example, "excitable" and "stormy", or, on the contrary, "calm" and "slowdown." Secondly, national emotions- such as "national enthusiasm" or, for example, "national skepticism". Thirdly, national feelings- For example, "National Pride", "National Deliciousness" and others. Fourth primary national Prejudice. Usually this is the mythologies that have consolidated in the emotional sphere relating to "roles", "purpose" or "historical mission" of the nation or the people. These mythologies may concern the relationship between the national ethnic group with nation-neighbors. On the one hand, it is a "complex of national minorities." On the other hand, it is a "national-paternalistic complex", usually manifested in the form of the so-called "imperial syndrome" or "great-stage syndrome" (sometimes called "Big Brother's" syndrome). A variety of national-ethnic prejudices are the corresponding stereotypes of response to the occurring events of the type, for example, "national conservatism", "national humility" or, on the contrary, "national rebellion" and "national self-confidence".

Western European national nature was formed under the dominant effect of an individual lifestyle, which led to the future, a combination with other factors, primacy of individual rights and interests. The specifics of the formation and development of statehood in the West, which consists in the fact that foreign conquest forced society to legally execute the relationship with the external force, to create states "out of themselves", clearly stipulate the rights and obligations, the competence limits of each of the parties. This contributed to the development of self-government mechanisms, formed a political culture of legitimate participation, dialogue, reduced distance between political institutions and political stakeholders, created the ability to control power structures.

The results of a comparative analysis of Western European and Russian characters are presented in Table 1.

Table 1


Western European national character

Russian national nature

Type of thinking



The nature of perception of reality

Differentiated perception of reality, its crushing in parts, alternative picture of the world

Untifferentiated perception of reality, holistic coverage of objects, rejection of the pluralistic picture of the world

Attitude towards the environment


Emotionally sensual, idealistically intuitive

Attitude to power

Institutionalized to power as a source of order, legality

Sacralized attitude to power, preference of priorities, leaders in front of the institutions of power, attitude to power as a source, truth criterion

Attitude to right

Priority of law, law

Splicing of rights with morality, priority not legal, but moral and ethical principles and norms

The priority basis for the formation of a Russian national nature was the primacy of collectivist (patriarchacial-communal) and quasi-collestic forms of life, which led to the priority of collective rights and interests over personal. Russian statehood has developed ne."From yourself", a grew preferably "from above", ignoring the mechanisms of self-government, self-regulation, initiative, which made it difficult to form the political culture of legitimate civil and political participation.

The three most important categories form the value-semantic core of the Russian spiritual tradition, a national nature, which causes the unauthorized peculiarity of the Russian national culture, is Will, moral, truth, spiritual fraternity unity.

The whole course of Russian history suggests that the splitness of the Russian national type does not allow absolutization, the exaltation of any values, ideas, forms to the detriment of others, and requires their synthesis. Our social and existential being requires ideals, without which the Russian person is able to "walk to scotopamus", but their adjustment is needed, a kind of "grounding", the formulation of really achievable goals. Russian initially inherent in the values \u200b\u200bof compatibility, cobatriness, fraternity. Justice, the wisdom of state decisions is unthinkable without supporting on the legal basis.

Changeable historical, socio-political, psychological conditions contribute to the predominant manifestation and consolidation of some and relaxation of other properties, the features of a person, community. However, the national character is very stable. It is impossible to change it with administrative measures, mechanical planting of other norms, values \u200b\u200bof life, manner of behavior. Without climbing the roles and values \u200b\u200bof the genotype component in the national character, it should be noted that, being a psychological phenomenon, it changes, transforms together with the modification of social reality.

The transition to civilized market relations, the legal state will require not only the creation of a market economy with relevant infrastructure, but also a targeted formation of a number of new or substantial transformation of highly deformed old qualities, such as enforcement, morality, orientation for professionalism, discipline, independence, compromise ability , dialogue, tolerance.

The concept of national character

The national character is the set of the most stable for this national community of the characteristics of the emotional and sensual perception of the surrounding world and the forms of reactions to it. I am expressed in emotions, feelings, moods, national character is manifested in the national temperament, in many respects, due to the methods of emotionally sensual development of political reality, the rate and intensity of the reaction of political actors on the political events, forms and methods of presentation of their political interests, ways to deal with them Implementation.

Elements of a national nature were laid in the early, report stages of the Company's development. They served as an essential way of spontaneous, empirical, ordinary reflection of the surrounding reality. At the following stages of historical development, the political system of society is influenced by the political system of society, but its value-semantic kernel remains constant, although it is adjusted by political life, the regime, the system as a whole. In crisis situations, during periods of exacerbation of national problems and contradictions, certain features of a national nature can go to the fore, determining the political behavior of people.

It is believed that the national character is an integral element and at the same time the basis of the psychological warehouse of nation and national psychology as a whole. However, it is the interconnected and interconnected combustibility and emotional, and rational elements constitutes a psychological warehouse of a nation or a national character, which manifests itself and is refracted in national culture, the form of thoughts and actions, behavior stereotypes, which causes the specificity of each nation, its difference from others. I.L. Solonevich emphasized that psychology, "spirit" of the people are a decisive factor determining the originality of its state device. At the same time, the components, "the formulations of the nation and its special national warehouse character, us topunknown. But factthe existence of national peculiarities cannot be subject to anyone ... doubt. " The influence of the "spirit" of the people on those or other phenomena and processes is not always clearly traced, it is expressed in the form of adequate concepts and clear thinking structures, but it is nevertheless present, indirectly manifested in traditions, nests, beliefs, feelings, sentiments, Relationships. E. Durkheim gave one of the most detailed characteristics of the "Spirit" of the people as a totality of beliefs, feelings common to all members of society. In his opinion, the "spirit" of the people is constant in the north and south of the country, large and small cities, it is independent of vocational training, sexual peculiarities of individuals. It does not change with each generation, but, on the contrary, binds them among themselves. Man appearing in the activities of individuals, he, however, "there is something completely different than private consciousness," for "expresses the psychological type of society."

General social experience, the deep folk spirit is manifested even in such, it would seem, abstract things like mathematics. N.Ya. Danilevsky pointed to a well-known fact: the Greeks in their mathematical surveys used the so-called geometric method, while the scientists of the new Europe - the analytical method. This is a difference in research methods, according to N.Ya. Danilevsky, not by chance. It is explained by the psychological characteristics of the peoples of the Allensky and German-Romanesque types.

Noting the presence of a national identity, a specific warehouse of thinking and behavior, it should be emphasized that the study of "folk individuality" is associated with great difficulties. As N. Berdyaev rightly pointed out, in defining a national type "it is impossible to give strictly scientific definition." There is always something "incomprehensible to the end, to the last depth."

The concept of a national nature is not theoretical and analytic, but an estimated descriptive. For the first time, travelers began to use, geographers, ethnographers for the designation of specific peculiarities of behavior and lifestyle of peoples. At the same time, different authors invested in this concept of various contents. Some implied under the national character of the properties of temperament, emotional reactions of the people, others focused on social attitudes, value orientations, although the social and psychological nature of these phenomena is different. Due to the fact that the penetration into the essence of a national nature is carried out, according to S.L. Frank, "Only through a certain initial intuition", it has "too subjective coloring to qualify for complete scientific objectivity", which is inevitably turns around with schematics.

The listing and characteristics of those or other features of the people, the accentuation of its advantages and shortcomings is largely subjective, often vague, often arbitrary, due to the research interest of the author. The greater difficulty is connected with the definition of the priority of biogenetic or socio-historical foundations in the formation of a national nature, ways to transfer from generation to generation.

Allocation of specifying national traits affecting the perception of political ideas, values, the ratio of citizens to political institutions, the authorities to citizens, on the forms of political cooperation, the nature of the participation and activity of political actors, in addition to subjectivity in the selection and interpretation of historical material, has objective difficulties. They are related to the fact that discrete periods of historical development have a significant impact on the national character. Thus, the revolution of 1917 in Russia interrupted traditional ways, mechanisms for broadcasting experiences, traditions. According to the figurative expression I.A. Ilina, the revolution "broke the moral and state backbone" of the Russian people, "deliberately incorrectly and ugly spat fractures." Indeed, after the revolution, there was a refusal to national traditions, the conditions and mechanisms of their continuity changed qualitatively. But the other is true. The national character, together with other factors, has an opposite effect on the revolution, which causes a specific "Russian revolutionary style", making it "terrible and more limited" than revolutions in Western Europe.

National problems have long been a subject of versatile scientific research. The first serious attempts were presented within the framework of the school of the psychology of peoples in the middle of the XIX century in Germany (V. Wundt, M. Laprus, X. Steintal, etc.). Representatives of this scientific direction believed that the driving force of the historical process is the people, or the "whole spirit", expressing themselves in religion, languages, art, myths, customs, etc.

Representatives of the American ethnopsychological school in the middle of the 20th century (R.F. Benedict, A. Cardiner, R. Linton, R. Merton, M. MFA, etc.) focused on building a model of the "middle personality" of one or another national-ethnic Groups, highlighting in each nation "Basic Person" connecting the national identity traits and characteristic features of national culture for representatives.

Currently, it is impossible to allocate any holistic direction of studying a national nature. Its research is carried out in different contexts and from various conceptually theoretical positions. A rather complete classification of points of view on the national character gives the Netherlands scientists x. Diyker and N. Fryd.

1. National character is understood as a manifestation of certain psychological traits characteristic of all members of this nation and only for them. This is common, but already rarely found in science concept of a national character.

2. The national character is defined as a "modal personality", i.e. as the relative frequency of manifestation among adult members of any nation of identities of a certain type.

3. The national character can be understood as "the main structure of the personality", that is, as a certain sample of the person dominating the culture of this nation.

4. The national character can be understood as a system of positions, values \u200b\u200band beliefs separated by a significant part of this nation.

5. The national character can be determined as a result of the analysis of the psychological aspects of the culture considered in a certain, special sense.

6. National character is considered as an intellect, expressed in culture products, i.e. in literature, philosophy, art, etc.

In the domestic literature there are attempts to identify the essence of a national nature through the allocation of values \u200b\u200bdivided by the Russian people over the centuries. This approach is fruitful. Ethnosocial archetypes are reproduced from generation to generation mental stereotypes, stable behaviors, features of social globility, social temperament of the people, the specifics of its adaptation, orientation in the political sphere. Their presence is due to the long existence of leading forms of hostel, sustainable public recognition mechanisms, dominant forms of participation in socio-political life, the typical nature of the interaction between states and citizens. At the same time, ethnosocial archetypes, reproducing stereotyped mental and political installations, affect the functioning of political institutions, political and cultural media. In one historical period, inquultural education is inevitably introduced into the national character, they can get distribution, often quite wide, innovative elements. However, the components of the semantic nucleus of a national nature have great stability, although relaxed by temporary and other factors.

Thus, there is no single point of view in Western and domestic science and on the problems of forming a national nature. Some give priority to geographical factors, others - social. In some theories, the concept of national nature is determined through the features of general psychological traits inherent in this national community. In other concepts, the main emphasis is on the analysis of the sociocultural environment as a determining component in the formation of the features of the nation's psyche (A. Inkels, J. Leisison). It is believed that the nature of the nation is determined by the nature of the elite. It is the latter that is a national nature expressive, its essence. Part of the researchers came to the conclusion that there is no need for a special definition, since all theories ultimately be reduced to the psychologized interpretation of national culture (Lerner, Hardy).

The complexity of the scientific analysis of the problems of a national nature is largely due to the fact that empirical data and theoretical conclusions are often used in politics by those or other nationalist or even racist directions, movements, unions, forces to achieve their egoistic, narrowly nationalist goals, inciting hostility and distrust Peoples.

Despite the available modifications, in the studies of a national nature, it is possible to distinguish three main groups of scientists. Some authors focusing on the specificity, the uniqueness of each nation, structure the peoples on rigidly fixed and opposing national ethnic groups. Another group of researchers is inclined to believe that the very concept of "national character" is a fiction, a bossless hypothesis, deprived of a real objective basis, is purely ideological and therefore an unscientific category, fundamentally not verified, suitable only for speculative conclusions.

The third group of scientists occupies an intermediate position between two extreme points of view. They believe that the concept of "national character" has the theoretical and practical and political value, although limited by virtue of the large methodological difficulties of its empirical study and verification of the results obtained. At the same time, there are some kind of dominants in any nation, which suggests a national nature as an objective phenomenon of people's existence. Right was F.M. Dostoevsky, when she argued that "you can not realize much, but only to feel. You can know a lot unconsciously. "

The noted difficulties in studying a national nature do not exclude the fact that the national "spirit" is not as abstract, but as a "real concrete spiritual essence," as "something completely specific and really holistic" exists, and therefore gives back to "understanding and .. . After its internal trends and originality.

Studying the national character, it is necessary to keep in mind the following points. Firstly, any national character contradictory.As a holistic education, it combines a pair of opposites - good and evil, hard work and taciousness, freedom and operability, humility and riot, rigidity and compassion, etc. The elimination of some traits does not at all exclude the existence of other components that can neutralize the pair component. Reveal negative and strengthen the positive features of the psychology of the people - it means to reveal its most significant socio-psychological features. But none of them, taken by itself, is not absolutely unique. The structure of the psychological characteristics of the nation, the nature of the relationship between the elements is unique. All elements included in this structure are common inherent not only to this people, but also to many others. But here is the priority of certain traits, properties, qualities, the degree of their severity can fluctuate in a rather wide range. Therefore, we are talking about dominance, but not the undivided domination of certain features. An analysis of the psychological warehouse of the nation should include the basic psychological traits of the nation, dominant features, i.e., inherent in the most numerous groups within the nation, the degree of homogeneity (homogeneity) or heterogeneity (heterogeneity) of mental traits within the nation. The mental warehouse of the nation includes both relatively stable and temporary features, and the political situation can strengthen or, on the contrary, to weaken the degree of their manifestation. Within the framework of the national nature, it is also possible to talk about the specificity of mental traits of layers, groups, interlocks, regional and vocational education. Such an approach complicates the analysis, but makes it more objective.

Secondly, rashly look for the cause and see the "guilt" of an exceptionally national nature in the dominance of certain political and cultural traditions. He is as they make a story, a certain biogenetic predisposition, geographical factors, the nature of the socio-political system affecting the temper, habits, manners, a way of thinking, behavior of individuals. Not rejecting the presence of natural, genetically determined differences in the content of mental processes of representatives of various nationalities and the whole nation as a whole, we note that in the formation of the inconsistencies, interests, value orientation, the socio-political and cultural factors in the formation of the propensions, interests, value orientations, stereotypes of thinking and behavior. Those or other features are absorbed and produced in the process of interaction with the political system, other people. Thus, the national character, being a product of historical and cultural reservoirs imposed on each other, is formed to a greater extent influenced by the political relations of the past. It has a direct impact on the political behavior of people and mediated on the political system, which causes the direction, character, the pace of its transformations. In turning, crisis periods of national character largely determines the style of political behavior of the nation.

Third, National the nature of illegally evaluated on the scale "bad - good", "developed - undeveloped", etc.Even if experimental means it is possible to identify the degree of prevalence in one or other qualities in comparison with other national character. Such attempts are doomed to failure or inadequate understanding of the national character. Meanwhile today, as in the time of N.A. Dobrolyubov, sometimes two opposite opinions about the Russian people are expressed. "Some people think, - I wrote N.A. Dobrolyubov, - that the Russian man itself does not fit in itself, while others are willing to say that we have - that neither a man, then genius. " The Spanish Moralist of the 18th century Baltasar Gracian rightly remarked: each people, "even very enlightened", the people with positive features, "it is of its natural drawback", which "neighbors usually notice ... with a laugh or gloating." And therefore, every nation is "their sin, and there, and not pokes his other sin."

Fourth, National the character is not the magnitude of absolutely constant.He changes, although slowly. The idea of \u200b\u200bchanging the psyche was called by Ch. Darwin, Spencer. Modern psychologists, anthropologists, ethnographers on concrete facts proved that the structure of consciousness varies with history. In the 1930s, the thesis on the historical nature of the human psyche was experimentally proved by domestic psychologists L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Luria. Theoretically, and almost unlawful approval of the principled inviolability of any properties of a national character. The features that we perceive as the specific features of the national psyche are largely the products of certain historical conditions and cultural influences. They are derived from history, socio-political conditions and change together with them. As emphasized G.G. Spet, "It would be completely varying" understanding of ethnic psychology as "Explanatory"science in relation to history. On the other hand, the story also "only" by chance "can explain the or other phenomena of the People's Spirit, although, undoubtedly, it is the story" creates a substantive orientation of spiritual experiences of mankind ", it" establishes milestones that denote the path of the Spirit. " And therefore, less unilateral and erroneous is the statement that "the development of the Spirit" is explained by the "His story".

With the change in certain properties, the qualities of a national nature, with a certain time interval, the corresponding stereotypes about it are changed. Examples confirming this thought, quite a lot. So, at the beginning of the XVIII century, in Europe, many believed that the British are prone to revolutionary, radical changes, while the French seemed very conservative, "indecisive" people. However, one hundred years later, the opinion was diametrically changed: the British will hear the nation of conservative, with persistent traditions of stable democracy, and the French felt their inconsistency of the "Atlantic" model of public evolution, under which it is primarily implied by its Anglo-American branch due to the presence of a certain ethnic component in political history. , traditions. Or, let's say, at the beginning of the XIX century, the Germans believed (and they themselves share this opinion) an impractical people, prone to philosophy, music, poetry, but little capable of technology, entrepreneurship. But an industrial coup in Germany occurred, and new features were formed in the German national character, and the stereotype of the German's inability to entrepreneurship became hopeless anachronism. E. Fromm pointed out that European character evolved from "authoritarian, obsessed, accumulative" to the "market" with such leading values \u200b\u200bas wealth, business, economy, skill, professionalism. This does not deny the genetic predisposition, the social genotype of the ethnos. In his essential features, it remains, but functions differently in different historical, political, cultural contexts.

Political analyst E. Vitr gives the classification of the main factors affecting the transformation of the ESPS warehouse, highlighting the following components:

Elements of historical heritage, experience of the past, enshrined in the memory of living generations, as well as in historical documents, literature, monuments;

The set of conditions in which there is a nation, primarily the nature of the functioning of economic and political institutions, as well as the relationship between various social groups among themselves and with the institutions of power;

A combination of actions consciously undertaken to form a psychological warehouse of the nation. This is educational, ideological activities of the state, other socio-political forces, as well as educational impact in the framework of small public groups (family, neighbors, comrades, colleagues, etc.).

Fifth it is necessary to take into account the relativity of any ethnopsychological characteristics.Those or other judgments regarding the national characteristics expressed in the form of abstract opinions in general, without instructions with whom this national character is compared, only misunderstanding. Let's say such a quality of Russians as maximalism. Compared to whom the Russians look at maxima? Is such a statement correctly? Yes and no. If we assume that absolutely all Russian maximalists, then this statement is incorrect. However, it contains the proportion of truth in the sense that among the Russian maximets much more than, let's say, among Americans. Below we will conduct a comparative analysis of a Russian national nature with Western European, since "All Fabric of Russian Nature is different than Western Fabric" (N. Berdyaev). At the same time, it is necessary to remember that the Europeans themselves, unlike our vision of the West, do not consider the Western European nature of "monistic" and the difference between the Anglo-American and Continental European, Catholic and Protestant varieties. It is clear that only ethnopsychological characteristics are not enough to explain the political trends, traditions due to the pity, the unreliability of the experimental base, the significance of the implity element. At the same time, ethnopsycho-logical components should be studied, because they are not able to explain in the realities of both the past and the present.

Mental signs of Russian and Western European national characters

Russian national character is not just controversial, as well as any other, but polarized, split. The opposites in it are exacerbated to the extreme, are not the third united. ON THE. Berdyaev marked that the Russian people "the most apolitical, who had never sought his land" and at the same time Russia - the "state and most bureaucratic country in the world", everything in it "turns into an instrument of politics." In the Russian element, "truly there is some kind of national selflessness, sacrifice" and at the same time this is the country of "unprecedented excesses, nationalism, oppression of subjective nationalities, Russification". Russians are submissive, humble, but at the same time - "apocalyptics", "nihilists", Buntari, they have a lot of "chaotic, wild", the opposite side of their humility is "extraordinary Russian self-conceit". The Russian soul "Foreverly burns about the mountain and suffering from the people and the whole world," but it is "almost impossible to move from the place, so she relieved, so inert .., lazy ..., so unfortunately put up with his life." The desire for the "Angelic Holiness" is paradoxically combined with "animal beastness" and fraud. In Russian, according to S. Askoldov, from three human qualities: "Saint", otherwise of the scene, "human", that is, the social and "animal", that is, natural, - can be found only the first and last. The sincere thirst for the Divine Truth in Russian coexists with the "household and external integrated understanding of Christianity," far from the genuine religious faith.

The cause of polarity, the splitness of the Russian national type N.A. Berdyaev explained the disharmonium "courageous" and "feminine" began in it. This was written by V.V. Rozanov, Vl. Solovyov. The impassableness of these began inherent in an immature national nature. Disadvantage of masculinity, hardness of spirit, will, independence in the Russian people N.A. Berdyaev explains the underdevelopment of public classes in Russia, hypertrophy of the bureaucracy, the specifics of Russian autocracy. Thanks to the feminine component, the Russian "national flesh" has such qualities as mercy, soulfulness, softness, selflessness, patience, responsiveness, the ability to renounced the goods in the name of Light Faith, ideal. But the tough principle necessitated the "passive susceptibility" to good and evil, an excessive dependence on the "natural and collective elements", submission of violence, the "Rabbown" position, which, accumulating, causes deaf discontent, turning into the bounces, pouring out in the riots, With those who worshiped them. With the lack of "courageous" began in Russian national character, not all of its analysts agreed. For example, N.O. Lossky, on the contrary, believed that the Russian people, especially his Great-Russian branch, "highly courageous", in it "especially noticeably a combination of courageous nature with feminine softness." Yes, and himself N.A. Berdyaev stated that "the courageous spirit is potentially concluded in Russia."

The dispute does not understand the relationship of the "male" and "female" (in other interpretations, the Russian national type is associated with the children's start, the symbol of the minority), we note that the phenomenon of polarity, the splitness lie many factors. The location of the country where two types of civilization, crops was essential. Russian historian V.O. Klyuchevsky wrote: "Historically, Russia, of course, is not Asia, but geographically it is not quite Europe. This is a transitional country, meditally between the two worlds. Culture was inextricably linked her with Europe, but nature laid on her features and influences that have always attracted it to Asia or Asia attracted it. "

In Russia, they met, two civilizations crossed. Dualism of two worlds, crops led to the "conflict" type of Russian civilization. In the Russian soul there were two streams of world history - oriental and western, which are relatively independent regulatory systems that are not capable of splicing. They, according to N.A. Berdyaev, was not organically integral in nature, did not turn into a single will and a single mind, "confusing" in the shower. The crossroads between the East and the West, the intersection of two polar streams, mutually repeated, non-aging, but coexisting cultural traditions, began and led to the polarity of the Russian soul, its apocalyptism and nihilism, which "do not recognize the middle kingdom of culture." Hence that dryness, fussiness, speakingness, with which the Russian man is in a hurry to "declare themselves" in good or bad matter. As figuratively expressed on. Berdyaev, he "wants to quickly end or all, or anything." Russian polarity "the expression and in blackstone is equally found, and in Bolshevism. Extremely right and extremely left, we converge, as the same dark element, the same mixture of an unconscious and perverted apocalypse with nihilism. "

The polarity of the Russian national type is manifested in the "oblivion of every measure in everything", the developed need to "grab through the edge", to reach "to the last feature", "in a fooling sensation, reaching the abyss, to put half into it, look into the most abyss - in Private cases, but very often - to rush into it as a slam down head. "

In such fatal periods, according to F. Dostoevsky, the Russian man comes to the "convulsive and instant" self-denial and self-destruction, is capable of the most extreme actions, ready to break all the ties, relationship, renounced (family, customs, God), "burn All bridges. " In apocalyptic matches, aspirations by the end, the rejection of the middle culture should look for the source of both our historical accomplishments, uplings, the forces of spirit and falls, failures, spiritual diseases.

The situation of "whisening over the precipice", "walking around the edge of the abyss" creates in society a special atmosphere of tension 0 anxiety, fear, discomfort, exacerbates socio-economic and political problems, giving them special sharpness and tragedy, the feeling of a "close end", catastrophe. But it also creates conditions that stimulate spiritual creativity. In Russians, along with the tendency of self-destruction, self-denial, strong, maybe even more, impulses of self-preservation, self-position, self-healing, in which they show the same force, factories, rapidness. The Russian man, falling into absolutization of one of the opposites and wanting to negotiate, overcome it to the end, is experiencing an equally sincere need for another, she is opposed to the opposing part of the whole.

The need of negation, the destruction is sometimes the most important, saint, self-healing, the revival is powered by the "heroic" essence of Russians. The Russian man needs great affairs and accomplishments, such as destruction and creation. He will face gray, everyday, routine life. The creation of Russians is not different from the destruction of everything and everything, through public shocks, crises and cataclysms, when the public organism is close to death. The meaning of destruction is to sleep all the vague, ugly, unsightly. Only passing through great shocks, the victims, repentance people become capable of spiritual transformation, the revival of everything beautiful, to moral enlightenment. In this sense, the Russian soul, according to N.A. Berdyaeva, "Calesing to rejuvenation of death."

A characteristic feature of Western mentality is rationalism, orderliness, a tendency to formal, clearly defined, externally organized structures. "Latino-Romanesque culture man," P.E. wrote Astafyev, - strives and always ready to organize, crystallize in solid, precisely defined forms and economic differences, and human fraternity, and love, and respect. It is understood for him and almost attractive even the question of regulation, the codification of morality in a close sense is clear, so that the moral motives act in the shower under the general rules, in precisely certain forms, etc. " . A. Aksakov may be somewhat exaggerated, but very accurately characterized the rationalism of Western civilization. "In the west of the soul kill, -he wrote, - replacing the improvement of state forms, police improvement; Conscience is replaced by law, internal motivations - regulations, even charity turns into a mechanical case; In the West, the whole concern for state forms. "

Russian thinking "Absolutely anti-regionalistically," stated S.L. Frank. Anti-rationalism is not identical to blur, ambiguity, logical non-differation of spiritual life, does not mean the rejection of Russian exact sciences or inability to them. It is expressed in the irregularity of the limit, norm, in rejection of external forms, "organic dislike for any legality", indifference to the benefits, the results of their lives and activities. The anti-rationalism of the Russians found a vivid expression in oral folk art. The image of a fool, so typical in folk fairy tales, personifies the challenge to a sober calculation, common sense. Fool, estimated E.Trubetsky, is the favorite hero of the fairy tales precisely because in the "human mind he does not believe." His actions contradict everyday calculations, at first glance it seems stupid, but ultimately it is happier than his brothers who act as defined, coolly, thoughtful, planned.

Fullness, integrity, depth of the inner world, conscience, justice are of paramount importance for the Russian people. "Spirit", morality, personal conscience Russian puts above the impersonal legality, and the shower for him is more expensive than formal organization. P.E. Astafyev believed that for this reason, the value of "moderation and accuracy" will never be fundamental. Therefore, the Russian people "not organizational" in the sense of its inability and no closure to the highest organization, orderliness of life, not political, not legal and even, according to P.E. Astafieva, not social in his ideals and aspirations. "We will seek you carefully," N.A. stated Gradeskul, "but not for fear, and for conscience and by conviction ... Care of" soul "and about her inner" welfare "is our typical Russian concern." Conservatives and radicals were also distinguished by legal nihilism in Russia. Many of them rejected the constitutional state as foreign Russia. The rejection of legal began, mixing the right and morality is due to the peculiarities of the generic life of Russia.

Comparative analysis showed that an ethno-national factor plays an important role in the political process. However, with all conceptual modifications, it is considered generally recognized that the political process displays previously not allocated features of the actual interaction of political life entities, which has established not only in accordance with the intentions of leaders or programs of parties, but also as a result of the impact of various internal and external factors.

Ethno-national features identified as part of political psychology, the mechanisms and factors of the inclusion of the individual and the Group into the political process in the Russian socio-cultural environment have its own characteristics in comparison, for example, with Western European. Political attitudes, political activity, political orientation and positions, which largely absorbed a rich historical heritage are in many ways.

2.4. Political elite in modern society

Modern society can be characterized by various criteria (grounds): quantitative, age, national-ethnic composition, class affiliation, attitudes towards property, participation in power structures, etc. One of the grounds can serve as an indicator of the participation of certain social groups in the development of progress, The significance of their intelligence, will, organizational abilities, talent in the prosperity of the nation, strengthening statehood, ensuring national security, technical development and maintaining international authority. Following this approach, elite layers, as well as other, less active and even regressive parts, can be allocated in the structural formations of society. All of them manifest themselves in the political sphere and require special analysis.

Dictionaries contain quite different approaches to the concept of the elite, its place, roles in society, the formation procedure, functions and principles of shift. A lot of the ELITA problems in Russian socio-political and psychological science have appeared a lot in the last years. The question is actively studied about the political elite (see Afanasyev M.N.The ruling elites and the statehood of post-hundreds of Russia. - M.: Institute of Practical Psychology, 1996; Ashin G.K.Recruitment of the elite // Power. 1997. No. 5; Okhotsky E.Political elite and Russian reality. - M., 1996; Hama-Golutvina O.V.Political elites of Russia. Milestones of historical evolution. - M.: Intellect, 1998; Berezovsky E.V.The political elite of Russian society at the turn of the epoch: historical and sociological il.research: 2 hours. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1999, etc.).

At the same time, the psychological aspects of the genesis, the production and implementation of their authority powers of the political elite are not considered sufficient. The motives of the desire of people in power, to participate in it or to influence the distribution of power, whether between states or within the state between social groups enter into serious and versatile issues attributable to the field of political psychology.

The formulation of problems of the political elite has a long tradition, ascending to Platon (5 - 4 V. BC), Aristotle (4 V. BC. E.), N. Makiavelli (1469 - 1527). In the modern presentation, the theory of political elites is based on the ideas of V. Pareto (1848 - 1923), Mosca (1853-1941), R. Michels (1876-1936). Thanks to the first term "elite" first entered the scientific circulation of sociology and political science. His colleague Mosca operated on the concept of a political class. Michelsu owns the development of ideas about the rule of the tip and the rationale for the concepts associated with political parties and the oligarchy. They all tried to identify and systematize issues relating to the role of the ruling top in the political process, to make them the subject of special research.

There were no problems of the elite without attention and from Russian thinkers and scientists. Among them should be indicated such names as an outstanding political and scientific actor of Petrovsky times V.N. Tatishchev (1686 - 1750) - the division of society on managed and managers; One of the leaders of the Decembrist movement PI Pestel (1799 - 1826) - the dismemberment of society on the commanding and obee; Slavophil K. S. Aksakov (1817 - 1860) - Russian national specificity of the disgrace of the people from public administration; Philosopher and sociologist N.A. Berdyaev (1874 - 1948) is the pattern of the existence of an organized minority to manage society; Philosopher and political thinker I.A. Ilyin (1883 - 1954) - the dependence of the morality of politics from the prosecable, responsible and talented organizers.

The term "elite" means the best, selected, Favorites. For the first time it became for the evaluation characteristics of the best breeds of livestock, grain crops, land. Over time, this word began to apply to that part of society, in which respected, revered, rich, authoritative, well-known representatives of various social groups. But first of all, it concerned people from the highest layers of politics, business, art and military sphere. They belonged, from the point of view of participating in public administration, to those who could be called a direct subject of politics and power, who entered the structures of the institutions of the state, developed laws, participated in decision-making procedures, the implementation of the military and judicial policy of the state, determined his trading Climate and international relations. State institutes, political groups and parties, socio-political movements and organizations, all sections of civil society are the facility of the political elite.

Modern interpretation of the composition political eliteit implies that it includes not only the first persons of state power, but also those who directly ensures the normal legitimate functioning of this power on the scale of the entire state and in its various areas: representatives of the legislative, executive and judicial branches, advisers and experts, analysts and Heads of permanent organs in organizing elections, leaders of large political parties, associations and movements, etc.

Three main directions are traced in research literature estimates of the political elitein the overall structure of the Elite of the Company:

1) position -the influence of the representative of the political layer, depending on the place occupied in the system of power structures;

3) functional -the degree of entry into the subject to the field of political decision-making.

The last position is harmoniously combined with the concept of political leadership J. Blondee, which determined power as the ability of the "one person who is on top of making others to do that positive or negative that they would not do." Distinguish explanatoryand potential power.

The implied authority possesses the one, with whose intentions and actions can not be considered a rapid decision. The one who has power has potential power, but does not apply it. There are also distinguished direct, indirectand nominalinfluence. Direct influence implies direct participation in making a final decision; Indirect influence implies a direct impact on the finally decision. Nominal influence is an impact only on limited issues and at a certain time. The political elite most of all uses its weight and potential to implement indirect influence. The effect itself should also be considered both with a positive and negative point of view: stimulates whether the commitment of political acts or inhibits them. You can offer a more general - a systematic approach to classification or typing the political elite (see Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Classification of modern political elites

The political elite is a social community of heterogeneous nature, combined by the proximity of socio-psychological installations, stereotypes and behaviors, which possesses unity - sometimes relative - shared values. It is important to note that the real and declared standards of its behavior may vary significantly. The degree of internal cohesion of the elite depends on the degree of its social, national homogeneity, the dominant models of elite recruiting, the prevailing style of political leadership, the level of political culture, etc.

Among the reasons that cause the appearance and the existence of political elites,denote the most important:

1) psychological and social inequality of people, their unequal abilities, opportunities and desire to participate in politics;

2) the action of the law of division of labor requiring a professional work of management work as conditions of its effectiveness;

3) the high social significance of managerial labor and its corresponding stimulation;

4) the attractiveness of extensive opportunities to use management activities for social privileges;

5) the practical inability to fully fulfill comprehensive control over political leaders from the broad mass;

6) a certain passivity of ordinary citizens, various segments of the population in relation to political participation.

Resources used by the political elite,quite diverse and not necessarily have a political character. Social space is multi-dimensional, therefore, multidimensional sources of political capital can be enjoyed by elites: financial and economic, cultural, social, power, symbolic. They acquire the nature of political in the event of their use to influence the process of making political decisions.

The political elite is a smaller, but important part of civil society, for it is often a direct participant in the formation of the internal and foreign policy of the Hocy Darva's influential power in regulating political processes, determining the goals, choosing priorities and strategies for their implementation.