The last day of receiving originals in universities. The date is announced when the results of enrollment in universities will be announced

The last day of receiving originals in universities. The date is announced when the results of enrollment in universities will be announced
The last day of receiving originals in universities. The date is announced when the results of enrollment in universities will be announced

Before the parents of graduates and the guys themselves begins the most responsible and hot time is to decide where to go to learn. But, you see, today, in view of constant changes, the question of which documents are needed for admission to the university 2017-2018 are also relevant. After all, annually, the Ministry of Education introduces adjustments. What should be expected this year? What information is already available for future applicants?

This year, the Educational Fair will be held from March 21 to March 23. Fair is organized for future students who will soon choose the university and the dream of the future. Within two days, students will have the opportunity to talk to representatives of companies seeking graduates of technical universities.

Most college graduates believe that a good college is one whose release gives high prestige, a good start Work and relatively high earnings are already at first work. Maybe it is worth checking the median remuneration of graduates of the 15 best Polish state universities?

Rules of reception in Russia.

The order of the Ministry of Education of Russia this year the following changes are introduced.

  • First, the procedure for admission to training educational programs higher education, more precisely, undergraduate programs, specialist and magistracy programs.
  • Secondly, a list of entrance tests when receiving training on educational programs of higher education, that is, undergraduate programs and specialist programs.

In order of admission to universities, changes also introduced. First of all, you should carefully consider and explore the list and list of persons who have the primary right of enrollment for training under undergraduate programs and specialist. What is this faces?

During the first year of study, 70 students are allowed. The leading theme was the role and place of ethics in modern marketing and public relations. The conference by the Catholic University of Lublin was the conference. We invite you to see the study.

The event is organized for secondary school students, and especially for high school students. In the exhibition of this year, colleges will be presented at the exhibition, secondary schools, vocational schools and graduate schools from all over Poland. The event is organized for students who are going to learn in the near future. Fair participants this year will be colleges, secondary schools and secondary schools in close proximity and individual Polish cities.

    1. Eye employees Federal Service The troops of the National Guard of Russia.
    2. Requirements and employees of the Federal Service for the National Guard of the Russian Federation.
    3. Participants of the elimination of radiation accidents on nuclear installations.

The higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation have the right to submit documents and do the following category of persons.

The event is organized for secondary school students who will soon take important solutions about further learning. Participation in the Fair of Education is a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the educational proposal from all over Poland. Lublin, Krakow, Falla Podlaska, Wroclaw and Warsaw have already joined the exhibitors.

According to the Ministry of Education, most applications were submitted at the first stage of admission to the institution. On the other hand, technical colleges and transport colleges could not fill their places. According to the Ministry of Education, most of Applications were filed with such specialties as medicine and treatment of patients, programming and analysis of software products, automotive diagnostics, accounting, finance and banking.

    1.Rent of the Russian Federation and Belarus.
    2.Tometotivers from the CIS.
    3. Remained citizens living in Russia.
    4. Agency, not having citizenship, but those living in Russia.
    5. Awards that have a certificate of secondary education.
    6.Lice with a relevant workformation document or with a diploma on the end of the university.

Outside the competition, orphans, disabled, if they have no contraindications for this educational process.

In the National Medical College and Pharmacy, almost all 550 seats were occupied. Among the young people who decided to study in this college, there are Christina Postolati from Yaloven. I chose a nurse and I hope to become successful. My mother taught in this college, and I have a lot of friends coming here.

If some institutions are overloaded, some specialty from the Baltsky Polytechnic College, Technical College of Technical University or the Center for Excellence, seems to not attract young people. In a polytechnic college in Beltsi from 400 of the proposed places, 54 remained unoccupied.

Regarding the question associated with the number of budget, this figure is ultimately determined by the ministry, which is subject to this type of educational institution, and then consistent with the Ministry of Education. As for budget seats in the magistracy, this issue is solved on the spot, that is, the university himself.

In order to proceed at all in any university of Russia, it is necessary to follow the following sequential actions.

In total, 84 percent of places offered by colleges and best practices were occupied. Reception at Mondosatud-Art College is in strict accordance with the norms regulating the organization and development of admission to a specialized secondary education approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova. By order of the College Director assigned selection committeewhich performs the reception procedure in accordance with the requirements. College maintains a nominal list of students who visited the reception competition and nominal lists of students studying every year.

  • First, write a corresponding statement.
  • Secondly, collect and provide a standard package of documents that is registered in the legislation. What is included in it?

    1. Passport.
    2. School certificate.
    3. Document on professional formation.
    4. A diploma of higher education.
    5. Photos.

In the event that the applicant wants to take advantage of the benefits, which are also available upon receipt, then he needs to provide an additional package of documents, depending on the benefits to which it expects and claims.

Reception in college is based on a contract. Graduates high School From the district have at their disposal 381 place in high school this summer, of which 109 reserved for representatives of Roma. The offer comes from 42 secondary schools and colleges and comparable to last year.

For candidates admitted to high school, the methodology provides that they will take place in one of the classes for which they have chosen, in accordance with the average reception rate, where average level Training will be 20%, and a national estimate of 80%. This is another novelty this year, the share of the results of the exercise of the gymnasium decreased from 25%, as was the sessions of the previous years.

Benefits upon admission.

According to the amendments in Russian legislation, the following categories of benefits can be distinguished on which all applicants have the right to calculate all applicants.

    1. Learning, which ended average educational institutions with honors or the medal are entitled to enroll in the university according to the results of the interview. Although, if this university is a fairly big competition, the Ministry of Education does not recommend pursuing entrance activities in this way. But, final decision Everything, the university remains.
    2. Learning, which are prize-winners and winners of Russia Olympiad in educational subjects.
    3. As follows, which are members of the international teams of the Russian Federation for similar subjects.

Specific formulas will be applied to professional universities, depending on the profile and set of skills for each person. The basic formula is also applied to the calculation of the average tolerance to professional educationIf only the number of candidates does not exceed the number of places offered by the school. Otherwise, the second formula is used, where the average averaging calculated according to the method described above is 70%, and 30% is an assessment obtained in an additional entrance test established by the educational institution.

    4. Visses are different sports Sports, more precisely, all types of Olympiad, European and World Championships.
    5. In quality entrance exams The results of the passage of preparatory departments can also be counted, the financing of which is carried out through the budget, the results of the tests that were held by the Ministry of Education, eME results Results of all types of Olympics, exam results in another university, but only the same year.
    6. Learning from the Crimea. And here, the benefits concern, first of all, the exam, which they may not pass.

Applicants are credited to a number of students in this educational institution Only on the results of the entrance examinations, and no later than 10 days before the start of the classes themselves. As can be seen, the rules of admission and admission to universities remained the same, with the exception of only some changes and adjustments that may be decisive and play for many, important role on admission.

The same rules apply to admission to double education indicating that in this case the receiving exams can be organized and if the number of candidates does not exceed the number of places if it requires its economic partners. Unexpected was the National College "Ion Kdition", which, after creating an English bilingual English Mathematics, the inflatable class reached the results of the last mean value of 9, 41, a quoted source.

The new vertex of the best universities of the capital, based on the last average entry into the specialty "Mathematics - Informatics". "Last year," the last middle entrance to "Mathematics - Infomatics" amounted to 9, 87, compared with the previous year, when he was 9, now there is 252 places in the institution, as in the previous year.

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Marina Nazarova,

June 27 10:00 / Ukraine

Approach summer vacation, and, it means, schoolchildren and their parents will be able to rest slightly. But it does not concern those for whom school bell silenit, in fact, in last time. Graduates are preparing to become applicants and, as they say, peace is now only dreaming.

Last year, the last average report in mathematics on computer science amounted to 9, 80, compared with the previous year, when he currently entered. The institution has 252 places. They are divided into nine classes of mathematics - computer science. Last year, the last average of the mathematics of computer science was 9, 58, compared with 9, 19, as it was in the previous one. The fourth place occupies the National College "Spear Hart", where the last average entrance to mathematics on computer science was 9, 58, compared with 9, 36 in the previous year. And last year.

Together with them their parents are worried, because every year the conditions of admission to Ukrainian universities are changing. To find out what to be prepared by entering this year, the editorial office of the site collected the main points of the reception conditions in the Universities of Ukraine - 2017, approved by the Ministry of Education of the country.

The main question that is disturbed by many parents of future students: will not be canceled by budgetary training?

National College of Bilingwa "George Cupul". Last year, the last average of the mathematics of informatics amounted to 9, 51 against 9, 26 in the previous year. In addition, the National College "Julia Hashdea" is located on the 6th place. Last year, the last average of mathematics - informatics was 9, 51, compared with 9, 22 in the previous year. This year in the group more places, respectively 252, compared with last year, when there were 224 places.

National College Dimitria Kantemir. Last year, the last average of the mathematics of informatics was 9, 49, whereas in the previous year it was equal to 9, 19. at school 224 places, the same as last year. Also on the 8th place there is a theoretical school "Nikolae Jorga". Last year, the last middle issue of mathematics on computer science was 9, 41, compared with the previous year, when it was 9.

Hurry to calm down:according to the document, the citizens of Ukraine, who have not yet passed their learning during a public or local budget can be applied to receive free higher education on a competitive basis in state and communal universities. .

If you need to get a second education or study in parallel to another specialty, the student will not be able to qualify for public funds, this training will have to pay independently.

Last year, the last average of the mathematics of computer science was 9, 35, compared with the previous year, when he joined 8, 96 seats are available. Also in the 9th place there is a National College "Grigor Moisil". Last year, the last middle entrance to mathematics in computer science was 9, 35 against 8, 60 in the previous one. Like last year.

Last year, the last middle entrance to mathematics on computer science was 9, 31, compared with the previous year, when he was 8, and the college is also available 224 this year. State Agrarian University of Moldova is the only higher educational institution in the country.

Citizens of Ukraine, who are going to enter the first course and learn at the expense of public funds, must pass a competitive selection. It will take place on the basis of certificates of external independent estimation (2016-17) or interview, creative competitions, entrance exams.

How exactly will it be in the educational institution you choose - it is better to clarify in the adopted commission or the website of the university visiting the site. In the same place, you can learn the minimum passing ball on this or that faculty (this factor each university determines at its discretion).

The State Agrarian University of Moldova offers its disciples of the 1st cycle following the topics. List: a preliminary list of graduates from the Republic of Moldova, adopted in Magistracy in Romania. The plan provides 320 doctoral students. Of total Places 307 were highlighted on doctoral studies and 13 - on doctoral studies.

If you want to learn from high school or university in Romania, this is the most relevant information that can be useful to you. That is why parents believe that the focus is not on the actual learning of the student. They fear that students who usually do not have required knowledge For admission B. higher schoolwill be admitted to these institutions.

For the competitive selection of applicants that are going to do on the basis of full secondary education, the scores of certificates of external independent assessment will be credited ukrainian language and literature (first item), mathematics, history of Ukraine or biology for the choice of higher educational institution (second subject), general education subject to which is carried out by a sound or creative contest (the third item).

The number of environments will be significantly increased, taking into account that the surroundings of the gymnasium is only 20% of the final level. It is true that students who better prepared and scored more points in the national assessment will have the first chance to best universities. Now there will be an increase.

There may be medium-sized schools that cannot have criteria for ranking among candidates. I think it's good that we are trying to appreciate what students know, and not to look for what they did not know with a candle. Without criticism of subjects, at least in Romanian, approximately the same as last year, and mathematics seems more affordable than previous years, and perhaps the difference from 9 to 10 could be made with greater perseverance. Subjects become very affordable for very well-trained students.

Important dates

Carefully read the deadlines for receipt of documents!

Commission Commission Applicants for Higher Educationcan until July 11.

Reception of applications from those who want to come on the basis of interviews, entrance exams and creative contests ends on July 20, and on certificates of VOO - July 26 .

If under four or five years ago we talked about one third of the candidates who could not receive an average of 5 this year from 000 candidates worldwide reached the media. Not only the availability of topics led to the emergence of many notes 10 this year, but also to the awareness involved - Sirin Dragne said. Calculation of high school on average, change.

I think this is relatively normal, because the evaluation system is the most a big problem Education systems in Romania are not unitary. If the weight was higher, it would create this subjective imbalance. Only a national assessment would leave the center mass concentration on objects that are given - Romanian and mathematical.

Find out whether your child has become a happy owner student ticket, can be no later than 12.00 August 1, 2017 . It is until that time that the rating lists of persons recommended for enrollment will be published.

Enrollment of applicants for training that will come on state or regional orders will be held no later than August 7 , and at the expense of target preferential state loans and funds of physical and legal entities no later than September 30 .

Students should be in line with the entire educational process, because for them it is not necessary to be areas that need to be solved is clear that he should do other disciplines, "Sirin Dragna told us. Agrarian state University Moldova is preparing specialists for everyday and low-frequency education in Romanian and Russian. In veterinary medicine, research is integrated. Period of study in the first cycle, day education: for all economic specialties and specialties Ecology and tourism - 3 years, according to other specialties - 4 years.

IMPORTANT: Applicants who seek the university on the general grounds (independently on day or correspondence form learning) apply only to in electronic format. Preferential categories (disabled, orphans, children of participants of ATO) only in paper form. Applicants from Crimea and Donbass will come on individual quotas.

Another innovation: those who claim to be trained at the expense of the budget have the right to submit no more than 9 applications for admission and not more than 4 specialties.

Those who wish to learn at their own expense or at the expense of the enterprise (as they say in the document, for the means of individuals or legal entities) in the number of applications will not be limited.

IMPORTANT: In both cases, when applying, applicants must indicate the priority of this application regarding the rest of them. In this case, the specified priority of applications cannot be changed in the future. That is, the admission committee wants to know how important you get a place in this university. Good luck to you on exams!