Not in front of communion at Easter. Communion of the elderly and sick people, pregnant women, nursing mothers

Not in front of communion at Easter. Communion of the elderly and sick people, pregnant women, nursing mothers
Not in front of communion at Easter. Communion of the elderly and sick people, pregnant women, nursing mothers
Light saddimians and communion: how are they related to each other? Is it possible to communion on the bright week? How to pass in a light week? How to prepare for communion? These issues are worried about many Orthodox Christians who want to start holy secrets with reverence and festive bright easter days. There was no time in different arrival around this topic in different arrival. This year finally she received a documentary statement. In February 2016, the Bishop Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church approved the Approved by the Bishop Meeting on February 2, 2015 and adopted by the Sacred Synod on May 5, 2015 (Magazine No. 1) Document. Now in any difficult cases, we can always contact this document directly.

We will quote the part of it, which is directly related to the question of how to prepare for the Holy Communion in the Light Week.

About post:

"A special case regarding the practice of preparing to holy communion is a bright week - a week after the holiday of Easter Christ. An ancient canonical norm on the obligatory participation of all those faithful in the Sunday Eucharist in the VII century was distributed and on the divine liturgies of all days with bright weeks: "From the saint day of the Resurrection of Christ of our God before the New Year, in the whole week, the faithful must in the holy churches incessantly exercising in the psalms and Singing and songs of spiritual, rejoice and triumph in Christ, and reading divine Scriptures attentive, and enjoying the holy tainys. For in this way, with Christ, they are as follows, and ascend "(66th Rule of the Trill Cathedral). This rule implies clearly that the laity are urged to pass on the Lighturgy Lighturgy. Having in mind that on the Light Sedmice, the Charter does not provide for the post and that the Light Sedmice is preceded by seven weeks of the adhesion of the Great Post and Passionate Sadmits, - the practice of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Russian Orthodox Church should be recognized, when the Great Post of Christians who followed the Great Post of Christians in the period Be proceed to holy communion, limiting the post in absence of food after midnight. Similar practice can be distributed for the period between Merry Christmas and Epiphany. Preparing for communion these days should be with special attention to the obstacle of themselves from the unlimited consumption of food and drink. "

About prayer rule

"The constant part of the prayer training is the submission of a holy communion consisting of the corresponding canon and prayers. The prayer rule usually includes the canons to the Savior, the Mother of God, the Guardian Angel and other prayers (see "Rule of Casual Senior, and attending the Holy Divine sacraments, the body and the words of the Lord of our Jesus Christ" in the following psaltiri). During the bright week, the prayer rule consists of an Easter canon, as well as canon and prayers to the Holy Communion. Personal prayer rule must be performed outside the worship services, which always suggest the Cathedral Prayer. "

About confession

"In some cases, in accordance with the practice that established in many parishes, the confessor can bless the Mierjanin to join the body and blood of Christ several times during one week (for example, on passionate and bright weeks) without prior confession to each communion except the situations where the wishing to compete He is needed in confession. In teaching the appropriate blessing, the withdists should be especially difficult to remember the high responsibility for the souls of Pasykh, entrusted to them in the sacrament of the priesthood. "

Questions about the sacrament of communion

C.what is the communion?

This is a sacrament in which an Orthodox Christian comes (comes) the body and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ in the remaining of sins and the eternal and through it mysteriously connects to him, by becoming a party of eternal life. The comprehension of this sacrament is superior to human understanding.

This sacrament is calledEuharustia, which means "thanksgiving."

TOaK and what is the mysteriousness of communion?

The mystery of communion is established by the Lord by the Lord Jesus Christ at a secret evening with the apostles on the eve of their suffering. He took the bread in his preching hands, blessed him, prevented and divided him to his disciples, saying: "Send, Fly: Sieu is my body" (Matt. 26:26). Then he took the cup with wine, blessed her and, feeding his students, said: "Drink everything, for this, so there is a blood of my new covenant, for many poured into leaving sins" (MF. 26: 27-28). At the same time apostles, and in their face and all believers, the Savior gave the commandment to commit this sacrament until the world's conclusion in the memoir of his suffering, death and resurrection for unity with him believers. He said: "We create this in my memoil" (Luch 22:19).

Pochra need to pass?

The Lord himself says about the obligation of communion for all believers in it: "True, truly telling you: if you do not have the flesh of the Son of Human and drinking it, then you will not have any life. The pile of my flesh and drinking my blood has eternal life, and I resurrect him on the last day. For my flesh is truly food, and my blood is truly being. The pointed flesh and drinking my blood is in me, and I am in it "(John 6: 53-56).

Non-communizing Holy Taine deprives himself a source of life - Christ, puts himself out. A person who is looking for a connection in his life with God can hope that he will be with him in eternity.

TOaK prepare for communion?

Those who wish must have a hearty repentance, humility, the firm intention to correct. For several days are preparing for the mystery of communion. These days are preparing for confessions, they try to pray more and diligently at home, refrain from the fun and idle pastime. Prayer connects the post - bodily abstinence from rapid food and married relationships.

On the eve of the day of communion or in the morning to liturgy, it is necessary to confess to be in the evening worship. After midnight, do not eat, do not drink.

The duration of preparation, the measure of the post and the prayer rule is negotiated with the priest. However, no matter how much we have prepared for communion - we cannot prepare to prepare. And only looking at the crushed and humble heart, the Lord in his love takes us into their communication.

TOdo you need to prepare for communion?

For prayer preparation for communion, there is a normal rule that is in Orthodox prayer. It consists of reading three canons: the canon of the revenue to Lord Jesus Christ, the canon of the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, Canon Angel Keeper and the submission to the Holy Communion, which consists of canon and prayers. In the evening, it is also necessary to read prayers for dreams to the coming, and in the morning - morning prayers.

For the blessing of the confessor, this prayer rule before the communion can be reduced, increased or replaced by another.

TOak approach to communion?

Before the start of communion, communizing in advance come closer to the amvon, then not to hurry and not create inconvenience to others praying. At the same time, it is necessary to skip the kids forward, which are coming for the first. When the royal gate is open and the deacon leaves with the Holy bowl with the exclamation: "Let's start with the fear of God and faith," it is necessary to make a terrestrial bow and folded the hands on the breast conversion (right on top of the left). Approaching the holy bowl and before the bowl itself is not baptized to inadvertently do not push it. It is necessary to start the holy bowl with the fear of God and reverence. Going to the cup, it is clear to pronounce its Christian name given with baptism, to widely open the mouth, reverent, with the consciousness of the Holiness of the Great Sacrament to take the holy gifts and immediately swallow. Then kiss the base of the bowl as the edge of Christ itself. It is impossible to touch the bowl of the hands and kiss the priest's hand. Then you should move to the table with warmth, put the sacrament that the shrine does not remain in the mouth.

TOak often need to pass?

Many holy fathers call for communities as often as possible.

Usually believers are confessing and are involved in all four multi-day posts of the church year, in the two-month, great and temple holidays, on Sundays, in the days of their name and birth, spouses - on their wedding day.

The frequency of the participation of a Christian in the sacrament of communion is established individually for the blessing of the confessor. More consumer - at least twice a month.

D. are we witty, sinful, often commitory?

Some Christians are quickened extremely rare, motivating it with their unnecessary. There is not a single person worthy of the communion of the Holy Tain on Earth. No matter how much a person would try to clear himself before God, he still will not be worthy of adopting such the greatest shrine, like the body and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. God gave people the Holy Holy Secrets not by their dignity, but on the great grace and love for the fallen creature. "Not healthy have a need for a doctor, but patients" (Luke 5:31). Holy Holy Gifts The Christian should not be as a reward for his spiritual feats, but as a gift of the loving father of heaven, as a saving means of consecrating the soul and body.

Is it possible to take one day several times?

No one and in any case, one and the same day should not be seated twice. If the holy gifts teach out of several cups, you can take them only from one.

Everyone is adjacent from one spoon, is it impossible to get sick?

There has never been a single case so that someone has become infected through a communion: even when people come in hospital churches, no one is afraid. After the communion of believers, the remaining holy gifts uses a priest or deacon, but even during epidemics they do not ill. This is the greatest sacrament of the church, this, including for the healing of the soul and body.

Is it possible to kiss the cross after the communion?

After liturgy, everyone praying is applied to the cross: and who are sacraged, and those who are not involved.

Is it possible to kiss the icons and the hand of the priest after the communion, make earthly bows?

After the communion before the filming, it should be refracted from kissing icons and the hands of a priest, but there is no such ruler that the competing should not kiss the icon or the hand of the priest on this day and do not make earthly bows. It is important to keep tongue, thoughts and heart from any evil.

How to behave on the day of communion?

The day of communion is a special day in the life of a Christian, when he mysteriously connects with Christ. On the day of the Holy Communion, behave a reverent and usually, so as not to insult his actions with the shrine. Thanks to the Lord for great blessing. These days must be held as great holidays, as far as possible devoting their concentration and spiritual effort.

Is it possible to come in any day?

Especially always on the resurrection in the morning, as well as, on the other days, when the Divine Liturgy serve. Watch the timeline service in your temple. In our church, Liturgy serves every day, except for the period of the Great Post.

During the Great Post at some everyday days, as well as, on Wednesday and Friday, on Maslenitsa, the liturgy is not supposed

Is the communion paid?

No, in all temples the sacrament of communion is always made free.

Is it possible to come after the binding without confession?

Cobrants does not cancel the confession. Confession is needed. Sins that a person realizes must be confessable.

Is it possible to replace the sacrament? Is it possible to replace the sacrament?

This erroneous opinion about the possibility of replacing the communion of baptismic water with arthos (or antidor) occurred, possibly due to the fact that people who have canonical or other obstacles to the communion of the Holy Taine are permitted to consolidate Epiphany water with antidors. However, this cannot be understood as an equivalent replacement. Communion can not be replaced.

Can an Orthodox Christian coming up in any nonsense church?

No, only in the Orthodox Church.

How to make a one-year-old child?

If the child is not able to calmly be in the temple all the service, then it can be brought by the time of communion.

Is it possible to eat for up to 7 years before communion? Is it possible to pass the patients not on an empty stomach?

This issue is solved individually on the advice with the priest.

Little children in front of the communion give there and drink, as necessary, not to damage their nervous system and bodily health. Older children, from 4-5 years of age, gradually teach to the semistry of an empty stomach. Children from 7 years of age are involved, besides the partition of an empty stomach, also to the preparationeit of communion through prayer, post and confession, but of course in a very lightweight version.

Adults in some exceptional cases are blessed by not an empty stomach.

Can children take up to 14 years old without confession?

Without confession, only children under 7 years old can pass. From 7 years of age, children are involved after confession.

Is it possible to communion pregnant?

Can. Pregnant women are desirable to pass the Saints of Christ Tain more often, preparing for communion with repentance, confession, prayer and fasting, which for pregnant women weakens.

The church of the child is desirable to start from the moment parents found out that they will have a child. In the womb, the child perceives everything that happens to her mother and around her. At this time, participation in the sacraments and prayer of parents is very important.

How to make it sick at home?

The relatives of the patient must first agree with the priest about the time of communion and consult how to prepare the patient to this sacrament.

When can you come around at the week to the Great Post?

In the period of the Great Post, children are involved in Saturdays and Sundays. Adults, in addition to Saturday and Resurrection, can communion on Wednesdays and Fridays, when the liturgy of the paid gifts serve. On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday to the Great Post of Liturgy did not hold, except for the days of great church holidays.

Why did the babies come accelerated on the liturgy of paid gifts?

On the liturgy of the paid gifts in the cup contains only blessed wine, and the particles of the lamb (bread, the pretty in the body of Christ) are pre-impregnated with blood. Since babies, due to their physiology, it is impossible to make a particle of the body, and there is no blood in the bowl, they are not perfected by the blood.

Can the laitys come across a solid sadmice? How do they prepare for communion at this time? Can a priest ban commits for Easter?

When preparing for communion on a solid semitz, there is always afraid of short food. At this time, the preparation for communion consists in repentance, reconciliation with the neighbor and reading the prayer rule for communion.

Commission for Easter is the goal and joy for every Orthodox Christian. The entire Holy Fourth is preparing us for communion in Easter night: "We will erect to repentance, and feelings will clean up, to Smyzh Brani, the entrance of the post is creative: the hope of graceful heart is not interested, not used in fucking. And we will be demolished by the Lamb of God, in the sacred and light-blooded night of the resurrection, for the sake of the given migration, the student introduced in the evening of the sacrament, and the darkness of the ruin of the Light of His Resurrection "(the styer on the notch, in the meat suite in the evening).

Prep. Nicodemus Svyatogorets says: "Those who, though, do not come to Easter, but they don't celebrate Easter, such people do not celebrate ... Because these people do not have the causes and occasion of the holiday, who are the sweet Jesus Christ, and do not have The spiritual joy that is born from Divine Promotion. "

When Christians wanden from communion on a bright week, the fathers of the Trullian Cathedral (so-called the five-sixth cathedral) of the 66th rule witnessed the initial tradition: "From the Holy Day of the Resurrection of Christ of our God before the week, in the whole week, the faithful Saints churches incessantly exercising in the psalms and singing and songs of spiritual, rejoice and triumph in Christ, and the reading of divine writings attentive, and the holy mysters enjoying. For in this way, with Christ, they are as follows and ascended. "

Thus, the communion for Easter, in the days of Light Sadmitsa, and in general, on continuous weeks, no one from Orthodox Christians is not yet rebeling, who can be allowed to holy communion on other days of the church year.

What are the rules of prayer preparation for communion?

The volume of the prayer rule before the partitions of the canons of the Church is not regulated. For Chad of the Russian Orthodox Church, he should be no less than the rules of the Holy Communion in our prayers, including three psalms, canon and prayers before communion.

There is also a pious tradition of reading three canons and akathist before the adoption of the Holy Taine of Holy Tain: the canon of the rest of our Jesus Christ, canon to the Virgin, Canon the Guardian Angel.

Does confession need before each communion?

The mandatory confession before the partition canons of the church is not regulated. Confession before each communion is a Russian tradition caused by an extremely rare communion of Christians in the synodal period of the history of the Russian Church.

For those who came for the first time or with heavy sins, for the newcomers of Christians, confession is obligatory for the incoming, since for them, a frequent confession and instructions of the priest have an important catechosis and pastoral importance.

Currently, a regular confession should be encouraged, but not from every believer should require an indispensable confession before each communion. In coordination with the confessor for persons regularly confessional and communal, those who comply with the church and the posts established by the Church, the individual rhythm of confession and communion can be established (Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev)).

"Our Easter is Christ, crushed for us" (1 Cor. 5, 7) - says the Apostle Paul. And all the Christians of the Universe on this day are going together to glorify the resurrected Lord, waiting for his return. And the visible sign of this unity in Christ is the general communion of the whole church from the bowl of the Lord.

Still in the Old Testament, God gave the commandment about this terrible night: "This is the night of the vision of the Lord from the genus in the genus" (Ex. 12, 42). All the sons of Israel were to gather in homes and taste from the Easter Lamb, and who does not taste, the soul is dried away from the people of their own. - Angel destroyed him (Numbers. 9, 13). Also, now, the great ridge of the Easter night must be accompanied by an attraction of the Easter Lamb - the Body and the Blood of Christ. The Lord himself laid the beginning of this by the Apostles in the refraction of bread (Lux 24). It is not by chance that all meetings of the Resurrection Christ with students were accompanied by mysterious trapes. So he gave them to feel that joy that was cooked to us in the kingdom of Heavenly Father. And the holy apostles have established to celebrate the Holy Easter Holy Communion. Already in the Troadade, the apostle Paul did the night liturgy on the day Sunday (Acts 20. 7). All the ancient teachers of the Church, mentioning Easter celebration, first of all talked about Easter communion. So Zlatoust at all identified Easter and communion. For him (and for the entire Church Assembly) Easter is committed when a person commits. And "Annoye never commits Easter, although he fastensed annually, because he does not participate in the exchanging of the Eucharist" (against the Jews. 3, 5).

But when many began to remove the spirit from Christ, and they began to evade communion on the bright week, the fathers of the Trill Cathedral (so-called the five-sixth cathedral) 66 the initial tradition was witnessed: "From the Holy Day of the Resurrection of Christ of our God before the week, In the whole week, the faithful must in the holy churches incessantly exercising in the psalms and singies and songs of spiritual, rejoice and triumph in Christ, and the reading of Divine Scriptures attentive, and enjoying holy mysters. For in this way, with Christ, they will be asundered and ascended. For the sake of the sake of the sake of the days, there is no horse rhythm, or other popular spectacle. "

Cathedral of 927 (so-called Tomos Union) even Troybarous allows for Easter to communion sv. Tain.

This aspiration to the Easter connection with the Lord is traced in our worship. After all, according to Zlatoust, "we will not post themselves for Easter and not for the cross, but for the sake of our limits, because they intend to start the secrets" (against the Jews. 3, 4).

The entire Holy Federation prepares us with a meeting with God in Easter Night. It's not by chance even before the beginning of the post, the church sings: "We will be erected to repentance, and feelings will clean up, to Xerge, the entrance of the post is creative: the hope of graceful heart is not aware, not used in nursing. And we will be demolished by the Lamb of God, in the sacred and light-blooded night of the resurrection, for the sake of the given migration, the student introduced in the evening of the sacrament, and the darkness of the ruin of the Light of His Resurrection "(the styer on the notch, in the meat suite in the evening).

During the post, we are cleared of lawlessness, learn to observe the commandments. But what is the goal? This purpose is in participation in the feast of the kingdom. On the Easter Canon St. John Damascus calls us: "Come drink a new one, not from the stone of a progressive wonderful, but the nonsense source, from the coffin of the tasted Christ," "Come on the rogues of the new grapes in a deliberate day of the Resurrection of the Divine Merry of the Kingdom of Christ who commemorate, having sang him as God."

At the end of the Luminous Easter Sepure, we hear the words of Zlatoust: "The meal is performed, enjoying the WSI. Taurus dredged - Nobody will get out of Alca: VSI enjoying the Pir of Faith, VSI perceive the wealth of goodness. " And so that we do not think that Easter is talking, our charter warns: "Easter is Christ and the Lamb who took the sins of the world, on the altar in a bloodless victim, in the preching secrets, honest bodies and the life-giving blood from Hierea to God and the father who brought , and that communion of true eating Easter. " It is not by chance that it is involved in Easter, it sounds like this: "The body of Christ, the source is immortally taste." Immediately before the removal of St. Gifts Church urges everyone to enjoy the Divine Tain.

And the recent saints continued to confirm this understanding of the greatest holiday. Prep. Nicodemus Svyatogorets says: "Those who, though, do not come up before Easter, but they do not celebrate Easter, such people do not celebrate ... Because these people do not have the causes and occasion of the holiday, who is the sweet Jesus Christ, and do not have that spiritual Joy that is born from Divine Promotion. Those who believe that Easter and holidays are in rich trapes, in many candles, pruburate Fimiam, silver and gold jewelry, which they cleanse churches. For this, God does not require from us, because it is not paramount and not the most important thing. "(The book about the shovel of the inextricant communion of the Holy Taine. SS. 54-55).

It is not by chance that those who shy away from the Holy Communion for Easter and the Light Week feels the decline of spiritual forces. They often attack despondency and relaxation. It was about this that the Lord warned us, saying: "Look at your own, that your hearts are not aggravated by the arms and drunkenness and concerns of everyday life, and that the day is not comprehended by you suddenly. For it, as a network, will find suddenly on all those living in the face of the earth "(Luke 21, 34-35).

But, unfortunately, in recent times, not only some negligent parishioners shy away from the communion on St. Easter because of his gluttony, but some priests began to introduce novelty, prohibiting the reverent Christians to fulfill the will of Christ. They speak:

- There was a post, and you could come. So why pass on Easter?

The objection is completely insignificant. After all, St. Communion is not a sign of sadness, but the designer of the future kingdom. Not by chance in the liturgy of St. Vasily the Great states that when we eat the sacrament, then we are the death of the Lord, and I confess him. Yes, and if Easter were incompatible with the Eucharist, then why then make a liturgy in churches? Are modern fathers wiser of the Universal Church? I am no longer saying that with Cahrotonia we all give oath to follow the sacred canons. And the Universal Cathedral requires the communion for Easter and in the Bright Sedmice. Specially rejecting this argument holy. John Zlatoust says: "Insensitive and starting with a clean conscience, makes Easter, whether today, tomorrow, or whether, whenever he participates in the admission. For a decent communion depends not on the observation of time, but from clean conscience "(against the Jews. 3, 5).

Others say that once the communion is committed in leaving sins, he does not place in Easter night .

They will answer this by the words of the Lord, if the donkey and oxa pull out from the pit on Saturday, it did not have to free the person from the shipment of sin to Easter. And the ancient Easter, and now existing canons indicate that the best time for the forgiveness of sins in the sacrament of baptism is Easter night. Yes, not a place to confess at that time. But after all the post has passed. People migrated their lawlessness, they got his vacation of sins for confession in a passionate Thursday. So on what basis can we not allow them to the holy bowl on the day of resurrection? I have not been saying that the communion is committed not only to leaving sins, but also in life eternal. And when it is better to make a person by a partary of eternal life as not on Easter day? Of course, if a person is in an unskilled mortal sin, then the road to a cup of him is closed by his lawlessness. But if this is not, then the person must resort to Christ.

Some people say:

- Here you are coming for Easter, and then you will go eat meat. You can not do it this way.

This opinion is directly condemned by 2 canon of the Gangrs Cathedral. The one who considers meat a bad or making person unable to communion inflicted the influence of seductors' spirits, about which the Apostle Paul prophesied (1 Tim. 4, 3). He takes away from the Holy Church. It should be remembered that in the most secret evening Christ with the apostles knocked the meat of the lamb, and this did not prevent them from coming. Yes, it is impossible to argue to talk, it is impossible to sin with a vigor. But this one should not be coming. Rather, on the contrary. From respect to the shrine it is necessary to be moderate and so we will keep and clean the soul, and the health of the stomach.

Similarly, some priests say:

- You are joined and walk away, and then you can get caught, and so you define SV. Participle. Therefore, it is better not to pass.

But this logic actually declares sin inevitability. It turns out that we are offered to exchange Christ the Savior on lawlessness, which is obviously impossible to avoid. And it seems to be pushing the holiday. But if so, then, maybe it is worth canceling the holiday at all? What is this holy day in which we remove from God and inevitably create sin? Obviously, God is not for gluttony and drunkenness established Easter, so why do the ability to do on this day and still not coming on this basis? I think that much wiser will be met by the holy gifts and, after moderateness, began to try, taste a little wine and then do not suffer from a body or soul.

- Easter time of joy and therefore it is impossible to coming.

We have already given the words prep. Nicodemus speaking that the true joy of Easter lies in the Eucharistic compound with Christ. Also, Zlatoust says that invalid does not celebrate Easter. In fact, the acquisition is particularly appropriate for Easter due to the fact that in agreement with the Liturgy committing the Eucharistic sacrifice, we confess the resurrection of Christ, and see the image of His uprising from the dead (Eucharist canon and prayer after consumption). But the most important thing is that Christ himself promised to give the joy to his disciples, then he himself will return from the depths of death, and from this joy, modern christmas are removed by Christians.

Yes, if you think, what will be happy to rejoice in an invalid - prayers, but they tell us about the Godhead, and he refused it, liturgies - but she serves for the sake of participants, singing - but the true Easter singer is Christ (Heb. 2, 12 )? If the goal of worship is lost, then only the "joy" of the Jewish ministry remains from the greatest holiday. How would we not attach the bitter words of the Apostle Paul: "They are the enemies of the Cross of Christ, their end is the destruction; Their God is the vigor, and their glory - in Suncha; They think about the earth "(FLP. 3, 18-19).

Another objection against the Easter communion is the statement that before the holiday, such a bustle that is actually impossible to prepare normally to St. Commucion . But this is again an attempt to justify violation of the commandment "good goals." The Lord said one such a fussy woman: "Marfa! Marfa! You are staring and fussing about many things, and one is necessary. Maria elected the blessing part, which does not take away from it "(MF. 10, 40). Of course, first of all it refers to Easter. It is not by chance on the liturgy of the Great Saturday the words are silent: "Yes, every flesh is silent, and it is worth with fear and trepidation, and nothing earthly in itself is thinking." This is the right spiritual dispensation before the holiday, which only makes our soul capable of accepting grace. In Russia, all the preparations for Easter ended to the Great Four, and then stayed in the temple. And it is very correct. And the current practice of all cooking and cleaning to the Great Saturday is really dormant. She deprives us of the opportunity to feel the service of the passions of the Lord, and often our temples are half empty at the most beautiful Easter Evening (Liturgy of the Great Saturday), and Christians and Christians on this day off, instead of worship, the Hedgende of the Lord will be raised in the kitchens. Then in the Easter night instead of rejoice, they peck the nose. We must not give up the Easter communion, but simply change the schedule of cleaning and cooking. - Everyone to finish in the evening of the Great Environment, the benefit of almost everyone has refrigerators, and do a saving thirty soul.

And finally, argue that there are a lot of outsiders in Easter night, which are not ready for admission, but to confess them .

Yes it is. But what did the constant parishioners guessed that due to the excretions, they deprive the compounds with the creator? We must not refuse to make everyone, but just carefully look at the acquainting, and not helpful to remove. Otherwise, in large arrival it is impossible to fit anyone. After all, there are always those who are tangled "at the same time and coming up."

But where did this practice come from, contradictory and Scripture, and St. Cannons, and the teachings of the saints? After all, many by ignorance consider it almost part of the sacred legend. We are known young shepherders who say that the church will prohibit commitory for Easter! The origin of it is lighted in the dark years of persecution of Christians in the USSR. If in the Stalin's time the church wanted to be physically destroyed, then later, in Khrushchev's persecutions, the goggles decided to decompose her from the inside. A number of closed decisions of the CPSU Central Committee on the weakening of the influence of the Church were adopted. In particular, it was proposed to ban communion for Easter. The purpose of this was the complete destruction of Christianity in the USSR by 1980. Unfortunately, many priests and bishops succumbed to the pressure of authorized on the affairs of religion and stopped coming for Easter. But the most amazing thing is that this crazy, anticanonical practice designed to destroy the church has been preserved and still, and moreover, some grief - jealousy gives it for a sample of piety. Resurrected God! Rather, placed this evil custom, so that your children could be parties to your bowls in the Holiness Night.

Replies of the Hieromones of Dorofey (Baranov), the Outlist of the Transfiguration Monastery G. Saratov

What is arthos and how should it be used?

Arthos is a specially cooked church bread, outwardly similar to a large prosperity. The value of this bread for Christians is determined by its sanctification itself. Upon completion of the Night Easter Service, Artos is assumed to the royal gates, each, the priest reads a special prayer for the consecration of Artos and sprinkles with Holy Water "in honor of, and glory, and in the memory of the resurrection" of our Jesus Christ.

Artos is not just dedicated to the Lord, but marks an invisible presence among the praying Christ himself. This custom is preserved in the church from the apostolic times, when after the ascension of Jesus Christ the Apostles, gathering on a common meal, left the central place unoccupied and believed in front of him, clearly expressing faith in the words of the Savior: where two or three are collected in my name, there I am in the midst of them (Matt. 18, 20).

Also in prayer for the consecration of Artos, the priest, calling for the blessing of God to Artytos, asks the Lord about the healing of the ailments, about taking the health of the Holy Artos. Throughout the bright, the middle of Arthos is opposite the royal gates of the altar and make daily to Easter goddes daily. In a bright Saturday, as well as on the first Sunday after Easter, which is called Antipasha, after Liturgy, Artos flashes and distribute believers.

The use of arthos, which is a symbol of the most pressing bread for us - Christ the Savior, should be for a Christian rule of piety. Artos is a shrine, and along with Epiphany water - Agiasma, is a graceful assistance during bodily and mental illness. By bringing Arthos home, you need to store it with reverence as well as the prosphoras: drowning, put in a box or a jar, put under the icons or in a clean place and eat on an empty stomach, drinking with holy water.

It is only necessary to remember that the most important thing in the life of a Christian is the communion of the Holy Tynens - neither Artos nor the Epiphany water can not be replaced.

Is it true that the morning and evening prayers do not read on the bright week (and when should they read them again)? How to prepare to prepare for sacrament? Is it possible to pass every day?

Light saddimians - a completely special time in the liturgical life of the Church, as well as in the everyday life of Christians. A multiple repetition on the words of the Word of Christ's victory over death seems to be immersed by a person in a state of joyful arousal, which in some sense even interferes to focus on something else. "Nowadays the world, the sky and the Earth and the Underworld: Yes, the whole creature is celebrating the Uzdar of Christ, in the less thing," is the trail of the Easter canon, which every night will come in a bright week.

Thought by Christians throughout the year, the morning and evening prayers are filled with more repeated feelings, petitions about the forgiveness of sins and the missing forces for the daily struggle with passions and temptations. These feelings, ordinary for those who try to live a spiritual life, do not disappear at Easter, but the light of the Resurrection of Christ fills everything - "and the sky, and the Earth, and the Health." Therefore, the church posts for a while these repentant prayers and invites Christians and at home prayer to make the glorification of Christ victory over death.

Starting from Monday, the bright weeks until the morning of the bright Sabbath is inclusive instead of evening and morning prayers, "Easter Watch", and instead of the rules for communion - Easter canon and Easter stimiters (all these Easter prayers are in prayer) and the submission to the Holy Communion (Canon and Prayers to communion). If a person wants to prepare for communion on the first Sunday after Easter, then the laid three canon, morning and evening prayers and follow-up to communion are already read.

As for the post before the communion on the bright week, then, despite the statutory instructions on his cancellation, the generally accepted practice still recommends fasting one day. This is not a violation of the charter, but the necessary preparatory ascetic measure, especially for those involving irregularly.

Regarding daily communion on the bright week, everyone must solve this issue with his confessor. It depends on the degree of human coercury, the image of his life and many other reasons. Coming on the Light Sedmice behind the Liturgy performed on Easter-rank, it would be useful for the closest involvement of Easter joy.

Why after Easter they are not read by the prayers "King Heaven" and "worthy"? And what prayers need to read before meals?

Light saddimians makes changes to the external rules of piety, without detraining them, but as if giving us the opportunity to at least feel the words of Christ: "I don't call you slaves, because the slave does not know what Mr. Him does; But I called you friends, because I told you everything that heard from my father "(John 15, 15). For example, all earth bows are canceled in general, both in the temple and during the home prayer. This does not mean that we are not ready to stick to the Lord, but reminds us of what communication with him we are called.

At the beginning of all the prayers, in the period before returning the Easter Prayer "King Heavenly" is replaced with a trotterate "Christ Risen from the dead, death Death Death and Job in the Globhech under the belly." This is due to the fact that, starting with the passionate week, we follow the evangelical narration and empathets apostles, students of Christ. On Sunday, he was repeatedly disciples, talked with them and gave instructions, one of which sounds like this: it was necessary to suffer from Christ, and resurrect from the dead on the third day, and preached to be in the name of his repentance and forgive the sins in all nations, starting with Jerusalem. You will witness this. And I will send the promise of my father on you; You stay in Jerusalem in the city of Jerusalem, the current will not be powered over (Luke. 24, 46-49). Here, the Lord speaks of the coming descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and the birth of the Church of Christ. Therefore, in the period before the Trinity, we, together with the apostles, do not call for the Spirit of the Holy: "Priyi and messed in us," but we are, according to the word of the Lord, in anticipation of "investigating strength over".

At the end of all prayers, as it should be on great holidays, the waller is reading, instead of "worthy", which is the Irim of the Ninth Song of the Easter Canon: "The new Jerusalem is glowing ...". Also, ordinary prayers before and after biting food are replaced with a triple "Christ Risen from the Dead ..." and the wanders of Easter, respectively.

On the bright week instead of the morning and evening prayers, the Easter watch. Before communion these days is read by the follow-up to the Holy Communion (without Psalms) and the Canon Easter instead of all other canons.

All prayers (including those thanks by the Holy Communion) are preceded by a three-year reading of the Easter Truck: "Christ is resurrected from the dead, death Death, and I guessing in the tombeh belly." Psalms and prayers from the trisWhy ("Holy God ...") on "Father Our" are not read.

From the second week for Easter, the rule becomes the same, but before the Ascension holiday, some features appear in it:

  • instead of the prayer "King Heavenly", the trail of Easter is read three times,
  • instead of the prayer, "worthy there is" the chorus of the Easter canon "Angel is a grateful thanks" with IRMOS "glow, glowing, new Jerusalem."

The document "On the participation of the faithful in the Eucharist", approved in February 2016, recalls the Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, reminds that the laity wishing to compete on the liturgies of bright weeks, it is possible to limit the post before the food after midnight and dismanting itself from the unlimited consumption of food and beyon.

Rule to the Holy Communion on the Light Sedmice

The prayers of the saints of our father, Lord Jesus Christ, God, have mercy. Amen.

Holy Easter clock

Christ is resurrected from the dead, death, death, and the belly of the belly, and undergoing the belly. (Three times)

Resurrection of Christ Hosurev, we will bow to the Holy Lord Jesus, a single sinless. Your cross is paying yours, Christ, and the Holy Resurrection, we sing yours and Slavim: You bless our God, don't you know, if you do not know your name. Get the VSI Renius, bow to the Sunday of the Holy Resurrection: Be Bo to the cross the joy of all over the world. Always blessing the Lord, sing the resurrection of him: the crucifixion of Bo Pretrapev, the death of the death of destroying. (Three times)

Ipaos, voice 8th

First of Morning Like about Mary, and having gotten up the stone from the coffin, hearing from the angel: in the light of the descendant, with the dead, what are you looking for a man's man? You see the sobnya pellens, Tereste and the world are predupping, IKo I will envy the Lord, the Major Death, Yako there is a son of God, Saunyukovo human race.

Kondak, voice 8th

In addition and in the coffin, there was an effortlessly in the coffin, but the hell destroyed the power, and I resurrected the Esi Yako winner, Christ's wives, broadcasting wives: Raduyuya, and your apostle the world gave the Fallen Sunday.

Troparies, voice 8th

In the coffin of a carnation, in the hell with the soul of Yako, God, in Rai and the robber, and on the throne there was an Esi, Christ, with Father and Spirit, all the executive, incosited.

Glory to Father and Son and the Holy Spirit.

Yako Lynorystone, Jaco Paradise the Blessed, Winner and the parst of all the Tsarskago showing the bright, Christ, the coffin, the source of our resurrection.

And now and confessed and forever. Amen.

Vynyago consecrated divine village, rejoice: You have a joy, the Mother of God, calling: You are blessed in the wives of Esi, the wonderful Vladychitsa.

Lord have mercy. (40 times)

Easter canon, voice 1st

Song 1.
IRMOS: Resurrection day, enlighten people: Easter, Easter Lord! From the death of Bo to life, and from the Earth to the Sky, Christ God for us, victorious singer.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Clean the feelings, and the various the impregnable light of the Resurrection of Christ is brilliant, and the Raduytsya Request clearly and he heard, victorious.

Christ is risen from the dead.

The skies of the Woof is worthy and having fun, the earth is rejoicing, and the world celebrates the same, visible and invisible: Christ is Eternal, Eternal Cheerle.

Virgin [*]:
(Summer from the second day of Easter then give)

The deadline of the limit broke the ether, the eternal life of Christ, from the coffin, is attacked, the Devo is Vnsky, and the world of Translucecago.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Vassely see the son of your son and God, rejoice with the apostle, Bogalaglastic clean: And hedgehogs are rejoice in the first, I will have too much of the joys of wine, who was perceived by Esi, whims of Vnsky.

Song 3.
IRSMOS: Prick, I drink a new beer, not a wonderful one from the stone, but the source is a source, from the coffin of the alien of Christ, in the less, we are alleged.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Nowadays the world, the sky and the Earth and the Underworld: Yes, the whole creature is celebrated by the whole creature, he is alleged.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Yesterday, it is suddenly suited to you, Christ, I will save you again, I fought for you yesterday, myself asking, Savior, in your kingdom.


Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

At the unprecedented life, you have a good life, the goodness of the rose from you, clean, and the whole world is molded.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

God, the Eagle gave birth to the flesh, from the dead, and richer, lobby, clean, likui, and this soda of God, the preching, will be.

Ipaos, voice 4th:
Pre-Morning Like about Mary, and the founding stone is reversed from the coffin, hearing from the angel: in the light of the descendant, with the dead, what are you looking for, IKO man? You see the sobnya pellens, Tortste, and the world are predupping, IKo I will envy the Lord, the Major Death, Yako there is a son of God, Saunyukoto human genus.

Song 4.
IRSMOS: At the Divine Guardians, Godogogolitoy Avvakum, will be with us and will show the light-base angel, clearly verching: the life of the world, Yako Risen Christ, Yako Mespsin.
Christ is risen from the dead.

Magazine Women Paul, Yako Obdensible Virgin Warrow, Waving Christ: Yako Man, the Lamb Narechya: Impact, Jaco Razbusna is bad, our Easter, and Yako God is truthful to commit.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Yako Single Lamb, blessed by the crown of Christ Christ, will be enough for everyone to sneak, Easter cleaner, and Paks from the coffin of the Red Pravda to us Aids Sun.

Christ is risen from the dead.

David's Bogotets, before the hairy ark, playing, the people of God, the scenaries, the images of the sale in vain, having fun Divine, Yako Risen Christ, Yako Messer.


Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Created by Adam, your forefather, clean, is based on you, and the mortal dwelling is reversible, and the Ozari all the Divine Blights of the Resurrection.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

The Esgent gave birth to Christ Christ, perfectly from the dead, removing, clean, vigorous, kind and immanent in the wives and the red, going to the salvation of all, with the apostles rejoicing, that glorify.

Song 5.
IRSMOS:Morning Morning deep, and instead of the world, the song will bring Vladyza, and Christ as the truth, the Sun, the life of all the life.

Christ is risen from the dead.

The immeasurable prudentobia of the contents of the contents are in vain, to the light of the goy of Christ, cheerful legs, Easter coughing eternal.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Let's get started, I extend to Christ from the coffin of Jaco Bridegroom, and at mostly civilian Chinchi Easter Savings.


Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

He enlightened by the Divine rays and the lively resurrection of your son, the molded, and the joy is fulfilled by pious meeting.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

I did not express the gates of the Nature in the incarnation, the coffin did not destroy the seals, the king of the creation: Sunnyworthy is resistant to the sores, Mati rejoiced.

Song 6.
IRSMOS: Entraged into the underworld and crushed the edema eternal, containing Christ, and Tiddneven, Scho from China Ion, was resurrected from the coffin.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Having retained the values \u200b\u200bof the sign, Christ, he resurrected from the coffin, the wrenches of the Virgin is unhappy in your Christmas, and rejected us to the district door.

Christ is risen from the dead.

My Savior, the living and Szard, Yako, God of Himself will be the Father, SoviSoskresil Esi Vsissenge of Adam, risen from the coffin.


Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Having built the ancillary to death and the drainage, which embodied from your prechistan of the womb, to the net and suggestive life, the Virgin Devo.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Snow in the underworld, in the famine of yours, clean, early, and the extraordinary and incarnate as a lot of mind, and an exclusion of Adam, risen from the coffin.

Kondak, voice 8th
In addition and in the coffin, there was an effortlessly in the coffin, but the hell destroyed the power, and I resurrected the Esi Yako winner, Christ's wives, broadcasting wives: Raduyuya, and your apostle the world gave the Fallen Sunday.

East before the sun, the sun sachedly sometimes in the coffin, finally for the morning, looking for a mairosine's day, and a friend of the friends of Yeah: Oh other! Provide, we melted the body of the alternate and buried, the flesh of the awkwardness of Padshago Adam, lying in the coffin. We go, flowing in a lot of Volsvi, and bow, and bring the world of Yako Gifts, not in the pellets, but in the ship by accusing, and we cry, and we will recover: about Vladyko, Vostani, the fallen Sunday.

The Resurrection of Christ's Surprise, we will bow to the Holy Lord Jesus, a single sinless, crosses are paying yours, Christ, and the Holy Resurrection We sing yours and Slavm: You bless our God, don't you know that you know your name. PRI WAS VIRNI, I will bow to the Sunday of the Holy Resurrection: CE, Bo Pride the cross is the joy of all over the world. Always blessing the Lord, sing the resurrection of him: the crucifixion of Bo Pretrapev, the death of the death of destroying. (Three times)

Survised Jesus from the coffin, I am a rustling, give us the abdomen of Eternal and Grace. (Three times)

Song 7.
IRMOS: The ragship from the Peshchi, the belly, the belly, is willing, and the death of death in nonsense is having a well-blessed Fathers God, and is declared.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Wives from the worlds of the Bogomdy in the trace of you Tchachu: Jaco is dead with tears of quest, bowing to the rejoicing of the living God, and Easter the secret of yours, Christ, the student of the Annunist.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Deaths celebrate the killing, Adovo destruction, other life eternally began, and we sing Vinovnago, the unagnigago blessed Fathers of God and declared.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Yako is a sacred and express, Sieya Saving Nosta, and the Light, Svetonnago Day, the height of the Lowestrian: In Nejo, the bright light from the tomb of the carnation to everyone.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

The son of your death, the wonderful, which is all the mortal abdomen of the abstractness of the centuries, the same blessed Fenthers God and the welcome.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

All reducing the creation, the former person, noted in yours, Bogalagladnaya, the womb, and the crucifixion of Prederpev and Death, Risen Bogglybel, complaining us to Yako Mespsile.

Song 8.
IRMOS: This challenged and holy day, one Saturday the king and the Lord, holiday holidays, and the celebration there are celebrations: In Ogez, Bless Christ forever.

Christ is risen from the dead.

Prick, Novago grapes of birth, Divine Ages, in deliberate, the days of the resurrection, the kingdom of Christ those who are angry with the eyelid of God.

Christ is risen from the dead.

It is built by the vicio of your eyes, sion, and everyone: Be Bo Caido to You, Yako, the Women's Lightweight, from the West, and the North, and the Seas, and the East of Chad Your, in you the blessing of Christ in the eyelids.

Trooked: The Most Holy Trinity God, thank you.

Father Almighty, and the Word, and the Soul, three of the Trem-connected in the Hypostashechnia, is primarizing and staying, in the baptized, and you will be blessing at all times.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Pride to you into the world of the Lord, the Devot of the Virgin, and the womb of Adovo Romorg, the Resurrection of Darov's mortal to us: Bless him in eyelids.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

All the lowest death of the son of your son, Devo, by his resurrection, Yako, God strong comprehensive us and there: they infect him in the eyelids.

Song 9.
Chorus: Majses my dossessing thirtextly from the coffin of Christ's vital.

IRSMOS: Glow, glow, the new Jerusalem: the glory of Bo Lord on you, likui now, and having fun, Zion! You, clean, sneak, the Virgin, about your christmas christmas.

Chorus: Christ New Easter, the victim is lively, the Lamb of God, swallow the sins of the world.

Oh, Divine! Oh, kindless! Oh, sweets! With us boils, it was not necessary to visit Esi, to the condation of the century, Christ, the Eagle Verenia, the approval of the hope of Imusche, rejoice.

Chorus: Angel is a graceful: pure devo, rejoice, and Paki River, rejoice! Your son is resurrected by Tydnenene from the coffin, and the dead erected, people, having fun.

Oh, Easter grandfather and sacred, Christ! About wisdom, and the Word of God, and Cool! Make us anterorable to you, in the wild days of your kingdoms.


Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

According to, the Devo, you Belnie: Having rejoice, the door of the Lord, rejoice in the ardent of animate; Rejoice, IYUEZH for the sake of us now takes the light from you born out of the dead resurrection.

Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Have fun and rejoice, Divine Door of Light: Behind Bo Jesus in the coffin, Aids, seeking the sun lighter, and returning the whole Ozariv, Bogoraded by Vladych.

Exapostillary self-saying
The flesh is asleep, Jaco is dead, the king and Lord, Tyidneven was resurrected by Esi, Adama erected from Tly, and abolishing death: Easter ingenuity, the world is salvation. (Three times)

Easter Poems, Glas 5th:

Verse: God will resurrect the gods, and the guise of him.

Easter is sacred to us showing: Easter Nova Holy, Easter Mysterious, Easter all-way, Easter Christ delight: Easter Immaculate, Easter, Easter, Easter, Easter, Doors Greyaky Outsking us, Easter all sanctifying faithful.

Verse: Jaco disappears smoke, let it disappear.

Purchase from the vision of the wisest of the Annunciation, and Zion Ritch: We accept the joy of the consension of the Resurrection of Christ; Wheel, likui and rejoice, Jerusalem, Tsar Christ, Nurst from the coffin, Yako Groom is what is happening.

Verse: Tako, the sinners will die from the face of God, and the righteous will be divided.

Myrova-soldiers, the morning deep, representing the coffin of the abnormalist, the outbreak of an angel, on Kamen Sedyask, and that having heed, Sita verbolash: What is looking for Zhivago with the dead? What is crying nonentago in Tly? Sedha prevent his student.

Verse: This day, the Yejor Shatov, the Lord, rejoice and extend in Oy.

Easter Red, Easter, Easter Lord! Easter all the wonderful assumption. Easter! We rob to each other. About Easter! Getting rid of the sorrow, for from the coffin of Snajo from the packer, having trained Christ, the wife of joy is torture, the verb: prevent the apostle.

Glory to Father and Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and confessed and forever. Amen.

Resurrection day, and enlighten the celebration, and we will take each other. Retz, brethren, and hate us, forgive the whole resurrection, and taco reopens: Christ is resurrected from the dead, death, death, and the belly of the belly, which is visiting the gobech.

[*] Chorus to them: "The Most Holy Mother of God, save us," or "Glory ...", "and now ..."

Christ is resurrected from the dead, death, death, and the belly of the belly, and undergoing the belly. ( Three times)

Lord have mercy. (40 times)

Prayer to the Holy Communion

And poems:
Although Yarsti, human, the body of languid,
Fear of getting up, but do not fall asleep: light boat there.
Divine singing blood to communication,
The first to reconcile the tasted.
The same daring, mysteriously marriage.

Inya poems:
First, the parties are terrible victims,
Life-giving body lord,
Sim prayes with trepidation:

Prayer 1st, Vasily the Great
Lordko Lord Jesus Christ, God, the source of life and placelessness, all the creatures visible and invisible, the wrong father, the sacred son and the Sobannaya, premisted for goodness in the last days in the flesh, and rolling, and the burrs of ungrateful and worry, and yours We have a renewed sin of a renewed sin. Our nature, myself, an immellent king, accept and my sinner repentance, and your ear your ear, and I hear the verbs. Sigger Bo, Lord, siggling on the sky and before you, and believe in the height of the Glory of Glory: Progels bole your goodness, your commandments to passup, and without listening to your commandments. But you, Lord, innobile, long-sighted, and a multi-cell, did not betray me to die with my defenseless, my every way waiting for the appeal. You Bo Relk Esi, Hummifier, the Prophet Your: Well, the desire is not the worst of the death of a sinner, but hedgehog will contact and live to him. Not Khoshchi Bo, Vladyko, creating your hand to take a ruin, below the killed in the death of humanities, but they all escape everyone, and to the mind of the truth. Toky and Az, Thick and Unworthy of Heaven and Earth, and the Say of Lifestying Life, all overlapping sin, and the Slavs Having, and your defilement image; But the creation and the creation of your former, I do not despair your salvation dropsyan, on your own immeasurable prudentobia, daring, cock. We accept the UBO and Mene, the humanity of Lord, Jacques the Bludnitsa, Yako Robber, Yako Mytar and Yako Bludnago, and the Major Gravity burden of sins, the sin of swamping around the world, and the weighters of human healing, wearing and burdened to ourselves and drowned, not seeing the righteous But sinful to repentance. And cleanse me from all sneake of the flesh and spirit, and teach me to commit the shrine in your passion: Yako and a clean note of the conscience of mine, shrines of your part of acceptance, connect to your holy body and blood, and I have lives in me and staying, with my father, And your Holy Spirit. To her, Lord Jesus Christ, my God, and yes, not in the courts there will be a communion of the prechy and life-giving Taine of yours, below yes, I will be a soul and body, it's unworthy of those communion, but gone, even to the end of my sickness, not hard Part of the shrines of yours, in the Spirit of the Saint Communication, in the abdomen of the belly eternally, and in a favorable response to the scary judgment of yours: Yako and Az with all your favorites I will be a nonsense of your good, Yazh residents who love the Lord, the Lord, was always declared eyelids. Amen.

Prayer 2nd, St. John of Zlatoust
My God's God, Wem, Jaco, deliver worthy, is satisfied below, yes under the shelter the temple of the soul of the soul, I am so much empty and half there is, and not the IMASHI WHERE WHAT ARE WHICH WHERE HAPPY OPEN WHO ONLITICS: but I am very much And nowadays my humility; And I was perceived by Esi in Vertepe and in Yasnah insensitive races, Sita at the soul, and in Yaslah, the wildly of the soul, and in the desecrated my body. And I did not disadvantacularly dismissed, and there are sinners in the house of Simonovnago, Takso Deli and in the House of Smyshed Moya Soul, leper and sinning; And Yaksa did not hesitate to the damnitz and sinful, who came and touched you, Sita and the sin and about me, the sinner, coming and touched; And Jacns did not struggle with the perfectness of the mouth and the unclean, kissing, below my rush of the fobby of the mouth and indisputable, below the vile and unclean, and the surname and the uncleanishgo of my language. But yes, it will be the corners of the Best of your body, and the honest of your body, in consecration and enlightenment and the health of my soul and the body, to alleviate the weights of many of my sins, in compliance with all the Diavolism of Deal, in the outdation and renovation of my and Lukavago, In the killing of passions, in the supply of your commandments, in the app of the Divine Vodoya grace, and your kingdom assignment. Do not boat Jaco despise the cock for you, God, God, but Jaco jerks to the inelennant goodness, and yes, not on the mint, you will be forbidting your wolf. I pray to you: Yako is Saint, Vladyko, consecrate my soul and body, mind and heart, chreno, and the womb, and everything is updated, and the fear of your Udeekh, and the sanctification of yours is inherently from me. And Budi Assistant and the Intercession, whims in the world of my stomach, having been in passing me and the most appropriate to you with the saints, prayers and messengers of the Major Mother, your lovely servants and the preching forces, and all the saints, from the century to you in progress. Amen.

Prayer 3rd, Simeon Metaphratest
One is pure and unprecedented Lord, for the ineffable mercy of human-loving our all perceived mixing, from the clean and virgin blood of the sketch of the nature, the spirit of the Divine is invasion, and the favor of the father of the Father, Christ Jesus, the wisdom of God, and the world, and power; Your perception of the life-giving and saving suffering is perceived, cross, navigation, copy, death, death of my disintegral passions of Bodyna. The burial of your Adoza captivable kingdoms, I grue my good thoughts to the glooming advice, and the puffing of the Spirit of the Spirit. Padshago Padrotza Library Resurrection of Padshago Padshawn, fell by sinuszagosya, I proposing repentances to me. With the cop of your ascension, a carnal surrounding perception, and the Siens of the father of the sewage of the postcase, the gum part of the saved to receive the saints of the saints. Honestly sacred your students who have been honest than the coming and mee show that coming is honest than your student vessels. Although Paki come to judge the universe, the faith, the Blagogolol and I warm up in the clouds, the judge and the creator of mine, with all the saints of yours: yes, it's impossible to slander with all the holy saints, and I'm sick, with the original father, and the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Your Spirit, now and dream, And forever in the ages. Amen.

Prayer 4th, his
Yako on your terrible and unlickered judgment, Christ, God, and the condemnation of the lifting, and the word of creating evil me; Sita, before not even the reassure of my condemnation, the saint of your altar is coming to you and before the scary and holy angels are yours, who is aware of his conscience, I apologize to my and unplanned act, bring Yiya and frighten. Idia, Lord, my humility, and leave all my sins; Identify, I. Introducing the whale of Muya Muya Moja. Some failure not soda evil? Cy sin do not coordinate? Some evil is not imaginable in my soul? Already bo and business soda: fornication, adultery, pride, rustling, rooting, hula, fellowship, laughter ulters, hate, enlightening, sober, love, leavychimitis, pride, popularity, theft, inappropriate, worship, jealousy , silence, lawlessness; Everyone of my feeling and every dtskverchnye, raised, is obsoletemed by the coordinates, the dealership of the best in every possible way. And Wech, Lord, Yako lawlessness my forecast is my head; But immensely there are many generotes of yours, and the mercy is inevitable by the infant taste of goodness, and your people overwhelming your humans. Toky, the stubborn king, the kind of god, surprise and on me, sinful, the grace of yours, show the goodness of your strength and Javi the fortress of the flavorship of the mercy of your mercy, and eating the Greynago intake. We accept me, I am a bludnago, Robber, Bludnitsa. We accept me, prettier and in a word, and the case, and I will like the troubles, and the thoroughness of the wilderly sinless you. And it's in a uncleliest hour of those who came the bone of Esi, worthy of adequately who have come, Tako and Mene, Greshnago: a lot of booster and desecrated, and the spirit of your saint, and the gloomy spiritual womb and the Word, and in the Word, and Thrust, Days, manifested and impregnated, will be wilts and invisible. And Wem, Yako submitted the sins of my prettier, I have been preserved, I have been preserved me, and the word hijacked with me about the mind of unrearly sinful. But the Lord, the Lord, and not the righteous court of yours, below the yarriasis of the appendix of me, below the anger of yours is pushing me; Someone, Lord, Yako is not Tokmo unreleased ESM, but also your creature. You are a worm, Lord, approved the fear of your fear, Az Schobawn before you coordinates. You are a fear of a single sinner, but I pray, do not take into court with your slave. More than Bo lawless Nazrushi, Lord, Lord, who will stand? Az Bo Emba Pace of Sin, and Just Destinous, Below Satisfied and Voice Heavenly Heavenly, from many sins of my sins, including numbers: every bolery and deceit, and the tricks of satanino, and plants, worst, advising to sin and other Passion not Oskude from me. Kiima Bo did not raise sins? Kiimi no evil? Any sin of soda, any uncleanness to put my soul to my soul, to you, to you, to God, and man. Who will argue me, in the scene evil and tolika padshago sining? My God's God, on the Upopa; there is a mi of rescue hope, it wins humanly your many of the lawlessness of my, Budi Savior, and on your generous and your dear, weave, leave, forgive me, Mi Saving hope. Pomemui, God, in the greatness of your grace and not a reproach by my world, and not condemnant on the acts of mine, but referring, getting rid of my soul from repairs to her angry and people perceptions. Save me for the sake of mercy, yes, I will multiply a sin, prevents the grace of yours; And I praise and glorify you always, all the days of my belly. You boat God by and saved and saved; And you are ashamed to you with the original father and the Most Holy and Good, and the life-giving your spirit now and is dreaming, and forever. Amen.

Prayer 5th, St. John Damaskina
Lordko Lord Jesus Christ, OUR, OUR, ONE HAVE HAVE THE POWER OF PERSON ORDERS, YOBO AND NON-PERSONS MY PRESURY, AND NOT IN THE PERSONGREMENT, AND CONTRIBUTION OF THE DIRECTORY DIVERSIVE DIRECTORY, AND THE MOST, MOTHER, AND LIVE TEIN, NOT IN Severity, nor in flour, nor in the app of sins, but in cleansing, and sanctification, and the engagement of the future of the abdomen and the kingdoms, in the wall and help, and in the objection resister, in the extermination of many of my sins. You boat the God of mercy, and generous, and people's humanity, and you are ashamed to you, with Father, and the Holy Spirit, now and are confused, and forever. Amen.

Prayer 6th, St. Vasily Great
Wem, Lord, Yako is unworthy of the preachtago of your body and honestly the blood, and I am, and the trial of yourself and I drink, not telling the body and the blood of Christ and God and God, but on your generous, daring to you with the River: Easy my flesh , and kick my blood, in me is, and Az in it. Soaring, Lord, and not a dream of a sinning, but coordinate with me for the grace of yours; And yes, there will be a saint of Sia in healing, and cleansing, and enlightenment, and preservation, and salvation, and in consecration of the soul and body; In the outdation of the dream, and Lukavago act, and the acts of Dolvolskago, mental at Udeekh my actual, in daring and love, to you; in correction of live and approval, to the reassembly of virtues and perfection; In the fulfillment of the commandments, in the Spirit of the Saints Communication, in the afraid of the abdomen eternally, in response, is favorable on the terrible judgment of yours: not to court or in condemnation.

Prayer 7th, St. Simeon of the New Theologian
From the bad removed, from the grinding of the heart, from a unclean language, from the soul is defiled, and my prayer, my Christ, and do not form my dive, below the images below. Guestionally of a dazened Glagolati, Yazh Krazchu, Christ,, and the science of Mi, that MI is applied by Creit and Glagolati. We are sinful for the harm of the harmnica, Yazh, where the habitats, banging, banging your nose, the god of my, Lord and Christ's God, doringe. I didn't hesitate from the heart to be renewed from the heart, lower me, the word: Your guess, and hold and kiss, and the jets of the tear, who is a dizziness of the foolishness. My ohm with my tears, clean them, the word. Leave and my preggie, and the forgiveness of the eight. The weights of the sharp, the weight and scrap, and the ulcers of the zrish, but also the faith of the Weigh, and the thrust of the seeishness, and the rehabilitation of the hears. It's not lightening to you, my God, my work, my get rid, a drop below the drop below the drop is some kind of drops. Failed my victim of your eyes, in the book of yours and still unmanified is written to you the essence. We have a humility of my, I will leave the work of my Elik, and the sins are all left, God all sorts: yes, a pure heart, fighting thoughts, and the soul of a crushing, inappropriate, I come together and the Most Holy Taine, Iimo is enliven and adore the poison and pian your heart; You Bo Relk Essay, my own: I have any poisonous flesh, and you have my blood, I have a waste of this, in Nevmer Az Yesh. Truly the Word of any Lord and God's God: Divine Bo Comferately and Governing Favoro, do not want to be the same, but with you, Christ, Christ, the Light Triswall, Enlightening the World. Yes, the recruitment is not the same in addition to you the abdomen, my breath, my belly, my joggy, rescue the world. To the sake of the sake of the sake of the sake of you, with tears, and the soul of the defendant to get rid of my lacerations, I ask pleasant mi, and your vigorous and immaculate sacraments are inappropriate, yes, yes prebelles, I am treated with me: yes, not except The charming will defect me flattering, and the prestivation will take the welfare of your words. This is for the sake of the sake of you, and the heat of yelling: Jacques the Bludnago, the Bludno, and the Bludnitsa who came, taco, and Schistra and Schistra. The soul is crushing, now Bo to you coming, Vam, Savior, Yako, Yakzki Az, not the more preference to you, below sod of act, Like AZ Soda. But Sie Paki Wem, Yako is not the majesty of the lacerations, nor sins exceed the god of my much long-suffering, and humanity is extreme; But having mercy compassionate warm-up, and clever, and light, and the lights are creative, the songs of your deities are promotion, and the strange and angel, and the human thought, talking to them mumps, the other than your true one. This is dyring to make me, this is nasty, my, my Christ. And taking your rich blessing to us, rejoice in a couple and tremble, the fires are taking off her grass, and strangely a miracle, irrigating this, and I am soothered, I am a bunk is a bunk, unfortunate. Today, thanks to the thoughts, the grateful heart, grateful to the dreams, my souls and the bodies of mine, who twisted and greatly, and the Slavor, God, my God, is blessed, now, and forever.

Prayer 8th, St. John Zlatoust
God, weave, leave, forgive my sinners, Elika Ti Sogrechy, wheezing in the Word, whether it is a matter of thinking, willing, will or unheard, mind or nerazumami, all MI sorry for this is good and a humus, and the prayers of the preching Mother, smart servants and The holy forces, and all the saints from the century to you by fragrant, finding the sacred and the prechive of your body and honest blood, in the healing of the soul and body, and in the cleansing of the evil spirits. Yako is your kingdom and power and glory, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and are confessed, and forever. Amen.

His same, 9th
Just satisfied, the Lord's lord, and the subsesses under the shelter of the soul of Moyya; But so far you have a keyshine, Yako is a philantal, zhi in me, jerking start; We commanders, and the door open to the door, you have one who has once created the Esi, and the people with human-humidifice, the ends and educate my thoughts. I believe, Yako, Schatrushi: Don't Boble, with tears who came to you, honed themselves; Below, the sooter rejected the ESI resting; Below the robber, who gives your kingdom, the echo; Below the persecutor, he left the ESI, hedgehogly: But from repentance you came with all, in the face of your friends, I was thinking of the same, my blessed always, now and in demonstrative eyelids. Amen.

His same 10th
Lord Jesus Christ's God, Oslabi, leave, clean and forgive the sinful, and indecent, and unworthy slave, and my sinners, and sin, and the fall of the Falls, Elika, from youth, i, even to the present day and the hour of sinful: And in nerazumiy, whether it is in the wonderch or shame, or thoughts and thoughts, and beginnings, and all my feelings. And the prayers of the unbearable Mary Merry, the Mother, one of the nuclear hopes and the victims and salvation of my, the most unlocked, and the terrible, imperfect, life-giving and terrible sacraments, to leaving sins and the eternal sacrament, and enlightenment, Fortress, healing, and health of the soul and body, and in consumption and from the shipping of my miseles, and crumbs, and enterprises, and novice dreams, dark and deserted spirits; Yako is yours there is a kingdom, and power, and glory, and honor, and worship, with the Father and Holy Spirit, now and are confused, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer 11th, St. John Damaskina
Before the doors of the temple of your prestitude, and the people do not retreat; But you, Christ, God, was justified, and Canana pardon, and the robber of Paradise the door is rejected, curing your womb and we are coming and touching you, IKO Bludnitsa, and bleeding: ova clouds of the edge of the rhyme touched, ov Your neosieus prechures kept, the resolution of sins suffered. Az, the popyan, all your body is baking perception, but I will not be soldered; But I will receive me, Jarka, and enlighten my showerful feelings, getting my sinful guilt, prayers in disabilities, and heavenly strength; Yako blessed Esi forever. Amen.

Prayer of St. John Zlatoust
I believe, Lord, and confession, Yako, you are to hold Christ, the son of God Zhivago, who came to the world of sinful to save, from Nich's the first EMI AZ. I still believe, Yako This is your most preching body, and this is the most honest blood of yours. I pray for a climax: I have mercy, and forgiveness of my pregregation, free and unwitting, like a word, like a business, iznay and ignorance, and the controversial sacraments are inappropriate, to leaving sins, and the eternal. Amen.

Coming coming up, saying mentally these verses of the metaphratest:
Be proceed to the divine communion.
Lights Bo Esi, unworthy fall.
But the work of cleaning me from everyone is bad.


And poems:
The bogging blood is terrible, human, in vain:
Lights Bo eat, unworthy fall.
Divine body and loves me and nourishes:
He loves the spirit, the mind nourishes it strange.

Then the trails:
I was delapted by my love, Christ, and changed myself by Divine Your Study; But they hit the fire of my own sins of my sin, and satisfied with it in you in you enjoy the controversial: yes, Likuaya I exalted, so much, the two coming of yours.
In the Lights of Holy Your Caclosure is unworthy? Through bole boldly the Covenant into the title, the clothes of me denounced, I can be married, and I will be connected from the angels. Clean, Lord, the soul of the soul is mine, and save me, Yako is a humus person.

Also prayer:
Vladyko humanito, Lord Jesus Christ's God, yes, not in the courts there will be a holy Sieya, for the soul of life, for himself, but in the cleansing and sanctification of the soul and body, and into the engagement of the future of life and kingdoms. I also, hedgehog to glue God, the benefit of the hope of rescue my salvation in the Lord.

And further:
Time Tweese Tweese, the Son of God, Particitant Me. I do not like your enemy of your mystery, nor the lobsia of Ti Dam, Yako Judas, but I will eat the robber to confess: the obstacles of me, Lord, in your kingdom.