Ideal time for training. Best time for training

Ideal time for training. Best time for training
Ideal time for training. Best time for training

One of the fundamental and extremely ambiguous fitness issues is the time of day for training. Is it good to train in the evenings when most of us are exempt from work? If so, when exactly should the classes begin? There are many different opinions on these issues.

Let's try to figure it out in this matter. "For" and "against" evening fitness, advice on holding evening workouts is our topic of today's article. Begin!

Evening fitness: arguments "against"

There are no significant deficiencies in the evening workouts, except for two factors: accumulating over the day of fatigue (which can negatively affect the results) and dinner after training, which is capable of providing no benefit from aerobic classes.

If you train in the evening in order to lose weight - make the last meal to the hike in the hall

The rest relates to the most advantages of morning classes. It is believed that the morning glycogen deficit and low insulin levels (we will not be immersed in physiological issues of why it happens) contribute to more efficient fat burning.

There is also an opinion that the processes of energy exchange in the body, activating in the evening, interfere with the effective growth of muscle mass. However, this is a very controversial question, it is impossible to include such statements for unambiguous arguments.

We note another curious fact.Morning workouts are considered useful in Asian countries: Japanese, Chinese and other residents of this region are most often engaged in 7-8 in the morning. At the same time, it is impossible not to admit that in the "Western" world, including Russia, athletes achieve excellent results and in training in the evening.

So, we found out that there is no weighty arguments. Now let's get to the benefits.

Advantages of evening fitness

Let's start with the obvious: Fitness lovers have to do in the evening. All service is designed for it. If you just attend the equipment gym at any time of the day, then various specialized training are especially effective in the evening.

As noted above, subject to rigid observance of the diet (that is, if you do not eat after evening workout) Classes beginning in 19-21 hours will be most effective for weight loss. But once again focusing: after training, in this case, only devoid of fats and carbohydrate products can be allowed.

Cardiovascular system easier tolerate evening workoutsBut this does not mean that the effect will be lower. We are talking about the danger to harm yourself excessive loads, which in the evening decreases. This applies to both power and aerobic workouts, but a special effect manifests itself when working with "iron".

So still, "yes" or "no"?

In fact, it is not so important, you are engaged in the morning or evening.

While sports science does not know the unambiguous arguments in favor of one of these options.

The output suggests the following: it is possible to engage in the evening, it does not carry any harm or other minuses. But then there is another important question: and "in the evening", this is what exactly? Reply to him.

Optimal time for evening workout

The lower border of time can be installed, focusing on dinner. You should eat, wait an hour or two and only then start studying fitness. The reason is that seriously eat at the end of occupations is undesirable. For physiological reasons and to fall asleep normally, you should complete the workout at least 2-3 hours before sleep. It turns out that a reasonable bottom plan of time is 19 hours.

During evening domestic training, it is worth thinking about neighbors: it is better to reduce the noise to a minimum. This task is well solved by the simulators Life Fitness, one of whose important advantages is quiet.

Finally, a small advice: never change the time of visiting the sports hall sharply. If you need to go to another day of the day - shift the start of the workout per hour or two each time, no more. So you will save your body from unnecessary shocks.

When in time of the day it is better to exercise from a physiological point of view? In the evening, fatigue, and in the morning somehow not ready the body? In other words, when it is better to train, in the morning or in the evening?

Training in the morning

What happens in the human body in the morning? You woke up, washed, woke up finally 🙂 and felt the tide of strength. Perhaps, at one other time of the day we do not feel as cheerfully and vigorously like in the morning.

This is explained of course long sleep and hormones. In the morning, approximately 6 to 8 hours in the body, cortisol is highly highlighted. This catabolic hormone helps to actively split fats, carbohydrates and proteins of the body. And this, among other things, an important anti-inflammatory agent protecting us from various kinds of infections.

Increased energy, many hours, reinforced cortisol secretion - what could be better for training? Especially for workouts on the relief.

I believe that morning - the perfect time for serious fitness sessions

It is not by chance that most professional athletes spend their workouts precisely in the morning. It is really right.

For people engaged in muscle buildup, the next advice will be relevant. In order for the increased secretion of cortisol did not damage the muscle mass, accumulated with such work, immediately after awakening it is worth adopting a small dose of amino acids (for example, BCAA) or serum (fast) protein. Do it right in front of the morning training. This really affects muscle mass in the best way.

After the morning workout, you should have a tight breakfast. I am sure that even those who usually do not want to eat in the morning, after a good workout will be sprinkled with a healthy morning hunger.

Meanwhile, many people feel that it is in the morning they should not train with gravity. I myself came to this conclusion through personal experience. In the morning, it is much easier to get injury, if you do not pay the time to a thorough warm-up. For many people, if you spend your workouts in the morning, then only aerobic, lung power classes, static exercises. Flexibility in the morning in most people are much lower than in the evening. Therefore, stretching to do in the morning is less pleasant.

You must independently determine whether the morning is suitable for training that you are.

Training in the evenings

In the evening, on the contrary, in many ways the body is better ready for the load, but this fatigue ...

Do you know that fatigue is different? Analyze, what are you tired from?

1. All day dragged bags with cement?

2. Or a whole day sat in front of the monitor? Is this physical fatigue?

Or maybe you just forgot to have lunch or recalled? Maybe this fatigue is emotional? And good physical activity will help break out of a closed circle of negative and fuss?

If in the first case you can definitely say that there is most likely a training session. Then in the second - I'm sure about this - you need to take myself for a soft place and drag into the hall! Fatigue as a hand will remove.

It also happens that it is difficult to understand whether it is worth training today or not. Here I recommend applying an old proven rule:

If you doubt, go to the evening workout or not - go

Just go to the hall and start training. If in the first minutes of training the fatigue only increased, just make a minimum of exercises with a lightweight weight and go home. But I am sure that most of these potentially missing, workouts will be "with a bang." Surprise your energy yourself!

At the subjective perception of training greatly affects the habit. It is important to understand that a person is extremely flexible being. We can work out the habit of training at any time of the day. The main thing is the habit. And only if you really begin to notice that the selected time is unsuccessful, then you should think about changing the lesson regime.

Training twice a day

Sounds unexpected? It seems impossible? Suitable only by professionals? I do not agree with you, as I know a lot of examples from ordinary people with many cases and trouble.

Two workouts per day are very effective for a quick result. Such a principle is particularly suitable for weight loss and rapid acts in shape. Of course, it requires effort and availability of sufficient time. But, I emphasize, it is very effective. For example, the program and my other trainings almost always require two lessons per day. One training (Morning) We have the main, the second (evening) is auxiliary and very short.

Two workouts per day are not fiction and not nonsense. This is just a habit and dedication.

We consider plus and consumers at different times of the day

Analyzing the indicators of human biorhythms, the level of hormones and the temperature of our body at different intervals of the day, we conclude that our functional state changes during the day. The highest efficiency in person is observed from 10 to 12 and from 15 to 18 hours.

Interesting: Experts adhere to the opinions that at noon and early in the evening the temperature of our body is above the body temperature immediately after waking up. Training in this period of time is optimal, as it decreases the risk of muscle stretching and injury.

But not everyone does not always work out in the middle of the day. Work and studies require time, and we have two options: spending training in the morning or evening.

Physical activity in any case will benefit, because there is no specific time for sports. But what kind of hours it turns out to achieve maximum results? We offer in detail to consider the most optimal and convenient options.

1) Morning workout:

Sports in the early hours, immediately after awakening, are complex only at first. The human body over time gets used to systematic morning loads, and after several such training, you can wake up without any problems without alarm clock to the time-settled time. Immediately after sleep, the body temperature is lowered, therefore, in the morning energy workouts, moreWhat helps enhanced fat burning with the body.

Also early workouts perfectly accelerate metabolismWhat makes it possible to burn more calories throughout the day. Plus, the body after morning physical activity is in a tone, which helps to make it easier to transfer the afternoon, during which the period is usually clone to sleep and work is lost.

But there are also its weaknesses: Not preheated muscles are easy to injure, so before morning workout, it is necessary to carry out a good workout for all muscle groups. Despite the fact that in the morning, sports facilities contribute to the rapid burning of fat, with a low temperature and hormones, calories it is in the very morning workout that is slower than during the evening. If you train in the morning, then enter into the habit breakfast for one and a half hours before training And once again ensure the body of food after.

Ideally, to achieve a noticeable result, you need to do every day at least 1 hour. Morning workout improve blood inflow to the brainthat stimulates its functioning.

2) Day training:

Such workouts are quickly included in the habit. At this time, the costs of power exercises, stretching, crossfit and other exercises that require excerpts and strength will be most effective.

In the afternoon, the body temperature and hormone level rises. Muscles become piety and more flexible, after noon, workout will bring a good result, while reducing the risk of muscle tension and, as a result, muscle pain.

Day training is perfectly suitable for those who want to increase muscle strength and increase the level of endurance. They need to competently plan according to the mandatory meal. Lunch, in case of physical exertion, divide into two receptions: for one and a half or two hours before and an hour after training.

Of minuses We highlight a tight schedule of study or work. Not everyone can afford to spend time training at a lunch break (40-50 minutes). The occupation can pass "curly" and ineffective because of the desire to do everything and immediately for the minimum period.

3) Evening workouts:

After 16:00, the muscles are in the best form.. Power training with dumbbells or barbell will be effective - that is this time is more suitable for drawing relief.than weight loss.

Evening workouts practically do not differ in efficiency from late day. Later in the fitness clubs are usually tightly filled: everyone is in a hurry after work and study to play sports and remove emotional tension. But it is worth considering the fact that physical activity provokes the body to work out adrenaline. If you do too late, then such training can be caused by sleep disorders. Optimal time for evening workout - 2-3 hours before sleep.

To secure the workout results, we advise you to drink a protein cocktail containing a large amount of protein necessary to form muscle relief, as well as an active reducing effect on muscle tissue, removing muscle tension and pain. At the same time, protein cocktails are easily absorbed and digested due to their liquid consistency, thereby ideal for restoring the body after evening workout, without laying off in adipose tissue and not creating severity in the stomach. Drinking protein cocktails is recommended 2-3 hours before sleep.

Important: Do not forget to reinforce the power workouts, as they are really dangerous on an empty stomach.

Whatever time for sports you choose, remember, the main thing is the regularity of training! With periodicity at least 3 times a week The results will not make himself wait.

In order to contact an individual consultant who will make you a workout and nutrition plan, go link. November 18, 2016, 17:56 2016-11-18

Every person who begins to do fitness, at some point wondering: What time is the most suitable in order to train? This question depends on the set of factors, but we will try to answer it most clearly and accessible.

I would like to note that everyone who took themselves in the hands and does any kind of sport, is already on the right track, and it does not matter what time it is engaged in. The main thing is that he does it! It should be understood that even after reading our recommendations, you yourself choose the workout time in accordance with your employment and your desire.

Scientists have proven that the best time for training in the gym, it is 4-5 hours after noon (based on a scientific study published in the magazine "Sports Medicine"). But who said that in another time it is impossible to do? Let's consider the pros and cons of workouts at different times of the day.

Morning training

Morning workout is incredibly pleasant! For example, Duane Johnson always trains in the morning. Even before dawn, at four o'clock in the morning, Duane goes on a jog, so intense that after her you can squeeze clothes. Such an early cardio helps him cheer up and asks the right attitude for the rest of the day. Let's look at the pros and cons of morning classes.


  • Training in the morning accelerate metabolism (metabolism).
  • You get a charge of cheerfulness and positive energy for the whole day.
  • Morning training is greatly disciplined. As practice shows, it is much easier to teach yourself to morning workouts than to daily or evening.
  • Because still sleep, you will leave much less time to distract.
  • In the morning, during the loads, there is first combustion of fat reserves in your body, which means that time is great for cardiotrans.


  • If you do not like or not get used to getting up early, it will be difficult for you to make yourself train at such a time.
  • In the morning, the muscles are not yet preheated, so without a high-quality warm-up, the likelihood of injuries is high.
  • If you are scheduled for the power training, you will have to get up even earlier in order to have a good breakfast or accept the portion of the Geinner, otherwise you will not have energy.
  • If you are engaged in high intensity, in the evening you will feel very tired and your efficiency will greatly decrease.

If your goal is to lose weight, and you are not much difficult to get up early, then for you - the best time of training is the morning. Slimming training program You can see our article high-intensity interval training for fat burning. Also for this time, yoga or meditation will be suitable. It should be noted that in the morning our joints are low-elastic, so active sessions should be avoided. If you still decided to carry out strength training in the morning hours, do not neglect the warm-up and be sure to eat in 1-1.5 hours before training.

Let's look at what scientists say about the perfect time for training. Consider the opinion of scientists from Williamsburg - the city of the United States. Here, scientists have chosen for experiment 100 untrained men who trained at 8:00, 12:00, 16:00 and 20:00.

The results showed that the activation of rapid muscle structures, which is responsible for lifting gravity, is better when the body temperature is higher, and this happens in the afternoon. Thus, they set the best time for training: from 16:00 to 20:00.

Now pay attention to the study of scientists from Washington. They argue that it is necessary to train depending on the type of physique and metabolism. Endomorphs having slow metabolism should train in the first half of the day to spend internal energy and fat reserves.

Extractorphs with a thin body form are forced to train in the evening so that by the time of training they have the necessary energy supply and nutrients obtained from food. Mesomorphs, people with medium bodies and metabolism, can train both in the morning and in the evening. You can familiarize yourself with the types of physique in more detail in the article Types of Physics.

Scientists from Washington say that they should listen to their own biorhythms, and also note that if you train around the same time, your body will get used to it.

Training day

Training in the afternoon will be more suitable for schoolchildren or students, as well as those who have a working schedule makes it possible to pay 1-2 hours for training in the afternoon.


  • The body temperature is slightly higher than the morning. You will be easier and more comfortable to start classes.
  • Glycogen stock in muscles and blood sugar levels at a good level.
  • Improves blood flow to the brain. After training, you can work even more productively.
  • Reduces stress level after work, study. You can spill all the negative energy in the hall.
  • At this time, endurance rises. It is it that is important for exercise with burdening.
  • Studies show that at this time our lungs are most efficient.


  • Distracting factors that may not allow you to start training at the appointed time.
  • If you train at the lunch break, then the minus will be limited in time, the training can turn out unfinished.

Summing up, it should be said that at this time the costs of power exercises, stretching, crossfit and other exercises that require excerpts and strength will be most effective. Before such workouts, you must take care of meals.

Evening training

Who will come in the evening workout? They are ideal for those who in the morning feels sluggish and unreceived. They are also suitable for swimming and team sports.


  • Body temperature in the evening is ideal for training.
  • In the evening in training, you can get rid of the accumulated stress per day.
  • Your energy is at a peak from 6 to 9 pm. Place the main part of the workout in this period, at a later time you can leave the boot and stretch.


  • Evening workouts can cause sleep disturbance, then you have to change the workout schedule.
  • Until the evening, you can come up with a number of excuses so as not to go to the training. The habit of evening classes is formed longer than at another time of day.
  • The fat burning will have low efficiency due to the high blood sugar content.

The best time for strength training and mass

The evening is an ideal time for strength training. With training for the mass you can find in our article. Training program for mass. However, dinner should be provided for 1.5-2 hours before training so that before going to sleep, do not load your body with a tight meal.

It should also be remembered that there are many other equally important components of a successful training. The most important of them are:

  • regularity of training
  • good and proper nutrition
  • relaxation
  • desire and faith in result

If you have the opportunity to deal with the recommended time by the type of physical activity that is most suitable for this, it is fine: you will naturally help your body quickly achieve the desired result. If you have no such opportunity, do not be discouraged, the best time for training your body will choose myself, the main thing is to listen to him well and help him find this time.

And in conclusion, summarizing the video on this issue from fitness and bodybuilding leaders in Russia.

We dismantled all the pros and cons of training at different times of the day. Correct the time of your workouts to goals and your well-being, so you will be easier to organize yourself and you do not want to skip the workout. Anyway, the main thing is not the time of training, but its maintenance and constancy. Always do at the same time, then your body gets used to the loads and adjusts your training schedule.

It has long been known that the functioning of the human body directly depends on the time of day- In some hours, it works as productively as possible (at this time you can spend the best workouts for weight loss and set of muscle mass), and others are almost completely disconnected (this is not a fitness time, and the time of sleep and recreation).

Well interconnected in this thread, you can competently plan the day, and choose the most optimal time for sports. With this approach, you will only have really effective workouts.

What time is it possible to carry out the most effective workouts: morning

  • 5-00 - the selection of urine kidney is stopped. Waking up at this time, a person feels vigorous all day, and can carry out effective power training for weight loss (this rule acts both for girls and for men)
  • 6-00 - pressure rises, the heart begins to beat faster
  • 7-00 - the body's immunity is significantly increased
  • 8-00 - toxic substances almost completely dehydiced in the liver
  • 9-00 - the heart starts working better, the sensitivity to pain decreases

What time of the day you can carry out the most effective workouts: the evening

  • 17-00 - the capacity of the body increases, stamina significantly increases. Great time for fitness and heavy strength training
  • 18-00 - the functioning of the nervous system slows down, the threshold of pain sensitivity increases
  • 19-00 - pressure rises, irritability and quick-tempered appear. At this time there are not the best (in terms of efficiency) training
  • 20-00 - Maximum daily body weight is observed, the reaction improves
  • 21-00 - Improve the ability to memorize information, the work of the nervous system comes to normal. This time is more suitable for learning than for fitness

Late evening - the best time for training aimed at relaxing the body. The best training program for the evening is yoga, stretching, breathing exercises

We choose the time for fitness: night

22-00 - the level of leukocytes increases in the blood, the body temperature decreases

  • 23-00 - the body is actively preparing to sleep. At this time, it is not possible to carry out the most efficient and efficient training.
  • 24-00 - end of the day. At this time you need to sleep, and not spend housework for weight loss
  • 1-00 - the sensitivity to pain significantly increases. Sleep Neglubokoki
  • 2-00 - internal organs slow down work
  • 3-00 - the organism is resting, pulse and breathing slows down
  • 4-00 - hearing is sharpened, blood pressure decreases very much.
  • Night is not time for sports. Effective training program for weight loss should be held during the day or evening.

But it is not worth loaning at the time of day - this is only an additional advantage that allows you to conduct more efficient training. If you can not pay attention to training at the specified time, then exercise in sports at any free minute.The most important thing in any training - regularity. Train correctly, do not miss classes - and achieve success. Doctor promises!