Famous inventions of humanity. The most important discoveries of humanity

Famous inventions of humanity. The most important discoveries of humanity
Famous inventions of humanity. The most important discoveries of humanity

The history of mankind is inextricably linked with the progress, the development of various technologies, discoveries and incredible inventions. Some of them are outdated, it has long been becoming just a story, while others (for example, a wheel or powder) apply in our time. We will talk about great discoveries and inventions today!

the fire

People have long discovered all the beneficial properties of fire for themselves. It illuminates and warms, you can cook delicious food. "Wild" fire arising during the eruption of volcanoes or fires in the forest, frightened man. However, people managed to "tame" this element and brought her to her home.

Initially, the fire was used only to solve household problems, but later precisely thanks to him it became possible to appear metallurgy, stalenants, ceramics, steam engines!

Throughout the whole millennia, people were forced to support the flame in their foci, as they could not be able to independently extract it. But one day, while working with a tree, a man managed to get fire with friction. Today, there are quite a few ways to get a flame of any sizes, among which there are quite unusual. For example, you can get it using a conventional battery and foil from chewing gum or a piece of ice!


Among the greatest inventions - the wheel. Of course, at first glance it may seem that it is not so important. But it is impossible to forget that it is thanks to the wheel of other discoveries that are possible - for example, train and car, bridges and elevators!

Most likely, the prototype of his steel rollers who people were put under the trees, stones and boats when moving from one place to another. Then the first observations were made, which allowed not to use entire logs in order to move the items. It was enough to leave only two rollers at the ends of the log and axis. Later, this great invention was improved - the rollers began to produce separately, and then just fasten them. So the wheel appeared.

Initially, it rotated along with the axis and was only suitable for movement along the smooth roads, on turns, loaded carts broke or simply turned over. In addition, such carts were harvested extremely slowly, and they accounted for mighty and hard oxes in them. The opening of metals made it possible to create wheels that could rotate faster and not afraid of strikes about stones. Now in the carts began to bargain horses, respectively, the speed increased significantly. It is difficult to submit another great discovery or an invention that could give the same powerful impetus to the development of technologies!

Types of communications

A special place in the list is occupied by telegraph, radio, Internet and telephones - stationary and mobile. These 5 of the Great Inventions allowed humanity to win the most important victory - victory over the distance.

Until the middle of the XIX century, the only way to communicate between continents was shipping mail. That is, any incidents and news Residents of other countries recognized with a delay that sometimes constituted several months! The creation of a telegraph dramatically changed the situation - after the appearance of this technical innovation, instead of weeks, a few minutes were required to transmit news from one end of the world to another. Political reports, business correspondence, private messages - everything was delivered to interested persons in a timely manner. Therefore, all types of communications can be attributed to the greatest inventions of humanity!

Separately, it is worth saying about the World Wide Web. Two more decades ago the Internet was only one hundred thousand people, and now it is almost everywhere. With it, people communicate, ordered things and products, read books and are looking for the necessary information. The Internet is the most present window into a world that allows you to make money, make purchases and read this article.


The invention of cinema laid the beginning of television and movies that we are familiar with. It is difficult to believe that it all started with black and white shortband tapes without sound. Today, cinema is a truly exciting spectacle: computer graphics, magnificent decorations, makeup, allowing you to change a person beyond recognition, portable chambers ... All this appeared precisely thanks to the large invention of humanity, like cinema.


The car is the same great invention of humanity, like electricity and wheel. The first car had a tremendous impact not only on his era, but also at the next time. He allowed rebuilding production, became the basis for the emergence of new industries, fully formed the modern industry. The car caused the external change of our planet: now the Earth is looking for millions of kilometers of highways!

The history of the car is full of interesting facts. Initially, he was no more than a capricious and unreliable toy, but after all a quarter of a century after his appearance, it turned into a popular and convenient vehicle.

The predecessor of the car operating on gasoline was parrying. The first ferryobile can be called a steam cart, which in the XVIII century French Cuno in the XVIII century. The telega could carry goods weighing up to three tons, but at the same time it moved extremely slowly - its speed did not exceed 2-4 kilometers per hour. There were such carts and other disadvantages. For example, her nervousness. The prototype of the car was poorly managed, constantly drove on the walls of houses, demolished fences. The engine of such a cart had two horsepower, but they were barely given to him: even despite the huge sizes of the boiler, the pressure fell very quickly. To continue the trip, it accounted for every 25 minutes to stop and disperse fire in the furnace. One such trips ended with a powerful boiler explosion. Fortunately, the inventor Kyuno survived.

The followers of the Frenchman turned out to be much lucky. So, in 1803, Trivior managed to create the first car working for a couple in the UK. The main feature of the car was huge rear wheels - their diameter was 2.5 meters! Between the back of the frame and the wheels of the car, the boiler was fixed, which was engaged in the Kochegar. At the same time, 8-10 passengers could drive in such a car, while the speed could reach 15 kilometers per hour.

The appearance of this amazing and, without a doubt, the greatest invention on the streets of London attracted the crowd of Zewak: people did not hide their delight. However, the coup in the transport technique made the appearance of an internal combustion engine. It is he, compact and economical, allowed to turn the steam car into the one that is familiar to us.

The appearance of such a great invention as a car with a gasoline engine, humanity is obliged to Austrian Siegfried Marcus. He was fond of pyrotechnics and once arson with electric spark a mixture of air and gasoline vapor. The explosion struck the inventor, and he decided that it would definitely find this effect. As a result, he managed to create a gasoline engine with an electric ignition, which also put on the most ordinary wagon. In 1875, Marcus has improved cars. But the official glory of the car's inventors belongs to two engineers from Germany. One of them - Benz - was the owner of the plant producing gas engines. The company flourished, and therefore Benz had enough money and time for other developments. The dream of the whole of his life, Benz called the creation of a crew, which would move independently, while working on an internal combustion engine. For work on the dream of Karl left for about two decades. In the end, he managed to assemble the engine, the power of which was 0.75 liters. from. As a fuel, the inventor used gasoline. Simultaneously with Benz, the release of cars was engaged in Daimler. The first gasoline engine he created in 1883. Two years later, Daimler installed the engine for a bike, and in 1889 - on a four-wheeled crew.

A computer

A computer can also be attributed to the Great Inventions of the world. Today, he can replace a lot of items: a TV and a telephone, player, notepad, handle, books. With it, you can communicate with people, draw, write books, listen to music. This device is applied for research and development, without it it is impossible to submit the work of a huge number of organizations and mechanisms.


Speaking of great inventions, it is impossible not to say about antibiotics, in particular, penicillin. Prior to their appearance, a large number of diseases that can be cured today, without leaving the house, were deadly dangerous. Over the development of antibiotics, scientists worked from the end of the XIX century. It is worth noting that the first antibiotic was discovered quite by chance: the scientist Alexander Fleming in 1928 grown for his experiments staphylococci. On a cup of Petri, he suddenly discovered unknown origin mold of gray-yellow color. This mold destroyed all microbes around itself. Having spent a lot of time to study the mysterious mold, Fleming was able to distinguish the antimicrobial substance from it, which was called "Penicillin".

The appearance of an antibiotic made it possible to defeat the disease, previously considered incurable. Now people are already not remembered what pulmonary plague or title is. Yes, and such diseases like inflammation of lungs or infecting blood, mankind is no longer scary.


We propose to talk about the great Chinese inventions. Among them, definitely powder. The most important component of it is an agriculture. In some regions, China, this Selitra met in native form. Later, researchers managed to find out that the substance resembling large snow flakes is formed only in places that are rich in alkalis.

The first study of the properties of Selitra was engaged in Tao Hong-Jing. He managed to describe its properties and even began to apply it in the creation of drugs. Selitra enjoyed alchemists during their experiments. One of them is Sun Son-Miao - in the seventh century mixed with a saltper with a gray and a patchwork. When the mixture is heated, the alchemist received a powerful flame flash. Sun Miao's experience described his experience in the treatise called Tan Jing. Since then, it is believed that this alchemist created the first sample of gunpowder!

This great invention of the Chinese alchemist was later improved. Other alchemists were experimentally able to establish three main components - a potassium saltper, coal and sulfur. Of course, in the Middle Ages, the Chinese could not scientifically explain the reaction occurring in the ignition of the powder. However, this did not prevent them from applying this substance for military purposes. True, such a coup, as in Europe, did not commit in the subway, the gunpowder. This is quite easy to explain: the masters were not previously cleaned all the components, therefore there was no such strong explosive effect. For this reason, powder was used for a long time as an incendiary. After some time when the quality of the gunpowders increased, it began to apply when creating a pomegranate and explosion. But even after that, the Chinese invention did not be used for bullets and nuclei. Only in the XII-XIII centuries, the residents of the Middle Kingdom began to use the weapon, a little similar to firearms. But on the basis of the powder, they made a petardo and rocket!

Mongols, learning from the Chinese about gunpowder, were able to achieve incredible success in pyrotechnics. To Selitra, they were added sulfur, coal and other components, allowing to create an incredible beauty of fireworks. Later, the composition of the powder mixture of the Great Invention - learned the alchemists of Europe. Mark Greek in 1220 made a record saying that to obtain a gunpowder it is necessary to mix on one part of coal and sulfur and 6 parts of the Selitera. But it took another hundred years to ensure that the repellent recipe cease to be a mystery. Secondary "discovery" scientists are associated with Bertold Schwarz. This alchemist once launched a mixture of coal, nitrates and sulfur in the mortar. An explosion occurred, which Schwartan's beard was reached. Most likely, it is this experience that caused Bertold to think about the power of powder gases. It is this alchemist who made the first artillery tool!

Despite the fact that Europeans later began to make gunpowder, they could extract the maximum benefit from this great invention of the Chinese. The development of firearms turned over the whole familiar life: so, the knights in the lats and before the irreparable castles were unable to resist the lights of the guns. Thanks to this discovery, almost all European states were able to overcome feudal fragmentation, becoming centralized powers.


Speaking about what great Chinese inventions have reached our days, it is worth saying about paper. The fact that this invention belongs to the Chinese is completely not surprising: it was this country that in ancient times was famous for his book wisdoms. There was also a bureaucratic management system that demanded regular reports from each official. Therefore, in China, the need for materials for letters - lungs and inexpensive was acute.

Before the paper was invented, the Chinese have entered all materials on bamboo planks or silk. Bamboo was massive and heavy, and silk is too expensive. Of course, the question of whether it is possible to make paper fiber from another material, the population of China is very disturbed.

In 105, some Tsai Lun, who was a very important official for the imperial yard, managed to prepare paper from old fishing nets. Her quality was not inferior to paper from silk, however, the cost was at times less. Since then, the name Tsai Luna secured reliably on the list of the names of the greatest inventors. In the 4th century, the paper fully displaced a bamboo plank. By the way, with time, this great invention of China was improved. The paper began to make from the cane, the bark of trees and bamboo. As usual, the Chinese carefully kept the secret of making paper. But in 751, the masters of the Master, who fell to the Arabs, disclosed the secret of manufacturing this material.


Of course, one of the greatest ancient inventions can be called writing. It is difficult to imagine what could be the path of mankind if it would not fix the necessary information, transmit it and save it.

The appearance of the first forms of writing scientists belong to the fourth century BC. Although before that there were ways to transfer and storing information. In this people, the branches of trees were helped, folded in a certain way, the smoke of fires, arrows.

The oldest view of the letter - the letter is pictographic. These are schematic drawings depicting events, phenomena and things. Thanks to the visibility, such a letter was perfect for small notes and messages. But as soon as the need appeared in the transfer of any abstract concepts and thoughts, it became clear - such a letter is not enough.

So there were special badges that symbolized various concepts, an ideographic letter appeared. The highest form of this type of writing steel hieroglyphs. And only in the second millennium BC, an alphanumeric alphabet appeared, consisting of 22 consonants. A new letter, invented by the Phoenicians, helped to transfer any words without using ideograms, and he did not take much time training.

Progress Do not stop

The history of mankind is closely related to the constant progress, development of technologies, new discoveries and inventions. Some technologies are outdated and steel history, others, such as a wheel or sail, are still used. Countless discoveries were lost in the whirlpool of time, other not evaluated by contemporaries, waited for recognition and introduction of dozens and hundreds of years.

Editorial Samogo.net He conducted his own research, designed to answer the question of what the inventions are considered our contemporaries most significant.

Processing and analysis of the results of Internet surveys have shown that there is simply no single opinion on this score. Nevertheless, we managed to form a common unique rating of the greatest inventions and discoveries in the history of mankind. As it turned out, despite the fact that science has long gone forward, the basic discoveries in the minds of our contemporaries remain the most significant.

First place undoubtedly occupied the fire

People early opened the useful properties of fire - its ability to illuminate and warming, change the vegetative and animal food for the better.

"Wild Fire", which broke out during forest fires or eruptions of volcanoes, was terrible for a person, but, by bringing fire to his cave, the man "tamed" him and "put" his service. From this time, the fire became a permanent satellite of a person and the basis of his farm. In ancient times, it was an indispensable source of heat, light, a means of cooking, a tool of hunting.
However, and further conquests of culture (ceramics, metallurgy, stalering, steam vehicles, etc.) are obliged to the integrated use of fire.

For a long millennium, people enjoyed "homemade fire", supported him from year to year in their caves before they learned how to produce him themselves with the help of friction. Probably, this discovery happened by chance, after our ancestors learned to drill a tree. During this operation, wood was heated and inflammation could occur under favorable conditions. By paying attention to this, people began to use friction to make fire.

The simplest way was that two wands of dry wood were taken, in one of which they did a hole. The first stick was placed on the ground and pressed his knee. The second was inserted into the well, and then started quickly-quickly rotate between the palms. At the same time, it was necessary to put pressure on the wand with force. The inconvenience of such a way was that the palms gradually slipped down. It was necessary to raise them up and continue to rotate again. Although, with a well-known skill, it can be done quickly, still due to permanent stops the process was greatly delayed. It is much easier to get fire by friction, working together. At the same time, one person kept the horizontal wand and pressed the vertical on top, and the second - quickly-quickly rotated it between the palms. Later, the vertical wand began to wrap the strap, moving which to the right and left can accelerate the movement, and the bone cap began to be applied to the upper end for convenience. Thus, the entire device for the extraction of fire has made four parts: two sticks (fixed and rotating), strap and top cap. In this way, it was possible to obtain fire and alone if we press the lower wand knee to the ground, and the cap was teeth.

And only later, with the development of humanity, other ways of obtaining open fire have become available.

Second placein the answers of the Internet community occupied Wheel and wagon

It is believed that his prototype may have become rollers, which were led to heavy trees, boats and stones when dragging them from place to place. Perhaps the first observations of the properties of rotating bodies were made. For example, if a log skating rink for some reason in the center was thinner than at the edges, it moved under the cargo more evenly and did not enter it aside. Noticing this, people began to deliberately burn the rollers in such a way that the middle part became thinner, and the side remained unchanged. Thus, a device was obtained, which is now called a "skate". In the course of further improvements in this direction from the whole log, only two rollers remained at its ends, and the axis appeared between them. Later they began to make it separately, and then hard to fasten each other. So the wheel was opened in his own sense of the word and the first wagon appeared.

In the following centuries, many generations of masters have worked on improving this invention. Initially, the solid wheels were tightly fastened with the axis and rotated together with her. When moving on a flat road, such carts were quite suitable for use. On the rotation when the wheels should rotate at different speeds, this connection creates great inconvenience, as a heavy loading wagon can easily break or turn over. The wheels themselves were still very imperfect. They were made from a solid piece of wood. Therefore, the carts were heavy and inaccessible. They moved slowly, and usually they were harnessed in leisurely, but mighty oxes.

One of the oldest carts described in the design was found during excavations in Mohenjo Daro. A large step forward in the development of the technique of movement was the invention of the wheel with a hub, astounding on a still axis. In this case, the wheels rotated independently of each other. And for the wheel less rubbed about the axis, it began to lubricate with fat or tar.

To reduce the weight of the wheel in it cut the cuts, and for rigidity was strengthened with transverse scrapers. It was impossible to think of anything better in the era of the Stone Age. But after the discovery of metals began to produce wheels with metal rim and knitting needles. This wheel could rotate ten times faster and not afraid of stones. Bringing into the wagon of fast horses, a person significantly increased the speed of his movement. Perhaps it is difficult to find another discovery that would give such a powerful impetus to the development of technology.


Third place By right occupied Writing

No need to talk about what a great value in the history of mankind was the invention of writing. It is impossible to even imagine how the development of civilization could go if at a certain stage of their development, people did not have learned to fix with certain characters the information they need and thus transmit and maintain it. Obviously, human society is in such a form in which it exists today simply could not appear.

The first forms of writing in the form of a specially stacked signs appeared about 4 thousand years before R.Kh. But long before that there were various ways of transferring and storing information: with the help of certainly folded branches, arrows, fire smoke and the like signals. Of these primitive alert systems, more complex ways of fixing information appeared later. For example, the ancients invented the original "record" system using nodules. To do this, used laces of wool of different color. They were associated with a variety of nodules and fucked on a wand. In this form, the "letter" was sent to the addressee. It is believed that the Incas with the help of such a "nodule letter" recorded their laws, chronicles and poems were recorded. "A novel letter" is also noted from other nations - they used in ancient China and Mongolia.

Pictures for information transfer

However, writing in his own sense of the word appeared only after people to fix and transmit information invented special graphic signs. The most ancient view of the letter is considered pictographic. The pictogram is a schematic pattern that directly depicts things, events, and the phenomena that are discussed. It is assumed that pictography was widespread in various peoples at the last stage of the Stone Age. This letter is very clearly, and therefore he does not need to learn specially. It is quite suitable for transferring small messages and to record simple stories. But when there was a need to convey any complex abstract thought or a concept, the limited possibilities of the pictogram were immediately felt, which is absolutely not adapted to the record of what is not amenable to a pattern image (for example, such concepts like vigor, courage, dust, good sleep, heavenly azure, etc.). Therefore, at the early stage of the history of the letter, the pictograms began to include special conditional badges, denoting certain concepts (for example, a sign of crossed hands symbolized the exchange). Such icons are called ideograms. The ideographic letter originated and pictographic, and you can quite clearly imagine how this happened: each image of the pictogram has become increasingly separated from others and communicate with a certain word or concept, denoting it. Gradually, this process has evolved so much that primitive icons have lost their former clarity, but the clarity and certainty have gained. This process took a long time, perhaps several millennia.

The highest form of ideograda was the hieroglyphic letter. For the first time it arose in ancient Egypt. Later, the hieroglyphic writing was widespread in the Far East - in China, Japan and Korea. With the help of ideograms, it was possible to reflect any, even the most difficult and distracted thought. However, for not devoted to the mystery of hieroglyphs, the meaning of the written sense was completely incomprehensible. Everyone who wanted to learn to write should be remembered several thousand icons. Really, it took several years of permanent exercises. Therefore, to write and read in antiquity was able to few.

Only at the end of 2 thousand to R.Kh. The ancient Phoenicians invented the alphanumeric alphabet, which served as a model for the alphabets of many other peoples. The Phoenician alphabet consisted of 22 consonant letters, each of which denoted a separate sound. The invention of this alphabet has become a big step forward for humanity. With the help of a new letter, it was easy to convey a graphically any word without resorting to ideograms. He was very simple to learn. The art of letters has ceased to be the privilege of enlightened. It became the property of the whole society or at least more of it. This served as one of the reasons for the rapid spread of the Phoenician alphabet around the world. According to the four fifters of all the alphabets known now arose from Phoenician.

So, from the variety of Phoenician letters (Punic) developed Libyan. Directly from the Phoenician occurred the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek letter. In turn, the Arabian, Nabataya, Syrian, Persian and other writing were based on the Araraian letter. The Greeks introduced the last important improvement to the Phoenician alphabet - they began to mark not only consonants, but also vowels. The Greek alphabet is based on the basis of most European alphabets: Latin (from which French, German, English, Italian, Spanish, and other alphabets), Coptic, Armenian, Georgian and Slavic (Serbian, Russian, Bulgarian, and others, in turn) occurred.

Paper for writing

Fourth place, Following writing takes Paper

Her creators were the Chinese. And it is not by chance. Firstly, China already in deep antiquity was famous for his book wisdom and a complex system of bureaucratic management that required constant reporting officials. Therefore, there was always a need for inexpensive and compact material for writing. Before the invention of paper in China wrote or on bamboo plates, or on silk.

But the silk was always very expensive, and Bamboo is very cumbersome and heavy. (On one table, an average of 30 hieroglyphs was placed. It is easy to imagine how much space should have occupied such a bamboo "book". It is not by chance that they need a whole cart for the transportation of some works.) Secondly, one for a long time knew the secret of production for a long time. Silk, and a paper deal just developed from one technical processing of silk cookers. This operation was as follows. Women engaged in silkgrounds, cooked silkworm cocoons, then laying them on the mat, lowered into the water and packed until the formation of a homogeneous mass. When the mass was taken out and parted water, the silk wool was obtained. However, after such mechanical and heat treatment, neither the mats remained a thin fiber layer, which turned after drying in a sheet of very thin paper suitable for a letter. Later, workers began to use the defective silkworm cocoons for targeted paper manufacturing. At the same time, they repeated already familiar to them process: cooked cocoons, washed and crushed to obtain a paper mass, finally, dried off the resulting sheets. Such paper was called "cotton" and cost quite expensive, as the raw material was expensive.

Paper distribution

Naturally, in the end the question arose: is it possible to make paper only from silk or for the preparation of paper mass can any fibrous raw materials, including plant origin? In 105, someone Tsai Lun, an important official at the courtyard of the Han Emperor, prepared a new grade of paper from old fishing networks. For quality, she did not go silk, but was much cheaper. This important discovery had enormous consequences not only for China, but also for the whole world - for the first time in history, people received first-class and affordable material for writing, equivalent replacement that is not to this day. The name of Tsai Luna, therefore, rightly comes in the number of the names of the greatest inventors in the history of mankind. In the next centuries, several important improvements were made to the paper manufacturing process, therefore it began to develop rapidly.

In the IV century, the paper completely displaced bamboo plate from the use. New experiments have shown that the paper can be made from cheap vegetable raw materials: wood bark, cane and bamboo. The latter was especially important, since the bamboo grows in China in a huge amount. The bamboo was split into thin rays, soaked with lime, and then the resulting mass was then digested for several days. The withdrawal thick puffs were kept in special pits, thoroughly smeared with special biles and diluted with water to the formation of adhesive, cascidious mass. This mass was buried with a special form - bamboo sieves fortified on the subframe. The thin layer of mass with the shape was put under the press. Then the form was pulled out and only a paper sheet remained under the press. Compressed sheets were filmed from Sita, folded in the kip, dried, smoothed and cut the format.

Over time, the Chinese have reached the highest art in the manufacture of paper. For several centuries, they, according to their usual, carefully stored secrets of paper production. But in 751, during a collision with Arabs in the foothills of Tien Shan, several Chinese masters were captured. From them, the Arabs learned to make the paper themselves and for five centuries, it was very profitable to sell it to Europe. The Europeans were the last of the civilized peoples who learn to make the paper themselves. First, this art was adopted by the Spaniards from Arabs. In 1154, paper production was established in Italy, in 1228 in Germany, in the 1309th in England. In the next century, the paper received throughout the world widestatic distribution, gradually gaining more and more new applications. Its value in our lives is so great that, according to the famous French bibliographer A. Simim, our era can be called "Paper Eroy" with full right.

Powder in the history of Europe

Fifth placeoccupied Powder and firearms

The invention of gunpowder and its distribution in Europe had enormous consequences for the further history of mankind. Although Europeans learned the latest from civilized nations to do this explosive mixture, they managed to extract the greatest practical benefits from its opening. The rapid development of firearms and the revolution in military affairs were the first consequences of the spread of powder. It in turn led to the deepest social shifts: the knights chained in the lats and their impregnable castles were powerless in front of the fires and arkebuses. The feudal society was inflicted such a blow from which it could not recover. In a short time, many European powers overcame feudal fragmentation and turned into powerful centralized states.

In the history of technology there are more inventions, which would lead to such ambitious and far-reaching changes. Before the powder became known in the West, he had already had a centuries-old history in the east, and his Chinese invented. The most important part of the powder is the Selith. In some regions of China, she met in a native form and was similar to the flakes of snow, sitting down the land. Later it was discovered that the smelt was formed in areas rich in alkalis and rotting (delivering nitrogen) substances. Railing fire, the Chinese could observe outbreaks that arose when burning nitrates with coal.

The composition of porosha

For the first time, Selitra properties described the Chinese Medic Tao Hong-Jing, who lived at the turn of the V and VI centuries. From this time, it was used as an integral part of some drugs. Alchemists often used her by conducting experiments. In the VII century, one of them, Sun Son Miao, prepared a mixture of sulfur and nitrate, adding several pieces of the locker tree to them. Heating this mixture in a crucible, he suddenly got a strongest flame outbreak. He described this experience in his treatise "Dan Jing". It is believed that Sun Sun Miao prepared one of the first samples of gunpowder, which, however, did not have a strong explosive effect.

In the future, the composition of the gunpowders was improved by other alchemists who had experienced three main components: coal, sulfur and potassium saltper. Medieval Chinese could not scientifically explain that the explosive reaction occurs when the powder is ignited, but they very soon have learned to use it for military purposes. True, in their life, gunpowder did not have that revolutionary influence, which was later on the European Society. This is explained by the fact that the masters for a long time prepared a powder mixture of crude components. Meanwhile, the crude nitrate and sulfur, containing foreign impurities, did not give a strong explosive effect. For several centuries, powder was used exclusively as an incendiary. Later, when its quality has improved, powder began to apply as an explosive in the manufacture of fugasov, hand grenades and explosives.

Armory powder

But after that, for a long time, it was not guessing the use of the power of gases that arose when burning the guns and nuclei. Only in the XII-XIII centuries, the Chinese began to use weapons, very remotely reminding firearms, but they invented the Petardo and the rocket. From the Chinese, the secret of porch learned Arabs and Mongols. In the first third of the XIII century Arabs reached great art in pyrotechnics. They used Selitra in many compounds, interfering with gray and coal, they added other components to them and arranged amazing beauty fireworks. From the Arabs, the composition of the powder mixture became known to European alchemists. One of them, Mark Greek, already in 1220 he recorded a recipe of powder in his treatise: 6 parts of Selitra to 1 part of the sulfur and 1 part of coal. Later, Roger Bacon wrote for the composition of the gunpher.

However, about a hundred years have passed before this recipe has ceased to be a secret. This secondary opening of the gunpowder is associated with the name of another Alchemist, the Fibiburg Monk Bertold Schwarz. Once he became a pushed into a mortar, a crushed mixture of nitrate, sulfur and coal, as a result of which an explosion occurred, who fell bertold the beard. This or other experience submitted Bertold the thought of using powder gases for throwing stones. It is believed that he made one of the first artillery guns in Europe.

Initially, the gunpowder was a thin muco-like powder. It was not convenient to use it, since when charging guns and arkebuses, the powder pulp sticks to the walls of the trunk. Finally noticed that the powder in the form of lumps is much more convenient - it is easily charged and gave more gases at ignition (2 pounds of gunpowders in the communities gave a greater effect than 3 pounds in the pulp).

In the first quarter of the XV century, a grain powder was used for convenience, resulting from rolling powder pulp (with alcohol and other impurities) into the dough, which was then missed through the solido. So that the grains do not move during transportation, they have learned to polish them. To do this, they were placed in a special drum, when the grain is spinning hit and rubbed each other and fledged. After processing, their surface became smooth and brilliant.

Means of communication

Sixth placein surveys occupied : Telegraph, Telephone, Internet, Radio and Other Types of Modern Communication

Up to the middle of the XIX century, the only means of communication between the European continent and England, between America and Europe, between Europe and the colonies remained shipping mail. The incidents and events in other countries were recognized with a delay for whole weeks, and sometimes months. For example, news from Europe to America was delivered in two weeks, and it was not the longest time. Therefore, the creation of Telegraph answered the most urgent needs of humanity.

After this technical novelty appeared in all ends of the world and the globe was wicked by the telegraph lines, only the clock was required, and sometimes minutes, to ensure that the news by electrical wires from one hemisphere was taken to another. Political and stock reports, personal and business messages on the same day could be delivered to interested parties. Thus, telegraph should be attributed to one of the most important inventions in the history of civilization, because together with him the human mind won the greatest victories over the distance.

With the invention of the telegraph, the task of transmitting messages over long distances was solved. However, telegraph could only send written deposits. Meanwhile, many inventors dreamed of a more perfect and communicable communication method, with the help of which could be transmitted for any distances a living sound of human speech or music. The first experiments in this direction took American Page American Physicist in 1837. The essence of Page experience was very simple. He assembled the electrical chain, which was included in the charton, electromagnet, and electroplating elements. During their oscillations, the Tamington quickly blurred and closed the chain. This intermittent current was transferred to an electromagnet, which also pulled quickly and released a thin steel rod. As a result of these oscillations, the rod produced a singing sound, similar to the one that was published by Tam. Thus, Page showed that it is possible to transmit sound with an electric current in principle, it is only possible to create more advanced transmitting and receiving devices.

And later, as a result of long searches, discoveries and inventions, a mobile phone, television, the Internet and other means of communication of mankind appeared, without which it is impossible to imagine our modern life.

The car has changed the planet

Seventh placein the top 10, according to the results of polls, took Car

The car belongs to the number of the greatest inventions that, like a wheel, powder or electric current, had a tremendous effect not only on the era thoroughly, but also at all subsequent times. Its multifaceted effects is far from limited to the sphere of transport. The car has formed a modern industry, he gave rise to new industries, despotically rebuilt the production itself, first giving it a mass, serial and stream. He transformed the appearance of the planet, which was gone by millions of kilometers of highways, provided pressure on the environment and changed even a human psychology. The influence of the car is now so multifaceted, which is felt in all spheres of human life. He became a visible and visual incarnation of technical progress in general, with all his advantages and disadvantages.

In the history of the car there were many amazing pages, but perhaps the brightest of them belongs to the first years of its existence. It may not affect the swiftness with which this invention passed the way from appearing to maturity. It took only a quarter of a century to ensure that the car from the capricious and still unreliable toys turn into the most popular and widespread vehicle. Already at the beginning of the XX century, he was in the main features identical to the modern car.

Car precursors

Paromobil became the immediate predecessor of the gasoline car. The first practically acting steam car is considered a steam cart, built by French Cuno in 1769. Consider up to 3 tons of cargo, it moved at a speed of only 2-4 km / h. She had other disadvantages. The heavy car was very bad steering, constantly drove on the walls of houses and fences, producing destruction and suffering a considerable damage. Two horsepower, which developed her engine, was difficult. Despite the large amount of the boiler, the pressure quickly fell. Every quarter of an hour to maintain the pressure had to stop and disperse the furnace. One of the trips ended with a boiler explosion. Fortunately, Kyuno himself remained alive.

The followers of Kyuno turned out to be lucky. In 1803, the trivier built to us, built the first steam car in the UK. The car had huge rear wheels about 2, 5 m in diameter. Between the wheels and the back of the frame, the boiler was mounted, which served on the stakes of the cochor. Paromobil was equipped with a single horizontal cylinder. From the piston rod through the rod-crank mechanism, the lead gear wheel was rotated, which was in engaging with another gear wheel, reinforced on the axis of the rear wheels. The axis of these wheels joined the frame and rotated with a long lever by a driver sitting on high irradiation. The body was suspended at high C-shaped springs. With 8-10 passengers, the car has developed a speed of up to 15 km / h, which, undoubtedly, was very good for that time achievement. The appearance of this amazing car on the streets of London attracted a mass of Zewak, who did not hide her delight.

Car in modern

The car in the modern sense of the word appeared only after creating a compact and economical internal combustion engine, which produced a genuine coup in transport technology.
The first car with a gasoline engine built in 1864 an Austrian inventor Siegfried Marcus. Drinking by pyrotechnics, Markus once settled by electric spark a mixture of gasoline and air vapor. Struck by the force of the existed explosion, he decided to create an engine in which this effect would have been used. In the end, he managed to build a two-stroke gasoline engine with an electrical ignition, which he installed on an ordinary wagon. In 1875, Marcus created a more perfect car.

The official glory of the car's inventors belongs to two German engineers - Benz and Daimler. Benz designed two-stroke gas engines and was the owner of a small plant for their production. The engines had good demand, and the enterprise Benz flourished. He had enough money and leisure for other developments. Benz's dream was the creation of a self-apparent crew with an internal combustion engine. Benz's own engine, like the four-stroke engine Otto, was not suitable for this, because they had a low speed (about 120 revolutions per minute). With some decrease in the number of revolutions, they glued. Benz understood that the car equipped with such a motor would stop before each tubercle. We needed a high-speed engine with a good ignition system and an apparatus for the formation of a combustible mixture.

Cars quickly improved in 1891 Edward Mishlen, the owner of the rubber products plant in Clermont-Ferran, invented a removable pneumatic tire for a bicycle (Dutlope's camera was poured into the tire and glued to the rim). In 1895, the release of removable pneumatic tires for cars began. For the first time, these tires were tested in the same year on the race Paris - Bordeaux - Paris. Equipped with them "Peugeot" with difficulty reared to Rouen, and then was forced to get away from the distance, as the tires were completely punished. Nevertheless, experts and motorists were amazed by the smoothness of the course of the car and comfort of riding on it. From this time, the pneumatic tires gradually entered their lives, and all cars began to be equipped with them. The winner on these races was Levassor again. When he stopped the car on the finish and stepped on Earth, he said: "It was madness. I did 30 kilometers per hour! " Now there is a monument in the honor of this significant victory.

Light bulb for lighting

Eighth place - light bulb

In recent decades of the XIX century, electrical lighting has entered the lives of many European cities. Appearing first on the streets and squares, it very soon penetrated every house, in each apartment and became an integral part of the life of every civilized person. It was one of the most important events in the history of technology that had huge and diverse consequences. The rapid development of electrical lighting led to the mass electrification, the coup in energy and large shifts in the industry. However, all this could not happen if the efforts of many inventors did not create such an ordinary and usual device as an electric light bulb. Among the greatest discoveries of human history, it undoubtedly belongs to one of the most honorable places.

In the XIX century, two types of electric lamps were distributed: incandescent lamps and arcs. Arc light bulbs appeared a little earlier. The luminescence is based on such an interesting phenomenon as the Voltov arc. If you take two wires, connect them to a sufficiently strong current source, connect, and then push the distance of a few millimeters, then something like a flame with a bright light is formed between the edges of the conductors. The phenomenon will be more beautiful and brighter if instead of metal wires take two pointed coal rods. With a sufficiently large tension between them, the light of the dazzling force is formed.

For the first time, the phenomenon of Volt Arc was watching Russian scientist Vasily Petrov in 1803. In 1810, the same discovery made the English physicist of Devi. Both of them got a volt arc, using a large battery of elements, between the ends of the rods from charcoal. And the one and the other wrote that the Voltov arc can be used for lighting purposes. But before it was necessary to find a more suitable material for the electrodes, since rods from charcoal were burned in a few minutes and were unlikely for practical use. Arc lamps had another inconvenience - as the electrodes burn out, it was necessary to constantly move them towards each other. As soon as the distance between them exceeded a certain permissible minimum, the light of the lamp became uneven, she began flickering and gasla.

Improvement light bulb

The first arc arc lamp lamp constructed French Fouco Physicist in 1844. Charcoal he replaced chopsticks from solid coke. In 1848, he first applied an arc lamp to illuminate one of the Paris Squares. It was a short and very expensive experience, as a powerful battery served as a source of electricity. Then various devices were invented, driven by the watch mechanism, which automatically shifted the electrodes as they were combustion.
It is clear that from the point of view of practical use it was desirable to have a lamp that did not complicate additional mechanisms. But was it possible to do without them? It turned out that yes. If you put two coals not against each other, but in parallel, moreover, so that the arc can only be formed between the two ends, then the distance between the ends of the coal is always saved unchanged. The design of such a lamp seems very simple, however, creating it demanded great ingenuity. She was invented in 1876 by Russian electrical engineering of the apple, who worked in Paris in the workshop of Academician Breg.

In 1879, the famous American inventor Edison took over the improvement of the light bulb. He understood: In order for the light bulb brightly and for a long time and had a smooth non-moving light, it is necessary, first, to find the appropriate material for the thread, and, secondly, learn how to create a strongly sparse space in the cylinder. A variety of experiments with various materials were made, which were put with the sample characteristic of Edison. It is estimated that his assistants testified at least 6,000 different substances and compounds, while more than 100 thousand dollars were spent on the experiments. At first, Edison replaced a brittle paper corner, more durable, cooked from coal, then began to make experiments with various metals and finally focused on the threads of charred bamboo fibers. In the same year, in the presence of three thousand people, Edison publicly demonstrated its electric light bulbs, refreshing their home, a laboratory and several adjacent streets. It was the first light with a long service life, suitable for mass production.

Who invented a person, the method of trial and error. In general, a rather interesting chronology of events, what, we read in delight and gain knowledge)

600,000 years BC Fire breeding device
50,000 years BC Oil lamp
30,000 years BC Onions and arrows - Africa
20,000 years BC Needle
13,000 years BC Garpoon - France
10,000 years BC Fishing Network - Mediterranean
7.500 years BC. Boat - Eastern Mediterranean
4,000 years BC Cosmetics - Egypt
4,000 years BC Iron ax - Mesopotamia
3.500 years BC Jewelry - Mesopotamia
3.500 years BC Plow - Mesopotamia
3.500 years BC Flip - Mesopotamia
3,100 Wheel - Mesopotamia
3,140 years BC Ink - Egypt
3.000 years BC Fishing hook - Scandinavia
3.000 years BC Sword - Mesopotamia
About 3000 years BC Ski - Scandinavia
2.560 years BC Great Pyramids in Giza, Egypt
2180 years BC Tunnel under the Euphrate River - Babylon
2.000 years BC Chariot - Mesopotamia
2.000 years BC Ball - Egypt
2.000 years BC Two hole buttons - Scotland
1.500 years BC. Glass bottle - Egypt and Greece
1.500 years BC. Wooden spoon - Greece and Egypt
1.500 years BC. Scissors - China
1.350 years BC. Shower - Greece
About 1.300 years BC. The first lunar calendar - Chang Dynasty
1.200 years BC Bell - China
800 - 700 years BC Iron saw - Greece
700 years BC First coin - Lydia, Southwestern Asia
690 BC Aqueduct - Assyria
570 BC Hanging Gardens Semiramides - Nebuchadnezzar-2
550 - 510 BC BC. Geographic Map - Greece
About 550 BC. Artemis Temple, one of the seven wonders of the world - Ephesus, Turkey
About 500 BC. Chess - India
500 years BC Carpet - China
400 BC Catapult - Greece
480 BC Pantonic Bridge - Persia
460 - 337 years BC Hippocrates - Greek doctor, called "Father of Modern Medicine"
About 435 BC. Statue of Zeus, one of the seven wonders of the world - FIDIA, antique sculptor
352 year BC Mausoleum in Galicarnassa, one of the seven Chedes Light - Small Asia, erected for Mausola, King Keria
300 BC. Faros Lighthouse, one of the seven wonders of the world - Alexandria, Egypt
282 BC BC. Colossus Rhodes, one of 7 miracles of the world, giant statue of the Greek god of the Sun Helios
100 years BC Plunction of glass - china in the Roman Empire
85 BC Water mill - China
25 - 220 years AD Saddle - China
1 century AD Shovel - Rome
1 century AD Central Heating System - Roman Empire
2 century AD First Atlas - Claudius Ptolemy, Egypt

500 Wooden Rake - Europe
650 years notes - Greece
683 year zero - Cambodia
650 year windmill - Persia
950 Food - China
1090 year magnetic compass - China and Arabia
1180 year ship steering wheel - Arabia
1200 Loupe - Robert Grossetest, English Priest
1250 - 1300 Year Long Onions - Wales, United Kingdom
1280 year gun - China
13th century Paper money - China

Inventions 14 centuries:

About 1400 years Mirror - Venice, Italy
1450 anemometer (tool for measuring wind speed) - Leon Alberti Battista, Italian artist and architect
1455 Printing Machine - Johann Gutenberg, German Prove
1450s Golf - Scotland
1462 Fernao Hemes - crossed equator

Inventions 15 centuries:

15th century The first parachute was drawn Leonardo da Vinci
15th century playing cards, france
About 15th century Piggy Bank - United Kingdom
1500 year shirt - europe
1543 Nikolai Copernicus - Polish astronomer, creator of theory about the heliocentric system
Mid 16th century Violin - Lombardy
1590 Microscope - Dutch Optics, Hans Jansen and His Son Zechariah
1596 Unitaz - John Harington, England

The inventions of the 16th century:

1608 Telescope - Hans Lippers, Netherlands
1609 Galileo Galileo - Italian astronomer, constructed a telescope and opened spots in the sun
1609 Gazeta - Julius Zonne, Germany
1614 Logarithmic Table - John Never, Scottish Mathematics
1622 Counting Machine - Wilhelm Shikard, Germany
1624 submarine - Cornelius Van Durbela, Dutch inventor who was in the service of the British
1630 Obstetrician Tongs - Peter Ceibermen, English Doctor
1635 Tie Tie - Croatia
1637 Umbrella - France
1656 The clock with a pendulum - Christians Guigens, Dutch scientist
1698 year of steam boiler - Thomas Severy, English Engineer
1670 MegaFon - Samuel Morland, English Engineer
1670 Champagne - House Perignon, French Monk
1675 Year Pocket Watch - Huygens Christians, Dutch Physicist, Mathematics and Astrono
1687 Yesaac Newton - English Physicist, formulated the law of world
1690 - 1700 Clarinet - Johann Crimberry Denner, Germany

Inventions 17 centuries:

1700 year Castle and key
1714 GBRUE THERMOMETER - Gabriel D. Fahrenheit, German Physic
1718 YEARMUM - James Palk, England
1720 Royal - Bartolomeo Christophai, Italy
1731 OCTANT - John Hadley - (England) and Thomas Godfrey (USA)
1731 Sextant - John Hedley, England
1735 Sea Boat - John Harrison, England
1736 Anrters Celsius - Swedish Astronomer, developed a thermometer's stratekest scale
1752 Year Eraser - "Magellan", Portugal
1752 Thunderwood - Benjamin Franklin, inventor and statesman
1760 Roller skates - Joseph Merlin, Belgian musician
1762 Sandwich - John Montagus, Fourth Graf Sandwich, English Aristocrat
1767 Puzzle - John Spelsbury, English Teacher
1770 Porcelain Teeth - Alexis Duisato, French Pharmacist
1779 First Foundry Bridge - Bridge over the North River, United Kingdom1
1783 Louis Lenoran - the first person who made a parachute jump, France
1783 Balloon - Brothers Joseph and Etienne Mongolfier, French Inventors
1784 Bigocal lenses - Benjamin Franklin, inventor and statesman
1791 Theodolite, portable angry tool - Jesse Ramsden
1792 Ambulance Coach - Dominic Larray, French Surgeon

Inventions 18 centuries:

Around 1800 Barometer - Luke Howard, founder of modern meteorology, United Kingdom
1800 First Chemical Current Source (Volt Post) - Alessandro Volta, Italian Physic
1803 SERVICE - Richard Trevik, English Engineer
1807 Gas Lantern - National Lighting and Heating Company, United Kingdom
1814 School Board - James Pillans, Scottish Teacher
1815 mining lantern - Chemphrey Davi, English Chemist
1816 Stethoscope - Rene Laienk, French Physic
1818 Revolver - Artemis Wheeler and Elix Cooler, American Inventors
1819 Diving Costume - Augustus Ziba, German Mesager
1819 Chocolate - Francois-Louis Kaye, Switzerland
1821 Electric Engine - Michael Faraday, English Physicist and Chemist
1823 Crying Dolls - Iohanne Malesel, Belgium
1823 Rubber Fabric - Charles Macintosh, Scottish Chemist
1825 Aluminum - Hans Ocerst, Danish Physic
1827 year matches - John Walker, English chemist and pharmacist
1829 Tractor - "Keiz Company"
1829 Accordion - Kirillus Demian, Austria
1830 Lawn Mower - Edwin Bird Badding, England
1831 Dynamo Machine and Transformer - Michael Faraday, English Physicist and Chemist
1837 Telegraph - William Cook and Charles Whitstone, Boinean Inventors
1838 Combinen - John Hescoll and Hiram Moore, USA
1838 - 1842 Charles Wilkes - American Antarctica Coast Researcher
1839 Bike - Carkpatrick Macmillan, Scotland
1839 Steam Press - James Mind, England
1839 Rubber Vulcanization Process - Charles Nelson Gudier, American Inventor
1840 Post Mark - James Chalmer, Scottish Publicist
1841 Saxophone - Anthony Sax, Belgium Saxophone - Adolf SKS (1814, November 6 - 1894, February 07), Belgium
1844 ABC Morse - Samuel Morse, American artist and inventor
1844 Anasthesia - Choras Walls, American Dentist
1846 Sewing Machine - Elias Hou, American Inventor
1847 Barometer aneroid - Lucien Videos, France
1849 - 1896 years of life Otto Liliental - German Engineer - First Airplant
1849 Charles Rowley (United Kingdom) British pin - Walter Hunt (USA) and
1850 Acoustic Guitar - Antonio de Torres
1852 Year mailbox - Guernsey, United Kingdom
1854 paraffin lamp - Abraham Geesner (USA) and James Yang (England)
1854 Lift - Eli Otis, American Inventor
1854 Water Mill - Island Men, United Kingdom
1856 - 1943 Nikola Tesla - American of Croatian origin, electrician and inventor in the field of radio engineering
1856 The first synthetic paint - William Perkin
1857 toilet paper - Joseph K. Gayetti, USA
1859 Charles Darwin - English Naturalist, Author of the Theory of Evolution
1860 Clear Knife - Henry Clayton
1861 Year Postcard - John P. Charlton, USA
1861 Color Photography - James Clerk Maxwell, Scottish Physic
1862 The first underground road - London, United Kingdom
1863 Bormashin - George Harrington, England
1866 Torpeda - Robert Whitehead
1867 Barbed Wire - Lucien Smith (USA)
1867 Baby Nutrition - Gentry Nestle, Swiss Chemist
1867 Dynamite - Alfred Nobel, Swedish Engineer
1868 - 1874 Gustav Naxtal - German Central Sahara Researcher
1868 Ferdinal Richtofer - German Geographic, China Researcher
1868 Hydropower - Aristide Berge - French Engineer
1869 Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev - Russian Chemist, developed a periodic table of chemical elements
1860s Louis Pasteur - French Chemist, developed the process of pasteurization
1874 Jeans - Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis, USA
1875 System Sale of goods at one price - Melville Stone (USA)
1876 \u200b\u200bTelephone - Alexander Grey Bell, American Physicist Born in Scotland
1877 Phonograph - Thomas Edison, American Inventor
1879 Light bulb - Thomas Edison. Opening based on the patent of the English scientist Joseph is
1879 Year Tram, Germany
1879 Soap - "Proctor & Gamble"
1880 Ventilation System - Robert Boyle, British Chemist and Physic
1880 Seismographer - John Miln, English Scientist
1881 Trolleybus - Werner von Siemens, German Electric Engineer
1882 Electric Iron - Henry V. Sili, USA
1882 Robert Koh - German bacteriologist, opened the causative agents of cholera and tuberculosis
1885 Internal combustion engine - Gottlieb Daimler, German Engineer
1885 First Car - Carl Benz, German Mechanic Engineer
1887 Rubber Tire - John Dunlop, Irish Veterinarian
1888 Gramophone - Emil Berliner, American German Origin
1888 Furoof Nansen - Norwegian scientist and statesman, investigated the Arctic of Greenland
1890 Handmade Lantern - Konrad Hubert, American Origin
1890 Crossword - J. Airoldi, Italy
1890 - 1934 Svena Andres Hedin - Swedish Researcher of Central Asia
1891 Basketball - James A. Niximite, USA
1891 Electric kettle - "Carpenter Electrician Company", USA
1891 Electric stove - "Carpenter Company", USA
1892 Diesel Engine - Rudolph Diesel, German Mechanical Engineer
1893 Zippers "Zipper" - Witcomb Jadson, USA
1893 Industrial Air Filter, USA
1895 X-rays - Wilhelm Conrad X-ray, German Physic
1895 Cinema - Brothers Auguste and Louis Lumiere, French Entrepreneurs
1895 Popov Alexander Stepanovich - Russian inventor, invented radio
1899 Pneumatic Mail - Brooklyn, USA
1899 Aspirin - Felix Hoffman and Herman Dreser, German chemists

19 centuries:

1900 Papers for Paper Clips - Iohann Waaler, Norway
1900 Sound Cinema - Leon Gomon, France
1900 Airship - Ferdinand Background Zeppelin - German Dirifying Designer
1901 Safe Razor - King Kemla Zhillett, American Merchant
1903 Orville and Wilber Wright - American Engineers who have committed the first flight by plane
1903 Colored Chalks - Kraiol, USA
1904 Diode - John Ambroz Fleming, British Electric Engineer
1906 PIIInola Automatic - "Automatic Machinery End Tul Company, USA
1906 Finger handle - Slavolyub Pencilia, Serbian inventor
1907 Washing Machine - Alva J. Fisher
1908 Assembly Conveyor - Henry Ford, American Engineer
1908 year meger - German physicist Hans Geiger and V. Müller invented the device for detecting and measuring radioactivity
1909 Louis Blerio - French Injner, made a flight over La Mansha
1909 Robert Edwin Peel - American Researcher, relevant to the North Pole
1910 Alfred Vegener - German Geophysicist, author of the theory of continental drift
1910 Mixer - George Smith and Fred Ozius, USA
1911 Ruled Amundsen - Norwegian researcher, first reached the southern pole
1912 Robert Falcon Scott - British Military Officer, the second reached the Southern Pole
1912 reflector - "Belling Co.", USA
1913 Autopilot - Elmer Spiri (USA)
1915 Gas Massas - Fritz Haber, German Chemist
1915 Cardboard Dairy Packages - Wang Vermer - USA
1915 Heat-resistant glassware - "Pyrex Corning Glass Warks", USA
1916 Microphone - USA
1916 Tank - William Titton, British Designer
1917 Electric Lanterns for Christmas Tree - Albert Sadakka, American Spanish Origin
1917 Shock Therapy - United Kingdom
1920 hairdryer - "Rasin Universal Motor Company", USA
1921 Albert Einstein - American physicist, originally from Germany, formulated the theory of relativity
1921 Lie Detector - John A. Larsen (USA)
1921 Toaster - Charls Stratet (USA)
1924 leukoplasty - Josephine Dixon, USA
1926 Black and White TV - John Logs Bayird, Scottish Inventor
1927 Artificial Respiratory Device - Philip Drinker, American Medicine Researcher
1928 Penicillin is the first antibiotic, Open Alexander Fleming, Scottish bacteriologist
1928 Chewing Gum - Walter E. Dimer, USA
1929 Yo-Yo - Pedro Flores, Philippines
1930 Multi-storey Parking - Paris, France 1930 Electronic Watch - Penvud Numecron
1930 Sticky Tape - Richard Drew, USA
1930 Frozen semi-finished products - Clarence Birsay, USA
About 1930 bra
1932 Parking Counter - Carlton Magi, American Inventor
1932 Electric guitar - Adolfus Ricenbacket, USA
1933 - 1935 Radar - Rudolf Kyunhold and Robert Watson Watt
1934 Nylon stockings - Wallace Hume Caroters, American Chemist
1936 Food baskets and trolleys - Silvan Goldman and Fred Young, USA
1938 Copying Machine - Chester Carson, American Lawyer, contributed to the development of xerography
1938 Ballpoint pen - Laslo Biro
1939 DDT - Paul Müller and Weismann - Switzerland
1940 Mobile Phone - "Bell Phone Laboratories", USA
1943 Aqualung - Jacques-Yves Kusto, French Oceanographer
1946 Electronic Computer - John Prosper Eckert and John Moelley, USA
1946 Microwave - Percy Lebaron Spencer, USA
1948 Player - "Si Bi-Es Corporation", USA
1949, January 10th the issue of vinyl records will begin
RCA - 45 revolutions per minute
COLUMBIA - 33, 3 turns per minute
1950 Remote Extraction - "Zenit Electronics Corporation", USA
1950 Credit Card - Ralph Schneider, United States
1951 Liquid Paper - Bett Understand Sin, USA
1952 Rubber Gloves - United Kingdom
1954 Transistor Radio - Reegensi Electronics, USA
1955 Designer Lego - Ole Kirk Christiansen, Denmark
1956 Contact Lenses, USA
1957 Ultrasound - Professor Jan Donald, Scotland
1957 Vivian Ernest Fuffs - the first crossed Antarctica
1958 Barbie doll - Rud Handler, USA
1958 Hula-Hup - Richard P. Niir and Arthur Melvin, American inventors
1959 Microchip - Jack Kilby, USA
1959 the ship on an air cushion - Christopher Coquell, British engineer
1960 Laser - Theodore Mayman, American Physic
1961 Spaceship Ship Shuttle, United States
1961 Alan Bartlett Shepard - First American, the coored went to space on board the FRIDA-7 capsules
1961 Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin - Russian Cosmonaut, first person in space
1962 John Herchel Glenn ML. - The first American, having flown around the earth
1962 Industrial Robots - "UMNYESHN", USA
1963 Cassette tape recorder - "Phillips", Netherlands
1964 Speed \u200b\u200bTrain - Japan
1965 Virtual Reality - Ivan Slareland, American Scientist, Computer Technology Specialist
1968 Computer Mouse - Douglas Engelbart
1969 the first people. Popped on the moon - American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Oldrin
1970 Artificial Heart - Robert K. Yarvik, USA
1970 Fire Alarm - "Patifiers Corporation", USA
1971 BRUDGET - Stephanie Kolk, American chemist who came up with Fiber
1972 Computer Games - Nolan Bushnell, USA
1973 Vobot, the first human-like robot - Japan
1977 Internet - Vinton Surf, USA
1978 Personal Computer - Stephen Jobs and Stephen Wozniak
1979 Audio player - "Sony", Japan
1980 Cube Rubik - Hungarian Professor Erno Rubik
1981 Camcorder - "Sony", Japan
1981 CD - Japan and Netherlands
1983 Satellite TV - "Yu-EU Satellite Communications Inc., USA
1988 Airbps "Toyota", Japan
1980s Portable Computer - Cleve Syclair, United Kingdom
1998 "Mad Dog 2", Sunny Battery Car - United Kingdom

Over all the existence of our planet, hundreds of thousands of amazing things were created. It is enough just to look around on the sides - everything that we see appeared as a result of painstaking human labor. And among this manifold it is impossible to objectively determine the best invention of humanity. However, the results of large-scale social surveys and opinions of scientists on this topic are occurring. They can be focused on studying it.

Opening from the past

The best inventions of humanity, which are more correct to call discoveries, were discovered thousands of years ago. Now they are an integral part of our life.

In the first place, naturally, fire. It was his masterment that became a turning point when people understood that it was a fire, and how to use it, they began to develop their activity at night, defend them from predators and prepare a variety (at that time) food. For many years they supported it in the caves, not allowing attenuation. After all, the path to independent mining of fire was very long.

There is even the opinion that thanks to the fire the evolution process began to go faster. After all, the handsome Homo Erectus on it were prepared to the starch food, consuming which, they ensured the rapid assimilation of polysaccharides that contribute to the intensive development of the brain.


This is definitely also the best invention of humanity. Sleeping speech to prove this statement is not even needed. After all, it was the emergence of writing that marked the development of civilization and contributed to the exchange of knowledge between various peoples and cultures. Although everything began in the distant 9000-7000. BC, with early asia pictograms (Syrian region).

Paper is also considered one of the most important inventions of humanity. Writing made it possible to maintain any information received. And paper gave her access to millions of people. After all, before her invention, all materials intended for the letter were very expensive. Paper appeared, by the way, in 105 to our era. It was created in the future its invention was improved, as well as a method of paper production.


Many say that it is she - the best invention of humanity. The book, however, deserves such status. Let now many perceive it as a work of printing in a binding. But this is just because people are accustomed to books.

In fact, each of them is a separate small world. It is the book that is a conductor of information through the century, the pride of mankind and its heritage. This is verbal and historical experience, secrets and pleasures. Reading books, people become more educated and intellectually shredded, enrich their vocabulary, learn to reflect and analyze. They are improved as a person with a capital letter. It is only a pity that in our age of modern technologies, people forget about books and do not read so much as it was before.


Speaking about the closest to our time, it will be logical to start with him. By scale, this is really the most important and better invention of humanity. Electricity, however, is not the fact that it was created by the hands of people. After all, this is not a thing, but a totality of phenomena, which are due to the movement and interaction of electrical charges. But in this case, electricity has a modern understanding.

The first functional source was created in the XVIII century. Then it was possible to invent volts of the pillar - a device for obtaining a discharge.

And, I must say, many of the respondents said that they consider the greatest creation of a person ... a light bulb. You can understand why. The day is replaced at night, but life does not stop, thanks to the fact that the lighting means are there in our lives - light bulbs. Their first prototype was invented by the German watchmaker Henry Gebell in 1854. After 26 years, the light bulb was improved by the American inventor Thomas Edison. It was he who gave our world a switch, base and cartridge. Invented a tungsten thread in 1890, Alexander Lododgin, who also offered to fill with inert gas bulbs.

Ball pen

In fact, it is not surprising at all that this thing was treated among such a large-scale discoveries. According to the results of the survey given in the UK, it turned out that most people believe that the ballpoint handle is the best invention of humanity. This simple and casual thing was created by a Hungarian journalist named in 1938. It is important to note that Brother Georg helped him, who was the profession of a chemist.

First, the inventors patented a ballpoint pen in Hungary. But then the Second World War began. In this regard, the brothers moved to Argentina and patented the invention there. After some time, they sold the right to produce the company's ballpoint handles called Eversharp. They paid 1,000,000 dollars, which was a huge amount for those times.

Since 1943, there is a massive release of ballpoint pens, which are today indispensable stationery, which each person uses.

the Internet

It is unlikely that people will object to the fact that it is the worldwide network - the best invention of humanity. It radically changed the life of a modern man. The population of the planet learned about things like video call, remote work, games, instant communication with the interlocutor in another part of the Earth, online broadcast and much more.

Without a doubt, the Internet is the best invention of humanity. Now they use ~ 4 billion people, and daily this amount increases. It all started in 1962. It was then that Joseph Karl Robrowt Liklaider introduced the world to the world's first detailed concept of a computer network. 5 years later, work was launched on the creation of an ARPA NET Internet network. And the first server was installed 09/02/1969. And on October 29, two months later, between two computers located at a distance of 640 kilometers, a communication session was conducted.

From the moment the Internet began to develop rapidly. After a few months, news groups appeared, mailing lists and bulletin board. And today there are almost everything on the Internet.

Creations from "zero"

After a brief excursion in history, you can also tell about the best inventions of humanity of the 21st century. A new era began with the creation in 2001 now this is the basis of all LED displays.

In 2002, a breakthrough was performed in medicine, marked by creating an artificial retinal eye. Then, next year, engineers and technicians have developed an interface for mental object management.

2004 was marked by two striking inventions at once. The world saw a neutron microscope and a bionic eye.

A year later, a robot was created, capable of creating his copies. And in 2006, mankind presented self-healing coatings and paints.

In 2007, discoveries were not, but in 2008 the world learned about the passive element from microelectronics, which can change its resistance depending on the charge, through it flowing. He was called Memristor.

The next two years have made four more discoveries. For the first time, the transmission of thought on the Internet was made, a biological 3D printer was created, LG specialists developed a ultra-mobile PC, and biologists brought the first living cell, the DNA of which was replaced by artificial. All this was really amazing. Much surprises even now. That is why it is so difficult to determine the best invention of humanity.

Until the middle of the "tenths"

Large-scale developments were marked by 2012. Then the air display was created, a virtual reality helmet and a method of producing special soluble electronics was developed.

In 2013, it was possible to establish a laser cosmic connection. And in 2014 I invented the MEMS nanooroin and less significant, but a funny thing is smart wands for food. Then, in 2015, the world was presented "Sleeping" bacterium (robotic nano-device). It performs the functions of a super-sensitive humidity sensor, due to the presence of special nano-structures on the surface.

Last years

I would like to complete the story, denoting the top 10 of the best inventions of humanity for the last year 2016.

The first place occupies a floating light of Flyte, which can be soldered and rotated at the expense of electromagnetism. It glows thanks to induction resonating communication.

The second place rightly occupies the Tesla sunny roof, the processing radiation shone into electricity.

The following amazing invention - Nike Hyperadapt 1.0 sneakers with automatic lacing. The dream of all fans of the film "Back to the Future" became a reality.

In the fourth place is the intellectual multifunctional alarm clock Hello Sense, which follows the sleep cycles and the giving command to wake up in the most suitable moment for its owner.

Also in 2016, Eagle 360 \u200b\u200btires appeared, rotating in all directions, the "smart" toothbrush, and still dishes for people with problems with cognitive functions. In addition, the world saw powerful and sweet potatoes enriched with vitamin A, and a tiny drone DJI MAVIC PRO, equipped with a 4K camera.

So, this is a small part of what can be told about the most amazing and important inventions of humanity. Of course, in the entire history of its existence, tens of thousands of times more discoveries were made. And you can be sure that over time this quantity will increase repeatedly.

The history of mankind is closely related to the constant progress, development of technologies, new discoveries and inventions. Some technologies are outdated and steel history, others, such as a wheel or sail, are still used. Countless discoveries were lost in the whirlpool of time, other not evaluated by contemporaries, waited for recognition and introduction of dozens and hundreds of years.

Editorial Samogo.net He conducted his own research, designed to answer the question of what the inventions are considered our contemporaries most significant.

Processing and analysis of the results of Internet surveys have shown that there is simply no single opinion on this score. Nevertheless, we managed to form a common unique rating of the greatest inventions and discoveries in the history of mankind. As it turned out, despite the fact that science has long gone forward, the basic discoveries in the minds of our contemporaries remain the most significant.

First place undoubtedly occupied the fire

People early opened the useful properties of fire - its ability to illuminate and warming, change the vegetative and animal food for the better.

"Wild Fire", which broke out during forest fires or eruptions of volcanoes, was terrible for a person, but, by bringing fire to his cave, the man "tamed" him and "put" his service. From this time, the fire became a permanent satellite of a person and the basis of his farm. In ancient times, it was an indispensable source of heat, light, a means of cooking, a tool of hunting.
However, and further conquests of culture (ceramics, metallurgy, stalering, steam vehicles, etc.) are obliged to the integrated use of fire.

For a long millennium, people enjoyed "homemade fire", supported him from year to year in their caves before they learned how to produce him themselves with the help of friction. Probably, this discovery happened by chance, after our ancestors learned to drill a tree. During this operation, wood was heated and inflammation could occur under favorable conditions. By paying attention to this, people began to use friction to make fire.

The simplest way was that two wands of dry wood were taken, in one of which they did a hole. The first stick was placed on the ground and pressed his knee. The second was inserted into the well, and then started quickly-quickly rotate between the palms. At the same time, it was necessary to put pressure on the wand with force. The inconvenience of such a way was that the palms gradually slipped down. It was necessary to raise them up and continue to rotate again. Although, with a well-known skill, it can be done quickly, still due to permanent stops the process was greatly delayed. It is much easier to get fire by friction, working together. At the same time, one person kept the horizontal wand and pressed the vertical on top, and the second - quickly-quickly rotated it between the palms. Later, the vertical wand began to wrap the strap, moving which to the right and left can accelerate the movement, and the bone cap began to be applied to the upper end for convenience. Thus, the entire device for the extraction of fire has made four parts: two sticks (fixed and rotating), strap and top cap. In this way, it was possible to obtain fire and alone if we press the lower wand knee to the ground, and the cap was teeth.

And only later, with the development of humanity, other ways of obtaining open fire have become available.

Second placein the answers of the Internet community occupied Wheel and wagon

It is believed that his prototype may have become rollers, which were led to heavy trees, boats and stones when dragging them from place to place. Perhaps the first observations of the properties of rotating bodies were made. For example, if a log skating rink for some reason in the center was thinner than at the edges, it moved under the cargo more evenly and did not enter it aside. Noticing this, people began to deliberately burn the rollers in such a way that the middle part became thinner, and the side remained unchanged. Thus, a device was obtained, which is now called a "skate". In the course of further improvements in this direction from the whole log, only two rollers remained at its ends, and the axis appeared between them. Later they began to make it separately, and then hard to fasten each other. So the wheel was opened in his own sense of the word and the first wagon appeared.

In the following centuries, many generations of masters have worked on improving this invention. Initially, the solid wheels were tightly fastened with the axis and rotated together with her. When moving on a flat road, such carts were quite suitable for use. On the rotation when the wheels should rotate at different speeds, this connection creates great inconvenience, as a heavy loading wagon can easily break or turn over. The wheels themselves were still very imperfect. They were made from a solid piece of wood. Therefore, the carts were heavy and inaccessible. They moved slowly, and usually they were harnessed in leisurely, but mighty oxes.

One of the oldest carts described in the design was found during excavations in Mohenjo Daro. A large step forward in the development of the technique of movement was the invention of the wheel with a hub, astounding on a still axis. In this case, the wheels rotated independently of each other. And for the wheel less rubbed about the axis, it began to lubricate with fat or tar.

To reduce the weight of the wheel in it cut the cuts, and for rigidity was strengthened with transverse scrapers. It was impossible to think of anything better in the era of the Stone Age. But after the discovery of metals began to produce wheels with metal rim and knitting needles. This wheel could rotate ten times faster and not afraid of stones. Bringing into the wagon of fast horses, a person significantly increased the speed of his movement. Perhaps it is difficult to find another discovery that would give such a powerful impetus to the development of technology.

Third place By right occupied Writing

No need to talk about what a great value in the history of mankind was the invention of writing. It is impossible to even imagine how the development of civilization could go if at a certain stage of their development, people did not have learned to fix with certain characters the information they need and thus transmit and maintain it. Obviously, human society is in such a form in which it exists today simply could not appear.

The first forms of writing in the form of a specially stacked signs appeared about 4 thousand years before R.Kh. But long before that there were various ways of transferring and storing information: with the help of certainly folded branches, arrows, fire smoke and the like signals. Of these primitive alert systems, more complex ways of fixing information appeared later. For example, the ancients invented the original "record" system using nodules. To do this, used laces of wool of different color. They were associated with a variety of nodules and fucked on a wand. In this form, the "letter" was sent to the addressee. It is believed that the Incas with the help of such a "nodule letter" recorded their laws, chronicles and poems were recorded. "A novel letter" is also noted from other nations - they used in ancient China and Mongolia.

However, writing in his own sense of the word appeared only after people to fix and transmit information invented special graphic signs. The most ancient view of the letter is considered pictographic. The pictogram is a schematic pattern that directly depicts things, events, and the phenomena that are discussed. It is assumed that pictography was widespread in various peoples at the last stage of the Stone Age. This letter is very clearly, and therefore he does not need to learn specially. It is quite suitable for transferring small messages and to record simple stories. But when there was a need to convey any complex abstract thought or a concept, the limited possibilities of the pictogram were immediately felt, which is absolutely not adapted to the record of what is not amenable to a pattern image (for example, such concepts like vigor, courage, dust, good sleep, heavenly azure, etc.). Therefore, at the early stage of the history of the letter, the pictograms began to include special conditional badges, denoting certain concepts (for example, a sign of crossed hands symbolized the exchange). Such icons are called ideograms. The ideographic letter originated and pictographic, and you can quite clearly imagine how this happened: each image of the pictogram has become increasingly separated from others and communicate with a certain word or concept, denoting it. Gradually, this process has evolved so much that primitive icons have lost their former clarity, but the clarity and certainty have gained. This process took a long time, perhaps several millennia.

The highest form of ideograda was the hieroglyphic letter. For the first time it arose in ancient Egypt. Later, the hieroglyphic writing was widespread in the Far East - in China, Japan and Korea. With the help of ideograms, it was possible to reflect any, even the most difficult and distracted thought. However, for not devoted to the mystery of hieroglyphs, the meaning of the written sense was completely incomprehensible. Everyone who wanted to learn to write should be remembered several thousand icons. Really, it took several years of permanent exercises. Therefore, to write and read in antiquity was able to few.

Only at the end of 2 thousand to R.Kh. The ancient Phoenicians invented the alphanumeric alphabet, which served as a model for the alphabets of many other peoples. The Phoenician alphabet consisted of 22 consonant letters, each of which denoted a separate sound. The invention of this alphabet has become a big step forward for humanity. With the help of a new letter, it was easy to convey a graphically any word without resorting to ideograms. He was very simple to learn. The art of letters has ceased to be the privilege of enlightened. It became the property of the whole society or at least more of it. This served as one of the reasons for the rapid spread of the Phoenician alphabet around the world. According to the four fifters of all the alphabets known now arose from Phoenician.

So, from the variety of Phoenician letters (Punic) developed Libyan. Directly from the Phoenician occurred the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek letter. In turn, the Arabian, Nabataya, Syrian, Persian and other writing were based on the Araraian letter. The Greeks introduced the last important improvement to the Phoenician alphabet - they began to mark not only consonants, but also vowels. The Greek alphabet is based on the basis of most European alphabets: Latin (from which French, German, English, Italian, Spanish, and other alphabets), Coptic, Armenian, Georgian and Slavic (Serbian, Russian, Bulgarian, and others, in turn) occurred.

Fourth place, Following writing takes Paper

Her creators were the Chinese. And it is not by chance. Firstly, China already in deep antiquity was famous for his book wisdom and a complex system of bureaucratic management that required constant reporting officials. Therefore, there was always a need for inexpensive and compact material for writing. Before the invention of paper in China wrote or on bamboo plates, or on silk.

But the silk was always very expensive, and Bamboo is very cumbersome and heavy. (On one table, an average of 30 hieroglyphs was placed. It is easy to imagine how much space should have occupied such a bamboo "book". It is not by chance that they need a whole cart for the transportation of some works.) Secondly, one for a long time knew the secret of production for a long time. Silk, and a paper deal just developed from one technical processing of silk cookers. This operation was as follows. Women engaged in silkgrounds, cooked silkworm cocoons, then laying them on the mat, lowered into the water and packed until the formation of a homogeneous mass. When the mass was taken out and parted water, the silk wool was obtained. However, after such mechanical and heat treatment, neither the mats remained a thin fiber layer, which turned after drying in a sheet of very thin paper suitable for a letter. Later, workers began to use the defective silkworm cocoons for targeted paper manufacturing. At the same time, they repeated already familiar to them process: cooked cocoons, washed and crushed to obtain a paper mass, finally, dried off the resulting sheets. Such paper was called "cotton" and cost quite expensive, as the raw material was expensive.

Naturally, in the end the question arose: is it possible to make paper only from silk or for the preparation of paper mass can any fibrous raw materials, including plant origin? In 105, someone Tsai Lun, an important official at the courtyard of the Han Emperor, prepared a new grade of paper from old fishing networks. For quality, she did not go silk, but was much cheaper. This important discovery had enormous consequences not only for China, but also for the whole world - for the first time in history, people received first-class and affordable material for writing, equivalent replacement that is not to this day. The name of Tsai Luna, therefore, rightly comes in the number of the names of the greatest inventors in the history of mankind. In the next centuries, several important improvements were made to the paper manufacturing process, therefore it began to develop rapidly.

In the IV century, the paper completely displaced bamboo plate from the use. New experiments have shown that the paper can be made from cheap vegetable raw materials: wood bark, cane and bamboo. The latter was especially important, since the bamboo grows in China in a huge amount. The bamboo was split into thin rays, soaked with lime, and then the resulting mass was then digested for several days. The withdrawal thick puffs were kept in special pits, thoroughly smeared with special biles and diluted with water to the formation of adhesive, cascidious mass. This mass was buried with a special form - bamboo sieves fortified on the subframe. The thin layer of mass with the shape was put under the press. Then the form was pulled out and only a paper sheet remained under the press. Compressed sheets were filmed from Sita, folded in the kip, dried, smoothed and cut the format.

Over time, the Chinese have reached the highest art in the manufacture of paper. For several centuries, they, according to their usual, carefully stored secrets of paper production. But in 751, during a collision with Arabs in the foothills of Tien Shan, several Chinese masters were captured. From them, the Arabs learned to make the paper themselves and for five centuries, it was very profitable to sell it to Europe. The Europeans were the last of the civilized peoples who learn to make the paper themselves. First, this art was adopted by the Spaniards from Arabs. In 1154, paper production was established in Italy, in 1228 in Germany, in the 1309th in England. In the next century, the paper received throughout the world widestatic distribution, gradually gaining more and more new applications. Its value in our lives is so great that, according to the famous French bibliographer A. Simim, our era can be called "Paper Eroy" with full right.

Fifth placeoccupied Powder and firearms

The invention of gunpowder and its distribution in Europe had enormous consequences for the further history of mankind. Although Europeans learned the latest from civilized nations to do this explosive mixture, they managed to extract the greatest practical benefits from its opening. The rapid development of firearms and the revolution in military affairs were the first consequences of the spread of powder. It in turn led to the deepest social shifts: the knights chained in the lats and their impregnable castles were powerless in front of the fires and arkebuses. The feudal society was inflicted such a blow from which it could not recover. In a short time, many European powers overcame feudal fragmentation and turned into powerful centralized states.

In the history of technology there are more inventions, which would lead to such ambitious and far-reaching changes. Before the powder became known in the West, he had already had a centuries-old history in the east, and his Chinese invented. The most important part of the powder is the Selith. In some regions of China, she met in a native form and was similar to the flakes of snow, sitting down the land. Later it was discovered that the smelt was formed in areas rich in alkalis and rotting (delivering nitrogen) substances. Railing fire, the Chinese could observe outbreaks that arose when burning nitrates with coal.

For the first time, Selitra properties described the Chinese Medic Tao Hong-Jing, who lived at the turn of the V and VI centuries. From this time, it was used as an integral part of some drugs. Alchemists often used her by conducting experiments. In the VII century, one of them, Sun Son Miao, prepared a mixture of sulfur and nitrate, adding several pieces of the locker tree to them. Heating this mixture in a crucible, he suddenly got a strongest flame outbreak. He described this experience in his treatise "Dan Jing". It is believed that Sun Sun Miao prepared one of the first samples of gunpowder, which, however, did not have a strong explosive effect.

In the future, the composition of the gunpowders was improved by other alchemists who had experienced three main components: coal, sulfur and potassium saltper. Medieval Chinese could not scientifically explain that the explosive reaction occurs when the powder is ignited, but they very soon have learned to use it for military purposes. True, in their life, gunpowder did not have that revolutionary influence, which was later on the European Society. This is explained by the fact that the masters for a long time prepared a powder mixture of crude components. Meanwhile, the crude nitrate and sulfur, containing foreign impurities, did not give a strong explosive effect. For several centuries, powder was used exclusively as an incendiary. Later, when its quality has improved, powder began to apply as an explosive in the manufacture of fugasov, hand grenades and explosives.

But after that, for a long time, it was not guessing the use of the power of gases that arose when burning the guns and nuclei. Only in the XII-XIII centuries, the Chinese began to use weapons, very remotely reminding firearms, but they invented the Petardo and the rocket. From the Chinese, the secret of porch learned Arabs and Mongols. In the first third of the XIII century Arabs reached great art in pyrotechnics. They used Selitra in many compounds, interfering with gray and coal, they added other components to them and arranged amazing beauty fireworks. From the Arabs, the composition of the powder mixture became known to European alchemists. One of them, Mark Greek, already in 1220 he recorded a recipe of powder in his treatise: 6 parts of Selitra to 1 part of the sulfur and 1 part of coal. Later, Roger Bacon wrote for the composition of the gunpher.

However, about a hundred years have passed before this recipe has ceased to be a secret. This secondary opening of the gunpowder is associated with the name of another Alchemist, the Fibiburg Monk Bertold Schwarz. Once he became a pushed into a mortar, a crushed mixture of nitrate, sulfur and coal, as a result of which an explosion occurred, who fell bertold the beard. This or other experience submitted Bertold the thought of using powder gases for throwing stones. It is believed that he made one of the first artillery guns in Europe.

Initially, the gunpowder was a thin muco-like powder. It was not convenient to use it, since when charging guns and arkebuses, the powder pulp sticks to the walls of the trunk. Finally noticed that the powder in the form of lumps is much more convenient - it is easily charged and gave more gases at ignition (2 pounds of gunpowders in the communities gave a greater effect than 3 pounds in the pulp).

In the first quarter of the XV century, a grain powder was used for convenience, resulting from rolling powder pulp (with alcohol and other impurities) into the dough, which was then missed through the solido. So that the grains do not move during transportation, they have learned to polish them. To do this, they were placed in a special drum, when the grain is spinning hit and rubbed each other and fledged. After processing, their surface became smooth and brilliant.

Sixth placein surveys occupied : Telegraph, Telephone, Internet, Radio and Other Types of Modern Communication

Up to the middle of the XIX century, the only means of communication between the European continent and England, between America and Europe, between Europe and the colonies remained shipping mail. The incidents and events in other countries were recognized with a delay for whole weeks, and sometimes months. For example, news from Europe to America was delivered in two weeks, and it was not the longest time. Therefore, the creation of Telegraph answered the most urgent needs of humanity.

After this technical novelty appeared in all ends of the world and the globe was wicked by the telegraph lines, only the clock was required, and sometimes minutes, to ensure that the news by electrical wires from one hemisphere was taken to another. Political and stock reports, personal and business messages on the same day could be delivered to interested parties. Thus, telegraph should be attributed to one of the most important inventions in the history of civilization, because together with him the human mind won the greatest victories over the distance.

With the invention of the telegraph, the task of transmitting messages over long distances was solved. However, telegraph could only send written deposits. Meanwhile, many inventors dreamed of a more perfect and communicable communication method, with the help of which could be transmitted for any distances a living sound of human speech or music. The first experiments in this direction took American Page American Physicist in 1837. The essence of Page experience was very simple. He assembled the electrical chain, which was included in the charton, electromagnet, and electroplating elements. During their oscillations, the Tamington quickly blurred and closed the chain. This intermittent current was transferred to an electromagnet, which also pulled quickly and released a thin steel rod. As a result of these oscillations, the rod produced a singing sound, similar to the one that was published by Tam. Thus, Page showed that it is possible to transmit sound with an electric current in principle, it is only possible to create more advanced transmitting and receiving devices.

And later, as a result of long searches, discoveries and inventions, a mobile phone, television, the Internet and other means of communication of mankind appeared, without which it is impossible to imagine our modern life.

Seventh placein the top 10, according to the results of polls, took Car

The car belongs to the number of the greatest inventions that, like a wheel, powder or electric current, had a tremendous effect not only on the era thoroughly, but also at all subsequent times. Its multifaceted effects is far from limited to the sphere of transport. The car has formed a modern industry, he gave rise to new industries, despotically rebuilt the production itself, first giving it a mass, serial and stream. He transformed the appearance of the planet, which was gone by millions of kilometers of highways, provided pressure on the environment and changed even a human psychology. The influence of the car is now so multifaceted, which is felt in all spheres of human life. He became a visible and visual incarnation of technical progress in general, with all his advantages and disadvantages.

In the history of the car there were many amazing pages, but perhaps the brightest of them belongs to the first years of its existence. It may not affect the swiftness with which this invention passed the way from appearing to maturity. It took only a quarter of a century to ensure that the car from the capricious and still unreliable toys turn into the most popular and widespread vehicle. Already at the beginning of the XX century, he was in the main features identical to the modern car.

Paromobil became the immediate predecessor of the gasoline car. The first practically acting steam car is considered a steam cart, built by French Cuno in 1769. Consider up to 3 tons of cargo, it moved at a speed of only 2-4 km / h. She had other disadvantages. The heavy car was very bad steering, constantly drove on the walls of houses and fences, producing destruction and suffering a considerable damage. Two horsepower, which developed her engine, was difficult. Despite the large amount of the boiler, the pressure quickly fell. Every quarter of an hour to maintain the pressure had to stop and disperse the furnace. One of the trips ended with a boiler explosion. Fortunately, Kyuno himself remained alive.

The followers of Kyuno turned out to be lucky. In 1803, the trivier built to us, built the first steam car in the UK. The car had huge rear wheels about 2, 5 m in diameter. Between the wheels and the back of the frame, the boiler was mounted, which served on the stakes of the cochor. Paromobil was equipped with a single horizontal cylinder. From the piston rod through the rod-crank mechanism, the lead gear wheel was rotated, which was in engaging with another gear wheel, reinforced on the axis of the rear wheels. The axis of these wheels joined the frame and rotated with a long lever by a driver sitting on high irradiation. The body was suspended at high C-shaped springs. With 8-10 passengers, the car has developed a speed of up to 15 km / h, which, undoubtedly, was very good for that time achievement. The appearance of this amazing car on the streets of London attracted a mass of Zewak, who did not hide her delight.

The car in the modern sense of the word appeared only after creating a compact and economical internal combustion engine, which produced a genuine coup in transport technology.
The first car with a gasoline engine built in 1864 an Austrian inventor Siegfried Marcus. Drinking by pyrotechnics, Markus once settled by electric spark a mixture of gasoline and air vapor. Struck by the force of the existed explosion, he decided to create an engine in which this effect would have been used. In the end, he managed to build a two-stroke gasoline engine with an electrical ignition, which he installed on an ordinary wagon. In 1875, Marcus created a more perfect car.

The official glory of the car's inventors belongs to two German engineers - Benz and Daimler. Benz designed two-stroke gas engines and was the owner of a small plant for their production. The engines had good demand, and the enterprise Benz flourished. He had enough money and leisure for other developments. Benz's dream was the creation of a self-apparent crew with an internal combustion engine. Benz's own engine, like the four-stroke engine Otto, was not suitable for this, because they had a low speed (about 120 revolutions per minute). With some decrease in the number of revolutions, they glued. Benz understood that the car equipped with such a motor would stop before each tubercle. We needed a high-speed engine with a good ignition system and an apparatus for the formation of a combustible mixture.

Cars quickly improved in 1891 Edward Mishlen, the owner of the rubber products plant in Clermont-Ferran, invented a removable pneumatic tire for a bicycle (Dutlope's camera was poured into the tire and glued to the rim). In 1895, the release of removable pneumatic tires for cars began. For the first time, these tires were tested in the same year on the race Paris - Bordeaux - Paris. Equipped with them "Peugeot" with difficulty reared to Rouen, and then was forced to get away from the distance, as the tires were completely punished. Nevertheless, experts and motorists were amazed by the smoothness of the course of the car and comfort of riding on it. From this time, the pneumatic tires gradually entered their lives, and all cars began to be equipped with them. The winner on these races was Levassor again. When he stopped the car on the finish and stepped on Earth, he said: "It was madness. I did 30 kilometers per hour! " Now there is a monument in the honor of this significant victory.

Eighth place - light bulb

In recent decades of the XIX century, electrical lighting has entered the lives of many European cities. Appearing first on the streets and squares, it very soon penetrated every house, in each apartment and became an integral part of the life of every civilized person. It was one of the most important events in the history of technology that had huge and diverse consequences. The rapid development of electrical lighting led to the mass electrification, the coup in energy and large shifts in the industry. However, all this could not happen if the efforts of many inventors did not create such an ordinary and usual device as an electric light bulb. Among the greatest discoveries of human history, it undoubtedly belongs to one of the most honorable places.

In the XIX century, two types of electric lamps were distributed: incandescent lamps and arcs. Arc light bulbs appeared a little earlier. The luminescence is based on such an interesting phenomenon as the Voltov arc. If you take two wires, connect them to a sufficiently strong current source, connect, and then push the distance of a few millimeters, then something like a flame with a bright light is formed between the edges of the conductors. The phenomenon will be more beautiful and brighter if instead of metal wires take two pointed coal rods. With a sufficiently large tension between them, the light of the dazzling force is formed.

For the first time, the phenomenon of Volt Arc was watching Russian scientist Vasily Petrov in 1803. In 1810, the same discovery made the English physicist of Devi. Both of them got a volt arc, using a large battery of elements, between the ends of the rods from charcoal. And the one and the other wrote that the Voltov arc can be used for lighting purposes. But before it was necessary to find a more suitable material for the electrodes, since rods from charcoal were burned in a few minutes and were unlikely for practical use. Arc lamps had another inconvenience - as the electrodes burn out, it was necessary to constantly move them towards each other. As soon as the distance between them exceeded a certain permissible minimum, the light of the lamp became uneven, she began flickering and gasla.

The first arc arc lamp lamp constructed French Fouco Physicist in 1844. Charcoal he replaced chopsticks from solid coke. In 1848, he first applied an arc lamp to illuminate one of the Paris Squares. It was a short and very expensive experience, as a powerful battery served as a source of electricity. Then various devices were invented, driven by the watch mechanism, which automatically shifted the electrodes as they were combustion.
It is clear that from the point of view of practical use it was desirable to have a lamp that did not complicate additional mechanisms. But was it possible to do without them? It turned out that yes. If you put two coals not against each other, but in parallel, moreover, so that the arc can only be formed between the two ends, then the distance between the ends of the coal is always saved unchanged. The design of such a lamp seems very simple, however, creating it demanded great ingenuity. She was invented in 1876 by Russian electrical engineering of the apple, who worked in Paris in the workshop of Academician Breg.

In 1879, the famous American inventor Edison took over the improvement of the light bulb. He understood: In order for the light bulb brightly and for a long time and had a smooth non-moving light, it is necessary, first, to find the appropriate material for the thread, and, secondly, learn how to create a strongly sparse space in the cylinder. A variety of experiments with various materials were made, which were put with the sample characteristic of Edison. It is estimated that his assistants testified at least 6,000 different substances and compounds, while more than 100 thousand dollars were spent on the experiments. At first, Edison replaced a brittle paper corner, more durable, cooked from coal, then began to make experiments with various metals and finally focused on the threads of charred bamboo fibers. In the same year, in the presence of three thousand people, Edison publicly demonstrated its electric light bulbs, refreshing their home, a laboratory and several adjacent streets. It was the first light with a long service life, suitable for mass production.

Prelimary ninth placein our top 10 occupy Antibioticsand in particular - Peniciline

Antibiotics are one of the wonderful inventions of the XX century in the field of medicine. Modern people are not always aware of whether they are obliged to many of these therapeutic drugs. Mankind is generally very quickly getting used to the striking achievements of its science, and sometimes it is necessary to make some effort to imagine life as it was, for example, until the invention of the TV, radio or locomotive. Also quickly entered our life a huge family of various antibiotics, the first of which was Penicillin.

Today it seems surprising to us that in the 1930s of the 20th century, tens of thousands of people died from dysentery that the inflammation of the lungs in many cases ended with a fatal outcome that sepsis was a real scourge of all surgical patients who are in many days from infecting blood that The typhoid was considered the most dangerous and difficult disease, and the pulmonary plague inevitably led the patient to death. All these terrible diseases (and many others, before incurable, for example, tuberculosis) were defeated by antibiotics.

Even more striking the influence of these drugs for military medicine. It is difficult to believe, but in previous wars, most soldiers are not skitting from bullets and fragments, but from purulent infesses caused by injury. It is known that the Miriada microscopic organisms of microbes are located in the surrounding space, among which there are many and dangerous causative agents of disease.

Under normal conditions, our skin prevents their penetration into the body. But during the injury, the dirt fell into open wounds together with millions of rotary bacteria (Cockks). They began to multiply with tremendous speed, penetrated deeply inside the tissues, and after a few hours there was no longer any surgeon to save a person: the wound was fought, the temperature rose, sepsis or gangrene began. The man died not so much from the wound itself, as from the wound complications. Medicine was powerless before them. At best, the doctor managed to amputate the affected organ and stopped the spread of the disease.

To fight wound complications, it was necessary to learn to paralyze microbes causing these complications, learn to neutralize the Cocktles in the wound. But how to achieve this? It turned out that it was possible to fight with microorganisms directly with their help, since some microorganisms in the process of their livelihoods are distinguished by substances that can destroy other microorganisms. The idea of \u200b\u200busing microbes in the fight against microbes appeared in the XIX century. So, Louis Paster discovered that the Bacillus of Siberian ulcers die under the action of some other microbes. But it is clear that the resolution of this problem required a lot of work.

Over time, after a number of experiences and discoveries, Penicillin was created. Penicillin seemed to see the species of field surgeons by a real miracle. He cured even the most severe patients who have already been infected with blood or inflammation of the lungs. The creation of Penicillina turned out to be one of the most important discoveries in the history of medicine and gave a huge impetus for its further development.

Well, last, tenth placein the results of polls occupied Sail and ship

It is believed that the silence of the Sails appeared in ancient times, when a person just began to build boats and dared to go out into the sea. At the beginning of the sail served just a stretched animal skiing. The man standing in the boat had to keep both hands and orient it relative to the wind. When people came up with strengthening the sail with the help of masts and Rei, it is unknown, but already on the oldest days of the ships of the Egyptian Tsaritsa Khatsepsut ships, you can see wooden masts and rei, as well as stalls (cables that hold back masts), Fals (tackle for lifting And the descent of sails) and another rigging.

Consequently, the appearance of a sailing vessel should be attributed to prehistoric times.

Much indicates that the first large sailing ships appeared in Egypt, and Neil was the first multi-water river, on which river shipping began to develop. Every year from July to November, the mighty river went out of the banks, pouring his whole country with his waters. Selion and cities turned out to be cut apart like islands. Therefore, the vessels were for the Egyptians a vital necessity. In the economic life of the country and in communication between people, they played a much larger role than wheeled carts.

One of the early varieties of Egyptian ships that appeared about 5 thousand years before R.H. was Barka. She is known for modern scientists for several models installed in the ancient temples. Since Egypt is very poor in the forest, the papyrus features of this material was widely used for the construction of the first ships, the design and form of the ancient Egyptian courts was widely applied. It was a sickle, knitted from the papyrus papier with bent up the nose and feed. For a legend, the strength of the housing was tightened with cables. Later, when regular trading began with the Phoenicians and in Egypt began to flow in a large number of Lebanese cedar, the tree began to be widely used during shipbuilding.

The idea of \u200b\u200bwhich types of vessels were built then give wall-mounted reliefs of necropolis near Sakkara, belonging to the middle of the 3rd millennium to R.Kh. These compositions are realistic reflected separate stages of the building of the boardwalk. The hulls of ships that did not have any keel (in antiquity it was a beam, lying on the bottom of the day of the vessel), nor the swarthhum (transverse curves of BRUSIV, providing the strength of the sides and the bottom), were recruited from simple dies and caught papyrus. The body has strengthened through the ropes that tightening the vessel around the perimeter of the top belt belt. Such vessels hardly possessed good nautical qualities. However, for swimming on the river, they were quite suitable. The straight sail used by the Egyptians allowed them to sail only in the wind. Roblage was attached to a two-legged mast, both legs of which were installed perpendicular to the middle line of the vessel. In the upper part, they tightly contacted. The stamp (nest) for mast was the beam device in the vessel housing. In the working position, this mast was held the stalls - thick cables, stern from the feed and nose, and in the direction of the sides of her legs supported. The rectangular sail was attached to two events. With lateral wind, the mast hastily cleaned.

Later, approximately 2600 to R.Kh, the twin mast was replaced by a two-way alone. A single-legged mast eased walking under the sail and gave the vessel for the first time to maneuver. However, the rectangular sail was an unreliable tool that could only be used with passing wind.

The main engine of the ship remained the muscular strength of the rowers. Apparently, the Egyptians own an important improvement in the olarm - the invention is complex. They were not yet in the ancient kingdom, but then the paddle began to be attached to the rope loops. It immediately allowed to increase the strength of the ware and speed of the vessel. It is known that the selected rows on the ships of Pharaohs made 26 rigs per minute, which made it possible to develop a speed of 12 km / h. Managed such ships with two steering cheers, located on the stern. Later, they began to mount them to the beam on the deck, which could choose the right direction (this principle of managing the vessel with the help of the rotation of the steering wheel remains unchanged to this day). The ancient Egyptians were not good Moreleholds. On their ships they did not decide to go out into the open sea. However, along the coast, their commercial vessels committed distant travel. So, in the temple of Queen Hatsepsut, there is an inscription reporting on the sea campaign, perfect by the Egyptians around 1490 to R.Kh. In the mysterious country of the incense Punt, which was located in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Somalia.

The next step in the development of shipbuilding was made by the Phoenicians. Unlike the Egyptians, the Phoenicians in excess had excellent building material for their vessels. Their country has stretched a narrow strip along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Extensive cedar forests grew here almost at the very shore. Already in ancient times, the Phoenicians have learned to make high-quality lounge-one-sided boats from their trunks and boldly went on them into the sea.

At the beginning of the 3rd millennium to R.Kh, when maritime trade began to develop, the Phoenicians began to build ships. The sea ship differs significantly from the boat, its structural solutions are needed for its structure. The most important discoveries on this path, identifying the entire further history of shipbuilding, belong to the Phoenicians. Maybe the skeletons of animals brought them to the idea of \u200b\u200bestablishing the rigidity ribs on one-jobs that covered on top of the boards. So for the first time in the history of shipbuilding, the splits were applied, still having widespread uses.

Similarly, the Phoenicians for the first time built a killery vessel (two trunks, connected at an angle), were originally keel. Kiel immediately gave the body stability and allowed to establish longitudinal and cross-links. They were attached to the plating boards. All these innovations were a decisive basis for the rapid development of shipbuilding and determined the appearance of all subsequent ships.

Other inventions were also remembered in different fields of science, such as: chemistry, physics, medicine, education and others.
After all, as we said earlier, it is not surprising. After all, any discovery or invention is another step into the future, which improves our life, and often it extends. And if not everyone, it is very, very many discoveries worthy to be called great and extremely necessary in our lives.

Alexander Ozerov, based on the book Ryzhkov K.V. "One hundred of the Great Inventions"

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