The relationship of the images of Julie Karagina and Marya Bolkonskaya. The image of Julie Karagina in the novel War and the World Writing-characteristic · True beauty of the soul and the People's Spirit in the song Uncle and in the dance of Natasha

The relationship of the images of Julie Karagina and Marya Bolkonskaya. The image of Julie Karagina in the novel War and the World Writing-characteristic · True beauty of the soul and the People's Spirit in the song Uncle and in the dance of Natasha

Essay in literature. Women's images in the novel L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

In the Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and the World" shows the life of the Russian society of the beginning of the XIX century period of the war of 1812. This is the time of active public activity of various people. Tolstoy is trying to comprehend the role of a woman in the life of society, in the family. To this end, he displays a large number of women's images in his novel, which can be divided into two large groups: the first includes women - carrier of folk ideals, such as Natasha Rostov, Mary Bolkonskaya and others, and the second group includes women of higher world Such as Hehlen Kuragin, Anna Pavlovna Sherler, Julie Kuragin and others.

One of the most striking female images in the novel is the image of Natasha Rostova. As a master of the image of human souls and characters, Tolstoy embodied in the image of Natasha's best features of the human person. He did not want to depict her smart, calculating, adapted to life and at the same time completely soulless, which he made another heroine of the novel - Helen Kuragin. Easy and spirituality make Natasha more attractive than helen with her mind and good secular manners. Many episodes of the novel tell about how Natasha inspires people, makes them better, kinder, helps to find love for life, find the right decisions. For example, when Nikolai Rostov, losing a large amount of money in Magniya Dolokhov, returns home annoyed, who does not feel the joy of life, he hears the singing of Natasha and suddenly understands that "all this is: and misfortune, and money, and share, and malice, and honor "All nonsense, but she is a present ...".

But Natasha not only helps people in difficult life situations, she just brings them joy and happiness, makes it possible to admire themselves, and it makes it unconsciously and disinterestedly, as in the episode of dance after hunting, when she "became, smiled solemnly, proudly and slyly "Differently, the first fear that was covered by Nicholas and all those present, the fear that she would not do, passed, and they were already admired."

Just like the people, Natasha and to understand the amazing beauty of nature. When describing the night in an opposite author, the author compares the feelings of two sisters, the nearest girlfriends, Sony and Natasha. Natasha, the soul of which is full of bright poetic feelings, asks Sonya to approach the window, look into the extraordinary beauty of the starry sky, breathe the smells, which are full of quiet night. She exclaims: "After all, it never happened for the adorable night!" But Sonya cannot understand the enthusiastic arousal of Natasha. There is no such inner fire in it, which felt thick in Natasha. Sonya Good, Mila, Honest, Friend, she does not make a single bad act and carries his love for Nikolai through years. She is too good and correct, she never makes mistakes, of whom she could extract life experience and get a stimulus for further development.

Natasha makes mistakes and draws out of them the necessary life experience. She meets Prince Andrew, their feelings can be called sudden unity of thoughts, they understood each other suddenly, they felt something uniting them.

Nevertheless, Natasha suddenly falls in love with Anatol Kuragin, even wants to run with him. An explanation of this can be the fact that Natasha is a common ordinary person with his weaknesses. Her heart is inherent simplicity, openness, credulity, she just follows his feelings, without knowing how to subordinate their mind. But real love woke up in Natasha much later. She realized that the one who she admired who was her roads lived in her heart all this time. It was a joyful and new feeling that swallowed Natasha entirely, who returned her to life. An important role was played by Pierre Duhov. His "Children's Soul" was close to Natasha, and he was the only one who brought joy and light into the house of growth, when she was bad when she suffered from the remorse of conscience, suffered, hated himself for everything that happened. She did not see in the eyes of Pierre Break or indignation. He walked her, and she was grateful to him for the fact that he was in the world. Despite the mistakes of youth, despite the death of a loved one, the life of Natasha was amazing. She was able to experience love and hatred, create a magnificent family, having found such a desirable peace of mind.

Something looks like Natasha, but in something opposed to her Princess Marya Bolkonskaya. The main principle to which his whole life is subordinated is self-sacrifice. This is a self-sacrifice, fate is humble in it with the thirst for simple human happiness. The submission of all the pleasures of their powerful father, a ban on the discussion of his actions and their motives - so understands his duty of the daughter of Princess Marya. But it can show the hardness of character, if necessary, which is found when it is offended by her sense of patriotism. She not only leaves the generic estate, despite the proposal of Mademoiselle Brying, but also prohibits to let his companion, when he learns about her connections with the enemy command. But for the sake of saving another person, she can sacrifice with his pride; It can be seen when she asks for forgiveness from Mademoiselle, forgiveness, forgiven for himself and for the servant, on whom the anger of her father fell. Nevertheless, removing their sacrifice in principle, turning away from the "living life", Princess Marya suppresses something important. And yet, it was the sacrificial love that led her to family happiness: when meeting with Nikolai in Voronezh "For the first time, all this clean, spiritual, inner work, which she still lived, spoke out." Princess Marya manifested itself to fully, when circumstances prompted her to everyday autonomy, which happened after the death of his father, and most importantly - when she became his wife and mother. About harmony, the wealth of the inner world of Marya Rostova, they also say her diaries dedicated to children, and its refining effect on her husband.

These two, in many ways similar, women are opposed to the ladies of higher world, such as Helen Kuragin, Anna Pavlovna Shero, Juli Kuragin. This woman is largely similar among themselves. At the beginning of the novel, the author says that Helen, "When the story made the impression, I looked around at Anna Pavlovna and immediately took the most expression that was on Freilin's face." Anna Pavlovna's characteristic sign is the staticness of words, gestures, even thoughts: "A discreet smile, who played constantly on the face of Anna Pavlovna, although he didn't go to her who had learned, expressed, as the spoiled children, the constant consciousness of her cute disadvantage, from which she was not He wants, can not, does not find it necessary to get rid ". This characteristic hides the author's irony and hostility to the character.

Juli is the same secular lady, the "richest bride of Russia", which received the state after the death of the brothers. Like Helen, wearing a mask of decency, Julie is Mask Melancholy: "Julie seemed disappointed in everything, he said to anyone that she does not believe in friendship, nor in love, in any joy of life and await only" there. " Even Boris, concerned about the search for a rich bride, feels artificiality, the unfortunateness of her behavior.

So, women close to natural life, people's ideals, such as Natasha Rostov and Princess Marya Bolkonskaya, gain family happiness, passing a certain path of spiritual and moral quest. And women, far from moral ideals, cannot experience true happiness due to their egoism and commitment to empty ideals of secular society.

Roman-epic L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" - the work, grandiose not only on the monumentality of historical events described in it, deeply studied by the author and artistically processed into a single logical integer, but also by the diversity of the created images, both historical and fictional. In the image of the historical characters, Tolstoy was rather a historian than a writer, he said: "Where historical persons speak and act, they did not invent and used materials." Fictional images are described artistically and at the same time are conductors of the thoughts of the author. Women's characters convey the ideas of Tolstoy about the complexity of human nature, about the features of relations between people, about family, marriage, maternity, happiness.

From the point of view of the image system of heroes, the novel can be divided into "living" and "dead", that is, in developing, changing over time, deeply feeling and experiencing and - as opposed to them - frozen, not evolving, and static. In both "camps" there are women, and women's images so much that it is almost impossible to specify in the composition of all; Perhaps it is wiserfully to stop more on the main actors and characteristic minor characters who play a significant role in the development of the plot.

"Live" heroines in the work - above all Natasha Rostov and Marya Bolkonskaya. Despite the difference in education, family traditions, atmosphere of the house, a warehouse of character, they at the end become close friends. Natasha, which grew up in a warm, loving, open, sincere family atmosphere, which has absorbed carelessness, violence, enthusiasticity of the "Rostov breed", with adolescence conquering a heart with its comprehensive love for people and thirst for reciprocal love. Beauty In the generally accepted sense of the word, she replaces the mobility of the feature, eye abilities, grace, flexibility; Wonderful voice and ability to dance enchant many. Princess Marry, on the contrary, clumsy, the urgency of the person is only occasionally illuminated by "radiant eyes". A deadlose life in the village makes her dyed and silent, communication with her is heavy. Only a sensitive and insightful person may notice the purity, religiosity, even self-sacrifice (after all, in quarrels with the father of Princess, Marya blames himself, without recognizing his quick temper and rudeness). However, at the same time, two heroines combines a lot: a living, developing inner world, a lot of feelings, mental purity, clean conscience. Their fate is confronted with Anatola Kuragin, and only the case saves Natasha and Princess Marius from communication with him. By virtue of its naivety, the girls do not see the low and mercenary goals of Kuragin and believe in his sincerity. Because of the external difference, the relationship between the heroines is not easy, misunderstanding arises, even contempt, but then, having learned each other better, they become indispensable girlfriends, making up an indivisible moral union combined by the best spiritual qualities of the favorite Heroine of Tolstoy.

In the construction of a system of thoroughly far from schematics: the line between "alive" and "dead" permeates. Tolstoy wrote: "For the artist, there can be no heroes, and there should be people." Therefore, women's images arise in the tissue of work, which are difficult to specifically attribute to "alive" or "dead". This can be considered the mother of Natasha Rostova, Countess Natalia Rostov. From the conversations of the acting persons it becomes clear that in his youth, she rotated in the world and was a member and welcome guest of the salons. But, having married Rostov, she changed and devotes himself to the family. Rostov as a mother is a sample of heartiness, love and tact. She is a close friend and children's adviser: in touching conversations in the evenings, Natasha dedicates the mother to all their secrets, secrets, experiences, looking for advice from her, help. At the same time, at the time of the main action of the novel, its inner world is statical, but this can be explained by significant evolution in his youth. She becomes a mother not only for his children, but also for Sony. Sonya is to the "dead" camp: it does not have that raging cheerfulness, which is in Natasha, it is not dynamic, not impulsive. This is especially emphasized by the fact that at the beginning of the novel Sonya and Natasha always together. Tolstoy endowed this in general, a good girl with noble fate: Love in Nikolai Rostov does not bring her happiness, since for reasons of the well-being of the family, Nikolai's mother cannot resolve this marriage. Sonya is grateful to Rostov and is emphasized on it, which is docked on the role of the victim. She does not accept Doolokhov's suggestions, refusing advertising his feeling to Nikolai. She lives with hope, in principle, drawing and demonstrating his unrecognized love.

Marriages built by calculation. (Based on Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace")

Konstantinova Anna Alexandrovna

student 2 courses of the group C-21 GOU SPO

"Belorechensk Medical College" G. Belorechensk

Maltseva Elena Aleksandrovna

scientific Director, Teacher of the Russian Language and Literature of the Higher Category, Belorechensk

Each girl dreams of marriage. Someone dreams happy family life with once and forever selected companion, and someone finds happiness in the benefit. Such a marriage concluded by mutual agreement, where each party is pursuing material wealth instead of love, it is customary to be called marriage.

There is an opinion that such marriages are now extremely popular, because people have become more mercantile, but in fact this concept has long appeared. For example, in ancient times, the kings gave their daughters for the sons of another king, in order to receive a stronger army from this union for the destruction of a common enemy or to conclude peace between the kingdoms. At that time, children did not solve anything, more often their marriage was planned before their birth. It would seem that with the onset of democracy, equalizing the rights of men and women , marriage of convenienceit would have to disappear. Unfortunately no. If parents were previously the initiators, then children are calculated their destiny. Their calculations at the conclusion of marriage are different. Some wish to raise the status, increase welfare; Others - to be able to register, improve housing conditions. Girls are afraid to stay alone, to give "old devies", and "the child needs a father."

There are other reasons to make marriage for the calculation: the desire to gain glory, a higher social status, marry a foreigner. In the latter case, the calculation is not material, but rather psychological. The financial condition of the future spouse is important, but not paramount; In the "Calculating" Union, women hope to gain psychological comfort and stability. According to the statistics of marriages for the calculation is more durable, but if there are no money in the calculation, then here you do not have to talk about happiness. This is a deal that is profitable both. Unfortunately, Russian statistics approve: more than half of the marriages decay.

Marriages for the calculation are not only unions concluded for money. These are weddings, played after analysis and reflection, when a heart pushes under the crown, and the mind. Such enterprises are prone to either people who are tired of looking for an ideal afternoon and are ready to take what, at least, arranges, or those who did not have a relationship with Mom who saw the tragedy of the parent family. Choosing a person from which they emotionally do not depend on, they kind of insulating from possible pain.

If for one spouse marriage is just a calculation, and for another one - feelings, then you will hear the famous saying about them: "one loves, the second allows you to love." The danger of such a union is that he keeps on the will and mind of one of the partners. If both people consciously enter into marriage by calculation, then the danger is mainly in love! If she "accidentally heats up" and one of the spouses calculates that marriage is not profitable for him, then it will be almost impossible to prevent their care to the lover. As life shows, unions, concluded with the mind, in which love and affection come, are the most viable.

In his article, we would like to compare what is the calculation of the construction of a modern family and the heroes of the novel of the Tolstoy "War and Peace". Collecting and systematizing material about marriages on the settlement, about families in the novel, we set the goal of showing young people's negative sides of marriage by calculation, because marriage is a serious act, which determines the fate of further life.

How did this life experience affect the novel L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"?

The author realized that the truth of life in the maximum naturalness, and the main life value was a family. Families in the novel a lot, but we will focus on those who are opposed to the favorite families of Tolstoy: "Summer breed of Curagin", cold bergs and calculating Drubetsky. The meter is not very noble origin, Berg serves in the headquarters. He always turns out to be at the right time and in the right place, it turns out the necessary, profitable acquaintances, so far advanced by the service. He told everyone with such significance to everyone about how he was injured in Austerlitsky battle, which still received two awards for one wound. "According to the classification of Tolstoy, he belonged to the small" Napoleonic ", as well as the vast majority of staff workers." Tolstoy refuses him in any honor. Berg has no "warmth of patriotism", so during the Patriotic War of 1812 he is not with the people, but rather against him. Berg is trying to squeeze the maximum from the war. When everyone left Moscow before the fire and even noble, rich people threw their property to free the wagon and transport the wounded on them, Berg bought furniture at rummary prices. He is under his wife - faith, eldest daughter in the family of growth.

Her Rostov decided to raise in existing canons then: French teachers. As a result, faith completely falls out of the friendly, warm family, where love dominated. Even from one appearance in the room everyone became embarrassing. Not surprising. She was a beautiful girl who regularly visited secular balls, but the first sentence received from Berg in 24 years. There was a risk that the new proposals would not get married, and Rostov gave consent to marriage with a fatal man. And here it is necessary to note the Bergian mercantility and the calculation: he demanded as a dowry of 20 thousand rubles in cash and another bill of 80 thousand. Berg's borders did not know. This marriage is deprived of sincerity, even to children they treated abnimately. "One thing is that we do not have so soon for children." . Children were considered Berg burned, they contradicted his selfish views. Vera fully supported him, adding: "Yes, I do not want it at all." Berg family is an example of some immorality. Tolstoy I really don't like that everything is appointed in this family, everything is done "like people": the same furniture is bought, the same carpets are buried, the same guests are going. Wife Berg buys expensive outfits, but when he wanted to kiss her, first decided to fix the wrapped corner corner. So, Berg and Faith had neither warmth, nor naturalness, no kindness, nor any other virtues, so important for the humanist Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy.

According to Bergam Boris Drubetskaya. Dresgen, Anna Mikhailovna, was brought up from childhood and lived for a long time in the family of growth. "The high blond young man with the right small features of a calm and beautiful face," Boris dreams of a career with his youth, very proud, but takes the troubles of mother and condescending to her humiliation, if it is good. A.M. Drubetskaya through Prince Vasily takes his son a place in the guard. After hitting the military service, Drubetskaya dreams precisely in this area to make a brilliant career. In the light of Boris, seeks to start useful dating and uses the latest money to impress the rich and prosperous person. Drubetskaya is looking for a rich bride, choosing at the same time between Prince Marya and Juli Karagina. Extremely rich and secured Julia attracts him more, however, it is already several aged. But for the Drubetsk, the perfect option, pass to the world of "light."

How much irony and sarcasm sounds from the pages of the novel when we read the explanation in the love of Boris Drubetsky and Julia Karagina. Juli knows that this brilliant, but beggar handsome, does not love her, but requires his wealth to explain in love for all the rules. And Boris, uttering the necessary words, thinks that you can always arrange so that your wife is rarely. For people like Kuragin and Drubetsk, all means are good, just to succeed and fame and strengthen their position in society.

Family from the ideal is also the family of Kuragin, in which there is no home heat, sincerity. Kuragin do not value each other. Prince Vasily notes that he has no "cones of parental love." "My children are a burden of my existence." The moral undeveloped, the primitiveness of life interests is the features of this family. The main motive, which is accompanied by the description of the Kuragin - "Monsive Beauty", external shine. These heroes are unfortunately interfering with the Life of Bolkonsky, Rostov, Pierre Proghov, crippled their fate, personifying themselves lies, debauchery, evil.

Head of Family, Prince Kuragin, a typical representative of St. Petersburg. He is smart, Galanten, dressed in the last fashion, but for all this brightness and beauty, a person is hidden through a false, unnatural, greedy, rough. The most important thing in his life is money and position in society. For the sake of money, he is ready even for a crime. Recall those tricks to which he goes, just to bring the rich, but inexperienced Pierre. His daughter Helen he successfully "adds" married. But there is no soul for her beauty and brilliance of diamonds. She is empty, drawn and heartless. For Helen, family happiness consists not in love of her husband or children, but in the waste of the wife of the spouse. It is only a pierre to take a conversation about the offspring, as she rudely laughs in his face. Only with Natasha Pierre is truly happy, because they "did a touchy one, merged into one harmonious whole."

The author does not hide his aversion to the "sub-breed" of Kuragin. It has no place for good promptings and aspirations. "The world of Kuragin is the world of" secular mobile ", dirt and debauchery. Egoism reigning there, careful and low-lying instincts do not allow these people a full-fledged family. . Their main flags are carelessness, selfishness and non-good thirst for money.

Tolstoy, estimating the life of his heroes from a moral point of view, emphasized the determining value of the family to form a character of a person, his relationship to life, to himself. If there is no moral rod in parents, then it will not be in children.

Many of our contemporaries choose marriage by calculation. The most correct calculation is the one in which the interests of all, including children take into account. If it is based on mutual respect and even benefit, then such a marriage may be durable. Statistical data is also talking about. According to Western psychologists, marriages for the calculation disintegrate only in 5-7% of the percent of cases. At the end of the 20th century, 4.9% of Russians were married for mercantile reasons, and now almost 60% of young women marry settlement. But the men are not averse to join the "unequal marriage." There is no longer a rarity case when a lubricant young man marries a successful nonsense lady coming to him in mom. And - imagine! - According to statistics, such marriages do not belong to the category "short-term".

At the end of the XX century, an interesting survey was held among married couples with great experience. 49% of the surveyed Muscovites and 46% of St. Petersburg residents argued that love was a reason for the marriage. However, the view is that the marriage fastens, changed over the years. Recently, only 16% of men and 25% of women consider love to be a fastest factor in the family. The rest put another priorities for the first place: good work (33.9% of men), material wealth (31.3% of men), family well-being (30.6% of women).

By the cons of marriage, many include the following: no love; total control of the one who finances marriage; Life is not excluded in the Golden Cage; In case of violation of the marriage contract, the "stratum side" risks to remain "at the broken trough."

We conducted a sociological survey among students of the Belorechensk Medical College, which was attended by 85 people, students 1 and 2 courses aged from 16 to 19 years. Molden people preferred marriage on material calculation, and this once again proves that our contemporaries seek to financial stability, even at the expense of another. This is exactly what Tolstoy was afraid, talking about the loss of moral obscures. The exception was 1% of those who believe that the calculation may be noble (help their native person sacrificing with its future fate).

Nevertheless, our contemporaries would like to marry (marry) in love. Some of the desire to break out from under parental care, others - give up a light feeling. Every often modern people prefer to live in a civil marriage, not burdening themselves with a burden of responsibility for the fate of another person, build families for the calculation, not "including feelings", sober head . At the same time, they do not suffer from love and inattention, conclude marriage contracts, excluding a possible risk.

Our respondents believe in love as a bright all-consuming feeling and do not want to build their families based on mercantility. The main components of a happy family, they consider love, mutual respect, confidence. It is impossible to consider the family happy if there are no children in it.

So more importantly: feeling or reasonable? Why are those who agree to marriage by calculation becomes more? On the human relationship imposes its own comfreamed of the era. People more value predictability, convenience, and marriage, built by calculation, guarantees the future. Everyone will decide for themselves, in what marriage to enter and with whom. Strength and those and other marriages will be approximately the same. It all depends on how to build a relationship with your loved one. And the truth reads: "Find the golden middle between your heart and mind - and be happy!"


  1. Yenikeeva Ya.S. What the cleaner is the most correct. - [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL:\u003d510
  2. Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" in Russian Critics / Sost., Intr. Art. and comments. I.N. Dry. - L.: Publishing house Leningr. State University, 1989. - 407 p.
  3. Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" / Historic, moral, aesthetic in the "great work of the Great Writer" - Russian literature of the XVIII-XIXVEKs. Reference materials. - M., "Enlightenment" 1995. - 463 p.
  4. Tolstoy L.N. Selected writings in three volumes. - M., "Fiction" 1988. - T. 1, - 686 p.
  5. Tolstoy L.N. Selected writings in three volumes. - M., "Fiction" 1988. - T. 2, - 671 p.

Julie Karagin is one of the secondary characters of the book of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy called "War and Peace".

The girl comes from a noble and rich kind. From early childhood, he is friendly with Marya Bolkonskaya, but over the years they almost stopped communication.

Julie approximately twenty years. It is still unmarried that during the days described in the literary work, it was very late, so the girl passionately wanted to quickly go under the crown, in order to meet someone, Karagina constantly visits various exhibitions, theaters and other secular events. Karagin really does not want to become an "old virgin" and makes every effort to turn into a married lady. She has a huge legacy that has left after the death of parents and brothers: two luxury mansion and land plots, as well as cash accumulation.

Julie is in love with Nikolai Rostov and would be willing to marry him, because it believes that this sympathy is absolutely mutual. But the young man behaves noble towards her and does not want to associate himself for marriage only for money for his potential bride, because he does not perceive it as a beloved and the future wife. The girl continues to jealously be Nicholas, but she could not achieve his location. Boris Drubetskaya, on the contrary, diligently cares for Jules to take possession of her condition. She doesn't like it at all, but Boris makes her a proposal of his hand and hearts, pursuing exclusively mercenary goals, and Karagin agrees.

Girl stupid and self-waving. She pretends to other people, trying to seem better than it really is. Karagin even demonstrates the surrounding patriotism around him to earn the approval of society and praise. Julie can play at the harp and often entertains guests of their estates with various musical compositions. Karagin is constantly among the representatives of the Moscow elite and knows the rules of behavior in a secular society, but it is not an interesting interlocutor, so many are visible exclusively from politeness.

The girl is considered to be a real beauty, but others have another opinion. She has a round face, big eyes, low growth. She does not regret money on the outfits and always dressed in the last fashion.

Juli does not have their own point of view on various topics and imitates the reasoning and the opinions of others. It pushes people from her, because, for example, the husband of Juli secretly hates his spouse, he considers it a burden and experiences only irritation to her, even a long-standing girlfriend Marya Balcony stopped with her to chat and communicate, because Karagina became uninteresting.

Several interesting writings

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Women's theme occupies an important place in the Roman-Epopea L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" (1863-1869). The work is a polemical answer writer to the supporters of the female emancipation. At one of the poles of the artistic study, there are numerous types of Great Lights Beauty, the hosts of magnificent salons in St. Petersburg and Moscow - Helene Kuragin, Julie Karagin, Anna Pavlovna Shersher. Dreams of its own salon Cold and apathetic faith Berg ...

The secular society is immersed in permafrost. Tolstoy pays attention to the portrait of the beauties Helen on the "White shoulders", "hair gloss and diamonds", "very open breasts and back", "not changing smile." These details allow the artist to highlight

Inner emptiness, insignificance of "Great Lioness". The place of genuine human feelings takes money calculation in the luxury living rooms. Marriage Helen, who won his rich Pierre in her husband, - visual confirmation of this. Tolstoy shows that the behavior of Daughter of Prince Vasily is not a deviation from the norm, but the norm of the life of the society to which it belongs. In fact, whether Julie Karagin behave otherwise, having a sufficient choice of grooms thanks to their wealth; Or Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya, a predatory son in the guard? Even W.

Bed of the dying graph of Bezuhova, Father Pierre, Anna Mikhailovna is not experiencing

The feeling of compassion, and fear that Boris will remain without inheritance.

Tolstoy shows the greatness of beauty and in the "family house". Family, children do not play a significant role in their lives. Helen seem funny Pierre's words that spouses can and should bind the feelings of cardiac attachment, love. Countess Bezukhova S.

Disgust thinks about the possibility of having children. With amazing ease she throws

Husband. Helen is the concentrated manifestation of dead confusion, emptiness,

Suit. The innovation of the life of the "secular lioness" fully corresponds to the order of her death.

Excessive emancipation, according to Tolstoy, leads a woman to an incorrect understanding of his own role. In the salons of Helen and Anna Pavlovna Sheroo, political disputes, judgments about Napoleon, about the position of the Russian army ... Thus, the Great Lights of Beauties have lost the main features that are inherent in a real woman. On the contrary, in the images of Sony, Princess Marya, Natasha Rostova are grouped by those traits that make up the type of "Women in the full sense".

At the same time, Tolstoy is not trying to create ideals, but takes life "as it is." In fact, we will not find in the work of "conscious and heroic" women's natures, similar to Turgenev Marianne from the novel "Novy" or Elena Stakhova "from the" On the eve ". There is also a way to create women's images of Tolstoy and Turgenev itself. Turgenev-Realist was at the same time Romantic in the image of love. Let us remember the final of the novel "noble nest". Laureretsky visits a distant monastery, where Lisa disappeared. Having moved from the pollios to the pollios, she passes by the nuns with a nun, "... Only the eyelashes of the eyes turned to him a little bit drowned. .. What did you think that they felt both? Who knows? Who will say? There are such moments in life, such feelings ... You can only specify - and go past ". Do I need to say that your favorite Heroes of Tolstoy are deprived of romantic raising? Women spirituality lies not in intellectual life, not in the hobby of Anna Pavlovna Sherler, Helen Kuragin, joy with the KARIAN political and other "male issues", and exclusively in the ability to love, in Equality to a family hearth. Daughter, sister, wife, mother - these are the basic life positions in which the character of the favorite Heroine of Tolstoy is revealed. This conclusion may cause doubt with the surface reading of the novel. Indeed, we see patriotism Princess Mary and Natasha Rostova in the period of French invasions, we see the reluctance of Mary Volkonskaya reluctance

The patronage of the French general and the impossibility for Natasha stay in Moscow

In the French. However, the connection of female images with the way war in the novel is more complicated, it is not exhausted by patriotism of the best Russian women. Tolstoy shows that it took the historical movement of millions of people to make the heroes of Roman - Mary Volkonskaya and Nikolai Rostov, Natasha Rostov and Pierre Duhov - were able to find a way to each other.

Favorite Heroes Tolstoy live with a heart, not a mind. All the best, cherished memories of Sony are associated with Nikolai Rostov: Common children's games and pranks, shocks with fortune investment and omens, love rushing Nikolay, the first kiss ... Sonya retains his loyalty to his beloved, rejecting the proposal of Dolokhov. She loves

Stretch, but she is unable to abandon his love. And after the marriage of Nicholas

Sonya, of course, continues to love him. Marya Volkonskaya with her evangelical

Humility is especially close to Tolstoy. And yet it is her image personifies the celebration

Natural human needs for asceticism. Secretly dreams of princess about

Marriage, about your own family, about children. Her love for Nikolai Rostov is high

Spiritual feeling. In the epilogue of Roman Tolstoy paints the paintings of the family happiness of growth, emphasizing this that it was in the family who found the princess of marry an authentic meaning of life.

Love is the essence of the life of Natasha Rostova. Young Natasha loves everyone: and a bad sonya, and a mother-to-person, father, and Nicholas, and Boris Drubetsky. Rapid, and then separation from the prince Andrey, who made it a proposal, make the internally suffer Natasha. The oversupply of life and inexperience is the source of errors, the rapid acts of the heroine, the proof of this story with Anatolam Kuragin.

Love for the prince Andrei with a new force awakens in Natasha after leaving Moscow with a call in which the wounded Bolkonsky turns out. The death of Prince Andrei deprives Natasha's life of meaning, but the news of the death of Petit makes the heroine overcome his own grief to keep the old woman from insane despair. Natasha "thought her life was over. But suddenly, the love of mother showed her that the essence of her life is love - still alive in it. Love woke up, and life awoke. "

After Marriage Natasha refuses secular life, from "all its charm" and

Completely given family life. Understanding of spouses is based on the ability "with an unusually clarity and speed to understand and report each other's thoughts, by opposing all the rules of logic." This is the ideal of family happiness. Such is the Tolstsky ideal of the "World".

It seems to me that the thoughts of Tolstoy about the true purpose of a woman are not outdated and today. Of course, people who dedicated themselves play a prominent role in today's life

Political, public or professional activities. But still many of our contemporaries chose for themselves the favorite Heroine of Tolstoy. Yes, and is it so little - love and be loved?!
In the famous novel L.N. Tolstoy depicted many human destinies, different

Characters, bad and good. It is the opposition to good and evil, morality and recklessness underlies the novel of Tolstoy. In the center of the narration there are fate of the favorite heroes of the writer - Pierre Probrachova and Andrei Bolkonsky, Natasha Rostova and Marya Volkonskaya. All of them unites the feeling of good and beauty, they seek their way in the world, strive for happiness and love.

But, of course, women have their own special purpose given by nature itself, she primarily mother, wife. For thick, it is undoubtedly. The world of the family is the basis of human society, and the hostess in it is a woman. Images of women in the novel are revealed and evaluated by the author with the help of his beloved reception-resonted by the internal and external image of a person.

We see the urgency of the Princess Marya, but "beautiful, radiant eyes" illuminate this face amazing light. Lyubilov Nikolai Rostov, Princess per minute meeting with him

It is transformed so that Mademoiselle of Brying almost does not recognize her: "Breast, women's notes" appear in the voice, in the movements - grace and dignity. "For the first time, the whole pure spiritual work, which she still lived, made out" and made the face of the heroine beautiful.

We do not notice any particular attractiveness in appearance and Natasha Rostova. Always changeable, in motion, responding rapidly on everything that happens around Natasha can "dissolve his big mouth, having done absolutely badly", "to roam as a child," "only because Sonia Shakala," she can point out and unrecognizable change from grief After the death of Andrei. It is such a vital variability in Natasha and pretty Tolstoy because its appearance is reflected

The richest world of her feelings.

Unlike the favorite Heroine Tolstoy - Natasha Rostova and Princess Marya, Helen - this

The embodiment of external beauty and at the same time strange immobility, fossils.

Tolstoy constantly mentions her "monotonous", "unchanged" smile and "antique body beauty". She resembles a beautiful, but a soulless statue. No wonder the author does not mention her eyes at all about her eyes, which, on the contrary, always attract our attention to positive heroines. Helen is good outwardly, but it is an impersonation of immorality and viciousness. For beauty, helen marriage is the way to enrichment. She changes her husband constantly, the animal began prevails in her nature. Pierre - her husband - striking her inner rudeness. Helen is childless. "I'm not such a fool to have children," -

She pronounces blasphemous words. Not being divorced, she solves the problem for

Who she get married, is unable to choose one of her two fans. Mysterious

The death of Helen is connected with the fact that it is entangled in its own intrigues. Such is this heroine, her attitude towards the sacrament of marriage, to the duties of a woman. But for Tolstoy,

The most important thing is in the evaluation of the Heroin Roman.

Princess Marya and Natasha become beautiful wives. Not all available Natasha in

The intellectual life of Pierre, but the soul she understands his actions, helps her husband in

All. Princess Marya captivates Nicholas with spiritual wealth, which is not given to his simple nature. Under the influence of his wife, his unbridled temper soften, for the first time he realizes his rudeness towards men. Marya does not understand the economic concerns of Nicholas, even jealous of her husband. But the harmony of family life is that the husband and wife are supplemented and enrich each other, make up one whole. Temporary misunderstanding, light conflicts are resolved here by reconciliation.

Marya and Natasha are beautiful mothers, but Natasha makes a bit more health about the health of children (Tolstoy shows how she is engaged in the youngest son), Marya will surprisingly penetrate the child's character, takes care of spiritual and moral education. We see that the heroines are similar in the main, most valuable for the author qualities - they are given the ability to finely feel the mood of loved ones, divide someone else's grief, they selflessly love their family. Very important quality Natasha and Marya naturalness, unrivorous. They are not able to play a role, do not depend on

Prying glance, can break the etiquette. On his first ballet Natasha

It is standing out by the immediacy, sincerity in the manifestation of feelings. Knyazhna

Marya at the decisive moment of her relationship with Nikolai Rostov forgets that he wanted

Keep alienately politely. She sits, thinking bitterly, then crying, and Nikolai, sympathizing with her, goes beyond the scope of a secular conversation. As always at Tolstoy,

Finally, everything is solved by a look, expressing feelings freer than words: "and distant,

The impossible suddenly became close, possible and inevitable. "

In his novel, "War and Peace" writer tells us his love for life, which appears in all the charms and completeness. And, considering female images of the novel, we once again convinced this.

These two, in many ways similar, women are opposed to the ladies of higher world, such as Helen Kuragin, Anna Pavlovna Shero, Juli Kuragin. These women are largely similar to each other. At the beginning of the novel, the author says that Helen, "When the story made an impression, I looked around at Anna Pavlovna and immediately took the most expression that was on Freilin's face." The characteristic sign of Anna Pavlovna is the static character of words, gestures, even thoughts: "A restrained smile, who played constantly on the face of Anna Pavlovna, although he didn't go to her who had learned, expressed, as the spoiled children, the constant consciousness of her cute disadvantage, from which she was not Wants, can't, does not find it necessary to get rid. " This characteristic hides the author's irony and hostility to the character.

Jules - the same secular lady, "the richest bride of Russia", which received a fortune after the death of the brothers. Like Helen, wearing a mask of decency, Julie is Mask Melancholia: "Julie seemed disappointed in everything, he said that she did not believe in his friendship, nor in love, nor in what joy of life and await only" there. " Even Boris, concerned about the search for a rich bride, feels artificiality, the unfortunateness of her behavior.

So, women close to natural life, people's ideals, such as Natasha Rostov and Princess Marya Bolkonskaya, gain family happiness, passing a certain path of spiritual and moral quest. And women far from moral ideals cannot experience true happiness due to their egoism and adherence to empty ideals of secular society.

1.1. "I'm still the same ... but I have another, .."

Anna Karenina novel was created in the period 1873-1877. Over time, the plan has undergone great changes. Roman's plan changed, expanded and complicated his plot and compositions, the heroes and the very names of them were changed. Anna Karenina, which millions of readers know it, is little similar to its predecessor from the initial editions. From the editors to the editorial office, Tolstoy spiritually enriched his heroine and morally towered her, made it more and more attractive. The images of her husband and Vronsky (in the first ways, he wore another surname) changed in the opposite direction, i.e., the spiritual and moral level of them decreased.

But with all the changes made to the thickness of Anna Karenina, and in the final text of Anna Karenina remains, in the terminology of thick, at the same time "lost", and the "innovative" woman. She retreated from his sacred duties of mother and wife, but she had no other way out. The behavior of his Heroine Tolstoy justifies, but at the same time, the tragic fate it turns out to be inevitable.

In the image of Anna Karenina, the poetic motives of "War and Peace" are developing and deepened, in particular those who have affirmed in the form of Natasha Rostova; On the other hand, there are already harsh notes of the future "cracker sonata" in times.

Comparing "War and Peace" with "Anna Karenina", Tolstoy noticed that in the first novel he "loved the people's thought, and in the second - family." In the "war and the world" directly and one of the main items of the narration was the activity of the people himself, who selflessly defended his native land, in Anna Karenina, is predominantly family relationships of heroes taken, however, as derivatives from general socio-historical conditions. As a result, the theme of the people in Anne Karenina received a kind of form of expression: it is given mainly through spiritual and moral search for heroes.

The world of good and beauty in Anna Karenina is much more closely intertwined with the world of evil, rather than in the "war and the world." Anna appears in the novel of "seeking and giving happiness." But on her way, fortunately, the active forces of evil are rising, under the influence of which, ultimately, she and dies. The fate of Anna is therefore full of deep drama. Intense drama imbued with the whole novel. Feelings of a mother and a loving woman experienced by Anna, Tolstoy shows how equivalent. Her love and maternal feeling - two great feelings - remain uncongenicated for her. With Vronsky, she has an idea of \u200b\u200bherself as a loving woman, with Karenin - as about the immaculate mother of their son, as about the once faithful wife. Anna wants both and the other at the same time. In a half-conscious state, she says, turning to the Karenin: "I'm still the same ... But in me there is another, I'm afraid of her - she loved it, and I wanted to hate you and could not forget about the one that was before. That is not me. Now I am real, I'm all. " "All", that is, the one that was before, before meeting with Vronsky, and the one she became then. But Anna was not destined to die. She did not have time to still experience all the suffering that had fallen into her share, she did not have time to try and all the roads fortunately, to whom her lifeless nature was so rushed. Again to make a faithful wife of Karenina she could not. Even on the threshold of death, she understood that it was impossible. The position of "lies and deception" she was also not able to be more transferred.