Oleg Tabakov died: how he lived and what actually happened to the great actor. Oleg Tabakov died: the latest news, funeral childhood and junior years

Oleg Tabakov died: how he lived and what actually happened to the great actor. Oleg Tabakov died: the latest news, funeral childhood and junior years
Oleg Tabakov died: how he lived and what actually happened to the great actor. Oleg Tabakov died: the latest news, funeral childhood and junior years

Oleg Tabakov was born in 1935 in Saratov, he studied in the men's secondary school there. The choice of the future profession was influenced by classes in the theater circle "Young Guard" of the Saratov Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren. The artist himself said that without classes in the Palace of Pioneers "there would be no actor Tabakov."

In 1953, Tabakov entered the MCAT Studio School on the national artist of the USSR Vasily Toporkova. Already in the third year at the age of 20 years, played in the film "Sasha enters into life." In the future, I regularly played the cinema, the role of Tabakov in the films "War and Peace", "Seventeen Moments of Spring", "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers", "Moscow does not believe in tears."

In 1957, he began working in the studio of young actors Oleg Efremov, subsequently transformed into the theater "Contemporary". Tobacco was the leading artist of the theater until 1983. "I was quite early asked, already in the first season of work in the" contemporary ". Oleg Nikolayevich Efremov called us, we got into growth and went after him, in the attack. There are such stairs internal device at home. For the first year I missed not one, but at once three spans, "the artist remembered.

Since 1973, Tabakov began to engage in teaching activities, in 1986-2000 he was a rector of the MXAT Studio Rector.

Became the artist of MHT. Chekhov in 2000. In parallel, he, since the late 1980s, led the Tabakcoque Theater. For the leadership of two theaters, with other combination of responsibilities in 2004, the Seagull Award was awarded.

For his life, Tobakov was awarded a variety of awards, including the owner of the title of People's Artist of the USSR, the orders "For merit to the Fatherland" of three degrees.

Messages about the death of the director have already commented on the famous cultural figures. "Terrible. It is even difficult for me to say "was," because for me it is always. This man did so much for the artistic theater, for the development of the theater in Russia at all. I don't find words from grief, which was tested by what he learned that he died, "the actor Oleg Basilashvili told RBC.

Chairman of the State Duma Culture Committee Stanislav Govorukhin called Tabakov "today's Stanislavsky". "The great artist, a great teacher died. In essence, today's Stanislavsky. Look at how much he left behind, how many actors, theaters, performances. As an artist, he manifested itself to the full, and on the screen, and on the scene. This is a terrible loss, "said RBC Govorukhin.

Director of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Urin remembered the artists brought up by Tobacco. "Today, many successful people who determine the development of the Russian theater can proudly say that they are students of Tabakov, and this is not just words in the sad face, but it is in real life. He helped many artists to stand up. He was a unique person, "Urin said RBC.

"This is the glory of the Russian theater, one of the largest actors in the 1960s. Oleg Efremova's associate and all of this school, which was born from Mkhat, who so successfully developed the Soviet theater of the time, absolutely innovative in relation to development, I would say, the socialist art of that time, "RBC reported Director Andrei Konchalovsky. According to him, such as tobacco, "do little".

Today at 16 hours and 15 minutes at the 83rd year of life, Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov died in the hospital.

Perhaps there is no longer large-scale figure in the modern Russian theater than the one who was Oleg Tabakov. A comprehensive and tireless orchestra person, to the last deft, talented and productively combined the game on stage and in the cinema, the management of theaters and training of students, the work of the Presidential Council on Culture and a lot more. About such people say: boulder.

Tabakov's fate - as a volumetric novel with adventures and misadventures, love and betrayal, friends and enemies. And although the artist was always eagerly shared with the public with his stories, the main confession was the memoirs "My real life", where he frankly told about his life path, indigenous turns and fateful solutions.

Three times avoided death

Tabakov told that, according to his own mother, Maria Andreevna Berezovskaya, in 1935 she did not plan his birth. When prevented, she was 32 (his father - Pavel Kondratyevich Tobakov - 31), was a five-year student of the Saratov Medical Institute. She had a daughter of Mirra from the first marriage. And here she even tried to get rid of the child, apparently, with the help of medicines. But something went wrong - the boy was born after all. And most of all loved his mother. Two dozen years later, for the first time in his life, being on board the aircraft, a student of the Studio Studio Mkhat Oleg Tabakov in his mental sentimental prayers turned to God with the words about the mother.

Oleg Tabakov more than once was on the verge of death, but his fate faith. Somehow in the late 1940s, still living in Saratov, the young tobacco drove on the attack of the tram. And then the composition sharply rummed, the legs of a young man clenched from the attacks right under the wheels. Suddenly some man grabbed him over the collar and dragged into the car. With a frightened, the guy even did not know the name of his Savior.

Surprisingly, the danger of infarction Oleg Tabakov survived extremely early, in 29 years. It happened in 1965, when he worked on wear at the Contemporary Theater. In the double room of the Botkin hospital, where he was placed in Blat, one patient turned first in his eyes, then the second. The artist waited that death would come for him. At the bed of Tabakov, then his colleagues, friends, wife Lyudmila Kryllov with the 5-year-old Son Anton. Everyone seemed to be forgiven with him at the mortal evidence, but after a few weeks he went on amendment, and soon returned to work with even greater return. A few months after the heart attack, he was already playing in the premiere play, and later hesitated at all that "the heart attack did not impress him."

For the third time, fate knocked in the late 1990s during the Tabakov flight to Vienna, where he put the play "Roof". The Tu-154 aircraft caught fire the engine. When the aircraft landed urgently in Warsaw, Tobacco saw a completely charred, difficult to know the motor and realized that only a few minutes ago was in the hairs of death.

Theater begins with a toilet

As you know, Oleg Tabakov led to three theaters for his life in his life: the shortest of his six-year administration of the "contemporary" after the departure from there Oleg Efremova, then he twice opened the "tobacker" and then headed the MHT to them. Chekhov, again, after Efremova. The last two theater remained under his leadership to his death.

About Tobacco say that he had the ability to emphasize the entire space around himself and inside his theaters. The same "tobackerka", which began with the basement (former coal warehouse) on Chaplygin Street, took the first floor, then by the house, then, and the whole yard. If, in the case of the basement, he received a frankly dirty room, which had to launder and repair, then in other places where theaters had already worked, everything was better. But before the arrival of Tabakov in the same "contemporary" or MHT simply there was not even paper in the toilets.

In his "Tabakcoque", Oleg Pavlovich forced the studios themselves to drag the excessive place to the state "spreading sterility deodorant fragrances." And about the situation in the MHT to him, not embarrassed in expressions, said that they were "drunk, srach, theft." In addition to the purity of the toilets, in this theater he had to fight with semi-empty halls and meager salaries of artists. After a couple of years of his board, the theater was no longer recognized. And the main indicator is almost one hundred percent SOLD OUT. By the way, it was Tabakov that removed the letter "A" ("Academic") in the Abbreviation of the theater, from MCAT renaming it to the MHT. According to him, the academic theater can not be in nature.

According to the historian Anatoly Smelyansky, Tabakov Völ Theater "Absolutely authoritarian, harsh, combining Russian revolutionary scope with American businesslikeness." But for Tabakov, the theater team was always his family, in which he is a 100% Patriarch. Artists, studists and disciples he considered his children. Raised them and rejoiced to successes, every time heavily surviving their departures from the nest. And his disciples were departed beautifully: Evgeny Mironov - to lead the theater of Nations, Sergey Bezrukov - the Moscow provincial theater, Vladimir Mashkov - in Hollywood, from where, however, returned to Tobakov already in MHT.

If, with the Soviet power, Tobakov had a lot to lavish and maneuvering to preserve the spirit of his free theater and at the same time finally not to bring all his wards under the monastery (after all, "tobacco" was closed for 7 years), then when the regime of his hand was completely free.

In addition, by the beginning of the 90s, Tabakov had such powerful authority that the new authorities were only for the honor of helping him. The artist was no longer shy to use his exclusive position in people of all levels, including high-ranking officials. He himself called it to "trade face." Colleagues remember that only one phone call, starting with "Good afternoon. This is Oleg Tabakov," solved the most complex questions. Most often, not his personally, but the questions of the theater or fate of colleagues in the workshop.

Women: many and two

Legends went to Tabakov's communication with beautiful floors. Tobacco never denied that he loved the women and never refused to never in their attention.

- If the Lord or fate gave me a sense, so it developed in all the laws of love and all of the concomitant. I am grateful to life for the fact that the schedule of my inlerts has always been carnated, saturated and regularly. Almost like the movement of the Moscow region, he wrote.

But everything changed when she appeared. 17-year-old Marina Zudina, who came to the Studio Tabakov, captured the heart of a 37-year-old Matra. For many years they met, they parted more than once.

- Marina changed my look at our sister woman. The novel, lasting seventeen years, is something incomprehensible for me former. Of course, there was anything: at the dawn of this novel Marina more than once wrote me letters, summarizing our relationship, after I consistently and logically tried to convince her that she had to solve her life without me ... And then everything began again.

Oleg Tabakov with Lyudmila Kryonova.

Oleg Pavlovich did not want to repeat mistakes of his own father, who left the family immediately after the war. Therefore, I waited when the children grow up. When the youngest daughter Alexander turned 29, Tabakov was divorced with Lyudmila Krylovo and married Marina Zudina. The eldest son Anton took the choice of his father, but Alexander could not do this.

Muller is eternal as the cheek eternal

Despite the fact that Tobacco played in more than 120 films, he himself highlighted only the most important roles for him. This role of Vladimir is sincereas in "Gori, Gori, My Star" Mitty, the role of Academician Kramov in the film Titov "Open Book", as well as Shellenberg in the "Seventeen Moments of Spring".

After watching the latter, I remembered tobacco, Yuri Andropov came to him and whispered:

"Oleg, so play general ss- immoral! "

"Life is imperfect, but the world rules is not the most substance. It is managed by faith, your own desire to create something and not to leave without a trace. I hope that my real life eagerly eaten."

Oleg Tabakov

No one can talk, as if universal paralysis struck people from different generations. Is it worth it to be surprised? After all, Oleg Pavlovich, probably, the only one who is somehow or otherwise, specifically or by tangent live in each. And this is only in a professional environment, what to talk about the multi-millionth army of fans. And she is the whole country, and this is not a figure of speech at a sorrowful moment.

In the MHT named after Chekhov today was to go the play "Light way". It is canceled, as all subsequent, marked in the poster. Theater officially announced a multi-day mourning.

Light way - this can be called the life of Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov. A boy from Saratov, skinny, with a thin neck, a high voice, laughing eyes, in the middle of the last century, he came to the capital and began his unrestrained takeoff, a beautiful flight, which lasted all his life, practically without stopping, which can be considered an exceptional and unique phenomenon. It is enough to start listed names, events, objects to understand - tobacco in each, everywhere, always and forever!.

Tobacco is "Contemporannik", a basement for Chaplygin, a new tobackerka on Sukharevskaya, theatrical college in Makarenko. And colleagues, and partners, and students - Mironov, Mashkov, Bezrukov, Smolyakov, Egorov, Germanov, Zudina, Belyaev ... He is a teacher, he is a builder ... he ...

In Tobacco, he was hit by Tabakov-Lyedie, Tobacco-organizer, tobacco father for children and children of theatrical. Tobacco-joker, tobacco-first magnitude, discouraging its incredible simplicity.

No pathos, meaningful posture, phrases is not him. Tobacco is the absence of a distance, accessibility is almost for any associated profession or affair. He did not turn off the phone, and if he could not answer, he could certainly call him: "These are tobacco. Did you call me? " Is it him, a man from the top? Yes, he, and none other - with a cunning smile, with a dozen intonations in his voice, and these intonations could change any situation. He is naive as a child and wise like a guru.

Tobacco - Brain, Idea Generator. He has the army of students, because his disciples were taught on tobacco, and they, in turn, on the same system. Could calm down, having a system of successors and defenders, and he opened the theatrical college to build his own, only the acting system dressed in many years. The system is rigid, but the college graduates produced by the college graduates are happy to the metals. College is his last joy and pride, three releases. He dreamed that his school briefly brought up not only professionals, but also educated people. Therefore, in addition to disciplines, visits to theaters, museums and significant events of the city's cultural life of the city were included in the mandatory program for students of this secondary special educational institution.

Two qualities that highlight Tabakov from all the theater workers are a memory to the past. Memory is not in words, but in fact, not a dream, but a reality. He first demonstrated gratitude to the playwrights, on the plays of which grew and in which he played: In the courtyard, Tabakcoque was the first to put a monument to Pink, Vampilov, Volodin. Remember him Oleg Savina from the Rosovskaya Piece "Noisy Day"? He played the representative of the new generation of Soviet people, who will later be called the sixties that many put the sign of equality between the hero and the artist. It is not by chance that at the homeland of Tabakov, in Saratov, several years ago, a monument to Oleg Savin was opened. And in fact, the eternal youth of Oleg Tabakov was perpetuated. I am sure that this is not the only monument that put this stunning person. And the street will be called, and maybe the new city is worthy.

And then he put a monument to those who personally did not know, but which he honored with his teachers - Konstantin Stanislavsky and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko. But the main thing is that by this monument, more precisely, by his incarnation, Oleg Pavlovich once and forever corrected the mistake - they say, the first walked Stanislavsky, and even then his catcher Nemirovich. No, "I decided tobacco," they built MCAT ones, they built a Russian theater, therefore, at the pedestal of a new monument, there is no difference in their growth, Stanislavsky and Nemirovich, thanks to Tabakov now on equal.

Another incredible quality is the will and her strength. No matter how hard it hurt me (and in recent years he struggled with severe ailment), he came, because he knew that he was waiting for, he would depend on him.

Pale as a canvas, after a heavy operation, leaning on the hand on one side of Mashkova, and on the other - Mironov, Oleg Pavlovich came to the college to his very first issue. When it went to the microphone, the first thing apologized: "Sorry, I can't stand," I sat down, I started talking, but here's a miracle - gradually a hypocritely removed painful signs and he began to joke, whistling and became like that of Oleg Pavlovich, who ( And everyone knows) - the most informal, the most mischievous charges of troupes, awards and anniversaries.

"Tabakov burns," so they talked about him and on our theater award "MK", \u200b\u200bwhere he almost from its very foundation in 1995, was considered her alive talisman. He himself repeatedly became her laureate and enjoyed the name of the registered porcelain plate, came to support his artists and those who have long spoke from under the decepan wing. He loared the replicas from the places, and everyone was lying from the laughter, whistled on a par with young artists, and there was no stretch in this, the desire to adjust the new generation. He himself was young, hot, cordial. A rare combination observed in theatrical and generally artistic environment. Youth was so walked with his seedings, it was organic with his age, because the "ego", the main word for the artist is not his word. Ambitions, vanity, petty - too.

His word is life and only life. He did not allow anyone anyone and anything to take it, prevent her swift movement - only forward or up. He did not know what to retreat, if there is an idea, a dream. It means that he would have happened, by all means it should be embodied, to gain flesh and blood and, in turn, give life to another, new, fresh.

Somehow he admitted that he had never woke up in a bad mood in his life. I did not believe him: "Oleg Pavlovich, well, it does not happen. And if the day before, did the bad news come in the evening? And if you were upset? Or did you quarrel with my wife? " "All the same in good, believe. And we will fight with bad. " He fought, but not with the type of revolutionary or an sufferer, but a merry mischievous, whose greatness is unlikely to ever be able to achieve.

He spent the last three months of their life in the hospital. He fought. He wanted to live and leave us. How will we be without it now? Sweep. Confusion. Mountain.

Oleg Tabakov's arithmetic is inspires immense respect and delicate trepidation.

Behind Oleg Pavlovich 60 years of service in the theater and more than 100 movie roles.

At 21, Oleg, he Lelik, entered the board of the youngest and most revolutionary at the time of the Moscow theater "Contemporary".

In 29 years he received a heart attack.

At 32 - the first state prize.

In 35 became the director of the "contemporary".

In 39 he began to "teach children", taking the first students.

In 50 stood at the steering wheel of the MCAT Studio.

In 52, created his "tobacco", theater on Chaplygin Street.

Until 82 years left on stage.

When the eldest son was born ...

The theater has always been in the first place for Oleg Tabakov, many facts of his biography say. For example, the firstborn was born: the eldest son Anton. He would have to pay more attention ... Not there was something!

Oleg Tabakov with Son Anton. Photo: www.globallookpress.com.

This is how Anton Tabakov told about this a few years ago:

- Ironically, I was born on my father's homeland, in Saratov, where the "contemporary" toured. From the hospital to Moscow "deported" in the cradle with an unfamiliar stewardess. That has long refused the "gift" until the parents swore to her that the child would certainly meet. Met. And, I hope, I did not confuse with anyone.

Charms nomadic theatrical life I experienced shortly after my birth. Somehow, late for the train, Dad with Mom (actress Theater "Contemporary" Lyudmila Krylova. - Ed.) Fight on Perrons, grabbing me, then another baby, in an oakha. The composition was about to be moving, so the child, as if some kind of bundle, began to transfer to the car. Barely parents, out of breath, jumped into the footboard, the train moved away from Perron. I think the scene was impressive. In general, at an early age, and then, of course, I did not make it easier for my parents. Once, the Father told, not knowing how to learn me, he did not come up with nothing better than climb into a wooden bed and put his chest into a wooden bed.

Lyudmila Krylova with Son Anton. Photo: www.globallookpress.com.

Father together S. Oleg Efremov and Evgeny Evstigneev In those years, worked on the creation of a "contemporary" and paid all his time to his beloved brain. On his own Chad - me, Misha and Denis - time practically did not remain.

- But you probably did grandparents and grandparents. Who were the parents of Oleg Pavlovich?

- Grandpa Pavel Kondratievichwas amazing! In his stories, he knew how to combine scientific knowledge with the quotes of classics, he was reading Averchenko, after arriving in Moscow from Saratov, the grandfather stayed not from us, but as an independent person preferred to live in the Beijing hotel: for him it was kind of chic. For me, hiking became another entertainment. Grandfather by then was divorced, loved the female sex very much, and, of course, he wanted to impress.

My grandmother was the first or second wife Pavel Kondratyevich, and in general the grandfather had so many wives that this figure is even scary to pronounce loud. In those years, he worked in the sanatorium "Pada" under Saratov, we traveled to him in the summer. Grandfather grown fantastically tasty tomatoes "Bull Heart". Thanks to its knowledge in the field of biochemistry, he fell so hard that they were unthinkable sizes and weighed 2.5 kilograms each.

Grandma, Papin Mom Maria Andreevna, I lived with us. The radiologist, a secular lady and an esthet, born in the town of Balta, she was always emphasized polite and correct. I must say, Maria Andreevna (and before her - Baba Katya and Baba Anya, my great-grandparents) with trepidation belonged to everything, which is connected with the surname of Tobacco. At that time we lived in a communal apartment, we didn't have a phone, and to call on the machine, it was necessary to go down. Parents argued endlessly, who will do it. Father asked: "Lucy, well, go, I urgently need it ...". Mom answered: "I can't, you understand ..." There was a swing, during which when she swinging me in a wheelchair, Baba Katya, with a monya, said: "That Antoshnik will grow, he will run for a phone folder."

Artists Lyudmila Krylova and Oleg Tabakov. 1964 Photo: RIA Novosti / Miroslav Muzhov

And I also had a wonderful nurse Maria Nikolaevna. She raised my father in Saratov. Then he transported it to Moscow, and she began to feel me. Putting at the feet first dad, then - me, Maria Nikolaevna, a believer lonely woman, with a sense of accomplishment decided that it was time to die. Why live next? She did not see in this sense, especially since it was a very sick person: it was tormented by thrombophlebitis and a bunch of other ailments. And here Maria Nikolaevna began to negotiate with his father: here, they say, Olezhek, you are a fountance there, I have a savings record, everything is ready ... But my sister Sasha was born - and a miracle happened: the nurse was risen, although it was really on the threshold of death . Observing the meaning of life, she lived eight years old, forgetting about his sores.

I was five years old when dad and Evgenia Alexandrovich Evstigneev Selected small-sized apartments in a new block five-story building in the Airport Metro district. But very soon we moved to Tverskaya-Yamskaya, in a rather large apartment, however, on the last floor and, as it should be, with leaks.

It seemed that he worked 24 hours a day

- Father in those years was the social director of the "contemporary", went with a large portfolio and helped to solve administrative and business-art questions in the theater. He always or almost always did what he wanted, and could not live in a different way. So a certain cult has existed at home. If he was hungry - everyone thrashed to feed him. If you were fed - having fun, joked, and everyone jerked with him. Mom tried to pay attention to the concerns associated with her, with children, with a house, but they worried a little father.

Actors of the Moscow Theater "Contemporary" Evgeny Evstigneev, Oleg Tabakov and Andrey Mikobykov in the scene from the play "Bolsheviks" on the play Mikhail Shatrov. 1969 Photo: RIA Novosti

It seemed that he worked 24 hours a day. I think, because of this, in 29 years he had an extensive heart attack. The situation was so serious that friends came to say goodbye to him. Only after that dad learned to relax. For example, returning from the rehearsal, he always slept in front of the evening play. Everything could happen around, - thunderstorm, earthquake - but his father knew that the body needs to be restored, and could sleep standing, lying, sitting. This ability was transferred to me. Although I never thought I could come in handy. Especially since I myself, unlike my father, did not seriously treasure the theater. The father of talent did not see me and recommended to pay attention, for example, to the plant "Calibr".

- When did you realize that your father is a famous actor?

"It seems to me that I always assumed it, because I saw him not only at home, but also on the screen. Another thing that I thought it was natural. One day such a story happened. We went to the grandfather in the village of Pada under Saratov (we often went there on the father's "Volga", always on the same road, past various Russian villages with old names of the horse-well) and somewhere near Voronezh fell under wild pouring rain. Imagine: the dirt road, wet clay, loam, the wheels are sinking ... In short, they are stuck capital. Under the urgent shower, in the nightmare we are trying to find the tractor in the nearest village. For a long time, knocking on the door of some kind of house until we finally open ... and then - a dumb scene. In those days (these were seventies) on TV, the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring" was demonstrated. The village of Selralian simply awesome: suggest that in his village horse-well, the car "Schellenberg himself" will get stuck, he could not. We were not only pulled out, but also warmed, fed and left to sleep. Here it is, the magic force of art!

Oleg Tabakov as Shellenberg. 1973 Photo: RIA Novosti

- Have you been offended by your father?

- I was offended by my father always. And the fact that he did not take me to his course, and then to the theater, is just nonsense. Another thing, I believed that he very little pays for me that he was unjust, too categorical. Although the father still took me to the "Tabakcoque" ...

- Well, about something you still talked with him?

- I remember dad told that in my youth I bought 10-15 copies of the application to the magazine "Krasnoarmec", in which the "mischief" of Ardova, the "beautiful lady" of Tolstoy, "Golden calf", and kept these books until They did not become a deficit, after which they sold them for big money. And at 9 years old, he shook his parents from loaf: Bread was then issued on cards. When the clustered pieces by weight were a whole loaf, he took their German prisoners of war, which repaired school, and he in exchange made him a wooden machine ...

12 bright roles Oleg Tabakov in the movie

Was the father to hide his deception?

"If you return to the topic of the offense, then most of all in our family, without any doubt, Mom suffered. When Dad became the director of the "contemporary", it actually remained without roles. Father was easier to tell her than any of the artists: "Lucy, you understand, I am acting director of the theater. Well, how can I? Well, let you give you a role, and how will I look like people? Awkward, incorrectly this ... "Sometimes he was sincere, sometimes crumpled soul ...

"And you, and your sister Alexander were very offended by Oleg Pavlovich, when he went to Marina Zudina." What pain he caused your mom, and not to say ...

- Parents did not get laid for a long time. Often, the scandals arose because of nonsense, because of some trivia, and they could end themselves. Was the father to hide his deception? I was clear what was happening, I think my mother is too. Yes, and Sasha, no doubt, guessed. But we did the form that everything is fine. Dad then explained that she hid a novel with Marina exclusively from the unwillingness to hurt us. He himself experienced it on himself when his father, whom he loved very much, left his mother. Returning from the war, my grandfather brought a new family and left the house. Dad then really suffered (at that time he was about 13), but I'm not sure that the memories of those experiences were the main reason that he did not resolve us so long. In some interview, the father spoke about the episode, which all settled into its place. As if once again, returned with the filming, tired and annoyed, he asked us with Sasha: "What connects you with me?" We kindly left the answer, and then something was taught in it. It seemed to him that he was not respected at home, especially since the relationship with the mother had been spoiled for years, and she said in a rummy again: "We need to divorce." I think his story seems too theatrical. Maybe he asked, maybe we answered something. But not the words and not in that context. Mother Much allowed the Father and did everything so that he was good, comfortable, so that he could do his loved business.

Oleg Tabakov and actress Marina Zudina and Son Paul and daughter Masha. Photo: RIA Novosti / PR Department Bosco

Representing Oleg Tabakov outside the scene was really hard. He himself confessed somehow: "The theater occupation is the work of almost soldiers. I do not want - it is necessary! Cold - it is necessary! It's hot - you need! I was the director of the contemporary, when Mom died. Buried her - and immediately had to go on stage ... a person should be happy from what he does. If I were not allowed to play, I would pay to go on stage ... a little, three hundred rubles, but I would pay ... "

Moscow, 12 Mar - RIA Novosti.People's Artist of the USSR died in Moscow, artistic director of the MHT. Chekhov and "Tabakerki" Oleg Tabakov, reported in the press service of the theater.

The actor died at the 83rd year of life after a severe long disease. Farewell will be held in the MHT, the date will be known later.

"In connection with such a terrible loss for us - the death of Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov - all performances are canceled in the theater today," the press service said.

The hospitalization of the artist in the first town hospital became known at the end of November. Later, the media appeared information that Tabakov was connected to the artificial ventilation of the lungs, despite the improvement of the state on the eve of the New Year.

Creative way

Tabakov was born on August 17, 1935 in Saratov in the family of doctors. In 1957, he graduated from MCAT Studio School, played in numerous theatrical productions. In 1971-1976, simultaneously with acting, headed the "contemporary". Since 2000, Tabakov has served as the artistic director of the MXT named after A. P. Chexov, and since 2004 he performed the responsibility of the director of the theater.

Tobacco also known to the roles in the cinema. He played in the films "Seventeen Moments of Spring", "Flights in a dream and in reality", "Man with Capuchin Boulevard", "Middle Circle" and "Sirota Kazan".

In addition, the artist voiced several characters of cartoons. Her meals of animation films "Bobik visiting Barbosa", "Three from Prostokvashino", "Vacation in Prostokvashino", "Winter in Prostokvashino" and "Hedgehog Plus Turtle".

A wife, actress Marina Zudyna, and four children, two of whom are from the first marriage, remained at Tabakov.