Grishkovets poster. Movie Evgeny Grishkovets: whisper of the heart

Grishkovets poster. Movie Evgeny Grishkovets: whisper of the heart
Grishkovets poster. Movie Evgeny Grishkovets: whisper of the heart

Evgeny Grishkovets is a famous modern writer, playwright, actor and director. Fame to Grishkowtsu came through his monospectly "How I Ate Dog", first shown in 1998 in the smoking of the Theater of the Russian Army. The performance changed the direction in the career of the playwright and became a real light revelation for the Russian theater and the viewer. Fresh and easy productions of Grishkovets are distinguished by a slightly nice sincerity and simplicity of presentation. Often in them the playwright opens the audience to the importance of everyday small things, the touching and nostalgic moments of their lives. The performances of Evgeny Grishkovets - the same kind of theater that does not enter and does not lie, does not offend and does not affect radical. He simply tells the story, sincere and humanly warm, how could your neighbor, a familiar or casual fellow traveler in the coupe. Grishkovets put 10 performances, 5 of which executes one. Some of the performances go on scenes of different theaters in the production of other directors.

The talent of the playwright also includes writing. From 2004 to 2013, Grishkovets published more than 10 books, many of them arose thanks to the author's blog in the live magazine. Grishkovets admits that he does not know how to sing. But this does not prevent the writer and the playwright to produce joint albums with the groups "Biguchi" and "MgzAvar", in which his sincere texts are superimposed on melodious music. The actor's account has roles in movies, especially successful works, you can consider the "walk" of Alexey Master and Satisfaction, Anna Matison. The script for "satisfaction" was written by Mathison together with Grishkovets.

Evgeny Grishkovets lives in Kaliningrad since 1998 and tours a lot with his performances in Europe. For its fruitful work, the author received many valuable premiums, such as the "buoy" and "antibuker", the National Prize "Triumph" and others.

How I Ate Dog (1998)

The play "How I Ate Dog" is, according to the author and artist, the "Universal History of Human Adults", the experience of a sailor, received during the service on the Pacific Fleet.

The story is leading from the first person to one actor (by the author himself) as a person's memory of childhood, adolescence, maritime service.

How changing the life perception of a young guy, the sailor of the Russian Pacific Fleet during the passage of the service was away from their native city. The difference in the experiences of the recruit, traveling on the train to the Far East compared to his experiences, but three years later, and creates the basis of the play. The monologue performance contains many life stories from childhood and junior hero, which is divided by his life experience as if this experience was received personally by each of the audience.

At the same time (1999)

"At the same time" is "an attempt to explain what" instantly understand something, or it's not just instantly, but at the same time. "

The main "event" of the performance is an amazing text that the hero of Grishkovets says.

This is a monologue, saturated with many wonderful stories from the daily life of an ordinary person and, at the same time, not inferior in its philosophical depths of the best samples of classical drama.

Staging, as it is impossible to demonstrate the inimitable style of Grishkovets, in whose works "the feeling of the futility of the live fabric of the text always lives, moreover, it is a feeling" remains even in already recorded plays: in multiple bilge situations, suddenness of infinite associations, in defenselessness and what "It's completely unusual openness and listeners to the reader."

Winter (1999)

Beautiful fabulous winter forest, in the star sky.

The fairy forest passes the Snow Maiden. The first and second appear.

They come on skis, shook or lowered on parachutes - it does not matter. Both are dressed in white maskhalates, they have storms and different equipment. For some time they are engaged in your business.

Notes of the Russian Traveler (1999)

Two characters, ancient relationship between people, which is felt in each next replica, in every turn of the head, in intonation, is the plot of this even no plays, but these short stories connected by a long friendship.

If the theater with the name, burdened meaning, from time to time you need to somehow reinforce this very choice and meaning, then you can say with confidence: "Notes of the Russian Traveler" - once again justified the sign, the performance became such a good, positive example of the theater's work with new text.

"Notes of the Russian Traveler" - perhaps the first successful performance "Grishkowtsu" without Grishkovtsa himself, the first one among the well-known, popular - and is still the only one.

City (2001)

All the texts of Grishkovtsy tell about himself - and about everyone at once.

"City" - that Grishkovets himself survived, leaving himself from his native Kemerov: about confusion and total spiritual non-uniforms. If you please, about the crisis of the average years.

The experiences of the main character are deprived of specifics: what such work he decided to quit, why he wants to leave the city, from which city is unknown. This makes the damned job, and the attic city, and the rewriting between the spouses familiar to everyone who ever wanted to do the same thing - to quit everything to the damn mother.

Planet (2001)

The play of Grishkovets Planet is a kind of story about life and love.

The planet differs from other performances Evgeny Grishkovets, because In it, as well as on the planet, there is no end, the viewers involuntarily the question arises: what's next.

Evgeny Grishkovets and here remained the original: he never reveals the secret of the play of the planet.

The planet once again confirmed: Evgeny Grishkovets knows how to say with stunning ease, to say from the scene about the most important philosophical matter and even put scientific knowledge to the theater service.

Dreadlows (2001)

Evgeny Grishkovets: Dreadnights are the drama of domestic cinema.

The performance of one actor in which Evgeny Grishkovets participates, he reveals all the plot so much that no more and not needed, because the picture becomes integrity.

"Dreadnights" so called the statement of the largest and, perhaps, epic in kind of ships, since the time of the First World War.

Battle of Etland due to its grandinality entered the basis of history.

The battles about which will tell the actor will set the viewer with its history, because in their participation a lot of people took and every destiny will not be deprived of attention, literally every little thing seems important.

Siege (2003)

"The play" Osada "is quite a modern history made by young and sharply felt by people.

The performance was created by collective improvisation, so that all the actors are also the co-authors of the play.

And if you briefly determine the content of the performance, in the sense of what he ... The play "Siege" about the war. "

Uncle Otto sick (2004)

"Uncle Otto is sick" was presented at the Vienna Theater Festival.

All Austria marched together by the seventieth anniversary of the 1934 Civil War, during which the fascists finally crushed Social Democrats.

The Viennese Theater Festival devoted a special program called "Silence Dictionary". It was still terribly preparing seriously, but none of the projects of the program deserved such unconditional approval of the public in Vienna, as the Monospectacle of Evgeny Grishkovets "Uncle Otto sick."

According to (2005)

"By software" Yevgeny Grishkovets - lightning, slyly invented and okay executed thing.

The name is explained simply - in the play two charming narrator, interrupting each other, tell me from childhood familiar stories of Edgar Alan by, decorating and freely complementing them.

They tell how the stories are remembered by a person who has not reread them since childhood. The writer Edgar Po, seen by their eyes, is not at all similar to the creator of the world of horrors and the master of a detective story - Grishkovets gives stories on the usual everyday format, turning horrors in horror. The author of the formulation itself characterizes it like this: "Good, light, gaming performance. Beautiful, cheerful, very paradoxical. "

House (2009)

Evgeny Grishkovets: "I was not going to buy a house, it was a very serious decision for me, an adult. I was lucky to look, I saw: this one? Immediately - take.

Then we went conversations, I wanted to be discarded close, and everyone suddenly wanted.

I understood that if this did not happen, you would need to live in the feeling that I could not, and I fell in love with him. So this is a completely documentary play. "

+1 (2009)

"No one knows me." This phrase begins the performance, and soon it becomes clear that it is not just the debris of a popular artist, which many know, even very many, for it is not at all about many. We are talking about the closest people. They also do not know. Before them, too, it is impossible to convey their innermost thoughts and feelings. Just as the tape recorder changes the sound of your voice, every attempt to tell another about the state of his soul, also leads to inevitable distortions.

In these arguments, it is easy to hear the old Tyutchev "The thought of the extension is a lie". But in the play of Grishets, the well-known centance acquires a special meaning. After all, the recognition of the "redefined lies" we hear from the mouth of a person who actually specializes in to convey their innermost thoughts to us, climb their hidden feelings and do unformed formulated.

From the mouth of the owner of the branded recipe for theatrical sincerity, telling us about yourself so that we see in the scene mirror our own reflection. And suddenly he directly declares that everything he tells about, in a very low degree corresponds to his real experiences. And about it, genuine, he does not know how to tell, because he is infinitely alone with all his well-being. He can't feel part of mankind. He is always +1 to humanity.

Farewell to paper (2012)

Evgeny Grishkovets, who at the turn of the 2000s changed the ideas about the genre of monospectacle and even became a certain "genre", shows his new job.

"Farewell to paper" is a collage of memories, nostalgia for the "Guttenberg Universe" - in the world, where the books are not glowing, but sturgee and smell the typographic paint, and instead of SMS, notes are sent to the paper block.

Heart Sleeps (2015)

In many ways, the suspensive performance opens his eyes to an unattractive truth, which, perhaps, not everyone needs, but about which everyone is guessing.

The hero of the new monospectacle of Grishkovets, over the creation of which he worked for more than three years, is a human heart, suffered and unfamiliar to us. And he has something to tell his owner.

Scales (2017)

Evgeny Grishkovets: "Scales" is my new play, the scenic fate of which I decided to do myself. Such with me for the first time. Why?

Yes, only for the simple reason that I do not decide the heroes of this gentle plays to entrust foreign hands. Although the characters of the "scales" are not at all sidelines. They are normal, earthly men. But they are precisely in this play, especially the roads, because we are experiencing an exciting, crucial and very special night.

Worried together and at the most important occasion. I am well aware of the experience of the characters of my play. I want to pass them through the actors, with which I work as much as possible and close to the original design.

Preface (2018)

"The last ten years since 2008, I do and release one monospectacle in three years. It is always very special, long and painstaking work. But in the coming year, I finally approached the completion of the writing of the novel "Theater of despair or a desperate theater".

I have been working on this book for the third year, and she displaced all other ideas and ideas. But as it usually happens ... Suddenly, a strange and unexpected decision came ... A scenic image of the prefaces was born to the novel, which I am now. What I conceived on the stage will not be creative in the evening. Not a story about how it is fun, it was difficult for a novel ...

It will be a performance called "Preface to the Roman". In this performance, I will try to talk about the most mysterious process of the emergence of the literature and literary image, which appears from the actual biography and from the history of everyday life. This performance will be largely devoted to the wonderful and at the same time a very disturbing, and sometimes the terrible process of memories. I want to tell on the stage and show what is happening with a person who goes into the past ... What he goes to his memories, and how comes back. And I also want to do on stage what I once began to start my stage activity, and what I didn't do almost thirty years on the scene. "


Azazel (2002)

Role: Achimas Velda

A young official of the deceitful agency Erast Fandorin (Ilya Soskov) takes care of the investigation of mysterious suicide.

He meets a friend of the suicide as a student Akhtyrtsev (Cyril Pirogov), but barely in his hands fall the first threads to investigate the crime, how an attempt to murder is performed.

Fandorin goes to the trail of the mysterious organization Azazel ...

Walk (2003)

Role: Seva

The girl and two of her casual satellites pass half-Petersburg, flirting, diving and for a half hours of real time living a love drama.

This walk, filled with laughter and tears, an ordinary bustle of the street and some almost ominous secret, keeps the viewer in constant voltage, but it is allowed completely unexpected.

However, the final of the film, as unpredictable, however is temporarily, puts everything in its place, forever connecting a told story with the city. There was no such Petersburg yet. This is not a monument, not a phantom, not a ghost, not Ruin. This is Petersburg on-line - a wonderful vigor city in which young Russian Europeans are easily and painfully live.

Not bread united (2005)

Role: Investigator

1947. A small industrial town that has grown around a large steel plant. The first postwar years. They met at school, she taught English, he taught children physics.

She was a wife of the director of the Combine General Drozdov, he dreamed that he would build a new pipelket car, such that no one had yet to invented.

She is fond of the idea of \u200b\u200bshovel and falls in love with him, leaving her husband. He wanted to be useful his homeland, his people. He was ready to give his life for his idea, she gave him her life, love and faith. General Mstit in Soviet - not giving an opponent to promote his invention ...

In the first circle (2005)

Role: Galakhov, Writer

The action takes place in the USSR in 1949. In the Moscow Region Sharashka, Marphino scientists are working on the order of Stalin himself - a secret telephone unit.

Before the main character, Gleb is a heavy moral choice: to serve as a hated regime or exchange the happiness of the warm sharaist on the prison stage of the Gulag.

Another storyline is the story of Innocent Volodin. The diplomat, leaving abroad, the representative of the elite of the Soviet intelligentsia, is trying to transfer information about an attempt to receive the US scientific intelligence agents in the field of production of an atomic bomb to the US intelligence agent.

Thirteen months (2008)

Role: Stein

The successful businessman Gleb Ryazanov suddenly realizes that he spent the best years to become the "right frame".

Even his family life is nothing but a profitable deal. In a desperate attempt to start life from a clean leaf, Gleb leaves home, getting into the dizzying world of mysticism and crime, friendship and love. But it turns out to get out of the closed circle ...

"Thirteen months" is ironic and sometimes a lyrical criminal drama that tells that to run away from problems and commitments is much more complicated than it seems ...

Moscow Fireworks (2009)

Role: Brigadier Tajiks Amak

Sofia is the famous opera singer, irrevocably lost the ability to sing, dreams of returning a lost voice.

And gain peace of mind. Her husband Arkady dreams of returning love, warmth and former sensuality of his wife. Natasha is afraid and worried about her husband Kirill and is being strengthened to take a hurt from him.

Dmitry Returning Military is looking for himself in life, wants to be needed someone. And Teen Semen thinks that by killing a man, he will reconcile with himself ...

Windows (2009)

Role: Alexander Semenovich

Katya will find out about the treason of his husband's writer Victor with his boss anfisa.

After the rapid clarification of relations with mutual accusations and ridiculous suspicions, Victor takes steps, sometimes funny, sometimes stupid to reconciliation with his wife. Anfisa is trying to prevent this, right up to try to attract a sorcerer.

But Katya and Victor love each other and ultimately lay down. This whole situation could not affect Victor writer. Instead of a detective, he composes a love romance. "Each window is a human life, like a soul, just look into it - everything is there."

Mood improved (short-drawing, 2009)

Role: Narrator (Kameo)

We have been engaged in advertising and promotional films for a long time. And absolutely always in parallel with this daily work there was a desire to do something just for themselves, and not for the customer.

In general, I wanted creativity. At some point we felt that we technically reached the level when you start thinking about it somehow more objectively. The search for material began.

But in practice, find what all team members like it turned out to be extremely difficult ...

Satisfaction (2010)

Role: Alexander Grigorievich Veroshin, major businessman

Alexander's protagonist, a major businessman and an influential person in his city, after a busy working day brings his friend and Assistant Dmitry to a restaurant.

But to the surprise of Dmitry, there are no business partners, nor friends - there are no visitors in the premises.

Men will have to spend time in the company of silent waiters and numerous bottles with the contents of various fortresses. When the door is locked from the inside, two heroes on finding out the relationship remains a whole night.

Wake me (documentary, 2016)

Role: Head

Zhenya has been working in the border control service of the capital airport. More than a year ago, with strange circumstances, her beloved Andrei disappeared.

Zhenya literally sturped at his own past while her future dreams. Dreams about colleagues and corruption diagrams of drug trafficking become reality. Gradually, Zhenya becomes part of the crime-world surrounding it, and herself does not realize whether it plays in it by no longer role.

It seems to her that, being between sleep and reality, she can change the future. Zhenya thinks he can deceive fate and save his new love from the tragedy, but is it really?

Particle of the Universe (2017)

Role: Father John

The story of the real heroes that live here and now. And on which you want to be similar. This is a story about real women who know how to wait.

About people who work on space in the PC and Star, on Baikonur and at the Institute of Space Medicine.

This is a movie about a feat, real male friendship and great love. About what we lack so in this life.

Ordinary woman (TV series Boris Khlebnikov, 2018)

Role: Male Marina

"To all grave" in Russian.

The most ordinary woman is a loving and beloved wife and mother, who wish to like all neighbors and acquaintances, - it turns out to be a boss of criminal business.

Later it is found that everyone in her family has dirty secrets ...

Evgeny Grishkovets was born on February 17, 1967 in the distant Siberian city of Kemerovo. When small Zhenya appeared in the young and friendly family, the parents still studied at the Institute. Spouses everywhere and everywhere took a son with me.

After graduating from the local university, the head of the family enters the graduate school of St. Petersburg Economic University. Valery Grishkovets, together with loved ones, move to live in Leningrad.

Living in the northern capital, Eugene missed the native city very much. But again returning to Kemerovo, the feelings were replaced by the feedback, and the boy dreamed of returning back to the "Cultural Capital".

Having received a certificate of middle education in 1984, Grishkovets becomes a student of the Faculty of Philology of the Kemerovo Humanitarian University. A diploma of higher education Evgeny will receive only 10 years later.

In the second year of the institute, the young man was called in the ranks of the Soviet Army. For three years, Evgeny Grishkovets served in the Sea Pacific Fleet on Russian Island. During the passage of the service, he was actively involved in army artistic amateur activities.

Returning home in 1988, Evgeny Grishkovets continues his studies at the Institute. At the same time, he is diligently engaged in a local theater studio, and executes modest roles in the Pantomime Theater.

Soon the native mining city becomes for the future playwright too boring and monotonous. therefore in 1990, Grishkovets intends to emigrate to Europe, but in short And returns to Kemerovo.

Genius of modern drama

In the hometown of Evgeny organizes its own theater called "Lodge". During the existence of this theatrical platform (1990 - 1997), 10 performances were delivered, which were popular and in demand not only from the Russian viewer, but also abroad.

1998 becomes a turning point in the fate of the playwright. His theater is slowly fading, and Grishkovets makes the decision to leave the city. The whole family they move to Kaliningrad. In the same period his first monospectant "How I Ate Dog" appears.

The production was demonstrated in Moscow at the "School of Modern Plays" theater. The audience in the hall was only 17 people. But this did not prevent Eugene to receive the prestigious theater award "Golden Mask" for this performance. Grishkovets won immediately in two nominations: "Novation" and "Critic Prize".

The next work becomes a play "At the same time", which repeats the stalking success of the previous production. Now the creative "handwriting" Eugene as a playwright is already more clearly traced. The director masterfully presents human dramas and realities of the modern world, while relying on the excellent traditions of domestic literature. In his performances, you can see Czech, Shukshin and Dovlatov.

In 2014, Evgeny Grishkovets represents the audience a new play "Farewell to paper". The plot line of performances tells the reflection of the author himself: the modern world is filled with electronic carriers and gadgets, and paper is out of themselves. But this process, according to the director, inexorably leads everyone to oblivion.

Interesting notes:

A year later, Eugene demonstrates the next statement of his own essay of the "Heart Whisper". In a low voice, almost in a whisper, Grishkovets reflects on life from the face of the Heart.

2016 - the premiere of the performance "while beer is poured." Evgeny is not only the author of the script, but also the leading role. In 2017, the statement of "Scales" is published.

All performances Evgeny Grishkovets

release year Name

"How I Ate Dog"


"Notes of the Russian Traveler"

1999 "Winter"

"At the same time"

2001 "City"
2001 "Planet"
2001 "Dreadlows"

monospectacle "How I Ate Dog" released in the form of audiobooks

2003 "Siege"

"Uncle Otto sick"


"By software" (the third edition written in the time of the "lodges" of the plays)

2009 "+1"
2014 "Weeke End"

"Farewell to paper"


"Whisper of the Heart"


"While beer is poured"

2017 "Libra"

Writing works

Evgeny Grishkovets Author of several literary works. Its first published work becomes the book "Shirt" (2004). Next after it is published a story "Rivers" (2006), which is even entered into school textbooks on literature. Evgeny's work filled with deep meaning is very popular with a modern reader.

In 2006, a separate publication produces a collection of all Pies Grishkovtsy, set by the time.

He is also the author of the books "Planck", "traces of me", "asphalt", "Year of Lzhizni", "Continuation of Lzhizni", "A ... A", "Satisfaction". The last work formed the basis of a feature film with the same name, the director of the painting was Anna Matison, the wife of Sergei Bezrukov.

Love for music

Director, playwright, writer, he also loves music. According to Evgenia, he does not know how to sing at all, but he likes to listen to the beautiful singing of others.

Grishkovets decided to create a completely new flow in musical art. He developed his own concept: a person does not know how to sing reads text to the music. Something like a small essay in combination with musical accompaniment, and, as always, a high sense load of the content.

In 2002, in collaboration with the Biguchi Group, he records the first album. 2008 - releases its own version of the song "Alliance" "at the dawn." 2013 - cooperation with the Georgian "MGZAVBERY", the outcome of the work becomes the exit of the album "Waiting for living to wait."

On the movie screen

There are already more than 20 work in cinema on the account of the tireless and creative Grishkovets. Evgeny acting began since 2002. Then the famous painting "Azazel" was published, on the work of Boris Akunin. Then Eugene said that the shooting process itself was easy, and even jokingly, but the picture itself was not very.

The video version of the popular play Evgenia Grishkovets "Whisper of the Heart", in which Grishkovets himself plays not himself, but ... his heart. It is the heart, the protagonist of the performance, will communicate with you about the most intimate. As in all of their works, Grishkovets argues in the "Heart Sheep" about complex life and philosophical things with simple and accurate words. What questions can ask the heart to man in the chest of which it beats? What does it think then when the mind encourages a person to perform certain actions? Why does a person not always listen to him? For these and many other questions, Grishkovets will look for answers, and will help him in this, as always, will be the audience, because each of his performance is also a conversation. The "whisper of the heart" goes in the metropolitan theater center "On Passion" since 2015 and always collects Achlag. On our site you can watch the online video version of this performance, which was mounted from two different switches of the performance and includes its best points.

Watch the movie Evgeny Grishkovets: Whispering Heart online You can completely free in good HD quality. Happy viewing!