Who is a romantic hero? The main features of the romantic hero.

Who is a romantic hero? The main features of the romantic hero.
Who is a romantic hero? The main features of the romantic hero.

"The Poets of the Silver Century" - Mayakovsky entered the School of Painting, Drainies and Architecture. V. Ya. Bryusov (1873 - 1924). D. D. Burluk. Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev was born on April 15, 1886. Ambamests. O. E. Mandelshtam. From 1900-1907. Mandelshtam studied in the Tenishevsk Commercial School. O. E. Mandelstam (1891 - 1938). Axism. V. V. Mayakovsky.

"On the Frontoviki poets" - from the first days of the war Kulchitsky was in the army. Simonov's fame acquired before the war, as a poet and playwright. Sergey Sergeevich Orlov (1921-1977). In 1944, Jalil was executed by Moabitsky executioners. The poem of Surkov "Beats in a cramped refrigerant" was written in 1941. Written during the war, Simonov's poem "Wait for me" became widely known.

"On poetry" - Indian summer has come - the days of farewell heat. Solar brilliance Your wonderful with our plays the river. And dawn cherry glue pouring in the form of a clock. And around the flowers of Lazorow, spread the waves spicy ... Journey through the poetic path. Bad fourths - burst the old rope ... Birch face - under the veil tank and transparent.

"Romanticism in literature" - a lesson - a lecture. Lermontov Mikhail Yuryevich 1814-1841. Romanticism in Russian literature The end of the 18th early 19th centuries. The theme "humiliated and offended". Philosophical fairy tale. Romantic personality-passionate personality. Historical novel; "MTSI". Passion. Walter Scott 1771-1832. Causes of romanticism.

"On romanticism" - Larra. A.S. Pushkin. Eternal liquid. Sacrifice by saving others. "Legend of eternal Zehid". Composite features Story. "Legend of Moses." M. Gorky. Which of the heroes are close to the old woman Izergil: Danko or Larre? Who does nothing, nothing will become. Romantic Style Base - Image inner world man.

"Poets about Nature" - Alexander Yesenin (Father) and Tatiana Titova (Mother). Block Alexander Aleksandrovich (1880, St. Petersburg - 1921, Petrograd) - Poet. A.A. Block. Russian writers of the 20th century about native nature. Creative work. Landscape lyrics. Artistic and expressive means. S.A. Yesenin. Baby girl knew a lot of songs, fairy tales and chastushki.

Total in the subject of 13 presentations

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Romanticism in Russian literature. Three types of romantic hero.

Romanticism - direction in the literature, artistic type creativity characteristic sign which is the display and reproduction of life outside the real-specific relationships of a person with the surrounding reality.

The emergence of romanticism. Romanticism arose at the end of the 18th century. Motherland of romanticism - Germany, the originated aesthetics gave the world a number of philosophers: F. Shelling, Fichte, Kant. German romanticism I had a decisive effect on all types of art: ballet, painting, literature, park art gardening. Many romance were linguists, the language was interested in as an expression of the spirit of the nation, the expression of thoughts and feelings. Romanticism describes a bright, exceptional plot, sublime passion, feelings, love intrigue.

Romanticism has its own way to typing. These are exceptional characters in exceptional circumstances. Romantics are depicting human qualities Open from ordinary. From the origin of romanticism, there is a resurrection of telepathy, parapsychology. The birth of romanticism is a crisis of rational aesthetics. A new typology of the hero appears. These types have become eternal. .

The first type of hero. one . The hero is a wanderer, a fugitive, the Skitaletz (he was created by Byron, he was at Pushkin (Aleko), .. Strong is not a geographical, but spiritual, internal migration, searching unexplored. Search for higher truth. Strong - this is a strife metaphor in the unexplored, eternal search, Tomny in infinite, this Tomorrow leads to alienation from society, opposing himself to others, the world, God.

This type of hero spawned eternal images. The image of the sea ... (turbidity, throwing ...)

The image of the road ...

Don Quixote is a wanderer who is always looking for and cannot find.

The image of an elusive horizon.

The second type of hero is a strange eccentric, a vanity, not from this world. It is characterized by children's naivety, everyday inequality, on earth he is not at home, but at a visit. (Odoyevsky "Town in Tabakcoque", Pogorel, Dostoevsky).

Third Type Hero Hero - Artist, Poet with large letters. The artist is not only a profession, but the state of the soul. Creativity in romantics, who is the chief creator? - God. His romance is called the Space artist, poetry is revelation for them. They decided that the creation of the world was not completed, and the Creator's case should continue the poet. They raised the poet to such a height ... and gave rise to symbolism.

Vision, hallucinations, dreams generated creativity. Romantics created a biography of Raphael. Article Zhukovsky on how he wrote the picture of Madonna. "He languished for a long time, but he did not get on the canvas. Rafael fell asleep, and there was a vision. He saw this image, woke up and wrote. The poet is a spiritual devotee.

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

"The heroes of the early romantic stories of Gorky. Romantic pathos and harsh truth of life in the story of M. Gorky "Old woman Izergil" "

The purpose of the lesson: identify features early prose M. Gorky on the example of the story of the Staruha Ispergil. Zadachy lesson: educational: -Replice the problem of the hero in early stories Gorky; - Mark especially ...

Three days of "life" of the Hero of the poem M. Yu. Lermontov "MTSI"

Objectives lesson: 1. Assimulation of knowledge about the life and work of M. Yu. Lermontov.2. Formation of the ability to collect material about the hero of the literary work.3. Formation of the ability of expressive ...

Word romanticism.

Roman - love relationship between man and woman.

Romantic is the one who exalted emotionally applies to anything.

Romance - small musical essay for voice accompanied by tool

written on verses of lyrical content.

During the conversation, the teacher asks the question: "What are the meanings of these three words?" The term romanticism, whose value you will learn today at the lesson, is also directly related to the concept of feeling.

Different epochs - Different criteria for human evaluation.

A society has always been important to the criterion for which a person could be appreciated. Each era put forward different evaluation criteria. For example, antique epoch considered a person from the point of view of his appearance, physical beauty: it is enough to remember that the sculptures of that time are depicting nude, physically developed people. The beauty of the beauty has shifted the beauty of the spiritual

Society XVIII The century was convinced that the power of a person - in his mind. The world was created by God, and the human task is to improve this world wisely. So humanity has entered the Epoch of Enlightenment. However, the fanatic admiration for the power of the mind, of course, could not exist long: beliefs by convictions, and in best side Almost nothing changes. Even on the contrary: such ideas led to revolutionary shocks and bloodshed (for example, under the slogan "in the name of the mind!" A revolution in France took place), and end of XVIII explosive Raced wave frustration in the power of mind. It became obvious the need for an alternative to him. This alternative was found. What is opposed to mind in man? Feelings.

As we said, it is with the concept of feeling and is associated with the term romanticism. Romanticism is a direction in culture that approves the intrinsicness of the spiritual and creative person, the cult of nature, feelings and natural in man.

Now the artist, referring to the connoisseur of the beautiful, appealed, first of all, to his feelings, and not to the mind, guided by non-sober mental reflections, but by the bearer of the heart.

Dwellemic (antithesis)

First, let's remember the concept of antithesis. Find antithesis in the following passages:

1. I am the king, I am a slave, I am a worm, I am God.

2. They agreed. Water and stone, poems and prose, ice and flame are not so different among themselves ...

3. The bright thoughts in the confused heart are rushed, and light thoughts are falling, burned with dark fire.

4. Today - soberly celebration, tomorrow - we cry and sing.

5. You are a prose - I am a poet

you are rich - I am very poor.

Antithesis (from Greek. Antithesis is opposite) - comparison of sharply contrast or opposite concepts and images to enhance the impression.

Estimated Answers:

1. King - slave worm - God

2. Water - Stone Poems - Prose Lot-Bloss

3. Light - Dark

4. Today - tomorrow the celebration - I sing and sing

5. Prose - the poet is rich - poor

What antitrium led to the transition from the previous era to the era of romanticism? Mind - feelings. For Understanding romanticism Keyful becomes the concept of feeling that is opposed to reason. There is an antithex, which is reflected in relation to the artist to the world around. Reasonable reality does not find a response in the soul of Romance: the real world of unfair, cruel, terrible. In search best artist Dreams to go beyond reality: it is there, outside existing lifeHe seems to be the possibility of finding perfection, dreams, ideal.

So there is a characteristic romanticism of Duloyemic: "here" and "there." The despised "here" is a modern romance reality, where evil and injustice triumphs. "There" - some poetic reality that a romantic opposes real reality.

The question arises: where to find it "there", this perfect world? Romantics find him in their own soul, and in the otherworldly world, and in the life of uncivilized peoples, and in history. This "there" is given through the prism of the artist's glance. And the romance missing through the soul can be everybody, prosaic? In no case! It, emphasizing the break with the prose of life, will definitely be very unusual, sometimes even unexpected for the reader.

The main features of the romantic hero

Rejection, the denial of reality determined the specifics of the romantic hero. It is fundamentally new herolike him did not know the old

literature. It is in hostile relationship with the surrounding society, is opposed to him. This is an extraordinary person, restless, most often lonely and with tragic fate. Romantic hero - the embodiment of the romantic riot against reality. Romantic hero in the flesh - English poet George Noel Gordon Byron (1788-1824).

Self answer questions:

1. How does a romantic refer to real reality?

Estimated answer:romantic does not take real reality, he runs it.

2. Where directed a romantic?

Estimated answer:romantic is fixed to a dream, to the ideal, to perfection.

3. How are events, landscape, people are depicted?

Estimated answer:events, landscape, people are unusual, unexpectedly.

4. Where can the romantic find an ideal?

Estimated answer:romantic finds his ideal in his own soul, in the otherworldly world, in the life of uncivilized peoples.

5. What becomes a cult for romance? Estimated answer:romantic seeks freedom.

6. What is the meaning of life romance?

Estimated answer:the meaning of life romance in the rebellion against reality, in a feat, in finding freedom.

7. How does fate check romance?

Estimated answer:fate offers the romance exclusive, tragic circumstances.

"The Poets of the Silver Century" - Mayakovsky entered the School of Painting, Drainies and Architecture. V. Ya. Bryusov (1873 - 1924). D. D. Burluk. Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilev was born on April 15, 1886. Ambamests. O. E. Mandelshtam. From 1900-1907. Mandelshtam studied in the Tenishevsk Commercial School. O. E. Mandelstam (1891 - 1938). Axism. V. V. Mayakovsky.

"On the Frontoviki poets" - from the first days of the war Kulchitsky was in the army. Simonov's fame acquired before the war, as a poet and playwright. Sergey Sergeevich Orlov (1921-1977). In 1944, Jalil was executed by Moabitsky executioners. The poem of Surkov "Beats in a cramped refrigerant" was written in 1941. Written during the war, Simonov's poem "Wait for me" became widely known.

"On poetry" - Indian summer has come - the days of farewell heat. Solar brilliance Your wonderful with our plays the river. And dawn cherry glue pouring in the form of a clock. And around the flowers of Lazorow, spread the waves spicy ... Journey through the poetic path. Bad fourths - burst the old rope ... Birch face - under the veil tank and transparent.

"Romanticism in literature" - a lesson - a lecture. Lermontov Mikhail Yuryevich 1814-1841. Romanticism in Russian literature The end of the 18th early 19th centuries. The theme "humiliated and offended". Philosophical fairy tale. Romantic personality-passionate personality. Historical novel; "MTSI". Passion. Walter Scott 1771-1832. Causes of romanticism.

"On romanticism" - Larra. A.S. Pushkin. Eternal liquid. Sacrifice by saving others. "Legend of eternal Zehid". Composite features of stories. "Legend of Moses." M. Gorky. Which of the heroes are close to the old woman Izergil: Danko or Larre? Who does nothing, nothing will become. The basis of the style of romanticism is an image of the inner world of man.

"Poets about Nature" - Alexander Yesenin (Father) and Tatiana Titova (Mother). Block Alexander Aleksandrovich (1880, St. Petersburg - 1921, Petrograd) - Poet. A.A. Block. Russian writers of the 20th century about their native nature. Creative work. Landscape lyrics. Artistic and expressive means. S.A. Yesenin. Baby girl knew a lot of songs, fairy tales and chastushki.

Total in the subject of 13 presentations

The concept of "romanticism" is often used as synonym for the concept of "romance". Under this implies a tendency to look at the world through pink glasses and active life position. Or bind this concept with love and any actions for their sake close man. But romanticism has several values. The article will talk about a narrower understanding, which is used for the literary term, and on the basic features of the nature of the romantic hero.

Characteristic style features

Romanticism is a direction in the literature that arose in Russia at the end of the 18th - the first half of the 19th century. This style proclaims the cult of nature and natural feelings man. New characteristic features romantic literature Freedom of expression, the value of individualism and original features of the character of the main character are becoming. Representatives of the direction refused rationalism and the departure of the mind that were characteristic of the era of enlightenment, and put the emotional and spiritual side of the person at the head of the corner.

In their works, the authors reflect not the real world, which was too vulgar and low for them, and the inner universe character. And through the prism of his feelings and emotions is visible real Mira, whose laws and thoughts he refuses to obey.

Main conflict

The central conflict of all works written in the era of romanticism becomes conflict between the person and society as a whole. Here, the main character goes to the rules established in his surroundings. At the same time, the motives of such behavior may be different - deeds can be like going for the benefit of society, and have a selfish idea. At the same time, as a rule, the hero loses this struggle, and the work ends with his death.

Romantic is a special and in most cases a very mysterious person trying to resist the power of nature or society. At the same time, the conflict develops into internal struggle The contradictions that occurs in the soul of the main character. In other words, the central character is built on antithesis.

Although in this literary genre And the individuality of the main character is valued, but still literary criticians allocated what features of romantic heroes are the main. But, even despite similarity, each character is unique in its own way, as they are only common criteria for the allocation of style.

Ideals of society

The main feature The romantic hero is that he does not adopt the well-known ideals of society. The main character has its own ideas about the values \u200b\u200bof life that he is trying to defend. He seems to challenge the world around him, not a separate person or group of people. Here this is speech About ideological confrontation of one personality against the whole world.

At the same time, in his rebellion, the main character chooses one of the two extremes. Either these are unattainable high-dimensional goals, and the character is trying to compare with the Creator himself. In another case, the hero is indulging in all sorts, without feeling the measures of their moral fall into the abyss.

Bright personality

If one person is able to confront the whole world, it means that it is as large-scale and complex as the whole world. The main character Romantic literature is always allocated in society both externally and internally. In the soul of the character there is a constant conflict between the already laid by society stereotypes and his own views and ideas.


One of the saddest features of the romantic hero is his tragic loneliness. Since the character confronts the whole world, he remains completely alone. There is no such person who would understand him. Therefore, he either runs away from the society hated himself, or he becomes an exile. Otherwise romantic hero Would not be that. Therefore, romance writers focus all their attention on psychological portrait central Character.

Either past or future

The features of the romantic hero do not allow him to live in the present. The character is trying to find his ideals in the past when the religious feeling was strongly in the hearts of people. Either mastering himself with happy utopians, who allegedly expect him in the future. But in any case, the chief hero does not suit the era of dim bourgeois reality.


As already mentioned, distinctive feature The romantic hero is his individualism. But it is not easy to "dissolve on others." This is a cardinal difference from all people who surround the main character. At the same time, if the character chooses the sinful path, he realizes what is different from others. And this distinction was brought to the extreme - the cult of the personality of the main character, where all the actions have an exclusively selfish motive.

The era of romanticism in Russia

The founder of Russian romanticism is considered the poet Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky. He creates several ballads and poems ("Undina", "Sleeping Tsarevna" and so on) in which there is a deep philosophical meaning And the desire of K. moral ideals. His works are impregnated with their own experiences and reflections.

Then Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol and Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov arrive at the change of Zhukovsky. They impose on public consciousnessimpressed by the failure of the Decembrist uprising, imprint of the ideological crisis. For this reason, the creativity of these people is described as disappointment in real life And an attempt to go into your fictional world filled with beauty and harmony. The main characters of their works are losing interest in earthly life and come into conflict with the outside world.

One of the features of romanticism is to appeal to the history of the people and its folklore. This is most brightly traced in the work of the "song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young Ochrichnik and a remote merchant Kalashnikov" and the cycle of poems and the poems dedicated to the Caucasus. Lermontov perceived him as the homeland of free and proud people. They opposed the slave country, which was under the rule of Nicholas I.

Early works Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is also impregnated by the idea of \u200b\u200bromanticism. An example is Evgeny Onegin or Picovaya Lady.