Antonis Wang Duck brief biography and creativity. Antonis Wang Dyk.

Antonis Wang Duck brief biography and creativity. Antonis Wang Dyk.
Antonis Wang Duck brief biography and creativity. Antonis Wang Dyk.
Antonis Wang Dyk.

Antonis Wang Duck was born on March 22, 1599 in Antwerp, was a seventh child in the family of a rich merchant França Wang Dequee, who was friendly with many artists Antwerp. In 1609 at the 10th age, he is given to the workshop famous painter Hendrik van Balogen (1574 / 75-1632), writing a picture on mythological themes.
In 1615-1616 Wang Duck opens his own workshop. TO early work Its self-portrait includes (approx. 1615, Vienna, the Museum of Art History), distinguished by grace and elegance. In 1618-1620 creates a cycle of 13 boards depicting Christ and Apostles: Sv. Simon (approx. 1618, London, Private Assembly), St. Matthew (OK 1618, London, Private Assembly). Expressive faces of the apostles are written in a free picturesque manner. Now a significant part of the boards of this cycle is scattered on museums of the whole world. In 1618, Van Duck was adopted by the master in the guild of the painters of St. Luke and, already having his own workshop, cooperates with Rubens, works as an assistant in his workshop.

"Self-portrait" end of the 1620s - beginning of the 1630s

From 1618 to 1620 Van Dake creates works on religious themes, often in several versions: the coronation of a thorns crown (1621, the 1st Berlin version - not preserved; 2nd - Madrid, Prado)

"Family portrait"

"Coronation by the Tern Crown" 1620th

"Prince Wales in the armor" (the future king of Karl II) approx. 1637.

"Self-portrait with Sir Edimione Porter" OK. 1633.

"Amur and Psyche" 1638

"Lady Elizabeth Timbeleby and Dorothy, Vikontessea Andover"

"Lucy Percy, Countess Carlisle" 1637

"Sketch depicting Princesses Elizabeth and Anna"

"James Stewart, Duke Lennox and Richmond" 1632

"Karl i on the hunt"

"Marquis Balby" 1625

"Karl I, triple portrait" 1625

"Markiz Antonio Julio Brignole - Sale" 1625

"Maria Clarissa, wife Yana Merversa, with a child" 1625

In England, the dominant genre in painting was a portrait, and the work of Wang Dequean in this genre in England became a significant event. The main customers were the king, members of his family, courtious to know. Van Dieck's masterpieces include the equestrian portrait of Charles I with Senor de Saint Antauna (1633, Buckingham Palace, Royal Collections). Stand out parade portrait Karl I on the hunt (approx. 1635, Paris, Louvre), showing the king in a hunting suit, in a gourmet pose on the background of the scenery. Known so-called Triple Portrait of the King (1635, Windsor Castle, Royal Collections), in which the king is shown in three angles, because Designed for reference to Italy, in the Lorenzo Bernini workshop (1598-1680), which was ordered to create a bust of Charles I. After in 1636, Bernini Bust (not survived) was taken to London and caused a furor at the English court, the Queen of Henrietta Maria also wished to have their own sculptural image. Total Van Dyk wrote Queen more than 20 times, but for this purpose he created three of its individual portraits, among which the most significant portrait of Henrietta Mary with Dwarf Sir Jephri Hudson (1633, Washington, National Gallery arts). But, apparently, they were never selected, and this idea was not embodied in life. Van Dyk in 1635 gets an order for writing a picture with the image of King's children Three children of Charles I (1635, Turin, Sabaud Gallery), which was later sent to Turin, and considered a masterpiece children's portrait. In the same year, he repeats the picture, and two years later creates a cloth five children of Charles I (1637, Windsor Castle, Royal Assembly).

During this period, Wang Duck writes spectacular portraits of courtiers, created a portrait gallery of young English aristocrats: Prince Karl Stewart (1638, Windsor, Royal Assembly), Princess Henrietta Maria and Wilhelm Orange (1641, Amsterdam, Reyxmuseum), portrait of royal children (1637, Windsorgor Castle, Royal Assembly), Portrait of Philip Worton (1632, St. Petersburg, Hermitage), Portrait of Lords John and Bernard Stewart (Ok. 1638, Hampshire, Mountbetten Collection).

By the end of the 30s, they created excellent men's portraits, magnificent by decision and psychological characteristics, strict and truthful: Portrait of Sir Arthur Goodwin (1639, Derbyshire, Member of Duke Devonshirskigo), Portrait of Sir Thomas Chalonera (Ok. 1640, St. Petersburg, Hermitage ).

"Holidays in Egypt" 1625

"Triumph Silen" 1625

"Samson and Dalila" 1625

"Love is unhealthy"


"Queen of Henrietta Maria" 1635

"Vision of the Blessed Priest Joseph"

In 1639, he marries Mary Ratwen, Queen's Freillans, in 1641 they had a daughter of Justinian. In 1641, Antonis Wang Dequence worsens health, and after a long disease on December 9, 1641 he died at the age of 42. Buried him in the Cathedral of St. Paul in London.

Wang Duck wrote about 900 cavetles, great amount For a person whose creative activity lasted about 20 years. He left a grand heritage, not only because he worked quickly and easily, but also because he used numerous assistants, artists from Flanders and England, who wrote rear plans, drapery, used mannequins for writing clothes.

Creativity Wang Dequean a huge impact on the development of English and European portrait painting. He was the founder english school Portrait, whose tradition will be preserved in art during the centuries. Wang Duck in portraits showed people of different classes, a different social level, different in the spiritual and intellectual warehouse. The adherent of the traditions of Flemish realism, he was the creator of the official front portrait, including an aristocratic portrait, in which he showed a noble, sophisticated, refined person, and was also the creator of an intellectual portrait.

"Estimated Portrait of Marquis Jeronima Spinola-Doria"

"" Self-portrait "end of the 1620s - beginning of the 1630s

"Maria Stewart and Wilhelm Orange. Wedding portrait"

"Portrait of Charles I"

"Dorothy, Lady Dacre"


"Henrietta Maria"

"Queen Henrietta Maria" 1632

"Queen of Henrietta Maria" 1632

"Young woman playing on Viola"

"Portrait of Charles I"

"Maria-Louise de Tassis" 1630

"Thomas Chaloner"

"Rortrait of Prince Sharles Louis"

"George Goring, Baron Goring"

"Cornelis Van Der Geest Huile Sur Panneau"


"Rortrait de Mary Lady Killigrew"



"Mary with baby Christ"


"James Stewart, Duke Aucan and Richmond"

Antonis Wang Duck (March 22, 1599 - December 9, 1641) - South Diderland (Flemish) painter and schedule, master of court portrait and religious stories in Baroque style.

Antonis Biography Wang Dequee

Antonis Wang Duck was born on March 22, 1599 in Antwerp, in the family of a rich merchant fabrics of France Van Dequee. He was the seventh of twelve children.

In 1609 at the age of 10, he is given to the workshop of the famous painter of Hendrik Van Balogen, who wrote the painting on mythological topics.

The first masterpiece Antonis wrote when he was 14 years old, - a portrait of a 70-year-old old man. From 1615, Wang Dequean had had their own workshop, where he, together with a number of young artists, created a series of "head apostles".

Creativity Deeka

An early work includes a self-portrait (approx. 1615, Vienna, the Museum of Art History), distinguished by grace and elegance.

In 1618-1620 creates a cycle of 13 boards depicting Christ and Apostles: Sv. Simon (approx. 1618, London, Private Assembly), St. Matthew (OK 1618, London, Private Assembly). Expressive faces of the apostles are written in a free picturesque manner. Now a significant part of the boards of this cycle is scattered on museums of the whole world.

In February 1618, Van Duck was adopted by the master in the guild of the painters of St. Luke and, already having his own workshop, cooperates with Rubens, works as an assistant in his workshop.

Wang Duck early showed himself a master of portrait and painting on religious and mythological scenes. From 1618 to 1620, he worked in the workshop of Rubens.

He creates works on religious topics, often in several versions: "Coronation by a thorns crown" (1621, 1st Berlin version - not preserved; 2nd - Madrid, Prado); "Kiss Judah" (approx. 1618-1620, 1st option - Madrid, Prado; 2nd - Mineapolis, Institute of Arts); "Cross carrying" (approx. 1617-1618, Antwerp, Sint-Pauluskerk); "St. Martin and Beggars "(1620-1621, 1st option - Windsor Castle, Royal Assembly; 2nd option - Content, Church of San Martin)," Martyrdom of St. Sebastian "(1624-1625, Munich, Old Pinakotek).

At the end of the 1620 - early 1621, Wang Duck worked at the courtyard of the English king Yakov I, but then returned to Antwerp. Some time lived in Italy, mainly in Genoa.

Since 1632, the painter lived again in London, working by the court artist Karl I.

In 1632, the king devoted him to the knights, and in 1633 he complained to him the status of the royal artist. The painter received a solid salary.

In England, he married the daughter of Lord Ratwen.

The famous Flemish painter Antonis Wang Duck was supposed to write a portrait of the English Queen, the appearance of which was far from perfection.

The problem was that the Queen insisted on the plausibility of the image, and the artist was afraid that the closer the portrait would be to the original, the less the fee could be. When the portrait was completed and represented by a high-ranking customer, she carefully engaged in the image, asked:

- Why is the person depicted in full compliance with my appearance, and the hands were portrayed as beautiful?

"Your Majesty," said the painter, "I realize, so the person depicted the one that it is, especially since it does not promise me any awards. After all, I will have to get a reward from your hands, so I embarrassed them a little.

Antonis (Anton, Antoni) Wang Dyck (Notherl. Antoon Van Dyck, English version of the name - Anthony, Anthony; March 22, 1599 - December 9, 1641) - South Diderland (Flemish) painter and schedule, master of the court portrait and religious stories in Baroque style . Create a new type of decorative portrait.

Antonis Wang Duck was born on March 22, 1599 in Antwerp, in the family of a rich merchant fabrics of France Van Dequee. He was the seventh of twelve children. In 1609, at the 10th age he is given to the workshop of the famous painter of Hendrik Wang Balogen, who wrote the painting on mythological topics. The first masterpiece Antonis wrote when he was 14 years old, - a portrait of a 70-year-old old man.
From 1615, Wang Dequean had had their own workshop, where he, together with a number of young artists, created a series of "head apostles". An early work includes a self-portrait (approx. 1615, Vienna, the Museum of Art History), distinguished by grace and elegance. In 1618-1620 creates a cycle of 13 boards depicting Christ and Apostles: Sv. Simon (approx. 1618, London, Private Assembly), St. Matthew (OK 1618, London, Private Assembly). Expressive faces of the apostles are written in a free picturesque manner. Now a significant part of the boards of this cycle is scattered on museums of the whole world. In February 1618, Van Duck was adopted by the master in the guild of the painters of St. Luke and, already having his own workshop, cooperates with Rubens, works as an assistant in his workshop.

Wang Duck early manifested himself a master of portrait and painting on religious and mythological plots. From 1618 to 1620. He worked in the workshop of Rubens. He creates works on religious topics, often in several versions: "Coronation by a thorns crown" (1621, 1st Berlin version - not preserved; 2nd - Madrid, Prado); "Kiss Judah" (approx. 1618-1620, 1st option - Madrid, Prado; 2nd - Mineapolis, Institute of Arts); "Cross carrying" (approx. 1617-1618, Antwerp, Sint-Pauluskerk); "St. Martin and Beggars "(1620-1621, 1st option - Windsor Castle, Royal Assembly; 2nd option - Content, Church of San Martin)," Martyrdom of St. Sebastian "(1624-1625, Munich, Old Pinakotek).

At the end of 1620 - early 1621, he worked at the courtyard of the English king Yakov I, but then returned to Antwerp. Some time lived in Italy, mainly in Genoa.

From 1621-1627 Wang Duck lives and works in Germany. In 1627, Wang Duck returned to Antwerp and became the court artist Isabella Clara Evgenia.

Since 1632, the painter lived in London again, working as a court artist Karl I. In 1632, the king dedicated him to the knights, and in 1633 he complained to him the status of the royal artist. The painter received a solid salary. In England in 1639, he married the daughter of Lord Ratwen Mary Ratwan.

In March 2011, in Spain, the finding of an unknown picture of Van Deva Mary with a baby and repentant sinners were announced, written in 1625 for the Duke of Medina de Las Torres. The picture before 1808 was kept in the monastery of Escorial, then in the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and until recently considered a copy.

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Antonis Wang Duck. Self-portrait. 1618-19

Epoch Baroque. Netherlands. XVI century.

March 22, 1599 in large family Antwerp wealthy merchant fabrics, França Wang Dequee, Born Antonis, the seventh child from the twelve kids of the couple van Duck. Antonis was special child - Talented and romantic. His drawing abilities manifested themselves too early and were tremendously trembled by the teacher - the artist Hendrick Wang Baloch. First steps B. creative life The little painter took at the 10th age and, six years later (1615), had the opportunity to become an independent artist.

Special in the development of the picturesque talent of the young Antonis Bala is inexplicable love for portrait work. He honed the technique of writing people on the autoports, which had a lot of life in his entire life. The first of the author's portraits was the one that was written in the period 1613 - 1614. From the canvas of this work on the viewer is watching a boy with red hair, olive eyes and a healthy blush. This work "says" in the talent language and the wonderful feeling of color, awareness, comparable to the adult perception of the world. The painter boy with fiery hair was marked by Rubens himself. Starting from 1618, the young man becomes the Rubens student and absorbs the features of writing the stagepit from his mentor. Now the Wang Dequee palette is more juicy, bright and diverse. The theme of the portrait is diluted with mythological and religious themes ("Jupiter and Antiopa" - 1620th., "Rest on the way to Egypt" - 1625, "Silence Triumph" - 1625, "Coronation by the Tern Crown" - 1620).

Jupiter and Antiopa. 1620.

Holidays in Egypt. 1625.

Triumph Silen. 1625.

Crowning with a thorns crown. 1625.

Zai Daeke deserved special praise Peter Paul Rubens, who called his subset one of best Pupils. And in the proof of his talent, Antonisa was presented with his own workshop.

In the 1620th, Wang Duck first left his country to fulfill a large order for writing portraits royal Family Yakova I. London life introduced young Master With the works of Titian. Fascinated by a completely different technique of letters and the imposition of smears using color Gamma., Antonis was able to enrich the former composite lessons of Rubens with Tizian Nuances.

A portrait painting, especially for a parade portrait, one way or another, took the top over the attempts of Wang Dequee to switch to mythological themes. Having moved to Italy at the end of 1621, for six years, Antonis studied creativity italian masters And wrote noble people. His late workUpon returning to England, became adult life and "real". Wang Dyk fills his heroes with genuine beauty and nature, pays attention to the trifles in clothes and decorations, rustles images into deep velvet and shimmering atlas, emphasizes the mood of the person and status (Portrait of Philadelphia and Elizabeth - 1640g., Portrait of the Lady - 1634-1635 Portrait of Charles I - 1633).

Portrait of Philadelphia and Elizabeth. 1640.

Lady portrait. 1634-35

Equestrian portrait of Charles I. 1633

With his letter, Antonis is trying to please customers, however, there were also dissatisfied. So, Sassekaya's countess, looking at his finished portrait, was not quite pleased with the plump and round face of a woman looking from the canvas, while suspecting that the original fully corresponds to the picture.

Special in the works of the painter was brownish - hurry flavor, warm and delicate. Now the Master swung on staged portraits, putting his heroes in hunting and ballrooms, surrounding the characters by the landscape of forests or yards. Having preferred jobs on request, Antonis Wang Duck, nevertheless, tries his strength and in other genres. For example, in engraving, working on your own sketches and drawings. Its machines, including a series of plates, amounted to an original collection of works. Still follows a number of pencils and watercolor work. But, like all the merchants, the artist preferences painting, bringing great profits.

Wang Duck, Antonis - the artist of the Baroque era, became the founder of the perfect new direction in portrait painting, affected European art. He allowed himself to use mannequins in late production, allowed students to own pictures. Of course, it affected the quality of his recent works, but did not become a less valuable gift for followers. Mastery died long disease In London, December 9, 1641. He was 42 years old, and his face was the Cathedral of St. Paul.

The famous Flemish painter - Antonis Wang Duck.

Antonis Wang Dyk.

Van Duck, Antonis (1599-1641) -famous Flemish painter, portrait master, mythological, religious painting, etching. His creativity was for the period when after the Netherlands section in Holland and Flanders, the most big City Flanders Antwerp, the homeland of the artist, began to revive after the war. In art, the head and leader was Peter Paul Rubens, whose creativity is on a par with the work of Jacob Yordans, France Sneiders (1579-1657) and, of course, Wang Dequee and determined the path of development flemish school painting the second half 17 in.

Antonis Wang Duck was born on March 22, 1599 in Antwerp, was a seventh child in the family of a rich merchant França Wang Dequee, who was friendly with many artists Antwerp. In 1609 at the age of 10, he is given to the workshop of the famous painter of Hendrik Van Balogen (1574 / 75-1632), which wrote the paintings on mythological topics.

FROM young years Wang Duck turned to portrait painting (portrait of Ya. Vermolenolen, 1616, state museum, Vaduz). I also wrote pictures on religious and mythological plots ("Crucifixion of St. Peter", approx. 1615- 1617, Museum of antique art, Brussels; "Jupiter and Antiopa", Ok. 1617-18, Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent).
About 1618-20 worked as an assistant at P. P. Rubens, having experienced a strong effect of his full-blooded, juicy picturesque manner. Variating the images developed by Rubens and receptions, Van Dyk at the same time gave the heroes of his paintings more elegant, sometimes individualized appearance ("John Baptist and John Evangelist", 1618, art gal., Berlin-Dalen).

Saint Jerome

Saint Jerome

Martyrdom of St. Sebastian

Self portrait in the form of paris

At the end of the 1620 - early 1621 Wang Duck worked at the courtyard of the English king Yakov I, and then returned to Antwerp.
In the works of this period (portrait of F. Sneiders with his wife, Picture gallery, Cassel; "St. Martin", Church of Saint-Martin, Conventional) The artist's desire for spiritualized grace and nobility of images, its sensitivity to the unique features of the emotional and intellectual life of a person were determined.
From the end of 1621 Wang Dyk lived in Italy (ch. Arr. In Genoa). At this time, he develops and communicates to perfection Type of a baroque parade portrait, in which the posture, posture and a gesture of a person play an active role (Portrait of Benetivo Cardinal, Ok. 1623, Palazzo Pitti, Florence)

Anthony Van Dyck - Virgin and Child - Walters

Anthonis Van Dyck - Madonna En Kind Met de Heilige Catharina Van Alexandrië

Anthony Van Dyck - Virgin With Donors

Crowning with a thorns crown, 1620

Mailing Christ 1634.



Anthony Van Dyck - Christ ON CROSS


La Piedad (Van Dyck)

Kiss Judah


Saint Amvrosi and Emperor Feodosi

: Anthony Van Dyck - Venus Asks Vulcan to Cast Arms for Her Son Aeneas

: Anthony Van Dyck Rinaldo and Armida

Amur and Psyma


Drunk Silen

Antoon Van Dyck - Silène Ivre Soutenu Par Un Faune et Une Bacchante


Anthony Van Dyck - St Martin Dividing His Cloak

Acquaintance with the coloristic achievements of the Venetian school affected the gallery of brilliant parade portraits of the Genoese nobility, amazing the magnificence of the composition, the beauty of deep dark tones, solemnity of the background and accessories (paired portraits - the old Genoese and his wife, art gal., Berlin-Dalem, Marquis A. J. . Brignole-Sale and his wife Polan Adorno, Gal. Palazzo Rosso, Genoa; Portrait of a lady with a girl, Museum of antique art, Brussels). At the same time, Van Dyek created an acutely expressive images of people of high intelligence and creative adaratence (portrait of the sculptor F. Dukeneua, Ok. 1622, Museum of Antique Art, Brussels; male portrait, OK. 1623, Hermitage, Leningrad).

Portrait of France Sneiders with his wife, 1631

Portrait of Cardinal Benivolo

Marquis Balby, 1625

Marquis Antonio Julio Brignole - Sale, 1625

Portrait of Paulina Adorno

Portrait of Elizabeth or Teresia Shirley in Eastern Clothes

Portrait of Lady Elizabeth Timbelby and Viccites Dorothea Andover

Maria Clarissa, wife Yana Mevverusa, with a child, 1625

Maria-Louise de Tassis, 1630

Portrait of a baby boy with bird

From the end of 1627 to 1632 Van Dyk again lived in Antwerp, in 1630 became the court artist of Ertzgerini Isabella. This is the period of the highest creative lift Wang Dequean when he managed to combine individual in the front portraits psychological characteristic With the solemn representation of the image (portrait of Mary Louise de Tassis, Gal. Liechtenstein, Vienna), and in intimate portraits (painter P. Snayers, Old Pinakotek, Munich; SERIES SERIES "Iconography") to reveal the wealth of the spiritual life of their contemporaries.

More monotonous, although sometimes very effective, religious and mythological compositions ("Madonna del Rosario", started in 1624, Oratorius Del Rosario, Palermo; "Holidays on the way to Egypt", Kon. 1620s, Old Pinakotek, Munich) .

Holidays in Egypt, 1625

Susanna and Elders

Samson and Dalila, 1625

Triumph Silen, 1625

Vision of the Blessed Priest Joseph, 1625

Portrait of Thomas Howard, Count Arundel and his wife Alatia Talbot

Portrait of the family of Looselini

Portrait of Marie De Ro

Portrait of Marquis Elena Grimaldi, wife Marquis Nikolo Catataneo

Portrait of Marie Rushen, artist's wife

Portrait of a knight with a red bandage

Henrietta Maria, 1625

Karl 2 in childhood, 1625

Karl 1,1625

Charlotte Batkens Mrs. Anua with Son, 1631

Portrait of Margarita Larring

Portrait of Queen Henrietta Mary with Dwarf Jeffrey Hudson

Anne Fitzroy, Countess of Sussex (1661-1722), Circle of Anthony Van Dyck

Anthony Van Dyck - Portrait of Philadelphia and Elisabeth Wharton

Portrait of Wilhelm Orange with his bride Maria Stewart

Charles II, Marie and James II

From 1632 Wang Duck worked in London as a court artist Karl I, performed numerous portraits of the king ("Karl I on the hunt", Ok. 1635, Louvre, Paris), his family ("Karl I", 1637, Windsor Castle) and nobility (Portraits F. Worton, Nats. Gal. Art, Washington, J. Stewart, Metropolitan Museum, New York); He emphasized the sophistication of poses and colorful harmonies, the aristocracy of the English nobility, understood as a manifestation of a sophisticated spiritual culture.

Portrait of king of England Charles i riding on horse, 1635

Equestrian portrait of Karl First, King of England

Equestrian portrait of Charles First, King of England with his stallMayster Saint-Antoine

James Stewart, Duke Lennox and Richmond, 1632

IN recent work Van Dequee Elegance and elegance become obsessive, self-adequate admission characteristics, and in flavor, dryness and distround appear; The parade aristocratic portrait comes to the conditional and impersonal standard, which soon reigned in the court art of many countries.