The features of the character of the British in English. What do the British think about the character and behavior of Russian people? The opinion of the British on the behavior of the Russians

The features of the character of the British in English. What do the British think about the character and behavior of Russian people? The opinion of the British on the behavior of the Russians

The British live on the island of UK. It is also the Motherland of Scots and Welsh. Actually, the British are a product of mixing many ethnic groups - the most ancient Iberian population with the peoples of Indo-European origin: the tribes of the Celts, the German tribes of the Angles, Saxons, froms, to some extent - Scandinavians, and later Franco - Normanov.

The national character of the harvest in all nations. But no to any people does not apply to a greater extent than to the British, who, apparently, have something like a patent for the vitality of their nature. Thus, the first and most obvious feature of this nation is the stability and constancy of the nature of the components of its individuals. They are less than others are subject to the effect of time transient. If the authors writing about the British, in many respects repeat each other, it is explained by this, primarily the invariance of the foundations of the English character. It is important, however, to emphasize that at all its stability, this character is made up of very contradictory, even paradoxical traits, some of which are very obvious, others are difficult, so every generalization concerning the British can easily be challenged.

The curiosity of the British allowed them to get acquainted with the best of what other nations possesses, and yet they remained faithful to their traditions. Admiring French cuisine, the Englishman will not imitate her at home. Being an embodiment of conformism, the British at the same time preserve the individuality.

It is impossible to say that the British never changed. Changes occur constantly, but these differences are so noticeable externally, do not affect the nation.

It is good or bad, but the original features of English nature still remain a kind of common denominator, have a deep influence on the national character and the overall lifestyle.

When it comes to the "tight upper lip" of the Englishman, there are two concepts behind this - the ability to own themselves (the cult of selfontrol) and the ability to react to life situations (the cult of prescribed behavior). None nor another was characteristic of the British until the beginning of the nineteenth century. Cordlessness and self-control, restraint and courteance were not by the features of an English nature for the "funny old England", where the tops and the bottom of the society were more likely raw, a hot-tempered temper, where there were no moral prohibitions for causing behavior, where the favorite spectacles were public executions and spanking rods , bearish and cocks, where even humor was involved in cruelty.

Principles of "Gentleman's behavior" were erected in the cult with Queen Victoria. And they prevailed over the steep moral of the "old England".

The British and now have to lead a constant struggle with himself, with the natural passions of its temperament, taking out the outside. And such a tough self-control takes too many soul forces. This can be partly explained by the fact that the British are severe on the rise, tend to bypass sharp corners that they are inherent in the desire to be out of foreign views, which generates a cult of privacy.

It happens enough to watch the English crowd at the national holiday or on a football match to feel how the national temperament is torn out from under the self-control.

Modern British consider the composure of the main advantage of a human nature. Words: "Determines to keep yourself in your hands" - how nothing better expresses the motto of this nation. The better the person knows how to own himself, the more worthy of it. In joy and in the mountain, with success and failure, a person must remain unmatched at least outwardly, and even better - if internally. The Englishman from childhood is involved in calmly demolish the cold and hunger, overcome pain and fear, curb attachment and antipathy.

Considering the open, discrepanied manifestation of the feelings by a sign of an uncompaniment, the British sometimes turn into the behavior of foreigners, just like foreigners often judge the British, taking a mask of immunity for the person itself or not conscious, why need to hide a genuine mental state under such a mask.

The Englishman is usually high in growth, his face is widespread, reddish, with soft squeezed cheeks, large red bacenbards and blue impassive eyes. Women, like men, often very high growth. For those and other long necks, the eyes are slightly swung and somewhat outstanding the front teeth. Faces often meet without any expression. The British are distinguished by the moderation, which they do not forget both during labor and in pleasure. In the Englishman, there is almost nothing showdown. He lives all above all and most for himself. His nature is characterized by love for order, comfort, desire for mental activity. He loves good transport, fresh suit, rich library.

Among the human bustle is not difficult to learn this Englishman. No noise and scream will not be touched. He will not stop for a minute. Where it is necessary, he will certainly be wounded, turns off the sidewalk, Wilnets Willy, never expressing in his important physiognomy or the slightest surprise or fright.

The British of a simple class are extremely friendly and helpful. Asking for some kind of a foreigner, the Englishman will take away the shoulder and starts to show him the road with different visual receptions, repeating the same thing several times, and then long will look after, not believing that the asking could see everything soon.

The British not only know how to bypass all obstacles, avoiding breaking, but the work itself is performed with them with perfect calmness, so even the closest neighbor often does not suspect that there is a gigantic job next to him.

In a country that beweded by ferocious winds, rains and fogs, conditions are created in which a person is more than anywhere else, is solitary in his home and removed from their neighbors.

There is no people in Europe, whose custom would be erected into such an inviolable law. Once the custom exists, no matter how strange it is, ridiculous or original, no well-educated Englishman dares to break it. Although the Englishman is politically free, he strictly obeys public discipline and rooted custom.

The British are tolerant to someone else's opinion. It is difficult to imagine, to what extent this people have strong passion for betting. The phenomenon is also the spread of clubs. The club is considered home, the family sanctuary, whose secrets cannot be disrupted by anyone. Exile from the club is the greatest shame for the Englishman.

The Englishman feels a strong need for society, but no one knows how much of him to retire among numerous friends. Not disturbing the decency, he is able to perfectly be with him among the huge crowd, indulge in his reflections, to do everything that he pleases is never embarrassing himself or others.

No one can do so strictly distribute their time and money as an Englishman.

It works extremely much, but always finds time and relax. In the opening hours, it works, not flexing his back, straining all mental and physical strength, in his free time he willingly indulge in pleasure.

On each Englishman, wherever he lives, the seal of his nationality is. The Frenchman can not always be distinguished from the Italian or from the Spaniard, but the Englishman is difficult to confuse with anyone. Wherever he appears, he will everywhere will make his customs, his behavior, anywhere and for anyone will not change his habits, he is everywhere at home. This is an original, distinctive, extremely one-piece.

The Englishman is very vain. He is sure that in his fatherland everything is better than others. Therefore, he looks at a foreigner arrogantly, with regret and often with full contempt. This deficiency of the British developed due to the lack of sociability and the exaggerated consciousness of his superiority over others.

Money - Kumir British. None of any wealth is so honored. Whatever the public situation of the British, whether it is a scientist, a lawyer, a political figure or a clergyman, first of all he is a merchant. On each field, he pays a lot of money mining. His first concern is always everywhere - to get as much as possible. But with this unbridled greed and passion for profit, the Englishman is not at all a stupid: likes to live with great comfort and on a wide leg.

The British travel a lot and always try to learn more facts, but they are very little converge with the peoples of countries that visit. It does not allow etiquette, pride, misunderstanding and contempt for someone else's custom to get closer to alien with foreigners. In England, nothing turns into ruins, nothing is taking off his term: the innovations are tested next to legends.

The Englishman has an inborn ability to see adventure. Phlegmatic by nature, he is able to passionately to all great, new, original. If the lives of the Englishman develops in such a way that it is deprived of the opportunity to lead a hard struggle with everyday obstacles, he begins to suffer from unbearable Handrea. Then from the gulp boredom, it is accepted to look for entertainment in the strangest adventures.

In the field of art, the Englishman loves the grandeur and originality. The latter manifests itself, in particular, in the huge sizes of bridges, monuments, parks, etc.

The ideal of the British is the independence, education, dignity, honesty and selflessness, tact, the elegance of the manner, exquisite politeness, the ability to sacrifice time and money for a good case, the ability to lead and obey, perseverance in achieving the goal, the lack of cv.

V. Sukhareva, M. Sukhareva, Book "Psychology of Peoples and Nations"

The Greek word "xenophobia", which means "fear of foreigners" (at the same time, the British prefer the word "xenolypium", that is, "pity for foreigners"), gained its rightful place in the English dictionary and dryly defined there as "abstract noun ".

What, however, does not quite correspond to reality. On the very case, the noun is the most that there is a specific, straight noun from everyday life, and nothing abstract in it is not. For xenophobia is the national property of the British, which is constantly manifested in the culture of their country. And not for reason. After all, for the British, all the most complex and unpleasant life problems are concentrated in one-sole concept: foreigners.

Nine hundred years ago, Normans undertook their last and quite successful invasion of England. They settled there by winning the battle of Hastings, they tried to integrate on Wednesday of local residents and ... failed. The local population met the strangers with complete contempt (this attitude has not changed now, and not just because they were conquerors, but therefore - and this is much more important! - that they were from another country). However, soon the Anglo-Saxon women regretted the poor and began to marry them - which was accompanied by the inevitable increase in the level of civilization in the whole society. Well, judge ourselves, can the girl trust a guy with the Welsh name Guyom Bowen? But it is well known how to behave (and what can happen) with those who wear the Bill Bown name!

Even today, the descendants of those Normannov love to "make an impression" carelessly abandoned by the comment on the fact that their ancestors had no time to "come here with Wilhelm the Conqueror", and the attitude towards them from the British is very cool - about the same British relate to the one who Inviliar to spoil the air in the elevator.

True British are treated with the descendants of those Normans in the same way as their ancestors treated the Romans, Phoenicians, Celts, Utah, Saksami and - with respect to recently - with representatives of all other peoples of the globe (especially by the French!): Politely, but with constant disregard.

That's what you first have to face. Do not hope to change anything like that of the attitude towards foreigners - too many failed here. But, based on the fact that the most English is proud and boast that it is simply not able to understand these foreigners, it can be assumed that you will even deliver some pleasure to try to snatch from their hands the palm of championship and begin to understand ... they themselves!

What they see themselves

Despite the fact that in the prisons of England is the number of prisoners for Western Europe, the British insistently assure everyone that their nation is one of the most civilized in the world - if not the most civilized one! But allow, the truth is some reservation: it is not so much about culture at all, how much about the pupils and the ability to behave in society. The British consider themselves legitimate, polite, generous, gallant, persistent and fair. They are also insanely proud of the self-sustaining humor inherent in them, considering it unconditional proof of their generosity.

Conscious of his own superiority in front of all other peoples of the world, the British are convinced: these nations are also secretly understood that it is so it is, and in some ideal future will try to take an example with them as much as possible.

Similar ideas also contribute to the geography of England. When the British look into the sea distance - and the sea surrounds them " little Close Island"From all sides - no one comes to mind to be questioned, for example, a newspaper message:" Due to the strong fog over the English channel (that is, the strait of la-mans) Continent from us completely cut off".

The British are convinced that all the best in our life is owned by England or at least in this country it was significantly improved. Even English weather is, although it may not be so pleasant - much more interesting than the weather in any other part of the world, for always full of surprises. " My island royal ... This gem is imparted by silver seas ..."Few of the British is able to explain all Shakespeare's allusions, but they are quite sure that they mean these words. For true Englishmen, England is not just a country, but the state of the soul, determining their attitude towards life and the universe and all expanding them in place.

As, in their opinion, they include other

Generally speaking, the British practically indifferently, how they include people of other nations. They are confident - and not without reason - that no one really understands them. But this is by no means bothering them, for they do not want to understand them (believing that it would be an invasion of their private life), and there are a lot of strength to stay for everyone incomprehensible.

The British are accustomed to the fact that they are perceived as a walking set of some stereotypes, and even prefer to maintain a similar position of things. All of them are also well aware that many foreigners consider them hopelessly meant with the past. And they do not mind at all when England is perceived as a country inherent in love detectives, football hooligans, stupid and quilting, and peasants with extremely comfortable slaves, believing that representatives of all these classes and social groups can easily come together in some kind of doping English pub and drink on a circle of warm beer.

How they are actually perceived

Foreigners are absolutely not given to penetrate the truth of the Anglicin. The British extremely rarely show their emotions, their culinary addiction is completely impossible to understand, and the joy of life seems to be at all passing by them until they revel on their deprivation and self-denial. They are considered to be pedants, filled with all sorts of prejudices and well-deprived of the spirit of cooperation - a nation, absolutely indifferent to the changes in the surrounding world, preferring to live under the everlasting heavens in the country, which reminds decorations to the costume playing Bi-Bi-si, fell apart from all white rocks Dover and reinforces its strength exclusively beer, roast beef and eternal rigid corset traditions.

What would they like to seem

Although the Englishman is considered completely unacceptable to show that they are not indifferent to someone else's opinion, somewhere in the depths of the soul they still want them to love and appreciated for all that they recognize their advantages and are ready to selflessly put on the altar of the world community. These advantages are as follows: First, the thoughtfulness of any actions, the consequence of which is a generous attitude towards the defeated enemy, protect him from persecutors and even a very tough persecution of the latter; Secondly, the absolute truthfulness and the desire to never violate this promise. Foreigners should understand: if the British did not restrain his word, then for this was a highly respectful reason - including it may well be so understandable (that is, absolutely unacted) own benefit.

Try to treat it with some other ideas of the British about yourself tolerant and mercifully, even if you are completely convinced that it is the purest waters of delusion. In addition, it is worth expressing your disagreement to the British with them about this, as a large part of them immediately moves to your direction and will agree with you. It is clear that they do it exclusively from respect for the defeated enemy.

How they perceive all the rest

The British are experiencing congenital distrust to the whole unfamiliar, which is most pronounced in their attitude towards the geography of its own country.

From time immemorial in England, divided north and south existed. For Southerne, civilization ends just north of London, and, according to his ideas, the farther to the north, the physiognomy in the inhabitants are red, lachness lach, and the speech is rougher (and practically borders with rudeness). However, all these shortcomings of the British generously write off the colder climate.

In the north, children before bedtime tell the terrible fairy tales about the cunning people living " there below", That is, in the south. Northerners also mark the excessive softness of the South, their inadvertence in food and frivolous attitude towards everything really important in life. Nevertheless, any Englishman is too soft, too frivolous or hairy - certainly has the right to special. The attitude as, however (but to a much lesser extent), and residents of those countries that represent the interests of the English state - the once empire, and now an increasingly small Commonwealth (Commonwealth - Interstate Association of Great Britain and most of the former English dominions, colonies and dependent Territories - approx. per.).

If we are talking about neighbors in the British islands, then the British are absolutely no doubt about their own superiority. And this, in their opinion, are not some small remnants in consciousness, but a scientific fact. So, they believe that the Irish are terrible anniversary and on them should not pay attention, Scotts (or Scots), although smart, but too careful with money, well, Welsh, residents of Wells, just can not be trusted, and do This is not worth anyone, even the Scots and Irish.

However, for the Irish, Welsh and Scotters are not still lost, for none of these peoples causes the British so much irritation and objections, like those of their cousins \u200b\u200bthat live on the other side of La Mansha. They should also remember that in a certain sense. " other country"Or" other-oddness "for the Englishman begins at the opposite end of the street where he lives.

The rest of the world of the British is perceived as a playground, where some teams interact are groups of peoples, each with their customs and culture - and you can even look at all of this from the side and have fun, or to use yourself, or simply write off the invocation - in Depending on desire. The sad experience taught the British to always expect from other worst, so that they are pleasantly surprised if nothing like this happens; Well, if their bad premonitions were still justified, they are pleased to celebrate their right.

It is not surprising, but many foreigners even like the British. A significant part of the British is known for at least one foreigner, whom they consider practically " own"And yet very few peoples are generally perceived by the British seriously and with confidence.

The French and the British at such times were as if eternal sparring partners that even some love-hatred arose between them. The British love France: they like the French food and wine, they are very approving about the French climate. They, perhaps, there is even a certain subconscious, historically established conviction that the French are generally unlikely to have the right to live in France; That is why thousands of the British annually try to float the picturesque corners of France.

However, the French themselves seem unnecessary to the British, and therefore it is hardly able to claim any international ambitions. According to many in England, several decades of permanent English influence could significantly improve French.

The judgments of the British regarding the Germans less evasive. They believe that the Germans are distinguished by the organization, a somewhat excessive seriousness and a certain propyness to do everything; In addition, he is not given to even such a saving property, as the ability to cook delicious. As for the Italians, they, according to the British, are too emotional, the Spaniards are cruel to animals (bulls), Russians are too sullen, the Dutch is overwhelming (although quite prudent), scandinavines, Belgians and Swiss are stupid. All the eastern peoples of incomprehensible and dangerous.

Special relationship

Only to representatives of one or two nations, the British are experiencing something like child senses.

They, for example, support close ties with Australians, although they are confused by some incontinence of the latter, and with Canadians, who, however, are young people, embittered permanent snowfall and excessive proximity to America.

The Americans them, in general, like and liked even more if they didn't sneeze so much ... Hmm ... American! The British consider Americans, too, the British, only those who are not completely understandable as a result of an unsuccessful coincidence of circumstances and universal misunderstanding. And, of course, the Americans would be much happier if they just had enough mind to turn back. In addition, then they would definitely spoke in the right English!

And therefore, we will try to figure out today, which lies at the heart of the relationship of the considered to the British crown to the population of the Russian Federation. What is it generally a positive al-negative? Is it not better to hide your Russian origin or on the contrary - to brave them with each convenient and not very case?

So, if you decide to conduct an experiment, stopping the British on the street and setting them a sacramental question "How do you feel about Russians?" It is possible that after what is discouraged from surprise, your victims will come to themselves, from their coming speeches it will be possible Understand the following:


Many British know nothing about Russians. Fig.

The British know little about Russians. Therefore, the first reaction to your question is very likely to be confused "I know nothing about russians".

It is about how if you were just asked as you feel about the lazzham. Can you quickly describe your attitude towards them? So the British are hampered.

It is possible that in his entire life, they intersected only with a couple or Russian, whether the "Soviet" citizens (and to make a distinction between the Russians and the same Ukrainians for most Englishmen - in their representation, everyone who speaks Russian - This is one big nation. Including Belarusians, Moldovan, Uzbeks and other immigrants from the post-Soviet space).

In many Englishmen, Russia, in this course, is associated with communism, the Soviet Union and the Cold War. The sad Soviet past is not so simple from the memory of the British. However, it is necessary to pay tribute, most of them do not put a sign of equality between the concepts of "State" and "People". And even if the British may relate in general to the state negatively, this does not mean that such an attitude applies to the entire population of the country. There is no way.

The British are smart enough and are educated in order not to succumb to propaganda, pouring on them from the media, and to form their own independent opinion on events in the world and people inhabiting a specific country.

Yes, this recognizes the British themselves, and I observe it with your own eyes: British media persistently demonize Russia, creating an image of an aggressive, backward country, with a cruel and unpredictable leader. And yet, no matter how paradoxically, with all the efforts and the eloquence of local journalists, in general, the British sympathize with the head of the Russian state. They are impressed by that power and will, which openly demonstrates the world Putin - what, in their opinion, does not get a soft British politicians.

But still, if you ask the British, their opinion about the Russian people, you can hardly give a deployed answer. Russia is too distant and mysterious country to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bits inhabitants.

That is the neighbors-French business. The attitude of the attitude is clear and long formed. "Flagshakenikov" should be sickly make fun and simply come up in every way than the British are quite successfully engaged in centuries. Or here to take the same Hindus. Although profits from afar and look exotic, but their own, relatives and understandable. Not to the end of getting rid of a large-scale colonial heritage, the British belong to them in a second-definitely, with Tholik sympathy and repentance in their own historical wrong.


Some British curious to learn more about Russians. Fig.

Another possible reaction of the British to the news that you are a leaving from Russia may become curiosity. This logically follows from the previous paragraph - about Russia, the British little is known. Outwardly, we are similar to Poles, which are not frankly in England, and we are talking in a similar language, but if the British plunks from Poland from Poland, the Russians were slightly, the Russians for them are still unread book.

It is very likely that you will begin to ask clarifying questions - exactly where it is from you, although it is unlikely that your interlocutor knows something other than Moscow and St. Petersburg. So, you can take advantage of the moment and arrange a small educational program on the geography of Russia. Moreover, there is a chance that the interest of the Englishman is not purely formulated, but is quite sincere.

Always on the "Hurray" there are stories about the climate and harsh Russians - what the residents of rainy Albion are deprived of. At the mention of snow and snowdrifts in the view of the British stably skipping the spark of envy, although what is there to envy - the mind will not do.


The British, who communicated with Russian earlier, usually show respect for the Russian nation. Fig.

If the British had happiness to communicate with Russians earlier, and the more lucky to be a decent, educated people, they forever become fans of the Russian nation. You can hear the sea of \u200b\u200bcompliments and mention of the names of famous immigrants from Russia. Most likely, you will be remembered by Leo Tolstoy with Dostoevsky. Particularly advanced can go further and, wanting to make you pleasant, lists the names of Tchaikovsky, Gagarin and Maria Sharapova.

In short, you will be given to understand that Russia has something to be proud of and you, as its representative, deserve a respectful relationship, have not yet proven the opposite.

Those English, who met Russians closer, noted that the initial alertness and severity of Russian people quickly replaces sincere friendliness and warmth in further communication.

The British is also pleasant to affect the readiness and education that Russians demonstrate - in modern England few people are able to argue about books.


Russian model Natalya Vodyanova with a former husband - English Lord Justin Portman - and common children. Photo from

As a rule, men around the world, and the British no exception, sympathize with Russian women. This sympathy is confirmed by the eloquent statistics of marriages with Russians. In my surroundings, I do not consider the examples of happy couples of Englishman + Russian (about how to marry the Englishman, read).

However, it is forced to notice that English women are still less favorable to Russian men and feeding examples of couples (Englishwoman + Russian) for 5 years of life in England I did not meet.

British men will extremely eagerly married Russians, hardened children with them and the presence of offspring women from previous relations is not a problem for them.

What bribe them? Undoubtedly, not least - the external attraction of Slavs. But the main thing is still not this, but the willingness of the word and the case to support his man, to engage in household and house, give birth and educate the heirs - in a word, to share all those traditional family values, which most of the normal men dream of from childhood.

From what else impresses the British, you can mention the sound of Russian speech and a unique Russian accent. In their opinion, the Russian language sounds melodious and gives rich opportunities for the artistic expression of thoughts.

Those who visited Russia usually celebrate the beauty and greatness of Russian architecture, and the Moscow metro and are considered to be a work of art - in this plan, Moscow really has something to be proud of: the London subway looks frankly slaughter and dying.

Indifference and antipathy

Political relations between Russia and the United Kingdom are unlikely to name warmth. Photos from

How else can the Russians relate to Russian?

If not with sympathy and curiosity, then with indifference, and in some, fortunately, rare cases, with frank antipathy.

The British can push the rectinence and even rudeness of Russians, in which the latter may not be aware of. Therefore, before communicating with the British, it is very natural to master some elementary rules of behavior - I wrote about this in the article "How to communicate with the British: 10 errors of behavior."

Of the qualities that make the Russians as a whole, the non-patious nation, the British also recall the assertiveness and rigidity, using such non-extended epithets, like "Mean", "Blunt" and "Tough" (more correctly to see their meaning in the sensible dictionary).

By the way, about dictionaries: the British frankly hurts ignorance by Russian English. It is difficult for them to be in a sense, as their native language can be incomprehensible to someone. After all, in our days, everyone is simply obliged to speak English and a point. So the British argue and therefore it is tamed to teach something else, and Russians think in a similar way about their native language. In this sense, our nations are similar.

I want to finish my story about the attitude to Russians with the words of one Englishman, giving hope:

"Russians are wonderful people. I would say this: do not consider each Russian bad man only because you know a couple of Russians. Personally, I prefer the Russian British, although the Englishman himself. "

Speaking about the national character of the British, many authors of textbooks celebrate the following features: conservatism, pride, reverent attitude to their home and pet.

Actually, the British are a product of mixing of non-ethnic groups - ancient Iberian population with the peoples of Indo-European origin: the tribes of the Celts, the German tribes of the angles, Saxons, froms, to some extent of Scandinavians, and later Franco-Normanov. From the peasant nature of Saxons, the English character inherited the inclination to the whole natural, simple, uncomplicated in opposition to the whole artificial, dismissed, persecuted: prosaic business attack, the material side of life above spiritual values; Commitment to traditions with distrust to all unusual, unusual, especially foreign; Addiction to the home hearth as a symbol of personal independence. Scandinavian Vikings (commercial navalists) contributed to an English character another essential trait - a passion for adventure. In the soul of the British British, the mounted call of the sea is always felt, romantic traction to the distant shores.

So, an Anglo-Saxon practicality with Celtic dreaminess, a pirated bravery of Viking with Discipline of Normanov, was embodied in the English character.

The first and most obvious feature of this nation is the stability and constancy of the characteristics of its individuals. They are less than others are subject to the effect of time transient. The curiosity of the British allowed them to get acquainted with the best of what other nations possesses, and yet they remained faithful to their traditions. Admiring French cuisine, the Englishman will not imitate her at home. Being an embodiment of conformism, the British at the same time preserve the individuality. It is impossible to say that the British never changed. Changes occur constantly, but these differences, such noticeable externally, do not affect the nation. It is good or bad, but the original features of English nature still remain a kind of common denominator, have a deep influence on the national character and the overall lifestyle.

The British are severe on the rise, tend to bypass sharp corners, they are inherent in the desire to be out of foreign views, which generates a cult of privacy.

Modern British consider the composure of the main advantage of a human nature. Words: "Quality to keep yourself in the hands" - as it is impossible to express the motto of this nation better. The better the person knows how tob by himself, it is more worthy. In joy and in the mountain, with success and failure, a person should remain unmatched at least externally, and even better, if internally. Considering an open, discrepanied manifestation of feelings by a sign of an uncompaniment, the British sometimes turn into the behavior of foreigners, just like foreigners often judge the British, taking a mask of calm for the person itself or not conscious, why need to hide their true mental state under such a mask .

The Englishman from childhood is involved in calmly demolish the cold and hunger, overcome pain and fear, curb attachment and antipathy.

The British are distinguished by the moderation, which they do not forget both during labor and in pleasure. In the Englishman, there is almost nothing showdown. His nature is characterized by love for order, comfort and desire for mental activity. He loves good transport, fresh suit, rich library.

No noise and scream will not be touched. He will not stop for a minute. Where it is necessary, he will certainly be wounded, turns off the sidewalk, Wilnets Willy, never expressing in his important physiognomy or the slightest surprise or fright.

The British of a simple class are extremely friendly and helpful. Understanding with some question of a foreigner, the Englishman will take away the shoulder and starts to show him the road with different visual receptions, repeating the same thing several times, and then long will look after, not believing that the asking could understand everything so soon.

No one can do so strictly distribute their time and money as an Englishman. It works extremely much, but always finds time and relax. In the opening hours, it works, not flexing his back, straining all mental and physical strength, in his free time he willingly indulge in pleasure.

The Englishman is very vain. He is sure that in his fatherland everything is better than others. Therefore, he looks at a foreigner arrogantly, with regret and often with full contempt. This deficiency of the British developed due to the lack of sociability and the exaggerated consciousness of his superiority over others.

Money - Kumir British. None of any wealth is so honored. Whatever the social status of the Englishman - whether it is a scientist, a lawyer, a politician or a clergyman, - First of all, he is a merchant. On each field, he pays a lot of money mining. His first concern is always everywhere - to get as much as possible. But with this unbridled greed and passion for profit, the Englishman is not at all a stupid: likes to live with great comfort and on a wide leg.

The British travel a lot and always try to learn more facts, but they are very little converge with the peoples of countries that visit. It does not allow etiquette, pride, misunderstanding of other people's customs and contempt for them to converge on a foreign one with foreigners.

The house serves the British Fortress, where he is able to hide not only from the non-crushed visitors, but also from the bored worries. For the threshold of his dwelling, he is completely exempted not only from everyday affairs, but also from an outsider pressure. The British can feel at home as if in a different world and at the same time respect the homework of other people.

The Englishman loves to live surrounded by familiar things. In the decoration of the house, as in many things, he primarily appreciates the old days and goodness. When in the family it comes to updating the situation, it meant not to change the furniture, but its restoration. Every American first torches to show his home to the guest. The British will rarely see anything other than the room where guests are accepted.

Gardening is the National Passion of the British, the key to understanding many parties of their nature, relations to life. Thanks to a moderate wet climate in England, the grass is green all year round and almost always flows something, so that the gardener can work in the fresh air and admire the fruits of their work. Roses and chrysanthemums continue to bloom in the open ground almost before Christmas, and in early March, crocuses and daffodils are reministed about the arrival of spring. Physical work in the garden, practical skills in this matter equally honored in all layers of the British society. In the Garden, the Englishman discarded its restraint. His tastes, his behavior in the garden talk about his personality and the nature of much more truth than any autobiography.

Another passion in which the personal qualities of the Englishman are manifested - pets. Here the number of people who breed dogs, cats, horses, cows, sheep or pigs are strikingly. London parks rightly can be called the edge of nonpumens birds and animals. The latter are not at all afraid of a person: proud swans rushed from all over the pond to a random passing, sparrows and proteins dielessly feed right from the hands of a man. Any living nature in England is used to seeing a friend in man and benefactor. Nowhere in the world of dogs and cats are not surrounded by such concern, as here, among those who are hearing impassive British. A dog or a cat for them is the most favorite member of the family and often seems to be the most pleasant company.

Paradoxically, but in English families, pets clearly occupy a higher position than children. This is also manifested in material and morally, since it is a dog or a cat serve as the center of universal concerns.

In the depths of the soul, the British are convinced that parents in relation to their child are better to be too strict than soft. The proverb is still here: "I will regret Ruge means spoil the child." In Britain it is believed to be assumed to punish children - this is not only the right, but also the obligation of parents. The British believe that the unlimited manifestation of parental love and tenderness is harmful to children's character. In their traditions treat children restrained, even cool. This instructs parents to curb their feelings, and children - will be bored with this. The disciplining influence of parents is on children from a small age.

Thus, in the UK more than in any other European country, the commitment to the traditions established by Extaries, everyday life, habits have been preserved.

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Typical British: character, appearance, lifestyle


The image of a typical Englishman and how such people behave in society, which clothes are worn and what habits have.

Hello everybody. Welcome to my channel.

Today I would like to talk about such a phenomenon as a typical Englishman. My friends are often asked me: what are these typical British, what is so special and unusual in them?

So, what kind of Englishman in nature? According to my observations, many Englishmen are very friendly and open. The stereotype is that they are closed and cold, probably not quite correct. Of course, there are peoples more good-natured and open, but the British can also easily invite you to their home. They have no such relationship: my house is my fortress that is closed for everyone. Not at all.

The British go to visit each other, communicate. Sometimes the usual conversation in some store can turn into a story about his life, his family. But at the same time, it should be understood that under such goodness should not be expected to be something more or some long-term relationships. It may just be a Small Talk 'easy conversation'. And in general, the British is very social. It seems to me that this quality is given since childhood, as schoolchildren are quite often visited by various mugs.

Also, much attention is paid to sports, and usually all children play some kind of sports, and not limited to some classical disciplines (like football, basketball), and take part in a sufficient large variety of games in which girls participate in including. I think all team sports adapt the children to stay in Sociume very well, they become more sociable and open.

Regarding appearance: the British really followed by itself. It cannot be said that they are some kind of sludge, but maybe, according to our Slavic standards, their appearance will not completely fall under the concept of tidy and elegacity - typical English is more relaxed, democratic in their clothes. And probably, they do not pay so much attention as we pay, because clothes for us are the expression of status, wealth. In England, it is somehow easier to do so, but it is impossible to say that the British wear things completely ugly or unstained. The only thing, I want to say about the girls (when you go to the pub or nightclub): they are too launched a stick in the sense that we dress at all about the weather. If it is convenient in winter, do not take the jacket in the nightclub, then the girl does not pass it into the wardrobe and do not forget there by chance, that is, she just puts on a dress (even without a pantyhose) and goes in such a fortie How the snow lies around. This is a little shocking moment. And at the same time, the girls love the false eyelashes, nails, various bright colors in their appearance. Maybe it would be good separately, but it all looks overly saturated.

Typical Englishman love to go to pubs. And they are not bars for the Bar, where you can drink, and more - both places for communication and pastime with your friends, familiar, neighbors (so local pubs are very popular, where some matches are constantly broadcast, lotteries, karaoke ).

Another point that may seem trivial, but nevertheless, - Typical British do not remove shoes in a house or apartment. In our culture, it is customary to shoot shoes or at least ask about it. In England, you may encounter the fact that guests will come to you and just go straight into the hall without taking. And only if the weather is completely bad on the street and dirty, they can ask, remove shoes or not; But I encountered the fact that such a factor, like rainy weather, does not stop people, that is, they leave after themselves a bunch of dirt. And when you even say: "Sorry, you can ask you to remove shoes?" - They might think that you are Grubian.