Polish folk painting. Modern artists of Poland.

Polish folk painting. Modern artists of Poland.
Polish folk painting. Modern artists of Poland.

Poland is famous for the large number of galleries and centers of contemporary art. Almost in every city you can find Art Tusovka, which develops modern art genres. The Polish School of "Rozovvylya" introduces students and readers of the site with the most prominent Polish artists of the XX and XXI century.

Alina Shapocnikov (Alina Szapocznikow)

Alina Shapochers is a famous Polish sculptor that lived in 1926-1973. In the 60s. In Paris, artificial materials (plastics, polyester) were actively used in the sculpture, it inspired the artist to the creative experiments in which she succeeded. Alina began to cast her own body in color synthetic resins, which attached an unusual light effect. Pretty personal character is the work cycles performed in the last years of her life: Tumerus (1969-1971) and Herbarium (1972), which are the castle of her son's body.

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One of the most famous works is the PORTRET ZWIELOKROTNIONY sculpture (1967). Work is a bust of a woman in which the faces of four women of different races are depicted. The sculpture is a cast of the body of the artist - the face cast in the resin, and bust in bronze. The colors used in this work give sculpture a particularly deep meaning and contribute to philosophical reflections.

Mirosław Bałka (Mirosław Bałka)

Born in 1958. Sculptor, author of artistic shares, installations and video. Debuted with a sculpture where art was integrated into an unetebleous situation, creating an art object in the interior of an abandoned house. (Pamiątka I Komunii św., 1985). The subsequent period created metaphorical sculptures, monuments from jute, artificial stone and sculptural compositions from concrete (Zła Nowina, 1986; Kominek, 1986, św. Wojciech, 1987). In the end of the eighties, the sculptor expression language changed - human figures gave way to anthropometric compositions.

The sculptor often uses its own body and studio as the original point of reference, so its work may include personal or self-feed substances, such as ash, felt, hair and soap. Materials that use Miroslav Beach surprise simplicity - these are everyday items and things, but it does not interfere with creative provocation, as the artist actualizes the topic of the past.

Tadeusch Kantor (Tadeusz Kantor)

Tadeusch Kantor is one of the most prominent Polish artists of the 20th century. Artist, Illustrator, Art Theorist, Design Artist, And Director, Theater Reformed, Author of famous performances (Umarła Klasa, Wielopole, Wielopole, Niech SCzezną Artyści, Dziś Są Moje Urodziny, Nigdy Tu Już Nie Powrócę), Hephening, Video, Artistic comments , creator of the art community "Grupa Krakowska".

Cotor's Creativity is considered one of the most interesting phenomena of post-war Europe. From 1933 to the end of life, Kantor was associated with Krakow. Once he wrote: "With its artistic existence, I confirm the belonging of this era, this people, this place. I think about Krakow to which I belong.

The artist's creativity influenced such famous cultural and art figures, like Anselm Kiefer, Christian Boltan, Anthony Tapies, Robert Wilson. The works of Tadeusha Cantor were exhibited in such prestigious places as Pompidou Paris Center, Pitti Palace in Florence, in Casa-Mila in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMuseum of Fine Arts in Prague.

Tadeusch Kantor died in Krakow, which was always returned from numerous travels around the world, and was buried on the sink cemetery in the grave of the mother.

Jerzy Nowosielski

Jerzy Novoselsky is not only one of the most interesting Polish modern artists, an illustrator, a scene, the author of many theoretical works about the icon and painting, but also an outstanding thinker and Orthodox theologians. Decorating the walls of many temples and churches, Jerzy Novoselsky is one of very few, if not the only modern artist who left behind so monumental works.

The artist was born in the Ukrainian-German family, such biculturns had a huge impact on his further life, creativity, national identity and religious views.

A bold spatial imagination allowed the artist to create unique works using the Polish folklore. These include decorations (frescoes, stained glass, mosaic) in the temples of the Eastern and Western rite. One of the last samples of the artist's creativity is an architectural and decorative ensemble, made in collaboration with the architect Bogdan Kotarba, in the city of Biala-Bear in West Pomeranian Voivodeship (1992-1997).

Magdalena Abakanowicz (Magdalena Abakanowicz)

Magdalena Abakanovich (June 20, 1930 - April 20, 2017) - Polish sculptor and artist. A feature of her creativity is to use textiles in sculpture. She is rightfully considered one of the most famous Polish artists. Magdalena Abakanovich was a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan, was a invited professor at the University of California in Los Angeles in 1984.

The most notable works of the artist are a series of human figures in which the viewer sees monotonous sculptures. The works of Magdalen Abakanovich actualize the topic of identity loss in the conditions of the dominant team. The artist hints for the period of the communist regime in Poland. "Art does not solve problems, but helps us to realize their existence," says Magdalena.

This is a brief overview of the work of only a few outstanding artists of Poland. Each of them became an integral part of the European culture, which can be discussed in the classroom in the Polish school "Rosovvylyi". Of course, in Polish.

Marta Zamarska (Marta Zamarska) Modern Polish artist and, in combination, a qualified teacher of English.
In 2008, she graduated from the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, the Faculty of Painting, having received a diploma with honors. There, the artist was engaged in the artistic guidance of Professor Krzyshto Vachovik (painting), Professor Dorothy Greenzel (batik, artistic letter on the fabric), Dr. Peter Zubte (theoretical part).

Driving force art. Anna Bocek.

"There is no doubt that the main driving force in art, the theater became the most important source of inspiration and spiritual experience for me, both for the viewer and for the artist. Both aspects are equally important for me, in any case, now (what will happen next Nobody). The first and, perhaps, the most important, factor that has influenced and still directly affects the themes of my paintings - this is not so much to the very theatrical space as to a person existing in it and living according to his rules.

Idyllic landscapes of endless summer. Kasia Domanska.

"Infinite Summer", this is a cycle of Casi Domanskaya paintings with realistic depicted, careless scenes of coastal rest. Sea wind, blue sky and golden sand. On the top of all this splendor - colorful towels and blankets in the hands of tanned, beautiful women with elegant bodies. Work cycle Casi Domanskaya, in essence - idyllic landscapes with idle people. We see inflatable mattresses, colorful drinks, ice cream on a stick, fluttering in the wind dresses and simple, but elegant hairstyles.

Inside a person. Justyna Kopania.

"Art of my asylum, life, poetry, music, the best cigars, tasty, strong tea, all about my life consists. My art reflects the world, which I perceive a bit differently, like everything. I am writing people who met, love, The nature of which admire and, in general, all things that affect my worldview. A person is the main source of my inspiration and is the main theme of my paintings. I want to transfer to canvas not only its appearance and manners, but also a psyche, relationship , emotions, as well as all complex processes that occur both outside and inside a person.


Agnieszka Wentska (Agnieszka Wencka) Modern Polish artist was born on January 3, 1978, in the village of Ovcheglov. Draw, like many artists, began in childhood, so it is not surprising that after graduating from high school, she, as an artist, which meets high hopes, received an invitation from the university. Adam Mikievich and entered the artistic faculty (direction in oil painting) of this institution.

Photo or pictures? Dariusz Zejmo.

The tanty Polish artist Dariusus Zeimo (Dariusz Zejmo) was born in Kozuhov, Poland, in a small town, in the West of the country, in 1966, studied at the Faculty of Faculty of the University. Nikolai Copernicus in Toruni, upon completion of which he received a diploma in the specialty. Professionally engaged in books illustration and design postcards, created more than 170 works.

Orange-red portraits. Elzbieta Brozek.

Elzbiet Brozek (Elzbieta Brozek) modern polish artist, creating, mainly portraits of women, preferring to use red and orange tones in their paintings. In some cases, she writes realism in the technique, and in others you can see the influence of the symbolism of the Austrian artist Gustav Clima.

One of the most popular Polish artists of the 20th century, Zdzislaw Beksinski, almost never gave names to its works. Including because of this, its post-apocalyptic canvas are perceived as a kind of holistic world. The world of horror, despair or something else that you see in these pictures. Dark corridors of life attract audience, so Beksinsky throughout his creative life was popular with popularity, mainly in Western Europe, Japan and the United States. However, this did not save him from death from the hands of whipped teenagers.

Beksinsky tried himself in many genres: sculpture, photographs, graphic art, and the painting appeared in the 1960s. The first paintings were written in the spirit of abstractionism, later the surrealistic motives were dominated. The author himself believed that it should achieve this level of skill, so that the viewer would be born conviction that he photographs dreams. This explains the maximum detail, the saturation of the pattern by the semantic elements. By the way, there was no artistic education at the Pole.

Until the mid-1980s lasted the most famous period in his work - the so-called "fantastic". In the phantasmagoric works of this time, infernal landscapes were dominated, nightmarish figures and ominous supernatural architecture. At the same time, the artist argued that most of his works are fun and should not cause internal rejection.

All canvas Beksinsky wrote exclusively under the sounds of classical music (since it did not tolerate silence) on the personally prepared canvas. In the 90s, he met the digital technologies and concentrated his attention in this direction.

Beksinsky lived with his wife Zofy and the son of Tomash in Warsaw. In recent years of the XX century, he nuts a series of misfortunes. The wife died from cancer, and a year later Tomas, a recognized translator, a popular musical journalist and a fan of Gothic rock, committed suicide. He was a big fan of the group of The Legendary Pink Dots, and, after he imposed on his hands, all the covers of Polish editions of the albums of this team were decorated with Digital Works of Beksinsky in memory of Tomashe.

On February 22, 2005, Beksinsky on the 75th year of life was found dead at the door of his own apartment. There were 17 knife injuries on his body. This atrocity was made by the 19-year-old son of the Housekeeper of the artist and his friend, after Zdzislav refused to give them money.

In Polish painting, many paintings for historical topics, incl. About Russia and Russians. Below is a selection of the most interesting of them. These paintings should be seen, friends. They quite brightly reveal the national mentality and the attitude of the Poles to their past. And to the beloved Eastern neighbor, in particular.

Artist in Polish - aRTYSTA MALARZ. Artist-painter, in short. However, the Poles had a lot of talented masters, far from the painters. For example, Jan Matesyo and his "romantic nationalism" of the 19th century, the battalist Woaceci Koszak and others. Some pictures of anti-Russian in meaning. But we will not forget that the last years of 300 in almost all wars, Russian and Poles were on different sides of the barricades.

Jan Mateyko. "MASTER". 1862
1514, the next war of Poland and Muscovy. The Russians walked Smolensk, and the first success was invaded in Belarus. But there were broken in the battle under Ors. In the Palace of the Polish King - Ball on the occasion of victory. True, Smolensk, according to the results of the war, remains in the hands of Muscovy. Everyone is danced (in the background), and the dowry jog by name Machine Sits and thinks about the future of Poland. Smolensk gave, so soon all the salt.

Employed detail: Ball - European entertainment. 1514th year, and they have ball. In Russia, the first balls at the court will be in 200 years, under Peter.

Jan Mateyko. "Stefan Batient Pskov". 1872
The jester was the right station. Muscovites began with Smolensk, then they wanted more. In the picture - the Livonian war, which Ivan Grozny began to capture the Baltic States. Osada Pskov Army of Polish King Stephen Batory. After several months of the siege of the ambassador of Ivan the Terrible, they requested the world: they are crawling on his knees in front of Stefan. In the plot there are questions here (in fact, there was no such meeting of the bar with ambassadors under Pskov), but the world was soon concluded, yes. And really unsuccessful for Russia, like the Livonian war itself.

Employed detail. To the left of Stephen - a man in red, this is Chancellor Jan Zamoysky. Singler Stephen Batory Paduan University in Italy. In Russia, the first tsarist special, which will go to learn to the West will be Peter (on a carpenter, in Holland). By the way, before Stephen, Batory in Padua went to learn Nikolai Copernicus, the first Polish scientist with a world name. The Russian analogue of Copernicus (Lomonosov) will appear in 250 years.

Tsar Lhadmitriy I, portrait of an unknown artist. Nach 17th century
This picture is also known as the "Portrait of Vishenetsky Castle" (Family Castle Marina Mnishek - Falsmitria's wife). In troubled time, the Poles managed to put in the Kremlin of his king-impostor. In the painting of Grigory Fravev, he is also Falsenedmy I, depicted as a Russian king (written in Latin Demetrius Imperator), on the table - the crown and knightly helmet.

Lhadmitry I and his wife-Polka is 1605-1606. But you will sleep: the Polish gentball has already taught Latin, built castles and considered herself part of the European knighthood. Russian nobles will wear a European dress, will begin to learn languages \u200b\u200band argue that they are also Europe - generations in 5-7.

Lhadmitry, though, promoted on the throne for a short time. He was overthrown as a result of the Folk Bunt in Moscow. It is interesting to compare the pompous Polish portrait of an impostor with how Falgedmia was depicted in Russian painting 19 V.

Karl Venig. "The last minutes of the life of Falsmitria I". 1879

Artist Karl Bogdanovich Venig was unlikely to think that in the 21st century his picture will become an inexhaustible source of parodies on the internal and foreign policy of Russia :)

When Falsitriya I threw off, the Poles took a direct intervention, captured Moscow. Also captured Vasily Shuisky (the king, who was after the Faldmitry) along with the brothers, and everyone was taken to Warsaw. There the former king, who had fought with the Poles before that, was forced to go into the belt to the Belt to King Sigizmundu III and kiss his hands.

Jan Mateyko. "King Shuisky in the Sejm in Warsaw". 1892
Royal Castle in Warsaw, 1611th year. Vasily Shuisky is bowed to Sigizmund, touching the hand of the Earth. On the left, apparently, his brother Ivan, who (according to Polish sources) was generally lying in his feet and beat himself his head about the floor. In the background, deputies of the Seima (Polish Parliament) are sitting with a sense of deep satisfaction. Flags are solved, the bright sun shines. Triumph!

This event received the name "Hołd Ruski" in Poland (Russian oath) and is cultivated in the circles of Polish nationalists. Below creature from one of them. It is written: "10/29/2011 - 400 years Russian oath. Somehow they bowed to us".

In fact, the artist Jan Mateyko wrote this picture in 1892, to cheer up his compatriots. They say, there were times - and we had their own state, and the king, and the Sejm, and the kings kneeling.

It is noteworthy that the king in Poland was not at all the fact that the king in Russia. Poland self-adjusting did not know. It was a republic of the gentry. Sejm choose King and controlled it. Taxes, war, peace - all with the consent of the Seima. Moreover, if the king led himself undemocratically, proud gentle had the right to rokosh. He is kipish. Those. The right to the opposition to the king, like a peaceful ("War of Chernilnez" and the discussion in blogs) and non-peaceful.

Vaclav Pavlishak. "Cossack gift." 1885
Zaporozhets caught a notable prisoner and gives his shutters, removing the cap in front of them. Nothing amazing, part of the Cossacks was in the Polish service (for money). They were used as mercenaries in addition to the Polish army. Including repeatedly - in wars against Russia. As for the captive, it is apparently the Crimean Tatar. This is of course a bummer. The main business of Crimean Khanate was a slave trade. And here I am in captivity ...

Thanks to a democracy and liberty, Poland have century-old traditions (unlike some other countries). But the truth was there one nuance. All libations were for a narrow circle. Peasants they did not touch. The peasants in Poland from the 15th century were addressed to serfs. And in such a sad state of 300 years old. They were called chlopi. (Flap), as well as bYDLO. (Cattle). The word "cattle" then from Poland through Ukraine fell into Russian.

Joseph Helmont. "Payment of payment (Saturday on the foil)." 1869 G.
Folvark - Polish barchina. Pan forced the clams to work for himself for free or in order of compulsory hiring (for example, before having hesitated from the ground and leaving without the means). In the picture - the foil on the day of pay. The group of peasants in the center received a penny and in horror - how to feed the children to these pennies? Two clams on the left, on the contrary, cheerful. Already managed to get drunk.

It is engaged that the house of Pana with such a ripple - still poor, the roof is completely collapsed. This is a subtle hint of the artist - the gentry was famous for his transit. They squeezed bread from the foils, chased abroad, money was spent on all garbage. War, Boot and Ponte - That was the mentality of the gentry. An expensive crew, a sobular fur coat with gold buttons, and a balcony, to dance :)

Alexander Kocis. "In Shinke". OK. 1870
While the gentry danced on the balas, the flap remained only to go to the tires (Kabak). It was a popular business. Schinkaire was, for example, Praded V.I. Lenin Moshe Blank from the city of Starokonstantinov on Volyn. In 1795, according to the third section, Poland Volyn together with Moshe Blank and his tavern moved to Russia.

However, in the triad "War, Pokhan and Ponte" at the Polish elite in 17 century. There are problems with war. No, Poles have never been shorts in war. The problem was in the organization. War is the convening of the universal militia of the gentry ( commonly distribution), And this is through the Sejm. And money for war is also the Seimas. Such decisions were not easy for it, which weakened the combat capability of Poland. When in 1648, the Hmelnitsky rebellion of Khmelnitsky, the Poles were initially able to put a modest army of only 40 thousand people. For her, traveling from 100 thousand sub-logs with junk and 5,000 women of easy behavior was driving. We went to war as a wedding. And they were headlong broken with the Cossacks.

From the rebellion of Khmelnitsky began the sunset of Poland. The neighbors began to bite off from her, then here, then there. And in the end, at the end of the 18th century were divided completely. And bribed the Sejm and he himself voted for it!

Jan Mateyko. "Ratin - Poland decline." 1866
Seyme in 1773 decides to agree with the section of Poland. Tadeusch's banks Ratan, the last Patriot of Poland, trying to prevent this in despair: to go to the exit, not giving deputies to break after the meeting. Multi-deputies are ashamed, they just sold their country. On the wall - the portrait of Catherine II (their sponsor), behind the door - Russian Grenadiers, upstairs in the bed - Russian ambassador repinn with two ladies. Here really - the decline of Poland!

Polish people, of course, did not accept Poland with decline. There were several major uprisings depressed by the powers participating in the section. 100,000 Polesov-Volunteers participated in the campaign of the "Great Army" Napoleon to Moscow in 1812, hoped to obtain independence.

Wojca Coszak. "Gusar Great Army." 1907
In the picture - the Pole from the Army of Napoleon. The artist himself served as a street in the army, so she drew the cavalry with knowledge of the case.

Yet Wojca Coszak. "Spring 1813". 1903
Snow came up ... And there the remains of brave cavalrymen.

Another busy fact: Poles fought for Napoleon not only in Russia, but also in Spain, gave Gerilla (Spanish resistance to the French). To earn independence to yourself, the Poles deprived her Spaniards.

Yanuaria Sukhodolsky. "Sturm of the walls of the Zaragoza." 1845
In 1808, Zaragoza rebelled against the French invaders. She was deposited by 9 months. All, women, children fought. 50 thousand people died . In the picture - the Poles rush into the city.

Yanuaria Sukhodolsky. "Battle of San Domingo". 1845
This is not Spain. This is the punitive expedition of Napoleon on the island of Haiti (then - the Colony of San Domingo). There are local negros against the French, and Poles arrived together with the French.

Wojca Coszak. "November night". 1898
This is an anti-Russian uprising of 1830-31. It began in November 1830 with the rebel attacks on the Palace of Belvedere in Warsaw (the residence of the Poland's governor). In the picture - the fight between the rebels and Russian pures on the night from November 29 to November 30, 1830

Palace the rebels took, but the governor escaped. The uprising was suppressed in 1831 by the troops of Field Marshal Ivan Passevich, who received the title "Prince Ivan Warsaw". Paskevich, perhaps the first Ukrainian in the Russian army, who was reached by Marshal.

Wojca Coszak. "Emilia canter in the battle under Shauli." 1904

This is again a rebellion of 1830-31 in the center of the picture - Countess Emilia Potter, something like the Polish Jeanne D`ark. Countess commanded the rebel detachment, personally participated in the battles. During one of the trips, I got sick and died at the age of 25. The legendary personality in Poland (as well as among the Belarusian nationalists).

Wojca Coszak. "Circassians in Krakow suburb." 1912
This anti-Russian uprising of 1863 is also called the January uprising. Krakow suburb is a prospectus in Warsaw. Russian troops are broken into the city. The last artist depicted in the form of a horde of Circassians carrying around the city with an Orthodox banner. True, Circassians are Muslims, but it does not matter. Circassians are powered into the air from all kinds of weapons, mashed with weaks, passersby run away.

A strong thing ... By the way, the painting was originally called "Dagestan Wedding on Tverskaya" (joke).

"Russian army robs the Polish estate during the January uprising." Unless Polish artist 19 V.
The author tried to portray Russian soldiers and officers as repellent as possible. The horde of savages buffels in the cultural European home, the child was thrown out of the stroller, chatting a picture with bayonets.

Arthur Grotger. "Path to Siberia." 1867
The participants of the uprising of 1863 are chased to Siberia.

Alexander Sokachevsky. "Farewell to Europe." 1894
Polish rebels of 1863 on the way to Siberia. They reached obelisk on the border of Europe and Asia. The artist himself was a member of the uprising, received 20 years cautious (he is somewhere in the picture, by the way, near the obelisk).

One of the strong fragments.

Alexander Sokachevsky. "Pani Gudzinskaya". 1894
This is a real character, the participant of the uprising, which was exiled to the salvery under Irkutsk (as well as the author of the picture). In Warsaw, she had a husband and 2 children. He worked on the saltwalls, she was launched in the hole in the hole in the hangar. Mumers at Katorga in 1866.

Yatek Malchevsky. "Death at the stage." 1891
More horrors of the royal gulag.

Yatek Marcelsky. "Vigil in Siberia". 1892
Vigil is a night vigil from Catholics before Easter or Merry Christmas. Polish exiles in Siberia are true to their native Catholic faith. By the way, the exile at the table looks quite decent - the remedy, in the costumes, white shirts.

Stanislav Maslovsky. "Spring of 1905." 1906
This is already a revolution of 1905-1907. She covered Poland too. In the picture of the Cossacks, who performed the role of the royal riot, lead arrested. Contrast of convoy and the arrestant: Four LBs on horses lead one little man.

Wojca Coszak. "Pogrom". 1907
The revolution of 1905 was accompanied by a wave of Jewish pogroms, incl. in Poland. In the picture - the Russian Cossack in shape and with weapons against the background of the pogrom. They burn at home, there are corpses on the pavement. However, the Cossack in this case is not a representative of the rule of law. He himself is a loot and there. This is what the artist Woacket Coszak say. Here, they say, she, Russian army: gangsters and killers.

The soldiers and the royal police were really parties to a number of pogroms, for example, in Bialystok (1906). However, the races grasted and among the local population. They just didn't get to the picture of the coscak ... And the revolution of 1905 did not bring Poland. I had to wait until 1918.

Wojca Coszak. "Ulan conjunates Russian prisoners." 1916
This is the First World War. On horseback - volunteer from the so-called. Polish Legion of the Austrian Army. Approximately 25 thousand Polish nationalists went to the service to the Austrians and fought on their side on the Eastern Front. These legionnaires then made up the backbone of the officer corps of independent Poland.

In November 1918, after the capitulation of Germany and Austria, the independence of Poland was finally restored. And immediately began a series of wars per borders in the east. First, the Polish-Ukrainian War of 1918-19, in which the Poles from the head of the Ukrainian nationalists were broken. Then the Soviet-Polish war of 1920, in which the Poles were broken and the Red Army too. The war was with varying success, and the fracture came when Tukhachev's troops reached Warsaw ("Miracle on Wisle"). This war that will be called in Poland polish Bolshevik, left a considerable track in local art.

Wojca Coszak. "Soviet enemy".
Again the horde of savages, one with a bottle instead of checkers. Pay attention to the figure of the killed peaceful resident left (on which the girl cries). The figure is one to one with the picture "Pogrom".

Jersey Coszak. "Wonder on Vistula on September 15, 1920" .1930
Jersey Coszak is the son of Wojca Koszaka. The picture is devoted to the counteroffensiveness of the Polish army at Warsaw in August 1920. Soviet troops were surrounded, the Polish capital was saved. In the picture - the abundant attack of Poles, supported from the air by Aviation and Jesus Christ.

Jersey Coszak. "Fighting for the runaway Commissioner." 1934
Commissioner in Red Rubach ticks from Polish Ulannov.

The revived Poland (the second issue compulculated, as they call it) existed only 21 years. All ended in 1939.

Jersey Coszak. "Battle under curtain". 1939
With checkers on tanks: Ulans against the Wehrmacht. This is from the series "One rifle on five", Polish option. Tanks of the incomprehensible model, from the side of the hatch, where the cavalryrs throw the peaks ...

Jersey Coszak. "Battle under curtain". 1943
Separate incomprehensible moments in the first picture of the picture forced the artist to rewrite it after several years.

After 1945, Poland enters the Soviet bloc and social identity begins there. About this:

Julius Studnitsky. "Stakhanovka Gertrud Vysotskaya." 1950
On the box on the left it is written Centrala Rybna. Chief!

Not everything was true, so fun ..

Felix Kai-Kryzheinsky. "Polish prisoners on the way to Siberia." 1940

Felix Kai-Kryzheinsky. "Hungry steppe. Kazakhstan. 1945
Deportated Poles in Central Asia. In the picture of the presumably sister of the artist Elizabeth Kryzheinskaya.

Yehzh Zelinsky. "Smile, or 30 years old, or ha ha ha", 1974
Famous painting in pop art style. Sushed lips symbolize censorship and communist dictatorship in the then Poland. At the same time, three crosses are 30 Roman numbers, just in 1974, turned thirty years of the coming of the Soviet Army to Poland (1944), which brought a new power. Well, finally, if you read in Russian, it's easy: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha :)