Abstract literature lesson on the topic:. Russian folk fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog"

Abstract literature lesson on the topic:. Russian folk fairy tale
Abstract literature lesson on the topic:. Russian folk fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog"

After reading the magic fairy tale about the almighty princess frog, children get a task: write an essay on the topic "Characteristics of Ivan Tsarevich". In order to cope with this task, it is necessary to remember what this wonderful story is about.

Where all all began

Traditionally, for Russian folklore, the tale begins with the promscar "in some kingdom ...".

The reader immediately plunges with his head to the life of a powerful sovereign. The ruler has three adults of the Son. He is already pretty old and gives them a task to find a wives. Yes, it's not easy to find, but to put for this arrows and experience fate. Where the boom will find a narrowed, on top and it is necessary to marry. The characteristic of Ivan Tsarevich from the fairy tale "Tsarevna Frog" will include a moment when his future wife turns out to be a frog. Undoubtedly, he hesitated and did not know how to do it. After all, decent girls got another brothers! A young man is in a difficult situation.

Attitude towards parents

The characteristic of Ivan Tsarevich includes a line typical for that time. He obedient, does not contradict the Father. After the father insists on his marriage with a frog, he agrees. Despite all the absurdity of his position, he did not dare to go to the opinion of the parent.

Senior to take away laughs over Ivan, they are trying to ensure that this unusual wife will have to take into his wives. Undoubtedly, he is ashamed of his position, since he has a rather high status of the sove of the sovereign. Forced to marry a frog, "I hung my head". Our Ivan Tsarevich. The characteristic of the hero is generally positive, he was strong in spirit.

First test

Did not have time to go enjoy the new family lifeHow father comes up with a new task. He decides to check what royal daughter-in-law are capable of. The first thing that interests the Tsar-Batyushka, - how the wives of sons are able to bake bread. This product in Russia was considered the most important on the table, and each girl had to know since childhood, as it was done. The eldest sons were bowed with the pulp and went to inform his father's tests. The characteristic of Ivan Tsarevich from the fairy tale "Tsarevna Frog" should be supplemented by the fact that he did not find himself places from sorrow. He knew the youngest son, which will dismort the brothers again.

Could he expect the spouse to calm him and lay down, and herself will begin to create miracles! She turned around with an excellent girl, Vasilisa Wolly. The guard began the stove, and such that it is difficult to submit. White dough, soft, and he himself decorated with swans.

Our Ivanushka woke up on the morning and could not believe that his frog was so wonderful baked bread. He was delighted, took the dish and suffered his father. Became the king to take the work of the bride. The senior burned the loaf, his sovereign ordered only in big hunger there. In the middle oblique, yes the curve came out. Such bread father only would give dogs. And as he saw a loaf of Ivan, he said that he was only on the table festive to serve.

The characteristic of Ivan Tsarevich is changing: it is not sad now, but he feels the winner in front of the brothers.

Second test

But this does not calm the king father. He asks to show how his daughter-in-law carpets Tkut. And again the younger son in sorrow. The characteristic of Ivan Tsarevich is supplemented with a new fact: he is incredal to his wife, who once again helped him. And again the frog calms down her husband, puts it to sleep and a wonderful carpet. The older daughters called for help serving, because they understood that they were not able to cope with this task. And again the father takes work. The older is such a carpet that for horses only fit. At the middle will come only before the gate should be treated. And Ivan answered again: his wife did best job. The king is pleased and orders this carpet to sharpen on holidays.

Third test

After checking the skills of the bride, the sovereign comes up with the last test. He calls all his sons with his wives on the feast, see how they know how to behave. Now Ivan understands - not to avoid shame. You will have to carry with you instead of a beautiful girl frog. The brothers will definitely raise him on laughter. He was saddened more than before. But a wonderful frog and here she lays her husband to sleep, calming down.

The next day, arriving on the feast, guests are shocked. Instead of laughing younger Brother, they and words are not in a state. Before them is the princess itself - a frog!

The characteristic of Ivan Tsarevich will include the fact that it turns out to be an impatient person. While his spouse dances in front of the king-father, he finds her frog skin and burns. Now he is sure: with him there will be a beautiful wife, finally, he will heal, like all normal people, and the brothers will stop making fun over him.

How he was wrong! It turns out that not everything is so simple: the girl joined the shit, turning into a frog. It would still wait for him three days, and the fatal curse would be over. But, without asking not a word from Vasilisa Wolly, he is in a hurry and makes a mistake. Tsarevna turned into a swan and flew away, saying that he was looking for her.

Fatal mistake

After that terrible night, our hero is decided to go looking for their wife. The characteristic of Ivan Tsarevich from the fairy tale is complemented by a new feature - purposefulness. He was not afraid of difficulties, went for the thirty lands to find his beauty.

On the way, he is found an old man. After listening to Ivanushka, he reproaches him for impatience and tells the story. It turns out that Vasilisa - the daughter of the womb. She was so smart girl And quite cunning. Father broke out on her and punished to be a frog of the whole three years. And just at the moment when the test came to an end, Ivan and threw her skin.

The old man decides to help the guy and gives him a magic tangle, which should lead him to the spouse.

On the way, animals met the hero. The first was a bear. Ivan I really wanted to eat, but he could not kill the molding of the beast. This speaks of such his quality as mercy.

Happy final

Having come to Koscheevo the kingdom, the royal son in bewilderment, how to do it. He can save his wife, just killing her father. And the death of the wagon is kept in the egg, on high trees. And here the guy's help comes all the beasts saved by him.

Now readers learned who Ivan Tsarevich (characteristic). Tsarevna saved. The royal son, passing through many tests, thanked destiny. Next to him a beautiful wife-clever. The brothers saw how mistaken they were when they laughed at the poor frog.

Ivan showed himself from a very good side. He dare, leaning, obedient. Typical positive hero From Russian folk fairy tales.

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For what he was angry with blasting on Vasilis and ordered her three years to be frog to be? How long did Ivan-Tsarevich gathered in search of a wife? How to furnish? What mood is Ivan-Tsarevich going to the road? What did he take with him that she put on? What did the author want to emphasize when he told the reader that Tsarevich took three iron bread, put on iron boots? Who helped Ivan-Tsarevich? Expressive reading " Hard way Ivan-Tsarevich "(from words:" Rolling the tangle along the high mountains ... "- until the end of the fairy tales.)

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Conversation 1. Why so long and difficult was Ivan-Tsarevich? Tsarevich showed impatience and ahead of time, without the permission of his wife, burned his frog, because he was very annoying to hear ridicule of the brothers. He thought about himself, and not about the reasons that were forced to Vasilis wisely carry this skin. For the fact that he showed impatience, he had to wander a long time, to wear two pairs of iron boots, gang up two iron bread, tolerate cold and hunger to learn how to think not only about themselves, but also about others, sorry and understand them. 2. Reading in the faces of the episode "Meeting with an old man" - why does an old man appear in the fairy tale? What personifies people in the image of an old man? - What advice gets Ivan-Tsarevich from the sage? Does the instructions of Tsarevich listens whether they do them? 3. Reading in the faces of the episode "Meeting Ivan Tsarevich with a bear, spleen, hare, pike. - Why did Tsarevich wanted to kill these animals? - What makes him regret them? - Name the previously not named properties of Ivan-Tsarevich's soul.

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Why in a fairy tale a meeting of Tsarevich with Baba-Yaga? What did Ivan-Tsarevich taught the meeting with her? 2. Dindy Baba Yaga or not? 3. How did Tsarevich manage to defeat the blazes of the immortal? 4. Why was the death of Koshiya was placed on such a mighty tree? What personifies an oak description? (Clean oak description) 5. What is he, Ivan-Tsarevich? What are the best features of the Russian people embodied in a fabulous hero? 5. Why in fairy tales good triumphs over evil?

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Characteristics of Ivan Tsarevich

Plan Characteristics How do Ivan-Tsarevich Father and Brothers? How does Ivan-Tsarevich react to the Father's orders? How belongs to the work of Vasilisa? Why did Ivan-Tsarevich burned the skin with a frog? What sense is going to search for narrowed? What character traits are inherent in the hero? How do you characterize his meetings with an old man, with animals? What qualities does the people especially appreciate in the hero? Do you like this hero and why? What can Ivan Ivan-Tsarevich's actions teach us?

Slide 6.

Ivan-Tsarevich seems to be a loser to his brothers and father, because he fell to a share to take his wife not a boyars or a merchant daughter, but a frog. After the first order of the Father, bake every daughter-in-law on Karavaj Ivan-Tsarevich returns "Impusted, buyne hung his head." In the morning, seeing bread, he "Diva was given: never had anyone!" When the next morning he looked at the carpet, woven his wife, then just "painted: such a carpet is wonderful that neither upheat, neither to spend, unless in a fairy tale say!" But even after that, he does not trust his fate, doubts how his wife behaves on the feast, and tolerates ridicule from the brothers and their wives. Alternately, Ivan-Tsarevich burns frogs. After a goodbye with Vasilisa, he felt unprofitable, but does not fall asleep, as after the tasks of his father, but going to the campaign. He shows determination, courage, perseverance, tolerates need, cold and hunger. He shows confidence in the old man who gives him a tangler, sympathizes and assists animals, he is fearless when boldly answers Baba Yaga. He courageously overcomes all the difficulties and adversity, which falls on his share. In trials, they are revealed in it those best features that were not manifested when he lived in the kingdom of his father. As a reward returns to him Vasilisa not upon him. Sample Characteristics of Ivan Tsarevich

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Poetics of a magical fairy tale. Permanent epithets, repetitions. The pictorial nature of the formula of the magic fairy tale

Practical work What a triple repetition of actions or phenomena we met in the fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog"? Another feature of the fabulous speech is repetitions (not to be confused with repetitions!): If we read live, then next word will be; If there is a way in a fairy tale, then this is a way-track path. Let's look at the fairy tale examples of such repetitions. epithet is artistic definition subject. What else permanent epithets Have you met in fairy tales? Find and name (write out) permanent epithets from the fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog". Formulas of magical fairy tales. In the "Princess-Frog" many words and expressions that are found in Russian folk fairy tales: Diva passed, the patterns of wise, nor in a fairy tale, not to describe (see the heading "enrich oral speech", from. 27). Thanks to these expressions, the fairy tale becomes especially beautiful. Let's have such expressions with you.

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The results of the lesson

1. What is the fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog"? What did she teach you? 2. What starts and what is the fairy tale? 3. Why do we call the fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog" magic? What miracles occur in a fairy tale? For centuries in the Russian people there were ideas about what is good and that bad. What can Ivan Ivan-Tsarevich's actions teach us? To whom we treat from the heroes with a mockery and even some pity? Why do we rejoice when Ivan-Tsarevvich frees Vasilis to wisely? 6. Can I agree with the saying "good always wins evil"?

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Read the article of the textbook "Heroes of people's fairy tales" (p. 28) 2. Give the characteristic (writing) the main characters of the fairy tales: Vasilis Wolly - Girls; Ivan Tsarevich - boys. 3. Read the fairy tale "Ivan - the Peasant Son and Miracle -Yudo" and prepare a retelling (close to the text) fairy tales. (Assistant: p. 38.) 4. Answer questions 1-7 to a fairy tale (orally) on page 38.

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Lesson 6. Russian folk fairy tale

"PRINCESS FROG". The image of Ivan-Tsarevich

Targets of the teacher: develop speech students, the ability to summarize the analyzed material; to uncover inner world Hero, the best features of Russian folk character In a fairy tale.

Planned topics study results:

Subsection: know genre features of the fairy tale, a scheme of building a magical fairy tale;be able to distinguishing the types of fairy tales, build a story about the hero, characterize the heroes of the fairy tale.

MetaPered Wood (Universal educational actions):

Personal : develops new activities, participates in the creative, creative process; It is aware of itself as an individuality and at the same time as a member of society.

Regulatory : takes and maintains a learning task; plans (in collaboration with teacher and classmates or independently) necessary actions, operations acting according to plan.

Cognitive : Understands the information presented in the visual, schematic, model form, uses iconic symbolic tool for solving various learning tasks.

Communicative : builds small monologic statements, carries out joint activity In pairs and working groups, taking into account specific educational and educational tasks.

During the classes

I. . Front conversation in the content of fairy tales.

Teacher. Remember what happened after Ivan-Tsarevich burned a frog skin? We already know that Vasilisa Persudya has wonderful character qualities. Do you think, is it worthy of her Ivan-Tsarevich after his act (burned the skin)?

The fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog" is very peculiar to two parts:I. Part - until the moment when Vasilisa dislude "... Wrapped with a white swan and flew into the window"; The second part is devoted to the tests of Tsarevich, who wants to return his wife.

In the second part, the action is gradually gaining speed, new heroes appear, new scene lines, Ivan-Tsarevich is forced to make independent decisions, to act in circumstances.

II. Work on episodes.

Reading, analysis on issues:

1. "Tsarevich's fees in search of a wife."

1) "How long did Ivan-Tsarevich gathered in search of his wife?

2) What mood is Ivan going to the road?

3) Recall how Ivan-Tsarevich was equipped.

(Ivan was very quickly gathered in search of his wife. He feels his guilt, understands the non-deposition of his act. Understands that he is coming complex, long tests. He is not afraid, dare, rushes on the road.)

2. Meeting with an old man.

Reading in faces.


1) Why does an old old man appear in the fairy tale? What personifies people in the image of an old man?(Wisdom, life experience.)

2) What advice gets Ivan from the sage? Does the instructions of Tsarevich listens whether they do them?(Now Ivan became attentive to the comments of others: Listening to the senior advice, the life experience itself is gaining.)

3. Meeting Ivan Tsarevich with a bear, spleen, hare, pike.

Reading in faces. Questions:

1) Why did Tsarevich wanted to kill these animals?

2) What makes him regret them?

3) Call previously not named properties of Ivan-Tsarevich's soul.

(Tsarevich Holoden, but did not kill animals. He loves animals. It guessed that the promises of the forest inhabitants will definitely come true.)

4. Koshcheev oak.

Retelling the episode, the description of the oak is read by heart.


1) Why in a fairy tale is invented by Ivan-Tsarevich with Baba-Yaga?

2) Doba Baba Yaga or not?(She helps the hero, tells where to find the death of Koscheyev. Baba Yaga in a long-standing old times was considered good. This is a spirit that protect dwelling at night they are all evil, lich, troubles. This kind spirit settled in the neighboring forests. And at night, When the light was stuffed in the hut, Yaga came out of his forest shelter and watched the rest of the village, with the onset of the morning she returned to himself. Presentations of people have changed over time, and Baba Yaga from Good Spirit turned into an evil.)

3) Why was the death of Koshiya was placed on such a mighty tree? What personifies this oak?(Description of the oak is the greatest difficulty in the path of Ivan-Tsarevich, with which he needs to cope. Therefore, it is helping to overcome this barrier good forces In the form of animals.)

4) What is he, Ivan-Tsarevich? What are the best features of the Russian people embodied in the literary hero?

III. Generalization.

So, in front of us a bold hero, which saved my respect for the reader by the fact that he is decisive, fair, kind, knows how to recognize his wrongness, fights against Koschey.


1. Did you like the fairy tale?

2. What did she teach you?

3. Is it possible to agree with the saying "good always wins evil"?

I. V. . Final word Teacher.

Russian folk fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog" tells how heroes are achieving good and justice, undergo heavy trials. Heroes seek to connect with each other, because by them drives one of best feelings On Earth - love.

Homework: Read the fairy tale "Ivan - Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo" (p. 28-38).

Name:Ivan-Tsarevich (Ivan Korolevich)

Country: Rus

Creator: slavic folklore

Activity: Tsarevich

Family status: Married

Ivan-Tsarevich: character history

Hero of Russian folk fairy tales. It usually passes through a series of tests, solves some complicated and risky task, performs heroic acts. The father of the hero is called the king of Berendia, and the spouses in different fairy tales The daughter (tale of O), then Marya Morrevna is a steppe warrior and carrier of the witchcraft strength, then.

History of creation

Russian folk tales about Ivan Tsarevich are usually built by a certain pattern. The hero has older relatives - the origins of Ivan at the beginning of the fairy tale of the sisters and brothers over which the hero is extolled in the final. The king father promises his son to a certain powerful exterior counterpart (sea or underground king) or a wizard before the birth of Ivan. The fabulous plot can describe how the hero runs from the possessions of such a character.

The crowned Tsarevich also goes to the wanderings to find a kind of magic thing or an animal (for example, a fire-bird that flies into the king's garden and pecks there with molding apples). On the road, the Hero is found an assistant animal (for example, grey Wolf).

Tsarevich can save the magic horse, and it remains in the service of the hero. Animal assistant returns deceased hero To life or kills the enemies of Ivan-Tsarevich (for example, evil brothers). Row fabulous scenes Also linked with the search for the missing wife, which Ivan-Tsarevich kidnapped the evil immortal magician of the wagon. A typical assistant in the fight against blasting is a forest witch.

Image and plot

The image of Ivan-Tsarevich in Russian folk fairy tales has a dual characteristic. how positive character Ivan-Tsarevich appears in those plots where struggles with evil and helps weak. The hero himself may not know that he is the royal son, to be lost in childhood.

At the beginning of the fairy tale, the hero pursue the enemies, Ivan Pohele. The royal dignity of the hero returns at the end of the fairy tales. As a reward for perfect exploits, he gets the throne, finds the parents who lost him.

If the hero starts the way, already being Tsarevich, then at the end of the fairy tales of Ivan the wife-princess, half of someone else's kingdom, a magical horse or a magical subject as a reward.

In those plots, where Ivan Tsarevich is opposed to the hero of "from the people", for example, the fishing son, Tsarevich himself becomes a negative character. Here Ivan-Tsarevich demonstrates anger and hemita, trying to take away from the positive heroes award that they deserved, or to destroy them at all. In the final, Tsarevich remains alive, but punished and posted.


Ivan-Tsarevich once appeared in the cinema and many times - in cartoons. The hero appeared in soviet cartoons "Tsarevna Frog" (1954 and 1971), and "Vasilisa beautiful" (1977). In the 1985 film bar of the exit "After the rain on Thursday", the role of Ivan Tsarevich is played by actor Vladislav Toldov.

In 2011, the first picture was published from the Ivan-Tsarevich and Gray Wolf cartoon cycle. Studio animation cinema "Mill". Ivan here begins as a simple rustic guy.

The hero dreams of becoming a firefighter, but accidentally turns out to be the "first oncoming", for which the angry king-father under the hot hand decides to issue his daughter who threw him - Tsarevna Vasilis. Heroes, against the will declared the bride and groom, fall in love with each other, but they have a lot of tests ahead.

In the second cartoon cycle, Ivan-Tsarevich executes the functions of the military minister and tightly busy state casesWhile the wife of the hero, Vasilisa, languishes from idleness.

Heroes quarrel, and to river them, king and cat scientist decide to arrange a comic abduction of Vasilisa and attract the former villain to this case, and now circus artist . The abduction, however, quickly ceases to be comic ...

In the third cartoon cycle, Tsar-Batyushka is retired, and in Trident kingdom The main thing remains Ivan together with the gray wolf. An optional hero is sent with Vasilisa to a wedding trip on the carpet-plane, throwing the kingdom to the arbitrariness of frightened, which comes to life and establishes its own orders in the kingdom ...

About when the fourth part of the cartoon will be released, there is no accurate information yet. In the cartoons of the animation studio "Mill" hand drawn Ivan Tsarevich voicing the actor.

In 2013, the Ukrainian cartoon "How to catch the feather of the feather-birds" was released on the screens, where Ivan-Tsarevich goes to seek the firebird, obeying the will of the Father - Tsar Berendeya. In the cartoon, the classic elements of Russian folk fairy tales are combined with modern humor and musical accompaniment In the genre of rock music.

  • Ivan-Tsarevich, as well as other characters of Russian folklore, repeatedly inspired artists. The character was especially loved, the master of folk painting (the paintings "Fight Ivan Tsarevich with a snake", "Ivan-Tsarevich on a gray wolf"). The painting "Ivan-Tsarevich and Frog-Kubashka", owned by the brush, artist of the end of the XIX - the first half of the twentieth century.
  • In 1975, the studio "Diafstilm" released Color Film in the Fairy Tale "Ivan-Tsarevich and Gray Wolf", created by the artist P. Bagin.

  • The name Ivan-Tsarevich took itself as the name of the Russian folk metal group, founded in 1999. The group works at the junction of heavy metal and folk-epic motifs. Looked three studio album. Famous song Groups - Living Metal.
  • Among the characters of the science fiction writer, the creator of the cycle of books about, there is a certain citizen named Ivan Ivanovich Tsarevich.

  • Ivan-Tsarevich became the character "Girl" computer Game "Wedding Vasilisa." The game is made based on the cartoon "Mill" studio. In the game Vasilisa chooses a dress and in every way preparing for own weddingFor which you need to decorate the chambers, bake a cake, send invitations and so on.
  • In 2012, Egmont Russia LTD publisher issued a children's book "Ivan Tsarevich and a gray wolf. In the thirty kingdom of the authorship of Sergei Georgiev.

  • Moscow Theater Commonwealth of Taganka actors under the leadership set a fabulous performance for children "Ivan-Tsarevich, gray wolf and others" with original costumes. For example, Koschey in the formulation goes in the form of a German officer of the Second World War.
  • The Masters of the Ural Stamneza Workshop "Svyatogor" was released in 2012-2015 a series of jewelry figurines of unusually skilled work from a diverse stone, a fossil tree and metal. Figurines depict the characters of Russian folk fairy tales. Among them there is one, depicting Ivan-Tsarevich riding on a gray wolf, which rushes away from the chase along with the abducted Elena beautiful.


"I am her from all sorts of trouble. Live, rejoice yes children give birth! So there is no, give her reforms! And the skin of the face is spoiled and skin skin. And what mother are you after that, if all from work is tired and ugly? "
"You're already here? Well done! And said: "Why workout, why workout?"
"It is not right! They will say, Natophut - will not push around! "
"Ivan: - Why do you pretend?
Snake Gorynych: - What is I pretending to?
Ivan: - You pretend to be evil, and you are kind.
Snake Gorynych: - You are thinking about what you say. I said - the axis evil. "

Deceptber 10th, 2010

Russian folk fairy tale - like every folk tale, the concept is special and peculiar. The Russian fairy tale, of course, has its own laws, there are its own stories and buildings. There are her heroes - both with one and on the other hand. A series of characteristic participants of the Russian fairy tale represents interesting images: Images of mercenary and funny authority, straightforward, naive and often mindless heroism, wise folk insight, lyutoo sophisticated malice and cruelty, near truth, and touching, satisfaction. In the Russian folk fairy tale, the heroes are fighting not only with other forces - raids of the interemphetics and unclean power - but also with their compatriots.
Russian tales are unique in their structure, content, fabulous heroes. Only in the fairy tales of the Russian people pronounced the character and spirit of our person. Until now, we continue to tell our kids fairy tales, about which we in turn learned from the older generation.
As a rule, all Russian folk tales are several species. The most ancient were affected tales of the Russian people - this is a legend where the main characters of the beasts, birds and other "brothers smaller", in them all actions, thoughts and feelings of people moved to animals. Another variety is household fairy tales of people. The main characters in them are ordinary people. And finally, the third appearance is a fairy tale about magic, magic, transformations.

one). Ivan Tsarevich

Ivan - Tsarevich - the hero of Russian magical fairy tales. the main thing actor In a plurality of fabulous plots (for example, "Tsarevna - Frog", "Ivan - Tsarevich and a gray wolf", "Molding apples", "Finist - Clear Falcon", "Dead Tsarevna", "One-eyed, double eye and three-chapk").
Many researchers consider Ivan - Tsarevich the perfect fabulous hero. Indeed, in the fairy tale Ivan - Tsarevich is always depicted as a young, beautiful, active and brave hero.
N. V. Novikov believes that the image of Ivan - Tsarevich was influenced by the heroic epic. Traces of such influence are manifested in such motifs as the acquisition of the hectares, fights with monsters, returning to the life of the deceased Hero.
V. Ya. Proppet corrected the image of Ivan - Tsarevich with the oldest mythological characters who die every year and resurrect, starting new life (Osiris, Yarila).

Common Plots:
One of the most common stories about Ivan - Tsarevich - "Ivan - Tsarevich and a gray wolf". The plot tape is connected with the fact that a mysterious thief fell into the royal garden. It turns out the heat - a bird.
Ivan -TSarevich is trying to catch her, but only the golden feather misses and mine.
By order of the king, the Tsarevichi brothers are sent in search of a magic bird. On the way, they part and continue their way apart.
Ivan - Tsarevich meets the magic assistant - a gray wolf, he helps the hero to get not only the heat - bird, but also a magic horse, and the beauty of the bride. On the way back, Ivan - Tsarevich meets brothers who kill him and take everything he got. Gray Wolf saves Ivan - Tsarevich, he returns home and exposes the deceivers. The fairy tale ends with a wedding pear.

2). Ivan-Dol

Ivan-Fool - a character of Russian magic fairy tales.
Researchers did not come to an unequivocal opinion on the origin of this image. EAT. Meletyansky believes that the image of the gone hero was borrowed magic fairy tale of mythological traditionsSince individual motifs that constitute the plots of fairy tales about Ivan, are common in mythology of different nations.
Ivan is the third and younger of the brothers. He appears in the peasant family, but most often does not deal any useful work, unlike the older brothers - calculating, home owners. Nevertheless, the Ivan's brothers never reach the goal, while he, on the contrary, acquires wealth and happiness.
The image of Ivan - the fool penetrated not only in the magical, but also in household fairy tale. But there it is so much different from this sample described, which can be said about its full independence.

Common Plots:
At the beginning of any plot, Ivan turns out to be an absolute outsider. The fairy tale says that Ivan lies with all day after the furnace or spends time in Kabak. The hero is transformed only after the death of the father. He willingly replaces the brothers on the grave of the Father and receives a well-deserved award, a magical horse. Ivan hides the horse from the brothers and, using it, conquers Tsarevna. Sometimes the hero has to not only fight for the princess, but also take part in the guessing and riddling the riddles. Ivan is guessing all the riddles, his riddles can not solve no one. He married a princess, Ivan makes several feats and mined magic items: Molding apples, live water, the pig is a gold bristle. Then he becomes king, and the plot ends.
In the second version of the plots about Ivan - Fool, the hero of Karaulit Garden, in which the mysterious thief is closed at night. At night, Ivan discovers that the thief is a wonderful mare. She flies into the garden and pulls the grass. Sometimes instead of a mare in the plot there is a heat - bird.
Ivan first catches, and then he lets the captive magic creature to them and receives a magical horse as a reward. The heat - bird leaves him also his feather. Seeing the feather, the king makes Ivan go to search for the heat - birds. During the trip, Ivan miners not only the heat - bird, but also other magic items: a cat is a toyness, a ring. The beauty is also becoming a beautiful bride.
Using the second of the named species of the plot of Ivan - Fool, P.P. Ershov wrote a fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok".

3). Vasilisa (Elena) beautiful (led)

Vasilisa (Elena) is beautiful (led) - probably the most famous positive heroine of Russian folklore. The very name of the heroine of Vasilisa has a Greek origin and means "tsarist", "royal", "owned by the king."
IN greek mythology Vasilee - daughter Zeus. Sometimes Vasilisa (Elena) is a merchant daughter or granddaughter of the maritime (other) king: "Vasilisa arrived beautiful to the sea and began to call her grandfather. The waves were swollen, and the old grandfather rose from the water - he had a golden beard, a silver hair on his head ... "(" Veusive Sleep ". Tale). In some works of Folklore Vasilisa - the relative of Baba Yaga (her niece), which provides her powerful support.
Vasilisa is good. This is a slim blurdy girl with a golden or blond oblique to a belt. In the context of folk fairy tales, the words "reminded" and "beautiful" - synonyms: nothing is worth the beauty without mind - it is too fragile and unreliable category. Walked, in aggregate with the humility and rich knowledge, makes an attractive any person regardless of age and natural data.
TO characteristic features Vasilisa include its natural talents: she is needlewoman (can weave, embroider, sew, spin, bake bread, etc.) and a wizard (knows the language of animals and birds, trained in sorcery, owns magic objects and servants).
Vasilisa has a good, duplicate character - she never reproaches her husband (groom) for the victims of them and always finds that means that will help him out of trouble.
Thus, Vasilisa is the image of an ideal Russian woman, she is the highest award of the hero. For the sake of it are committed rolling feats. From love for her, the hero (even a fool) makes it impossible: hears through the horsepower ear, dives into boiling milk and eventually becomes king worthy of his smart and beautiful wife.
Common Plots:
Vasilisa becomes his wife fabulous herowho will have several impossible tasks. With the help of your natural skills, as well as magic, it helps her husband cope with the tasks.
Another common plot exploits the theme of the persuasion, diligence and smelts of Vasilisa. The merchant lived and he had only 1 daughter. The daughters were 8 years old when her mother died. Before his death presented her mother's daughter doll. The doll was not simple: as soon as the grief happened, the doll had to feed and tell about the mountain, she immediately helped in trouble. The merchant married the second time on the widow who had two daughters. Vasilisa was colorful, they envied her and tormented her different works. However, Vasilisa coped with everything. No one knew that she had a magic doll. Once, Vasilisa was sent to Baba Yaga behind fire, which does not let anyone with himself and eat people. Baba Yaga Vasilisa performs all the work, for which she gives her skull. Vasilisa brings a skull home and he burns his gaze with her daughters. Vasilisa in the morning buried the skull in the ground and went to the city. She lived there in a woman. The doll helped weaken and sew the king the most beautiful shirt. The king, having received a gift and seeing Vasilis, married her.

four). Baba Yaga
Baba Yaga (Original - Yaga Baba) is one of the most archaic, and therefore the most complex and multidimensional images of Russian folklore. The Yaga woman's image coincides with the external signs of the witch (see Witch) - untidy, ugly angry old women with a long hook nose and gray cosmas. But this similarity ends.
Interesting hypotheses about the origin of the Baba Yaga set, but undoubtedly one thing: Baba Yaga is a great-granddaughter of all things, although this truth in folklore is expressed dotted, being buried under the hospital of later layers.
Perhaps Baba Yaga, like many other ancient female images (Moira, Park, Norna), once was a triple deity. Inter-ethnic myths about the forthices of fate, which Tkut invisible goddesses, did not go and Babu Yagu: It is she who gives the searches of the tangle of threads leading along the road of life, and in special cases this thread is golden:
Baba Yaga - the ruler and the hostess of the three-part world: the lower, middle and top. She is subordinate to the red (sun), water, ledy, perfume swamps, kimaria and mermaids. Baba Yaga is a sorceress, a wizard, a forest demon. More often she is alone, although sometimes in fabulous texts we encounter her daughters. Baba Yaga is in relationship with a wicked immortal, Vasilisa's beautiful mother; Friends with the snake of Gorynych (knows all their secrets). She lives in the distant deaf forest, has its own "transport" (stue, movable with pester and darling), her dormant voice is heard at a huge distance.
As the ancestor who left the life of all living people (her dwelling is located on the edge of the forest - the border dividing the world of living and the world of dead), Baba Yaga often provides benefits in difficult situation Young people.
When compliance with the hero (heroine) of the required behaviors or availability relatives She does not refuse to help seekers of happiness, providing them with magic objects, as well as instructions regarding their further action. Baba Yaga is true: she uses her power to punish the villains: burns the stepmother for the persecution of Vasilis, indicates Ivan Tsarevich (and the other) the path to victory over the blazing immortal. Keeper folk customs, she herself keeps hospitality rites and requires respect for traditions from others.
Common Plots:
Stepmother sends the badge to her sister Baba Yaga to her sister, as if he was behind the needle and thread (in fact it was size signAccording to which Baba Yaga recognized that the sister sent her another sacrifice for the excitement). In the house of Yagi, Padderitsa was waiting for numerous obstacles: the cat tried to scratch her eyes; Dogs, gates and Bereza did not let out of the house. Baba Yaga instructed the girl to work (weave), and at this time he ordered her maid to squeeze her, pre-wash in the bath. On the advice of his native aunt, the padchier bribed the servants of Baba-Yagi Dariy (gave the cat meat, bandaged a red ribbon birch, presented a handkerchief and the like.), And they helped her to escape. The girl appealed for help to his father, and he punished (for other versions, killed) the evil stepmother.
Another group of plots more fully reveals the image of the Yaga's women as a wise ruler and the Pramateria of the whole. In these fairy tales, heroes, without frightened her bad glory, come to the Baba Yaga for advice or go to her service, for which they are always rewarded

five). Koschei the Deathless

Koschey (or sometimes with each other) Immortal - one of the most vibrant fabulous characters, producing an indelible impression on the listener, especially in the children's audience.
The plots in which this image is present is always forced to empathize the main character - Ivan Tsarevich, worrying for his fate, since his opponent is strong, powerful and, as it seems, invulnerable. In addition, from an ordinary point of view, the image of the wagon in fairy tales is perceived as uniquely negative.
Actually, the image of the blasphemy of the immortal is one of the options of the enemy's origin of the hero, without which the test could take place, which translates the hero to the new stage of its fabulous being. The image of Koschery, like Baba Yagi, has a mythological basis ascending to deep antiquity.
Epitts accompanying the name of the character, and often perceived as its integral part. These are the definitions of "frown", "soulless", "immortal". All of them, from the point of view of mythopoietic consciousness, allow you to qualify to blame as a creature belonging to the "other" fabulous world. The epithet "Pogan" indicates the opposition to the womb of the world "Holy", Christian, which reflects the elements of traditional worldview relating to the religious sphere at a certain stage of historical reality.
On the perception of the won the immortal as a representative of the "other" death, death, indicate the characteristics of its location. The kingdom of Koschery is very far: the hero has to go to the "glue the light, at the very end" it.
Exterior appearance Koshchi in fairy tales is quite fuzzy. There are usually no texts full portrait this character, and meet only separate characteristics, mostly clearly indicating the mythological nature of the image. One of the most frequently mentioned signs is age. Koschey Immortal is depicted as an old, "gray-haired old man", "Drying man."
A misfortune is attributed to the mismuneration in fairy tales, which probably contributes to maintaining his strength, exorbitant prugdrates brings his image with mythological ideas about death, the essence of which is characterized by a constant sense of hunger.
how fabulous character, belonging to a different world, the immortal is the owner of not only indiscrect wealth, but also wonderful things. So, he has a magic sword of the self-sammer, there is an extraordinary horse. Horse wagon is immortalized by different fantastic abilities.
Interestingly, the fact that blazes in fairy tales as if immortal, but always dies. His death is emitted and hidden so far and reliably, which is miraculously always in the right moment The main character, after which Koschey dies. Such a conditionally immortal image.

Common Plots:

Koschey Immortal takes a heroine to the edge of light into his home. She falls out of him where hidden Koshcheev death, transmits the secret to the hero to the ridder, who mines the death of the won the immortal, and he dies.

6). Zmey Gorynych

Snake Gorynych - the inhabitant of Russian epics and fairy tales, a representative of an evil principle, dragon, different options C 3, 6, 7, 9 or 12 heads. It is associated with fire and water, flies across the sky, but simultaneously correlates with earth and water - with the river, hole, cave, where he has been hidden by wealth, abducted princess (or three princes), a noble bride, "Russian polons". There is also a numerous offspring of Snake Gorynych - "Smereyshi". Snake Gorynych is not always clearly distinguish between other similar images - snakes Tugarin, Zmiylan, fiery snakes, just snakes and the like characters. The appearance of the Snake Gorynych is accompanied by a formidable noise, as "rain will rack" and "thunder thunder". The main weapon of the snake Gorynych - fire.
On one of the versions, with time ancient myth Acquired a new color: snakes began to be perceived as the embodiment of paganism, and all the episodes turned into an allegory of adoption of Christianity. In the folk consciousness, Zmey Gorynych gradually became associated with a sub-cunning person.

The name of the Snake Gorynych sends to the image of a fiery snake, known as in Slavic (for example, Serbian snakes Fire wolf) and in other traditions (the Iranian Azhi Dahaka, literally - "Snake Gorynych", Gorynych as Gorynya, Baba Goryninka and others - from the verb "burn" and only secondly from the word "mountain": sometimes the motive of the serpent Gorynych appears on the mountain) . As for the modern perception of this character, then some seen the effort of the forces of the Terrible Element in it, in particular the tornado, others see it even a giant Mongol-Chinese flamethrower. There is an opinion that snakes Gorynych had quite real preams As a certain relic dinosaur, but at the same time, everyone immediately stipulates that there is no actual confirmation of this hypothesis.

Common stories:

In the eponymists of Gorynych ("Luta Snake" ...) usually appears in the plot of "Dobryny Nikitich and Snake Gorynych", in the two of his climax: the first time, when Dobryny Nikitich bathes in the Poocha River, and the second time when the same Bogatyr descends in the holes of the Snake Gorynych and frees the niece of Prince Vladimir's fun Putyath.
The fabulous snakes Gorynych is doing the same than the epic. Robitis, eats people and seduces women. In fairy tales, he can wrap a kind wellhead, stone, broom, etc. As in the eponymies, Ivan-Tsarevich or Bogatyr kills the villain, banging his head (several goals). Communication with the epics is clearly traced in the fairy tale "Ivan Bykovich", where the main character Before killing the seminal snake (Miracle Yudo), throws a handful of earth and blinds the monster. As well as in the fairy tale "Nikita Kozhemyaka" in which the snake kidnaps tsar's daughter And forcibly marrying on it. Nikita Kozhemyak beats with a snake, but the forces turn out to be equal, and he offers the monster to conclude a global agreement and divided the land equally. When it comes to the divorce of the sea, snake floats to the middle of the sea with a henate on his back, and there Nikita Kozhemyak kills him.
In fairy tales with the snake Gorryna, a number of motives are connected: the snakes of Gorynych fell in love with princess; He teaches her brother-Tsarevich's lime, but he dies being broken by the "hunt" of Ivan-Tsarevich. In later legends, the snakes Gorynych often has a human appearance. In the fairy tale, the "wonderful shirt" serves as a cook at Ivan - a merchant son after being defeated by him. But in return for the kindness of the chief hero, the snake seduces his wife Elena beautiful, it does not entail with her Ivan, but he dies. A similar situation is in the fairy tale "Bird's milk". In this taught the serpent Zmeyshevich is a court prince, becomes his wife's lover and makes kill the hero in order to seize power in his kingdom. In this plot, the echoes of the eponym "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Zmeyshevich clearly heard. In the epics, the enemy of the hero - snakes in the house of Prince and has a love relationship with Princess.

7). Marya Morrevna (Girl Siegyglazka, Tsar-Maiden, Usonsh-Bogatlish, White Swan Zharivna, Queen of Copper Mountain,)

Marya Morrevna is a collective designation of a woman - heroes, Slavic Amazon and the ruler. This image is echoing with the Aryan Valkiyi.
According to one interpretation, Morava - from the word "Ma" - death; According to others, the image of the "steppe hero" or "king-maiden" refers to the matriarchal ideas. Fairy tales in which the Russian tsar-maiden belongs in most cases to the type of juzy, or so calling. "Heroian feats." Such a beauty is known in the fairy tales of old and nobility (ωραία του κόσμου), Larring and Corsican (La Belle Aux Cheveaux D "OR), Hungarian (T Ü Nder Illona), German, Italian (Regina Angelica, Belisandra), Albanian (Bucure Dheut ), Bulgarian and Serbian, Polish and Czech (D ĕva Zlatovtaskà), Maloruskiy (Zlatokos), Romanian (Ileana Simzean) and many others.
Compared with similar images of Bogatyuria, the image of a woman - heroes schematically. There are no descriptions of its heroic strength in the fairy tale, the scenes of fights are reported only on the results of battles. In addition, the heroine - heroes more often enjoys magic than power.

Common Plots:
The image of the heroine - heroes is presented in many plots - "Molding apples", "Tale of the three kingdoms", "Marya - Morrevna".
Heroine - Bogatursh lives in his own maiden kingdom. To get into it, the hero has to overcome many obstacles. In most plots, the hero gets there on a magic horse, which he gives old women - helpers. Often in this role acts Baba Yaga. The assistants warn the hero about the hazards waiting and help him return.
Reaching the girl's kingdom, the hero is producing the most magical object that is necessary for him (Moldable apples, living water, magic bird). He also deprives the king of the chastity king. As a rule, this happens during her magical (heroic) sleep.
After leaving the hero, the king - the girl wakes up, collects the maiden army and goes into pursuit. However, the hero has time to cross the border magic world Or hidden by magic helpers.
Without catching the hero. The king - the maiden returns to his kingdom, after a while her sons are born. When they grow up, the king - the maiden collects the army and comes to the kingdom of the hero. There, children will recognize their father. The fairy tale ends with a wedding.
The plot of Marya Morrevne is built somewhat in-one. In it, the heroine takes captivity of the immortal. Putting him to the dungeon, the Bogatar starts to carry a guard on the border of his kingdom. There is a meeting with Ivan - Tsarevich. Bogatyrs enter the duel, Ivan - Tsarevich wins.
After the wedding, the heroes go to the kingdom of Mary Morrevna. Its gone to persuasion, Ivan - Tsarevich releases from the dungeon of Kashna, who abducts Marwa - Moravn and takes it into his kingdom.
Ivan - Tsarevich goes in search of his wife. On the way, he meets three old women who show him the way to the kingdom of Kashna. Reaching there, the hero is trying to take Marjo Morazn, but fails.
Only having learned the secret of death Kashcheia, Ivan - Tsarevich comes out by the winner during the deadly fight. Heroes return to the kingdom of Mary Morrevna.

eight). Emelya

Emelya (Karmushkin) - the character of the Russian folk fairy tale "By whining the velin". Emploral family do not admit to serious affairs. He is extremely lazy: the daughters have to raise him to fulfill any, even a simple job. The only thing that can commemorate him to action is the promise of the hotels to which he is a Fall. This is hidden, at first glance, invisible irony, the name of Emelyan on one of the versions in Translation from Latin means "hardworking". However, this one would seem to be an unattractive character possesses the qualities that make it a real hero: he is clever and lucky.
Emely, actively deny any social normsis a typical trikester. Trixter - Archaic character of early mythology of almost all nations of the Earth and at the same time - one of the fundamental characters human culture. It is distinguished by a density, impulsiveness, ability to reincarnate; Speakers both the Creator and the Destroyer; It happens a cheater and sacrifice of deception.

Such characters in the global folklore appear during periods of social stress when there is a need for changes in society. This is the situation when the "form" begins to bonded over the "content", which grew out of its framework, and law-abiding citizens are not able to achieve transformations, since too "tied" to current standards and structures.

So in the fairy tale schuye village": And with the princess was wrong (the entire palace was filled with tears, the coremaker: or just a whim, whether she was sissing in the wards of Monarshi, or the premonitions of tomatov ...), and the war came up ... it became necessary to have a trickster. But Emelya does not behave in this capacity as Ivan-Tsarevich: And for the thirty lands did not go, and with the snake of Gorynych did not fight ... And the successes and feats were accomplished thanks to the speaker pike.

Common Plots:
Emelya managed to catch the magic pike in the hole and get from her bare hands magic power. At first, Emelya uses the acquired gift for domestic purposes. Riding on the furnace is one of the bright episodes of the fairy tales. Among the folklorists, there is an opinion that this item indicates the royal nature of Emelia, which until time remains " dark horse", And subsequently discovers its heroic, outstanding essence.
Indeed, it is rumors about the Barskoye driving and complaints of victims forcing the king to pay attention to an innovative of their subjects. Emel lure into the palace with the help of gifts, and the king makes it a claim, which, in essence, is limited to oral reprimand. Emelya at that time he managed to get a royal daughter, so when he goes home, she begins to raise and demands to return the peasant son. The king agrees, but when Emelya arrives the second time, inspires him together with Marya-Tsarevna in a barrel and throws into the sea. However, the magic gift and then heroes the hero: the spell "at a prominent vein, in my opinion" throws the barrel to the shore, builds the palace and turns the Emel in his handsome (at the request of the girl). The king, seeing the new castle on his land, angry and comes to look at the height. He will not recognize the emblem who has changed, and only during the meal, the hero opens his face and remembers the king of the villain. The king is scared, recognizes the power of Emelie and the fact that he is worthy to become his son-in-law. Like many Russian fairy tales, the story ends with a wedding.

nine). Firebird

Firebird - a fabulous bird, a character of Russian fairy tales, is usually the goal of finding a hero. Fire-bird feathers have the ability to shine and their shine amazed the sight of a person. Fire-bird fiery bird, her feathers shine silver and gold (at the firewall feathers red-tested), wings as flames, and their eyes glow as a crystal. In size, it reaches peacock.
Firebird lives in the Garden of Iria, in the Golden Cage. At night, it crashes out of it and illuminates the garden, so bright as thousands of lit lights. The catch of the febrile is conjugate with great difficulties and is one of the main tasks that the king (father) sons in the fairy tale. It is possible to get a fire-bird only younger Son. Mythologists (Afanasyev) explained the fire-bird in the form of the impersonation of fire, light, the sun. Firebird feeds on gold apples giving youth, beauty and immortality; When she sings, pearls suprate from her beak.
The singing of heat-birds heals patients and returns sights blind. Leaving aside arbitrary mythological explanations, you can compare the firebird with medieval, very popular and in Russian, and in western European literature Stories about Bird Phoenix, reborn from ash. The prototype of the firebird is peacock. Molding apples, in turn, can be compared with the fruits of a pomegranate tree, favorite treaty of phoenixes.
Every year, in the fall, the firebird is dying, and in the spring is being revived. Sometimes you can find the feather feather from the tail of the poultry, entered in the dark room, it will replace the strongest lighting.
Over time, such a feather turns into gold. For fish-birds, a gold cage with apples inside, like a trap. It is impossible to catch her bare hands, as you can burn about her plumage.

Common stories

In the fairy tale "Ivan-Tsarevich and a gray wolf", the main character pulls the feather from the tail of the febris, which flies at night in the garden of his father to peck gold apples. Seeing the feather, the king is no longer able to think anything else except the festivals, and as a result, it sends all his sons to get a wonderful bird. Approximately the same action has a fiery feather on the king from the fairy tale "Fire-Bird and Vasilisa Tsarevna". And for the Sagittarius, who presented as a gift to the king of the feather, this gift turns around a series of almost impracticable tasks. But, as in most fairy tales, the positive hero passes through all the tests and gains happiness.
In the fairy tale "Tsar-Maiden", the main character causes fire-bird with a tube-jagi pipe. The flying fiery bird picks up Ivan Tsarevich and takes it away from the evil witch. Baba Yaga only has time to pull out a few feathers from the tail of the poultry.

10). Ilya Muromets

Ilya Muromets (full epic name - Ilya Muromets Son Ivanovich) - one of the main characters of the Russian epic epic, the warrior, embodying the people's ideal of the warrior hero, folk intercessor. It appears in the Kiev cycle of the epic: "Ilya Muromets and the nightingale-robber", "Ilya Muromets and Idolische Pogano", "Quarrel of Ilya Muromsz with Prince Vladimir."
In the fate of the heroes of the world epic, a miracle plays a considerable role - and in the most important moments their lives: this is a wonderful birth (a woman eats the fruit, a piece of fish, drinks some water, etc.), unprecedented fast growth, the acquisition of force, invulnerability, immortality, preposed death ... Great epic heroes Marked miracle sign. Ilya Muromets marked three times.
Ilya does not occupy with the court of prince no position. He's like himself. He is independent, rarely lives in Kiev, but every time it turns out on the spot when Kiev threatens danger. A stable image of the first (according to the value) of the Russian hero, the Ataman of the Bogatyr squad, a majestic elder.
The most important feat of Ilya is the defeat of the Tatar invasion. The invasion itself is described as ambitious and terrible.
Common Plots:
According to the eponym, the Bogatyr Ilya Muromets under 33 years old "did not own" with his hands and legs, and then got wonderful healing From the elders (or call perversion). When they, having come to the house to Ilya, when there was no one except him, they ask him to get up and bring them to drink. Ilya answered it: "I don't have any hands, no legs, sit thirty years on a commander." They re-ask Ilya to get up and bring them water. After that, Ilya rises, goes to waterpath and brings water. The elders are veyd Ilya to drink water. Ilya after the second drink feels exorbitant strength, and he is given to drink the third time to reduce the power. After the elder, Ilya say that he must go to the service for the prince Vladimir. At the same time, they mention that on the way to Kiev there is a non-heightened stone with the inscription, which Ilya should also "visit". After Ilya, she says goodbye to his parents, brothers and relatives and departs "To the Upoln City of Kiev" and comes first "to that calamine still." On the stone was written the call for Ilya to move the stone from the stationary place. There he will find the horse of Bogatyr, weapon and armor. Ilya pushed the stone and found everything that was written there. Horse he said: "Ay you are a horse of the Bogatyr! Serve - you are faithful to me. " After that, Ilya jumps to the prince Vladimir.
In the eponym "Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets" tells how Ilya Muromets studied at the Sagra; And dying, he blew into him the spirit of the Bogatlish, why the strength was added to Ilya, and gave his sword to Kladenian.
To be continued