Examples of heroism in modern wars of the 21st century. Heroes of our time - the exploits of ordinary people

Examples of heroism in modern wars of the 21st century. Heroes of our time - the exploits of ordinary people
Examples of heroism in modern wars of the 21st century. Heroes of our time - the exploits of ordinary people

students 7, 8 classes



Heroes of the 21st century

Upon learning of the contest of writings, I thought: "Is there a place for heroism in our day? Whether the work of war ... "The world is known for the heroic resistance of Moscow defenders, Stalingrad. And I turned to the Internet, scoring in the search for "Examples of heroism in our time." What was my surprise, when in the reports only for November - December I saw a lot of examples of courage and courage of a wide variety of people, young and not very, men and women. Judge for yourself.

Mikhail Makaret, Military from the Kemerovo Region, saved two children in a fire. Evgeny Pavlov, a policeman from the Primorsky Territory, saved by a burrow. Mikhail Kotogarov, schoolboy Tula region, saved brothers in a fire. And this list can be continued for a long time. Geography of such exploits, namely, I can call the behavior of people, great. Someone can say that the duty of police and firefighters is to save people. But after all, there are duties almost all, but is there any person doing them, risks life?

IN Ancient Greece The hero was considered the "valiant husband, the leader." He had to be a man of exceptional courage and valor. In Sparta even conducted "selection" of strong newborns. The times have changed, and now the hero can be a person who does not think at all. He just happens no time to realize, he will make a feat or not.

March 28, 2012 during the teachings of soldiers in the Amur region, the 19-year-old ordinary failed grenade. The ammunition fell into the edge of Bruzier, and flew into the row, where other soldiers stood. Major Sergey Sunchetnik instantly realized what happened, pushed the soldier who was confused and covered with a grenade. After a half hour, Major died on the operating table from the wounds. Maybe someone does not consider him a hero, but parents of saved guys, I am sure that the rest of life will pray to God for the soul of this person, and the future children will remember Solhennik and to call the hero.

Our life is not standing on the spot, but go forward. But there is a place in it. The hero can be anyone who makes good actions from clean Heart. After all, big heroism is born from small deeds.

Mironenko Vladimir, student 7 "a" class.

Heroes of the 21st century.

Who are the characters? A man is born with a hero or becoming? Surely, these questions are bothering me alone. Who can be considered the hero of our time? Everyone will respond to its own. Someone believes that the hero is the one who has an unmerced force, insane courage, endurance, and for someone, the concept of heroism remained unchanged.

I would call modern hero man with open good soul. Sometimes he creates good to the detriment of his health. Preparing for the composition, I read the words of the Czech writer Gabriel Lauba: "Heroes are needed per minute of danger, and the rest of the time they are dangerous." I can not agree with such an opinion. The more people who can rush to help another, the less dangers in our lives. The heroes are not needed themselves, we need people, people.

Some of my peers believe that the heroes of our days are famous actors, musicians, politicians. They, they say, have achieved a lot in life. I do not argue with them, but I admire other people who managed to overcome physical pain, fear that dream of the glory of the Motherland. An example of such heroism for me is associated with the victory of our Paralympic team in the last Olympiad in Vancouver in March 2010. They have significantly less opportunities to be strong. But they are against the fate, the price of considerable effort, both their own and their loved ones, overcame their ailment, their helplessness so that the entire Planet heard "the sound of the anthem of their country."

One of the heroes of this Olympiad - Irek Zaripov, who won five gold awards. Several years ago, he got into a heavy car accident, lost both legs. And after such an injury began to train, participate in competitions, to fight not only with his rivals, and above all with himself. And the victory in Vancouver proved everyone as despite the circumstances, it is possible to achieve results.

In life there is always a place for the feat, but the path to it lies through the upbringing of the senses of duty. In the struggle over their weaknesses and disadvantages, the heroism of each person is born.

Anisimova Alina, student class 8.

Heroes of the 21st century.

It is difficult for a hero, because you need to save the world, where there are many and bad people.

The hero be often scary, but they are. What does a person think, who placed his life for other people in the last seconds? We love our life ... And what is it, give it away? After all, often the manifestation of heroism is the response to the carelessness and extension.

It happened on June 24, 2010. A fire in the boiler room suddenly broke out a fire in the boiler room suddenly, who was ready to reach the exit in the sea of \u200b\u200bthe destroyer "Fast" Pacific Fleet. The driver of the sailor Mair Aldar Tsydenuzapov did not get confused and decisively joined the fight against the flame. By eliminating fire, it blocked the fuel supply valve. Only after that, he left the compartment last and managed to get into a safe place herself. Almost 100 percent of the body burns, the sailor was taken to the hospital of the fleet, where the doctors fought for his life for four days, but they could not save, unfortunately.

Feats were made to us, and in our time there are feats, they will be after us. In any era were people who are ready for heroic actions. The feat makes first not for himself, not for glory, but only to make our lives at least a bit kinder, lighter. Such a feat made Aldar Tsydenzapov. "

While our homeland grows up such sons, which at any moment will stand on her defense, Russia will be alive.Aldar Tsydenzapov is the only one in the surface forces of the fleet of our country awarded a high rank of the hero of Russia in peacetime. And also, I must say, the word "aldar" in Buryatski means "glory" ...

Patriotism is not just a love of homeland. Patriotism implies not only a sense of pride for the country, but also the willingness to be with her in a difficult moment.

Zhelena Vladislav, student class 8.

Heroes of the 21st century.

The Great Military and Labor Past of our country knows a lot of heroes: sailors, Suvorov, Nakhimov, Stakhanov, Sahars, Zhukov, Kutuzov, Ushakov and many others. These people once glorified our country on the world stage. Their heroism is immortal. At the same time, we, the generation that grew up in the 21st century should be aware that modernity gives examples of the manifestation of patriotism.

But who are they these heroes? In what edge are these people born and live? Maybe need special conditionsIn order to appear heroes? Maybe these are a special profession? There is a heroism of a special kind - he is in order to never under any circumstances to change the rules of honor, decency, friendship, humoring. This is the heroism of the Spirit.

September 1, 2004 high School No. 1 G. Beslan in North Ossetia captured terrorists. They took the hostages of students, their parents and teachers, collecting all in the mined gym. Terrorists threatened to blow up the school building if hostages try to free.Rescuers Dmitry Kormilina and Valery Zamarayev showed special heroism by entering the first to the school captured by terrorists. As a result of the shooting suddenly began, they were fatal injured, from which later died in the hospital. Tragedy Beslan told the world about a simple heroism ordinary people: Like one sister, ranging at the very beginning of the seizure, returned after another, the younger, who herself was hostage, and then she saved her life at the time of hostilities; As heroically, "Mussy", in the words of one of the hostages, children behaved, as they cared about teachers and each other, as the teachers cared for them.

You can become a hero and in ordinary, everyday affairs, not only during the war. Outstanding thinkers said: "It is often a courage of Lyudskaya more in small, rather than in great." Not every brave act can be called heroic. For example, in front of passersby run the street in a dangerous, in the wrong place on the red light is not heroism, but stupidity that can be very bad for the "hero". Unusual, daring, the exceptional act cannot be considered heroic, if not for the benefit of people. I quit that heroic deed - This is a deed that has benefited society.

Dubovitskaya Natalia, 3 grade student.

Heroes of the 21st century.

Heroism ... What is it? What distinguishes the present hero from a short? What leads a person during the host of heroic actions?

Who will we call the true hero in the sense that we invest in the word "heroism"? Such a hero can be called a fireman, who, despising a fatal danger, makes out of the fire of the chipping child, although he could wait for his friends-firefighters to flow fire to be able to go with minimal risk. Doctors, saving crowns during hostilities in various countries, dying from bullets and shells of warrant groups - also show an example of true heroism. The policeman, resolutely standing on the path of the bandit, ready to kill the dose of drugs or pack of bloody money, is undoubtedly a true hero.

I want to tell about the "little" heroes. . I call them so because they are small in age, but they are stronger than many adults in the strength of the Spirit.

A resident of the village of Togur of the Tomsk region, Sasha Sasha's second-grader went home with classes, and heard children's cries from the lake. Running closer, he saw two boys who fell under the ice. The second-grader found a long board and in turn pulled the guys out of the water, and then planted them into Sanki and brought to the house. As a result, the boys got rid of light fright.

A twelve-year-old schoolgirl from Yakutia, without thinking, rushed into the river to save the suffering Alyosh Mikhailov. Right in clothes, she swam to the boy, which carried out a strong flow. Approaching the child and grabbed hands, Sofia began to drag him to the shore. But the strong course did not allow it. Having gathered the last forces, she pushed the boy to the branch sticking out from under the water with the words: "Hold on hard!" His, in a half-conscious state grabbed over the branch, pulled out the ridden adults, and Sofia could not get out.

Nowadays there are teenagers who are "herogery" on the roofs of wagons, high-altitude houses. This is a heroism - a person to the public, showing. Heroism - not everyone is capable of him - when a person for something is able to sacrifice himself and commit great good

Sankov Nikolai, student of 7 "a" class.

In this work, I would like to appeal to Roman Sergey Shargunov "1993. Family portrait on the background of a burning house. " According to the writer Zakhar Prilepina, Sergey Shargunov ".. Yesumed to return to the literature simple man"," .. to today and in the books, and in the cinema there are other people - merchandisers, journalists, political technologists .. There are only those who concentrate and sell air. And they completely disappeared workers, peasants .. "[5, p.4]. Shargunov himself says that his "novel is .. first of all family Roman, the story of the working accident, electrician, the former electrical engine, and his wife, which in the same emergency sits on the phone. "

The main story of the novel is framed by the story of the May events of 2012 on Bolotnaya Square In Moscow, after which the hero, the young man Peter Bryantsev falls into the sailor silence. Next unfolds the main story telling about tragic events 1993.

The main character Roman, Victor Bryantsev, is taking place between the family and the desire to take part in the raging events. War not only on the streets of Moscow, she and in the Bryantsev family. Victor becomes a defender of the House of Soviets, calls for people to go to take Ostankino, his wife from a feeling of resentment, takes the side of Yeltsinists. The hero in the tragic days of 1993 seeks to be with the people, and is looking for immortality no longer for himself, but for his homeland, his business that his grandson will continue. However, the hero is a man of a leaving past, his character was formed in the post-war years, therefore the final of the Roman is natural: Victor, participating in a skirmis with supporters of Yeltsin, dies from a stroke. A hero comes to change new Russia - His grandson, Peter, who is a participant in events in the 2012 Swamp Square. However, these events are not the same value. Shargunov (a participant in the events in the Swamp Square), speaking of Russian liberalism in an interview with the newspaper "Arguments of the Week", draws attention to the fact that "today the Russian opposition has nothing to do with the interests of the Russian people." Peter Bryantsev believes that grandfather lived in more interesting timeHowever, he himself seems to feel the fake of the feelings that led people to the rally. For the first time, he hears talk about rallies in the "Kabaska on the Nikitsky Boulevard", where comes with a girl, and understands that any of those present "politics .. is not needed, for all she is just a charming decoration."

Victor and Peter Bryantsev are two generations of one family, one country. These are the heroes of their epochs, at the same time their images are inherent in the typological features of the hero of the time that established in xIX literature and the XX centuries, however, these features - the desire to protect, compassion, searching for their path and the path of Russia - flow from the Russian consciousness, thinking, the worldview of the people as a whole.

Andrei Rundalev in the article "Password:" ninety-third "published in" Literary newspaper"Says that Viktor Bryantsev" ... goes, listening to everyone, to the human multi-voiced sea in search of his immortality, but finds a stroke as a former country that finally died on the streets of Moscow ". Hero Viktor Bryantsev - the hero of the time of the old, leaving in the past of Soviet Russia.

Name Roman "1993" has a subtitle "Family portrait on the background of a burning house", where the burning house is the image of Russia, which turned out to be a fracture of the epoch.


The problem of the hero of his time was one of the most sharp in the literature of the XIX century. All major writers, one way or another, tried to determine what person the time creates the expressive of the most progressive currents of public thought. Of course, over time, the idea of \u200b\u200bhis hero is changing. Russian romanticism contrasted the faceless mass of a heroic person who tries to break the enslavement, break out of the capture. The development of the realistic method allowed the writers to create images of heroes whose characters were formed under the direct influence of the medium and, as a result, expressed their era.

Heroes of Time early XIX. century do not know what they do and are filled with society. IN late XIX. The characters who are not satisfied with life are removed from public activities, rejected by society, they are experiencing a personal drama of mental cloth.

Both Onegin, and Pechorin, and Bazarov - selfish, active, purposeful heroes. They think and suffer, preserve with all changes loyalty to themselves, their unique personality. Preparing idle existence, they do not find ways and opportunities freely, creatively confront him.

The heroes of the 20th century are characterized by a strong formed character, they are symbols of courage, durability and courage. These are people with unshakable principles that may behave, become on the eve of a bright future, indicate the path to others, such as Pavel Vlasov, Zubr, Victor Bryantsev.

At the end of the XX - early XXI century, the image of the hero of time is subject to change, the outlines of the hero of the XXI century, until very foggy, represent an image that in no case should be put in an example of anyone. Expressive time in this crucial moment History becomes personality, losing the soil, family, religion, culture.

However, I. common featuresinherent in time heroes different centuries. They are the heroes of their epochs, heroes, in the full sense of the word, because they were not afraid to openly oppose themselves to society. At the same time, their images are characterized by typological features of the time hero, which established in the literature of the XIX and XX centuries: the desire to protect, compassion, search for its path and the path of Russia, which flow from the Russian consciousness, thinking, the worldview of the people as a whole.

Heroes of the XXI century are largely similar to the heroes of the first halves XIX. century, they are also aware of the confusion of the world, in which they live, his death. However B. heroes XIX. -XX century was one essential trait: they carried the grain of the future in contrast to the nameless hero A. Fetalkova from the story of the "Hero of the working class".

It is easy to see that the heroes of Russian literature of the end of the XX - early XXI Ages continue to rapidly degrade in terms of principles and morality. And it tells us that it is necessary through literary image, give people a new ideal, idea and goal.

Thus, the change of hero in the literature caused by social and ideological reasons, the onset of the new historical era- the phenomenon is inevitable.

Each era creates a new hero, and the task of this writer is to see such a character and truthfully depict it in artistic work. The main reason that writers for two centuries have been referred to the search for the hero of the time, in the fact that the authors consider their duty to show a sample of a worthy person who can look through the time, to see a decent goal that can live for a long time in the readership of the nation's consciousness.


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The fact is that in the XXI century of Russian literature does not exist: the ideological complex, which ensured the existence and functioning of Russian literature died along with Russian Empire. Historical and cultural boundaries changed: the feeling of power, the potential, disappeared the feeling that you live in a state that would not only protect you, but which has a resource. Empire in her form until January 1, 1913 (Speak conditionally) there is an empire with an unlimited resource, which can provide any person. Only then is possible literature, literature, in my opinion, this occupation is very filed people. The space is a golden stock of the spirit of the spirit, the potential - the state, in my opinion, ceases to exist when, when its unfortunate member disappears the feeling of potential and insecurity. In the 20th century, everything was somehow kept until the 80s, very fragile, but held, and after the 80s social and cultural circumstances changed so much that Russian literature is not. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about the heroes (and Chatsky and Pechorin are the heroes of the imperial type), in my opinion these are characters expressing the opinion, the spirit of some big country. Now such heroes, who would express the spirit of a large country, do not exist because there is no country. In my opinion, there are no such heroes (like Chatsky, Pechorin), but we can talk about expressive points of view of groups. Each group elects its hero. Literature is now outside the interests of this country, which is not a state, in my opinion. This is a kind of "random family." Therefore, now talk about literary hero "In general, it is not possible because the literature is not needed to anyone. If we talk about the hero, then the most a bright representative There will be rock poetry, lyrical hero of rock poetry, I think that this is the lyrical hero of Diana Arbenina and Sukachev. Someone will say that this is the hero of Leningrad, but I would not want to believe in it. I believe that the expression of the spirit of our time is in the image lyrical hero Two Arbenina songs: in the song "St. Petersburg" and "In this city, the lanterns fleeting, cold meetings." If we talk about prose, then in my opinion, this is the hero of the new book by Alexei Ivanov "bad weather": an unfortunate guy who remains without everything. You can talk about Prichet, but, in my opinion, this is not the author (the author, in my opinion, is a person who has not only moral rod (Here I agree with the fit one), but also an artistic talent in which I deny the joke. The author must have its own unique style and it is interesting to write, and the tongue of Prilepina is the usual language devoid of artistic). In prose, you can talk about a collective hero of Petrushevskaya.

For example, "St. Petersburg": "The sky lives in this city // The sky is a thousand years old, it is tired and under the sky air from frost // Because with the taste of metal // here the birds paralyzes the wings, // and Ikaru is not why Strive // \u200b\u200bNew Year comes year old // nothing can change.

Here is the characteristics of the hero: strong, smart, but completely unreserved. The hero who understands: what he is stronger, smarter, rooted in traditional Russian culture, the less time he has the right to life. That is, the person is doomed: with all his mind, brightness, talent. Ivanov's heroes are also doomed heroes. The heroes of our time are people strong, talented and doomed. He is doomed because when they say guns, Muses are silent. Bulgakov said that the literature should be fed, literature exists at subsidies. Freedom is possible only at maximum liberation from material worries aimed at survival. In any case, this idea circulated in the "life of Mr. de Moliere" Bulgakov.

But this all concerns literature, what is very small now, you can also talk about fiction - there, of course, the hero is different. It will be positive, dirting.

If we talk about postmodern, you need to mention that this direction is in principle devoid of such concepts as the hero \\ Negro. There are other laws that do not imply such a conversation. Aesthetic is not fundamentally different from the anti-source, good does not differ from evil, spiritual - from corporal. And the hero, in my opinion, is a person who very precisely asks the landmarks. They are good or bad - this is another question. Pechorin is also not very moral, but we can judge their qualities based on general representations Some cultural integrity: ideas about the mind, about morality ... And the literature of postmodern is aimed at the game, for a quote, trying to describe the world, deprived of any coordinates or landmarks.

To the question of the heroes of our time. Who can admire in the 21st century? Posted by the author To Sideruli The best answer is yes full of whom, grandfather who fought in the next parade. A mad scientist that everything invented, but no one recognized and did not support the project financially. Now the delightful people are not in honor ... the heroes are simply not on the broad air, they are unknown, unrecognized ...

Answer from Zhukov[guru]
i want to live as chantaram ....

Answer from Dk[guru]

Answer from EOMAN KUXIN[master]
Best of all.

Answer from Cardboard raccoon[guru]
Modernity with her measure of success in the form monetary units gives rise to much more heroes of the scandalous light chronicle than true heroes, your actions causing pride and worship.
Sometimes it seems that the real heroes remained only on the pages of books about the Great Patriotic.
But at any time, those who are willing to sacrifice the most expensive in the name of loved ones, in the name of the Motherland.
On the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, we will recall the five of our contemporaries who committed feats. They did not seek glory and honors, and simply fulfilled their duty to the end.
Sergey Burneev
Sergey Bourneyev was born in Mordovia, in the village of Dubenki on January 15, 1982. When Sergei was five years old, parents moved to the Tula region.
Defenders of the Fatherland. Stories about those with whom you feel safe
The boy grew up and adults, and the era changed around. People's peers rushed to the business who in the crime, and Sergey dreamed of a military career, wanted to serve in the Airborne Forces. After graduating from school, managed to work at the Rubber Shoe factory, and then was called to the army. He fell, however, not in the landing, but in the Special Forces squad "Vityaz".
Serious physical exerciseTraining did not scare guy. Commanders immediately drew attention to Sergey - stubborn, with character, real special forces!
For two business trips to Chechnya in 2000-2002, Sergey has proven himself to be a real professional, skillful and persistent.
On March 28, 2002, a detachment in which Sergey Bourneyev served, conducted a special operation in the city of Argun. The militants turned into their strengthening a local school, placing an ammunition warehouse in it, as well as a breakthrough under it a whole system of underground moves. The special forces began to examine the tunnels in search of militants in their search.
Sergey walked first and came across the bandits. The battle in the narrow and dark space of the dungeon. During the outbreak from the Sergey's automatic line, he saw a grenade rolling on the floor, thrown by the militant towards the special forces. A few fighters who did not see this danger could suffer from the explosion.
The decision came in the fraction of a second. Sergey covered his grenade with his body, saving the rest of the fighters. He died in place, but he drew a threat from comrades.
Bandagroup as part of 8 people in this battle was completely eliminated. All Comrades Sergey in this battle remained alive.
For courage and heroism, manifested when performing a special task in conditions conjugate with risk for life, presidential decree Russian Federation Of September 16, 2002 No. 992 Sergeant Bourneyev Sergey Alexandrovich was awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously).
Sergey Sergey Bourneyev is forever enrolled in the lists of his military unit of the internal troops. In the city of Reutov of the Moscow region on the Alley of the Heroes of the Military memorial complex "All Reutovs who died for the Fatherland" is installed a bronze bust of the hero.
Denis Heschins
Denis Heschov was born on June 28, 1976 in the village of Shanké, the Tselinograd region of Kazakhstan. He held the usual childhood schoolchildren of the last Soviet generation.
What are the defenders of the Fatherland not protected from?
How is hero brought up? That, probably, no one knows. But on the fracture, the epochs of Denis chose an officer's career, after an urgent service enrolled in a military school. Maybe it affected the fact that the school he graduated from, wore the name of Vladimir Komarov - a cosmonaut pilot, who died during flight on the Soyuz-1 ship.
After graduating from the school in Kazan in 2000, the new officer did not run from difficulties - immediately found himself in Chechnya. Everyone who knew him repeat one thing - the officer did not bow, Bereg fighters and was a real "father of soldiers" not in words, but in essence.
In 2003, the Chechen war for Captain Vetchikov ended. Until 2008, he served as deputy commander of the battalion educational work In the 70 guards motorized rifle shelf, in 2005 he became Major.

Every day, orders are committed in Russia who do not pass by when someone needs help. The exploits of these people do not always notice officials, they do not give diplomas, but they do not become less significant from this.
The country should know his heroes, so this selection is devoted to brave, not indifferent people who proved that heroism is a place in our lives. All events occurred in February 2014.

Schoolchildren from the Krasnodar Territory Roman Vitkov and Mikhail Serdyuk saved elderly woman From a burning house. Going home, they saw a burning building. Riding into the courtyard, schoolchildren saw that the veranda was almost completely covered by fire. Roman and Mikhail rushed to the barn for the tool. Grabbing a sledgehammer and an ax, knocking the window, the novel climbed into the window opening. Elderly woman slept in a smoke room. Release the victim managed only after hacking the door.

"Roma for the set is less than me, so it is easily penetrated into the window opening, but he could not get out in his hands in his arms. Therefore, we had to hack the door and just so managed to bear the victim, "said Misha Serdyuk.

Residents of the village of Altynai Sverdlovsk region Elena Martynova, Sergey Inozemtsev, Galina Sholokhov rescued children in a fire. Arson made the owner of the house, while blocking the door. At this time, the building contained three children of 2-4 years and 12-year-old Elena Martynov. Noticing the fire, Lena unlocked the door and began to take out children from the house. Galina Sholokhov and the cousin of children Sergei Inozemtsev came to the aid. All three heroes received letters from the local Ministry of Emergency Situations.

And in the Chelyabinsk region, the priest Alexey Perudov saved the life of the fiance at the wedding. During the wedding, the groom lost consciousness. The only one who was not confused in this situation turned out to be the Ieria Alexey Perud. He quickly examined the lying, suspected a heart stop and provided first aid, including an indirect heart massage. As a result, the sacrament was fully completed. Alexey's father noted that he saw the indirect heart massage only in the movies.

A veteran distinguished himself in Mordovia chechen war Marat Zinatullin, who saved the elderly man from a burning apartment. Once a witness witness, Marat acted as a professional fireman. He climbed into a small barn at the fence, and with him a breakdown to the balcony. Broke the glass, revealed the door leading from the balcony into the room, and penetrated inside. On the floor lay the 70-year-old owner of the apartment. The pensioner poisoned by the smoke could not leave the apartment on his own. Marat, opening entrance door From the inside, I carried the owner of the house in the entrance.

Employee of the Kostroma Colony Roman Sorvachev saved the lives of neighbors in a fire. Going into the entrance of your home, he immediately figured the apartment from which the smell of smoke is being sown. The door opened a drunk man who assured that everything is in order. However, the novel called the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The rescuers who arrived at the place could not penetrate the room through the door, and the uniforms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations did not allow them to get into the apartment through a narrow window frame. Then Roman Vleza fire stairs Up, penetrated into the apartment and pulled out an elderly woman and a man out of a very smoked apartment in an unconscious state.

A resident of the village of Yurmash (Bashkortostan) Rafit Shamsutdinov saved two children in a fire. The fellow village of Rafita flooded the oven and, leaving two children - a three-year-old girl and a one and a half year old son, he left the older children to school. Smoke from the burning house noted Rafit Shamsutdinov. Despite the abundance of smoke, he managed to penetrate the burning room and make children.

Dagestana Arsen Fittsulaev prevented a catastrophe at the gas station in Caspian. Already then Arsen realized that actually risked life.
At one of the fasteners, an explosion unexpectedly thundered in the Caspian line. As it turned out later, the foreign car drove into a huge speed crashed into a gas tank and hit the valve. A minute of delay, and the fire would have shifted on nearby tanks with flammable fuel. With this scenario, the victims would not be avoided. However, the situation in the root changed a modest employee of refueling, skillful actions prevented a catastrophe and reduced its scale to the burnt machine and several damaged cars.

And in the village of Ilyinka-1 Tula region, schoolchildren Andrei Ibrov, Nikita Sabitov, Andrei Navruz, Vladislav Kozyrev and Artem Voronin pulled out a pensioner from the well. 78-year-old Valentine Nikitina fell into the well and could not get out independently. Screams about help heard Andrei Ibrov and Nikita Sabitov and immediately rushed to save an elderly woman. However, it was necessary to call for even three more guys - Andrei Navruza, Vladislav Kozyreva and Artem Voronin. Together, the guys managed to pull out an elderly pensioner from the well.
"I tried to dig up, the well is shallow - I even got his hand to the edge. But it was so slippery and cold that I could not grasp the hoop. And when I raised my hands, Icewater was poured into the sleeve. I screamed, called to the rescue, but the well is far from residential buildings and roads, so no one heard me. How much did it continue, I don't even know ... Soon it became a clone in a dream, I am from last forces Raised her head and suddenly saw two boys who looked into the well! " - told the victim.

In the village of Romanovovo, the Kaliningrad region distinguished himself a twelve-year-old schoolboy Andrei Tokarsky. He saved his cousinfailed under the ice. The incident occurred on Lake Pugachevskoye, where the boys together with Aunt Andrei came to ride the ice.

A police officer from the Pskov region Vadim Barkanov saved two men on. Walking with her friend, Vadim saw the smoke and the outstanding flame of fire from the window of the apartment in a residential building. A woman ran out of the building and began to call for help, since two men remained in the apartment. Calling firefighters, Vadim and his friend rushed to help them. As a result, they managed to take out of the burning building of two men in an unconscious state. The victims in ambulance were taken to the hospital where they had the necessary medical care.