Essay "Women's images in the novel" Eugene Onegin. Women's fates in Evgenia Onegin

Essay "Women's images in the novel" Eugene Onegin. Women's fates in Evgenia Onegin

Women's images in the Roman A. S. Pushkin. In the novel, "Eugene Onegin" A. S. Pushkin shows several female images. Of course, the main among them is the image of Tatiana Larina, the author's favorite heroine. It is noteworthy that its nature is given in development: first we see Tatyana rural young women, a dreamy and silent, and after a few years - a married lady, a brilliant lioness.

Pushkin, describing his heroine, begins with her childhood. The poet indicates the nurse of the characters of Tatiana and her sisters Olga. Tatiana stands out among its peers in a tendency to solitude and thoughtfulness. Games, ordinary among her age, noisy, not attracted the girl. It is not particularly sociable both in the circle of peers and among their relatives:

She can't guess

To his father or his mother;

Child itself, in the crowd of children

Play and jump did not want ...

Pushkin constantly emphasizes the dreaminess of his heroine: she liked the "terrible stories" in the evenings, love novels who gave food to her imagination. Drawing a portrait of his heroine, the author immediately indicates that

Neither the beauty of his sister,

Neither the freshness of her ruddy

Neither attracted her eyes.

At the same time, in the guise of Tatiana, undoubtedly a lot of nonsense attractiveness. Onegin, for the first time she saw her, immediately noticed the extraordination of this girl, why and told Lensky "... I would choose another when I was like you, the poet."

In love, Tatiana's character is revealed to Onegin: the integrity of her nature, determination, constancy, depth and power of feelings. Tatiana Sami admitted in love - according to the concepts of her era, act, not just a brave, but coming against the requirements of decency. However, the natural, living movements of Tatiana's soul moves are stronger than conventions. In addition, the girl believes in his ideal that it is ready to fully trust:

But my lip is your honor,

And I brave myself ...

The enthusiastic tone of the letter of Tatiana can be attributed to the influence of novels, some incoherence - the spiritual confusion of the heroine, but the sincerity and the impertility of her feeling awakes in the undeskyst lines.

The greatest simplicity, naturalness and noble restraint are the characteristics of Tatyana-Knyagini. Her manners have changed, now they meet all the requirements of secular decency, Tatiana has learned to "maintain themselves". The external coldness and calm of Tatiana shock Onegin, but in the depths of the soul of Tatiana former, she values \u200b\u200bthe memories of youth. She is faithful to her love, but true and for himself, so it will not change her husband. Tatiana was and remained a sincere, noble man who can rely - it is not by chance that her future husband, prince and the brilliant general, drew attention to her when she appeared on the ball accompanied by the amets.

Not only the character of Tatiana is shown by Pushkin in development. The poet several strokes managed to outlide the mother of the heroine, the changes that occurred in the life of this woman. "Larina is simple, but a very nice old woman" - Onegin about Mother Tatiana and Olga speaks in conversation with Lensky. The fate of this woman is quite typical: in his youth, she was a romantic young lady, the main interests of which were fashion and novels, and she herself did not read them, but heard them from the cousin. Was in love, but she was married for another. Her "Souls of inexperienced Waves" calmed down quickly: in the village, where her husband took, she was fond of the economy and found herself. He lived peacefully with her husband, brought up two daughters, thoroughly forgetting his youth passion. When Kuzina mentions a person at a meeting, Larina does not immediately remember, about whom is in question. Her younger daughter Olga in character, apparently, looks like a mother: cheerful, a little frivolous, easily fond of, but also quickly forgetting his previous hobbies - after all, she forgotten Lensky. Describing Olga, Pushkin Ironically notices that her portrait can be found in any fashionable novel. In other words, Olga is a typical phenomenon in the rural lady's environment, and even the metropolitan too. Perhaps it can be said that she, like her mother, possess a happiest destiny than Tatyana. They find happiness in the life, which is prepared by them, do not have too painful experiences, and if they are experiencing, it is short. And Tatiana sublime, noble nature. Is she happy, despite the successful marriage, if he says that he would be glad to exchange the pomp of the capital's life on the former, inconspicuous existence in the village?

But the images of Tatiana, her mother and sisters are not the only female images in the novel. The image of a nanny, of course, is described very much: it appears only in the scene of the conversation with Tatiana, when it cannot fall asleep. However, nanny, apparently, was for Tatiana expensive and close man. Not by chance, the princess mentions a humble cemetery,

Where is the cross and shadow of the branches

Over the poor nurse my ...

The fate of the nanny, like the fate of the "old larries" and her daughter Olga, typical for that time and social group to which this woman belonged to. In peasant families, daughters were married early, and often for the grooms that were younger than their brides. The rigor and the severity of the peasant life is guessed in the nanny words:

And full, Tanya! In these summer

We did not hear about love;

But I would drive from light

I am a dead mother-in-law.

The thirteen-year-old peasant girl cried "from fear" on the eve of his wedding with the boy who was her younger. However, in the story of Nanny about her youth, the conviction sounds that "so can be seen, God ordered." Pushkin did not describe her married life - probably she was the same as in millions of other peasants: heavy labor, children, releament of mother-in-law. Patiently and persistently carried out these tests of a simple Russian woman, serf, which gave birth to daughters of the landowner. Nanny is sincerely tied to Tatiana: although the old woman does not understand her torment, she tries to help than can.

The image of the Moscow aunt Pushkin and did not give a lot of attention: it is the first link in a series of relatives and relatives of Larina. Several strokes poet draws the crowd of secular young ladies, Tatiana's peers, among which it stands out the same way as in childhood among frisms of the chali. They "turn out the hearts of the mystery, secrets of virgins, wanting to hear" heart recognition "of Tatiana. But she silent - Pushkin again and again indicates how different Tatyana differs from representatives of his circle. For these girls, "heart secrets" in most cases - children's prank. They will easily take their hobbies if you need, as Tatiana or Olga's mother did. Pushkin contrasts innocent "pranks" of the Moscow ladies and "cherished treasure and tears and happiness", "the secret of heart" of Tatiana in this way, the author emphasizes unresolved, the bright personality of Tatiana, standing out against the background of female images, which are typical phenomena.

In the images of Olga and Tatyana A. S. Pushkin embodied the two most common types of female national characters. The poet artistically expressively emphasizes dissolutely, the difference between the sisters of Larina, by no means, however, without opposing them to each other: they are not antipodes at all, just completely different psychological types. The faithful vitality of A. S. Pushkin, describing the perception of Tatiana to leave the sister with her husband, testifies that his favorite heroine, despite the complete, seemingly absorption in the thoughts about his love troubles, spiritual chaos, very painfully transfers parting with Olga (" ... her sad face was covered with her sad face "," ... and the heart rushes in half "):

And here is one, one Tatyana!

Alas! girlfriend so many years,

Her dove is young

Her native native

The fate of the distance is listed,

It is forever separated.

The community of children's impressions, fun, growing, maiden dreams associate their stronger than disconnecting spiritual dissimilarity, difference and mental susceptibility.

Eyes like blue sky

Smile, linen curls,

Equally impeccable, conflict, cozy and its inner world - the world is harmonious within the senses perceived by the authorities and not aspiring in these limits:

Always modest, always obedient,

Always as the morning cheerful

As the life of the poet is simple

How the Kiss of Love Mila ...

This perfect image, as if killed from a calendar or a colorful poster, a lively illustration of parent ideal ideal, non-verbal, obedient child ("the innocent charms is full, in the eyes of his parents, she bloomed like a valley hidden ...") seems to be too saturated virtues and The advantages are shown sweet to believe in the sincerity of the author's admiration. The abundance of crowd and colorful epithets and comparisons is alarming hidden irony and trim. And the poet confirms the assumption of a careful reader:

But any novel

Take and find, right

Her portrait: He is very nice,

I loved him before,

But he tired of me immensely.

A. S. Pushkin gives tribute to the classical correctness of the features and infant serenity of the soul of the heroine, but he is already spiritually converting a youthful passion for such images, often found in the love lyrics of the poet. Therefore, although the author and quite condescending to Olga, but the ruthlessly critical view of Onegin expresses to a certain extent and the objective attitude of the poet:

In terms of Olga there is no.

Extremely in Vandikova Madona:

Round, red face she,

Like this stupid moon

On this stupid sky.

Onegin immediately allocated Tatiana from two sisters, appreciated the originality, the spirituality of her appearance, the complexity and tension of the soul life of the heroine. Pushkin initially emphasizes dissimilar sisters both externally and internally:

So, she was called Tatiana.

Neither the beauty of his sister,

Neither the freshness of her ruddy

She did not attract 6 eyes.

Dick, sad, silent,

Like lan forest fearless

She in the family of his native

He seemed to be a girl alone.

The exterior of his beloved heroine is converated by mediated, in comparison with the appearance of Olga, expressing this secondaryness of physical in relation to the spiritual, emphasizing that only the insurgency of the face with spiritual fire makes it beautiful. Tatiana loves and perfectly feels its nature, she lives simply and naturally, in full harmony with sunrises and sunsets, with cold beauty of winter and lush decoration of autumn. Nature feeds its spiritual world, promotes secluded dreaminess, focusing on the movements of his soul, simplicity and naturalness of behavior. For fun and entertainment, she prefers "terrible stories in winter in the dark nights," colorful, full of deep, mysterious meaning of folk songs and rites.

Tatiana enthusiastically read sentimental novels, sincerely competing their heroes, admiring the high heat of their feelings. And when it came to fall in love, the fire of her love broke out a bright, non-regulatory flame: it was fed and romantic feelings of favorite characters, and the unfortunate heat lonely, aspiring to the high communication of the soul, and the integrity and depth of this original, organic nature, haggled mysterious romantic images of oral people creativity. As sincerely, directly expresses Tatyana Supbar his soul, the depth of feelings, as naturally conveys embarrassment and shame, hope and despair in a letter to Onegin:

Why did you visit us?

In the wilderness of the forgotten seboard

I never knew you

I did not know b bitter torment ...

Other! .. No, no one in the world

I would not give my heart!

That will be destined to the Council ...

That will sky of the sky: I'm yours ...

I'm waiting for you: a single eyes

Hope of the heart revived

ILE Sleep Heavy Relief,

Alas, deserved reproach!

And Tatiana turned out to be true to his first and only love ("and alone with a cruel stronger the passion is burning, and the heart says to her the heart louder ..."), unlike Olga, very soon comforted in marriage ("My poor Lensky! Warning, she did not cry, alas! Young bride is not true, "). True, fate ordered that Tatiana became the wife of another, but this is not her fault. A young woman rejects the love of Onegin due to the loyalty of the folk morality absorbed from childhood, the reluctance to destroy the life of a loving person. This is her life drama.

Decisively, with dignity rejects Tatiana's late recognition of Onegin, arguing that virtue, honor, sense of duty, moral duties more expensive than love:

I got married. You must,

I ask you, leave me;

I know: in your heart there is

And pride and direct honor.

I love you (what to smear?),

But I'm given to another;

I will be the age of him true.

A. S. Pushkin in the "Eugene Onegin" drew two unlike, but, undoubtedly familiar to us in life of a female character. Of course, the character of Olga meets more often, but also with the image of Tatiana, maybe not so bright in certain manifestations, we will definitely face a life path.

It was very figuratively and brightly determined the similarity and difference between two female characters in the Roman I. A. Goncharov: "... the character is positive - Pushkinskaya Olga - and the perfect - his same Tatiana. One is definitely a passive expression of an era, a type, cast as wax, in a ready-made, dominant form.

Other - with instincts of self-consciousness, identity, amateur performance. That is why the first is clear, open, understands immediately ...

Another, on the contrary, is peculiar, looking for his expression and form, and therefore seems like a capricious, mysterious, simllable. "

In his work, Pushkin reflected the life and life of the entire Russian people of his time. The images described by the poet achieve a special depth and disclose the characters of the inhabitants of that era. Women's images in the novel "Eugene Onegin" are disclosed especially poetic and multifaceted.


Belinsky highly appreciated the whole work, calling him the "encyclopedia of Russian life." Description of female images critic noted as a separate heritage of Pushkin's creativity. He calls the work of Pushkin by a real feat, because Alexander Sergeevich not only showed the "main" side of the Company in the face of Onegin and Lensky, but also very poetically reproduced the image of a Russian woman.

Pushkin's female characters are typical, and at the same time special. He very brightly describes characters, thinly sweeps the details. Belinsky indicates the exclusiveness of Tatiana, but calls it to the personification of a Russian woman. The innovation of Pushkin is that it is he who first dared to describe the image of a woman from such a point of view.

The image of Tatiana

Tatyana Larina is the central heroine of the novel. It has carelessness, youth, naive and romantic traits of character. This is what makes it special and beautiful. Pushkin described the image of a simple Russian girl, from the family of the provincial nobility. Depicting Tatiana, he does not idealize it. She grew lonely and immersed in herself, is in no hurry to open his heart every oncoming. Once in a secular society, she is disappointed - it becomes boring from empty conversations of the metropolitan nobles. She is interested in the beauty of the soul, and not fashion trends. About life, she does not judge in reality, but for read books.

Tatiana drew a picture of the perfect lover. But in reality, love brings her only suffering. Even becoming a secular lady, Tatiana does not lose its immediacy. But even at one table with the first city beauty, it is not inferior to this secular lady.

Love to Onegin reveals the best qualities in Tatiana: determination, honesty, direct. The depth and strength of her feelings make it bold and ready for everything for love.

In the scene of the last conversation with Onegin, the image of Tatiana is revealed in all its glory, showing its best qualities. Despite his love, she neglects her for the sake of debt and fulfill its female responsibilities in front of a future husband. "But I am completely given to another and I will be true ave." She says directly to Onegin, who has long liked to the depths of the soul.

Pushkin himself does not hide his warm attitude towards heroine. Throughout the work, the author awards it with the words "ideal", "dear", reflecting his personal attitude to the qualities of the heroine.

Other female images in the novel

In addition to the image of the main character, the author interestingly painted other female images. It's enough for him to reveal the character traits of Tatiana's mother, her sisters, nanny. Tatiana's mother is a woman who was still in his youth to be debt to society, coming out married the unloved. Sister Tatiana Olga is easily fond of, but quickly forgets about his hobbies. Olga, like her mother, is able to find happiness in the life that society dictates.

There are other women in the novel, but Pushkin does not focus on their ways of much attention, outlining only the features that are necessary for the description of public life.

We see how deep the author worked the image of the main heroine of the novel. He paid great attention to other female characters, making them bright heroes of his time. With this article, you can easily write an essay "Eugene Onegin. Female images ", reflect the characteristic features of the Heroine Roman and the author's innovation.

Test on the work

Women's images in the novel "Evgeny Onegin"

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is the greatest Russian poet-realist. His best work in which "... all life, the whole soul, all his love; His feelings, concepts, ideals, "is" Eugene Onegin ".

Pushkin puts the task to give a real image of the life of a young man of a secular society. In the novel, the last years of the reign of Alexander 1 and the first years of the reign of Nicholas 1 are reflected, that is, the time of recovery of the social movement after the Patriotic War of 1812, at this time for a significant part of the formed youth was characterized by the inability and inability to find their way in life.

The basis of the novel is the story of the love of Evgeny Onegin and Tatiana Larina. The image of Tatiana as the main character of the novel is the most perfect among other female images. At the same time, Tatyana is a favorite heroine of Pushkin, his "cute ideal" ("... I love Tatyana Moju so much").

In the image of Tatiana Pushkin put all those features of the Russian girl, the aggregate of which represents the perfect ideal for the author. These are the special features of the character that Tatiana is truly Russian. The formation of these features of Tatiana is based on the "Traditions of Proshodnaya Starina", beliefs, testes. A noticeable influence on its character is assisted by love novels.

The predominance of such sentiment in Tatiana testifies its reaction to the appearance of one in the house of Onegin, whom she immediately makes the subject of his romantic dreams. In it, Tatiana sees the combination of all those qualities of the hero, which she read about in novels. Tatiana is given entirely and completely. On the depths of the feelings of Tatiana speaks her letter to Onegin. In him, Tatiana, acting against all the rules of decency, opens his soul and completely gives himself "in the hands" of Onegin, relying on his honor and nobility ("But I was the Honor of your honor ..."). The deep feelings of Tatiana are manifested at the time of arrival of Onegin in the estate of Larina after receiving the letter. In her soul rises the whole storm of contradictory feelings, hopes and desires, which she cannot suppress. Tatiana, without objections, receives Representing Onegin, but her feelings not only do not pass, but even more flared.

Thanks to the continuous communication with its nanny Filippovna, it knows a large number of old folk beliefs, will accept in which he unconditionally believed:

Tatyana believed loyal

Promotional antiquity,

And dreams, and card gadanam,

And the predictions of the moon.

She was disturbed by signs;

All the objects mysteriously

Proclaimed something.

Therefore, to learn your further fate, Tatiana resorts to fortune. As a result, it dreams of a dream, which partially determines the further development of events.

After the death of Lensky and the departure of Onegin, Tatyana begins to visit the house of Onegin. There she, studying the situation in which Onegin lived, his range of interests, comes to the conclusion that Onegin is only a "poetic ghost", parody.

Next, Tatyana goes to Moscow, where the auntie carry it on the balls and evenings in search of a good groom. The furnishings of the Moscow living rooms, reigning in them order and secular society - all this inspires Tatiana only disgust and boredom. Pupil in the village, the soul she strives for nature:

To the village, to poor settlements, in a secluded corner, where light rods pour ...

Tatyana gets a military, rich general and becomes a secular lady. In this position, he cares of Onegin, who returned in a few years from traveling. Now that Tatyana reached one of the public situation with him, love and passion awaken in it. Next, the story of the love of Onegin to Tatiana acquires a mirror reflection of the history of Love Tatiana to him.

Becoming a secular lady, Tatiana gradually changes in accordance with the company in which she has to be constantly. She becomes the "indifferent princess", "inaccessible goddess". In response to the recognition of Onegin Tatiana, although he loves him, gives a direct and unconditional answer:

But I am given to another, I will be true a century.

In these words, all the power of Tatiana's character is concluded, its essence. Despite the strong love of Onegin, she cannot disrupt the vow, given her husband before God, can not come from moral principles.

The exact opposite of Tatiana is her sister Olga. Her cheerful temper, simplicity, calm, careless character was, according to the author itself, an integral part of the image of the heroine of any novel of that time.

Onegin, as a true connoisseur of the female soul, gives Olga unflattering characteristic:

In terms of Olga, there is no

Extremely to Van-Deikaya Madonna:

Crop, red face she;

Like this stupid moon

On this stupid sky.

Olga's careless malga also testifies to her attitude towards love. She seemed to not notice the whole of the completeness and depth of the feelings of Lensky, ready to go for everything for her. It is because of her he fights on a duel with Onegin and dies. The duel is due to the frivolous and dismissive relationship of Olga to Lensky on the ball, she is having fun and dancing with Onegin, not noticing what pain does it cause Lena's behavior. With their last date, Lensky was confused and confused in front of that "tender simplicity" and naivety, with whom Olga appears: like windy hope, abruptly, careless, fun, well, exactly the same as it was. In the last hours of Lensky's life, Lensky purses thoughts about Olga. In the soul, he dreams of Olgina loyalty and devotion to him, but he is very mistaken in Olga's feelings: "... she didn't cry," and very quickly, the image of a man, endlessly and selflessly loved her, erased from her memory, and his place was taken by visiting Young Ulan, with whom Olga and tied his further life. History of Mother's Life Olga and Tatiana Larina is a sad story about the fate of a young girl from a secular society. Her, without any consent on its part, is issued to marry a localist nobleman Dmitry Larina and sent to the village. At first it turned out to be quite difficult to get used to the setting of rustic life. But over time she is used to and became an exemplary lady from the circle of the local nobility. Her previous hobbies and habits were replaced by ordinary affairs and care of the housework: she rushed on the work, Solished the mushrooms for the winter, led the costs, Bril's Libi, went to the bath on Saturdays of the servants Bila, Hardened, the image of Nannies Filippiens is the personification of the Russian Spest Paste. From her dialogue with Tatiana, we learn about the severe fate of the Russian people, which is under the oppression of serfdom. On his example, Philipperyevna shows the complete displacement of peasants, difficult relationships in families, but at the same time he is a keeper of common legends - "an old victim, nobyzzy", and therefore Filipian has played a big role in the formation of the character traits of Tatyana. And A. S. Pushkin In the novel, "Eugene Onegin" created a whole gallery of female images, each of which is typical and individual, embodying some particular characteristics. But the most perfect among all female images in the "Eugene Onegin" is the image of Tatiana, in which Pushkin displaced all the features of the previronmental woman.

Women's images in the novel "Evgeny Onegin"

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is the greatest Russian poet-realist. His best work in which "... all life, the whole soul, all his love; His feelings, concepts, ideals, "is" Eugene Onegin ".

Pushkin puts the task to give a real image of the life of a young man of a secular society. In the novel, the last years of the reign of Alexander 1 and the first years of the reign of Nicholas 1 are reflected, that is, the time of recovery of the social movement after the Patriotic War of 1812, at this time for a significant part of the formed youth was characterized by the inability and inability to find their way in life.

The basis of the novel is the story of the love of Evgeny Onegin and Tatiana Larina. The image of Tatiana as the main character of the novel is the most perfect among other female images. At the same time, Tatyana is a favorite heroine of Pushkin, his "cute ideal" ("... I love Tatyana Moju so much").

In the image of Tatiana Pushkin put all those features of the Russian girl, the aggregate of which represents the perfect ideal for the author. These are the special features of the character that Tatiana is truly Russian. The formation of these features of Tatiana is based on the "Traditions of Proshodnaya Starina", beliefs, testes. A noticeable influence on its character is assisted by love novels.

The predominance of such sentiment in Tatiana testifies its reaction to the appearance of one in the house of Onegin, whom she immediately makes the subject of his romantic dreams. In it, Tatiana sees the combination of all those qualities of the hero, which she read about in novels. Tatiana is given entirely and completely. On the depths of the feelings of Tatiana speaks her letter to Onegin. In him, Tatiana, acting against all the rules of decency, opens his soul and completely gives himself "in the hands" of Onegin, relying on his honor and nobility ("But I was the Honor of your honor ..."). The deep feelings of Tatiana are manifested at the time of arrival of Onegin in the estate of Larina after receiving the letter. In her soul rises the whole storm of contradictory feelings, hopes and desires, which she cannot suppress. Tatiana, without objections, receives Representing Onegin, but her feelings not only do not pass, but even more flared.

Thanks to the continuous communication with its nanny Filippovna, it knows a large number of old folk beliefs, will accept in which he unconditionally believed:

Tatyana believed loyal

Promotional antiquity,

And dreams, and card gadanam,

And the predictions of the moon.

She was disturbed by signs;

All the objects mysteriously

Proclaimed something.

Therefore, to learn your further fate, Tatiana resorts to fortune. As a result, it dreams of a dream, which partially determines the further development of events.

After the death of Lensky and the departure of Onegin, Tatyana begins to visit the house of Onegin. There she, studying the situation in which Onegin lived, his range of interests, comes to the conclusion that Onegin is only a "poetic ghost", parody.

Next, Tatyana goes to Moscow, where the auntie carry it on the balls and evenings in search of a good groom. The furnishings of the Moscow living rooms, reigning in them order and secular society - all this inspires Tatiana only disgust and boredom. Pupil in the village, the soul she strives for nature:

To the village, to poor settlements, in a secluded corner, where light rods pour ...

Tatyana gets a military, rich general and becomes a secular lady. In this position, he cares of Onegin, who returned in a few years from traveling. Now that Tatyana reached one of the public situation with him, love and passion awaken in it. Next, the story of the love of Onegin to Tatiana acquires a mirror reflection of the history of Love Tatiana to him.

Becoming a secular lady, Tatiana gradually changes in accordance with the company in which she has to be constantly. She becomes the "indifferent princess", "inaccessible goddess". In response to the recognition of Onegin Tatiana, although he loves him, gives a direct and unconditional answer:

But I am given to another, I will be true a century.

In these words, all the power of Tatiana's character is concluded, its essence. Despite the strong love of Onegin, she cannot disrupt the vow, given her husband before God, can not come from moral principles.

The exact opposite of Tatiana is her sister Olga. Her cheerful temper, simplicity, calm, careless character was, according to the author itself, an integral part of the image of the heroine of any novel of that time.

Onegin, as a true connoisseur of the female soul, gives Olga unflattering characteristic:

In terms of Olga, there is no

Extremely to Van-Deikaya Madonna:

Crop, red face she;

Like this stupid moon

On this stupid sky.

Olga's careless malga also testifies to her attitude towards love. She seemed to not notice the whole of the completeness and depth of the feelings of Lensky, ready to go for everything for her. It is because of her he fights on a duel with Onegin and dies. The duel is due to the frivolous and dismissive relationship of Olga to Lensky on the ball, she is having fun and dancing with Onegin, not noticing what pain does it cause Lena's behavior. With their last date, Lensky was confused and confused in front of that "tender simplicity" and naivety, with whom Olga appears: like windy hope, abruptly, careless, fun, well, exactly the same as it was. In the last hours of Lensky's life, Lensky purses thoughts about Olga. In the soul, he dreams of Olgina loyalty and devotion to him, but he is very mistaken in Olga's feelings: "... she didn't cry," and very quickly, the image of a man, endlessly and selflessly loved her, erased from her memory, and his place was taken by visiting Young Ulan, with whom Olga and tied his further life. History of Mother's Life Olga and Tatiana Larina is a sad story about the fate of a young girl from a secular society. Her, without any consent on its part, is issued to marry a localist nobleman Dmitry Larina and sent to the village. At first it turned out to be quite difficult to get used to the setting of rustic life. But over time she is used to and became an exemplary lady from the circle of the local nobility. Her previous hobbies and habits were replaced by ordinary affairs and care of the housework: she rushed on the work, Solished the mushrooms for the winter, led the costs, Bril's Libi, went to the bath on Saturdays of the servants Bila, Hardened, the image of Nannies Filippiens is the personification of the Russian Spest Paste. From her dialogue with Tatiana, we learn about the severe fate of the Russian people, which is under the oppression of serfdom. On his example, Philipperyevna shows the complete displacement of peasants, difficult relationships in families, but at the same time he is a keeper of common legends - "an old victim, nobyzzy", and therefore Filipian has played a big role in the formation of the character traits of Tatyana. And A. S. Pushkin In the novel, "Eugene Onegin" created a whole gallery of female images, each of which is typical and individual, embodying some particular characteristics. But the most perfect among all female images in the "Eugene Onegin" is the image of Tatiana, in which Pushkin displaced all the features of the previronmental woman.


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