Department of Culture and Archival Case of the Voronezh Region State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Voronezh Region "Voronezh Regional Universal Scientific Library to them. Public relations informing the population about

Department of Culture and Archival Case of the Voronezh Region State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Voronezh Region
Department of Culture and Archival Case of the Voronezh Region State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Voronezh Region "Voronezh Regional Universal Scientific Library to them. Public relations informing the population about

Karabalyk RDB from year to year tries to expand the social partnership with schools, children's gardens, RDK, museum, and other institutions and public organizations engaged in education and raising children.

Permanent partners in the work of the Karabalyk RDB are: general education schools of the district and their library, children's preschool institutions of the area, boarding house for gifted children of Karabalyk district "Zhas Talap", the district department of education, district historical - local history museum, RDK, children's school of arts, office Zozhe at the district central hospital, the Ivalid Society, the House of Creativity, the editorial office of the district newspaper "Aina".

Over the years, the library has been working in conjunction with all cultural institutions not only P. Karabalyk, as well as rural libraries and clubs, providing them with not only methodological assistance, but also practical.

The library comes towards all proposals from other institutions and organizations, assisted in carrying out activities, especially if they concerned the propaganda of local history knowledge and patriotic education.

RDB is one of the main participants in all massive events held in the village: Employees of the Library help to compile scenarios, hold contests, exhibitions, excursions, take part in all theatrical representations of the area (to the 55th anniversary of the virgin, May 9, the day of the village, etc. d.).

Librarians of the RDB are frequent guests of the district boarding school for gifted children "Zhas Talap". In the evening, they spend conversations here, quiz, contests. Educators with great pleasure invite librarians on measurement, and children are satisfied, as they learn something new, you willingly participate in contests, and thus passing time in Dali from your home.

The library works closely with the "House of Creativity", conducting joint events. Employees of DT are advised to employees of the RDB on the holding of events, revise many magazines and books with scenarios.

I would like to note that the RDB is carried out not only with schoolchildren, as well as with children of preschool age, for example, with pupils of D / Garden "Smile". Supporters Doe frequent guests library. They with great desire brought here children.

Karabalyk RDB works closely with the district children's school art. Librarians are invited to reviews, conversations. Lecturer of dehi (Malkova T.N.) cites children on conversations for the anniversary dates of musicians and artists.

The main and bright events in the work of the Children's Library of the district are necessarily highlighted in the local media. The reports on the massive events held in the Children's Library, which can be visited by an email (with photographs), is drawn up monthly and sent by e-mail. Karabalyk. KZ.

Karabalyk RDB also, closely contact with the Internet newspaper "Status-Karabalyk" (ch. Red. Maksimenko V.I.) and the district newspaper "Aina".

Karabalykaya RDB is a coordinator of the activities of rural libraries of the area working with children, a methodological and advisory center. The library has become a school of retraining of young librarians, a laboratory for studying best practices, analyzing the problems faced by children. Employees of the RDB prepare information and methodological benefits, conduct individual advice for rural librarians. Every year about 20-30 different materials are sent to each rural area library of the area to help work with small readers, RDB specialists are organized to rural libraries to provide methodical assistance.

Thus, comparing the main theoretical directions of the work of the Children's Library as a whole, with the experience of the Karabalyk RDB, we can conclude that the library as a socio-pedagogical institution in its deep-historical meaning remains unchanged over the centuries. It has a certain independence, which allows it, on the one hand, for a long time to maintain its integrity, and on the other hand, to dynamically adapt to a changing society, generating both new derivative elements and new derivatives. In this we were convinced of this as a result of the consideration of the experience of the work of Karabalyk RDB.

Karabalyk district children's library leads to continuous improvement of forms and methods of working with users. According to statistical indicators, every year is updated, but unfortunately, not in sufficient and quality of the literature foundation, the number of readers is growing. The library today chooses certain forms and methods of work, which considers the most appropriate in specific conditions. In recent years, the library has clearly developed a system for servicing children of different ages, which is adjusted to take into account the interests of the readers themselves and is agreed with the plans of the museum, school libraries, etc.

The library needs to be wider than using the gaming room, and this is more than 30 sq.m. Purchase checkers, chess, entertainment and educational games, equip with appropriate furniture. Then the library will become a truly "warm family house." Children here will spend even more time, communicate with each other. Those. The library will work, approximately as American libraries for children and adults.

In the future, it is necessary to make a more widely combined information and mass work with new technologies. This will significantly expand the capabilities of the children's library as a cultural and educational and information center, will improve the quality of services to help self-education, expand the access of children to information.

The prospect of the development of the library is extensive: to create information and bibliographic, advisory and reference service, including an automated system serving a print fund and audiovisual library materials. Within the framework of the service to organize an ARM bibliographer-an informant, which will be intended to provide users with assistance in obtaining the necessary information using an automated library system, teach computer literacy users and an automated search for information, open a multimedia center, create a department of sociological research and reading psychology that develops methodical techniques and Technology work with children and adolescents, studying the motivation of reading, reader preferences.

The revival of local self-government as the most important institution of community self-government is one of the actual problems of modern Russia. The importance of the development of local self-government is determined by many circumstances. First of all, it can and should contribute to the gradual "rustling" of Russia into a democratic political regime, initiating it "bottom". It is designed to help citizens realize that democracy is not only a formal institution, but also the social partnership, the personal participation of each in the affairs and concerns of that society, part of which he is. It is also important that the abstract right to freedom is implemented in particular in a particular right to carry out local self-government. As A. de Tokville wrote, "community institutions play to establish independence the same role as primary schools for science: they open the way to freedom and teach it to use this freedom."

The reform of local self-government in the Stavropol Territory has its own characteristics, it is fixed in our village level, the village, the district administration is a state vertical. In Russia, only 5 subjects of the federation have a similar structure, and it takes time to develop uniform approaches to the practical implementation of local self-government.

In Andropovsky district, the question of the consolidation of local self-government at the level of the district administration was now sharply. The population, due to the lack of competence, belongs to this problem wary. The authorities are in expectancy. Local media make weak attempts to explain the urgent situation.

Libraries at all times were conductors of the culture of society and state policies, which were often reacted by changes occurring in the socio-economic and political life of the region. No one can deny that at the moment the library has become the most necessary part of the infrastructure of the municipality, primarily its information. As experience shows, the municipal library has become "visible" for local authorities and is considered as the most convenient channel of informing. The issue of creating a system of informing about the activities of municipal authorities is most important today for small municipalities, which has objective reasons. In major cities there are other sources of municipal information, in particular information centers under local administrations with public receivers. In the small cities and rural areas of the library are truly the only public institutions that are able to work with information.

The purpose of local self-government is to promote civil society, its information openness. Civil society is based on the right of every citizen to have a free look at the state policy. People just need to know about the affairs of their chosen. They need to understand that local governments are their own activities on their own livelihood under its responsibility.

The intensification of the work of the Andropov CBS on the collection, storage and provision of information on local self-government began with the publication of a letter from the Presidential Administration and the Russian government aimed at the heads of the subjects of the Russian Federation (No. 4 - 10002 PCs from September 23, 1997). Along with federal and regional laws, decrees, regulations, regulatory acts, various publications regarding local government issues, the Library Funds were recommended to include the charters of municipalities, decisions, decisions, orders of the regional structures of the region, which was not previously done. Prior to this time, the Library of the CBS was conducted on a local history, where a fund was formed containing material about the life of the local community, on the activities of the management bodies; Accumulated positive experience in this aspect of work.

In recent years, librarians have observed an increase in the number of readers in libraries, indicating the presence of increased information needs among the population, including on local government issues.

In September 1998, the decision of the district state administration of the Andropovsky district was signed by the decision "On the organization in the libraries of the Andropov CBS of the collection, storage and provision of information on local government issues".

The Draft Support Program of the Local Government Program "Library - Information Center of the Municipal Community" was prepared by the TSB specialists, the main objectives of which are stated:

  • provide user access to sources and means of information collected in the libraries of the district;
  • create the most favorable and comfortable conditions for using library services to everyone;
  • provide the opportunity to access the resources of other libraries and information organizations through the channels of modern communication.

To achieve the goals set, the following tasks are defined:

  • create a fund of published and unpublished documents taken by local governments organized their systematization and storage;
  • organize an information and advisory point on local government on the basis of CRH, in which bibliographic information will be focused on the main direction of work, which allows to conduct targeted informing of managers and employees of bodies and services of local self-government, residents of municipalities;
  • implement modern technologies that allow you to increase the flow of information in the library and improve information delivery methods to users.

In 1999, this project received the Grand Montf and Ministry of Culture, due to which computer equipment was purchased, and the beginning of the automation of the CBS was purchased.

Since the Central District Library has the most complete reference - bibliographic apparatus, local lore directories reflecting the documents in the Stavropol Territory, Andropovsky district, and also keeps the main regional and district periodicals in its funds in its funds, the information department was allocated in its structure. and modern technologies ", designed to work with the authorities and the population in this direction.

In October 2001, the head of the Andropov district administration was signed by the disposal of the opening of the Center for Legal Information (CPI) on the basis of the information department and modern technologies of the Andropov CBS.

In order to substantiate the choice of priorities in promoting the formation of local self-government, the information needs of the population and municipal employees were studied. These studies revealed the subjects of requests: these are legislative, sociological, industrial potential and raw materials, agricultural, economic information. Collective and individual information consumers were identified, information about them is listed in the information support card. According to the previous mini-research "Computer literacy of a rural resident" (2000), it has been established that there are a very small percentage to work with information resources and technologies, which made it difficult to quickly delivery information. At the moment, the number of people enjoying computer tools has increased significantly, including many organizations and enterprises have access to the Internet and their postal address.

CPI accumulates information three levels: federal, subject subject, municipal. And informs on the basis of such information resources as:

  1. Global Internet.
  2. FAPSI server. Our CBS is not the only opportunity to use the BD FAPSI. Several edges libraries also have mailboxes on the agency server, which allows us to access their database.
  3. IPS "Consultant Plus", "Garant", "Your right".
  4. Electronic versions of the magazines "Encyclopedia of Russian Law", "Legislation and Economics".
  5. Foundation for print official publications.
  6. Fund editions by directing.
  7. The primary source fund is formed on the basis of the regional and district newspapers, as well as documents and materials that are transmitted from the Departments of the District and Rural Administrations. From the general department we get regulatory acts of the district administration. Documents from the Office of the economy make it possible to acquaint the population with the socio-economic situation of the district. Employment service provides information on the state of the labor market, training opportunities and training. Publishing products of local governments, as well as materials published by municipal institutions, public organizations (alliances, communities, etc.).
  8. Secondary information resources, i.e. A combination of sources of library - bibliographic and factographic information. The system catalog highlighted the rubric "Local self-government: problems, contradictions, prospects. Local history card files also has a heading," local self-government in the Stavropol Territory "," Social defense "," disabled. Law. Society "," Law "," advises the lawyer "," elections to local governments ", etc. Formed a certificate of official materials" Documents on local self-government ", a card file" To help a businessman ", containing information about firms.

Over time, the Foundation of the first sources on local self-government will go into the archival part of local history.

The main directions of informing the public about the organization of local self-government and the activities of its bodies are:

  • Decisions and solutions of district and rural administrations;
  • Socio-economic development of the Andropovsky district;
  • Budget district;
  • Production development;
  • Development of non-productive spheres, including communications, domestic service;
  • Environmental protection;
  • Statistics, etc.

Center employees systematically monitor new information directions and themes in the media. The most actual queries are recorded, analysis is carried out and promising directions are predicted, the SBA adjustment is carried out, the corresponding headings are entered.

The public informing system involves the organization and formation of two information flows. Downward flow of information is informing the subject of local government - the population.

Our library has long been aware of themselves by the Social Institute and the Center for Social Protection of the Population. Residents of the district are asking for help in the library on the issues of pension provision, social protection, rights and benefits. The Center for Legal Information not only collects and systematizes documents relating to the organization and activities of local self-government, but also explains the need to develop this new direction. As a rule, citizens do not realize that they should become a driving force in the formation of local self-government, that they are builders of their livelihoods, and the authorities only coordinate their actions. People need to understand that democracy is not only a formal institution, but also the social partnership, the personal participation of each in the affairs and concerns of that society, part of which he is. For many years, people have brought up on another ideology, now they are psychologically difficult to perceive what is happening. Therefore, we believe that special attention, explanatory and educational work should be carried out with high school students and students. For them, meetings with representatives of the district administration are organized. In addition to performances, active methods are used - round tables, seminars, role-playing games, which clearly contributes to the best learning material and increase the productivity of the event.

Along with the original sources, users are provided with information in the form of bibliographic lists, photocopy and printing of documents. A contract basis is provided with a press dossier on the stated topic.

In the CRH and branch libraries, information stands, bulletin boards, such as "village: day after day," "in the corridors of power," where information on the decisions made, orders, materials on social protection issues are regularly posted.

The library actively cooperates with the media (radio, newspapers).

In today's conditions, the library has become a link between the population and the authorities, helps them find and understand each other. The ascending flow of information is informational support for the library of local governments. The libraries were always conductors of the culture of society and the state's policies that created them and contain. Therefore, they have always provided informational support to power structures.

The most important task of today is to raise the effectiveness of managerial activities of local authorities of all levels. The quality of management is definitely influenced by factors such as the quality of information and competence of the consultation. These factors make it possible to make decisions that change the situation on the best way to influence the fate of social problems, raise the social status of the population.

All previous activities of Andropovskaya CBS are the experience of working together with the administration, the experience of partnerships. Since the creation of the department, the local government has become even more attentive to listen to the library as an organization that can cope with serious tasks. Cooperation between the center and the district administration is carried out on a contractual basis. The contract indicates the following obligations of the parties:

  • local self-government (OMS) bodies undertake to provide OIS published and unpublished documents on their activities to organize their storage and providing access to them members of the local community.
  • The Oist undertakes to promptly inform the OMS on laws, regulatory acts, decisions, decisions of federal and regional authorities, as well as the material systematized according to the stated topics.
  • The Oist undertakes to inform the local community about the activities of the OMS.

Contracts are also signed between branch libraries and rural administrations. Through libraries - branches, the documents of rural authorities are transferred to the Center for Legal Information. The department sends to branches the necessary information for their consumers. Thus, a mechanism for disseminating information on local government issues has been established.

The experience with municipal employees suggests that they need information on time (preferably "yesterday") and with a maximum fullness. Employees of the CBS work in this mode, otherwise our work will be unclaimed.

The main directions of information support include informing the bodies of representative and executive authorities, the department of statistics, the management of culture and art, the Committee for the Protection of Nature. For example:

  • legislative documents of the Russian Federation;
  • monitoring public opinion. In particular, the collection and analysis of the answers to the questionnaires developed by the district administration "The attitude of the population to the local governments of the Andropovsky district of the Stavropol region", "the role of state authorities and local self-government";
  • providing information about the experience of the authorities in other municipal communities;
  • informing on social problems, ecology, etc.

Informing is carried out in Iri modes, Dor, reference service - in the "Question - Answer" mode. Moreover, not only in the form of bibliographic information (analytical references, bibliographic lists of new arrivals), but also in the form of a press dossier. Transmission of information is carried out both by telephone and via email, as well as copies of documents are sent or issued directly in the department.

Systematically for municipal employees, employees of the Center holds the days of a specialist, for example "Operational Information - the Path to Success", Round Tables - "Municipal Right: Questions and Answers." In the events held, the heads of rural administrations, specialists of municipalities, deputies of rural doom, librarians are participating.

The Center for Legal Information provides information support of deputies and deputy commissions.

Interesting and informative was the work of the department for establishing the facts that were based on the "Encyclopedia of the Andropovsky District". At the request of the administration, the employees of the Center established the dates of assigning the titles to the honored workers of the sectors of the national economy, culture, health care, education.

Informing municipal employees is the main task in the interaction of the library and management bodies. However, the Division of "Information and Modern Technologies" for the district administrations performs another number of non-traditional services. For example: Restores dilapidated photos representing historical value; Processes material about veterans, participants of the Second World War; It makes booklets (to the anniversary dates of the village of District), various diplomas, honorary diplomas, business cards. Last year, the programmer department S.V. Kulikov made a computer layout for edition of a booklet about the Andropov district. With the participation of specialists of the department, the coat of arms of the district was developed, as well as the layout of the orders of 3 degrees "for contribution to the development of the area."

New forms of work require constant updating practical knowledge of specialists working with power structures. On the basis of the CRH, seminars are held, round tables for both the librarians of the CBS and for workers of the edge libraries. The staff of the entire CBS receives knowledge to organize work with information on local self-government. In compulsory, everyone passes professional and production training on the use of personal computers.

An important role in organizing work to help the formation of local self-government plays technical equipment. However, there are no computers in any branch of the CBS, respectively, there are no electronic databases. But it is the libraries that are in the village the only source of information for more than 36 thousand inhabitants of the Andropovsky district. While computer equipment and Internet access has only a legal information center. Therefore, before the CBS, a strategic task is to ensure effective access to information resources based on the latest computer technologies, the development of network interaction of libraries and telecommunication networks.

In the future, the joint activity of the Center for Legal Information and Local Government Bodies within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Electronic Russia (2002-2010)" is planned.

Social partnership in the activities of the Municipal Libraries of the region in recent years has become one of the important areas. It combined everyone who is not indifferent to the book, who concerns the fate of libraries, those who sincerely want to help the library in her daily affairs and development. This cooperation helps to improve library services, make brighter and high quality library activities, meets the needs of users in obtaining the necessary information andservices. Almost no event in the library, perhaps, does not cost only the librarians themselves, always nearby - reliable partners, volunteers, sponsors and patters, readers. Among the like-minded libraries today, local authorities and representatives of organizations, institutions, business communities, media, and, of course, readers can be called.

An example of successful cooperation can serve as many library events and shares held in 2012.

One example of Pskov's positive cooperation in Pskov in 2012 was the holding of an online round table "The formation of statehood in the north-west of Russia" (Pskov - Veliky Novgorod - Izborsk). Partners of the historical and local history library. I.I. Vasileva, Pskov, Pskov State University, Pskov Museum-Reserve, Novgorod Museum-Reserve.

The main social partner of libraries in the municipalities of the region are local authorities who support the implementation of socially significant library projects and shares. Local self-government bodies are no less interested in the development of publicly available libraries, as they are responsible for the quality of life of the local community, legal education and education of citizens, training their basics of living in new conditions, attachment to culture and information.

Local governments contribute to the successful activities of libraries, take action on their technical modernization, participate in their work, maintain both innovative endeavors and in everyday work. Thus, the administration of rural settlements of the Peshoshkinsky district responded to the petitions of the director of the district library and provided material assistance to libraries in conducting a subscription company for 2012-2013. The administration of the Alolish parish is financially supported by rural library institutions. The Pustoshkinsky Bakery Plant provides material support to the library, and the library opened a book retardation at the enterprise.

Libraries, in turn, carry out information support of state authorities and local self-government. Many rural libraries are tested by deputies, meetings of the heads of administrations of districts and other events. For example, under the Plus CRH, it is necessary: \u200b\u200b"Corner of self-government at the library", "Consultative item for the population of the area of \u200b\u200bTSZH", "Consultative item for the population of the district on civil defense issues." Permanently existing exhibitions "Housing and communal services: Questions and Answers", "Local Power: Review of Official Documents", which are updated by mandatory specimens of documents prepared by local governments. On the basis of the educational and advisory point of the library in May 2012, a training seminar "Studying Fire Safety" was held for the heads of organizations and cultural institutions together with the FEM and EFC department. Large joint work was conducted by the libraries of the village on the preparation of solemn events dedicated to the Day of Liberation of Plussies, the 85th anniversary of the formation of the Plus District.

At the round table "Novorzhevskaya culture: history and modernity" In the Central District Library, administration workers and library specialists jointly discussed the issues of culture in the area. An assessment of the activities of institutions as a whole gave the head of the Department for Culture, Youth Policy and Sports Administration of the E.E. Stepanova. Director of Muk Novorzhevskaya CRH L.E. Yakovleva introduced a history of library development. About the creative path of the Ensemble "Novorzhevsky Skobar" his member M.I. Doves. Experience in successful cooperation with clubs shared librarians of Makarovsky and Zhadritsky rural branches. The library worker of the Veknyansky rural branch told about copyright exhibitions of people's masters in the library. Mutual social partnership contributes to the organization of cultural leisure of the population, it is necessary to strengthen the relationship - the participants of the round table came to this conclusion.

An example of positive cooperation in the Novorzhevsky district can serve as a festive program for the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty, prepared jointly with the participation of the Zhadritsky rural branch - library, a rural club, the administration of the rural settlement "Zhadritsy", the Center for Social Service of the district's population. The holiday was solemn and kind, thanks to joint efforts.

At the village, librarians actively work with local governments, help to carry out citizens' gods, notify the population about fire safety measures, congratulate the houses of veterans with the holidays, help them collect various certificates, participate in the organization and spending days of volosts. Representatives of local governments - frequent guests at events conducted by cultural institutions, incl. and libraries, and librarians for them are the most reliable assistants

In the Nevelsky district in 2012, partnerships are established with the leaders of the family Ecoleger (Moscow), which is located in a picturesque place in the village of Fenoo in the territory of the Nevelsky district. Their concept is an active and cognitive holiday. An example of cooperation is to conduct master classes, training seminars on the basis of rural libraries of the Nevelsky CRH. In 2012, such an event was conducted on the basis of the three-year rural library. Business partnership, interaction better reveals libraries capabilities, helps convey information to users in a brighter, entertainment form.

Libraries and local administrations are implementing joint targeted programs and local lore publishing projects. Employees of the CRH of the Velikoluksky district together with the district administration are actively involved in the preparation for the publication of the book "Historical Males of the Earth Velikolukskaya" (to the 85th anniversary of the Velikoluksky district). CRH specialists prepared and conducted a presentation of the book, and as a gift from the administration, the library received 40 copies. Books. IN Stroorokrasnensky district The sponsor of the publication of the literary and local history almanac "Our region" has been the administration of the Stogo-Krasnensky district for many years; The administration of the urban settlement of the Red Strugat, the administration of the rural settlement "Maryinskaya Vosti" provided financial support and when publishing a book "We have something to remember, who are proud of."

Many municipal libraries have established strong partnerships with local branches of creative unions, political parties and public organizations. In 2012, the partnerships of the Central City Library of the Central TsBS, Pskov, and the Pskov Department of the All-Russian Public Organization - Society "Knowledge", Pskov Regional Offices of Creative Unions: Union of Local Lowers of Russia, Union of Writers of Russia, the Union of Composers of Russia. Got the development of communication withPskov region in Moscow. Also among partners: PSKOVART's social movement, the public organization "ZOO", the union of photographers and videographers of the Pskov region, Pskov Anime Club and others. In 2012, the Central Bank of Pskov was carried out joint creative projects with young photographers of the Pskov Persons portal.

Permanent Social Partners Libraries Great Luki - Committees and Management of the City Administration, Libraries of other departments, almost all Culture Institutions: Velikolukovsky Drama Theater, Children's Music Schools and School of Arts, House of Culture, Local Lore Museum and Local Local Society, United Russia Party Department , Public Council on Historical and Cultural Heritage, Council of Veterans, Society of Disabled, Media and others. All urban stocks and holidays are held in the Commonwealth with social partners. So, in the program "Cute heart corner" on the city day with libraries, schools, cultural institutions, public organizations, etc. took part in the city.

INGdovsky districtfromgood partnerships are established about all institutions, public and professional organizations of the city and the district. Last year, new partners appeared: boarding house for the elderly and disabled. In collaboration plans - carrying out joint activities, the provision of information resources of the library, professional informing staff of the boarding school, and the librarians have already presented a set of books for residents of the home boarding school. The cooperation of libraries with the district branches of the young public organization "Union of Women of Russia" continues. So, the GDovsky libraries received support in stock "Grow with a book, baby!", They allocated funds for the purchase of books for newborn babies and their parents. Also supported the district project of literary and youth readings "Young people read the classics." The young men who participate in readings gave flash cards, girls - books. In collaboration plans, the creation of a "trust phone", holding a "wave of memory" about the role of GDovsky women during the war years, legal education, organization of legal advice and other events.

At the initiative of the regional branch of the Fair Russia party, the All-Russian Social Movement of the Social Democratic Union of Youth of Russia in the Pskov Region, the agency of Culture and the Central District Library passed a promotion of books in the district libraries of the Dedovsky, Dedovichsky and Porkhovsky districts. During the election period, the library cooperate with territorial electoral commissions, help to prepare information for voters.

Regional libraries in order to solve common tasks are trying to build mutually beneficial relations with organizations, institutions and individuals.

Pskov Centralized Library Libraries Pskov attracted to cooperation when conducting measures under the program "Complex measures to counter drug abuse and their illicit turnover on the territory of the municipality" City of Pskov "for 2011-2014" Professionals' specialists: Federal Service Management Employees According to drug trafficking in the Pskov region, the prosecutor's office, a narcological dispensary. In carrying out a patriotic event, the servicemen of 76 divisions and special forces traditionally take the active participants, students of the Patriot out-in-school work center. In 2012, the cooperation of the libraries of Pskov with the Pskov City Youth Center continued. Among partners - "Educational Center for Social Adaptation", LLC "Legal Department", State Archive of the Pskov Region, "Archaeological Center", Pskov Museum - Reserve.

In the great bows, the library's permanent kind partners are: schools and lyceums, colleges, technical schools, universities. For more than 16 years, cooperation with the "Social Services Center of Great Luki" continues. During the year, more than 30 events were held. Students have the opportunity to touch the work of many poets, writers, musicians. Affiliate relations with the creative teams of the children's art school and the art school of arts allow regularly organizing in the library of the exhibition of students of art school students, holidays, thematic evenings. The sponsor of the library-branch number 2 is the deputy of the Velikoluksky City Duma, General Director of the Press Status LLC Korenev A.Yu., thanks to which the library receives more than 30 items of periodicals, which helps a lot in library work. The collaboration of the library and the arrival of the church of the Ascension of Christ G. The Great Lukes of the Pskov Diocese of the ROC contributes to the introduction to the knowledge of Russian history, the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and the formation of a spiritually rich personality. The library's reading room has a Sunday School.

The libraries of the Bejanitsky district work together with the shelters: in Kuduevier - with a children's shelter, in Chihachevo - with a home boarding house for the elderly and disabled. Good partnerships have developed with the district council of war and labor veterans, with leaders of primary veteran organizations in the field. In 2012 r.stirring a list of social partners Kuninsky CRH: Cooperation with the Kuninsky branch of the Union of Pensioners of Russia and the socio-political organization "Children of War" has been established. Partnership and business cooperation with the employment center are successfully developing. During the summer holidays in the district library, eleven temporary jobs were created for the employment of minor citizens, incl. In the villagers and the priests of rural libraries, teenagers had substantial assistance to libraries in their work.

Libraries of Locany CRBin 2012, the most closely cooperated with the Council of Veterans. Clubs for the elderly were actively worked, library sites, holidays, evenings were held. There were many interesting events. For example, the local CRH participated in Kushnarenko's street festival, issued posters on the "Veteran Faming 2012". Within the framework of cooperation with the Office of the Pension Fund in the Location of literature, and its specialists have been organized during the year, and its specialists have provided assistance in conducting events for veterans, in the work of the "Communication" club. Together with the Society of the Blind, a seminar was organized on the topic: "The place and role of the library in the life of people with disabilities". Huge methodical assistance was provided by the Locany CRK of the Pskov Regional Special Library for the blind and visually impaired, which provided the scenario of the evening and guidelines for working with this group of library users.

A longtime and reliable partner of all libraries of the Palkinsky District Council of Veterans of War and Labor and his chairman B.T. Ilyin, together with whom in the libraries of the district, meetings with Pskov writers are held, publishing books B.T. Lielin, are organized by patriotic education events. The administrations of rural settlements are the partners of the libraries during events dedicated to the Day of the Elderly, Victory Day, when celebrating the days of the villages.

Cooperation with the state social service management of the population of the Palkinsky district allowed the district library to establish close contact with the Club "Weekend", which works with this organization. Collaboration with the club is mutually beneficial: the district library has the opportunity to expand the range of its users, to attract 23 new readers to read, and the ability to conduct mass events of various focus.In the area of \u200b\u200bthe cooperation of the Children's Library with the Center for Social Services, which made it possible to expand the circle of servicedisabled children.

In the Porkhovsky district with the participation of employees The Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Pskov region held an event "Culture of the Russian Language", promoting the adaptation of foreign citizens in Russia. Together with the Pension Fondondl, the members of the club "Evening Meetings" organized a meeting with the head of the Department of Appointment and Pension Pension and held "legal libraries". We have become frequent guests in the Tsvetsky district library Representatives of the Pskov Regional Center "Prism", the Union of Pensioners of Russia, the Pskov Drug Control Department as consultants during the expert's days. The administration of the urban settlement "OPCO", the local branch of the United Russia party and the library became the organizers of the competition for the best household site for the Day of the Elderly.

The circle of friends and partners of the Pushkinogorsk Central District Library has more than 17 organizations, the institutions of the village. Revival of the value of reading, improving interest in the book and literature, the development of literary creativity of children and young people help: the Union of Writers of Russia and the Union of Artists of Russia, a lot of good interesting things link the libraries of the district with the Children's School of Arts named after S. S. Heichenko, High School named after A. FROM. Pushkin, Sanatorium boarding school, Zaretsky secondary school. Evaloral tours of the holy places, the hours of Orthodox conversation, dialogues are those events that took place in the library walls with representatives of the Orthodox Kazan Church and the Svyatogorsk Monastery.

The libraries of the Pechora CBS have developed a strong partnership with Pskovo - Pechersk Monastery, with the support of the monastery there is a recruitment of libraries by Orthodox literature. A spiritual school is operating in the CRH, which is headed by Igumen Chrysanf. On the basis of the library, meetings of two sections are held within the framework of Corniliev's readings. Hegumen Mark oversees the work of the club "Veteran". Musical groups of the monastery (children's-youth choir, ensemble "Harmony"), members of the Theater Studio of the Orthodox Children's Movement "Bulletin" repeatedly performed in the library.

A stable partnership of libraries with educational institutions, culture, higher educational institutions, including the Pskov State University, the Russian International Academy of Tourism, the State University of Service and Economics, etc. The result of close relationships was an increase in the number of participants in urban competitions, conferences, readings. In the practice of collaboration: holding professional events, seminars, days of information, the organization of field reading rooms.

For 10 years, the Velikolukskaya CRH. I.A.Vasiliev is a platform for conducting seminars, methodological associations and raising the level of professional knowledge of teachers. Within the framework of the program "New Technologies - new ways of interaction", three seminars for school libraries were held. Rural libraries of the Velikoluksky district (Borkovskaya, Porechenskaya, Kupauskaya library) expand the content of their activities, combining the tasks of the information institution with the functions of the museum, the exhibition hall. So, the Porechenskaya rural model library is an exhibition hall for masters of applied creativity. Velikoluksky CRH together with the information and cultural center, the Borkovsky Museum named after the writer I.A. Vasilyeva annually holds the holiday of front-line poetry "A music is not silent."

Many library events are held by the MUK "Usier District Culture Center" in collaboration with the department for working with young people. Teachers of the House of Children's Creativity work closely with the children's office in conducting children's holidays, matinees. From year to year, connects to the schools of the district.

Among the regular partners of the libraries of the Novosokolnichesky district of more than 25 institutions, enterprises and public organizations. As the main partner, they consider the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library. The site of the PUNB became a daily assistant in the daily work of the library of the district. Thanks to the support of the methodologists of the regional library, it is now possible to post information about the life of the district libraries on the library portal and be aware of their colleagues and neighbors. A zonal school of quality helps in this work.

In 2012, the partnerships of the Novosokolnichesky CRH with the management of agriculture were closer and mutually beneficial. In addition to informing, participation in the work of the Club of Flowerwoods on the basis of the library was organized training of agricultural specialists by the district teachers of HSSH. Good partnerships have developed the district branch of the Pension Fund. At the request of the leadership, a movement was opened for specialists, assisted in organizing mass events and exhibitions of folk art, providing transport.

The libraries of the Pskov region support communication with regional and local media, publishers that help comprehensively cover the events of the library life of the region.

Speaking about the popularization of the book and reading, the library specialists of the region celebrate such a nuance of cooperation with regional media: it is necessary to start talking not only about the status of reading, but also about the status of reading good books that develop the spiritual world of man, and the media can help in this.

Information support to the libraries of the region provide information Internet agencies: Pskov Information Agency, Pskov News Tape, Center for Business Information, PskovLive .ru, etc. "Library Portal of the Pskov Region" ( portal. pskovlib. ru) It gives the opportunity to municipal libraries to tell about their activities in the virtual space. In legal education, information partners in the work of municipal libraries are "Special Communications of FSO Russia", "Garant", "Consultant Plus", which freely provide a replenish reference package of reference legal information.

Such examples of joint fruitful cooperation can be given a lot. And the libraries are grateful to everyone who helps them - and goodwalk and deed.

In the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library developed a new project - the creation Alternative Club of Socially Responsible Pskovichi "Perfect Partnership" . The new project was prepared by employees of the socio-cultural development department and aimed at developing cooperation between the business community, volunteers and library partners. With the participation of volunteers, such events took place as annual action "Day of remembering your favorite books" , Unconfixion "Overcoming. I want to live!" , Intellectual Games Tournament festival of intellectual literature "2012: literature without fiction" . The regional library invites everyone to join the project on internet page Club ( At the heart of the "ideal partnership" lies the theory that sooner or later, humanity will come to the fact that it will build its life not only around the benefits of material, but also of social benefits. Club participants are our contemporaries that are already engaged in social cooperation issues today, social investments. Get acquainted with the participants of the Club or to join it, you can on a specially created virtual site - a blog "Ideal partnership" ( Among its partners, sponsors, patrons, the library of the region will always be glad to see companies from different areas of business, volunteers, creative and non-indulgered Pskov.

Currently, the library community of the Pskov region puts its task to further developing partnership relations of libraries with various institutions and organizations, public associations on the implementation of socially significant shares, library programs and innovative projects.

Prepared: Levchenko Alla Leonidovnaheaded by the sector of the coordination department of the libraries of the Pskov OUDB.

School - Library: Active forms of interaction

Slide 1. - Photo

Slide 2 "In the pages of books - decades, Migi,

Events, fate, motley life tribute.

Let mall, live, fasten books -

Centuries connecting tissue. "

( V. Sikorsky)

    Why was the need for a closer interaction of the librarian and teacher-subject schoolchildren?

The problem of modern school It is in the instill of information literacy to the reader as the most important skill of a person. A graduate school must have the ability to receive information from various sources, process it with logical operations and apply in various life situations; And the adult reader is posted information and bibliographic culture.

Slide 3 The school library is today the necessary link of the educational environment, i.e. And she herself has that material and spiritual environment capable of intensifying the creative activities of children and adults.

the main task any school library as an information center is to assist students and teachers in an educational process. Without a good library, the school will not be able to perform its educational and educational functions at a high level.

The school library provides the information necessary for a successful existence in a modern information society, where knowledge plays a crucial role.

Slide 4 Both first grader, and a graduate school, and a teacher, and the director of the educational institution are involved in the general orbit, whose name is education. It has been proven that the cooperation of librarians and teachers contributes to increasing the literacy of students, promotes the development of reading skills, memorization, as well as the development of ability to use information and communicative technologies.

The interaction of the librarian and the student-schoolchildren is based on the principles of "pedagogy of co-creation", where the library is given an active role. These are primarilyindividual work built in the form of dialogue and extracurricular Schoolchild life .

Slide 5 - diagram

Slide 6 The library, being an element of an educational environment, is capable of intensifying the creative, intellectual potential of the child, to become an information center in school.

From here and the main goal of school librariesto promote the formation of the skills of the information culture of students, teachers, parents.

To achieve this goal of the school, the following tasks decide :

    Ensuring the diversity of the content of the educational school process based on high-quality recruitment of the library fund.

    A focused organization and design of the library as an informational environment for readers.

    Education of morality, the formation of aesthetic taste by attachment to the values \u200b\u200bof national and world culture.

    Return of children to reading remaining the only, reliable means of preserving the Institute of Culture.

Slide 7 Priority areas of school interaction and OU Library:

Formation of strong basics of moral and healthy lifestyle through the organization of extracurricular activities.

Development of spiritual and physical personality opportunities,

Formation of reading

A selection of artistic, scientific and methodical literature,

Constant monitoring of reader interests of students using reflective technologies.

The development of spiritually moral and civilian-patriotic education of schoolchildren in the library environment.

    Work with gifted children.

    Assistance in learning students to design and modeling in the field of communication through the organization of active forms of activity;

    studying the historical experience of organizing communication of people in human communities,

    their roles and consequences for subsequent generations;

    teaching empathy manifestation, creating positive situations of communication;

    forming analytical and reflective communication skills.

Slide 8 forms of work

To educate the culture of reading children and adolescents in school libraries, various forms of work are used:

    Library lessons;

    book exhibitions;

    reviews of literature on the culture of reading;

    thematic evenings, oral magazines, literary living rooms;

    literary contests, quiz, games; Design and research activities.

New information technologies today have rapidly entered library and informational activities.

But the mission of the School Library is to attract children to reading - it has not changed, but only acquired a new depth and content, received a new potential.

Slide 9 Currently, multimedia resources are used in almost all directions of educational activities.

It is necessary to give preferencepresentation, interactive, multimedia Forms of information and educational and cultural and leisure directions.

Interactive forms such as:

    Electronic presentations of book exhibitions

    Electronic library lessons

    Virtual conferences,

    Oral magazines - Presentations

    Slide - movies

    Literary living rooms with electronic presentations.

Slide 10 Let's summarize

- What are the active forms of interaction "Teacher and Librarian"?

    Ensuring the educational process and self-education through information and library services, i.e. Providing information, methodological and consulting assistance to employees Schools.

    Librarians and teachers combine theory with practice.

    Librarians teach schoolchildren to evaluate the Internet - resources, raising the desired settings with the teachers.

    Sharely teach responsibility to use digital resources based on the independence of thinking.

    The librarian advises schoolchildren in their skills to make decisions based on self-esteem, whichcomplements, but does not replace An assessment of the achievements of students This teacher is a subject.

- Why do the librarian and teacher unite?

    To share responsibility for the development of children of the desire for study, understanding information, the ability to make their own conclusions and create new knowledge, sharingabout changing and recognized with others.

    Such cooperation of the school with children and public libraries leads to joint network innovations in matters of formation and information literacy and culture of schoolchildren and their parents.

    Schoolchildren are looking for information actively and independently, using multiple sources that set different points of view.

    Promoting the development of schoolchildren's interest in reading through participation in contests and festivals.

- What is the basis for school interaction and library?

    Unified School Informatization Program, approved at the School Pedsove (projects, individual training programs for schoolchildren and teachers, taking into account independent research, consultation).

    Community of like-minded people (school, library, network communities)

    Support for parents (through blogs, wiki environment, etc.).

    Cooperation with public and children's libraries (on the formation of information literacy of parents and schoolchildren).

Slide 11 - Proverbs Slide 12 - thanks for your attention

Social partnership in the activities of the Municipal Libraries of the region in recent years has become one of the important areas. It combined everyone who is not indifferent to the book, who concerns the fate of libraries, those who sincerely want to help the library in her daily affairs and development. This cooperation helps to improve library services, make brighter and high quality library activities, meets the needs of users in obtaining the necessary information andservices. Almost no event in the library, perhaps, does not cost only the librarians themselves, always nearby - reliable partners, volunteers, sponsors and patters, readers. Among the like-minded libraries today, local authorities and representatives of organizations, institutions, business communities, media, and, of course, readers can be called.

An example of successful cooperation can serve as many library events and shares held in 2012.

One example of Pskov's positive cooperation in Pskov in 2012 was the holding of an online round table "The formation of statehood in the north-west of Russia" (Pskov - Veliky Novgorod - Izborsk). Partners of the historical and local history library. I.I. Vasileva, Pskov, Pskov State University, Pskov Museum-Reserve, Novgorod Museum-Reserve.

The main social partner of libraries in the municipalities of the region are local authorities who support the implementation of socially significant library projects and shares. Local self-government bodies are no less interested in the development of publicly available libraries, as they are responsible for the quality of life of the local community, legal education and education of citizens, training their basics of living in new conditions, attachment to culture and information.

Local governments contribute to the successful activities of libraries, take action on their technical modernization, participate in their work, maintain both innovative endeavors and in everyday work. Thus, the administration of rural settlements of the Peshoshkinsky district responded to the petitions of the director of the district library and provided material assistance to libraries in conducting a subscription company for 2012-2013. The administration of the Alolish parish is financially supported by rural library institutions. The Pustoshkinsky Bakery Plant provides material support to the library, and the library opened a book retardation at the enterprise.

Libraries, in turn, carry out information support of state authorities and local self-government. Many rural libraries are tested by deputies, meetings of the heads of administrations of districts and other events. For example, under the Plus CRH, it is necessary: \u200b\u200b"Corner of self-government at the library", "Consultative item for the population of the area of \u200b\u200bTSZH", "Consultative item for the population of the district on civil defense issues." Permanently existing exhibitions "Housing and communal services: Questions and Answers", "Local Power: Review of Official Documents", which are updated by mandatory specimens of documents prepared by local governments. On the basis of the educational and advisory point of the library in May 2012, a training seminar "Studying Fire Safety" was held for the heads of organizations and cultural institutions together with the FEM and EFC department. Large joint work was conducted by the libraries of the village on the preparation of solemn events dedicated to the Day of Liberation of Plussies, the 85th anniversary of the formation of the Plus District.

At the round table "Novorzhevskaya culture: history and modernity" In the Central District Library, administration workers and library specialists jointly discussed the issues of culture in the area. An assessment of the activities of institutions as a whole gave the head of the Department for Culture, Youth Policy and Sports Administration of the E.E. Stepanova. Director of Muk Novorzhevskaya CRH L.E. Yakovleva introduced a history of library development. About the creative path of the Ensemble "Novorzhevsky Skobar" his member M.I. Doves. Experience in successful cooperation with clubs shared librarians of Makarovsky and Zhadritsky rural branches. The library worker of the Veknyansky rural branch told about copyright exhibitions of people's masters in the library. Mutual social partnership contributes to the organization of cultural leisure of the population, it is necessary to strengthen the relationship - the participants of the round table came to this conclusion.

An example of positive cooperation in the Novorzhevsky district can serve as a festive program for the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty, prepared jointly with the participation of the Zhadritsky rural branch - library, a rural club, the administration of the rural settlement "Zhadritsy", the Center for Social Service of the district's population. The holiday was solemn and kind, thanks to joint efforts.

At the village, librarians actively work with local governments, help to carry out citizens' gods, notify the population about fire safety measures, congratulate the houses of veterans with the holidays, help them collect various certificates, participate in the organization and spending days of volosts. Representatives of local governments - frequent guests at events conducted by cultural institutions, incl. and libraries, and librarians for them are the most reliable assistants

In the Nevelsky district in 2012, partnerships are established with the leaders of the family Ecoleger (Moscow), which is located in a picturesque place in the village of Fenoo in the territory of the Nevelsky district. Their concept is an active and cognitive holiday. An example of cooperation is to conduct master classes, training seminars on the basis of rural libraries of the Nevelsky CRH. In 2012, such an event was conducted on the basis of the three-year rural library. Business partnership, interaction better reveals libraries capabilities, helps convey information to users in a brighter, entertainment form.

Libraries and local administrations are implementing joint targeted programs and local lore publishing projects. Employees of the CRH of the Velikoluksky district together with the district administration are actively involved in the preparation for the publication of the book "Historical Males of the Earth Velikolukskaya" (to the 85th anniversary of the Velikoluksky district). CRH specialists prepared and conducted a presentation of the book, and as a gift from the administration, the library received 40 copies. Books. IN Stroorokrasnensky district The sponsor of the publication of the literary and local history almanac "Our region" has been the administration of the Stogo-Krasnensky district for many years; The administration of the urban settlement of the Red Strugat, the administration of the rural settlement "Maryinskaya Vosti" provided financial support and when publishing a book "We have something to remember, who are proud of."

Many municipal libraries have established strong partnerships with local branches of creative unions, political parties and public organizations. In 2012, the partnerships of the Central City Library of the Central TsBS, Pskov, and the Pskov Department of the All-Russian Public Organization - Society "Knowledge", Pskov Regional Offices of Creative Unions: Union of Local Lowers of Russia, Union of Writers of Russia, the Union of Composers of Russia. Got the development of communication withPskov region in Moscow. Also among partners: PSKOVART's social movement, the public organization "ZOO", the union of photographers and videographers of the Pskov region, Pskov Anime Club and others. In 2012, the Central Bank of Pskov was carried out joint creative projects with young photographers of the Pskov Persons portal.

Permanent Social Partners Libraries Great Luki - Committees and Management of the City Administration, Libraries of other departments, almost all Culture Institutions: Velikolukovsky Drama Theater, Children's Music Schools and School of Arts, House of Culture, Local Lore Museum and Local Local Society, United Russia Party Department , Public Council on Historical and Cultural Heritage, Council of Veterans, Society of Disabled, Media and others. All urban stocks and holidays are held in the Commonwealth with social partners. So, in the program "Cute heart corner" on the city day with libraries, schools, cultural institutions, public organizations, etc. took part in the city.

INGdovsky districtfromgood partnerships are established about all institutions, public and professional organizations of the city and the district. Last year, new partners appeared: boarding house for the elderly and disabled. In collaboration plans - carrying out joint activities, the provision of information resources of the library, professional informing staff of the boarding school, and the librarians have already presented a set of books for residents of the home boarding school. The cooperation of libraries with the district branches of the young public organization "Union of Women of Russia" continues. So, the GDovsky libraries received support in stock "Grow with a book, baby!", They allocated funds for the purchase of books for newborn babies and their parents. Also supported the district project of literary and youth readings "Young people read the classics." The young men who participate in readings gave flash cards, girls - books. In collaboration plans, the creation of a "trust phone", holding a "wave of memory" about the role of GDovsky women during the war years, legal education, organization of legal advice and other events.

At the initiative of the regional branch of the Fair Russia party, the All-Russian Social Movement of the Social Democratic Union of Youth of Russia in the Pskov Region, the agency of Culture and the Central District Library passed a promotion of books in the district libraries of the Dedovsky, Dedovichsky and Porkhovsky districts. During the election period, the library cooperate with territorial electoral commissions, help to prepare information for voters.

Regional libraries in order to solve common tasks are trying to build mutually beneficial relations with organizations, institutions and individuals.

Pskov Centralized Library Libraries Pskov attracted to cooperation when conducting measures under the program "Complex measures to counter drug abuse and their illicit turnover on the territory of the municipality" City of Pskov "for 2011-2014" Professionals' specialists: Federal Service Management Employees According to drug trafficking in the Pskov region, the prosecutor's office, a narcological dispensary. In carrying out a patriotic event, the servicemen of 76 divisions and special forces traditionally take the active participants, students of the Patriot out-in-school work center. In 2012, the cooperation of the libraries of Pskov with the Pskov City Youth Center continued. Among partners - "Educational Center for Social Adaptation", LLC "Legal Department", State Archive of the Pskov Region, "Archaeological Center", Pskov Museum - Reserve.

In the great bows, the library's permanent kind partners are: schools and lyceums, colleges, technical schools, universities. For more than 16 years, cooperation with the "Social Services Center of Great Luki" continues. During the year, more than 30 events were held. Students have the opportunity to touch the work of many poets, writers, musicians. Affiliate relations with the creative teams of the children's art school and the art school of arts allow regularly organizing in the library of the exhibition of students of art school students, holidays, thematic evenings. The sponsor of the library-branch number 2 is the deputy of the Velikoluksky City Duma, General Director of the Press Status LLC Korenev A.Yu., thanks to which the library receives more than 30 items of periodicals, which helps a lot in library work. The collaboration of the library and the arrival of the church of the Ascension of Christ G. The Great Lukes of the Pskov Diocese of the ROC contributes to the introduction to the knowledge of Russian history, the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and the formation of a spiritually rich personality. The library's reading room has a Sunday School.

The libraries of the Bejanitsky district work together with the shelters: in Kuduevier - with a children's shelter, in Chihachevo - with a home boarding house for the elderly and disabled. Good partnerships have developed with the district council of war and labor veterans, with leaders of primary veteran organizations in the field. In 2012 r.stirring a list of social partners Kuninsky CRH: Cooperation with the Kuninsky branch of the Union of Pensioners of Russia and the socio-political organization "Children of War" has been established. Partnership and business cooperation with the employment center are successfully developing. During the summer holidays in the district library, eleven temporary jobs were created for the employment of minor citizens, incl. In the villagers and the priests of rural libraries, teenagers had substantial assistance to libraries in their work.

Libraries of Locany CRBin 2012, the most closely cooperated with the Council of Veterans. Clubs for the elderly were actively worked, library sites, holidays, evenings were held. There were many interesting events. For example, the local CRH participated in Kushnarenko's street festival, issued posters on the "Veteran Faming 2012". Within the framework of cooperation with the Office of the Pension Fund in the Location of literature, and its specialists have been organized during the year, and its specialists have provided assistance in conducting events for veterans, in the work of the "Communication" club. Together with the Society of the Blind, a seminar was organized on the topic: "The place and role of the library in the life of people with disabilities". Huge methodical assistance was provided by the Locany CRK of the Pskov Regional Special Library for the blind and visually impaired, which provided the scenario of the evening and guidelines for working with this group of library users.

A longtime and reliable partner of all libraries of the Palkinsky District Council of Veterans of War and Labor and his chairman B.T. Ilyin, together with whom in the libraries of the district, meetings with Pskov writers are held, publishing books B.T. Lielin, are organized by patriotic education events. The administrations of rural settlements are the partners of the libraries during events dedicated to the Day of the Elderly, Victory Day, when celebrating the days of the villages.

Cooperation with the state social service management of the population of the Palkinsky district allowed the district library to establish close contact with the Club "Weekend", which works with this organization. Collaboration with the club is mutually beneficial: the district library has the opportunity to expand the range of its users, to attract 23 new readers to read, and the ability to conduct mass events of various focus.In the area of \u200b\u200bthe cooperation of the Children's Library with the Center for Social Services, which made it possible to expand the circle of servicedisabled children.

In the Porkhovsky district with the participation of employees The Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Pskov region held an event "Culture of the Russian Language", promoting the adaptation of foreign citizens in Russia. Together with the Pension Fondondl, the members of the club "Evening Meetings" organized a meeting with the head of the Department of Appointment and Pension Pension and held "legal libraries". We have become frequent guests in the Tsvetsky district library Representatives of the Pskov Regional Center "Prism", the Union of Pensioners of Russia, the Pskov Drug Control Department as consultants during the expert's days. The administration of the urban settlement "OPCO", the local branch of the United Russia party and the library became the organizers of the competition for the best household site for the Day of the Elderly.

The circle of friends and partners of the Pushkinogorsk Central District Library has more than 17 organizations, the institutions of the village. Revival of the value of reading, improving interest in the book and literature, the development of literary creativity of children and young people help: the Union of Writers of Russia and the Union of Artists of Russia, a lot of good interesting things link the libraries of the district with the Children's School of Arts named after S. S. Heichenko, High School named after A. FROM. Pushkin, Sanatorium boarding school, Zaretsky secondary school. Evaloral tours of the holy places, the hours of Orthodox conversation, dialogues are those events that took place in the library walls with representatives of the Orthodox Kazan Church and the Svyatogorsk Monastery.

The libraries of the Pechora CBS have developed a strong partnership with Pskovo - Pechersk Monastery, with the support of the monastery there is a recruitment of libraries by Orthodox literature. A spiritual school is operating in the CRH, which is headed by Igumen Chrysanf. On the basis of the library, meetings of two sections are held within the framework of Corniliev's readings. Hegumen Mark oversees the work of the club "Veteran". Musical groups of the monastery (children's-youth choir, ensemble "Harmony"), members of the Theater Studio of the Orthodox Children's Movement "Bulletin" repeatedly performed in the library.

A stable partnership of libraries with educational institutions, culture, higher educational institutions, including the Pskov State University, the Russian International Academy of Tourism, the State University of Service and Economics, etc. The result of close relationships was an increase in the number of participants in urban competitions, conferences, readings. In the practice of collaboration: holding professional events, seminars, days of information, the organization of field reading rooms.

For 10 years, the Velikolukskaya CRH. I.A.Vasiliev is a platform for conducting seminars, methodological associations and raising the level of professional knowledge of teachers. Within the framework of the program "New Technologies - new ways of interaction", three seminars for school libraries were held. Rural libraries of the Velikoluksky district (Borkovskaya, Porechenskaya, Kupauskaya library) expand the content of their activities, combining the tasks of the information institution with the functions of the museum, the exhibition hall. So, the Porechenskaya rural model library is an exhibition hall for masters of applied creativity. Velikoluksky CRH together with the information and cultural center, the Borkovsky Museum named after the writer I.A. Vasilyeva annually holds the holiday of front-line poetry "A music is not silent."

Many library events are held by the MUK "Usier District Culture Center" in collaboration with the department for working with young people. Teachers of the House of Children's Creativity work closely with the children's office in conducting children's holidays, matinees. From year to year, connects to the schools of the district.

Among the regular partners of the libraries of the Novosokolnichesky district of more than 25 institutions, enterprises and public organizations. As the main partner, they consider the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library. The site of the PUNB became a daily assistant in the daily work of the library of the district. Thanks to the support of the methodologists of the regional library, it is now possible to post information about the life of the district libraries on the library portal and be aware of their colleagues and neighbors. A zonal school of quality helps in this work.

In 2012, the partnerships of the Novosokolnichesky CRH with the management of agriculture were closer and mutually beneficial. In addition to informing, participation in the work of the Club of Flowerwoods on the basis of the library was organized training of agricultural specialists by the district teachers of HSSH. Good partnerships have developed the district branch of the Pension Fund. At the request of the leadership, a movement was opened for specialists, assisted in organizing mass events and exhibitions of folk art, providing transport.

The libraries of the Pskov region support communication with regional and local media, publishers that help comprehensively cover the events of the library life of the region.

Speaking about the popularization of the book and reading, the library specialists of the region celebrate such a nuance of cooperation with regional media: it is necessary to start talking not only about the status of reading, but also about the status of reading good books that develop the spiritual world of man, and the media can help in this.

Information support to the libraries of the region provide information Internet agencies: Pskov Information Agency, Pskov News Tape, Center for Business Information, PskovLive .ru, etc. "Library Portal of the Pskov Region" ( portal. pskovlib. ru) It gives the opportunity to municipal libraries to tell about their activities in the virtual space. In legal education, information partners in the work of municipal libraries are "Special Communications of FSO Russia", "Garant", "Consultant Plus", which freely provide a replenish reference package of reference legal information.

Such examples of joint fruitful cooperation can be given a lot. And the libraries are grateful to everyone who helps them - and goodwalk and deed.

In the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library developed a new project - the creation Alternative Club of Socially Responsible Pskovichi "Perfect Partnership" . The new project was prepared by employees of the socio-cultural development department and aimed at developing cooperation between the business community, volunteers and library partners. With the participation of volunteers, such events took place as annual action "Day of remembering your favorite books" , Unconfixion "Overcoming. I want to live!" , Intellectual Games Tournament festival of intellectual literature "2012: literature without fiction" . The regional library invites everyone to join the project on internet page Club ( At the heart of the "ideal partnership" lies the theory that sooner or later, humanity will come to the fact that it will build its life not only around the benefits of material, but also of social benefits. Club participants are our contemporaries that are already engaged in social cooperation issues today, social investments. Get acquainted with the participants of the Club or to join it, you can on a specially created virtual site - a blog "Ideal partnership" ( Among its partners, sponsors, patrons, the library of the region will always be glad to see companies from different areas of business, volunteers, creative and non-indulgered Pskov.

Currently, the library community of the Pskov region puts its task to further developing partnership relations of libraries with various institutions and organizations, public associations on the implementation of socially significant shares, library programs and innovative projects.

Prepared: Levchenko Alla Leonidovnaheaded by the sector of the coordination department of the libraries of the Pskov OUDB.