Love on the zodiac. What men choose girls from different signs - smart or beautiful? What girls like different signs of the zodiac

Love on the zodiac. What men choose girls from different signs - smart or beautiful? What girls like different signs of the zodiac
Love on the zodiac. What men choose girls from different signs - smart or beautiful? What girls like different signs of the zodiac

Aries makes great requirements for the appearance of the chosen. It is attracted by bright women who know how to advantageously emphasize the merits of their figure. With close communication, remember that all Aries are large egoists. The woman should admire them, to listen to, but not to enter into a dispute.


Taurus is a lover of earthly pleasure. The ideal woman should be sexual and seductive. In the future, he will also pay attention to its culinary abilities and the ability to keep the economy. If you decide to conquer the Taurus, it is worth remembering that he does not like uncertainty. Play with him in a woman-riddle is a bad idea.


A man born under the sign of the twins wants to have a spectacular and intelligent woman. His chosen should have a sense of humor, shine wit and maintain intelligent conversations. The most difficult thing in communicating with it is to cause his interest and provoke on courtship.


Cancer is a sensual, but a suspicious man. To start a romantic relationship with him, a woman needs to win his confidence. It greatly appreciates emotional support, care and attention. For cancer, a tactile contact and body language is important. A woman who will be able to seduce him, can already be sure of success.

a lion

The lion pays attention only to those women who, in his opinion, is worthy of. Feel free to demonstrate your strengths, the representative of this sign loves to be surprised. The lion is looking for a woman who will admire them, to delve into his problems, but will not shift his concerns on him.


Male Virgo is often shy for himself to take the first step, so he is waiting for the manifestation of the initiative. It is easy to make a favorable impression. It is enough to give it to feel emotional security, show tact and demonstrate intellectual abilities.


A man born under a sign of a scale attracts well-groomed women with exquisite manners. The carelessness and inconsistency immediately repulse, the situation will not save even the rich inner world of a potential partner. He needs an equal relationship based on common interest and sexual compatibility.


Scorpio does not like superficial women loaning on themselves. His chosen must demonstrate a deep inner world. He loves secrets very much, so do not be afraid to seem impregnable and mysterious.


Male-Sagittarius "loves eyes", but attracts him only natural beauty. When communicating with him, make a bet on the sense of humor. Be prepared to support his spontaneous ideas and do not try to limit his freedom.


Capricorn is a conservative by nature. Attract it can well-groomed woman preferring a classic style in clothes. Capricorn is important to seem serious and respected, but at the same time he craves her love. Do not be afraid to talk to him compliments, praise the Manner to dress, be sure to pay attention to his professional progress.


Integrate Aquarius can a versatile woman. This man "loves ears", so appearance has a secondary meaning for him. Support his ideas, join the discussion, hit it with your knowledge and achievements. And do not forget the main rule when communicating with any water: it is impossible to interfere in his personal space.


Men's fish has a very rich imagination. It is necessary to bet on this, trying to win the attention of the representative of this sign. He loves psychological games, and frank behavior will only pound it. A man born under the sign of the fish should feel emotional and sensual excitement. It is desirable that a woman takes on a leading role in love relationship.

What is more important in women - mind or beauty?

The answer to this question may differ depending on the sign of the zodiac men.

Some of them are a pant for beauties.

Some, on the contrary, they value the intellect, a wide range and inner world.

1. Aries

Men-Aries - true female beauty connoisseurs, First of all, look at the appearance of the lady. But not every beauty can win the attention of the representative of the fiery sign.

A woman does not have to meet the classic standards of beauty, but its appearance must certainly be noticeable, expressive and spectacular. Also, men of this sign appreciated in the opposite field temperament, energy and natural charm.

If the girl is also smart, it will be a pleasant additionBut she should not try to become the leader in the Union - the Male-Aries do not like it.

2. Taurus

Although the carts are fairly landed, they are thin connoisseurs of female beautyBut it must be combined with the mind, dignity and elegance. The man of this sign prefers intelligent women with developed intelligence and good education.

Unlike Aries, they choose not too bright ladies, but well-groomed, sophisticated and able to successfully emphasize their own advantages.

3. Twins

Gemini men mix smart and erudite womenwho have a wide range and good sense of humor. For the sign, the skill of the girl is important to support the conversation - these men even in bed can argue about high matters.

Age, appearance and social status of excessively important values \u200b\u200bfor twins do not play. The main factor for them is intellectual compatibility and the pleasure that they receive from communicating with a partner.

4. Cancer

Male crayfish is distinguished by a tendency to dreaminess, impressionability, sentimentality. They like gentle, attractive and feminine ladies. In their representation, beauty should not be aggressive.

Cancer companion must be sophisticated, elegant, balanced. They like a nonsense beauty: blonde hair, natural makeup, pastel shades clothing. The demonstration of high intelligence in relationships with cancer is not obligatory, but they are important manifestations of spirituality, romanticity and emotional intimacy.

5. Lev

Men lions - true aesthetes and beauty connoisseurs. They attract chic, charismatic and luxury ladies. The pride of the lion will flatter the fact that there is a well-kept and bright girl nearby, which attracts attention to others.

At the same time, the chosen one should be majestic and really royal, so beauty is not all that interests Lion. Intellect girls is also important. And her ability to feel confident in any society.

6. Virgo

Virgo are recognized intellectuals, so they choose erudite and intelligent women with a developed intelligence and wide range. The chosen should be the right speech, deprived of obscene vocabulary and slang.

In appearance for the Men-Virgin, neatness and naturalness are important. He will not like too sexy clothes and bright makeup, since representatives of this sign do not like vulgarity.

Video: "What kind of man on the sign of the zodiac to choose?"

7. Scales

Scales are easily falling in love and are looking for ideal all the time. It is important to them that the chosen looks flawless. The man of this sign will notice every detail in the image, so everything should be at the height. Since the scales are trying to find harmony in everything, except for an attractive appearance, a woman should be smart, interesting and competent.

8. Scorpio

Scorpions are sexy and sensual and they very appreciate female beauty. They will not disregard the spectacular beautiful girl who can unobtrusively emphasize their own sexuality.

At the same time, their can push the absence of tasteExcessive extravagance and vulgarity. Bright appearance will attract the attention of scorpion, but to keep it, it is also important to show its formality and intelligence.

9. Sagittarius

Sagittarius are active and inquisitive. They are attracted by smart, sociable, well-read ladies. The girl should become a firm friend, divide his interests and hobbies. They like it when a woman shows her knowledge in some of the purely "male" industries, such as technique, politics, sports.

Female beauty Representatives of this sign are also appreciated, but if the inner emptiness dies for attractiveness, the girl is unlikely to keep the attention of Sagittarius.

10. Capricorn.

Capricorn landed enough. In women, the mind and intelligence are important for them.. Too bright and catchy appearance can alert a representative of this sign, as it will cause associations with frivolousness and emptiness, and to convince Capricorn will be hard.

This sign mix serious, smart, rational ladies. The chosen one must dress in a classic style, but it is better that the image is not excessively fresh. The man of this sign will appreciate a kind of "highlight", the mystery that he wants to reveal.

11. Aquarius

Aquarius - individuals extraordinary. They often pay attention to spectacular and ladies. The representative of this sign will certainly not be able to pass by a girl who has non-standard or exotic appearance.

He may like unusual clothing, nontrivial hairstyle, some interesting makeup. A riddle of a riddle will interest the representative of this sign, but interest will quickly disappear if the intelligence is disadvantaged to communicate with it on various topics.

12. Fish

Men fish enough contradictory And often tend to rush in extremes. They are attracted to the inaccessible intellectuals, then beauty, similar to dolls. In general, they choose women who can combine external attractiveness and sophistication with a developed mind and pronounced character.

Communicating with the representative of this sign, a woman should be ready for the fact that the initiative when meeting and developing relations in the future should be behind it.

Video: "How guys kiss of different signs of the zodiac"

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Despite the fact that every man appearing in the life in life seems special and not similar to others, still a certain tendency is traced, which can be described as commitment to a certain type. Someone is important that the partner is fabulously handsome, smart or rich, and for someone more important is the inner world.

An interesting fact - the preferences in love are similar to representatives of one sign of the zodiac, and you can check its accuracy on your own experience right now.

1. Aries (21.03 - 20.04)

Chosen girl-Aries should be the first and best. As a rule, this is a charming merry, a confident leader, for which there is nothing impossible. In extreme cases, he can something that others simply do not die. Such a first guy in the village, who wants to get each. And even if the satellite at first glance does not stand out from the crowd, you can be sure about the modesty there is a non-free potential, which sooner or later shifts itself.

2. Tales (21.04 - 20.05)

For such a girl, the concept of "love" is quite blurry, as they choose their man soberly and judiciously, without extra sublimation. They are with all thoroughness assesses the potential of their chosen one and exactly know that you can expect and get from it. Not the last place in these expectations is the intellect, enterprise, the ability to "spin" and well earn. Appearance for the girl-Taurus is pleasant, but not at all a mandatory addition. Tie such an approach with romantic feelings is difficult, but also disappointment in the case of which it will be much smaller than any other sign.

3. Gemini (21.05 - 20.06)

Energetic and changeable representatives of this sign are not so important and seven spans in the forehead as charm. They should be fun and interesting in the company of their man. As a rule, their companions are societies and dodes in the sense that they can find a worthy way out of any situation, they joke a lot for any reason, prime, are easy to rise and look at the world with a smile. Spontaneity is another compulsory character trait, thanks to which the life of the pair is always saturated with a variety of events, travel and simply ordinary joys.

4. Cracks (22.06 - 21.07)

Girl-cancer is, first of all, mother, and it does not depend on its age. It is important for it to heat, console, take care, give the particle of spiritual heat. That is why men attract it, with readiness and gratitude to those who take it warm. Very often, love story begins with consolation - raki simply cannot resist the unfortunate facial expression. Of course, it is not bad if the partner is also beautiful, the smart, it earns well, but in his choice it is definitely not the main thing.

5. Lions (07.22 - 22.08)

Lions impresses a coarse boyish charm, which has nothing to do with classical beauty. It is in such pairs that most often there is a beautiful girl and a light girl, and sometimes a terrible guy with a mischievous glitter in the eyes, which with age does not disappear. Lviv satellites are usually charismatical and ready for different madness, perfectly smart and pleasant in communication, and also necessarily possess at least some talent, even if this ability to sparkly joke or cheer the company an acrobatic trick.

6. Virgo (08.22 - 22.09)

Virgo choose their partners even more purposefully than the Tales, "they definitely do not hold in this matter in this matter. It should be only a successful, promising, purposeful man of pleasant outforthiness, unrestrained in love with his Mrs.. And, despite the well-arranged brains, he should be ready to spend big on his companion big, nightmarly big money. Nevertheless, sometimes it happens that the carefulness to a common sense is overshadowed by real love, which, justice, should be noted, it happens not so often.

7. Scales (09/23 - 22.10)

For a girl born under this sign, the main thing in a man is some kind of unearthly beauty. This may be a relief muscular macho or a sophisticated and aristocratic exalted handsome - and in that, in another case, it should become an object of burning envy. And let him be unsuitable or insufficiently smart - it does not matter, but it looks like Apollo. By the way, women scales often fall in love with men who have long been unrequited for themselves in themselves - in such a case the appearance ceases to be a fundamental factor and quickly goes to another plan.

8. Scorpions (23.10 - 21.11)

Such a girl is needed exclusively alpha-male - sensual, appetizing, who has an animal grace. Most often these are coarse men with a strong, sometimes somewhat despotic character, capable of taking the chalning scorpion. Often they are surrounded by a halo of mysteriousness and even a bad reputation, but it is precisely such guys with a magnet that they are born under this contradictory sign of the ladies and are forced by all imaginable and unthinkable ways to seek the attention of the attention of the unfinished Misanthrop.

9. Sagittarius (22.11 - 21.12)

For Girl-Sagittarius, there is no significant extent of appearance or status - they submit exceptionally smart. In relations with men, an element of intellectual struggle is always present - the Sagittarius boldly challenge and prove that they are not inferior to their satellites in education and intelligence. At the same time, they constantly convert new knowledge, which they strive to conquer their men. However, some representatives of this sign are more demanding - they are looking for not just a smart, but also a charismatic and attractive companion.

10. Capricorn (December 22, - 19.01)

Good girls born under this sign cannot resist bad boys - they are at the subconscious level in most cases choose hooligans and risks. Nevertheless, the pragmaticism inherent with young nails makes its own adjustments - in the husbands they choose reliable and promising men, often on recommendation or insistence of parents. The passion for warriors and buzothera pursues them all their life, but the dislike for the public manifestation of feelings quickly reduces all the sympathies and returns life to the usual measured direction.

11. Aquarius (010.01 - 18.02)

This is truly the most inseparable sign - Aquarius love contrary to, and not for something, because the mind, beauty, consistency, position in society for them is no more than a free application. Often they fall in love only because, as they say, it's time or the need for a relationship, and their chosen one is becoming the first counter. Nevertheless, mostly, they are happy in marriage or relationship, since they do not impose any special or extraordinary requirements for partners.

12. Fish (19.02 - 20.03)

The most romantic nature for which nothing except the rich inner world is fish-fish. They love to talk in souls, infinitely trust and expect the same in return. Their experiences are so deep that it is often in the subconscious an image of a fabulous prince, which has quite tangible external data, is thought out all to the smallest detail, up to the color of the eyes and the length of the haircut. Subsequently, this image is sometimes "put on" to the chief, which in reality may not be so good as the fish represents.

Of course, all girls are different and can find the features characteristic of other signs in their preferences. However, for the sake of remembering your loved ones, really not traced the barrier similarity between them?

Astrologers argue that many representatives of this or that sign of the zodiac exists its ideal image of a woman. It does not matter if your sympathy object chooses women not like you. Having learned his preferences on the sign of the zodiac, you will have every chance to conquer his heart, becoming a woman of his dreams. So, what women like strong representatives of the signs of the zodiac?

Ovans Like active and purposeful women. They are unlikely to pay attention to the gray mouse. The woman of their dreams should always look good, be in the excellent location of the Spirit and follow their goal. It must emit confidence, positive and energy.

Teltsy Prefer smart and rational women. Lightness and stupidity they will not appreciate. Representatives of this sign want to see the active woman next to them, which will show themselves as a good mistress, and as a devoted like-mindedness. Taurs love reliability, mind and courage in women.

Twins They love to conquer and solve women themselves. In representatives of the weaker sex, they are important to mystery and inactiveness. They are clinging when they are not fully confident whether it loves or not. They will like the woman who will give them the opportunity to reflect and show fantasy.

Raki. They love volitional women, leaders who will be able to help them solve their problems. They appreciate the economic, beauty and spiritual world of women. Cancers will admire the one that will be a guide for them in life, will guide and give advice.

Lions Love women who are allocated from the crowd. The appearance of its chosen they, as a rule, do not betray much. They are much more important than the personality of a woman and how she pretends. Representatives of this sign can hook the fact that for others will not be a fundamental factor when choosing a life companion.

Deva Like female careerists. Romantic and sensitive natures will not like them. In women, they appreciate their business grip, ambitiousness and willpower. Next to me, they would like to see a practical woman who would occupy an important position and would use the authority in society.

Libra Love women sociable and sociable. For them, the opinion of loved ones, especially friends. So the woman dreams should like them. In addition, the ideal Woman of Male Scales should have excellent external data, be smart, formed and have many interests.

Scorpions Choose elegant, stylish, smart and strong women. They love women leaders, but in relationships try to suppress her leadership qualities. Representatives of this sign love sincerity and diversity. The perfect scorpion woman should never force him to miss. She should keep him on a certain distance for a long time to fall in love with himself.

Sagittsev Love well-groomed beautiful women. Their ideal is neat, attractive and easy to lift a woman. It is not necessary to be smart, the Sagittarius will not tolerate when they say what to do, therefore, they choose rustic and few ignorant women. Representatives of this sign appreciated in in representatives of weak gentlemen. Devotion, light temper and children's immediacy.

Capricorn Want to see a woman with a strong character next to them. Well, if it already occupies a high social status. Unless striving for this - it is also not bad. For representatives of this sign in a woman, her manner is important to stay in society, her mind, practicality, rationality, confidence and unshakable.

Aquarius Dream about the one that will share with them all their interests looks for life. However, such is quite difficult to find. Not all women will go along with them to conquer Everest or calmly respond to the absence of their chosen one for the whole day. Aquarius appreciate loyal attitude towards them, femininity and activity.

Fish Choose calm and romantic ladies. The woman's dreams are beautiful, sensitive, trusting and economic. She must have to listen to his opinion and to trust him. Fish will also be attracted by the one that will admire them and constantly make compliments.

If you do not correspond to the image of an ideal woman, whom you would like to be, do not despair. You have two options: you can change yourself, and you can find someone who will love you such a kakai you are. To search for a suitable partner, you can use the horoscope compatibility of the zodiac signs on our website. If this information was useful for you, press and

05.10.2013 12:00

Women and men stretch each other, but Nature ordered that men always pull ...

Every man has its own ideal of women, as well as every girl knows exactly how her prince should look like, and what spiritual qualities should have.

This article will be devoted to love preferences. In such a fine question, the horoscope will help us. What signs of the zodiac do girls like? What are the preferences of representatives of a strong floor - what kind of zodiac sign men like? Now everything will become clear.

What women like men - what zodiac sign is preferable

  1. Men of earth signs of the zodiac Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn prefer smart and rational girls, in reliability, mind and the courage of which they will not doubt. In addition, a woman who likes must necessarily show himself as a good, masticist. Cleans need active woman in intimate plan, male signs of Virgin appreciate the business grip, and Capricorn like a girl with a high social status.
  2. They are best looking for companions inside their elements. Zodiac signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn can give these men everything they like.
  3. The air signs of the zodiac twins, scales and aquarius prefer mysterious girls, such as a representative of the sign of the zodiac fish. In addition, their choices must be energetic, active, sociable, charming, and must certainly share their views on life. Finding such girls is not easy, but men like women sign of zodiac Aries, lion, scales, sterlets, calf.
  4. Which zodiac sign do men like the elements of the fire? Men Sign of the Zodiac Aries, Lions and Sagittarius in women appreciate a strong bright personality. They like the relationship within their elements, here they will find everything they need. A good mistress will be a horoscope girl, and the doors in can open a female horoscope Capricorn.
  5. Fourth Great Element - Water, Zodiac Signs Cancer, Scorpio, Fish. These characters have a female Yin energy. Cancers and fishes in childhood and youth have to work out to develop in their character male qualities.
  6. As for the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio, then under the influence of Saturn, the ruler of the times, the most unfortunate planet of the horoscope, the entire set of male qualities finds its development here, and first of all the qualities of negative. This sign likes beautiful, ambitious, strong girls.
  7. Men's signs of the zodiac cancer and fish also like women leaders, but unlike scorpion, which is looking for an energy donor, with these two signs, seeking disinterested love, is more lucky in love.

What zodiac signs like girls

With girls, things are approximately the same as with men. Strong signs of the zodiac are looking for strong partners to develop further in partnership or rivalry.

  1. A girl with leadership qualities can choose a less consistent partner if she has the need to provide protection and patronage. It happens when the male signs of the zodiac (all belonging to the elements of fire and air) choose signs with female energy (all signs of land and water). Girls with the signs of the zodiac cancer, fish, twins.
  2. If the girl needs a strong volitional partner with which it will be like a stone wall, then she needs to pay attention to the men of the zodiac signs of Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn.
  3. So the question what zodiac signs like girls, I will answer like this: it all depends on the fact that the girl is looking for what spiritual qualities are looking for in his partner whether it seeks in the family to submission or wishes to be a leader.