War and world related links scheme. The main characters of the novel "War and Peace

War and world related links scheme. The main characters of the novel
War and world related links scheme. The main characters of the novel "War and Peace

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy his pure Russian feather gave life to a whole world of characters in the novel "War and Peace". His fictional heroeswhich are intertwined in integers noble childbirth or related links between families, reveal the present reflection of those people who lived during the time described by the author. One of the greatest books The world value "War and Peace" with the confidence of a professional historian, but in, then, the same time as in the mirror, represents the world that the Russian spirit, those characters of secular society, those historical events that were invariably attended at the end of the XVIII early XIX. centuries.
And against the background of these events, the greatness of the Russian soul is shown, in all its power and diversity.

L.N. Tolstoy and the Heroes of the Roman "War and Peace" are experiencing the events of the past nineteenth century, however, to describe Lev Nikolayevich begins events of 1805. The coming war with the French, resolutely impending on the whole world and the growing greatness of Napoleon, the Skyatitsa in Moscow secular circles and visual peace of mind in St. Petersburg secular society - All this can be called a peculiar background, on which, as brilliant artistThe author drew his characters. The heroes are quite a lot - about 550 or 600. There are both basic and central figures, and there are other or simply mentioned. In the overall complexity of the heroes of "War and Peace", one can divide into three groups: central, minor and mentioned characters. Among all of them there are both fictional heroes, both prototypes of people surrounding the writer, and really existed historical Persons. Consider the main actors of the novel.

Quotes from the novel "War and Peace"

- ... I often think how sometimes the happiness of life is unfairly distributed.

No one can own a person while afraid of death. And who is not afraid of her, it belongs everything.

Until now, I was, thank God, the friend of my children and I use full confidence in them, "said the Countess, repeating the delusion of many parents, believing that their children have no secrets from them.

Everything, from the napkins to silver, faience and crystal, it wore the special imprint of novelty, which is in the economy of young spouses.

If everything was fought only by their convictions, there would be no war.

There was an enthusiast in its public situation, and sometimes when she didn't even want to be, she, not to deceive the expectations of people who knew her, was taken by enthusiastic.

Everything, to love everyone, always sacrificed for love, there was no one to love anyone, it meant not to live it in life.

Never, never marry my friend; Here is my advice: Do not marry until you tell you what you did everything that could, and until you stop loveing \u200b\u200bthat woman, what you chose, while you won't see her clearly; And then you make a mistake brutally and irreparable. Marry an old man, anywhere else ...

Central figures of the novel "War and Peace"

Rostov - Graphs and Countess

Rostov Ilya Andreevich

Count, Father of four children: Natasha, Faith, Nicholas and Petit. A very nice and generous man who loved life very much. His exorbitant generosity in the end and led him to waste. Loving husband And father. Very good organizer of various balls and techniques. However, his life is on a wide leg, and disinterested assistance to the wounded during the war with the French and the departure of Russians from Moscow, the fatal strikes were struck by his state. His conscience constantly tormented him because of the impending poverty of his relatives, but he could do nothing with him. After death junior Son Petit, the graph was broken, but, however, it was revived while preparing for the wedding of Natasha and Pierre Dunyov. Literally a few months after the wedding of beans, as a graph of Rostov dies.

Rostov Natalia (wife Ilya Andreevich Rostov)

The wife of Count Rostov and the mother of four children, this woman at the age of forty-five had the eastern features of the face. The focus of slowness and gear of it was regarded surrounding as a solidity and high significance of her personality for the family. But real reason Her manner, perhaps, lies in an extended and weak physical condition due to childbirth and upbringing of four children. He loves his family, children, so the news of the death of the younger son Petit almost brought her crazy. Just like Ilya Andreevich, the Countess Rostov loved the luxury and fulfillment of any of her orders.

The lion of Tolstoy and the heroes of the novel "War and Peace" in the Countess Rostoy helped to reveal the prototype of the author's grandmother - Tolstoy Pelagia Nikolaevna.

Rostov Nicholas

Son of Graph Rostov Ilya Andreevich. Loving brother and son who honors his family, at the same time loves to serve in russian armyWhat is for its dignity is very significant and important. Even in his fellow soldiers, he often saw his second family. Although there was a long time in love with her cousin Sonya, still at the end of the novel marries the princes Mary of Bologkoe. Very energetic young man, with curly hair and "open expression". His patriotism and love for the Emperor of Russia never dried up. Passing through many of the war, becomes brave and brave hussar. After the death of the father of Ilya Andreevich, Nikolai is resigned to correct the financial affairs of the family, paying debts and, finally, become good husband For Maryia Bolkonskaya.

It seems to be Tolstoy Lero Nikolayevich as a prototype of his father.

Rostov Natasha

Daughter of graph and graphate growth. Very energetic I. emotional girl, considered ugly, but alive and attractive, it is not very smart, but intuitive, because he knew how to perfectly "guess people", their mood and some features of characters. Extremely pusher for nobility and self-sacrifice. It sings very beautifully and dancing that at that time it was an important characterizing quality for a girl from a secular society. The most important quality of Natasha, which Lion Tolstoy, like his heroes, is repeatedly emphasized in the novel "War and World" - this is proximity to the simple Russian people. And she herself all absorbed the rusticity of culture and the strength of the spirit of the nation. Nevertheless, this girl lives in his illusion of good, happiness and love, which, after some time, introduces Natasha in reality. It is these blows of fate and her heart experiences make Natasha Rostov adult and give her as a result of mature true love To Pierre Bezuhov. Special respect deserves the story of the rebirth of her soul, as Natasha began to attend the church, after hesitated the temptation of a false seducer. If you are interested in the works of Tolstoy in which the Christian heritage of our people is more deeply considered, then you need to read the book about Father Sergius and how he fought with the temptation.

The collective prototype of the daughter-in-law writer Kuzminskaya Tatyana Andreevna, as well as her sisters - the wife of Leo Nikolayevich - Sofia Andreevna.

Rostov Vera

Daughter of graph and graphate growth. It was famous for strict temper and inappropriate, albeit fair, comments in society. It is unknown why, but her mother did not love her very much and faith felt hard, apparently, so he often went to everyone around him around him. Later became the wife of Boris Drubetsky.

He is the prototype of the sister of Tolstoy Sofia - the wife of Leo Nikolayevich, which was called Elizabeth Bers.

Rostov Petr.

The boy, the son of the graph and the Countess growth of growth. Stunned Petya, young men rose to go to war, and so that parents could not hold him at all. Breathing after all the same from parental care and determined in the Gusar Regiment of Denisov. Petya dies in the first battle, and did not have time to play. His death very strongly sucks his family.


The miniature glorious Sonya girl was the native niece of Graph Rostov and lived his whole life under his roof. Her long-term love for Nikolai Rostov became fatal for her, because she did not manage to connect with him in marriage. In addition, the old graphy Natalia Rostov was very against their marriage, because they were cousins. Sonya comes to noble, refusing to Loolev and agree to love only Nicholas, while freeing it from this promise to marry her. She lives his rest with the old decanter on the care of Nikolai Rostov.

The prototype of this, it would seem at first glance, a minor character was a secondary aunt Leo Nikolayevich, Yergolskaya Tatiana Aleksandrovna.

Bologkoe - Princes and Princess

Bolkonsky Nikolai Andreevich

The father of the main character, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. In the past, the acting General-Annef, in the present prince, who earned the nickname "Prussian king" in the Russian secular society. Socially active, strict as a father, tough, pedantic, but the wise owner in his estate. Outwardly, it was a thin old man in a powdered white wig, dense eyebrows, hanging over insightful and smart eyes. Does not like to show feelings even to your beloved son and daughter. It constantly enthusiasm walds, a sharp sense. Sitting in Himself, Prince Nikolai is constantly on a check of events taking place in Russia and only before death, he loses a complete picture of the scale of the tragedy of the Russian war with Napoleon.

Prototype of Prince Nikolai Andreevich was the grandfather of the writer Volkonsky Nikolai Sergeevich.

Bolkonsky Andrey

Prince, son Nikolai Andreevich. Changed, as well as his father, restrained in the manifestation of sensual gusts, but loves her father and sister very much. Married to the "Little Princess" Lisa. Made a good military career. A lot of philosophy about life, sense and condition of His Spirit. What is seen that it is in some permanent search. After the death of his wife in Natasha Rostova saw hope for himself, purchase girland not fake as in a secular society and some light of future happiness, so it was in love with her. Having made Natasha proposal, was forced to go abroad to be treated, which served both by the test of their feelings. As a result, their wedding broke. Prince Andrei went to the war with Napoleon and was seriously injured, after which he did not survive and died of a severe wound. Natasha until the end of his death loyally cared for him.

Bologna Marya

Daughter of Prince Nicholas and sister Andrei Bolkonsky. A very meek girl, not beautiful, but good soul and very rich as the bride. Her mantiness and dedication of religion serves many examples of Dobron and meekness. Unforgettably loves her father, who often mocked her with his ridicule, wcrows and injections. And also loves her brother, Prince Andrew. Immediately did not accept Natasha Rostov as a future daughter-in-law, because she seemed too frivolous for Andrei's brother. After all the experienced adversity, she marries Nikolai Rostov.

The prototype of Marya is the mother of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy - Volkonskaya Maria Nikolaevna.

Bezukhov - Graphs and Countess

Lyuhov Pierre (Peter Kirillovich)

One of the main characters, which deserves close attention and positive evaluation. This character survived a lot of mental injuries and pain, possessing a kind and highly aggative temper. Tolstoy and heroes of the novel "War and Peace" very often express their love and adoption of Pierre Laughterhood as a person very high morals, complacent and human philosophical mind. Lev Nikolayevich loves his hero, Pierre. As a friend of Andrei Bolkonsky, the young Count Pierre Duhov is very devoted and responsive. Despite the various weavers under his nose, Pierre did not get out of her nose and did not lose their good-feeling towards people. And he married Natalia Rostova, he finally gained the grace and happiness that he was so lacked in his first wife, Helen. At the end of the novel, his desire to change political obscures in Russia and from afar, you can even guess his Decembrist sentiments. (100%) 4 votes


Lion Tolstoy in his epic portrayed more than 500 characters typical of Russian society. In the "War of War and the World" Heroes of Roman - representatives of the highest estate of Moscow and St. Petersburg, key state and military figures, soldiers, followers from simple people, peasants. The image of all the layers of Russian society allowed Tolstoy to recreate a one-piece picture of Russian life into one of turnstanding stages The history of Russia - the era of wars with Napoleon 1805-1812.

In the "War and the World", the characters are conditionally divided into the main characters - whose destinies are woven by the author to the plot narration of all four volumes and epiraloga, and minor - heroes that appear in the novel epizodically. Among the main characters, the novel can be allocated central heroes - Andrei Bolkonsky, Natasha Rostov and Pierre Zuhovova, around the fate of which the events of the novel are unfolding.

Characteristics of the main heroes of the novel

Andrey Bolkonsky - "A very handsome young man with certain and dry features", "small growth." With Bolkonsky, the author introduces the reader even at the beginning of the novel - the hero was one of the guests at the evening Anna Schever (where many main heroes of the novel "War and the World" of Tolstoy) were also present. According to the plot of the work, Andrei tired of the Higher Society, he dreamed of glory, no less than the glory of Napoleon, so and rides a war. An episode that turned the worldview of Bornets, becomes a meeting with Bonaparta - the wounded on the Austerlitz field Andrei realized, as in fact, Bonaparte and all of his glory. The second turning point in the life of Bolkonsky becomes love for Natasha Rostova. A new feeling helped a hero to return to a full-fledged life, to believe that after the death of his wife and everything suffered, he could fully live on. However, their happiness with Natasha was not destined to come true - Andrew was a fatal wound during the Borodino battle and soon died.

Natasha Rostov - Cheerful, kind, very emotional and able to love the girl: "Chernobiaya, with large mouth, ugly, but live. " An important feature of the image of the central heroine "War and Peace" is its musical talent - a wonderful voice that even inexperienced people were fascinated. With Natasha, the reader meets the day of the girl when she marks 12 years old. Tolstoy depicts moral adulthood of the heroine: love experiences, leaving the light, betrayal of Natasha Prince Andrei and her experiences because of this, search for yourself in religion and crucial moment In the life of the heroine - the death of Bolkonsky. In the epilogue of Roman Natasha appears in front of the reader completely different - the shadow of her husband, Pierre Zuhova, and not a bright, active Rostov, who danced Russian dances and "retranged" a few years ago at the mother's footage.

Pierre Duchevov - "A massive, fat young man with a hairpiece, with glasses."

"Pierre was a few more than other men in the room," he had a "smart and together a timid, observant and natural look, who distinguished him from everyone in this living room." Pierre is a hero who is in constant search for himself through the knowledge of the surrounding world. Every situation in his life, each stage life became for the hero of a special life lesson. Marriage to Helen, passion to Masonry, the love of Natasha Rostova, the presence on the field of the Borodino battle (which hero sees the eyes of Pierre), French captivity and acquaintance with Karataev completely change the identity of Pierre - from ridiculous respect "grows" purposeful and confident man with Own views and goals.

Other important characters

In "War and the World", Tolstoy distinguishes several blocks of characters - families of growth, Bolkonsky, Kuragin, as well as acting personsincluded in the circle of communication of one of these families. Rostov and Bologkoe as positive heroesThe carriers of truly Russian mentality, ideas and spirituality are opposed to negative characters by Kuragin, who were not very interested in the spiritual aspect of life, preferring to shine in society, to weave intrigue and choose acquaintances on their status and wealth. It is better to understand the essence of each main character will help a brief description of Heroes of "War and Peace".

Graph Ilya Andreevich Rostov - A kind and generous man, for whom the most important thing in his life was a family. Count sincerely loved his wife and four children (Natasha, faith, Nicholas and Petya), helped his wife in raising children and supported all their might warm atmosphere In the house of growth. Ilya Andreevich can't live without luxury, he liked to arrange lush balls, techniques and evenings, but his waste and inability to manage economic affairs in the end led to the critical financial situation of growth.
Countess Natalya Rostov - a woman of 45 years old with the eastern features of a person who knows how to impress in the Supreme Society, the wife of Count Rostov, the mother of four children. Countess, as well as her husband, loved her family very much, trying to support children and educate in them top Qualities. Due to excessive love for children, after the death of Petit, a woman almost goes crazy. In the counteer of the kindness to loved ones connected with gracious: wanting to fix financial position Families, the woman is trying to upset the marriage of Nicholas on the "not profitable bride" of Son.

Nikolai Rostov - "A low curly young man with an open expression of the face." This is an innocent, open, honest and friendly young man, Natasha's brother, the eldest son of growth. At the beginning of Roman Nikolai appears the delightful young men who wants military glory and recognition, but after participating first in the Shenburg battle, and then in the Austerlitsky battle and the Patriotic War, the illusions of Nicholas are dispelled and the hero understands however, the idea of \u200b\u200bwar is wrong. Nikolai's personal happiness is married to Maria Bolkonskaya, in which he felt closest in the spirit of man still at the first meeting.

Sonya Rostov "Thin, miniature brunette with a soft, shaded long eyelashes, a thick black oblique, twice with her head, and a yellowish tint of the skin on the face", the niece of Graph Rostov. According to the story of the novel, this is quiet, judgment, a kind girl who can love and prone to self-sacrifice. Sonya refuses Dolohov, since he wants to be true only to Nicholas, who sincerely loves. When a girl finds out that Nikolai is in love with Marjo, it is badly leaving him, not wanting to prevent the happiness of his beloved person.

Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky - Prince, General Ashef retired. This is proud, smart, strict to yourself and other man low height "With little dry handles and gray hanging eyebrows, sometimes, as he was published, covered by the brilliance of smart and precisely young shiny eyes." In the depths of the soul, Bolkonsky loves his children very much, but does not dare to show it (only before his death could show her love his love). Nikolai Andreevich died from the second strike, being in Bogucharovo.

Marya Bolkonskaya - Quiet, kind, meek, prone to self-sacrifice and sincerely loving his native girl. Tolstoy describes it as a heroine with a "ugly weak body and thin face", but "the eyes of princes, big, deep and radiant (as if the rays of warm light sometimes came out of them), were so good that very often, despite the urgency of everything Persons, these eyes were attractive than beauty. " The beauty of the eyes of Marya after struck and Nikolai Rostov. The girl was very diveged, he devoted all her care for his father and nephew, then redirecting his love for his own family and her husband.

Helene Kuragin - Bright, brilliantly beautiful woman with a "unchanged smile" and full white shoulders, which liked a male society, the first wife of Pierre. Helen did not differ in particular, however, thanks to his charm, the ability to keep himself in society and establish the right connections, arranged his own salon in St. Petersburg, was personally familiar with Napoleon. A woman died from a strong angina (although there were rumors in society that Helen was committed to suicide).

Anatole Kuragin - Brother Helen, the same beautiful outwardly and noticeable in Higher Society, like his sister. Anatole lived in the way he wanted throwing everything moral principles And the foundations, satisfied drunken and robs. Kuragin wanted to steal Natasha Rostov and hang with her, although he was already married.

Fedor Doolokhov - "Man of middle growth, curly and with blond eyes", officer of the Semenovsky regiment, one of the leaders partisan traffic. In the identity of Fedor, selfishly combined with selfishness, cynicism and adventurism with the ability to love their loved ones and take care of them. (Nicholas Rostov is very surprised that at home, with the mother and sister of Doolohov completely different - a loving and gentle son and brother).


Even short description The heroes of the "War and Peace" of Tolstoy allows you to see the close and inseparable interconnection of fate of the characters. Like all events in the novel, meetings and farewells of acting persons occur through the irrational, elusive reasonable law of historical mutual influences. It is these incomprehensible mutual influences create fate of heroes and form their views on the world.

Test on the work


Lion Tolstoy in his epic portrayed more than 500 characters typical of Russian society. In the "War of the World" Heroes of Roman - representatives of the highest estate of Moscow and St. Petersburg, key state and military figures, soldiers, people from a simple people, peasants. The image of all the layers of Russian society allowed Tolstoy to recreate a one-piece picture of Russian life into one of the turning stages of the history of Russia - the era of wars with Napoleon 1805-1812.

In the "War and the World", the characters are conditionally divided into the main characters - whose destinies are woven by the author to the plot narration of all four volumes and epiraloga, and minor - heroes that appear in the novel epizodically. Among the main characters of the novel, you can allocate central heroes - Andrei Bolkonsky, Natasha Rostov and Pierre Probrelov, around the fate of which the events of the novel are unfolding.

Characteristics of the main heroes of the novel

Andrey Bolkonsky - "A very handsome young man with certain and dry features", "small growth." With Bolkonsky, the author introduces the reader even at the beginning of the novel - the hero was one of the guests at the evening Anna Schever (where many main heroes of the novel "War and the World" of Tolstoy) were also present. According to the plot of the work, Andrei tired of the Higher Society, he dreamed of glory, no less than the glory of Napoleon, so and rides a war. An episode that turned the worldview of Bornets, becomes a meeting with Bonaparta - the wounded on the Austerlitz field Andrei realized, as in fact, Bonaparte and all of his glory. The second turning point in the life of Bolkonsky becomes love for Natasha Rostova. A new feeling helped a hero to return to a full-fledged life, to believe that after the death of his wife and everything suffered, he could fully live on. However, their happiness with Natasha was not destined to come true - Andrew was a fatal wound during the Borodino battle and soon died.

Natasha Rostov - Cheerful, kind, very emotional and able to love the girl: "Chernobiaya, with a big mouth, ugly, but live." An important feature of the image of the central heroine "War and Peace" is its musical talent - a wonderful voice that even inexperienced people were fascinated. With Natasha, the reader meets the day of the girl when she marks 12 years old. Tolstoy depicts the moral adulthood of the heroine: love experiences, the exit to the light, the betrayal of Natasha Prince Andrei and her experiences because of this, the search for himself in religion and the turning point in the life of the heroine - the death of Bolkonsky. In the epilogue of Roman Natasha appears in front of the reader completely different - the shadow of her husband, Pierre Zuhova, and not a bright, active Rostov, who danced Russian dances and "retranged" a few years ago at the mother's footage.

Pierre Duchevov - "A massive, fat young man with a hairpiece, with glasses."

"Pierre was a few more than other men in the room," he had a "smart and together a timid, observant and natural look, who distinguished him from everyone in this living room." Pierre is a hero who is in constant search for himself through the knowledge of the surrounding world. Each situation in his life, each life stage became for the hero with a special life lesson. Marriage to Helen, passion to Masonry, the love of Natasha Rostova, the presence on the field of the Borodino battle (which hero sees the eyes of Pierre), French captivity and acquaintance with Karataev completely change the identity of Pierre - from ridiculous respect "grows" purposeful and confident man with Own views and goals.

Other important characters

In the "war and the world", Tolstoy distinguishes several blocks of characters - the families of Rostov, Bolkonsky, Kuragin, as well as acting in the circle of communication of one of these families. Rostov and Bolkonsky as positive heroes, carriers of truly Russian mentality, ideas and spirituality, are opposed to negative characters by Kuragin, who were not very interested in the spiritual aspect of life, preferring to shine in society, to weave intrigue and choose familiar on their status and wealth. It is better to understand the essence of each main character will help the brief characteristic of the heroes of "War and Peace".

Graph Ilya Andreevich Rostov - A kind and generous man, for whom the most important thing in his life was a family. The graph sincerely loved his wife and four children (Natasha, faith, Nicholas and Petya), helped his wife in raising children and supported the warm atmosphere in all their mights in the house of growth. Ilya Andreevich can't live without luxury, he liked to arrange lush balls, techniques and evenings, but his waste and inability to manage economic affairs in the end led to the critical financial situation of growth.
Countess Natalya Rostov - a woman of 45 years old with the eastern features of a person who knows how to impress in the Supreme Society, the wife of Count Rostov, the mother of four children. Countess, as well as her husband, loved her family very much, trying to support children and educate the best qualities in them. Due to excessive love for children, after the death of Petit, a woman almost goes crazy. In the Countess of the kindness to loved ones, it was connected with gracious: wanting to correct the financial position of the family, the woman is trying to upset the marriage of Nicholas on the "not profitable bride" of Son.

Nikolai Rostov - "A low curly young man with an open expression of the face." This is an innocent, open, honest and friendly young man, Natasha's brother, the eldest son of growth. At the beginning of Roman Nikolai appears the delightful young men who wants military glory and recognition, but after participating first in the Shenburg battle, and then in the Austerlitsky battle and the Patriotic War, the illusions of Nicholas are dispelled and the hero understands however, the idea of \u200b\u200bwar is wrong. Nikolai's personal happiness is married to Maria Bolkonskaya, in which he felt closest in the spirit of man still at the first meeting.

Sonya Rostov "Thin, miniature brunette with a soft, shaded long eyelashes, a thick black oblique, twice with her head, and a yellowish tint of the skin on the face", the niece of Graph Rostov. According to the story of the novel, this is quiet, judgment, a kind girl who can love and prone to self-sacrifice. Sonya refuses Dolohov, since he wants to be true only to Nicholas, who sincerely loves. When a girl finds out that Nikolai is in love with Marjo, it is badly leaving him, not wanting to prevent the happiness of his beloved person.

Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky - Prince, General Ashef retired. This is proud, smart, strictly to yourself and another man of low growth "with little dry handles and gray hanging eyebrows, sometimes, as he was published, covered with glitter smart and exactly young shiny eyes." In the depths of the soul, Bolkonsky loves his children very much, but does not dare to show it (only before his death could show her love his love). Nikolai Andreevich died from the second strike, being in Bogucharovo.

Marya Bolkonskaya - Quiet, kind, meek, prone to self-sacrifice and sincerely loving his native girl. Tolstoy describes it as a heroine with a "ugly weak body and thin face", but "the eyes of princes, big, deep and radiant (as if the rays of warm light sometimes came out of them), were so good that very often, despite the urgency of everything Persons, these eyes were attractive than beauty. " The beauty of the eyes of Marya after struck and Nikolai Rostov. The girl was very diveged, he devoted all her care for his father and nephew, then redirecting his love for his own family and her husband.

Helene Kuragin - Bright, brilliantly beautiful woman with a "unchanged smile" and full white shoulders, which liked a male society, the first wife of Pierre. Helen did not differ in particular, however, thanks to his charm, the ability to keep himself in society and establish the right connections, arranged his own salon in St. Petersburg, was personally familiar with Napoleon. A woman died from a strong angina (although there were rumors in society that Helen was committed to suicide).

Anatole Kuragin - Brother Helen, the same beautiful outwardly and noticeable in Higher Society, like his sister. Anatole lived as he wanted, discarding all the moral principles and foundations, sat down drunken and robust. Kuragin wanted to steal Natasha Rostov and hang with her, although he was already married.

Fedor Doolokhov - "A man of medium height, curly and with blond eyes", officer of the Semenovsky regiment, one of the leaders of the partisan movement. In the identity of Fedor, selfishly combined with selfishness, cynicism and adventurism with the ability to love their loved ones and take care of them. (Nicholas Rostov is very surprised that at home, with the mother and sister of Doolohov completely different - a loving and gentle son and brother).


Even a brief description of the heroes of the "War and Peace" of Tolstoy allows you to see the close and inseparable interconnection of the defenders of the characters. Like all events in the novel, meetings and farewells of acting persons occur through the irrational, elusive reasonable law of historical mutual influences. It is these incomprehensible mutual influences create fate of heroes and form their views on the world.

Test on the work

Heroes of the novel "War and Peace"

The assessment of the heroes of his book L.N. Tolstoy put the "Folk Thought". Kutuzov, Bagration, captains Tushin and Timokhin, Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Duzhov, Petya Rostov, Vasily Denisov, along with the people of the breast, stand on the defense of the Motherland. All souls love the homeland and the people and the heroine of Roman, the wonderful "wizard" Natasha Rostov. Negative characters Romana: Prince Vasily Kuragin and his children Anatole, Ippolit and Helen, Careerist Boris Drubetskaya, the chaser Berg, foreign generals in the Russian service - they are all far from the people and care only about their personal benefits.

In the novel is perpetuated by an unprecedented feat of Moscow. Her residents, in contrast to the residents of the capitals of other countries, who were conquered by Napoleon, did not want to obey the conquerors and left native city. "For Russian people," says Tolstoy, "it could not be a question, whether or bad will be bad under the control of the French in Moscow. Under the control of the French, it was impossible to be: it was worse than everything. "

Entering Moscow, which was similar to the empty hive. Napoleon felt that his arm was listed over him and his armies. He became persistently to improve the truce and sent ambassadors to Kutuzov twice. On behalf of the people and the army of Kutuzov, the proposally rejected the proposal of Napoleon about the world and organized the counteroffensiveness of his troops, supported by partisan detachments.

Warning defeat in Tarutinsky battle, Napoleon left Moscow. Soon the random flight of his regiments began. Turning into the crowd of marauders and robbers, Napoleonic troops fled back along the same road, which led them to the Russian capital.

After the battle under the Red Kutuzov, he turned to his soldiers with a speech, in which he cordially congratulated them with the victory and thanked for the faithful service to Fatherland. In the scene under red with special penetration, the deepest nation of the Great Communion is revealed, his love for those who saved their homeland from foreign enslavement, his real patriotism.

However, it should be noted that there are scenes in the "war and the world", where the image of the cutuzov is contradictory. Tolstoy believed that the development of all events performed in the world does not depend on the will of people, and predetermined over. The writer seemed that both Kutuzov thought the same and did not consider it necessary to interfere in the development of events. But this strongly contradicts the image of Kutuzov, which is created by the same Tolstoy. The writer emphasizes that great commander He knew how to understand the spirit of the troops and sought them to manage that all the thoughts of Kutuzov and all his actions were directed to one goal - defeat the enemy.

It is contradictoryly painted in the novel and the image of a soldier Platon Karataev, with whom Pierre Ducheov met, and became friends in captivity. Karataev is inherent in such features like kindness, humility, willingness to forgive and forget any insult. Pierre is surprised, and then with delight listens to Karataevsky stories, always ending with gospel urging everyone to love and forgive everyone. But the same Pierre had to see the terrible end of Plato Karataeva. When the French drove the batch of prisoners along the autumn dirt road, Karatayev fell out of weakness and could not stand. And the escorts ruthlessly shot it. You can not forget this terrible scene: the dirty forest road lies the killed karataev, and it sits around him and howling the hungry, lonely, freezing dog, which he still recently saved from death ...

Fortunately, Karataevsky features were unusual for Russian people who defended their land. We see "War and Peace", we see that not Plato Karataev won the Army of Napoleon. This was made by fearless artillery artillers of the modest captain Tushina, the brave soldiers of Captain Timokhin, Kavalarists of Uvarov, the partisans Rothmistra Denisov. The Russian army and the Russian people won the enemy. And this is convincingly shown in the novel. Not by chance in the years of World War II, the book Tolstoy was a desk book different countries, fought with the invasion of the Nazi Hitler's fascist Horde. And she will always serve for freedom-loving people with a source of patriotic enthusiasm.

From the epilogue that the novel ends, we learn how his heroes lived after graduation Patriotic War 1812. Pierre Duzhov and Natasha Rostov combined their fate, found their happiness. Pierre still concerns the question of the future of his homeland. He became a member of the secret organization, from which the Decembrists will later come out. Young Nikolinka Bolkonsky, the son of Prince Andrew, who deceased from the wound received on the Borodino field, carefully listens to his hot speeches.

You can guess about the future of these people, listening to their conversation. Nicholyka asked Pierre: "Uncle Pierre ... If Dad would be alive ... He would agree with you?" And Pierre replied: "I think yes ..."

At the end of the novel, Tolstoy draws the sleep of Nikolek Bolkonsky. "They and Uncle Pierre walked ahead of the huge troops," Nicolenka dreamed. They walked to a difficult and glorious feat. With Nicholya, there was a father, encouraging him and his uncle Pierre. Waking up, Nikolyka takes a firm solution: to live in such a way to be a decent memory of his father. "Father! Father! - Thinks Nicholya. "Yes, I will make something that would even be satisfied."

This oath Nicholya Tolstoy completes scene line The novel, as if opening the veil into the future, stretching the threads from one era of Russian life to another, when the heroes of 1825 came to the historic arena - Decembrists.

So the work ends with which Tolstoy, according to his recognition, devoted five years of "incessant and exceptional labor."

The image of Pierre Dzuhova in the novel "War and Peace". An essay on the novel of Tolstoy - War and the world. Pierre Duhov in nature, in a warehouse - predominantly the emotional nature. Specific traits His is the mind, prone to "dreamy philosophizing", freedomity, scattering, weakness of will, lack of initiative. This does not mean that Prince Andrei is not able to experience a deep feeling, and Pierre is a weak thinker; That and the other - the nature is complex. The terms "Intellectual" and "Emotional" mean in this case the prevailing features of the spiritual forces of these outstanding personalities. Pierre is drastically distinguished from the environment of the persons in the Sherler, where we first get acquainted with him. This is "a massive, thick young man with a cut-off head, in glasses, in bright palsions on the mode, with high jabs and in a brown fruce." His look he is "smart and together timid, observant and natural." The main feature is the search for "calm, consent with himself." All life Path Pierre - incessantly looking for the meaning of life, looking for life, which would harmonize with the needs of his heart and bring him moral satisfaction. In this, he looks like Andrei Bolkonsky.

Pierre's path, like the path of Prince AndrewThis is the way to the people. During the period of hobbies by Freemason, he decides to devote his strength to the landscaping of peasants. He considers it necessary to let go of his forty freedom, thinks about the institution in his villages hospitals, shelters and schools. True, the cunning manager deceives Pierre and creates only the visibility of reforms. But Pierre is sincerely sure that his peasants now live well. A real convergence of him with a simple people begins in captivity when he meets with soldiers and karataev. Pierre's desire to pierce, merge completely with the people. Basic Life, secular salons, luxury tommyags do not satisfy Pierre, he painfully feels his cutoff from

Images of Natasha and Princess Marie in the novel "War and Peace". But Natasha and Princess Mary and General features. Both of them patriot. Natasha, without thinking, sacrificed the riches of the Moscow House of Rostic for Salvation of the wounded. And Princess Marya throws the estate on the arbitrary of fate when the French approach. When the Motherland is threatened with danger, the family traits are waking up - pride, courage, hardness. So it was in Bogucharov, when the French companion offered her to stay in the estate and trust the grace of the French general, the grace of enemies of Russia, his homeland. And "Although for the Princess Marya, it was still, wherever to stay and what would be with her, but she felt at the same time the representative of his late father and Prince Andrew. She unwittingly thought their thoughts and felt their feelings. " And one more feature Rodnit Natasha and Princess Marry. Princess Marya marries Nikolai Rostov, and Tolstoy, drawing them family life, Says about the happiness that she, like Natasha, found in the family. So solves the thick question about the appointment of a woman, limiting her interests by the framework of family life.

Recall the episode of the meeting of Nikolai Rostov With Sonya, when he, having arrived on vacation, does not know how to keep himself with his girlfriend. "He kissed her hand and called her - Sonya, but her eyes, having met, said to each other" you "and gently kissed."

Favorite Tolstoy Heroes - People with a Difficult Peace Mort. In the disclosure of such characters, tolstoy resorts to different techniques: to a direct characteristic of the author, to auto-spelling the hero, to internal dialogues and reflections, etc. Internal monologues and internal dialogues allow the author to detect such intimate thoughts and mood of heroes, to transmit which by another way ( For example, with direct author's characteristics) It would be difficult without violating the laws of artistic realism. To such monologues and dialogues, thick resorts very often. A sample of the "internal monologue" with elements of the dialogue can serve as the reflection of the wounded prince Andrei in chapter XXXII of the Third Tom of Roman. Here is another sample of the "inner monologue" - the reflections of Natasha, children's directly arguing about themselves: "What the beauty of this Natasha!" - She said again about himself with the words of some third collective male face. - Good, voice, young, and she does not interfere with anyone, leave only her alone "(Ch. XXIII second volume).

The image of Andrei Bolkonsky. The outside world with its things and phenomena is also skillfully used thick for characteristics of heroes. So, describing the mood of Natasha after unexpected departure Andrei Bolkonsky (before the match), Tolstoy reports that Natasha calmed down completely and "put on the old dress, which was especially known to her for the fun delivered in the morning." Tolstoy - a brilliant landscape. He will mark the young "green sticky leaves" birch, and green somewhere shrub, and the "juicy, dark greens of oak", and the moonlight, burst into the room, and the freshness of the spring night. Recall the wonderfully described hunting in Otradnaya. Both people and animals and nature act here as indicators of a powerful strength of life, its full-blood. The landscape performs various functions in the novel. Most common feature Tolstoy landscape is the correspondence of this landscape of the hero mood. Disappointment, the gloomy mood of Prince Andrei after a break with Natasha stains in the dark tones and surrounding landscape. "He looked at the lane birch, with their fixed yellow, greens and white bark shining in the sun. "To die ... In order for me to be killed, tomorrow, so that I was not ... so that all this was, and I would not be ..." His tomatoes are terrible premonitions and painful thoughts of death. And these birchings with their light and shadow, and these curly clouds, and this smoke of fires - all this was transformed around for him and seemed something terrible and threatening. And the poetry of Natasha Natasha, on the contrary, is revealed against the background of the Spring Moon Night in Otradnaya. In other cases, the landscape directly affects a person, enlightening and managing it. Prince Andrei, wounded under Austerlitz, looks at the sky and thinks: "Yes! Everything is empty, all deception, except for this endless sky. " Oak, who twice meets the prince of Andrei twice, completely differently reveals the "meaning of life": in one case he seems to be a prince Andrei by the personification of hopelessness, in another - a symbol of joyful faith in happiness.

Finally, Tolstoy uses landscape as a means of the actual situation. Recall at least a strong fog, emitted by a solid milky white sea over the surroundings of Austerlitz. Thanks to this, the fog, which closed the position of the French, the Russians and Austrian troops were put into the worst position, since they did not see the enemy and unexpectedly faced with him face to face. Napoleon, who stood at the height, where it was completely light, could unmistakably lead the troops.

The image of Napoleon in the novel "War and Peace". Napoleon is opposed to Napoleon's novel. Tolstoy twists this commander and an outstanding historical figure. Drawing exterior appearance Napoleon, the author of the novel says it was " small man"With a" unpleasant-pre-smile "on face, with" greasy breasts "," round belly "and" greasy spoons of short legs. " Tolstoy shows Napoleon as a self-free and arrogant ruler of France, a success, blinded by glory, attributing his personality driving role In the course historical events. Even in small scenes, in the slightest gestures, according to Tolstoy, the insane pride of Napoleon, his actor, self-conceit, accustomed to believe that every movement of his hand scatters happiness or sow the mountain among thousands of people. Rolepping others raised him to such a height that he really believed in his ability to change the course of history and influence the fate of the peoples.

In contrast to Kutuzov, not given the decisive meaning of his personal will, Napoleon puts himself above all, his personality, considers himself superhorecom. "Only what happened in his soul was of interest to him. Everything that was outside it did not have meaning for him, because everything in the world, as it seemed to him, depended only from his will. " The word "I" - favorite Word Napoleon. In Napoleon, egoism, individualism and rationality are undertaken - the features that are missing in Kutuzov, a national commander, who thinks not about its glory, but about the glory and freedom of the Fatherland. Revealing the ideological content of the novel, we are already fat "" noted an uniqueness in the interpretation of thick individual topics of the novel. So, we have already said that Tolstoy, walking against the revolutionary peasant democracy, fascinates the sharpness of class contradictions between the peasantry and landowners in the novel; Revealing, for example, the restless thoughts of Pierre Zuhovov about the serious position of serf slaves, he at the same time draws pictures of idyllic relations between landowners and peasants in the estate and house of growth. We also noted the features of idealization in the image of Karataev, the originality of the interpretation of the role of the person in history, etc.

How to explain these features of the novel? The source needs to be sought in the worldview of the thick, reflecting the contradiction of his time. Tolstoy was great artist. The novel of his "War and Peace" is one of the greatest masterpieces of world art, a brilliant work, in which the breadth of epic scope was combined with an amazing depth of penetration into mental life of people. But Tolstoy lived in Russia in a transitional era, in the era of breaking the public and economic lows of life, when the country passed from the feudal-serpentine building to capitalist forms of life, a rapidly protesting, according to Lenin, "against any class domination", Tolstoy, Lenser and Aristocrat , I found a way out for myself in the transition to the position of the patriarchal peasantry. Belinsky in his articles about the thickness with a wonderful depth opened all contradictions, which affected the worldview and the work of Tolstoy in connection with his transition to the position of the patriarchal peasantry. These contradictions could not affect the structural structure of the novel "War and Peace". Tolstoy, Great Realist and Protestant, ultimately won the fat, religious philosopher, and created a work that has no equal in world literature. But reading the novel, we still can not feel the contradictions of the world's worldview.

The image of Kutuzov in the novel "War and Peace".In the novel Tolstoy, the cult of "great personalities", created by bourgeois historians. He correctly believes that the course of history solves the folk mass. But the assessment of the role of the popular mass takes his religious color. He comes to the recognition of fatalism, arguing that all historical events are predetermined by over. The exhaust of his views in the novel Tolstoy makes the commander of Kutuzov. His look is consciousness that the Creator of History, historical events is the people, and not individual personality (heroes) and that all sorts of individual Rationalistically built theories, no matter how good they seem, is nothing before the power, which is the mood, the spirit of the masses.

"Long-term military experience, - writes about Kutuzov Tolstoy, - he knew and senilely understood that he could not lead the hundreds of thousands of people fighting with death, it was impossible to one person, and knew that the fate of the battle was not ordered by the commander-in-chief, not the place on which troops were not guns and killed people, and the elusive force, called the spirit of the troops, and he watched this power and led it, as far as it was in his power. " Tolstoy attributed to Kutuzov and his mistakenly fatalistic look at the story, according to which the outcome of historical events is pre-preached. Andrei Bolkonsky speaks about Kutuzov: "He will not come up with nothing, he will not let anything, but he will not listen to everything, he will remember everything, everything will not hurt any usefulness and does not allow anything harmful. He understands that there is something stronger and more considerable to his will, - this is the inevitable course of events, - and he knows how to see them, knows how to understand their meaning and in view of this value knows how to renounce participation in these events, from his personal will aimed at Other ... "

Discarding the role of personality in history, Tolstoy It sought to make Kutuzov only to a wise observer of historical events, only the passive contemplator of them. This, of course, was a mistake of thick. She inevitably had to lead to contradictory assessment of Kutuzov. So it turned out. The romance is a commander, an extremely accurate estimate of military events and an unmistakably guide them. With the help of a well-thought-out plan for Kutuzov's counteroffensions, Napoleon is destroyed and his army. Consequently, in a number of essential traits of Kutuzov in the novel, it is historically true: it has great strategic skills, long nightly thinks out the campaign plan, acts as an active figure, behind the external tranquility hiding a huge volitional voltage. So the realist artist overcomed the philosophy of fatalism. The carrier of the People's Spirit and People's Will, Kutuzov deeply and correctly understood the course of things, in the midst of events gave them a correct assessment confirmed by subsequently. So, correctly appreciated the meaning of the Borodino battle, saying that it was a victory. As a commander, Kutuzov stands above Napoleon. For keeping people's WarWhat was the war of 1812, and was needed, says Tolstoy, such a commander. With the expulsion of the French, the Kutuzov mission was performed. The transfer of the war to Europe required another commander in chief. "A representative of the Russian people after the enemy was destroyed, Russia was released and put on the highest step of his glory, a Russian man, like Russian, there was nothing more. The representative of the People's War did not remain anything except death. And he died. "

Depicting Kutuzova as folk commander like embodiment folk thoughts, Will and feelings. Tolstoy never falls into schematics. Kutuzov - a living face. This impression is created, first of all, because thick clearly, brightly draws us a portrait of Kutuzov - his figure, gait and gestures, faithful, his eyes, then a glowing sweet tender smile, then taking a mocking expression. Tolstoy gives us it in the perception of various people in the nature and social situation, it draws from himself, deepening into the psychological analysis of his hero. Deeply humane and alive make cutuzov scenes and episodes depicting the commander in conversations and conversations with close and pleasant people for him, like Bolkonsky, Denisov, Bagration, his behavior on military councils, in battles near Austerlitz and Borodin. The speech of Kutuzov is diverse in its lexical composition and syntactic rank. He perfectly owns a large speech when he speaks or writes the king, generals and other representatives of the aristocratic society. "I speak only one, General," says Kutuzov with a pleasant grace of expressions and intonations, forced to listen to every leisurely said word. "I just say one thing, the general that if it would be dependent on my personal desire, then the will of His Majesty Emperor Franz. It would have been performed for a long time. " But he perfectly owns and simple people's Language. "But what, brothers. I know it's hard for us, yes what to do! Be patient: not long ... I will spend the guests, we will rest, "he said to soldiers, having met them on the road from Red to Dobro. And in a letter to the old man, Bolkonsky, he discovers the archaic features of the stationery style of this era: "Himself and you with the hope of happing that your son is alive, for otherwise, among those found on the battle of officers, about which the list is filed with me through parliamentary, and he would He was named. "