Deadly Number: How dying in a circus & nbsp. What is a circus? Circus art

Deadly Number: How dying in a circus & nbsp. What is a circus? Circus art
Deadly Number: How dying in a circus & nbsp. What is a circus? Circus art

You can make any circular number. There is nothing unavailable for you! Remember, for example, such an amazing number - Balances on Pershes. One artist keeps on his forehead a french, a huge aluminum bar. His partner climbs on the rod to the very top and makes gymnastic exercises there, and at this time "lower" holding a barbell, bends, sits down, falls, turns and rectifies again.

What should be the relationship and interdependence of partners in such a number! After all, you will not take away, in fact, on the head partner! You are standing on the floor in front of him, but so stand, as if they were on top of the Poss and as if your partner kept this franch on his forehead. The slightest your inaccuracy, loss of equilibrium, and the partner will not hold back! Work!

Can you show trained horses? Sure! And for this you do not need to become on all fours - let your horses run on two legs, as if they knew how to do it!

Task to everyone: come up with several circus numbers at home, work them out and show us.

Circus show

Work on separate circus numbers may end with a massive exercise - with a circus representation, with an orchestra on imaginary tools, with first-class attractions and, of course, with the public - what is the view in the circus without applause? We certainly need and uniformists who prepare the playpen to each number.

Presentation begins. Round orchestra. SwrekhstalMeister announces numbers:

Kurochki brothers! Ikarian games!

Sisters Zanzibariy! Higher riding class! CONNO-BALLY REVERSION!

Trained dogs!

Picking box with live artist Emma Babylonian! ..

Acrobats on a trampoline! .. juggler on a motorcycle! .. Acrobats with a pododynkaya board! .. Eccentric on the wire! .. Aerial gymnasts! .. Balances on the balls! .. Flying on arrows! .. Equilibrist on the coils! .. Himalayan group Bear! .. Original genre! ..

Power acrobats! .. Musical eccentrics! .. RollerCashers! .. Air gymnasts! .. Jumps! .. Martyski-football players! .. In the pool - sea lions and swimsters! ..

Stalked head

In the play-fairy tale Evgeny Schwartz "Ordinary Miracle" Merry and Good Wizard Makes Miracles Surprisingly Simple: "Walked, you understand, in the forest, I see: a young bear, a teenager. Lobbed head, the eyes are smart. We combat the word for the word, he liked him me. I threw a nut twig, made a magic wand from it - once, two, three ... "And what did he do? The smallest - turned the bear to a person!

Let's make ordinary wonders! Well, let's say, - Make a friend: While he sleeps, turn off his head and hide it in the room. Let him be looking for when it wakes up!

Two student goes to the site. One falls on the bench and falls asleep. The other begins to "unscrew" his head.

Get careful to twist, and then he will wake up. What, tightly gives in, rusted carving? Watch if the breath is deceased, whether his eyelids are not trembling.

Finally, the head is unscrewed, and the student carries an imaginary head into the corner of the room, hides it. Then the comrade wakes up: "Get up, it's time for classes!"

What happens when you wake up? See anything? Nothing! True, the head woke up with you, but it lies in such darkness that nothing can be seen. Feel your shoulders with your hands, neck ... and there is no head! Of course, this jokes of your friend. Always he jokes ... but he ran away. You will have to blindly search for a head across the room. Look for!

The buddy sneaks in the corner, takes his head and sends it to the owner.

Is she or not? Check if it may be, is someone else's? Fuss the imaginary head. Do you recognize your nose, your hair? All right, screw it into place!

Having worked out with students' exercises on miracles, you need to strive to find the logic and the sequence of wonderful actions.

What is a circus? It seems that each of us knows the answer to this question. But it is worth recognizing that most of the majority has only surface information. But about his story and varieties known to a little. The main difference of this type of art is the demonstration of something funny and unusual. As a rule, in the speech you can see pantomimes, reprises, tricks, clownad. Frequently, circus numbers are associated with the demonstration of human exceptional abilities, often different risk for life and health. This applies to the routineners, equilibrists, trains of predatory animals. Often the troupe is based in a specific city, having a concrete building. But often performs in different places like a stray circus.

Historical reference

What is a circus, knew in ancient Rome. At that time, the construction was so called, similar to the modern hippodrome. The largest and famous was the so-called big circus, which was located in Rome itself.

Circus representations of that time had little in common with modern. First of all, it was racing on chariots and horsepower. Later, circus performances began to organize in amphitheaters. They included the battles of gladiators, eyeling wild animals.

In the Middle Ages, the Circus stopped being the main place of entertainment. The theatrical performances and mysteries have become popular at the time.

Circus in the modern understanding for us appeared in France only at the end of the 18th century. His creators have become the English riders of Astley, the Son and Father. In 1774, they built a round room in the suburb of the French capital, which was called - Circus. What was it at that time? Astley began to give presentations, which consisted of acrobatic etudes and horse exercises.

In the history of the circus, the Italians of Frankon play a major role. They introduced pantomimes, and also organized the struggle between wild animals and dogs. It is from Paris that circus performances soon spread across Europe.

From the history of the circus, it is known that at the end of the XIX century there were performances with trained animals. On the eve of the XX century, stationary circuses existed in all European capitals.

Circus in Russia

What is a circus, in Russia learned in 1764. It was then that British Jockey Bates built a playpen for horse ideas near the Kazan station. Already the next year he went with tour to Petersburg.

In Russia, ideas were often organized in private houses - in manajahs or temporary premises. As a rule, foreign troupes performed.

It was Russian Circus that appeared in 1873 in Saratov. He was founded by the brothers Nikitin. And today it is considered one of the best in Russia. To the time, at that time in Russia and Europe, wandering circus, which gave ideas every day in a new place.

Significant damage to circus art was inflicted during the Great Patriotic War. The buildings were mainly destroyed during bombing. Requisites and equipment were destroyed. Many trained animals died. Artists went to the front. The main circus control after the fascist attack on the USSR was evacuated to Tomsk. At the same time, historians noted that the management still took care of the preservation of circus art. By order of Stalin, the Soviet Circus was maintained, funds were allocated for the content and nutrition of animals.

Circus today

Today, the circus develops various types of art. For example, it is acrobatics, clown, equilibristics, as well as musical eccentric, intermedia, pantomime, juggling, illusionism.

There is a large number of circus specialties. Separate batting on the rope, numbers on the trapezoids, air gymnastics, animal training. Unique circus genre - clownade. Clown is obliged to own several disciplines, recently a welcome reception when clown "suddenly" takes part in other people's rooms.

Nowadays, the almost forgotten specialty of fireloaders who have been popular for many centuries ago are reborn. Today, many circus worlds include a fiery show in their program.

In Russia, the Circus is one of the key nominations in the competitive program of the Delphic Games.

Meaning of the word

Giving the definition of the word "circus", do not forget that he has several sense values.

First, the Circus is a special kind of spectacular art, which today includes a variety of techniques and disciplines.

Another meaning of the word Circus is a building in which all these ideas are passing.

Circus Description

The circus building itself most often is a round tent with a high dome upstairs. This is a classic circus-shapito. Inside it is a playpen or circus arena, as well as seats for viewers.

Another type of circus is capital. It is noteworthy that it usually has a round shape.

An interesting fact is a playpen in a circus, on which artists act, always the same size. Moreover, regardless of how many spectators, the Circus itself is calculated - by 500 or five thousand. Moreover, this size is unchanged worldwide. Maneja diameter is 13 meters (or 42 feet). This requirement appeared in the XIX century and still remains unchanged.

This tradition went due to professional need. The fact is that for the exercise on horses and acrobats, it is necessary that the spin of the running horse is always under the same angle regarding the center of the Playa. It is possible to achieve such a result only by maintaining a permanent average horse speed on a model of a certain diameter. As a result, all circus arenas, which were conducted on horseback performances were unified.

Another feature - the circus arena is always separated from the amphitheater with a small, but very wide barrier. Its height reaches at least to the average growth of a standard horse so that the animal can put the front leg hoofs on the barrier and continue moving the rear by the arena.

Circus Yury Nikulina

From domestic circuses it is worth highlighting, first of all, Circus Nikulina. It is located in Moscow on color boulevard. This is one of the oldest stationary circuses of the country. It accommodates two thousand spectators. Currently, his general director is the son of Yuri Nikulina Maxim.

This circus first opened its doors for visitors back in 1880. He was founded by Albert Salamonic. August Weber became architect. The discovery was remembered to everyone. It was a gymnast of Henrietta, who managed to juggle on a stretched height of a wire, Mrs. Trootszi rumped on Maneja on a unused horse, Albert Salamonsky himself demonstrated a number with 14 trained stallions.

Initially, many clowns worked in the circus. Salamonic insisted that his audience should have to laugh. It is noteworthy that before this circus was not considered a place where it is worth coming with children. Only Salamonsky realized that the children were a wonderful public on which it was not bad to earn money. He was the first to initiate the morning ideas, which soon became known as matinee. At the same time, specially adapted the programs for child perception.

Nikulin on stage

Yuri Nikulin was in the clown studio at the metropolitan circus on color boulevard after he was not accepted in VGIK. In 1948, he first went on stage in a pair with Boris Romanov. Their number was called "Foreign Minister and Haltversman."

Soon after, I began to work as an assistant popular in those years clown Mikhail Rumyantsev, more famous as a pencil. Then I got acquainted with Mikhail Shuidin. All three of them began to ride the tour across the country.

In 1950, after the conflict, Nikulin and Shuidin began to work separately from Rumyantsev, reaching the famous clown duet.

In 1981, Nikulin stopped playing on the stage, he turned 60. He became director of the circus. With it, a new building was built, which was opened in 1989. Today, for ideas in the circus schedule Nikulina, many are intended. After all, this is one of the most popular circuses of the country.


The circus of dancing fountains called "Aquamarine" also enjoys great popularity in Russia. Spectators are witnessing a unique show when Circus art connects with fountain dances and ballet on ice. Incredible abilities and human capabilities are revealed against the background of fantastic beauty.

In the circus "Aquamarine" is proud to have retained the best traditions of the domestic circus. At the same time, the latest technologies, relevant scenography, immersing the viewer at the present modern show are constantly used.

In ideas often take part trainingers, specially trained animals - horses, dogs, monkeys. Representations are necessarily accompanied by live vocals.

Circus genres

Among the main circus genres it is necessary to allocate acrobatics, which is divided into power, air and jumping.

Highlight is very popular - performing gymnastic and acrobatic exercises on the horse. As well as training of circus animals, juggling, illusionism, clownade, circus show, pantomime and equilibristics.


What is a circus genre illusionism, today knows anyone who at least once was in the circus or saw a view on TV. This is a special kind of circus artistic art. In it, with the help of hand dexterity, as well as at the expense of the tricks and the use of special equipment, as a rule, hidden from the eyes of others, the illusionist performs unique tricks or tricks. It creates illusions of the violation of objects and phenomena familiar to all physical properties. The literal name of this circus genre is translated as "misleading."

The art of creating illusions goes back to antiquity. At that time, priests or shamans were used for manipulations for manipulations to make an impression on ordinary people, thus confirming their uniqueness and features. Over time, they began to use them for entertainment of the public Fakira, swords and others.


This kind of circus art, like juggling, appeared before our era. See people simultaneously throwing more than three items, you can still on wall pictures in Egypt.

Today there are several types of juggling - classic, eating, contact, floor juggling, flairing (when bottles and glasses are used), juggling kendam (the name has happened from the Japanese game, consisting in throwing a bowl from the well to the well), power, combat juggling.

By preparing the festive program, pay attention to the ability to insert circular numbers into it. They perfectly diversify the concert program for any event and any audience. The variety of them is great and find a room that your guests will definitely accurately.

Unfortunately, many people do not know that circuschi can be invited to a corporate party, a family holiday, the opening of the exhibition, the wedding, in general, for any event, where at least some entertainment program is supposed. And in vain! Imagine the interest of guests increases, when a magician or an equilibrist will suddenly perform between a pair of songs or dance numbers. Firstly, this is a real surprise for those present, secondly, such numbers are beautiful, unusual, original. They make a festive atmosphere a little more magical, mysterious, and therefore a more memorable to each guest.

What exactly can be ordered to a corporate or family holiday? A lot of them:

  1. Acrobats. Acrobatic numbers, for beautiful music performed by one or more artists, is always an exciting spectacle. It does not require much space, and all the necessary inventory they bring with them.
  2. Aerialists. The tricks performed in the air, the surprising beauty of the tricks will not leave any viewer indifferent. But not in each room you can organize a similar number.
  3. This is what will cause real delight from the kids. They can play the role of lead, DJs or simply, as in the circus - to fill the pauses between other rooms. By the way, these artists are in demand in many adult events, because jokes love all generations.
  4. . They are also glad to children and adult holidays. Focuses are looking at breathing, with delight and surprise. Their numbers diverge almost any festive program, and the involvement in many of the audience tricks will increase the degrees of their delight.
  5. . This is the perfect way to make a children's holiday, truly unforgettable. No baby will refuse to get acquainted with a dog who knows how to count, rabbit, driving into a drum or with pigeons arriving at the call of the trainer. Now for holidays, they order a variety of animals, including exotic, so the choice depends only on the preferences of the audience and the size of the budget of the event organizers.

But where can I order on your celebration? The easiest way to do this through the company organizing your holiday. Just express the wish to see in the program not only singers, musicians and dancers, but also circus numbers and they will not only be added to the script, but also you will select those that most fully meet the requests of your audience - children of some adults.

Since we all come from childhood and therefore, at any age, you love the circus, do not deny yourself in joy to see circus show At your own holiday. No less interesting to file circus number As a surprise - a birthday party, a jubilear, newlyweds.

For each of us in childhood, a trip to the circus was long-awaited and desirable. How many positive emotions and pleasant memories remained after the end of the circus performance. Not only children, but also adults with great pleasure look, as the circus artist works.

So why not arrange a circus performance right on your holiday? You doubt what is possible? Everything is possible with us. Contact us, and any artist of the circus will be a member of your event. You will entertain acrobats, clowns, magicians, juggles, gymnasts, trainers. The holiday with the participation of circus artists is always unforgettable and cheerful.

Circus Show options

Animal trainers are always very in demand at various events. For a corporate party, it is better to invite large animal trainers, such as tigers or bears. It is quite dangerous, and therefore very exciting and attractive. But remember that for such a speech it will take a fairly large territory. For a children's holiday, dog trainers are suitable for dogs or cats. It will be very cute and fun. These animals are easily trained, show their dexterity and intention.

You can order for any holiday, because they are able to cheer both adults and children. You can create a joyful atmosphere at your event, fun and exciting to relax. Children's clowns tend to find an approach to any child, so the child feels the most important on the holiday, and, it means, he is happy and satisfied.

For a wedding or anniversary, you can invite air gymnasts. It is very romantic and exciting. Air gymnasts will create a whole show for you, and you are awesome will watch the movements of artists in the air.

Shows focus in Moscow

Fabulistics and enjoyability to your event will give such an artist of the circus as a magician. Such a show will definitely remember and discuss. Unexpected tricks and illusions, incredible hand dexterity - all this you will get if we order a show program with the participation of a magician.

Clear juggles will show you wonderful numbers, and you will be applied to watch the movement of their hands. Want to try yourself? Jugglers will give you a few lessons of skill and compete with everyone who wanted in their ability.

Circus artists can offer you such an unusual number as. This spectacle is becoming increasingly popular lately. The fire attracts and fascinates, but in combination with the plastic movements of the artists, you become a witness to a stunning spectacle.

We interested you? Then the circus is already going to you! Meet and enjoy!

Each child knows what circus is a laughter, fun, clowns, smart animals, fockers and deft acrobats. But rarely, some of the adults can explain what the features of the circus as a type of art consist. After all, we most often imagine it as an exciting spectacle, show. And in fact, circus artists are mastered all their lives, not only skill, but also art is the ability to convey emotion and cause the aesthetic feelings from the audience.

Circus appearance

The name "Circus" occurred from the Roman oval sites, on which various folk holidays were held, competitions were shown. In those days, the Romans loved to observe people competing in force, dexterity, various skills. So there was a special kind of spectacle, which today is called the circus. But as we know and love him, he became only in the 18th century. A special round building was built in Paris to show the art of Djigitovka and acrobatic etudes. Later, the Italians pick up this idea and added a number with animals and mimes to the presentation program. What is a circus, in Russia will be recognized at the end of the 18th century. In 1764, an English rider was visited in Moscow, and this show marked the beginning of the opening of several stationary circuses at once. By the middle of the 19th century, such platforms were built in many Russian cities. Gradually, the show frame expanded, traditional programs were formed and circus professions were formed. Modern circus is a complex synthesis of the industry of spectacles, art, management and technology.

Circus as a type of art

The origins of the circus researchers see in ancient competitions in force and dexterity. It was formed as a way of demonstrating special skills, which often had no practical application. Experts characterizing the circus as art, first of all draw attention to precisely on the absence of any performance in the actions of artists. They do not compete, winning prizes, namely they allow you to see the possibilities of a person and experience aesthetic pleasure. The main expressive means of circus art is a trick, it is designed to cause the audience to emotion: laughter, surprise, fright, delight. All this is a relatives of the circus with other species of spectacular arts: theater, cinema. In the arena, a person shows the abilities of nature to metamorphosis, only the object of these transformations is not a stone, clay or paint, but a person himself. He creates according to the laws of the Eccentric, demonstrating the highest basic circus arts are: reprise, trick, number, topsack, eccentricity.

Circus device

For special art it is necessary to special space. The circus is not just a round-shaped building, but a complex design with numerous capabilities. Circus Arena - heart playground. Traditionally, it happens round, about 13 meters in diameter. From the scene of the amphitheater raising the venues of the audience. In modern, stationary circuses often there are several arenas for different types of representations: horseback, illusion, light, ice, water. But the arena is only the visible part of the circus. There are many office space behind the scenes: dressing rooms, rehearsal halls, places for animal content, costume rooms. Also, technical services are also played in the structure of the theater: light, fastening equipment, scenery, curtain - all this serves the viewer to see an unusual and complicated performance.

Circus professions

Hearing the question "What is Circus", we remember people of different professions. Each of them requires special skills and skills from the artist and is a special art, with its own laws, secrets and traditions. The classic circus program includes performances of various artists, it is possible to classify them according to the main expressive means and materials. So, there are people working with animals - these are trainers, with the human body - jugglers, equilibrists, gymnasts, rope trucks. There are also special professions that are at the junction of skill and technologies are illusionists. The highest level in the circus professional hierarchy is occupied by clowns, which connect the acting game, pantomime, junning. But circus artists cannot work without servants of the theater, which take on the provision of various services and assistants.


As already understandable from the name of the profession, the juggles first appeared in France. This word denotes literally "fun." Initially, people of this profession sang songs, danced on market squares and fairs. But as a type of activity, juggling appeared in ancient Egypt. Clear manipulations with many subjects fascinated viewers, causing surprise and admiration. Today, a rare circus performance costs without these artists, their performances have become a mandatory element of circus art. In their rooms, Jugglers surprise the public, throwing many different items into the air, and also use equibristic, comic and acrobatic elements for the complication of the trick. Juggling is steam and solo, artists not only throw and catch items, they can simultaneously rotate them, rhythmically alternate, throwing a partner. The rhythm of juggling makes the audience without breaking down to follow the take-off objects, and the dexterity of the artist causes their feelings of delight.


Another artist, without which it is impossible to present a circus representation, is an equilibrist. This genre of circus art is built on the ability of a person to retain balance on unstable surfaces. Traditionally, the equilibrists performed various televisions on the ropes, balls, cylinders. Often, the artist combines the ability to keep an equilibrium with acrobatic, comic actions, as well as with juggling. Even in ancient China, rustic parties were very popular. In many cultures of the world, folk fun were often accompanied by performances of equilibrists. There are such options for this genre, as performances on a bowl, on the wire, on the coils, on the stairs, on the trapezium (matte-lad), on one-bed bicycles.


Focifurses or illusionists are representatives of the profession that glorified the circus art. The basis of the genre was the dexterity of the hands. Artists who could make magic manipulations with various objects, such as cards, were mandatory participants in medieval fairs. Modern illusionists, in addition to the ability to make amazing movements with their hands, use various technical tricks to introduce audience to delusion. Among the magicians there are real world celebrities whose names are transmitted from generation to generation. Such illusionists include Harry Hudini, Alessandro Caliosostro, Kio family, Uri Geller,


Ask any child what a circus is, and get the answer: these are clowns. The masters working in this amplua became a real circus symbol, without them are impossible. The beginning of the profession was laid at the institute of the jungle, because the jesters consisted at the court of all the monarchs. Their task was not only envelope, but also ridicuing the defects, at the same time the jester, the soldiers, could tell the truth to anyone. The art of clown is often built not on the humor, but on irony, buffonade and grotesque. Urgeted manner of the game goes back to the traditions of bolagated ideas at fairs. The clown should not only be mixed, but also to mock, but at the same time his performance should not be cruel or offensive. Often clowns protrude in pairs where roles are clearly distributed. In the Italian theater, these roles were fixed for Piero and Harlequin, in the Russian tradition, these are redheads (sly and plow) and white (important Mr.) clowns. Conflicts constantly occur between them, which are ridiculous scenes, which are filled with pauses in the presentation. The circus world believes that clowns are an artistic elite. Often, they in their speeches include elements of juggling, acrobatics, dresses, pantomimes. Among them are the real, the greatest actors. The most famous clowns are M. N. Rumyantsev (pencil), V. Polunin, Y. Nikulin and M. Shuidin, who worked in a pair, L. Engibarov, O. Popov. Any circus show can save clown that appears in the arena whenever there is a pause in the program.