Bird festival at school. School holiday scenario: Russian birds magic flock

Bird festival at school. School holiday scenario: Russian birds magic flock

And games for the Day of the birds.

In the classroom, a recording of birds singing in the forest sounds. Vesnyanka comes (or the teacher herself can lead the holiday).

Vesnyanka: Hello guys! How well you have birds singing here, and I really love to listen to them! I could not help but look at you. Do you know who I am? No? I am Vesnyanka, Vesna's little sister, I run ahead of her and check if everything is ready for her arrival. Otherwise, the birds will soon arrive, but what should they do if they are not expected here? Or are they waiting? Will we meet the birds together and call the spring? Wonderful!
Today is a special day - Bird Day. Our ancestors believed that on this day 40 spring birds arrive from across the sea, and their arrival marks the arrival of spring. But I wonder if we can remember 40 names of birds? Let’s name the birds you know one by one, and I’ll count them. Only, mind you, don't repeat yourself!
(Children call birds)
Vesnyanka: Hooray! Well done boys! Now, as if the birds will not fly past the house - we will recognize them all. I also know many birds, as many as 44, however, they have the same name - siskins.

(Vesnyanka reads the poem by S. Marshak and D. Harms "Merry Siskins")

Vesnyanka: A funny poem, did you like it? Me too. But confusion arose with the author: somewhere it is said that S. Ya. Marshak wrote it, and somewhere - D.I. Harms. It turns out that they wrote this poem together for the first issue of the children's magazine "Chizh". And they dedicated their creation to children from one Leningrad orphanage.

Vesnyanka: and even today you need to call and call the spring and bake delicious larks.
(three girls come out and call spring)

1.I am a girl: Larks, larks! Come to us!
Bring us the spring red!
Winter got tired - I ate all the bread!

2nd girl: Spring, spring, where did it fit?
What drove up on?
On a bipod, on a harrow, on a broom!

3rd girl: Lark - Lark! You have winter, and we have summer,
a sleigh for you, and a cart for us!

Vesnyanka: I know that you and your mothers baked delicious larks at home, and we will definitely drink tea with them. In the meantime, the kettle is boiling and tea is being brewed, we will play with you and find out how well we know birds.

Recognize the bird game
Red-breasted mountain ash lover. All birds fly away in winter, and he arrives with the first snow. Who is this? (Bullfinch)

A very smart "city" bird. He is able to imitate different sounds and even human speech. (Crow)

A black-and-white resident and omnivorous bird, often builds several nests, from which he later chooses the best. And also, they say, she "cooked porridge and fed the children." (Magpie)

These birds are migratory, but no one has ever seen their flocks - apparently, they fly alone. They do not build nests, but lay their eggs on other birds. By the sounds that the male makes, people of the year count. (Cuckoo)

These birds fly very well and quickly, but still prefer to climb the trunks. They are also called "doctors" of the forest. With their "drum roll" they attract females and set the boundaries of their territory. It's in the forest. And those of them who live in the suburbs often drum not on trees, but on tin roofs. (Woodpecker)

This bird does everything on the fly: builds a nest, eats and drinks. She sculpts the nest from clay and straw. There is such a sign: if this bird flies low, it will rain. (Martin)

A large beautiful bird with a long beak. A symbol of kindness and happiness. Not afraid of people, often builds nests next to housing, and people are happy about this: luckily! It feeds on frogs, lizards, rodents. (Stork)

Vesnyanka: Well done boys! We recognized all the birds. Can you recognize birds by their voices?

Staging of V. Bianchi's story "Who sings with what?"
Vesnyanka: And now we'll play, we'll find out who lives where.

Game "Who lives where"
Leading (teacher) shows the children cards of different colors, and the children name the birds corresponding to the color of the card.
Red - birds of prey (hawk, stork, owl, etc.),
green - birds of rivers and swamps (heron, sandpiper, duck),
blue - migratory birds (crane, swallow, lark),
gray - urban birds (crow, sparrow, pigeon).

Vesnyanka: Birds are wonderful creatures. Not only works of literature are named after them. By the way, can you recall the names of stories and fairy tales, where birds would appear? (Children name works. For example: "Niels's Journey with Wild Geese", "The Ugly Duckling", "Stork Kitch", "Ryaba Hen", "Fox and Crane", etc.)... Birds also gave names to many interesting things.

Quiz "What kind of bird?"
* (game for older children or parents)
The teacher shows a slide with a picture of a real bird on the screen and reads out a question.
This is a very fast train (Peregrine Falcon)

Medieval castle in Crimea (bird home)

This is the name of the pioneer camp (eagle)

Aerobatic group (swifts)

This is a children's humorous magazine, as well as a monument in St. Petersburg, and also a well-known children's song (siskin)

Ballet P.I. Tchaikovsky ("Swan Lake")

Special Shaped Well (Crane)

Vesnyanka: As one bird proverb tells us - "a titmouse is better in hand than a crane in the sky." While we are waiting for real birds, let's make paper ones! (Cardboard templates are prepared in advance, the teacher distributes blanks and sheets of multi-colored double-sided paper to the children. Children fold the sheets like an "accordion" and make wings for the birds)

Vesnyanka: How well you guys did it! Wonderful birds - bright, gentle, beautiful! As real - incredibly strong, capable of withstanding thousands of kilometers of flight, and at the same time very fragile and vulnerable, in need of our help and care. Today we have made many amazing discoveries from the life of birds and made friends with them. I believe that none of you will ever offend any of the birds, because the birds and I are friends.

Well ... Our holiday is coming to an end, and another bird proverb says there directly: "Nightingales are not fed with fables!" So it's time to drink tea!

Children look at the baked larks brought from home. Everyone is drinking tea. Then they go to the schoolyard, feed the birds with the remains of cookies and hang their crafts on the trees.

Nature should not be protected
just because she is the best defense
for a person, but also because she
Jean Dorst)

Traditionally, there is a Bird Week in schools. The purpose of this ecological holiday is to replenish students' knowledge about the role of birds in nature and human life. The biology teacher must prepare the middle and high school students in advance: provide or suggest the necessary literary sources, from which children will learn new, interesting, additional material about birds. The teacher must inform about all the events of the Bird Week in advance in the program of the Week - draw up a newspaper, a stand or a poster, where you also need to indicate all the tasks for the students. For example, to announce a competition:

For the best birdhouse;
- for the best drawing;
- for the best poem about birds;
- for the best craft (soft toy, embroidery, straw, applique);
- for the best report "The role of birds in nature", "The meaning of birds in human life" and others, or the topic is suggested by the students themselves).

You can start the week with the Birds Festival in elementary grades. Here the teacher organizes games and competitions with the help of high school students. It is necessary to focus on birds useful to humans, species listed in the Red Book and under protection.

An example scenario of the Day of Birds for younger students:

Host (1):

Your destinies will pass the roads
Through deserts and gardens;
Spurs of the Life Ridge
Sometimes they are steep, sometimes they are gentle ...
But if the gods are strict
And you will taste the troubles
Do not be discouraged, do not wait for help,
Don't cry, don't hit the rapids
Take a close look at your feet:
All around - traces, traces, traces ...

Host (2): Do we know well the animals that live in our neighborhood? What are the habits of animals and birds? I think that most children and adults will find it difficult to answer these and many other questions. The fact is that to see animals in nature, and even more so to observe them, is a difficult task that requires special training, skills, patience, enthusiasm and unlimited time. Guys, why do you think you can't do without birds? (Birds are friends of our childhood; messengers of joy that bring spring; our faithful helpers, protectors of forests and fields, gardens and vegetable gardens; birds- it is beauty and mystery.)

Host (1): Birds are the only animals with feathers. They are one of the largest Classes of vertebrates.

Host (2): Birds build nests and hatch chicks from eggs. Most birds can fly. Kiwi, penguins and ostriches do not fly.

Host (3): There are more than 9000 species of various birds on Earth. Birds live on the high seas, in the arctic zone, in the tropics and even in deserts.

Presenter (4): There are poultry that a person breeds for food - chickens, ducks, turkeys. There are decorative birds - pigeons, parrots, canaries, which people keep in the house.

Host (1): Birds are warm-blooded animals, most of them have a body temperature of about 40 degrees. Birds require a lot of energy to maintain a high body temperature, which they obtain exclusively from food.

Host (2): What benefits do birds bring to people? In a day, a starling can eat as many caterpillars as it weighs itself and will not get fat from this at all, since it spends a lot of energy looking for food, building a nest and caring for chicks.

Host (3): Over the summer, the cuckoo eats up to 270 thousand large caterpillars and May beetles. The rook, following the plow, is able to destroy 400 worms - plant pests in a day. A family of swallows over the summer destroys about a million different harmful insects.

Presenter (4): A long-eared owl can eat up to 10 voles a day, and a booze owl eats about 1200 rodents a year. The steppe eagle destroys gophers and mice a lot. It is estimated that one mouse eats 2-3 kg of grain per year, and a gopher - up to 16 kg. This means that each owl and eagle save tons of bread from rodents.

Presenter (1): Well, guys, now you know what a great benefit birds bring, and our holiday today is dedicated to these inhabitants of planet Earth. And now we will play with you.

Sample games:

1. Chicken. It must be written as "chicken paw". Felt-tip pens are attached to the participants' legs. Who will write the given word "sun" faster and more clearly.

2. Who is bigger. Like a game of cities, only instead of cities they say the names of birds. For example: hawk - golden eagle - black grouse and so on.

3. A beautiful bird. 6 volunteers leave the team. Their task is to depict a bird with a large wingspan. At the signal, the players of each team begin to take off their clothes and tie them in a line. The one with the longer wingspan won. 5 - 8 million years ago there was a bird of prey weighing 100 kg and a wingspan of 8 meters.

4. Fighting roosters. A circle is drawn on the floor. One rooster per team per circle. Roosters, jumping on one leg, hands behind their backs, try to push each other out of the circle with their shoulder, or force the opponent to stand on both legs.

5. Chickens and cockerels. Three representatives from the team collect grains scattered on the floor within one minute. The winners are those who have collected the most.

6. Hunters and ducks. The players are divided into two teams: one is the hunters, the other is the ducks. A large circle is drawn, followed by the hunters, and the ducks - inside. At the signal, the hunters try to hit the ducks with a volleyball, which, running inside the circle, dodge the ball. A player who is hit with the ball is out of the game. When all the ducks are knocked out, the teams switch places. Time game.

7. Kite. A kite and a brood hen, all the rest are chickens, which stand in a column behind the hen one by one and hold each other by the belt. The vulture tries to grab the last chick in the column. The mother hen tries to prevent this. The vulture can only grab the last chick. If he grabbed, he becomes a hen. The hen becomes the last chick. The kite gets out.

8. Penguin. Penguins live in the Arctic. These are beautiful, graceful birds that cannot fly, but they swim great and walk very funny. Remember their "graceful" waddling gait? Penguins walk, waddling from side to side. They have one more feature: they manage to carry their newly hatched cubs between their legs. Only 2 balls are required for the relay. The task of the participants is to hold the ball with their feet at knee level, carry it to the turning mark and back. In this case, you cannot jump or run, you have to waddle, imitating the gait of a penguin, but as quickly as possible and not drop the ball!

9. Storks. All participants in the game draw circles with a diameter of 1 m - nests - and stand inward on one leg. One participant - a stork without a nest - jumps in any of the circles, and then both players must jump around all the nests by jumping on one leg on different sides, trying to return earlier to an empty circle. During this time, other players can stand on both feet. The one who is the first to occupy a free circle remains in it, and the second player becomes a "stork without a nest".

Here, for example, a holiday "All About Birds" carried out in the form KVN:

HOST: Dear guys - game participants and dear spectators! We start KVN and dedicate it to birds. There are two teams playing: "Swallows" and "Ivolga". Our KVN will be judged by a jury of three people. (The host introduces the jury members.) To determine which team will start our KVN first, we will draw lots. (Team captains are encouraged to pierce the balloon, one of the two, and find out which number is inside the balloon.)

So, the first competition is “Greetings from teams”. The competition is estimated at three points. (Team greetings are prepared in advance).

Sample greetings:

For the "Swallows" team:

Hello everyone, you gentlemen!
We flew here
You, of course, are right there,
They call us "Swallows".
We are a winged team
We are a team wherever,
At school we play our own
Now they have come here.
We will respect rivals
We will play together.
Our goal is quite simple -
Show our knowledge.
And in the end we are better
Let us know everything about birds.

Greetings from the Ivolga team:

The nut of knowledge is hard
But we don't like to retreat!
The inquisitive club plays
Calls for a duel
Team "Swallows" -
Ivolga team.
Oriole is:
very curious
ready to play
Our motto: “Cheer up, higher
Keep your head up! "

(The jury sums up the results, announces the result.)

MODERATOR: Our the second competition is "Blitz Tournament". Each team must answer ten questions with lightning speed. For this competition, you will receive as many points as you give correct answers.

Questions for the blitz tournament:

1. What bird can fly tail first? (Hummingbird.)

2. Which bird has the longest tongue? (The woodpecker has 15 cm.)

3. Which bird makes fishbone bedding in a nest? (Kingfisher.)

4. What bird does not sit on the ground, or on the water, or on a tree? (Swift.)

5. What bird runs for food along the river bed? (Dipper.)

6. Which bird has three different colors during the year? (White partridge.)

7. Which birds have wings covered with scales rather than feathers? (At the penguin.)

8. When is the sparrow's body temperature lower - in winter or summer? (Same.)

9. What nocturnal bird does not build its nests? (Nightjar.)

10. Which bird has green females and yellow males? (At the Oriole.)

11. A bird that feeds on carrion? (Sip.)

12. A bird that exterminates rodents? (Owl.)

13. A bird with absolutely black plumage? (Crow.)

14. Birds that breed in winter? (Crossbill.)

15. A waterfowl that destroys a large number of fish? (Cormorant.)

16. A bird of prey that doesn't build nests? (Peregrine Falcon.)

17. What does the word "Archeopteryx" mean? (Ancient wing.)

18. What kind of birds are called albinos? (Birds that have no pigment.)

19. What bird can't fly? (Ostrich.)

20. What is the name of the bird that feeds on snakes? (Snake eater.)

21. Which bird has a floating nest? (At the chomga.)

22. Which bird has a nest like a mitten? (At the Remez tit.)

23. Who has the most amazing nose? (At the crossbill - a cross, at the flamingo - a boomerang.)

24. Give a name to the bird: long legs - stilts (stilt walker); bald spot on the head (coot); green from head to toe (greenfinch); shakes with a tail (wagtail); white eyebrows (white-browed); white legs (white-leg).

25. How many species of birds are there on earth? (8500.)

26. Fastest birds? (Falcons - 300 km / h; Swifts 170 km / h.)

27. Fishing bird? (Cormorant, pelican, gull, merganser, guillemot, eagle, loon, heron, kingfisher.)

28. What birds do not hatch eggs? (Cuckoos.)

29. What birds incubate an egg, holding it on their paws? (Penguins.)

30. What does “pelican” mean in Greek? (Bag.)

31. A bird that looks like a mouse can squeak? (Pika.)

32. What bird shouts “it's time to sleep, it's time to sleep”? (Quail.)

33. What birds - the only ones among chicken relatives - are migratory? (Quail.)

34. Which birds have the exact same name as mushrooms? (Toadstools.)

35. Birds crawling? (Nuthatch.)

36. Which bird sings with its tail? (Snipe.)

37. Name five songbirds? (For example, nightingale, lark, finch, titmouse, thrush.)

38. What bird likes to eat forget-me-nots? (Finch.)

39. About what bird do people say: "The beauty of an angel, the voice of the devil, the step of a villain"? (Peacock.)

40. What bird is very beautiful, but croaks like a raven? (Bird of paradise.)

41. How does the firebird cry? (Croaks like a frog.)

42. What bird turns white by winter? (White.)

43. How is a magpie's nest different from a crow's nest? (The magpie is flat, the crow is round with a lid.)

44. Which birds have red males and green females? (At the crossbills.)

45. What are the most birds in the world? (Domestic chickens, sparrows.)

46. ​​What bird is used for hunting foxes, hares, wolves in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan? (Golden eagle.)

HOST: The third competition is the "Competition of captains". The highest mark is three points. Captains, to the ring! For warm-up, we invite the captains to ask each other one question about birds. (The captains ask each other questions and answer them.)

And now, dear captains, we invite you to participate in the "Who is more" auction. We have all played and are playing cities. Our auction is very similar to this game, only instead of cities you name birds. For example, a hawk-golden eagle-black grouse, etc. The one who cannot name the next bird loses.

(The jury evaluates the competition of captains, announces the results.)

MODERATOR: The "competition of captains" is over. We are starting the next competition, which is called "The fourth extra"... Each team will now receive two cards with the names of four birds. Three of these pizzas have some common feature, and one is superfluous. Which one is up to you. Don't forget to cross it off the list.

Examples of cards:

1. Three of the birds listed here are wintering, and one is migratory. Find her. (Tit, bullfinch, woodpecker, rook.)

2. Among the birds indicated here, one is not a songbird. Which? (Nightingale, redstart, warbler, snipe.)

3. Three birds live in mixed forests, one in the steppes. Indicate it. (Capercaillie, chaffinch, belladonna, waxwing.)

4. One of these birds is not a bird of prey. Which? (Hawk, vulture, falcon, swift.)

MODERATOR: While the teams are completing the task, I will play a game with the fans.


1. Sunbirds, singers of the morning dawn. Who are we talking about? (About roosters.)

2. What is the popular name of the raven? (Hag.)

3. Which bird has the ability to sleep in flight? (Stork.)

4. What was the name of fortune-telling "on roosters" in Greece? (Electriomania.)

5. Name the largest detachment of our birds. (Passerines - 63% of all birds, more than 5 thousand.)

6. Why were roosters called "sunbirds" in India? (The ancient Indians believed that when the sun went down, the roosters warn with their cry: evil spirits have defeated the daylight, and now they must be feared. At dawn, the roosters reported: evil spirits are leaving the earth, and they no longer need to be afraid.)

MODERATOR: And now the word of the jury. (The jury announces the scores of the "Fourth Extra" competition.)

Fifth competition - quiz "Nature barometers"

1. Swallows touch the water surface with their wings. (To the rain.)

2. Swallows fly up and down. (Wait for the storm.)

3. Swifts fly low with a cry. (To the rain.)

4. Sparrows hide under the eaves. (To the storm.)

5. The bullfinch is whistling. (Winter is coming soon.)

6. The bullfinch chirps under the windows. (Towards the thaw.)

7. The Oriole makes harsh, cat-like screeching sounds. (To bad weather.)

8. Doves coo, cuckoos cook. (To warm weather.)

9. Sparrows swim in the sand. (It will be raining.)

10. Ravens sit on the tops of trees. (Before the frost.)

11. The crows sit on the snow. (Towards the thaw.)

12. Swallows swim and often fly to the nest. (To the rain.)

13. The seagull walks on the sand, promises the sailor melancholy, the seagull sat on the water, wait ... (good weather.)

14. During the day, the owl screams. (To the rain.)

(The jury sums up the results of the blitz tournament and announces the result.)

MODERATOR: Well, we made sure that you know almost everything about birds. And now I invite our teams to show their abilities in the field of advertising. So our the final competition - "Birds Advertising"! It is estimated at two points.

The teams had prepared this task in advance, and no one knew what each of them had come up with. Let's see what they did! (Each team shows or tells, in the form of a poem or song, that is, as original as possible, the role of a protected bird in nature and human life.)

(The jury evaluates the teams' performances.)

And here is the script games "Weak link", which is also popular with students:

8 participants, Round 1 - 2min 30sec, Round 2 - 2min 20sec, Round 3 - 2min 10sec, Round 4 - 2min, Round 5 - 1min 50sec, Round 6 - 1min 40sec, Round 7 - 1min 30sec, Round 8 - excluding time. Selecting the “weakest link” after each round.

Host: We are starting the game.

1st round

1. How many bird species are known to man? (More than 8500 species.)

2. What is the largest bird in our country? (Pelican.)

3. Which bird lays the largest eggs? (Ostrich - egg length 15-17cm, and diameter 13-15cm.)

4. How many times is the sight of eagles, hawks, vultures sharper than human? (8 times.)

5. Which bird can dive the deepest? (Emperor penguin, 200 meters deep.)

6. How many times per second does a hummingbird flap its wings during flight? (Up to 55 times.)

7. How fast can an ostrich run? (Up to 50 km / h.)

8. What is the body temperature of most birds? (About 41 degrees.)

9. Which bird has the largest wingspan? (Albatross, over 5.5 meters.)

10. On what day of the year was it customary in Russia to release birds? (April 7 - Annunciation.)

11. How many breeds of pigeons have been bred by man? (More than 800.)

12. What birds are the most numerous on Earth? (Chickens.)

13. What is the name of the science that studies birds? (Ornithology.)

14. When is the sparrow's body temperature lower: in winter or summer? (Same.)

15. What is the stork's favorite treat? (Frogs.)

16. Which bird has the longest tongue? (For a woodpecker - up to 15cm.)

17. Where do titmice nest? (In the hollows of trees.)

18. What bird can fly tail first? (Hummingbird.)

Host: So who do you think is the “weakest link”? Who is like yesterday's sour milk? (The choice of the "weak link", the "last word" of the outgoing player.)

Is it true ...

1. ... once in the stomach of one ostrich they found 4kg of coins, buttons, nails (Yes.)

2. ... the heron is powdered (Yes.)

3. ... kva-kwa is a frog (No, this is a bird from the order of storks.)

4. ... a bird can kill a crocodile (Yes, Brazilian yabiru.)

5. ... a wingless auk egg stands like a car (Yes.)

6. ... among the order of passerines there are those who weigh 1.5 kg and crumbs less than 5 grams (Yes.)

7. ... rooks feed on lizards, toads, frogs (No.)

8. ... the parrot and the crow belong to the same order of birds (No.)

10. ... siskins also live in tropical forests (No.)

11. ... swallows walk on the ground more often than fly (No.)

12. ... there is a bowerbird bird that builds a hut (Yes.)

13 ... the cranes love to dance (Yes.)

14. ... a hummingbird's nest about half a walnut (Yes.)

Host: Who is trying to wear sandals instead of a fur coat? (A word to the outgoing player.)

1. Amazing baby! Just got out of the cradle, he can swim and dive, like his own mother! (Duckling.)

2. What kind of spring black bird - loves to walk and feed behind the plow? (Rook.)

3. Lives in the wilderness of the forest, and in summer and winter - a diligent worker, forest-nosed carpenter. (Woodpecker.)

4. Sleeps during the day, flies at night and scares passers-by. (Owl.)

5. What kind of bird walks underwater? (Dipper.)

6. Is the penguin a bird or not? (Bird.)

7. The brothers began to walk on stilts, looking for food along the way, whether on the run or on the move - they cannot get off the stilts. (Cranes.)

8. What bird throws eggs into other people's nests? (Cuckoo.)

9. What bird bears the name of the writer? (Gogol.)

10. Which bird breeds chicks in winter? (Crossbill.)

12. The arrival of what birds means the beginning of spring? (Rooks.)

Host: Who has not yet taken apart the Christmas tree at home and left it before May 1? (A word to the outgoing player.)

1. Which bird has a bag under its beak? (Pelican.)

2. Who knows exactly how to find their way home? (Pigeon.)

3. Who are called "winged rats"? (Crows.)

4. By the habits of which poultry can the weather be determined? (Goose.)

5. What bird of prey nests on the rocks? (Eagle.)

6. Which bird has been a symbol of beauty and tenderness since ancient times? (Swan.)

7. Who settles on the roofs of houses and, according to the legend, brings happiness? (Stork.)

8. Who imitates human speech? (Parrot.)

9. What bird's outfit resembles a black suit with a white shirt? (Penguin.)

10. Which bird has a long neck? (Crane.)

11. Which bird is the symbol of wisdom? (Owl.)

12. What bird knocks on a tree with its beak all day? (Woodpecker.)

1. Looks like a swallow - just good-looking. (Swift.)

2. Of course, you found out who is a close relative of the owl. (Owl.)

3. Does the variegated mallard catch frogs, waddle or stumble? (Duck.)

4. Without hands, without a hatchet, built a hut? (Nest.)

5. Appeared in a yellow fur coat - goodbye, two shells! (Chick.)

6. Dexterously dives, like a sailor, into the waves of the sea fisherman ... (Albatross.)

7. They will fly through the borders of any countries without a visa ... (Birds.)

8. Lard and grains, bread, a hump - treats birds in winter ... (Feeder.)

9. The bird will never forget the first ... (Nests.)

10. Her grain mound quickly, asks to eat ... (Canary.)

11. Do not regret ringing songs for us in the spring ... (Nightingale.)

12. Thunderous storms of the sea a harbinger, above the waves - ... (Petrel.)

13. A big bird is a big coward: she hides her head in the sand ... (Ostrich.)

For the questions of the next rounds, you can take riddles, funny questions, signs related to birds. In the final 8th round, the finalists are invited to guess the birds according to their description.

This is how Bird Day is celebrated at school.


1. Anashkina E.N. 300 questions and answers about birds. - Yaroslavl: "Development Academy", 1998. - 240p.

2. Bram A.E. Animal life: In 3 volumes. Vol. 2: Birds. - M .: TERRA, 1992 .-- 352s.: Ill.

3. Magazine "Read, Learn, Play".

Napreeva Svetlana
Scenario of an extracurricular activity for primary school students "Bird Day"

Introduction. - Let's go guys with you ... for miracles! Yes, yes, for miracles!

And the theme of our journey is hidden in riddle:

Dreams of a spider at night

Miracle Yudo on a bitch:

Long beak and two wings

If he arrives, things are bad.

Who is the spider afraid of?

Have you guessed? It … (bird) .

Yes, today we will devote a day to birds. Birds have long attracted human attention. People were delighted with their bright plumage, their bold, impetuous flights, melodic singing. By observing birds, people expanded their knowledge. Undoubtedly, the first thoughts about aeronautics, the desire to learn to fly arose when looking at birds.

Birds are everywhere - above us, around us, in the distance, near. You can meet them in the forest, and in the field, and on the river, and in the mountains. Birds there are a lot in nature. There are more than 760 species of them in Russia alone. Just to see everyone birds, a lifetime is not enough.

But those who live in the forest or in the field near your home, you need to know.

(1, 2 slide) And it was not by chance that a special day is bird day... It is celebrated on April 1st.

Why do we pay so much attention to birds? Why do we need birds? Benefit birds(3-7 slide)

Reading poems - 2 students

To feed your chicks, Grul - 6 p

Stuff your mouth with food

They will find tit worms,

Crawling into the garden.

Everywhere birds will fly -

They are here and there.

All the caterpillars that spoil the garden

They will find it on the apple trees.

From bloodthirsty mosquitoes

There is no rest in the summer -

Their chiffchaff and repols Will be caught for lunch.

A birds which order is the most? It is the passerines that destroy insects the most.

What kind birds belong to the order of passerines?

Which of the squad is the largest and which is the smallest? (8 slide)

Let's see if you called it right birds of the passerine order(9.10 slide)

They make noise, shout, shout from morning to evening. The birds talk with each other and with us.

Unravel bird conversations. Let's listen. And let's try to find out whose voice you will hear.

Well done found out birds.

"Hsin-hsin!"- the titmouse whistles.

“Chi-chi! Chi-chi! "- echoes her siskin.

"Gra-gra!"- the rook appears.

"Skvor-skvor!"- the starlings sing.

And now we will find out how the names of others were formed birds... The guys have prepared and will tell us how the names of some birds.

Children Performance Titles birds. (slide 23)

1. The name of the robin suits the bird, which meets the morning and evening dawns with a song.

2. Jay, or redstart. This bird named so for its red tail, which twitches all the time. It seems that it flares up like a light, shines, which is why the jay was called the redstart.

3. Why is the bullfinch given such a name? Because we see a bullfinch only in snowy time. With the first snow, bullfinches fly to us, and in the spring, when the snow melts, they fly north to their native lands.

4. Title birds crossbill comes from an old Russian word "Cross", What means "Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze"... This beak birds bent crosswise, as if squeezed, compressed.

5. Waxwing. In ancient times, there was a word in Russian "Svarest" with the meaning "whistling", "Screech"... This bird whistles.

6. Chaffinch. Why is this called so bird? Because it's chilly? It turns out that the chaffinch is not afraid of the cold at all and arrives in early spring, when there is still snow in the fields. Yes, and flies away in late autumn in a cold, chilly, as the people say, time. For the fact that this bird arrives and departs in a chilly time, and they called her a finch.

We found out what a lot of birds.

And there are such birds that disappeared from the face of the earth, through the fault of man. (24 slide) Let's see which birds destroyed by man.

And we are gone birds, let's find out which ones? and where did our birds go?

The staged song Lived at the Granny's

The grandmother was found missing. Not all we found birds, there is still a loss with us, let's see which birds have disappeared?

Stage The goose of Raisa Kudasheva is missing - the goose is gone

Birds walk in the morning

Across a wide yard

Worry, shout

They will not consider goslings in any way.

"Ha-ha-ha! Hoo-ho-ho (Vika and Rosa grade 2)

There is no one goose. "

- "Did he run away into the woods?" - (Gaidamakin 4 b class)

The cock says to them.

- "No; did the kite carry it away?" -

The duck argues - flat nose. (4th grade Tanya Kodak) Bogdan grade 5

A turkey: "Baldy-baldy (Bogdan grade 5 b)

Look by the water. "

White geese came together,

We trudged along the road.

The black raven has arrived

I sat on the fence higher:

"Karry-karr! I've seen it myself (Dorokhov Maxim 4 b grade

Like a wolf ran with a gosling. "

How can we help the trouble now?

Geese with grief - march to the water

And set off on the waves.

Lo and behold - the gosling is also there!

Geese zagaldeli at once:

"How dare you leave us?"

And the goose: "Go Go go (Olya 2nd grade)

Water is the loveliest thing for me. "

Well guys and found all our missing. And again it became a lot birds... And it so happens that birds becomes very small?

And what there are few birds on earth? And what needs to be done to there are a lot of birds again?

To birds also did not disappear from the planet Earth. Many of them are under protection. Let's take a look at some of them. (25-27 slides)

What is the reason for the disappearance birds? Who is to blame for the death of the birds? (28-31 slides).

How can we help birds(slide 32)

Our guys schools know how to help birds and hurry to tell us about it

Reading a poem to 2 students

The goldfinch and the nightingale are singing, Dorokhov Maxim 4 b class

Robin and thrush

“Don't you dare to destroy the nests

Touch the bird's nests! "

And we will not ruin - Sidorova Tanya 4th b grade

Here is the word of all the guys.

Let the bird songs again

Our garden is ringing!

In our the school held an action"Feed birds» guys from our schools took an active part in it. That's how the guys from our schools helped birds survive in winter... Slide show of the action. (slide 33 - 38)

Reading a poem "If began to feed the birds»

Summing up the results of the drawing competition

The game has arrived birds:

Attention attention! Urgent information! Everyone, everyone! In our school today is a festival of birds! Now all the surrounding people will fly here birds and we'll have fun here! Let's fly, chirp!

Terms of play: called birds when not called birds, spectators stomp.

Have arrived birds:

Tit pigeons,

Storks, crows,

Jackdaws, pasta. (stomp)

Have arrived birds:

Doves, tits.

Flies and swifts (stomp)

Have arrived birds:

Doves, martens ... (stomp)

Have arrived birds.

Doves, tits,

Lapwings, siskins,

Gali and Swifts

Mosquitoes, cuckoos.


Have arrived birds:

Doves, tits,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Lapwings, siskins,

Storks, cuckoos,

Even scops owls

Swans and ducks -

Thanks for the joke! (Leaves.)

What kind birds come to us among the first?

Reading a poem

We even got up at night, Sophia 6 b grade

They looked out the window into the garden.

Well when, well when

Will our guests arrive?

And today they looked -

A starling sits on an alder.

Arrived, Arrived, Arrived at last!

Stage"This incident was in April."

Teacher: Starlings are flying from the south. They want to live in a new house. “But their houses are busy.

And they are occupied by sparrows. See how it happens. (A starling and a sparrow come out.)

From South the birds have arrived

The snow is melting, and the sparrow

kicked out of the house.

Starling: Get out, badass! Grul6 b class

I must live here - a Starling!

Sparrow:- Never! My apartment! Magurov Lyosha 6 b class

I'm not a temporary tenant!

I'm here blizzards and frost

He endured it patiently.

And now under this roof

I am preparing a nest for the family.

And I will not move! For the life of me!

So I decided - Sparrow!

Starling: Don't be stubborn! I inherited

This house was inherited from childhood.

Fly out, my beak is sharp ...

But not that (throws up feathers imperceptibly)

Misha left the birdhouse

Quickly climbed onto the roof with her,

Tied tightly

And he said kindly!

Misha: Nice to see you both. Bogdan grade 5 b

Students of grades 2, 3, 4, 5 a prepared for us a song about the first spring birds... Let's guess which one they will tell us to the bird.

Starling riddle.

We built together

For guests of the spring house,

Or rather, a palace.

Fly here ... (starling).

Song "Skvorushka"

You learned a lot birds today, but which ones are the most?

Quiz Most Most (slides 39 - 48)

1. What bird- the largest in the world? (African ostrich.)

2. What is the smallest bird in the world. (Hummingbird)

3. What birds in our country they do not sit either on the ground, or on water, or on branches and fly the fastest? (Swifts.)

6. Deepest diver, fastest swimmer. (Penguin)

7. Which one birds largest wingspan (wandering albatross)

8. What is the name of wingless bird. (kiwi)

9. What is the name of the poisonous bird? (Black-headed flycatcher to pitohu, blue-headed ifridacovaldi)

10. What bird makes a fishbone nest? (Kingfisher.)

11. What birds spend the night buried in the snow? (Black grouse, hazel grouses.)

12. What bird our forests incubate chicks in winter? (Crossbill.)

13. What bird can fly with its tail forward? (Hummingbird.)

14. Name birds wintering in our area. (Tit, bullfinch, crow, sparrow, magpie, crossbill, jay, nuthatch, woodpecker, etc.)

You met many today birds, learned a lot of interesting things about them. Try to guess riddles about birds.

Riddles about birds

All migratory blacker birds,

He looks for worms in the arable land,

Run up and down the arable land,

And it is called bird…(rook).

Stands on one leg

He gazes into the water.

Pokes his beak at random -

Looking for frogs in the river.

A drop hung on my nose ...

Do you recognize? It… (heron).

Bursting since the morning:

"Por-r-ra! Por-r-ra! ".

What is the time?

Such a hassle with her,

When it bursts ... (magpie).

In the forest at night grieves bird,

She is afraid to name herself.

- Ku-ku ... Ku-ku ...

The edge does not sleep,

A call this bird ...(cuckoo).

In winter, there are apples on the branches!

Hurry to collect them!

And suddenly the apples flew up,

After all, this ... (bullfinches).

He builds a house on a rock.

Isn't it scary to live in it?

Although there is beauty all around

But such a height!

No, the owner is not afraid

Roll down the steep cliff,

Two mighty wings

The owner ... (eagle).

I love bad weather

I really respect water.

I protect myself from the mud,

Clean gray ... (goose).

The night is pitch black.

Gray the bird has no time for sleep:

Between the bushes, like a shadow, glides,

Watching who does not sleep.

He catches every rustle sensitively,

And when he shouts, it becomes creepy,

The sleeping grass will tremble.

It hoots ... (owl).

We end our holiday with these words

Let it always be such a custom

Will remain in my country

To meet lovingly flocks of birds,

Rejoicing in spring with all my heart.

Perhaps they dreamed in a foreign land

My home is among the thick branches.

Let Russian hospitality

In a familiar land he will meet them.

Bird day. Primary school holiday script

Purpose: to acquaint students with the diversity and life of birds, to show the great importance of birds in nature and human life, to reveal the role of protecting birds and the surrounding nature.

Decoration: an exhibition of drawings and posters, the stage is framed by an exposition of a forest.

II. Poems about spring

Spring is coming!

The fogs have dispersed -

Who knows where their veil is now

And again meadows, fields, glades are visible.

Spring is coming!

Spring is coming to our land!

Spring is coming!

The snowdrop has already blossomed -

Calls the whole world to wake up from sleep

The mountains are taking off their white clothes.

Spring is coming!

Spring is coming to our land.


Then suddenly a stormy downpour will pour out,

It will pour gold from the heights,

That almost sculptural cloud

It will carry itself by the windows.

And it will spread the tail of the peacock

In an overhanging raindrop

Or gullible and blue

Brings bright light through the puddles

Above him, the sunset lights sway,

And he is unable to move away -

Tries as high as possible

All that purple uplift.

And yet, yielding to the darkness,

Suddenly he will remember, going to sleep,

How, pouring silver,

Feathered people create spring.

With the arrival of spring, our friends, migratory birds, return to us.

They attract with their bizarre plumage, singing, movement, flight, and, of course, a mysterious way of life.

A characteristic property of the overwhelming majority of birds is the ability to fly. Birds fly excellently due to the peculiarities of their feathers.

The pen is a miracle of the art of nature.

There are a lot of birds, they differ in size, color and habits. The largest bird in the world is the African ostrich, its height reaches 2.75 m, weight is 90 kg. In our country, the bustard can be considered the largest bird.

The smallest birds in the world are hummingbirds.

And it seems spring is on the exploration

She sent a bird, and bending down a branch,

The rook opened the right way for her.

And starlings come after the rooks. The first to arrive are males, followed by females in a few days. By their arrival, the males are looking for a birdhouse, often having evicted sparrows from the houses. Having settled down, the little bird sings loudly with enthusiasm, waiting for a girlfriend. (A starling appears in a black suit)


Hello guys! Do you recognize me?

And for those who didn’t know, let them introduce themselves.

I stand before you

Like a young spring messenger.

I'm glad to see my friends!

Well, my name is Starling!

Right! You guessed.

I am a very useful bird

With which you need to make friends.

From year to year, from century to century

I live where a person lives.

I sit down with a collective farmer next to

I follow his field and garden -

From pests.

And therefore I am not just a starling, but a well-done starling!


We are glad to see you well done starling.

(Polka dance) A starling invites a girl dressed in a bird costume (wings and a hat) to dance.


Sometimes, almost simultaneously with the starlings, ringing, vociferous larks arrive. A lark will find a hole somewhere in a field overgrown with sparse grass - that's a nest. The same nests-holes in the quail among meadows and in the gray partridge in the fields. But among the birds there are many skilled builders. In our country, on the shores of lakes and rivers, there is a small bird, the common pendulum. Its nest, suspended above the water, looks like a pouch to which a pipe-shaped nest entrance is attached. The nest is built jointly by a male and a female from the fluff of plants - willow, poplar, aspen, cattail. Remez suspends the nests with the help of strong nettle and hemp fibers.

It is not easy to build a nest for a warbler, as a rule, it hangs on three stems of reeds. And all woodpeckers are real carpenters, they gouge their hollows from the inside of tree trunks.


Swallows came from the south,

Came to us in the spring,

Hastily whirled

Carved over the gazebo.

Nerve-ti-tweet-nimble nimble,

A day or two, another day, -

And under a patterned roof

A swallow house has grown.

A bird squeak and chirp is heard.

Who is there looking out of the nest?

Swallows rush with their prey -

Babies need food.

Sounds song "Swallow", music by E. Krylatov, lyrics by I. Shaferan

1.The winter has not passed, the snow is still lying,

But already the swallow is in a hurry home.

On her way there are mountains and seas.

Fly, fly my swallow!

2.No, sometimes strength, the flight is difficult,

But how will spring come without her?

Mountains and seas on her way

You fly, fly, my swallow

3. Be her nest three times gold,

That distant land cannot be called native.

Mountains and seas on her way

Fly, fly, my swallow!

4.The winter has not passed, and the earth is white,

But already in the distance two wings are flapping.

On her way there are mountains and seas.

Fly, fly, my swallow!

It is necessary to prepare well for meeting the welcome guests. The day of arrival of birds is a spring holiday for schoolchildren. It's called Bird Day. Do you guys know what benefits birds bring to humans?

Woodpeckers, starlings, tits exterminate a huge number of insects.

A tit per day eats as many insects as it weighs itself.

A family of starlings kills 350 caterpillars, beetles and snails per day. And the cuckoo eats up to 270 thousand large caterpillars and May beetles over the summer.

The rook, following the plow, is able to destroy 400 worms and plant pests per day. A family of swallows over the summer destroys about a million different harmful insects.

The long-eared owl can eat up to 10 voles a day, the kestrel brings about 200 ground squirrels and 100 mouse-like rodents to the nest in a month only for chicks. In addition, many birds - oatmeal, greenfinches, larks, goldfinches - peck the seeds and fruits of weeds, reducing the weediness of the fields.


Birds are dear to us not only for the great benefits they bring, but also as an adornment of our wonderful Motherland. We need to protect them. To protect and increase the wealth of all nature, so that our entire planet is a beautiful, huge garden.


Sounds song "Request", lyrics R. Rozhdestvensky, music. A. Pakhmutova.

The wounded bird was not given into the hands,

The wounded bird remained a bird.

I still dream of this long-standing dream.

A bird flinches on the bloody grass.


Bird, fish and animals look into people's souls.

You feel sorry for them, people. Don't kill in vain!

After all, a sky without birds is not a sky!

And a sea without fish is not a sea!

And a land without animals is not land!

People are giants, people are giants

You have rifles, nets and traps.

You have fearlessness, you have strength forever.

And there must be a heart, a human heart.


People - people, countries and peoples,

We are now forever debtors of nature,

We must somehow pay off this debt,

Let the wounded bird spread its wings.



1.Why do we consider birds to be our friends?

2. What are our birds and why can we be called orderlies?

3.What are owls useful for?

4.How are birds protected in our country?

5. Determine from which work this passage is?

Here at midnight sometimes

Light spilled over the mountain

It's like noon is coming

The firebirds come flying

They began to run and shout

And peck millet with wine ...

Needless to say, fear is beautiful!

Everyone has red legs

And the tails - sheer laughter!

Chickens do not have such tea.

And how much, guy, light,

Like Father's Stove!

(Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse")

6. When does the bird sing louder - in flight or sitting on a branch? (In flight)

7. Which bird with its simple song earlier than other birds portends the imminent arrival of spring? (Hooded crow)

8 which bird can loosen nuts with its beak? (Cockatoo)

9. What bird arrives in our area first? (Rook)

10. Why do swifts and swallows fly high on a clear day, and above the ground before rain? (Atmospheric pressure decreases and insects fly closer to the ground)

11. What birds fly faster than others? (Swift, 144 km / h)

12. Now you will see me only in the museum,

The peasants have always plowed the land with me,

But change one letter as soon as possible -

I am a very useful bird then.

(Sokha - Owl)

13. Simple letter I, well what?

If you repeat me forty times,

So at once I will become a bird,

You all know, friends

(Forty - A)

14. With the letter "C" I live in a pond,

All anglers know me.

With the letter "f" for beauty

They call me the firebird.


15. Sleeps during the day, and flies at night, scares passers-by.


16. Not a man, not a beast, but he knows how to speak in a human way. (Parrot)

17. What kind of bird:

Front - awl,

Behind - Wilze,

Above is a blue cloth,

Below is a white towel.


18. Mother - father I don't know, but I often call

I will not know the children, I will be a stranger.


19. Pinching your heels - run without looking back.


20. Not a warrior, but with spurs, not a guard, but shouts.


Final part

All participants of the “Bird Day” holiday go with posters, with birdhouses to the nearest forest and hang birdhouses.

Rewarding participants

MOU Secondary School No. 17 Druzhbina I.M.

Bird day.

Leading : Hello dear guys and adults. Today we are holding a holiday - Bird Day, which has been celebrated annually in April in our country since 1923.

Slide 2. Birds are dear to us, as part of our wonderful nature. Their melodic, cheerful, sonorous voices, bright plumage revive nature, instill in us joy and kindness.

Slide 3. Artificial nests, birdhouses and feeders are prepared and hung for birds.

Admire the spring is coming!

The cranes are flying in a caravan.

The day is drowning in bright gold.

And the streams rustle through the ravines.

Slide 4. Birds not only decorate our lives. They are our helpers in the fight for high yields, and they reduce the number of harmful insects. When birds hatch chicks, they need a lot of food. For example, woodpeckers come to the nest with food every 2-4 minutes. The female usually feeds the chicks more often than the male. Both adult birds bring food to the nest up to 300 times a day.

Slide 5. A tit per day eats as many insects as it weighs itself. A starling can only eat 60 locusts for breakfast.

Slide 6. It is known about the flycatcher that it destroys at least 50 thousand flies in two months. But flies are our worst enemies, carriers of various diseases. A huge number of harmful insects destroy all the birds that live in our country in one year.

Slide 7. Nature has been creating birds for millions of years. But now more than 200 species have disappeared from the face of the earth. To prevent this from happening, you need to protect and protect birds, attract them to our gardens and orchards.

The Red Book of the Stavropol Territory includes birds that have become rare and disappearing. Here is some of them.

Slides 8-12. The protection of birds, taking care of them is considered one of the most important problems of our state.

Slide 13. Presenter:Guys, what kind of birds fly to our area, you have to guess.

1. Flies to us with warmth,

Having traveled a long way,

Sculpts a house under the window

From grass and clay. (Martin)

2. He winds his nest in the field,

Where the plants grow.

His songs and flight

We entered the poem. (Lark)

3. Finally flew to us

Our best singer.

Day and night long

He sings, sings, sings. (nightingale)

4. All migratory birds are blacker

Cleans arable land from worms.

Run up and down the arable land,

And the bird is called .. (rook)

5. I stand before you

Like a young spring messenger.

I'm glad to see my friends

And my name is…. starling.

Guys, what riddles about birds do you know?

Song 1. Drops are dripping loudly….

1. Let them fly so that hastily

Hustle from morning to night.

I am a happy shelter for two starlings

I want to create it before the fall.

2. Perhaps I dreamed in a foreign land

My house is among the thick branches.

May good hospitality

In a familiar land he will meet them.

3. Helps us on the farm and

And willingly populates

Wooden palace

Dark bronze starling.

4. We got up at night even

They looked out the window into the garden.

Well when, well when,

Our guests will arrive!

5. And today they looked

A starling sits on an alder.

Everything: Arrived, Arrived,

Finally arrived!

A starling, a rook, a titmouse, a pigeon, a bullfinch, a woodpecker enter the stage

Starling for titmouse:

Hello little bird,

Hello, kind titmouse.

Rook: Hello woodpecker, our friend.

Hello pigeon and bullfinch!

Woodpecker: Tell me birds

Where have you been.

Tell me birds

What have you seen?


Hot countries have hot summers.

There is no winter or snow there.

Rook: The elephants are giants

The monkeys cry all day.

Vine trees grow there.

Bananas grow there on palms.

Dove: Did they live well

Far from home?

Who were you friends with

In unknown countries?

Starling: We missed the village

Along the ringing stream

Through the birdhouse, through the trees,

A sparrow next door.

Vedas: We are very glad to you, friends,

You will always be with us!

6. Let it always be such a custom

Will stay in my country.

Meet flocks of love with love

Rejoicing in spring with all my heart!


Ved: - What is the name of the science that studies the life of birds?(Ornithology)

Slide 14.

You are probably wondering how birds travel.

Most birds travel in flocks, numerous or not very dense, or "loose". Starlings, small waders and some passerine birds fly in crowded flocks.

Waders, herons, ducks, magpies fly in a row, in front or in a transverse row. Geese most often fly in schools. Cranes, swans and other large birds fly in an angle, or wedge.

Slide 15.

The flight speed of most birds is 50-100 km / h. But they do not fly continuously - they often stop to rest and feed. Having flown a more or less significant segment of the way, they usually rest for several days, then a new flight and again a respite. True, over the seas, mountains, deserts, you have to fly non-stop for two or three thousand kilometers. And on average, it turns out that in a day, small birds move 50-60 kilometers, and for example, ducks, 100.

Slide 16.

Now guess which nest belongs to which bird?

Slide 17.

Look closely at the signs.

What rules for Friends of Nature can you make using these signs?

Slide 18.

And now the bird quiz.

Slide 19.

Now let's all read the poem together.

Together we are one family:

Flowers and trees, birds and me.

We will protect nature!

Goodbye, see you soon!