In which chapter describes Masha Troekharov. Masha - character characteristics

In which chapter describes Masha Troekharov. Masha - character characteristics

The writing

The name of the poetic work is always important because it always indicates them to the main thing from its acting persons in which the thought of writing is embodied, or directly to this thought.
V. G. Belinsky

The topic "sunshine" (1925) is an image of love that covers a person suddenly and remains in his soul the brightest memories for life. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story in the original understanding of love, which is connected with the philosophical views of the writer on a person and his life. Love, from the point of view of the Bunin, is the moment when all the emotional abilities of a person are exacerbated and he leaves gray, unresolved, unhappy reality and comprehends a "wonderful moment." This instant quickly passes, leaving the hero in his soul regretting the irresponsibility of happiness and gratitude, that it was still. That is why a short-term, piercing and delightful feeling of two young people, who accidentally met on a steamer and fell apart after day, compared in a story with a sun blow. The heroine says about it: "We both got something like a sun blow ...".

Interestingly, this figurative expression is confirmed by the actual suffocating heat described. The author gradually imposes the impression of heat: the steamer smells the kitchen on the steamer; "The wonderful stranger" goes home from Anapa, where he sunbathe under the south sun on hot sand; Night when the heroes came off from the steamer, was very warm; Lackey in the hotel is dressed in a pink spray; In the hotel chained, the hotel room is terribly stuffy, etc. The next day, the day was also sunny and so hot, that it was painful to metal buttons on a molecule of the lieutenant. In the town annoyingly smells with a different bazaar snack.

All the experiences of the lieutenant after a mumbling adventure really resemble a painful state after a sun blow, when (according to medical indications) a person, as a result of dehydration of the body, feels a headache, dizziness, irritability. However, this is the breeding condition of the hero is not the result of overheating the body, but the consequence of the realization of the significance and value of the exemplary adventure, which he just survived. It was the brightest event in the life of the Lieutenant and the "beautiful stranger": "Both for many years then remembered this minute: never, nothing like that did not experience anything else for all my life. So, at the riunin values \u200b\u200bof one order become a moment of happiness and all life. The writer attracts the "Mystery of Genesis" - the connection of joy and sadness, a miracle and horror.

The story "Sunny Punch" is small, and five of the six pages is a description of the experiences of the lieutenant after parting with the "beautiful stranger". In other words, for the Bunin it is not interesting to draw various peripetics of love (they have already been painted in the Russian and world literature thousands of times) - the writer comprehends the importance of love in human life, without expanding on plain trivia. Therefore, it is curious to compare the image of love in the story of the Bunin "Sunshine" and in the story of Chekhov "Lady with a dog", especially since literary criticism notes the similarity of the plots of these works.

Both Chekhov, and Bunin show a gray, everyday life, which stifles human feelings, but are shown in different ways. Chekhov shows a nightmare of the surrounding life, drawing her vulgarity; Bunin - depicting the moment of true passion, that is, a real life, according to the writer, who is so unlike the sullen ordness. Chekhov Gurov, returning to Moscow, can not tell anyone about his acquaintance with Anna Sergeyevna. Once he, however, he is recognized as a partner in the maps that he met in the Crimea a charming woman, but in response he hears: "And lethae you were right: a sturgeon with a stuff!" (III). The given phrase forced Gurov to horrify her usual life, because he realized that even "in the educated society", the high feelings are worried about. And the Bunin heroes covers the same fear and despair as Gurov. At the time of happiness, they are consciously complained from everyday life, and Bunin, as it were, says to readers: "And now think about yourself that your usual existence is compared to the wonderful moments of love."

Summing up, it should be admitted that in the story of the Bunin Sunshine has become an allegory of high love, which man can only dream of. Artistic principles and philosophical views of the writer are also demonstrated in "Sunny Blow".

The philosophy of life at Bunin is that a moment is truly valuable for him, when a person immediately knows the happiness of love (as in "Sunny impact") or he opens the meaning of being (as in "silence"), the moment of happiness is striking the Bunin heroes, as Sunshine, and the rest of life is held only by delightful-sad memories of him.

However, it seems that such philosophy devalues \u200b\u200bthe rest of the person's life, which becomes only with stagnation between rare minutes of happiness. Gurov in the "lady with a dog" is not worse than the Buninskaya "beautiful stranger" knows that after a few happy days of love, everything will end (II), the prose of life will return, but he breaks out Anna Sergeevna and therefore does not leave her. Chekhov heroes are not running from love, and thanks to this, Gurov could feel that "Now, when he had gray head, he loved, as he really was the first time in his life" (IV). In other words, the "lady with a dog" just begins where the "sunshine" ends. Buninsky heroes have enough passionate feelings for one bright emotional scene in the hotel, and Chekhov heroes try to overcome the vulgarity of life, and this desire changes them, makes noble. The second life position seems more correct, although it is rare to anyone.

To the Buninsky artistic principles, which were reflected in the story, should be attributed, firstly, the uncomplicated plot, interesting, not exciting turns, but internal depth, and secondly, a special subject image, which gives the story as truth and persuasiveness. Thirdly, the critical attitude towards the surrounding reality at the Bunin is expressed indirectly: he draws an extraordinary love adventure in ordinary life of heroes, which shows all their familiar existence in an unsightly form.

Analysis of the story I. Bunin "Sunny Blow"

The mild maple leaf is meekly and flutterously falling by the wind and again falls on the cold ground. He is so alone that he does not care where his fate carries. Neither the warm rays of the gentle sun, nor the spring freshness of the frosty morning are no longer happy. This little leaflet is so defenseless that he has to come down with a rock of fate and only to hope that someday will be able to find his refuge.

In the story of I. A. Bunin "Sunny blow" Lieutenant, as if a lonely leaf, wanders on a foreign city. This is a story about love at first sight, about the mumbling passion, about the power of passion and bitterness of parting. In the work of I. A. Bunin, love is complex and unhappy. Heroes break up, as if waking up after sweet love sleep.

The same thing happens with the guarantor. A picture of the heat and stuff appears in front of the reader: the tan on the body, boiling water, hot sea sand, dust transcenderently flying ... The air is filled with a love passion. Scary, silent, strongly abandoned hotel room for the day - here is the reflection of the status of lovers. White lowered curtains on the windows are the border of the soul, and the two incomplete candles on the fizknik - what, perhaps, remains here from the previous pair.

However, the time of parting comes, and a small, nameless woman, who joking himself a wonderful stranger coming. Lieutenant does not immediately understand that love leaves him. In the lung, the happy state of the Spirit, he brought her to the pier, kissed and returned to the hotel carelessly.

His soul was still full of her - and empty, as well as a hotel room. The aroma of her good English cologne, her no hard cup only strengthened loneliness. The lieutenant hurried to smoke, but the cigarette smoke is not able to overcome longing and mental emptiness. Sometimes it happens that we understand that fate brought us with a wonderful person, only at the moment when it is no longer there.

The guarantor was infrequently in love, otherwise he would not call the experienced sense by a "strange adventure", would not agree with an unnamed stranger that they both got something like a sunshine.

In the hotel room, everything still reminded her. However, these memories were heavy, from one glance on an unobedy bed, the already unbearable melancholy was intensified. Somewhere there, behind the open windows, sailed from him a steamer with a mysterious stranger.

The lieutenant for a moment tried to imagine that the mysterious stranger feels, feel herself in her place. Probably, she sits in a glass white salon or on the deck and looks at a huge, brilliant river under the sun, on the oncoming rafts, on yellow shames, on the radiant distance of the water and the sky, on the whole of this immense Volzhsky space. And he is tormented by loneliness, annoying markets and scripting wheels.

The life of the most ordinary person is often boring and monotony. And only thanks to such mumbling meetings, people forget about everyday boring affairs, every parting makes hope for a new meeting, and nothing can be done about it. But where can the Lieutenant be able to meet his beloved in the big city? In addition, she has a family, a three-year-old daughter. It is necessary to continue to live, not to give despair to master the mind and soul, at least for all future meetings.

Everything passes, as Julius Caesar said. Initially, a strange, incomprehensible feeling eclipses the mind, but longing and loneliness remain inevitably in the past, as soon as a person turns out to be in society, communicates with interesting people. New meetings are the best medicine from parting. No need to go into yourself, think about how to live this endless day with these memories, with this inseparable flour.

The lieutenant was alone in this God forgotten town. He expected to find sympathy from others. But the street only strengthened serious memories. The hero could not understand how canfully sit on goats, smoke and generally be careless, indifferent. He wanted to know if he was so scary unhappy in all of this city.

In the bazaar, everyone just did that they praised their goods. It was all so stupid, ridiculous that the hero ran away from the bazaar. In the cathedral, the lieutenant also did not find the refuge: they sang loudly, fun and decisively. No one was affected by his loneliness, and the ruthless sun is inexorably burned. Shoulder straps and buttons of his nurse so heated that it was impossible to touch them. The severity of the inner experiences of the lieutenant aggravated the unbearable heat on the street. Yesterday, being under the authority of love, he did not notice the scorching sun. Now, it seemed, nothing could overcome loneliness. Lieutenant tried to find consolation in the alcohol, but his feelings were climbing even more. The hero so wanted to get rid of this love, and at the same time he dreamed of meeting again with his beloved. But how? He did not know a surname nor her name.

The memory of the lieutenant still kept the smell of her sunburn and a canvas dress, the beauty of her strong body and the elegance of small hands. Long considering the portrait of some military on the photo photo, the hero thought about the question, whether such love needed, if then all the everyday life becomes scary and wild, well, when the heart is struck too big love, too big happiness. They say everything is good in moderation. Once strong love after parting is replaced by envy to others. The same thing happened with the lieutenant: he began to languish the painful envy to all the suffering people. Everything around looked lonely: at home, the streets ... It seemed, there was not a soul around. From the past well-being remained only white thick dust lying on the pavement.

When Lieutenant returned to the hotel, the room was already pribran and seemed empty. The windows were closed, the curtains are omitted. Only a lung breeze penetrated into the room. The lieutenant is tired, besides, he was very drunk and lay, laying his hands under the back. The tears of despair rolled down his cheeks, so much had a feeling of human powerlessness before almighty fate.

When the lieutenant woke up, the pain of loss stuck a little, as if he broke up with the beloved ten no back. Leave the room further was unbearable. Money for the hero lost all value, quite possible, in his memory there were still fresh memories of the city bazaar, about the greed of merchants. Generously groaning with the driver, he went to the pier and after a minute it turned out to be in a crowded steamer, coming after the stranger.

In action there was an intercourse, but at the very end of the story I. A. Bunin puts the last touch: in a few days, the lieutenant aged for ten years. Feeling in captivity of love, we do not think about the inevitable minute of parting. The stronger we love, the fact that our sufferings are. This severity of parting with the most close thing you have nothing to do with anything. What is experiencing a person when he loses his love after unearthly happiness, if because of the mumbling hobby ages for ten years?

Human life, like Zebra: a white strip of joy and happiness inevitably replaced black. But the success of one person does not at all mean the failure of another. You need to live with an open soul, giving joy to people, and then joy will return to our life, more often we will lose our heads from happiness than languishing waiting for a new sunshine. After all, there is nothing unbearable expectations.

\u003e Works on the work of the Solar Blow

Mind and feelings

The mind and feelings are the two components of the human soul who often come into conflict with each other. Mind is characterized by coldness, and feelings - hot. I. A. Bunin wrote many stories about the unfortunate, failed love, where sincere feelings face ruthless circumstances. One of these works is the story "Sunshine". In it, the author showed the attraction of souls, spiritual proximity, bodies against the background of irresistible obstacles.

The main character is a married lady, and, as you know, the connection with another person in such a position is considered forbidden and even sinful. The main character is a lone lieutenant, and they met on the ship, next in Anapa. The feelings swept them with an imminent force, like a "sunshine", so it was not possible to resist. They spent one evening together, and the next morning parted how nothing had happened. In fact, any though a small case necessarily leaves a trace in the life of every sensible person.

Bunin, probably, the first Russian classic, rethinking the scheme of faithful, desperate love. He put on the first place not a platonic relationship, but passion and romance that we observe in this story. In addition, in his works, he used many epithets and details to convey a full range of feelings. This is a "hot sea sand", "White lowered curtain", "Halfed Cup of Coffee", "Dusty Recurious Polyvik", "Foreign Room", "The Smell of Her Gar", etc. The guarantor was infrequently in love, otherwise he would immediately recognize this feeling.

His soul was full of this stranger and at the same time empty, as a hotel room after her care. He was trying to find it everywhere, but he understood that in vain. After all, he did not even know her name and surname. Everything that he knew is that his fellow traveler was married and she had a three-year-old daughter. He tried to imagine that she was now feels after an overwhelming feeling. He seemed to him for a moment that she sits calmly on the deck and look at the oncoming rafts. From boredom, he wandered over a stranger, alien to his city. Around everything annoyed and brought melancholy.

Then he went back to the empty hotel number and, overcoming this pain, fell asleep. The next morning was again in service. It was necessary to live on and not to give despair to master the mind and soul, at least for the sake of future meetings. The feelings dictated one, and the mind is another. Of course, he perfectly understood that there were no future meetings with her to predict, but tried to think about good. A new day dispelled his failure, allowed a different look at life, but in the soul, the lieutenant still felt at ten years old, because there is nothing unbearable expectations.

Problems and Heroes of the story I. Bunin "Sunny Blow"

Everything passes...

Julius Caesar

The soft maple leaf is meekly and the wind is waving the wind and falls on the cold ground. He is so alone that he does not care where his fate carries. Neither the warm rays of the gentle sun, nor the spring freshness of the frosty morning are no longer happy. This little leaflet is so defenseless that he has to compete with a rock of fate and just hope to have to ever be able to find his at a forehead.

In the story of I. A. Bunina "Sunny strike" by Chick, as if a lonely leaf, wanders on someone else's city. This is a story about love at first sight, about past-flight hobbies, about the power of passion and obeasses of parting. In the work of Bunin, love is complex and unhappy. Heroes break up, as if waking up after sweet love sleep.

The same thing happens with the guarantor. Before the Chita-Telem appears the picture of the heat and stools: the tan on the body, boiling water, hot sea sand, the lining of the intake is pool ... The air is filled with a lover passion. Scary silent, highly administered hotel room for the day - here is the reflection of the co-standing of lovers. White lowered curtains on the windows - this is the border of the soul, and two incomplete swarms on the fizknik - what, perhaps, remains here from the previous pair.

However, the time of parting is coming, and a little-kaya, a nameless woman who joking himself a wonderful stranger coming. Lieutenant does not immediately understand that love leaves him. In the light, happy state of the Spirit, he brought her to the pier, kissed and returned carelessly to the hotel.

His soul was still full of her - and empty, like a guest room. The aroma of her good English Ode-Colon, her no hard cup only strengthened the same. The lieutenant hurried to smoke, but the cigarette smoke is not able to overcome longing and mental emptiness. Sometimes it happens that we understand with how the pre-red man brought us fate, only in that Moent, when it is no longer there.

The lieutenant was infrequently in love, otherwise he would not call the experienced feeling with a "strange adventure", would not agree with the nameless not-knowing that they both got something like a sunny strike.

The hotel room still reminded her. However, these memories were heavy, from one glance on an unobedy bed, the already unbearable melancholy was intensified. Somewhere there, behind the open windows, sailed from him a steamer with a mysterious non-acquaintance.

The lieutenant for a moment tried to imagine that the mysterious stranger feels, feel herself in her place. Probably, she sits in a glass lamb of the cabin or on the deck and looks at a huge, bleak under the sun river, on the oncoming rafts, on yellow shallows, on the radiant distance of the water and the sky, on the whole immense Volzhsky space. And he tormented her one-nights, annoying markets and creaking wheels.

The life of the most ordinary person is often boring and monotony. And only thanks to such fleeting meetings, people forget about everyday boring affairs, every parting makes hope for a new meeting, and nothing can be done about it. But where is it to celebrate his lover in a big city? In addition, she has a family, a three-year-old daughter. We need to continue to live, not to give despair to master the raw zoom and soul, at least for all future meetings.

Everything passes, as Julius Caesar said. Initially, a strange, incomprehensible feeling overshadows the mind, but Tos-ka and loneliness remain inevitably in the past, as soon as the person turns out to be in society, shares with interesting people. New meetings Here is a ray-neck medicine from parting. No need to go into yourself, think about how to live this endless day with these memories, with this inseparable flour.

The lieutenant was alone in this God forgotten Goro-Dishke. He expected to find sympathy from others. But the street only strengthened the heavy memories. The hero could not understand how to safely sit on goats, smoke and generally be a stove, indifferent. He wanted to know if he was so scary in all of this city.

In the bazaar, everyone just did that they praised their goods. All this was so stupid, ridiculous that the hero ran away from the bazaar. In the Cathedral, the lieutenant also did not find the refuge: they sang loudly, fun and decisively. No one was affected by his loneliness, and the root of the sun is inexorably burned. Shoulder straps and buttons of his nurse so heated that it was impossible to touch them. The severity of the internal experiences of the hand aggravated unbearable heat on the street. Yesterday, being under the authority of love, he did not notice the Paradling Sun. Now, it seemed, nothing could overcome loneliness. The lieutenant tried to find consolation in the alcohol, but from vodka his feelings raised even more. The hero so wanted to hurt this love and at the same time he dreamed of meeting again with his beloved. But what kind of way? He did not know a surname or behalf of her.

The memory of Lieutenant still kept the smell of her sunburn and a canvas dress, the beauty of her strong body and the elegance of small hands. Long considering the port-Ret of some military on the photo filin, the hero was thinking about the question, whether such love needs such love, if then all the everyday life becomes scary and wild, well, when the heart is struck by too much love, too much happiness. They say everything is good in moderation. Once strong love after parting is replaced by envy to others. The same thing about-ran out with the lieutenant: he began to languish the painful envy to all the increditing people. Everything around looked lonely: at home, the streets ... It seemed that there was not a soul around. From the past well-being remained only white thick dust lying on the pavement.

When Lieutenant returned to the hotel, the room was already pribran and seemed empty. The windows were closed, the curtains are omitted. Only a light breeze penetrated into the room. The lieutenant is tired, besides, he was very drunk and lay, laying his hands under the back. The tears of despair rolled down his cheeks, so much was the feeling of man's powerlessness before almighty fate.

When the lieutenant woke up, the pain of loss stuck a little, as if he broke up with his beloved de-sile years ago. Leave the room further was the Neva-wearable. Money for the hero lost all values, it is quite possible, in his memory there were still freshly re-minanias about the city bazaar, about the greed of merchants. Generously groaning with the cab, he went to the marina and after a minute it was on a crowded steamer, going next to the stranger.

In action there was an intercourse, but at the very end of the story I. A. Bunin puts the last touch: for non-how many days the lieutenant raised for ten years. Feeling herself in captivity of love, we do not think about the inevitable minute of parting. The stronger we love, the Top Most of our sufferings. This severity of the distance with the most close thing you have nothing to do with anything. What is experiencing a person when he loses his love after unearthly happiness, if because of the Mi-pivotes, it ages ten years?

Human life, as if Zebra: A white strip of joy and happiness inevitably replaced black. But the mustache of one person does not mean the failure of another. You need to live with an open soul, giving the joy of anywhere, and then Ra-Dost will return to our life, more often we will lose our heads from happiness than languishing in anticipation of the new sunny booth. After all, there is nothing unbearable expectations.

What is the feature of the stories of the story?

(The story begins without entry, as if being a continuation of some story. The writer as if snatching a piece of life - a piece brighter, like a "sunshine". Heroes are not names, just she is a woman and a man. The writer does not call the names of heroes - he It is important to show the feeling itself and what it does with a person.)

Why does Bunin not mention the causes of sudden love of heroes?

(The story is very short, long descriptions are omitted in it, the reasons that pushed the heroes to each other are omitted. It remains a mystery that cannot be solved.)

What is the feature of the heroine portrait?

(Bunin does not describe the appearance of the heroine, and highlights the main thing in it - a simple, adorable laughter says about how "everything was charming in this little woman.")

What bunin describes a stranger after the night in the room?

("She was fresh, as in seventeen years he was confused very little was still simple, merry and - already judged.")

How does she explain what happened to them?

("I found an eclipse on me ... or rather, we both got something like a sun blow." The woman first understood the sharpness of what happened and not the possibility of continuing this too strong feeling.)

What has changed in the room after her departure, what reminds of it?

("The number without it seemed somehow quite different than it was with her. He was still full of her - and let. Only the smell of good English cologne and a bad cup, but it was no longer ...".)

What impression was it on the lieutenant?

(The heart of the lieutenant suddenly sank such a tenderness that he hurried to smoke and went back and forth on the room several times. The lieutenant laughs at his "strange adventure", and at the same time, tears will be thrilled.)

What is the role of details in this story?

(At the beginning of the story of the heroine portrait story: "A little strong hand smelled a lightweight lung dress" - emphasizes the naturalness, simplicity and charm of women. Several times the word "small" is evidence - evidence of defenselessness, weakness (but at the same time - "Little strong hand "), Tenderness.

Other details (odor of the cologne, a cup, a swirma, an unlocked bed, a stud, forgotten by her) strengthen the impression of the reality of what happened, deepen drama: "He felt such pain and such an unnecessaryness of his future life without her, which embraced his horror, despair." Steamer is a sliding symbol.)

What does this seemingly seemingly small detail - the heroine of the hairpin?

(This is the last trail of the "Little Women", visible, real. Bunin is important to show that the feeling that flashed after the fleeting meeting will not leave the hero.)

What new feelings appeared at the lieutenant?

(All feelings of the lieutenant seek to be exacerbated. He "remembered her all, with all the slightest features, remembered the smell of her sunburn and a canvas dress, her strong body, a lively, simple and funny sound of her voice." And a new feeling, previously not experienced, Fucking the lieutenant: it is a strange, incomprehensible feeling. He does not know, "how to live the whole day without it," feels unhappy.

This feeling is gradually converted: "Everything was fine, in everything there was immense happiness, great joy ... And at the same time the heart just broke into parts.")

Why is the hero trying to free themselves from a sense of love?

("Sunflow", struck by the lieutenant, was too strong, intolerable. Inurnaries were and happiness, and pain that accompanied him.)

("Sunny blow" is accompanied by natural heat, which aggravates the feeling of loss. Red streets can not dispel the pain of separation and longing. Nature in the story emphasizes the power of suddenly breaking the feeling and inevitability of parting.)

Too big love - why is she dramatic and even tragic?

(It is impossible to return my beloved, but it is impossible to live without it. Get rid of sudden, unexpected love, the hero fails, "Sunny blow" leaves in the soul an indelible mark.)

How did they affect the hero of the experience of last day?

(The hero feels aged for ten years. The moment of experienced impressions made it so sharp that it seems that it was accompanied by almost a whole life.)

Final questions on the story:

1. How should I understand the title of the story? What is the meaning of the writer in the epithet "Sunny"? How varies this meaning throughout the story?

2. Explain how Bunin paints the inner world of man. With whom of the Russian Writers of the Hih Century can you compare the techniques used by them?

3. Give examples of the ring composition of the work. Is it possible to talk about the absolute identity "began" and "ends"?


Love in the works of Bunin is dramatic, even tragic, it is something elusive and natural, blinding man acting on him as a sunnd. Love is a great abyss, mysterious and inexplicable, strong and painful.


1. What is the difference between the interpretation of love in the stories "Light breath", "Grammar of love" and "Sunny blow"?

2. What cross-cutting images are present in the stories of Bunin about love?