Twelve-year-old girl on talent show in America. This girl-walker and her rabbit, the entire transfer hall "America's Got Talent" applauded standing

Twelve-year-old girl on talent show in America. This girl-walker and her rabbit, the entire transfer hall "America's Got Talent" applauded standing

Darcy Lynn Farmer with Petunia. © Stop Frame Video

12-year-old Darcy Lynn Farmer from Oklahoma City spoke yesterday at America's Got Talent ("America is looking for talents" or "There are talents in America") - an analogue of such a show, like "People's Artist" or "Minute of Glory" on Russian television.

Darcy performed a duet with doll petunia. Petunia - Rabbit, as Darcy itself explained, answering a question of a jury member. Probably, you already realized that the girl from Oklahoma is a wretch. Recreation or ventrology is a stage reception, in which a person (a delabservatory, a ventrologist) speaks or sings, did not move his lips, creating the illusion that the voice does not come from him, but from another subject, for example, dolls.

Young artist told that he began to engage in the wiseship to overcome the constraint. It was difficult for her to communicate with the surrounding, and with the help of Ventrology it was easier to contact people.

The level of feller skills is measured by the ability to hide what sound, the voice comes from it itself, keeping full immobility on the face. Even imitate the conversation of another object is quite difficult, but perhaps it is even more difficult to sing. When singing, you need to inhale much more air than when talking, and inhale unevenly. Hang or execute simple musical works - it is for high-level wreckners overcome height. But Darcy took a high bar ...

In the last issue of "American Got Talent", she (that is, petunias) sang difficult even for the usual performance of the song of the composer George Gershwin "Summertime" from the Opera "Porgi and Bess". It is not enough that Darcy played a whole performance with Petunia in the lead role, she still beautifully performed a complex composition, skillfully hiding singing through his teeth.

Video: Speech by a 12-year-old Vancy Lynn with doll petunia on America's Got Talent.

The hall and jury met the speech of young dating ovations, and the ex-participant of the SPICE GIRL group Mel Bi pressed the special "golden" button. Each member of the jury is allowed to press this button only once throughout the show, and send the audition participant immediately to the semifinals, regardless of the opinions of the rest of the judges. The use of the "gold button" (or "gold buzzer") on the show is an exceptional event.

A member of the jury Simon Cowell, known for increased demands to the participants of the competition, said: "I will remember you in a week, a month later, in a year. You both gorgeous, "he said. "I am sure that the rabbit is a real separate person. I love you. I think you go far. You have just changed your life, young lady, "said another judge - Houi Mentel.

On the America'S Got Talent show page on Facebook

It is not often possible to meet a 12-year-old rebeller who could hit the entire hall including the jury, as Darcy Lynn did.

Darcy appeared on the transfer of "America's Got Talent" accompanied by a toy rabbit named Petunia

The girl stated that she had dreamed of getting to the show to keep the art of worship alive, because it meets today more and less.

Initially, it seemed that the girl would not be able to surprise the audience. By the way, it was even seen how her lips move when the rabbit began to say

But as soon as she pulled the famous Summertime song with a closed mouth, then the judges and the whole hall just revealed mouths

At the end of the speech, the whole hall applauded Darcy standing, and as a result she passed the next round

"You know what? I think your doll is very similar to you, the same charming and charming. My heart melted, you were great. I'm trying to describe how incredibly it was," said the singer Melanie Brown, after which he pressed the so-called gold buzzer ( Golden Buzzer), giving the right 1 time for transferring to any member of the jury to automatically skip the next round of one of the participants of the show regardless of the other.

Congratulations to Darcy and Petunya!

12-year-old girl Darcy Lynn Farmer became a new network star, which, after speaking on American Talent Talent Show, conquered millions of people. Darcy performed on the scene of the show with duet with Doll Petunia - she sang the song "Summertime" from the Opera "Porgi and Bess" on the face of the doll, without opening the mouth.

Before the speech, the participant of the show of the talents admitted that she was a cevabaster and knows how to sing and speak no shelter lips. She said that she took possession of this skill in order to overcome the skewering when communicating with others. On stage, Darcy proved that he knows how to speak, but also to sing beautifully, keeping full immobility on the face.

The hall and jury of the talent show met the speech of Darcy with loud ovations, and the ex-participant of the Spice Girl group Mel bi could not detain emotions and pressed a button on a special "golden" button that allows you to send the audition participant immediately to the semifinals, regardless of the other judges.

After the unique speech of the girl-walkers on the show of the video talents with its number quickly spread online. In Facebook, the video for the first day after the publication was viewed 108 million people. Not less popular video with the performance of Darcy on the talent show also enjoys on the YouTube portal, where almost 5 million users were viewed.

Speech by a 12-year-old American on the talent show (video):