What is custom? Examples of legal, national, folk customs and business customs. The essence of traditions and customs, their social functions

What is custom?  Examples of legal, national, folk customs and business customs.  The essence of traditions and customs, their social functions
What is custom? Examples of legal, national, folk customs and business customs. The essence of traditions and customs, their social functions

Traditions, customs, rituals exist in every family, which are very valuable for the upbringing of kind, decent people. For example, in the morning, when relatives wake up, they wish good morning each other, but at night they wish Good night.

The word family means a blood bond between relatives, who are connected by everyday life, interconnection, responsibility. They are always ready to help their relatives morally and financially, come to the rescue, support, rejoice, be sad.

Family traditions are manners of behavior, principles established in the family, habits that the child will follow in further development and teach them to her children.

Family holidays and family traditions can allow:

  1. Influence the development of the child, stability, help children to see in the parents friends with whom you can have fun.
  2. They bring relatives closer together, allow them to spend time together, enjoy life.
  3. They help to become a full-fledged family in society, to get cultural enrichment.

A person living in a family where traditions and customs are present will be surrounded by affection and attention.

Consider what are family traditions in the family, examples:

Name Peculiarity
Birthday, family holiday With the help of this custom, children and parents will get a lot of pleasure, great mood from communication with the family.
Household chores, cleaning A child from a young age gets used to order, feels like a full-fledged member of the family.
Kids games Thanks to developing games, the child begins to get used to, to love his parents, learns skills, maintains a trusting and warm relationship.
Family dinners The custom helps everyone present at home, unite at one table, receive guests, discuss family problems relatives, friends.
Family council The blood relatives of the family hold meetings where various issues are discussed. Raising children, rewards, punishment.
Greetings, goodbyes Various words of praise, kisses, hugs, signs of attention to children from parents and loved ones.
Memorial days and walks together They remember and commemorate their departed relatives, days of outdoor recreation, trips to the circus, cinema, shops help to saturate their lives with varied.

Throughout their lives, people use established customs, rituals that are inherited. The rituals show the customs of the family, the holding of holidays, weddings, and various celebrations. With the help of rituals appeared national songs, dancing.

How many families there are in the world, so many traditions that are fascinating and interesting:

  1. Fishing trip with overnight stay... Overnight in a tent, boiled ear on the fire will bring many new positive emotions to children.
  2. Family Cooking Dinner... When preparing any dish, everyone is given a task. It will bring a lot of fun, joyful emotions.
  3. Birthdays... Waking up in the morning, a family member is told the hint for which he is looking for a gift.
  4. Travel to the sea... Collecting suitcases, going on vacation, tanning, swimming. This will unite, bring the family closer, give wonderful impressions.
  5. DIY gifts for no reason, to confess your love.
  6. Bake a cake with the whole family for a kindergarten for any occasion, will bring a lot of pleasure.
  7. Bedtime story... Not only mom can read, with dad taking turns. Then wish the children pleasant dreams, embrace and kiss. Even Small child will feel that he is surrounded by the care, attention, love of his parents.
  8. Arrange scenes at home, performances, singing songs, reciting poetry. Friendly family will be pleased with these activities, especially the children.
  9. Celebrate Christmas and New Year in new places so that the kids will remember each year for a long time.

New traditions and customs

When the appearance new family, family traditions do not always coincide among spouses. In one family holidays were celebrated in a wide family circle, where all relatives were present.

The bride, on the other hand, is in a close circle. Because of this, disagreements and quarrels can arise. To come to the correct conclusion, you can come up with new traditions, charters in the family, if you have the desire and consent.

To do this, you need to follow the steps:

  • come up with a new family tradition, where all family members will participate;
  • be the first to show interest in the undertaking;
  • one should not invent too many customs on a daily basis;
  • repeat the tradition several times to consolidate and memorize.

Family traditions of different countries

Individual countries, as a rule, have their own charters, orders, customs, traditions. V Great Britain it is customary to bring up children in severity, to restrain emotions.

Looking from the outside, one can testify that they do not love their children. On the contrary, it is customary for them to give parental love, which is different from education in Russia.

V Of Japan mother sits with baby in maternity leave until he reaches 6 years of age. She does not shout at him, indulges, fulfills his whims. At school, on the contrary, children are brought up in severity, taught to order. Several generations can live in the house.

V Germany there is a custom in late age get married. It is customary to first make a career, after which, by the age of 30, it is allowed to marry and have children.

V Of Italy, all relatives, even distant ones, are considered one family. They often gather at a common table to discuss everyone's problems.

In France the mother pays more attention to her career. Having given birth to a child, he sits with him for a short period, after which he gives it to Kindergarten on education, and she goes to work.

In Mexico, it is believed that legitimizing a relationship is not the main reason to create a family. Often, newlyweds live in a civil marriage without registering a relationship.

V modern Russia there are family work traditions that can be passed down from generation to generation. With the help of them, relatives get closer, keeping the family business. There are downsides to such customs. For some family members, family professions may be alien, incomprehensible, uninteresting.

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Custom- the traditionally established order of behavior. It is based on habit and refers to collective forms of action.

Habits are socially accepted mass patterns of action that are encouraged to follow. If habits and customs are passed from one generation to the next, they turn into traditions.

Tradition- everything that is inherited from its predecessors. Originally this word meant "tradition". Values, norms, patterns of behavior, ideas, social institutions, tastes, and views also act as traditions. Meetings of former classmates, brother-soldiers, raising the national or ship flag can become traditional. Some traditions are performed in an ordinary way, while others - in a festive, uplifting atmosphere. A kind of tradition is a rite. It characterizes not selective but mass actions.

Rite- a set of actions established by custom or ritual. They express some religious beliefs or everyday traditions... Rites are not limited to one social group, but refer to all segments of the population.

Rites accompany important points human life associated with birth (baptism, naming), wedding (matchmaking, bride price, engagement), entry into a new field of activity (military oath, initiation into pioneers, students, workers) or transition to another age (initiation), death (burial, funeral service, commemoration).

Ceremony- a sequence of actions that have symbolic meaning and are dedicated to the celebration (celebration) of any events or dates. The function of these actions is to emphasize the special value of the celebrated events for the society or group. Crowning - vivid example important ceremony for the society.

Ritual- a highly stylized and carefully planned set of gestures and words performed by people especially chosen and prepared for this. The ritual has symbolic meaning... It is intended to dramatize the event, to cause awe in the audience. Human sacrifice pagan god- a vivid example of a ritual. Most of the rituals are broken down into constituent parts and elements. So, for example, an obligatory part of the aircraft takeoff ritual is waiting for the command "Takeoff cleared". Elements of the farewell ritual: sit "on the path", hug, cry, wish a good journey, do not sweep the floor for three days, etc. Complex composition elements includes the ritual of defending a scientific dissertation. According to K. Lorenz, the ritual has cultural background and performs three functions: a) prohibiting the struggle between members of the group, b) keeping them in a closed community, and c) delimiting this community from other groups. The ritual restrains aggression and brings the group together.

Morals- especially protected, highly respected by the society mass models of action. Mores reflect moral values society, their violation is punished more severely than violation of traditions Morals are customs that have moral significance. This category includes those forms of human behavior that exist in a given society and can be subjected to moral assessment.

Taboo- an absolute prohibition imposed on any action, word, object. It regulated the most important aspects of human life: ensured compliance with marriage norms, protected from the dangers associated, in particular, with touching a corpse.

The laws- norms or rules of conduct, formalized by a parliamentary or government document, that is, supported by the political authority of the state and requiring strict implementation. There are two types of laws. Common right - v preindustrial society: a set of unwritten rules of conduct sanctioned by the state. From customary law, formal, or legal, laws, enshrined in the Constitution - the main political law of the country. Violation of the laws carries with it criminal penalties, the most severe of which is the death penalty.

What is the difference between norm, law and custom? Let's consider their relationship using the example of China. A norm is a moral prescription for what to do. Custom is a common practice, typical, massive actions, something that happens as usual. For example, the Confucian norm in China condemns widow remarriage. But such a norm did not become a custom, a widespread practice, and repeated marriages of widows happened very often.

According to Chinese law, the husband had the right to remarry in the event of his wife's death. It fixed the custom and itself encouraged such a practice as a mass practice, that is, as something common, widespread. On the contrary, the wife's remarriage did not meet Confucian standards of chastity.

Every person has come across such concepts as tradition, custom or rite at some time in his life. Their semantic meaning is rooted deeply in antiquity, and over time, their historical essence and the value has changed a lot. Certain rituals are an integral part of people's lives, and we, without hesitation, follow customs and traditions, hardly distinguishing one from the other. Our article will help you figure out what is the difference between them.

A custom is a way of behavior in society, based on habit, which is reproduced in a social group or in a society, and is logical for all members. The meaning of this word carries with it a religious, cultural and legal order, which can even be coercive. When it comes about customs, it means the transmission from generation to generation of ceremonies, rituals, holidays, rules of conduct at funerals or weddings.

If we are talking about the transfer of the foundations of behavior and the structure of society as such, then we mean such a concept as tradition. The difference between tradition and custom is its national attachment: the tradition can be attributed to the generally accepted national dress, but an attribute to this clothing, added by some group of society, will already wear the concept of custom. There are family, social, folk traditions that can have both positive and negative effects on a person.

Examples of customs and traditions

For clarity, I would like to give a few examples. national customs and traditions:

  • The most famous custom is the celebration of the New Year and Birthday, and the tradition is to set up and decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year, and to give gifts for birthday.
  • Celebration Great Easter Is another old Christian custom. It is traditional for Easter to bake cakes and paint eggs.
  • In Thailand, according to custom, Loy Krathong is celebrated - the day of the spirit of water that comes
  • in the full moon. It is considered a tradition of this holiday to launch boats with candles, flowers and coins along the river.
  • In the United States, it is considered a custom to celebrate Halloween. By tradition, on this day, various physiognomies are cut out of the pumpkin, and burning candles are placed inside the vegetable.
  • An interesting tradition The name day celebration in Denmark is the hanging of a flag on a window.


If you are planning a trip to Asian countries, remember that there is a custom to serve besh barmak on holidays. In order not to offend the hospitable hosts of the house, this dish is eaten only with the hands, and its translation sounds just like that - “five fingers”.

Contrary to our traditional and generally accepted concepts, in other countries there are many customs that are strange and illogical for our understanding. Contrary to the usual handshake that we are used to exchanging at a meeting, the Japanese squat, some Aboriginal people rub their noses, in the Zambezi they curtsy and clap their hands, and Kenyans simply spit in the opposite direction. According to the tradition of politeness, it is customary for us to ask "how are you?", The Chinese ask the question "have you eaten?"

What are traditions for?
Customs are social norms, which are formed in society spontaneously as a result of long, repeated repetition of certain actions, and by virtue of this they become habitual, obligatory in people's lives. Thus, custom fixes what has developed as a result of long-term social practice, i.e. results of social experience. Actions, deeds that are repeated many times in a certain social environment become customs ( general rules) when they are approved and shared by the entire social group or its majority.
Customs do not require an external, isolated force to enforce them, since they are habitual rules of behavior that are carried out automatically, due to the fact that people are used to doing things. In a similar way... V early periods development human society customs were the main regulator social life... The custom, sanctioned by the state, has long been one of the critical forms the existence of legal norms.
Characteristic feature customs is that they do not form a coherent system of rules, are not interconnected with each other and only regulate individual relationships between people that have become a habit.
Traditions closely adjoin customs, which are less connected with habit and represent more generalized norms of human behavior. They express the desire of people to continue, to preserve the forms of behavior transmitted by previous generations (traditions of celebrating anniversary dates, birth of a child, wedding ceremonies, etc.).
Legal norms are in a certain interaction with customs. On the one hand, progressive customs contribute to the development of sustainable law-abiding behavior, since in the minds of most members of society, any unethical and especially criminal behavior is not perceived as ordinary. As usual behavior is perceived in accordance with legal requirements, which significantly affects the increase in the level of legal awareness and legal culture population. And this has a positive effect on strengthening the rule of law and the rule of law.
In turn, the law also influences the customs. But nude influence depends on the nature of the latter. In some cases, the state attaches legal significance to customs and they take the form legal custom, i.e. legal norm.
Progressive, advanced customs and traditions are legally supported and encouraged (in marriages, celebrations of anniversaries, achievements in a particular field of activity, etc.). However, customs often reflect certain prejudices, elements of a nihilistic attitude towards law, national contradictions, the historical inequality of men and women, etc. Law competes with such customs, neutralizes and displaces them.

More on the topic of Law and Customs:

  1. 8.5. Law in the system of social regulation. Interaction of law with morality, customs, traditions and other regulators

Each family has its own indescribable atmosphere of love, understanding and warmth. Children born into families adopt this atmosphere. How does it arise? A similar halo in the family is created by family traditions, customs or laws of family leisure. Often, such laws take their roots from the family foundations of previous generations - they are strong and unshakable. Thanks to them, a feeling of reliability is created. family relations, there is a strong bond between family members, close and trusting relationships are maintained, children feel the stability of the family.

What are family traditions: examples

Family traditions are regularly repeated actions of family members aimed at uniting family ties and strengthening the family as main basis society. Traditions are an indispensable attribute of family happiness and well-being, reflecting moral position all family members. Each family is individual and has its own history. Family customs allow all members to feel worthy, to devote time and attention to family members, to show respect and love to them.

Examples of traditions: joint holding holidays, weekend themed dinners, family vacations, reading fairy tales to children before bedtime or singing lullabies, going to church on Sundays or religious holidays, children writing letters to Santa Claus on New Year, baking Easter cakes by household members, eating together and many others.

What are family traditions and holidays?

  • Family celebrations. This tradition is rooted in the distant past - for centuries it was customary to spend holidays with the family with relatives, close people. The main such holiday must be called birthday. In most families, it is customary to invite guests into the house on this day, to cover festive table, give gifts to the birthday man and by all means blow out the candles on the birthday cake, making a wish. TO family holidays include weddings, childbirth, baptism, etc.

  • Holding national holidays. These include everyone's favorite holiday - New Year. Most families practice the custom of holding it together at a large table, with the traditional Olivier salad and champagne for our country. Children write letters to Santa Claus, in which they ask for the desired gifts. Many families celebrate Easter by baking Easter cakes and lighting them in the church. Among the national holidays, the World Workers Day is traditionally celebrated on May 1. On this holiday, most families go on a picnic and cook meat dishes on the grill.

  • Games with children. It is important that both parents take part in the upbringing of the child, play with him. During the games, the child learns the world, acquires new skills, increases his physical and intellectual level. For example, according to custom, mom teaches the child to play chess every Saturday, and dad plays football with his son on Sundays. Children love stability, so try not to break custom.

  • Reading fairy tales before bedtime. it the most important tradition when raising children, because fairy tales allow the child to develop imagination, to know the world. Besides daily reading fairy tales before bedtime develops in the child a certain mode of going to bed. Even if the child is too young to understand the meaning of what he has read, the calm and measured voice of mom or dad will have a calming effect on him. This evening ritual will calm even the most active children, promoting a good sound sleep.

  • Family walks. To develop the physical abilities of the child, and maintain their own, it is important to take walks together. During such a walk, you need to communicate, you can see the sights. In order to instill spiritual values, it is advisable with the whole family to visit cinema, theaters, museums, exhibitions. Such trips can broaden horizons and increase cultural level families in general.

  • The tradition of kissing. To create an atmosphere of love, it is important to kiss your loved ones more often. It is advisable to kiss children at least twice a day - in the morning when they woke up, in the evening - before going to bed. More frequent kisses and hugs are only welcome, even with an adult child, because with a lack of affection, children grow up callous. It is also important to wish all relatives a good night before going to bed and good morning when you wake up.
  • Joint vacation trips. Do not underestimate this type of leisure, because most psychologists recommend changing the environment on a regular basis to maintain good relationships. The main thing is to visit new cities and countries all together in order to escape from routine and everyday life, to expand your horizons.

  • Orthodox traditions. These include going to church together for Orthodox holidays or every Sunday, the celebration of Christmas and Easter, fasting, baptism of children, reading the Bible, prayers before bedtime, regularly visiting deceased relatives.

What values ​​are at the heart of family traditions

Family traditions give rise to and cultivate important values ​​in people: love for the family, respect for their relatives, caring for loved ones, a correct understanding of the family and its role in life. Non-observance of family customs and foundations can lead to a weakening of ties between its members, to the destruction of family ties. Even a cell of society in which love reigns cannot exist without certain important and pleasant customs, for example, joint leisure.

Tradition reinforces in children a sense of gratitude to parents and grandparents, instilling respect for the older generation. Customs give the spouses a sense of the inviolability, stability of family relations. L.N. Tolstoy said: "Happy is he who is happy at home." A person living in a family honoring tradition will definitely be surrounded by care, love, warmth and tenderness. In such a person, family well-being will certainly be transferred to other areas of life.

Family traditions of different countries and peoples of the world

Each nation has its own special traditions related to all spheres of life, especially the family. This is primarily due to the fact that each nation or country has its own special geography, location, climate, history, unique culture, adheres to different religions. All these factors influence the formation of cultural and family customs. Family traditions, in turn, shape the worldview and attitude towards life. Such family structures have existed for centuries, practically unchanged, moving from older family members to younger ones.

Family cultural traditions in Russia history and modernity

If we turn to history, it will become obvious that there are many traditions in Russia. For a long time the main family custom in Russia was genealogy - in the past it was considered indecent not to know one's kind, and the expression “Ivan, not remembering kinship” was an insult. An integral part of the family structure was the compilation of a pedigree or family tree... Also known are such traditions of the Russian people as the transfer of valuable things from generation to generation and the reproach of a child with a name in honor of one of the respected ancestors.

In modern Russia, the importance of family customs has been somewhat lost. For example, nowadays you rarely meet a family with their own genealogy. Often, the memory of generations is reduced to an album of photographs. But such wonderful traditions as a joint meal and holding joint holidays... Family customs and traditions in the Kuban still presuppose a Cossack way of life, raising children in the spirit of a Cossack family.

Traditions in Germany

There is a stereotype that Germans are extremely pedantic. The most strict traditions of the Germans relate to the family:

  • it is customary to treat your home as carefully as possible, carefully cleaning it and bringing beauty to it;
  • it is not customary to leave grandchildren to be raised by a grandmother or grandfather - for this it is necessary to determine the amount of money for them;
  • parents in old age do not live with children - they are looked after by nurses or they live in special boarding houses;
  • it is customary for the whole family to gather at Christmas parental home;
  • Germans are prudent and economical, so they have a tradition of saving savings for old age, during which they usually travel a lot around the world.

In England

The British have traditions - these are three whales that hold the Earth, so they honor them with special trepidation. Who doesn't know about the notorious English custom of drinking tea? Family gatherings and discussions are necessarily held over a cup of real Earl Gray with milk. The British are Catholics, so they especially celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving, gathering together with the whole family, preparing traditional dishes. A wonderful tradition among the British is the custom of giving to children a good education... It is considered bad form not to send your child to a private boarding school or college.

In France

In France, the custom is widespread - on Sundays to gather at a common table, drink wine and dine. Of the holidays, the French love to celebrate Christmas, gathering in their parents' house. The festive banquet will certainly feature such delicacies as foie gras, salmon, seafood, iskariot snails and noble cheeses. The traditional drink for Christmas is champagne, and the dessert is a "Christmas log".

In India

India is a country of the strictest family customs and traditions. Indian society is divided into social castes, so they approach the issue of marriage in an extremely unusual way. The father of the family must choose the future groom for his daughter himself, she was given in marriage only to a representative of his social caste. A lavish wedding celebration is more of a duty than a wish. The bride traditionally had to provide a dowry. Divorces and remarriages were prohibited in India before.

Indian family life is greatly influenced by Buddhist traditions. According to them, a man must:

  • Show respect for your spouse.
  • Do not change.
  • Provide for the family.
  • Teach children the craft.
  • Pick up suitable pair children.

A woman should:

  • Respect your husband.
  • To raise children.
  • Carry out all household chores.
  • Do not cheat on your husband.
  • Fulfill all the wishes of the spouse.

Tatar traditions

Tatars are Muslims, therefore family structures are based on Sharia and the Koran. For the Tatars, the creation of a family is considered a necessity dictated by religion. Interestingly, after marriage, the husband receives full power over his wife, and the wife is dependent on him - she does not even have the right to leave the house without her husband's consent. Divorces among Tatars are extremely rare, solely on the initiative of the husband. It is customary to bring up children to a wife, but they are obliged to show complete obedience to their father.

What family traditions are important in raising children

Family customs play crucial role in raising children. It is extremely difficult to instill traditions in an adult, therefore, their transmission from generation to generation from parents to children is a frequent occurrence. Children perceive the world the way their parents do, therefore, the child's perception of the family as the main element of his life, as well as determining its place in the value system, depends on pleasant family customs.

Traditions will be useful family reading before going to bed, singing lullabies, kissing at every meeting, lunch together, walking. They define in the child the concept of stability, inviolability family lifestyles, give a sense of cohesion, make children more tender and affectionate. It is also important to instill from childhood the custom of respecting and honoring your ancestors, regularly visiting them on holidays.

Proverbs and poems about family traditions

There are many instructive proverbs about family customs and traditions:

  • “What is the treasure for when the family is happy.”
  • "Children are not a burden, but a joy."
  • "It is warm in the sun, good in the mother."
  • "Not the mother who gave birth, but the one who raised."
  • "A family is strong when there is only one roof over it."
  • "The whole family is together, and the soul is in place."
  • "The tree is supported by the roots, and the man by the family."
  • "If I may have granddaughters, I know fairy tales."
  • "Don't hide your failures from your parents."
  • "Honor your parents - you will not go astray."
  • "In a family where they help each other, troubles are not terrible."

Poems about family, as well as traditions, see the photo below:

Family traditions are one of the critical aspects life of everyone, that is why it is so important to cultivate and support them in every possible way. Family life without tradition would be boring. It's great when young families are their own, relying on experience family life their parents, adding to them their own personal moments. the main objective- rapprochement with the rest of the relatives, building a strong, reliable family, as well as enjoying communication with loved ones. Be happy!