Don Quixote: the inevitable power of good. Dulcinei Museum Tobos (El Toboso) Village Where Dulcinea lived

Don Quixote: the inevitable power of good. Dulcinei Museum Tobos (El Toboso) Village Where Dulcinea lived

Dulcinea Tobos (Iz. Dulcinea del Toboso) (Real name Aldons Lorenzo (Span. Aldonza Lorenzo)) - Central Character of Miguel Cervantes Roman "Clear Hidalgo Don Quixote Laman", Beloved, Lady Heart Hero Romana. In the beginning of the work, Don Quixote, takes The decision to become a wandering knight, and according to the laws of the Knight's novel, he needs to choose a lady of the heart, in which he could fall in love, for, because of the hero, a knight without love - "that the body without a soul." And such a beautiful lady for Don Quixote is the usual girl from the neighboring village of El Toboso - Aldons Lorenzo, who was named by the main character of Dulcinea Tobos, beautiful of all women. In her name, he makes exploits, always and everywhere, the name of her name. At the same time, Don Quixote himself is not fully confident in its existence, it does not appear on the pages of the novel, but it is repeatedly described by the words of different characters. Don Kiheot describes it with the following words: "The charm is supernaturally,<…>For, all the incredible signs of beauty are embodied in it, for those who give the poets of their beloved: her hair - gold, the man - the Elysees, eyebrows - the rainbows of heaven, her eyes - two suns, lounges - roses, mouth - corals, pearls - her teeth, Alabaster - her neck, marble - Percy, ivory - her hands, on white skin - snow ... "The following description Dulcinei gives Sancho Pansa to his Mother:"<…> And I can say that Barre she molds no worse than the heed guy from all our village. Oh oh-oh-oh, do not joke with her, and the seamstress, and the jacia, and in the Duda player, and for himself to stand the master, and any wandering or just going to wander the knight, if she agrees to become his beloved, will be behind her, as behind a stone wall. And so the throat, mother is honest, and Boloine!<…> And most importantly, she is not at all a crumple - that's what is expensive, ready for any services, and everyone will make it easy and everything will arrange fun and fun. ".Dulsinea Tobosskaya is a character of many films, musicals, theatrical performances based on the original novel. At various times, her image on the screen was embodied on the stage: Sophie Lauren, Vanessa Williams, Natalia Gundareva and others. The prototype of Dulcinei Tobosskaya was the real woman - Dona Anna Martinez Sarko de Morales, who lived in El Toboso at the end of the XVI century. It was the "first love" of the Great Spanish Writer. By the way, the wife of the writer Catalina and the wife of the writer Catalina, who was called Alonso Kihad, from El-Toboso. One of the letters of Cervantes was preserved, in which he addresses his beloved "Dulce Ana" ("Dulse Ana" - "Sweet Anna"). Apparently, the name of the heroine of the immortal novel was born from this appeal.
Dulcinei Museum is located, as "is supposed", on Don Quixote Street. As it is believed in this house, Anna, who became the prototype of the beautiful lady of the "Watching Knight". The museum is recreated to the smallest details of the household furnishings of the XVI-XVII centuries, genuine products and tools of labor are presented.

Let's remember everything we know about Dulcine Tobos. We know that her name is the romantic invention of Don Quixote, but also know from him and his squire, which in the village of Toboso, a few miles from his own village, lives the prototype of this princess. We know that in the reality of this book her name is Aldons Lorenzo, and that she is a fitting peasant girl, master to salt pork and self grain. It's all. Emerald green eyes that Don Quixote attribute to her from the general with her creator of love for green color, most likely a romantic fiction, like a strange name. What do we know otherwise? A description that Sancho gives her, should be rejected, since he invented the story about the transmission of her lord. However, he is well a sign with her - it is a dim, high, strong girl, with a loud voice and teasing laughter. In the twenty-fifth chapter, before going to her with the message, Suncho describes it to his Mother: "And I can say that Barrua she molds no worse than the herself a guy from all our villages. Oh oh-oh-oh, do not joke with her, and the seamstress, and the jacia, and in the Duda player, and for himself to stand the master, and any wandering or just going to wander the knight, if she agrees to become his beloved, will be behind her, as behind a stone wall. And so the throat, mother is honest, and Boloine! And most importantly, she is not a crush at all - that's what is expensive, ready for any services, and everyone will make fun and fun with everything. "

At the end of the first chapter, we learn that at the same time Don Quixote was in love with Aldonsu Lorenzo - Of course, Platonically, but whenever he happened to pass along Toboso, he admired this pretty girl. "And now she seemed to him worthy of the title of the lord of his thoughts; and, choosing a name for her, which not too sharply differed from her own and at the same time reminded and would be approaching the name of some princess or noble senory, he put it Dulcinea Tobosko"For she came from Toboso," in his opinion, in his opinion, enjoyable for hearing, exquisite and deep, like all the previously invented names. " In the twenty-fifth chapter, we read that he loved her whole twelve years (now he is about fifty), and for all these twelve years he saw her only three times or four times and never spoke to her, and, of course, she did not notice his views .

In the same chapter, he instructs Sancho: "So, Sancho, that I need from Dulcinei Tobos, she will not give way to the noblest princess in the world. Yes, because not all the ladies who chase poets and which they give names in their own way, exist in reality. Do you really think that these are different Amarylys, Diana, Silvia, Filin, Galatei, Filia, who are full of novels, songs, merchants, theaters, that all of them and the truth are living beings, beloved those who are piled and smoothly? Of course, no, most of them were invented poets to make poetics and that they themselves were honored for lovers and for people worthy of love. That is why I am enough to imagine and believe that the good Aldons Lorenzo is beautiful and clean, and I have little need for her kind, - after all, she does not join the order, it means that there is no need to cope - in words, in my idea it is the noblest princess in my presentation world. And Don Quixote concludes: "You need to know, Sancho, if you just don't know this, which is more than anything, the love of two things, what are the essence of great beauty and a good name, and Dulcinea has the right to be proud of both the other : In beauty, it does not have rivals, and only very few just as good name as she. Briefly speaking, I believe that everything that I said now is the judgment of the truth and that it is impossible to add or donate a single word here, and it seems to be imagining as I want: and in the reasoning of beauty, and in the reasoning of the audience, And I will not compare with Elena, and the Lucretia will not rise to it and no other of the glorious women behind the centuries, it will not be equal to the Greeks, neither by Latinan, or the barbarians. And let them say that you want, because if ignorant will be reinforced, then strict judges will love me "(30).

During the insane adventures of our knight with his memories of Aldons of Lorenzo, something is happening, the specific details fade and the image of the Aldons dissolves in a romantic generalization of the name of Dulcinea, so in the ninth chapter of the second part, when in search of the lady of the heart Don Quixote, together with Sancho arrives in Toboso, he rather irritably declares her squire: "Listen, heretic, if I didn't tell you many times that I have never seen an incomparable Dulcine, and did not give up the threshold of her palace and that I fell in love with it only on rumors, for it reached me Glory about her beauty and mind? " The image of Dulcineia permeates the entire book, but, contrary to expectations, the reader will never meet with it in Toboso.

Let's remember everything we know about Dulcine Tobos. We know that her name is the romantic invention of Don Quixote, but also know from him and his squire, which in the village of Toboso, a few miles from his own village, lives the prototype of this princess. We know that in the reality of this book her name is Aldons Lorenzo, and that she is a fitting peasant girl, master to salt pork and self grain. It's all. Emerald green eyes that Don Quixote attribute to her from the general with her creator of love for green color, most likely a romantic fiction, like a strange name. What do we know otherwise? A description that Sancho gives her, should be rejected, since he invented the story about the transmission of her lord. However, he is well a sign with her - it is a dim, high, strong girl, with a loud voice and teasing laughter. In the twenty-fifth chapter, before going to her with the message, Suncho describes it to his Mother: "And I can say that Barrua she molds no worse than the herself a guy from all our villages. Oh oh-oh-oh, do not joke with her, and the seamstress, and the jacia, and in the Duda player, and for himself to stand the master, and any wandering or just going to wander the knight, if she agrees to become his beloved, will be behind her, as behind a stone wall. And so the throat, mother is honest, and Boloine! And most importantly, she is not a crush at all - that's what is expensive, ready for any services, and everyone will make fun and fun with everything. "

At the end of the first chapter, we learn that at the same time Don Quixote was in love with Aldonsu Lorenzo - Of course, Platonically, but whenever he happened to pass along Toboso, he admired this pretty girl. "And now she seemed to him worthy of the title of the lord of his thoughts; and, choosing a name for her, which not too sharply differed from her own and at the same time reminded and would be approaching the name of some princess or noble senory, he put it Dulcinea Tobosko"For she came from Toboso," in his opinion, in his opinion, enjoyable for hearing, exquisite and deep, like all the previously invented names. " In the twenty-fifth chapter, we read that he loved her whole twelve years (now he is about fifty), and for all these twelve years he saw her only three times or four times and never spoke to her, and, of course, she did not notice his views .

In the same chapter, he instructs Sancho: "So, Sancho, that I need from Dulcinei Tobos, she will not give way to the noblest princess in the world. Yes, because not all the ladies who chase poets and which they give names in their own way, exist in reality. Do you really think that these are different Amarylys, Diana, Silvia, Filin, Galatei, Filia, who are full of novels, songs, merchants, theaters, that all of them and the truth are living beings, beloved those who are piled and smoothly? Of course, no, most of them were invented poets to make poetics and that they themselves were honored for lovers and for people worthy of love. That is why I am enough to imagine and believe that the good Aldons Lorenzo is beautiful and clean, and I have little need for her kind, - after all, she does not join the order, it means that there is no need to cope - in words, in my idea it is the noblest princess in my presentation world. And Don Quixote concludes: "You need to know, Sancho, if you just don't know this, which is more than anything, the love of two things, what are the essence of great beauty and a good name, and Dulcinea has the right to be proud of both the other : In beauty, it does not have rivals, and only very few just as good name as she. Briefly speaking, I believe that everything that I said now is the judgment of the truth and that it is impossible to add or donate a single word here, and it seems to be imagining as I want: and in the reasoning of beauty, and in the reasoning of the audience, And I will not compare with Elena, and the Lucretia will not rise to it and no other of the glorious women behind the centuries, it will not be equal to the Greeks, neither by Latinan, or the barbarians. And let them say that you want, because if ignorant will be reinforced, then strict judges will love me "(30).

During the insane adventures of our knight with his memories of Aldons of Lorenzo, something is happening, the specific details fade and the image of the Aldons dissolves in a romantic generalization of the name of Dulcinea, so in the ninth chapter of the second part, when in search of the lady of the heart Don Quixote, together with Sancho arrives in Toboso, he rather irritably declares her squire: "Listen, heretic, if I didn't tell you many times that I have never seen an incomparable Dulcine, and did not give up the threshold of her palace and that I fell in love with it only on rumors, for it reached me Glory about her beauty and mind? " The image of Dulcineia permeates the entire book, but, contrary to expectations, the reader will never meet with it in Toboso.

Dulcinea Tobos, the lady of the heart of a knight Lviv, - Lighthouse in his heavy journey. Don Quixote saw her glimpse only twice in his life, even really did not see, but he considers the most beautiful woman in the world. Sancho Panse was better to see the "beautiful lady" and he does not share the opinions of his Mr. about her beauty. This is an illiterate peasant of a strong physique and not very pleasant exterior. But for Don Quixote is not important. Dulcinea is his symbol leading to victories, saving in dangers and helping to overcome all the difficulties of the path. No conventions living in his reality, Don Quixote gives his lady the most excellent qualities that can only be. Dulcinea Tobosskaya becomes his guiding star. In such people as Don Quixote, not reciprocity is important. Rather, the reciprocity would have spoiled. The beautiful lady becomes the center of the Universe, where the feats are performed in her honor, although the "real" Dulcinea does not even know about it. Don Quixote returns from non-existence the image of the wandering knights and beautiful ladies. Road and love are two main driving forces of life. And although the novel is the feats of Don Quixote in the name of Dulcinei Tobos and become a parody of all the stories and knights and beautiful ladies, all the same, the rare reader does not fight and do not want to find himself in those distant glorious times. And no wonder in the XX century, the hero of the famous New Year's film said: "How boring we live! The spirit of adventurism disappeared into us! We stopped climbing in the windows to your beloved women! "

Periodically on the pages of the novel arise, and then the barber and priest again disappear. These are the best friends of Don Quixote, but they cannot understand his "weaknesses." All the time, these two are trying to prevent the Knight of their feats and try to bring him home - to the niece and key. It was the priest and a barber from the most good motives to revise the Don Quixote library and send all the knightly novels. They even climb the entrance to the book, declaring the knight that all the books took the evil wizard. At the same time, they and thoughts could not assume that Don Quixote would perceive their words literally and rush to the fight against evil wizards. Simple friends of the knight of the sad way are worried about him and wish him good, not realizing that Don Quixote lives in another reality. Once again, overtook him and resorting to tricks, they conclude it into a cage on the cart and carry home. But Don Quixote is not created for domestic life. His heart rushes in search of new adventures.

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