Russian culture 19 early 20th century briefly. Ready crossword on history - on the topic "Russian culture at the end of the XIX - early XX century"

Russian culture 19 early 20th century briefly. Ready crossword on history - on the topic "Russian culture at the end of the XIX - early XX century"

The period of the second w on the XIX - early XX centuries. The right is considered to be a silver century of Russian culture (a detailed table is presented below). The spiritual life of society is characterized by wealth and diversity.

After reforms of Alexander II, the changes of political sense were not so significant as the changes are social and psychological. We received greasy freedom and food for reflection, scientists, writers, philosophers, musicians and artists seemingly seeking to catch the missed time. According to N. A. Berdyaev, having joined the XX century. Russia experienced an era comparable to significance with Renaissance, actually this is the time of the Renaissance of Russian culture.

The main causes of rapid cultural growth

A significant jump in all spheres of cultural life of the country contributed:

  • new schools that have opened in large quantities;
  • an increase in the percentage of competent, and respectively reading people up to 54% by 1913 among men and 26% among women;
  • increase the number of people who want to enter the university.

Gradually increase government spending on education. In the second half of the XIX century. The state treasury allocates 40 million rubles per year per year, and in 1914, at least 300 million increases the number of voluntary educational societies, which could visit, which could have a variety of segments of the population, the number of public universities. All this contributes to the popularization of culture in such areas as literature, painting, sculpture, architecture, science develops.

The culture of Russia is the second w on the XIX - early XX centuries.

Russian culture in the second half of the XIX century.

Russian culture at the beginning of the XX century.


The prevailing direction in the literature is realism. Writers are trying as truthfully as possible, to tell about the changes occurring in society, give false, fighting with injustice. On the literature of this period, the abolition of serfdom has a significant impact on the literature, therefore, in most works, People's Color, Patriotism prevails, the desire to protect the rights of the oppressed population. During this period, such literary corneans are working as N. Nekrasov, I. Turgenev, F. Dostoevsky, I. Goncharov, L. Tolstoy, Saltykov-Shchedrin, A. Chekhov. In the 90s. Start their creative path of A. Block and M. Gorky.

At the turn of the centuries, the literary addictions of the Company and the writers themselves change, such new directions appear in the literature as symbolism, acmeism and futurism. XX century - This time Tsvetaeva, Gumileva, Akhmatova, O. Mandelstam (Akmeism), V. Brysov (symbolism), Mayakovsky (Futurism), Yesenin.

Boulevard literature begins to use much popularity. Interest in her, actually, as interest in creativity, increases.

Theater and movies

The theater also acquires folk traits, writers who create theatrical masterpieces are trying to reflect the humanistic moods inherent in this period, the wealth of spirit and emotions. Best

XX century - Dating time of the Russian man in a movie. The theater has not lost its popularity among the highest layers of society, but the interest in the movie was much big. Initially, all films were dumb, black and white and exclusively documentary. But already in 1908, in Russia, they remove the first artistic picture of the "Razin and Princess", and in 1911 the film "Defense of Sevastopol". Protasanov is considered the most famous director of this period. Ilma is removed by Pushkin, Dostoevsky's works. Special popularity at the viewer enjoyed melodramas and comedies.

Music, ballet

Until the middle of the century, musical education and music were the property of an exceptionally limited circle of faces - salon guests, households, theaterons. But closer to the end of the century the Russian music school is issued. In large cities, the conservatory opens. The first such institution appeared in 1862

There is a further development of this direction in culture. Popularization of music contributed to the famous singer Dyagilev, toured not only in Russia, but also abroad. Russian musical arts glorified Shalyapin and Nezhdanov. The creative path continues N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Development received symphonic and chamber music. Of particular interest in the viewer still cause ballet performances.

Painting and sculpture

Painting and sculpture, as well as literature, there were no alien to the trends of the century. In this area, realistic focus dominates. By famous artists, such as V. M. Vasnetsov, P. E. Repin, V. I. Surikov, V. D. Polenov, Levitan, Rörich, Vereshchagin, created beautiful canvases.

On the threshold of the XX century. Many artists write in the spirit of modernism. The whole company of painters "The World of Art" is created, in which M. A. Vrubel works. At about the same time, the first pictures of the abstractionist orientation appear. In the spirit of Abstractionism, they create their masterpieces V. V. Kandinsky, K. S. Malevich. The famous sculptor becomes P. P. Trubetskaya.

At the end of the century there is a significant increase in domestic scientific achievements. P. N. Lebedev studied the movement of the world, N. E. Zhukovsky and S. A. Chaplygin laid the basics of aerodynamics. Studies of Tsiolkovsky, Vernadsky, Timiryazev for a long time determine the future of modern science.

At the beginning of the XX century. The public becomes known the names of such outstanding scientists as Physiologist Pavlov (studied reflexes), microbiologist of swords, constructor Popov (invented radio). In 1910, in Russia for the first time, their own domestic airplane was constructed. Aircraft Design I.I. Sikorsky developed aircraft with the most powerful for that period by the engine "Ilya Muromets", "Russian Vityaz". In 1911, Kotelnikov G.E. A rave parachute was developed. New lands and their inhabitants are opened and explored. In the hard-to-reach areas of Siberia, the Far East, Central Asia are directed by whole expeditions of scientists, one of them - V.A. Obruchev, author of Sannikov's Land.

Social sciences develop. If earlier they are not yet separable from philosophy, now they are acquiring independence. P. A. Sorokin becomes the most famous sociologist of his time.

Further development receives historical science. P. G. Vinogradov, E. V. Tarla, D. M. Petrushevsky work in this area. The study is exposed not only to the Russian, but also overseas history.


After the cancellation of serfdom, the Russian ideological thought came to a new level. The second half of the century is the dawn of Russian philosophy, especially the philosophy of religious. In this field, such well-known philosophers like N. A. Berdyaev, V. V. Rozanov, E. N. Trubetskaya, P. A. Florensky, S. L. Frank are working.

The development of religious directions in philosophical science continues. In 1909, a whole philosophical collection of articles is published - "Milestones". Berdyaev, Struve, Bulgakov, Frank are printed in it. The philosophers are trying to understand the meaning of the intelligentsia in society and before all of that part of it, which has a radical attitude, to show that the revolution is dangerous for the country and cannot solve all accumulated problems. They called for social compromise and peaceful resolution of conflicts.


In the colors, the construction of banks, shops, stations begins in the cities, the appearance of cities is changing. Building materials also change. Buildings use glass, concrete, cement and metal.

  • modern;
  • non-Russian style;
  • neoclassicism.

A Yaroslavsky railway station is elevated in Modern style, Kazansky Station, and neoclassicism is present in the forms of the Kiev Station.

Russian scientists, artists, artists and writers acquire fame abroad. Achievements of Russian culture of the period under consideration receive world recognition. The names of Russian travelers, the discoverers are decorated with world maps. The artistic forms originated in Rossi have a significant impact on foreign culture, many representatives of which are now preferred to be equal to Russian writers, sculptors, poets, scientists and artists.

State educational institution

Higher professional education

Naberezhinninsky State

Pedagogical Institute

Faculty of History and Management

Plan-abstract lesson

Group 3.4 (11 "g")

Topic: Russian culture of the late XIX - early XX century

Student Practigant V Course Group 582

Saitov Ildar Herbertovich

School history teacher: Smousekova E. E. _______________

Group leader: Magsymov TA _______________

Evaluation for the lesson _______________

Naberezhnye Chelny, 2009

Literature used on the topic:

1. LEVANDOVSKY A. A. Russia in the 20th century: studies. For 10 - 11 cl. general education. institutions / A. A. Levandovsky, Yu. A. Schetinov. - 6th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2002. - 368 p., 16 liters. Il., cards.

2. LEVANDOVSKIY A. A. Legal development to the textbook "Russia in the twentieth century" / A. A. Levandovsky, Yu. A. Schetinov, L. V. Zhukov. - 160 p.: Il. (in the region)


Lesson number 10: Group 3.4 (11 "g")

Section III. On the eve of the collapse.

Topic: Russian culture of the late XIX - early XX

Type of lesson: generalizations and study of the new material.

Type of lesson: lesson - lecture.

The purpose of the lesson:

1. Cognitive, educational goal - to form students the main ideas about the state of affairs in education, science and press, tell us about the directions of literature and art of Russia.

2. The developing goal is to promote students in understanding the relationship of the development of culture with the events of the internal and external activities of the state.

3. The raising goal is to form students of the moral qualities of the personality: to appreciate the beauty and confidence in their forces, to promote a respectful attitude towards the cultural traditions of the state and peoples of the Russian Empire.

Equipment: textbook, workbooks, clarity: Scheme "Culture of Russia", cool board, chalk, pointer.

Type of blackboard in class

Basic concepts:

Modern, realism.

Main dates:

1905 - II Duma considered a law on universal primary education.

From the 1860s, the student unrest become the usual phenomenon.

1898 - Education of the Art Association "World of Art".

1899 - "The temporary rules on student strikes", according to which students could give to the soldiers for the riots.

1903 - established "Union of Russian Artists".

1904 - For opening in the field of digestion I. P. Pavlov received the Nobel Prize.

1904 - with the participation of N. E. Zhukovsky, the first in Europe of the Aerodynamic Institute was created.

1907 - 1913 Russian seasons in Paris under the leadership of S. P. Dyagilev.

1911 - Universal strike of students, thousands are excluded from institutions.

Main Persons: Nikolai Dmitrievich Zelinsky, P. N. Lebedev, K. A. Timiryazev, A. S. Suvorin, Ivan Dmitrievich Saten, Brothers Sabashnikov, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, Ilya Ilyich Mesnikov, N. E. Zhukovsky, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, Vladimir Sergeevich Soloviev, Nikolay Alexandrovich Berdyaev, S. N. Bulgakov, Pavel Alexandrovich Florensky, S. N. and E. N. Trubetsky, S.L. Frank, Pavel Nikolaevich Milyukov, A. A. Kornilov, M. O. Gershenzon, M. I. Tugan-Baranovsky, Peter Berngovich Struve, Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky, F. F. Fortunatov, A. A. Shamatov, N. V. Kruzhevsky, L. N. Tolstoy, A. P. Chekhov, I. A. Bunin, A. I. Kubrin, L. N. Andreev, A. N. Tolstoy, A. M. Gorky, V. Ya. Bryusov, K. D. Balmont, N. S. Gumilev, A. A. Blok, Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov, K. A. Korovin, Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel, A. N. Benua, K. A. Somov, L. S. Bakst, I. E. Grabar, K. F. John, A. A. Rylov, A. N. Scriabin, Sergey Vasilyevich Rakhmaninov, I. V. Stravinsky, Sergey Pavlovich Dyagilev, F. I. Lidval, A. V. Schusev, Fedor Osipovich Shechtel.

Lesson plan:

1. Enlightenment.

2. Print.

4. Literature.

5. Art.

The lesson plan is deployed:

1. Enlightenment. Russia possessed an extensive and branched system of education:

Initial stage (church-parish schools, folk schools);

Medium (classical gymnasium, real and commercial schools);

Higher (universities, institutes)

1905 - II Duma considered a law on universal primary education. In the gymnasiums weared to the classic direction and maximum time to teach natural sciences and mathematics. An excessive narrow specialization in real collections was eliminated. Commercial schools were supported by the bourgeoisie and there were joint training of girls and boys.

From the 1860s, the student unrest become the usual phenomenon.

1899 - "Temporary Rules", according to which students could give to the soldiers for the riots.

1911 - Universal strike of students, thousands are excluded from institutions. Exodus professors in protest - N. D. Zelinsky, P. N. Lebedev, K. A. Timiryazev, etc.

3. Science. Russian science goes to advanced frontiers. Physiologist I. P. Pavlov, who developed a fundamental methodology for the study of living organisms. 1904 - For opening in the field of digestion I. P. Pavlov received the Nobel Prize. I. I. Mesnikov became the Nobel laureate for research in comparative pathology, microbiology and immunology. V. I. Vernadsky and his teachings laid the foundations of the New Sciences: Biochemistry, Biogeochemistry, Radiogeology. 1904 - with the participation of N. E. Zhukovsky, the first in Europe of the Aerodynamic Institute was created. Proceedings K. E. Tsiolkovsky laid the foundations of the theory of rocket movement and theoretical cosmonautics. The revolutionary situation in Russia was accompanied by interest in politics, humanitarian sciences: history, philosophy, economics and law. V. S. Solovyov is the founder of religious philosophy. Also, the problems of searching for ways in religious basis devoted themselves: N. A. Berdyaev, S. N. Bulgakov, P. A. Florensky, S. N. and E. N. Trubetsky, S.L. Franc. Works related to historical studies appear: "Essays on the history of Russian culture" P. N. Milyukova, "Peasant Reform" A. A. Kornilova, "History of Young Russia" M. O. Gershenzon. Serious studies on the history of Russian economy created "legal Marxists" M. I. Tugan-Baranovsky and P. B. Struve. Edition of the lecture course on the history of V. O. Klyuchevsky at the beginning of the 20th century. Russian Logbooks F. F. Fortunatov, A. A. Shamatov, N. V. Krevhevsky developed questions for the emerging linguistics. In literary critic A. N. Veselovsky creator of a relatively historical school.

4. Literature. Developed under the powerful impact of the crisis, his sense of tragedy and the unpleasution of being with a huge artistic force was transferred to realist writers: L. N. Tolstoy ("Sunday", "Living Corpse"), A. P. Chekhov ("Ionch", "House with Mezonin "," Chaika "), I. A. Bunin, A. I. Kubrin, L. N. Andreev, A. N. Tolstoy. The stories became the year from year to year more disturbing and gloomy. The most popular Writer-realist A. M. The bitterly sensitive observer, passed the dark sides of Russian life: peasant wildness, mesh and indifferent satiety, unlimited arbitrariness of power (Roman "Thoma Gordeyev", "Promenban" play, "at the bottom"). In the poetic environment, modernist processes arise, seeking to move away from traditional aesthetic norms and representations, - symbolism, acmeism, futurism, etc. - refusal to reproduce the surrounding reality, which seemed to be uninteresting, boring and at the same time frighteningly dangerous. They sought to create in their works generalized symbols of human feelings and life phenomena, torn off from a valet day, or to captivate the reader with exotic countries or the long-lasting era, to lead it into the depths of the subconscious or surveillance worlds, to hit by an unprecedented passion, etc. Representatives were: V.Ya. Bruce, K. D. Balmont, N. S. Gumilev, A. A. Blok.

5. Art. From the end of the XIX century. The influence of modernism is noticeably appearing in painting - in the Impressionist web, V.A. Serov and K. A. Korovina, in the symbolist paintings M. A. Vrubel ("Demon", "Pan" and others). 1898 - Education of the Art Association "World of Art". Artists: A. N. Benua, K. A. Somov, L. S. Bakst abandoned the realistic reproduction of reality, urging to strive for "clean beauty" - the perfection of the shape, elegant convention, high timeless ideals. 1903 - established "Union of Russian Artists". Here worked landscape players I. E. Grabar, K. F. John, A. A. Rylov in style, kneaded the traditional and innovative directions of Russian painting.

The departure from the old traditions towards aesthetic refinement, the search for new forms was also characteristic of both Russian music, which were representatives of A. N. Scriabin, S. V. Rakhmaninov, I. V. Stravinsky. 1907 - 1913 Russian seasons in Paris under the leadership of S. P. Dyagilev.

Russian architecture is experiencing the latter - short, but the bright period of its heyday associated with the appearance of the modern style. The creators took into account new designs and materials and at the same time aesthetically comprehend them, give the buildings an artistic expressiveness. Architects: F. I. Lidval - the building of the Azov-Donskoy Bank, A. V. Schusev - Kazan station, F. O. Shechtel - Yaroslavl railway station and printing houses of the newspaper "Morning Russia".

Conclusion: Russian culture amazes with its brightness, wealth, abundance of talents in a variety of spheres. At the same time, it was the culture of the society of the doomed on death, the premonition of which was traced in many of its works.

Homework: §22 - 23, finish the scheme. Prepare for control 3 tasks for 2 points on paragraphs 16 - 23 and 4 dates one by one score on all paragraphs 1 - 23. Everyone will have private tickets. Bring a sheet of clean paper signed by F.I., ticket number

During the classes:

Stages lesson

Teacher's activities

Activities of students

I. Organizational moment

The teacher welcomes students.

Pupils welcome teachers.

II. Stage checking homework.

At the last lesson, we passed the foreign policy of Russia on the eve of the First World War, the participation of the country in the I World War and the homework was to read the paragraph 20 - 21 Write an essay on the topic: "Do you think that in 1914 Europe was doomed to a large-scale military confrontation "and finish the" Military Action at I MV "table also answer the following questions:

1. Tell the Strategy of the Russian Military Campaign in 1914?

2. Indicate on the territory map, lost during the "Great Departure"?

3. What do you know about Brusilovsky breakthrough? "

4. Describe the internal situation due to the defeat on the front?

Pupils listened to the preface of the teacher about the material passed.

Writing an essay and table I will check at the end of the lesson by collecting notebook students. The survey is carried out frontally with the elements of an individual survey, are responsible. Questions requiring a schematic image, students draw diagrams on the blackboard and then explain its elements. When answering, the ability to navigate the card is also taken into account. For those who do not cope or are not ready for a lesson, I ask additional questions. Instead of two, I ask to prepare abstracts and reports.

III. Studying a new material.

Open notebooks write the number and theme of our lesson with you. Today we will consider in the lesson the culture of Russia of the late XIX - early XX according to plan:

1. Enlightenment.

2. Print.

4. Literature.

5. Art.

For convenience, we will look at the subject in the form of a scheme, we will do some on the lesson, the remaining - you will finalize the houses on your own paragraphs 22 - 23.

Students write the number and theme of the lesson. We begin work to fill the scheme "Culture of Russia of the late XIX - early XX". We jointly fill the enlightenment, we indicate its stepperity of education, and the ambiguity of the student at autocracy. We definitely write the conclusion and direction of the culture of general moments.

IV. Fixing the material studied

Question: How did the events of the internal and foreign policy affect the reality of the culture of Russia late XIX - the beginning of the XX century? "

Record the output to your notebook.

Expected conclusion: Russian culture amazes with its brightness, wealth, abundance of talents in a variety of spheres. At the same time, it was the culture of the society of the doomed on death, the premonition of which was traced in many of its works.

V. Summing up the lesson.

Open diaries and write a homework.

Pupils write homemade homework.

Student Practigant _______________________________

School history teacher ___________________________

Group leader ___________________________

Complex political and historical events of the end of the 19th century. caused a variety of forms of culture development. Based on the best traditions of the previous period, Russian culture has gained new trends demanding to comprehend moral and social problems. It was necessary to search for new methods and artistic techniques.

By the beginning of the 20th century. Russia remained a country with a low level of literacy (38-39%, according to the Census of 1913). The degree of literacy was unequal depending on the regions, men were literate women, urban residents formed by representatives of the peasantry. The education system included three steps: initial (church-parish, folk schools), secondary (gymnasium, real schools), Higher (universities, institutes).

The development of primary education began to occur on the initiative of the democratic part of society. Schools of a new type began to occur - cultural and educational work courses, educational communities and folk houses.

The growing need for specialists has led to the development of higher and technical education, the number of higher educational institutions has increased - by 1912, 16 universities operated. Private education received distribution (University of Shanyavsky, 1908-1918), 30 higher educational institutions for women were opened. By the number of literature published, Russia went to the leading place in the world. In 1913, 874 newspapers and 1263 magazines were published. There was a network of scientific, special, commercial and educational libraries. The largest publishers were A.S. Suvorin in St. Petersburg and I.D. Sotin in Moscow.

At the turn of the centuries, traditional and new areas of science developed. In physics I.E. Zhukovsky became the founder of hydro and aerodynamics, K.E. Tsiolkovsky developed the theoretical foundations of the airplane. Such outstanding scientists working as physiologists I.P. Pavlov, I.M. Sechenov, I.I. Mechnikov, Botany K.A. Timiryazev, I.V. Michurin, physicist P.N. Lebedev, Inventor Radiocommunication A.S. Popov, Philosophers N.A. Berdyaev, S.N. Bulgakov, V.S. Solovyov, P.A. Florensky, historians V.O. Klyuchevsky, P.N. Milyukov.

The dominant in Russian literature was a realistic direction. Continuing the dramatic traditions of their predecessors, outstanding writers opened at the turn of the centuries: L.N. Tolstoy, I.A. Bunin, V.V. Veresaev, A.I. Kuprin, A.M. Gorky, A.P. Chekhov.

This period was the silver age of Russian poetry, which acquired new forms and developed in many directions (modern, symbolism, futurism, aestheticism). Pleiad of talented poets reflected in their works a deep social crisis of Russian society (V. Bryusov, K. Balmont, F. Sologub, D. Merezhkovsky, A. Block, A. White, N. Gumilev, A. Akhmatova, O. Mandelstam, and . Northerner, N. Aseev, B. Pasternak, B. Mayakovsky).

The largest reformer of the Russian Theater K.S. Stanislavsky together with V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko in 1898 founded the Moscow Art Theater, the theatrical scene enriched innovative techniques. Their activities marked the beginning of a new stage in the development of scenic realism. In realistic style, worked on the stage of the St. Petersburg Drama Theater, created in 1904. V.F. Commissioner. Musical traditions on the stage of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky theaters continued by representatives of the Russian vocal school: F.I. Shalyapin, L.V. Sobinov, N.V. Nezhdanova. It was the time to create by Russian composers (S.V. Rakhmaninov, I.F. Stravinsky, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov) of outstanding works.

In the visual arts, talented artists (I.E. Repin, V.M. Surikov V.M. Vasnetsov) continued to develop realistic traditions. Friendly worked late "Mobile" C.A. Korovin, N.A. Kasatkin, landscape players A.K. Kindji, V.D. Polenov, Batalist V.V. Vereshchagin.

Architects continued to create in the style of Modern, paying particular attention to the functional purpose of the designed buildings (F. Shechtel - Yaroslavl Station, A.V. Shushev - Kazan station, V.M. Vasnetsov - Tretyakov Gallery).

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution

Higher professional education

Kuzbass State Technical University

Department: Patriotic History, Theory and Cultural History

Discipline: Culturalology

Examination number 1

"Russian culture of the late 19th early 20th century"

Option 16.

Cipher 099-463

Performed: Saigina M. V.

Kemerovo region, Topkinsky district,

p. Razdathe, microdistrict 1, 12

Kemerovo, 2010.

Task 4. Perform tests

.Theoretics and practices of symbolism include:

A) N. Gumilev

B) V. Bryusov

C) A. block

D) M. Vrubel

E) M. Tsvetaeva

Correct answer: B, B, g

The unification "World of Art" included:

A) V. Mayakovsky

B) K. Somov

C) E. Lancer

D) L. Bakst

E) A. Benua

E) V. Vasnetsov

Correct answer: b, in, g, d

.Set the match between the work and the author:

A) "Walk of the king" a) M. Nesterov

B) "Abduction of Europe" b) N. Roerich

C) "Zamar guests" c) A. Benua

D) "Portrait of F. Shalyapin" d) V. Serov

E) "Vision of the Pattern of Bartholomew D) B. Kustodiev

Correct answer: A-B, Gd, B-B, Mr., D'A

Task 1. Light the problem: "Silver Age" of Russian literature "

The XIX century ended, the "golden age" of Russian literature, began the XX century. This turning time has entered the story under the beautiful name of the "Silver Century". Bog of centuries It turned out to be a favorable basis of this period. He gave rise to a great rise of Russian culture and became the beginning of her tragic fall. The beginning of the "silver century" usually refer to the 90th of the XIX century, when V. Brysov, I. Annensky, K. Balmont and other wonderful poets appeared. The flourishing of the "silver century" is considered to be 1915 - the time of its highest lift and end.

Century It continued not long - about twenty years, but he gave the world wonderful samples of philosophical thought, demonstrated the life and melody of poetry, raised the ancient Russian icon, gave impetus to new directions of painting, music, theatrical art. silver Age Became the time of formation of the Russian avant-garde.

The period of transitional crops is always dramatically, and the relationship between the traditional, classical culture of the past is always difficult and contradictory, the familiar, but no more exciting special interest, and the emerging culture of a new type. So new that its manifestations are incomprehensible and sometimes cause a negative reaction. This is natural: in the consciousness of society, the change of types of crops is quite painful. The complexity of the situation is largely determined by the change in value orientation, ideals and norms of spiritual culture. The old values \u200b\u200bperformed their function, played their roles, there are still no new values, they only develop, and the historical scene remains empty.

In Russia, difficulty was that the public consciousness was in conditions, even more dramatizing the situation. Postrelform Russia passed to new forms of economic relations. The Russian intelligentsia was almost helpless to the new requirements of political development: multiparties developed inevitably, and real practice was significantly ahead of the theoretical understanding of the new political culture. Russian culture loses one of the fundamental principles of its existence - the Cat is a feeling of the unity of a person with another person and the social group.

The socio-political situation of this time was characterized by a deep crisis of the existing power, a stormy, restless atmosphere in a country requiring decisive change. Maybe therefore, the paths of art and politics crossed. Just as society was intensely looking for ways to a new social system, writers and poets sought to develop new artistic forms, put forward bold experimental ideas. The realistic image of reality has ceased to satisfy artists, and in the controversy with the classics of the XIX century, new literary flows were approved: symbolism, acmeism, futurism. They offered different ways to comprehend being, but each of them was distinguished by the extraordinary music of verse, the original expression of the feelings and experiences of the lyrical hero, as time to the future.

In the history of Russian artistic culture, the beginning of the 20th century was fruitful, contradictory, rapid in their development. At the junction of the two centuries, Russia with special generosity gives the world talents. In the new period, Creativity L.N. Tolstoy. At the same years, A.P. Chekhov becomes the great artist of the word, which has a huge impact on world literature. V. Korolenko, A. Serafimovich, N. Garin-Mikhailovsky, surprise readers M. Gorky and L. Andreev, says itself poetry and early procure I. Bunin, begins to be printed by A. Kubrin and V. Series.

The perception of the world becomes more free, there is a liberation of the artist's personality.

The revolutionary explosion in Russia caused various estimates from the Russian artistic intelligentsia from the Russian artistic intelligentsia, thus it is impossible not to recognize the influence of the revolution on Russian artistic culture. Social problems characterize the work of M. Gorky, Serafimovich, Korolenko.

Many Russian writers appealed to drama. The theater attracts a huge spectator audience, he is in the flourishing of forces and opportunities.

It is very important that in the culture of the beginning of the century, the philosophical and ethical problem is extremely pointed: what is better, truth or compassion? Comforting false It makes up the rod of the drama of the city of ibsen, using a great success in the beginning of the century in the beginning of the century. This topic sounds in the Gorky drama At the bottom And forms a certain moral ideal of time.

Never in Russian art of such a number of trends, associations, associations, as at the beginning of the twentieth century. They put forward their creative theoretical programs, denied predecessors, bent with contemporaries, tried to predict the future. Too unclear were for many contours of a new aesthetic ideal, hence the tragic shade in creative searches of many artists.

One of the first literary flows was a symbolism that united such different poets as K. Balmont, V. Bryusov, A. White, and others. Russian symbolism declared himself persistently and, according to many critics, suddenly. In 1892 in the journal Northern Vestnik An article was published Dmitry Merezhkovsky About the reasons for decline and the newest course in modern Russian literature , and for a long time she was considered a manifesto Russian symbolists. In realism in this artistic materialism Sees the Merryovsky reason for the decline of modern literature.

The theoreticals of symbolism believed that the artist should create new art with the help of symbols, which will help more sophisticated and generally express sentiment, feelings and thoughts of the poet. Moreover, the truth, the insight may appear at the artist not as a result of the thinking, but at the time of creative ecstasy, as if nissed him. The symbolist poets were carried away by a dream, setting up global questions about how to save humanity, how to return faith in God, to achieve harmony, sprinkling with the soul of the world, eternal femininity, beauty and love.

V. Breusus becomes a recognized meter of symbolism, which embodied in his verses not only the formal innovative achievements of this current, but also his ideas. A kind of creative manifesto Bruce was a small poem "young poet", which was perceived by contemporaries as a symbolism program:

The young man is pale with the gaze burning,

Now I give you three covenants:

The first acceptance: do not live in

Only the coming - the poet area.

Remember the second: do not sympathize with anyone

Himself love is limblessly.

The third store: worship art,

Only to him, indifferently, aimlessly

Symbolists considered life as a poet's life. The concentration is very characteristic of the creativity of the wonderful poet symbolist K. Balmont. He himself was meaning, the topic, and the purpose of his poems. I. Ehrenburg very accurately noticed this feature of his poetry: "Balmont did not notice anything in the world, except for his own soul." Indeed, the outside world existed for him only then so that he can express his poetic "I".

The features of Russian symbolism appeared most in the work junior symbols The beginning of the twentieth century - A. Blok, A. White, Vyach. Ivanova. In their work, the material world is only a mask, through which the other spirit of the Spirit is shifted. Mask images, Masquerad constantly flashed in poetry and prose of symbolists.

During the first Russian revolution, proletarian poetry arises. This is a mass poetry close to urban nizam. Poems are understandable and specific - a kind of response to real events. Proletarian poetry permeated by revolutionary calls. Poems were printed in many magazines.

The mass reader formed a literary taste, and the culture of this period carried a significant educational potential, developed and developed a whole system of self-education.

The years of the post-revolutionary reaction was characterized by the sentiments of pessimism and renunciation.

Russian literature found an exit in appearance neoralistic style who did not have clear external signs. Next to the revived realism also arose new forms of romanticism. This was especially manifested in poetry.

Just as the denying of realism gave rise to symbolism, the new literary flow - acmeism - arose during the controversy with symbolism. He rejected the thrust symbolism to the unknown, focusing on the world of his own soul. Akmeism, according to Gumileev, should not seek to unrecognizable, but to seek what can be understood, that is, to real reality, trying to cover the diversity of peace as fully as possible. With such a look, an acmeist artist, unlike symbolists, becomes involved in the world rhythm, although it gives the estimates with depicted phenomena.

Aqmeism received a certain theoretical substantiation as well as in the articles of Gorodetsky Some currents of modern Russian poetry , O. Mandelstama Morning Akmeism , A. Akhmatova, M. Zenkevich, Ivanova. Tempered in group Shop poets they joined the magazine Apollo , opposed the mystical aspirations of symbolism to unrecognizable nature Nature , declared concrete sensual perception of the world , Returns the word of its main, initial meaning.

Aqmeists came closed with late symbolism, focused on disclosure eternal entities.

With all the virtuosity of the image of reality, social motifs are extremely rare at poets-aqmeist. For acmeism, extreme apoliticality was characterized, complete indifference to the topical problems of modernity.

Probably, therefore, Akmeism had to give way to the new literary flow - Futurism, which was distinguished by revolutionary rebellion, opposition defense against bourgeois society, its morality, aesthetic tastes, the entire system of public relations. Futurists destroyed the boundaries between art and life, in between and life, they focused on the language of the streets, lubok, advertising, urban folklore and poster.

No wonder the first compilation of futurists, who consider themselves the poets of the future, was clearly called the name "singing of public taste." With futurism, the early work of Mayakovsky was connected. In his youthful verses, the desire of a beginner poet to hit the reader the novelty, the unusualness of his vision of the world is felt. And Mayakovsky really managed it.

A group of poets, which took place to Futurism, - V. Kamensky, Brotheruki Brothers, A. Klychey. Futurist collections Sadok judges (1910-1913), Silence to public taste (1912), Dark Moon (1913) were frankly unusual for the reading public.

Poets such as V. Mayakovsky, V. Khlebnikov, V. Kamensky, guess the special spiritual state of his time in the Union of Poetry and the struggle and tried to find new rhythms and images for the poetic embodiment of the raging revolutionary life.

The silver age is marked with female lyrics. Zinaida Hippiius, Marina Tsvetaeva, Anna Akhmatova. ... were others, but with these hardly anyone can compare. The poets of the Silver Age created a grand poetic arch. Big talent is always a rarity, genius - especially. The twentieth century did not give his Pushkin, but the art of Russia began the beginning of the twentieth century, the name of the book - "the stars are written by that book, the Milky Way is one of her leaves." D. Merezhkovsky, A. Blok, M. Voloshin, I. Annensky, V. Bryusov, K. Balmont, B. Pasternak, S. Gorodetsky, S. Yesenin ... A. Skryabin, S. Rakhmaninov, M. Vrubel, V. Kandinsky, M. Shagal, Falk, I. Mashkov, N. Roerich - Gallery of the greatest names and personalities. The fate of the majority of the silver century was tragically. But all of them through the peripetics of revolutions, wars, through emigration, through fire and blood, through mistakes and misconceptions, they carried the feeling of the Motherland, the unshakable faith in the fact that "Russia will be great." They all created at the beginning of the 20th century the real miracle - "Silver Age" of Russian poetry. The variety of creative individuals makes particularly fascinating, albeit difficult, acquaintance and studying this rich and diverse period.

Task 2. Answer questions briefly

what are the main achievements of Russian science of the commodity era?

The turn of the two centuries has become a period of intensive development of various social sciences. It was at that time that the activity of the largest sociologist P.A.Sorokina began, whose works subsequently acquired world fame. Emigrated in 1922 from the USSR P.A.Sorokin played a huge role in the formation and development of American sociology. A great contribution to the study of economic, historical and economic problems was carried out by the works of M. I. Tugan-Baranovsky, P. B.struvva.

Large success reached a domestic historical science. The past of Russia was actively studied.

Philologist and historian A.A.Shakhmatov created a number of classical work on Russian chronicles. Significant success in the development of domestic historiography was achieved by A.E. Pressnyakov, S.F. Plotonov, S.V. Bahrushin, Yu.V.Gater, A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky.

In the field of view of Russian historians was not only the past of the Fatherland. The problems of the Western European Middle Ages and the new time were investigated by N.I. Kareyev, P.G. Vinogradov, E.V.Tarle, D. M. Petrushevsky.

Successfully developed at the turn of the two centuries. Laws, philological sciences, etc.

Name the main artistic flows of the silver century.

Symbolism was the span of a deep crisis that covered European culture at the end of the XIX century. The crisis manifested itself in a negative assessment of progressive public ideas, in revising moral values, in the loss of faith due to scientific subconscious, in the hobby of idealistic philosophy. Symbolists strive to create a complex, associative metaphor, abstract and irrational.

Akmeism (from Greek. AKME is the highest degree of something, flourishing, maturity, top, edge) - one of the modernist currents in the Russian poetry of the 1910s, formed as a reaction to the extremes of symbolism. Ambamests proclaimed materiality, subject subjects and images, the accuracy of the word (from the position of "art for the sake of art").

Futurism (from Lat. Futurum - the future) - the general name of the artistic avant-garde movements of the 1910s and 1920s. XX century

What is the role of patrons in the development of Russian culture?

Potentialness - material support for those or other cultural figures. It can serve as a variety of objectives - economic, political, ideological.

The patronage played an important role in the development of culture.

S. I. Mammoth (1841 - 1918) In its Moscow region, Abramtsevo created an artistic circle, which became one of the centers for the development of Russian culture. The most color of the Russian intelligentsia was gathered here: I. E. Repin, V. M. Vasnetsov, M. A. Vrubel, K. A. Korovin, V. A. Serov, V. D. Polenov. In Moscow in 1885, Mammoths founded a private Russian opera, became her director.

Moscow merchant and industrialist P. M. Tretyakov (1838 - 1898). Since 1856, the paintings of Russian artists have systematically bought and created a rich art gallery of Russian painting. In 1893, the Tretyakov passed its collection as a gift to Moscow. The Tretyakov Gallery is the largest museum of Russian painting.

S. T. Morozov (1862 - 1905) was a mesenger of Mkhat. He allocated money for the construction of the building and provided financial support to the theater. Morozov also known to create a museum of Western art, creating a huge collection of old Russian engravings and portraits.

The family of textile manufacturers of Schukinov created a museum of modern Western painting, which presents the P. Gogen's canvas, A. Matisse, P. Picasso; The Greater Museum of Russian Starny, and also founded the psychological institute.

A. A. Bakhrushin (1865 - 1929) Based on its meeting, a private literary and theater museum was created (now the theater museum. Bakhrushin).

Ryabushinsky made a great contribution to the revival of Russian church architecture, gathered the richest collection of Russian icon paintings. Financing the art magazine "Golden Fleece", activities in support of Russian aviation, an expedition to master Kamchatka. After the revolution, the family was in emigration.

The list of names of Russian patrons is very wide, so it is impossible to name all Russian merchants, industrialists, nobles who traveled personal funds for science, art, charity, without thinking about profits. It should be remembered that high arts have developed at all times due to the support of the state and patronage.

Task 3. Explain terms: Suprematism, Axism, Constructivism, Symbolism, Futurism, Decadence

russian literature decades acmeism

Suprematism (from Lat. Supremus is the highest) - direction in avant-garde art, founded in the 1st half of the 1910s. K. S. Malevich. Being a type of abstractionism, Suprematism was expressed in devoid of the visual meaning of the combinations of multi-colored planes of the simplest geometric outlines (in the geometric shapes of a straight line, square, a circle and a rectangle). The combination of multi-colored and multiple geometric figures forms a balanced asymmetric suprematic compositions permeated internal movement. At the initial stage, this term, ascent to the Latin Rope Suprem, meant dominance, superiority of color over all other properties of painting. In the impregnable canvases, the paint, according to K. S. Malevich, was first freed from the utility role, from serving other purposes, - the Supremat paintings became the first step of "pure creativity", that is, the act that equalized the human and nature (God).

Axism (from Greek - "The highest degree, apex, flowering, blooming time") - literary flow, opposing symbolism and arising at the beginning of the 20th century in Russia. Ambameists proclaimed materiality, subject subjects and images. At the heart - simplicity and clarity of the poetic language, the rigor of the poetic composition, the desire to create accurate, visible images and directly call items. The formation of aqmeism is closely connected with the activities of the "poets shop", the central figure of which was the organizer of Akmeism N. S. Gumilyov.

Constructivism is a Soviet avant-garde method (style, direction) in visual arts, architecture, photographs and decorative and applied arts, which has developed in 1920 - NCH. 1930. characterizes rigor, geometrism, conciseness of forms and monolithium of appearance.

Symbolism (from Fr. Symbolisme, from Greek. Symbolon - a sign, identifying sign) - aesthetic course formed in France in 1880-1890 and gained widespread in literature, painting, music, architecture and theater of many European countries at the turn of 19-20 explosive Huge importance symbolism had in the Russian art of the same period, which acquired in art historian science determination "Silver Age". Symbols radically changed not only various types of art, but also the attitude towards him. Their experimental character, the desire for innovation, cosmopolitanism and an extensive range of influences became a model for most modern art directions.

Futurism (from Lat. Futurum - Future) - The general name of the artistic avant-garde movements of 1910- early 1920. XX century, primarily in Italy and Russia. Futurism denied the traditional culture (especially its moral and artistic values), cultivated urbanism (aesthetics of the machine industry), destroyed natural language in poetry. Futurists preached the destruction of the forms and conventions of art for the sake of merging it with the accelerated life process of the 20th century. They are characterized by a worship before action, movement, speed, force and aggression; exalting itself and contempt for weak; The priority of strength, soaking with war and destruction approved. In this regard, futurism in his ideology was very close to both the right and left radicals: anarchists, fascists, communists focused on the revolutionary notification of the past.

Decadence (from Latelatinsky Decadentia - decay) - the general name of the crisis phenomena of European culture of the 2nd half of the XIX - early XX centuries, marked by the moods of hopelessness, the rejection of life, the trends of individualism. A complex and controversial phenomenon, has a source of a crisis of public consciousness, confusion of many artists in front of sharp social antagonisms of reality. The refusal of art from the political and civilians, the decadents artists considered the manifestation and indispensable condition for freedom of creativity. Constant themes are the motives of non-existence and death, longing for spiritual values \u200b\u200band ideals.

List of used literature

1. Georgiev TS Russian culture: history and modernity: studies. benefit. - M., 1999.

Culturalology. Domestic culture: studies. benefit. - Kemerovo, 2003.

Polycarpov VS Lectures on cultural studies. - M.: "Gardarika", "Expert Bureau", 1997.-344 p.

Rapatskaya L.A. The art of "Silver Century". - M., 1996.

Sarabianov D.V. The history of Russian art of the end of the XIX - the beginning of HXW.-M., 1993.

Cultural studies: studies. Manual / Components: Laletin D. A., Parkhomenko I. T., Radugin A. A. D. Editor Radugin A. A.- M.: Center, 1998.- 592 p.


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End of the XIX - early XX century - an important period in the development of Russian art. It coincides with the stage of the liberation movement in Russia, which VI Lenin called the proletarian. It was the time of fierce class battles, three revolutions - 1905-1907, the February bourgeois-democratic and great October socialist revolution, the time of the crash of the old world. The surrounding life, the events of this extraordinary time determined the fate of the art: it has undergone many difficulties in its development and contradictions. New ways to the art of the future, the socialist world opened the work of M. Gorky. His novel "Mother", written in 1906, became an example of a talented incarnation in the artistic works of the principles of party and nationality, which were clearly defined by V.I. Lenin in the Article "Party Organization and Party Literature" (1905). Shulgin V.S. Culture of Russia IX-XX centuries. - M, 2006., p. 34.

What was the overall picture of the development of Russian art during this period? More fruitfully worked the leading masters of realism - I.E. Pepin, V.I. Surikov, V.M.vasnetsov, V.E. Makovsky. In the 1890s, their traditions found their development in a number of works of the young generation of mobile artists, for example, Abram Efimovich Archipova (1862-1930), whose creativity is also associated with the life of the people, with the life of peasants. His paintings are true and simple, early - lyrics ("on the Ode River", 1890; "Inverse", 1896), in the late, brightly picturesque, lively cheerful cheerfulness ("Girl with a jug", 1927; all three in GTG). In the 1890s, archups wrote a picture of "Bratka", telling about the exhaustive female work, serving a bright accurate document by autocracy (timing).

Sergey Alekseevich Korovin also includes the younger generation of mobile phone

(1858-1908) and Nikolai Alekseevich Kasatkin (1859-1930). Ten years worked Korovin over his central picture "On the World" (1893, GTG). He reflected in it complex processes of the stratification of the peasantry in the modern capitalized village. The most important parties to Russia's life managed to reveal in his work and Casatkin. He raised a completely new topic associated with the strengthening role of the proletariat. In miners depicted in his famous painting "Harkeys. Change "(1895, GTG), the powerful force is guessed, which in the near future will destroy the rotting system of Tsarist Russia and will build a new, socialist society.

But in the art of the 1890s, another trend was also discovered. Many artists sought to find now in life, first of all, its poetic parties, therefore, even in genre paintings, they included landscapes. Often turned to ancient Russian history. These trends in art are clearly traced in the work of such artists as A.P. Ryabushkin, B.M. Kustodiev and M.V.nesterov.

Loving genre Andrei Petrovich Ryabushkin (1861-1904) was a historic genre, but he wrote and paintings from the modern peasant life. However, the artist attracted only the individuals of the people's life: rites, holidays. In them, he saw the manifestation of the original Russian, national character ("Moscow street of the XVII century", 1896, MRM). Most characters are not only for genre, but also for historical paintings were written by Ryabushkin from the peasants - the artist spent almost all his life in the village. Ryabushkin brought some characteristic features of the Old Russian painting, as if emphasizing these historical accuracy of images ("Wedding Train in Moscow (XVII century)", 1901, GTG).

Another major artist of this time - Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev (1878-1927) depicts fairs with multi-colored spoons and piles of motley goods, Russian carnival rides on top of the troops, scenes from merchant life.

In the early work of Mikhail Vasilyevich Nesterov, the lyrical parties of his dating are most fully revealed. The landscape was always a big role in his paintings: the artist sought to find an even beautiful nature in silence. He loved to portray tight-vent birches, fragile herbs and meadow colors. His heroes are slender rates - inhabitants of monasteries, or good old people who are peace and peace in nature. Deep sympathy of sheepskin paintings dedicated to the fate of the Russian woman ("on the mountains", 1896, the Museum of Russian Art, Kiev; "Great Hall", 1897-1898, TRM). Klyuchevsky V. Russian history. Full course of lectures. - M.: Olma-press Education, 2004., p. 133.

By this time, the work of the landscape and animalist Alexei Stepanovich Stepanov (1858-1923). The artist sincerely loved animals and perfectly knew not only the appearance, but also the character of every beast, his skills and habits, as well as the specific features of various types of hunting. The best paintings of the artist are devoted to Russian nature, imbued with lyrism and poetry - "cranes fly" (1891), "Losi" (1889; both in GTG), "Wolves" (1910, Private Assembly, Moscow).

The art of Viktor Elpidoforovich Borisov-Musatova (1870-1905) is also imbued with deep lyrical poetry (1870-1905). His pensive women - inhabitants of old-suite parks are beautiful and poetic - and his whole harmonic, similar to music painting ("Pond", 1902, GTG).

In the 80-90x years of the 19th century, the creativity of the outstanding Russian artists Konstantin Alekseevich Korovina (1861-1939), Valentina Alexandrovich Serov and Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel. In their art, artistic achievements of the era reflected with the greatest fit.

Dating K.A. Korovin was equally brightly revealed both in easel painting, primarily in the landscape and in theatrical-decaration art. The charm of Korovinsky art lies in its warmth, sunshine, in the ability of the master directly and lived their artistic impressions, in generosity his palette, in the colorful wealth of his painting ("at the balcony", 1888-1889; "Winter", 1894-; both in GTG).

At the very end of the 1890s, a new artistic society "The World of Art" is being formed in Russia, headed by A.N. Benua and S.P. Dyagilev, which turned out to be a great influence on the artistic life of the country. His main kernel is artists K.A. Sovov, L.S. Baket, M.V. Dobuzhinsky, E.E. Lancere, A.P.ostroumova-Lebedeva. The activity of this group was very versatile. Artists led an active creative work, published the art magazine "The World of Art", organized interesting art exhibitions with the participation of many outstanding masters. Miriskuseniki, as the artists of the "World of Art" called, sought to introduce their audience and readers to the achievements of national and world art. Their activities contributed to the widespread in the Russian society of artistic culture. But at the same time she had their own minuses. Miriskuseniki was looking for in life only the beauty and implementation of the ideals of the artist saw only in the eternal charm of art. Their creativity was devoid of combat spirit and social analysis, characteristic of mobile phone, under the banner of which the most progressive and most revolutionary artists went.

Alexander Nikolaevich Benois (1870-1960) is rightly considered an ideologist of the "world of art". He was a widely educated person and possessed great knowledge in the field of art. He was mainly engaged in graphics and worked a lot for the theater. Like his comrades, Benois developed in his work the themes from the past epochs. He was a poet of Versailles, his creative fantasy lights up when he visited the parks and palaces of St. Petersburg suburbs again and again. In his historical compositions, inhabited by small, as if non-living figures of people, he carefully and lovingly reproduced monuments of art and individual details of the life ("Parade under Petr1", 1907, MRM).

Konstantin Andreevich Somom (1869-1939) was a bright representative of the "Art World" (1869-1939). He received wide fame as a master of romantic landscape and gallant scenes. His ordinary heroes - as if those who came from the distant old ladies in high candid wigs and lush crinolines and sophisticated Tomny Cavalers in satin camsoles. Somov perfectly owned the drawing. This was particularly affected in his portraits. The artist created the gallery of portraits of representatives of the artistic intelligentsia, including poets A.A. Block and M.A. Kuzmin (1907, 1909; both in GTG).

In the russian life of Russia of the beginning of the century, the art grouping "Union of Russian Artists" also played a significant role. It included artists K.A. Korovin, A.E. Archipov, S.A. Vinogradov, S.Yu.zhukovsky, L.V., Turzhansky, K.F.Uon and others. The main genre in the work of these artists was a landscape. They were successors of landscape painting of the second half of 19 months.