Cartoons doll with samples. Top Puppet Cartoons of the Soviet School of Animation

Cartoons doll with samples. Top Puppet Cartoons of the Soviet School of Animation
Cartoons doll with samples. Top Puppet Cartoons of the Soviet School of Animation

It is the puppet animation forces to believe and plunge not on the part, but completely into the world that you see in front of yourself. Everything is simple, because what we see really exists, all these characters and models, they were created, which means they were born. Of course, a lot of cartoons created with the help of Conga, but only a few were able to enter the story as masterpieces, in the worlds of which really want to get.

The nightmare before christmas

And let's start familiarizing with puppet projects immediately from the most popular cartoon. A nightmare before Christmas in his corporate identity directed Tim Burton. And thanks to its unique talent, the cartoon is filled with an unimaginable charm. And thanks to though the dolls that designers did not have one dozen days, we believe in what is happening on the screen. Burton transfers us to an unusual city called Halloween, and it is here that our story develops. Everything begins after the next end of this terrible holiday, gourdalaks, vampires, ghosts and other monsters receive a well-deserved award from their favorite mera - a double. But the Lord of Pumpkin, Jack Skellington, is not very good what is happening around him. For the good hundred years of frightening children and adults, he rushed and wanted something new, something unusual, that he would return to him a smile on his head-pumpkin. And wandering around something endless forest, Jack unexpectedly falls into the city called Christmas. And seeing what is happening there, he just falls in love with this holiday. After that, Jack lights up the idea to arrange himself. It is accepted to sew suits, create toys and even replace Santa Claus.

Can you say what is so amazing here? And the answer to this question will be the world itself in which this story takes place. Look at the terrible kid halloween at a different angle. After all, each of the heroes made in manual will give you the most aesthetic pleasure. You will admire not only the characters and characters of the picture, and in which scenery it is all happening, and please the eye by each movement of another doll. And every of the emotions of Jack you can feel like your own, because you know that the doll has just played it specifically for you, and this is not just the next movement of a graphic designer mouse. A nightmare before Christmas is not just a cartoon, it is a masterpiece of doll animation, after which even the air in your home will be filled with the atmosphere of the city\u003dRJLVC3RQT6C.


The following draft director Henry Selik is no less religious. Henry was able to make an incredible with the help of seemingly ordinary dolls. Emotions of the face, anger expression and even the flows of rain and water will admire you every time, because all this is done by the hands of a person. The main character of the story - Coralina will remember you very long, because it is so natural and alive that you will not even doubt the authenticity of her actions and desires. After watching the coraline in the country of nightmares, you will not think that you watched the next good cartoon. You will have the feeling that you just visited an extraordinary journey. Every minute of animation you will believe in what is happening on the screen. After all, the real world of coralines, and parallel, make you plunge into yourself at full 100%.

Every time the coral will get acquainted with the new neighbor, you will do it too. Each viewer is just as interesting and terribly to travel through the portal in that world, where new mom and dad with the eyes of the buttons. Is it worth it? Is he good? You will be asked for such questions, and suddenly notice that the corals also think so too. Try your destiny by traveling with her, and find out that everything is not so rosy, as it seems at first glance. The history of the coraline is not only interesting and fascinating. She will make you in the literal to stick to the screen and not to move away from it to the very end. And even when the titers go, you will also want, because all her neighbors, and the coalno itself has become for you not just cartoon characters. She is now your girlfriend, her neighbors are now your neighbors, and when you have to close the Cartoon tab, you will have a feeling that you are forgive with your native person. Animated dolls are capable of this, and if you want a storm of emotions and a sense of adventure, see the coaline in the country of nightmares.


Another project Tim Berton, which is made using Stop Motion technology. And this project has become no less interesting. We all know the world-famous story about Victor Frankenstein. Burton gives us the opportunity to look at her under a new angle. Now in the center of events in front of us is a little boy Viktor Frankenstein, which is still walking only to school. It so happened that his best friend is his dog named as a sparky. During an accident, he dies under the wheels of the car. Victor does not want to put up with this loss, and using all his knowledge, he resurrect his dog. Other, and the situation with the resurrection of animals comes from under control of his successful experiment.

It seems not very interesting story of the truth? Yes, and about Frankensten there was so many projects that is not even interesting. But it is the puppet animation that highlights it from all others. Now it is not just a struggle of a scientist with death, but the story of a boy who was not possible due to strong love. It is here that Burton shows us clean, not fake friendly feelings. We are not just watching the rice as a boy saves his dog. Dolls give us his zeal, his efforts and difficulties before he can resurrect Sparks. And, of course, a minute of joy when it turns out. No animation can show you this truly, except for puppet. When watching, I wanted Victor to succeed, and was very worried when Sparks were not taken in the image of a resurrected dog. Victor, like a coral, will become your friend, and you will try to return that friendship together, which he was unjustly taken away.

Corpse of the bride

Again the amazing cartoon of doll animation and again Tim Burton. In his new project, we will dive again into an unusual world, and now this is the world of the dead. The plot action takes place in the European province, in the midst of the Victorian era. Victor and Victoria must be married, and they understand that they are created for each other. But during the rehearsal to the wedding, Victor confuses the words and runs away from shame into the forest. After passing deep into the forest thicket, he was still able to repulse his oath from the beginning to the end, and even pathetic put on his bride on some bitch, like a finger. But as it turned out, it was a finger of a dead bride, which from the words and actions of Victor came to life. Now they are bound by an oath, and Victor falls into the world of the dead, where everyone starts to prepare for his wedding with the corpse of the bride, which has its own story.

To say that the cartoon is filled with his amazing charm - it does not say anything. Tim Burton again surpassed himself and created new characters, which in the same way as in the nightmare crash into your memory forever. The design of the characters, and especially those who live in the world of the dead, dances of skeletons, a speaking worm with a bride's eye or a separate Barman's head will be able to surprise you. Do not be scared, it just sounds bad. In fact, all the characters carry something special. You can see that dozens of hands have tried over each of them, so that you see this magic of the movement of lips or eyelashes of dolls. The characters of Berton truly play love, you can literally see it in the frame and fill your own heart. Bride's corpse is not just another doll animation, it is a story that these small puppet characters have been told personally from us. And it seems that they specifically come to life for these one and a half hours to be able to reveal our secrets and stories to which many years were silent.

Remembering the coolest bugs of the Soviet child, the first place put puppet cartoons - when the long-awaited cartoon (emphasized in the program with a red handle) in fact turned out to be "wooden doll in the middle of artificial, deprived of the sun, scenery." I can not agree with her. But did not really have good doll cartoons at that time?

Were! And not only good, but even saved on quotes.

First of all, what is remembered in this plan - a series of cartoons about Domovinka Kuzu. "I'm not greedy, I am a house", "Nafanya! The chest was stolen! With fairy tales!", "Oh, trouble-trouble,", "from the small years I didn't eat, I slept without request ... I didn't sleep, in general, I "," Where I want to go there! Where want?! Where to go?! ", Well, and so on

Next, I want to remember the series of cartoons about the crocodile Geno and Cheburashka. Actually, Cheburashka generally became almost a symbol of Soviet animation. Well, your favorite quotes: "Whoever helps people, only spends time in vain. Haha! It is impossible to glorify good things!", "We built, built and finally built. Hooray!", "Listen, Gena, let me carry things, and Do you take me? "," I will show them how Cheburashek offend! "

You can say that the success of these cartoons gave a good literary basis. But at the "adventures, Incenk" and the "Magician of the Emerald City" was also a good basis, but the doll cartoons "did not go"

The third series of puppet cartoons that even liked children - a cycle of funny relationships of four animals - Martyski, walker, parrot and boiled. "I have a thought, and I think it!", "Let's! Let's ask me!", "I don't want to be, sorry, for example," "I will not call anyone, although it was elephant"

Another series of puppet cartoons who did not cause disgust in childhood - about the ladner named Uncle Au - "Ku-ku", "Ku-ku" ... Kukareku! Opklocked ... I myself know without you, it's time to work ... "

You can still remember the two cartoons about Drawnka number 13 - "Love yourself, sneeze on everyone! And in life awaits you success!"

This is what concerned the animated series. And there were still quite good single puppet cartoons - "Wolf and Calm" ("Children needed children! .. Children, they can not grow in dirt", "Well, then, and then" Mom, Mom "!"),

"Mitten" (here without quotation - there is no word in the cartoon),

"The goat, who believed up to ten" ("Well ... Now he caught you! ..")

Something perhaps I missed, but by and large, it is rather the exceptions from the rule - the puppet cartoons we did not like in childhood. But these examples suggest that the point is not that they are puppet, but with respect to the creators to these same dolls. If you go wrong to make a good cartoon - these examples say it was possible. But, it feels that in the overwhelming majority, the puppeteers themselves were played in the dolls, for their pleasure, not very thinking about the final result


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The dolls are the oldest animation technique, and although there were periods when the popularity of puppet cartoons sought to zero, the tradition was never interrupted. Arzamas gathered not the most famous, but important work for the last half a century

"Flagschonok is looking for dad"
Director Roman Kachanov, 1964

One small frog had no dad, and he was very sad. So much that went to his searches. On this simple, at first glance, the film is taught by drama students of animation schools. The legendary Roman Kachanov is one of the creators of puppet animation in our country. He did both and "Makeup", and "Cheburashka" (by the artist on these two cartoons, Leonid Schwarzman worked).

"My green crocodile"
Director Vadim Kurchevsky, 1966

"All crocodiles were like crocodiles, and this crocodile was some strange ..." Poetic cinema of love on the scenario of Henry Sapgira and Gennady Tsyferov, in which Yuri Norstein worked the multiplier, and the artist is Alina Neshneva. Vadim Kurcevsky - director of animation cinema, book illustrator, screenwriter, artist-director, TV presenter, teacher drawing and scene of children's performances.

Director Nikolai Serebryakov, 1968

Very sad story about how important it is to stop in time, told with the help of dolls and yarn. Nikolai Serebryakov - Soviet and Russian director of cartoon films; His most famous works - "I want to be brave" and "gilded foreheads."

"Goat, who considered up to ten"
Director Vladimir Degtyarev, 1968

Once a goat learned to count. But far from everyone in the forest liked it. Vladimir Degtyarev - the legend of puppet animation. This film is a fairy tale of the Norwegian writer Alpha Preysen - one of his most famous cartoons for children.

"Mumi-Troll and others"
Director Aida Zyablikova, 1978

The first of three cartoons about mumi-trolls. Director Aida Zyablikova - Classic of Puppet Animation. It was she who shielded Tatyana's fairy tale Alexandrova "Kuzya Domunok". The composer of the cartoon - Alexey Rybnikov, and poems to the songs wrote Lyudmila Petrushevskaya. Voiced cartoon Zinoviy Gerdt and Olga Gobzev.

"Mumi Troll and Cometa", "Mumi Troll and Comet. The way home"
Director Nina Sheorin, 1978

Nina Sheorin became the director of the second and third series, and the artist - Lyudmila Tanasenko (she was also an artist of famous films "Last Year's Eve", "a big secret for a small company," "The boy walked, Sova flying"), etc. D. These series also voiced Zinoviy Gerdt and Olga Gobzev.

"New Year's Adventure"
Director Julian Kalisher, 1980

New Year's cinema about how dad-man and dad-bear forgot to buy Christmas trees and try to fix it. Especially good Soviet fairy that helps heroes. Julian Kalischer put a lot of musical cartoons, such as "a big secret for a small company" or "Who such birds." The "New Year's Adventure" also has a funny song.

"Hedgehog Plus Turtle"
Director Ivan Ufimtsev, 1981

The film of one of the classics of the doll animation - Ivan Ufimseva, the creator of "38 parrots" and "Hosharik". This film is a fairy tale of Radyard Kipling "Where did the armadors come from" starting from the song "On the distant Amazon" performed by Tatiana and Sergey Nikitin. The roles were voiced by Oleg Tabakov, Vsevolod Larionov, Nadezhda Rumyantsev and Tatiana Peltzer.

"Chetten №13"
Director Nathan Lerner, 1982

In school for devils An important day: the question is studying the question "Who should hello to love?". Of course, yourself! But the main character does not agree. The witty and gentle cartoon Nathan Lerner, to whom we are committed by the animation images of Baron Münhhausen and Flower Flour.

Director Yuri Trofimov, 1987

Yuri Trofimova has several cartoons shot based on the tales of the English writer Donald Bissset. In this series, Dracosh and his friends are struggling with a cunning harmful, who wants to steal the rainbow. Scenario Vadim Kurchevsky, text from the author reads Alexey Batalov.

"Finding a crow"
Director Maria Moody, 1988

Once the crow lifted the oblique hare. And then the fox, and then the wolf, and then ... do not order the heart! Touching and absurd cartoon about love on the scenario of Irina Margolina with memorable characters performed by Georgy Borkova, Roman Filippov and Larisa Udovichenko. Maria Muyat is a student of Sergey Obrazzova, a lead director of modern doll cartoons.

Nevertheless, Thai revives the genre of puppet horror, in which worked enthusiastically, putting its most intimate fantasies, many screen wizards - from Erosoman Valerian Borovchik Prior to Visioner Terry Gillarm. To us, contused Soviet puppet animation, who frightened to death, not one generation of citizens, this topic is especially close. It can be seen, there is something in the dolls, which attracts all sorts of strange types and damned geniuses. To explore the question, we have gathered ten most striking examples of puppet perversions in world movies. Fallen puppet cartoon again on horseback.

Watchman (Stille Nacht V: Dog Door, Dir. Brothers Qui, 2001)

The convinced decaderats of the Kuai brothers are the twins-Americans, in the late 60s who moved into the old light and quickly become the unsurpassed classics of the "fallen doll cartoon" genre. The epigons of the brothers are no number, they themselves were inspired by the creativity of the Oldeyevich, Kafki, Bruno Schulz, Stravinsky, Borochik, and later Schwankmayer, whom Western Europe opened at all at all. In the mass culture, the brothers prescribed thanks to Peter Gabriel, for whom they removed the clip to Sledgehammer. The dog, letting drools under the hellish wheems of Tom Waits - also a clip, although no television show it and did not dare. Monstrous horror.

"Show Loose" / Meet The Feebles / (1989) (dir. Peter Jackson, 1989)

When the new Middle Ages comes and begin to burn the classics, in the first twenty of martyrs, the Jackson "show beams" will necessarily be, which without any seizure can be put in our review almost completely. The only thing that soothes - the manuscripts are not burning, and at least the immortal "sodomit song" will be preserved for descendants. Classic.

"Adventures Mark Twain" / Adventures of Mark Twain, The / (1986) (Rev. Will Vinton, 1986)

In 1986, director Will Vinton I decided to make an educational puppet cartoon on the works of Mark Twain. A completely harmless story came out - the American classic flies on a comet on space in the company of adolescents, learning them to mind. Everything went well, while tween and children flew to the planet, where Satan lives. Producers with Satan were prudently decided not to contact - cut out. Such a children's film.

"Secret Adventures Boy-C-Finger" / Secret Adventures Of Tom Thumb, The / (1993) (dir. David Borotik, 1993)

In the family of London alcoholics is born underdeveloped embryo with the face of Degenerate - a c-finger boy. After the brutal death of the parents in the fire, Liliput goes to be wandering, it falls into the factory of genetic products and raises the uprising of mutants. The end of the fairy tale came out sad: ten years director Borotuika did not take anywhere. In 2005, he comes to his signature "Magic Adventure" / Magic Roundabout, The / (2005) And it remains only to guess what was in the sideboard on the mind when he shot it's kind, but not a remarkable fantasy for family viewing.

"Family happiness of the catakury" / Katakuri-Ke no kofuku / (2001) (dir. Takashi Miika, 2001)

For the full happiness of the doll animation, a single talented person lacked - Takashi Miika. Swankmayer, Borovchik and Brothers Kuai under his inspired leadership, gave rise to a monster under his inspired leadership, the initial part of the musical comedy "Family happiness of the catakury" / Katakuri-Ke no kofuku / (2001) About the family of murderers, which zombie attack. The angel-cannibal and a deadly teddy bear with iron claws were prescribed. Click on "Play" or not to click - decide for yourself.