III. Final word of the teacher

III. Final word of the teacher
III. Final word of the teacher

1) Why does the author describe in this detail describes the next night in the remark that precedes the beginning of the first act? 2) Which and how the life of the night trucks is depicted before the appearance of Luke? 3) One of the characters of the play, satin, in a replica, final acts, makes the nightnings of the Deadians: "Dead -Not hear! The dead do not feel ... shout ... roar ... the dead do not hear! ... "4) It is possible to say that the first act is" conversations in the "kingdom of the dead" "(D.D. Grachev)? Or the rights of the investigator, who believed that "Luke, descending into the basement, came to the desert, and to the people" (I.K. Kuzmichyev), and before the arrival of Luke I preserved living human qualities in one way or another? 5) why literally immediately after the arrival of Luke at the night the impression is created, "that he has long been here, such" his "he looks here" (I.I. Yuzovsky)

Please help write a plan for an essay, or fix it !!! Tomorrow exam, so very nada !!!

the problem of honor and debt in the tale of the captain's daughter

Honor can not be taken away, it can be lost. (A. P. Chekhov)

At the end of the twentieth - the beginning of the thirties, A. S. Pushkin appeals to the study of Russian history. He is interested in great personalities, their role in the formation of the state, as well as the question, who or that moves the story: Mass or Personality. This is what causes the writer to turn to the actual theme of peasant performances. The result of his works became works - "History Pugacheva", "Captain's daughter", Dubrovsky "," Copper Horseman ". The historical story" Captain's daughter "was written by A. S. Pushkin in 1833-1836. At the heart of the plot - a cruel collision of two opposite worlds: the world of the nobility and the world of peasants led by Emelyan Pugachev. Against the background of these events, it is narrating the love of the young nobleman Peter Andreevich Greeneva to the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk fortress Masha Mironova. The central problem of the work is the problem of honor and debt, as evidenced by the epigraph: " Save the honor of the Smoloda, "which we will see next, will define the life of the main character everywhere. For the first time, Grineva did on honor, returning a card debt, although Savelich and discouraged him from such a step. But the innate nobleman's nobility and there was a top. Man honored , Peter Andreevich is always kind and unconsumed. He easily can come to the Hare Tulup from his shoulder of some kind of vibrant appearance. By AK will be later, this act saved him and his servant life. Here Pushkin conducts the idea that the true good will never remain unpleasant; Good and honest people are much easier to exist than evil and mercenary. The arrival in the Belogorsk fortress was also marked by many changes in the world of Peter Andreevich. Here he meets with Masha Mironova, a gentle feeling flashes here between them. The Grinevoo entered as a true officer and nobleman, having entered the honor of his beloved girl and causing Schwabrin to fight. The image of the Swabrin is the opposite image of Greenyev. For its position, he refers to the Guards officer. A brilliantly educated secular man, however, in its nature is very unprincipled. We know little about his past: his career is broken as a result of "death", there is no hope for the return to St. Petersburg. Schvabrin joined the uprising exclusively for his own benefit, because otherwise His gallows waited. After a noble honor, Shvabrin joined the ranks of the risers, although the goals of the uprising were absolutely alien to him. During the rebellion itself, the moral qualities of all its participants were especially bright. What is the true heroism of Captain Mironov and his wife, who preferred the death of the impostor. They fully fulfilled their duty. Peter Andreevich also did, and what caused respect from Pugachev. Gradually revealing the image of the leader of the peasant uprising, Pushkin gives us to understand that Pugachev is not alien to the concept of honor and debt. He managed to evaluate these qualities in Grinev, and in all he was beneficial. Exceptionally through the efforts of Pugacheva Peter Andreevich and Masha found each other. Subsequently, even Grinev himself managed to see and evaluate the honor of honor in Buntar and a sense of duty. This is the main difference between the Greenieva-Son from Old Man Greeneva, for whom the most important is the honor and duty officer-nobleman. Grine-younger managed to expand these concepts to their universal importance and did not refuse such a humanity, it would seem to be alien to him like Pugachev. Friendship with the leadership of the peasant uprising should have been the most negative way to influence the fate of the hero. And indeed, we see how they are arrested on the bonos and are already preparing to send them to the scaffold after Pugachev.

Who is this? "... was always pleased with his position, sobody and others. He was instinctively, his whole creature was convinced that he could not live

e, than as he lived, and that he never did anything wrong in his life. .... In his soul, he considered himself a impeccable man, sincerely despised the scoundrels and bad people and with a calm conscience highly wore his head ... "


Help please really need, please

There are 3 statements about Chichikov, you must answer questions:
1) Which of the statements are closer to you and why? What do you disagree and why?
2) How do you rate Chichikova?
And here are 3 statements for which you need to answer:
1) Chischiki is a strong personality, which is brightly revealed in the final chapters of dead souls.
Limitability Chichikov's main feature. And his fate is building from
boring bricks-leverness, patience, zeal. Little man S.
Little passions, Chichikov knows one goal - money. However small
A person is suitable only for his role ...... he does not manage
To be able to at least before the author of the "scoundrel" promised by the author. Chichikov too chalk
For Russia
3) the fool in it is visible because it is from the very beginning
Makes polish for slip. Stupidity was trading dead souls
Old women who were afraid of bringing, not an excuseful recklessness -
Offer such a dubious deal Bouncen and Hama Nazdrev.

1 Slide

Literary workout before you replica from the play, determine who they belong. 1. "What is the conscience? I'm not rich. " 2. "Everyone lives ... how the heart is settled, and lives ..." 3. "Education - nonsense, the main thing - talent!" 4. "I know little, you understand ..." 5. "Tired of me, brother, all human words ... All our words are bored!" 6. "Is the kindness of heart with money can be equal? Walked is above all the benefits. " 7. "Loving alive is necessary, living." 8. "It turns out - outside how to paint yourself - all erased!" 9. "When labor is a duty, life - slavery!"

2 Slide

Check yourself! 1. Bubnov 2. Luke 3. Actor 4. Natasha 5. Satin 6. Kostylev 7. Luka 8. Bubnov 9. Satin

3 Slide

A dispute about a person in the Drama of Gorky Disguisher about a person is closely connected with another no less important issue of the play - the question of the truth

4 Slide

Everyone who loves the truth comes to light; He is not afraid to detect his business, Levy Dowling

5 Slide

6 Slide

Recall. How do the inhabitants of the night perceive their position before the appearance of Luke? In the exposition, we see people, in the essence of the humiliating position. People feel "former" "satin. I was an educated person "(the paradox is that the past time is impossible in this case). "Bubnov. I was here - I was shot. " Bubnov pronounces philosophical centance: "It turns out - outside how to paint yourself, everything will be erased ... everything will be erased, yes!" Only one tick did not accept more with his fate. He separates himself from the rest of the nights: "What are they people? Ravan, Golden Rota ... People! I am a working person ... I look at them ashamed .... You think, I do not break away from here? I will get out ... Summer Sader, and get out ... That's, wait ... The wife will die ... "The dream of another life is connected with a tick with liberation that will bring him the death of his wife. Yes, and the dream will be imaginary.

7 Slide

What scene is the stronger conflict? The string is the appearance of Luke. He immediately declares his views on life: "I - all the same! I respect, I respect, in my opinion, not a single flea is not bad: everything is black, everyone is jumping ... so. " And more: "old man - where warm, there is a homeland ..." Luka turns out to be the focus of the guests: "What an entertaining old man has led you, Natasha ..." - and all the development of the plot is concentrated on it.

8 Slide

9 Slide

What is the truth of Luke? "What do you believe, then there is ..." "Christ regretted everyone and ordered us" "The man - everything can ... If only I wanted ..." "... If anyone who did not do well, he did ..." Does everyone lives ... The heart is established, so lives ... "Ivan Moskvin in the role of Luke

10 Slide

How does the onions act on the bednings? Luke opens good in every person and instills faith in the best.

11 Slide

Does the nightnings of Luke blocked? Luke disinterestedly trying to help people, donate faith in them in themselves, awaken the best sides of nature. He sincerely wishes good, shows the real ways to achieve a new, better life. After all, there really exist caregivers for alcoholics, really Siberia - "Golden side"

12 Slide

The heroes of the play can be divided into the "believers" of "unbelievers" Anna does not believe in God Tatarin-in Allah Nastya - in the "fatal love" of Baron - in his past, possibly invented. The tick is no longer believed in anything, Bubnov never believed and nothing. Luke. This name reminds Evangelist Luka, means "light", and at the same time is associated with the word "crazy" (damn)

13 Slide

What is the author's position in relation to Luke? Gorky himself wrote about his plan: "The main question I wanted to put, this is what is better, truth or compassion. What you need. Need to bring compassion before using a lie like a bow? This is not a subjective question, but a general philosophical. "

14 Slide

truth Truth False compassion How does the bitter concept relate? opposes

15 Slide

All heroes come back on the fact that Luka instilled false hope in them. But he did not promise them to raise them from the bottom of life, he simply showed their own opportunities, showed that there is a way out, and now it all depends on them themselves. This faith in the minds of the nightnamons did not have time to fix it, with the disappearance of Luke Hope goes out ... Why?

16 Slide

Maybe the case in the weakness of the heroes themselves, in their inability and reluctance to make at least something for the implementation of new plans. The dissatisfaction of the reality is combined with complete unwitting to do with the aim of changing this reality of Luka, explains the failures of the life of the nightnamores by external circumstances, does not blame the heroes themselves at all. Therefore, they so reached onions and so disappointed, having lost their external support with his departure.

17 Slide

Gorky does not accept passive consciousness, whose ideologist he believed onions. According to the writer, it can only reconcile a person with the outside world, but will not make him change this world. Luke is a living image, precisely because he is controversial and ambiguous.

18 Slide

The philosophical question that has put Gorky: What is better - truth or compassion. The question of the truth is multifaceted. Each person understands the truth in its own way, having in mind some of the final highest truth. Let's see how true and lies in the drama "at the bottom"

19 Slide

What do they understand the "truth" heroes of the play? Two levels of "truth" "private" is true that the heroes "for themselves" are defended by the ideological - in Luke's replicas. True, Luke and his "lie" are expressed by the formula: "What you believe - that is."

20 Slide

Luke's position, compromise, comforting, confronts the position of Bubnov. This is the most gloomy figure in the play. Bubnov Luka.

Piece "On the bottom" was written by M. Gorky in 1902. A year before writing the play, Gorky said so about the idea of \u200b\u200bthe new play: "It will be scary." The same emphasis is emphasized in its changing names: "Without the Sun", "Overnight", "bottom", "at the bottom of life." The title "At the bottom" first appeared on the posters of the Art Theater. The author allocated not a place of action - "Overnight", not the nature of living conditions - "without the Sun", "bottom", not even social status - "at the bottom of life." The final name combines all these concepts and leaves space for

Reflections: on the "bottom" what? Only if life, and maybe - and the souls? Thus, the play "On the bottom" contains as if two parallel actions. The first is socio-domestic, the second is philosophical.

The topic of the bottom is not new for Russian literature: Gogol, Dostoevsky, Gilyarovsky appealed to it. Gorky himself wrote so much about his play: "She was the result of my almost twenty-year-old observations over the world of" former "people, among whom I saw not only the wanderers, inhabitants of the survival and in general" Lumen-Proletarians ", but also some part of the intellectuals," demagned ", Disappointed, offended and humiliated failures in life."

In the exposition of the play, even at the very beginning of this exposition, the author convinces the viewer and the reader - in front of him the bottom of life, the world, where the hoping of a person for human life should guess. The first action unfolds at the Kostylev surcharge. The curtain rises, and immediately strikes the depressing atmosphere of begging life: "The basement, similar to a cave. The ceiling is heavy, stone arches, wrapped, with a crumbling plaster. Light - from the viewer and, from top to bottom, - from the square window on the right side ... In the middle of the night - a large table, two benches, stool, everything is painted, dirty ... "In such terrible, inhuman conditions, a variety of people who discarded due to various circumstances from normal, human life. This is a worker tick, and the spokes of ashes, and a former actor, and the merchant dumplings of Quashnya, and the maiden Nastya, and the cardus Bubnov, and satin - all the "former people." Each of them has its own dramatic story, but the total fate of everyone has one - the present guests are terrible for the guests, they do not have the future. For most nightnamons all the best in the past. That's what the Bubnov says about his past: "I was here - I had a shot ... I had my institution ... I had such yellow - from paint: I tinked with me, - such, brother, hands were yellow - on the elbow! I really thought that until my death would not happen ... so with yellow hands and dumb ... And now they are, hands, .. just dirty ... yes! " The actor loves to remember his past: he played the grave in the "Gamlet", likes to talk about art: "I say - talent, that's what a hero need. And the talent is faith in yourself, in its power ... "The locksmith tick speaks of himself:" I am a working person ... I look at them ashamed ... I have been working for small years ... "In a few words, the life of Anna is drawn. "I do not remember - when it was fed ..." she says. " "She was shaking over every piece of bread ... All my life was trembling ... I suffered ... no matter how more than another one would eat ... All my life went to the bumps ... All my unfortunate life ..." She is only 30 years old, and she is incurably sick, dies from tuberculosis.

To its position, the nightnits are different. Some of them resigned with their fate, as they understand that nothing can be changed. For example, an actor. He says: "Yesterday, in the hospital, the doctor told me: Your, says, the body is completely poisoned by alcohol ..." Others, for example, tick, firmly believe that it will be honest hard work with the "bottom", will become a person: "... you ... Think I do not break out of here? Get out ... Skin leather, and get out ... "

Gloomy atmosphere, the hopelessness of the position, the extreme degree of poverty - all this imposes an imprint on the inhabitants of the night, to their attitude towards each other. If we turn to the dialogs of the 1st action, we will see the atmosphere of ill-facilities, mental severity, mutual dislike. All this creates a tense atmosphere of the night, the disputes are thrown in it. The reasons for these quarrels at first glance are completely random, but each - evidence of the disunity, the lack of mutual understanding of the heroes. So, Quachu continues to be launched by a tick-tick started behind the scene: she defends their right to "freedom". ("To me, a free woman, myself, myself, but someone in the passport hesitated that I gave myself a man to the fortress - no! Yes, it would be an American prince," I will not marry him to go. ") The tick itself is constantly It is filled from a long time and deadly sick wife Anna. From time to time it throws rough and chatter words to Anna: "Shot", "nothing ... maybe you stand up -", "That's what the wife will die." Baron is habitually mocking her cohabitant of Nastya, absorbing another boulevard romance about the "fatal love." His actions in relation to it: "... having snatched the book from Nastya, reads the name ... laughs ... Having hit the book on the head Nastya ... takes the book from Nastya," testify to the desire of Baron to humiliate Nastya in the eyes of others. Rugs, no one frightens, sucked after the ordinary intoxication of Satin. The actor repeats the same phrase that his body was poisoned by alcohol. The costs are constantly overgoing among themselves. The use of grated vocabulary is the norm of communication between them: "Silent, old dog!" (Tick), "y, unclean spirit ..." (Quad), "Mercy" (satin), "Old damn! .. Wid to hell!" (Ash) and others. Anna does not withstand and asks: "The day began! God for the sake of ... do not shout ... do not swear! "

In the first action, the owner of the surgeon Mikhail Ivanovich Kostylev appears. He comes to check, does not hide the ashes of his young wife to Vasilisa. From the first replica, the hypocritical and false character of this character is emerging. He says in the messenger: "How much place you have a place for a month ... And I'll be half a hundred and I'll buy a half-way, I'll buy a lamp ... and it will be in front of the holy icon of my sacrifice ..." Correcting about kindness, reminds the actor about the debt: "Kindness - she Above all the best. And your debt me is so there is a debt! So, I have to refund it to him ... "Kostylev buys stolen (the ash bought a clock), but the money gives ash not completely.

Individualizing speech of heroes, bitter creates colorful figures of the inhabitants of the "bottom". Bubnov left the social bases, because it is clear to the proverbs and sayings. For example, "And who is drunk and a smart one - two land in it." Satin loves a verbal game, consumes foreign words in speech: "Organon ... Siksbr, macrobiotic, transcendental ...", sometimes not understanding their meaning. The speech of the hypocriser and the chaser of Kostyleva is saturated with "pious" words: "Good", "good", "sin".

The first action of the play is extremely important for understanding the entire play. Saturation of action is manifested in human clashes. The desire of the heroes to escape from the bottom, the appearance of hope, the growing feeling of each of the inhabitants of the bottom of the inability to live as they still lived - all this prepares the appearance of a wanderer Luke, who managed to strengthen this illusory faith.

In his play "At the bottom" M. Gorky opened a new one, the world's ill-known world - the Nights of the Society in the Russian scene. She was evidenced by the disadvantage of the modern social system. The play caused doubt on the right of this building to existence and called to the protest and the fight against the system that made it possible to exist such a "bottom". This was the source of success of this play, O which contemporaries said that no epithets were a tremendous, grandiose - cannot measure the true scale of this success.

(1 Votes, Average: 5.00 Out of 5)

The conflict in which all the characters are involved - another kind. Gorky depicts the consciousness of people "bottom". The plot unfolds not so much in external action - in everyday life, as in the dialogues of heroes. It is the conversations of the nightnamies that determine the development of a dramatic conflict. The action is translated into the extraction series. This is characteristic of the genre of philosophical drama.

So, the play genre can be defined as a socio-philosophical drama.

Additional material for teacher

To record at the beginning of the lesson, you can offer the following plan for analyzing the dramatic work:

1. Time for creating and publishing the play.

2. Place occupied in the work of the playwright.

3. The theme of the play and the reflection of a certain life material in it.

4. Acting faces and their grouping.

5. Conflict of a dramatic work, its originality, the degree of novelty and acute, its deepening.

6. Development of dramatic action and its phase. Exposure, tie, peripetia, climax, junction.

7. Composition of the play. The role and value of each act.

8. Dramatic characters and their connection with action.

9. Speech characteristic of characters. Character connection and words.

10. The role of dialogues and monologues in the play. Word and action.

12. The genre and species peculiarity of the play. Compliance with the genre by author's preferences and preferences.

13. Comedy (if it is comedy).

14. Tragic flavor (in case of analyzing the tragedy).

15. Plays ratio with the aesthetic positions of the author and his views on the theater. Pieces' purpose for a specific scene.

16. Theatrical interpretation of the drama at the time of its creation and at the subsequent time. The best acting ensembles, outstanding directorial decisions, memorable incarnations of individual roles.

17. Piece and its dramaturgical traditions.


Remove the role of Luke in the play. To write down his statements about people, about life, about the truth, about faith.

Lesson 29. "What you believe - that's."

The role of Luke in the drama "On the bottom"

The purpose of the lesson: Create a problem situation and encourage students to express their own point of view on Luke and his life position.

Methodical techniques: Discussion, analytical conversation.

During the classes

I. Analytical conversation

Let us turn to the contribution of the drama and see how the conflict develops here.

How do the inhabitants of the night take their position before the appearance of Luke?

(In the exposition, we see people, in essence who mooded with their humiliating position. The nightnits are sluggish, are familiar to them, and the actor says Satina: "Once you will be completely killed ... to death ..." "And you are a boy," Satin snares. "Why?" The actor is surprised. "Because it is impossible to kill twice." These words satin show his attitude to that existence that they all lead in the night. This is not life, they are all dead. It seems everything is clear. But interesting Answer replica actor: "I do not understand ... Why is it impossible?" Maybe it is the actor who died more than once on stage, deeper than others understand the horror of the situation. After all, it is he who will end the life of suicide at the end of the play.)

What is the meaning of the use of the past time in heroes self-character?

(People feel "former": "Satin. I was an educated person" (the paradox is that the past time is impossible in this case). "Bubnov. I am a shot." Bubnov pronounces philosophical centance: "Outside Do not paint yourself, everything will erase ... everything will be erased, yes! ")

Who among the characters is opposed to the rest?

(Only one tick did not accept more with his fate. He separates himself from the rest of the nights: "What are they people? Ravan, Golden Rota ... People! I am a working person ... I have a shame on them ... I have been working as much ... do you think I don't get out of here? I will get out ... Skin Courtyard, and get out ... Here, wait ... The wife will die ... "The dream of another life is connected with a tick with liberation that will bring him the death of his wife . He does not feel the monstrisms of his statement. Yes, and the dream will be imaginary.)

What scene is the stronger conflict?

(The stronger conflict is the appearance of Luke. He immediately declares his views on life: "I - all the same! I and Zhulikov respect, in my opinion, not a single flea - not bad: everything is black, everyone is jumping ... so "And also:" An old man - where warm, there is a homeland ... "Luke turns out to be the focus of the guests:" What an entertaining old one you led you, Natasha ... "- and all the development of the plot concentrates on it.)

How does the onion behave with each of the inhabitants of the night?

(Luke quickly finds the approach to the night cars: "I will see for you, brothers, - Your life - Oh! .." He regrets Aleshka: "Oh, a guy, you confused ..." He does not respond to rudeness, skillfully bypasses unpleasant For him, questions, ready to fit the floor instead of the nightnamons. Luke becomes needed by Anna, it regrets her: "Is it possible to throw a person like a person?" Luke skillfully flattered Medvedev, calling him "Under", and he immediately caught on this fishing rod.)

What do we know about Luke?

(About himself onions almost nothing reports, we will only learn: "Mills, therefore, and soft ...")

How does the onions act on the bednings?

(In each of the Outfits, Luke sees a man, opens the bright sides of them, the essence of the person, and it produces a coup in the life of heroes. It turns out that the prostitute Nastya dreams of beautiful and bright love; Spoken actor gets hope for a cure from alcoholism - Luka tells him: " Man - everything can, if only she wanted ... "; Vaska ash wanted to go to Siberia and start there a new life with Natasha, become a strong owner. Anne Luka gives consolation:" Nothing, honey! You are hopeful ... So, it means You will die, and it will be calmly ... I will not have anything else, and you have to be afraid - there is nothing! Silence, calm - lie yourself! "Luka opens in every man good and instills faith in the best.)

Does the nightnings of Luke blocked?

(Online may have different opinions. Luke is unselfishly trying to help people, faith in them in themselves, awaken the best sides of life. He sincerely wants good, shows real ways to achieve a new, better life. After all, there really exist for alcoholics, really Siberia - "Golden side", not just the place of references and kathers. As for the afterlife, which he manites Anna, the question is more complicated; this is a question of faith and religious beliefs. What did he lie down? When Luke convinces Nastya that he believes in her feelings , In her love: "If you believe, you have real love ... It means she was! Was!" - He only helps her to find strength for life, for real, and not fictional love.)

How do the inhabitants of the night treat Luke?

(Own-harms at first are incredulously belong to the words of Luke: "Why are you doing everything? Luke does not deny this, he answers the question of the question:" And ... what do you really care about ... Think! She, truth, maybe , Obuch for you ... "Even on the direct question about God Luke answers evasively:" If you believe - there; you do not believe - no ... what you believe, then there is ... ")

What groups can you split the heroes of the play?

(The heroes of the play can be divided into "believers" and "unbelievers." Anna believes in God, Tatar - in Allah, Nastya - in the "fatal" love, Baron - in his past, perhaps invented. The tick is no longer believed in anything, And Bubnov never believed and nothing.)

What is the sacral meaning of the name "Luka"?

(At the name "Luka" a dual meaning: this name reminds Evangelist Luka, means "light", and at the same time is associated with the word "sly" (the euphemism of the word "damn").)

(The author's position is expressed in the development of the plot. After leaving Luke, everything happens at all at all, as the heroes convinced and how the heroes were calculated. Vaska Sidel really gets into Siberia, but only for the cautious, for the murder of Kostyleva, and not as a free settler. Actor who has lost Faith in my senses, in your strength, just repeats the fate of the hero of the parables of Luke about the righteous land. Luka, told the parable of a person who, who, having blown in the existence of the righteous land, was able, believes that a person can not be deprived of dreams, hope, even imaginary. Gorky The same, showing the fate of the actor, assures the reader and the viewer in the fact that it is false hope that can lead a person to suicide.)

Gorky himself wrote about his plan: "The main question that I wanted to put is - what is better, truth or compassion. What you need. Need to bring compassion before using a lie like a bow? This is not a subjective question, but a general philosophical. "

Gorky opposes not the truth and lies, but the truth and compassion. How justified such opposition?


What is the meaning of the effect of Luke at the night?

(All heroes come out on the fact that Luka instilled false hope in them. But they did not promise them to raise them from the bottom of life, he simply showed their own opportunities, showed that there is a way out, and now it all depends on them themselves.)

How strong is the belief in itself, awakened onion?

(This faith in the minds of the nightnamons did not have time to consolidate, it turned out to be a fragile and unscanned, with the disappearance of Luke Nadezhda goes out)

What is the reason for rapid fading faith?

The play "At the bottom" was conceived by bitter as one of the four plays of a cycle, showing the life and worldview of people from different layers of society. This is one of the two objects of creating a work. The deep meaning that the author laid into it is an attempt to respond to the main questions of human existence: what is a person and whether he will keep his personality, dropping "on the bottom" of moral and social being.

History of creating a play

The first testimony of work on the play belongs to 1900, when the bitter in conversation with Stanislavsky mentions the desire to write scenes from the life of the night. Some sketches appeared at the end of 1901. In a letter to the publisher K. P. Pyatnitsky, who was devoted to the work by the author, Gorky wrote that all the characters, the idea, the motives of actions, and "it will be scary" are clear for him. The final version of the work was ready on July 25, 1902, published in Munich and at the end of the year went on sale.

It is not so ridden about the staging of the play on the scenes of Russian theaters - it is almost prohibited. The exception is made only for MCAT, the remaining theaters were to receive a special permission to perform.

The name of the play in the process of work was changed, at least four times, and the author's genre was never defined - in the publication "at the bottom of life: scenes." Shortened and everyone today a familiar name first appeared in theatrical poster during the first placement in MCAT.

The first performers became the star composition of the Moscow Art Academic Theater: K. Stanislavsky, Barona - V. Kachalov, Luke - I. Moskvin, Nastha - M. Konper, spoke in the role of Satin, Nastha - M. Andreeva.

The main story of the work

The plot of the plays is tied to the relationship of heroes and in the setting of universal hatred, which reigns at the night. This is the external canvas of the work. A parallel action examines the depth of the fall of a person "on the bottom", the measure of the nonentitude of socially and spiritually dropped individual.

The play of the play begins and ends with the plot line of relationships of two characters: Vasili owner Vasilisa owner Vasilisa's owner's thief. Sidel loves her younger sister Natasha. Vasilisa jealous, constantly beats sister. She has another interest in her lover - she wants to free himself from her husband and pushes the ashes to the murder. During the play, the ashes really killed Kostyleva. In the last act of the play, guests' guests are talking that Vaska will have to go to the cautious, and Vasilisa still "get out". Thus, the action is flipped by the fate of two heroes, but is not limited to them.

The time interval of the plays is a few weeks of early spring. The time of year is an important component of the plays. One of the first names, the author of the work, "without the Sun". Indeed, around the spring, the sea of \u200b\u200bsunlight, and at the bedroom and in the souls of her inhabitants - darkness. The sun ray for the nightnails was Luka, a tramp, which in one day he cites Natasha. Luke brings hope for a happy outcome in the hearts of the fallen and losing faith in the best people. However, at the end of the plays of Luke disappears from the night. The characters trusted to him lose faith in the best. The play ends with the suicide of one of them - the actor.

Analysis of the play

The play describes the life of the Moscow at night. The main characters, respectively, became its inhabitants and hosts of the institution. Also, it appears persons related to the life of the institution: a policeman, he is an uncle hostess at night, trader dumplings, movers.

Satin and Luca

Shuler, a former soldier Satin and Tramp, a wanderer Luka - carriers of two opposing ideas: the need for compassion to a person, saving lies from love for him, and the need to know the truth as the proof of the greatness of a person as a sign of confidence in his strength of the Spirit. In order to prove the fart of the first worldview and the truth of the second author and is lined up the action of the play.

Other characters

All other characters make up the background for this battle of ideas. In addition, they are designed to show, measure the depth of the fall, which is capable of falling man. Drunkard actor and mortally sick Anna, people who completely lost faith in their strength, fall under power a wonderful fairy tale, in which their bows takes. They are most dependent on it. With his care, they physically can not live and die. The remaining inhabitants of the night perceive the appearance and care of Luke, as the game of the Sunny Spring Ray - appeared and disappeared.

Nastya selling his body "on the boulevard" believes that there is bright love, and she was in her life. The tick, a husband dying Anna, believes that he will rise from the bottom and will again become a living by difficulty. Thread, which binds it to the working past, remains a box with tools. At the end of the play, he is forced to sell them to bury his wife. Natasha hopes that Vasilisa will change and cease to torment it. After the next beatings, coming out of the hospital, it will no longer appear at the night. Vaska ash seeks to stay with Natalia, but can not get out of the networks of power Vasilisa. The latter, in turn, is waiting for the death of her husband to untie her hands and give long-awaited freedom. Baron lives its aristocratic past. The launder of the Bubnov, the destroyer of the "illusions", the ideologist of mansion, believes that "all people are superfluous."

The work was created in conditions when, after the economic crisis of the 90s of the XIX century, the plants stood in Russia, the population was rapidly poorly, many were at the bottom stage of the social staircase, in the basement. Each of the heroes of the play in the past survived the fall "on the bottom", social and moral. Now they live as a memoir about it, but they cannot climb "on the light": they do not know how to have no strength, they are ashamed of their insignificance.

main characters

Light for some became onions. Gorky gave Luke "Talking" name. It refers to the image of Saint Luke, and to the concept of "lucavia". Obviously, the author seeks to show the inconsistency of the ideas of Luke on the beneficial value of faith for a person. Gorky practically admires the compassionate humanism of Luke to the concept of betrayal - in the plot of the Pieces of Broadcasting leaves the at night just when those that he trust needed his support.

Satin - a figure designed to voice the author's worldview. As Bitter wrote, satin is not quite suitable for this character, but there is simply no other with an equally powerful charisma in the play. Satin is the ideological antipode of Luke: he does not believe in anything, sees the ruthless essence of the life and of that position in which he and the rest of the inhabitants of the night. Does Satin believe in a person and his power over the authorities of the circumstances and perfect mistakes? Passionate monologue, which he says, arguing with the left Luka in absentia, leaves a strong, but contradictory impression.

There are in the work and carrier of the "third" truth - tambourines. This hero, like satin, "stands for the truth", only she is somehow very terrible. He is a man demonstor, but, in fact, the killer. Only dying not from the knife in his hands, but from the hatred that he nourishes each.

Dramatic play is increasing from the act to the act. The binder cannavi becomes comforting bowls with the suffering of his compassion and rare Satin's replicas, speaking that he carefully listens to the speech of the tramp. The culmination of the play is a Satina monologue, uttered after the departure of Luke. Phrases are often quoted because they have the type of aphorisms; "Everything in a person is everything for a person!", "Fallen - the religion of slaves and owners ... True - God of a free man!", "The person - it sounds proudly!".


The bitter outcome of the play becomes the triumph of freedom of a fallen person to die, disappear, leave, without leaving behind a trace, no memories. Residents at night are free from society, moral standards, from family and livelihood. By and large, they are free from life.

The play "At the bottom" lives for more than a century and continues to be one of the strongest works of Russian classics. The play makes you think about the place of faith and love in the life of a person, about the nature of the truth and lies, about the ability of a person to withstand moral and social drop.