Alexander Volkov - Fire God of Marranov (with illustrations). Fairy Tale Fire God Marranov (Volkov A.M.) Read text online, free download

Alexander Volkov - Fire God of Marranov (with illustrations). Fairy Tale Fire God Marranov (Volkov A.M.) Read text online, free download
Alexander Volkov - Fire God of Marranov (with illustrations). Fairy Tale Fire God Marranov (Volkov A.M.) Read text online, free download

A very briefly expelled usurper power of the magic country is trying to conquer her again. For the help of the inhabitants of the country their friends come from the outside world. The usurper is defeated.

Giant bird

Exposed Urfin Jus, defeated by the desire to take revenge, settled in his house in a blue country together with the Bear livelly and the wooden clown. After seven years spent in dreams to return power over the magic country, a huge eagle of the carfax flew into the city of Urphine. According to the laws of the eagle tribe, the couple receives the right to take the chick only if one of the eagles dies, so that everyone has enough food. Finally, this right received the Carfax, but the leader of the tribe decided to bring the chick himself. Rezind against the leader, the wife of the carfax died, and his most deadly wounded. Carfax cannot return to his tribe, it will be killed. Urfin went out eagle and left to live. He inspired an innocent eagle that people do not understand his great ideas. He wants to be at the head of the people to create noble affairs. Unexpectedly, Urphin remembered the warlike tribe of jerks, who lived in the mountains near the rose country and called themselves by Marran. Urfin sent his clown for intelligence, and he said that the numerous tribe of jumpers mined in the jewelry mountains and exchanges them on the products from the neighbors, the inhabitants of the Pink Boltunov. They live in shala, as they do not know how to build houses. For their strong muscular legs, jumpers make distant jumps. Worship Marran Fire. Neither prepare food, neither the furnace bread Marranians do not know how. Favorite their occupation - boxing.

Hiding near the country of Marran Bear and the necessary carpentry tools, Urphin died in red clothes and appeared before frightened marranins in the image of the fiery god. At first, Urfin taught the Marranians to build at home and built a palace. From the fear of Marran gave Urfina their jewels, which he secretly exchanged the Boltunov on the furniture and homemade utensils. He presented this as a miracle. Urfin assured the Marran that if they would obey him, then they will have the same. He also taught them to cook various dishes and bake bread. Noble Marran, headed by their leader, now oppressed the poor who were not happy about the appearance of Urphine, but the fear of God was stronger.

To know, too, began to exchange jewels from Boltunov and trade began to flourish. The leader of the Marranov acquired the same furniture as Urofin, and began to guess something. Now for the mining of jewels it was necessary to dig deeper mines. So that the workers did not conceal the jewels, the rich put the supervisors to them.

This was seen by the carfax and indignant injustice, but Urphin persuaded him that it would be necessary to wait and turn would reach the simple people. But Carfax less and less believed to his savior.

To power

In the meantime, I decided to turn the emerald city to the island to turn its defense capability in the event of the invasion of enemies. At the walls of the city he ordered to break the city park. The pretty Fairy Stella, the Lady of the Pink Country, gave him a magic box, which shows everything that happens in a magical country. Also, Stella warned that you need to look at Urphin Jysus. At first, I didn't really look out for the exile, but seeing that he had been working in her garden all the time, forgot about him.

Mary trained Urphin were dissatisfied with inequality, and national discontent grew. But Urfin assured them that life was better behind the mountains, and sent them to fighting chevamins and migumbes. Seeing this, Carfax left Urphin.

Urfin moved to the purple country. But the Marranians were worse than wooden soldiers: they needed food and rest. Nevertheless, they coped with the migumens and captured the railroad's departure when it was without an ax. Iron woodcutter has managed to send a warning with a lance with a cinema. Looking at his drawer, he saw that his friend got into trouble. Crow Kaggi-Carr was sent to a purple country as an informant.

Leaving the governor in the purple country and taking with him the associated iron woodcutter, Urfin Jys moved to the Emerald City. Knowing this, I had destroyed all the means of movement on the canal, and the army of Urphine Jussy began the siege of the city. With the help of throwing devices, Marran jumped over the walls and got into the city. Urfin was again planted in the basement of the terrain and the iron drill. He counted for the help of the dabs, but under the leadership of Kaggi-Carr, they refused to serve him and went into the forest. Marrana plundered the Emerald City as well as the purple country, and settled in the houses of citizens. Urfin himself took the palace. Suddenly, Filin Guam returned to him. He suggested that not far from the emerald city rose nuts-nuh, thanks to which people do not sleep, and the sentries now stopped sleeping at night.

Amazing Mules

While Ellie with Fred was in a magical country, Ellie had a sister Annie. When Annie grared, she became friends with a neighbor boy Tim. Friends listened to Ellie's stories about the magical country and dreamed of going there. Having received a silver whistle Ramonov as a gift from Ellie, Annie decided to use them, and - about a miracle! - Mouse came running, though they could not speak. But the mother, seeing it, frightened and took the whistle.

Together with Tim and the grandson of Totomy, Artho Annie go to visit the cannings. Children ask Freda, Student University of Technology, help them get into the magic country. But through the cave, it was impossible to get there because of the collapse.

Returning home, they receive by mail two mechanical mules that feed on solar energy. The riding on them, children from Arto go on the journey. Mula do not know fatigue and perfectly hold on the water.

Scientific Ellie, children pass the desert, black stones Ginger and find themselves in a magical country, where Mouls and Arto begin to speak. But in the mountains, travelers are lost and meet the carfax, which comes to help them. Carfax returned to his tribe, as the leader died. There he met a new girlfriend and healed calmly and happily.

In the magical country, Annie saves from the king of King Lis Tonkonyuha and gets for it a silver hoop for it, which makes the invisible everyone who puts it. Also, tonkonu treats children with fruits of rabbit wood, which to taste resemble rabbit meat.

In the country of Zhevunov children already waiting for Willina. She wants children to overthrow Urphine Jys. Willina asks for children to go to the emerald city along the road paved with yellow bricks, and with the help of a silver hoop to pick up a magic box. He will help to cope with Urphin Jysus.

Annie treats the chevs of the fruits of the rabbit tree. Having learned that Zhevuni could not get into the fourth kingdom to enjoy these fruits because of the bloodthirsty tiger, which sat down on the road, Tim makes a trap for him.

Silver hoop

Walking along a blue country and having acquainted with the underground residents, travelers are sent to the Emerald City. On the way, they learn that the Migunov rebelled against the Marranians.

Thanks to the silver wrap, travelers imperceptibly penetrate the Emerald City. Marranians, meanwhile, come to the blue country. But the keeper of the underground country of the coaster meets their dragons and six tailids. The defeated Marranians return to Urphine.

To solve the mystery of the magic box, the Urphin threatens the scalable, but no threats scare the ruler of the Emerald city.

Nadiv Silver hoop, Tim, accompanied by Kaggi-Carr, penetrates the Emerald Island and enters the throne room. Seeing there the box and the included urofin, the invisible Tim hits the urchine box on the head and hides.

Annie causes Ramin's mice. Ramine penetrates the prison where they are sitting with the iron woodcase and learns the magic words that control the box. Now Annie with friends can observe everything that happens in a magical country. They recognize that the captives were transferred to another prison, where Faramante and Dean Gior are located, and Kaggi Carr is heard. Now prisoners protect the guard that uses Nuch-Nuh-Nuhe and never sleeps. To neutralize the action of nuts, need fun water. On the mechanical mula of Annie and Tim descend to the underground country, mining the funny water and free friends. Violet country is released. The conquest of Urphine rushes, the army does not want to obey him more. He pronounces speech in which Mranian calls on, saying that migumes go to destroy their dwellings. Marran agree to stay to strengthen his power. During the campaign to the purple country, they are fond of the game in volleyball, which Tim taught Migunov. Urfin is being defeated again, and Mouli deliver Annie and Tim home.

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My young friend, give me a hand and surround with you far, far away, in a magical country, which is separated from the whole world a great desert and chain of huge mountains. There, under the forever hot sun, cute and funny little men live - chevyans, migumens, chatters and many more different other tribes.
It is in the country of Zhevunov Hurricane, caused by the sorcerer of Ginglands, brought a house from Kansas with the girl of Ellie and the pebble in the same way. Gingham died, and extraordinary adventures began for Ellie and the tagging.
In those days in the center of the country, in an excellent emerald city, the great wizard of Goodwin lived. Ellie went to him, hoping that Goodwin would help her to return to his homeland.
On the road, Ellie captured with him the revived straw scarecrow, the woodcutter made of iron, and a cowardly lion. Each of them had their own dream. I wanted to get brains in the straw head; Woodcutter sought a loving heart; Lero needed courage. And although Goodwin turned out to be a false wizard, he performed all their desires. He gave the horror of the smart brains from Bran, mixed with needles and pins. Iron Woodhouse - Good Silk Heart, packed with sawdust, cowardly lion - courage that spitched and foam in a gold dish.
Goodwin bored to live in a magical country, and he left her in a balloon. The deserted, Goodwin appointed his successor to terrible, and he became the ruler of the Emerald City. The wood-shop was elected by the ruler of the Migumen, inhabited by a purple country. And the brave lion became the king of animals.
When the cherished desires of three Ellie friends were fulfilled, she returned to his homeland, to Pope and Mom. Her and the Totomy moved the magic silver gingerbread gingerbreads, which Pesk found in the cave of the sorcerer.
It was scared for a short time enjoyed his high position of the ruler of the Emerald City. In the hands of the evil and insidious carpenter of Urphina Jys, who lived in the country of Zhevunov, accidentally fell by a wonderful powder. The joiner made wooden soldiers, revived them and with the help of this strong army captured an emerald city. He was afraid and the ironwood came to him at the revenue were captured by Jus. He put them on the top of the high tower, behind the grille.
Asking for help. Scary and the woodcutter wrote a letter to Ellie, and he was given to Kansas their good friend, Crow Kaggi-Carr. The girl did not leave her friends in trouble and went to the magic country for the second time. Her uncle accompanied her uncle, Charlie Black, a big master to all sorts of fiction. He made a land ship, and on this ship, they crossed the desert with Ellie.
The fight against Urphin Jusus and his mighty wooden soldiers was not easy, but Ellie and her friends won 2.
Urphine was judged.
For all his crimes, he deserved a cruel punishment, but a single-legged sailor Charlie Flek turned to companions to the judges.
- Friends, and not better to leave this person just alone with himself?
And Ellie supported him:
- Right. It will be for him the most cruel punishment.
Scared, ironwood and brave lion agreed with a sailor and a girl, and the former king of the Emerald city paid for the city gates to the whistle and the ullyukne citizens and farmers. On the way, someone for laughter put him a lively wooden clown, his favorite and headphone, and Urfin Jus mechanically squeezed him in his hand.
"Go where you want," said the city gate of Faramant, the Urphine said. - And try to become a good person. First of all, you will win from it myself.
Jus did not answer these good words. He threw a sullen look from the Cosmarky eyebrows at Faramant and quickly walked away from the city along the road paved with yellow bricks.
"Everyone left me," the former King of the Emerald City was pronounced Gorky. "All who stalled me on my power, who drank at my table, who exceeded me to heaven, everyone is praising a little Ellie and a giant because of the mountains ..." So called Charlie Baking in the Magic Country.) "
But, turning back, Urfin realized that he was wrong. One faithful creature was found: the Bear Topotun flew in the gap for the owner. No, Topotun will never leave him, in whatever the Urfin Jys would be hit. After all, this urofin of the mysterious force of a wonderful powder revived his skin when she lay a pathetic dusting rug on the floor, and for this a bear owes him eternal gratitude ...
Urphin's voice called:
- Topotun, to me!
Bear joyful Rynstea ran up to the owner.
- I'm here, Lord! What do you get?
This word facilitated the mental wound of Urphine. Yes, he is still a lord of at least one modest servant and for an insignificant clown. And what if? .. Unclear hopes swept into the brain of Urphin. Does the enemies celebrate the victory too early?
He, Urfin Juss, is still young, he is free, and no one has selected in Him in his indomitable will, the ability to use the favorable circumstances of the tricky, quiet mind, skillful hands.
The crumpled mill of Urphine straightened, a weak smile illuminated a dark face with cosmatic eyebrows and a predicted mouth of the mouth.
Wrapped in the direction of the Emerald City, Urfin shook his fist:
- You will also regret the unfortunate spaces that they released me to the will! ..
"Yes, they regret," the clown squeaked.
Jus sat on the back of the bear.
"Carry me, my glorious Topotun, to his homeland, to Zhevunam," he ordered. - There we have a house with you. Hope, no one touched him. There we will find the heads for the first time.
"And we have a vegetable garden there, the Lord," Pilotun picked up, "and in the neighboring forest there are greasy rabbits. I do not need food, but I will catch them for you.
The good-natured Maid of the bear shone from the joy that he will again live with the adorable owner away from everyone, alone and content.
Not those were the Duma of Urphine.
"The house will serve for me a temporary refuge," Jys thought out, "I will hide until I constant about me." And there ... We'll see! .. "
He was the path of Urphine Jussy to the country of Zhevunov. He dreamed of returning unnoticed, but the business spoiled Kaggi Carr. With the help of a numerous Rodney, the crow Died, where the exile was headed. Everyone who lived near the road, paved with yellow brick, timely noted by the messengers of Kaggi-Carr about the approach of Urphine.
Men and women, old people and children were out of the houses, arranged along the road and silently accompanied the Urphine with contemptuous views. Jysus would be easier if I scored it, threw stones and sticks into it. But this is a coffin silence, hatred, written on all faces, ice eyes ... All this was many times worse.
The vengeful crow calculated right. JUSE UPHINA JUSY in native places resembled a prolonged march on the execution.
What pleasure would be rushed with Jys on each of the enemies, it would clutch him in the throat, he heard his death rather ... but it was impossible. And he drove on the bear, lowly bowing his head and creaks his teeth from rage.
And Cloon Eot Ling, sitting on his shoulder, whispered in his ear:
- Nothing, Lord, nothing, everything will pass! We still laugh at them!
Overall of Urfin in the forest under the trees, because none of the inhabitants of the Emerald or Blue country would give him her shelter for the night. Falling on the exile of fruits, torn from the trees. He sat down very much and, approaching the forest of saber-toothed tigers, almost wanted a meeting with predators to bring the end of his torments. However, thirst for life and the desire to take revenge on the offenders took the top, and the Urfin slipped unnoticed through a dangerous place.
And finally, the native home. The exile with relief was convinced that the chevings did not touch his possessions and all property was preserved. He pulled out the keys from a secret place, opened the locks and entered the rooms, gloomy and dandped during the long lack of the owner.

Giant bird

Battle in the air

Seven years passed after Urfin Jus lost power over the Emerald City. Much has changed in the world. Ellie Smith, forever who left the magic country, graduated from school and entered the pedagogical college in the neighboring city: she chose a modest share of the people's teacher. Her younger sister Annie (she was born at the time when Ellie was in the underground kingdom) went to the first class and began to study the secrets of alphabet.
A single-legged sailor Charlie Black bought a ship and made several swimming on the islands of Kuru-Kusus, the inhabitants of which met him every time with joy.
And how did you go in a magical country? Migunov and Zhevuni continued to live, as before, but the life of underground mines, who had an ellie to visit the third and last journey to the edge of miracles.
There, in a tremendous cave, Ellie and her secondary brother Fred Cunning experienced many strange, amazing adventures. They managed to restore the disappeared source of the hypnosis, and they soared with this water, seven underground kings, alternately rule the rules. The funniest and curious thing was that the kings, waking up, forgot about their royal dignity and turned into Kuznetsov, landpash, weales. Along with their former submitted, they worked hard, getting food to themselves and their families.
Having finished with the royal authority, the inhabitants of the cave moved to the upper world and took the empty lands next to the country of Jävunov. There they sowed wheat and flax, bred gardens, refused their lives, treated metals. They almost soon broke up with dark glasses, because their eyes, familiar to the twilight, could not take long of sunlight for a long time.
Only in the life of Urphine Jys did not happen any changes over long years of loneliness. He softened the garden and began to cultivate vegetables by collecting three crops per year.
How diligently looked at the former king to the soil of his site, gun spawn! As he wanted to find at least a single seed of that amazing plant, from which he got a lively powder! Oh, getting a seed to him, he would not make wooden soldiers again! No, he would make a monster, invulnerable to iron and fire, and again would have become the lord of the magic country.
But the search for him was in vain and even meaningless. After all, if at least one sprout, one living piece of an unusual plant survived from extermination, it would again flood the surroundings.
Every evening, every morning Urfin looked at the sky in Hope, whether the storm would not break down, similar to the one who once brought him the seeds of extraordinary plants. But fierce hurricanes swept over the country, not leaving anything except destruction.
And Urphine after he was the king and drove away the consciousness of the power over thousands of people, I had to be content with a modest fraction of the gardener. Of course, the wonders did not have to be worried about the fertious sky of the country, especially since the Topotun often kicked the owner of a fatty rabbit or a hare. But I didn't want an exile: at night he dreamed of the royal mantle on the shoulders, and he woke up disappointed, with a beating heart.
In the first months of his lonely Life of Urfin during walks, sometimes Meshuunov met, especially if the village of Kogdov went away, where he was born and grew. However, the tribesmen ran away from him, as from worried, trying not to meet with him, and even their backs seemed to have radiated hatred.

But the weeks were in months, months during the years, and the human enmity to Urphina Ugasala. Memories of his crimes were pale, leaving new events, new everyday worries.
After a few years, the inhabitants of Kogda became friendly greeting with the exile, and if Urfin wanted to move to the village, no one would prevent him. But Urphin Muoro answered the greetings, did not enter into conversations and showed all his appearance that the society of people is unpleasant to him ... shrugging, Zhevuny went away from the unlike gardener. And the Urphin was still indulging in gloomy dreams about how he would dismiss people if he could only.
And fate went to meet him.

Once at noon, the Urfin was digging in the garden, as suddenly his attention was attracted by a sharp male, came from above. The exile raised his head. Three eagles fought high in heavenly lazories. The fight was cruel, two birds attacked one, trying to hit her with the beak and blows of the wings. The victim of the attack was desperately dismissed, trying to slip away from the enemies, but she could not succeed. First, the eagles seemed to the Urphine not particularly large, but they began to decline, and Jus was convinced that their magnitude was huge.

The terrible battle continued, the masturbation of monstrous eagles became everything more heard, since the birds approached the Earth. The bird wounded weaker under the blows of enemies, her movements became all messy. And suddenly, folding the wings, she, knit, flew down.

Eagle with a deaf noise fell on the lawn in front of the house of Urphine. The gardener is buggy approached it. The bird, even mortally wounded, an inadvertent blow of the wing could be covered by a person.
Going to Eagle, Urfin was convinced that he was a colossal sizes: his outstretched wings took the entire platform from the edge to the edge, and there were thirty steps there. And here the Urfin with amazement saw that the bird was alive. Its torso almost markedly tremble, in view weirdly mixed pride and plea. Two other eagles descended with the obvious intention to finish the enemy.
- Protection, - hoarsely muttered a huge bird.
Jus grabbed a hefty stake, standing by hedge, and raised him with a decisive view. The attackers were filled up, but continued to spin over the ownership of the Urphine.
"They will finish me," said the wounded eagle. "Man, digit next to me a pit and pretend that you are going to bury me." My enemies will leave this edge only after they will be removed that I will be buried. When he sweems, I will reveal in the bushes, and you will lose the earth into an empty pit.
At night, the tricky fiction was performed, and in the morning the monstrous eagles, concerned over the empty grave, flew to the north.

My young friend, give me a hand and surround with you far, far away, in a magical country, which is separated from the whole world a great desert and chain of huge mountains. There, under the ever-hot sun, cute and funny little men live - chevyans, migumens, chatters and many more different other tribes.

It is in the country of Zhevunov Hurricane, caused by the sorcerer of Ginglands, brought the house with the Girl of Ellie and the Pinsik Totemka. Gingham died, and extraordinary adventures began for Ellie and the tagging.

In those days in the center of the country, in an excellent emerald city, the great wizard of Goodwin lived. Ellie went to him, hoping that Goodwin would help her to return to his homeland.

On the road, Ellie captured with him the revived straw scarecrow, the woodcutter made of iron, and a cowardly lion. Each of them had their own dream. I wanted to get brains in the straw head; Woodcutter sought a loving heart; Lero needed courage. And although Goodwin turned out to be a false wizard, he performed all their desires. He gave the scary brains from Bran, mixed with needles and pins, Iron Woodhouse - a kind silk heart, packed with sawdust, a cowardly lion - courage that spitched and foam in a gold dish.

Goodwin bored to live in a magical country, and he left her in a balloon. The deserted, Goodwin appointed his successor to terrible, and he became the ruler of the Emerald City. The wood-shop was elected by the ruler of the Migumen, inhabited by a purple country. And the brave lion became the king of animals.

When the cherished wishes of the three friends of Ellie were fulfilled, she returned to his homeland, to dad and mom. Her and the Totomy was transferred by the magic silver gingerbread gingerbreads, which Pensik found in the cave of the sorcerer. 1
All these events are described in detail in the book "The Wizard of the Emerald City".

It was scared for a short time enjoyed his high position of the ruler of the Emerald City. In the hands of the evil and insidious carpenter of Urphina Jys, who lived in the country of Zhevunov, accidentally fell by a wonderful powder. The joiner made wooden soldiers, revived them and with the help of this strong army captured an emerald city. He was afraid and the ironwood came to him at the revenue were captured by Jus. He put them on the top of the high tower, behind the grille.

Asking for help, terrible and the woodcutter wrote an Ellie's letter, and he was given to Kansas their kind friend, Crow Kaggi Carr. The girl did not leave her friends in trouble and went to the magic country for the second time.

Accompanying Ellie her uncle, a single-legged sailor Charlie Black, a big master on all sorts of fiction.

He made a land ship, and on this ship, they crossed the desert with Ellie.

The fight against Urphin Jysus and his mighty wooden soldiers was not easy, but Ellie and her friends won. 2
About these events told in the book "Urfin Jus and his wooden soldiers."

Urphine was judged.

For all his crimes, he deserved cruel punishment, but a single-legged sailor Charlie Black turned to the sovereigners of the judges:

- Friends, and not better to leave this person just alone with himself?

And Ellie supported him:

- Right. It will be for him the most cruel punishment.

Scared, ironwood and brave lion agreed with a sailor and a girl, and the former king of the Emerald city paid for the city gates to the whistle and the ullyukne citizens and farmers. On the way, someone for laughter entered him a vivid wooden clown, his favorite and headphone, and Urfin Jussy mechanically squeezed him in his hand.

"Go, where you want," said the city gate of Faramante who defended his guardian gate, "and try to become a good person." First of all, you will win from it myself.

Jus did not answer these good words. He threw a sullen look from the city eyebrows on Faramant and quickly walked away from the city along the road paved with yellow bricks.

"Everyone left me," the former King of the Emerald City was pronounced Gorky. "All who stalled me on my power, who drew at my table, who exceeded me to heaven, everyone now praise the little Ellie and the giant because of the mountains ..." (so-called Charlie Ball in the magical country.)

But, turning back, Urfin realized that he was wrong. One faithful creature was found: the Bear of Topotun was taken away for the owner. No, Topotun will never leave him, in whatever the Urfin Jys would be hit. After all, this urofin of the mysterious force of a wonderful powder revived his skin when she lay a pathetic dusting rug on the floor, and for this a bear owes him eternal gratitude ...

- Topotun, to me!

Bear joyful Rynstea ran up to the owner:

- I'm here, Lord! What do you get?


This word facilitated the mental wound of Urphine. Yes, he is still a lord of at least one modest servant and for an insignificant clown. What if?. Unclear hopes swept into the brain of Urphin. Does the enemies celebrate the victory too early?

He, Urfin Juss, is still young, he is free, and no one has selected an inacred will, the ability to use the favorable circumstances of the cunning, quiet mind, skilled hands.

The crumpled mill of Urphine straightened, a weak smile illuminated a dark face with cosmatic eyebrows and a predicted mouth of the mouth.

Wrapped in the direction of the Emerald City, Urfin shook his fist:

- You will also regret the unfortunate spaces that they released me to the will!.

"Yes, they regret," the clown squeaked.

Jus sat on the back of the bear.

"Carry me, my glorious Topotun, to his homeland, to Zhevunam," he ordered. - There we have a house with you. Hope, no one touched him. There we will find the heads for the first time.

"And we have a vegetable garden there, the Lord," Pilotun picked up, "and in the neighboring forest there are greasy rabbits. I do not need food, but I will catch them for you.

The good-natured Maid of the bear shone from the joy that he will again live with the adorable owner away from everyone, alone and content.

Not those were the Duma of Urphine.

"The house will serve for me a temporary refuge," Jys thought out, "I will hide until I constant about me." And there ... We'll see! .. "

He was the path of Urphine Jussy to the country of Zhevunov. He dreamed of returning unnoticed, but the business spoiled Kaggi Carr. With the help of a numerous Rodney, the crow Died, where the exile was headed. All those who lived near the road, paved with yellow bricks, promptly notified by the messengers of Kaggi-Carr about the urchine approximation.

Men and women, old people and children were out of the houses, arranged along the road and silently accompanied the Urphine with contemptuous views. Jysus would be easier if I scored it, threw stones and sticks into it. But this is a coffin silence, hatred, written on all faces, ice eyes ... All this was many times worse.

The vengeful crow calculated right. JUSE UPHINA JUSY in native places resembled a prolonged march on the execution.

What pleasure would be rushed with Jys on each of the enemies, it would clutch him in the throat, he heard his death rather ... but it was impossible. And he drove on the bear, lowly bowing his head and creaks his teeth from rage.

And Cloon Eot Ling, sitting on his shoulder, whispered in his ear:

- Nothing, Lord, nothing, everything will pass! We still laugh at them!

Overall of Urfin in the forest under the trees, because none of the inhabitants of the Emerald or Blue country would give him her shelter for the night. Falling on the exile of fruits, torn from the trees. He sat down very much and, approaching the forest of saber-toothed tigers, almost wanted a meeting with predators to bring the end of his torments. However, thirst for life and the desire to take revenge on the offenders took the top, and the Urfin slipped unnoticed through a dangerous place.

And finally, the native home. The exile with relief was convinced that Zhevany did not touch his possessions and all the property was preserved. He pulled out the keys from a secret place, opened the locks and entered the rooms, gloomy and dotted during the long lack of the owner.

Giant bird

Battle in the air

Seven years passed after Urfin Jus lost power over the Emerald City. Much has changed in the world. Ellie Smith, forever who left the magic country, graduated from school and entered the pedagogical college in the neighboring city: she chose a modest share of the people's teacher. Her younger sister Annie (she was born at the time when Ellie was in the underground kingdom) went to the first class and began to study the secrets of alphabet.

A single-legged sailor Charlie Black bought a ship and made several swimming on the islands of Kuru-Kusus, the inhabitants of which met him every time with joy.

And how did you go in a magical country? Migunov and Zhevuni continued to live, as before, but the life of underground mines, who had an ellie to visit the third and last journey to the edge of miracles.

There, in a tremendous cave, Ellie and her secondary brother Fred Cunning experienced many strange, amazing adventures. They managed to restore the disappeared source of the juicing water, and they soared this water with seven underground kings, alternately rule the rules. The funniest and curious thing was that the kings, waking up, forgot about their royal dignity and turned into Kuznetsov, landpash, weales. Along with their former submitted, they worked hard, getting food to themselves and their families.

Having finished with the royal authority, the inhabitants of the cave moved to the upper world and took the empty lands next to the country of Jävunov. There they sowed wheat and luna, bred gardens, refused their lives, treated metals. They never soon broke up with dark glasses, because their eyes, familiar to the twilight, could not carry sunlight for a long time. 3
About the third journey Ellie is told in the "Seven Underground Kings" book.

Only in the life of Urphine Jys did not happen any changes over long years of loneliness. He softened the garden and began to cultivate vegetables by collecting three crops per year.

How diligently looked at the former king to the soil of his site, gun spawn! As he wanted to find at least a single seed of that amazing plant, from which he got a lively powder! Oh, getting a seed to him, he would not make wooden soldiers again! No, he would make a monster, invulnerable to iron and fire, and again would have become the lord of the magic country.

But the search for him was in vain and even meaningless. After all, if at least one sprout, one living piece of an unusual plant survived from extermination, it would again flood the surroundings.

Every evening, every morning Urfin looked at the sky in Hope, whether the storm would not break down, such as the seeds of extraordinary plants once brought him. But fierce hurricanes swept over the country, not leaving anything except destruction.

And Urphina, after he was the king and drove away the consciousness of the power over thousands and thousands of people, I had to be content with a modest fraction of the garden. Of course, the wonders did not have to be worried about the fertious sky of the country, especially since the Topotun often kicked the owner of a fatty rabbit or a hare. But I didn't want an exile: at night he dreamed of the royal mantle on the shoulders, and he woke up disappointed, with a beating heart.

In the first months of his lonely Life of Urfin during walks, sometimes Meshuunov met, especially if the village of Kogdov went away, where he was born and grew. However, the tribesmen ran away from him, as of the progressive, trying not to meet with him, and even their backs seemed to have radiated hatred.

But the weeks were in months, months during the years, and the human enmity to Urphina Ugasala. Memories of his crimes were pale, leaving new events, new everyday worries.

After a few years, the inhabitants of Kogda became friendly greeting with the exile, and if Urfin wanted to move to the village, no one would prevent him. But Urfin Mrouro responded to greetings, did not enter into talk and showed all his appearance that the society of people is unpleasant. Ships shrugged, Zhevany left away from the unhwreaty gardener. And the Urphin was still indulging in gloomy dreams about how he would dismiss people if he could only.

And fate went to meet him.

Once at noon, the Urfin was digging in the garden, as suddenly his attention was attracted by a sharp piece, which came from above. The exile raised his head. Three eagles fought high in heavenly lazories. The battle went cruel, two birds attacked one, trying to hit her with the beak and blows of the wings. The victim of the attack was desperately dismissed, trying to slip away from the enemies, but she could not succeed. First, the eagles seemed to the Urphine not particularly large, but they began to decline, and Jus was convinced that their magnitude was huge.

The terrible battle continued, the cloth of monstrous eagles became more heard, since the birds approached the Earth. The bird wound weakened under the blows of enemies, her movements became more raw. And suddenly, folding the wings, she, knit, flew down.

Eagle with a deaf noise fell on the lawn in front of the house of Urphine. The gardener is buggy approached it. The bird, even mortally wounded, an inadvertent blow of the wing could be covered by a person.

Going to Eagle, Urfin was convinced that he was a colossal size: his outstretched wings took the entire platform from the edge to the edge, and there were thirty steps. And here the Urfin with amazement saw that the bird was alive. Its torso almost markedly tremble, in view weirdly mixed pride and plea. Two other eagles descended with the obvious intention to finish the enemy.

- Protection, - hoarsely muttered a huge bird.

Jus grabbed a hefty stake, standing by hedge, and raised him with a decisive view. The attackers were filled up, but continued to spin over the ownership of the Urphine.

"They will finish me," the wounded eagle said. "Man, digit next to me a pit and pretend that you are going to bury me." My enemies will leave this edge only after they will be removed that I will be buried. When he sweems, I will reveal in the bushes, and you will lose the earth into an empty pit.

At night, the tricky fiction was performed, and in the morning the monstrous eagles, concerned over the empty grave, flew to the north.

History of the carfax

Countless wonders of the magic country, and the whole human life would not have enough to know them all. As if it was not so great, she was, how differed a variety of nature, how many human tribes, extraordinary animals and birds inhabited her!

In the secluded valley of around the world, in the northern parts of them, the tribe of giant eagles lived. From there was a race carfax, an unexpected guest of Urphine Jys.

This is what Karfax told the exile when he recovered from the Russian Academy of Sciences.

"Our tribe lives in the world around the mountains for a very long time," said Eagle, "his number is very small. And the reason for this is. Our food - tours and mountain goats, inhabiting the slopes of mountains and deep gorges. The goat tribe could multiply and live without worries, but we prevent this, eagles, hunting for them.

With our dormant, the strength and speed of flight, we could exterminate all goats and tours, but we do not do it. The disappearance of animals would mean our end: we would extinct with hunger. And therefore, since ancient times, the number of members of our tribe should not exceed one hundred.

- How do you manage? - asked interested urchin.

"Our laws are very strict on this expense," answered the carfax. - Orlina family has the right to take the chick only if someone from adult members of the tribe dies from old age or dies from an accident, for example, breaking about the rock with a careless attack on prey.

- But who gets the right to replace the deceased?

- This right is given in the order of a strict queue to all families inhabiting the Eagle Valley. The custom was holy during the centuries, but recently he was broken, and it brought huge disasters to our people. We live for a very long time, "Karfax continued, - one and a half or two hundred years, therefore, in our valley, a small appearing far from every year. Would you see how the eagles take care of him, as they quarrel, to whom to feed the chick or to heat under the wing! Often they will unpack the baby's native mother ... What can you do, "the carfax sighed," the maternal feelings of our women are strong, and happiness to bring the cub to get every one of them just two for her long life.

"We, people, are easier with this," Urofin thought. - You can have any guys, although this is a decent job. "

Carfax continued:

- I am eighty years old, it's we, giant eagles, the flourishing of power and health. This year, the turn to bring the chick for the first time to go to me and my friend Araminem. How happily waited we were waiting for this happy day when my wife would be allowed to demolish the egg! What a cozy nest of thin branches and leaves prepared in the deepening of the rock! .. And everything collapsed. Severse Leader Arraraces, violating ancient law, announced that the chick will be led in his family!

He needed an heir, since his only son was shortly broken before, hunting for the tour ... - Carfax trembled from indignation, telling about the dishonest act of the leader, and the gardener with a mockery thought that he was, Urfin, would not boil Because of such a trifle.

- Tell me, a man, was the presensee of the arrachhae to remain our leader after such a dishonest violation of the deceic customs? I, at least, believed that it would be a shame to obey him. I found supporters. We prepared an uprising to overthrow the arrahres. Unfortunately, our ranks did a low traitor, he told the leader of everything, issued the names of the conspirators. Arrahres and his supporters unexpectedly attacked us. Each of my friends dealt with two-three opponents. Araminem died in the first minutes of battle. Arranes and eagle pounced on me, who issued a plot. Thinking to find salvation in flight, I drive around the world and deepened in the magic country. The enemies did not lag behind ... You know the rest, "Carfax finished wearily.

There was a long silence. Then the eagle spoke:

- My life is in your hands. I can not return to the mountains. If even I settle in the most remote part of them, the arrahs and his spies will be led and kill me. I am impossible to hunt in your forests.

You feed me by animals, called hares and rabbits. They are tasty, but can I see them in a thick more often and especially grab the claws ...

Thinking, Urfin said:

- Topotun catches for you to game and will do it until you recover. And then let's see, perhaps I will come up with how to feed you.

And here in the dark soul of Urphine, the idea was born that this gigantic bird could serve him to go. Here is the long-awaited remedy to get out of obscurity and "grab the fate of the horns," as he loved to express.

"But I need to be very careful," Urofin thought. "This bird with her strange concepts of justice will not help me if it considers my actions at least in a low degree dishonest ... And however, I will not rush, I have enough time to think about everything."

Opening Urfina Jussy

Asking invisible questions, Urfin Jus was convinced that in the Orlina Valley did not know anything about human affairs. The Carfax was unknown to be neither the rapid elevation of Urphine or his shameful fall. The exile forbade the Topotun at least a word to cry for the past and ordered a clown to observe the bird and the bear who loved to chat were not met alone. He himself began to act bolder. He led a long conversation with a recovering eagle and, as if inadvertently recognized that he had one desire on his mind - to bring good people.

"Why do you live in the forest far from the rest of the flock?" - Carfax was surprised.

"You see, helping one village - it's too small for me," Chitril Urfin. - Now, if I managed to be at the head of the whole people, I would have turned myself and showed myself.

- Who prevents you from becoming a leader? - puzzled eagle.

"My compatriots do not understand me," Jys was removed. - They think that I strive to power out of ambition, and in fact I put much higher goals in front of me.

Such conversations were repeated more than once, and finally the eagle believed in the nobility of Urphine. Carfax agreed to help a friend to achieve a high position among people, and let him then create so much good as he wishes.

This is exactly what Urfin Jys wanted. It remained to come up with how to regain the former power with the help of a giant bird.

"Only not a war ..." Urfin thought. - If I sake my elevation to kill at least one person, he immediately solve my intentions. He can break me into pieces for deception ... - Urfin with horror introduced himself a monstrous bird striker. - I must act wiser. It is necessary with the help of an eagle to become the master of some backward people. And when I will take this people in your hands, I will have an army, and weapons ... then beware, horrible and woodcutter! "

Urfin began to estimate in thoughts, in which part of the country he could most easily become the Lord. And then he remembered the jumpers.

The warlike tribe of jumpers dwells in the mountains between the big river and the holds of Stella. No one else managed to cross the country of jumpers, they did not let anyone.

Ellie Smith during the first stay in the magical country went to the good fairy stelel with his friends ruins, iron woodcase and brave lion. In their path, the area of \u200b\u200bjumpers surrounded by mountains became an irresistible obstacle. He tried to climb to climb, and behind him, but they were shot down by mighty fists of jumpers. Ellie and her companions would not reach the Pink Palace Stella, if Ellie had not owned at that time the Golden Hat, who gave power over the volatile monkeys. The girl caused the bats of the monkeys, and those moved the travelers to the Palace of Stella in the air. 4
This is told in the book "The Wizard of the Emerald City".

Many centuries ago marranins (so called jumpers) lived in a subterranean country on the banks of the river, driving into the middle lake. According to legend, they hid in the dungeon from strong enemies who close them from all sides. There, among the rocks, the Marranians built a city whose ruins saw Ellie Smith and Fred Cunning, when they ended a long and dangerous journey to the depths of the Earth.

Alexander Melentievich Volkov

Fire God Marranov


My young friend, give me a hand and surround with you far, far away, in a magical country, which is separated from the whole world a great desert and chain of huge mountains. There, under the ever-hot sun, cute and funny little men live - chevyans, migumens, chatters and many more different other tribes.

It is in the country of Zhevunov Hurricane, caused by the sorcerer of Ginglands, brought the house with the Girl of Ellie and the Pinsik Totemka. Gingham died, and extraordinary adventures began for Ellie and the tagging.

In those days in the center of the country, in an excellent emerald city, the great wizard of Goodwin lived. Ellie went to him, hoping that Goodwin would help her to return to his homeland.

On the road, Ellie captured with him the revived straw scarecrow, the woodcutter made of iron, and a cowardly lion. Each of them had their own dream. I wanted to get brains in the straw head; Woodcutter sought a loving heart; Lero needed courage. And although Goodwin turned out to be a false wizard, he performed all their desires. He gave the scary brains from Bran, mixed with needles and pins, Iron Woodhouse - a kind silk heart, packed with sawdust, a cowardly lion - courage that spitched and foam in a gold dish.

Goodwin bored to live in a magical country, and he left her in a balloon. The deserted, Goodwin appointed his successor to terrible, and he became the ruler of the Emerald City. The wood-shop was elected by the ruler of the Migumen, inhabited by a purple country. And the brave lion became the king of animals.

When the cherished wishes of the three friends of Ellie were fulfilled, she returned to his homeland, to dad and mom. Her and the Totomy was transferred by the magic silver gingerbread gingerbreads, which Pensik found in the cave of the sorcerer.

It was scared for a short time enjoyed his high position of the ruler of the Emerald City. In the hands of the evil and insidious carpenter of Urphina Jys, who lived in the country of Zhevunov, accidentally fell by a wonderful powder. The joiner made wooden soldiers, revived them and with the help of this strong army captured an emerald city. He was afraid and the ironwood came to him at the revenue were captured by Jus. He put them on the top of the high tower, behind the grille.

Asking for help, terrible and the woodcutter wrote an Ellie's letter, and he was given to Kansas their kind friend, Crow Kaggi Carr. The girl did not leave her friends in trouble and went to the magic country for the second time.

Accompanying Ellie her uncle, a single-legged sailor Charlie Black, a big master on all sorts of fiction. He made a land ship, and on this ship, they crossed the desert with Ellie.

The fight against Urphin Jysus and his mighty wooden soldiers was not easy, but Ellie and her friends won.

Urphine was judged.

For all his crimes, he deserved cruel punishment, but a single-legged sailor Charlie Black turned to the sovereigners of the judges:

- Friends, and not better to leave this person just alone with himself?

And Ellie supported him:

- Right. It will be for him the most cruel punishment.

Scared, ironwood and brave lion agreed with a sailor and a girl, and the former king of the Emerald city paid for the city gates to the whistle and the ullyukne citizens and farmers. On the way, someone for laughter entered him a vivid wooden clown, his favorite and headphone, and Urfin Jussy mechanically squeezed him in his hand.

"Go, where you want," said the city gate of Faramante who defended his guardian gate, "and try to become a good person." First of all, you will win from it myself.

Jus did not answer these good words. He threw a sullen look from the city eyebrows on Faramant and quickly walked away from the city along the road paved with yellow bricks.

"Everyone left me," the former King of the Emerald City was pronounced Gorky. "All who stalled me on my power, who drew at my table, who exceeded me to heaven, everyone now praise the little Ellie and the giant because of the mountains ..." (so-called Charlie Ball in the magical country.)

But, turning back, Urfin realized that he was wrong. One faithful creature was found: the Bear of Topotun was taken away for the owner. No, Topotun will never leave him, in whatever the Urfin Jys would be hit. After all, this urofin of the mysterious force of a wonderful powder revived his skin when she lay a pathetic dusting rug on the floor, and for this a bear owes him eternal gratitude ...

- Topotun, to me!

Bear joyful Rynstea ran up to the owner:

- I'm here, Lord! What do you get?


This word facilitated the mental wound of Urphine. Yes, he is still a lord of at least one modest servant and for an insignificant clown. What if?. Unclear hopes swept into the brain of Urphin. Does the enemies celebrate the victory too early?

He, Urfin Juss, is still young, he is free, and no one has selected an inacred will, the ability to use the favorable circumstances of the cunning, quiet mind, skilled hands.

The crumpled mill of Urphine straightened, a weak smile illuminated a dark face with cosmatic eyebrows and a predicted mouth of the mouth.

Wrapped in the direction of the Emerald City, Urfin shook his fist:

- You will also regret the unfortunate spaces that they released me to the will!.

"Yes, they regret," the clown squeaked.

Jus sat on the back of the bear.

"Carry me, my glorious Topotun, to his homeland, to Zhevunam," he ordered. - There we have a house with you. Hope, no one touched him. There we will find the heads for the first time.

"And we have a vegetable garden there, the Lord," Pilotun picked up, "and in the neighboring forest there are greasy rabbits. I do not need food, but I will catch them for you.

The good-natured Maid of the bear shone from the joy that he will again live with the adorable owner away from everyone, alone and content.

Not those were the Duma of Urphine.

"The house will serve for me a temporary refuge," Jys thought out, "I will hide until I constant about me." And there ... We'll see! .. "

He was the path of Urphine Jussy to the country of Zhevunov. He dreamed of returning unnoticed, but the business spoiled Kaggi Carr. With the help of a numerous Rodney, the crow Died, where the exile was headed. All those who lived near the road paved with yellow bricks, in a timely awarded by the Messengers by Kaggir Carre about the approach of Urphine.

Men and women, old people and children were out of the houses, arranged along the road and silently accompanied the Urphine with contemptuous views. Jysus would be easier if I scored it, threw stones and sticks into it. But this is a coffin silence, hatred, written on all faces, ice eyes ... All this was many times worse.

The vengeful crow calculated right. JUSE UPHINA JUSY in native places resembled a prolonged march on the execution.

What pleasure would be rushed with Jys on each of the enemies, it would clutch him in the throat, he heard his death rather ... but it was impossible. And he drove on the bear, lowly bowing his head and creaks his teeth from rage.

And Cloon Eot Ling, sitting on his shoulder, whispered in his ear:

- Nothing, Lord, nothing, everything will pass! We still laugh at them!

Overall of Urfin in the forest under the trees, because none of the inhabitants of the Emerald or Blue country would give him her shelter for the night. Falling on the exile of fruits, torn from the trees. He was very stupid and, approaching the forest of saber-toothed tigers, almost wanted to make a meeting with predators to bring the end


My young friend, give me a hand and surround with you far, far away, in a magical country, which is separated from the whole world a great desert and chain of huge mountains. There, under the forever hot sun, cute and funny little men live - chevyans, migumens, chatters and many more different other tribes.

It is in the country of Zhevunov Hurricane, caused by the sorcerer of Ginglands, brought a house from Kansas with the girl of Ellie and the pebble in the same way. Gingham died, and extraordinary adventures began for Ellie and the tagging.

In those days in the center of the country, in an excellent emerald city, the great wizard of Goodwin lived. Ellie went to him, hoping that Goodwin would help her to return to his homeland.

On the road, Ellie captured with him the revived straw scarecrow, the woodcutter made of iron, and a cowardly lion. Each of them had their own dream. I wanted to get brains in the straw head; Woodcutter sought a loving heart; Lero needed courage. And although Goodwin turned out to be a false wizard, he performed all their desires. He gave the horror of the smart brains from Bran, mixed with needles and pins. Iron Woodhouse - Good Silk Heart, packed with sawdust, cowardly lion - courage that spitched and foam in a gold dish.

Goodwin bored to live in a magical country, and he left her in a balloon. The deserted, Goodwin appointed his successor to terrible, and he became the ruler of the Emerald City. The wood-shop was elected by the ruler of the Migumen, inhabited by a purple country. And the brave lion became the king of animals.

When the cherished desires of three Ellie friends were fulfilled, she returned to his homeland, to Pope and Mom. Her and the Totomy moved the magic silver gingerbread gingerbreads, which Pesk found in the cave of the sorcerer.

It was scared for a short time enjoyed his high position of the ruler of the Emerald City. In the hands of the evil and insidious carpenter of Urphina Jys, who lived in the country of Zhevunov, accidentally fell by a wonderful powder. The joiner made wooden soldiers, revived them and with the help of this strong army captured an emerald city. Scared and. The ironwood came to him on the revenue were captured by Jus. He put them on the top of the high tower, behind the grille.

Asking for help. Scary and the woodcutter wrote a letter to Ellie, and he was given to Kansas their good friend, Crow Kaggi-Carr. The girl did not leave her friends in trouble and went to the magic country for the second time. Her uncle accompanied her uncle, Charlie Black, a big master to all sorts of fiction. He made a land ship, and on this ship, they crossed the desert with Ellie.

The fight against Urphin Jusus and his mighty wooden soldiers was not easy, but Ellie and her friends won 2.

Urphine was judged.

For all his crimes, he deserved a cruel punishment, but a single-legged sailor Charlie Flek turned to companions to the judges.

- Friends, and not better to leave this person just alone with himself?

And Ellie supported him:

- Right. It will be for him the most cruel punishment.

Scared, ironwood and brave lion agreed with a sailor and a girl, and the former king of the Emerald city paid for the city gates to the whistle and the ullyukne citizens and farmers. On the way, someone for laughter put him a lively wooden clown, his favorite and headphone, and Urfin Jus mechanically squeezed him in his hand.

"Go where you want," said the city gate of Faramant, the Urphine said. - And try to become a good person. First of all, you will win from it myself.

Jus did not answer these good words. He threw a sullen look from the Cosmarky eyebrows at Faramant and quickly walked away from the city along the road paved with yellow bricks.

"Everyone left me," the former King of the Emerald City was pronounced Gorky. "All who stalled me in the days of my power, who drank at my table, who exceeded me to heaven, everyone now praise the little Ellie and the giant because of the mountains ... (so called Charlie Blok in a magical country.)"

But, turning back, Urfin realized that he was wrong. One faithful creature was found: the Bear Topotun flew in the gap for the owner. No, Topotun will never leave him, in whatever the Urfin Jys would be hit. After all, this urofin of the mysterious force of a wonderful powder revived his skin when she lay a pathetic dusting rug on the floor, and for this a bear owes him eternal gratitude ...

- Topotun, to me!

Bear joyful Rynstea ran up to the owner.

- I'm here, Lord! What do you get?


This word facilitated the mental wound of Urphine. Yes, he is still a lord of at least one modest servant and for an insignificant clown. And what if? .. Unclear hopes swept into the brain of Urphin. Does the enemies celebrate the victory too early?

He, Urfin Juss, is still young, he is free, and no one has selected in Him in his indomitable will, the ability to use the favorable circumstances of the tricky, quiet mind, skillful hands.

The crumpled mill of Urphine straightened, a weak smile illuminated a dark face with cosmatic eyebrows and a predicted mouth of the mouth.

Wrapped in the direction of the Emerald City, Urfin shook his fist:

- You will also regret the unfortunate spaces that they released me to the will! ..

"Yes, they regret," the clown squeaked.

Jus sat on the back of the bear.

"Carry me, my glorious Topotun, to his homeland, to Zhevunam," he ordered. - There we have a house with you. Hope, no one touched him. There we will find the heads for the first time.

"And we have a vegetable garden there, the Lord," Pilotun picked up, "and in the neighboring forest there are greasy rabbits. I do not need food, but I will catch them for you.