Characteristic features of the romantic hero. Romantic hero

Characteristic features of the romantic hero. Romantic hero
Characteristic features of the romantic hero. Romantic hero

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Romantic hero - one of artistic images Romanticism literature. Romantic is an exceptional and often mysterious person, which is usually in exceptional circumstances. The collision of external events is transferred to inner world Hero, in the soul of which the contradictions are fighting. As a result of such reproduction of character, romanticism extremely highly raised the value of the identity inexhaustible in his spiritual depths, discovering its unique inner world. Man B. romantic works Also embodied by contrast, antithesis: on the one hand, he is a crown of creation, and on the other hand, a hazard toy in the hands of fate, unknown and unqualified forces. Therefore, he often turns sacrificing his own passions. Romantic hero alone. He or himself runs out of the usual, convenient for other world, which seems to him prison. Or he is an exile, a criminal. In a dangerous path, it chases the reluctance to be like everything, thirst for a storm. For the romantic hero freedom more expensive life. For this, it is capable of everything, if it feels the inner right. The romantic hero is a solid personality, it can always be distinguished by a leading trait of character.

Romanticism as a direction in literature and art began to form in late XVIII A century as a result of the crisis of the ideas of rationalism that dominated the era of the Enlightenment. Unlike the rationalists, romance did not appeal to the mind, but to feelings, giving priority to personal in front of public, ordinary - before unusual, and often supernatural. Personality, her aspirations and experiences placed in the center of attention of Romance. It should be noted that the romance was introduced into the literature the image of a person endowed with uncomfortable abilities and strong passions, incomprehensible and driven by society. The hero of romanticism, as a rule, himself demonstratively opposes itself to other people, a crowd, and often challenges a more powerful forces, even to God. The adventures of the romantic hero unfold against the background, quite appropriate to its originality: this is either an exotic landscape of distant countries, or an ominous vintage castle, or fantastic circumstances.

Heroes of Bairon - Romance, an example of Conrad from the poem "Corsair". The name itself speaks about the role of classes of the main character of the work: Conrad - pirate, sea robber. He is a pirate acting at his own risk. The first correspondence with the canons of romanticism: the hero of the work is a rude, a man is out of law. We can relate differently to the poetry of the image of a marine robber, but it should be remembered that it was exactly the personalities who have broken with society, and all their behavior challenge to him, and are the object of attention of the romance writer, who is absolutely not interested in the righteous life of the average man. In addition, the hero of the poem of Byron is by no means a gangster, ready to cut the throat for the sake of a pair of gold coins. In the detachment of Conrad, harsh discipline reigns; He himself not only does not drink wine, but also unshakably faithful to his only beloved. In relation to women, Conrad is generally a true knight: during a raid on Pasha Palace, he saves his opponent's wives from a burning building. This is the image of a "noble robber". It should be noted that such heroes are found in the legends of many nations. A few more characteristic features of romanticism: the hero of the poem is an exceptional personality in its organizational, moral and moral qualities. In addition, a certain rapprochement with the legendary " noble robber»Also is a feature of romanticism - appeal to folklore traditions And myths for romantic writers are not uncommon. The place of action is a picturesque island. Corsair fights with Muslim warriors on the background eastern Nature and magnificent palaces. The poem is breaking suddenly: we do not know where the hero of Bayron will go, how his further fateAnd this is also in the traditions of romanticism.

Emily Bronte - "Thunderstorm Pass" - not so easy golden classic world literature, but a novel that turned the ideas about romantic prose. The story is violent, passionate, tragic love Hitcliffe and Katty are still interesting. Hitclyph - Buntar, rising against the established orders, against the hypocritical morality, against God and religion, against evil and injustice. Hitclyf and Catherine could be happy only until money, prejudice, conventions were missing between them. However, nothing could kill their love, passionate attraction to each other. On the heroes of the "Thunderstorm Pass" W. Peter wrote: "These figures, performed by such passions, but disks on the background of the careless beauty of the beauty of heers, are typical samples of the spirit of romanticism"

In the English poetry of the Renaissance, the lyrical heroes are remarkable and colorful. Wordsworth in the cycle "Sleights, dedicated to freedom", in particular in the sonnet "London, 1802" lyrical hero He says that England needs people like Milton, the poet asks Milton to give contemporaries strength, valor and freedom. The Titanic figure of Milton is opposed to small, egoistic people of modernity.

For the romantic art of Kolridge, the unfinished poem "Crystabel" is characteristic. Medieval castle, moonlight night, hours of hours, the incident, performed by the mystery, is the background, which reveals the contradictory feelings and experiences of the heroes -star Baron Leolain, his daughter Crystabel, Geraldine. The story of the poems is broken on the string of action, but in the most string, the tragic loneliness of the crystabel, who collided with the brutal impermanence of the people around him.

The main features of the romantic hero: -Niprition of the Company's ideals; -nontrase splitness; - Model in the real world; -Book ideal and dreams; - Life in the field of emotions and feelings; - Heroy - Always bright, exceptional personality -From is always in an insoluble conflict with his surroundings, society, epoch. -Hell, exceptional circumstances of life.

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Definitions of the term " romantic hero"

Romantic hero - One of the artistic images of the literature of romanticism.

● Existence « two worlds»: The world of the ideal, dreams and peace of reality. This leads romantic artists in the mood of despair and hopelessness, " world grief».

● Appeal K. folk plots, folklore, Interest in the historical past, the search for historical consciousness.

To learn more about the theory of romanticism, use the presentation on this topic.

Typology of the romantic hero

Word cloud illustrating key characteristic features of the romantic hero

Typically types of romantic heroes can be represented as nationalor as universal.

For example:

Hero Chudak - ridiculous and ridiculous in the eyes of the townships and passersby

Hero Single - rejected by society, aware of his alien to the world

"Bayronic hero" - overtime, "Son of the Century", suffers from contradictory of his own nature

Hero-demonic personality - challenges the world, sometimes even God, the person is doomed to break with society

Hero - a man from the people - Opened by society

The cloud is based on articles "Romantic hero in Western European literature" from Online library publishing house "Lyceum" . Visually presented the main aspects of a romantic nature. Thus, the romantic hero appears as a person striving for the search for the world romantic ideal. This is an exceptional personality that challenges the environment that thirsting the moral revolution. Such a person contradicts everyday life and dreams of spiritual perfection.

Analysis of the character of heroes from different German authors

The romantic hero and society are opposing forces, as they represent two different concepts: spirituality and mediate. Novisa, like an innovator, a romantic hero is the eternal wanderer In search of your great ideal and aspirations for self-improvement, Göldderlin - lonely replacement and child of Nature., deified love, and Gofman with his weave with realism and romantic irony - several primbed comical chudak, able No less, at the children's delight and ingenuous faith in miracles. One way or another, all the characters binds the desire to surrender to the feelings, taking the cold mind at the same time. Exactly love All the best awakens in the heroes, she reveals their eyes to the beautiful, truly important things, love transforms the romantic hero, encourages creativity, he finds the dream embodiment itself. " Love is the main thing"- wrote shilling.

The main features of a romantic character combining heroes literary works on the different stages Displayed in the mental map.

The English Poet of Percy Bishi Shelley said that romanticism, Fatazina comparing him with the clouds: "constancy I don't know, forever a look I change, but I will never die .."

The concept of "romanticism" is often used as synonym for the concept of "romance". Under this implies a tendency to look at the world through pink glasses and active life position. Or bind this concept with love and any actions for their sake close man. But romanticism has several values. The article will talk about a narrower understanding, which is used for the literary term, and on the basic features of the nature of the romantic hero.

Characteristic style features

Romanticism is a direction in the literature that emerged in Russia at the end of the 18th - the first half of the 19th century. This style proclaims the cult of nature and natural feelings man. New characteristic features romantic literature Freedom of expression, the value of individualism and original features of the character of the main character are becoming. Representatives of the direction refused rationalism and the departure of the mind that were characteristic of the era of enlightenment, and put the emotional and spiritual side of the person at the head of the corner.

In their works, the authors reflect not the real world, which was too vulgar and low for them, and the inner universe character. And through the prism of his feelings and emotions is visible real Mira, whose laws and thoughts he refuses to obey.

Main conflict

The central conflict of all works written in the era of romanticism becomes conflict between the person and society as a whole. Here, the main character goes to the rules established in his surroundings. At the same time, the motives of such behavior may be different - deeds can be like going for the benefit of society, and have a selfish idea. At the same time, as a rule, the hero loses this struggle, and the work ends with his death.

Romantic is a special and in most cases a very mysterious person trying to resist the power of nature or society. At the same time, the conflict develops into internal struggle The contradictions that occurs in the soul of the main character. In other words, the central character is built on antithesis.

Although in this literary genre And the individuality of the main character is valued, but still literary criticians allocated what features of romantic heroes are the main. But, even despite similarity, each character is unique in its own way, as they are only common criteria for the allocation of style.

Ideals of society

The main feature The romantic hero is that he does not adopt the well-known ideals of society. The main character has its own ideas about the values \u200b\u200bof life that he is trying to defend. He seems to challenge the world around him, not a separate person or group of people. Here we are talking about the ideological opposition of one person against the whole world.

At the same time, in his rebellion, the main character chooses one of the two extremes. Either these are unattainable high-dimensional goals, and the character is trying to compare with the Creator himself. In another case, the hero is indulging in all sorts, without feeling the measures of their moral fall into the abyss.

Bright personality

If one person is able to confront the whole world, it means that it is as large-scale and complex as the whole world. The main character Romantic literature is always allocated in society both externally and internally. In the soul of the character there is a constant conflict between the already laid by society stereotypes and his own views and ideas.


One of the saddest features of the romantic hero is his tragic loneliness. Since the character confronts the whole world, he remains completely alone. There is no such person who would understand him. Therefore, he either runs away from the society hated himself, or he becomes an exile. Otherwise, the romantic hero would not be so. Therefore, romance writers focus all their attention on psychological portrait central Character.

Either past or future

The features of the romantic hero do not allow him to live in the present. The character is trying to find his ideals in the past when the religious feeling was strongly in the hearts of people. Either mastering himself with happy utopians, who allegedly expect him in the future. But in any case, the chief hero does not suit the era of dim bourgeois reality.


As already mentioned, distinctive feature The romantic hero is his individualism. But it is not easy to "dissolve on others." This is a cardinal difference from all people who surround the main character. At the same time, if the character chooses the sinful path, he realizes what is different from others. And this distinction was brought to the extreme - the cult of the personality of the main character, where all the actions have an exclusively selfish motive.

The era of romanticism in Russia

The founder of Russian romanticism is considered the poet Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky. He creates several ballads and poems ("Undina", "Sleeping Tsarevna" and so on) in which there is a deep philosophical meaning And the desire of K. moral ideals. His works are impregnated with their own experiences and reflections.

Then Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol and Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov arrive at the change of Zhukovsky. They impose on public consciousnessimpressed by the failure of the Decembrist uprising, imprint of the ideological crisis. For this reason, the creativity of these people is described as disappointment in real life And an attempt to go into your fictional world filled with beauty and harmony. The main characters of their works are losing interest in earthly life and come into conflict with the outside world.

One of the features of romanticism is to appeal to the history of the people and its folklore. This is most brightly traced in the work of the "song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young Ochrichnik and a remote merchant Kalashnikov" and the cycle of poems and the poems dedicated to the Caucasus. Lermontov perceived him as the homeland of free and proud people. They opposed the slave country, which was under the rule of Nicholas I.

Early works Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is also impregnated by the idea of \u200b\u200bromanticism. An example is Evgeny Onegin or Picovaya Lady.

The moral pathos of romantics was connected, first of all, with the statement of the value of the individual, which was embodied in the images of romantic heroes. The first, the most striking type is a single hero, a hero-rode, which is customary called bayronic hero. Opposition to the poet of the crowd, the Hero - Cherni, the individual - a society that does not understand and pursuing him - feature romantic literature.

About such a hero E. Kozhina wrote: "Man of a romantic generation, witness of bloodshed, cruelty, tragic fate People and whole peoples, taking to the bright and heroic, but in advance paralyzed by miserably reality, from hatred to the bourgeois elevating the Middle Ages knights and more conscious of their monolithic figures, the person who is proud of his "I", Because only it highlights it from the environment of the meshman, and at the same time it will be, a person who connects the protest, and impotence, and naive illusions, and pessimism, and unearned energy, and passionate lyrism - this person is present in all romantic The canvases of the 1820s. "

The dizzying change of events inspired, gave birth to hopes for change, walked dreams, but sometimes led to despair. The freedom and fraternity proclaimed by the revolution, equality and fraternity opened the scoring of the human spirit. However, it became very clear that these principles were impracticable. Breaking unprecedented hopes, the revolution did not meet them. It was too early to show that the freedom obtained was not only good. It also manifested itself in cruel and predatory individualism. The post-revolutionary order was less like that the kingdom of the mind, which was dreaming of thinkers and writers of education. The epoch cataclysms influenced the mindset of the entire romantic generation. The mood of romantics constantly fluctuates between delight and despair, inspiration and disappointment, fiery enthusiasm and truly world sorrow. The feeling of absolute and limitless individual freedom is adjacent to the awareness of her tragic insecurity.

S. Frank wrote that "The 19th Century opens with a sense of" world grief ". In the worldview of Bairon, Leopard, Alfred Müsse - in Russia, in Russia, Lermontov, Baratyan, Tyutchev - in the pessimistic philosophy of Schopenhauer, in the tragic music of Beethoven, in the terrible fantastics of the gofman, in the sad irony of Heine - the new consciousness of human orphanage in the world, tragic failure His hopes, hopeless contradiction between intimate needs and hope human heart and cosmic and social conditions of human existence. "

Indeed, not saying about the pessimism of his views by Schopenhauer himself, whose teenage is painted in a dark tone, and who constantly says that the world is filled with evil, meaningless, misfortune that life is suffering: "If the nearest and direct goal of our life is not There is suffering, our existence represents the most stupid and inappropriate phenomenon. For it is ridiculous to let the endless, which expires from the essential needs of life, which is overflowing the world, was aimlessly and purely by chance. Although every single misfortune is presented, but misfortune is generally a rule. "

A life human spirit Romantics are opposed to lowland material being. From the feeling of his unfavorable, the cult of a unique personality was born. It was perceived as the only support and as the only point of reference life values. Human individuality thought as an absolutely self-relieved beginning, pulled from the surrounding world and is largely opposed to him.

The hero of romantic literature becomes a person who ripped off from old connections, approving its absolute dissimilarity on all others. Already, by virtue of this, it is exceptional. Romantic artists, as a rule, avoided portraying ordinary and ordinary people. As the main acting persons in them artistic creativity Perform single dreamers, brilliant artists, Prophets, Persons endowed with deep passions, Titanic feelings. They may be villains, but never - mediocre. Most often they are endowed with rebellious consciousness.

Graduations Disagreement with the world order in such heroes may be different: from rebellious irregularity Rene in the novel of the same name Shatubrita to total disappointment in humans, mind and world order, characteristic of many heroes of Bairon. The romantic hero always resides in a state of a certain spiritual limit. His feelings are exacerbated. The contours of the personality are determined by the passion of nature, the irrepression of desires and aspirations. The romantic personality is exceptional due to its original nature and therefore is completely individual.

The exclusive intrinsicness of the individuality did not even allow the thoughts about its dependence on the surrounding circumstances. The initial point of the romantic conflict is the pursuit of a person to fully independence, the approval of the primacy of free will over the necessity. The discovery of self-reliability of the individual was the artistic conquest of romanticism. But it led to the aesthetization of individuality. The impercessance person itself has already become the subject of aesthetic admiration. Running out of the environment, the romantic hero could sometimes manifest itself in violation of the prohibitions, in individualism and egoism, and even just in crimes (Manfred, Corsair or Cain at Bairon). Ethical and aesthetic in personality assessment could not coincide. In this, romantic was very different from the enlighteners, in which, on the contrary, in the evaluation of the hero ethical and aesthetic beginning completely merged.

The enlighteners of the XVIII century, a lot of positive heroes were created, which were high moral valuesImagined, in their opinion, mind and natural norms. So, the symbol of the new, "natural", rational hero was Robinson Cruzo D.Defo and Gillover Jonathan Swift. Of course, the authentic hero of the Enlightenment is the hetevsky Faust.

The romantic hero is not just positive heroHe is not even always a positive, romantic hero is a hero, reflecting the poet to ideal. After all, the question of whether Lermontov is a positive or negative demon, Konrad in "Corsair" Bairon does not occur at all - they are majestic, entering into their appearance, in their acts the indomitable strength of the Spirit. The romantic hero, as V. G. Belinsky wrote, is a "personality that has been laid on their own", personality, opposing themselves to the whole world.

An example of a romantic hero is Julien Sorel from the Roman Standal "Red and Black". Personal fate Julien Sorel has developed in close dependence on this change of historical weather. From the past, he borrows his internal code of honor, the present is circumscribed by dishonor. According to its depths of the "man of the 93rd year", the fan of revolutionaries and Napoleon, he was "late to be born." It was time to be time when the situation was conquered by personal valor, courage, mind. Now the shoe for "Hunting for Happiness" is offered the only help, which in the course of children of rampant: prudently hypocritical piety. The color of good luck has changed, like when turning the roulette: Today, to win, it is necessary to put on the red, but on black. And the young man, who is obsessed with the dream of glory, was set in front of the choice: either to kill in obscurity, or try to assert themselves, having booting to his century, Nadya "Mundir in time" - Sutan. He turns away from friends and serves those whom he despises; Suguriza, he is pretending to be holy; The fan of the Jacobinians is trying to penetrate the circle of aristocrats; Being endowed acute mind, I give up fools. Realizing that "Everyone for himself in this desert of egoism, called life," he rushed into a fight in the calculation to defeat his arms imposed on him.

And yet, Soriet, putting on the path of the device, did not fully become adapted; By choosing the ways to conquer the happiness taken by everyone around, he did not share mymoral. And the point here is not just that the gifted young man is immeasurably smarter than the prissthood, which he is in the service. His hypocrisy itself is not humiliated with humility, but a kind of challenge to society, accompanied by the refusal to recognize the right of "owners of life" to respect and their claims to ask their subordinate moral principles. The tops are the enemy, sneaky, cunning, vengeful. Using their favor, Soriet, however, does not know the debts of conscience in front of them, because, even causing a capable young man, they see not a person, but a ruler servant.

Forky heart, energy, sincerity, courage and character power, morally healthy attitude towards peace and people, constant need for action, in labor, in the fruitful work of intelligence, humane responsiveness to people, respect for simple workers, love for nature, beauty in life and art, all this distinguished Nature Julien, and all this he had to suppress in himself, trying to adapt to the animal laws of his world. This attempt was not crowned with success: "Julien retreated before the court of his conscience, he could not overcome traction to justice."

One of the favorite symbols of romanticism became Prometheus, embodying courage, heroism, self-sacrifice, unbeatable will and irreconcilability. An example of the work built on the basis of the myth about Promethea can be called the poem PB. Shelly "Liberated Prometheus", which is one of the most significant works of the poet. Shelly changing the junction mythological plotIn which, as you know, Prometheus still reconciled with Zeus. The poet himself wrote: "I was against such a pitiful union, like the reconciliation of a fighter for humanity with his oppressor." Shelley creates from the image of the perfect hero from the image, punished by the gods for disrupting their will, helped people. In the poem Shelly flour Prometheus rewarded with the celebration of his liberation. A fantastic creature that appears in the third part of the poem Lies to Zeus, proclaimed: "There is no return for the tyranny, and there is no successor to you."

Female images Romanticism is also contradictory, but extraordinary. Many authors of the era of romanticism returned to the history of Medea. Austrian writer of the era of romanticism F. Grillparter wrote the trilogy "Golden Fleece", which was reflected characteristic for german romanticism "Rock tragedy". The "Golden Fleece" is often called the most complete dramatic version of the "biographies" of an ancient Greek heroine. In the first part - the one-act Drama "Guest" we see Copper at a very young girl, forced to endure a self-father. She prevents the murder of Fricca, their guest who fled to Colchid on the Golden Aries. It was he who brought sacrificing Zeus to Zevsa Aries in gratitude for salvation from death and hung the golden fleece in sacred grove Ares. The seekers of the Golden Rune appear in front of us in the Pethakny play "Argonauts". In it, Medea is desperately, but unsuccessfully trying to fight his feelings for Jason, contrary to his will becoming his report. In the third part - the five -act tragedy of "Medea" history reaches its climax. Medea brought by Jason to Corinth appears for those surrounding as a stranger from barbaric edges, sorcerers and vigories. In the works of romantics, the phenomenon is often found quite often, which is the basis of many unsolvable conflicts. Returning to his homeland in Corinth, Jason shake his girlfriend, but also refuses to fulfill the requirement of Creon and drive it. And only having loved his daughter, Jason himself hated my cop.

the main tragic theme Mopes in Grill Gerson is in her loneliness, because even her own children shame and avoid it. The copper is not destined to get rid of this car, even in Delfa, where she fled after the killing of creatures and sons. Grillparter did not seek to give an excuse for his heroine, but for him it was important to detect the motives for her actions. Grilling Medea - the daughter of a distant barbaric country, did not accept the fate prepared by her, she rushes against someone else's mistake, and it was very attracted by romantics.

The image of Medele, striking its inconsistency, many in a transformed form see in heroines of standal and Barba D "Orevili. Both writers depict deadly copper in different ideological contexts, but invariably give it a sense of alienation, which is pernicious for the integrity of the person and, therefore, entails by itself death.

Many literary criticism of Medea corresponds to the image of the Heroine of the Roman "Disturbed" Barba d "Orevili Zhanna-Madelena de Feardan, as well as the field famous heroine Roman Standal "Red and Black" Matilda. Here we see the three main components of the famous myth: an unexpected, the rapid birth of passion, magical actions with good intentions, with detrimental intentions, revenge of the abandoned sorcerer - a rejected woman.

These are just some examples of romantic heroes and heroines.

The revolution proclaimed the freedom of person, discovered before her "unknown new roads", but the same revolution gave rise to the bourgeois order, the spirit of tie and egoism. These two sides of the personality (pathos of freedom and individualism) are very difficult manifested in the romantic concept of peace and man. V. G. Belinsky found a wonderful formula, speaking of Byrone (and his hero): "This is a human person, outstanding against the general and, in the proud uprising of his own, laid at itself."

However, another type of personality is formed in the bowels of romanticism. This is, first of all, the personality of the artist - the poet, a musician, painter, also ascended over the crowd of ordinary people, officials, owners, secular idlers. Here we are talking Already not about claims of an exceptional personality, but about the rights of a true artist to judge the world and people.

Romantic image The artist (for example, in German writers) is far from always adequate to the Bayron Hero. Moreover, the Bayron Hero - an individualist is opposed to a universal person, which seeks to the highest harmony (as if absorbing all the variety of the world). The versatility of such a person is an antitz of any limited person associated with narrow mercantile interests, even with the thirst for profit, destroying personality, etc.

Romantics, the social consequences of revolutions are not always true. But they acutely felt the anti-sytic nature of society, threatening the very existence of art, in which the "heartless purehnoman" reigns. Romantic artist, unlike some writers of the second halves XIX. The century did not want to hurry from the world in the "Elephant Tower". But he felt tragically lonely, choking on this loneliness.

Thus, in romanticism, two antagonistic concepts of the personality can be distinguished: individualistic and universalist. Their fate in the subsequent development of world culture was ambiguous. The Bunch of the Bayronov Hero - the individualist was beautiful, fascinated by contemporaries, but at the same time quickly discovered his futility. The story severely condemned the claims of a particular person to create his own court. On the other hand, in the idea of \u200b\u200bversatility, a long-term developed man was reflected in the ideal of a comprehensively developed person free from the limited bourgeois society.