"Man of inflexible will. Sholokhov Mikhail Aleksandrovich - the fate of a Russian man man of an inflexible will

"Man of inflexible will. Sholokhov Mikhail Aleksandrovich - the fate of a Russian man man of an inflexible will

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov is a famous Writer-Humanist of the 20th century. Most works M.A.Sholokhova is devoted to significant historical events. Mainly, the events occurring during the Great Patriotic War. One of the most famous works of M.A.Sholokhov about the Great Patriotic War is the story of the "Fate of Man".
The form of the story "The Fate of Man" is simple and genius: "Story in the story." The main hero of the story, the simple Soviet man Andrei Sokolov, himself tells about himself and his life.
On June 22, 1941, an ordinary carpenter Andrei Sokolov becomes a soldier. With trepidation and love remembers Sokolov prevented life when he had a family and was happy. But these wonderful memories are darkened by how he pushed his spouse at parting, clinging to him: "Why did I push it then? Heart still, as I remember, as if a stupid knife is cut ... "
Andrei Sokolov, who leaving the front with hope soon to return to his family, did not even suspect what kind of trials had prepared fate. Heavy parting with his family when leaving on the front, injury, fascist captivity, Hell of Hitler's concentration camps. At the front, he behaved his brave, courageously and very worthy. He was always ready to take help with his comrades, risked for the victory of the Red Army. This manifested itself when he himself volunteered to carry ammunition for an artillery battery for the front edge. Also deserved, he behaved and captive. For example, he saved from the death of an unfamiliar platoon, which as the Communist was going to issue the fascists of the cake of the roof, which Andrei soon strangled as a traitor. He did not lose his honor of man and before the German officers, did not renounce his words, he was not afraid of death, showed his power of will. Soon he was accepted by the driver and, taking this opportunity, made escape.
In a short front vacation, A.Sokolov finds out that the wife and both daughters died during the bombing. From his loved ones, he remained only a son, but he dies on the last day of the war - May 9.
I endured Andrei Sokolov and these brutal tests, not a single tear knocked, it can be seen "in the heart dried. Maybe therefore it hurts? "
The war took him all the most expensive that he had. His family died, the house was destroyed. Nowhere to smoke. It seemed after all the tests that had fallen out of one person, he could get out, break, climb into himself. But this did not happen: understanding how herself loss of relatives and badly loneliness, he adopts a boy Vanyush, who has a war from his parents. Andrei prigel, made the soul soul, and thanks to the warmth and gratitude of the child, began to return to life. The experienced suffering was not in vain, leaving deep wounds in the soul of Andrei Sokolov, but they did not kill a person in him.
The writer finishes the story of "the fate of a person" with confidence in the fact that this Russian man, the person of an inflexible will, exhausted, and near the father's shoulder will grow by the one who, having matured, will be able to fullete everything, to overcome on his way, if his homeland calls this " . In these words, the attitude is heard not only, and not so much to the hero of the story, how many to all Russian people who passed through the tests of the Great Patriotic War.
"The fate of a person" is the shortest story of M.A.Sholokhov, but, in my opinion, this is the most emotional story of all existing. And although the story is talking about the fate of one person, the fate of many Soviet people who divided all difficulties with their country, but preserved humanity, kindness, love to all of them, is visible.

Military life in the forties of the last century has changed the fate of many people. Some of them were not able to wait from the front of relatives and loved ones; Some did not despair and found themselves people replacing them; And some continued to live on. How it is important to maintain a human face after all grave tests and become a man-killer, but a man-savior! So was the main hero of the story of Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" Andrei Sokolov.

Before the beginning of the war, Sokolov was a good person. She worked, was an exemplary family man, and if he drank and began to scold my wife Irink, he immediately apologized. But his family idyll last long lasted. With the onset of war, he was sent to the front by military chauffeur. He was wounded, captured, but in all situations remained resistant to any tests. The enemies of the Germans, pile of vodka piles, ordered to drink him for their victory. But Solovkov refused: "I will drink for your destruction and get rid of flour," he said, and, barely holding his feet, drank, not biting. The Germans affected by the nature of the Russian man began to respect him and let go to freedom.

Having fused the half, Sokolov was lucky enough to return to his native Voronezh, but only instead of home and wife with the kids he saw only a funnel. Soon his other grief was comprehended: after a short correspondence with a saved son, he suddenly learns that Anatoly was killed. Everything disappeared: there is no home, there are no relatives, there is only a victory. How to live ...?

Sokolov finds the strength to live on. He does not comfort himself with the idea that someday there is a woman who can replace the dead irin, he does not want to return to his homeland. There is nothing left in his heart, except emptiness. However, it does not smear the thirst for hatred, he does not want to revenge for all his life adversity and even thoughts about suicide do not visit him a light head. He just continues to live. And, as soon it turns out, he can not only live for himself.

Sokolov goes to the Russian city Uryupinsk, where he meets the meaning of his future life. The boy with blond, like nebushko, eyes, overnightly able to replace him with all his native people. Vanyushka was an orphan and wandered along the streets in search of another watermelon crust, so as not to die with hunger. This boy who did not know about the real mountain, which Andrei Sokolova suffered, recognizes his father in him, it was worth only Sokolov to say: "Vanya, and you know who I'm so? ... I am your father." So they found each other two large, clean, loving and devoted to each other hearts.

Andrei Sokolov is a true example of a person with an incilable force of will. He bravely lasted in the military, and in peacetime, did not lose his human face and opened his heart a little man to whom it was so necessary.

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  • Plan lectures
    Topic: "... This Russian man, a person of inflexible will ...". Analysis of the story M.Sholokhova "The Fate of Man"
    Type of occupation: lecture study with workshop elements
    - to introduce students with the story of writing a story,
    - give some biographical information about MA Sholokhov
    - to educate the ability to analyze the work, show the part of the details in the text,
    - develop the skills of independent work with the text, the ability to express and argue your opinion;
    - promote the development of research training actions.
    - contribute to the education of spirituality;
    - to raise love for homeland and respect for her hard fate,
    - Install interest in the study of Russian literature.
    Methods and techniques:
    I. According to the sources of knowledge
    Wonderful: oral (story, conversation, explanation), with a printed word (reading out loud, work with additional literature).
    Presentation, fragments of x / f.
    Analysis of the story through the "dive into the text".
    II. By the nature of students' cognitive activities
    Explanatory illustrative
    Problem presentation
    Partial search
    Didactic means of learning: the story of M.Solokhov "The Fate of Man", a computer, a presentation, cutting fragments from the X / F "Fate of Man".
    Interdisciplinary connections: history, cultural studies.
    1. Home:
    Vashchenko A.V. Concept of the post-war man: the story of E. Hemingway "Old Man and the Sea" and the story of M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Human" // Russia and the West: Dialogue of Cultures. Vol. 7. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1999. - 296 p. - ISBN 5-88091-114-4.
    Liderman N. L. "Monumental story" M. Sholokhov // Leiderman N. L. Russian literary classic of the 20th century. - Ekaterinburg: 1996. - P. 217-245. - ISBN 5-7186-0083-x.
    Pavlovsky A. Russian character (about the hero of the story of M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man") // The problem of character in modern Soviet literature. - M.-L., 1962.
    Larin B. Story M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" (experience in the form of form) // Neva. - 1959. - № 9.
    2. Additional:
    R. V. Nehaev. By studying at the School of the story of M. Sholokhov "Fate of Man" Biryukov F. Art discoveries Mikhail Sholokhov. - M., 1976.
    Britikov A. F. Mikhail Mikhail Sholokhov. - M., 1995.
    Grokov A. The artistic world of Sholokhov. - 3rd ed. - M., 1976.
    Lecture classes structure
    1.Ganization part.
    1) Visiting control.
    2) Readiness to perceive classes.
    2. Message theme, goals and main objectives.
    3. Student supporting knowledge actualization:
    - Name the famous names of the poets and front-line writers;
    - What do you know about M.Sholokhov?
    - What works M.Sholokhov are you familiar?
    4.Motivation of students' training activities
    Motherland is similar to a huge tree, on which not to count the leaves. And all that we do good, adds power to him. But not every tree has roots. Without the roots, he would have fallen even a mesmer wind. The roots nourish the tree, they connect it from the earth. Roots - this is what we lived yesterday, a year ago, a hundred, thousand years ago. This is our story. (It will be about the Great Patriotic War)
    5. Structural elements of classes that ensure the achievement of the didactic and educational goal, their content and sequence
    Lecture Plan:
    The history of creating a work.
    Composition of the work.
    Biography Andrei Sokolova.
    Emotional characteristics of characters.
    The image of vanyukhi.
    Color techniques in the story.
    Analysis of the final episode of the story.
    Lexical analysis of the work.
    Content lecture
    1. History of creating a work.
    When the Great Patriotic War began, the writer was already 36 years old. He won a lot at that time. Civil war, ruin lands on Don. ... during the war MA Sholokhov goes to the front, works as a correspondent. Gets wound. In 1942, a 75-year-old mother dies from the break of the bomb. All these events have formed the basis of its most significant works: "Raised virgin", "Don Stories", "They fought for their homeland", "The Fate of Man", "Quiet Don". For the last Roman-epic writer in 1965 receives the Nobel Prize.
    In the first post-war year (1946), such a case occurred on the hunt with Sholokhov. There was a big spring flood. Sholokhov sat near the shoulder at the river crossing, rested. A man came to him with a boy, took it on clothes and his hands in fuel oil for "his brother-shofera," spoke about painful fate. She excited Sholokhov. Then he conceived to write a story. But after 10 years, he turned to this plot and wrote the fate of man in the week. " In 1956, under the new year, "True" printed the beginning of the story. And on January 1, 1957 - his ending. It became an event in the life of the country. The flow of reader letters to the editor, on the radio, in the village of Veshinskaya. Even famous foreign writers Erich Maria Relark and Ernest Hemingway, in whose work the topic of war was reflected in the work of which the theme of the war was reflected in the work.
    "We see with you guys who perceived this story in different ways that they argued about him. This is the proof that there was no indifferent readers, because the problem of this work is close to everyone. "We have almost every family came by the end of the war with losses. So I think: how much it was necessary to have forces to start all Syznov ... I saw these dotted burned stages, a farm, villages, villages, cities, saw emptying, deserted," - Speaking writer E.G. Levitskaya. Why is the story dedicated to her?
    Help for teacher:
    (Evgenia Grigorievna Levitskaya was born in 1880. Member of the CPSU since 1903. She lived a difficult, but glorious life, fought for the freedom of their people, for his right; was exiled along with children in the link. His dedication to the writer as it should be reminded that it is impossible Sold up the mystery of the grandeur and the tragic beauty of the character of the hero, his fate separately from the fate of the people and the Motherland.
    I learned MA. Sholokhov, when he was heading the department of the "Moscow Worker" publishing house. In this publishing house in 1929, the novel "Quiet Don" went out. Evgenia Grigorievna was delighted with the novel. Then their correspondence began. Levitskaya became a good and wise mentor for Sholokhov. Friendly correspondence continued until the end of the life Evgenia Grigorievna. She repeatedly came to swim to the Writer in Veshinskaya.
    2. Composition of the work
    What can you say about the composition of this work?
    Why did it need to be the author?
    (The author enjoys a special composite acceptance - a story in the story. This allows you to get acquainted with the confession of A. Sokolov, who survived all the troubles, torment and suffering, which went to his share, it's like a story of first-grade, so it is reliable.) - In a small story Sholokhov The whole life is traced, the whole fate of the hero, the "simple Soviet man".
    What is character?
    Character is a set of mental, spiritual properties of a person who are found in his behavior; Man with character, strong character (Ozhegov S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language).
    Reading a passage from the story "Russian Character", which is included in the collection "Stories of Ivan Sudarov"
    "Russian character. Looking for it. Is it talking about heroic feats? But there are so many that is confused - which is preferred. So my friend my friend from my personal life helped me.
    And in the story of Sholokhov, we also hear the story of Andrei Sokolov about his life ...
    What is fate?
    1. Walking independently of the will of the person the course of events, coincidence
    2.Cheat, share, life path.
    3. Future, what happens will happen.
    4. Will not have to do anything.
    We see the word Fate is multi-valued, in what value is this word in the name of the story? (2)
    What character should have the Russian man be posted to overcome the moral tests sent by the fate?
    What was able to keep in his soul the protagonist?
    What are the main milestones of the fate of A. Sokolov? What helped the hero to stand out?
    About this is our conversation today.
    3. Biography Andrei Sokolova
    Representing the reader the biography of Sokolov, the author puts such temporary stages in it that allow you to see the main stages of the path traveled by the entire country. What are these stages?
    Drawing up chronology
    Civil War (fought in the Red Army) - 1922
    Scary hunger ("I washable on Kulakov in the Kuban").
    Peaceful family life (until 1941).
    June 1941 - on the third day went to the front.
    1942 - 1944. - captures.
    May 1945 - meets the victory in Germany.
    1946 - meeting with Vanyusha, the beginning of a new life.
    How many parts can be divided by the story of Andrei Sokolov about his life? (For three parts: before the war, war, after the war).
    How did our hero live before the war? What does his false happiness sees in a pre-war life?
    Before the war, "At first, my life was ordinary ..." for children to his wife. The story of Andrei Sokolova allows one to comprehend a separate human life as a whole generation life, even the whole people. The main character was born in 1900 - a significant detail that tells the reader that in front of him the story, reflecting the fate of contemporaries, "his life was ordinary." What does Andrei Sokolov do? By the fact that B. Pasternak called "livelying", the creation of simple human happiness: "So lived ten years and did not notice how they passed. Passed, as if in a dream." Therefore, the life ideal of the hero is such: "Irina bought two goats. What else do you need? Children eat porridge with milk, the roof over his head is, dressed, shods, it became, everything is in order." His idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness is a folk, close to any Russian person.
    - What does Andrei Sokolov sees happiness?
    We notice that he does not say the hero of the story about wealth, about the jewels, it is rejoiced with a small one, it would seem. But this is the most valuable on Earth: the house, the paw in the family, the health of children, respect for each other. Andrei Sokolov concludes his story with the words: in his life everything is harmonious, the future seems clear. "What is even more necessary? Children porridge eat with milk, the roof over his head is, dressed, shod, it became, everything is in order. ")
    War "... You and the man, on that you are a soldier ...". And in this well-being, the happiness "bursts" the war. It is here that the Sholokhov hero changes the tone of the conversation. The writer "adds" the story of the military solarms of his hero from a number of brightest episodes:
    - Here Sokolov driven shells for artillery officers under the threat of death,
    - Here he rises, not wanting to die lying,
    - gives it along with the boots, the soldier takes him in captivity,
    "Lieutenant saves, killing someone who wanted to give the" centering guinea "to the Germans.
    Why does Sholokhov introduce a traitor to the story? (Submission circumstances, cowardice, meanness, hypocrisy influenced the fate of this man. Responsibility for others - killed a traitor)
    - wins in a duel with the camp commandant, (it becomes quite clear that in a duel with Muller, and with his captive, hero is saved by the Hero not only his human dignity, but also the dignity of national: "I was from his hands and a glass took and took and A snack, but as soon as these words heard, I've burned the fire! I think about myself: "So that I am, the Russian soldier, and I began to drink for the victory of the German weapons?! And you don't want somehow, Herr commandant? One hell me dying, So you got the propagation with your vodka ").
    Episode of the fight Andrei Sokolova with Lagerführer Muller
    - Why did Muller needed before the execution of the captive ritual with drinking? ("Before the death of drink, Russ Ivan, for the victory of German weapons") - In what physical condition is the hero? Why does he agree to drink, but refuses to snack? - Who wins in the moral duel of two enemies: Muller and Sokolova? - Is the ratio of the fascists change to the prisoner?
    (Dialogue with Muller is not an armed battle of two enemies, but a psychological match, from which Sokolov goes to the winner, which is forced to recognize Muller himself)
    - The conversation in the Commandant occurs at the time of the Battle of Stalingrad. Do you have, in your opinion, the connection between this battle, the event of a world-historical scale, and a private episode from the life of a separate hero?
    (The camp commandant wanted to repeat Stalingrad, he received it fully. The victory of Soviet troops on the Volga and the victory of Sokolov - the events of one order, as the victory over fascism is, first of all, the victory is moral.)
    "Why did the commandant Muller" generously "gave Andrei Sokolov's life?
    (Muller is a very ruthless person, "right hand in his leather glove, and in a glove, a lead gasket, so that fingers do not damage." It goes and beats every second nose, the blood is allowed. Such a person does not put human life, considers such a person Himself the strongest, confident in his impunity, even in some chosenness. In such people right in the eyes of the truth to speak scary. But Andrei Sokolov was not afraid to tell Muller personally what he spoke in the barrack. Despite the fact that completely depended on the commandant, He behaved with great dignity).
    This is the dignity and appreciated the commandant Muller, calling Andrei Sokolov "This Russian Soldier".
    - Who won in this fight?
    (In this fight won a hungry red Russian soldier. The exhausted, exhausted, exhausted prisoner is ready to meet death with such courage and excerpt that it is striking even who has lost the human appellation of the concentration camp)
    - Did you know his words?
    (Yes, very. This acknowledged the enemy, one who always belongs to others, sees the best only in itself).
    The appeal to the epigraph to the section "War" "... You and the man, you and the soldiers ..."
    - In which words are the look of Sokolov on the debt of a person, a man, a soldier? (Readiness to survive, "hang out", keeping human dignity to become a life credo of Sokolova "On then you are a man, you and the soldiers, to fullete everything, to demolish everything, if the need called" leitmotif).
    - Makes escape from captivity.
    Problematic question
    For what purpose did Sholokhov introduced a description of the captivity?
    (Sholokhov introduced a description of the captivity into the story, which was not characteristic of the Soviet literature of the pore. He showed how heroically, the Russian people were in captivity, how many people were overcome. "It's hard to me, my brother, remember, and even harder to talk about what I happened to survive in captivity. How to remember the nonhuman flour, which I had to bear there, in Germany, how to remember all friends-comrades, what died, tortured there, in camps, the heart is no longer in the chest, and in the throat beats, and it becomes difficult to breathe. .. ")
    What features of the character of Andrei Sokolov helped to survive the difficulties of captivity?
    (Resistance, courage, faith in victory, strength of the Spirit, etc. From the heroic side, the character of Andrei Sokolova is revealed. We emphasize durability, dedication, courage. You can add a list of positive character traits and generosity. (Come to Barack, the story hero shared "Gifts of Muller" with everyone)
    4. Emotional characteristics of characters
    Episodes Behavior of Andrey.
    Farewell to wife at the station came to the station, and I did not look at it from pity
    I can: the lips from the tears are swollen, the hair from under the handkerchief was embarrassed, and the eyes of muddy, meaningless, like a man's thoune. The commanders declare landing, and she fell on me on the chest, his hands on my neck climbed and the whole trembling, as if a chopped tree ... and the kids persuade her, and I, - I do not help anything! Other women with husbands, with sons talk, and mine pressed to me, like a leaf to the branch, and only all trembles, and the words can not express. I tell her: "Take yourself in my hands, my silent my Irinka! Tell me even though the word for a piece." She says, and after every word sobs: "My family ... Andryusha ... I will not see me with you ... more ... on this ... light" ... here he himself from pity for her heart On the part bursts, and here it is with such words. It should understand that it is also not easy for me to part with them, not the mother-in-law gathered for the pancakes. Evil I took me here! By force, I spread her hands and pushed lightly in my shoulders. Pushed it seems lightly, but I have a power! was fools; She backed up, the step was three step back and again it goes with small chambers, his arms stretches, and I scream to her: "Doesn't they say goodbye to her? Well, again hugged her, I see that she is not in himself ...
    He sharply cut the story on the half-story, and in the coming silence I heard something bubbles and bouffers in my throat. Alien excitement passed to me. I looked at the storyteller, but I didn't see a single tears in his as if dead, extinct eyes. He sat, ponuro bouncing his head, only big, litterly lowered hands finely trembled, trembled his chin, trembled solid lips ...
    Feedback about the soldier and here he, bitch in his pants, complains, sympathy is looking for, slumping, but he does not want to understand that this dissipassed Babenk and kids did not speak of our rear in the rear. The whole of the power on them was leaned! What are these shoulders to our women and the kids needed to have to be bunned under such weight? But not bent, surrender! And such a hlust, wet dyumka, will write a lighter letter - and a worker woman as Ryha's feet. She after this letter, a hornbeam, and his hands will lower, and her work is not to work. Not! You and the man, on the way you and the soldiers, to fullete everything, demolish everything if the need called. And if in you the Babiy Exquisies more than a man's, then wear the skirt with the assemblies, so that your skinny ass is constant, so that at least the back on the woman it looks like, and step by the beets, and you don't need a cow, and on the front you are not needed, there and there Without you, there are a lot of!
    During the contusion, when I came to my senses, came to myself and looked at it, - the heart is like someone pliers squeezed: the circle of the shells are lying, what I am driving, not far from my car, all in shreds beaten, lies up the wheels, and the battle Yes, already behind me goes ... is it like? There is nothing to hide sin, here I have my legs sneel my legs, and I fell as cut, because I realized that I was in captivity of the fascists. This is how it happens in war ...
    In captivity, they were silenced in the church, and I chills rushes from such a prison. "No," I think, "I will not give you a fucking son, to give my commander!" You will not leave this church from this church, and stretch you like Padlu, behind your feet! " A little bit later - I see: next to me is a face on his back, the hands threw his hands, and about him sits in one Hoody shirt, the knees hugged the knees, a slightly sniffing boy, and very pale. "Well," I think, "this guy will not cope with so thick Merin. I'll have to finish it. "
    I touched his hand, I ask in a whisper: "Are you a pleasant one?" He answered nothing, nodded his head. "This wants to give you?" - I show on a lying guy. He nodded his head back. "Well," I say, "keep him legs, so as not to ball! Yes, eat! " - And himself fell on this guy, and my fingers froze on his throat. He did not have time to shout. He held him a few minutes, raised. Readyer is ready, and a language on the side!
    Before that, I was not good after that, and it wanted to wash my hands scary, as if I was not a man, and some kind of reptile smoked ... I killed myself for the first time in my life, and then my own ... so what is his own? He is worse than someone else's traitor. I got up and I speak Voice: "Let's go from here, Comrade, the church is great."
    Conversation with Muller Well, I click on the seams, stopped heels, loudly I repeat: "Andrei Sokolov's prisoner of the Sokolov, according to your order, Herr Commander, appeared." He asks me: "So, Russ Ivan, four kubo-meters of development - is it a lot?" "So exactly," I say, "Herr Commandant, a lot." - "And one of the grave for you?" - "So exactly, Herr Commandant, quite enough and even remain"
    I was from his hands and a glass took a snack, but as soon as these words heard, "I've burned like fire! I think about myself: "In order for me, the Russian soldier, but began to drink a German weapon for the victory?! And something you do not want, Herr Commandant? One damn to me to die, so you got the propagation with your vodka! "
    "I will drink for your destruction and get rid of flour," I tell him. With that, I took a glass and in two chips poured him into my senses, and snack did not touch, politely wiped his lips with his palm and say: "Thanks for the treat. I am ready, Herr Commander, let's go, will sing me. "
    I pressed the bread to myself out of all the strength, I hold the fat in my left hand and was confused from such an unexpected turn, which thanks did not say, I did the left around, I go to the exit, and I myself think: "He will light up nowar, and Do not convey the guys of these harms. "
    When meeting with Vanya, my boyfriend sits on the porch, swells and, and, in everything, see, hungry. I leaned out in the window, shouting him: "Hey, Vanya! Rather on the car, rolling on the elevator, and back from there, let's go here, let's have lunch. " He shuddered from my round, jumped off the porch, scrupped himself and quietly says: "How do you know, uncle, what is my name?"
    I boiled here in me a combustible tear, and immediately I decided: "I will not bring to us to disappear! I will take it to your children. " And immediately my soul was easily and somehow light. I leaned over to him, I quietly ask: "Vanya, and you know who I am?" He asked how he exhaled: "Who?" I also say to him as quiet. "I'm your father".
    Sleep, I lay down with him and for the first time in a long time I calmly fell asleep. However, four times got up. I wake up, and he will athlete under my arm, as a sparrow under the clash, snaps softly, and before that I get joyfully in my soul, what's not say words! Storing not to dry up, so as not to wake it up, but still you will not lose, slowly get up, you will chant the match and admire it ...
    How are the characters of the story in inhuman circumstances behave
    Character Study Behavior
    A Christian (mantomized) and, as in sin, I was impatient to one manty of ours to get out of need. I was attached, he was attached, and then I was crying. "I can not," says, "desecrate the holy temple! I'm a believer, I am a Christian! What should I do, brothers? " And ours, you know what kind of people? Some laugh, others swear, the third all sorts of comic advice give him. He cheered all of us, and this canber ended very badly: he began to knock on the door and ask him to be released. Well, and interrogated: he gave a fascist through the door, in his entire width, a long queue, and the Bogomol was killed this, and another three more people, and one hardly wounded, he died.
    The kryzhnev alone says: "If tomorrow, before you drive us further, we will be built and the commissioners, communists and the Jews will be launched, then you, pleasant, do not hide! From this business will not come from anything. Do you think if the gymnaster shot, so for the ordinary one? Will not work! I do not intend to answer you. I first indicate you! I know that you are a communist and agitated me to join the party, so responsible for your business. "
    And he laughed quietly. "Comrades," says, they stayed behind the line of the front, and I do not comrade you, and you do not ask me, I'll still point to you. Its shirt to the body closer. "
    Rod "I always suspected that you, a roof, a bad man. Especially when you refused to join the party, referring to your illiteracy. But I never thought you could become a traitor. After all, did you graduate from the seventeller? "
    For a long time they were silent, then, by voting, Voice quietly says so: "Do not give me me, Comrade Kryzhnev."
    Doctor among the night I hear, someone touches my hand, asks: "Comrade, are you not injured?" I answer him: "What do you need, my brother?" He says: "I am a militaryormality, maybe I can help you with something?" I thanked him sincerely, and he went further in the dark, slowly asks: "Wounded is?" That's what a real doctor mean! He and in captivity and in the darkness did his great business.
    Teacher comment
    Did Andrey Sokolov remained in captivity? He had to carry the "on Opel-Admiral" of the German engineer in the rank of General Army, but, at the first opportunity, Sokolov escaped, grabbing the fascist as a "language".
    - What did Andrei Sokolov expected from the subsequent life?
    (The story hero began to think about the family left in Voronezh, about happiness in his hometown - about important human values).
    Invitation to think: what do you think, what event from military life has become for the story hero the most terrible? (The most terrible has become the loss of loved ones for Sokol.)
    Showing slides against the backdrop of the song "Enemies burned native hut"
    Teacher's comment: L.N. Tolstoy loved the poem M.Yu.Lermontov "Borodino". This served as one of the reasons for writing a novel-epic "War and Peace". And at M.A.Sholokhova, the poem was a poem of M. Isakovsky "Enemies burned their native hut".
    Twice the hero interrupts his story, and both times - when recalls the deceased wife and children. It was in these places that Sholokhov gives expressive portrait details and remarks. Consider them. ("Didn't my awkward life dreamed of me?" But in captivity I almost every night, about myself, of course, and with Irina and the kids talking, pushed them, they say, I will come back, my relatives, do not feel about me , I am strong, I will survive, and again we will be all together ... So, I spent two years with the dead?!
    The narrator for a minute silent, and then said already with another, intermittent and quiet voice:
    - Come on, my brother, smoking, and then something suffocate me).
    How many are great, should be the pain that this person is experiencing, if he, more than once, who looked into the face of death, never posed before the enemy, says: "For what are you, life, so crippled? Why so I squeezed? " The hero of the hero "fired from grief" is so much so that even crying he is not capable, although tears, maybe he would bring to him relief ("... And my non-chosen tears, you can see, dried out.")
    And what ahead?
    Working with the text: "In June, the forty-second year, the Germans bombed the air facility, and one heavy bomb hit my hutneck. Irina and daughters were just at home ... "" Further I received a monthly vacation from Colonel, a week later I was already in Voronezh. On foot, Dotopal to the bridge, where once a family lived. A deep funnel, poured by rusty water, a circular burden on the belt ... Wilderness, silence Cemetery. Oh, and it was hard to me, my brother! "
    Conclusion: fate with a soldier was cruel. The house is the hearth, the keeper of family happiness, comfort, protection against "winds" of fate. Along with the house, hope, meaning of life, happiness is lost. Raisted focus brought in his life grief, disappointment, emptiness. He stayed one on one with all the vagintages of fate.
    Only for a moment "Joy flashed him like a sun because of the clouds: Anatoly was found." And again there was a hope for the revival of the family, "Starikovsky dreams" appeared about the future of the Son, grandchildren. A person must live by the future. But this was not destined to come true. Anatoly died on May 9, 1945 by the hand of the sniper. Roe again collapsed on a person, again, as they say, fate turned away from him.
    Problematic question
    How can a person fall into such a difficult situation?
    (A person can work out, having to wave all, especially children who would remind him of their own. At such moments, a person can deprive himself to life, losing faith in her meaning).
    Did it happen to Andrei Sokolov?
    (No, did not break the hero of the story of the circumstances. He continued to live. Skapor writes Sholokhov about this period of life of his hero. He worked, began to drink, until he met the boy).
    After the war, "... So I found my vanyushka ..." The fate of Andrei Sokolova reduced him with the worm of six years old, as alone, as he himself. Nobody needed a chumased guy Vanyatka. Only Andrei Sokolov regretted Syrota, adopted Vanya, gave him all the unranded father's love. It was a feat, a feat not only in the moral sense of the word, but also in heroic. In relation to Andrei Sokolov for childhood, to Vanya, Humanism won the great victory. He tried over the anti-sewing of fascism, over destruction and loss.
    - What is "Humanism"? (Hummifying)
    "What episodes did he show most brightly?"
    (Bread dealer in camp; child care)
    Problematic question
    Who found whom?
    (Andrei Sokolov drew attention to the "Obserley". And the descriptions of Sholokhov became brighter, more colorful. What comparisons: "Greeting - like stars at night after the rain!" Direct score: "And before you loved that I was already, a wonderful deal, began to miss It ... "" Zakpeled here in me in me a combustible tear, and immediately I decided: "I will not disappear to us! I will take it to your children!"
    Andrei Sokolov's heart did not cross, he was able to find the strength to give happiness and love to another person. Life goes on. Life continues in the heroic itself).
    Conclusion: This manifests itself a strong character of a person.
    Problematic question
    Is it like this to everyone like that, just can the little child be trusting?
    (No, not to everyone. The baby did not turn away, did not escape from Sokolova, he admitted his father in him. Vanyusha felt the human participation of this man, his kindness, love, warm, realized that he had a defender)
    What did Andrei Sokolov got when he adopted the Vanya?
    (Andrei Sokolov managed to become above his fate - adopting the Vanyuschka, he got the main thing - hope. The hope that the connection of generations does not break through, the connection of times will not intervene.
    The source of life has become a love for Vanya for Sokolova. "I lay down with him and for the first time in a long time I fell out calmly. However, four times got up. I wake up, and he athlooked under my arm, as a sparrow under the clash, quietly puts up, and before that I get joyfully in my soul, that I won't tell the words ... You wonder the match and admire it ... ")
    5. Image Vanyushki
    The image of Vanya in the story appears along with Andrei. But the author does not give a portrait character at once, but again through art details:
    - "Pink Cold Handle",
    "Eyes, bright, like nebushko," like asterisks at night after the rain. "
    - What is the color meaning of this image? (Here is meant the bright blue color. Clean, immaculate, unspoken no life. But the author is little of this definition. It gradually enhances the image: "Eyeless, like asterisks at night after the rain." Brightly yellow, star, some kind of unearthly The boy's eyes are shining. We will pay attention to the diminutive-laxed suffixes (nebushko, stars): they give out copyright).
    Andrei Sokolov, passing through the war, having lost everything in these terrible years, which could be completely devastated, meets Vanya with clear, like nebushko, like stars, washed by rain, eyes.
    - What shows the comparison of Vanyushi's eye with the light of stars? (Shows that it became for Sokolov, as if a travel guide, in a black grief of life).
    - What is common in the fate of Andrei Sokolova and Vanyushi? (Two orphans whose lives are fused by the war). As you can see, the heart of Andrei Sokolova's heart beat, his life again gained meaning.
    - Who was more important to find a family? (And Vanyushka and A. Sokolov, they found the house, and in this their happiness!)
    Conclusion: Vanyusha is opposed to the receiving father. But both of them wander to their future home father and son - and each of these images speaks of the eternity of life, that while the ability to love in man is immortal. It is the birth of the flour and tragedies of the new world becomes the main theme of the whole creativity of Sholokhov
    6. Color techniques in the story
    And now let's turn again to the beginning of the story. How does Sholokhov begin the work? (From the description of nature) (the first post-war spring was on the top Don on the rarity friendly and energetic. At the end of March, warm winds were poured at the end of March, and in two days, the sands of the left bank don, in the steppes, bought forth with snow logs and beams, hacking ice , madly possessed steppe rivers, and the roads became almost completely necross ...)
    Imagine this picture. What colors are opposed in the description? (Dead-White, Snowy Winter and Live Brown, Dirty-Yellow, Gray Early Spring)
    What is the symbol of such opposition? (As a warm winter change, it comes warm, let not be festive, but spring, so life wins death).
    What sky does the author draw at the beginning of the story? (Blue, with white, busty clouds floating in faded blue).
    What do these details indicate? (About the upcoming world, about the feeling of peace and peace)
    Work with text
    The story describes the tragic events, but still there is a place for hot, bright, yellow sun. Confirm this example from text. (There was noon. The sun shouted hotly as in May. I was hoping that the cigarettes would dry soon. The sun shouted so hot, that I have already regretted that I put on the road soldier's cotton pants and Steganka. It was the first after the winter truly Warm day. It was good to sit on the paragraph like this, alone, completely conquering silence and loneliness, and, removing the old soldiers' soldier, to dry on the breeze wet after severe rowing hair, mindlessly follow the white busty clouds in faded blue.)
    Why Sholokhov repeats words about the sun several times? (More and more sun, shine, heat is given to the characters of the story. More and more of the world penetrates their soul. Yellow sunny color symbolizes the coming happiness)
    Thus, the description of nature given at the beginning of the narration is key to understanding the meaning of the work. But, what is interesting, we understand the significance of this landscape sketch, only by finishing reading.
    Sholokhov - Master Details. One phrase writer can reveal everything that is in the soul of the hero.
    - What is the detail already at the beginning of the story writer transmits the whole depth of grief of the hero?
    (Eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes filled with such an inequate longing that it is difficult to watch them)
    Folk wisdom reads: Eyes - Soul Mirror. " Eyes talk a lot about man. Everything that the person survived, all his suffering can be read in his eyes ...
    - "As if sprinkled with ashes" - that is, what kind of color? (Gray, ash colors)
    - And why the color of the eyes is not just gray, namely similar to the color of the ash? (Ash there, where everything burned, destroyed. In the soul of the hero - ashes, disappointment, emptiness.)
    Thus, the color item helps to understand the condition of the hero. Everything took war from Sokolov. No family, the house is destroyed. The hometown became a stranger. And he set off where his eyes look, in Uryupinsk, with a dried heart, lonely.
    7. Analysis of the final episode of the story.
    - Name the phrases that the author identifies the heroes (the grains, abandoned in other people's edges of the unprecedented force - a person of inflexible will)
    - What emphasizes Sholokhov, calling the hero in the last lines of the hero? (Andrei Sokolov does not appear at all with the epic rich, is not a person with supernatural abilities. It is usual, such as everything).
    OUTPUT. According to the concept of Sholokhov, the man eating the sandbank, the blade in the wind, a trembling leaf, pressed against the branch, it is such metaphors that use a writer in a story, describing the heroes.

    "Man of inflexible will" (Review of the story of M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man") "I saw and see my task as a writer in the fact that everyone wrote and write, give the debume of this people-worker, the people-hero." These words M. Sholokhov, in my opinion, to the more accurately reflect the idea of \u200b\u200bone of the best works of the writer printed in the "Pravda" in 1956, "the story" The Fate of Man ". As in many other works, Sholokhov has been facing a national nature problem, to the image of the tragic life path of the Russian man. Reading the "Fate of Man", you realize that the story is written in the "controversy" with the writers of the "lost generation", who believed that a person could not keep the "soul".

    Sholokhov believes that it is possible. The most striking in the story is a combination of high tragedy and humanity. The war, the loss of the family, the loss of the son, the flour, which had to be transferred to the German captivity, - the tragic filling of the life of the main character of Andrei Sokolov - did not kill the "man" in it. When you read the story and follow the hero, you realize that in his image, in his "flour walking" the fate of a whole generation is indicated. The story causes not only sad, but also joyful feelings because all the hardest blows of fate could not kill him soul. And, probably, it can be said that the story of Sholokhov - about overcoming the hero of the tragedy of life, thanks to the power of the will and beauty of the human soul. The basis of the story of the story is active events.

    The Sholokhov hero has a real prototype, but he never found out the name of his Sholokhov. The student of the writer with the hero occurred in 1946, and the story appeared 10 years later. This is a historical explanation.

    Obviously, such a work could not be written during the life of Stalin. And its creation became possible only after the death of the "Father of the Peoples" and the XX Congress of the Party. Sholokhov called his work story, but it is quite clear that by the latitude of generalization, typing - this product can rather be attributed to the epic genre. It seems to me that this is quite competent, because I. Shmelev called his "Sun of the Dead" epic. For what is "the fate of a person", how is it not an image of the fate of the people at a turning point? Andrei Sokolov is representative of the entire people.

    His confession is a storyline. What is the composition of the work?

    It is traditional enough. This is a story in the story. Similar we saw, for example, in the "oldest isergil" Gorky.

    In addition, you can talk about two "plans" of the narration: the voice of the hero and the voice of the author. The fact is that the narrator becomes a listener here, while the central place in the "fate of man" is assigned to the story of Sokolov about himself. What do we know about the hero? The story of Andrei Sokolova allows one to comprehend a separate human life as a whole generation life, even the whole people.

    The protagonist was born in 1900 - a significant detail that tells the reader that a story, reflecting the fate of contemporaries, "his life was ordinary." What does Andrei Sokolov do?

    By the fact that B. Pasternak called "livelying", the creation of simple human happiness: "So lived ten years and did not notice how they passed. Passed, as if in a dream." Therefore, the vital ideal of the hero is such: "Irina bought two goats.

    What else do you need? Children eat porridge with milk, there is a roof over your head, dressed, the shoes, it became, everything is in order. "His idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness is a folk, close to any Russian person. And in this well-being, happiness" bursts "the war. It is here Sholokhov's hero Changes the tone of the conversation. The writer "adds" the story of the military solarms of his hero from a number of brightest episodes: Here Sokolov driven shells for artillery officers under the threat of death, so he rises, not wanting to die lying, gives along with the boots of portites taking him in captivity the soldier saves lieutenant By killing someone who wanted to give the "Road Guard" to the Germans, wins in a duel with the camp commandant, and finally makes escape from captivity.

    It becomes quite clear that in the duel Muller, and with his fellow in captivity, the German saves the hero not only his human dignity, but also the dignity of national: "I was from his hands and a glass took a snack, but as soon as these words heard, - I loved me on fire! I think about myself: "So that I am, the Russian soldier, but began to drink a German weapon for the victory?! And something you do not want, Herr Commandant? One hell me to die, so you have fallen with your vodka. "Probably, the author is important to emphasize that Andrei Sokolov himself does not consider hero. Moreover, in a number of episodes Sholokhov notes that his hero cares more about others than themselves.

    So, for example, he worries about his family and writes home that "they say, everything is in order, I fight with littleness," but not a word about how it is difficult for him, and even condemns those who smear the snot ". He, unlike the Platonovsky guard of Captain Alexei Ivanov, perfectly understands that "these dissipassed bars and kids are not sorry for our rear".

    Or when the artillery shells are lucky, it thinks (without the shade of Paphos) is not about his security, but that "there may be a comrades, may die" - here she is "hidden heat of patriotism." We see the same thing in the episode of the murder in the church.

    The roof wants to betray his commander. And when Sokolov realizes that "slender, sniffing, and very pale" will not be able to cope with this "face", "Tolstoy Merin", he decides "to end him". There is nothing immoral in this murder: People's Moral Magon allows him, because the murder was committed "for the right thing." Before the scene, the murder of Sholokhov again reminds that Andrei Sokolov thinks about others, admiring the behavior of a military doctor: "That's what a real doctor mean!

    He and in captivity and in the darkness did his great business. "Giving a tribute to the doctor, the Sholokhov hero does not understand what is doing the same thing. Neighborhood of the episodes of the killing of the traitor and the imperceptible admiration of the Vigors - the sign of the writer's skill. Thanks to this, we clearly see that There are two life positions on the pages of the story. The first can be expressed by the words of Sokolova: "one thing and smoke, and die sick."

    The second - the words of Kryzhneva: "own shirt to the body closer". There is a clash of the ideas of national unity and ideas that this unity destroys. No less important and an episode with a commandant. It is an unconscious feeling of self-awareness who makes the hero to do so, and this is: "... Although I got sick with the hunger, but I'm not going to give my hand, I have my own, Russian dignity and pride, and in the cattle they did not turn me out, no matter how tried. " Therefore, in this context, the Commandant reaction is normal. Involuntarily remembered the story B. Vasilyev "did not mean in the lists." As Andrei Sokolov made the Germans to see the man and Nikolai Pluggers, who in the final goes to the German soldiers, involuntarily makes them shocked by his feat, give him honor. What are the origins of Sokolov's courage? First of all, in the memoirs about the family, children, about Irina: the closest helped him survive. After all, he defended him family, home, homeland. It is not by chance that the place of the destroyed family in the heart of Andrei Sokolova occupies a little vanyushka, thereby seeing the hero of guilt before Irina for pushing her, and in front of Vanyushka for being left without parents. The story of Sokolova becomes a charge of war, "a cripplerous, distorting person." Here immediately remembers the portrait of the main character of the story, drawn by Sholokhov at the beginning of the work: "Big Dark Hands", "Eyes, as if sprinkled with ashes filled with an ineveful longing." Before us, the metaphor, enhanced by hyperbole. The eyes are a reflection of the soul, and we understand that Sokolov inside everything seemed to overload. It is impossible not to remember the words of M. Lotman: "The story passes through the house of a person, through his private life, fate. Not titles, orders or royal mercy, but" Independent man "turns it into a historical person." Nikitin A. 11 CL., 227 Pedagogical Gymnasium, St. Petersburg 2000 Volksehik

    Before dawn I woke up, I do not understand why I was so stuffy? And this son, my got out of the sheet and the across it was hammered, I stretched my throat with a sniffer. And he is restless to sleep with him, but I'm used to, I'm bored without him. At night, you stroke his sleepy, then you smell the hair on the whirlpool, and the heart moves, it becomes softer, and then I have it ordered from burning ...

    At first, he was with me by car in flights traveled, then I understood that I was not so good. To one me what you need? The scratch of bread and a bulb with salt, so the soldiers are fed for a whole day. And with him - the matter is another: he needs to get milk, then the egg is cooking, again, without a hot, it is impossible for him. But it does not wait. Gathered with the Spirit, left him for the care of the hostess, so he sharpened the tears to the evening, and he drew me to the elevator in the evening. Until late night I expected there.

    It's hard for me to be with him at first. Once we went to bed again climbed, I walked very much, and he was always twitched, like a sparrow, and something was painted something. I ask: "What are you thinking about, son?" And he asks me, he looks at the ceiling: "Folder, where are you your leather coat?" In my life I have never had a leather coat! I had to feather: "There is left in Voronezh," I tell him. "Why did you search for me for so long?" I answer him: "I was looking for you, son, and in Germany, and in Poland, and the whole Belarus passed and drove, and you turned out to be in Uryupin." - "And Uryupinsk is closer to Germany? And to Poland far from our house? " So chat with him before bedtime.

    Do you think my brother, he asked for nothing about the leather coat? No, all this is not good. So, when his father, his real wore such a coat, so he was remembered. After all, child memory, like a summer zarry: flashes, spinning will light everything and get out. So he has a memory, like a zarry, works glimpses.

    Maybe we would live with him with a year in Uryupinsk, but in November there was a sin in November: I drove my mud, my car was brought by my car, and then the cow turned up, I knocked her down from my feet. Well, a well-known thing, women scream raised, the people fled, and the autoin aspor here is like here. I took away the driver's book, as I asked him to sleep. The cow rose, the tail pulled out and went to jump on the alleys, and I lost the books. Winter worked as a carpentry, and then he wrote off with one friend, too, a colleague, - he in your area, in Kashhar district, works by the driver, - and he invited me to himself. It writes that, they say, we will work for half a year in the carpentry part, and there in our area will give you a new book. Here we are with a son and be sent to the cashary of the campaign order.

    Yes, it, how to tell you, and do not happen from me this accident with a cow, I would still leaned from Uryupinsk. I will not give me a long time to stay in one place. This is already when Vanyushka will grow up and will have to determine him to school, then maybe I will hurt, in one place. And now while you walk with him in Russian land.

    It's hard for him to go, "I said.

    So he is not at all on his feet goes, more and more goes on me. I will put it on the shoulders and carry, but wants to rummage, it gets out of me and runs on the side of the road, jumps like a goat. All this, his marriage, nothing would somehow live with him, but I had a heart, the piston should be changed ... Sometimes it grabbing and appreciating that the white light in the eyes is fading. I am afraid that someday in a dream dirge and scare your son. And then another trouble: almost every night of their dead dear in a dream I see. And more and more so that I am for barbed wire, and they are on the will, on the other side ... I talk about everything with Irina and with kids, but only I want to push the wire with my hands, - they leave me, as if they are melting ... and Here is an amazing thing: in the afternoon I always keep myself firmly, I don't burn out of my breath from me, I woke up at night, and I woke up at night, and the whole pillow is wet from tears ...

    Alien, but a close man who became close to me rose, stretched a big, hard, like a tree, hand:

    Goodbye, brother, happily you!

    And you happily get to Kashar.

    Thanks. Hey, son, let's go to the boat.

    The boy ran up to his father, attached to the right and, holding the semi of the father's charter, seated next to the widespread man.

    Two orphaned man, two sand grains, abandoned in other people's edges by a military hurricane of an unprecedented force ... Something is waiting for them ahead? And I would like to think that this Russian man, a person of an inflexible will, exhausted and near the father's shoulder will grow by the one who, wondering, will be able to fullete everything, to overcome in its path, if his homeland calls it.

    I watched them with severe sadness ... Maybe everything would have walked well with our parting, but Vanya, walking out a few steps and brazed with sauce legs, turned on the way to me, waved with a pink handberry. And suddenly, as soft, but the clawed paw squeezed me the heart, and I hung up. No, not only in a dream, the elderly, those who have seen during the war men. They cry and reveal. The main thing is to be able to turn away in time. Here the most important thing is not to wander the heart of the child so that he does not see how badly burning and buying men's tear ...