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Otto Runge. Watch what is
Otto Runge. Watch what is "Runge, Philip Otto" in other dictionaries

Philip Otto Runge (Philipp Otto Runge)

Self-portrait, 1802-1803 g.

German artist and theorist, one of the leaders of romanticism in German pictorial art.
Born in Wolgasta (city in the territory of modern Poland) in the family of the merchant-shipowner. In eighteen, he came to Hamburg to study a trading case, but soon (in 1897) felt a tendency to painting and began to take private drawing lessons.
In 1799-1801, he studied at the Academy of Arts in Copenhagen at the famous Danish painter and Draftsman N. A. Abilgrora, then in Dresden (1801-1803), where he met the poet and thinker Johann Wolfgang Goethe.
Dane N.Abilgor with its clear classic manner of the drawing provided a special influence on it. He also experienced a noticeable impact of J. Flaxman.

Under the influence of Abilgrove, who lived in Italy, the interest of Runge to antiquity, classical painting was formed. In an early work - the picture "Triumph of Love" (1801, Kunsthalla, Hamburg) - a composition with attract figures in the form of relief is executed in monochrome gamma. Strictly classic construction of the composition indicates the impact of the academic tradition, in particular Abilgrora. In 1800, the artist gets acquainted with the drawings of J. Flyxman to the works of Homer and Eschila, reads about them Article A. V. Schlegel in the journal "Ateneum" (1799). The impact of the linear picture of the English artist manifested itself in the illustrations created by Runga to Eliad and on the themes of Songsian songs, popular among European masters of the predomantic era. However, Runge creates its drawing style with pen and brush, which is built on a thin ephemeral line, but the effects of light and shadow play a significant role in it. Runge drawings reflected pre-gate moods in the European art of the end of the 18th century.
In 1802-03 R. worked on the allegorical composition of the "day of day".
Returning in 1803 in Hamburg, he was engaged in painting and at the same time served in the trading firm of his older brother Daniel. From 1804 lived mainly in Hamburg.
Throughout life, the artist turned to a portrait that became a favorite genome of romantics.
In the Threesome canvas (1805, in 1931 died in a fire) and two artist's autoports (1805, 1806, all - Kunsthalle, Hamburg) pronounced concept of European romantic portrait. Runge depicts itself in moments of various mental movements - emotions, melancholy, immersed in thought. Self-portrait is the cloth "Threesome", where the artist depicted himself with Brother Daniel and his wife Polina (the picture was not preserved). The feeling of the melancholic harmony of the general mood portrayed enhances the mountain landscape, against which the figures are depicted.

This portrait of this portrait often occurring romantics, symbolizes fraternal friendship, spiritual proximity, but emphasizes the internal spiritual differences, the individuality of natur. Runga is often drawn to the form of a pair portrait ("My Parents", 1806, Kunsthalla, Hamburg), allowing the world of human feelings in comparison of characters, sentiment. Portraits with the image of children ("Children of Hulisenbek", 1805-1806; "Portrait of a Son", 1805; both - Kunsthalla, Hamburg) from the reproducing in reproduction of nature anticipate the work of the workshops of early realism - bidermeyer.

In line with the romantic aspirations of the era and the appeal of the artist to the national tradition, themes from the national history. For German churches, he creates a canvas "Holidays on the way to Egypt" (1805-1806) and "Christ, walking around the waters" (1806-1807; both Kunsthallah, Hamburg). In the smooth emission of figures, the reproduction of the details of the bright landscape background with fantastic plants, the deep spiritual concentration of the characters there is an influence of the masters of the Northern Renaissance, the study of the works of Durera.

The sum of the mystical moods of the master, on the one hand, inspired by the teachings, I. Boe, and on the other - related to the search for aesthetic absolute, peculiar to romanticism as a whole, was called upon to become a four-part cycle of the time of day, symbolizing the merger of a person with nature, - he was assumed to be demonstrated in the form of Wall panels for music and reading poems, with special lighting. Preparatory drawings to the cycle, with their ornamental-rhythmic emblems, as well as a fabulous fabulous morning (the only picturesque sketch carried out in 1808-1809) belongs to the number of original anticipation of symbolism and modern.
Back in 1802, Runga conceived a picturesque cycle, depicting the days of day. Morning, day, evening and night, replacing each other, were for romantics symbol and human life, and earthly history; They embodied the eternal law, according to which everything in the world is born, grows, agitates and goes into oblivion - to revive again. Runga deeply felt this universal unity, like the inner relationship of different types of art: he assumed to expose "time of day" in a specially designed building, accompanying them with music and poetic text. Runge did not have enough life to embody his plan: only one, "Morning" is completed from four pictures. It is naive and light like a fairy tale. The baby lying on a yellow-green meadow symbolizes a nascent day; Women's figure amid the Golden Sky and Siren Dalea - the ancient Roman goddess of the morning dawn of Aurora. According to the freshness of the paints and the ease of the tone transitions, this picture is much superior to the old works of the artist. "Sometimes," said Runge, "the color worries with his pallor, and sometimes attracts its depth. When a meadow greens, a rosy grass saturation, a delicate foliage of a young beech forest or a transparent green wave attract you more? Then, when are they in the sparkling rays of the sun or in the peace of the shadows? " In the variety of paints, in complex color ratios, light and shadows, the artist saw the key to the secrets of the Universe, the revelation of the world spirit - so some romantics called God, which seemed to them dissolved in nature. "We are not able to express how every color touches us," said a friend of Runge, the German writer-romantic Ludwig Tik, because the paints speak with us on a more gentle adverb. This is the world spirit, and he rejoices that it can give a concept about himself by thousands of ways, at the same time hiding from us ... But the secret magical joy covers us, we will learn ourselves and remember some ancient, immeasurably blessed spiritual union. "

The Great Morning, 1809-10, Kunsthalle, Hamburg

The Small Morning, 1809-10, Kunsthalle, Hamburg

Considering the optics of colors with the key to the art of the future, Runge corresponded about it with Goethe. Highlighting three main colors (yellow, red, blue) and three derivatives (orange, purple and green), he summarized his reflections and experiments in the book "Ball of flowers, or the design of connections between all mutual mixing of paints and their full affinity" (Farbenkugel Oder CONSTRUCTION DES VERHTLNISSES ALER MISCHUNGEN DER FARBEN ZU EINANDER UND IHRER VOLLSTANDIGEN AFFINITTT, 1810), which was noteworthy in the development of postwithonian optics, still retaining both artistic and practical interest.

The book was published in 1810, in the year of the death of Runge.

Runge died by the young, remaining faithful to the Protestant principle that the visual art should be spiritual purpose.

In 1840-1841, two volumes of his writings were published (along with a colors ball - two fairy tales, composed of Range on Platdoych, Nizhnenesec dialect, and included in the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers: about fisherman and his wife and juniper, both 1806, together with epistolary Heritage).

Runga has been made several self-portraits

Philip Otto (Runge, Philipp Otto) 1777, Valgast, Pomerania - 1810, Hamburg. German painter, draftsman. He studied in 1799-1801 in the Copenhagen Academy of Arts in N. Albigor, then in Dresden (1801-1803). From 1804 he worked in Hamburg. In the early work of Runge, the triumph of love (1801, Hamburg, Kunsthall) appeal to the monochrome composition in the form of relief from Putti, strict academic manner of the figure indicate the effect of his teacher of Professor of the Copenhagen Academy of Albigor. As in the drawings of Albigor, the plot is interpreted by a young artist deeply emotionally. Under the influence of albigor, an ancient art that was in Italy, an artist's interest in classical heritage will be formed. In 1800, Runga meets with copies of the drawings of J. Flaksman to the works of Homer and Eshil, who sent him to Copenhagen from Germany Brother Daniel, reads about them Article A. V. Schlegel in the journal Ateneneum (1799). The effect of the linear pattern of the flaxman, as well as illustrations of the Cornelius to the cargo cavity (1808) is noticeably in the ruged illustrations of the Homer or Homer and works on the themes of Osian songs. However, the artist creates his drawing style with pen and brush, in which a significant role is assigned to the effects of lighting. Runge drawings reflected the foreronant moods of the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Significant place in the work of Runge was held by a portrait. In the portrait, we threesome (1805) and two autoports of the artist (1805, 1806, all - Hamburg, Kunsthall) expressed concept of a romantic portrait. He depicts himself at the time of various mental movements - deep emotions or melancholy, immersed in the world of thoughts, as if alone with him. Actually a self-portrait with Brother Daniel and his wife, Polina and the portrait of us are three, where the feeling of the melancholic harmony of the general mood is consistently intensified by the poetic mountain landscape, against the background of which three figures are depicted. As an artist-romantic, Runge often elects the form of a pair portrait (my parents, 1806, Hamburg, Kunsthalle), allowing the world of human feelings in comparison of characters, temperaments, moods. Portraits of the artist with the image of children (Children of the Hulsenebek family, 1805-1806; Portrait of a son, Otto Sigismund Runge, 1805, both - Hamburg, Kunsthalla) The immediacy of the images, the specificity of the reproduction of nature and landscape background, anticipate the work of German worst of early realism - Bidermeyer. For German churches were created by the artist of the canvas rest on the way to Egypt (1805-1806) and Christ, walking along the waters (1806-1807, both - Hamburg, Kunsthalla). In the smooth Abris of figures, the scrupulous reproduction of the parts of the bright landscape background with fantastic plants, restrained, but deep inner the character of the characters there is an influence of the art of the masters of the Northern Renaissance, the study of the works of Durera. In late years, the artist under the influence of the teachings of the German Mysticism Ya. Beeom is fond of symbolism, the problem of communication between color and musical harmony. These ideas Runga expressed a color circle in the treatise. The cloth conceived in 1807 four-party cycles (morning, noon, evening, night) were to be demonstrated to the music and reading poems. The artist assumed to express the idea of \u200b\u200bcontinuous movement in the life of nature and man, harmony of their coexistence. In the Created Runge of the Cycle (Morning, 1808, the Small Option; Morning, 1808-1809, a great option, both - Hamburg, Kunsthall) Blue, White and pink spectrum colors symbolize the awakening of nature. Farming female figures surrounded by Putti and spring colors create the illusion of dance movements for musical accompaniment. Many drawings of the artist (Hamburg, Kunsthall) are also dedicated to the same romantic topic. Creativity Runge as the largest romance artist has had a significant impact on the subsequent development of the German and European arts of the XIX century.

Lit.: Einem H. Philipp Otto Runge. DAS BILDNIS DER ELTERN. Stuttgart, 1957; Fraeger I. Philipp Otto Runge Und Sein Werk. Munchen, 1975; Jensen J. Ch. Philipp Otto Runge. Leben Und Werk. KOLN, 1977; Betthausen P. Philipp Otto Runge. Leipzig, 1980.

  • - the one-step method of the numerical solution of the Cauchy problem for the system of ordinary differential equations of the form The basic idea of \u200b\u200bR.- K. M. It was proposed by K. Runge and developed by V. Kutta and others ....

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  • - Runge area of \u200b\u200bthe first kind, - region G in the space of complex variables, which has the property that for any holomorphic in Gfunction F there is a sequence of polynomials converging in G to f ...

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  • -, German painter, graph and art theorist. One of the founders of romanticism in German painting. He studied in Ah in Copenhagen and Dresden ...

    Artistic Encyclopedia.

  • - Philippe Otto 1777, Walgast, Pomerania - 1810, Hamburg. German painter, draftsman. He studied in 1799-1801 in the Copenhagen Academy of Arts in N. Albigor, then in Dresden. From 1804 he worked in Hamburg ...

    European art: painting. Sculpture. Graphics: Encyclopedia

  • - in him. Troupe of the world, in St. Petersburg. 1799-1800 ...
  • - art. Operas and chamber singer. Peza studied in St. Petersburg at Z. Grenning-Wilde. In 1892-1901 soloist St. Petersburg. Mariinsky T-ra. Later performed in private opera entrepreneurship. 1st isp. Parties: Brigitta, Tanya ...

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  • - Academician of Raen; Born June 24, 1937 in the Moscow region ...

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  • - Sculptor, worked in the Winter Palace in 1838 ....

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- (Runge) (1777 1810), German painter, schedule and theoretics of art. One of the founders of romanticism in German painting. He studied at Ah in Copenhagen (1799 1801) and Dresden (1801 03). In the symbolic allegorical compositions of the days of the day ... ... Artistic Encyclopedia.

Runga Philip Otto - (Runge) (1777 1810), German painter and schedule, art theorist. One of the founders of romanticism. He wrote portraits for whom close attention to nature in combination with a drastic emotionality ("Threesome", 1805); in… … encyclopedic Dictionary

Runge, Philip Otto - Philip Otto Runge. Children of Hulisenbeck will take. Runge (Runge) Philip Otto (1777 1810), German painter and schedule, art theorist. Representative of early romanticism. Outroacherous portraits ("Threesome", 1805), allegorical compositions ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Runga Philip Otto - Runge (Runge) Philip Otto (23.7.1777, Wolgast, Mecklenburg, - 2.12.1810, Hamburg), German painter, graph and art theorist. He studied in Copenhagen (1799-1801) and Dresden (1801-1803) ah. One of the founders of romanticism in German ... ...

Runga (Runge) Philip Otto - (1777 1810) German painter and schedule, art theorist. Representative of early romanticism. True, acutely accurate portraits (Threesome, 1805), Allegoric composition Morning (1808) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Runge - Surname Runge, Karl (1856 1927) German mathematician and physicist Runge, Boris Vasilyevich (1925 1990) Actor at the Moscow Theater Satira Runge, Vladimir Fedorovich (born 1937) Soviet and Russian designer. Runge, Friedlib Ferdinand (1794 ... Wikipedia

Runge - Philip Otto (Runge, Philipp Otto) 1777, Walgast, Pomerania 1810, Hamburg. German painter, draftsman. He studied at 1799 1801 in the Copenhagen Academy of Arts in N. Albigor, then in Dresden (1801 1803). From 1804 he worked in Hamburg. In the early ... ... European art: painting. Sculpture. Graphics: Encyclopedia

Runge - (Runge) Philip Otto (1777, Wolgast, Mecklenburg - 1810, Hamburg), German painter, schedule, poet and art theorist; Representative of romanticism. Got a commercial education, then studied in Copenhagen (1799-1801) and the Dresden Academy ... Artistic Encyclopedia.

Runge - (Runge) Philippe Otto (23.7.1777, Wolgast, Mecklenburg, 2.12.1810, Hamburg), German painter, schedule and theoretics of art. He studied in Copenhagen (1799 1801) and Dresden (1801 1803) ah. One of the founders of romanticism in German ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Runge F. O. - Runga (Runge) Philip Otto (1777-1810), it. Painter and schedule, theorist's lawsuit. One of the founders of romanticism. He wrote portraits, in which climbing close attention was combined with impudent emotionality (in three, 1805); in… … Biographical Dictionary


  • Classicism and romanticism. Architecture. Sculpture. Painting. Figure 1750 - 1848, this book is devoted to the visual arts and architecture of the era of classicism and romanticism. Wealth and diversity of artistic creativity in the period of intake and realism, of course, ... Category: Culturalology. Art history Publisher:

Runga Philip Otto

(Runge) (1777-1810), German painter, graph and theoretics of art. One of the founders of romanticism in German painting. He studied at Ah in Copenhagen (1799-1801) and Dresden (1801-03). In the symbolic-allegorical compositions "Days of the day" (1802-03, the "morning" version, 1808, Kunsthalle, Hamburg was preserved to embody the idea of \u200b\u200bthe mystical spirituality of nature, about the merger of the artist-Creator with the universe. Portrates combined close attention to nature with deep emotionality, hidden under the outer contemplation of images (self-portrait, "My parents" - both 1806, Kunsthalla, Hamburg).

Works: Hinterlassene Schriften, TL 1-2, HAMB., 1840-41; Briefe Und Schriften, V., 1981. Literature: Bisanz R. M., German Romanticism and pH. O. Runge, De Kalb, 1970; Betthausen P., pH. O. Runge, LPZ., 1980.

(Source: "Popular Art Encyclopedia." Ed. Polevoy VM; M.: Publishing House "Sovetskaya Encyclopedia", 1986.)

  • - the one-step method of the numerical solution of the Cauchy problem for the system of ordinary differential equations of the form The basic idea of \u200b\u200bR.- K. M. It was proposed by K. Runge and developed by V. Kutta and others ....

    Mathematical encyclopedia

  • - Runge area of \u200b\u200bthe first kind, - region G in the space of complex variables, which has the property that for any holomorphic in Gfunction F there is a sequence of polynomials converging in G to f ...

    Mathematical encyclopedia

  • - Runga Philip Otto, German painter, schedule, poet and art theorist; Representative of romanticism. I received a commercial education, then I studied in the Copenhagen and Dresden Academy ...

    Artistic Encyclopedia.

  • - Philippe Otto 1777, Walgast, Pomerania - 1810, Hamburg. German painter, draftsman. He studied in 1799-1801 in the Copenhagen Academy of Arts in N. Albigor, then in Dresden. From 1804 he worked in Hamburg ...

    European art: painting. Sculpture. Graphics: Encyclopedia

  • - Extreme. sent. And Puzzles., Minister in London ...
  • - in him. Troupe of the world, in St. Petersburg. 1799-1800 ...

    Large biographical encyclopedia

  • - art. Operas and chamber singer. Peza studied in St. Petersburg at Z. Grenning-Wilde. In 1892-1901 soloist St. Petersburg. Mariinsky T-ra. Later performed in private opera entrepreneurship. 1st isp. Parties: Brigitta, Tanya ...

    Large biographical encyclopedia

  • - Academician of Raen; Born June 24, 1937 in the Moscow region ...

    Large biographical encyclopedia

  • - Sculptor, worked in the Winter Palace in 1838 ....

    Large biographical encyclopedia

  • - Rod. 1868 in St. Petersburg; Student Graning Wilde in St. Petersburg. music school. In 1892 he made his debut on St. Petersburg. Mariinskaya scene, where and sang then until 1901. Speaker also repeatedly in concerts. ...

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  • - See Clifford Syndrome ...

    Great Medical Dictionary

  • - The method of diagnosing the violation of the mobility of the tears in an oval window, based on the fact that in ankylosis aforehaotable filling of the auditory passage by water does not affect the duration of the perception of the sound of the chamberon, ...

    Great Medical Dictionary

  • - Philip Otto, German painter, graph and art theorist. He studied in Copenhagen and Dresden ah. One of the founders of romanticism in German painting ...
  • - Runge Philip Otto, German painter, graph and art theorist. He studied in Copenhagen and Dresden ah. One of the founders of romanticism in German painting ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - German painter and schedule, art theorist. Representative of early romanticism. True, acutely accurate portraits, the allegorical composition "Morning" ...
  • - Philip Egalite Louis Philippe Joseph, Duke Orleans, representative of the younger branch of Bourbon. During the French revolution of the late XVIII century. Refused the title, took the surname Egalit ...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

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Germany at the beginning of the XIX century. Survived the socio-political rise, the resistance to the conquests of Napoleon and the liberation war of 1813 did the German patriotism to the universal, and the considered three hundred of German dwarf states realized themselves with a single people.

In a fragmented country, almost every city was the capital or university center. German sovereigns often sought to fill their political weakness by the patronage of science and art.

The Bavarian King Ludwig I was the most passionate and generous of these patrons on the throne.

In those years, in Germany, the passion for the medieval was strong, an interest in national history and culture increased. In Nuremberg, the festivities of the memory of the German Master of the Renaissance of Albrecht Dürer periodically took place. Brothers Boussre - Sulpicia (1783-1854) and Melchior (1783-1859) - collected monuments of antique art. Their gallery in Stuttgart numbered over two hundred of the works of the XIV-XVI centuries., Most of which in 1826 went into the collection of Munich Pinakoteki (now this museum is called old Pinakotek, unlike a new one, where the works of painting XIX-XX centuries are stored).

Germany played an exceptional role in the history of romanticism - directions in the European culture of the late XVIII - the first half of the XIX century. It is the German writers and critics that were his first theorists. Wilhelm's book Henry Wakenoder (1773-1798) "The heartstand of the monk - an art lovers" (1797) became a manifesto of romanticism in visual art: she proclaimed a decisive refusal of any "beauty rules" and declared the basis of creativity sincere feeling. The term "romanticism" himself was introduced by Friedrich Schlegem (1772-1829), German criticism, philosopher and writer.

Philip Otto Runge


Philip Otto Runge can be called one of the brightest representatives of romanticism in the German painting of the first half of the XIX century.

The artist was born in Wolgasta (city in the territory of modern Poland) in the family of the shipowner. In eighteen, he came to Hamburg to study the trade case, but felt a tendency to painting and began to take private drawing lessons. In 1799-1801. Runge studied at the Academy of Arts in Copenhagen, then moved to Dresden, where he entered the local Academy of Arts and met the poet and thinker Johann Wolfgang Goethe. Returning in 1803 in Hamburg, he was engaged in painting and at the same time served in the trading firm of his older brother Daniel.

Most of the creative heritage runs make up portraits. Careful study of parts, the rigidity of the lines and the undispical purity of the paints of some of his works resemble the creations of self-taught painters. These are the portraits of children of the Hulsentbeck family (1805) and the parents of the artist with grandchildren (1806).

The painting "Threesome" (1805, in 1931 died in a fire) depicted an artist with the bride and brother Daniel. Each of them is immersed in their thoughts, but it does not disarm young people: they do not need words to understand the experiences of each other. This mood of the "silent fraternity" enhances the forest landscape, written in a clear, dry manner; The characters of the paintings are as inseparable as the trees of one forest.

Back in 1802, Runga conceived a picturesque cycle, depicting the days of day. Morning, day, evening and night, replacing each other, were for romantics symbol and human life, and earthly history; They embodied the eternal law, according to which everything in the world is born, grows, agitates and goes into oblivion - to revive again. Runga deeply felt this universal unity, like the inner relationship of different types of art: he assumed to expose "time of day" in a specially designed building, accompanying them with music and poetic text.

Runga did not have enough life to embody his plan: only one, "Morning" (1808) is finished out of four paintings. It is naive and light like a fairy tale. Baby lying on a yellow-green meadow symbolizes a newborn day; Women's figure amid the Golden Sky and Siren Dalea - the ancient Roman goddess of the morning dawn of Aurora. According to the freshness of the paints and the ease of the tone transitions, this picture is much superior to the old works of the artist.

"Sometimes," said Runge, "the color worries with his pallor, and sometimes attracts its depth. When a meadow greens, a rosy grass saturation, a delicate foliage of a young beech forest or a transparent green wave attract you more? Then, when are they in the sparkling rays of the sun or in the peace of the shadows? " In the variety of paints, in complex color ratios, light and shadows, the artist saw the key to the secrets of the Universe, the revelation of the world spirit - so some romantics called God, which seemed to them dissolved in nature. "We are not able to express how every color touches us," said a friend of Runge, the German writer-romantic Ludwig Tik, because the paints speak with us on a more gentle adverb. This is the world spirit, and he rejoices that it can give a concept about himself by thousands of ways, at the same time hiding from us ... But the secret magical joy covers us, we will learn ourselves and remember some ancient, immeasurably blessed spiritual union. "

Runge died of tuberculosis at the age of thirty-three years: all his work falls on the last seven years of life. In his picturesque myths, he embodied the multi-faceted unity of God, peace and humans is the main idea of \u200b\u200bGerman romantic philosophy.