The history of love masters and margaritas. Tragic love masters and margaritas story about love Masters and Margarita

The history of love masters and margaritas. Tragic love masters and margaritas story about love Masters and Margarita
The history of love masters and margaritas. Tragic love masters and margaritas story about love Masters and Margarita

For me, reader! Who told you that not in the light of the real, faithful, eternal love? .. For me, my reader, and only for me, and I will show you such love! M. Bulgakov In the history of classical literature, there are many works that have been mapping the era. But one among them occupies a special position. This creation of the hands of the Great Word Master) is still a cult for the whole series of generations. It is absolutely clear that it will be about the novel M. A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". This product is a mystical unity.

Every historical reality and bold, even candid fiction. Most likely, it is this feature that does not allow a novel in one row with the works of other great classics. M. Bulgakov boldly can be called a revolutionary in the literature. Religious motifs of a fine thread permeate the ideological canvas of Roman, where the issues of social and political issues are still on the foreground. However, you should not stop at consideration of such large-scale problems. We are now more interested in another topic. There is no doubt that in the absolute majority of works known to humanity today, one way or another, one of the central provisions occupies the possibility of developing the relationship of a man and a woman. This is a classic. But M. Bulgakov and here is original. His story is full of riddles, but at the same time it is clear, logical and strict. The appearance of heroes, like their further fate, is very spontaneously, unexpectedly. We get acquainted with the master only in the thirteenth chapter of the novel. He enters through the balcony in the ward to the poet Ivan homeless. "Shaved, dark-haired, with a sharp nose, alarmed eyes and with a hair drying on the forehead, a person about thirty years old," writes M. Bulgakov about the master. Typical portrait in a fairly atypical situation. It has long been known that the most tight feeling that is born in time. The passion, instantly breaking the bone, also quickly goes out. An example is not only cases of life, but also literary plots. So, let's say in one of the brightest and well-known works of I. Bunin "Sunny blow" Passion, piercing the heroes, who did not find the strength to grow into something more, disappeared, leaving only pleasant memories of himself. But M. Bulgakov This development is not suitable. He goes on: in the heart, he wore his heroes to the most soul. "Love jumped out before us, how from under the ground pops up the killer in the alley, struck us at once both ..." - says the master about the fatal meeting with Margarita. They do not need time, they do not need evidence and stupid compliments. Everything is clear without words. Consciousness seemed to be programmed to love, the love is desperate, devoted, chimney. The unexpected acquaintance of the heroes can very surprise the reader: the views met, and everything else was only a formality. "She came to me every day, but I began to wait for her in the morning," says the master. Amazing devotion, if not a small correction: "... she lived with another person ... And I'm there then .. With this ..." How so? On the one hand, sincere love, on the other - bold treason. However, in this story, justify or condemn the heroes is an absolutely unnecessary occupation, because none of us know whether it was possible in such a situation otherwise ...
The development of action occurs rapidly. Without exaggeration, it can be said that the key role in the relationship of the heroes played the Roman Master about Pontius Pilate, who determined, even controlling all further events. Everything that happened to the heroes was completely under the rule of the fatal manuscript. The sacrifice of the Masters and Margarita relations is viewed throughout the work. To the greatest extent, this, of course, is reflected in the actions of the heroine. And again, we can watch the image of a Russian woman who lives the sake of love and loving for life, ready for deprivation and flour in the name of their beloved and a bright future with him. Meeting Margarita and Azazello in this context of the work turned out to be obvious and absolutely logical. "I was sent to invite you to visit tonight. - What are you raised, what guests? "To one very nonestly alien," said Redhead significantly, squinting his eyes. Margarita was very angry ... - Burning! He responded, turning around, and immediately heard the voice of the Redhead: - Darkness, who came from the Mediterranean Sea, covered the city hated by the procurator. Hanging bridges disappeared, connecting the temple with a terrible Anthony Tower ... disappeared by Yershalaim, the Great City ... ". The risk was great. A scam with cream and Bal Satan is genius. But, on the other hand, the life of Margarita without a master no longer had any point, and therefore there was nothing to lose. There remains an alternative: until the end of the days it is to suffer, to torment the soul with thoughts about him and live a minute in a cowardly waiting for the meeting, or to smear the body with cream, and then, waiting for a phone call, to rinse the brush and take off above the streets of Moscow. For Margarita, the choice was obvious. Probably, it is not in vain that only insane people are capable of real feeling. "I know what I go. But I go to all because of him, because I don't have any more hope in the world. But I want to tell you that if you destroy me, you will be ashamed! Yes, I am ashamed! I die because of love! " Suffering and hellish flour had to be transferred to the heroine. And all behind, and iron apparel, and the deceased guests, and Frida. The meeting of the Master and Margarita was the logical final of this solemn night: "Margarita immediately recognized him, groaned, splashed his hands and ran to him. She kissed him in the forehead, on his lips, clinging to the barbed cheek, and long-haired tears were now fled to the streams of her cheek ... "and ahead of only peace and peace, harmony and quiet joy. I wonder what happened if the characters did not meet then? Maybe this story would have a different development? Although how to know ...

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Rock love masters and margarita

One of the greatest novels of the 20th century - "Master and Margarita". In this work, several storylines. The main is the story of Love Masters and Margarita. Does the heroine of Bulgakov prototype? Why exactly this name the author endowed the lover masters?

Prototypes of Margarita

Regarding the history of the image of the chief heroine, the researchers have no consensus. However, Roman Bulgakov is one of the most controversial works in the history of literature. Writer created his heroine on the basis of literary sources. But the features of real women are also visible in this image.

In the early editorial office, Bulgakov called the Hero Faust. The main female character in the work of Goethe was the name of Gretchen (Margarita). In the process of working on the work of the writer collected materials also about two historical figures. Namely, Margarita de Valua and Margarita Navarre.

In the spring of 1930, Bulgakov met the secured married lady. The first meeting with her took place on the street of the 1st Meshchansky. Called this woman Margarita Smirnova. Perhaps acquaintance with her partly inspired the writer to create a tragic female image.

Elena Sergeevna

And yet the main prototype of the heroine of the famous novel is, perhaps, the third wife of Bulgakov. It was thanks to the faithful companion of the prose, the work was published. The novel was not completed. Bulgakov lost sight at the end of life, and the last chapters wife recorded under his dictation.

Once there happened an interesting case. Elena Sergeyevna called the editorial office of the "New World", agreed to meet with Twardovsky. In the Cabinet editor, it appeared after a few minutes after the call. On the question of which transport she took advantage, the woman calmly replied: "Bear."

Elena Sergeyevna had an external similarity with Margarita. She, as well as the heroine of the novel, slightly mowed one eye. Anna Akhmatova was familiar with his wife Bulgakov, once dedicated to her a poem, in which there were words "sordogne", "on the eve of Novolunya".

"I'm poisoning Latunsky!"

In favor of the version that Elena Sergeyevna Bulgakov is the main prototype, says, of course, not only the external similarity, but also an amazing devotion. The love story of the master and Margarita pierced, unforgettable. In the feelings that the heroine is experiencing to his beloved, there really is something witch. It is enough to remember the story that happened in the apartment of Latunsky.

Attacks critics were subjected, of course, the author of the novel. His wife once, after reading the article about "Bulgakovshchina", cried in the hearts: "I will poison Lithuanian!" The prototype of the Latunsky is precisely this critic and playwright, known today, first of all, their attacks on the work of the Great Writer. In 1926, he published a derogatory article about the work of the "Turbine Days", in which the term "Bulgakovshchina" was used for the first time. In the chapters of the novel, telling about the history of Love Master and Margarita, the reader meets the Word created by Latvian: Pilatina.

In the ultrasound of Goethe, Bulgakov does not make the head of the ladder, but the achievement to contact the devil. The name of Margarita has fallen on a matter of deal. Those to meet with your loved ones, it ТО was a risk than hustling. And at the climax in the history of Love Master and Margarita in the Roman Bulgakov.

Combining Fair

The work on the book was launched in the twentieth kits. It was originally called "Rοman ο Devil." There was not even the masters and Margarita to the Mint in the neighbor. In 1930, Rtoman was sudden to autly himself. It is only a few of the black and there, there were a lot of discouraged leaf.

Through two, the writer decided to return to a minister of the Promotion. It was originally in Rtoman in Margarita, and then the master. Five years later, everyone is aware of the name "Master and Margarita". In 1937, Mikhail Bulgakov, I rewrote the Rοman. At this eight. The writer has fallen on behalf of the writer, Nο Corrections were no longer any.


From what began the history of love masters and margaritas? The meeting of the two lovers was such a non-attendant. Going in the street, Margarita carried away the clock yellow flowers. The masters had not been red against Margarita, but the vigorously in her eyes. It was also unhappy as οn. This extraordinary meeting and the start of the non-attendant the history of love masters and Margarita. When analyzing the conversion of the Bulgakvoy, attention should be paid to certain facts from the biology of the writer. It suffered to try hardie and the attack, and the feelings have moved to the pages of Rοman.

Let's go back to achieving, the history of love in the "Master and Margarita" romance began with the Quality. The first meeting of the Germans on Tver, where is always crowded. Nο In the day of the day, the central Mοvskaya street was empty. Woman sprinkled Her, whether he likes her flowers, Nο a service that the rods suggests, and Margarita seen a bouquet into a ditch.

The master will tell Ivan, what about anyone broke out a sudden, comparing a deep feeling with the "killer in the alley." Love and really have been incomprehensible and was not designed for a happy quantity, because the woman was married. Master in TT Time was working on the book, I did not receive the editors. And he is important to find a person, a quantity would like to pursue the mercy of the High Soul. Name to Margarita and became those people, dividing with the master all the senses.

Margarita came out of the day in the day with yellow flowers, so that you will see anyone. Otherwise, it would be used. Life, there is no love, bad and empty. Nο on this story Master and Margarita does not end.

Rοman ο Pilate

Margarita's family meetings with each other's eyes are brilliant, they are trapped in their passion and love. Master will go to her rust. For some reason, she sewed a black cap and embroidered the letter "M" on it. With this molding, it became known to call the Mastersmith, Powhing Maju, predicted to him. Re-reading the Rtoman, it ТО ТО полововали in the soul of the phrase and made an opportunity, what in this way of her life. Nο in it was life, of course, not for her, nο and masters.

Khnets happiness

The writing of the "History of Love Masters and Margarita" Plempties write more often than any other bulgaki prove. The disclosure of this topic does not require deep ponds in the mythology and history of Christianity. It would seem that it could be easier? Nevertheless, briefly the history of love masters and Margarita to influence and proguelyzing unfortunately.

Critics οvrge Рοman ο sawthe. At this, a happy period in the life of the Bulgak's German life. And it's not about how to facilitate, it's not otherwise, and the Motor did not have a guilty. Criticism killed in the master everything alive. Neu does not have any strength to live, write. Helly deprived you to experience privileged people with pleasure. I have forgotten from the previous life. The Margarita Nick's will not go out of the memory of the memory. This writer, lots, how do you say: There is no longer any love, nothing can be destroyed.

BUT MASTER RUSSES ARMAGE IN YOU MANUAL, NTU OPTO DISTRIBUTION CALLS CALLS ON THE FURNACE TSU. Margarita is trying to see their feelings. Nο master disappears. Margarita stands up.

The referee of the devil

Margarita has seen a lot, the hopeful hoping has fallen. It has fallen what the Squirt will meet with the master. In this day in Alexandrian Garden, I met Azazelle. Name to hinted to her, what a meeting with the mastering lots. Nο, it was about to turn into a witch. Life without a master for her was a clear torment, and the correspondence has been on a deal with the devil, without hesitation.


How much did the date not bring the Radii Margarita. The master is trample, it does not affect and do not want to be happy. And there, it does not like it, what is it like a detail, which is cured. She will be able to save the wizard, make it the same. Arguaby Margarita Vottituits. They are logged in in peace, where they begin to dream of the future. To the situation, the master of the wizard was survived. Margarita sees them in the hands of Europe, Nο for the proven nitch, it has learned to be surprised. "Hands do not go," the progress of the phrase, which has become a key in the root.

Already nothing will seem to make masters and margarita happy. In the world of hypocrisy and lies, they will always suffer. And there is a pedestrian to install to them azazelle. Lovers drink wig, brought them, and die. Do not deserve light. Nο, they deserve a pitch. Master and Margarita fly away from the world in the world.

An unusual love story makes Bulgakov's Roman one of the most popular works of world literature. As already mentioned, the book has several storylines. However, the history of the Master and Margarita, in contrast to the description of the events that occurred before and after the execution of Yeshua, is understandable to everyone, regardless of age and literary preferences.

Master and Margarita. This is the first thing that comes to mind when I say the name of Mikhail Bulgakov. This is due to the fame of the work, where the issue of eternal values \u200b\u200bis raised, such as good and evil, life and death, etc.

"Master and Margarita" is an unusual novel, because the topic of love is affected only in the second part. It seems that the writer tried to prepare the reader to the right perception. The love story of the master and margarite is a certain challenge of the surrounding commonness, protest against passivity, the desire to resist different circumstances.

Unlike the Topics of Faust, Mikhail Bulgakov makes Mergarita, and not the master, contact the devil and to be in the world of black magic. It was Margarita, such a kind of life and restless, turned out to be the only character who drove into a dangerous deal. To meet with your beloved, she was ready to risk anything. So the love story of Masters and Margarita began.

Creating a novel

Work on the novel was launched in about 1928. Initially, the work was called "Roman about the Devil". At that time, in the novel, there were not even the names of the master and margaritas.

After 2 years, Bulgakov decides thoroughly back to its main work. Initially, Roman enters Margarita, and then the master. 5 years later, the famous name "Master and Margarita" appears.

In 1937, Mikhail Bulgakov rewrites Roman again. It takes about 6 months. Written six notebooks and became the first complete handwritten novel. After a few already dictates their novel on the machine. Huge work volumes were performed for an incomplete month. Such is the history of writing. "Master and Margarita", the Great Roman ends in the spring of 1939, when the author corrects paragraph in the last chapter and dictates a new epilogue that has been preserved until today.

Later, Bulgakov appeared new ideas, but the corrections were no longer.

History of Master and Margarita. Briefly about meeting

The meeting of two lovers was rather unusual. Going down the street, Margarita carried a bouquet of rather strange colors in his hands. But the masters struck not a bouquet, not the beauty of Margarita, namely endless loneliness in her eyes. At that moment, the girl asked the masters, whether her flowers like her, but he replied that she prefers roses, and Margarita threw a bouquet into a ditch. Later, the master will tell Ivan that the love between them flashed suddenly, comparing her with a murderer in the alley. Love really was unexpected and was not designed for a happy end - after all, the woman was married. The master at the time worked on the book, which did not take the editors. And he was important to find a person who could understand his work, feel his soul. It was Margarita and became the man who dividing all his feelings with the master.

It becomes clear where sadness in the eyes of the girl, after she admits that he came out that day with to find his love, and otherwise she would have been poisoned, because the life in which there is no love is bad and empty. But on this the history of the master and margaritis does not end.

Northern feeling

After meeting with the beloved, the eyes of Margarita brilliantly, the fire of passion and love burns in them. The master is with her near. One day, when she sewed his beloved black hat, she embroidered the yellow letter M. And from this point on, from this point on, it began to call him a master, customizing him and predicted his glory. Re-reading the novel, she repeated the phrases in the soul and concluded that in that novel her life. But it was life not only her, but also the masters.

But it was not possible to print his romance to the Master, a sharp critic was collapsed on him. The fear was flooded with his mind, developed by the grief of her beloved, Margarita also changed for the worse, turned pale, lost weight and did not laugh at all.

Once the master threw a manuscript into the fire, but Margarita snatched from the furnace what remains, as if trying to keep their feelings. But this did not happen, the master disappeared. Margarita again remains alone. But the story of the novel "Master and Margarita" was once appeared in the city of black magician, the girl dreamed of the master, and she realized that they would still be seen.

Appearance of Voland.

For the first time, he appears in front of both Berlioz, which in the conversation reject the divinity of Christ. Woland is trying to prove that the world exists both God and the devil.

The task of Woland is to extract the genius of the Master and beautiful Margarita from Moscow. With his retinue, he provokes non-settlement actions in Muscovites and convinces people that they will remain unpunished, but then they can punish them.

Long-awaited meeting

On that day, when Margarita saw a dream, she met Azazello. It was he who hinted her that a meeting with the master is possible. But it was supplied to her: to turn into a witch or never see a loved one. For a loving woman, this choice did not seem difficult, she was all ready, only to see her beloved. And as soon as Woland asked what he could help Margarita, she instantly asked about a meeting with the master. At that moment, her beloved appeared in front of her. It would seem that the goal was achieved, the history of the Master and Margarita could end, but the connection with Satan is good does not end.

Master and Margarita death

It turned out that the master is not in his mind, so the long-awaited date did not bring joy to Margarita. And then she proves to Woland that the master is worthy to cure him, and asks Satan about it. The request of Margarita Woland performs, and with the master they return to their basement again, where they begin to dream of their future.

After that, lovers drink Falern wine brought by Azazello, not knowing that it contains poison. They both die and fly away with Woland in another world. And even though this ends the story of the lovers of the masters and margaritas, but the love itself remains eternal!

Unusual love

The love story of the Master and Margarita is quite unusual. First of all, because Wolve himself speaks the assistant of lovers.

The fact is that when love visited the events began to fold at all as much as I would like. It turns out that the whole world around for ensuring that the couple is not happy. And it is at this moment wave appears. Relationships of lovers depend on the book written by the master. At that moment, when he tries to burn everything written, he still does not realize that manuscripts are not lit, due to the fact that they are true. The master returns after Woland gives the manuscript Margarita.

The girl is completely given to the Great feeling, and this is the biggest problem of love. Master and Margarita reached the highest level of spirituality, but for this Margarita had to give the soul to the Devil.

On this example, Bulgakov showed that every person should do his fate and not asking any help from the Higher Forces.

Work and its author

The master is considered an autobiographical hero. The masters in the novel is about 40 years. At the same age, Bulgakov was when she wrote this novel.

He lived in the city of Moscow on the street is a large garden in the 10th house, in 50 apartment, which has become the prototype of "bad apartments". Music Hall in Moscow served as the theater variety, which was located near the "bad apartments".

The second wife of the writer testified that the prototype of the hippad cat was performed by their homemade pet. The only thing that changed the author in the cat is the color: the wovefish was a gray cat, and the hippopotam is black.

The phrase "manuscripts do not burn" was repeatedly used by the favorite writer Bulgakov - Saltykov-generous.

The history of love masters and Margarita became present and will remain a discussion as many centuries.

"Master and Margarita" - the work of Bulgakov, in which the author reveals several topics at the same time.
One of them is the topic of love. The author reveals it in a storyline, which describes the relationship of the Master and Margarita.
According to social status, these are different heroes. Master Poor. He himself describes himself as "begging." Once he belonged to the middle class, but over the years, his life has changed. Former historian worked a few years ago at the museum. He was alone. In Moscow, the Master had neither native nor familiar. But one day he won a large amount of money. This led to changes in his life. The master removed a small apartment, bought books.
Margarita, on the contrary, was rich. Together with her husband, they lived in a luxurious mansion. Margarita could afford absolutely everything. Only one was not in her life - family happiness. Muga Margarita respected, but did not love.
But such different fates did not interfere with them to love each other. For the first time, Master and Margarita met on the street. The master went on Tver and suddenly noticed Margarita. She struck him at first sight. Margarita carried a bouquet of yellow flowers in her hands. And although the master decided that this is a bad sign, yet followed the woman.
Each of the heroes showed his love in different ways. The love of the master to Margarita practically did not manifest itself, but he loved her very much. The master looked forward to meeting with the beloved. Already in the morning he was cautiously listened to every sound. From the very first minutes, the master realized that Margarita was exactly the one he was looking for all his life.

As for Margarita, her love for the master manifested itself very brightly. He was the most important person in her life. After unfortunate marriage, only the master was needed Margarita.
Margarita did not have children, and she sent all her maternal love to the masters. She cared for him. When the master wrote his novel, Margarita was near and inspired her beloved. Margarita supported the masters when the writers rejected his novel. But the most strongest love Margarita manifested itself when the master disappeared. Margarita vinyl herself for gone, and then for the fact that he did not have time to return on time. Margarita tried at least something to find out about his beloved. She had to return to her husband. So she lived about six months. Margarita missed him and waited at least some news. For the sake of Master Margarita was ready for everything. She agrees to a deal with Woland as soon as it comes to the wizard. It is for the sake of your favorite Margarita changes his lifestyle. She became a witch.
For his determination and love Margarita received a reward. She reunited with the master. They found their happiness. But this happiness was found in an unrealistic world. Master and Margarita found eternal shelter. But in reality, neither Margarita master does not get happiness. The master died in the "Sorrow House", and Margarita died in her mansion, making a step from one room to another. In reality, their love has not received a happy completion.
This was very strong love. Love made these people perform many different actions: Masters - to create, Margarita - to get away from her husband, agree to the deal with Woland. Love completely changed the life of Master and Margarita.
Thus, we can assume that Bulgakov managed to prove: True love really exists, and if such love comes to a person, it makes you go for everything.

Picalova Alexander

The history of the Master and Margarita is known even never read the work of Mikhail Bulgakov. One of the eternal, timeless topics, the theme of love in the novel "Master and Margarita" Bulgakov attracts depth and sincerity.

Heroes before meeting with each other

The mouth of the Master of Bulgakov tells us about his life before meeting with the heroine. By the formation of a historian, the hero worked in one of the museums of the capital, sometimes "dealt with translations" (knew several languages). He was lonely familiar in Moscow had little. Winning on the bonds received at work, big money, removed basement rooms in a small house, bought the necessary books and began writing a novel about Pontius Pilate. The master who had then named, worried his "golden age". The coming spring was beautiful, the novel about Pilate "flew to the end."

One day, something much more delightful "happened, rather than a major win - the master met a woman, very beautiful, with" extraordinary, not visible loneliness in the eyes ", and from that moment on his life gained fullness.

This woman was beautiful, provided, married to a young successful specialist, and, by the standards of surrounding people, is completely prosperous. Talking about it, the author exclaims: "Gods, my gods! What was needed by this woman! " Heroine is alone and unhappy - there is no love in her life. Together with the master in life, Margarita came meaning.

So with the story about, it would seem, a random meeting of heroes begins to sound in the novel "Master and Margarita" the topic of love.

Love problem in the novel

Love did not make heroes better or worse - she, as a true feeling, made them by others.

The Master and Margarita understood that they brought them "the fate itself and that they were created for each other." Love "struck us instantly," "struck us at once both! - the master exclaims, talking to the poet homeless, - so amazes lightning, so amazes the Finnish knife! " - Forever and irrevocably.

The master now created a great novel, he inspired her beloved. Margarita also gained happiness, becoming a "secret wife", girlfriend and like-minded writer. And, as it was not in the alley, according to which, first having met, the heroes were walked, "neither the soul", so in the new of their life there was no place to anyone: only two and the general deal - the novel, doing the master.

The novel was completed, and "the hour has come when he had to leave the secret shelter and go into life."

The world of literature, the reality in which the Master is immersed - the world of adapting, progress and denial of talent, breaks it.

Heroes have to confront the world around. Watching the fate of the writer and his beloved, we see how the problem of love in the novel "Master and Margarita" is solved.

Love Masters and Margarita: dedication and selflessness

Bulgakov writes the history of love selfless and disinterested.

Margarita takes the interests of the hero as his own, she does everything to be loved by her and calm, in this now the meaning of her existence, she inspires the writer, helps to create and makes it a master. Their life becomes one.

None of a minute feeling happy in the Gothic mansion, Margarita nevertheless cannot hurt her husband, to leave, not explaining anything, because he "did not make any evil" to her.

The master who created a brilliant, but "untimely" novel, broken. "I am now nobody." He does not want anything else, in addition to seeing his beloved, but he considers himself no life to break her.

Mercy and compassion in the love of heroes

Love in the novel "Master and Margarita" of merciful and compassionate.

The feeling that the heroine is experiencing to the chosen is inextricably linked with her love for people. With dignity, performing the role of the Queen on the Ball of Satan, she gifts all the great sinners with love and attention. Own suffering encourages it to get rid of the sufferings of others: not even thinking, "a man of exceptional kindness", "a" highly powerful person ", whether she asks Voland not about himself, but about the Forgiveness of Frida, who repented the killer of his own child.

Even in a rustling of Muskov, love allows Margarita to remain a woman, a sensitive and merciful. "Wild defeat", the studied heroine, stopped as soon as she saw in one of the winds of a frightened baby. Thrilling violence with criticism of the Latunsky, who destroy the masters, Margarita is not able to obrace him to death. The transformation of her in the witch does not deprive the main - true femininity.

The last step before dissolving in eternity loving makes together. Margarita demands to let the soul of Pilate, so long tormented conscience, the master gets the opportunity to do this, finishing the novel by one phrase: "Free! Free! He is waiting for you!"

Faithful and eternal love masters and margaritas

Left alone, without having any news about the beloved, Margarita keeps his feeling and hope for a meeting. She doesn't care how and where she will be held who will arrange it.

It is in the work of "Master and Margarita" the theme of eternal love and loyalty as the saving strength of the human soul reveals the author to us. What a person is capable of keeping his love - about this forces us to think about the story.

To learn about the master - the only desire for the desperate Margarita, for which you can believe anything, turn into a witch, to become the owner of the Bala of Satan himself. For her, the boundaries of light and darkness are erased: "Owner's otherwise either is not otherwise - not if it is," she is sure. Yeshua read the novel, asks to give peace to the writer and his beloved, and "Prince of Darkness" quietly "suits". Margarita will remain with her beloved forever, next to him death is not afraid. "Bearing your dream I will," she says, walking with the master to their eternal house.

The power of love eliminates the masters from suffering, makes it strong ("I will never allow a little bit," he promises heroine) and returns to the world of his brilliant novel.

The theme of love in the work of Bulgakov, maybe because it is shrilled and reliable that the author fell happiness to love and be a favorite woman who was embodied in the image of Margarita.
There is time, the history of eternal love, told on the "Master and Margarita" pages, does not grow, convincing that real love - exists.

Many contemporaries tried to give their analysis of love in the novel and the reasons for her appearance, the above reasoning are designed to help 11 classes when writing an essay on the topic "Love in the" Master and Margarita "Roman Bulgakov."

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