Golden Foundation of the World Classics - Hamlet, Prince Danish (Per. B

Golden Foundation of the World Classics - Hamlet, Prince Danish (Per. B
Golden Foundation of the World Classics - Hamlet, Prince Danish (Per. B


Claudius, King Denmark.

Hamlet, son of the late king, nephew reigning.

Poloniy, court dignitorn.

Horatio, a friend of Hamlet.

Laert, son Polonia.

Voltimand, Cornelius, Rosencranz, Guildrentnun, Osrick - Courtnic.

A priest.

Marcell, Bernardo - officers.

Francisco, soldier.

Reinaldo, servant Polonia.


Two jesters - gravers.

Fortinbras, Norwegian Prince.


English ambassadors.

Gertruda, Queen of Denmark, mother of Hamlet.

Ophelia, daughter Polonia.

Court, ladies, officers, soldiers, sailors, ambassadors and other employees.

Spirit of the father of Hamlet.

Situation - Denmark.

Act I.

Scene 1.

Elsinor. Playground in front of the lock. Francisco guard. Bernardo enters.


Pave! Who goes? Draw!

Long live the king!

Just you came here.

Midnight beat: you can sleep, Francisco.

Thank you for shifting. Cold burning
And terribly in the soul.

All in Karaul?

The mouse did not run.

Good night. If you meet
Horatio with Marcellla - in Karaul
They are with me, "let them hurry here.

They must be. Pave! Who goes?

Enter Horatio and Marcell.


Friends are fray.

Goodbye, brave warrior!
And who changed you?

Black Bernardo.
Good night!

Horatio, came?

Horatio, great! Friend Marcell

Well, it was now?

I have not seen anything.

Horatio does not believe: twice us
The shadow believes he
Sick fantasy, no more. I
Persuaded him come today
In our guard. And if the ghost again
Will appear let him see him
And it will try to speak.

All nonsense: he will not come!

Pie here.
You do not believe, but I'll tell you again
About what is in a row two nights we
Witnesses were.

I am sitting, -
Bernardo tells me about the Spirit.

Last night ...
Here is the star to the west of the polar
When shone where and now
Shines, just pierced an hour,
I am marcely ...

Included in the spirit.


TC! Saluch! He appeared again.

By the appearance - the deceased is our king.

After all, you are a scientist, "so spoke to him.

Horatio, - After all, he is similar to the king?

Terribly similar. I am confused and excited.

He is waiting for questions from us.


Who are you, - at midnight
The gorgeous king is a wonderful appearance,
In the militant and beautiful cloudy?
Answer, I'm sinking you!

He insulted!

Look, leaves!

Stop say! Oh, tell, I pray!

Spirit leaves.


Disappeared ... does not want to answer.

Are you pale, you tremble? After all, it's all
Horatio, more than the game
Imagination. What do you say?

I swear, I would not believe the story,
When I didn't see everything now with your

What, he is not similar to the king?

How are you with yourself!
On it the armor those in which he
Once fought with the King of Norwegian;
That terrible view, with what threw on the ice
The lord of the polar countries, hollow with him ...
All this is strange ...

So twice here, in a silent hour of midnight,
He was great for us.

I do not know what promises vision is
But I think - it prophesate to us
Coup coming in the state.

Pretty, friends. Tell me,
Why are we forever at night to dudzhim?
Why, without a break, pour out of copper
Guns? Why is the purchase
Shells of all sorts abroad?
Why are the work hastily on shipyards?
Do not distinguish a Sunday day from everyday life!
What a thunderstorm goes - when at night
Hurry up to finish the work day, -
How to explain all this?

I'm rumored
That's what I can tell you. Our king,
Whose ghost just came to us
Was Fortinbras, King Norwegian,
Pride vustolube worked
The duel is called. Our Hamlet
Was the courage to his world.
Norwegian he killed; under contract,
Bonded seals and oath,
According to old knightly laws,
Norwegian together with the life of the earth
Losing and land. Our king
Put in his turn such part
Their lands - and Fortinbras her
Could get when he won
He is Gamlet, according to the contract.
And now the heir to fortybress,
The courage of young delete dusty,
Scored a crowd of homeless brands,
With nautical coasture miserable spillway,
Sucu them feeding and money
For the valiant, unknown hike.
All clear, both the government and us
That he wants power to return the possession,
Lost with a fight
His father. Here is the reason for these
Preparations; Here is the most important reason
Night doses; Here is the source of this
Anxious life in our state.

Yes it is. Sinister ghost in full
Armediation did not appear in vain:
On the king it is similar, and the king
And there is a reason for the future war.

He, like a sorink, the eye of the soul is confused!
In the days of victories and proud glory of Rome
Before the power of Mighty Caesar,
The tombs opened and with a moan
The dead was wandering through the streets.
The tailed stars raced the tales
Rosa like blood was, in the sun spots
Being. Moon, the seas of the queen,
Eclipsed, as if the court came the last, -
Then signs of ordinary fate,
Harbingers of the coming change
And disasters of future: their heavens
Be to us prophesy to the world

The spirit enters again.

But quieter! Again he
Look! I'll stop him:
Let him destroy me! Vision
Stop! Kohl talking capable
Perhaps the feat of good can I
Release the wandering soul?
Perhaps Denmark threaten misfortunes
Will you come to prevent them?
Ile, maybe you have hired wealth,
Unjust mined during life
And therefore the flour convicted?

Sings cock.

Pave! Answer! Stop
His marceled!

Do you hit him?

Hit when he leaves.

Spirit leaves.


We insulted the royal shadow!
Nasil Our - Ghost for Him.
How the air is invulnerable, and spears
Awesome angry are above it.

He wanted to say when

And he disappeared instantly
As the hellish spirit from a terrible spell.
Believers are: cock, herald of the morning,
The day God wakes up a ringing rope.
At the same time, the call of perfume that wander
And go among the fire, water,
In the ground and in the air, rushing immediately
Back, in the grave. Make sure today
We are in the truth of popular belief.

Rooster soldered, and it disappeared instantly.
Still pushing as if on the night of the holiday
Birth of the Savior-Christ
Singer dawn sings all night until the morning.
Then wander the evil spirits do not dare.
Harmless stars flowing, night clean,
Clemented spells of burning and witches -
So immobally, holy is time.

So they say - and I kind of believe
Ready to all. But here dawn purple
It goes to the hill in the morning dew.
The watch is over our. My advice to you:
Everything is seen by us - tell
Hamlet young. This spirit,
Dumb with us, swear, speak
With it. Oblige us to
Love and debt. Do you agree with me?

So we will do! I know where
Most likely we can meet it.

Scene 2.

Throne hall in the castle.

Pipes. Included the king, queen, hamlet, polonium, Laertimand, Cornellius, courtiers, servants.


Although fresh in our memory
Death of Hamlet, beloved brother,
Although in a single grief with the state
And we cry, but all the prudent
Victory won over sadness,
And we, and the brother, did not forget
And ourselves. And therefore -
Sister, and now the Queen of our, -
Dividing the works of the reel with us
We, suppressing joy, smiling
Through tears, crying on the rite of marriage
And smiling at the funeral,
Carrying and sadness and joy equally
In the spouses, we were bought. Have not begged
We are our tips - and you are our marriage
Approved. Thank you for everything!
About FortinBrasse is now. He is little
We appreciate, thinks that brother death
All the Denmark upset and troubled
She settled in it. Employed delirium
Ridiculous right, he upheld us
Message about the delivery of those lands,
Who our brave brother is once
According to their legal condition
In my own possession received. Today
We collected you here. We are writing
Norwegian Lord, Fortinbrus
Native uncle (he is sick, bed
Does not leave and hardly knows
About the plans of the nephew), - Let him
The set will suspend. After all, the recruitment
And the training of troops Prince produces
In his poses. Therefore, we are
Cornelius is kind, with Voltimand
Appointed in Norway ambassadors.
All personal beds with the king
Do not leave the limits of those articles,
Which are meant in the message.
Happy way, and the sooner, the better.
Cornelius and Voltimand

We are our debt, as always, acts exactly.

No doubt! Bon Voyage!
Cornelius and Voltimand go.

Now, Laert, what do you want to say?
Are you asking us? Tell me, Laert, with what?
You know that the failure can not be
You have nothing. What can you ask
What, Laert, I would not give without a request?
How is the mind of the mind as close hands
To the tires - so close to the Danish throne
Your parent. Tell us, Laert,
What do you want?

I, sovereign
Please allow me to return to Paris.
From there voluntarily I arrived
It is a debt on the day of coronalia.
Now filled this debt sacred
And again, my dreams and thoughts fly
To France, about vacation praying.

Father agrees? What does Poloni tell?

He squeezed, sovereign, my agreement
With your barely and i
The solution made with the big reluctance.
Let him, "let him go.

Well, if so, Laert, you can go
And do anything. Well, what about you,
My nephew in the family and my son?
Hamlet (about myself )

Yes, the genus is one, but a variety of breed.

All frown from clouds of heavy grief?

Oh, no - I stand too close to the sun.

Throw the Duma Gloomy, my cute hammlet,
And happily look at this throne!
Not forever to look for, having filled the eyes,
In the sorcerer father's battery.
After all, it's so simple and usually:
Everything dies, goes into eternity.

Yes, Queen, it's just ...

Do you all seem so strange?

I think? No, it is.
I don't know any "seems."
Neither black raincoat my mother, nor mourning
Solemn, nor these sighs of the heart,
Neither tears streams nor a dull view
Persons - Nothing from these signs
Concepts will not give you about me.
After all, it is all a very difficult to play,
And this will all seem too.
There is something in the soul that above the signs of grief
And all seeded clothes.

Beautiful and Purchase Sorrow Debt
Fully inherent in your nature, Hamlet.
But remember: After all, your father lost
Once his father who
Buried her father.
Son on father is obliged to be sad - but
Hike, be stubborn wild
In his sadness - unworthy of her husband
And marks the non-defeat of the sky,
The plump spirit, dissected by the will,
Undust and unable.
Why with stubborn child
So close to the heart is that inevitable
What is so usually so simple?
Shake! After all, this is a sin before heaven,
Sin before the departed, sin in front of nature,
Madness! The spirit of human spirit waste
From the first death on earth
Before the corpse of the cooled today:
"Yes, - so it should be!" I ask: throw
All these sighs; Look at me
As on father. Let him know the world that you
Of all the closest to our throne,
That I love with such love
Koj love only father is gentle
Native son. You wish again
Go to Wittenberg and learn again?
But it disagree our thoughts.
We ask you - here we have,
On joy to us, on a consolation of the eyes,
Our heir, our nephew and son!

Do not make your mother ask in vain:
Stay, Hamlet, in Wittenberg do not go!

As I strengthened, I will listen to you.

Answer respectful and nice! Be
Here, with us, in Denmark. Well, the queen,
Come. Gamlet's answer is direct
And honest - joy filled the heart.
And let every toast be cozy,
The king proposed on Peter,
To the clouds rushing with the thunder of the guns,
And the clouds will unjust thunder. Come!

Pipes. All except Hamlet go.


Oh if there is a healthy flesh
Melted, dispelled dew ...
Oh why we forbade the Creator
Suicide? Oh my God! Oh my God!
As naughty, sluggish, flat and fruitless
It seems to me everything on Earth. The world is gardens.
Some kind of wild garden - where the thicket
All sorry grass where evil and rudeness
Some reign. That's what it came!
Two months how he died ... no, less
Not two, and less. Valiant King!
FEB, compared with this favor! - Passionate
He loved my mother, - he is a breeze
Did not allow her face to touch her!
Oh, Sky and Earth! Why again
I remember? And her love
Everyone has grown every day ... and suddenly a month ...
No need to think! Oh, inconstancy -
Here is the name of women. How is a short month?
Did not wear shoes in which
She is behind the coffin of the poor father,
As Niobe, walked in tears ... Oh God -
And the unreasonable beast would be sad for longer ...
She is married to the uncle, beyond his brother
Father like him like me
Looks like Hercules. A month later!
Pretended tears still traces remained
In her eyes - she is a spouse of uncle!
What a shame: on the sin of bloodsher
Hurry yourself! What to wait in the coming?
Grief, soul, but all demolish silently!

Country, Marception and Bernardo.


I have the honor to come, the prince.

I am glad
See you ... How, Horatio? You are?

He is the most, Prince, always your servant.

Tell me "my kind friend," - and I have you
I will answer the same. Are you not in Wittenberg? -

I am very happy! Bernardo, Hello! -
Seriously: Why did you come here?

Laziness attacked me, Prince.

Your enemy
And that would not have decided to recall
So about you, - and I do not believe you:
You are silent; I'm with you
I know and know: you are not out of the lazy.
Why do you need to be in Elsinor? Not
To learn to drink?

Hurry up I.
On the funeral of your father.

Do not laugh at me, my school friend:
You drove to the mother's wedding.

Yes, Prince, -
One declaration was so fast.

Calculation, calculation, Horatio! Stayed
From the funeral of smoke, - they are at the wedding
Retreated. I am ready to see soon
In the paradise of the enemy than that day, my friend ...
Father! I think my father I see ...

In the eyes of my soul, Horatio.

I knew him. He was the monarch of the Great.

He was in the full sense of the word!
There are no such people to see me anymore.

I think I saw him, the prince,
Last night ...

Have you seen! who?

Prince, - King Father.

Like king ...

Do not amaze! With attention
Listen to the story about this miracle,
And these gentlemen will confirm you
My words.

Oh, speak soon!

Two nights in a row of these officers,
Bernardo and Marcello, in the deaf midnight
Stood in Karaul. Suddenly before them
The ghost appeared in Knight's armor
And similar to the king. He is great
Solemnly passes by them,
Passes three times, only
Rod, what keeps him in his hands. They are,
From horror frozen, petrified,
Do not say a word before him.
Mysterious story about this miracle
Was them behaved alone.
On the third night I myself went on guard.
Their story was confirmed: per hour
Appeared spirit. I am your Father
I knew! these two hands are no more
One with another similarity.

Where all that is

On the terrace, prince,
Where guard.

Did you talk to him?

But he did not answer. Once only
He raised his head and as if
I wanted to speak, but at this time
Suddenly sharply shouted the rooster, and the ghost
At the same time, the singing was stirred - and
Disappeared without a trace.

How all this is strange ...

All this is true, the prince, swear! And we
Those who were obliged to you
Transfer everything about it ...

Yes, yes, of course. But me all this
Confused. Are you guarding at night?
Marcello and Bernardo

He was armed?
Marcello and Bernardo

From head to legs?
Marcello and Bernardo

From head to feet.

His faces you, mean, did not see?

No, you saw: he was without picking up.

What, he looked harsh?

He was soon saddling than harshs.

Did he pale been or Rumed?

No, very pale.

And looked at you?

Oh why I was not there!

You would be horrified, probably.

Yes, yes, perhaps. Has he with you?

Something could be counted ...
Marcello and Bernardo

Oh, longer, longer!

Oh no, no longer.

His beard was
Gray Not?

Like in lifetime: Sable
She was silver.

I will come to guard
And if it appears ...

When he adopts his father's image again,
I will conspire with him, and the most hell
I will not stop. I ask you
When you still kept the mystery,
Store it and in the future. And to
Tonight it happened, - all
You can think, but no one
Not a word. I will pay you for friendship!
Farewell. I am in eleven il at midnight
I will come.

Take respect ...

Not -
Love, - and I will answer you love!

All except Hamlet go.

Father armed ghost. Secret
Evil! Most likely night! You, heart,
Deadly be ... Evil Hoole at least in the underworld,
But it crawls it to the court of human ...

Scene 3.

Room in House Polonia. Enter Laert and Ophelia.


On the ship is all mine. Goodbye,
Sister. When the passing wind will be
And ships will go, - do not sleep and lead
I send.

Can you doubt?

And Hamlet and his game with you, -
Believe that it is a whim and fun
Then early spring violet
Short-lived, on a moment one
Fascinous. Not longer than on a moment.

For a moment, - no more?

No more, believe.
Nature develops in us not only
All the muscles of the body - along with the temple of this
Growing the service of the mind and spirit.
Perhaps he loves you now
Intentions and thoughts of bad
No, - but still beware!
You remember: San It is high. Nevlasthen
In his desire he: he is a slave
High. He can not, like everything
Playing Fate: His marriage -
Peace and prosperity for the edge.
Bridesmaid choice - from folk will
Depends on the worst of the state.
The people are chapter, he is a body. He speaks,
What he loves you. But you are reasonable
You will do if you believe the prince,
As far as he can his vows
Coordinate with the desire of Danes.
Look, so that your honor is not injured,
When, his believes to the oaths, you
Lost your cleanliness by leaning
On the bold his prayers. Sister,
Ophelia, - Beware, Fear
And survibly from the arrows of his love:
When she searched a month
The beauties of a modest girl - she
It will be too generous. Believe -
Innocence slander will not avoid;
Often the firstborn of spring are
Easy worms in the first kidneys.
On the morning of life most
Rurals are dangerous evaporation.
Fear is the best guard. Pretty and struggle
With you you yourself.

Your advice
Let it fit me. But, a cute brother,
You will not be a hypocritic shepherd,
That the path is thorny and heavy to the sky
Pointing, he himself goes cheerful
Path of pleasure, forgetting
His advice?

Do not be afraid for me.
I have time to go. Here is father!

Includes polonium.

Once again you bless me:
I am happy to say goodbye to you!

Are you still here! On the deck soon
Laert! Already sails the wind
Ready all. Well, here's another
My tips! Remember - to say
All you think do not need. But
Think of good things all you say.
Be affordably, - but do not bloom with anyone:
Tested by a friend close friendship
You can chant to yourself - but still
Corn on hand do not rub,
All coming shaking hands. SSOR.
Try to avoid. But if - quarrel,
Let your enemy be afraid. All
You can listen, - Say yourself
With few. Tips from all
Take, do not come on. How much money is a lot, -
Loved well, but not France -
Ornate - yes, but not the Pestro at all.
According to the dress, they meet - and the French
Caught perfectly dressed.
Do not occupy and do not go loan:
You lose money and friend;
The loan will accommodate the calculation in your farm.
And most importantly, be faithful to himself, -
And it is clear how at night the day goes:
You will be unchanged before everyone.
Goodbye, - let these advice will strengthen
My blessing.

I say goodbye
Like your humble son.

It's time! Stay!
You are waiting for the servant!

Well, goodbye sister.
My words remember.

I closed
They are in their memory - you have the key.

He spoke, Ophelia, you?

We talked about Prince Gamlet ...

BUT! By the way! To me
Transmitted that you often have
Alone meet and you
Generous to these meetings. If this
All truth (only because to warn
I wanted me), I must say
That you do not understand how to stay
Daughty my daughter. Say
All the truth: What is between you?

He did these days of confession to me
In love.

That's what! Recognition! And you, baby
Inexperienced in the affairs of this kind,
Beloved in recognition of him?

I do not know the right to think to me.

What to think? You, baby, accept
His words for pure coin?
Recognition! You must recognize
The dignity of its own, not that - (here is the word by the way
I had to) - I am recognized as a fool.

But he is so modest me, father, his
Love expressed ...

Yes, we know this modesty! Oh well!

But confirmed father, his own
Holy Oaths ...

Shails for stupid birds!
When the key boils and beats blood,
On the oath, the language is waste!
I know! It's my daughter, only outbreaks, -
They are though brightly shine, but do not heal
And go to the world's moment.
Be since that time, there is a popular recognition,
We appreciate yourself more than the request of it.
What about the gamlet that think
I'll tell you too: know - also he is young!
That binding on which he walks
Where is yours, Ophelia, longer.
Everything comes down to you so that you are
Did not inferdate the croats of the prince, it
Covered only holy lies,
And the goal is unclean - he is only
Then calls on the goodness,
To fool faithful. And so you
In the end, my decision:
I do not wish with the prince of your meetings!
In a conversation with him, do not lose moments!
Do you hear? Remember! And now - go!

I obeyed you, father!

Hamlet, Prince Danish (per. B. Pasternak)


Claudius , King Danish. Hamlet , son of the former and nephew of the current king. Polonium , Chief Royal Advisor. Horatio , Hamlet's friend. Laert. , Son Polonia. Voltimand, Cornelius - Courtful. Rosencranz, Guildenster - Former university comrades of Hamlet. Ozers . Nobleman . a priest . Marcell, Bernardo - officers Francisco , soldier. Reinaldo , approximate polonium. Actors . Two gravestics . Ghost of the father of Gamletta . Fintbras. , Prince Norwegian. Captain . English ambassadors . Gertrude , Queen Danish, mother of Hamlet. Ophelia , daughter Polonia. Lords , lady , officers , soldiers , sailors , wester , swinger . Situation - Elsinor.

The first act

The first scene

Elsinor. Playground in front of the lock. Midnight. Francisco In my post. Watches beat twelve. It is suitable for it Bernardo . Bernardo Who's here? Francisco No, you yourself are who, first answer. Bernardo Long live the king! Francisco Bernardo? Bernardo It. Francisco You took care to come at your time. Bernardo Twelve beats; Look at the board, Francisco. Francisco Thank you for replaced: I'm choking, and on the heart of the longing. Bernardo How in Karaul? Francisco Everything like a mouse has gotten. Bernardo Well, good night. And Horace and Marcells will meet, mine, hurry. Francisco Listen, you are not. - Who goes? Enter Horatio and Marcell . Horatio Friends of the country. Marcell And servants of the king. Francisco Farewell. Marcell Goodbye, old man. Who changed you? Francisco Bernardo in the post. Farewell. Goes away. Marcell Hey! Bernardo! Bernardo That's so! Horace here! Horatio Yes, in some way. Bernardo Horace, Hello; Hello, friend Marcell Marcell Well, how was this oddity today? Bernardo Not yet seen. Marcell Horatio considers this all the game of imaginative and does not believe in our ghost, twice visible in a row. So I suggested that he was guarding with us at the current night and, if the Spirit appears again, check it out and talk to him. Horatio Yes, so he will come! Bernardo Coming, and allow you to storm your ear, so fortified against us, a story about visible. Horatio Please, I sit down. We will listen to what Bernardo will tell us. Bernardo Last at night, when the star, that west of the polar, moved the rays to that part of the heavens, where she shines, I am with Marcello, only hit an hour ... Included Ghost Marcell Sickie! Zamri! Look, here he is again. Bernardo Posture - the poured king of the late. Marcell You are knowledgeable - turn to him, Horace. Bernardo Well, reminds the king? Horatio Yes, how else! I'm in fear and confusion! Bernardo He is waiting for a question. Marcell Ask, Horace. Horatio Who are you, without the right at this hour at night, who took the view, how did the monarch buried, buried Denmark? I'll spell heaven, answer me! Marcell He insulted. Bernardo And go away. Horatio Pave! Answer! Answer! I spell! Ghost goes away Marcell I left and did not want to say. Bernardo Well, Horace? Fully tremble. Is the game Imaginer? How is your opinion? Horatio God to win: I would not admit when it would not be obvious! Marcell And with the king as similar! Horatio How are you with you. And in the same lats, as in battle with the Norwegian, and also Hmur, as in an unforgettable day, when, with a quarrel with elected Poland, it took them out of their sleigh on the ice. It's incredible! Marcell At the same time, the same important step was held yesterday, he twice past us. Horatio I do not know details, but in general, it is likely that this is a sign of shocking state. Marcell Wait. Sit down. Who will explain to me, what is such a rigor of Karaulov, constraining citizens at night? What caused the casting of copper cannons, and the importation of the guns from abroad, and ship carpenters, diligent on weekdays and on Sunday? What lies for this with a fever, demanding the night of the day? Who will explain it to me? Horatio I will try. At least hearing is. The king whose image just appeared before us, as you know, was caused by the ruler of Norwegians Fortinbras. In battle mastered our brave Hamlet, such as hearing in the enlightened world. Enemy fell. There was a treaty bonded with observing the rules of honor, which, together with the life, Finturbras should leave the winner and land, in exchange for which, and on our part, there would be a pledge of extensive possessions, and they would have seen Fintbras, it would take the top. According to the same foundations, his land on the named article got all the Hamlet. Next is what. His heir, the younger Fortinbras, in the excess of the inborn Zador scored a detachment for bread ready to fight thugs in the entire Norway. Cooking is visible, as confirmed by the reporting, - forcibly, with weapons in hand, to beat off the Father lost lands. Here, I suppose, and lies the most important reason for our fees, a source of anxiety and a pretext to the Skyatyac and the Sutolok in the region. Bernardo I think it is so. Not in vain bypassing the gloomy ghost in the lats, similar to the king, which was and there are those wars culprit. Horatio He is like a bitch in the eye of my soul! In the year of the flourishing of Rome, in the days of victories, the premature Julius fell, the graves stood without tenants, and the dead on the streets of the Nevask Molley. In the fire of Komet, the bloody dew, the spots appeared in the sun; A month, on whose infinity is the power of Neptune, he was sick of darkness, as in the lightweight, the same crowd of bad will adopt, as if the events running ahead, like the dignitarily sent to the messengers, the Earth and the sky together send our garbage into the latitude. Ghost Returns But quieter! Here oh again! I will stop at any cost. Not from place, Navaden! Oh, if only you spell up, open me! Perhaps you need to create mercy for you and we are good, opening me! Perhaps you penetrate the destiny of the country and turn it out yet too late, open it! Perhaps, during your lifetime, I buried the treasure, wrongly accepted, - you, spirits, hung treasures, say, - Open! Pave! Open me! Sings cock. Marcell, keep him! Marcell Strike alabard? Horatio Bay, if he confresses. Bernardo Here it is! Horatio Here! Ghost goes away. Marcell Gone! We annoy the royal shadow open manifestation of Nasili. After all, the ghost, like steam, invulnerable, and to fight it stupid and aimlessly. Bernardo He responded b, but the rooster fell. Horatio And then he shuddered, accurately guessed and the answer is afraid. I heard, rooster, drum drums, my sip piercing from the dream of the day God. When it is a signal, where I wandered the Skitaletser-Spirit: on fire, in the air, on land or in the sea, he is in a hurry to go home. And just we had a confirmation confirmation. Marcell He began to fill in the rooster drink. Believers are that every year, in winter, before the holiday of Christ's Christ, the night is afraid of the daytime bird. Then, according to rumors, the perfume does not slaughter, everything is quiet at night, do not harm the planets and the chairs of witches and fairies disappear, so gracious and sacred time. Horatio I heard and I, too, believe part. But the morning in the pink cloak of dew of the hillock jumps in the East. It's time to remove the watch. And my advice: We will put the prince of Gamlet's informant about visible. I swear life, the spirit, dumb with us, interrupt before him silence. Well, friends, in your opinion? To say how the debt of love and loyalty is inspired? Marcell In my opinion, say. Yes, and so I know where to find it today. Go.

Claudius, Danish king.

Hamlet, son of the former and nephew of the current king.

Poloniy, the main royal adviser.

Horatio, a friend of Hamlet.

Laert, son Polonia.

Voltimand, Cornelius - courtiers.

Rosencranz, Guildrester - former university comrades of Hamlet.



Marcell, Bernardo - officers.

Francisco, soldier.

Reinaldo, approximate polonium.

Two graveter.

Ghost of the father of Hamlet.

Fortinburg, Prince Norwegian.

English ambassadors.

Gertruda, Queen Danish, mother of Gamlet.

Ophelia, daughter Polonia.

Lords, Lady, officers, soldiers, sailors, wisdom, sweat.

Situation - Elsinor.

Act I.

Scene 1.

Elsinor. Playground in front of the lock. Midnight. Francisco in his post. Watches beat twelve. Bernardo comes to him.



No, you yourself are who, first answer.


Long live the king!




You took care to come to your CAC.


Twelve beats; Look at the board, Francisco.


Thank you for changing: I'm choking,
And on the heart of the longing.


How in Karaul?


Everything like a mouse has gotten.


Well, good night.
And Gorace and Marcell will meet,
S subservricious, - PORTOPIT.


Listen, you are not. - Who goes?

Enter Horatio and Marcell.

Friends of the country.

And servants of the king.


Goodbye, old man.
Who changed you?


Bernardo in the post.

(Goes out.)

Hey! Bernardo!


Yes, in some way.


Horace, Hello; Hello, friend Marcell.

Well, how was this oddity today?


Not yet seen.

Horatio considers it all
Game imaginative and does not believe
In our ghost, twice visible in a row.
So I offered him to be
Guarding with us now at night
And if the spirit appears again,
Check it and speak with him.

Yes, so he will come!


And allow you to storm your ear
So fortified against us, story
About seen.

Please, I sit down.
We will listen to what Bernardo will tell us.


Last night
When a star that is West Polar,
Moved the rays to that part of the heaven,
Where and now shines, I am with marcell
Only hit an hour ...

Ghost is included.

Sickie! Zamri! Look, here he is again.


Posture - the poured king of the late.

You are knowledgeable - turn to him, Horace.


Well, reminds the king?

Yes, how else! I'm in fear and confusion!


He is waiting for a question.

Ask, Horace.

Who are you, without the right at this hour night
Who took the view, how shine, it happened,
Buried Denmark Monarch?
I'll spell heaven, answer me!

He insulted.


And go away.

Pave! Answer! Answer! I spell!

The ghost leaves.

I left and did not want to say.


Well, Horace? Fully tremble.
Is the game Imaginer?
How is your opinion?

God to win:
I would not recognize when it would not be obvious!

And with the king as similar!

How are you with you.
And in the same lats as in battle with Norwegian,
And also Hmur, as in an unforgettable day,
When with a quarrel with elected Poland
He took them out of the sleigh on the ice.
It's incredible!

At the same time as an important step
He passed yesterday, he twice past us.

I do not know the details of the solution
But in general, it is probably a sign
Tharing up the state of shocks.

Wait. Sit down. Who will explain to me
What is such a rigor of Karaulov,
Stronizing citizens at night?
What caused the casting of copper guns,
And the import of guns from abroad,
And ship carpenters recruitment,
Digitious on weekdays and on Sunday day?
What lies for this with hot
I demanded a night of the day?
Who will explain it to me?

I will try.
At least hearing is. King,
Whose image just appeared before us
As you know, it was caused to fight
The ruler of Norwegians Fortinbras.
In battle mastered our brave Hamlet,
So I have hearing in the enlightened world.
Enemy fell. There was a contract,
Bonded with observing the rules of honor
What together with life should Fortinburg
Leave the winner and land
In exchange for which on our side
Went pledge extensive possessions,
And they would take hold of FortourBras,
Take it up. On the same foundations
His land on the named article
The whole Hamlet got. Next is what.
His heir, Jr. Fortinbras,
In excess of born back
Scored along the whole of Norway a detachment
For bread ready to fight thugs.
Preparations visible goal
How confirmation of the reporting, -
Forcibly, with weapons in hand,
Delete the Father Lost Earth.
Here then, I guess, and lies
The most important cause of our fees,
Anxiety source and pretext
To the Skyatitice and the Sutol in the region.


I think it is so.
Not in vain bypass in lats Karaula
Sinister ghost, similar to the king,
Which was and there are those wars culprit.

He is like a bitch in the eye of my soul!
In the twilight of Rome, in the days of victories,
Before domineering Julius Pal, graves
Stood without tenants, and the dead
On the streets of Nevtyba Molty.
In the fire of Komet, the bloody dew,
The spots appeared in the sun; month,
At whose infinity is the power of Neptune,
He was sick of darkness as in the lightweight.
The same crowd of bad will accept
As if running ahead of events,
Like the sleep sent to the messengers,
Earth and sky together send
In the latitude, our countrymen.

The ghost returns.

And it is stupid and aimless to fight him.


He responded b, but the rooster fell.

And then he shuddered, accurately guessed
And answer is afraid. I heard
Cock, trumpeter dawn, sip
Piercing wakes out from sleep
Day God. With its signal,
Where would you wandered the Skitaletz-Spirit: on fire,
In air, on land or in the sea,
He is in a hurry to go home. And just that
We had confirmation.

He began to fill in the rooster drink.
Believement is that every year, in winter,
Before the holiday of christian christmas,
Night oversight sings daytime bird.
Then, by rumors, the perfume does not fuck,
All quietly at night, do not harm the planet
And the Charats of Witch and Fay disappear,
So gracious and sacred time.

I heard and I, too, believe part.
But here is the morning in a pink rain
Rewo hillock bays in the east.
It's time to remove the watch. And my advice:
We will put the prince of Gamlet in fame
About seen. I swear life, spirit,
Someone with us, breaks the silence before him.
Well, friends, in your opinion? To tell,
How does the debt of love and loyalty inspire?

In my opinion, say. Yes, and to
I know where to find it today.

Current page: 1 (Total 6 pages) [Available Reading Excerpt: 2 pages]

William Shakespeare

Mikhail Lozinsky interpreter notes.

* * *


Claudius, King Danish.

Hamlet, Son of the late and nephew of the Kingdom King.

Fintbras., Prince Norwegian.

Polonium, Chancellor.

Horatio, Hamlet's friend.

Laert., Son Polonia.

Voltimand, Cornelius, Rosencrans, Guildenster, Ozers, 1st nobleman, 2nd nobleman - Courtnic.

A priest.

Marcell, Bernardo - officers.

Francisco, soldier.

Reinaldo, servant polonium.


Two jesters, graveters.


English ambassadors.

Gertrude, Queen Danish, mother of Hamlet.

Ophelia, daughter Polonia.

Ghost Hamletova Father.

Velmembra, ladies, officers, soldiers, sailors, faces and other servants.

Situation - Elsinor 1
Elsinor (Helsingor) is a city on the island of Zealand, in Denmark, on the shore of Zunda, in the narrowest part of the Strait, 38 km north of Copenhagen. Here, at the King, Frederic II in 1574-1583 was built according to the plans of the famous astronomer Quietly Braga, the fortified castle of Kronborg, located on the tip of the spit into the sea. In 1585 and 1586, the British actors were playing in Elsinor, of which three - William Kemp, George Brian and Thomas Pop - subsequently were the comrades of Shakespeare on the scene. In 1596, during the coronation of Christian IV, another English troupe was played in Copenhagen under the control of Thomas Seville. Naturally, the assumption that Shakespeare has learned from the participants of both these troupe of the Danish life and customs.

First action

Phenomenon first

Elsinor. Playground in front of the lock.

Francisco On guard. Included Bernardo.



No, I myself answer me; Stand and declared.


King Long live!





You pleased the time.


Twelve beats; Go lie down, Francisco.


Thank you for changering; cold sharp
And I do not care.


Everything was quiet?


The mouse did not move.


Well, good night.
And if you meet the rest, Marcello
Or Horatio, hurry them.


I seem to hear them. - Stop! Who is here?

Enter Horatio and Marcell.


Friends of the country.


And people of the Danish service.


Good night.


With God, honest warrior;
And who changed you?


Bernardo came.
Good night.

Goes away.


Hey! Bernardo!


Horatio with you?


A piece of it.


Hi, Horatio; Marcell, hello.


Well, today it appeared today?


I have not seen anything.


Horatio considers this
Fantasy and in a terrible vision,
Imagined us twice, he does not believe;
So I invited him
Hold the moment of this night,
And if the ghost appears again
Let him take himself and let his vile.


Nonsense, nonsense, will not appear.


Let's sit down;
And move again on your storm your ears,
For your stories of impregnable,
All we have seen.


Oh well,
Sit down and listen to Bernardo.


Last night
When there is a star, left polar,
Came to shine the area of \u200b\u200bheaven,
Where shoes and now marcell and me
Barely pierced an hour ...

Included Ghost.


TSh, silent; Look, so he is again!


That's exactly, as was the king deceased.


You are a scribe 2
You are a scribe ... - Horatio knows Latin, and the spirits of spirits were pronounced in Latin.

; Contact him, Horatio.


Looks like a king? Looking, Horatio.


Yes; I am permeated with fear and embarrassed.


He is waiting for a question 3
He is waiting for a question. - According to the ancient reference, the ghosts could not speak first.


Ask, Horatio.


Who are you, what has encroached for this hour
And this beast and wonderful appearance,
In which the dead lady of the Danes
Start once? Skill, Molvi!


He is offended.


Look, walks away!


Pave! Molvi, Molvi! Skill, Molvi!

Ghost goes away.


Gone - and did not answer.


Well, Horatio? Dream and pale?
Perhaps this is not one fantasy?
What do you say?


I swear to you, I would not believe
My eyes.


Looks like a king?


Like you yourself for yourself.
The same was the armor on it,
When he fought Norwegian 4
Norwegez - Norwegian king; Just like further: Dane, Briton - Danish, English king.

That's how he frowned when on ice
In the fierce battle defeated Poles 5
... When the Poles defeated the Poles on the ice in a fierce fight ... - "... not smote the Sledded Polacks (Distribution: POL-LAX, ROLE-Ahe) on the Ice" - a dark place read by different; There is one of the possible interpretations. We offer, along with him, two others:
a) ... when, out,
Threw the pole from the sleigh on the ice.
b) ... when one day
In response, Seskira's ambassadors hit the ice.

How strange!


And so he twice in this dead hour
Passed with our guard terrible step.


What to think exactly, I do not know;
But in general I see a sign in this
Some strange stem for the state.


Do we not sit down? And let who knows, say,
What are these strict watchors
All the subject matter of the subjects?
What is the casting of all these copper guns
And this purchase of combat surplus
Carpenter recruitment, whose grave labor
Does not distinguish holidays from everyday life?
What is the secret meaning of such a hot rush,
What happened to the night of the hour of the day?
Who will explain to me?


I; at least
There is a hearing such. The deceased is our king,
Whose image was now, was,
You know, Norwegian Fortinbras,
Faded jealous pride,
On the field caused; And our brave Hamlet -
So he was heard throughout the famous world -
Killed him; And that according to the contract,
Bonded on honor and laws,
Deprived, together with life, all lands,
He is subject to him, in favor of the king;
Instether what the deceased is our king
Righted equal shares as
Passed into the hands of fortinbress,
Be the winner he; Like Him
According to the prisoner of the prisoner
Got a hamlet. And here, immature
Boiling courage, junior fortybras
Scored himself from Norwegian coasts
Vataga lawlessly unknown 6
... Vataga of lawlessly unknown ... - ... a list of lawless resolutes ... - If you take another reading - and List of Landles Resolutes, then this verse will be stated: Vataga landless deals.

For food and hack for some kind of business
Where tooth needed 7
... For food and Harch for some kind of business, where you need a tooth ... - "Food and Harch" (Food and Diet) - Tavtology, preparing attention to the next "Stomach". "Stomach" (literally "stomach") are used here in the meaning of "determination, courage", but with an additional tint of "greed, voraciousness". In the translation of this game, the expression "tooth" serves; "Tobastost" is associated with a similar number of representations.

; And that - nothing else -
(So \u200b\u200bunderstandable and our maintenance), -
How to select, with weapons in hand,
By nasty, said land,
His father is lost; here
What caused our preparations
And this is our guard, this is the reason
And T. about rust and noise in the state.


I think it is so.
That is why this prophetic ghost
In the armor wanders, similar to the king,
Who filed a reason for these wars.


Sorinka, so that the mind eclipsed.
In high Rome, the city of Victory,
On days before the mighty Julius 8
Julius Caesar (100-44 BC.)

Leaving the coffins, in Savanov, along the streets
Squeezed and bated the dead;
Bloody rain, cosmatic shining,
Embarrassed in the sun; wet star 9
... Wet Star ... - Moon, which manages marine tides and lowers. Neptune - the god of the sea.

In whose area of \u200b\u200bNeptunnov Power,
Sick to darkness, almost like on the day;
The same foremost evil events
Hurrying the deaths before fate
And announced about the coming,
Appeared together sky and earth
And our tribesmen and countries.

Ghost Returns.

But quieter: See? Here he is again!
I am going, I'm damaged not afraid 10
... I don't fear damage. - It was believed that a person threatens damage, if he stops the place where the ghost appeared.

. - Stop, Ghost!
When you own the sound, you il speech,
Molvi me;
When can I accomplish something
You are in favor of yourself on glory,
Molvi me;
When you are open a lot of fray
The premium, perhaps, disgusting,
Oh, Molvi!
Or when you buried in life
Lost treasures for which
You, perfume, in death, say, languish,

Sings cock.

Then Molvi; Stop and Molvi! - Drain
His marcell.


Hit protazan 11
Protazan - Alebard, Berdysh, Wide Spear.


Yes, if you move.



Ghost goes away.


In vain, since he is so magnificent,
He is visibility of Nasili;
After all, he is invulnerable to us like air,
And this pitiful Natisk is only offense.


He would answer, but fell rooster.


And he flinched like someone's guilty
With a formidated window. I heard that
Rooster, drum dawn, with its high
And call a sip wakes out from sleep
Day God, and at the same time
Whether in water, on fire, in the ground Ile in the wind,
Wandering in the wild of the Spirit
In their limits; that is true
We have proven a real case.


He became invisible with a keen cry.
There is a rumor that every year is near that
When was born on the ground a transmitter,
Singer dawn does not pile until morning;
Then you do not dare to peel spirits,
Healing nights, do not break the planets,
Harmless fairies, witches do not get, -
So felt and holy this time.


I heard it and partly believe.
But here is the morning, Red Cloak throwing,
Steps on the dew of the eastern mountains.
Interrupt the guard; And I thought so
The fact that we have seen at night will not hide
From the young Hamlet; swear
That the spirit is dumb for us, he will answer.
You agree that we told him,
How do we know love and debt?


Yes, I ask; And I know today,
Where we find it all right.


Second phenomenon

Solemn Chamber in the castle.

Pipes. Enter king, queen, Hamlet, Polonium, Laert., Voltimand, Cornelius, velmembra and servants.


The death of our beloved brother
Still fresh and approves us
Bear pain in the hearts and the entire power of our
Frown in one brow sadness,
However, the mind is overgrown nature,
And, with the wise sorrow, remembering the dead,
We also think about yourself.
Therefore, sister and queen,
Heiress of the warlike country
We, as if with a dreadful celebration, -
One laughing, the other twisted by the eye,
The wedding, having fun over the coffin,
Balancing joy and ugly, -
In the spouses took, in this relying
On your wisdom former to us free
Contributor. For everything - thank you.
Now Other: Young Fortinburg,
I appreciate us low or though
That since then, how overtakes our brother,
Fucked our kingdom
Entered into an alliance with a dream proud
And tirelessly requires us
Refund of those lands that in possession
Legally accepted from his father
Our sustained brother. That about him.
Now about us and about our collected.
Here it is: we ask it
Letter Norwegian, Uncle Fortinbrus, -
Which, weakness, hardly heard
About the plans of the nephew, - stop preventing
His steps, then as sets
And all the supply of troops burden
His subjects; And we want
So that you, my Voltimand, and you, Cornelius,
Brought the message to old Norwegian,
And we give you no more power
In negotiations with the king than here
Delivered articles. Good way.
Having needed your zesett.

Cornelius and Voltimand


We are not doubted; Good way, -

Voltimand and Cornelius go.

And you, Laert, what will you tell us?
What did you want to ask us, Laert?
Before the sensing voice is in vain
It does not sound. What could you want
What would you not suggest you?
Not so much is the heart of the head,
Not a hand helping mouth,
As the Danish Scepter Your Father.
What would you like, Laert?


My sovereign
During me to return to France;
Although from there I arrived myself
Follow debt with your coronation,
But, I confess, now my hopes
And thoughts again seek
And waiting, inclining, from you is inventing.


And how's the Father? What does Poloniy say?


He looked at me for a long time, sovereign
Persistent requests until
I did not bope reluctantly agree,
I ask you, to go to your son.


Well, in good time, Laert; yours whether
And I tend him as the best forces! -
And you, my gamlet, my nephew is cute ...


(to the side)

Nephew - Let; but no one is not cute 12
The nephew - Let, but no way is not cute. - In the original of the words of Claudia: "But Now, My Cousin Hamlet, and My Son ..." - Hamlet is responded by the phrase: "A Little More Thank, and Less Than Kind" is the meaning of which is quite dark. Most commentators according to the fact that this phrase Hamlet pronounces to the side, and does not draw it to the king. Kin means "related, relative"; Kind may mean "Rod, breed", as well as "affectionate, favorable, cute." Some understand this word in the first sense, others - in the second, and apply it either to Claudia, or to Hamlet; Third consider him intentionally ambiguous; Some are inclined to even see the German Kind - "Child." The proposed translation represents an attempt to convey the overall meaning of the verse in connection with the previous one: 1) Claudius is not just uncle Gamlet, he at the same time his mother's husband, his stepfather; 2) They do not like each other.


Are you still shut off the former clouds?


Oh no, I even have too much sun.


My dear Hamlet, reset my black color,
Looking like a friend on the Danish lord.
It is impossible day after day, bullying eyes,
Having improped father look in the praha.
Then the fate of all: all living will die
And through nature will go into eternity.


Yes, the fate of all.


So in his fate
So unusual seems to you?


I think? No, there is. I do not want
The fact that to and f with me. Nor my raincoat,
Neither these gloomy clothes, mother,
Neither a rustling moan of cramped Dyhanya,
No, no eyes the stream is multob
Neither grief depressed traits
And all the bleits, types, signs of grief
Do not express me; They are only
That to and maybe I can be igmer;
What is in me is true than the game;
And this is all - outfit and tinsel.


It is very gratifying and commendable, Hamlet,
That you are sad to pay a duty;
But your father lost his father;
That is yours; And the survivor is called
Sons of a certain term
To tombstones; But be stubborn
In the plump grief will be wicked
Stubbornness, so does not complain a man;
Then a sign of will, a dismissed sky,
Souls unstable, violent mind,
Love and nomudo ration.
After all, if something is inevitable
And therefore it happens with everyone,
Then it is possible to perturbations in the gloomy
Anxious heart? This is a sin before heaven,
Sin before the departed, sin before the nature,
Nasty mind whose mental
There is death of fathers whose vector
From the first dead man Dynam:
"It should be". We ask you, throw
Fruitless sadness, about us
As a father; Let the world will not forget
That you are all closer to our throne
And I am not less generosity of love,
Than son the most gentle fathers
I give you. What is your care
Return for teaching in Wittenberg 13
Wittenberg University, founded in 1502 (famous for the activities of Luther and Melanchton), attracted many Danish students.

She is with the desire of our loose 14
... She is with a welcome to our diverse. - IT IS MOST RETROGRADE TO OUR Desire. - "RetroGrade" is an astrological term meaning the removal of the planet from the earth's orbit.

And I ask you to stay
Here, in the caress and the joy of our eyes,
Our first friend, our Rodain and our son.



Madam, I obeyed you in everything.


Here is a loving and cute answer to us;
Be here as we. - madam, go;
In concerns, the prince, free and welcoming, -
Smile heart; in what is today
On any bucket that the Dane drags,
Big gun is born in the clouds,
And the buzz of heaven over the royal bowl
Ground thunder will respond, - we go.


All except Hamlet go.


Oh if this is a dense grip of meat
Melted, killed, heaven dew!
Il if the suther was not failed
Contact suicide! God! God!
What binding, dim and unnecessary
It seems to me everything that neither is in the world!
About abrasion! This is a riveted garden
Seed only; Wild and evil
It owes. Before you get!
Two months old how died! Less even.
Such a decent king! Compare them -
FEB and Satir. He is my mother so nonzhil
That the winds of the sky did not give touch
Her faces. About Heaven and Earth!
Me to remember? She stretched to him
As if hungry just increased
From saturation. And in a month, -
Do not think about it! - Breath, you
You call: Woman! - And Bashmakov
Without exhausting, in which he was behind the coffin,
Like Niobe 15
Niobe (Nioba) - Amphion's wife, FVANAYAN Queen. Her Her Her Highness Apollo and Artemis killed all her children, and the sorrowful Nioba turned into a rock that exudes tears.

All in tears, she -
Oh god, beast, deprived of reason
I would miss longer! - Married to Uncle,
Which on the father is not like more
What I'm on Hercules. A month later!
Also salt of her dishonest tears
On the redneed centuries did not disappear
How got married. Gnus hasty -
So rush to the ODR of the blood stain!
No and can not be good. -
But Smallkni, the heart, fowse my tongue!

Enter Horatio, Marcell and Bernardo


Hello to you, Prince!


I am very glad to see you, -
Horatio, - or I myself am not me.


He is the most prince, and the poor is your servant.


My good friend; Let it be mutually 16
My good friend; Let it be mutually. - T. E. For me, you are kind friend; Treat and you come to me how good to a friend.

But why are you not in Wittenberg? -


My good prince ...


I am very glad to see you.

(To Bernardo.)

Good evening. -
So why are you not in Wittenberg?


According to the tendency to idleness, good prince.



I sailed to the funeral of the king.


I ask you, no joke, a friend-student;
Extremely - at the queen's wedding.


Yes, the prince, she followed quickly.


Calculation, calculation, buddy! From the compensation
Cold went to the marriage table.
Oh, it would be better for me to meet in paradise
My worst enemy than this day, Horatio!
Father! .. I think I see him.


Where, prince?


In the eyes of my soul, Horatio.


I remember him; The star was the king.


He was a man, a man in everything;
I can not meet like that.


My prince, he appeared to me now at night.


Appeared? Who!


King, your father.


My father, king?


Mug to die your amazement
And listen to what I will tell you,
In the witnesses taking these officers,
About this diva.


For God's sake, yes.


Two nights in a row of these officers,
Bernardo and Marcell, carrying a dosor,
In the lifeless midnight desert
We saw what. Someone like your father,
Armed with legs to head
Is and a magnificent step
Passes by. Three times he passed
Before they frightely from fright gaze,
At a break of a rod; they are,
Almost in the jelly, turning away from fear,
Stand, keeping silence. That's for me
They told under a terrible secret.
On the third night I was guard with them;
And, as they said, at the same time
And in the same form, confirming everything for sure
The shadow appeared. I remember the king:
So similar two hands.


Where was it?


Prince, on the playground, where we will fit.


Have you not spoken with him?


But he did not answer; Although one day
He raised his head, and it seemed to me
As if he wanted to speak;
But in this very moment, the rooster fell;
At the same time, he darted quickly
And became invisible.


It is very strange.


Like what I live, the prince is true
And we considered the prescribing debt
Tell you it.


Yes, yes, of course, only I am confused.
Today is who guarded? You?

Marcello and Bernardo

Yes, Prince.


Armed, you said?

Marcello and Bernardo

Yes, Prince.


From head to legs?

Marcello and Bernardo

From taking on the topic.


So you have not seen his face?


No, but the prince; He walked, lifting taken away.


What, he looked sullenly?


The face was soon sadness than anger.


And pale, Ile Baghrov?


No, very pale.


And looked at you?


Yes, intently.


It is a pity that I was not there.


He would be horrified.


Very possible. And he stayed for a long time?


You will consider it before one hundred times.

Marcello and Bernardo

No, longer, longer.


With me not longer.


Beard gray`


As I have seen from the living, -
Mobile with silver.


Today I will be with you;
Perhaps he will come again.


I handle.


And if he again takes the appearance of the Father,
I will conspire with him, at least he is sprinkled,
Velin, so that I'm silent. I ask you all -
As so far, you were silent about it,
So you continue to keep it in secret
And, no matter what happened today,
Let's make sense, but not a language;
I will repay you for love. Farewell;
So I will come in the twelfth hour
To you on the site.

Prince, our debt take.


I will accept love, and you - mine; Farewell.

All except Hamlet go.

Goes away.

Phenomenon third

Room in house polonium

Enter Laert. and Ophelia.


My Skarba is already on the ship; forgive;
And if the wind gives back
And there will be a case, then do not sleep, sister,
And the message came.


Doubted this?


And Hamlet and its location -
So it is only a rush, only a whim of blood,
Flower violet at the dawn of spring,
Hessed, fragile, sweet, inhaulous,
Fragrance of one minute;


Only and everything?


Believe me;
Nature, ripening, multiplies in us
Not only power and stability: with the growth of the temple
The serving of the spirit and mind is growing.
Now you can be, and loves;
Neither the bad, nor the delicacy is not stained
His good desires; But afraid:
Great in desires are not powerful;
He is in the citizenship at his birth;
He does not cut his piece himself,
Like other; From the choice of it
Life and sound advantage of the entire power,
And in it he is associated with the license of the body,
Which he is head. And if
He tells you the words of love,
Then be smart and believe them only so
As far as he is in his high san
They can justify; And it will be
As the common voice of Denmark decides.
And the suspension, how the honor is silent yours,
Since you believe the songs of the seduction,
Il lose heart, Il will open
Your pure treasure is a blessing infant.
Afraid, Ophelia, afraid, sister,
And bury in the rear of your desires,
Away from arrows and the womb of passions.
Any generous girl is not moderately
By looking at the moon;
For slander nothing and virtue;
The worm often sharpens the firstborn of spring,
Have not yet been revealed by the kidneys,
And in the morning of youth, in Rosyst Mol,
Dunns dangerous dangerous.
Be careful; Mobility is the best friend;
There is an enemy and where anyone around.


I will put my heart with my heart
Your homework is kind. Only, cute brother,
Do not be a sinful shepherd that others
Points to the sky the path is thorny
And himself, careless and empty walk,
Goes blooming trail joy,
Forget your advice.


Oh, do not be afraid.
But I have noticed; Here is a father.

Included Polonium.

Doubly blessed blessed twice;
I smiled at the case again to say goodbye.


(Putting a hand on Laert's head.)

And in memory of writing my covenants.
Keep away the thought from the language
And a rapid thought - from actions.
Be simple with others, but did not go.
Their friends, their choice experience,
Soul with steel hoops,
But not a corn of palm coumen
With any unfortunate panibrate. In a quarrel
Join beware; But, having joined
So act so that there is a stupid.
Strike your ear to all; The voice is only a little;
We align all the obvious, but your store.
Shay dress is more expensive,
But without clauses - rich, but not catchy:
It is often judged by a person;
And the French have a higher sector
Very exquisite and chinno in this.
Do not take a debt and do not go borrowing;
Easy and loans to lose both a friend
And loans stupid the blade of the economy.
But the main thing: be faithful to himself;
Then, as after day it happens,
You will not change others. Goodbye;
Bless it all stuck.


When blood flares like generous
Tongue on oaths; These outbreaks, daughter,
Which shine, but do not hea
And drunk with his arms
Do not take for the flame. In the future
Be on the maiden society of his own;
Apply your conversation more expensive
Than meeting by order. That to the prince,
Then believe that young he can
Walking on the leaps longer than that
Which is given to you; But oaths
Do not believe it, then it's a summary
Another color than on them outfit,
Pataya sinful harassment
Sounding like pure vows
To better deceive. Once forever:
I do not wish you from now
Ruined your leisure time
And speech with prince Hamlet. See
I ordered it. Now go.


I will give you obedient, my lord.


Fourth phenomenon


Enter Hamlet, Horatio and Marcell


How the air is plucking: big frost.
Empharge to break than obstacles.
Stupid raised to the west and east
Disgraces us among other peoples;
We are called drunkards, nickname
Give us swine; Yes, because really,
He is our highest affairs
Deprives the very core of glory.
Happens with individuals
That if they have a malformation of congenital, -
What are no guilt, then that nature
Called its origins, -
Il overwhelming some properties
Decomposing all the fortresses of reason,
Or habit too diligent
In the stales like, then in these people,
Marked although b one withdrawn -
The spot of nature Ile stigma fate, -
All their advantages - let them not count
And let them, as perfection, clean, -
In the end of others, this disadvantage
Already destroyed: grab evil
All kind will penetrate suspepiance
And disable.

Included Ghost.


Prince, see: Here he!


Yes, guarding us angels of the Lord! -
Blessed you or damned spirit
Waveyan Ile Ile Geno Breathe,
Evil or good intents are fulfilled -
Your image is so mysterious that I
I call you: Hamlet, Lord,
Father, Holding Dane, answer me!
Do not let to burn in the ignorance; tell me
Why your sorcerer bones
I was annoyed by the savanna; Why tomb
In which you were peacefully rest
Eliminating his grievous marble oskal,
Did you spend again? What does it mean,
That you are, a soulless corpse, in all glands
You enter again into the flicker of the moon,
Night distorting; and us, coaches of nature,
So terribly shock nature
Dream, for our shower unattainable?
Say why? for what? And what should we do?

Ghost Manit Hamlet.


He manites you follow him
As if I wanted to tell you something

Marcells there impaired themselves

We go behind him; It is impossible to leave so.


We go. - How can all this end?


Digit something in the Danish state.


All rules the sky.


All the same, go.


Phenomenon fifth

Another part of the site.

Enter Ghost and Hamlet.



So listen.



I'm close to mine,
When in painful and sulfur flame

The tragedy "Hamlet" is one of the peaks of Shakespeare's creativity. At the heart of the play lies the tragic history of the Danish Prince Hamlet, who pretended insane to take revenge on the killer of the Father, who captured the throne. The inner spiritual struggle associated with the terrible discovery of the mystery of the death of the father, in combination with the rejection of the low-lying medium of the Royal Court and the desire to correct the world leads Hamlet to suffering, which are the cause of his own death and death of the people around him.

William Shakespeare
Hamlet, Prince Danish


As playwright Shakespeare began to perform from the late 80s of the XVI century. The researchers believe that at first he processed and "re-" already existing plays and only then moved to the creation of his own works. However, many of the dramas of Shakespeare - and among them are those known as the "King of Lire", are deeply original alterations of more ancient plays, either created for the stories used in Dosospeskij drama.

Shakespeare's legacy constitutes thirty-seven plays. The most famous of the Comedy "Taming Shocking" (1593), "Many noise from nothing" (1598), "How do you like it" (1599), "Twelfth Night" (1600), Historical Chronicles "Richard III" (1592) and "Heinrich IV" (1597), the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" (1594), "Othello" (1604), "King Lear" (1605), "Macbeth" (1605), "Anthony and Cleopatra" (1606), "Storm" (1612). Shakespeare's greatest tragedy is "Hamlet" (1601), or "Tragic story about Gamlet, Prince Danish."

This tragedy embodied the bitter historical paradox, according to which the era of the Renaissance, who fostered the person and freed it from the oppression of medieval prejudices, was the beginning of the transition to a new public defendant - capitalist, with his prejudices, with his economic and spiritual oppression. "So at the turn of two worlds," Soviet researcher Creativity Shakespeare M. Morozov wrote, - the degrading world of feudalism and a new, fearing the world of capitalist relations - there is a sorrowful image of the Danish Prince. This sorrow is not accidental. She was worried about Shakespeare himself, in works For whom, the sorrowful motives do not sound, worried many of his contemporaries. The decay of feudal connections gave rise to the greatest flourishing of liberated thought and live art. But the feudal world was shifted by the world capitalist, who carried new slavery for the people, new shackles for thought. Humanists of that era could Only dream of the happiness of mankind, they could interpret life, but to create this happiness, they were powerless. They created utopias. But they did not know and could not know the real ways to exercise their noble dreams. And the discord between the dream and The reality gave rise to them "Gamletovskaya" sorrow. The tragedy of Gamlet is essentially its own, tragedy To her the humanism of that era, bloomed on the cold morning dawn of the capitalist era. "

History of plot

The legend of the gamlet was first recorded at the end of the XII century Danish chronicler Sakson Grammar. In ancient times, paganism - so tells Saxon Grammar - the ruler of Jutland was killed during the feast with his brother Feng, which then married his widow. The son of the murdered, young Hamlet, decided to take revenge for the murder of the Father. To win the time and seem safe in the eyes of a cunning feng, Hamlet pretended to be insane: lying around in the mud, waved his hands, like wings, shouted with a rooster. All his actions talked about the "perfect mental stupor", but in his speeches there was a "bottomless trick", and no one managed to understand the hidden meaning of his words. Friend Fenga (Future Shakespeare Claudia), "Man is more self-confident than reasonable" (the future Shakespearean Polonius), began to check if the Hamlet's mad is right. To overhear the conversation of Hamlet with his mother, this court hid under lying in the corner of straw. But Hamlet was careful. Entering the mother, he first searched the room and found the hidden beastned. He killed him, cut the corpse into pieces, welded them and threw the pigs. Then he returned to the mother, for a long time "herself her heart" bitter reproaches and left her crying and grieving. Feng sent Hamlet to England, accompanied by two courtesy (future Shakespeare Rosencrange and Guildrester), secretly handing them a letter to the English king with a request to kill Gamlet. As in the banker's tragedy, Hamlet replaced the letter and the English king instead sent him to the execution, two accompanying gamlet courtes. The English king gently accepted Gamlet, a lot talked with him and his wisdom was divided. Hamlet married the daughter of the English king. Then he returned to Jutland, where he drove a feng and courtie and lit a palace during the fence. Courtful died in fire. Fengu Hamlet cut off his head. So enthusiassed the Hamlet over his enemies.

In 1576, the French writer Belfort retold this ancient legend in his "tragic standards." In the 1980s, the XVI century on the London scene was put by a play about Gamlet, written, probably playwright Thomas Kidd. This play is lost. It was bred by the ghost of Hamlet's father (that's all we know about this play). Such were the sources, using Shakespeare in 1601 created his "Hamlet".

Time and place of action

The legend of the Gamlet, as we saw, belongs to deep antiquity: if the events described by Saxon grammar really occurred, they are likely to relate to the IX century. But in Shakespeare's "Gamlet" we find many details related to much more time. For example, the tragedy mentions cannonal pallets, and the powder was invented only in the XIV century. The venue of the tragedy is located in the Danish town of Elsinor (on the shield of a strait separating Denmark from the Scandinavian Peninsula), a fortified castle, which was built here only in the XVI century. Shakespeare indicates that Hamlet studied in Wittenberg (in Germany), and meanwhile the university in this city was also founded only in the XVI century (in 1502). Most household and other details of Gamlet are owned by England of Shakespeare's era. But the main thing - the living reality of the Shakespeare era belongs to the people described in the tragedy, their thoughts, feelings, relations between them. Under the mask of antiquities and foreign names, Shakespeare showed the audience a picture of the modern society.