We will save patriotism. Be a patriot - does not mean hate

We will save patriotism. Be a patriot - does not mean hate

What is real patriotism? It is impossible to consider patriotism formal, albeit expressed in the most beautiful words, love for the Motherland. This patriotism is not expressed in words, but in affairs. V. Belinsky said great: "Patriotism, whose behalf, is proved not in a word, but the case ... patriotism is not in lush exclamations and general places, but in the hot sense of love for the homeland, which knows how to speak without exclamations and It is not detected not in one delight from the good, but also in painful hostility to a bad, inevitably happening in any land, therefore, in every fatherland. "

This patriotism is not selfish, but, on the contrary, requires selfless dedication, sacrifice for the birthplace. "Do not ask that your homeland can do for you," ask you can do for your homeland, "said John Kennedy. Moreover, it is not only about the minute sacrifice of the feat, but also about long-term dedicated labor for the benefit of the Motherland. "It is important that you be ready to die for your country; But even more importantly, you will be ready to live a life for her, "Teodor Roosevelt wrote.

This patriotism peacefully loving. He is not in the unrestrained praise of his country and exalted it over all other countries, especially in inciting hostility and hatred towards them. Nikolai Aleksandrovich Dobrolyubovotheloved: "Patriotism is alive, active precisely and is distinguished by the fact that he excludes any international enmity, and a person animated by such patriotism is ready to work for all mankind, if only it can be useful."

This patriotism is humanistic. "In a person decent patriotism, there is nothing more than the desire to work for the benefit of his country, and it does not happen from what another, as the desire to do good, - how much is possible and how much is possible better," writes Dobrolyubov N. A. further he continues: "Love for the Fatherland is, above all, in a deep, passionate desire to him good and enlightenment, in willingness to carry him to the altar of the property and life itself; In the hot sympathy of everything good in him and in noble indignation against what slows down the path to improvement ... ".

An important side of the humanisticity of patriotism is its sincerity and criticality. One of the first to emphasized this feature of Patriotism P. Chayadaev: "More than any of you, believe me, I love my country, I wish her fame, I can appreciate the high qualities of my people; But it is true that the patriotic feeling, an animating me, is not quite similar to those whose screams have broken my calm existence and again thrown into the ocean of human distilies, my root, the attached was at the foot of the Cross. I did not learn to love my homeland with eyes closed, with an adopted head, with locked mouths. I find that a person can be useful to his country only if it sees clearly; I think that the Time of Blind Loves has passed that now we are primarily owned by the Motherland of Truth. I love my fatherland, like Peter the Great taught me to love him. I am alien, I confess, this blissful patriotism of laziness, which adapts everything to see in the pink light and is worn with its illusions and, unfortunately, now we have many sensible minds. I believe that we came after others in order to make them better, so as not to fall into their mistakes, in their delusion and superstition. "

Real patriotism. It manifests itself not only at the level of feelings, but also at the level of self-consciousness and is based on the deep knowledge and high culture of thought. "Patriotism should not blind us; Love for Fatherland is the action of a clear reason, and not blind passion, "said Karamzin N. M.

Patriotism is a deep feeling in unity with thought and affair, this is a real merger of a citizen with the history and life of their native country. A.N. Tolstoy wrote: "Patriotism is not only one love for his homeland. It is much more ... This is the consciousness of your inalienability from homeland and an integral experience with her happy and her unfortunate days. "

In the era of the board of liquidators of Russia and its people, this patriotism has nothing to do with the loyal inference to the unrighteous power. It requires the struggle against the destructive social system and its generation - the clan of sales officials, oligarchs and corrupt officials, i.e. The struggle for social justice and democracy, the struggle for socialism.

Being a patriot today is to fight and not be afraid, not to change and not to not discharge, not to be fed to the intimidation of the authorities and not give in to her lies. Only such patriotism, and not meaningless nationalism is needed today.

In discussions on the topic that such patriotism, different people express their idea about him. When Lion Tolstoy said that patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel (by the way, such a thought was expressed before him after), he meant not patriotism as such, but nationalism. Many thinkers call patriotism with a sense of defensive, and nationalism is aggressive, so those who attack people of another nationality cannot be called patriots. The sense of school has nothing to do with education. Military patriotic education makes sense outside the school. Let's say, military-patriotic, military historical clubs, however, here should be careful to their leaders, avoid manifestations of some nationalism. Children can be brought up in the spirit of love for their own country, and not in the spirit of hate to enemies that are unknown and whose still need to look. As Nikolai Karamzin said: "Patriotism should not blind us; Love for Fatherland is a clear reason, and not blind passion. "

Today in our "discussion club" will be discussed about patriotism. Discussion can be continued if you, our readers, send their reasoning on this topic, objections to the opinions expressed today.

"Life-giving shrine"

I appeal to the dictionaries of the Russian language to clarify the concept. U.Dalya: Patriotism is a love for debris; S. Oghegova is a dedication and love for their Fatherland, to his people. According to A. Pushkin, these feelings are important for a person:

Two feelings are wildly close to us

The heart acquires food -

Love for native ashes,

Love for the deputy coffins.

The life-giving shrine, the earth was safe without them ...

Is it possible to talk about devotion to your fatherland of millions emigrated for the period of restructuring? And what does the love of the dedication of the millions of disadvantaged Russians that continue to live in Russian expanses? What and how do they appear - this devotion and love of the Motherland?

I do not condemn talented and highly qualified compatriots who have left abroad, but proud that they are the pupils of the Soviet school: scientific, musical, sports - find work in highly developed countries. God forbid them creative good luck and prosperity. Their accomplishments will enter the world piggy bank of human achievements, and over time, we will also be able to use them. But I am upsetting for my country that does nothing to use their talents. My sense of patriotism responds to feedback about my country. It hurts me when I hear the Europeans, which declares that the West can well do without Russia, but Russia is unlikely to cost without the West (in culturally). I am overwhelmed by pride when we inform about the triumphal performances of our artists abroad, about the prizes of our students at the Olympics in physics and mathematics, about the gold medals of our athletes. Doesn't there be a healthy mind in the country to cope with the problems accumulated in society - corruption in the bureaucratic medium, grandfather in the army, disadvantaged old men and street children?

We were shot down from the righteous path of the Golden Taurus. For most Russians, this incentive was never inspiring, and during the years the perestroika there was a virtual financial bubble and distracted society from real life. But the other, famous for us since childhood, a golden cockerel is also not suitable. So we live: a small part of society prays on the Golden Taurus, and Big - on the Golden Cockerel, at the signal of which the power activates the troops in order to add to the victims to everyone. Paying, continues to reign, lying on the side, along with his people. In those fabulous times, the king paid his life for their inappropriateness. Now the life pays the people. How long will we stay "lying on the side"? I think until the Russian public is concerned about the provision in the real economy of its own country.

Four offered by the Government of the National Project - on education, health care, in housing, in agriculture, instill hope for a turn to a specific case. The opposition claims that these projects are myth, the next Piaristian move. Perhaps they are right. But, except for criticism, no constructive offers are no longer heard from it.

You must finally begin some specific things. Words do not give birth to civil society. Fifteen years, the people not engaged in the case physically disappear. Why does this not concern a democratic opposition, human rights defenders in our country? From their point of view, the term patriot purchased allegedly in our country the nationalistic shade. In this case, showing the full indifference to the fate of Russians, their activities are an anti-people shade.

But the patriotic intelligentsia fastened the nerve in modern society. Crowded cinema halls and the number of viewers on the views of domestic paintings are talking about the enthusiasm accumulated in the country for the revival of Russia. Now would now be a real case for those who do not have access to widescreen halls!

Tamara Belov

This is the energy of creation

What is the main secret of patriotic education? Smaller talk about patriotism, more to create situations empathizing the child's problems with their little homeland. First, the child learns to love her mother, his family, his home, his friends. It is impossible to love your big homeland while you can do without small. I really appreciate rare conversations with Boris Vasilyev, on whose books and films I was raised during the years of youth. "And the dawns here are quiet," "in the lists did not mean" - there is no word of notation in these immortal works about how to love their country. You just can no longer love her if the tears of empathy of the heroes of Boris Vasilyev appeared on your eyes. Therefore, the essence of patriotic education is not in the edification conversations about patriotism, but in the upbringing of inner love for Fatherland.

Our Lyceumists gave regular concerts by wounded border guards in the Golitsyn hospital. These concerts were needed by all - and children, and wounded soldiers who understood that in front of them are children those who stayed on the battlefield. I am convinced that the energy of patriotism is the main resource for the development of Russia. Only a patriot can pass this energy. "It comes to heart from the heart," our ancestors were taught. How to transfer the child to the motive of the patriotic ministry of Russia? This is what the Russian educators should be concerned.

Today, teacher-patriot has to be not easy. Someone very skillfully in the public consciousness set a sign of equality between the concepts of "nationalism" and "patriotism". A person who preaching patriotic values \u200b\u200bhas become almost outcast. Patriot? So the chauvinist. I have long argued over how to reveal to adolescents this deception, how to protect them from the ideologues of RusOfashism, Skinheads, fans, "fans" and other aggressive groups, taking their supporters on the soil of adrenaline destruction.

Patriotism - the energy of creation. If you are a patriot, then you will send your whole energy to your country, your family, your loved ones began to live better. Nationalism is the energy of destruction. The nationalist is all the strength to spend the "Soak" of foreigners, innerians and other fictional enemies of Russia. Nationalism is the ideology of helpless consciousness. Forgetting about patriotic education, social enlightenment of children, we lose the crime, which, no doubt, will find a way to use the youth energy in the direction necessary for yourself. From love to hate one step. From patriotism with a bandage in front of the nationalism - even less.

I often ask for adolescents that the main thing in the character of the special forces officer, mentioning the images from the films Stephen Sigala and Sylvester Stallone. I do not know how to call this line. But this "something" is holy in full in other films, such as "one old men go into battle", "Battalions are asked for fire", "Belorussian station", "ships storm bastions".

Anatoly Yermolin, Deputy of the State Duma

Natural feeling of everyone

Citizenship is a certain spiritual state of a person. Patriotism is one of its components, and allocate this concept, I think today is unproductive in terms of comprehensive education of the child. If you strengthen the patriotic work, forgetting other sides, you can fall into extremes. Rail a man with a weapon, which is ready to do anything. We do not need militant patriots.

Patriotism should be inside every citizen. For him, love for his homeland is a natural state, he is inherent to be proud of his country, striving for something to do for her.

My understanding of patriotism is, first of all, a constant desire to take something to improve life in his own country, to honestly do the case you are doing. Worry about her future, about her prestige. If you need, then with weapons protect your fatherland, it is natural.

Times change. If sometime patriotism was brought up by the example of the mouth of Korchagin, young guidance, now such guidelines are not suitable. That was another country. There were other examples from whom young people did their lives. In united Europe, people feel themselves by citizens, as well as the patriots of the European Union, but at the same time they remember the interests of their country. The concept of "citizenship" is much wider, it includes patriotism, and democratic values, tolerance, the ability to respect the interests and rights of others.

Today, another cultural situation that is seriously perceived by many of the older generation representatives. The world in our time is changing very rapidly, and children know about it. They communicate with each other on the Internet, with peers from other countries. They will not come to mind that you need to fight with each other. They are simply friends, exchange information.

In our international camp, created under the program "New Civilization", the guys from different countries have created a gaming state, where a patriotic sense really manifested. The guys proudly represented their country. Then the president was elected a boy from America, and the Boy from Russia became the Prime Minister. The guys very quickly found compromises, and no conflicts arose. Children, as citizens of the future, are free from those myths who own adults.

Patriotism is an inner feeling of everyone, it's like love for mother, to a child. This is a natural feeling of every person. To live with a feeling: this is my country, regardless of what happens to her, despite difficulties, despite how other states belong to it. The child is intuitively feels. It is even unnatural for him when we demonstrately try to teach love to Russia. She follows from all his world interests.

Alexander Prutchenkov, Doctor of Historical Sciences

Memory about the native

Unfortunately, the crisis of patriotism today is spoken in many countries. I talked on this topic with a significant number of Europeans, including those related to the formation of young people, and all of them state that adolescents and young people are not so proud of their homeland, not so warm and unless they love her. And we have political parties are concerned that the level of patriotism decreases. I heard in Russia teachers, the public is also concerned. Perhaps we, adults, do not quite understand the young.

I think that in our time the very concept of "patriotism" is changing everywhere. After all, what is patriotism? Or these are some kind of purely national motives associated with a certain nationality. You are presented to her, you are concerned about her further fate, the preservation of traditions, language, culture, provisions among other peoples. Or patriotism contains some democratic values. This is the adoption of a democratic lifestyle, freedom, including freedom of movement in the world, Liberty to live where it is convenient for you.

Just changes the essence of the concept. Therefore, some contradiction arises, the inconsistency of the usual views on this feeling and new, due to modern trends, the globalization of our life. People belonging to the older generation often say the young man or a girl who, let's seek to go abroad to learn or work: "You are no longer a patriot." I think it is outdated understanding.

And young people believe that something new appeared inside the concept of "patriotism". To the question, if, God forbid, the country will be attacked from the outside, will you defend it? Everyone responds, without thinking: Of course, without hesitation. Therefore, I do not think at all those who leave to work, say, in Germany, France, USA, Lithuanian unpatrips, they go on material considerations or in order to get more solid education. Or because there are more opportunities to reveal your abilities. There is a more liberal labor market. When we in Lithuania will reach the same conditions for work, study, comprehensive human development, then, of course, most of those who leave will want to stay in their homeland. Well, those who will still be called to themselves who were given, please, happy path and well-being in someone else's land. But I am sure, for many of them, the native edge where you were born, where your roots remain forever in the soul.

Richardas Torajtis, Specialist Department of Education Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania

We are tested for strength

The image of Russia, our homeland ... It is probably completely different for people of young and older generations. To preserve the loyalty to its long-suffering homeland is not only patriotism, but also great tests and difficulties, if a person is essentially his own, and most importantly, according to his affairs, it proves every day, it is hourly his dedication to the country in which he lives. All of us now checks the temptation: whom light money, glory, all available and inaccessible "pleasures". We are forced to press out our traditions, culture, our roots to create such an Ivan, who does not remember kinship, destroy our Orthodoxy. Most recently celebrated Valentine's Day, whose commercial project successfully continues to unwind in our Orthodox state. No one pays attention that the Catholic festival is that in the III century AD, when Holy Valentine lived, the church rite of wedding has not yet existed. True, in some places, the publications began to slip in the press, which would be nice to approve their holiday love and consent and celebrate it on the day of St. Peter and Fevronia Murom, July 8. It was quite real prince and a peasant who lived in the XIII century in Murom. Moreover, it would be necessary to draw the closest attention to the demographic situation in the country, which becomes just catastrophic for Russians. D.Meltelaev, who opened not only his famous periodic system, but also wrote a treatise on the population of Russia, it was estimated that 470 million people should live by 2000. Almost half a billion. But Dmitry Ivanovich did his conclusions based on the growth rates of the population of Tsarist Russia. He could not know that there would be terrible wars, hunger, repression, the rivers of Russian blood would be raised, will be systematically destroyed by the Genofund of the Russian nation ... disappeared from the passport of the Count of Nationality, they say, they wanted to remove and patronymic, all over the western pattern? Yes, and the word "Russian" itself is gradually supplanted. We all made Russians and Russians.

I have always called and I will call myself Russian, I have never been and I will not be a nationalist and chauvinik, although I am always ready to stick this label if I say that Russian, just to kill in the soul, this feeling of Russian. And this primarily concerns our Orthodox faith. Who does not work against Orthodoxy in Russia: sectarians, various emissary of flows, religions? The story is often repeated. Everyone knows about the Mongol-Tatar invasion. But very few know about such an important event that happened at the time. In addition to Mongol-Tatars, a Teutonic Order went to the holy rus. And then the prince Alexander Nevsky in Veliky Novgorod said so: "Rusichi! Orthodox! East takes our body. The West takes our soul. So protect the soul! And with the body we will agree! ". And thanks to the wisdom of the young prince, we kept Russia, our faith, we kept themselves.

And now there is a struggle for the soul of the Great Russia. Someone is beneficial to accuse the Russian people in tannies, drunkenness, theft, cruelty. See what numerous channels of our television are filled! They perfectly work out the money that West invested: decompose our youth. Already becomes a act not to support someone else, or rather alien, so as not to immerse yourself in the darkness of national infamaging.

And I want to repeat the answer of the Russian writer Vladimir Krupina to a question of a foreign colleague, whether the Russian people leave the history of mankind. Ways only with history.

Elizabeth Markova


A. Pushkin:
I, of course, despise my fatherland from my head to the legs - but it is annoying, if a foreigner shares this feeling with me.

P. Schadaev:
I prefer to beat my homeland, I prefer to upset her, I prefer to humiliate her, just not to deceive it.
The beautiful thing is love for the Fatherland, but there is still something more beautiful - this is love for the truth.
Allors, I think, before the face of our disasters, do not share the aspirations of the disassembled patriotism, which led the country to the edge of the abyss, who thinks to get out, persuading in his illusions, not wanting to recognize the desperate position, they created.

P. Izzemsky:
We are all exile and homeland.
Many are recognized for patriotism unconditional praise by everything that is their own. Turgo called it with Lacé patriotism. We can be called it by a pallium patriotism.

Patriotism should not blind us; Love for Fatherland is the action of a clear reason, and not blind passion.

F. Tyutchev:
I have no longing in my homeland, and longing for a foreign land.

Love for Fatherland has turned into a shrill brazing. Proof of the fact that our so-called quas patriots: after their inappropriate praise - just want to spit on Russia ...
But these all the official fathers ... Here are all that jesle in all directions and climb the yard and say that they are patriots and even here: renting these patriots! Mother, father, God will be sold for money, ambition, Christ soldiers!

Recently, patriotism consisted of praising all the best, which is, in the fatherland, now it is not enough to be a patriot. Nowadays, the inexorable censure and the persecution of all bad things are also added to the praise of all the good.
A person who hates another people does not like her own.

Patriotism is a sharp of virtue, because of which it grimitically more blood than from all the vices together.
All Russia embraced Syphilis Patriotism!

Sometimes, the love of the Motherland is vaccinated by people who do not care about everything.

E. Albats:
When we are led by the Motherland to love people who for a decade from great love for Russia fired into the soldiers of the federal army, it is outside of good and evil.

"Flame burn out of the spark":
They even kiss the banner.

Patriotism Kvasnya no less than us Khmelit:
You will explain this every tribune!

"Motherland" is an idol invented by the Kremlin demagogues in the days of Stalin to justify their crimes. "Motherland" is the association of thick-marked fatal officials who do not respect their people and do not consider people. Disrespect for personality - one of the most typical features of the Soviet and post-Soviet reality ... Idol "Motherland" for the first time in history was taken by the armament of the people's layer, which hates the freedom that wishes to go back to Soviet slavery ... now a person, from the soul uttering word " Motherland "can be boldly ranked to supporters of suffocation of all rights and freedoms and restoration of the Soviet or similar to it, where the primacy of society is practiced over personality, the personality becomes dependent and ceases to be a person, becoming a pathetic unit of human livestock or a cog system as you are pleased.
In England, the concept of "Motherland" is not at all, which one day it was clearly and clearly added on the BBC radio. And if the British and Americans love their countries, they have, for which they love them. If any of them lose their country, he will lose freedom, will lose the law that protects him, will lose the opportunity to apply for the benefit of others (and at the same time, for the benefit of himself and his family) his abilities - in one word will lose everything. If Russian will lose his country, what will he lose? Spruce of the talent officials, whom he feeds? Employers who are not paying unpunished in time salary? Cops that in most cases do not protect it, and not today, tomorrow they can blame the crime that he did not? Merzavans, who will not secretly blow up at once or openly bomb his house for considerations of political adventurism? Or those chauffers who will force his son to "pacify the Caucasus", and actually commit genocide, sow death and crime and for it in the end, pay life? But in order to become a free, self-respecting man, he needs only very little: to realize that the person listed here are real enemies, invaders who destroyed his real country in 1917 and living on it with a decomposed corpse, and "Motherland "That's from under the stick trying to make love - this is just their Satanic Idol, which these nonhumans are trying to justify any of their crime, and this idol has nothing to do with that homeland, which once devoted his poem poet Yesenin once. Not excess will be reminded that Hitler also forced to love the "homeland."
And the western patriotism is distinguished by the fact that they have a state for a person, and not a person for the state, as they try to impose Soviet or post-Soviet ideological workers or patriotic educators. Try to instill some American what was born, he is in an unpaid debt in front of America, and whatever done, never this debt will pay, as well as the eternal debtor will remain. I believe that he will just think that you started going crazy. Love your country - there is nothing crazy about it, if there is something to love her. But to sing Osann to the state that mocks you is mocking - this is the gloriousness of the slave of this state and the explicit indicator of the slave mentality.
According to the "Motherland" [in Russia], the same thing that happened with a swastika was happening [in Germany]. After all, this sign was harmless, no more suspicious than a pentagram and meant only "Eternal Movement". But, having visited the fascists, he lost and very long all the bright, which was invested in his initially.

S. Alksandry:
Patriotic Priapism will end with Gangrena.

From all speculations, the most affordable and because the most common is a speculation of patriotism, the love of the Motherland is slaughtered - at all times this product is.

A. Bagmet:
Our native country is the most terrible alien for us.
I love my homeland, but I hate the state occupied it.
Only those who have nothing more proud of their nationality are proud.

M. Balenky:
Only there, in the homeland, it was possible for real happiness - to get a quail cheese or a light bulb, or to hear with relief that the pogrom appointed to the fifth of May was transferred to the sixth.

And that Zhida, if you look closely, there is a small tail. Well, again about matza with blood ... who of them admit this ...

But let it better remain in the memories.

S. Belkovsky:
Putin said that for a Russian man, unlike the Western world and death, Red, and there will be no Russian man to hold on for some ephemeral material well-being, if there is an opportunity to die for their homeland, and especially for the leader who personifies and embodies this very homeland .

Love and believe in Russia a profitable profession. And most importantly - the long-playing, suitable for any power.

You can love your homeland, but she will not answer you reciprocating.
Fabricating with Ura Patriots, make sure Darwin is right.
Adoration of power - patriotism in Russian.
People are unhappy, whose patriots are chams, criminals and sadists.

I wonder if the dual citizenship of people is twice with patriots?

Stop publicly DRO * IT your patriotism!

V. Borisov:
Patriotic majority always need a minority.
Russia through the eyes of some patriots:
- Oh, give me Tirana !!!
Patriotic culture always shouts the "cult of power": "Hurray !!!"
People who have expensive imported cars wearing expensive import accessories, decorations and clothes, loving expensive import techniques and loving to gear in large quantities and Chinese goods for poorer citizens - for some reason, are usually the first to call for patriotism of poorer citizens. With this, if you noticed, they themselves apply completely reverse.

K. Borovoy:
Nobody thought about unemployment at the level of 30%? I imagine what numbers will now be rallies in support of the rode from the knees, if it is the only earnings for the allowable unemployed patriots.

The state of active patriotism can not be interpreted differently as religious psychosis than it is, and the human being will in no way be responsible for this mental attack, since the dedication of the pack is laid in the genetic code ...

I have no homeland, for the slave cannot be.

D. Baby:
Patriotic avgar is not a manifestation of sincere faith.
Fools may be oldly patriotic, but the benefits are for the Motherland from this zero.
Patriotism today is not a desire to protect their homeland, and the desire to get 300 rubles and a stack of brandy for participating in the rally ...
Patriotism is not shouting louder all that our mother has no vices, our mother and mother and mother's mothers. Patriotism is to work for the benefit of the Motherland, so that the homeland is comfortable to live.
We all love their homeland, but we are all ready to destroy the one who loves the homeland is not our way, otherwise.
In general, for the fact that the Motherland is called the country with which they coincide on the views.
The scum, calling themselves by patriots, and scum, calling themselves by the Germans, unlike real patriots and the stateproof, no longer have more monopoly rights to truth, no one is listening to them, they are mocking them on them.

The whole Russian patriotic washed goes to the chatter about the holy sources, about the cunningness of foreigners ... And with the entrance to any Russian city - the mountains of garbage and a fading rot.

The course of "Patriotic Education" in schools is able to cause hatred of the motherland even at the most healthy child.

Attempts to pump patriotic avgar good will not cost.
When "white", "red" and "green" cut each other, and those and others loved their country, their land, they were associated with her unstatched uzami, emotional, blood and whatever. And, every two others accused that they are not patriots, and bastards and foreign horses, damned bar and so on. These guys, instead of working quietly, to build something and do something, continue, without breaking away from theft, to invent the definition of patriotism.

A. Veng:
I am a patriot of my native land: planets
Under the strict proud name the land.
Beautiful in the whole universe there is no
Stretch all words, her praise.

I love her, my native land,
Spaciousness of Russia and Europe shine,
Siberian sullency ice
And the Mediterranean is noisy splash.

After all, it's all mine, everything is expensive:
And the river and the path and fishing rods.
I am completely mine! Not someone else!
Chilean cactus, Russian spikelet ...

Vereshchagin (Kinheroya):
For the power hurt.

What country do I have to be a patriot? The one where was conceived where he was born where he had a childhood, he studied, worked, or live now?
Hunger and patriotism are embarrassed as oil and water. Hungry patriots do not happen.

Patriotism bydla - this is usually "URA-Patriotism" and "kvass patriotism": our best because it is ours; He does not imply critics and admits the love of the Motherland "with closed eyes" (Chaadaev).

Potentially, any of the millions of Russian citizens living abroad is Russophoba, since he broke away from his native land, and instead of thinking, as they say, falling out of the scope of the influence of the native central channels of television, begins to think independently, his own head.

P. Izzemsky:
Many are recognized for patriotism unconditional praise by everything that is their own. Turgo called it Lakie patriotism, Du Patriotisme D "Antichambre. We would have to be called him a pallium patriotism. I believe that love for the Fatherland should be blind in donations to him, but not in vain complacency; in this love can enter and hatred. What Patriot, what people would he belonged to, would not like to divert several pages from the history of domestic, and did not boil with indignation, seeing prejudices and vices, peculiar to his fellow citizens? True jealous love and recovery.

V. Galashev:
Patriotism is worthwhile ... and a lot.
The sense of pride in the country inevitably goes into a sense of shame.
I love my country, but strange love. She will not comply with my mind ...

I. Garin:
Motherland - homeland, and live in Skotski so disgusting ...
War and Patriots - Gemini Brothers.
The logic of Russian patriotism: if you are not like me, then you are not a patriot.
Nichrophyls and quas patriots perceive the smell of decay as a fragrance ...
To the problem of patriotism: if the country does not respect its citizens, should citizens respect such a country?
When the truth is also imposed on the reluctance to know the truth, they also receive a betrayal to the "patriotism" - a patriotic betrayal.
If the authorities speak a lot about disinterested love for their homeland, this means that the income of the population will be much lower. However, why do not be treated from patriotic considerations? ..
Rasists, chauvinists and xenophobes with incredible ease and xenophobes with incredible ease and xenophobes are exempted from personal responsibility and dressed in the larvae of "patriots" and at all times and this largely contributes to the anonymous "era of the crowd."
Patriotism as a manifestation of herd instinct - the main propulsion of most wars and existences in the world.
Motherland is when your killers are scoundrels, and our wholly killers.
In some countries, precisely thanks to the "patriots", the country moves from one bloody mode to another.
The world joined the era of inverted concepts: the dense mannesotens-xenophobes are actively with weapons in the hands fighting fascists who revealed the scoundrels of the dinner and idiot "truth", lumps and idiots "enlighten" professors of Preobrazhenskiy, bastards-mothers bring out the verdicts of dissenters, and the destroyers And thieves are announced by the main patriots ... There is a new type of patriotism - the country's pathoral destruction ...
The nonsense of the delayed greatness in the gopniks is invariably.
Patriotism so often develops into Nazi passages, which arises the question, whether we need 1945?
I - all patriots of the patriot! Dear president, my favorite boss only hear me for God's sake!
Patriotism, as previously membership in the CPSU, is the most reliable way to make a career.
Russian patriotism begins with hate to everything else.
All of my life experience suggests that with totalitarianism, patriotism can be very counterproductive.
The dose of patriotism in Russia can compete only with doses of drugs consumed, although, although one is different from the other.
If I understand correctly, then the Motherland is a parent, a defender, a savior, assistant, but is it possible to call such an injury to pain, violence, despair, longing, hopelessness?
The main feature of the psychotype "defender of power" is that he himself refers to "patriotism" and that is actually a helmet, faithful to the villains. This type organically does not tolerate and does not tolerate freedom and easily changes it to the "vertical of power", to "wet in the sorter", on "stability, greatness, portraits of Stalin and Krymnash."

If your mother would give you on the ship, then you try to stay in the sea forever?

G. Gasilov:
Totalitarian propaganda, under the pretext of the "education of patriotism", usually imposes citizens of militarism and bosses.

A. Geenis:
Motherland is not chosen, but they collect, as Gabsburgs did in Austria (and Romanov in Russia): from everything that lies badly.

Motherland, and you want to live normally ...

B. Grebereshchikov:
"Patriotism" means simply "Kill Inovier".

What are more savory, the more patriotism in you.
URA-Patriots do not calm down, until you and Russia and Russia, to have absolute and indisputable - in the eve of the eternal - the reason to hate the hosts.
A deadlock path that has only one way out - the collapse of the Russian Federation. But when a common sense or a sense of self-preservation stopped our patriots?

For the Fatherland, Patriots donate to everyone, and the rulers are all.

Patriotism is an amazing feeling that does not exist in people who languish this word out loud.

To the homeland love in our excess
It will be warm at each in the chest
Better we will drink it to the thread,
But the enemy is offended will not give.

Patriot is not the one who makes the benefit for the Motherland and wishes the benefit for the Motherland, a Patriot Today we have the one who mocks and steal and humiliates everything that is not our homeland.

All their homeland was smelled, yes so that it was embarrassing about it. Their patriotism is the mandatory approval of any actions of the state, including the most vile. Mandatory Ralespace before the bosses. Mandatory lunizing before military power, perhaps imaginary, and demonstrating the willingness of their and other people to root for the sake of demonstration of this power.
It is worth only to say that you are a patriot and you your country is not indifferent to you, how to immediately find yourself in a series of other, splashing saliva indescribable delight and finished languages \u200b\u200bto polish the master's boot.
It's not such a simple task to clear the word "patriotism" from the spitts of people permanently staying in the state of indescribable delight.

When nothing praises, I want, patriotism comes to the rescue.

When such a g ** and in the country, it means that you need to talk about patriotism that we are great that we get out of your knees and, of course, while there is bread and spectacle, you need to throw another sight to the people.

A. Dirimvendor:
Although we live in Russia, and there is nothing around us at all. And the patriots go to Bantley, dress up in "Adidas", eat "sushi", and Russian speech is used only for strong expressions.

Patriotism for a Christian is absurd, since he is a wanderer on this earth and his fatherland in heaven.
And now imagine two Orthodox, Russian and Ukrainians, during the conflict between our countries, they, that, protecting each of their homeland, following this logic, should shoot each other?

I want it to not be ashamed to be proud of you, my beloved homeland.
The Motherland comes to a citizen to the house either with an agenda from the military office, or with a search warrant.
Nowadays, you can only love the Motherland. Anyone who does not blow in the overall dud of a single and indivisible, that Russophobe and the enemy.

Patriotism is born only when the state begins to love you.
Well, I love Russia. She takes the sixth of my soul.

We love their homeland, but she never loved us.
Militarism and allowable patriotism ignite or pour brains faster and more active than any other means.
Patriotism is reflected by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe exclusivity of the Motherland, followed by the idea that for the sake of this exclusivity can be sacrificed to everyone, including their lives.

E. Zhirukhov:
"Patriot" means "conservative and reactionary" to a large extent.

D. Zimin:
In general, I am ashamed of my country quite often. Therefore, I am probably a patriot.

The inscription on the car "Obama SMO" in Russian is a sign of patriotism.

Patriotism is to leaving hope, not to plan a lie.

Patriotism is a very zoological thing.

Measure of devotion to his homeland - in the informance of special services.
Measure reptile before power - as a measure of devotion to the country.
"Soviet patriotism" is something perverted and ridiculous. This is the patriotism of the state form. The Soviet Patriot was devoted to his true Fatherland (Russia) and not to his people (Russian people). He is devoted to the Soviet form in which Russia suffers and is humiliated here by thirty years; He is devoted to the party and communist "Soviet", which oppresses and smears the Russian people from the very beginning of the revolution.
What do the words mean: "I am a Soviet patriot"? They mean that I am devoted to the Soviet state to the Soviet state, the Soviet government, the Soviet system, - what would be hidden and whatever politicians were hidden: Russian, non-Russian or anti-state-state, maybe the enslavement and Mailing, hunger and terror.
"Soviet patriot" is devoted to power, and not a homeland; regime, not the people; Party, not Fatherland. He was devoted to the international dictatorship, having enslaved his people with fear and hunger, openly abolished him by Russia, and forbidden to the people to be called his glorious historical name. For Russia has long been no longer in the Sovietic, her name is officially crossed out by communists from history, and their state is called international and anti-national: "Union of Soviet Socialist Republics".
The Soviet patriot itself is to respond from Russia and the Russian people and declares their commitment and loyalty - not to him. He is a patriot of the International Party: he serves her, he fights for her, he undertakes to her obedience. The very name contains its open, public renunciation from Russia and the voluntary self-ensuing of its non-Russian and anti-Russian dictatorship. If this is "love", then love is not to Russia, but to international communism; If it is a struggle, the struggle for the consolidation of Soviet slavery in Russia is the struggle for the existence of the Russian people in the name of the international communist revolution; If it is "loyalty", then loyalty to the Soviets and betrayal towards National Russia!

"Patriotism" brought with German accuracy to its logical limit, and there is Nazism. The German "Patriotic Education" led the country to the collapse. After all, they wanted "how better" for the nation.
"Outlism" contains not only the "patriotic" dislike for Americans, Chinese or Democrats Liberals. This cultivation of the communal malice in general with the help of young "zombies".
"Patriotism" often arises from the halves, from the habit to penetrate the needs and interests of power. Yes, and the power itself cultivates "patriotism", as an excuse for a blessing arbitrariness.
Whatever you enforce and scounding, if you are recognized as "patriot" - you will still be forgiven.
"Patriotic upbringing" can be considered one of the most significant causes of the collapse of the USSR.
Today it is "patriotic education" leads to the growth of Nazi sentiment in part of youth.
"Patriotism" is the last refuge of media.
Patriotism, as in general, any personal sense of love, fakes from speaking publicity and attempts to earn it.
We have already reached such a technical level when carried away by communal patriotism, we can self-destruct "in the struggle."

When the state loves us, then there will be a homeland.
Patriotism is a clear, clear, well-argued explanation of why we should live worse than others.
Gloomy and seriously - it is called [patriots] homeland.

Lord, my question is
He causes fear:
What if the Motherland is saving -
In the salvation of your own soul?
And I sin, at least in that and I repent,
But when sampling
I'm not, Lord, I am
Are frayed by your own enemy?!

A. Kabak:
So the homeland will not sell at all ...

V. Kazanzhanz:
Eating only pride and glory, we cane together with your own power
Citizens are walking under the flag back pretty vigorous step.
Russia is lingering grief-patriots, which only give machine guns.
Today we believe only idiots that we manage ... Patriots.
Eating only pride and glory, we get together with your own power.
Patriotism in Russian - the pride of the greenery, who is elected by the people.

V. Karinberg:
Talk about the holiness of the Fatherland, the nation is the illusions of akin to narcotic nonsense, for nationality is also that for a drug addict - opium or alcohol, with its "high word" and their intrusive arch-myths.

I. Cartov:
Love homeland is easy. It is difficult to achieve reciprocity.
This is how to love your country to deal with her patriotism.
Die homeland easily. But you kill at home, stealing for your homeland, adultery for your homeland ... We all prove, how do you love your homeland!
While patriots are dying for their homeland, cosmopolitans inherit the land.

I. Cenigstein:
For me, real patriotism is not at all love for politicians-in-line and to the backward oligarchic economy, but a deep sense of attachment to the city, in which I was born, the city in which I live, people who inhabit these cities, and pride in those moments when These people seek their own or common victories. Earth did not kiss and do not plan.

This Patriot is not the one who sits in his shit and grunts from pleasure, but the one who wants the shit in his native country has less.

N. Kovaleva:
Paradoxical patriotism ... My big love for the country remained on the donkey of the soul. But strange it is a feeling on the verge of despair. And I also ascend the words "Patriot". So it was dragged ...

Patriot one who is ashamed for the crimes and mistakes of power.

A. Konopatsky:
The flea considered himself a patriot, and his homeland was Foxcrief.

A. Kontamovsky:
I am Russian, miss my homeland, but I do not see her! I do not see the country that I want to be proud of. I see the crowd of displeased irritable people and other people who are afraid of each other! I want to be proud of my homeland, but I am ashamed for her!

V. Korolenko:
... and there are ultra-Russian, purely Russians, "True-Rrusskaya" patriots who carry the ark of their patriotism, as the Brener wears the ark of his honor, - tendentiously, deliberately looking around and causing ... This type of spent, hypertrophied and unhealthy patriotism It is called lately "nationalism" in its special modern meaning. So the natural evolution is performed on the way ... not patriotism, of course, but only his surrogate, - nationalism, very strong in our time ...

Patriotism is the best excuse for folk rudeness.

M. Lachkov:
In Russia, in order to enjoy extremist, it is enough to say the truth.

I do not understand the French who know how to love all France, and all of France serve ... I wish that my step-down is worthy to be my respect, and all I can do anything on the coercion.
God, is I Patriot? Do you despise or what is your homeland? And I'm afraid to say: it seems to me that I love her like a mother, and at the same time despise, like a drunken, soft up to the lowestness of the fool ...

Motherland is the one in which you are sure! Patriotism must be mutual!

The further I live, the more I am convinced that in our country nothing changes and never change. How much I remember, there always have been massive so-called "patriotic" movements, uniting the selected militant bastard. Previously, it was Komsomol members, Luber, then various people's patriotic movements of the Society "Memory". Now these skinheads, all sorts of "going together" ...

Our love of the Motherland has fallen at the pride of the birthplace, her victories and conquests.

A. Ulunacharsky:
Of course, the idea of \u200b\u200bpatriotism is the idea of \u200b\u200btrying lying. Teaching history in the direction of creating folk pride, national feeling, etc. To be discarded ... It is necessary to deal with this habit to prefer the Russian word, Russian person, Russian thought ...

O. Malashenko:
So maybe speaking of love for the homeland, it is necessary to clarify what borders do they mean?

Patriot does not want to die for something as someone killed.

M. Mamchich:
We must love your country, no matter how it hurts the state.

The grandson of gold in the winter rests in Kursavel, in the spring - in the UAE, in the summer - in Sardinia, and lives and learns in a prestigious school in England. Here for this, these patriots not only from the Navalny juicy chop cutlet can do for it they will fight to the last Russian.

O. Mglyn:
They need to pull out a cold war from Chulana to show their patriotism.

Even our patriots want to leave. At first glance, it seems madness. But there is a reasonable explanation. Many people consider themselves to be patriots of Russia, countries, but without love refer to the Russian Federation, the state.

Patriot is one who stands for the development of the country and its victory in world competition. And not the one who believes that the greatness of Russia is in the rudeness of its representatives on international summits and in caricatures at Pindos and Ukrov in social networks.

A. Mezhdabev:
Patriotism is an incredibly advantageous enterprise. Love for homeland is good, but the material support of love is much more important.
With our authority, it is dangerous to have such a number of people who have a patriotic idea.

We have villains - these are those against war. And good people and patriots are those who for sending soldiers to die.
Rounds become patriots, rascals that crave blood. And people who want to avoid war are traitors.
Patriotism is now terribly archaic, as patriotism of the XII-XIII century. Then patriotism was the desire to be enjoyed and fighting.

Russia must be loved. Without our emigrant love of Russia - the lid. Nobody loves her there.

All the dead "for their homeland" gave their lives for nonsense, mistakes or caprozy regime. Make it is not easy, but very simple. For this, the mode is required only to be able to assign "homeland". The mode requires efforts so that the patriotic web was strong, adhesive and poisonous.
The word "Patriot" and the word "thief" became practically symbol, because what he steal more, the louder he yells about patriotism.
Strictly speaking, the wonderful concept of "homeland" is a clean fit. No "homeland" never existed. There was only a sequence of modes that disposed the population to their own good. To "live long and happily", the modes of the weathered mythology they needed and impregnated with its poison of patriotic romance. This web and enveloped a generation by generation.
Note that "Motherland" do not lead wars and do not suit repression. They are disembodied and exist only in imagination. Wars and repression is always fun regimes.
There is nothing terrible in all this. This is a funny, all arranging things. The dead, as a rule, are satisfied, and mutilated at least satisfied. Not only is the trick substitution tricks trouble-freely, the war itself is a rare and pleasant opportunity for the population to come in touch with the greatness of historical processes, feat, holiness, sacrificality and other Beliborda.
For a long time, the regimes concentrated the memory of their military magnitude in the parade portraits and the monuments of the rulers. The survivor in the battles of smallness challenged to rot in poverty and oblivion. Then came the awareness that the cult of the raised stalks of old soldiers who surrendered to the eye or leg mode, can work more productively on it than any portraits and triumphal arches.
We know that there are regimes, even die for which - a crime. Those that turn countries to prisons and are impregnated with slavery, denunciations and death. Those that kill and make millions of their own citizens, and unfamiliar and unfinished - humiliate and rape.
But if an external threat arises, then it goes to the old trick named "Motherland". And he again works. Millions are built and with the songs go to die for the opportunity to continue to live in death.
And protecting the regime and returning, the winners submractfully climb back into their shackles and cells. And then, even for a long time they remember how "Fatherland" was saved, although in fact, they only defended the right to be offended, scribeing a denunciation on each other and flush into the shot rivers.
The mode may be oldly stupid, malicious and destroyed. He can splash in "blood and a gnome people", rape, humiliate and kill millions of their subjects. But if he knows how to show one-only focus, then the killed and the raped population will always be grateful to him.
The case of patriotism is in reliable hands. If it fell into paws of deputies and officials, they rolled through this patriotism. That is, they will make it with a delay, juicy and special sadism. They will bring to patriotism and to the so-called national idea of \u200b\u200ba very persistent disgust, when it is a pragmatic generation, looking around on the walls of the Berendeva's hut, in which they forced to live, it will sleep on the floor of this Berendeva hut and will understand that in general, alas, and Patriotism and emigration, and the homeland is, in general, extremely outdated concepts. And do not have a homeland quite convenient.
Probably many people, I heard from many, the feeling of a monstrous shame arises for the current Russia. Desire to break the passport, refuse citizenship. This is not to have a nightmare and marasma to this all.
Here are the cries of patriots, they love the wording about the flowing time. There is such a spell - a downtown, NATO base, rockets. And why Switzerland does not bother some kind of dashing time. Here they have in theory there is something to rob, unlike us.
They offer as a sample patriotism of the prince of Nevsky Alexander, who stupidly collected for the Ordans, Tatars tribute to the Russian cities, pumping the eyes of those Russians who refused to pay and burn the cities that tried to evade the Tatar census.
Evil epidemic is one of the vigorous manifestations of the inspired primitive patriotism.
We have patriotism ... with a loaf to the bosses.
I look into the physiognomy of modern Russia, I see, to what extent it is covered by furunculas of Mizulin, Milon, Medina, Dugini, I see sticking out of the ears and mouth of the poplar, I see that all this is still covered by the Kobzon wig. I do not see any native and cute features in the face of this creature.

Motherland loves us and protects our political morality and loyalty to the ideals of the impaired state. Care of our dense and uneducation.

URA-Patriot is all just praised - patriot indicates flaws.
Power to the people, Patriotism drivens - and "Kosit" to the West herself.
The biggest patriots are homeland - who has nothing to sell.
In patriots, there are those who do not have enough money for emigration.
Everyone escaped everyone who was able to - have remained a hurray and not "could be" false patriots.
Migrants are patriotic Russians - Russians are also becoming patriots by the United States, having moved there.
Power is a good patriot - sells his own profit of his homeland.
Do not know the history of my country - do not speak about patriotism.
Power is full of idiocy - waiting for patriotism from us.

A. Kistenko:
Aren't False all that talk about folk patriotism? Doesn't it lie so familiar to our Khopovka spirit?
Now in fashion, patriotism, rejecting all European and assures that Russia will live with one Orthodoxy without science and art ... They definitely do not know what the woven of Byzantium missing, although in her science and art were in perfect decline ... it is seen all that Peter the Great It also has no enemies at least in times of split and shooting riots. Only before they did not dare to crawl out of their dark holes ... Now, all the reptiles crawled.

What is "homeland"? Just the territory where we managed to be born with you. Is it born in a slave barrack obliged to love this Barack?
Love and strengthen your prison bara - this is a clean clinic.
Patriotism is a remnant of a tribal system.
In general, the problem of logic for patriots: What is worse for a resident of a particular village - the arrival of invaders who will leave him to live in his house, or the actions of the native government, which will take him out of the house for some of the Olympic project?
Why a homeland is not a hospital, not the street on which he was, not a city - or, on the contrary, not the whole planet?
What else "Duty to Motherland"? What is generally debt and where does he come from?
Not a citizen has a debt to the Motherland, and the Motherland is in front of a citizen, whose labor and whose taxes it exists.

I love my homeland, but I hate the state.
Patriotism is a feeling simple, it is also a cat.
It is a pity that only the Motherland has fed, whatever they sang about her.

A. Tep:
Now we will ban foreign medicine, and will slowly be sick and die by real patriots.

V. Pavlenko:
Patriotism is the first link in the chain, consisting of three stars: patriotism, nationalism, fascism. Evidence? - Not all patriots are fascists, but all the fascists are patriots.

There is no Russian patriot of instinct to continue the genus and instinct of self-preservation, but there is an instinct of meaningless destruction of other people with significant losses for themselves.

Patriotism and the love of Russia in the Russian soul are alive and often wake up, but immediately fall into the void, because it becomes clear that they are no longer anything to do - it's like an attempt to kiss Maria Antoinette after the forces of progress cut off her head ...

How many of the greatest minds of the past called the peoples to peace, consent and equality. But the stories do not care about these appeals, it follows its own way - a differential, violence and the lampsions of the peoples with a false feeling of stupid patriotism.

Patriotic values \u200b\u200bhave become society's property, but not at all the power.

Our professional patriots are those who saw the Russian budget and live on villas in Nice, Antibes, etc.
The royal chinosh, who lived in Europe, began masterfully using the word "patriotism", fooling the slaves, sending them to death and depriving them of rights and money. Two hundred years have passed - did it changed much?
Patriotism is to tell the truth to the people.
The principal difference between real, authentic patriots and aggressive insanity, which I would call "Russian professional patriotism", in the fact that the first to see the problems of their country, they speak about them and improve the situation, the second - darkness, nonsense and weakness are issued for something beautiful and Ready to kill those who simply tell the truth about the real state of affairs.
It is these villains that are the lag of my homeland from civilized countries, they are the main enemy of Russia ... These Olukhov deceived the Shulera, who inserted two or three degenerative slogans into their zombied tank, were presented with transparencies and hit, as a herd, rejoice in any nightmare arranged by the authorities: From serfdom - to the Gulag, and further - to the current restoration of the "Empire and Evil".
Patriot with us is the one who suits that our country is in * Aries.

Patriotic education is understood in Russia as the upbringing of slaves, ready to defend the interests of the Lord without sparing their lives.
Be a patriot - it means to love your boss.
Be a patriot - love your rulers, that is: do not bother them to steal further.
If the slave does not like a slave owner, he is not a patriot.
Patriot in Russia is only the one who seeks to change the ruling regime.
Fluger can not be a patriot.
I, of course, Patriot, but not so much to buy a domestic car.
Easy to be a patriot in America, but try in Russia.
The most dangerous variety of maniacs - a maniac ideological.
The more you are proud of your nationality, the less you are a person.

Motherland is all that is located within the Soviet Union, this is what we must love to madness to tears. And if you delay a piece of territory at Finland or Poland, then this will also be a homeland, which should also be loved ...

K. Merchukov:
We have patriotism without xenophobia.
Due to the fact that historically, our thinking is inclined to argue about the specific problems in high terms of patriotism, love for the Motherland, the index of confidence in our country is extremely low, because people (who are not fools) see a lot of demagogy behind these common handsome phrases. .

V. Orosanov:
The happy and great homeland love to love the thing. We must love it exactly when she is weak, Mala, humiliated, finally, stupid, finally, even vicious. It was when our "mother" is drunk, lying and all confused in sin, - we should not move away from her ...

Patriot is a man who lives in a hollow with a straw roof, but Istivo proud in that his Barina has the highest house in all the parish.

Soil for the appearance of extremism of so-called patriots is visible to the naked eye.
Our "patriots" with all their pseudo-historical, hysterical excursions and quotes from the Internet look children in the pants on the lists. Unable to look a little further than their nose. Well, let him be frolic. Their visges are equal to Lai Pugs on an elephant reality. Who will hear their mistless?
These "patriots" are very active and aggressive. In essence, it is a concentrated evil that tries to spread as widely as possible.

Do not judge him too strictly - he is a patriot ...
Patriots have a lot of work: first hang opponents, then build supporters.
Only patriots managed to reveal the great mystery of history: the liquidasonic imperialist conspiracy.

URA-Patriotism got ...
And the last year they spoke so much about patriotism, and so many of this militarist-patriotic propaganda that the people do not even analyze, he feels: yeah, you need to buy buckwheat.
The country is stable and people do not want to leave the country when they are good in this country.

There is such a profession in the Russian Duma - the Motherland cleared, while cynically hiding behind patriotism.

Kvass and vodka patriotism. Creepy couple.

Standing - only another smoke curtain for idiotic "patriots" or "patriotic" idiots, always ready to pray on the TV.

In Russia, "Love for Motherland" is often confused with "hatred for other countries."

There are no prophets in his fatherland - some patriots are homeland.

Nepatapillary is such a loving country so much that he is ready to take it all towards her hands. Nepatapotes adore the country so much that it is ready to privatize it with guts.
Patriotism, not knowing borders, we have for every hill.
Patriots are not only the symbols of the nation, but also the support of her leaders.

The Russian is filled with an evil poisonous patriotism to the edges, so it's close to it in dangerous - spills. And his patriotism is very hot, with a tear, sighboring and hatred of Jews and Caucasians, with the wishes of the death of a neighbor cow, Americans, dollar, NATO, black, yellow and in general, all "this." The whole world consists of manshemushek and the rest of the damned world, so that it is to die!
According to the UN, the level of patriotism in Russia is the highest in the world, left far behind the NGOMO tribe from South Sudan, also applying to the Earth PAP.
Patriotism - booty.

For me, Russian patriotism is terrible, and not only for the obvious reason that he is deadly and unmistakably smell like fascism, but mainly because his idea and purpose - to close the Russian world on yourself, shut down all the gaps, holes and pores, all the versions From which other people's cultures are merry wind, and leave the Russians alone with each other.

L. Tolstoy:
"Patriotism" - the feeling is immoral because, instead of confessing himself, the son of God, as Christianity teaches us, or at least a free person who is governed by his mind, - every person, under the influence of patriotism, recognizes himself the son of his fatherland, a slave of his government and commits Acts, opposed to their mind and their conscience.
Patriotism in the easiest, clear and undoubted value of its own is nothing but a personal rulers as an instrument to achieve power-loving and mercenary purposes, but for managed - renunciation from human dignity, reason, conscience and slave subordination of themselves by those in power. So he is preached everywhere, where patriotism is preached. Patriotism is slavery.
Tell me that patriotism is bad, and the majority of people will agree, but with a small reservation. - Yes, bad patriotism is bad, but there is another patriotism, the one we kept. - But what is this good patriotism, no one explains.

Motherland has one person. This is the place where you said the first words; Where did you first drank out the queue for smelly sausage with a scream: "Jews fed our meat!".
Motherland is where you first brought the fatty two at the reception exams, although you have answered the best.
Motherland is where the word "Jew" was indecent, and the conversations for Yiddish were equated with Mat.
Where, as not in the Motherland, a simple collective farmer will honestly tell you that the flavored milk bought, bathed his wives in him, and then they were sold milk.
Where else would we hear the Heating Heart of the compliment: "You are a good liquid, and you need to go all the others."
Motherland - Motherland, and I want to live in human.

S. Fire:
How many patriots suffocated in the smoke of the Fatherland!
Bass patriotism is also the borders.
Quas Patriotism - the result of fermentation of the minds.

Patriotism is good. But militant ignorance under the mask of patriotism can destroy the country. And destroy. If people do not learn to think.

P. Schadaev:
The beautiful thing is love for the Fatherland, but there is still something more beautiful - this is love for the truth. Not through the homeland, and through the truth leads the way to the sky ...

In his will, it is difficult to live in our country, have to be covered with patriotism.

V. Happovalov:
By how Zheno, some hopeless patriots seek to consume domestic products, you can determine the degree of their tendency to suicide.
In another silence of the patriot more lies than in the screams of all dissidents.
I am so patriot my homeland that I wish the speedy collapse of the country built on top of her.

"Historical Patriotism" calls for pride in the sample past, which allows not to think about the present and the future.

Yu. Scheverchuk:
Calm the demons, ragged cabinet and kitchen pseudo-patriots, militant radicals on both sides, which the input of the troops will finally divide the hands. Again, the heap of fraternal wanted, this Viagra to and then everything stood ...

Who is against America is that patriot.
These guys make everything to "patriots" and "idiots" - continued to be rhymed.
Motherland for the Jew is a place where it was first called jet.
The chain dog keeps the loyalty of only a cone.
Unfortunately, it is homeland ...
Childing patriotism is typically connected with the opposition to the outside world. And complete loss of adequacy. That is, not Patriotism Chekhov, who raised the White Flag over the estate so that the peasants could get medical care for free. Not patriotism of the scientist, not patriotism of the soldier, but patriotism is such - delved, terrible patriotism. And we see apathy, of course. We see the flight of people with intelligence, with dignity. Mass escape. We see degradation completely obvious.
They [deputies] completely sincerely believe that they are the homeland that they have the right to speak on behalf of Russia. Who said to them, this group of impostors?
The love of their homeland is expressed in the cut of budgets. Now they will allocate the next budget - and those who have time to break through, those will be the main patriots. So we have patriotism. Who broke into the feeder - the patriot.
In order for a person to return to his homeland ... there must be less than the leader's shit.
Our nomenclature patriotism recalls the Great Patriotic War, only when someone needs to suffer.
Manufacturers of our political "Zhigul", the eternal holders of the controlling package, the century, push the patriot in Russia - the one who is loudful to everyone crying that our "Zhigul" is better than all, and "Mercedes" shit. Manufacturers have achieved significant success precisely in the production of such "patriots" - and through a centuries-old negative selection brought to their needs very convenient in use of the experimental population, easily started to hysterically. On this, called patriotism, hysteria (and not on the modernization of hopelessly obsolete Asian car) is distinguished non-external financing. The elite, which is already the generation, become Gorlopans. Robust attempts of individual engineers to establish the exchange of experience recognized by national betrayal. Hands growing from ass, but now - with stretcher fingers, acquire the outlines of the national symbol ...
In our "patriotism" in quotes can not, of course, to fit neither Brodsky, nor Nabokov ... This is what we have called "patriotism", I repeat, in fatty quotes, means, first of all, willingness not to reason, readiness to love the bosses, what There is, and natural suspicion of free intelligence.
In the lining of Russian state patriotism, imperial theme is almost certainly sewn. "To love Russia" means here - to desire the conquest of neighboring peoples and do not love those of them who want to get out of the imperial influence of "Mother".
Write on the car Obama Schmo, joke about the psaka - here you are a patriot. An attempt to practice here some other type of patriotism (combined, let's say, with love for the surrounding humanity) - immediately covered with suspicion and leads to an expulsion or fruit.
When the homeland loves for a long time in MegaFon, she fools.

Patriotism was trained by the villains, locating from the free world that the "iron curtain", then the "lock on the border".
I am a symbol of the new time, where he betrayed and sold is considered heroes, where theft and lies took off to rank virtue, and the words "patriotism" and "homeland" became curses.

M. Shishkin:
The political development of Russia, especially the events of the last year created the situation in the country, absolutely unacceptable and humiliating for its people and for its great culture. What is happening in my country causes me like a Russian man and a citizen of Russia a sense of shame. The country where the authorities captured the criminal corruption regime, where the state is the thieves pyramid, where the elections were turned into a farce, where the courts serve as the authorities, and not the law, where there are political prisoners, where the GEBTs turned into a prostitute, where the impostors are taking insane laws, returning all in Middle Ages, such a country can not be my Russia.

Love your homeland, "like yourself," but do not do it with God, ... do not become an idolatry.

Nothing facilitates the growth of patriotism as gross politicians.

S. Yakovsky:
We now have all the market - and nationalism, when we do not like other people who sell everything for us, and patriotism, when we love our who sell us all.

I love the homeland when there is no wars, rudeness, queues, hunger, dirt and me ...
Russian patriotism is choir ...
We are disfigured by patriotic upbringing ("People's Radio").
The flock does not have a country.
And when "patriots" will rejuvenate Russia to the end, they merge there, "where there are no Russians."
Screaming "I Patriot!" Maybe someone else besides the patriot.
Under patriotism in Russia it is understood only to make all the bad and highlighting only good.
The love of the Motherland is akin to the love of the dog to his owner - do not fade her week and she will begin to bite you, throw her a piece of meat - and she will lick your heels.
A real patriot selling the homeland of Schridorog will not be.
About May parades: This is not awards sparkle on the chest veterans, these are the fragments of their dreams.
It turns out that the fifth column consists of patriot.
Nobody will never put the Russians. Lying, lying and let's lie on!
We have patriotism is not a boom, we have patriotism vodka.
Patriotism is an important weapon in the hands of informative politicians.
Patriot is called the one who protects its country from the government.
To be a patriot in Russia, you need to be able to steal, take bribes and lie, lie, lie.
Under Putin, the word "patriot" has acquired the meaning of cursing.


Where is good, there is homeland.

A. Babbedzh:
There is only one thing that I hate even stronger,
than piousness: it is patriotism.

A. Kirs:
In the famous dictionary of Dr. Johnson, patriotism is defined as the last rebuke of the villain. We take care of the courage to name this refuge first.
Patriot. The person who is the interests of the part are higher than the interests of the whole. Toy in the hands of state husbands and an instrument in the hands of conquerors.
Patriotism is a flammable garbage, ready to flare out from the torch of the ambition to glorify his name.

E. Brune:
True patriot is not the one who praises his homeland at every corner, but one who is always honest and rightly talks about her problems and opportunities.

Regarding that the true patriot should become the enemy of the rest of humanity.

Patriotism is the last rebuke of the villain.

D. Didro:

My patriotism is not a closure on one nation; He is comprehensive, and I am ready to abandon such patriotism, which builds the well-being of one nation on the operation of others.

Strange affair! At all times, the villains tried to mask their vile deeds by devotion to the interests of religion, morality and love for the Fatherland.
We were prescribed patriotism, and we were by patriots, for we are doing everything we are ordered to our state trucks.

There can be no patriotic art, no patriotic science.
Patriotism spoils world history.

Politician is a person who will sacrifice your life for his homeland.

We are all Mr. Levender - meek in short and modest means, whose reason somewhat clouded from the excessive reading of the speeches of public figures about the Hunnov's atrocities and a high debt of the country, which in the name of manifestation is obliged to destroy this malicious tribe. Enemies of violence, we will use all the means to lose the cowardly whisper of those disoriented persons whose so-called principles encourage them to declare the right to have their own opinion.

"Duty to the Motherland" allows to exploit the people like slaves.

From time to time, the tree of freedom must water the blood of tyranans and patriots.

D. Didro:
It is impossible to love the homeland that does not love you ...

F. Dyurrenmatt:
When the state begins to kill, it always calls himself a homeland.

D. Callin:
I could never understand pride for a nation. As for me, pride should relate to something that you yourself have achieved, and not to what happens by chance. Being an Irish is not a skill, but a strange chance. You will not say "I am proud of what was born on May 16," or "I am prior to the predisposition to the colon cancer." So what *** are you proud of the fact that you are an American, Irishman or other Swal?

D. Kennedy:
Do not ask that your homeland can do for you, - ask what you can do for your homeland.

A. De Kyustin:
In Russia, you will not allow you to live, without sacrificing everyone for the sake of love for Earth Fatherland, consecrated by faith in the fatherland of Heaven.

Love for homeland does not know other people's borders.
Perhaps I would not believe so firmly in the limitless viability of patriotism, if I did not know how inexhaustible deposits of xenophobia.

Lee Kuan Yu:
If incorrectly manage the country, all smart people will go away.

D. Madzini:
Motherland is a man's house, not a slave house.

Samuel Johnson called Patriotism the last refuge of the scoundrel. It is true, but this is not the whole truth. In fact, patriotism is a huge nursery of the villains.

Patriotism is determined by the measure of shame, which man is experiencing a crime committed on behalf of his people.

D. Real:
There is no patriots where we are talking about taxes.

People of our generation can no longer die for the sake of high ideals. These ideals collapsed ... if a grand war starts and we will die, we will give our lives at all in the name of some ideals, beautiful, but - alas! - Outdated. We will die unknown for what. And again the dead bravers are politely thanked. It will also be meaningless and inglorious as going to the road and become a racing bus.

My homeland is the Universe, the whole human genus is my brothers, my religion is to create good.
Patriot's debt is to defend your country from her government.

Oh other things praise their country, as if they dream to sell it.

Instead of killing your neighbor, even if deeply hated, it follows, with the help of propaganda, move the hatred of him to hatred for some kind of neighboring power - and then your criminal motives, as in magic, will turn into the heroism of the patriot.
Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed in the most trivial reasons.

Do not deceive! .. The only remedy is free to get rid of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Motherland: who wants to save the human culture under threat, he must inevitably come to this cruel, but the necessary act.

My homeland is where my library.

It is important that you be ready to die for your country; But even more importantly, you will be ready to live life for her.

K. Saymak:
What if true patriotism is just wild nonsense?

D. Santyan:
It seems to me a terrible humiliation to have a soul controlled by geography.

Westing your society is the reflex of self-compliance.

Do not ask what you can do for your homeland, "you will remind you so much.

The soul and the essence of what is usually understood under patriotism, there is always moral cowardice.
I will not go to fight for our country, as well as for any other, if, in my opinion, this country will be wrong ... If I refuse to go a volunteer, I will call me a traitor, I know that a traitor, but it will not make me a traitor.
Even the unanimous impairment of all sixty million will not make me a traitor. I still remain a patriot, and, in my opinion, the only thing for the whole country.
To be a patriot, it was necessary to say and repeat: "This is our country, it is right or not," and call for a small war. Isn't it clear that this phrase is an insult to the nation?

Patriotism, closing eyes for disadvantages and deaf to criticism, this is no patriotism.

Only a free citizen has a fatherland; Slave, serfdom, subjects of the despot have only their homeland.

O. Khaksley:
The advantage of patriotism is that under his cover, we can deceive with impunity, rob, kill. I say little, impunity - with the feeling of your own right.

F. Khammel:
We will be swamped as traitors. For our actions relies the death penalty. A couple of hundred years ago, Washington, Jefferson, and Adams, British were called traitors. Now their name is patriots. With us will be the same.

D. Sapman:
Cohesion is organized hatred.

U. Cherchille:
I have never criticized the government of my country, being abroad, but with a prosperous I reimburse it on return.

O. Aild:
Patriotism is great rabies.
Patriotism is virtue virtue.
Patriotism is essentially aggressive, and patriots, as a rule, are evil people.

G. Tells:
I believe that the time will come when the last patriots, grinding weapons, will be pursued as robbers.

A. Shweuzer:
The cult of patriotism, as such, should be considered a manifestation of barbarism, because he discovers himself in meaningless wars, which inevitably entails.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthe magnitude of the nation extends to its enemies, leading "great peoples" to a catastrophe.
The coalitions, which were based on the egoistic interests of the struggle of some nations against others, were issued for the Commonwealth dictated by the original kinship of ultrasound and destinies, and supported the references to the past, even if the history gave more an example of a deadly hostility than manifestations of inner kinship.

A poor man who has nothing else than he could be proud of is enough for the only possible and proud of the nation to which he belongs.
In the national character there are few good features: because the crowd is a subject.
The cheapest pride is the pride of the national.

B. Show:
Patriotism is a destructive, psychopathic form of idiocy.
Patriotism is when you think that this country is better than everyone else because you were born here. You will never live in a calm world until you choose patriotism from the human race
There is an angel of death to protrude into his tube, as patriotism, nourishing his culture, begins to cast out enemy music, poetry, philosophy and even fought science, as some malicious abuses opposing national culture. Do this recruiters or journalists, it would be possible to understand, but this responsible function is entrusted with the university and conservative professors who are assigned to the protection of culture. And yesterday's cosmopolitans with an unusual zeal justify their own political structure and their own militarism, thereby demonstrating that their respect for science and education is just a pose, behind which the wildness only lies.

A real patriot should always be ready to protect his country from his government.

A. Einstein:

Team's heroism, meaningless cruelty and disgusting meaninglessness, called patriotism - how much I hate all this, how low and praying is war.
Those who joyfully march in the system ..., got a brain by mistake: for them and the dorsal would be enough. I am so hating heroism on the team, meaningless cruelty and all disgusting nonsense of what is united by the word "patriotism", as well as despising a submitting war, which is more likely to give himself to break into pieces than being part of such shares.

In the cells vertically from number 14 there should be a meaningful word.

1. "Very useful, as well as entertaining, truly golden book about the best device of the state and about the new island ..." (complete).
2. The concept is opposite to the meaning of the concept of "egoism".
3. "Because the world is wrong, do not suffer
Do not firm about death and do not sob.
Pivate this Aluu moisture in the pile,
Belogruda Beauty Give the Heart. "
(O. Khayam
(Call the philosophical position)
4. On marquise O-Wah among many other typical ... There is an original ban in relation to water: no her drop should be spilled in the dwelling. (Missed word).
5. Assumptions about the future state of the phenomena of nature and society or on phenomena unknown at the present moment, but to identifying.
6. A specific type of reflection and formation of reality by a person in the process of artistic creativity in accordance with certain aesthetic ideals.
7. "Love for your own good is in us love for Fatherland, and personal pride - the pride of the people, which serves as a support ..." (N.M. Karamzin) (Complete).
8. One of the four priority national projects in modern Russia.
9. A person who has the highest degree of creative giftedness and achieved extraordinary creative results.
10. In the philosophy of O. Spengler, the completion of her life (in a figurative) is civilization.
11. The extreme ideological direction of the middle of the XIX century, who denied the main foundations of the modern political and social system.
12. The National Religion of the Japanese, which arose on the basis of the photophysical representations of antiquity.
13. The religious truth received in the revelation, the recognition of which the church demands from all believers.

1 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Russian historian V. O. Kleevsky (1841-1911) wrote that the knowledge of the past is "not only the need of a thinking mind, but also a significant condition of conscious

and the cris-rectak activity, "because it gives that glazer of the situation, then a little minute, which is prevented by a person" both from cosmia and from athleting. " And then he gives advice: "Defining the tasks and direction of its activities, each of us should be at least a little historian to become conscious and kindly acting in the Count Danin." What is the meaning of these thoughts V. O. Klyuchevsky for our days?

describe the main forms of mutual communication of man and society. 4. What is the historical process? 5. How do you understand the connection of the past, present and future in the history of countries and Naro-Dov? Give examples. 6. Relying on knowledge of history, literature, other subjects, provide examples characterizing the role of the people in the historical process. 7. Is the statement that the worldview may have not only a separate personality, but also a social group, a nation, a historical era? Explain your me, under-tighten with its examples. 8. Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky (1841-1911) wrote that the knowledge of the past is "not only the need of a thinking mind, but also a significant condition of conscious and corporate activities," because it gives that glazer of the situation, A little minute, which prevented a person "both from cosup and athletes." And then he gives advice: "Defining the tasks and direction of its activities, each of us should be at least a little historian to become conscious and kindly acting in the Count Danin." What is the meaning of these thoughts V. O. Klyuchevsky for our days? 9. The word "civilization" and derivatives may mean: a) pupil, the ability to behave in society ("it was a completely civilized young man, with excellent manners and the severity"); b) the stage of social development, following distens and barbarism; c) the state of society recognizing the value of my film, economic prosperity, freedom-df, legality ("in civilized society there is no place for violence, criticism, in accordance with the law, disrespect of human rights"); d) a set of manifestations of culture ("antique cycling - a unique culture underlying the European culture of subsequent epochs"); e) a set of unique economic, social, political, spiritual, moral, psychological, value and other structures that distinguish one historical community of people from others ("Economics, a system of power, values, lifestyle and the psychology of the Middle Ages were distinguished This civilization from ancient or modern "). Which of these values \u200b\u200bhave direct disorders to the characteristic of the historical process? Provide these provisions to the analysis of specific societies known to you

1. What conditions are necessary in order to become a person? 2. What, in your opinion, is the role of a family in the life of a person and society? 3. Name I.

describe the main forms of mutual communication of man and society. 4. What is the historical process? 5. How do you understand the connection of the past, present and future in the history of countries and Naro-Dov? Give examples. 6. Relying on knowledge of history, literature, other subjects, provide examples characterizing the role of the people in the historical process. 7. Is the statement that the worldview may have not only a separate personality, but also a social group, a nation, a historical era? Explain your me, under-tighten with its examples. 8. Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky (1841-1911) wrote that the knowledge of the past is "not only the need of a thinking mind, but also a significant condition of conscious and corporate activities," because it gives that glazer of the situation, A little minute, which prevented a person "both from cosup and athletes." And then he gives advice: "Defining the tasks and direction of its activities, each of us should be at least a little historian to become conscious and kindly acting in the Count Danin." What is the meaning of these thoughts V. O. Klyuchevsky for our days? 9. The word "civilization" and derivatives may mean: a) pupil, the ability to behave in society ("it was a completely civilized young man, with excellent manners and the severity"); b) the stage of social development, following distens and barbarism; c) the state of society recognizing the value of my film, economic prosperity, freedom-df, legality ("in civilized society there is no place for violence, criticism, in accordance with the law, disrespect of human rights"); d) a set of manifestations of culture ("antique cycling - a unique culture underlying the European culture of subsequent epochs"); e) a set of unique economic, social, political, spiritual, moral, psychological, value and other structures that distinguish one historical community of people from others ("Economics, a system of power, values, lifestyle and the psychology of the Middle Ages were distinguished This civilization from ancient or modern "). Which of these values \u200b\u200bhave direct disorders to the characteristic of the historical process? Provide these provisions to analyze specific societies known to you. PLEASE, HELP!!! THANKS IN ADVANCE.

1. What conditions are necessary in order to become a person? 2. What, in your opinion, is the role of a family in the life of a person and society? 3. Name

and characterize the main forms of mutual communication of man and society. 4. What is the historical process? 5. How do you understand the connection of the past, present and future in the history of countries and Naro-Dov? Give examples. 6. Relying on knowledge of history, literature, other subjects, provide examples characterizing the role of the people in the historical process. 7. Is the statement that the worldview may have not only a separate personality, but also a social group, a nation, a historical era? Explain your me, under-tighten with its examples. 8. Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky (1841-1911) wrote that the knowledge of the past is "not only the need of a thinking mind, but also a significant condition of conscious and corporate activities," because it gives that glazer of the situation, A little minute, which prevented a person "both from cosup and athletes." And then he gives advice: "Defining the tasks and direction of its activities, each of us should be at least a little historian to become conscious and kindly acting in the Count Danin." What is the meaning of these thoughts V. O. Klyuchevsky for our days? 9. The word "civilization" and derivatives may mean: a) pupil, the ability to behave in society ("it was a completely civilized young man, with excellent manners and the severity"); b) the stage of social development, following distens and barbarism; c) the state of society recognizing the value of my film, economic prosperity, freedom-df, legality ("in civilized society there is no place for violence, criticism, in accordance with the law, disrespect of human rights"); d) a set of manifestations of culture ("antique cycling - a unique culture underlying the European culture of subsequent epochs"); e) a set of unique economic, social, political, spiritual, moral, psychological, value and other structures that distinguish one historical community of people from others ("Economics, a system of power, values, lifestyle and the psychology of the Middle Ages were distinguished This civilization from ancient or modern "). Which of these values \u200b\u200bhave direct disorders to the characteristic of the historical process? Provide these provisions to analyze specific societies known to you. Please help with what you can !!! THANKS IN ADVANCE.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation 2016 declared in Russia year Karamzin. The largest Russian writer of the Epoch of the Sentimentalism and the Father of Russian History (or her first falsifier, as some believe) was born on December 12, 1766. By the way, the "first historian and the last chronicle" was not a nicknamed someone, but Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.. And showed a challenge characteristic of the great poet: the works of Karamzin in shape, although there were historical studies, was essentially a chronicle. But first things first.

Childhood and youth Karamzin are not particularly remarkable. It was born or in the very Simbirsk, or somewhere nearby, was brought up in the estate of the Father, the retired captain from the ancient noble sort. According to his instruction in 1783, Karamzin entered the service in the Preobrazhensky Guards Regiment, but did not hold out for a long time. Army weekdays came to him not to taste. Father's death ( Mikhail Egorovich Karamzin Died in the same year) gave the opportunity to retire with young guarantor and return home. Here he also stayed for a long time - he received inheritance and soon went to Moscow. But it was in Simbirsk that a significant event occurs in his biography: Karamzin enters the Masonic Life of the Golden Crown. What this organization was represented, difficult to say. Masonic lodges for the province at that time were generally rare. But in Simbirsk, the Masons marked in a completely special way: especially for their meetings, they built the temple. No services were held there - only the meetings of the members of the Golden Crown Lodge. However, the assembly was carried out infrequently, and the bed was, apparently, a few. In 1792, she actually ceased to exist. Karamzin had long lived in Moscow by that time, but his communications with Masons after leaving from Simbirsk did not fail. In 1785, he became a member of the "friendly scientist" - a mysterious organization based on masons Ivan Schwartz and Nikolai Novikov. By the way, Schwartz in the biography of Karamzin appears even earlier: in 1781-1782, Karamzin visited his lectures at the Imperial Moscow University.

The declared target of the "friendly scholar society" was the spread in Russia enlightenment by publishing useful books, upbringing Russian teachers and invitations of talented teachers from abroad. One of his participants Ivan LopukhinSo determined the tasks of society: "... to publish the books of spiritual and instructing in the morality and the truth of the Gospel, translating the deepest writers about the writers in foreign languages, and to promote a good pupilly, helping the words of God who has written advantaged to the sermon ... For him and brought up more than 50 seminars for him that were given from the diocesan bishops themselves with the great appreciation. " The position of the Company strengthened representatives of many noble noble surnames ( Trubetsky, Vyazemsky, Cherkasy, Tatishchev) who made major donations in his favor. But it did not get rid of the organization from problems. After the death of Schwartz in 1784, members of society begin to be attacked, which are especially strengthened after the start of the Great French Revolution. In 1791, the "friendly scientist society" (or rather, the "typographic company", as it began to be called over time) ceases to exist.

Karamzin's connections with masons - fertile soil for a variety of conspiracy speculations. The most radical branch of his haters even attributes the "first historian" the desire to undermine the foundations of Russian statehood. The version of the category "There is nothing impossible." But there is no smoke without fire. Some facts of the biography of Karamzin really cause natural issues. Especially when it comes to its European tour 1789-1790. In total, the journey lasted 14 months. Karamzin visited many European countries, met with Immanuel Kant, who watched the great French revolution in Paris, and on returning to Moscow, he wrote his famous "Russian traveler's letters", which brought a large literary glory to the author. The question remains: what prompted the novice writer Karamzin to interrupt communication with Novikov and go to Western in Europe? Why, during the trip, he did not lead a correspondence with relatives and relatives? But the most important thing: where did the poor retired lieutenant come to this money?

And already quite logical seems to be the version that no gap with the Masonic "typographic company" did not actually happen, and Nikolay Novikov himself was allocated for the journey of a talented ward. About this writes biographer Karamzin Albert Starchevsky: If you believe him, Karamzin received not only money from Novikova, but also detailed instructions from the famous Mason Seeds of Gamalei (Copies with these instructions were allegedly used by many lovers of Russian antiquity in Moscow).

Today, about the circumstances of this trip can only guess. But with confidence, we can talk about the changes that have undergone the political views of Karamzin on returning to Moscow. Being one of the first "Russian Europeans", Karamzin hotly supported the slogans of the French revolution. But the bright ideals of freedom, equality and fraternity in his eyes turned the bloody terror. Karamzin was seriously experiencing this lesson of history, but was enough to dare to assimilate him. Now he knew that the destructive passions are destructive for the people, and firm autocratic power is virtuous, if only does not become despotic. The position of Karamzin on this issue was unchanged. By the end of his life, he turned into a solid supporter of the absolute monarchy, although in the soul always remained a Republican (paradoxically, but fact).

With liberal moralism, Karamzin approached the study of history. Rather, not to study, but to writing. He actually wrote Russian history by giving a historical study of the feature of the artwork. Or even on the contrary. Experts are still arguing that in the writings of Karamzin more: artistic or historical? In the XIX century, the "Russian state history" was read more as a literary work, but under its influence, a holistic representation of the people about their past was formed. However, not only then. Often and we unconsciously fall under the influence of Karamzin. This happens whenever the prince Yaroslav We call wise (this epithet "presented" Karamzin). And what image draws our imagination when you hear about Ivan Grozny? A look at the first Russian king, as for the tormentor and the sowing, enthusiasm in the historical memory of the people under the influence of Karamzin. But this is a special topic.

Somehow weakly with arguments in those who consider Karamzin to be a cunning enemy of the Russian people. The domestic history in its interpretation is depicted ambiguous, but not negative. Yes, Karamzin admires the achievements of European civilization and regrets that we moved to the enlightenment much slower. But Russia for him is an equal part of Europe, and not her appendage. Karamzin states with pride: "Russia, oppressed, depressed by all disasters, survived and rebelled in the new majesty, so that the story is hardly given to us two examples in this kind." And how, for example, explain the fact that PeterI., one of the most disliked Russian rulers in the west, Karamzin praises without constraints in the "letters of the Russian traveler"? Comparing LouisikaXIV. And Peter, Karamzin writes: "... these two heroes were very unequal in the greatness of the Spirit and their deeds. The subjects glorified Louis, Peter glorified their subjects, (...) I respect, as a strong king; I read the second as a great husband, like a hero, as a benefactor of mankind, like my own benefactor. "

But with Ivan Grozny, Karamzin has no relation to the relationship. Toma dedicated to the first king, the people were popular more than others, they were read with particular interest. This is not surprising: the image of the despot, Tirana and just an immoral person created in artistic picturesque. Ivan the Terrible author, as they say, "did not digest" (as "did not digest" Ivan Kalita Another great Russian historian - Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky). We will not argue about the objectivity of Karamzin's estimates. Other It is important: the obvious hostility to some of the historical actors suggests that the author suits passionately and enthusiastically.

The main feature of his multi-volume brainchild Karamzin emphasizes in the preface to the "history of the Russian state": "It was necessary or not to say anything, or to say everything about such a prince, so that he lived in our memory not one dry name, but with some physical physiognomy." With the task of Karamzin coped to "excellent" (helped the skill of a talented fictionist). This is his main merit and main provinicity. Merit, because any knowledge is the unity of the word and image. The provinity, because on the "market" of historical images, Karamzin was and, by and large, continues to remain a monopolist. In addition, it is reasonable to use the concepts of household morality, estimating the actions of the topics of world history? The problem of Karamzin is that the criterion of morality has become dominant and indisputable. He used them to assess those times when the concepts of morality in the current sense did not exist at all. For example, in the chapter on the prince Oleg Karamzin writes: "Ancient Russia is famous for not by one hero: none of them could compare with Oleg in conquests, which approved her being powerful. (...) But blood Askold. and Dira He remained the stain of his glory. " Indeed, by the standards of the XIX century, the murder of Askold and Dira - an act of immoral, criminal and deserved condemnation. But is it appropriate to apply the terms "Moral" and "Crime" in relation to the time when the word "edit" implied and kill enemies?

The 250th anniversary of the birth of Karamzin marked the new round of disputes about his personality in Russia. As it was done, over the years these disputes are becoming increasingly unprincipled. It is already difficult to distinguish the real facts of his biography from fiction, exactly as the historical truth of his works from artistic interpretation. But in one Karamzin was right: "Patriotism should not blind us; Love for Fatherland has an action of a clear reason, and not blind passion; And, sorry about those people who look at things only with a bad side, never see a good and always complain, we do not want to go to another extreme; We do not want to confin that Russia is already on the highest degree of good and perfection. " The historic heritage of Karamzin will be reminded of this not yet one generation of descendants.