Designing theaters. Theater "School of Modern Plays" returned to the historic building on the pipe area

Designing theaters. Theater
Designing theaters. Theater "School of Modern Plays" returned to the historic building on the pipe area

"On the shop window was the scene of the murder of Peter Stolypin"

Maternity hospital. Kindergarten. College. Cinema. Deli. Guard. Hospital. Do we need these institutions in a big city, where the population density is constantly growing? A strange question is, of course, need. Nevertheless, dozens of objects needed objects are clapped, turned off from city life. Waiting for what? Demolition? Representation? Return to life? We chose seven noticeable "abundance" of the city and try to figure out what they were "guilty" and what they are waiting for them.

There are rumors that your favorite cinema is passing into illegal rent.

Among the most tragic losses for Moscow subcultures are the demolition of the legendary Hovrin Hospital, which went under the excavator bucket in the fall of 2018. At her place will be erected at home as part of the renovation program. And for the city it is beautiful - but, alas and ah, what "abandon" disappeared! Khovrinka was known in narrow circles - a place for the rite of initiation of many Moscow adolescents. First, go through symbolic, but police-police cordons. Secondly, it is not afraid of half auin, which does not only have electricity supply or elevators, but also just a normal entrance. Thirdly, survive there, among incomprehensible personalities with too understandable activities.

However, a worthy shift already seems to be ready. And if only one. The current "abandonment" is not protected as an example of better abandoned even in the restructuring of the Hovrinsk hospital, so we get there much more difficult. Yes, and the state of such buildings is usually better - officials responsible for the work know about the "theory of broken windows" and try to prevent these most broken windows.

Hospital on new bass

Urban Hospital №6 On the new Basmannaya Street was closed four years ago, and since then it scares the locals with empty winds of dark windows with knocked glasses. True, the application quickly found comrades without a certain place of residence, and the surviving metropolitan informals are not lagging behind - the wonderful frames can be done in the "Zaboka", and it is not necessary to go to distant Hovrino!

Activists of the Basmanny District, together with Ilya Sviridov, the municipal deputy of the Taganka, last summer sent several requests to responsible authorities, but did not receive the answer.

As previously stated in the media, representatives of the Basmanny district councils, the existing problem has long been known, however, to solve it, it is necessary to find the owners of the building. In 2015, the Metropolitan Department of Health conveyed this premises to the Department of Urban Property. However, the Corpus number 4 was transferred to the rights of gratuitous use of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There recognize: the building in disserval and it is protected. In 2019, the Ministry of Internal Affairs plans to reconstruct.

Basmannaya hospital has become the succession of Hovrinskaya - Favorite place of informal, "Abandon".

Cordhegardia Presnensk Outlook

A small building of light blue, hidden behind the trees in the Park of the December uprising, is currently used as a jangle. If for a long time to walk in the park, then sooner or later it will be possible to look inside. There, however, nothing interesting: brooms, cleaning products Yes, a couple of spare specialists in two tiny rooms.

What it is? Yes, I have no idea, we were given the keys to be changed in, the employee of the municipal economy throws on the move. The inspection of the house, however, does not hinder. - We are comfortable here.

Customs officers once also were comfortable here ... A small house is a unique monument, the only Cordegardia Cordegardian Camera Thawed today, that is, the borders of Moscow until the beginning of the twentieth century. Here, near the current metro station "Street of 1905", the Presnenskaya Zava was located. The fact that once there was the border of the city, resemble, by the way, toponyms: three-thorny shaft, the Presnensky shaft, and a little further behind him the Georgian tree ... well, the Kordegardia itself, of course. Once there were 18 such houses - on each city outpost. Now there is one.

The editorial office of MK sent a request to Moscow: Is it planned to assign the status of an object of cultural heritage to put in order and contain "conscience" - as it deserves a unique structure? However, we did not receive the answer. Municipal deputies of the Presnensky district also could not report anything about the fate of the house - they did not discuss him anywhere ... Even in the online map the building is missing: only the Montument "Cobblestone - the weapon of the proletariat!" and public toilet. The monument of the old Moscow is not there.

Although a small house could well be used to universal pleasure - for example, to repair and open a small cafe there. Surely would use popular among walking in the park! Or, say, rolling rollers or bicycles is in vain, what is it becoming more and more popular?

Or not to invent (and not stored) a bike, but to make the most obvious - to organize a museum in the Presnensk statement ... Actually, the Museum of the Cam College Val. The outposts were eliminated in 1852. And by the way, an important argument: this house remembers the war of 1812 (although Napoleon, apparently, left the city not through the Presnya).

"Political Prodmatmag" in Bogorodsky

In the era of huge network stores and multi-storey Molls, Muscovites are rejoiced as children, stumbled upon somewhere on a small grocery store - an old, even without self-service, sick of the left era ... As practice shows, most of all such shops in areas that are with light hand Metropolitan realtors and sociologists are recognized for some reasons "non-disestive." For example, in the Bogorodskoye area in the Eastern District (old low-rise building and 10 minutes to the city center on the subway, what is the showcase of the Storypin shop, hidden in one of the alleys of the Old Area, is considered a stolen attraction.

Old-timers remember: the store as the store was ... Crupes, milk, ice cream and still delicious milk marmalates. However, the main thing is to design. On the shop window that looks at the 3rd passage of Podbelsky, the layout diorama is decorated - the scene of the murder of Peter Stolypin in the Opera Theater in Kiev in 1911. Here you and the shot, and the spray of blood, and the frightened king ... in other windows of the store - other diorams (for example, sending immigrants in the "Stolypin" wagons), as well as information from the biography of the reformer, decorated in the form of huge wall newspaper.

At the place of the store, according to which the local child learned the story - empty shop windows.

The store appeared here in the late 1990s, and a couple of generations of schoolchildren is this way - run after lessons for ice cream - taught the history of the beginning of the century. This was the calculation: the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch an unusual design of the shop window was born from the owner because of his own hobby of the history of Russia.

We are even somewhat we lose because of our image: for example, residents of the house quite a long time and did not suspect that this is a mini market, "looking at the shop window, they were sure that this is a library," Oleg Karpenko's business owner said in an interview with the magazine Moscow and Muscovites "in 2007. It also turned out that the Storepina store is not the only "historical product" in the east of Moscow. Not far from it opened shops "on Hapilovka" and "On Guche". With the same stylized shop windows.

But, alas, all this in the past. In early 2017, local residents have tried that the shops were closed for a long time, and beautiful showcases were abandoned ... Contact the owner to learn about the fate of the premises, the correspondent "MK" failed.

Pre-war kindergarten and cinema "East", Schukino

Among the locals has the code name "Sadik with elephants". In fact, he also had a number - 333; And departmental affiliation - kindergarten was not included in the Moscow Department of Education, but submitted to the Navy, that is, the Ministry of Defense. But in 2013, the asset was recognized as non-core and the garden handed over to the city. And according to the acting Sanpins and on the bottom of the building, built in 1934 - yes, this is one of the oldest, if not the oldest building of the children's kindergarten of the capital, is not suitable for a pre-school institution.

My son, who is now 23 years old, went to this kindergarten, count, 20 years ago, and then the roof flowed there and there was a fungus, "says Anna, a resident of the five-story building next to the building. - So it is impossible to children in it, I believe it. It would be better to build a residential building and move us there. But just do not relocate, too good location!

A rare case for Moscow: the inhabitants themselves want to have a new building in the place of kindergarten.

Interestingly, the heights of the floors at 30, which may appear on the site of the garden, the neighbors are not afraid - it is believed that "Kurchatovsky Tunnel" comes here from the Atomic Energy Institute ... somewhere, apparently, in the direction of Moscow-river. Who knows him, maybe it goes - we are understandable, the truth will not say. But actually, to save the building from demolition, dozens of hearing and pickets are going to hearings and pickets, sometimes hundreds of Schukintsev. Someone cute an old building and a playground with concrete elephants with it; Someone does not want to build a green zone in the yard. There is no urgent need for a kindergarten at this place - quite near Marshal Novikov, built a huge building of the new pre-school branch of the local educational complex. But to keep the historical building as a children's club - it would be a good idea.

We constantly set the question of the city that we have no club premises in Schukin, "said Municipal deputy of the district Andrei Grebennik, said" MK ". - The thing is that the "October" extended in the area of \u200b\u200bDC burned several years ago and this place is already built up. And the Kurchatov Center of Culture recently became a purely departmental, they do not allow anyone except the staff of the institute. Children to engage in no means. Meanwhile, while in the children's kindergarten after restoration are going to instill a dance school from the Don district. Why not ours, Schukinskiy? I do not understand.

In the area, by the way, there is another empty spot: a two-chart "East" cinema on the square of the same academician Kurchatov. Belongs to this cinema city, located in the first floor of a residential building, and his fate has been unclear for 15 years. Residents of the house say that part of the cinema is sometimes for rent in illegal rent - but it is nothing more than rumors. Meanwhile, in 2018, even the Sign of East was disappeared from the facade of the house ...

Library and Cultural Center named after A.Tvardovsky

Everything is simple and sad here: In early 2015, the library named after Alexander Tvardovsky and the cultural center of his name was quite famous in the capital and the cultural center of his name was expelled from the spaced place and transported to the Amins Highway. The residential building at the beginning of Kutuzovsky Avenue, directly opposite the hotel "Ukraine", was built in the last years of the poet's life, he managed to see the premises specially built for the library, and after death in the library there was a museum corner of the author "Vasily Terkina". Due to a number of legal incidents, the owner of the building was not a city (as it most often happens in the case of libraries), and the FSUE Izvestia (owning, for example, the famous and also deprived the building of the newspaper of the same name in Pushkin Square). At some point, Izvestia raised prices, the city culture department decided to radically and took out the library. "Moolen" residents of Doromilov The place has not yet been handled by anyone (and then say the crisis in the yard). So stands empty.

Stories, as we see, all "abundance" are different. Somewhere the construction and sanitary standards are to blame, somewhere high rental, somewhere emergency condition (the building seems to be worth it, and on the papers and on examinations - requires overhames). Hospitals, kindergartens, cinemas, libraries in Moscow many, statistically grabbing at all.

In recent months, by the way, the situation has moved from a dead point: abandoned buildings and long-suffering slowly return to the economic turnover. So, on the site of the most Hovrin hospital - it was disassembled over several months - housing will be built under the renovation program. Finally, the reconstruction of the "Forum" cinema has been launched on 25 years old - there will be a multifunctional exhibition hall there. Famous native of the Name of Apricot on the Mius Square, a long time, who has been launched, a few years ago, found a second life as an office building for a long time.

In other words, the precious Moscow squares are not empty - the hunters will definitely be found. It is only necessary to deal with entangled at odd relations of property - and not to forget about security commitments that must certainly be attached to historical homes.

For the year of the theater in Moscow ambitious plans. "Corner of the grandfather of Durov", "Vedogogon" and several other theaters will receive new scenes, hundreds of prime mines are preparing on large and small sites.

Art repair

In Moscow, not even a year, and almost a decade Melpomena. Eight years ago, the repair required 65 of 82 buildings of metropolitan theaters. Somewhere there were the dilapidated buildings themselves, somewhere outdated stage equipment. The reconstruction was constantly going, and now by the year Moscow theater is suitable with a completely different luggage. 33 theater was repaired, many of them became modern centers of art: Cook Caklachev's Theater, "Nikitsky Gate", "Shadow", the author's hopes of hopes of Babkina, Roman Viktyuk, Alexander Gradsky. And, of course, the Oleg Tabakov Theater at the Malya Sukharevskaya Square. The master always dreamed that the auditorium was as suitable and spacious as possible. New "Tabakcoque", open in 2016, is the complete embodiment of the ideas of Tabakov. Its theater begins not with hangers, but with a mirror gallery on the first floor. So fabulously, as here, you do not feel yourself in any modern theater: the kaleidoscope reflections - their own and strangers - as if he suffers into a parallel universe.

Repeated the fate of the city

And the year of the theater opened in Moscow is very symbolic: the theater "School of Modern Plays" returned to the native stage. Artists love to say that their theater repeated the fate of Moscow. In 2013, in the famous building on Neglinnaya, 29, a fire occurred, which destroyed all the decoration, which remained from the XIX century. Restorers managed incredible. The most important details of the interior are recreated in accuracy of old materials. Everything here is now exactly like in the restaurant hall. On the walls decorative gilded stucco, under the ceiling, infants angels are hired. Who just was not in this house! The artistic director of the Theater Joseph Riehelgauz seems to be talking about this day. "The restaurant was headed by the cook Lucien Olivier - the inventor of the famous salad." Served here, as Vladimir Gilyarovsky wrote, and other whimsical snacks. Some ingredients for dishes were carried from Europe, and wine and brandy - completely from the bins of Louis XVI.

In this building on Neglinnaya there was a restaurant, a house peasant, a scientific publishing house ... Now - again the theater! Photo: Sergey Mikheev / RG

Mirror history

For dinner in the "Hermitage" one could meet, for example, Fedor Dostoevsky or Ivan Turgenev. "This is the mirror at the entrance you see? Look at him," Kibovsky suggested. - Just imagine: There the most famous writers of Russia in front of the entrance to the restaurant hall also watched! Here is such a connection of times. "

Thanks to Moscow restorers, they managed to save and part of the building built before the war with Napoleon. It may seem incredible, but she survived even with a large fire of Moscow in 1812. Survived and disaster 2013. Many details of the decoration experts were able to restore, rubbing several layers of paint, applied to the wall after numerous rearrangements of the house on Neglinnaya. In Soviet times, when the restaurant was closed, there were a charitable organization, a scientific publishing house, the house of the peasant ... only in 1989 he was handed over to the modern theater. There played their first star roles Love Polishchuk, Albert Philosov and dozens of other outstanding artists.

The historic building of the restaurant "Hermitage" returned the theater

Now the theatrical spirit lives in the "Hermitage" again. The audience declines and gather "easy-to-hand". Such a transformation makes it possible to play with formats of productions. So, in February, Moscow will see on the stage of "School" monospectacle-improvisation by Alexander Kibovsky. What will see the viewer, the mystery. We must only remember about one thing - "Gandhi is silent on Saturdays." This is the name of the play by the play of the young Russian playwright Anastasia Krepeva. History, alas, many familiar. Every evening a joint dinner. Strong favorite family. Just once the Father comes and says: "Better I will say it now. I'm leaving." The performance is given today at 20.00, you can also purchase tickets for February and March.

Favorite "corner"

In the year of the theater gifts to art fans will follow in Moscow one by one. Even at the end of 2018, the global reconstruction of the "Vedogogon-theater" began - the only professional DramaTheater in Zelenograd. The original project has grown from a children's studio to one of the most visited cultural centers visited in Moscow. The repertoire amazes even the most sophisticated public, almost everything is played here - from Ostrovsky to modern experimental performances. The new "Vedogon-Theater" will become a multifunctional center of art, here will show the settings of the highest technical complexity.

Moscow in terms of supporting theatrical art is a recognized leader. Especially pleased with the grant support of the mayor's office - 700 million rubles this year. These funds will go to the creation of new productions. Grant allows us to plan a repertoire. After all, before, we could not work for a remote perspective, because they did not know whether financing would be.

The buildings of this great architectural period can be found throughout Russia, from St. Petersburg and Moscow to Vladivostok.
Worldwide, Russian architecture is primarily associated with constructivism. The main architectural achievements of the previous period, from the end 19 to the beginning of the 20th century, are associated with the French and Belgian style of Modern or Viennese comprehension. But in Russia there are no less outstanding examples of this style, known as "Modern". RUSSIA BEYOND has chosen 10 buildings with this great era, which are located in different parts of Russia

Livchaka House in Ulyanovsk

Architect Fedor Livchak built this house for his family in 1914. Giving will of his imagination, he developed everything, including interior details and furniture. Architecture combines the features of European style modern - large windows in the shape of a horseshoe, curved porch supports and ceramic panels - with traditional ancient Russian elements.

Hotel Metropol in Moscow

Contemporaries called the "New Style Manifesto" building. The entrepreneur and the patron of Sava Mammoth began construction, but soon she went bankrupt, and therefore the building turned out to be more modest than was planned initially.

House of the company "Zinger" in St. Petersburg

American Singer has built this building between 1902 and 1904, and it should have served as an office in Russia. The company planned to build a 11-storey building in the style of New York skyscrapers, but in St. Petersburg, it was forbidden to build the buildings above the Winter Palace (23.5 meters), which forces the amendments to the project.
Russian architect Pavel Suzu, who was responsible for construction, found an elegant solution - six floors of the building do not exceed the maximum height, but the ether tower with a glass ball on the corner creates a feeling of movement into the sky. The building was the first business center in Russia with trading, banking premises and offices for rent. The architectural decor combines the features of eclecticism and modern. The building inherited a strict granite cladding, bronze Valkyrian maids from the past, while the features of the new style include the flower design of wrought balconies and grids, which is also repeated in the interior decoration.

House of Molchanova and Savina in St. Petersburg

The house was built between 1905 and 1907 for Maria Savina, a famous actress of the imperial theaters, and her husband Anatoly Molchanova. The profession of the housewife at home affected the interiors. In addition to ordinary reception and residential premises, the storage room also has a storage room and the dressing room, while the stained glass window on the stairs and in the hallway illustrates literary stories.

Fostovsky Mansion in St. Petersburg

It was one of the first city buildings in Modern style. Karl Schmidt, Russian architect of German origin, built a house in 1900-1901 for the merchant Pavl Fostovsky, who wanted in the building to be residential premises and offices, as well as warehouses for goods in the basement.

Building "Bank Mitavishnikova" in Nizhny Novgorod

The building was built by Sergey Muskhanik, the most important dignity of the city and therefore it is not surprising that the mittens invited Fedor Shechor, the most fashionable and expensive architect of the time, for their design.

Central in Krasnodar

Hotel Central, which stands in this place from the mid-19th century, was considered one of the best in the city and belonged to the Bogarsukov brothers who were rich merchants. The first floor of a two-story building was given to the stores, and the hotel rooms were located on the second floor.

House of Sharonov in Taganrog

This is another of the projects of Fedor Shechor outside Moscow. The building was commissioned in 1912 by the Taganrog landowner Evgeny Sharonov for his daughter Mary. This is the embodiment of the synthesis of all arts, the idea that was popular at the beginning of the 20th century. The architecture is made in the pseudo-building style (including towers) and is supplemented with ceramic panels.

As noted above, the theater building in structure is divided into two parts: scenic and audience. The first includes all the premises and facilities related to the maintenance of the scene, the second - visual hall, lobby, sidelines, distribution and cash lobby lobby and the complex of the premises of the audience. The stage part occupies 60-70% of the total theater building, the audience - 40-30%.

Such a division gives the most common idea of \u200b\u200bthe essence of theatrical building. Therefore, it is more advisable to consider the theatrical building in terms of differentiation of its structure according to the following scheme:

  • - premises of the audience complex (Fig. 14.5, 14.6);
  • - premises of the demo complex (visual hall, scene; processing of technological scene);

Fig. 14.5.

spectator complex:

  • 1 - cash lobby; 2 - entrance lobby; 3.4 - CASS cabins and duty administrator; 5 - distribution lobby; 6 - dressing room; 7 - Wardrobe; 8 - room of the wardrobe; 9 - the Cabinet of the Chief Administrator and Storage Attachment; 10 - Room distributors of tickets; 11 - children's room; 12 - foyer, sidewars; 13 - pantry with foyer; 14 - buffet; 15 - washing, catching; 16 - pantry, tare; 17 - the exposure room of the museum; 18 - Focus; 19 - employee room; 20 - sanitary blocks; 21 - smoking; 22 - Spectator;
  • 23 - club premises;

I - communication; II - options for connections; III - blocks; IV - input; V - possible entrance;

VI - Possible room (communications)

  • - premises serving the scene (for creative and technical personnel; warehouses);
  • - administrative and economic premises;
  • - industrial premises.

Premises demonstration complex

The main goal of the functional-planning solution of the theater can be defined as the creation of a complex of amenities for the perception of the performance by the audience and to prepare and carry out its creative team.

  • In the dramatic theater - 500-800 places;
  • In a musical and dramatic theater - 500-1000 places;
  • In the theater of the musical comedy - 800- 1200 places;
  • The Opera and Ballet Theater is 1200-1500 seats.

Another capacity of theaters is determined by the design task.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe visual hall is taken at the rate of 0.7 m 2 per place. The area of \u200b\u200bthe visual hall (including balconies, lodges and tiers) are determined within the limits of enclosing structures before the front border of the scene, advance or orchestral pit barriers.

In the history of the theater there were two main systems of the organization of theatrical action: open and depth . The first, coming from antiquity, combines the audience and theatrical action in the volume of the single hall. Spectators are located on three sides of the stage

Fig. 14.6.

but - Foyer without sidewars; b - Foyer with sidewars and organization of them

to the hall; 1 - visual hall; 2 - foyer; 3 - Kuluara

clear platform. Another, coming from the Renaissance and Barochko, separates the action on the deep scene from the visual hall of the portal frame (Fig. 14.7). Traditional searches for various scenic forms are particularly engaged in recently; Additional features in this direction opened the transformation technique.

Fig. 14.7.

1 - flue valves; 2 - rod; 3 - grasp scene; 4 - workers galleries; 5 - TRUM; 6 - rotating circle and ring of mortise type; 7 - Arierrscene; 8 - Safe lid for skated scenery; 9 - scene; 10-pocket scenes; 11 - Advance; 12-way orchestral pit; W SC - scene width; G sh - the depth of the scene; In the SC - the height of the scene; Sh to - width of the pocket; G k - the depth of pocket; In K - the height of the pocket; Sh ar - the width of the arierarsen; AR - the depth of the arierarsen; W C - width of the construction portal; W and - width of the game portal; G A - Depth of the Advancence; Sh yp - width

opening orchestral pit

Portal, or deep, scene

With the deep scene, the performance is initially perceived by the viewer precisely as a spectacle, the action is developing in another environment, in the "other world" separated from the hall (Fig. 14.8). The main parameter determining the dimensions and shape of the portal scene and the visual hall is the size of the playground. The practice has shown that the active action of dramatic performances occurs on a platform with a width of 8 to 14 m and a depth of 5 to yom. For musical theaters with ballet participation, the playground should be at least 12 x 12 m. The width of the portal in the dramatic theater is 10-14 m, in the Opera and Ballet Theater - from 14 to 16 m.

The width of the scene develops from the width of the game space, or portal, and side spaces sufficient to accommodate special devices that decorate the sides of the scenes, bulk scenery, places to find actors, placement of light-equipment, etc. Typically, the scene width should not less than 2 times higher than the width of the portal opening. The depth of the scene is made, as a rule, 1.5 times the width of the portal.

The deep scene is equipped with grinding and lifting - devices for quick decorations. The height of the scene to grate is three heights of the portal hole. In addition to the main scene, the side scenes (pockets), the lower scene (hold) and the rear scene (ariersten) are provided to accelerate the decorations. In the domestic and foreign practice of designing theaters, six schemes of constructing depth

Fig. 14.8.

but - with side scenic platforms; b - with increased advancement; in - with game windows in the walls of the auditorium or scene; g - with game balconies or galleries in the hall; d, E - with transformation to the central

the Scene, which differ in the degree of spatial development and the amount of possibilities, which in principle can provide this scene (Fig. 14.9, 14.10):

  • Scheme 1 - scene with two pockets and an alarce;
  • Scheme 2 - scene with one pocket and an alarm;
  • Scheme 3 - scene with two pockets without arierarsena;

Fig. 14.9.

shown conditionally)

Fig. 14.10.

showing conditionally):

a-G. - with one pocket and an alarm; d-E. - with one pocket without arierarsen; j. I. - with two pockets; k-L. - with the alarm without pockets; m. - without

pockets and ariersmen

Width, M.

Depth, M.

Construction portal (game portal)

Mini-mall depth of advancement, m


Height, M.

Depth, M.

Height, M.

Depth, M.

Height, M.

  • Scheme 4 - scene with one pocket;
  • Scheme 5 - scene with an alarm;
  • Scheme 6 - scene without pockets and arierarsenes.

Under the tablet, the scene is envisaged by the sizes in terms of equal scenes. The height of the trim to the bottom of the protruding structures is recommended to take at least 2.2 m. In the case of applying a tablet equipment, a mortise rotating circle, a circle with a ring (rings), as well as in the absence of such equipment, the three-storey is designed. When designing a drum circle, lifting sites and other similar stage equipment, the number of floors is determined by the project.

Advance is designed to convex into the hall, straight or envelope the front part of the audience zone. Side Wings of Advance (Calipers) can be continued before crossing them with the transverse passage of the visual hall. The length of the extension is designed for no less width of the construction portal. With advanced in the absence of side wings, at least two staircases or ramps leading to the paristers are provided for the level of the first rows of visual seats. There is also a device of a solid staircase around the perimeter of advancement. It is recommended to provide exits to the exist venerer when the scene curtain is closed.

Table 14.2.

The height of the floor level to the bottom of the protruding structures is 2.1-2.4 m. The area per alternator of the orchestra is at least 1.3 m. When designing it makes sense to provide for the possibility of overlapping an orchestral pit; It is possible to transform its barrier and gender. Outblowing of advancement over the orchestral pome is 1/3 of the last width in dramatic and musical and dramatic theaters and 1/4 - in the theaters of the musical comedy, opera and ballet. On the sides of the orchestral pit, the side walls of the visual hall are left to the extensance areas with a width of at least 1.2 m. In case of hungry over the orchestral yam, a device of a stepped floor of an orchestral pit is possible with a decrease in the scene.

The construction of the visual hall is closely related to the scene (Fig. 14.11). Thus, the perception of theatrical action is freely occasionally from places, limited width of the portal. Mimicu actor consider being distinguishable when removing the viewer from the red line of the scene (the projection of the portal on the tablet of the scene) is 25 m in the dramatic theater and 32 m - in the opera. In addition, vertical and horizontal corners of the best perception are normalized.

There are two main types of visual halls: the Yarus and AMPI-theatrical (Fig. 14.12, 14.13, 14.18).

The volume of the visual hall is calculated based on the norm 4-6 m 3 per view of the audience in the dramatic theater and 6-8 m 3 - in the Opera Theater. The area of \u200b\u200bvisual sites in the hall can be tentatively taken at the rate of 0.7 to 0.8 m 2 per viewer.

It should be noted that the auditorium of any spectacular building is designed as a complex complex based on acoustic and lighting calculation; Requirements vary depending on the modernization of technological equipment and new features of constructive solutions (Fig. 14.14). To meet the requirements arising from the spectral

Fig. 14.11.

1 - deep portal; 2 - deep tripportal; 3 - depth uniform; 4 - panoramic; 5 - ring; 6 - trilateral; 7 - Central

Fig. 14.12.

tags, various in the genre and scenic solutions, as well as public events of another kind, film conveyors, concerts, etc., apply the transformation of the scene and the auditorium. Planning and spatial transformations are possible, as well as their various combinations (Fig. 14.15). A feature of the planning transformation is its auxiliary nature. Creating options for architectural and planning solutions of the scene and hall, it provides compromise conditions for conducting various events without affecting the main parameters of the hall -

Fig. 14.13.

Fig. 14.14.

I - Summer Concert and Theater Hall (types of scenes: a - deep, isolated from the environment; b - three-sided - panoramic, open; in - deep - trilateral - central closed, with transformation of spectator sites; g - deep - trilateral with a transforming back) ;

II - Natural and historical and architectural theater (types of scenes: but - Frontal extended, with several stage scenics; b - Ring with a rotating amphitheater; in - trilateral - ring; g - combined with a wide front of contact with a surroundings; d - panoramic with natural or architectural background); III - Cooperation Construction (but -open amphitheater with year-round theater; b - Outdoor amphitheater on the roof of the city hall; in - Open amphitheater with a closed dance hall; g - a few amphitheatres

ooooo oaaa o.


oh about oo

\u003e Ol\u003e ooa I.

1 0 ODO abouty ^ o ° / ii

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Fig. 14.15. Examples of small halls:

but - the transformation of the hall based on the mobile sections of the audience; b - halls with a non-transformable scene; in - halls with rotating


form and volume. The spatial transformation is a radical means with which you can change both the form and volume and number of rooms, which ensures the appropriate options for solving the hall for each of the events carried out, increases the efficiency of using the entire structure.

During the scene there are places of its technological support: lighting side lodges (side walls of the hall); premises of remote sofit (above the auditorium); light preparation, light-appliances (behind the rear wall of the auditorium); Room for frontal remote lighting (front lighting bed), sound-appliance, cabins of speakers and translators, sound operator bed (behind the back wall of the auditorium or this wall from the side of the hall); RIRPROECTION (behind the back wall of the scene or arierarsen); Thyristor (near the scene).

Lighting side lodges are placed in a zone of limited angles (in terms of) 55 and 65 ° to the longitudinal axis of the hall with a vertex located on the front border of the extension. The width of the lighting lodge is taken equal to at least 1.8 m. The number of lighting side lies on each side of the auditorium is made in an amount of at least two. The distance from the floor level of the lower lighting lodges to the level of the tablet scene is taken equal to at least 2.5 m, and the distance between the flooring levels located one above the other is not less than 2.5 m. The depth of the lies should be at least 2 m.

The premises of the remote sofit of a height and width of at least 2 m is placed on the visual hall so that the optical axis of the lighting devices is located in the zone limited to the rays to the horizontal plane: from 50 to 60 ° with a vertex at a distance of 1 m from the front border of the advance (orchestra barriers pit) towards the scene; From 9 to 15-20 ° with vertex at the level of the top of the game portal, located 1 m from the red line to the depth of the scene.

Scene premises

The premises serving the scene include:

  • - premises for waiting for the scene;
  • - artistic restrooms;
  • - rehearsal rooms (Fig. 14.16);
  • - Warehouses.

Establishment of the exit to the scene simultaneously serve for rapid dressing and rapidly rehabilitation or make-up amendments, to relax in the interruptions between the outputs or the last workout, to provide first aid, for the operational communication of performers with costumes and requisites.

In practice, there are two types of exiting premises for the scene: the first - for dramatic and musical and dramatic theaters, somewhat smaller in size, has a greater degree of comfort; The second - for musical theaters, has an additional warm-up zone with the appropriate equipment. It is also recommended for the theaters of a young viewer, pantomime and others whose art is associated with intensive movement. The area of \u200b\u200bthe expenditure on the scene is determined at the calculation of the one-time number of artists in each

Fig. 14.16.

but - Hall for the rehearsal of the choir in the Opera and Ballet Theater; about - the hall for the rehearsal of the ballet and the theater of the musical comedy with the width of the gaming portal 10 m; in - Small rehearsal hall of the theater with a width of the gaming portal 10 m

for dramatic and musical and dramatic theaters - at least 1.7 m 2 per artist; For the theater of a musical comedy - at least 1.8 m 2; For the opera and ballet theater - at least 1.9 m 2.

Artistic restrooms are designed for dressing up in a stage or rehearsal suit, overlapping and removing makeup, hygienic procedures, recreation, individual steps of rehearsal work and special training, work with text and other materials (Fig. 14.17). Depending on the number of artists in the premises, artistic restrooms are divided into individual, calculated on one performer, groups from 2 to 6 people and common (or mass), which accommodate more than 6 artists. For theatrical buildings of various purposes (genre), three main types of artistic launches are performed: premises of dramatic, musical and dramatic actors; premises of vocalists of musical theaters; Restrooms ballet artists.

Warehouses of the staged property are divided: on duty, where design items are stored in a state of readiness for submission to the scene; The current season, which contains the design of the entire repertoire of this theater season separately on performances, and reserve, where the property of rarely running or removed from the repertoire of performances is stored for reuse. According to the principle of separate storage, there are eight main types of warehouses: volumetric and machinery; furniture, butaforia and props; suits; shoes; electrical appliances and electrodekvitis; sound equipment; soft and picturesque scenery; Parics and other sheer products.

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Fig. 14.17. Examples of planning group artistic launches:

but - For two actors of the dramatic theater; b - for two ballet soloists; in - For three actors of the dramatic theater; g - for three ballet artists; d - For four actors of the dramatic theater; e - for four ballet artists; well For six actors of the dramatic theater; and - for six artists

ballet (sizes are given in centimeters)


Dimensions (length x width x height) of rehearsal halls of theaters, m

Dramatic and musical dramatic

Musical Comedy, Operas and Ballet

With scenes

Rehearsal halls:

  • 9x9x5
  • 9 x 6 x 3,6
  • 12x12x6.
  • 9 x 9 x 3,6
  • 15 x 15x6.
  • 12x 12x5
  • 15 x 15x6.
  • 12 x 12x5.
  • 18 x 18 x 7.5
  • 15x 12x6.
  • 18x 18x7.5
  • 15x 12x6.
  • 21 x 21 x 7.5
  • 15x 15x6.

Rooms for rehearsals:


  • 15x9x4,5
  • 9 x 6 x 4.2
  • 6 x 6 x 4.2
  • 18 x 12x4,5
  • 12 x 9 x 5.1
  • 9 x 6 x 4.2
  • 18 x 12x4,5
  • 15x9x5,7
  • 9x9x4,2
  • 18x 15x4,5;
  • 15x12x6.
  • 12 x 9 x 4.2;


Universal rehearsal room

Dimensions, appointment and approximate number of rehearsal rooms for scenes C-1-C-5 are recommended to be taken according to Table. 14.3.