Retelling Fairy Tales Snow Maiden in the Preparatory Group. Abstract for artistic reading "Reading the fairy tale" Snow Maiden "

Retelling Fairy Tales Snow Maiden in the Preparatory Group. Abstract for artistic reading "Reading the fairy tale" Snow Maiden "

Abstract of organized educational activities of children in the preparatory group on the topic "Snow Maiden's fairy tale"

The passage of Vera Pavlovna, the music director MADOU "Kindergarten №6 M. Agryza", Agryzsky Municipal District Republic of Tatarstan.

Work description: I offer you an abstract of organized educational activities for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years) on the topic "Snow Maiden's fairy tale." This material will be useful to educators of the preparatory group, musical leaders and speech therapists. This is a summary of cognitive classes aimed at developing connected speech and musical abilities from senior preschoolers.

The abstract of organized educational activities of children in the preparatory group on the topic "Fairy Tale" Snow Maiden ".

Integration of educational regions "Cognitive development", "Speech Development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".

Purpose: Learn children to retell a fairy tale, develop musical abilities through the perception of the fairy tale "Snow Maiden".

Educational: Activate in the speech of children: the name of the fairy tales, the names of fabulous heroes; To form a desire to actively participate in various types of musical activity. ; Fastening the assimilation of the form of a genitive case.
Developing: Develop thinking, memory, fine motor skills, activate the articulation apparatus using rhythmodclamation.
Educational: Bring up kindness, goodwill, emotional responsiveness to music; Relieve the ability to listen to the teacher and answer the questions correctly. Educating love and interest in fairy tales.

Demonstration material:
Slides on the fairy tales "Snow Maiden"; Musical Instruments Metallophone, Maracas, Music Center, Snowflake Templates (for each child).

Maracas, snowflake templates, scissors.

Methodological techniques:
Game situation, conversation, viewing of slides and children's story, Rhythmodeclamation "Snowflake", Dance-improvisation "Waltz Snowflakes", Problem situation, productive activities, analysis, reflection.

The course of organized educational activities:
Introductory: Sounds music "Kaba was not winter ...".
Educator: Guys, now what time of year? (winter)
- And what would happen if there were no winter? (There would be no snow ...)
- That's right guys. If there were no winter, there would be no snow, a new year, and we could not build snowy buildings, could not ride on sleds and skates, they would not play in snowballs, they would not jump into drifts, they would not know the fairy tales about winter .
Main part:
Educator: What winter fairy tales do you know? ("Morozko", "Snow Queen" ...)
- Guys, and what holiday will we soon have? (New Year)
- Who comes to us in the New Year? (Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, fabulous characters)
- Who is Santa Claus comes with? (with the Snow Maiden)
Educator: Guys, do you want to know how it appeared? Let's remember together and tell the "Snow Maiden" fairy tale (children retell a fairy tale in slides).

Respiratory exercise "Let's drink on the snowflake."
- Guys, snowflakes light and air, and let's drink on the snowflakes, substitute your palms.
- A big snowflake is lying on his palm (hold the snowflake on the palm)
This snowflake will take a little bit.
Cooked quietly - Snowflake lies, (Slowly blend)
Poured stronger - the snowflake flies (blowing strongly).

Problem situation.
Educator: Remember how the fairy tale ended? (Snow Maiden melted.)
-How can we help the Snow Maiden? (Cut it again).
Educator: We can cut the Snow Maiden with you. We will need a lot of snow. And let's call snowflakes.
Rhythmodeclamation about snowflakes (holds a music director).
- Snowflakes fall from the sky
Like white mushki,
Covering everything around
Soft, velvet carpet. (Celebrate rhythm cotton, stench, click, spring ...)
- Let's call the snowflakes in the dance (game on Maracas).
Snowflakes sounds "Waltz Snowflakes" P.I. Tchaikovsky, boys play on Maracas, girls arbitrarily dance, then girls play, and the boys are dancing (holds a musical leader).

Work with stencils behind the tables.
Educator: Look, snowflake stencils appeared on the tables. Let's call them and cut down to make the Snow Maiden.
(Children rub the snowflakes behind the tables, sounds "Waltz snowflakes" P.I. Tchaikovsky).
And now I'll post the Snow Maiden from our snowflakes (laid out on the floor).
- Guys, look at the Snow Maiden, what is it wonderful! Let's give our Snow Maiden compliments
Children: Beautiful, fun, elegant, kind, fabulous, cute.
- Guys who we helped? (We helped the Snow Maiden.)
- Now you know that if there were no winter, there would be no snowy buildings, Snow Maiden.
- Who can you tell this fairy tale? (I will tell this fairy tale ... Pope, mom, grandmother ...)
- And now we will go for a walk and cut the snow maiden from the snow. (Hooray!!!)

Presentation on the topic: Russian folk fairy tale "Snow Maiden"

Speech development in the preparatory group.

"Reading the Russian folk fairy tale" Snow Maiden ".

Purpose: To acquaint with the Russian folk fairy tale "Snow Maiden".


1 . Educating the ability to perform coordinated movements, combining with an artistic word. Educate the ability to maintain the right posture in various activities.

2 . To form the ability to holistically perceive the fairy tale in the unity of its content and artistic form.Exercise in the ability to retell a fairy tale with a support for a series of plot pictures. To form the skills of connected speech, the ability to clearly express feelings using adjectives in speech.

4. Love love for Russian interpretation folk creativity

Materials, equipment: Tales text "Snow Maiden", illustration for a fairy tale, pointer, tape for the game, microphone, coloring page.

Wordwork: People are kind, the marsh of the maiden, the dumbbeds of the Russians, it does not seem, the souls are not tea, SPRED, and so on.

Integration of educational areas:Speech development, cognitive development, socio-communicative development, artistic and etiological development.

Event flow:

  1. Organizing time.

IN.: - Just say hello to guests guys! And I say hello to the words from the Russian fairy tale:

Hello, good people!

- Hello, dull it yourself Russians! (boys).

Hello, marshes are red, cute and beautiful! (girls).

Q: What do you think guys, why I greeted the words from the fairy tale today (because we will read a fairy tale or other answers of children)

IN.: You're right. In the magic world of fairy tales today will behave this book. Looking only for the cover, you can determine what fairy tale today at a party (reasonable answers of children)

2 part. Reading a fairy tale.

IN.: - Let's read the Russian folk fairy tale"Snow Maiden" (reading).

Contest content:

Did you like the fairy tale?

- Why is the fairy tale called "Snow Maiden"? (blind from snow)

Why the old man with the old woman began to sculpt the Snow Maiden? (reasonable answers of children)

Beautiful turned out of old people a daughter?

And what words in Russian fairy tales talk about beautiful girls? (Maiden-Krasavitsa, Krasno Maiden, that neither in the fairy tale say or describe)

What words described the Snow Maiden in a fairy tale, remember?(White itself, exactly snow, braza blond to the belt, only there is no Rumyanta at all)

Recall what mood was the snowmamry in winter?

What was she? (cheerful)

(I propose to get up and depict joy on faces)

IN. : Look what are you all good, joyful. Well done.

What was the Snow Maiden with the arrival of summer? Describe it

That's what kind of sad, unemployed. Picture sadness on the faces - look at each other - oh, what are you unhappy, sad faces.

Why did the Snow Maiden become so sad?

How disappeared Snow Maiden? What happened to her?

What, turned the Snow Maiden?

Think if the Snow Maiden disappeared without a trace, can she appear again on earth? (Snow will go from the cloud in winter, and we can again meet her on the New Year holiday).

What does it mean?(passed from generation to generation a fairy tale, from the mouth to the mouth, so lives the fairy tale still).

3.Fizminutka (performed to the music)

Q: Let's, and we are glady the Snow Maiden. But at first, I want you to look at your hands and hands of a friend. Please note the boys are big, strong. Therefore, they will have strong lumps will be obtained, and girls have small handles, gentle, therefore, they will turn out small, fragile. I will very much boys when we roll big snow lumps to help girls put them on each other.

Q: Well, we take snow, sculpt snow lumps.

Take snow we are a little bit

Snowballs are blind on his palm.

And now it's time to create

Baby snowy sculpt.

Whom they showed

Flew each other,

From above the third small com.

Snow shook from the hands later.

Q: Well done, see what good Snow Maiden turned out.

And now, I want to teach you to play the Russian folk game, in which your moms and dads played and in which the guys played in a fairy tale. Called the game "Zarya -chalaritsa" (explaining the meaning of words)

The mobile game "Dawn is a charge."

Zarya - charge,

Red maiden

On the field went,

Keys dropped,

Gold keys,

Ribbons painted.

One, two, three are not rave

And run like fire!

(Children get into a circle, hands holding his hands behind her back. Driving - Zarya walks behind the players in a circle with a ribbon or handkerchief. Everyone utters the words of the game. With the last words, I carefully puts the tape on the shoulder one of the players, who noticing it, takes the ribbon, And both are running in different directions in a circle. The one who fed first becomes free in a circle. The one who remained without a place becomes a gar and the game is repeated).

(I pretend that I have a book fall and all leaflets are scattered)

4.D \\ and "Collect the picture correctly»Children collect pictures in order.

Q: But before we try to retell a fairy tale in the picture, play the game "Translators" - i will call you an incomprehensible word or a phrase from a fairy tale, and you will translate her - to call it differently, just to understand! (take a microphone)

  • Lived okay - is it like? (When peace reigns in the family and calm - everything is laid)
  • Attached handles and legs - what did you do?
  • Began to grow not by day, but by the hour? - What is it like?
  • The souls of the old man in his daughter do not have a challenge - it's like? Treat to someone with endless love, love him, adore.
  • Work in hands argues -everything succeeds, everything turns out
  • Unfinished - unhealthy
  • Smello - coming evening
  • Began to click the Snow Maiden -call for

5. Coloring fairy tales by pictures.

Q: And please tell me, please, would you jump through the fire? (motivated children's responses)


Q: I suggest to revive our fairy tale, beat her .... I will now turn some of you in the heroes of the fairy tale.

7. Modeling fairy tale symbols.

Q: - Sad end to this Russian folk fairy tale?

And why are we sad? (Snow Maiden evaporated)

And you can come up with and make so that the Snow Maiden does not disappear?

But as?

We are also a Russian people with you, let's come up with your, cheerful and happy end of the fairy tale "Snow Maiden"? (inventing)

8. Reflection.

Well done how you're invented cool! Let's remember once again, what kind of fairy tale was our guest? Who is the author of the fairy tale? Remember interesting words from the fairy tale.

Here is the end, and who worked well - well done!

And worked well everything! Here for this you give a gift - Snow Maiden coloring. Therefore, now we will say goodbye to the fairy tale, I will say goodbye to guests and will figure out our gift (deactivate with a color sand)

Uskova Olga Nikolaevna,


Maura Perevalovskaya Sosh

Objectives: Learn to perceive fiction and expand the lexical stock by dating fabulous words and expressions.

Tasks: To introduce the work of the Russian people, learning to characterize the characters of a fairy tale in their actions, to expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe old Russian customs, to educate love for loved ones, fix the ability to correctly draw a person's figure, evaluate your work, choose paints to draw your own paint, to bring up the desire to bring the work started to the end .

Planned results: The child expresses positive emotions (joy, interest) while reading the fairy tale "Snow Maiden", actively and goodly interacts with the teacher and peer during a conversation on a fairy tale, interested in children's visual activities.

Materials and equipment: Exhibition of collections of Russian folk fairy tales, illustrations to the fairy tale "Snow Maiden", laptop, projector, CD-disk with a record of Aria from the Opera "Snow Maiden", albums, brushes, paints, napkins.

  1. 1. Organizing time

Children, I prepared a riddle for you. Guess it:

Krasno Girl is sad

She does not like spring.

She is hard in the sun,

Tears pouring, poor thing. ( Snow Maiden)

Who guess what fairy tale says in the riddle? ( Russian fairy tale "Snow Maiden»).

Today I will show you how the famous artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov drew a snow maiden.

2. Showing paintings V.Vasnetsova "Snow Maiden" (1899)

Now let's get together where it is comfortable and I will read this fairy tale to you. Listen carefully.

Reading a fairy tale teacher accompanies with a show of M. Malkus "Snow Maiden". ( Slides from 11 to 17).

Children, you listened to a fairy tale. Tell me, what episode do you remember? Why? Why did Snow Maiden listened to his grandfather and grandmother and went with girlfriends in the forest? (She wanted to become like people). Name the main reason for the disappearance of the Snow Maiden: (She melted).

3. Game activity

- And let's guys play with you a little. Now we are also a blind Baby. (The teacher reads poems, and children accompany movements)

Take snow we are a little bit

Snowballs are blind on his palm.

They left them together

Our hands soften.

And now it's time to create

Baby snowy sculpt.

Whom they showed

Flew each other,

From above the third small com.

Snow shook from the hands later.

Well done! This is what snowbaby we blind.

Guys. Not only artists painted paintings to fairy tales. Composers even composed music to them. Let's listen to classical music with you. (NikolaiRoman Korsakov: Opera "Snow Maiden". The Choir and Orchestra of the Bolshoi Theater, Conductor Kondrashin. Record: 1946.

4. Artistic and creative activity of children

And now we will draw the Snow Maiden, which we presented with you, looking at the picture and listening to music. (The teacher draws attention to how the children sat down, on the right posture, whether they hold the brush correctly (shit), helps the council (individually).

5. Reflection

All drawings are considering along with children, we note the most expressive, hang in the lobby for parents.

6. Bibliographic list.

1. Lobodina, N.V. Complex classes on the program "from birth to school" ed. NOT. Veracses, TS Komarova, M.A.Vasilieva / N.V. Belodina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. - P. 104, 147, 162.

  1. Lapteva, O.I. Dynamic Minutes and Physical Pauses in kindergarten / O.I. Laptev. - Moscow: Mosaic Synthesis, 2010.- p.28.
  2. Link: http: //mp3.classic- Action 4).
  3. Link:

Attachment 1

Everything in the world is going on, about any fairy tale says. Lived, were grandfather da Baba. In total, they had plenty - and a cow, and sheep, and a cat on the stove, but there were no children. They were very sad, all grieved. Once in winter fell on the snow on the knee. The guys neighbor on the street poured out - ride on the sledding, rushing snowballs, and they became a snowbabo to sculpt. The grandfather looked at them from the window, looked and says the Baba: - What, the wife, when you sit, sit, you look at the children, let's go and we, we are walking at old age, Slopim and we are a snowbaby. And on the old woman, right, I also rolled the joyful hour. - Well, let's go, grandfather, outdoor. Only what a woman scream to sculpt? Let's cut off the daughter of the Snow Maiden. No sooner said than done. Let the old men go to the garden and let the snowy daughter sculpt. Heat her daughter, inserted two blue beads instead of the eyes, made two sneakers on the brushes, from the scarlet ribbon - the rotch. Where as good snowy daughter Snow Maiden! Look at her grandfather with a woman - they do not look, admire - do not push. And at the Snow Maiden, the rotch smiles, the hairs curl.

He moved the Snow Maiden with legs-handles, and he moved from his place and went along the garden to the hill. Deed and Baba were definitely lost - to the place of risk.
- Grandfather, - Baba shouts, - Yes, we have a daughter lively, the Snow Maiden is dear! And I rushed to the hut ... That's the joy! Snow Maiden grows not by day, but by the hour. Not a day - Snow Maidest is more beautiful. Grandfather and Baba do not look at it, do not miserable. Or is the Snow Maid - like a snowflake white, eyes that blue beads, a blond braza to a belt. Only the Rumyanta at the Snow Maiden is not like yes in the lips neither blood buoylook. Ay, so good stubborn!
Spring-clear came, ponabucheli kidneys, bees flew in the field, soldered the larks. All the guys are happy Radyzheny, girls spring songs sing. And the Snow Maiden was bored, sad began, everything looks in the window, the tears pour. So the summer came red, blooms bloomed in the gardens, ripen bread in the fields ... The forest of the former Snow Magnus frowns, everything from the sun hides, everything would be in a shade yes in chill, and better under rains. Grandfather da Baba All ahaut: - Are you healthy, daughter? - Healthy me, grandmother. And everything is hiding everything in the corner, does not want to the street. Girls in the forest in the berry are gathered once - in Malinka, Blueberry, Alu Zemerichko.
Steel and Snow Maiden with Hall: - Let's go, let's go, Snow Maiden! .. - Let's go, let's go, girlfriend! .. reluctance to the Snow Maiden in the forest go, reluctant to the Snow Maiden under the sun. And then Grandfather and Baba veiled: - Go, go, Snow Maiden, go, go, Baby, have fun with girlfriends.

He took the Snow Maiden body, went to the forest with girlfriends. Girlfriends walk in the forest, wreaths weave, dance water, sing songs. And the Snow Maiden found a jettle river, it sits near him, it looks in the water, the fingers in rapid water waters, drops, like pearls, plays.

So the evening came. Girls were played out, put the wreaths on the head, the bonfire was burned out of his poultry, began to jump across the fire. Reluctant to jump by the Snow Maiden ... Yes, girlfriend stuck to her. Snow Maiden came to the fire ... it's worthwheeling, in the face nor there is no bleeding, the blond braza crumbled ... shouted girlfriends: - Jump, jump, Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden fused and jumped ... She kept over the fire, groaned complaints, and did not become Snow Maiden. The white couples stretched over the bone, twist in the cloud, flew the cloud to height in the height.
Snow Maiden melted ... (Tolstoy A.)

Series A No. 0000781

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Speech development in the preparatory group.
"Reading the Russian folk fairy tale" Snow Maiden ".
Objective: to acquaint with the Russian folk fairy tale "Snow Maiden".
1. Recompret the ability to perform coordinated movements, combining with an artistic word. Educating the ability to maintain the right posture in various activities.
2. Form the ability to holistically perceive the fairy tale in the unity of its content and artistic form. Exercise in the ability to retell a fairy tale with a support for a series of plot pictures. To form the skills of connected speech, the ability to clearly express feelings using adjectives in speech.
4. Love love for Russian interpretation folk creativity
Materials, equipment: Tales text "Snow Maiden", illustration for a fairy tale, pointer, tape for the game, microphone, coloring page. Wokery work: people are kind, the marsh of the girls, the goddang, the Russians, the Russians, the souls do not have tea, squeezed, etc.
Integration of educational areas: speech development, cognitive development, socio-communicative development, artistic and etiological development.
Event flow:
Organizing time.
W.: - say hello to the guests guys! And I say hello to the words from the Russian fairy tale:
- Hello, good people!
- Hello, dumbbed great men! (boys).
- Hello, marshes are red, cute and beautiful! (girls).
Q: What do you think guys, why I greeted the words from the fairy tale today (because we will read a fairy tale or other answers of children)
W.: You are right. In the magic world of fairy tales today will behave this book. Looking only for the cover, you can determine what fairy tale today at a party (reasonable answers of children)
2 part. Reading a fairy tale.
W.: - Let's read the Russian folk fairy tale "Snow Maiden" (reading).
Contest content:
- Did you like a fairy tale?
- Why is the fairy tale called "Snow Maiden"? (blind from snow)
- Why the old man with the old woman began to sculpt the Snow Maiden? (reasonable answers of children)
- Beautiful turned out from old people a daughter?
- And what words in Russian fairy tales talk about beautiful girls? (Maiden-Krasavitsa, Krasno Girl, that neither in a fairy tale say not to describe)
- What words described the Snow Maiden in a fairy tale, remember? (Whlenstone itself, exactly snow, braza blond to the belt, only there is no Rumyanta)
- Remember what mood was the snowmog in the winter?
- What was she? (cheerful)
(I propose to get up and depict joy on faces)
W.: Look what you all are all good, joyful. Well done.
- What was the Snow Maiden with the arrival of summer? Describe it
That's what kind of sad, unemployed. Picture sadness on the faces - look at each other - oh, what are you unhappy, sad faces.
- Why did the Snow Maiden become so sad?
- How did the Snow Maiden disappeared? What happened to her?
- What, has the Snow Maiden turned?
"Think if the Snow Maiden disappeared without a trace, could she appear again on earth? (Snow will come from the cloud in the winter, and we can again meet her on New Year's Eve).
- Is it possible to consider the fairy tale "Snow Maiden"? - It is possible, since there is a transformation - the Snow Maiden came to life.
W.: - And who is the author of the fairy tale "Snow Maiden"? (Russian people)
- What does it mean? (passed from generation to generation a fairy tale, from the mouth to the mouth, so lives the fairy tale still).
3.Fizminutka (performed under the music)
Q: Let's, and we are glady the Snow Maiden. But at first, I want you to look at your hands and hands of a friend. Please note the boys are big, strong. Therefore, they will have strong lumps will be obtained, and girls have small handles, gentle, therefore, they will turn out small, fragile. I will very much boys when we roll big snow lumps to help girls put them on each other.
Q: Well, we take snow, sculpt snow lumps.
Take snow we are a little bit
Snowballs are blind on his palm.
And now it's time to create
Baby snowy sculpt.
Whom they showed
Flew each other,
From above the third small com.
Snow shook from the hands later.
Q: Well done, see what good Snow Maiden turned out.
And now, I want to teach you to play the Russian folk game, in which your moms and dads played and in which the guys played in a fairy tale. Called the game "Zarya -chalaritsa" (explaining the meaning of words)
The mobile game "Dawn is a charge."
Zarya - charge,
Red maiden
On the field went,
Keys dropped,
Gold keys,
Ribbons painted.
One, two, three are not rave
And run like fire!
(Children get into a circle, hands holding his hands behind her back. Driving - Zarya walks behind the players in a circle with a ribbon or handkerchief. Everyone utters the words of the game. With the last words, I carefully puts the tape on the shoulder one of the players, who noticing it, takes the ribbon, And both run in different directions in a circle. The one who rested first becomes free in a circle. The one who remained without a place becomes a gore and the game is repeated). (I pretend that I have a book falls and all leaflets are scattered)
4.D / and "Collect the picture correctly" the children collect pictures in order.
Q: But before we try to retell a fairy tale in the picture, play the game "Translators" - I will call you an incomprehensible word or a phrase from a fairy tale, and you will translate it to me - to call it differently, just to be clear! (take a microphone)
Lived okay - is it like? (When peace and calm reign in the family - they still go to them)
Attached handles and legs - what did you do?
Began to grow not by day, but by the hour? - What is it like?
The souls of the old man in the daughter do not have a challenge - how is it? Treat to someone with endless love, love him, adore.
Work in the hands arms arms - everything is possible, everything turns out
Unfinished - unhealthy
Smello - coming evening
Began to click a snow maiden -
5. Coloring fairy tales by pictures.
Q: And please tell me, please, would you jump through the fire? (motivated children's responses)
Q: I suggest to revive our fairy tale, beat her .... I will now turn some of you in the heroes of the fairy tale.
7. Modeling fairy tale symbols.
Q: - Sad end to this Russian folk fairy tale?
- Why are we sad? (Snow Maiden evaporated)
- Can you come up with and do so that the Snow Maiden does not disappear?
- But as?
- We are also a Russian people with you, let's come up with your, cheerful and happy end of the fairy tale "Snow Maiden"? (inventing)
8. Reflection.
- Well done, how you have come up with! Let's remember once again, what kind of fairy tale was our guest? Who is the author of the fairy tale? Remember interesting words from the fairy tale.
Here is the end, and who worked well - well done!
And worked well everything! Here for this you give a gift - Snow Maiden coloring. Therefore, now we will say goodbye to the fairy tale, I will say goodbye to guests and will figure out our gift (deactivate with a color sand)

Olga Ladygina
Abstract ODO "Reading Russian folk tales" Snow Maiden ""

Abstract ODO "Reading Russian folk tales" Snow Maiden but""

Objective: to acquaint with the Russian folk fairy tale "Snow Maiden".

1. Continue to learn to perform coordinated movements, combining with an artistic word. Educating the ability to maintain the right posture in various activities.

2. To form the ability to holistically perceive the fairy tale in the unity of its content and artistic form. To form the skills of connected speech, the ability to clearly express feelings using adjectives in speech.

3. To educate the love of Russian oral folk creativity

Materials, Equipment: Tales text "Snow Maiden", illustration for a fairy tale, pointer, paper, scissors, laptop.

Integration of educational areas: speech development, cognitive development, socio-communicative development, artistic and etiological development.

1. Organizational moment.

V.: - Good morning guys! Let's greet each other.

Greeting game: "Smile"

(You can play in pairs or standing in a circle)

You are my friend, and I am your friend,

(Palm is heading to each other, then to himself)

How beautiful the world around!

(Spread hands to the sides)

We smile each other,

(Smile at each other)

We take a friend!

(Take your hands)

2. The course of the event.

V.: - Guys, but please tell me what time of year is it? (Winter). What happens in nature? (Children's responses)

Show how you rush when frozen. Now imagine that you warmed up, relaxed. And now I suggest you to go to the magic winter fairy tale, but first guess the riddles.

White Pill Forest covers,

And the bear is sleeping in Berlog.

Snow, like a white border.

Who hosted? (winter)

That's what miracles:

Steel white forests

Shores of lakes and rivers.

What happened? Fell. (snow)

What kind of starfish winter

In cloud hid herself?

Like tiny ice

These stars -. (Snowflakes)

Snow was soft, as if wool.

Who blinded me guys?

I am very accustomed to the snow.

Shoot hello to you. (Snowman!

I am the granddaughter of frost and blizzards,

I am here every year!

With my snowflakes-girlfriend

Merry dance leads. (Snow Maiden)

3. Reading a fairy tale.

B.: In the magical world of fairy tales today, this book will behave today.

Let's read the Russian folk fairy tale "Snow Maiden" (reading).

4. Fizminutka "Winter Games"

Became children ride (palm keep horizontally in front of the breast and make moving forward-back, as if skiing,

And the snow is tumble (make synchronous circular movements with hands in front of the breast: right hand - clockwise, and left - counterclockwise).

Wanted to play in snowballs (put the "snow" from one palm to another)

They began to sculpt them and throw them into each other ("blind" in the snow, and then the "Throw" it in someone in someone).

Started Snowball Snowballs (Slimming the corresponding movements)

BANBU SNOWNLY BUY (bottom-up up with two hands at the same time, please draw three snowballs standing on each other: large, medium and small)

Fun in winter! I do not want home!

5. Conversation in content:

Did you like the fairy tale?

Why is the fairy tale called "Snow Maiden"? (blind from snow)

Why the old man with the old woman began to sculpt the Snow Maiden? (reasonable answers of children)

Beautiful turned out of old people a daughter?

And what words in Russian fairy tales talk about beautiful girls (Girl-Krasavitsa, Krasno Maiden, that neither in a fairy tale not to describe the pen)

What words described the Snow Maiden in a fairy tale, remember? (Whlenstone itself, exactly snow, braza blond to the belt, only there is no Rumyanta)

Recall what mood was the snowmamry in winter?

What was she? (cheerful)

(I propose to get up and depict joy on faces)

V.: Look at what good you are good, joyful. Well done.

What was the Snow Maiden with the arrival of summer? Describe it

That's what kind of sad, unemployed. Picture sadness on the faces - look at each other - oh, what are you unhappy, sad faces.

Why did the Snow Maiden become so sad?

How disappeared Snow Maiden? What happened to her?

What, turned the Snow Maiden?

Think if the Snow Maiden disappeared without a trace, can she appear again on earth? (Snow will come from the cloud in the winter, and we can again meet her on New Year's Eve).

It is possible because there is a transformation - the Snow Maiden came to life.

V.: - What do you think who wrote the fairy tale "Snow Maiden"? (Children's responses) (Russian people)

What does it mean? (Children's responses) (passed from generation to generation a fairy tale, from the mouth to the mouth, and the fairy tale still lives).

Let's try to make a snowman.

6. Finger gymnastics "Lepim Snowman"

Snow fluffy hemoring, heated, heated,

Lepim, sculpt the big

Lepim, sculpt the other,

Lepim, sculpt the third com -

You will be a snowman.

Glazik, Glazik, Nose - Carrot,

The mouth is big, up - bucket.

We will take a look at you and by the side of you.

In the course of the game, children perform imitation movements.

Well done! Beautiful snowmen you got! Guys, and from what a snowman make? (Children's responses) (from snow). And what does snow consist of? (Children's responses) (from snowflakes). And let me try to make snowflakes that do not melt.

7. Designing.

The educator shows the finished snowflake, then shows how to do it: 1. Take a square sheet of paper;

2. We make a triangle from it;

3. Slap in the triangle of the strip;

4. Remove the triangle to get a square again (now it is cut "corners");

5. Connect the corner and glue.

Thus, one petal of snowflakes, we will make 6 such petals and glued together with each other.

Children make snowflakes from paper under the guidance of the teacher.

8. Reflection.

Well done how you're great and did everything! Let's remember once again, what kind of fairy tale was our guest? Who is the author of the fairy tale?

Here is the end, and who worked well - well done!

And worked well everything! And now we will say goodbye to the fairy tale and return to our group and decorate it with non-honeycomb snowflakes.