Early romantic Bitter stories. "Distinctive features of romantic Maxim Gorky images

Early romantic Bitter stories. "Distinctive features of romantic Maxim Gorky images

The writing

Proud of the restlessness of fate and bold freedom. Character heroic. The romantic hero is striving for nothingless freedom, without which there is no genuine happiness for him and which is more expensive than life itself.

At the early stage of creativity, the writer turned to romanticism, thanks to which, created a number of bright literary images. This literary direction allowed the writer not only to create a perfect image, but also to convey the romantic spirit: Proud falcon, deeply in the deep gorge, Danko, freshected by the torch of his heart the way to people, Radda with his beautiful voice - all these heroes of Gorky unites the desire for freedom, They are not afraid even death. In the stories of Gorky, only freedom is for a person present value. For example, he tells the legend of the love of two young gypsies, which is stronger than the love of freedom. The finale of the poems is tragic - Loyko kills Rada in front of the entire Tabor and the dypsy himself. Gorky draws just such a completion of the poem. Because neither Loyko, nor glad did not want to lose freedom.

The heroes of the legends, told Moldovan Ispergil, also strive for freedom. The characters of the story "Old Man Izergil" - Larra and Danko - are opposed to each other, but they also have general similar features. Power of character, pride is emphasized in Lara. But good qualities turn into their opposite, because she despises people. Danko also strives for freedom, takes a serious mission to bring people out of the forest. He pulls his heart, thereby illuminating the road. The romantic heroes of Gorky have many positive, human qualities - freedom, as well as the ability to serve people

e as a literary direction.) Romanticism implies a statement exceptional personalitySpeaker one on one with the worldappropriate from the standpoint of his idealpresented to her exceptional requirements. The hero on the head above people surrounding him society is rejected. This caused so typical loneliness for the romantic hero, which most often thinks to them as a natural state, because people do not understand him and do not accept his ideals. The romantic hero finds equal to himself on only to communicate with the elements, with the world of nature.

Remember the romantic works of Pushkin and Lermontov.

Therefore, such a big role plays in romantic works scenery, Usually devoid of halftone, based on bright colors, expressing the indomitable power of the elements, its beauty and exclusivity. The landscape, thus, is animated and as if emphasizes the originality of the character of the hero. Attempts to rapprocherate the romantic hero with the real world are most often unpromising: reality does not accept the romantic ideal of the hero due to its exclusivity .

The ratio of characters and circumstances in romanticism. For a romantic consciousness, the ratio of nature with real life circumstances is almost unthinkable - this is how the most important feature of the romantic artistic world is formed -principle of romantic dvoemiria. Romantic and therefore the perfect world of the hero is opposed to the world real , contradictory and far from the romantic ideal. The confrontation between romance and reality, romance and the surrounding world is the main feature of this literary direction.

That is exactly what we see the heroes of the early romantic stories of Gorky. Old Tsygan Makar Mirah appears in front of the reader in the romantic landscape: His surrounds " mills autumn night", Which" shuddered and, puggy, revealed to a moment on the left - unlimited steppe, on right - endless sea». Pay attention to the lounge of the landscape, on the infinity of the sea and the steppe, which as it were to emphasize infinity of freedom of heroesHis inability and reluctance for whatever this freedom to be trained. After a few lines, Makar Mirande will declare this position right, arguing about man, from his point of view, non-free: "Will the will of him? Shree steppe understandable? Talking the sea wave having a heart to him? He slave, - as soon as she was born, the slave all his life, and everything here! "

Against the background of the romantic landscape depicted and the old woman isergil: « Wind tech is a wide, smooth wave, but sometimes he exactly jumped through something invisible and, giving birth to a strong impulse, waved the hair of women in fantastic mane, raised around their heads. It made women strange and fabulous . They went farther from us, and night and fantasy dressed their wonderfully».

It is in such a landscape - primorsky, night, mysterious and beautiful - Can realize themselves Makar Miranda and the old woman Izergil - the main characters of these stories. Their consciousness and characters with their silent contradictions become the main subject of the image . For these heroes, the stories are written and written, and the artistic means used by the author are needed to show the heroes in their entirety and contradictory to explain their strength and weakness. Makar Mirah and Ispergil, being in the center of the narration, get the maximum opportunity for self-realization. The writer gives them the right to talk about themselves, freely express their views. Legendsthey told, possessing undoubted artistic independence, nevertheless serve, first of all, a means of disclosing the image of the chief hero, whose name is called the work .

In the legends, macara's representations of mirandes and old women are expressed on the perfect and anti-dayent man, i.e. are presented romantic ideal and anti-day . Talking about Danko and Larre, about Radda and Loyko Zobad, Izergil and miracle speak more about themselves. These legends are needed to the author in order for the isergile and miracle in the most accessible form for them express your own views on life. Let's try to determine the main qualities of these characters.

Makar Miranda, like any romantic, carries in characterthe only beginning which he believes valuable: maximum desire for freedom . Izergil is confident that his whole life was subordinate to only one - love for people. The same start, brought to the maximum extent, embodies the heroes of the legends told by them. For Loyko Zobhar, the highest value is also freedom, openness and kindness: « He loved only her horses and nothing more, and he would not long - she would say and sell, and who wants the money, he, and take. He did not have a cherished - you need his heart, he himself would have pulled him out of the chest and you gave you, if only you were good" Radda - Higher, Exceptional manifestation of pridethat even love for Loyko Zobaru can not be broken: " I never loved anyone, Loyko, but I love you. And I love the will! Will, Loyko, I love more than you. ... worship me on my legs in front of all the tabor and kisses my right hand my - and then I will be your wife».

An insoluble contradiction between the two principles in a romantic character - love and pride - Makar Miracle thinks as completely natural, and it can only be resolved - death - death . The only feature of the character in its maximum manifestation is carried by Danko and Larra, which the old woman is telling Izergil. Danko embodies the extreme degree of self-sacrifice in the name of love for people, Larra - extreme individualism .

Romantic motivation of characters. The exceptional individualism of Larra is due to the fact that he is the son of an eagle that embodies the ideal of strength and will. On the motivation of the characters of Danko, Raddy or Zobad, you just do not have to talk - they are essentially their own, these are originally .

The effect of legends occurs in chronologically uncertain deep antiquity - then as if the time preceding the beginning of the story, the epoch of the first . but in the present there are traces directly related to that epoch - these are blue lights, remaining from the heart of Danko, the shadow of Larra, which Izergil sees ; Smoothly and silently spinning in the darkness of the night handsome Loyko and proud Radda.

Composition of romantic story stories. The composition of the narrative in romantic stories is entirely subordinated to one goal: the most fully show the image of the main character, whether it is Izergil or Maka Mirahm. Forcing them to tell the legends of their people, the author represents a system of values, their understanding of the ideal and anti-imideant in human character, shows what features of the personality, from the point of view of his heroes, respect for respect or contempt. In other words, the heroes in such a way as they specify the coordinate system, based on which the judges may be.

So, the romantic legend is the most important means of creating an image of the chief hero. Makar. Miracle is quite sure that pride and love, two beautiful feelingsBrought by romantics to the highest expression, cannot be reconciled, because the compromise is generally unthinkable for a romantic consciousness. TO onflict between a sense of love and a sense of pride, who are worried about Rada and Loyko Zobar, can only be resolved by the death of both: Romantic cannot be done by any love that does not know borders or absolute pride. But love suggests humility and mutual ability to conquer his beloved. This can not do neither Loyko nor Rada.

How does Makara Makrand evaluate this position? He believes that this is how it should perceivelife is a real man, worthy imitation, and that only with such a life position can be preserved its own freedom. Interesting the conclusion that he has long made from the history of Rudda and Loyko: "Well, Falcon, you want, I will say one day? And you remember her and, as I remember, - the eyelid will be a free bird. " In other words, a truly free person just could realize himself in love, as these heroes were done, told by Makar Miracle.

But does the author agree with his hero? What is the author's position and what are the artistic means of its expression? To answer this question, we must turn to such an important composite feature of early romantic Gorky stories as availabilitypicture of the narrator. In fact, it is one of the most invisible images, it almost does not show itself in actions. But it is the view of this person who is interested in Russia and meeting the many different people in its path is very important for the writer. In the composite center of any Gorky epic work will always stand perceive consciousness - a negative, distorting real picture of life, or a positive, filling being with the highest meaning and content. It is this that perceiving consciousness ultimately is the most important subject of the image, the criterion of the author's assessment of reality and the means of expressing the author's position.

In a later cycle of the stories "By Russia", Gorky will call the hero-narrator not passersby, butpassing, by emphasizing his inquiry look at reality. And in the cycle "According to Rusi", and in the early romantic stories in the fate and the worldview of the "passing", the features of Gorky himself appear, the fate of the writer, from his youth, in his wanders of Russia, was largely reflected in the fate of his hero. Therefore, many researchers suggest talking about bitter narrator in these stories as aboutautobiographical hero.

It is the stare, interested opinion of the autobiographical hero and snatches from the meetings gave him the fate, the most interesting and ambiguous characters - they turn out to be the main subject of the image and research. In them, the author sees the manifestation of the folk nature of the stroke of the ages, trying to explore its weak and strengths. Copyright to them - admiration for their strength and beauty (as in the story "Maka Mirara"), or poetry, a tendency to the aesthetic perception of the world(as in the old woman iszergil), but at the same time disagreement with their position, the ability to see contradictions in their characters. That complex attitude is expressed in stories not directly, but indirectly, with the help of various artistic agents .

Makar Mirandian only skeptically listens to the objection of the autobiographical hero: what, in fact, their disagreement, - remains as if behind the scenario. But the end of the story, where the narrator, looking in the darkness of the steppe, sees the handsome of Gypsy Loyko Zobar and Radda, the daughter of the old soldier Danil, "spisled in the night's darkness smoothly and silently, and he could not have a handsome Loyko to poison with proud Radda, "manifests his position. In these words, the admiration of the author by their beauty and uncompromising, the power of their feelings, an understanding of the impossibility for the romantic consciousness of another resolution of the conflict. At the same time, this is the awareness of the infertility of such an outcome of the case: after all, after the death of Loyko in his pursuit, it is not stamped with proud Radda.

It is more difficult to express the position of the autobiographical hero in the old woman of Izergil. Creating the image of the main character, the bitter composite means gives her the opportunity to imagine and the romantic ideal expressing higher Degree of Love to People (Danko), and the antiidal, embodied informative and contempt for others (Larra). The ideal and antiidal, two romantic poles of the narrative, expressed in the legends, ask the coordinate system, in the framework of which he wants to put himself with the Izergil. The composition of the story is such that two legends seemed to be a story about her own life, which is the ideological center of the narration. Certainly condemning the individualism of Larra, Izergil thinks that her own life and fate seek rather to the Panco Pole, who embodied the highest ideal of love and self-sacrifice. In fact, her life, like the life of Danko, it was entirely devoted to love - The heroine is absolutely sure of that. But the reader immediately draws attention to the ease, she forgot to forget her former love for the sake of New, as she just left once beloved people. They stopped exist for her when passion passed. The narrator always tries to return it to the story of those who just held her imagination, and which she had already forgotten:

"- And where did the fisherman go? - I asked.

Fisherman? And he ... here ...<...>

Wait! .. And where is the little Turk?

Boy? He died, boy. From homemade at home or from love ...»

Her indifference to once beloved people amazes the narrator: "I left then. And no longer met with him. I was happy for it: never emerged more than those who once loved. These are bad meetings, I don't care about the dead » .

In all - in the portrait, in the author's comments - we see a different point of view on the heroine. It was the eyes of the autobiographical hero that the reader Izergil sees the reader. Her portrait immediately reveals a very significant aesthetic contradiction . A young girl or young, full forces woman would have to tell about the wonderful sensual love. Before us, a deep old woman, in its portrait, the anti-referring features are delivering deliberately: « Time bent it in half, black once the eyes were dim and got drunk. Her dry voice sounded strange, he crush, exactly the old woman spoke bones». « Her creaky voice sounded as if it was rushed with all the forgotten centuries, embodied in her breast shadows of memories».

Izergil is confident that her life, filled with love, was quite different than the life of the individualist Larra, she could not even imagine anything in common with him, but the view of the autobiographical hero finds this community, paradoxically brings their portraits. "He has now become like a shadow," it's time! He lives thousands of years, the sun dried his body, blood and bones, and the wind spat them. That's what God can make with a person for pride! .. "- tells Izergil about Larre. But almost the same features are seen as a narrator in an ancient old woman Izergil: " I looked at her face. Her black eyes were still dim, they did not revive the memories. The moon illuminated her dry, cracked lips, pointed chin with gray hair on it and a wrinkled nose, swept, like beak owls. On the scene of the cheek were black pits, and in one of them lay a strand of ashes-gray hair, who embarrassed from under the red rag, who was wrapped up her head. The skin on the face, the neck and the hands are cut off with wrinkles, and with each movement of the old Izergile, it was possible to wait that the dry skin would break everything, fall apart with pieces and his naked skeleton with dull black eyes».

All in the image of Izergil resembles the narrator Larr - first of all, of course, its individualism, brought to extreme, almost brings closer with individualism Larra, its antiquity, its stories about people, the long ago of their lives of life: "And they are all - only pale Shadows, and the one they kissed, sitting next to me, live, but desired by time, without a body, without blood, with a heart, without desires, with eyes without fire, is also almost shadow, "let's remember that Larra turned to the shadow.

The fundamental distance between the position of the heroine and the narrator forms the ideological center of the story and determines its issues. Romantic position with all its beauty and elevation is denied by the autobiographical hero. He shows her hopelessness and approves the relevance of the position of more sober, realistic.

Indeed, the autobiographical hero is the only realistic image in the early romantic stories of Gorky . Its realism manifests itself in the fact that in its character and fate reflected the typical circumstances of the Russian life of the 1890s. The development of Russia for the capitalist path led to the fact that millions of people who were the army of Bosia, Breath, as if "broken off" from the previous social framework, were torn away from its places. The autobiographical hero of Gorky belongs to this layer of people. Researcher of creativity M. Gorky B. V. Mikhailovsky called such a character "broken" from the traditional circle of public relations.

With all the dramatism of this process, it was positive: the horizon and the worldview of people who were destroyed in Rusi, was incomparably deeper and richer than the previous generations, they opened completely new aspects of national life. Russia through these people as if he knew himself. That is why the view of the autobiographical hero is realistic, it is available to him to realize the limitedness of a purely romantic world of minecock, which is observing Makara Miracle for loneliness and leading isergil to full exhaustion.

What features of romanticism affected the "Sokol song" (1895, the second edition - 1899)? How can you determine the genre of this work? What is allegory? How is the conflict? What is the role of a landscape? What are the artistic means of creating images? How expressed a copyright position?

Sergey Volkov

"Intended" portrait

Speaking about the skill of creating a portrait in a literary work, you should not forget about one type of it, which can be called "inscribed". The person is not only "described", but also "fits", turns on in a wider background, becoming its constructive part. And at the same time, this background surroundings throws his dance on a person, makes it look different, reveals in his appearance to the essential features hidden from the eye without such an inclusion.

And reviewed examples of the "inscribed" portrait we find in prose of the twilight of centuries. It uses M. Gorky in his first story "Makar Miranda": "From the sea, a wet wind blew, spreading a thoughtful melody of the splas on the shore to the shore and the rustle of coastal bushes. Occasionally, his impulses brought with me shrouded, yellow leaves and threw them into the fire, blowing the flame; Outside us, the midst of the autumn night shuddered and, puggy, opened on a moment on the left - an endless steppe, right - the endless sea and right against me - the figure of Makara Miracles, the old Gypsy ... "The story hero is served against the background of nature, a mighty, spontaneous; Interesting the position of Makara miracles in this almost Misaneszen - he is exactly in the center, the "limitless" steppe and "endless" sea - like two wings with his back (a dash sign helps to read this fragment of text, making pauses-gestures after words indicating directions: "Left", "Right", "right against me"). The next suggestion of the story again arranged symmetrically, but now the character is given the focus. The element surrounding it is already named and described (in the proposal she "is removed" into particle acts), it is now important to emphasize that the hero is not only similar to it, but also higher, stronger it (indicative of the symmetry of negative particles accompanying the actions of the hero in relation to Elements): " Not contactingattention that cold waves of the wind, opening the Chekken, exposed him hairy chest and hit her mercilessly, he was headed in beautiful, strong pose, face to me, methodically sipped from his huge tube ... And ... talked to me, not celestial and without making any movement To protect against sharp blows of the wind "(italics here and then our. - - S.V.).

A different function is performed by a landscape environment in the description of the princess of faith from the "Pomegranate bracelet" Kurin. The heroine appears on the background of autumn colors: "... she walked around the garden and cautiously cut flowers to the dining table with scissors. The flower beds were excavated and had a messy appearance. Multicolored terry cloves have flown, as well as left - half in colors, and half in thin green jackets that smelled cabbage, pink bushes were still allowed - for the third time for this summer - buds and roses, but already crushed, rare, exactly degenerating. But it bloomed with its cold, arrogant beauty dahlia, peonies and asters, spreading in a sensitive air, herbaceous, sad smell. The remaining flowers after their luxurious love and excessive motherhood quietly trembled in the land of countless seeds of the future life. " The heroine seems to be not yet - we have a description of the colors that it cuts. We look at it carefully: of all the colors are allocated (and again placed in the center of the fragment) dahlia, peonies and asters - the Union "But" opposes them to the left-handed roses, the blooming is not so "magnificent", "cold" and "highly", the word " The rest "at the beginning of the next sentence again allocates them from a number - already on the basis of infertility. All other flowers are not only bloomed, but also gave the seeds, they were led by the love and joy of motherhood, autumn for them - not only the time of dying, but also the time of the "future life" time.

"Human" motifs in the description of colors prepare the characteristic of the heroine itself. We read on the same page: "... faith went to the mother, beauty British, Ov high flexible figure, gentle, but cold and gordym face ... ". The definitions allocated by us are connected in the consciousness of the reader faith, which has no children, and the passion for her husband has long passed, with beautiful, but barren flowers. She is not easy among them - it seems that she is alone of them. So the image of the heroine, which included in the time of its autumn, is embedded in a wider landscape context, which enriches this image with additional meanings.

Maxim Gorky (Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov, 1868-1936) - one of the most significant figures in the world culture of our century and at the same time - one of the most complex and contradictory. In the last decade, attempts were made to "reset the creativity of Gorky from a steamot of modernity." However, we will not forget that at the beginning of the century, the same was trying to do with Pushkin and Tolstoy ...

Perhaps, only the bitter managed to reflect the history of the first third of the twentieth century in his work with a truly epic scope in his work, life and culture of Russia.

Early creativity A.M. Gorky marked the influence of romanticism. In the legacy of any writer, something can like, and there is no something. One will leave indifferent, and the other will be delighted. And this is the more true for the huge and diverse creativity A.M. Gorky. The early works - romantic songs and legends - leave the impression of contact with the real talent. Beautiful heroes of these stories. And not only externally - they refuse miserable fate of serving things and money, their lives have a high meaning. Heroes of early works A.M. Gorky courageous and selfless ("song about falole", a legend of Danko), they glorify the activity, the ability to act (Falcon Images, Petrel, Danko). One of the most striking early works A.M. Gorky is the story of the old woman Izergil (1894). Written a story using a favorite writer Form Form: Legend of Larre, a story about the life of Izergil, Legend of Danko. One whole three parts of the story makes the basic idea - the desire to identify the true value of the human person.

In 1895, Gorky writes his "song about falcut." In contrast images, the horns of life are embodied two forms of life: rotting and burning. In order to brighten the courage of the wrestler, the author opposes the falcon of adaptable horns, the soul of which rotes in the meshchang. Gorky makes a merciless sentence by the integral-mesh well-being: "Born crawling - can not fly." In this work, Gorky sings the song "Madness of Brave", claiming him as "wisdom of life."

Gorky believed that the organization of the "Healthy Workers' People - Democracy" will establish a special spiritual culture at which life - joy, music; labor is pleasure. " That is why at the beginning of the 20th century, the recognition of the writer about the happiness "live on earth", where the new life in the new century should come.

Such a romantic feeling of the era and expressed the "Song of the Petrel" (1901). In this product with romantic drugs, a person was revealed, a non-verifying stagnant world. In the image of the "proud bird", all expensive author of the manifestation of feelings are concentrated: courage, strength, fiery passion, confidence in victory over a scarce and boring life. The petrel connects truly unprecedented abilities: cheapest the wind, "pierce" the darkness, call the storm and enjoy it, see and behind the clouds. And the storm itself is like their implementation.

Everywhere and always A.M. Gorky sought to revive the nature of the data of human existence. In the early romantic works of Gorky laid and captured the awakening of the human soul - the most beautiful thing that the writer was always worshiped.

Born on March 28, 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod. At 11 years old became the orphan and until 1888 lived in relatives in Kazan. I tried a lot of professions: I was a dresswriter on a ship, worked in the icon-painted workshop, a decade. In 1888 he left Kazan to the village of Krasnovidovo, where he was engaged in propaganda of revolutionary ideas. The first story of Maxim Gorky, Makar Miranda, was published in 1892 in the Caucasus newspaper. In 1898, a collection of "Essays and Stories" came out, and a year later his first novel "Thomas Gordeyev" was published. In 1901, Gorky is sent from Nizhny Novgorod to Arzamas Dunov A.N. Gorky, whom we do not know. // Literary newspaper, 1993, March 10 (No. 10). .

A little later began the cooperation of the writer with Mkat. The theater was set by the play "At the bottom" (1902), "Promenban" (1901) and others. To the same period include the poem "Man" (1903), Pieces "Dachniks" (1904), "Sun Children" (1905), "Two Barbars" (1905). Gorky becomes an active member of the Moscow Literary Environment, takes part in the creation of knowledge of the Society "Knowledge". In 1905, Gorky arrest and immediately after liberation he leaves abroad. From 1906 to 1913, Gorky lives in Capri. In 1907, a novel "Mother" Mironova R.M. Maksim Gorky. His personality and work. - M., 2003 ..

The Pieces "Latest" (1908), Vassa Zheleznova (1910), "Summer" (1909) and "Okrov Town" (1909), Roman "Life Mattheva Kozhemyakina" (1911) are created on Capri. In 1913, Gorky returned to Russia, and in 1915 he began to produce the magazine "Chronicle". After the revolution, he worked in the publishing house "World Literature".

In 1921, Gorky again leaves abroad. In early 20s, he finishes the trilogy "childhood", "in people" and "My Universities", writes the novel "The Case of Artamonov", begins work on the novel "Life of Klim Samgin". In 1931, Gorky returned to the USSR. He died on June 18, 1936 in the village of Gorki.

In the late 90s, the reader was struck by the appearance of three volumes "essays and stories" of a new writer - M. Gorky. "Large and original talent", it was the general judgment about the new writer and his books of Veselov GD.

The discontent growing in society and waiting for decisive changes caused the strengthening of romantic trends in the literature. Especially brightly, these trends were reflected in the work of the young bitter, in such stories as "Chelkash", the old woman Izergil, Makar Miranda, in revolutionary songs. The heroes of these stories are people "with the sun in the blood", strong, proud, beautiful. These heroes are Gorky's dream. Such a hero was supposed to "strengthen the will of a person to life, initiate a rebellion in him against reality, against all the oppression of it."

The central way of romantic works of the bitter early period is the image of the hero, ready for a feat in the name of the good of the people. A great importance in the disclosure of this image is the story of the old woman Izergil, written in 1895. In the image of Danko, Gorky has invested a humanistic idea of \u200b\u200ba person who gives all the forces to serving people.

The creativity of Gorky at the initial stage bears a strong imprint of a new literary flow - the so-called revolutionary romanticism. The philosophical ideas of a novice talented writer, passionality, the emotionality of his prose, a new approach to a person was sharply different from both naturalistic prose who went into small household realism and elected the theme of the hopeless boredom of human existence, and from the Estetian approach to literature and life, which seen value only "Sophisticated" emotions, heroes and words.

For youth there are two most important components of life, two existence vector. This is love and freedom. In the stories of Gorky "Makara Miranda" and "Old Man Izergil", love and freedom become the theme of the stories told by the main characters. The story of Gorky - the fact that old age tells about youth and love - allows you to give a perspective, the point of view of a young man who lives with love and sacrifices for her for her, and a person who lived, who seemed a lot and able to understand that it really matters that it is important that It remains at the end of a long journey.

The heroes of the two parables, told by the oldest Izergil, are the exact opposite. Danko is an example of love-self-sacrifice, love-giving. He can't live, separating himself from his tribe, the people, feels unhappy and non-free, if the people are inconspicuous and unhappy. Pure sacrificial love and the desire for the feat were characteristic of revolutionaries-romantics who dreamed of die for universal ideals, did not think of life without a victim, did not hope and did not want to live to old age. Danko gives a heart illuminating the path to people.

This is a fairly simple symbol: only pure, full of love and altruism heart can become a lighthouse and only a disinterested victim will help free the people. The tragedy of parables is that people forget about those who sacrificed themselves for them. They are ungrateful, but perfectly conscious of it, Danko does not think about the meaning of their dedication, not waiting for recognition, rewards. Gorky half alarms with the official church concept of merit, in which a person makes good deeds, knowing in advance what will be rewarded. The writer gives the opposite example: a reward for the feat - the feat and happiness of people for which he is perfect.

The son of Eagle is the complete opposite of Danko. Larra is a single. He is proud and self-love, he sincerely considers himself higher, better than other people. He causes disgust, but also pity. After all, Larra does not deceive anyone, he does not pretend that he is able to love. Such people, unfortunately, a lot, although their essence is not so clearly manifested in real life. For them, love, interest is reduced only to possession. If you can not possess - you need to destroy. Killing a girl, Larra with cynical frankness says that he did it because he could not own it. And adds that, in his opinion, people only pretend to love and observe moral standards. After all, nature gave them to their property only their body, but they own animals, and things.

Larra Hitter and knows how to talk, but this is a hoax. He misses the fact that a person always pays for the possession of whether money, labor, time, but ultimately life, lived, and not otherwise. Therefore, the so-called True Larra becomes its rejection. The tribe is expelled apostate, saying: You despise us, you are higher - well, alone, if we are unworthy. But loneliness becomes an infinite torture. Larra understands that his whole philosophy was only a pion, which even in order to consider itself above the others and be proud of by itself, others still need. It is impossible to admire it alone, and we all depend on the assessment and recognition from the Company.

Romanticism of early Gorky stories, his heroic ideals are close and understandable to youth always, they will be loved and will inspire the searches of truth and the feat of all new and new generations of readers.

Romanticism as a direction in the literature originated at the end of the 18th - early 19th century, the greatest distribution in Europe received from 1790 to 1830. The main idea of \u200b\u200bromanticism was the assertion of a creative personality, and a peculiarity of a rapid image of emotions. The main representatives of romanticism in Russia were Lermontov, Pushkin and Gorky.

The romantic moods of Gorky pushed the growing discontent and waiting for change in society. It is thanks to the protest against the "stagnation" in the head of the writer, images of heroes who could save people were born, to bring them out of the dark, to specify the path right. But this path appeared to Gorky completely different, different from the usual existence, the author despised life and saw salvation only in freedom from public shackles and conventions, which was reflected in his early stories.

Historically, this period of creativity of Gorky coincided with the flourishing of revolutionary movements in Russia, the views of which the author clearly sympathized. He melted the image of a disinterested and honest rebellion, which is not arms of non-greedy calculations, and the romantic aspirations change the world for the better and destroy the unfair system. Also in his works of that pore, the thrust was revealed for freedom and unless ideals, because the writer had not yet seen change, but only anticipate them. When dreams of new social strictly acquired real outlines, his work was transformed into social identity.

Main features

The main feature of romanticism in the work of Gorky is a clear separation of characters on bad and good, that is, there are no difficult individuals, a person has either only good qualities or only bad. Such a technique helps the author clearer to show his sympathy, allocate those people who need to imitate.

In addition, in all romantic works of Gorky, love for nature is traced. Nature is always one of the main characters, and all romantic sentiment is transmitted through it. The writer loved to use the descriptions of mountains, forests, seas, hanging out every part of the world around the world with his character and his behavior.

What is revolutionary romanticism?

The early romantic works of Zhukovsky and Batyushkov were based on the ideas of classicism and, in fact, were directly continued, which did not meet the moods of progressively and radically thinking people of that period. They were a bit, so romanticism acquired classic forms: the conflict of personality and society, an extra person, tomorrow according to the ideal, etc. However, time went, and the revolutionary confused citizens became more and more.

The discrepancy between the literature and national interests led to a change in romanticism, to the emergence of new ideas and techniques. The main representatives of the new revolutionary romanticism were Pushkin, bitter and poets-Decembrists, who, first of all, promoted progressive views on the prospects for the development of Russia. The main topic was the folk identity - the possibility of the independent existence of peasants, hence the term of nation appeared. New images began to appear, and the main among them was a genius poet and a hero capable of saving society at any time from the hut threat.

Old Isergil

This story has opposition of two heroes, two types of behavior. The first is Danko - an example of the very hero, the ideal that the people should save. He feels free and happy only when his tribe is free and happily. The young man is filled with love for his people, sacrificial love, which personifies the spirit of the Decembrists, ready to die for the welfare of society.

Danko saves their people, but at the same time he dies himself. The tragity of this legend is that the tribe forgets his heroes, it is ungrateful, but for the leader it does not matter, because the main award for the feat is the happiness of people for whom he was perfect.

The antagonist is the son of an eagle, Larra, he despised people, despised their life and the law, he recognized only the freedom, moving into permissiveness. He did not know how to love and limit his desires, as a result, for the breaking of public ruins, he was expelled from the tribe. Only then the proud young man understood that no one for the people. When he is alone, no one can admire them, he doesn't need anyone. Showing two of these antipodes, Gorky led everything to one conclusion: the values \u200b\u200band interest of the people should always be higher than your values \u200b\u200band interests. Freedom is to free the people of the umanship of the Tirass of the Spirit, ignorance, the darkness that disappeared behind the forest is unsuitable for the life of the Danko tribe.

Obviously, the author keeps the canon of romanticism: here is the confrontation of personality and society, this is a tomorrow on the ideal, here is proud freedom of loneliness and extra people. However, the dilemma of freedom was not allowed not in favor of the proud and narcissistic loneliness of Larra, this type, with a bayron (one of the founders of romanticism) and Lermontov, writer despises. His ideal romantic hero is the one who, being above society, does not pass away from him, but helps him even when it drives the Savior. In this particular, the bitter is very close to Christian understanding of freedom.

Makar Mirara

In the story "Makar Miranda" freedom is also the main value for heroes. Old Tsygan Makar Miranda calls her the main treasure of man, in it he sees the opportunity to save his "I". Revolutionary romanticism is colorfully manifested in this understanding of freedom: the old man claims that in the conditions of Tirande, moral and gifted individual will not develop. So, for the sake of independence it is worth a risk, because without it the country will never be better.

The same promise is Loyko and Raddy. They love each other, but they are in marriage only chains and shackles, and not a chance to find peace. As a result, love for freedom, which appears while in the form of ambition, as heroes cannot properly dispose of it, leads to the death of both actors. Gorky puts individualism above the marriage bonds, which only shifts the creative and mental abilities of a man with household worries and petty interests. He understands that one is easier to sacrifice the life of the sake of freedom, it is easier to find a complete harmony with its inner world. After all, it cannot actually snatch the heart married Danko.


The main actors of the story are the old drunkard and the thieves of the Chelkash and the young rustic guy Gabril. One of them was going to go to the "business", but his partner broke his leg, and it could complicate the entire operation, then the experienced swarm and met Gavril. During their conversation, Gorky paid great attention to the personality of Chelkasha, all the little things were noticed, described his slightest movement, all the feelings and thoughts that arose in his head. The refined psychologist of the image is a clear adherence to the romantic canon.

The nature of the special place in this work is also the nature, since the Chelkasha had a spiritual connection with the sea, and his mental state often depended on the sea. The expression of feelings and moods through the state of the world - Again, a romantic trait.

We also see how the character of Gavrille changes in the course of the story, and if at first we have experienced pity and compassion for him, then at the end they turn into disgust. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is that it doesn't matter how you look and what you do, but what you have in your soul, the most important thing is to always be a decent person in any business. This thought itself carries a revolutionary promise: how does it mean, what does the hero do? So, and the killer of the surname can be a decent person? So, and the terrorist can beat the carriage of his Excellency and keep moral cleanliness? Yes, exactly such a liberty deliberately admits the author: not all vice, which condemns society. The revolutionary kills, but at the same time his motive is sacred. Thinking about this writer could not, so he chose distracted examples and images.

Features of romanticism Gorky

The main feature of Gorky's romanticism is the image of the hero, a certain ideal, designed to save the people. He does not reject from the people, and on the contrary wants to withdraw him to the right way. The main values \u200b\u200bthat the writer elevated in his romantic stories is love, freedom, courage and self-sacrifice. Their understanding depends on the revolutionary moods of the author, which writes not only for the thinking intelligentsia, but also for a simple Russian man, therefore images and plots are not suitable and simple. They carry the nature of religious parables and are even similar to it by stylistry. For example, the author very clearly shows its attitude towards each character, and it is always clear who is sympathetic to the author, and who is not.

Nature near Gorky was also an active face and influenced the heroes of the stories. In addition, its individual parts are symbols that need to be perceived allegorically.

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Proud of the restlessness of fate and bold freedom. Character heroic. The romantic hero is striving for nothingless freedom, without which there is no genuine happiness for him and which is more expensive than life itself.

At the early stage of creativity, the writer turned to romanticism, thanks to which, created a number of bright literary images. This literary direction allowed the writer not only to create a perfect image, but also to pass the romantic spirit: proud falcon, dying in a deep gorge, Danko's ceremony, freshen the torch of his heart the road

People, Radda with their excellent voice - all these heroes of Gorky unites the desire for freedom, they are not afraid of even death itself. In the stories of Gorky, only freedom is for a person present value. For example, he tells the legend of the love of two young gypsies, which is stronger than the love of freedom.

The finale of the poems is tragic - Loyko kills Rada in front of the entire Tabor and the dypsy himself. Gorky draws just such a completion of the poem. Because neither Loyko, nor glad did not want to lose freedom.

The heroes of the legends, told Moldovan Ispergil, also strive for freedom. The characters of the story - Larra and Danko are opposed to each other, but they also have general similar features. Power of character, pride is emphasized in Lara. But good qualities turn into their opposite, because she despises people.

Danko also strives for freedom, takes a serious mission to bring people out of the forest. He pulls his heart, thereby illuminating the road. The romantic heroes of Gorky have many positive, human qualities - freedom, as well as the ability to serve people

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