Honor and dishonor. An essay on the topic of honor is more expensive than life what is the honor

Honor and dishonor. An essay on the topic of honor is more expensive than life what is the honor

Correct the right life task is not from the lungs. A person is trusting constantly mistaken, make the wrong deeds. Part of these errors are insignificant and very quickly forgotten. In life, the main thing is to prevent such an error that would change the whole life, turning it into a nightmare.

The biggest value of man is his honor. Any disadvantages can be forgiven to a person if he retained his honor, although he suffered because of this. In our time, the concept of honor is a little different than in the last century or at the time of our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers. However, human values \u200b\u200balways remain the same. The pure and unpeacted honor always decorated a man, making it worthy and durable. His honor and his name is clean and innocent - the task of every person who has pride, and understands the meaning of life. The modern youth lives not very correct life. Very often disrupts the prohibitions and rules of behavior saved by centuries.

Several tens of years ago, any girl was ready to take suicide if her name and honor threatened pollution if Kakai or a young man could prove to blame her in obscene behavior. As for modern young girls, they are very little worried about their good name. What is wrong is wrong. After all, everything around until the end of their days will be remembered and to know what kind of moral qualities is one or another. Nothing in the world can be alleged once perfect misconduct. Molden guys should follow their behavior no less girls.

Such personal qualities as devotion to a friend and a close person, the struggle for justice, the protection of weak and innocent. If a young man lives on this principle, he does not threaten the loss of honor. He will always walk with a highly raised head and will not be afraid of anyone. What can not be said about a fit and false person.

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The value of human life is indisputable. Most of us agree that life is an amazing gift, because everything is expensive and close to us, we have learned, once appearing on this light ... Reflecting on it, they involuntarily think about it, but is there any more expensive life?

To answer this question, you have to look into your heart. There, many of us will find what they may not think of accepting death. Someone will give life for saving his loved one. Someone is ready to die heroically, fighting for their country. And someone, getting up before choosing: Life without honor or honor to die, will choose the last.

Yes, I think the honor may be more expensive than life. Despite the fact that the definitions of the word "honor" are quite a lot, in one they are all converge. The person of honor has the best moral qualities, which are always highly appreciated in society: a sense of self-esteem, honesty, kindness, truthfulness, decency. For a person who is the roads of his reputation and a good name, the loss of honor is worse than death.

This point of view was close to A.S. Pushkin. In his novel, the writer shows that the ability to preserve his honor is the main moral measure of the person. Alexey Shvabrin, who is more expensive than the noble and officer honor, is easily becoming a traitor, moving to the side of the Pugacheva Bunchik. And Peter Grinyov is ready to go to death with honor, but do not abandon the oath of Empress. For Pushkin himself, the defense of the honor of the spouse also turned out to be more important than life. Having received a fatal wound on duels with Dantes, Alexander Sergeevich Blood washed off the dishonest slander from his kind.

After century, M.A.Sholokhov in his story will create the image of the real Russian warrior - Andrei Sokolov. The share of this simple Soviet driver will fall a lot of tests on the front, but the hero always remains faithful to his own code of honor. Especially brightly manifests the steel character of Sokolov in the scene with Muller. When Andrei refuses to drink the victory of the German weapon, he understands that he is waiting for the shooting. But the loss of honor of the Russian soldier is afraid of a man more than death. The strength of the Spirit Sokolov causes respect even from the enemy, so Muller refuses the idea to kill the fearless captive.

Why are people for whom the concept of "honor" is not empty sound, ready to die for it? Probably, they understand that human life is not only an amazing gift, but also a gift that Dan us is briefly. Therefore, it is so important to dispose of your life so that the next generations remember us with respect and gratitude.

The material has prepared, the creator of the SAMARUS School online.

What is the honor? Can she be more expensive than life? According to G), this is "the inner moral dignity of a person, the valor, honesty, the nobility of the soul and a clean conscience." And if without a dictionary? In my opinion, honor is the vital principles of a person based on high moral qualities. For those who possess it, who is very important his good name, the loss of honor is worse than death. I think that to live on honor is to live in harmony with conscience. Despite his still little life experience, I have repeatedly addressed this topic, because its relevance is undoubted.

Many perceive honor not just as worthy behavior. It seems to me that for such people it is a duty to the birthplace, loyalty to the native land. Let's remember the work of fiction, where this topic is revealed. Among them is the story of N.V.Gogol "Taras Bulba". The author shows the life of the Cossacks in Zaporizhzhya Schash, their struggle for independence. Special attention is attracted to the images of Taras Bulba and his sons.

The old Cossack dreams that his children will be real warriors, loyal to their Fatherland. But the life principles of the Father adopts only the Ostap, the eldest son of Taras. For him, as well as for Bulba, honor is above all. Perhaps for their homeland and faith is for the heroes of debt and duty. The young Cossack, having captured, courageously transfers torture, does not ask for mercy from his torch. Heroic death, a worthy Cossack, accepts Taras Bulba. Thus, for the Father and the Son of Faith, the devotion of the Motherland is the honor that is more expensive for them and they protect until the very end.

Often, people got up before choosing - to live without honor or honor to die. In the correctness of this point of view, I am convinced by the story M.A.Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". Andrei Sokolov, the main character of the work is a simple Russian soldier. He is a real patriot, who in the face of death did not retreat from his principles. Andrei was captured by the fascists, fled, but was caught and sent to work in a stone quarry. One day, the reached carelessly spoke on hard work. He was called to the camp. There, one of the officers decided to make fun of the Russian soldier and suggested him a drink for the victory of the Germans. Sokolov refused with dignity, although he knew that he could kill him for disobedience. But seeing with what determination the twentieth defeated his honor - the Germans in respect of the real soldier presented him with life. This act Hero argues the idea that even before the threat of death, it is necessary to preserve the honor and dignity.

Summing up and reflecting on this topic, I made sure that you need to be responsible for my actions and actions that in any situation it is necessary to remain a person of honor, do not drop your dignity. And those life principles that confesses a person will help him in a difficult situation to choose life or disgrace. My thought is consonant with the statement of Shakespeare: "Honor - my life, they have grown into one, and honor to lose - for me equal to the loss of life."

Ready essay in the second direction.

Did we think in childhood, of youth truly over the meaning of the words "honestly", "honest"? More likely no than yes. More often, we uttered the phrase "it's dishonest" if someone from our peers came poorly towards us. On this, our relationship with the meaning of this word ended. But life is increasingly and more often reminds us that there are people who "have honor", and there are those who are ready to sell their homeland by saving their own skin. Where is the line that turns a person into a slave of his flesh and destroys a person in it? Why does that bell tape call, about which he wrote the connoisseur of all black scan of the human soul Anton Pavlovich Chekhov? I ask these and other questions, among which one is still the main thing: is it really expensive than life? To answer this question, I appeal to literary works, because, according to Academician D.S. Likhachev, literature is the main textbook of life, she (literature) helps us understand the characters of people, reveals the epochs, and on its pages we will find a great many examples of takeoffs and falls of human life. There, I can find the answer to my main question.

Fall and, which is still terrible, betrayal, I am associated with a fisherman, the hero of the story V. Bytnikov. Why a strong person producing initially only a positive impression, became a traitor? And the Sotnikov ... I had a strange impression from this hero: he for some reason I was annoyed, and the reason for this feeling is not his illness, but the fact that he constantly created problems during the fulfillment of the responsible task. Fisherman, I frankly admired: what a resourceful, decisive and bold man! I do not think he tried to impress. And who is the Sotniks for him, so that for the sake of it from the skin to climb?! Not. He was just a man and performed human actions until his life threatened danger. But as soon as he tasted fear, he was informed: the instinct of self-preservation killed in him, and he sold the soul, and with her honor. The betrayal of the Motherland, the Murder of Sotnikov, an animal existence turned out to be more expensive.

Analyzing the degree of a fisherman, I can't not ask myself a question: does it always happen that a person does not at honor if his life is threatened with danger? Can he make a dishonest act for the benefit of the other? And again I appeal to the answer to the literary work, this time for the story of E. Zamyatina "Cave" about the blockade Leningrad, where in the grotesk form the author talks about the survival of people in an ice cave, drunk gradually into the smallest corner, where the center of the Universe is Rusty and red God, a cast-iron stove, which absorbed first firewood, then furniture, then ... books. In one such corner, the heart of one person is breaking: Masha dies, for a long time, Martin Martinich's beloved wife has not got up from bed. This will happen tomorrow, and today she really wants tomorrow, on her birthday, it was hot, and then she may be able to get out of bed. Heat, a piece of bread became a symbol of life for cavemen. But there is neither one or the other. But there is a number of the next floor below, among the wrappers. All have them who lost conscience and turned into females, in wrap.

... What you can't do for your beloved wife?! The intelligent Martin Martinych goes to a bow for nonhumans: there Zhor and the heat, but the soul does not live there. And Martin Martinich, having received (kindly, with sympathy) refusal, is solved for a desperate step: it steals firewood for Masha. Tomorrow will be all! God will dance, Masha will stand, letters will be read - the fact that it was impossible to burn. And it will ... drink poison, because Martin Martinich will not live with this sin. Why does it happen? Strong and courageous fisherman who killed Sotnikov and betraying his homeland, remained to live and serve the policemen, and the intelligent Martin Martinich, who, living in a stranger apartment, did not dare to touch someone else's furniture to survive, but was able to step over himself to save him the expensive man , dies.

Everything comes from man and closes on a person, and most importantly in it - a soul, clean, honest and open compassion, help. I can't not apply to one more example, because this hero of the story "Dog Bread" V. Tenryakova is another child. A ten-year-old ten hundred boy with his parents feeding "Kurkuli" - enemies. Did the child risked his life? Yes, because he fed the enemies of the people. But the conscience did not allow him to eat calmly and plenty what he put on his mother's table. So the boy's soul suffers. A little later, the hero will understand that a man can help a person, but who is in a terrible hungry time when people die on the road will give bread for the dog. "Nobody," logic tells. "I," - understands the children's soul. From such as this hero, there are centurious, vascular, sparks and other heroes for which honor is more expensive than life.

I only led a few examples from the world of literature, proving that always, at all times, in honor was and will be conscience. It is this quality that will not allow a person to commit a deed, the price of which is the loss of honor. Such heroes in whose hearts are honesty, nobility, in works and in real life, fortunately, a lot.