Specialists found in the Great Artist signs of schizophrenia. Syndrome Van Gogh, or did the brilliant artist hurt? Van Gogh disease

Specialists found in the Great Artist signs of schizophrenia. Syndrome Van Gogh, or did the brilliant artist hurt? Van Gogh disease
Specialists found in the Great Artist signs of schizophrenia. Syndrome Van Gogh, or did the brilliant artist hurt? Van Gogh disease

The essence of the Van Gogh syndrome consists in an insurmountable desire of a mentally ill person to carry out operations: to apply extensive cuts, cut off various parts of the body. Syndrome can be observed in patients with schizophrenia and other mental illness. The basis of such a disorder is aggressive installations aimed at causing injury and damage to itself.

Life and death Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh, the world-famous grant of the postpressionist, suffered from mental illness, but modern doctors and historians remain only to guess what exactly. There are several versions: Meniele (this term then did not exist, but the symptoms have similar features with behavior Van Gogh) or epileptic psychosis. The last diagnosis was put by the artist with his attending physician and the latter colleague, which worked in the shelter. Perhaps it was about the negative consequences of alcohol abuse, namely absinthe.

Van Gogh began creative activity only in 27 years, and died in 37. For the time he could write several paintings. The records of the attending physician show that in the interruptions between the attacks of Van Gogh was calm and passionately indulged in a creative process. He was a senior child in the family and since childhood showed controversial in nature: the house was pretty a difficult child, and outside the family - quiet and modest. This duality is preserved in adult life.

Suicide Van Gogh

Explicit attacks of mental illness began in the last years of life. The artist then reasoned very soberly, then fell in complete confusion. According to the official version, tense physical and mental operation led to death, as well as a rampant lifestyle. Vincent Van Gogh, as mentioned earlier, abused absintrome.

In the summer of 1890, the artist went for a walk with materials for creativity. With it, there was still a gun to scare the flocks of birds during operation. Having finished writing a "wheat field with a crow," Van Gogh made a shot to himself in the heart of this pistol, and then he independently reached the hospital. After 29 hours, the artist died of blood loss. Shortly before the incident, he was discharged from a psychiatric clinic, concluding that Van Gogh is completely healthy, and the mental crisis passed.

Incident with ear

In 1888, at night from December 23-24, Van Gogh lost his ear. His friend and colleague Eugene Henri Paul Gaugugen told the police that a quarrel happened between them. Gaugugen wanted to leave the city, and Van Gogh did not want to part with the friend, he threw in the artist a glass with absinthe and left overnight in the nearest inn.

Van Gogh, remaining alone and staying in an depressed psychological state, cut off a dangerous razor to himself. This event is even devoted to Self-portrait Van Gogh. Then he wrapped the lobe in the newspaper and went to a public house to a familiar prostitute to show the trophy and find consolation. At least this artist told the police. Employees found him unconscious the next day.

Other veras

Some believe that Paul Gogen himself cut off to a friend's ear in the attack of anger. He was a good fencer, so it cost him nothing to pounce on Van Gogh and cut off the rapio lobe of the left ear. After that, Gogen could throw away the weapon into the river.

There is a version that the artist inflicted injury due to the news about the marriage of his brother Theo. The letter, according to the biograph of Martin Bailey, he got exactly that day when he cut off his ear. To the letter brother Van Gogh put 100 francs. The biographer notes that the theo for the artist was not only a beloved relative, but also a significant sponsor.

In the hospital, where the victim was delivered, was diagnosed with "Acute Mania". Felix Frey's records - a psychic trainee, who looked after the artist, testify that Van Gogh cut off not only the lobe, and all the ear.

Mental illness

Mental disease Van Gogh is quite mysterious. It is known that during the seizures he could have his own paints, rushing around the room for hours and jerks for a long time in one position, he was overcome melancholy and malice, visited terrible hallucinations. The artist said that during the period of perishable, he saw images of future paintings. Perhaps and self portrait Van Gogh first saw during an attack.

In the clinic, he was given another diagnosis - "epilepsy temporal shares". True, the opinions of doctors about the state of health of the artist dispelled. Felix Ray, for example, believed that Van Gogh was sick epilepsy, and the head of the clinic adhered to the opinion that the patient had a brain defeat - encephalopathy. The artist appointed hydrotherapy - staying in the bath for two hours twice a week, but it did not help.

Dr. Hasha, who watched Van Gogh for some time, believed that a long stay at the heat and turpentine had a long time at the patient, which was a painted painter during creativity. But he used turpentine already during an attack to alleviate the symptoms.

The most common opinion on mental health Van Gogh today is the diagnosis of epileptic psychosis. This is a rare disease that only 3-5% of patients suffer. In favor of the diagnosis, it also says that among the relatives of the artist was epileptics. The predisposition could not appear if it were not hard work, alcohol, stress and poor nutrition.

Syndrome Van Gogh

The diagnosis is made in the case of making a mentally sick person with the injury to himself. Syndrome Van Gogh - self-optation or persistent patient's demand for a doctor to produce surgical intervention. The state is found in disextempophobia, schizophrenia and disexescal, as well as some other mental disorders.

Van Gogog syndrome is due to the presence of hallucinations, impulsive impulse, nonsense. The patient is convinced that some part of the body is so much so that causes unbearable physical and moral suffering to the owner of the deformity and causes the horror surrounding. The only solution to the patient finds to get rid of its imaginary defect in absolutely any way. In this case, no defect is actually no.

It is believed that Van Gogh cut off his ear, heavily suffering from strong migraines, dizziness, pain and noise in the ears, brought it to a frenzy, nervous overvoltage. Depression and chronic stresses could lead to schizophrenia. Sergey Rakhmaninov, Alexander Duma-Son, Nikolay Gogol and Ernest Hemingway suffered the same pathology.

In modern psychiatry

Wang Gogh syndrome is one of the most famous psychopathologies. Mental deviation is associated with an insurmountable desire to conduct operations with amputation of body parts or the coercion of medical personnel to the same manipulation. As a rule, Van Gogog syndrome is not a separate disease, but accompanies another mental disorder. Most often patients with dismortion and schizophrenia are susceptible to patients.

The reason for Van Gogh - autoagression and self-performing behavior as a result of depression, demonstrative behavior, various violations of self-control, inability to resist stressful factors and adequately respond to everyday difficulties. According to statistics, the syndrome is more often prone to men, but auto-aggressive behavior - women. Female female patients are more likely to be drawn by the cuts and wounds, and men tend to cause injuries in the field of genital organs.

Provoking factors

A number of factors can affect the development of Van Gogh syndrome: genetic predisposition, narcotic and alcohol addiction, various diseases of internal organs, socio-psychological aspects. The genetic factor is radically affected. According to the statements of contemporaries, sisters Van Gogh suffered mental retardation and schizophrenia, and aunt - epilepsy.

The level of personality control is reduced under the influence of alcohol drinks and narcotic substances. If the patient is located to auto-aggressive behavior, the decrease in self-control and volitional qualities can lead to serious injury. The consequences of Van Gogh syndrome in this case are crying - a person can lose too much blood and die.

An important role is played by socio-psychological influence. Most often, the patient is making injuries due to the inability to cope with everyday workload and stress, conflicts. Patients often claim to be replaced by physical pain in this way.

In some cases, the desire to independently conduct a surgical operation is caused by a severe course of any disease. A person who suffers from a mental disorder and is constantly experiencing pain, with a greater probability will cause injury to get rid of discomfort. It was above indicated that Van Gogh amputation was an attempt by the artist to get rid of irresistible pain and constant noise in the ears.

Treatment of syndrome

Van Gogog syndrome therapy suggests the identification of the main mental illness or the reasons for the obsessive desire to inflict injury. To remove the obsessive desire, neuroleptics, antidepressants and tranquilizers are used. Mandatory hospitalization. With Van Gogh syndrome in schizophrenia or other mental illness, it will help reduce the risk of damage.

Psychotherapy will be effective only if the syndrome is manifested against the background of neurosis or depressive disorder. More effective cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, which will establish not only the causes of the patient's behavior, but also suitable ways of oppositioning flashes of aggression. The process of recovery in the van gogh syndrome during disextemа during the dominance of auto-aggressive installations is hampered, because the patient is not able to achieve positive results.

Treatment is long and not always ends with success. Therapy can generally go into a dead end in the presence of a steady state of nonsense.

Vincent Van Gogh is one of those artists whom those specialists are unanimously ranked with the category of artists of mentally ill. On this occasion, a huge number of works are written, the authors of which are psychiatrists and psychoanalysts, historians of art and cultureologists, and even "Wikipedia" when requesting "mentally ill artists" issues information about him.

Researchers argue about the diagnoses, putting forward assumptions about the presence of Bipolar disorder van gogh, schizophrenia or epilepsy, aggravated by alcohol abuse. But all these diagnoses are only the interpretation of a unique ensemble of texts written by Vincent Van Gogh himself.

1. Few artists, holding a feather, left us observation, diaries, letters whose importance would be comparable to their contribution in the field of painting.

2. But letters Van Gogh is a stunning, nor not a similar document stretching for hundreds of pages, this is a dialogue with email addresses, but also with himself, God, the world.

3. Do not need intermediaries and translators, Vincent Van Gogh himself tells about his experience of experiencing a mental disorder, appearing in front of readers an amazing, thinking, hardworking and very sensitive person, which in periods between the attacks of terrible disease was much more well healthy than most of his interpreters and diagnostics.

4. The tapering heart of the artist's story about the experience of experiencing a mental disorder begins on January 2, 1889 in a letter addressed to his brother Theo, from the psychiatric hospital of the French city of Arles, where Vincent was after all the well-known incident with a sliced \u200b\u200bear.

5. "To dispel all your concerns to my account, write you a few words from the Cabinet of the doctor's already familiar to you, passing the practice in the local hospital. I will run in her two or three days, after which I count quietly go home. I ask you about one thing - not to worry, otherwise it will become a source of unnecessary unrest for me. "

6. By the way, as a sign of gratitude for the help that Mr. Rey provided Van Gogh during the attacks of the disease, the artist drew his portrait. Contemporaries argued that the portrait turned out to be very similar to the model, but Felix Rey was indifferent to art. Painting Van Gogh was launched in the attic, then she was closed for some time a hole in the smokeshief, and only in 1900 (10 years after the artist's death), the picture was found in the courtyard of Dr. Reia. The work was acquired by the famous Russian collector Sergey Schukin and was kept in his personal collection until 1918. Leaving to immigration, the collector left a picture in his homeland, so she fell into the collection of the State Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin in Moscow.

7. After this first hospitalization, Vincent Van Gogh will write Brother Teo: "I assure you that a few days spent by me in the hospital were very interesting: the patients probably should learn lives. I hope that nothing special happened to me - just as artists happened, there was a temporary eclipse, accompanied by a high temperature and a significant loss of blood, since the artery was cut; But the appetite immediately recovered, my digestion is good, the loss of blood is replenished every day, and the head works more clearly. "

8. In a letter to Brother Teo on January 28, 1889, Vincent Van Gogh offers his answer to the many question about the connection of genius and insoluction, art and psychopathology: "I will not say that we, artists, mentally healthy, especially I will not tell you about yourself - I am satisfied with madness to the bone's brain; But I say and argue that we have such antids and such medicines, which, if we show at least a little goodwill, will be much stronger than the agement. "

9. February 3, 1889 Vincent Van Gogh makes a curious observation in relation to the residents of the city of Arles - no, not patients of local psychiatric hospital, and ordinary citizens: "I must say that neighbors are solely good to me: here, after all, everyone suffers fever, who are hallucinations, who is an insidiance; Therefore, everyone understands each other with a half-word, as members of one family ... However, it is not necessary to believe that I should not. Local residents, suffering from the same ailment, told me the whole truth: a patient can live to old age, but he will always have a minute of eclipse. Therefore, do not assure me that I am not at all sick or no longer ill.

10. From the letter of the artist's brother dated March 19, 1889, we learn that the inhabitants of Arlya turned to the mayor of the city with a statement signed by some citizens that Van Gogh had no right to live at freedom, after which the police commissioner had ordered to recruit the artist again . "In a word, for many days I have been sitting alone under the castle and supervision of the ministers, although my insaneness is not proven and unoccupied in general. Of course, in the depths of the soul, I am blamed by such an appeal; Of course, it is also that I will not allow myself to indignant out loud: justify in such cases - it means to recognize yourself guilty. "

11. On 21 April Vincent Van Gogh informs Brother Teo about his decision after leaving the hospital to settle in the shelter for mentally ill in Saint-Remy de Provence: "I hope it will be enough if I say that it is strongly not able to look for a new workshop and live there alone ... my performance is gradually recovering, but I'm afraid to lose it if I become overnight and if it is over with me, besides all the responsibility for the workshop ... I starts to console the fact that now I begin to consider insanity as the same disease as I start any other. "

12. Stay Vincent Van Gogh in a psychiatric hospital, and later in the shelter for mentally ill brother of the artist's brother - Theo. In addition, Theodore has provided Vincent to the existence for more than 10 years, gave money for rental housing and atelier, canvas, paints and current expenses. "I do not know such a medical institution where I would agree to take for free on the condition that I will handle painting at my own expense, and all my work is to give the hospital. This is not a big, but still injustice. I find such a hospital, I would move without objection to her. "

13. Before leaving Arral in the shelter for the mental Saint Remy de Provence, Vincent Van Gogh writes the following letter to brother: "I have to look soberly on things. Of course, there is a whole bunch of crazy artists: life itself makes them, gently expressing, somewhat abnormal. Well, of course, if I manage to go back to work again, but I will stay on forever. "

14. Vincent Van Gogh held a year in the shelter Saint-Remy-de Provence (from May 1889 to May 1890), the shelter director allowed the artist to work and even provided a separate room under the workshop. Despite the recurring seizures, Vincent continued to draw, seeing the only means to fight the disease: "Working on the paintings is a necessary condition for my recovery: I only with great difficulty transferred the last days when I was forced to idle and didn't even let me go to the room allotted To me for painting ... "

15. In Saint-Remy de Provence, the artist draws landscapes depicting the views of the workshop window and the garden, and when Vincent was allowed to leave the shelter, the surroundings of Saint-Remy appeared on his canvas.

16. Despite the three severe seizures, which for many weeks brought Vincent, he wrote more than 150 paintings for this year, made more than 100 drawings and watercolors.

17. From the letter Van Gogh sister: "Here, however, there are somewhat seriously ill, but fear and disgust that inspired me before madness, significantly weakened. And although here you constantly hear terrible screams and howl, reminiscent of the belt, the inhabitants of the asylum quickly get together and help each other when one of them begins the attack. When I work in the garden, all the sick leave to see what I do, and, I assure you, behave delicately and more polite than good citizens of Arlya: they do not interfere with me. It is possible that I will run here for quite a long time. Never experienced such peace as here and in Arral Medication. "

18. Sincere admiration causes Winsent's desire to work, despite the illness, continue to engage in painting and not give up: "Life is going on and do not turn it, but it is for this reason that I do not regret forces: the opportunity to work either does not always repeat. In the case of me - and suppressed: after all, the stronger than usual, the attack may forever destroy me as an artist. "

19. It is important to note that Van Gogh was probably the only inhabitant of the shelter, which was engaged in the case: "Follow the treatment used in this institution, very easily even in the case of moving from here, for it is nothing exactly. Patients are provided to be labeled in idleness and consuring tasteless, and sometimes stupid food. "

20. At the end of May 1890, Theo offered his brother to move closer to him and his family, for which Vincent did not object. After spending three days at Theo in Paris, the artist settles in Over-sur-UAZ (a small village, which is not far from Paris). Here Vincent works, not allowing himself a minute of rest, every day from under his brush comes out a new product. Thus, over the past two months of life, it creates 70 paintings and 32 drawings.

21. In Over-sur-UAZ, the observation of the artist adopts Dr. Hasha, who was a specialist in the field of heart disease and a large lover of art. Vincent will write about this doctor: "As I understand it, it is not necessary to count on Dr. Hasha in any way. First, it seems to me, he is sick even more than I, - at least no less; Such are doing. And if the blind is blind, whether they will be collapsed both into the ditch? "

22. We collapsed ... On July 29, 1890, Vincent Van Gogh will take away from life, put a bullet in his chest, he will die in the presence of a doctor-called Hashe. In the pocket of the artist will find the last letter addressed to Teo Van Gogh, which ends like this: "Well, I paid my life for my job, and she cost me half of my reason, it is so ..."

23. The death of an older brother will turn the catastrophe for the theodora Van Gogh: after an unsuccessful attempt to organize a posthumous exhibition of brother's paintings at Theo, signs of insanity are found, his wife will decide to put a patient in a psychiatric hospital, where he will die on January 21, 1891.

24. The joint work of the brothers will be highly appreciated posthumously, and incredible injustice seems that none of them lived before the day, global fame and recognition came to Vincent Van Gogh.

Material prepared with support

If there is an insurmountable desire to carry out surgical operations on yourself, for example, cut off parts of the body or apply cuts in an attempt to get rid of the contiguous physical flaw. Most often, similar syndrome is manifested in schizophrenia, hallucine, manic-depressed psychosis and other diseases.

The basis of the disorder is formed internal attitudes towards applying injuries, often combined with discontent with their appearance. Accordingly, persons exposed to this syndrome seek to get rid of imaginary lack of independently or with the help of competent physical intervention.

Obviously, the most famous personality suffered by the data of the ailment, Vincent Van Gogh, who shocked the public by the fact that he had amputated her ear and sent his beloved. At the same time there is a version that ear deprived the artist his comrade during one of the quarrels. And another possible set of events - Van Gogh could be under the influence of narcotic drugs. However, the scientific community still converges on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe artist of this deflection.

Such syndrome appears in the demonstrative impact of himself, for example, as during the Perfomance of the domestic artist Pavlensky on Red Square.

A softer form, if you can put it, - self-performing behavior and autoagression. In this case, the available parts of the body are most often suffering: hands, legs, chest and belly areas, genitals. However, amputation does not occur. As the causes of this behavior, the following can be allocated:

  • Demonstrative behavior
  • Depression,
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Violation of self-control
  • The inability to adequately react to stress and failure.

According to statistics, autoagression is more susceptible to women, and Van Gogh's syndrome is a man. Because of what this disorder can develop? There are many reasons for this:

  • Genetic predisposition,
  • Social influence
  • Diseases of internal organs,
  • Alcohol or narcotic dependence.

Disorder Therapy implies primarily the treatment of the disease itself, which caused the development of the syndrome. To reduce the uncontrolled desire, neuroleptics and antidepressants are used to apply injury. In the event that the Van Gogh syndrome is diagnosed, hospitalization is necessary in order to reduce the risk of damage. It is worth saying that it is always a long and complex process, the effect of which is not guaranteed.

And now some hard facts.

An American artist A.Filding strongly demanded that the doctors spend her trepanation to be able to look at the world otherwise. She was so obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200benlightenment, which acquired an intrusive idea to drill a hole in the skull. That she, in fact, did.

At the time when the Elf Race became one of the phenomena of the gaming industry, many people began to independently inflicting injury in the ears in order to try to achieve their pointed form, like virtual characters.

And finally, the rigid practices of the amputation of the fingers as a political or other protest is distributed. This practice is most common in the eastern countries subject to the influence of the ancient technique of the Yumitume (amputation of the finger part in the punishment for non-compliance with the rules of the mafia community).

Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) entered the history of art as a crazy genius, and in the history of drunkenness - like.

Writes masterpieces: "Sunflowers" and "". A goguen comes to visit Vincent, with which they drink absinthe every night, and then go to prostitutes. From such an image of life, Van Gogh will soon begin epileptic seizures. Somehow in the cafe, drinking absinthe, Van Gogh throws a glass in the head of Gaugaen. A few days later the artist is trying to cut a razor colleague. Having frightened and frightened, Van Gogh, still in the ugar, in the punishment grabbing his left ear, turns him into a rag and relates a "gift" into the brothel of his passion. As a result, it turns out to be in the hospital for mentally ill, where continues to draw.

To drink in a mental hospital Van Gogh do not give, he is trying to poison, thrusting the paints. On July 28, 1890, Van Gogh goes to draw in the fields and there, delivering a revolver, shoots himself in the chest. With this wound, he comes to the guesthouse and falls into bed. A day later, Van Gogh dies.

Drinking companions

Among all eponymic terms of mental psychopathologists, one of the most famous, perhaps is the Sunder Van Gogh. The essence of the deviation lies in an irresistible desire to carry out surgical operations: cut off parts of the body, apply cuts. This syndrome may be observed with various mental illness, for example, in schizophrenia.

The basis of the disorder is auto-aggressive installations aimed at applying injuries and damage to their own body. This syndrome is often compared with dysmorfomania, which consists in pathological discontent with its appearance. Persons suffering from this deviation obsessed with the idea, in order to correct the imaginary physical disadvantage in any way: independently or with the help of surgical intervention.

The concept of syndrome and its signs

Van Gogh syndrome is a mental deflection associated with the desire to independently carry out surgical operations with amputation of body parts. This syndrome is also manifested in the coercion of medical staff to carry out similar manipulations. The most famous personality suffering from this psychopathology was Vincent Van Gogh, in honor of which the syndrome was named. The all-known deed of the Great Genius shook the public with their madness and cruelty. The famous artist amputated his ear and sent him in a letter to his beloved. There are many versions about what happened: some believe that Van Gogh had injured his comrade, others say that the artist used the opium and under the influence of a narcotic substance made this insane act. And yet, many facts testify about the fact that the genius suffered from mental disorder, presumably, and during the exacerbation of the disease cut off his ear. Whatever it was, but today there are many people with Van Gogh's syndrome.

Often the syndrome accompanies any mental disorder. Sometimes such self-suicide has a demonstrative character, for example, a modern Russian artist, probably suffering from this deviation, constantly conducts shares, allegedly with a political attack, in which either cuts off part of the body, or causes cuts and other injuries. This syndrome is found in the following psychopathologies:

  • schizophrenia;
  • hypochondriage nonsense;
  • hallicinosis;
  • dysmorfomania;
  • affective insanity;
  • food attraction disorders;
  • epilepsy with psychotic seizures;
  • pulse attachments.

Most often, the syndrome is subject to persons with dismortion, schizophrenia and hypochondriac delirium. Under the dismortionological nonsense, the conviction of a person in its non-existent imaginary physical deviation is understood. Often such delusional ideas and lead to the removal of body parts, self-help. The impulsive act may also cause the cause of self-injunations, such a loss of control is terrible with its consequences, since a person can make terrifying things in a state of affect. Thus, the Chinese woman suffering from the shopping and the husband reacted to the next dissatisfaction with the amputation of his own finger. A woman was taken to the hospital on time, the finger managed to save. The conclusion of psychiatrists sounded like "impulsive attraction against the background of dependent behavior."

The basis of the syndrome is self-performing behavior and autoagression. Under self-accepting behavior, a number of actions aimed at causing harm to their own body are understood. Among the main causes of autoagression are distinguished:

  • the inability to adequately respond to the vital difficulties and resist stressful factors;
  • demonstrative behavior;
  • depression;
  • impulsive behavior, violation of self-control.

With self-waving behavior, the available parts of the body are most often affected: hands, legs, chest and abdomen, genitals. According to statistics, women are most susceptible to autoagressive behavior, and the syndrome of the famous artist is a man. The female floor is more prone to applying cuts, deep wounds than to amputation of body parts. Men with this syndrome often make injuries in the field of genitals.

Many factors may affect the development of the syndrome:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • alcohol and narcotic dependence;
  • socio-psychological aspect;
  • diseases of internal organs.

The genetic factor radically affects the development of mental disorders and syndromes. According to historical facts, the mother's sister Van Gogh suffered from epilepsy, and the brothers and sisters of the artist suffered from psychopathologies: from mental retardation to schizophrenia.

The use of alcoholic and narcotic drugs affects the level of personality control. When the personality is positioned to auto-aggressive behavior, the decline in volitional qualities and self-control can lead to applying a self-sustain. The famous French artist, amputated his ear, consumed alcohol, absinthe and smoked opium, which probably served as a starting mechanism for the development of self-performing behavior.

Socio-psychological influence plays an important role in the formation of auto-aggressive behavior. Often, a person causes damage due to the impossibility of surviving psycho-emotional loads, daily conflicts and stress. The patient, who suffer from outbreaks of self-performing behavior, argued that he was "eclipsed by the mental pain of physical."

Sometimes the desire to carry out a surgical operation on its own body can be caused by the painful course of any disease. A person suffering from a mental disorder that is constantly experiencing painful sensations in any organ or part of the body with a high probability can be injured, with the purpose of getting rid of pain. One of the versions of the sensational amputation of Van Gogh is the assumption that the artist tormented unbearable pain after transferred otitis.

Treatment of syndrome

The therapy of the syndrome involves the treatment of the main mental illness, against the background of which exist outbreaks of autoagression. In order to reduce the irresistible desire and obsessive thoughts on the application of injury, various neuroleptics, tranquilizers and antidepressants are used. If there is Van Gogh syndrome, mandatory hospitalization is shown, in order to reduce the risk of damage caused.

Psychotherapy is effective only in the case when the syndrome is a manifestation of self-performing behavior against the background of depressive disorder or neurosis. The most effective is cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, which establishes not only the causes of the client's self-injunations, but also the ways of confronting outbreaks of autoagression. The psychotherapist studies in detail the degree of auto-aggressive installations, if they prevail, the cognitive-behavioral approach is not always effective. In the dominance of autoagressive beliefs, the process of recovery of personality is hampered due to the inability of the client to achieve the desired results.

Treatment of the disease is a rather complicated and long process and is not always crowned with success. For example, this syndrome is much easier than therapy with schizophrenia than with disexescal and epilepsy. If a patient has persistent nonsense, the treatment can go into a dead end due to the complexity of pharmacotherapy.

Shocking facts

American artist A. Fielding was so obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bachieving spiritual enlightenment, which drilled a hole in the skull. Before performing the operation, the woman repeatedly appealed to surgeons with persistent requests for trepanation, which allegedly helps her to look at the world otherwise.

Some people have a huge impact of the fantastic world of computer games, movies and books. Fantastic elven topics brought crazy many lovers of this genre. It is known a few cases of self-use of ear-sinks for similarity with the pointed ears of elves.

To date, the amputament of the fingers in protest (political, social) or devotion is considered to be unpaid phenomenon. Such a pathological manifestation of emotions is mainly demonstrative in nature and indicates mental violations. This phenomenon is most common in eastern countries, such as Japan, China due to the inheritance of the ancient technique "Jubitzuma", which was used in criminal communities. The procedure consisted in amputation of the part of the finger as a sign of non-compliance with the rules of the mafia community.