Analysis of the "Snow Maiden" Ostrovsky. ‹Tile Snow Maiden ›› A

Analysis of the
Analysis of the "Snow Maiden" Ostrovsky. ‹Tile Snow Maiden ›› A

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky is known for his works, which have become an integral part of the life of every person. For his perspicacity and very light, but at the same time with a note of tragedy of the work, they found a response in films and in the theater. He wrote his famous work The Snow Maiden in 1873 based on the collection of fairy tales by Alexander Afanasyev. The special spelling in verse and without rhyme and elements of ballet gives the work a certain zest and originality.

After the release of the work on his birthday, on the anniversary, the music for the future play was written by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Thanks to the harmony of text and musical lines, this work has become multi-level and multi-tasking with a story about a Snow Maiden and legends with rituals and songs. This entire fantastic and magical play is the embodiment of fabulous motives with solemn motives.

The plot of the work develops in the kingdom of Berendey. The main conflict is the desire to love and not be lonely. Father Frost notices this and tries to warn mother Vesna-Krasnu that Yarilo wants to melt the Snow Maiden with hot rays because of the violated canons of celibacy.

The Snow Maiden's life was not always joyful and happy. Once in the family of the peasant Bobyl, she does not feel that she is dear to them. For them, she is the bait for a successful marriage party. She is beautiful and sweet, but the desire to be loved makes itself felt. However, she turns her attention to the shepherd Lelia, who gives his songs to everyone in the district. When Mizgir appears on the threshold, she realizes that she does not feel love for him. He is intoxicated with love and, in a passionate impulse, trying to prove that he has achieved his goal, takes the Snow Maiden to the mountain, where she melts under the rays of the hot sun. All the feelings overwhelming Mizgir make him throw himself into the lake because of the loss of love. In response to this, Yarilo does not regret the death of the two lovers, but on the contrary punishes them for disobedience. Instead of mourning, he makes everyone sing a funny song, since this death means nothing to him.

Talking birds have their definite place in the play. They are singing about the completed order

This play is the embodiment of beauty and magic, but at the same time there is a tragedy, which with the help of good in the soul of every person is defeated. All human vices appear before us, but shortcomings pale against the background of love and desired happiness. Now the soul of the Snow Maiden is free and happy. In the last minutes of her life, she became beloved and was treasured as much as her mother and father.

Option 2

A.N. Ostrovsky wrote the play "Snow Maiden" based on the plot of a fairy tale invented by the Russian people, therefore, the work describes Slavic deities, such as: Yarilo, Moroz, Vesna - Krasna and Leshy.

The work "The Snow Maiden" is written in poetic form, but without rhyme, thereby greatly different from other works by Ostrovsky. It has a single rhythm, which made it possible to combine text with music.

The play shows all the colors of the kingdom of nature: severe winters and hot summers, flowering and lifelessness of plants. The author describes a portrait of nature as well as a person. There are many different epithets and comparisons in the work, which show that every natural phenomenon is similar to human feelings.

The work describes the actions taking place in the mythical Berendey kingdom. In it, each person observes the law of honor and conscience, they are afraid to anger the gods. The king, described by Ostrovsky, worries about his people, he thinks that the inhabitants do not see the true natural beauty, they have become vain and envious.

The Snow Maiden is lonely, but her soul wants great and pure love, from which she must perish. The girl really liked the shepherd Lel, who gave his beautiful songs to every girl in the village, which very much hurts Snegurochka. The main character of the play wants to be loved only by her.

The adoptive parents want to marry the girl off to a rich groom, but the Snow Maiden has no feelings for the young man. From this, several people become unhappy, and the girl herself suffers, because she does not know what true love is.

The Snow Maiden asked her mother Vesna to give her the opportunity to fall in love. To which she received the answer that the girl would fall in love with the first person she met, who turned out to be Mizgir. The young man was in love and is trying to show everyone that he achieved reciprocity from an adamant beauty. He dragged the Snow Maiden by force to meet the dawn on the mountain and with the first rays of the sun the girl melted. This shows how a cold, even loving heart is not able to listen to another.

The Snow Maiden was ready to give her life, just to feel love. Misgir, having promised his beloved about joint destruction, when trouble comes, rushed into the lake with cold water. The soul of a person is free and has no fear when in love.

Analysis of the work of the Snow Maiden 3

In terms of genre orientation, the work belongs to the lyrical fairy tale, named by the author as a spring tale, the basis of the plot of which the writer borrows from folk legends.

The action of the play takes place in the kingdom of Berendey, invented by the writer, in which the main character of the work Snegurochka lives, represented by the author in the form of a young girl who has Frost and Spring-Red as parents. The Berendee kingdom is portrayed by the author as a utopian state in which the laws of conscience and honor, as well as the worship of the will of the gods, prevail.

The girl, having left her father's house due to the excessive care of Frost, lives in the family of Bobylikha and Bobyl, eager to successfully marry the Snow Maiden in order to get rich. However, the girl dreams of a strong and sincere feeling of love that is beyond her control.

A meeting with a young shepherd Lel, who, unlike other males, is indifferent to the Snow Maiden, changes the girl, and she persuades her mother to give her the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful moments of love. Spring-Red gives in to her daughter's request, giving her the opportunity to experience love, however, mother and father Frost anticipate an imminent disaster, which comes with the appearance of the first rays of the spring sun, which melted the heart of the Snow Maiden, who only realized the beauty and power of love, to her death. Beloved Misgir, who turned out to be the object of the girl's first feeling, unable to bear her loss, ends his life by suicide, throwing himself into a pond, dreaming of reuniting with the Snow Maiden, who has turned into water.

A distinctive feature of a complex and multifaceted piece is its unique rhythm and melodiousness, which create the impression of a rhymed verse, while the text does not contain rhymes. In addition, the play uses numerous vernacular phrases borrowed from Russian folk tales. In addition, the storyline of the play has a variety of secondary themes, including Slavic traditions, the legends of the Berendey tribe, ancient rituals, dances and songs.

Numerous emotional epithets and comparisons are used as means of artistic expression in the work, emphasizing the close connection between the surrounding nature and man.

The central role in the narration is assigned to a dramatic conflict associated with the opposing force of love and the hearty coldness of the Snegurochka's soul, seeking to hide from the chilling loneliness in a love fire.

The semantic load of the play demonstrates the interconnection of natural and human phenomena in the form of light and darkness, cold and heat, which, being in eternal struggle and contradictions, do not exist without each other, and also asserts the meaninglessness of life in the absence of love.

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  • AN Ostrovsky's Spring Tale "The Snow Maiden" Features of the play.

    The Snow Maiden is a fairy tale, a dream, a national legend, told in the magnificent poems of Ostrovsky ...

    K.S. Stanislavsky

    Ostrovsky Alexander Nikolaevich

    OSTROVSKY Alexander Nikolaevich (1823 - 1886), Russian writer, playwright, corresponding member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1863).

    V.G. Perov. "Portrait of A. N. Ostrovsky". 1871 Tretyakov Gallery.

    • to reveal the features of the work and the main moral conflict of the play, to determine the life values ​​of the Berendeys, to reveal the level of knowledge of the content and understanding of the tale by students.

    • The Snow Maiden is an amazing fairy tale, which shows the beauty of the world around us, love, nature, youth. Ostrovsky's play is an amazingly beautiful fusion of folklore and literature. Using the motives of the folk tale about the snow girl, enriching them with scientific data about life, the playwright created an original "spring fairy tale", full of secrets, splendor of characters conveyed in a musical style and in a truly Russian language.

    1 group."Berendei".

    Where love and advice, there is paradise, there is light; and quarrels and disputes, there is only nonsense.

    Russian proverb.

    Group 2."Snow Maiden".

    • May I perish, love is one


    • More dear to me than years of melancholy and

    A.N. Ostrovsky.

    Group 3. "Lel".

    • Through the beautiful - to the human.

    V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

    • Layering
    • multigenre
    • eternal plots
    • synthesis
    • moral
    • conflict

    • Layering
    • multigenre
    • eternal plots
    • synthesis
    • moral
    • conflict

    • Morality (Ushakov's Dictionary)- a set of norms that determine human behavior in society.
    • Conflict("Modern Explanatory Dictionary" published by "Great Soviet Encyclopedia") is defined as a clash of sides, opinions, forces.

    The main moral conflict of the work. Cross-survey.

    • The Brusila and the Berendei are shy.

    Costume design, 1885-1886

    The harmony of the eternal and harsh laws of nature is inviolable, according to which human existence should proceed.

    The cause of all the misfortunes of the land of the Berendei is

    in human selfishness, in the loss of human kinship,

    in the loss of love and a sense of beauty:

    In the hearts of people I noticed I will cool

    Considerable; fervor of love

    I have not seen for a long time at the Berendeys,

    The service to beauty disappeared in them.

    In these words of the wise king is revealed

    the deep meaning of the play, where the ethical

    the beauty of a person is determined

    relationship with nature and other

    And the closing words of Berendey:

    “Let's drive out the last trail of cold from our souls and turn to the Sun” reveal the ideological basis of the entire play, they express Ostrovsky's dream of a world free from cold, calculating people.

    The playwright affirms the human right to a full-fledged spiritual life, expresses the dream of creating new forms of relationships between people, and freedom in love, its high appreciation, recognition of its best moral qualities that ennoble a person, is a significant condition for creating a happy state.

    Filling in the table "Known, special, new".




    • "The Snow Maiden" by AN Ostrovsky, created for a festive performance and intended for a democratic audience, is of great interest. it “Multi-layered, multi-level work”, which contains a folk tale, an idea of ​​the ancient Berendei tribe(Turkic nomads who lived in the southern Russian steppes (XI-XIII centuries); since 1146 they became vassals of the Russian princes. The name in the annals disappears by the XIII century) , ancient calendar rites, songs, spells.

    • The poetic drama was based on one of eternal plots of Russian folklore about how a beautiful girl - a snow-woman comes into the world and dies from a sunbeam. And the closest source was the folk tale about the Snow Maiden, published in 1862 by the collector I.A. Khudyakov. The playwright read very carefully the works of the famous scientist-mythologist and folklorist A.N. Afanasyev: collection "Russian folk tales" (1826-1871) and research "Poetic views of the Slavs on nature" (1865-1869). The "borrowed" plot was just a reason for the birth original artistic design.

    V.M. Vasnetsov Berendeevka

    N. Roerich Yarilina Valley

    The prototype of the Berendey kingdom was the Shchelykovo estate, acquired

    playwright in 1867

    In the Berendean kingdom intertwines real and fantastic. The images of Slavic paganism come to life here: Spring-Red, Sun-Yarilo, Leshy, Lel (the son of the goddess of beauty and love Lada, the same as the Greek Eros or Roman Cupid), Santa Claus (is the prototype of Veles, Studenets, Treskun, Morozko), Snow Maiden (Goddess of love Lada or Kastroma) .Fabulous creatures communicate with real people: Mizgir (spider, tarantula), Kupava ( « water lily, flower bud "(VI Dal)) Berendeys perform their spring rituals, sing folk songs -" the very ones that may have sounded once on our land at the time of spring merrymaking, in distant pagan times. "

    V.M. Vasnetsov Spring-Red

    N. Roerich Santa Claus

    In the play two main, independent, but united into a single

    whole conflict: the first is the confrontation between Cold and Heat, Frost and

    Yarily, the second is the own structure of the kingdom of the Berendeys. Both conflicts

    develop into a conflict in the field of moral relations at the core of which wealth-poverty, love-cold.

    • Special:

    1. "Snow Maiden" is multilayer work, since the play includes different genres of folklore.

    Berendei- a tribe that lived in the XI-XIII centuries.

    2. Multi-genre work.

    The work was conceived in the genre "extravaganza" fashionable for the 70s of the 19th century,

    plays are masks.

    3. In eternal plot of Russian folklore one that has existed for a long time independently of the authors.

    • 1862 collector I.A. Khudyakov published a fairy tale.

    4. The tale shows fabulous kingdom of the Berendeys where the Snow Maiden came to live.

    5. Synthesis of the real and the fantastic, that is, Slavic pagan deities communicate with real people.

    6. Two main, independent, but united into a single whole conflict.

    This is a conflict between Moroz and Yarila and a conflict within the Berendey kingdom.

    Let's check the table "Known, special, new".

    • Known:
    • "Snow Maiden" was written on the plot of folk tales, it uses calendar poetry, sayings, proverbs, spells, songs, traditions and legends.
    • Ostrovsky defined the genre as a lyrical "spring" play-fairy tale, drama.
    • Everyone knows the plot of the folk tale about how a beautiful snow girl comes into the world and dies from a sunbeam.
    • The basis of the Berendean kingdom is peace, freedom, conscience, harmony with nature, serving the beauty of human relations, fair laws.
    • « water lily, flower bud ”(VI Dal)).
    • There are two conflicts in the play: the first is between Cold and Heat, Frost and Yarila .; the second - within the kingdom itself, as well as between the Berendey and Mizgir as a resident of a foreign country.

    Let's check the table "Known, special, new".

    • New:
    • Berendeys are Turkic nomads who lived in the XI-XIII centuries in

    southern Russian steppes.

    2. "Extravaganza" - a festive fairy-tale performance, fashionable in the 70s of the 19th century.

    The play-mask is a combination of various texts: literary, dance, political - the relatively free creativity of the author.

    3.1862 collector I.A. Khudyakov published a fairy tale.

    1826-1871 A. N. Afanasyev published a fairy tale in the collection "Russian folk tales".

    1865-1869 A. N. Afanasyev in his work "Poetic views of the Slavs on nature" investigated the fairy tale.

    4. The fairy-tale kingdom of the Berendeys is Ostrovsky's dream of a social future, of a peaceful life for the people, free from the rule of arbitrariness and violence, that good must be done with our own hands.

    5. Santa Claus is an image that combines the features of pagan gods: Veles, Varun, Studenets, Treskun, Frost. The prototype of the Snow Maiden was the goddess of love Lada.

    6. The conflict of the play develops into a conflict in the field of moral relations at the heart of which are wealth and poverty, love and cold.

    Let's check the table "Known, special, new".



    Russian folk tale, old calendar rites, songs.


    multi-layered work.


    an ancient tribe of Turkic nomads in the southern Russian steppes

    Let's check the table "Known, special, new".

    Lyrical "spring" fairy tale play,


    multi-genre work.


    festive fairy performance


    combining a variety of texts: literary, dance, musical, political - the relatively free creativity of the author. .

    Let's check the table "Known, special, new".

    a beautiful girl - a snow-girl comes into the world and dies from the sunbeam.

    the eternal plot of the Russian


    1862 collector I.A. Khudyakov

    1826-1871 A. N. Afanasiev

    collection "Russian folk tales"

    1865-1869 A. N. Afanasyev "Poetic views of the Slavs on nature"

    researched the tale.

    Let's check the table "Known, special, new".

    the basis is peace, freedom, conscience, harmony with nature, serving the beauty of human relations, fair laws.

    fabulous kingdom of the Berendeys

    the playwright's dream of a social future, of a peaceful life for the people, free from the rule of arbitrariness and violence, that good must be done with one's own hands.

    Let's check the table "Known, special, new".

    Slavic deities: Spring - Red, Sun - Yarilo, Leshy, Lel (son of the goddess of beauty and love Lada, the same as Greek Eros or Roman Cupid) - communicate with real people: Mizgir (spider, tarantula), Kupava ( « water lily, flower bud "(V. I. Dal))

    WITH intez real and fantastic

    Santa Claus - Veles, Varun, Studenets, Treskun, Morozko (night, moon, stars, winter, frost, water, the world of the dead).

    Snow Maiden is the Goddess of love Lada.

    Let's check the table "Known, special, new".

    1 confrontation

    Cold and Heat,

    two main, independent, but united into a single whole conflict.

    Moroz and Yarila.

    conflict in the field of moral relations:

    2.the kingdom

    wealth - poverty,


    love is cold.

    Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) Russian composer

    • P. I. Tchaikovsky while working on Snegurochka he wrote: “I've been sitting at work for about a month now; writing music for a magic play

    Ostrovsky's "Snow Maiden" ", he considered the dramatic work itself the pearl of Ostrovsky's creations, and he said about his music to him:" This is one of my favorite brainchildren.

    The spring was wonderful, I felt good in my soul ... I liked Ostrovsky's play, and in three weeks, without any effort, I wrote the music. "

    Vasnetsov Viktor Mikhailovich (1846-1926) Russian painter

    • And this poem "Snow Maiden" -

    the best there is.

    Russian prayer and wisdom, the wisdom of the prophet.

    Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov 1844 -1908 Russian composer

    • "... I listened to the voices of folk art and nature, I took the sung and suggested by him as the basis of my creativity." ON. In the opera The Snow Maiden, Rimsky-Korsakov sang the life of a people living in harmony with nature, showed the richness of folk customs and rituals, without which the picture of fairy-tale Russia was not so colorful.

    B. V. Asafiev wrote about The Snow Maiden: “The inspiration of Rimsky-Korsakov glows with an even light, but at other moments the music deepens in order to comprehend only the audible secrets and origins of life, about which the word, being connected by reality, MUST be silent ... , the whole powerful element of Russian nature sounds in the opera, the spirits and forces of which are an integral part of the life and of the people themselves - the inhabitants of the Berendey kingdom ”

    “In the winter of 1879-1880, I read“ The Snow Maiden ”and I definitely saw its amazing beauty. I immediately wanted to write an opera based on this plot, I felt myself more and more in love with the tale of A. N. Ostrovsky. "

    Fragment from the opera "Snow Maiden" by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Melting scene of the Snow Maiden. "The Snow Maiden" by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov is "the delicate color of Russian opera." B. V. Asafiev (music critic). Writing tests.

    • 1 group."Berendei". Where love and advice, there is paradise, there is light; and quarrels and disputes, there is only nonsense (the image of the Berendeev kingdom).
    • Group 2."Snow Maiden". The image of the Snow Maiden as perceived by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov.
    • Group 3... "Lel". Lel is the son of the Sun and a singer of love.


    • Come up with and write down a "terrible" story about some representative of the lower Slavic mythology (mermaid, water, wood goblin, brownie).

    Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky can rightfully be considered the creator of the repertoire for the national Russian theater. Despite the fact that he became famous most of all for his works on the customs of the Russian merchants (which the critic Nikolai Dobrolyubov very aptly called "the dark kingdom"), among the gloomy and a little scary stories from the life of the Zamoskvoretsk merchants there is a very light and fabulous work - "Snow Maiden" written in 1873.

    At the heart of plot plays the playwright used a Russian folk tale from the collection of Alexander Afanasyev "Poetic views of the Slavs on nature." That is why the Slavic higher and lower deities act in the play: Yarilo, Moroz, Vesna, Leshy. The peculiarity is that the play "Snow Maiden", unlike all the previous ones, is written in verse, but without rhyme. However, the unified rhythm of the piece made it possible to put it to music. The entire play is a kind of poetic stylization for Russian folklore, with which Ostrovsky was then fascinated.

    This is explained by the fact that in 1873 the troupe of the Maly Theater was forced to move to the Bolshoi Theater for the period of renovation. This is how the opera, ballet and drama troupes ended up under the same roof. Then the commission for the management of the Moscow imperial theaters decided to stage an extravaganza performance with the participation of all the artists. Ostrovsky composed the play in a short time, finishing on the day of his fiftieth birthday. And the music for the play was written by a young and little-known then composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

    Thus, Ostrovsky's lyric play became a multi-level, multi-layered work, as it embodied the folk tale about the Snow Maiden, and the folk legend about the ancient Berendei tribe, and mythological features of Slavic legends, and ancient rituals and songs. And also Ostrovsky's "spring tale" breathes such purity of poetry that it resembles Pushkin's fairy tales. And in terms of meaning, there is a lot of Pushkin in it: life appears as the magic of beauty and tragedy at the same time, and goodness in a person turns out to be a natural basis.

    Therefore, the life of nature in the play looks like a kingdom of harsh contrasts of cold and warmth, lifelessness and flowering. Ostrovsky writes about nature as a person. The landscape resembles a portrait that the artist is peering into. The abundance of emotional epithets, comparisons that put natural phenomena on a par with human feelings, emphasize the closeness of the natural and human principles in the mind of the playwright.

    The play takes place in the kingdom of Berendey. It looks more like a kind of utopian state in which people live according to the laws of honor and conscience, fearing to provoke the wrath of the gods: this is a kind of ideal of social order created by Ostrovsky. Even the tsar, who in Russia was the sole ruler, autocrat, embodies folk wisdom in his work. He worries about his people in a fatherly way: it seems to him that his subjects have ceased to notice the beauty of nature, and are more experiencing vanity and envy. That's why I got angry with Yarilo Berendeev, who every year more and more freezes people. Then Berendey discovers one of the main laws of nature: "All living things must love"... And he asks his assistant Bermyatu on Yarilin day to gather as many brides and grooms as possible in order to consecrate their marriage and make a sacrifice to the sun god.

    However, the main dramatic conflict is connected precisely with the confrontation between love and "Cold heart" in the soul of the Snow Maiden, who lives in the cold purity of loneliness, and with her soul strives for the fire of love, which is why she must perish. Father Frost warns mother Vesna-Krasnu about this: he says that Yarilo has vowed to take revenge on him using their daughter Snegurochka. Say, when she really falls in love, Yarilo will melt her with his hot rays.

    The Snow Maiden did not immediately know what true love is. Finding herself in the family of a childless Bobyl, the girl expects the same love as from her mother and father. But Bobyl and Bobylikha perceive their adopted daughter as a kind of bait for rich suitors. Only the suitors are not the same: many guys quarreled with their girls because of the Snow Maiden, but neither she is ready to give her heart, nor the foster parents are satisfied with the usual berendei.

    The Snow Maiden herself likes the shepherd Lel, who generously presents all the girls in the neighborhood with her songs. This offends the heroine: she wants to be loved only her. When a rich groom is found, "Shopping guest" Misgir, ready to give up all the riches for the sake of the Snow Maiden, cannot find feelings for him in her heart. Everyone is unhappy: Kupava, the failed bride of Mizgir, Mizgir, who can no longer think of anyone except the Snow Maiden, who captivated him with her beauty, and the Snow Maiden herself suffers, since she does not know what true love is.

    Turning to her mother for help, the heroine gets what she wanted more than anything else - the opportunity to love. Vesna-Krasna says that she will fall in love with the first comer. Fortunately, it turns out to be Mizgir, and the reader can imagine that now everything will end happily. But no, Mizgir, intoxicated with the love of the Snow Maiden, wants to show everyone that he was able to achieve his goal - the reciprocity of the beauty. Not listening to the girl's requests, he literally drags her up the mountain, where the Berendei met the dawn, and under the first rays of the sun the Snow Maiden dissolves. Having yielded to human law, it melts "from the sweet feelings of love."

    The melting of the Snow Maiden is a victory over the "traces of cold" in the heart. She was ready to die for the right to love with all her heart. Mizgir said about this: "Love and fear in her soul fought"... Now fear has been dropped, and the Snow Maiden in the last minutes of her short life is given only to love.

    Mizgir is also fearless. He kept his promise: "Trouble will come - we will perish together"... The death of the Snow Maiden is a misfortune for him, so he rushes into the lake to connect with the cool water, into which the Snow Maiden has turned, until recently warm in his hot embraces.

    But Tsar Berendey calls the death of the Snow Maiden "Sad", after "Wonderful"... The difference in these epithets prompts the reader to get out of the tragedy into life affirmation. The death of the Snow Maiden and the feast of the Berendeys are close by. Its extinction brings a flood of light into the world. No wonder the king says:

    Snow Maiden sad death
    And the terrible death of Mizgir
    They cannot disturb us; The sun knows
    Whom to punish and pardon ...

    So the tragedy of personality dissolves in the general chorus of nature. In the words of Pushkin, the author's sadness is light, because the human soul is light: it turns out to be free and fearless in love, it is stronger than the fear of self-preservation.

    Description of the presentation for individual slides:

    1 slide

    Slide Description:

    If you want to know what Ostrovsky is, read carefully The Snow Maiden. A. R. Kugel

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    The image of the fairytale heroine Snegurochka was gradually formed in the popular mind over the centuries. ... In 1873 A. N. Ostrovsky, under the influence of Afanasyev's ideas, wrote the play The Snow Maiden. Initially, the play was not a success with the public. A spring tale by A.N. Ostrovsky was highly appreciated by A.I. Goncharov and I.S. Turgenev, however, many responses of his contemporaries were sharply negative.

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    Drama - (Greek dráma, literally - action), 1) one of three kinds of literature (along with epic and lyric poetry; belongs to both theater and literature: being the fundamental principle of the performance. A play is a dramatic work intended for a theatrical performance. A fairy tale is one of the genres of folklore A literary tale is an epic genre: a fiction-oriented work closely related to a folk tale, but, unlike it, belonging to a specific author Conflict - (Latin conflictus - collided) is the most acute way of resolving contradictions in interests, goals, views arising in the process of social interaction, which consists in the counteraction of the participants in this interaction Antithesis - Greek. a common point of view on them.

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    The Snow Maiden's pedigree is indistinct and dark. It is impossible to say for sure when the Snow Maiden established herself in the status of the “granddaughter” of Santa Claus. Undoubtedly, the image of the Snow Maiden is a mutation and transformation of many pre-Christian beliefs, myths and customs. First of all, this concerns such holidays as Maslenitsa, Krasnaya Gorka, when the villagers called out and called for spring, Yarilino gulbische, the funeral of Kostroma. Russian Orthodoxy has absorbed many pagan ideas. So, the Orthodox holiday of the Trinity, celebrated as the day of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, in Russia merged with the ancient Slavic holiday of the Semik, associated with the veneration of the spirits of vegetation.

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    1. one keyword (noun); 2. two adjectives characterizing the word in the first line; 3. three verbs; 4. a short phrase, inference, which shows the attitude to the problem; 5. one noun (synonym for the first line).

    7 slide

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    The most famous literary work about the Snow Maiden is the play of the same name by A.N. Ostrovsky, written in 1873. In the drama "The Snow Maiden" (the writer defined her genre as a "spring tale") A.N. Ostrovsky makes an attempt to touch the deep roots of Russian and Slavic culture, to learn the secrets of folk mythology. The work "Snow Maiden" is an amazing fairy tale, which shows the beauty of the surrounding world, love, nature, youth.

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    There is nothing surprising in the fact that the theatrical production of "The Snow Maiden" by the Moscow Maly Theater (May 11, 1873) actually failed. Only at the beginning of the twentieth century, the dramatic concept of A.N. Ostrovsky was appreciated. A.P. Lensky, who staged The Snegurochka in September 1900 in Moscow, remarked: “Ostrovsky would have had enough imagination to overflow his fairy tale to the brim with native devilry. But he, apparently, deliberately saved the fantastic elements, saved in order not to overshadow the enchantingness of another, more complex element - the poetic one ”.

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    In 1873, the music to the "spring tale" by A.N. Ostrovsky's The Snow Maiden was written by P.I. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893). Responses to the musical accompaniment of the play were contradictory. Someone P. Akilov in "Theatrical Notes" noticed that the music for "The Snow Maiden" is monotonous "to sleep." Perhaps this impression was facilitated by the disgusting performance of musical numbers by the orchestra under the direction of I.O. Shrameka. Sunny music for the spring fairy tale by A.N. Ostrovsky cannot but evoke positive emotions. It is no coincidence that P.I. Tchaikovsky defined his idea as follows: "There should be a noticeably joyful, spring mood in this music."

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    In 1900, A.T. Grechaninov (1864-1956). The premiere took place on September 24, 1900 at the Moscow Art Theater. The roles were played by: Tsar Berendey - V.I. Kachalov, Snow Maiden - M.P. Lilina, Lel - M.F. Andreeva. In 1880, from the pen of N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908), the opera The Snow Maiden was released - one of the pinnacles of Russian musical classics. The composer was completely captured by the themes and images of A.N. Ostrovsky. Two-tiered gazebo It is believed that here Ostrovsky A.N. came up with the idea of ​​creating the play "Snow Maiden".

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    Music by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov is permeated with the fragrance of spring, warmth and light, warmed by folk songs. The first performance of the opera took place on January 29, 1882 at the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater. Conducted by E.F. Guide. On October 8, 1885, The Snow Maiden was staged in Moscow on the stage of the Private Russian Opera by S.I. Mamontov. Opera N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov was a success in the best Russian theaters. Scenery sketch for the play

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    The opera was composed in the summer of 1880 in a remote Russian village. The composer later said that no piece was given to him with such ease and speed as The Snow Maiden. The opera was completed in 1881. The premiere, which took place on January 29 (February 10) next year at the Mariinsky Theater, was a great success. Alexander Ostrovsky also enthusiastically accepted the opera: “The music to my“ Snow Maiden ”is amazing, I could never have imagined anything more suitable for it and so vividly expressing all the poetry of the Russian pagan cult and this first snow-cold, and then irresistibly passionate heroines of a fairy tale ".

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    The work of A.N. Ostrovsky made a revolution in the Russian theater. Already his first plays showed on the stage a world perfectly familiar to the playwright himself, but completely unknown to readers and spectators of the mid-19th century. The dramaturgy of Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky marked the most important stage in the development of the Russian national theater. As a playwright and director, Ostrovsky contributed to the formation of a new school of realistic play.

    Below we characterize the play-fairy tale by A.N. Ostrovsky, making the necessary, from our point of view, accents.

    The Snow Maiden extravaganza appeared one hundred and forty years ago, in 1873, in the Vestnik Evropy magazine. Everything was unusual in this play: genre (fairy tale play, extravaganza); a combination of dramatic poetic text with music and ballet elements; plot; heroes - gods, demigods, ordinary inhabitants of the country - berendei; fantasy, organically fused with realistic, often everyday pictures; a folk language, which includes elements of vernacular and, on the other hand, in some places turns into a high, poetic, solemn speech.

    In the critical literature, the opinion is expressed that the appearance of such a play was associated with accidental circumstances: in 1873 the Maly Theater was closed for renovations, the troupe moved to the building of the Bolshoi Theater to occupy the artists of the drama and opera and ballet theaters, the management decided to ask A.N. Ostrovsky to write a corresponding play. He agreed.

    In fact, everything was more serious. The move of the Maly Theater was only a pretext, an impetus for the implementation of the theatrical genre conceived by Ostrovsky. The playwright's interests have long been associated with plays of this kind, folklore was his favorite and native element, and folk extravaganza occupied his thought long before 1873 and much later.

    “On a holiday,” he wrote in 1881, “every working person is tempted to spend an evening outside the home ... I want to forget the boring reality, I want to see a different life, a different environment, other forms of community. I would like to see boyar, princely mansions, royal chambers, I would like to hear hot and solemn speeches, I would like to see the triumph of truth. "

    The action takes place in the fairyland of the Berendeys, as the playwright writes, in "prehistoric times." The name of the Berendey tribe is found in the Tale of Bygone Years. Heard the writer and oral stories about the ancient city of the Berendey and the king Berendey. "

    Mythological characters pass before the viewer - gods (Yarilo), demigods (Frost, Spring-Red), the daughter of Frost and Spring-Red Snegurochka (the child of marriage, contrary to Yarila), goblin, talking birds, bushes that come to life, ghosts. But all this fantasy is closely combined with realistic, everyday scenes. The great realist, the writer of everyday life could not fetter his imagination in the framework of fiction.

    Living real life bursts into the play and gives special brightness to the time and place of its action.

    Snegurochka, Kupava, Lel, Moroz, Vesna-Krasna, Mizgir are endowed with features of unique characters. There is something in them from the people of Ostrovsky's time and later years.

    The dialogue between Frost and Spring-Red about the future of their daughter is indistinguishable in tone even from the conversations of the parents of our time. Bobyl is a splinter from a typical idle peasant, a drinker, even Yarilo appears in the guise of a young pariah in white clothes with a human head in one hand and a sheaf of rye in the other (as he was painted in folk tales in some places of Russia).

    There are not so many traces of the primitive communal system in the fairy-tale play (mostly mythological images). But there is plenty of evidence of the conventionality of "prehistoric time".

    First of all, let us note the social inequality in the Berendean kingdom. Society is divided into rich and poor, with the latter openly jealous of the former. Not to mention Bobylikha, who dreams of "stuffing a bag thicker" and commanding the family like Kabanikha, let's pay attention to the pure and noble Kupava, who, getting ready to marry Mizgir, draws her future this way: “8 to his house, in a large royal settlement , / In all sight, a rich mistress / Reign ...

    The richer Murash refuses to accept the shepherd Lel for the night, despising him as a poor man and not believing in his honesty: "Use your bows to deceive others, / And we know you, my friend, / What is safe is safe, they say."

    It is no coincidence that in the remark to the first act we read: “On the right side is the poor Bobyl's hut, with a shaky porch; a bench in front of the hut; on the left side there is a large Murash hut decorated with carvings; in the back is the street; across the street Khmelnik and Murash the beekeeper. " A small sketch takes on a symbolic character.

    In the Berendey kingdom, elements of the social hierarchy are strong. Talking birds, singing about their life order, in essence, recreate a picture of the social system of the Berendei; they have governors, clerks, boyars, nobles (this is in "prehistoric times"), peasants, serfs, centurions, people of different professions and positions: farmers, kissing men, fishermen, merchants, masters, servants, priest, youths, buffoons.

    The king with his faithful assistant boyar Bermyat is crowning all this feast. Can the life of the Berendeans be considered a kind of idyll, serene and happy, as some researchers say?

    Yes, in comparison with the surrounding world, where continuous wars are going on (buffoons are singing about them, depicted in The Lay of Igor's Campaign), the land of the Berendei may seem like a paradise.

    For a peaceful life, for relative freedom, for the opportunity in any difficult case to turn to the king, the Berendei praise without any measure the wise father of their land. And the king takes this praise for granted.

    Nevertheless, life in the Berendey kingdom is far from ideal. No wonder the action of the play is opened by the words of Vesna-Krasna:

    Cheerfully and coldly meets
    Spring is its gloomy country.

    This remark applies not only to the weather, then it turns out that the supreme deity Yarilo (the Sun) is angry with the Berendeys for the fact that Frost and Spring-Red, violating canons and traditions, entered into marriage and gave birth to an unprecedented creature - a beautiful girl. Yarilo swore a terrible oath to destroy both this girl, the Snow Maiden, and her father, and brought all sorts of troubles to the inhabitants of the country (however, they experienced these troubles even without Yarila's will).

    The tsar himself is forced to admit that he has not seen well-being in the people for a long time. And the point is not only that, according to Bermyaty, compatriots "steal a little" (this sin is unforgivable, but we can correct it from the point of view of the king), the point is that the morale of the country's inhabitants has changed:

    The service to beauty disappeared in them ...
    But completely different passions are seen:
    Vanity, envy of other people's outfits ...

    People are jealous of wealth, lovers often cheat on each other, they are ready to get into a fight with a rival. Priyuchi, calling the Berendeys to a meeting with the tsar, jokingly give evil but truthful characteristics to their contemporaries: “Sovereign people: / Boyars, nobles, / Boyar children, / Cheerful heads / Wide beards! / Do you, nobles, / Greyhound dogs, / Barefoot slaves! / Trade guests, / beaver hats, / Thick heads, / Thick beards, / Tight purses. / Clerks, clerks, / Hot guys, / Your business is to drag and reap, / Yes, to hold your hand with a hook (that is, take bribes, bribes) / Old old women / Your business; muddy, spinning, / Divorce the son and daughter-in-law. / Young fellows, / Daring daredevils, / people for the cause, / You are for idleness. / It's up to you to look around the towers, / to lure the girls out. "

    Such a "prehistoric time" is not much different from later times - the great playwright remains true to himself in exposing human vices and shortcomings. The researcher is hardly wrong when she writes that "Berendey's society is cruel, it no longer lives according to natural, but human laws, covering up its imperfection with the desires of Yaripa the Sun."

    A few words about the king should be added here. In the critical literature, his figure is assessed positively. He really provided peace to his people, in any case, he did not embark on reckless wars, he thinks a lot about the happiness of young people, does not shy away from communicating with ordinary Berendei, to some extent he is not alien to art - he paints his palace. But unlimited power, as usual, left an imprint on his thoughts, feelings and behavior.

    He is convinced that the will of the king has no boundaries. When he decides to gather all the lovers and arrange a collective wedding on Yarilin's solemn day, and Bermyata doubts the possibility of such a holiday, the tsar exclaims in anger: What? What is not allowed, bermata? Can't do what the king wants? Are you in your mind?

    Having learned from Kupava that Mizgir cheated on her for the sake of the Snow Maiden, he considers Mizgir a criminal worthy of the death penalty. But since “there are no bloody laws in our code,” the tsar, on behalf of the people, condemns Mizgir to ostracism - eternal exile - and calls on those who want to fall in love with the Snow Maiden before the end of the night (no later!).

    True, falling in love and disappointment in the Berendey kingdom flares up and goes out with the speed of a match, but this is the tradition of literature, going back to the Renaissance - remember Romeo and Juliet, who fell in love in a matter of seconds, in fact, without recognizing each other. But even taking into account this tradition, the order of the king looks like an act of arbitrariness.

    Hearing that the appearance of Snegurochka on the Berendeeva land caused a complete commotion among young people because of jealousy, the tsar ordered Bermyata to “settle everyone and reconcile until tomorrow” (!), And Snegurochka to look for a friend after her heart.

    The promised holiday is coming, a friend - Misgir - is found, young people are in love without memory, but the vengeful Yarilo remembers his oath. Hot passion destroys the Snow Maiden, she melts under the influence of sunlight. Misgir commits suicide, and the tsar, who shortly before that admired the beauty of the Snow Maiden and promised to arrange a feast with a mountain to the one who “will manage to captivate the Snow Maiden with love before dawn,” now solemnly says:

    Snow Maiden sad death
    And the terrible death of Mizgir
    They cannot disturb us. The sun knows
    Whom to punish and pardon. Finished
    True judgment! A product of frost,
    The cold Snow Maiden died.

    Now, the king believes, Yarilo will stop his acts of revenge and "look at the loyalty of the submissive Berendei." the king most of all adores the obedience of his subjects to himself and to the highest deity - Yarila-Sun. Instead of a mourning one, he proposes to sing a cheerful song, and the subjects are happy to fulfill the will of the king. The death of two people in comparison with the life of the masses does not matter.

    In general, Ostrovsky's entire play, for all its apparent gaiety, is built on an antithesis that creates a contradictory, sometimes bleak picture. Warmth and cold, wealth and poverty, love and infidelity, contentment with life and envy, war and peace, in a broader sense - good and evil, life and death are opposed to each other and determine the general atmosphere of the Berendean kingdom, and contradictions and disharmony in characters actors.

    The hostile principle has penetrated even into space. The Yarilo-Sun, the blessed sun, which gives wealth and joy to earthlings, sends bad weather, crop failures, all kinds of sorrow to the Berendeys and destroys the innocent illegitimate daughter of illegitimate parents, taking revenge not only on Frost, but also on the spiritually close Spring-Red, depriving her beloved daughter.

    If we talk about the philosophical aspect of the play, then before us is not the embodiment of the dream of an ideal "prehistoric" kingdom, but a fabulous work imbued with a thirst for harmony of life in the present and the future. The Berendey kingdom is devoid of this harmony, this harmony is not even in the character of the main character.

    She merged physical beauty with spiritual nobility, a kind of almost childish naivety and defenselessness with a coldness of the heart, an inability to love. A desperate attempt to go beyond the circle designated by nature causes inhuman tension of forces and emotions and ends in tragedy.

    We can say that the playwright's idea to show “a different life, a different setting” so that the audience at least for a while would forget “boring reality” was not entirely successful. But the image of the truth of life was fully succeeded, as A.N. Ostrovsky wrote about in the letter cited above.

    She is attracted by the persistent and irrepressible desire of the main character to change her fate, her high understanding of love, for the sake of which one can accept death:

    Let me perish, love one moment
    More dear to me than years of melancholy and tears ...
    Everything that is dear in the world
    Lives in just one word. This word

    At first Lel fascinates her with her songs, the softness of her nature. Mother reminds her that Lel is the beloved son of the Sun, hostile to the father of the Snow Maiden.
    I'm not afraid of either Lelya or the Sun,
    she answers ...
    … Happiness
    I’ll find or not, but I’ll look.

    Love is above all, dearer than earthly existence - this is the leitmotif of the play. As noted in the critical literature, “in the late phase of creativity (from the second half of the 1870s), the main concern of the playwright was the fate of loving women.

    In the chronological interval between The Thunderstorm and The Dowry, Ostrovsky creates the Snow Maiden extravaganza. And those are the unfortunate fate of a woman, albeit in a fabulous interpretation, in the foreground. The physical cold that surrounds the daughter Frost-father can be endured - the mental cold is unbearable. Love warms, makes a person a person. This is a great feeling, but it requires the willingness of the lover to fight for his happiness.

    Sometimes, unfortunately, a high romantic feeling ends tragically - for a number of reasons, among which is a conflict with society or supermundane forces, as the classics of distant and closer to us times showed, and as A.N. Ostrovsky in his fairy tale play.

    But the strength of the spirit of the dying hero gives rise to deep respect for him on the part of the person who perceives the art and does not pass without a trace for the consciousness and emotional world of the reader and viewer. From these positions can assess the tragedy of the Snow Maiden.

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