The theme of the spiritual rebirth of a person in the stories of A. P

The theme of the spiritual rebirth of a person in the stories of A. P

Chekhov is a master of short stories, and the subject of research in them most often for the writer becomes the inner world of a person.

He was an implacable enemy of vulgarity and philistinism, he hated and despised the townsfolk, their empty and aimless life, devoid of high aspirations and ideals. The main question asked by A.P. Chekhov throughout his entire career is the reasons for the loss of spirituality by a person, his moral decline.

Most often, such reasons are a person's susceptibility to the influence of the environment in which he lives. The writer is worried that people with good inner inclinations, a pure heart and a kind soul, those people who are called to lead the people, turn into ordinary people, degrade under the influence of the environment in which they find themselves. The most indicative in this regard, in my opinion, is the story "Ionych".

Dmitry Ionych Startsev, a young doctor, an intelligent and interesting person, finds himself in a remote, gray provincial town S. He completely devotes himself to work, lives as a hermit. Startsev despises ordinary people with whom there is nothing to talk about, since their interests are reduced only to food, wine, cards and gossip. Startsev rarely talked to his patients, because, no matter what he said, everything was perceived by the townsfolk as a personal insult. They are not able to think and talk about anything that does not concern food or their small everyday interests. When Startsev tried to talk to them about the benefits of labor, everyone felt a reproach for this. For the inhabitants of the city, Startsev was a stranger, the townsfolk called him "inflated Pole", feeling his detachment from them.

But time passes, and Dmitry Startsev sinks and becomes the same as them. The hero changed under the influence of the passage of time, which he had little resistance to. He no longer sympathizes with his neighbors, becomes greedy, indifferent. The hospital, which used to take all his strength and time, no longer interests Startsev, he lost all his ideals, the vulgarity of philistine life overwhelmed him. He has nothing else in life to do but eat, drink, save money and play cards in the club.

The hero hated and despised the life of the townsfolk around him, but this did not prevent him, in the end, from multiplying their number himself. Chekhov showed us the process of transformation of the young doctor Dmitry Startsev into a greedy greedy swimmer, whom everyone now calls simply Ionych, thereby emphasizing that he has become "his own" in their town.

Even memories of his former love for Ekaterina Turkina cannot awaken Startsev's half-sleeping soul. He thinks wearily: "It's good that I didn't marry her." Startsev is spiritually dead. This creates an even more painful impression, because he is fully aware of what kind of swamp he is sinking into, but does not in any way try to fight it. He does not regret either youth, or love, or his unfulfilled hopes. The hero hated and despised the life of the townsfolk around him, but this did not prevent him, in the end, from multiplying their number himself.

All his life A.P. Chekhov was interested in the topic of human spiritual rebirth. The writer thought about how people change. Chekhov always dreamed of changing a person for the better, but he saw that his dreams were not always similar to reality.

He wondered why good-natured decent people suddenly become rude and hypocritical. What are the reasons for this? Anton Pavlovich in his works always analyzed, assumed and tried to explain the change in people for the better or for the worse.

According to the writer, spiritual rebirth was influenced by life-related changes: marriage, career advancement, grief in the family and many, many other life situations.

Let's consider several works and try to understand the thoughts of the writer, agree with them, or, conversely, refute them. For example, in the famous lyric comedy "The Cherry Orchard" we meet such a hero as a young footman Yasha, who is nothing like a person, an ordinary guy from the village. Why did his life change for the worse? Where have the good feelings, the spiritual qualities of the Russian village man gone?

Chekhov reveals these changes to us, linking them to the life situation. It's simple: Yasha, having spent five years with his landowner abroad, returned to his native land. But how these five years influenced him! When Yasha was told that his mother had come to see him and had been sitting since yesterday, he did not react to this in any way, only showed his rotten insides: “God is with her at all! Very necessary. I could have come tomorrow too. "

The wealth and beauty of metropolitan life abroad affected the lackey negatively. He picked up some "cheap stuff" there: "Yes, sir, it's nice to smoke a cigar in clean air ..." But since Yasha is an uneducated person, he trumpeting this, he does not understand that he did not become an intelligent and secular person because of this.

Chekhov hated book phrases, fashionable words and everything far-fetched, with which a Russian person wanted to portray himself as a European. Using Yasha's example, the writer makes it clear to the reader that all this is stupid and absolutely unnecessary. Chekhov shows to what extent a man can change if he strives only for outward polish and despises those who (as it seems to him) are not as developed and enlightened as himself.

Anton Pavlovich always pitied such people and wanted them to become simpler, more truthful, more natural. Chekhov has many such heroes. One of them is Olga Ivanovna Dymova, the heroine of the story "Jumping". This is a young woman who lives off her husband, whom she does not care about, makes fun of him with her friends, who are not really her friends.

It seems to Olga Ivanovna that Dymov himself does not notice this, because, from her point of view, he is a simple, narrow-minded person, unlike her - refined, artistic, secular. She has many extraordinary acquaintances: artists, actors, among them there is a "landowner - amateur illustrator".

All her company "spoiled by fate", all - rich, bohemian people. Among this company, Doctor Dymov turns out to be a stranger. His young wife, who was very fond of singing, on the piano, painting with paints, sculpting, was drawn to this bohemian audience.

It was she who came to them, and not vice versa, because after the death of her husband, when there was no money and balls, these so-called friends were gone. Only then did Olga Ivanovna understand how hypocritical and unfair she was towards her husband. After all, Dymov loved her, but did she love him? No, she liked to be loved, liked his attitude to her and reliability in everything.

Olga Ivanovna very much believed in her friends, who constantly praised her: "She is ruining herself: if she were not lazy and pulled herself together, then she would have become a wonderful singer." It turned out that all the praises were only flattery, and Olga Ivanovna was a person with whom it was possible to spend time, not without pleasantness. When her husband died, and Olga Ivanovna herself became unnecessary.


I started helping newcomers when I myself more or less cleared out all my problems and rubble. Until this year, I took care of myself and inspiredly made corrections to the existing translation of the Big Book (fortunately, I myself have the experience of a translator, and I was very carried away by this), and then I had to solve problems in my personal life and re-return to those moments in my inventory, which I “tactfully” toured for the first time. Since then I have been joking on this topic: “If you don’t try to make the program as thoroughly and honestly as possible, then the program will make you”.

And she began to help because all this personal baggage and obtained from the Big Book could not be taken and shoved under the pillow. And helping others was a great way to get away from personal troubles. The experience with the first ward, who reached the result promised in the Big Book, what happened to her and what she became - this caused me to simply delight and realize the greatness of the Higher Power. Before my eyes, she literally went through the entire foundation and was reborn. Actually, this is still my main motivation. I cannot deny myself the pleasure of watching what a person can achieve together with his Higher Power. Initially, I chose the position: the primary source and what is written in it are more important than my personal experience and understanding of how to do it. The reason for this was my observation of how the message is distorted during the transmission of "personal experience." And I also had moments that were not related to the actions described in the Big Book, and they are still there. But this is not a reason to pass on personal beliefs and delusions to an uninformed person. Therefore, I gave the text of the Big Book and asked the person to do, as far as possible, what is described there.

In A.A. there is a principle of "the immutability of the message" - as the message of AA, the newcomer is given a program of actions described in the unchanging part of the Big Book. I tried to adhere to this principle, and time has shown that it was not in vain. My wards more than once pointed out to me in the text "And here it is not written like that, here it is different ..." and did what was written, and not what I did. They saw in the book what I, under the weight of personal prejudice, simply read differently.

This is my mind, everything needs to be complicated and colored in its own way. And personal moments, which for some reason do not reach or are not available when I myself try to take steps, suddenly become simple and obvious when you help someone else. Probably because there is no obligation at this moment. Mentoring is mutual, each person, without knowing it, invests a lot in my spiritual growth.

In mentoring, my role is small, in the first place is the person himself and his relationship with the Higher Power, as he understands it. I keep my personal experience and understanding in the background, so as not to confuse a person and not impose my own. People are unique - where I have a deficiency, a person can have an excess. The most important thing is his personal path to his true self and his concepts. I'll tell you about mine, of course, but later. Very often I see the expectation from me of the role of a "psychotherapist", that I will now take and tell the whole truth to a person about his delusions. But no, I won't, because I can't see. Only the Higher Power can see the innermost in a person and the person himself, if the Higher Power gives him such an opportunity. Therefore, the most important thing for me is that a person finds answers to questions within himself. I appreciate everything that a person gets, because everyone does exactly as much as he can at the moment, for “depth and breadth” he will have the rest of his life and the tools he mastered. For 1-9 steps, a month or three is quite enough, no more.

Not everyone reaches the end, I noticed one turning point, which a person either goes through and goes to the end, or leaves the Big Book at this place - the transition in the Fourth step to consider his "true self". If you manage to pass this moment, then there is a reconstruction in the foundations of the worldview, and sincere 5-9 steps go without any effort. A person simply cannot do otherwise. But it seems to me that this is not scary, if a person does not want to go further, we still remain friends. I trust God, he will lead a person out in his own ways, not necessarily with me, and not necessarily the way I was walking. After a person masters the Tenth, Eleventh and begins the Twelfth step itself, I am no longer a mentor. As the saying goes, “all the answers are with the Higher Power, the tools are in our hands”, we are no different now.

And each new person teaches me “not to play the role of God”, not to condemn, to respect the free will and choice of another person and to trust God.

Ekaterina S. (Istanbul)

About the karmic rebirth of the soul during one life cycle.

Something tells me that this topic will be somewhat difficult for ordinary perception. However, I am writing it primarily for those who have similar experiences, and therefore are able to understand the intricacies of the karmic nature of the human soul.

The fact is that our soul has the property of constant development and evolution. A person who reaches a new level of his own consciousness, in some religions, is designated as "twice born". The essence of this, at first glance, definition is that the soul, having reached a certain limit of its development, symbolically dies, leaving all unnecessary accumulations in the void, and is born again, but with wider possibilities, sufficient to assimilate a more complex and serious spiritual experience, focusing already on goals of a different and higher order.

That the soul has the ability to move from one body to another, there is some evidence that was obtained during experiments with hypnosis. Immersed in a deep hypnotic trance, people talked about their past reincarnations, describing in detail the places in which they lived, and communicating in their native language. Subsequent checks have confirmed 100% accuracy of this information. Moreover, some people had cases of opening the memory of the past, and they even found their own graves, or rather the graves of those bodies in which they had been before, which in turn strengthened their confidence that the soul has an immortal nature. In any case, it does not lend itself to the destructive influence that lends itself to any matter within the solar system.

The concept of karma has a religious origin, and originates from the origins of Hinduism, symbolizing a certain experience that the soul accumulates during all its lives, and the influence of which is manifested in each subsequent life of a person. Unfortunately, the difference in the conditions in which a new person is born, from the point of view of Hindu philosophy, is described somewhat vaguely, and in general is based on the caste system of society. However, numerous examples of individual lives, both rich and poor, often refute this dubious pattern. Otherwise, the soul born into wealth had to not only earn its new place with the help of previous virtues in past lives, but also continue its development, focusing exclusively on spiritual growth. Whereas in life, spiritual growth as a whole is determined not by the conditions of birth and living, but by the properties and aspirations of the soul itself. Moreover, for spiritual growth, special living conditions are not needed, and sometimes poverty and significant material limitation only contribute to the spiritual evolution of a person, thanks to his inner intuition and aspirations to cognize the capabilities of his spirit.

The influence of karma on the life of an individual is very enormous, as is the influence of natural conditions on the life of the physical body. However, we often take wishful thinking, attributing to karma those properties that it does not possess due to their specificity and complexity. Of course, it's nice to think that some higher Reason has already taken care of us and has given everyone what he deserves, having outlined to each his own and individual destiny, from the influence of which we will not escape. But under such conditions, we forget that the whole meaning of karmic influence on a person disappears. The Almighty, could immediately take stock of all destinies at once, leading us to their final stage and thereby adjusting them to a single perfection, which corresponds to the idea of ​​a religious apocalypse, with the obligatory distribution of all benefits and punishments. But this approach violates one of the main rules of the universe - the right of personal choice. And this means that the main work of God is not to track each individual fate in order to draw up its own schedule of events for it, but to create a single spiritual mechanism, the influence of which extends to everyone, as the influence of nature extends to all living beings. This means that the mechanism of karma has not been fully understood, just as the nature of the soul itself has not been studied.

In this sense, although religion is the indisputable heir of the long-term spiritual culture of man, it nevertheless contains a number of significant shortcomings, the main one of which is dogmatism, and a ban on any study of karmic laws or the properties of the human spirit. Recently, this function is increasingly taken on by science, thus trying to clearly prove not only the presence of spirit, but also its physical properties. If we assume that religion in its form is nothing more than a legacy of the most important information of the past, which was passed on to our distant ancestors from more developed beings, then it is, first of all, seeds of truth that can germinate if they are planted in the proper soil of research. ... But instead, priests and other clergy prefer the function of custodians of spiritual artifacts, while not allowing them to use them to get to the bottom of the essence. Too many facts and examples of independent research suggest that the source of this or that religious truth is information that was transmitted by beings from other solar systems. As the most striking example, the religion of a small African tribe is cited, which, having remained at the level of primitive development, has knowledge of the stars, space and individual star systems. In addition, if we take into account the examples of those who have achieved a state of enlightenment, in which a direct connection with the higher mind opens, then it can certainly be argued that some of the religious texts are revelations of such people. But again, we must take into account the circumstance and the time at which these texts were written. It is possible that for that time and that level of development, these texts were an intelligible presentation, even if the topic of the narrative was transcendental. However, a modern person, having achieved a state of enlightenment, with the proper level of intelligence, is able to describe his conduct in a much more informative form. But back to the main topic of discussion.

As you know, every body contains a DNA code, which contains the memory of all genetic changes in the past. If the DNA code turns out to be defective, then this generic branch is interrupted, giving way to others, more perfect. We are often unable to track all the changes that occur in DNA, since the evolution of individual components of the body can occur at the micro-level, not to mention the constant dynamics of adaptability to new conditions. In general, in our more or less well-known history, sometimes we are unable to understand because of the difference of opinions and records, what then says about DNA? Indeed, by actually studying the DNA code, we see a ready-made picture, and we can only guess what contributed to its construction. And yet, the universe itself has in its essence the law of repeating similarities. There is always something in life that can serve as a reduced or enlarged copy of something else, having in its totality a general principle of either creation or functioning.

Consequently, the principle of constant change of the DNA code, and its subsequent transmission from one generation to another, can also take place in the evolution of each individual soul. It's just that what we call DNA, in the soul, can have the property of karma - a kind of a kind of spiritual heritage of life experience throughout all life cycles. Moreover, this experience, discarding as unnecessary, a huge amount of unnecessary information, contains the basic principles of the formation of the spirit, a kind of spiritual information archive, thanks to which each subsequent life allows a person to navigate much faster in the living space, and, having formed as a person, transcend to overcome new spiritual heights and changing your own destiny in real time, thereby changing your future, and, to be more precise, adjusting your future to conditions convenient for your development.

Thus, we can assume that spiritual evolution can often take place in one person, in completely different time intervals, different from the usual earthly cycles. And while we live the life of our physical body, limited in time to a certain interval, our soul is able to experience its rebirth several times, thanks to the desire for spiritual growth and appropriate practices. Time, in this case, plays a completely different role for both the body and the soul, since the soul, unlike the body, is able to travel along its line of life, both towards the past and towards the possible future, over and over again adjusting its route. We ourselves are able to mentally travel through the events of the past, studying historical information in a particular time period. In this case, the body is more limited, and this limitation is due to the properties of the human genetic code, for which sharp jumps are impossible, not to mention the laws of physics that limit the speed of movement of our bodies in space and therefore in time. Let's imagine for a second that the body is nothing more than a mechanical skeleton of a robot, with all the protection and life support system. And DNA, in turn, plays the role of a program that maintains the function of such a skeleton in an efficient mode. Now imagine that you have been loaded with a DNA program, a new version that was designed for the skeletons of the release for 100 years in advance? Can we guarantee full compatibility of outdated hardware with new software? I think no.
But in the case of the soul, such a possibility exists, otherwise how to explain the fact that the thoughts of some sages and philosophers of centuries ago are not only modern with ours, but also relevant for the future that has already come? Do you understand what I'm getting at? This means that the soul is capable of outstripping in its evolution the time by which our body is limited. And all this works not in spite of, but on the contrary, thanks to the law of karma and the law of the right to choose.

Have you noticed signs of dramatic personality changes among your loved ones? Personally, I noticed them, and not only in friends but also in myself. Usually my internal changes had an external reflection as well. As soon as a new hobby appeared, as in the process of its development, I received new information and often completely changed the system of my personal worldview. On average, this happened every three years. Of course, sometimes some external circumstances forced me to make such changes, but I noticed that with a personal desire to change something in my life, the quality of the changes was more significant than the forced ones, which were dictated by the necessity of external circumstances. But at the very moment when my changes as a result of spiritual practices took on a conscious character, the frequency of various spiritual rebirths increased to several cases a year. All this led me to the idea that the soul has the ability to change under the influence of a conscious desire for spiritual growth, but the mechanism of the changes themselves is directly related to our karmic past, future and present.

But, before continuing my story on this topic, I would like to bring to your attention a reflection of a slightly different nature.
I am very moved by some statements that God is never wrong. It is immediately clear that a person is not talking about God specifically, but about his personal representation of God, in which he looks “ideal”. If God were not mistaken, then it is likely that man in the form in which he exists now simply did not exist. Too much contrast is observed between the ideal perfection of the human body, and the full of various imperfections of the human mind. In addition, the experience of our universal similarity, in many respects, testifies to a significant degree of erroneousness of our ideas and their frequent imperfection. As a result, we get, in a sense, incomplete from the point of view of spiritual and rational development, while possessing the most of the possible perfect tools for translating our ideas and plans into life - the body.
Let's assume for a second that God has the ability to multiply copies of himself in order to carry out multitasking plans. A copy of God in this case, must have a common basis or nature with him, but at the same time specialize in the number of issues that determine the scope of a single task. Imagine a scientist who, possessing a huge stock of knowledge, simply cannot cope with the volume of tasks that he has set for himself, and time in this situation is working against him. Even if God has enough time, I am citing the example of a scientist only for the best perception of my idea. So, this scientist will try to find the most capable disciples for himself, since, unlike God, he does not have the ability to copy himself. And these same students, based on the general material and the best practices of their teacher, will nevertheless continue his work, each in his own way, and each in his own way will invent new directions. Moreover, some will get a greater result, while others, on the contrary, due to not only knowledge but also personal qualities that are different from their teacher. Just imagine that you have made several copies of yourself, and these copies, possessing your experience and knowledge, will nevertheless begin to lead an independent life, and each of them will have their own achievements, research and spiritual growth, independent of your results.
Making mistakes over and over again, such a copy begins to improve its area, bringing it to the most significant result. But, since the difference in the experience of the copies does not allow achieving uniform perfection in all areas, God decides to endow them with the individuality of consciousness, and sends them, so to speak, for practice in those areas of life that are simply created to learn from them from their own mistakes. And why, for example, the earth is not such a medium for the individual self-development of an individual soul, clothed in an ideal tool for personal research? The mechanism of life and death allows the soul to consolidate the main result of its perfection in a single information base, while everything temporary and perishable is renewed along with memory, and in the next attempt at perfection, the soul makes new mistakes and replenishes its gaps, which- having finished their course, they will return to their original source, or move to a new level of development on another planet, where conditions allow making a much smaller number of mistakes, and focus on higher tasks. In this case, the mechanism of karma is the ideal law of the spiritual development of a separate particle of God.

Each time we come across the concept of karma, we often interpret it in the light that is closest to our understanding. Of course, it is much easier to think that the law of karma automatically distributes us to new points of life on the planet, in which all our rewards and punishments for mistakes and virtues of the past are already included. But such a principle completely contradicts the theory of the evolution of the soul, as well as the meaning of spiritual development. After all, what is the point of developing, and indeed striving for anything, if your fate has already been decided from above? And in this case, all you can do is pay off the accumulated karmic debt, or make new debts for the future life.
It is believed that every karmic debt that we inherit from a previous life and travels with us to another, thus accumulating in the total amount of debts, which are called by the general word karma. But it seems to me that these debts have a completely different nature, and it is he who ultimately shapes us as a person.

Let's think about this. Suppose that the soul, after the death of the physical body, goes into a parallel plane of reality, as if stepping over to the other side of the mirror reflection, exactly in order to be able to exist there without daily energy supply, which is carried out through our body and senses. The question arises, what exactly will we be forced to transfer to another reality if most of our knowledge is useful only in this life, while in another reality they are useless?
However, let's not forget that in many ways, the ability of our thinking, as well as actions, which are a natural continuation of our thoughts, depend on our character, or, to be more precise, on its features that have the greatest influence. Any emotional incontinence, manifestation of aggression, the habit of lying, susceptibility to passions and dependence on a variety of sensual pleasures, makes us not only promiscuous in our own decisions, but also often lead to thoughtless actions that often cost us very dearly. And on the contrary, an optimistic person, with great willpower and maximum love of life, is able, in any new conditions, to shape his life in the maximum form of self-sufficiency. It may seem to us that such qualities are not as significant as the knowledge we possess. However, if on two uninhabited islands there are two completely different people who have no experience of survival in this area, who do you think is more capable of surviving?

And now let's assume that our divine principle from which our soul originates was perfect initially, but at the stage of initially high levels of consciousness, which in this world are suitable only in the form of spiritual development. Our adaptation to local conditions could form that type of character, which gradually became far from spiritual perfection. Therefore, the main task of the soul is not only adaptation to living conditions, but also a return to its Divine origin, through long spiritual transformations performed during many life cycles. In fact, any flaw in character is inherited by us in our new life. Consequently, in the new life, despite the pure memory from the past, we begin to behave in the same way, and we begin to suffer exactly from those desires from which we suffered earlier. So it turns out that instead of karmic punishment, we are pursued by the legacy, the cause of which we ourselves were. In other words, we cannot run away from ourselves, neither in time nor in space, and therefore this situation can be changed only by changing oneself, which is the very evolution of the soul that does not obey the laws of time.

Together with the negative factors that we inherited from past lives, as a result of conscious changes, along with them, our past disappears, which we are forced to drag along as an additional burden, thereby pushing our better future even further.
Karmic debts and their variety can be determined by those addictions that characterize us, and which give us the greatest amount of suffering. Anyone who, for example, is subject to the bonds of fornication, will be dragging behind skirts all his life, and will suffer from this exactly until the time when old age weakness will point us to the time wasted in this regard. Anyone who has been striving for money all his life will constantly languish from his own greed, over and over again spoiling life for himself and others. The one who was lazy in past lives, and failed to overcome this laziness in himself, is forced to suffer from his own heritage in this life. The one who did not know how to love also remains without love in the present until he learns to love. And such a concept is not only neutral to the concepts of good and evil, but also represents a natural pattern of private choice, in which you get exactly what you aspired to, and not what you deserve.

You probably noticed that the influence of time on the development of human civilization, in many ways resembles a frequent change of scenery, while the main vices and virtues of humanity remained unchanged, and did not even undergo evolution, with the exception of rare individuals, which we call the usual term for us - genius or saint, but without even trying to repeat their result by our own example. Of course, in this case, it is easier to rely on the dictate of fate, not realizing that we ourselves are the main dictator in our fate. Religion in this matter is the most demonstrative example. For centuries, believers sometimes from day to day repeated those truths that they themselves did not come close to in life, although these truths are feasible.

Karma is largely a hierarchical structure, and consists of the current karma of our actions in the present, hereditary karma of past lives, territorial karma that determines the field of activity, etc. In addition to a perfect body, God has provided us with all the necessary tools for spiritual development, including the right to choose and the ability to make mistakes. And in many ways, our development depends on our personal concept of God. Anyone who imagines his God as a universal and omnipotent tyrant, a jealous person who is ready to punish everyone who disobeys him and who is ready to test his flock with inhuman provocations, will try to be like him himself. This is perfectly evidenced by the biographies of many tyrant kings who, despite their bloody activities, were very pious people and considered their choice the right one. Needless to say, such habits of character are not easy to get rid of?

Often accepting God as portrayed by this or that religion, we thereby voluntarily renounce the God as we can see him with the help of our own spiritual vision, turning to our inner self. After all, it is our self, in its original light, that is nothing more than a reflection of the whole in a separate part, just as the structure of an atom reflects the entire universe in itself. And how can you see God differently, if our own origin, our inner self, purified from the influence of time, has a Divine origin?
For someone whose idea of ​​God is formed from a personal imperfect view, God will always have significant flaws, which are difficult to close their eyes to even with blind faith. Therefore, refusing religious faith in God, a person often acquires true faith, without frameworks and limitations in his own perfection and understanding of the Divine essence.
We idealize God, only within the framework of a personal idea of ​​him, and this idea becomes for us a guiding star in the world of self-improvement. The one who found the strength in himself to overcome many of his own vices, saw God in his true beauty, and changed his life radically. We can see many examples of such changes in the history of mankind, in the person of the most outstanding people of different eras and times.

Consequently, the chain of our spiritual rebirth, or rather their possibility, is the most direct path to God. And even if this planet is far from the only one where the soul must undergo its own purification, nevertheless the end justifies the funds invested in it.
The future of an individual is reminiscent of various metro lines, where he chooses his own direction of travel. And you are free to choose any side. Spiritual evolution, like DNA evolution, empowers us with the appropriate capabilities to more clearly see our highest goal. While spiritual degradation, on the contrary, closes the possible options for development, making us lovers of low and gross pleasures, similar to the needs of animals. And there is nothing fairer than giving us the freedom to choose to do as we want.

The soul always has the opportunity to return to the general light of the Divine essence. But then, she will lose her individuality, which she values, and all her achievements will simply be zeroed out. It would be like if the apple, instead of becoming an apple tree, decided to go back to the branch and live there in maximum comfort.
The most interesting thing is that such a zeroing within the framework of one religion can be considered both the achievement of nirvana and the complete erasure of personality, as well as hellish punishment, the fire of which erases our personalities and returns our souls to the beginning, like scrap metal is melted into a new billet of steel. The inevitable loss of individualization due to spiritual futility, for some, can be regarded as a punishment from God for sins. And this is not surprising, since even being in a dying state, a person tries to keep everything that connects him with his personality, and forgetting that everything material has the nature of decay.
But for a parent, there is no greater joy if his child not only turns out to be worthy of his parents, but also shows himself as a strong and creative person. And all this is within our power.

At the end of my story, I must note the influence of heredity in the topic of spiritual evolution as one of the features of karmic influence, about which we know little so far, relying only on the physical data of DNA, and without considering the probability due to which the soul is able to travel from one bodies to another, throughout the entire ancestral branch, incarnating in their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, knowing what kind of heredity is in their bodies. Just imagine that caring for our future ancestors, not only on the part of physical health, but also on the part of spiritual health, makes us more attached to our branch than those who do not ask similar questions, and are in a state described as “without clan and tribe ".
And nevertheless, each of us has the potential for spiritual rebirth, acquiring in each such rebirth, those qualities of the soul that allow us to gain new knowledge that contributes to spiritual growth.