The most famous collections. On all the goods - your merchant: Museum collections of Russian entrepreneurs The most huge collections in the world

The most famous collections. On all the goods - your merchant: Museum collections of Russian entrepreneurs The most huge collections in the world
The most famous collections. On all the goods - your merchant: Museum collections of Russian entrepreneurs The most huge collections in the world

Loved to collect postcards, stamps or liners from Zhwakhk? Surely these hobbies have passed over the years ... But these people devoted their passion - collecting - not one year, and this is not the limit. Dimitris Putiolas from Athens owns the largest camcorder collection - everything has 937 models from vintage to modern.
Since 2003, the Chinese collector Wang Guohua collected packs from cigarettes, some of which he keeps in his room in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. In the collection of 30,000 cigarette packs of more than 100 companies from 10 countries.
Pokemon Collection Lisa Courtney fell into the Guinness Book of Records. In the collection of 12 113 toys.
The robe of Ron Huda, who lives in Leviston, Maine, was redone for the real museum of PEZ candy. Now he has in the collection of more than 3000 candies-toys PEZ, although he considers it "small."
Farmer Heinrich Cat shows several of their 20,000 beer mugs in Kuxhaven. He himself does not drink beer, but the circles collect since 1997.
The collection of rubber clarified Valley Hummer - was not the largest in the world, even in the collection there is not a single repeating clarification. In her collection of 2469 ducks, only a few hundred to beat the world record set by one woman from California.
The Guinness Book of Records recognized the Collection of owls Pam Barker from Leeds the largest in the world. In her collection of 18,000 owls.
Mary Ann Sell from Cincinnati owns the collection of VIEW-Master films from 40,000.
The keychain bought in Vietnam (where he served as a helicopter aerial shooter), became for the 41-year-old Ron Tyler first in his now a huge collection.
The Santa Claus Collection Sheron Bajli is so big (6000) that she needed three weeks to collect everyone together.

An unusual find was made after the representatives of the Protestant community Celebration Church in Lakeville (Minnesota, USA) appeared to explore the house, a recently died parishioner Dannis Erickson, reports

Dennis Erickson (Dennis Ericson), who died in December last year, donated the house and all the property in him by the coming of the Church of Celebration Church, whose member of which he was over the years.

Lisa Lidstrom's financial service head in the comments for the publication said that the first visit to the transferred church of the house made an indelible impression on her.

"When I entered, I caught my breath," she witnessed: almost all the premises in the house, all the free space - starting the hallway and ending with the bedrooms - was filled with shelves where thousands of large-scale car models were stored. - Literally: from the floor to the ceiling, in each individual room. "

Even in the corridors, racks were installed in the laundry and bathroom.

The collection inventory took several weeks. In accordance with the drawed by the catalog, it contains more than 30 thousand car models.

"This is one of the largest collections around the world," noted L. Lindstrom.

Dannis Erickson and his only and most importantly

A resident of Lakeville, Education Engineer, Dannis Erickson began to collect car models at the nine-year-old and dedicated to this hobby all his free time.

He was a frequenter of antique shops and a regular visitor of a car show, devoted a lot of time to search for models on the Internet. Until the last days of his life, Erickson made orders for the purchase of various models, and some of them continue to arrive by mail at his address even after his death.

Dannis Erickson was the only child in the family. He lived in the house with his parents, and after their death became his only inhabitant. The parishioner of the Church in Lakeville was never married and he had no children.

In addition to the huge collection of car models, D. Erickson collected and cataloged thousands of brochures dedicated to automotive topics. Racks on which his collection was kept, he collected himself. The shelves were covered with plexiglas to protect models from dust from entering them.

"He cared about these small cars, rather than people care about each other," Lisa said Lisa.

Dannis Erickson died in his house in a dream at the age of 69.

Fate of the collection of Erikson

Since D. Erixon had no family, the community of the Church Celebration Church took care of the organization of his funeral.

The collection of Dennis Erikson was decided to sell. Lisa Lindstrom, appointed in the testament of the debris of the property D. Erixon, believes that it is likely that the unique collection will be sold out in large parts, since the sale of a multi-thousand meeting on separate models can take too much time.

According to L. Lindstrom, the Church of Lakeville can rescue from the sale of the collection of Dannis Erikson a six-digit amount, most of which will go to the execution of the Celebration Church community. Regarding these money, the church already has plans: the community intends to direct funds for the development of youth ministry.

"I think that to use a gift that Dannis presented in order to influence future generations - this is exactly what he wanted," the Celebration Church of Derrick Ross (Derrick Ross) said.

The largest collections of car models

The origins of modern collecting models of cars rise by the 1940s. The authors of the ideas of a large-scale model of the car were trading agents of the largest French automotive concerns.

In order for the future to buy the car to be easier to present your acquisition, the commercials began to carry out accurate models of copies of the offered cars. And the most popular scale today 1:43 was chosen on the basis of numerous consultations with engineers, artists and even doctors. According to experts, the model of this scale is simultaneously visual, and easy to manufacture. Over time, models and other sizes, multiple or close to 43 - 1:87, 1: 160, 1:24, 1:12 appeared.

However, the most common and popular format remains 1:43. The collection found in Lakeville is composed of the models of this particular scale.

As of January 2014, a resident of Livan Nabil Karam was considered the owner of the official record Guinness in collecting models of cars (Nabil "Billy" Karam). More than 30 thousand unique models were collected in his collection.

However, a resident of San Antonio (Texas, USA) Hank Hammer since 1968 collected a collection in which there are almost 36.5 thousand large-scale models. And taking into account the accompanying artifacts (brochures, catalogs, souvenirs of automotive themes, etc.) This collection has about 100 thousand items.

At the same time, the collector preferent with the Porsche car models.

To date, Hank Hammer left its former passion. Its collection is stored in two specially equipped houses with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 280 kV. m.

Incredible facts

One way to get into the Guinness Book of Records -collect What others do not need.

However, it is worth knowing that some places in the book are already busy. If you want to start to collect something, then eliminate several topics from the list, including umbrella covers, fossil feces, and toy dinosaurs.

Collection of chairs

3,000 miniature chairs.

Purchase of puppet-sized chairs on weekends turned into a hobby for Barbara Hartsfield (Barbara Hartsfield). For 10 years, until 2008, she managed to collect a collection of small chairs, which has more than 3,000 units. Today at its museum in the city of Ston Mountain, Georgia, USA, you can find chairs in bottles, chairs for feeders, as well as chairs made of toothpicks and clothespins.

Collection of toys (photo)

571 distant (extraterrestrial mutants from the series Doctor Who).

Surprisingly, the Englishman Rob Hull is not a fan of the series "Doctor Who", he only loves collecting distant - half-children and the main opponents of the doctor who wanted to conquer the universe.

Rob began collecting figures as a child when his parents refused to buy him toy far. At 29, he himself bought himself the first figure. In 2011, he fell into the Guinness Book of Records thanks to his collection from 571 far. The only person who annoyed his hobby was his wife.

Strange Collection

730 umbrella covers.

Of course, Nancy Hoffman did not become the owner of all umbrella covers in the world, but this did not prevent her to get into the Guinness Book of Records. In 2012, her collection numbered more than 730 covers. Since 1996, it replenits a collection in his Umbrella Cover Museum Museum, which is open to everyone to visit Pix Island, Portland, Maine, USA. In her collection there are covers of 50 countries of the world, and she always meets its guests with a living performance on the accordion of the song "Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella" (let the smile become your umbrella).

Home Collection

3,700 units of attributes from snack bars.

Like many Americans, Harry Sperl loves hamburgers. But a resident of Dieton Beach, Florida, went on the usual order of his favorite snacks - he spent the last 26 years he caught his collection of various attributes associated with snacks. Today, its collections have more than 3,700 items.

For his passion, he was called Hamburger Harry. Everything began when Harry decided to sell one vintage tray, which was used in the diner for motorists. To do this, he decided to acquire several plastic hamburgers to decorate their tray and increase the chances of selling it. Then he began to acquire more and more different goods related to the snacks, and even later he began to simply give such goods.

He calls her friends and fans "Hamburger Helpers". Today it can be found in the Guinness Book of Records. In his collection there is everything - from a water bed in the form of a hamburger to the Harley Davidson motorcycle in the form of the same Gabmurger. Soon he plans to open a museum in the form of a double cheeseburger.

Collection of dinosaurs

5,000 toy dinosaurs.

Randy Knol (Randy Knol) will envy any 5-year-old child. Randy began to collect toys after a set of Flinstovenov (the characters are famous for the American cartoon), where there was a toy dinosaur. Today, he himself does not know how much he has in the collection of dinosaurs. According to him, it consists of five and six thousand, and they are all folded in boxes, bags and containers for food placed around the house.

Specialists from the Guinness Book of Records still have to check the exact number of toys, but, according to Randy, he knew a couple of people who had a collection richer, "but there are no longer alive."

Collection of tables

11 570 Tablets "Do not disturb" (do not disturb).

Some people who travel a lot, as a rule, acquire the souvenir memory. It can be T-shirts, magnets or key chains with a picture of the place they visited. But in the case of Rainer Weichert Rainer Weichert (Rainer Weichert) is the signs "do not disturb", which he brings to his home to Germany after another journey.

In 2014, its collections had more than 11,570 tables from different hotels, cruise liners and aircraft. All signs were collected from 188 countries of the world. He considers 2 signs to be the most valuable: one was part of the Olympic village in 1936, during the Olympiad in Berlin, and the other from the Canadian Hotel General Brock Hotel, which more than 100 years.

Collection of toys

14 500 toys from bistro.

Growing in the Philippines, Percival R. Lugue (Percival R. Lugue) was very carefully related to his toys. When he grew up, he was not going anywhere. Today, he is the owner of the largest collection of toys purchased in fast food restaurants. In his collection, more than 14,500 toys, which allowed him in 2014 to get into the Guinness Book Record. The most valuable toys, he considers the 1999 Gadget Inspector, purchased in McDonalds, the sailor of 1987 and a set of friends from the Philippine Bistro Jollibee network.

Unusual collections

1 277 petrified excrement.

George Frandsen (George Frandsen) can be bolded to call Indiana Jones of excrement. Today, its collection has more than 1,277 coprolitis coprols (scientific name of petrified excrement). In 2016, he temporarily transferred his collection of the South Florida Museum (South Florida Museum). Collected collected copies of 8 countries. Among them are a 2-kilogram cocrolite of a prehistoric crocodile.

The most unusual collections

137 road cones.

The obsession with road cones began at David Morgan (David Morgan) from the UK, when he began working at Oxford Plastic Systems, the largest road cone manufacturer in the country.

In 1986, the competitor of Oxford Plastic Systems accused her that she copied one of the designs of the road cone, so Morgana had to look for the same cone to prove that the design was not new, and therefore the company did not copy anything. After this incident, he had a desire to collect cones.

675 beds for the back.

If you visit the dermatological clinic, which works Manfred S. Rothstein, then you can see the largest collection of garliches for the back in the world. In 2008, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the doctor has 675 of these useful tools.

Hundreds of chellices are waved along the corridors and in the clinic cabinets. Among them, you can find a chearl with a lape of alligator, or garlic made from the ribs of buffalo. It also has electrical chellices created in the 1900s.

Collection of Pokemon

16,000 Pokemon.

The 26-year-old Lisa Courtney boasts the largest collection of toy pokemones. Today in the collection there are more than 16,000 units of these fabulous creatures. She began to collect Pokemon, when she was 17 years old, and in the Guinness Book of Records, she is present since 2009, when she had a little more than 12,000 toys. According to the girl, every day she spends about 7 hours in search of new pokemon models.

Collection of vinyl records

6,000,000 vinyl records.

A wealthy Brazilian businessman Zero Freitas (Zero Freitas) almost all his life collects vinyl records. He loves to drive around around the world and acquire records from the most famous collectors.

The 62-year-old businessman even hired international scouts, which are purchased to him from New York, Mexico City, South Africa, Nigeria and Cairo thousands of records from his behalf, after which they send them to Brazil.

Since the businessman perfectly understood that the collection did not make sense if people could not see her, he decided to establish a non-profit musical organization called Emporium. She will play the role of a music library. It is also worth noting that the businessman decided to digitize the part of his collection, as a huge amount of music, especially Brazilian, was preserved only on vinyl records.

Collections of dolls (photo)

300 hyperealist dolls.

The author of such an unusual collection is Marilyn Mansfield (Marilyn Mansfield) from Stateit Island, New York, USA. She needed tens of thousands of dollars and a huge amount of time to become a winner of more than 300 dolls, which are distinguished by a high level of realism. All rooms in her house are literally clogged with dolls. Moreover, she cares about each doll, as a native child.

In more than thirty years, she loves to take out dolls for a walk, feed them and nursing. The husband supports his wife and even decided to build a new room for her favorite dolls.

850 models of fire trucks.

An amazing collection can boast the Nail Ilyasov from Ufa, which takes the post of colonel internal affairs. In addition to domestic cars, Naila has a lot of foreign ones.

The collection can get into the Guinness Book of Records, however, you still need to have several cars to reach 1,000 units. After that, you can safely apply for a book.

Nail Ilyasov himself said that he began to collect cars on a pure chance, when the wife gave him the model "Moskvich".

Learn about the ten of the most strange collectors and their collections:

1. Bob Gibbins (Bob Gibbins) and Lizzy (Lizzie): 240 sex dolls

60-year-old Bob Gibbins and his 55-year-old wife Lizzie have a rather unusual collection consisting of 240 different types of sex dolls, which they dress up and take with them on shopping trips.

Bob says that he was always interested in such dolls, but his passion began to truly develop when he bought various rag dolls and other toys for two of their children. Then he moved to the purchase of mannequins for shops, which he missed two years, collecting a rather impressive collection. However, what he really wanted to collect, he understood only when he hit the online forum of fans of silicone dolls. In 2007, with the support of his wife, Gibbins acquired his first silicone doll, Beverly, about $ 4,000. But it was only the beginning, since the pair continued to buy various types of sex dolls from cheap inflatable, which cost a maximum of 639 dollars, to such realistic silicone dolls as Jessica, who made a serious hole in the family budget, shining it for 11,202 dollars. In general, Bob and Lizzy Gibbinis calculated that they spent about $ 160,000 since they began to collect sex dolls.

Despite the fact that sex dolls usually buy and use for sexual purposes, Bob says that he never used his girls in this way. He recognizes that he considers most of them attractive, especially considering the fact that they are created with perfect figures, but he only considers them family members.

2. Graham Barker (Graham Barker): the largest (and, probably, the only one in the world) a collection of a navel fluff

Collecting the Basin Pooh is, probably, not the hobby, which is worth mentioning in conversation, but this did not stop the 45-year-old worker of the library from collecting his poucher down for 26 years.

Graham Baker from Perth (Perth), Australia, began to collect his strange collection since once at night he noticed the fluff in his navel and became interested in how much the fastener fluff could produce a person. The only way to get an answer to my question was observing your navel and picking up your own fastening poch. Contrary to what many people think about what he heard his strange habit about his strange habit, Graham is not obsessed with a foul down, and he also does not spend all his time for looking at his navel. They drive a clean curiosity and collecting the faded fluff, he devotes only ten seconds of his time, making it right before going into the shower.

The number of fluff, which he finds in his navel every night depends on the type of clothing he wore on that day, but he noticed that warm underwear is the most productive in this regard. Every night he collects his bubble fluff and puts it into the clay jar, which he bought specifically for storing the cute fluff. At the end of each year he adds a bubble fluff for this year to his huge collection. For 26 years, during which he collected his own fluff from the navel, he was able to fill three glass jars, and already working on the fourth. Want - Believe, you want - no, but his entire extensive collection weighs only 22 grams.

After he got into the Guinness Book of Records for the largest collection of faded fluff, his three glass jars with Pupkov Pooh fell into a museum for a non-disconnected amount.

3. Eric Ducharm (Eric Ducharme): Latex Tails Mermaids

When Eric Düsharm puts his beautiful mermaid tail to explore the crystal clear waters of the natural sources of Florida as a water, he says it is also reincarnated and mentally. This is a unique, the exciting life of a man from Florida, who says that he eats, sleeps and breathes mermaids, while trying to physically look and behave as they as often as time.

Dusharm was passionate about the mermaids since he was a child. At the age of 16, he gave his first show, floating in the form of a Prince-Water on the show of small mermaids "Weeki Wachee Springs" "in 2006.

To date, Dusharma has its own business called "Mertailor". It is engaged in the production of individual tails from silicone, urethane and latex, which one wears himself.

4. The largest collection of facing nicotine chewing in the world

Have you ever heard about someone who rolls the fabriced nicotine gums into the ball as if it was dough? Not? Well, then listen.

When Barry Chappel (Barry Chappell) flew by an international flight, he began to chew nicotin zhuma, because he could not smoke. Due to the fact that there was no garbage career in proximity, where he could throw off the chewing, he just kept her in his hand and rolled her into a small ball. A piece for a piece of his fleshing bead was noticeably increased in size. It was at that moment that his stunning idea was born. Why not ride the world's largest ball of crawling nicotine chewing and quit smoking in the process?

Now, six years later and 95,200 Zhwakhk, Barry is a non-smoking superstar. He rolled a giant ball from a fabulous nicotine chewing gum, which weighs almost 80 kilograms!

5. Paul Brockman: Collection of 55,000 dresses, which he chose himself for his wife

If love was measured by the number of dresses, Paul Brockman, most likely, would have received the title of loving her husband in the world. Over the past 56 years, the contractor born in Germany and living in the city of Lomita (Lomita), California, presented with his wife Margo 55,000 dresses, each of whom he chose himself.

The first ten dresses in the impressive collection of Brokin's floor were free. He got them, working in the seaport in the city of Bremen (Bremen), Germany, where workers could choose what they want, when bales were opened with goods. He gave them all his then the girl Margo. After they met for a while, the floor asked his girls's hands from her parents.

Margo shared his passion for dancing, and they went to the dance floor every week, but the floor wanted to be a new dress every time, so he bought her more and more dresses.

Margo never loved to go shopping, so the floor chose and bought dresses alone. He bought dresses before work, after work and even during work, sometimes coming home with boiled from thirty new dresses. He bought them during the sale at the end of the season, and where he saw something that he liked. At some point, his obsession with dresses came out of control, and he stopped taking care of their size.

He never installed some budget for his purchases. Sometimes he spent everything he had in his pockets, and waited until the next week, if he had no money. The most expensive there was a dress on which he spent $ 300 and which margot never put on. As you can imagine, most of the 55,000 margos dresses never put on.

6. Yang Jian (Jian Yang):

White exterior and Spartan gray staircase of the neat house, Yang Jiangan, do not give any hint of what is hidden inside him - pink floor in the living room and his collection of more than 6,000 Barbie dolls.

A 33-year-old man from Singapore prefers minimalist decor, but Barbie dolls and 3,000 other dolls fill three out of four walls of his living room, nine mirror cabinets in his dressing room, as well as the shelves of his office.

Jiang has a professional interest in toys, as he is the director of the Marketing Department at Omicom Media Group. However, Barbie dolls, he began collecting at the age of 13, when he bought a Barbie model called "Great Shape" (Great Shape), dressed in turquoise sports suit and striped leggings.

His boyish interest turned into a "crazy obsession", which his friends support, and receives a family. He spent on a collection of his collection for more than 20 years and 404,681 dollars.

Note: Although Jian has an impressive collection, the release of the Guinness Records for 2013 has gave a reward for the largest collection of Barbie dolls, a woman from Germany named Betina Dorfmann (Bettina Dorfmann), the collection of which has more than 15,000 of these dolls.

7. Chris Raid (Chris Reid): The largest (and the most cool) collection of huge water pistols in the world (Super Soaker)

Just look at the crazy collection of huge water pistols Chris Raid. The huge water pistol first appeared in 1989 and quickly supplanted other types of water pistols. With the help of its pumping system, a huge water pistol practically gives you the opportunity to shoot with water over long distances much more than ordinary pistols.

In general, he bought about 340 huge water pistols, including 240 unique designs (others or models of other colors, or repetitions). His very first huge water gun of yellow-green color of the 50th model was signed by Lonnie Johnson (Lonnie Johnson), who invented this type of water pistols.

8. Robin Amato (Robyn Amato): Collection of 3,000 dolls of rag Annie

Despite the fact that it is surrounded by more than 3,000 dolls of the rag Annie, a resident of the city of Tampa (TAMPA), Florida, Robin Amato cannot make him stop replenishing his collection. When she was a child, she had never had a rag Annie, so her annectia was not started until she was shouted for 40 years. Now 58-year-old woman from Florida recognizes that the dolls captured each room in her house.

At the moment, it has spent more than 20,000 dollars on dolls, cookie cans with rag-enoni portraits and other collectibles related to this doll.

Amato loves to dress up like a rag Annie, and takes some dolls from her collection to their daily walks. It suits tea parties, as well as daily spends time in a special bedroom allotted for her clan rag Annie.

9. Vic Klinko (Vic Clinco): The world's largest collection of sharp sauces

Vic Klinko has the most extensive collection of sharp sauces in the world. His striking collection consists of 6,000 bottles, which he bought around the world. In his collection there is even a rare sauce bottle called "Blair" S 16 Million Reserve ", which is the most sharp sauce on the planet. Bottles of ceiling sauces to the floor are waved all shelves in the dining room at home in Phoenix (Phoenix), Arizona. Bottles You can also find in the built-in wardrobes and refrigerators.

He collects bottles with sauces for the last 17 years and rightfully is the owner of the largest private collection of sharp sauces in the world. Mr. Klinko, who works as a cook "Four Seasons" (Four Seasons), said that the most valuable bottle of acute sauce in his collection costs about $ 900, and that it is unique. The most expensive bottle of acute sauce from his collection cost 4000 dollars.

10. Paul Luke: The world's largest collection of milk bottles

The former thrush had to build a museum behind her house, in the garden, after his house became too crazy for his collection, consisting more than 10,000 bottles from the milk.

The 33-year-old half of the hatch has retained its first milk bottle, when he was only nine years old, and earned money for minor expenses, working as an assistant milk. However, over time, his collection swelled more than 10,000 bottles, the most rare of which were preserved since 1890s.

Today we can safely argue that collectibles is the most popular hobby in the world - they are engaged in more than 20% of the world's population. We present the most famous collections of the world from A to Ya.

The largest collection of cars owns Sultan Brunha Hassanal Bolki. In his meeting, more than 5,000 most expensive cars from around the world. For their storage, the sultan contains four huge garages, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 1 km².

Among them is the Parny car Ferrari, Rolls-Royce, Mercedes, Jaguar and Bentley. In addition, in the Garage Hassanal Bolkhah there is a collection of the winners of Formula 1, since 1980.

Literature and love for butterflies have always been inseparable in the life of the famous writer. Vladimir Nabokov caught his first butterfly at 6 years old, and the first poem wrote in 8. Butterflies are mentioned in almost every work.

Collections collected by Nabokov are stored in several museums of the world. More than twenty species of butterflies, most of which he opened himself, are named after the writer and his literary characters.

Collecting ties has a scientific name - "Grabatology". This term came up with the guild of British ties manufacturers specifically for a collection of Tom Holmes from Walsolla, urgent. In his house, more than 10,000 diverse ties from different parts of the world were collected. The first copy of his collection Tom Holmes acquired almost 70 years ago.

The main repository of the precious stones of our country is Gokhran Russia. In his collection there are many unique copies. For example, the world's largest emerald weighing 136 carats. Another amazing stone is a bluish-blue sapphire in 260 carats. It is considered the best representative of Ceylon gems on coloring and elegant cut.

Last winter at the Sotheby's auction, a unique collection of toys was exhibited, consisting of 35,000 vintage toys and trains collected by the American collector Jerry Green for 50 years. The age of exhibits, among which there are extremely rare, made manually and representing exceptional value varies from 70 to 160 years.

Now few people remember that the first person who visited the space, the legendary Yuri Gagarin, was fond of collecting cacti. The modest home collection of idols of Millions impressed the whole state: Following Gagarin, the entire Soviet

The union began collecting wonderful succulents. In the floristry stores for specimens similar to those that were at the astronaut, huge queues were built.

The largest collection of coins is located in the State Hermitage in St. Petersburg. To date, it includes 63360 antique, 220000 Eastern, 3,600,000 Western European and 300,000 Russian coins. The collection has such masterpieces of an ancient mint case, as the famous Syracuse decades. They were minted in honor of the victory of Siracusian over the Athenians in 413 to our era.

On May 9, 1995, Toronto for the first time opened its doors to visitors of the Bata Shoe Museum. Here is the greatest collection of shoes in the world, numbering 10,000 pairs, including footwear Pablo Picasso, Merlin Monroe and John Lennon.

It all started with a small private collection of "shoe fan" Sonya Bata. Since 1940, she traveled around the world, bringing various samples of shoes from each country. Over time, the Bat Museum of the Bata Museum has emerged from this private collection, which posted the beginning of the shoe museum in its modern form.

British postman Alan Roy is the owner of the world's largest collections of brands. Within 70 years, all members of his family day after day carefully discharged envelopes in the water, removing the postage stamps from the surface with tweezers. Then Mr. Roy dried the brands and folded them in his home. As a result, the collection came out so huge that was located in 40 wooden boxes, which in magnitude, if they put one on another, reach the size of the two-storey house.

An unusual collection of gold sculptures released a luxury mosaic brand Bisazza together with the designer Alessandro Mendini. Mobili Per Uomo (Things for Human) is a limited collection of items created in the period from 1997 to 2008. To date, it consists of nine gigantic things covered with mosaic plates from 24 carat gold. The collection presents the gold jacket, glove, shoes, head, lamp, cup, star, hat and bag.

The world's largest clock collection has an American pensioner Jack Shoff. His meeting has 1509 copies and are listed in the Book of Records Guinies.

There is no square meter on the walls of the "possessor of time", wherever there was no hours, but not going to stop at Jack Shoff.

Faberge Eggs - the legendary series of Easter jewelry of Karl Faberge. In total, the creation of 71 precious eggs, from which 62 came to this day.

The largest collection (10 eggs) is stored in the Gremond Warehouse of the Kremlin and belongs to the state. The largest of private collectors is the Russian oligarch Victor Vekselberg, who owns 9 Faberge's precious eggs.

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