Can a foreigner count on free medical care in Russia? The PMC policy is required for foreign citizens in Russia.

Can a foreigner count on free medical care in Russia? The PMC policy is required for foreign citizens in Russia.
Can a foreigner count on free medical care in Russia? The PMC policy is required for foreign citizens in Russia.

Despite the word "voluntary" in the abbreviation of insurance, for entering the country, it becomes almost mandatory. The PMC policy for foreign citizens belongs to the list of mandatory documents, which ensure the legality of staying in Russia.

By law, every foreigner draws up a policy in the first three days from the moment of entry into the Russian Federation, and it does not matter the purpose of entry. Conventional employees and tourists should theoretically issue DMS for foreign citizens for the entire period of stay in the country. The question of obtaining it, more often, worries coming to work, as its design is required to start receiving a number of papers allowing to work.

There are two policies - compulsory and voluntary insurance systems. But only those who constantly live in the Russian Federation are eligible for OMS. For those who temporarily live in Russian territory, DMS is offered for foreign citizens. Polis will require when the time comes to make a patent.

Medical Services without polis

A foreigner without insurance can count on a minimum of medical care, which includes:

  • Challenge ambulance and use of its services.
  • In the threat of life and acute pain, appeal to the hospital.
  • Use of medical transport when driving to the hospital.
  • Transportation of the body to their homeland in the event of death.

Such a set of help does not allow to obtain full-fledged assistance, so at least typical DMS is design.

Features of registration

Citizens temporarily in the Russian Federation acquire DMS for foreign citizens. At the same time, the range of services included in the list of available ones is stipulated. Insurance programs are provided for children, adults and pregnant women. Depending on the volume of services and the insurance period, the price of such a policy fluctuates.

The package of enabled services can be specialized (for maintaining pregnancy, passing a course of treatment) or appropriate, it includes services and treatment of the therapist. The price of such policies is different, and it is always higher than similar insurance for Russian citizens.

Sample insurance policy

In order to arrange the policy, refer to the office of the insurance company. After payment, a foreigner can contact Russian hospitals for help during the agreed period.

Provided administrative responsibility for the lack of insurance. Also without it, it is impossible to get a working patent. If a foreigner has no insurance, it can threaten him a fine. With two or more administrative violations, a foreigner can make a ban on entry into the Russian Federation and deport to his homeland.

The latest changes in the design of DMS brought an increase in the amount of the sum insured, so the cost of the final service has been gradually. Stopped the minimum amount of 100 thousand rubles. Policy with smaller amounts are not recognized as full.

If necessary, expand the package of services provided to the insurance company. Firms go to the meeting and complement the contract items, but the expanded list will require additional payments.

What includes typical DMS

If you make the most common insurance contract, then a standard service set is included in it, and it does not involve payments in insurance cases. The standard package includes the following services.

Sample medical insurance contract

  • Payment for services for services to a medical facility provided to the owner of insurance.
  • Drug Equipment is paid only when placing a foreigner to the hospital. There are separate programs that assume reimbursement of drug costs with the provision of documentary confirmation of such expenses. But such insurance do not belong to type.

The DMS, which includes polyclinical service, gives the right to apply for hospital sheets and information about the state of health for the decoration of the child in the institution. The exceptions make up certificates for a driver's license, sports and weapons wearing - they are not issued on the DMS.

The presence of typical insurance does not allow to go to a narrow specialist for a survey if the therapist did not issue a direction to it. In the process of entering into a contract for the client, a specific manager is enshrined, which is engaged in his work.

What includes children's DMS

For children, the list of services included in the DMS differs from standard for adults. It includes medical examinations to help identify diseases in the early stages. So newborns up to 30 days doctors inspect at home. Children under 1 undergo scheduled diagnostics in the amount of the rules. Persons under 18 vaccinated in full.

List of DMS paper

The office of the Insurance Company will require a number of documents for registering insurance.

  • Passport or other document certifying.
  • Migration card (if the rules assume its issuance when crossing the border by a foreigner).
  • Receipt of payment services.

Insurance is issued to a foreigner in place.

What does insurance give

The policy requires a patent to work, so without it it is impossible to start full-fledged labor activity. Insurance allows you to get medical care in the amount of the agreed agreement concluded with the insurance company. When it makes it possible to include additional medical care points that are interested in a foreigner.

At the same time, it is taken into account that the policy covers the costs of medical care only within the amount of insurance. In 2019, it is at least 100 thousand rubles.

From January 1, 2015, a law on compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation of foreign citizens and their children came into force. New rules require for foreign citizens to obtain a voluntary medical insurance policy for a patent for work. The validity of honey. The PMD policy should not be less than the patent period.

Policyers are obliged to buy also citizens of the CIS, Belarus, Armenia and Kazakhstan.

Foreigners are difficult to deal with the features of insurance and many questions arise, for which we will try to answer:

    Polis OMS is not for sale, it can receive free citizens of the Russian Federation, people with RVP or a residence permit in Russia and refugees with status. If you do not have a status, then you must acquire the PMS policy - voluntary health insurance for foreigners.

    Come to us at the address m. Belorusskaya, ul. Forest 43, office 422
    We work daily, from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 21:00, on Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 to 19:00, without lunch.

    You need to bring a passport, information about the place of registration and mobile number and in 5 minutes you will receive a medical policy.

    The price of the PMS Polis is one for all foreign citizens 3,600 per year from 18 to 75 years. The cost of DMS for people over 75 years depends on age and costs from 6000 rubles per year. It can be bought by 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. The cost of the policy for children from 5000 rubles per year.

    We have a DMS policy on you you need to bring a passport, data on the place of registration and a mobile phone number and after 5 minutes you will receive a medical policy.

    Yes, all foreign citizens must, including CIS citizens and the Unified Customs Union, obliged to have On the territory of the Russian Federation medical insuranceOtherwise, they will pay for all treatment on their own and they will not be able to provide free medical care.

    The inexpensive policy of DMS (for 5000, 8000, 12,000 or 16,800 rubles per year) allows you to receive medical care for illness, call an ambulance and hospitalize the child.
    Attach to the clinic you can only in the Polish of the OMS. But the school is enough to bring a certificate from any clinic that you have passed medical examination, dispensarization, made vaccinations in any clinic of your choice. In budget insurance it is not included.

    Voluntary health insurance policies can be beneficial at the same time with a certificate of 026 from 17,000 to 22,000, depending on the age of the child. Polis DMS with a medical map 026 is done in 5-7 minutes in our office. Quickly and conveniently place a child's medical card in a private clinic, without queue, for 1-2 days.

    Any PMC policy begins to act 1-10 days after design and covers only future injuries and diseases. The policies will be made anywhere in rear - it is illegal. Therefore, without a voluntary health insurance policy, you will have to pay for treatment yourself. But in any case, contact us, we will help you in any situation.

    Yes! Our policies are printed on special blanks, with barcode and hologram. Respond to all new requirements of the Central Bank and the UFMS.

    Policy DMS is valid for Moscow and the Moscow region, and throughout Russia, including Crimea

    Any our medical policy for foreign citizens and labor migrants is suitable for UFMS and the preparation of a patent, ensures primary health care and specialized medical care in emergency form.

    The observation of pregnancy at the doctor in a private clinic costs 45,000 rubles for the entire pregnancy (1-2-3 trimesters), 39,000 rubles for 2 and 3 trimesters and 22500 is observing only the third trimester. Polis includes diagnostics in all doctors, personal gynecologist, analyzes, screenings, ultrasound and conducting a exchange card
    Additionally, we make a letter guaranteeing free childbirth.
    Baby Insurance against Emergency Cases - 27,000 rubles, attachment to a private clinic and a personal doctor, with professional inspections, grafs, without hospitalization - 49,000 rubles

    There are no specialized clinics for foreigners, in case of illness, you call the remote control of the insurance company and they send you to the clinic nearest to you or the hospital.

    Maybe not. Policy is drawn up and paid by a legal entity or a foreigner personally.

In the Migration Center in Sakharovo, they must take any PMD policies!

In Russia, there is a compulsory medustry program (OMS), which gives the right to receive free assistance to citizens of the country and non-residents. Polis is issued to all employed persons in enterprises. But this concerns only persons living temporarily or constantly on the territory of the Russian Federation. In other cases, it will have to buy a voluntary health insurance policy for foreign citizens (DMS). Read more about the conditions of this program further in the article.

A few words about OMS

Polis is issued to foreigners, only if they are officially employed in domestic enterprises. The employer concludes an agreement with an insurance organization and an OMS city foundation. The action of the policy is limited to the term of employment contract. To obtain a document, a citizen should contact the personnel department and write a statement. The unemployed foreigners overlooking the residence can also receive the Polis of OMS, but through the insurance company (SC). Children up to one year, pregnant women get a medical care without a policy. It also extends to the "ambulance" and "urgent". In case of loss of the document, you can get a duplicate either through the personnel department or in the SC. To gain a foothold for a specific polyclinic, you need to write a statement to local health care. A copy of the passport and the policy is attached to the document. Disabled faces can take advantage of paid medical care services or arrange a voluntary health insurance policy for foreign citizens.

For whom the program has been developed

Exercise DMS can foreigners temporarily or constantly on the territory of the Russian Federation. At the same time, under the legislation, employed citizens are obliged to acquire a policy not only for themselves, but also for all family members. Without this document, it is impossible to arrange or residence permit.

Voluntary Medical Insurance Policy for Foreigners

To make a document, contact the SC and select one of two service programs:

  • Specialized - the provision of narrow-controlled services.
  • Non-government, within the framework of which treatment is carried out by the therapist.

For foreign citizens in Moscow, it is not all institutions. The choice affects the residence and location of the clinic.

It should be immediately noted that the document begins to act only 5-7 days after design. Therefore, if a person got into the hospital without the policy, all costs he will have to compensate for himself. Apply the document in the back number. Pregnant women are better to acquire a policy at the maximum price. It will cover not only diseases, injuries, dental, diagnostic procedures, but also possible complications for childbirth. Note that pregnancy is not a disease, therefore it does not include insurance. The birth in the Russian Federation is free.


The DMS program applies to persons aged 18 to 60 years. Policy can be purchased for a period of 3 to 12 months. Migrants are not serviced in the district clinic. In the event of ailment, the person draws to the SC, which directs it to the medical institution, with whom it is concluded if a person is experiencing acute pain, it is necessary to call "ambulance". This brigade serves foreigners for free. So the law is valid, which came into force from January 2015, obliged all persons arriving in the Russian Federation for the purpose of employment, acquire PMC policies.

How much will pay

The cost depends on the set of services. For registration, it is necessary to provide according to statistics, the voluntary health insurance policy for foreign citizens costs 1.5-2 times more expensive than for residents. This is explained by the fact that most of the guests of the country do not know the Russian language. They have to contact specialized institutions in which the staff owns a foreign language.

The base package includes obtaining polyclinic, stationary medical services in emergency situations. Starting price - 1.3 thousand rubles. It is three times cheaper than previously voiced local authorities. Initially, it was planned that voluntary medical insurance for foreign citizens, retirees, will allow participants not only to receive advice in the clinic, but also take the hospital, do x-ray, ultrasound, ECG, contact the dentist. But at such a price coating is minimal.

Even at maximum cost, it does not apply to cancer, venereal diseases, tuberculosis, mental disorders, hepatitis and diabetes I and II types. The most expensive packages allow to obtain physiotherapeutic treatment, hospital, prescriptions for drugs, MRI, ECG, RVG, RAG and other diagnostics.

Where to buy polis

This product is offered in such IC: "Max", "Reso", "VTB Insurance", "Rosgosstrakh" and other coverage - 100 thousand rubles. The basic package includes outpatient and stationary assistance in emergency cases (exacerbation of existing diseases, the presence of acute pain). Help with childbirth, planned assistance and other services can be included in the Voluntary Health Insurance Policy for Foreign Citizens. The cost of the package fluctuates from 1.3 to 5.5 thousand rubles and depends on the period and region.

The visitors can buy insurance in the Migration Center. Thus, 1.3 thousand foreign citizens have already arrived. From the metropolitan budget in 2015-2017, 5.3 billion rubles will be allocated for non-identified patients. Costs will pay off after 1.6 million migrants will acquire a PMC field at an average price of 3.3 thousand rubles. Legally employed in the capital - 400 thousand people.


Migrants are most often for help in the treatment of gynecological diseases, men - with the problems of the gastrointestinal tract. A little less recorded appeals due to dental pain and infectious diseases. Specialists argue that voluntary medical insurance for foreigners contributes to a decrease in the risk of distributing serious infections. Now visitors appeal to the clinic only with sharp pains. Emergency assistance doctors have. But there are no rights to treat without polis. After the introduction of legislative changes, migrants will more often contact doctors. This will prevent the emergence of severe diseases. The change of climate, the change in life conditions can contribute to the exacerbation of mental abnormalities, tuberculosis, syphilis. Now doctors can not only remove acute pain, but also conduct a survey, identify signs of serious diseases at an early stage.

Not all experts consider legislative changes justified. Some assure that introducing mandatory DMS for foreigners there is no need. Migrants are accustomed to serviced in paid medicine. They are treated either from familiar doctors-compatriots, or in hospitals, but only at extreme need. Non-residents have to pay for a patent (4 thousand rubles), the exam in the Russian language (4.5 thousand rubles), and now also for the policy.


Voluntary medical insurance for foreign citizens "Reso" since 2015 is a prerequisite for employment and obtaining a view of residence in the Russian Federation. The cost of the policy varies depending on the region and set of services. Basic package for 1.3 thousand rubles. Allows you to get polyclinic and stationary services. In emergency cases, "ambulance" and "urgent" provide assistance to all those in need, but further treatment is paid.

In the modern world, each person has the right to qualified medical care, regardless of which country he is at the moment. Medical insurance precedes this right into reality. In the Russian Federation, not only Russians, but also foreign faces may take advantage of medical care.

Status of foreigners in Russia

In connection with the adoption of the Federal Law "On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation", the algorithm for issuing and receiving by foreigners of the insurance policy is regulated. The size and nature of the medical care provided is affected by their employment (which is not working) and the status of stay in the Russian Federation:

  1. Temporarily abiding in the country - a foreigner who visited the Russian Federation for visa permit, but not applying for registration of a permanent residence;
  2. Temporarily residing - a foreigner, who issued a temporary accommodation agreement;
  3. Permanently residing - a foreigner who has arranged a residence permit.

What medical assistance will be provided?

Foreigners, constantly or temporarily in Russia, employed in the field of employment, and permanently residing citizens without work, have the following rights when receiving medical services:

  1. The first and emergency assistance: unhappy situations, diseases, the absence of the treatment of which can lead to a threat to life;
  2. Emergency help: will be provided for states that are able to harm a foreigner. They have the right to receive a doctor in specialized institutions and hospitalization.

Registration of the Polis

Obtaining services for doctors in OMS is possible only when insuring. To persons who can qualify for issuing compulsory health insurance:

  • All employed foreigners, an exception constitutes a layer temporarily staying in the state of persons. Employed immigrants are insured with a minute of entry into action to hire a job. And their employer pays all the necessary finances to the insurance fund based on FZ No. 212. A confirmation document acts as an insurance policy received in a medical organization. The time for their possible use is limited to an amusement time. When dismissing for a certain reason, a foreign citizen is obliged to return the document to the insurer;
  • Foreigners engaged in entrepreneurial activities. They independently pay contributions for themselves to the insurance fund. FZ №165 argues that the person will be considered insured with the first payment of the insurance premium. To carry out payments, the entrepreneur will need to register in the territorial body. Then it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the insurance company and pick up the policy;
  • Easy-sustained citizens who have a residence permit. They have the same rights to provide medical care, as well as citizens of Russia.

Based on the Law of the Federal Law No. 362, the policyholder has the right to choose an insurance company to conclude an OMS contract. To obtain the OMS policy, you will need to contact the selected insurance company. The insurance of a foreigner (insurer) is carried out by the Agency (insurer) in the form of the contract.

Obtaining a compulsory medical insurance document is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to make an application for filing to the company;
  2. It is required to assemble a list of papers:
    1. International passport;
    2. Residence permit for persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation;
    3. A temporary registration mark for persons temporarily living within the country;
    4. Pensioners need to provide a pension insurance document.
  3. Obtaining a certificate for 30 days. This is a temporary document issued by a citizen on the day of submission of the application;
  4. Obtaining an insurance policy.

After receiving the necessary documents and issuing a temporary document, the SMO transmits all data on the applicant to the insurance fund. Within two days, the existence of the current policy is checked. In the event that there is already already available, the company refuses to design a permanent policy and indicates the reasons for refusal.

What do you need to know foreigners about OMS?

  1. It is valid throughout the Russian Federation. The help is in the standard volume, regardless of the location of the face;
  2. Based on the document, a foreigner can receive assistance at the place of residence exclusively in organizations involved in the implementation of the draft OMS. These hospitals, polyclinics and a number of private medical institutions are counted against them;
  3. Every citizen can have one policy. When executing the second one, the first loses its strength and cannot be more used;

A citizen who has the OMS, on the Federal Law No. 362 has the right to replace at its discretion by WMO by writing a statement to another organization. The participation of the employer from the process is excluded.

When replacing the insurance organization, it is necessary to present:

  • Passport of a citizen of another country;
  • Residence permit or residence permit;
  • Statement. The sample is recommended to take in the office of the Insurance Agency.

Getting a policy of DMS.

DMS - voluntary insurance, which can get all foreign citizens. Special attention to this type of insurance is recommended to pay persons who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, cannot be issued an OMS policy free of charge. These include temporary citizens staying in the Russian Federation.

Medical insurance of foreign citizens (insurers) is carried out by an insurance company (insurer) in the form of the contract. It includes a list of services to which the person can count on the period of action, the insurance amount. Each item of the Agreement is negotiated by both parties on a mutual basis and only after that signed an agreement. If a foreigner does not own in excellence with Russian, the company is obliged to provide a translator.

To obtain DMS, a foreigner should visit the insurance organization specializing in the provision of such services. The company offers several types of programs available for foreigners. Most often companies have several DMS programs for foreigners, of which it is worth choosing the most appropriate.

All programs can be divided into two categories:

  1. Specialized Policy: provision of services for pregnancy, treatment and prevention of a certain disease.;
  2. Unified Policy: Services that are more likely to the therapist.

The cost of DMS depends on the list of insurance risks and the period of its action. For its design, citizens are required:

  • International passport;
  • Migrant Map;
  • Certificate of registration;
  • Upon receipt of the policy, a legal entity will require a power of attorney from the Director General of the Organization.

Based on the Voluntary Medical Insurance Policy, you can get the following types of medical care (basic program):

  1. First aid in outpatient conditions;
  2. Dental services;
  3. Services rendered by ambulance: emergency and urgent hospitalization;
  4. Stationary help: therapist services.

Student insurance and students

Forest students cannot count on obtaining an OMS policy. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, students from other countries are not obliged to buy voluntary health insurance policies. An exception to this group are individuals who exercise training on the basis of an interstate agreement.

Most insurance companies offer special programs for students. They imply a limited circle of medical services and a low fee:

  • Urgent hospitalization, emergency challenge;
  • With the urgent need to call a doctor at the place of residence;
  • Treatment in the clinic;
  • Repatriation.

To obtain the DMS policy, in addition to the above documents, a learning citizen is required to submit a certificate from the place of study. Also, foreign persons may not make DMS, and pay for the doctor's services in accordance with the Treaty. However, because of this, most people postpone a visit to the doctor, which can lead to undesirable consequences.


In conclusion, we present several conclusions:

  • Polis of OMS for foreign citizens can receive employed citizens who have a residence permit or residence permit;
  • The PMD policy can be decorated by faces on a fee, more. This issue is recommended to consider employed persons temporarily living in the country;

Video on the topic

The individuals of foreign states who arrived in the Russian Federation for a long time and legally focused on its territory are entitled to arrange an insurance policy and receive medical care under the OMS program on a budget basis. A mandatory insurance policy opens the possibility of treatment in municipal health care institutions to provide free care, not just emergency treatment available for all people, regardless of participation in the program. This article discusses the features, conditions and procedure for obtaining the Polis of the OMS by foreign citizens and stateless persons.

Who can get the Polis of OMS?

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ "On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation" the following categories of people may apply for the execution of the policy:

  • Foreigners who live for a long time in the Russian Federation and issued a residence permit in any region (the CIS countries are not taken into account);
  • Children with foreign citizenship;
  • Employees who arrived from abroad at the invitation of a legal entity for subsequent work schedule;
  • Members of the migration programs that have been registered in the UFMS and received a document of a temporary migrant;
  • Stateless persons permanently residing in the Russian Federation.

If foreigners arrived in the country not at the invitation, do not have permission to work and resolving, they cannot use the services of doctors for free. However, the ambulance and emergency medical care will be provided in any case.

The procedure for making a policy of the OMS until 2015

Prior to 2015, responsible for the execution of the policy and the introduction of insurance payments for foreign nationals who have permission to work in the territory of the Russian Federation, carried an employer (legal entity). When hiring a foreign citizen, the employer was supposed to be guided by the following steps.

  1. The federal migration service issues and provides a foreigner the right to work in the country (the duration of the document may be limited, in the case of a residence permit, it is indefinite).
  2. The employer transfers information about the employee to the OMS Foundation. It is important that the legal entity would have permission to have employees with foreign citizenship.
  3. The OMS Foundation issues a temporary policy. During the month, a foreign citizen receives a permanent document, the validity period of which is equal to the period of staying a foreigner in Russia, indicated in the employment contract. In case of dismissal, his policy is returned to the insurance organization.

In fact, the foreign citizen itself actually did not participate in the design of medical insurance. The procedure was engaged in the department of staff of the organization, in which the face was employed. In 2017, the order of registration radically changed.

The procedure for registration of the policy of the OMS in 2017

To obtain permission, a foreign citizen will have to enter into a voluntary medical examination agreement (DMS), and the company that takes on the position of such a person is delivered from the obligation to make insurance payments. Without signing such a contract, a citizen of another state is not entitled to conduct employment in the territory of the Russian Federation; On the other hand, the employer cannot impose a specific insurance organization or additional services.

The cost of voluntary policy of the DMS insurance begins from 1,500 rubles, but the minimum list of free medical services is included in the basic amount of such polis. At the same time, the region of the state where insurance is issued. So, for Moscow, the policy even with the basic program will cost about 20,000 rubles (according to the calculation of the cost of the PMC Polis "Dr. Reso").

List of required documents for execution of the policy

For registration of the medical insurance policy, the applicant is obliged to grant such data as Name, date and place of birth, information about citizenship, address of actual accommodation, registration information (address and date of the temporary / permanent registration). Depending on the status and duration of staying to government agencies, it is necessary to collect the following package of documents.

  • For permanently residing in Russia - a passport, a document confirming the residence permit, the SNILS card;
  • For temporarily living in the Russian Federation, foreigners - passport, SNILS. The passport should stand a mark on obtaining permission for a temporary stay in the country;
  • For refugees - a refugee certificate or a certificate of recognition of a person in this status, asylum certificate in Russia (according to the requirements of the draft law "On Refugees");
  • For stateless persons, an identity document (in accordance with international treaties of Russia) or a document that is issued in the Russian Federation and is recognized as an identity, SNILS, a residence permit.

Instead of a passport, a foreign citizen may present a different identity card; For minor members analogue is a birth certificate. If it is impossible to personally contact the relevant authorities with the provision of documents can be done by a representative - its activities should be carried out with notarially confirmed by attorney. In any case, assurance is also subject to translation of documents: all kinds of passports, certificates, etc. must be presented in their original language and translated into Russian.. The issuance of a finished document is carried out at the place of employment or circulation.