Who is a reclider: this is a believer fanatic or extraordinary power of a person.

 Who is a reclider: this is a believer fanatic or extraordinary power of a person.
Who is a reclider: this is a believer fanatic or extraordinary power of a person.

The life of the recluses may seem empty and gloomy: languid days, carried out, involuntarily pushing this thought. However, the believer looks at it differently. He knows that such a feat is needed in order to stay alone with God, get him grace. Therefore, many Christians respectfully apply to the choice of reasons, with all his heart supporting him.

Who are the recluses?

Let's start, perhaps, from the simplest. The recluse is a person who voluntarily refused society of other people. True, in contrast to hermits, they do not go into deserted lands or deserts. Instead, they close in a certain room, which is completely or partially fenced from the influence of the surrounding world.

There is a temporary and lifelong shutter. In the first case, the believer is locked for a certain period, for example, at the time of the post or church holiday. In the second monk, it undertakes to spend the rest of all his life in full isolation from material reality.

Christian recluses

In Christianity, the rejection is a monk who is looking for the salvation of the soul in solitude. To do this, it blends from everyone in his room, the cell or cave. There, the believer is waiting for the test of silence, which reveals the essence of being and helps to find the path to God.

Throughout the provenity period, the monk does not leave their room. However, in case of extreme necessity, he can come out from there, but after must return again. For example, the reason for this may be an emergency collection of all clergymen or a natural disaster threatening the monastery.

Orthodox traditions: Feofan Reasanizer and Grigory Sinait

Orthodox monks are quite often practicing a gate. The main goal of this action is "Isychia" - sacred silence. That is, the reclusive man seeks to retire in full silence. For a larger effect, Orthodox monks take the vow of silence for the period of absence. Thus, the Christian remains alone with her thoughts: he prays, speaks with God and is trying to realize his place in the world.

It should be noted that many monks do not just retire in their rooms, but they move to live in special caves or cells. Sometimes the passage to them is immuting, leaving only a small window where their brothers can bring food and books. These walls are dismantled only if water and food remains untouched for more than four days. After all, this means that the monk reached his goal - he reunited with his father in heaven.

Among all Orthodox reasons, FEOFAN Maulovnik and Grigory Synait have become the greatest glory. The first refused to be a high spiritual sanitary and left to live in Celhoy, where many books and spiritual transfers wrote. And the second summarized all the rules and rituals associated with the pinnacle.

In particular, Gregory Sinait wrote: "Being in the cell, patient be: go through all the prayers in my head, for that way you guessed the apostle Paul."

Catholic church

Catholic monks also adhere to the roaster ritual. In their culture, this ritual is called "Inclusive". His roots stretch to the first Christians who refused all the earthly goods and locked themselves in homes. There they led a very meager lifestyle, spending most of the time in prayer.

Later, this practice was adopted by Catholic monks. And in the 9th century, the REGULA SOLITARIORUM book was published, which described all the rules and norms of the recovery life. Its influence was so strong that even today, many Catholics adhere to those recommendations that are contained in it.

Other cultures

However, the reclusive is not necessarily a Christian monk. Other religions and cultures can also boast of people with the extraordinary effort of will. For example, a recovery lifestyle is often conducted when they are trying to achieve harmony with them. True, in contrast to Christian monks, the Asian brothers never accept indefinite vows. The longest practices pass no more than two or three years, and the shortest can limit the ten days.

In addition, the reclusive is not only a believer. Sometimes people close from the whole world for personal reasons not related to any religion. The reason for this can be disappointed in other or attempt to realize the inner man. In the first case, the extension will rather destroy the psyche of a person, as it should not be blocked in yourself. In the second, short loneliness can help see what a person has not noticed before.

Archimandrite Georgy (TRADERS)

In the Orthodox Church there is a priestly, which makes a feat of the apostolic, or pastoral.

The priestly (hierarchy, from Ieros - the Sacred and Arki - the beginning) in the church, "as a special estate of persons clothe the power to learn, to honest and manage, is the establishment of the Divine" (I, p. 525). The grace of the Holy Spirit, they receive their dignity and power in the sacraments of the Holy Spirit from the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through a special visible priesthood, called the sacrament of the priesthood, or ordination. "On the apostles," says Saint Feofan, the replacement, "the Holy Spirit went directly, the successors receive it through ordination" (2, p. 511).

With a prayer and ordination, the hierarchical ministry is reported to be a grace, necessary and relevant to this ministry, which gives a dedicated to the right of the decision of the verbal herd of Christ and graceful strength, and the authority is worthy to perform holy sacraments.

Accordingly, the difference between the needs of the Church, the hierarchy, since its formation, consists of three degrees: bishop, presbyte and deacon.

The first and highest degree of priesthood in the Holy Church is the degree of bishop (Episkopos - an observer, a worm, guardian). The bishop is a carrier of the highest grace of the priesthood and the completeness of the hierarchical power of the apostles; Through it, all other degrees of priesthood receive succession and meaning.

"We believe," the Eastern Patriarchs say, "that the bishop is as much as necessary for the church, how much breath for a person and the sun for the world. Therefore, some of the praise of the bishop Sana, they say well "that God in the Church of the original in heaven, and the sun in the world, - then every bishop in his private church, so that the focus is consecrated, heated and deemed the temple of God" (3, p. 34) .

The bishop is the ruler of its private church (Acts. 20, 28) "The Church - the Society of Believers - there is a house of God. Looking for the SIM home and observe the bishop of proper in it. "(2, p. 53) first of all, he has the power over his clarity subordinate to him, which without his permission in the church does not make anything and is subject to supervision and court (1 Tim . 5.19).

Saint Feofan Reasanizer

In addition to the clearing, the bishop's spiritual supervision is subject to all the committed to him. The bishop watches all what is happening in his herd and good approves, and unfit corrects. The bishop is especially watching, "do not bother whether wolves do not sparing herds, so that when he sees such, drive them off their shepherds of her. He is put by the guard of God's house, why should be awakened to the house of this "(2, p. 282).

In his life and activities, the bishop should shine such a sacred wellness, which causes universal respect "How tidy clothes sits well on the whole body, so everything is in it in moderation, and to the place, and to face, so prudently driven business yes decorate the face Bishop "(2, p. 283). The highest church hierarchy belongs to power legislative and judicial. "The apostolic authorities and strength remained in the church, only belong not to individuals, but a whole building of bishops, which, acting Cathedral, and there is a legist and the ruler of the church" (4, p. 291-292).

The bishop is the main teacher in his church - both for the laity and for the shepherds themselves, and therefore it should be "so full of school" so that with every comfortable case, "the teaching flowed from his mouth to the River" (2, p. 284).

Bishop, the strength of the Spirit, is the first priest and the sacrament performer in his private church. He entrusted the souls of people, but since he cannot everywhere himself, it shares his work with presbyters, which constitute the second degree of priesthood. According to the historic Faofan, "the priests are the essence of the eyes, legs and hands of the bishop. Bishop with priests is one shepherdiness, inseparable "(4, p. 291).

The shepherds of the churches have from Christ himself in the succession of the apostles and bishops of the Divine Powers for the Office of the Church and the commission of the sacraments established to reduce the gifts of sanctifying grace. In the priesthoods, they are only visible tools of the invisible high priest of Christ, they make a truly business of God and therefore should try to keep reverence and attention when committing the sacredness, for, according to the Holy Scriptures, "NPI cruts creating a matter of the Lord with negligence" (Ier. 48.10). The Lord rules the Church, and the priests are to the guns of God, the conductor; Mi of all the treasures of the church for their passas and are designed to open people living on earth, the will of God to help them achieve the kingdom of heaven. Shepherds "stand in the middle, at the transition from the ground to the sky and t people to god to God, the god to people adhere to people. What did John the Baptist do? People led to God the same now make shepherds for the will of the Lord "(5, p. 402).

The executing business of shepherds as it should, "hesitates, inflates it; Not executing - reaches "with. 483). Immediately, it happens that those who received, according to the gospel parable, talents: one runs the resulting talent in the case, and the other hesitates his land.

Like the guard of God's house, the priest should always be sober and vigilant and strive to "show his face decorated with all virtues, as a representative of the Kingdom of Christ's spiritual and as a sample for the flock" (5, with 496

The shepherd business is the business of the apostolic, and the shepherd spirit should be the apostolic. This means a lively active jealousy of saving souls and the desire to excellence in spiritual life and pastoral digestion. "As a warrior in his own military, the bishop of the FEOFAN is a shepherd of the church, - the artist weight in his art, the scientist is all in science; So you be all in your shept. For it is a significant condition to be perfect to appear in the case, what anyone takes on, or what someone is called "(2, from 359).

The priests have a moral debt to announce the saving paths of God and should try with jealousy to tell people the truth of God: "When the Lord said to the Apostles" Give them you Yarstee, "then they prepayed them their future ministry of humanity human-to-apt for him truth. Apostles have done this case for their time; for subsequent; Times passed this service to the preserving shepherds "(6, from 147-148).

Shepherders are called upon by using the gift of the words to the Dance and Awakening of sinners from the showers, for they put in the church to distribute the pure bread of truth, which the Lord brought to the land. The truth of God "goes on the ground." Preachers of her -Ustrica of the people of God. Which of the shepherds "puts her mouth, he blocks the path of the truth, asking for the soul of believers. From the soul of believing languages, not receiving the truth, and the yeresses themselves must feel a tomorrow from the truth, which, without getting outcome, they are. Elegant, Ieria God, from this burden, will be eaten the flows of the divine database in a fission to yourself and in the revival of the shower entrusted to you "(6, p. 341).

The disorder that occurred in a person due to disappearing from God is found in decline and the wrong action of the three main forces of its spiritual nature: blindness of the mind, the heart and relaxation of the will. The recreation of a sinner should consist in bringing these forces into the Chin and order peculiar to them and order - "In the Enlightenment of the mind, in the revitalization to solve the net bread of truth, which the Lord brought to Earth. The truth of God "goes on the ground." Preachers of her - the mouth of the Lieremes of God. Which of the shepherds "puts her mouth, he blocks the path of the truth, asking for the soul of believers. From the soul of believing languages, not receiving the truth, and the yeresses themselves must feel a tomorrow from the truth, which, without getting outcome, they are. Elegant, Ieria God, from this burden, will be eaten the flows of the divine database in a fission to yourself and in the revival of the shower entrusted to you "(6, p. 341).

The universal church is the Universal Church, the Universal Church, the Universal Church, the Universal Church, which should be the disclosure of truth in the church of the truth, in the Church of the Treasury of True. "The law for the shepherds of all centuries is to learn the devotee, to keep it, so that the successors to convey it in the same, without adding their fabrications" (2, p. 466).

In his teacher, the priests, like the apostles, must draft the truth of Christ, to argue in believers the saving knowledge of the Son of God and through that in communicating with God. "And the Lord's speech stretches to the current shepherdness:" Give you to the people of your people. " And shepherdness should hold their commitment to their obligation - to feed the people truth. In the church, there must be unlikely to sermon the words of God "(6, p. 148).

The main source of the sacred truth is the Holy Scripture, which of any follower of Christ "teaches, refreshes, corrects, teaches every good and at all, leads him to perfection full; And a shepherd, which lies with the passengers by this one meaning, it gives full, before details, management "(2, p. 612). The priest should deeply explore the divine Scripture and the patristic creations and, collecting, as a wise bee, a bog-stroke truth, carry it to Pasom.

The essential property of the preaching is assessed. The sermon without editing is the same as "Kimval Zvyatsayy" (1 Cor. 13, 1), that an indefinite sound of the pipe, which is in an unfamiliar language (1 Cor. 14, 8-19).

The disorder that occurred in a person due to disappearing from God is found in decline and the wrong action of the three main forces of its spiritual nature: blindness of the mind, the heart and relaxation of the will. Recreation of a sinner should consist of bringing these forces to the Chin's peculiar to them and order - "in the education of the mind, in the revitalization of a dead sense, in strengthening the weak will and the direction of her to the affairs of the beige" (7, p. 306). The forces of the human spirit remained unrequisited and after the fall, so to recreate these forces, the assessed word of the preacher should enlighten them together, revive and strengthen. Puzziness, deep conviction, exciting, injection force - here are the three inhabitual properties of an outdoor word. During the sermon, it is necessary not only to enlighten the mind of the listener with disclosure and explaining to him the truth. "The real sermon is the one that lights and enlightens, heat and warms, strong and entails, obliges, makes it makes it. This is not the way these advantages are distributed, so that the individual parts are; But it is all in all its composition and in each part is filled with light, warmth and power and act in the inseparable. They constitute the inner spirit of it. This is an ideal, to which any sermon should rise as the preacher forces "(7, p. 308-309).

But it will be able to ask and create his paste a shepherd only if his mind is light contemplate truths, the heart will warm up with love for this truth, and the will will be approved on it. Therefore, a preacher who wishes to be edifying must learn the truth of God's mind, capture them in the heart, to arrange their will in them so that they serve for her and the motivation and the rule.

Getting started by the business, the priest should basically put the sincere, father love for Pasom. The heart of the preacher must be filled with love for listeners so that he, "feeling inner bliss from what truth will imbued, wished to translate it in others, to build them at that good mood, in which it consists of himself" (7, p. 310). This desire, spiritual jealousy to approve others serves as if the channel, for which everything that is in the soul of the preacher is blown into the souls of listeners. The love of the shepherd "claims some spiritual relationship between a preacher and his listeners who felt the last without explanation, according to which the most simple speech is made strong and convincing" (7, p. 310). The word coming from the mouth of the preacher is so tuned, is light, warm and strong. Then we are talking from the heart to heart and is a victorious: "Ols stronghold, lowered the thinking, captivates every reason in obedience of Christ" (2 Cor. 10, 4-5) (3, p. 309).

Bogotrian truths open a shepherd gradually. "And God-free not everyone knows, and what they know, not everyone knows" (2, p. 530). Therefore, to succeed in the God of God, the preacher needs the permanent assistance of God, which is requested by an unceasing prayer.

The Holy Spirit revives and recreates the spirit of a shepherd, filled with his love and jealousy of the Apostolic, "teaches worthy and what to talk about, and how to talk when and where to be simple, where the meek, where to be silent, where to expose. The Spirit of God gives the true preacher of the mouth and the wisdom, which cannot "oppose or reversal of the WSI manifests" (LC. 21.15). At the Apostle John, this effect of the Spirit is called anointing (1 in. 2, 20). "This is the top of perfect preaching" (7, p. 311). All that there is a beautiful and "saint in church literature, all the best, which can be desired and what it must be incentive to pray, everything depends on the anointing" (7, p. 311).

This anointing is the gift of God, acquired by working not on one study of truth, and more over the heart and life assimilation of it. Descending by the Spirit of the Preacher, the anointing informs him some comprehensive clairvoyance of truth, introduces fire in the heart, arms the will of the wave arms from love with an insurmountable force to assert himself in good. A word with anointing penetrates persuasive, because it moves from the heart to the heart and is distinguished by a variety of properties, which mainly consist of enlightening, warming and powerfully passion. The listening word with anointing is immersed by the whole of the most "and nothing is recognized by anything, nor within himself, except for his soul, which is entirely influenced by the word of the teacher, and only with him together there is also self-aggregate, the words of Sia in his heart" (7 , p. 311).

But the priest is designed by God not only to teach his passengers, but also to lead, "What does it mean, according to the expression of the Bishop of Fefan, - take the hand and lead to salvation" (8, p. 138).

A pastma for spiritual leadership and education is awarded to the flock, which, listening to him, goes behind him and makes only what he will indicate. The mutual union and the relationship between the shepherd and the Pasomy Apostle Paul expresses in the following words: "Will the Mentor of your mentor and admitted, thiy boat about your souls. I can rejoice in this very much "(Heb. 13, 17). In another place of the Holy Scripture, the Face is depicted by the Niveva, "silently preserved before the cultivators, and the Shepherd - the Major (1 Cor. 3, 9)" (9, p. 53). Therefore, priests who care about the salvation of the souls of people, according to the Bishop of Fefan, must be taken as the Messengers of God, "as God's God, through them approaching" (5, p. 497). The shepherd must be a tireless warrior of Christ the Savior, coming to his passas. "The Lord in the Garden Garden is a high priest, who is suffering for the sins of the whole world," writes the saint Feofan. This grief and tights are made involved in the priest, taking the sins of their arrival and third-party coming to him. Such is his appointment "(10, p. 252-253).

The priest, accepting a flock in his leadership, must accept everyone like blood chad and as relatives and take care of all as their loved ones. The true shepherd of his soul "believes the sheep; He is the guard that says: "The souls of them from the hands of your hands" (9, p. 52-53).

The Lord contributes to a person in achieving salvation and leads to him in the thief, "and who entrusts themselves to him vigilantly, he is never left without any means and instructions" (10, p. 246). Any, novice path leading to an eternal blissful life, betraying himself to God immediately comes under his direct leadership and is acceptable to them. "Who will have time to do this, as it should, he hurry, evenly and reluctantly behaved in God's grateful to perfection. In fact, there are so very few. These are the elects of God, who inexperienced quickly gusting from themselves believed themselves to God in their hands, were accepted and driving "(11, p. 194). Such were, for example, Rev. Maria Egypt, Pavel Fewish, Mark Frachevsky and others. They saved one decisive legend of themselves to God. But this path was not and could not be universal. He belonged and belongs to the special chosen by God. Usually, everyone mature under the guidance of experienced husbands. "Maybe the Lord to educate and through the angels, as it was in our times, in American possessions; In the ancient times, it was often often and so that the instruction, and food, and the communion brought angels, as can be seen from the story of the reverend pafanium about four years. But all this is the essence of the path to salvation, leadership and education of unusual, to expect and unfavorable, and is dangerous, for the reason that our enemy can take the image of a light angel "(9, p. 5-6).

Maintaining perfection belongs to God, but the person is at first unable to such direct divine leadership. The Lord, who appears to the Apostle Paul, first sent him to Anania (Acts 9, 6), and then he himself led him directly (Gal. 1, 12). The Apostle Paul, a girlfriend, who joined the Popinge, resigned to the advice of other apostles, "Whether I am not in vain," says, "I will prevent or laughed" (Gal. 2, 2).

Most often, the Lord must fulfill, cleans, reports his will through shepherds and teachers, whom he gave the church (Eph. 4, 11) and the "tires of which himself encourages the safe leadership, however, who appeals to them with faith and prayer to the Lord Appeal "(6, p. 18-19).

All fathers who wrote guides to spiritual life, one of the first items in the rules for the way to save the path of rescue, is the requirement: to have a spiritual father-leader and he obey it. The sooner, after handling, there is a head, the better, the better - jealousy is still alive and ready for all works and feats.

Every believer first is not performed in knowledge and not firm in the rules of spiritual life. "As a newborn child, it is impossible to live without a mother who has been sicking about him, heers it, it is vigorous and the newborn in the spirit and is significantly needed for the first time of the Pestun and the Presentation, Head and Guide" (9, p. 3).

At the beginning of the path leading to an eternal blissful life, a person lies "The main danger - from Satan. Since he himself is predominantly a deaf, then there loves those who lead themselves between people - on this it is preferably confused and ruins. And we can say that one thing is and gives him access to us or the ability to put into the wig "(11, p. 196). Whoever has a leader and entrusts to him, which does not start evil spirit, so as not to be constantly afraid and not to detect all his goats. And if the devil will even sit in the heart and the mind of such a Christian something dangerous and harmful, then the experience and mind of the spiritual father will warn him from falling. Entered into a spiritual life is similar to the ordinary traveler. "Since this path is unknown to us, then it is necessary for anyone to conduct us. It would be presumptuously for the thoughts that I myself could. No, there is neither the San nor the scholarship - nothing helps "(11, p. 195). Having a spiritual leader, a Christian is safe as under the root and fence. The spiritual father, as reasonably wonderful, immediately sees the entire state of the student, his mood, the main disease and, as an experienced, knows that and how to use it to remove it. "I started inside - fog, as from evaporation of the mind, from passions and from spoiled forces. He is in any, more or less thick, judging by the preceding spoilness. In the fog, this, how is it good and correct to distinguish between objects? The wandering in the fog often and a small row of herbians seems to be a forest or a village, "so the lot who began in spiritual reality inevitably seemingly where there is nothing really. Examine and explain what's the matter, only an experienced eye may be "(11, p. 195-196). A Christian, who remained alone, himself, is in extreme danger, "Already not to mention the fact that he will fight and make meat in one place without any fetus. Not knowing either the feats and exercises of spiritual, nor of the order in them, he will only do and redo how talked endlessly. It is often for this reason, many are stored, wreck and lose jealousy "(11, p. 195).

But it is especially necessary to assist the spiritual father at the transition from an active life to contemplative. During this period of spiritual life, the spirit of man ripes, and when passion is cleaned, "he naturally wrapped. In a seizure, without a manager, he gets into the evil hands of the enemies of the air, falls into the charm and or dies, or stifled in it "(9, p. 50). Holy Fathers are monitored not to move to contemplative life, do not touch this treasure without an experienced father, such who knows and who himself went through the way to him. The Samochemical Decorator "beats without a fetus, and often on a blow to himself. Under the guidance, with faith, soon understands, enters the inner sanctuary and heats the spirit "(9, p. 50-51).

The creature of spiritual leadership and its strength is in the covenant between the spiritual father and the student offered by the forefront of God when the Father takes on the salvation of the soul of the student, and the student betrays himself entirely. In this covenant, the significant difference between the spiritual leadership from meetings and questions. "The instruction given in the latter does not associate, and in that all the word - the law; There, the questioning has even freedom to argue and consider, and here there is no consideration of inappropriate and disastrous "(9, p. 18).

The path leading to God can be explored from books, from examples and the teachings of the saints and indicate it to others, but the spiritual leader should "not indicate only, but also to lead, and not lead only, but as if to carry" (9, with . fifteen).

The spiritual father can instruct anyone who wants to be under his leadership. "Not every true father for every student and not every true student for all sorts" (9, p. 23). Looking for with full faith and devotion, the Lord leads to someone who can force him to rescue; Such, according to the bishop of Feofan, "the flair appears, according to which they are being drawn by the father of the spiritual" (12, p. 1127). And the spiritual leader of the Lord "believes in the spirit of the notice to accept and bear the burden of this, the weak" (9, p. 24). The spiritual father always gives accurate and true leadership, as soon as he lends him all his soul and faith.

The follower of Christ, striving to succeed in salvation, must pour the leader from the Lord - Father, to read him as the servant of God and "to have his face honest, lightly; Not only in the word and feeling, even in thought, not to have anything overwhelming it or detract from this light. "(9, p. 26-27). The student must have a complete and undoubted faith that his father knows the path of God and can lead it to perfection that he is strong before God and that God will tell him the direct and right path through it. Faith Christian to the spiritual mentor should be light, clean and no doubt no doubt, for her weakening is weakening and the heart union, and the weakening of the heart union leaves all the case and makes it fruitless.

The whole essence of a legitimate relationship to the spiritual father is to "not have their own will, his understanding, its taste; Everything should have his father, according to his instructions, they were measured and installed to the slightest motion "(9, p. 42). The main thing of the student is sincere, from a pure heart, unquestioned obedience to the teacher to his own and father in everything. The student must betray himself to the spiritual head of himself, so that he makes the house from him, as from the untreated material, building the house to Lord so that he creates a new person from him.

With the spiritual father, the student must be frank, that is, any perplexity, embarrassment or thoughts to open his father to the fatal so that he solve and define the dignity of the student's intentions. These are avoided and evasion in the life of spiritual. The unquestioned obedience to the spiritual mentor and the revelation of his thoughts contributes to the eradication of passions and victory over evil spirits. Through the revelation of thoughts, "the very root of passions is performed, namely: the self" (11, p. 292), and the virtue of humility is planned. "Opening erupts won everything is unclean and after obedience takes it all clean, new sting, healing food, juice is clean, - as a vomit who will accept, and then good food" (11, p. 292). The revelation of thoughts for the Christian is a medical agent against sinful ailments, for which it is the same as the purification of the wound or the change of the plaster with bodily diseases.

Holy Fathers speak of their creations and about what qualities the spiritual leader should possess.

Rev. John the Distrownik calls him a "doctor, feeding, a teacher, a book, in the heart written by Izmant and not from the person, scientific, impassive" (9, p. 14). The True mentor can only be a shepherd, who defeating passion, and through the impassation of the Vasca of the Holy Spirit, having learning everything. Without victorious passion can not give reliable leadership to their conquest, because Passion himself and judges passionately. "It's not clear from passions all stand on one line in the level, a scientist if anyone or unacceptable, did anyone read the science about the mobility or not read" (9, p. 16).

The spiritual mentor who studied theoretically even all the teachings of the Holy Church of the Spiritual Life, but who experienced him who had not learned, could not become a real leader in salvation. "And he himself and leading will speak, arguing about the ways of God and at the same time pushed in one place" (9, p. 17). The word of such a leader is powerless and fruitlessly, because he cannot give birth to the fact that he does not conclude. Everyone who, who, without repeating, wants to heal others, cannot have success. Then, the "doctor, and the fellow in the charm in the charm falls and increase their learning mutually, and not do it, like that if the blinding behaves blind, then both in the pit will fall" (13, p. 139-140).

Even some Christian devotees were unable to spiritual leadership - but not because of spiritual imperfection, but for the lack of sufficient experience in connection with the rapid their own spiritual maturation. "Many, because of the great simplicity and the great heat of jealousy, the first degrees are very soon and do not have much. Increhensive can not and tempting assistance "(9, p. 12).

The spiritual leader should be not only from the latter degrees of perfection, but also one of those who have reasoning, which is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. "The feelings trained in the reasoning of good and evil are peculiar to any purified, but disassemble all cases, to solve the usual and unusual, and that can be admitted and what should reject, it can only voting" (9, p. 12- 13) .

Such spiritual lamps are brought up and delivered only by God. "Look in lives: the man of God will face in the writings of a hostel, he moves to privacy, lives hidden from everyone; Finally, it is said about him: I revealed the Lord shining "(9, p. 12-13).

The spiritual leadership, to whom the Shepherd is called, is "the most demanding and precious thing, in the correction of which is not one of the human wisdom, even be seven spans in the forehead ... One God is a real teacher (14, p. 225). Spiritualism in the very property is difficult, but he always accompanies help over. The confessor must appeal to God for the insignificant of himself for the savings of the souls entrusted to him. "Pray for everyone, you have been presented, with tears, asking for everyone as safe, and ask for the inspection" (15, p. 188).

Since the life of God is in the life of every person, which contributes to the achievement of his salvation through the shepherds of the Church, then the spiritual mentor must receive those who come to him for the edification as God sent and take care of reporting them spiritual medicine. "Medications are all in the spirit and heart of yours," writes a bishop of Feofan to the monastic confessor, - the Lord will lead them into motion or manufacture. Instead of hand, taking or attaching, your tongue or words have a language "(14, p. 202).

To the sinning spiritual mentor, according to the thought of the saint, should be graciously, welcoming and fatherly; It should not be rooted or condemned, but to consider the patients and raveling from the devil, encouraging him to refrain from the sins, inspiring him to the zealous ministry to God. For "That Spiritual Father is a destruction of the soul and a murderer, who extinguits the spirit of jealousy with various relaxation or indulgences, or soothes and shifts those who stand in cooling, for one way is close and regrettable" (11, p. 264-265).

If a Christian performs all the instructions of his spiritual leader, the last "gives a decisive assurance of his soul to save him, takes his sins and the answer before the terrible court of God" (9, p. 18-19). The spiritual father takes how to raise the soul of the student on the sky, becomes an intermediary between him and God, but with an indispensable condition, so that this is looking for salvation, she worked for him, because, according to Bishop Fefan, "Head - a pillar on the road, and We need to pass any way and also to look at my feet and on the sides "(16, p. 222).

It often happens that a Christian cannot find a real spiritual mentor. So, for example, the well-known residue of monastic in the Russian Orthodox Church - the St. Paisy of Velichkovsky was looking for a leader all his life and did not find.

However, the Lord Jesus Christ as the head of the Holy Church, who contributes to his followers in achieving salvation, arranges the circumstances of their lives, "that no one remains without proper leadership" (12, p. 127). In the Church of God, internal Christian life has always been in force and the leadership for it has always been proposed and is offered complete and error-free "(17, p. 26).

The Holy Scriptures are greatly spiritual support, especially in cases where he did not meet another true spiritual leader. "If you can not find a mentor that can lead to the speculative life," says Stameth Seraphim (Sarovsky), - in this case, it should be guided by the Scripture, because the Lord himself commands us to learn from the Holy Scriptures, verb: "Experience ..." ( 9, p. 67). Holy Fathers, Movable by the Holy Spirit, created a guide to the ocher and salvation of the human soul. Reading the Divine Scriptures and Creatures of the Holy Fathers is one of the first means of the creation of the Christian spirit, it "the same amount needed as for the body of the eye, for the world light" (9, p. 67). Careful reading of patristic creations with the effort to fulfill what they teach, promotes the spiritual growth of the Christian. Further leadership can be supplemented with its own experience and conversations with dispossess.

If there is no spiritual leader, then it is necessary to have a unanswed fellow and advisor in spiritual life "and, having combined with him to heartily, live with him in mutually revelation and experience, or spiritual friend. One of the other sees and knows and, thus, rather and reliability can advise "(9, p. 73-74). Life, consonant with the Council, by the grace of God, may be a fragrance, for it contains all the elevating improvements, cut off their will and understanding.

But it is obvious that it costs significantly lower than personal, active leadership and education. "There is no extensive in it, but as if gadaying; There is no decisive acting, but moving with timidity "(9 p. 73). During his lifetime, on the advice with unnecessary, it is impossible so decisive and soon to do and improve the spirit of jealousy, as under the leadership of the spiritual mentor. "That is why there is so few of the time and perfect" (9, p. 73).

However, in the absence of a godrogo mentor, life on the advice with unnecessary in devotion in the will of God - according to Divine V Outhent Scriptures - is the best and most reliable way of leadership in spiritual life.

With a spiritual friend of "Scripture in Bogrannia, light for them. Managing mutually, they mutually and follow each other in ledge themselves to God and the Lord, who promised to be alone collected in his name "(9, p. 74).

Archimandrite Georgy (Termatikov),
Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra

Kiev spiritual schools became a cradle for a huge number of Svetoma of our church, 50 of which are counted for the saints. We offer the attention of our reader chapter from the meeting of letters sVT. Faofan of the recovery of the Otchensky (+ 1894, Memory January 6, January 10, June 16).

Saint Feofan Reasanizer

"We had a good priest; But translated into another parish. On his place did another, from which sorrow in the soul. The service is unwitting and soon, conversations, when happens, leads everything about trifles; About the case of God, if he speaks, all with some restrictions and cutting of strict truth. How to get rid of such a temptation? "

They themselves are to blame. Poorly enjoyed a good priest; Lord and took it. Tell me, have you become better from the former good priest? So I will win: yes. And I made a say that I didn't become better, according to that, judging by that condemn the new priest, without knowing how to keep his feelings in relation to him, as should. After all, and before now, you have had a good priest from you, you had a good priest; And who was before that, was good. See how good the Lord sent good priests; And you are all the same faulty.

So he put it: what to spend good priests on these? Let's send them so good. And sent. Seeing this, you should have to appeal to yourself, repent and become more meant, and you just judge and refress. Become good; Then the priest will immediately change. Think: With these, it is impossible to correct the case sacred; It is necessary to reverently serve and edify conversations. And correct.

Priests If they are careless and soon in the ministry, but in conversations whisbing, then the larger part is applied to parishioners.

Speaking, I do not justify the priest. He is no apology, if he is not only an anti-authorized practice, but even by the charter is unreasonable seduces the souls entrusted to him. But I only say that you have come in this case to do. And first I said: do not judge, but ask yourself and reveal yourself better and in prayer, and in conversations, and in all behavior. Then pray it all that the Lord fixed the priest. And he will fix. Just pray as it should. The Lord said that if two advise about a certain thing and pray, it will be the question of them ( MF. 18, 19.).

So gather all bonionable parishioners, and put praying for the priest; To prayer, attach the post and exacerbate alms; And do it no day, not two, but weeks, months, year. Worry and tear yourself absolutely until the priest change. And change; Be sure that it will change.

I recently heard about a similar feat and his fruit. One Starita, a simple village, a great reverent, saw that someone, he was respected, began to somewhat retreat from the usual rigor of life, and painned about that; came home, fixed in his kyutka and became on prayer, saying to the Lord: I won't get away from the place, the crumbs of bread do not taste, the water drops will not give away and the eyes of my sleep for a minute will not give, until you hear me, Lord, and again Turn this person. As decided, I did, it worked in prayer and tomil the crushed tears, I write it to the Lord to hear her. Exit already, already the strength began to leave it; And she is all his own: even though die, and not to retreat until the Lord hear me. And heard.

It came to her the certificate that he prayed about whom she prayed, again began to keep himself in the old way. "Discovered to see, I saw that it was, and bred. There was no grateful tears to her end. So here is what a prayer is, even though it's not so in shape, because maybe it's inconvenient to do it, as she did, but such a diligence, self-sacrifice and unstuckness. And will undoubtedly get the desired.

If you are so passing only, you will sometimes at home, or in the church, or when talking to talk: God for him, Lord, become good, what kind of fruit will expect from such a prayer? Yes, it is not a prayer, but simple words.

It's my main thing that I said. Would add another one; But it is such that to fulfill it so that it bring to the goal is very difficult. I understand what! You can, bonion and honorable, come to the priest and ask him to change the way that you confuse and seduces.

Do it - there is nothing easier; But make it so that it brought the fruit is extremely difficult. It is necessary that you and the eyes, and mine, and the tone of speech, and not just the content, all the solemnie breathing sincerely and burning. Then you can hope that it will bring to the goal. And without it it is better not to take for such a step: it will be worse, it will break the most sorrowful. To write everything to him, maybe more convenient, but again the whole thing in the spirit of love is perpetrators. And it is also possible to ruin the case, as personally enjoyed to the priest. That is why I do not decide to certainly recommend this reception. I know that he can be crowned with success, but most importantly - in due execution.

Come to the priest or write to him in absentia, and to express everything to the most impitution, there will be a lot of geries; But for success, something else is needed than politeness. Politeness without love is a stingy binding. It seems that in other places they do and then say: we did our job! And I will say that it was better if it was not done.

More I will not say anything to you; Is still - tolerate. There are still legal ways; But those not in my part, and I will default about them.

1. Do not say: "I can not". This word is not a Christian. Christian word: "All I can". But not by itself, but about the Lord who strengthen us.

2. Great, repulsive life is not God's life. When the Savior told you stand up, to wash, the head was impressed and hanged, then it was easy to do not sneak.

3. The enemy usually runs up and says: do not descend, otherwise come down. He is lying. The best hollow from the creek is humble fasciance.

4. About frequent communion nothing can be said disapproving. But the measure is one day once or twice - the most member.

5. With one gospel or new covenant, you can live a whole century - and everything read. For a hundred times read, and everything will be all the same will be undeveloped.

6. It follows everyday affairs to bother as about the Lord of the Order and as before the Lord. When you get tight, then no business will not give your mind from God, but, on the contrary, will bring it closer to it.

7. Do not meet with fun, and with God-fearing.
8. There are people who think that they are expanding the range of freedom in the unrestriction of their desires, but Koi act in fact on monkeys, who are commerve themselves in the network.

9. When self-praise comes, then collect everything from the same life, which, according to conscience, you can't praise and fill it up with thoughts.

10. Since the prayer soon, everything is fine.

11. Praying God, it is better not to imagine him in any way, but only believe that he is: there is a near and everything sees and hears.

12. Lekari say: "On an empty stomach does not come out." In relation to the soul, it is fulfilled by morning prayer and reading. Highlights the soul - and no less coming to the day of the day.

13. The main location of the prayer may be repeated, for we sin all.

14. Economic affairs can excuse only the short standing on prayer, and the rational of the inner prayer cannot excuse.

15. God does not hear? God hears everything and sees. Only your desire to fulfill is not useful for you.

16. How to fire to act in passion. Where at least a small shadow of passion, do not wait for the proc. It hides the enemy and confuses everything.

17. Do not think that you can allow the liberty to thoughts, feelings, words and movements. It is necessary to keep everything on tickling and managed.

18. While they will fall down, do not wait for anything good.

19. When drinking water, then take out the slightest fly in there; When we get a finger, then be afraid of a little clearly visible, you hurry to get rid of anxiety, it caused; When the poroshinka is getting into the eye, the selfish and mutters eyes, you raise big troubles, to quickly clean your eyes from her. So put yourself on the law to act and in relation to passions: in whatever little form they have been manifested, hurry to drive them out, and so ruthlessly, so that they are not left.

20. I do not sleep your smart one from the heart, and everything comes from there, immediately grasp and disassemble: well - let him live, not good - immediately kill it.

21. Bearing to stay without any guidance; We beat him as the first good.

22. It is true that the persons who could be trusting for advice on spiritual life are becoming more and less often. But they always have. And the wishing always finds them in the grace of God.

23. It is necessary to pray to God, going to the confessor with the question, and ask God to put the desired thought to the confessor.

24. This obedience is listening, without seeing the grounds and despite its reluctance.

25. Many in the sky are prepared by the abode; But all of them are the abode of those who suffered and mourned.

26. Excuse me to keep in thought when you find sorrow that this is the Lord's road to your kingdom of your kingdom or even more: takes the hand and leads.

27. Saving Divine Grace for the awakening of the sinner of sleep, directing his strength to the ruin of that support, in which who is alleged and reveals his self-sufficiency, that's what it does: who is connected by the village, thinks in illness and, relaxing the flesh, gives spirit freedom and strength come into yourself and cut off. Who is pretty beauty and power, thus deprives beauty and keeps in constant exhaustion. Whoever gets on their power and strength, that refers to slavery and humiliation. Whoever relies on wealth, it takes away. Who high gravity, he will be posted as a low-spirited. Who relies on the strength of connections, they are breaking. Who reached the Eternity of the order established around him, that he ruins the death of the persons or the loss of things necessary.

28. Who lives in the family, that and salvation from family virtues.

29. The husband of God set being a wovers. And often he himself, without conscious, gives the permission or prohibition to his wife, which God inspires him.

30. Having a wife a friend and strong love forcing it to be submissive.

31. Wife needed to decorate herself predominantly virtues, other decorations to have as something third-party, secondary.

32. The lack of children is the greatest of all sins, there is an extreme degree of wicked.

33. I always harden mothers, caring about Chad: You are a perpetrator of a martyrdom, wait and the crown of this.

34. There is no sin more disrespect and insulting the mother. Good promised parents. And for non-verbal - deprivation of goods.

35. A very beneficial effect has a frequent wearing of them into the temple, applying to the Holy Cross, the Gospel, also bringing to icons, the autumn of the procession, the sprinkling of holy water, the autumn of the cross of the cradle, food and all the touched children, the blessing of the priest, and in general All church wonderfully warms and feeds the graceful life of the cat, and there is always the most secure and impermeable fence from the attempt of invisible dark forces.

36. Health - that horse: beat - ride nothing.

37. Everything is granted by ordinary youths uncomfortable, after will be reviewed in old age with diseases and nonsense

38. Abstinence from passions is better than all medicines, and it gives rapidness.

39. Remember that you, speaking, give birth to a word, and it will never die, but will live to a terrible court. It will be before you and will be for you or against you.

40. A lot of evil from the thought that death is around the corner. Please bring it closer and remember that it should not span nothing because of the mountains.

41. Set up the fear of God - and he, taking the reign of your inner man into the hands of the reign of your inner man, will asleep you after the Lord.

42. Who told you that it is difficult to escape? It is only necessary to want and take up the work decisively - and the salvation is ready.

43. Everywhere you can escape and die everywhere. The first angel between the angels died. The apostle between the apostles in the presence of the Lord himself died. And the robber - and on the cross saved.

44. Become good - then the priest will immediately change. Think: With these, it is impossible to correct the sacred business, it is necessary to reverently serve and edify the conversations. And correct.

45. The enemy, the destruction of the souls, through the jealousy of salvation of everyone leaves the soul of someone who wore such thoughts.

46. \u200b\u200bBelieve the soul of the sublime and great, and the disbelief serves as a sign of the soul unreasonable and low.

47. You need to know the truth and believe in it: where will you take it besides the church, which is the "pillar and statement of truth" ()? You need to bless you: where will you get her, except the church, the keeper of the sacraments, without which the grace is not served? You need to lead your leadership faithful to you and in the case of life: where do you meet him besides the church, in whom there is a boguelyonnected and god delivered to the shepherdness? You need to combine Jesus with the Lord Jesus: where will you make it up, if not in the church, where are the chapter of Christ, the Lord?

48. Catholics pounded apostolic legend. Protestants took the right thing and even worse. Catholics dad are alone, and Protestants are not a protestant, then dad.

49. Who says: "I, and praying at home, can attract Heavenly Spirit to himself," he is like a man who hopes to quench the thirst with one imagination of water.

50. When we will weaken or change the beginning: Orthodoxy, autocracy and nationality, the Russian people will cease to be Russian.

Represents selected sayings and advice of the Schishensky Saint.

Spiritual life

  1. Do not say: "I can not". This word is not a Christian. Christian word: "All I can". But not by itself, but about the Lord who strengthen us.
  2. Great, repulsive life is not God's life. When the Savior told you stand up, to wash, the head was impressed and hanged, then it was easy to do not sneak.
  3. The enemy usually runs up and says: do not descend, otherwise come down. He is lying. The best hollow from the creek is humble fasciance.
  4. There is nothing unapproving about frequent communion. But the measure is one day once or twice - the most member.
  5. With one gospel or new covenant, you can live a whole century - and everything read. For a hundred times read, and everything will be all the same will be undeveloped.
  6. It follows about everyday affairs to bother, as the Lord of the Order and as before the Lord. When you get tight, then no business will not give your mind from God, but, on the contrary, will bring it closer to it.
  7. Do not meet with fun, and with God-fearing.
  8. There are people who are thinking that they are expanding the range of freedom in the unlimited order of their desires, but koi act in fact to monkeys, who are confusing themselves in the network.
  9. When self-praise comes, then collect everything from the old life, which, according to conscience, you can't praise and fill it up with these thoughts.


  1. Since the prayer soon, it's all right.
  2. Praying God, it is better not to imagine him in any way, but only believe that it is: there is a near and everything sees and hears.
  3. Lekari say: "There is no empty stomach outside." In relation to the soul, it is fulfilled by morning prayer and reading. Highlights the soul - and no less coming to the day of the day.
  4. The main location of the prayer will be repeated, for we sin everything much.
  5. Economic cases can excuse only short standing on prayer, and the rational of the inner prayer cannot excuse.
  6. God does not hear? God hears everything and sees. Only your desire to fulfill is not useful for you.

Fighting passions

  1. How fire is afraid to act in passion. Where at least a small shadow of passion, do not wait for the proc. It hides the enemy and confuses everything.
  2. Do not think that you can allow the liberty to thoughts, feelings, words and movements. It is necessary to keep everything on tickling and managed.
  3. While you will indulge the body, do not wait for anything good.
  4. When drinking water, then take out the slightest income flying there; When we get a finger, then be afraid of a little clearly visible, you hurry to get rid of anxiety, it caused; When the poroshinka is getting into the eye, the selfish and mutters eyes, you raise big troubles, to quickly clean your eyes from her. So put yourself on the law to act and in relation to passions: in whatever little form they have been manifested, hurry to drive them out, and so ruthlessly, so that they are not left.
  5. Oka is not smart from the heart, and everything comes from there, immediately grab and disassemble: well - let him live, not good - immediately kill it.

Spiritual guide and obedience

  1. Be afraid to stay without any guidance; We beat him as the first good.
  2. It is true that everything is less likely to become persons to whom it could be trustly to apply for advice on spiritual life. But they always have. And the wishing always finds them in the grace of God.
  3. It is necessary to pray to God, going to the confessor with the question, and ask God to put the desired thought to the confessor.
  4. This obedience is listening, without seeing the grounds and despite its reluctance.


  1. Many in the sky prepared by the abode; But all of them are the abode of those who suffered and mourned.
  2. Excuse me to keep in thought when you find sorrow that this is your Lord the road to the kingdom of your own or even more: takes the hand and leads.
  3. Saving divine grace for the awakening of the sinner from the showdown, directing his strength to the ruin of the support, in which who is alleged and cleaned his self-sufficiency, that's what it does: who is connected by the village, thinks in illness and, relaxing the flesh, gives spirit freedom and strength to come in yourself and cut off. Who is pretty beauty and power, thus deprives beauty and keeps in constant exhaustion. Whoever gets on their power and strength, that refers to slavery and humiliation. Whoever relies on wealth, it takes away. Who high gravity, he will be posted as a low-spirited. Who relies on the strength of connections, they are breaking. Who reached the Eternity of the order established around him, that he ruins the death of the persons or the loss of things necessary.

Family life and raising children

  1. Who lives in the family, that and salvation from family virtues.
  2. God God set being a wovers. And often he himself, without conscious, gives the permission or prohibition to his wife, which God inspires him.
  3. Have a wife a friend and strong love forcing it to be submissive.
  4. Wife needed to decorate himself predominantly virtues, other decorations to have as something third-party, secondary.
  5. The lack of children is the greatest of all sins, there is an extreme degree of wicked.
  6. I always harden mothers, caring about Chada: You are a perpetrator of a martyrdom, wait and the crown of this.
  7. There is no sin more disrespect and insulting the mother. Good promised parents. And for non-verbal - deprivation of goods.
  8. A very beneficial effect has a frequent wearing in the temple, applying to the Holy Cross, the Gospel, also bringing to icons, the autumn of the procession, the sprinkling of holy water, the blessing of the cross, food, and all the touched children, the blessing of the priest, and in general all the church It wonderfully warms and feeds the graceful life of the cat, and there is always the safest and impermeable fence from the attempt of invisible dark forces.

Body Health

  1. Health is that the horse: bend - go nothing.
  2. Everything that ordinary young men are uncomfortable, after will be reviewed in old age with diseases and disadvantages
  3. Abstinence from passions is better than all medicines, and it gives rapidness.

Death and memory mortal

  1. Remember that you, speaking, give birth to a word, and it will never die, but will live to a terrible court. It will be before you and will be for you or against you.
  2. A lot of evil from the thought that death is over the mountains. Please bring it closer and remember that it should not span nothing because of the mountains.
  3. Set up the fear of God - and he, in the hands of the reign of your domestic man in the hands of the reign of your inner man, will asleep you after the Lord.

Saving yourself and fix other

  1. Who told you that it is difficult to escape? It is only necessary to want and take up the work decisively - and the salvation is ready.
  2. Everywhere you can escape and die everywhere. The first angel between the angels died. The apostle between the apostles in the presence of the Lord himself died. And the robber - and on the cross saved.
  3. Become good - then the priest will immediately change. Think: With these, it is impossible to correct the sacred business, it is necessary to reverently serve and edify the conversations. And correct.
  4. The enemy, the destruction of the soul, through jealousy of salvation of everyone leaves the soul of someone who wore such thoughts.

Orthodox Church and Vera

  1. Believe the soul of the sublime and great, and the disbelief serves as a sign of the soul unreasonable and low.
  2. You need to know the truth and believe in it: where you will take it besides the church, which is the "pillar and approval of truth" (1st. 3:15)? You need to bless you: where will you get her, except the church, the keeper of the sacraments, without which the grace is not served? You need to lead your leadership faithful to you and in the case of life: where do you meet him besides the church, in whom there is a boguelyonnected and god delivered to the shepherdness? You need to combine Jesus with the Lord Jesus: where will you make it up, if not in the church, where are the chapter of Christ, the Lord?
  3. Catholics pounded apostolic legend. Protestants took the right thing and even worse. Catholics dad are alone, and Protestants are not a protestant, then dad.
  4. Who says: "I, and praying at home, can attract Heavenly Spirit to himself," he is like a person who hopes to quench the thirst with one imagination of water.
  5. When we will weaken or change the beginning: Orthodoxy, autocracy and nationality, the Russian people will cease to be Russian.