Quiz about literary heroes. Literary quiz "On the roads of fairy tales"

Quiz about literary heroes. Literary quiz
Quiz about literary heroes. Literary quiz "On the roads of fairy tales"

Literary quiz "Traveling on fairy tales".

About me: I have been working at school for 27 years. I have a lot of experience in working with children and believe that any communication with the child must be permeated with love for him. I love active vacation in nature and travel.

- intensify children's reading;
- remember and consolidate knowledge about names, authors and heroes of children's fairy tales;
- Organize leisure students.

Travel quiz:

Leading: Dear guys, we are glad to welcome all of you on the literary quiz "On the pages of your favorite fairy tales"! Tell me, do you like fairy tales? And what are fairy tales? (Children's responses). Now name your favorite fairy tales. Well done! Now we will find out how well you know your favorite fairy tales. To do this, we need to divide into two teams. Each team must choose a name. Quiz consists of 5 competitions. The rules of competitions are very simple. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point. If the team has no answer, the rival team has the right to respond. The tasks of all contests are associated with the names, the heroes of fairy tales or with the authors who wrote them. After each contest, the jury sums up. (Represent the jury).

So, I declare the first contest called "Workout" . In this competition, two teams at the same time take part. I say a task, and you all answer together.
1. on sour cream disturbed
On the window is waving.
He has a ruddy side
Who is it? (Kolobok)

2. Girl good in a fairy tale
The grandmother in the forest went to the guests.
Mom has sewed a beautiful hat
And the pies did not forget with them.
What kind of lape girl.
What is her name? … (Little Red Riding Hood)

3. For each other on the chain
Casting everything so firmly!
But still the assistants will soon resort,
Wins a stubborn friendly common work.
How sat down firmly! Who is it? ... (repka)

4. Man is elderly
With a premium beard.
Offends Pinocchio
Artemon and Malvina.
In general, for all people
He is the sealing villain.
Knows any of you
Who is it? (Karabas)

5. I am a wooden boys
Here and the key is golden!
Friends all of them with me.
Everywhere I bless me long,
My name ... (Buratino)

6. In a shirt of a blue boys
From the famous children's book.
He is stupid and Zakona,
And his name is ... (Dunno)

7. And I washed on the stepmother
And the peas came through
At night at the candle,
And slept at the stove.
Good like sunshine.
Who is it? ... (Cinderella)

8. He is cheerful and not malicious,
This cute crank.
With him boy robin
And buddy Piglet.
For him, walk - holiday
And on the honey special scent.
This teddy squad
Bear ... (Vini Pooh)

9. Three live in the hut,
There are three chairs and three circles,
Three cribs, three pillows.
Guess without a prompt
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears)

10. In the woods dark on the edge,
We lived together everything in the hut.
Mom children waited,
The wolf house was not allowed.
This fairy tale for the guys ... (wolf and seven goats)

Competition "Further, next ..."
Each command will be set to 20 questions. You need to answer immediately without thinking. If you do not know the answer, say "further." At this time, the rival command is silent, does not suggest.
Questions for the first team:
1. Who is the author of "Koshkin House"? (Samuel Marshak)
2. Where did the Dr. Aibolit in the telegram go? (in Africa)
3. What was the name of the dog in the fairy tale "Golden Key or An Adventure of Pinocchio"? (ARTEMEND)
4. The pretty character of Chukovsky's fairy tale. (Cockroach)
5. The groom flies-clook. (Mosquito)
6. What did the church soldier come from? (From the ax)
7. Who caught in the corner of Emel? (Pike)
8. Who was in the Russian folk fairy tale frog? (Printed)
9. What was the name of the boa from the Kipling Tale "Mowgli"? (Kaa)
10. What did the Emel horrible in the fairy tale "by torture kettle"? (On the stove)
11. Postman from the village of Prostokvashino. (Pechkin)
12. What did the flea of \u200b\u200bthe fly-base? (Boots)
13. What colors went to the new year of the heroine of the tale "Twelve months"? (Behind snowdrops)
14. What is the hero of the fairy tale wore red boots? (Puss in Boots)
15. Sister of Brother Ivanushki. (Alyonushka)
16. The most famous resident of the flower city. (Dunno)
17. How old was the old man from a fairy tale about the Golden Fish? (33 years)
18. What was Pinocchio from? (From Polyan)
19. Fruits with which Cheburashka lasted. (Oranges)
20. What was the name of the girl from the fairy tale "Snow Queen", which went throughout the light to look for his named brother? (Gerda)

Questions for the second team:
1. Who carried a red hat pies and an oil pot? (Grandmother)
2. What was the name of the girl - the owner of the magic flower from the tale of Kataeva "Flower-seven-family"? (Zhenya)
3. Name the patronymic of Fedora from the fairy tale Chukovsky "Fedorino Mount." (Egorovna)
4. Who wrote a fairy tale "Cinderella"? (Charles Perro)
5. What was the name of the girl traveling around the country wonders and a licking american? (Alice)
6. What did you buy a trap-tank in the bazaar? (Samovar)
7. The best friend of Carlson. (Kid)
8. Which hut was the fox in the fairy tale "Zayushkina Hut"? (Ice)
9. What was the name of the sister of Dr. Aibolit? (Varvara)
10. Hostess of Artemeon. (Malvina)
11. Who caught a goldfish? (Old man)
12. The author of the fairy tale "Konon-Gorbok". (Peter Ershov)
13. What was the name of a small girl who was born and lived in a flower? (Thumbelina)
14. In which birds turned 11 royal sons? (In swans)
15. Who turned the wrong dot? (In a wonderful swan)
16. What was the coach, in which Cinderella went to the ball? (From pumpkin)
17. Winnie Pooh friend. (Piglet)
18. What was the name of the tricky cat from the Golden Key fairy tale? (Basilio)
19. What was the name of mother-a bear in a fairy tale "Three Bear"? (Nastasya Petrovna)
20. From what plant Eliza splash shirt for their brothers in the fairy tale "Wild Swans"? (From nettle)

Competition "Guess the Hero of Fairy Tales."
Leading. Guys, in this competition you will need to guess the riddles, the characters of which are fabulous characters.
Riddles for the first team.
1. Calicha's blending,
Driving a guy on the furnace.
Rolled around the village
And married the princess. (Emel)

2. I flew Arrow and got into the swamp,
And in this swamp caught her someone.
Who sneaked with green skin,
Mug a mig beautiful, agencies? (Frog)

3. In the wild jungle he lives,
Wolf he is his father calling.
And the Break, Panther, Bear -
Friends of a wild boy. (Mowgli)

4. He is a big shaloon and comedian
He has a house on the roof.
Bushube and Zakonyka,
And his name is ... (Carlson)

5. Gentle girl with tail
Foam will be later.
Everything will lose, do not sell love
His life for her giving. (The little Mermaid)

Riddles for the second team.
1. Lives in a forest hut,
She is soon three hundred years.
And you can to the old woman
To wash for lunch. (Baba Yaga)

2. A girl appeared in a flower cup,
And the size of the tiny little more nogot.
In the walnut shell, the girl slept,
Who is this girl, what do we all in Mila? (Thumbelina)

3. Sits in a basket Girl
Behind the teddy bear behind his back.
He himself, not knowing
Carries her home. (Masha from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear")

4. Lives in a pop house,
Sleeps on straw
Eats for four
Sleeps for seven. (Bald)

5. He turned the son of Melnik in Marquis,
Then the king's daughter married him.
At the same time, I will open you a secret,
It was like a mouse, eaten cannibal. (Puss in Boots)

Competition "Magic Chest".
Leading. In the magic chest are subject to objects from different fairy tales. I will take out objects, and teams will take turns from what fairy tale this item.
ABC - "Golden Key or Adventure Pinocchio"
Shoe - "Cinderella"
Coin - "Fly Costume"
Mirror - "Tale of the Dead Tsarevna and about seven heroes"
Egg - "Ryabina"
Apple - "Gus-Swans"

Competition "Intellectual".
Leading. The questions of this competition are a little more complicated, so listen carefully and answer if you know.
Questions first team:
1. What is the name of Chukovsky's fairy tale, in which there are words:
Sea flame burns,
Ran out of the sea whale. (Confusion)
2. What was the name of the younger son of the woodcutter, which was taking no more finger? (Boy-C-Finger)
3. What was grown for sale in the capital brothers from the fairy tale of Ershov "Konon-Gorbok"? (Wheat)
4. The name of the leader of the flock of wolves in the fabulous story of Kipling "Mowgli". (Aquel)
5. What was the name of the girl who was shirtless to their brothers shirts from nettle? (Eliza)

Questions Second Team:
1. Who wrote the fairy tale "Adventures Chipollino"? (Gianni Rodari)
2. What was the name of Dr. Aibolit's dog? (Avva)
3. Favorite musical instrument is minor. (Trumpet)
4. What was the name of the captain who visited Liliputia? (Gulliver)
5. Whose Kopytz, full of water, caught sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka on the way first? (Cow)

Leading. Well done boys! You know the fairy tales well, which means you read a lot. Our quiz comes to an end. And while the jury will sum up, I propose to spend the "talent auction." Each of you, undoubtedly, has some talent: someone can move the ears, someone stand on his head, someone reads poetry well, someone sings well, and someone is dancing. Now each of you can show your talent and get for this prize. So who is the most brave?
(Talent auction is held)

Leading. Thank you guys, everyone for participating in contests, we provide the word jury.
Summarizing. Award winners quiz.

1. Book for clever and smarts. Handbook of Erudite. -M.: Ripol Classic, 2001.-336 p.
2. Creative work experience with book: Library lessons, reader hours, extracurricular activities / Sost. TR Timbalyuk. - 2nd ed. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. - 135 p.
3. Hobbits, extramaars, gnomes and other: literary quiz, crosswords, linguistic tasks, New Year's play / Sost. IG Suchin. - M.: New School, 1994. - 192 p.
4. Reading with hobby: library lessons, extracurricular activities / Sost. E.V. Rubbish; - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010. - 120 s.

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  • summarize the knowledge of students about children's literary works,
  • develop the ability to recognize the heroes of works and authors who wrote them
  • maintain interest in reading
  • relieve a sense of partnership, responsibility for their team.

Participants: Teams of students 1-2 classes.

Preparation: come up with a name, make a team emblem, motto ( rated members of the jury). Make an exhibition of children's literature.

Equipment and Materials: Computer, Projector, Screen, Multimedia Presentation .

Event flow

Hello, dear guys! Hello, dear adults! We are glad to welcome you at today's event, which is devoted to the heroes of children's books and authors who invented them for us. We will go with you in a fascinating journey through the pages of books, where you are awaiting their amazing characters. But we need to know who will go on the journey today ( representation of the team). We met with the teams, and now let's find out who will count your correct answers ( presentation of members of the jury).

The captains of the teams in turn will choose the number of the question, for which the discussion of which you will be given 10 seconds. If the team names the name of the hero of the work - will receive 1 point, if the hero called and the name of the work - will receive 2 points, and if the hero calls, the name and author of the work - will receive 3 points. If the team does not answer the question, the response is transferred to another team.

So, we go on a fascinating journey. And the right to first choose the question will be provided by the team, which is the first to answer my question: "Who stood the fourth in the Fairy Tale" Repka "?" (Bug).

This is a good doctor. It helps beasts and birds. The hero is even ready to go on a dangerous journey to Africa to cure hithepotics. On his way there are various difficulties, but grateful animals are ready to help him.

(Name of the hero - Aibolit, the fairy tale "Dr. Aibolit", the author is the roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky).

This is a small and very curious girl. It is curiosity leads to a rabbit hole, falling in which the heroine falls into the country of miracles. In this country, it varies several times in size, but it does not scare it. She travels in a magical country without fear, meets with her extraordinary inhabitants.

(Name of the hero - Alice, Fabulous Tale: "Alice in Wonderland", "Alice in the Casmodeer", the author - Lewis Carroll).

This is the heroine of Russian folk fairy tales. She is old and distinguished, looks like a witch with Cosmatic gray hair, with a key in his hand. She lives in the hut on the couch legs. Often she has a black cat who helps her hostess.

(Name of the hero - Baba Yaga, Russian folk tales: "Gus-Swans", "Fenist-Clear Falcon").

This is a boy with a long nose carved out of the village. This restless boy does not listen to Pope, constantly refunds and shalit. He does not want to study at school and instead of school goes to the puppet theater.

(Name of the hero - Buratino

The heroine of Russian folk fairy tales. This beautiful girl is distinguished not only by beautiful appearance, but also by the mind, kindness, justice. She is a real helper of the main character of the fairy tales. Her mind helps the hero of the trouble. She gives him useful tips that help to cope with complex tasks or withstand dangerous tests. It has magical abilities, but never applies them in evil.

(Name of the hero - Vasilisa Vasilisa, Russian folk tales: "Tsarevna-Frog", "Maritime Tsar and Vasilisa to do").

This is a little bear. He is trusting and sophisticated. Most of all, he loves honey. Bear is ready for everything, just to get a cherished pot of honey, and because of this often falls into trouble.

(Name of the hero - Winnie the Pooh, The fabulous story "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all", the author is Alain Miln).

This is a negative hero of Russian folk fairy tales. He is strong, so it offends the weak and defenseless impunity. Often, his victim becomes weak hare or lamb. However, he is not so hither as Fox, so often becomes a victim of deception. This character symbolizes strength, cunning and at the same time simathy and stupidity.

(Name of the hero - Wolf, Russian folk tales: "Fox and Wolf", "Wolf and Seven Cats"; basni - "Wolf and Lamb", "Wolf on Psarn", author - Ivan Andreevich Krylov).

This is a little girl who has a snow queen kidnap her best friend Kaya. She went on his searches, no danger fear. It is not afraid of a long road, nor difficulties and deprivation, nor little robber, nor the very snow queen. The girl is ready to go to the distant north to find Kaya and return it home.

(Name of the hero - Gerda, Tale "Snow Queen", Author - Hans Christian Andersen).

This is the main hero of the poem. He always helped children and adults: removed from the Wiring of a Paper Snake, raised those children at the parade, who is lower than them to be better visible. He prevented the crash of the train, released the pigeons from the attic of the burning house, saved a sinking boy. He is modest and disinterested. He makes noble acts not for the sake of glory and rewards. That is why he is respected by others.

(Name of the hero - Uncle Stepa, the poem "Uncle Stepa", the author - Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov).

10 Question:

The peasant son, which all the time spends lying on the furnace. He is very lazy. He does not want to do anything to change his life, he is satisfied with everyone and happy. Catching wonderful fish, manifests the kindness and generosity, giving her to the will. For a good deed, he gets the opportunity to fulfill all his desires, without doing anything. The rustic hero, lazy, but kind and bad, marries the royal daughter and lives long and happily.

(Name of the hero - Emelya, Russian folk fairy tale "By whining cordless").

11 Question:

The heroine of this fairy tale has lost her mother early. Her father married the second time on an evil and grumpy woman, and she was forced to work on a stepmother and her daughters. Despite this, she remained meek and a good girlfriend. She did not rewind the stepmother, tried to please the capricious sisters. She was very hardworking and for this award aunt - the wizard gives her a dress and sends it to the royal ball. She conquered the heart of the prince not only with her beauty, but also kindness and meekness.

(Name of the hero - Cinderella, Tale "Cinderella", the author is Charles Perro).

12 Question:

Director of the theater of dolls, cruel and evil man. Threatens the dolls with seven-dead wagon and turns badly to them. Therefore, they run away from him. Only the seller of therapeutic leeches Duramar is ready to serve him. He is ready for everything, just to get a golden key.

(Name of the hero - Karabas Barabas., a fabulous story "The Golden Key or Adventure of Pinocchio", the author - Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy).

13 Question:

This is a small funny little man who knows how to fly. He himself calls himself beautiful, smart, in the measure of a touching man in the heyday. He is capricious and boastful, he got used to do what he wants. He needs all his desires to be immediately performed.

(Name of the hero - Carlson

14 Question:

Negative hero of Russian folk fairy tales. He is angry and cruel. He attacks cities and villages, abducts people and keeps them in captivity. On the lord of all the unclean and the owner of unreasonable wealth. His appearance inspires fear. It is very thin and reminds the skeleton, covered with skin. It turns out that he is not immortal at all. His death is at the end of the needle hidden in the egg.

(Name of the hero - Koschei the Deathless, Russian folk tales: "Tsarevna - Frog", "Koschey Immortal").

15 Question:

This is a lazy girl who does not do anything, he sleeps and thinks flies all the time. Without a nyutushka, she can not even get dressed. She does not want to work, but dreams of getting a reward from Frost Ivanovich. The girl does work after the sleeves, without work and diligence. After receiving long-awaited gifts, she did not even thanked for them. At the end of the fairy tale, it turns out to be punished, as gifts melted in the sun.

(Name of the hero - Leniviana, Fairy Tale "Moroz Ivanovich", Author - Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky).

16 Question:

The heroine of Russian folk fairy tales. She is a cunning and smart. Often, her cunning remains unpunished. This image symbolizes cunning and cunning, mind and hypocrisy.

(Name of the hero - A fox, Russian folk tales: "Zayushkina hut", "Fox and Wolf", "Cockerel-Golden Grab"; Basni: "Voron and Fox", "Fox and Grapes", author - Ivan Andreevich Krylov).

17 Question:

This is the most common frog that turned out to be very curious. Having learned from the ducks that in the south a lot of midges and mosquitoes, she wanted to fly with them, clutching his mouth for a twist, who kept two ducks in the kerats. But the frog was boastful, wanting to report that she came up with a new way of traveling in ducks, opened her mouth and fell into the pond. Boasting did not bring her to good.

(Name of the hero - Frog traveler, Fairy Tale "Frog-traveler", Author - Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garin).

18 Question:

This boy lives completely alone on a distant planet. He is kind and sincere, but very lonely. He has only a flower that he loves the most in the world. Once he goes on a journey through other planets, on which he meets different inhabitants and where it faces cruelty and indifference. In the distance from their flower, he begins to appreciate his beauty and understand how much he loves him.

(Name of the hero - Little Prince, Tale-Tale "Little Prince", author - Antoine de Saint-Exupery).

19 Question:

This is a little boy who has a loving family, but who feels lonely. He has no friends, he dreams at least about the dog. Once he had an unusual friend, a man with a propeller who pulls him into various adventures.

(Name of the hero - Kid, a fabulous story "Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof," the author is Astrid Lindgren).

20 Question:

This girl with blue hair is the most beautiful doll of the puppet theater. She escaped from her owner, because she could no longer bear his gross trick. She is kind and affectionate, everyone loves and admire her beauty. She is always ready to come to others for the rescue.

(Name of the hero - Malvina, a fabulous story "The Golden Key or Adventure of Pinocchio", the author - Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy).

21 Question:

Human young, who turned out to be in the wolf flock and accepted by wolves into his family. Having matured, he becomes the leader of the flock. He is ready to be responsible for all animals, take care of them, protect. However, with age, he begins to understand that belongs not only to the world of jungle, but also the world of people.

(Name of the hero - Mowgli., the story "Mowgli", the author is Rudyard Kipling).

22 Question:

This hero appears in the form of a good grandfather with a long snow-white beard, in warm bright caftane. He lives in the forest, in a fabulous terme, and commands snow and cold. He is kind to hardheaving, honest and disinterested heroes, he deservedly awards with gifts. However, it is bad for evil, envious and lazy people, they are waiting for a completely different reward.

(Name of the hero - Morozko, Russian folk fairy tale "Morozko").

23 Question:

This is a little man, a short name that lives in a fabulous country inhabited by the same kids as he. His name speaks for himself. He does not want to know anything, does not do anything. Most of all in the world he likes to fantasize and relax. With him constantly happen funny stories, it is interesting for his adventure to watch.

(Name of the hero - Dunno, Roman-fairy tale "Adventures Locking and his friends", Author - Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov).

24 Question:

This is a little funny piglet. It is funny, cheerful, simple, carefree and sincere. Most of all he appreciates friendship with a bear. This little creature is ready for all for the sake of the best friend. Fearful and cautious pigs are ready to show courage and strength of the Spirit if his friends need help.

(Name of the hero - Piglet, a fabulous story "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all", the author is Alain Miln).

25 Question:

The youngest beloved daughter of the sea king, a beautiful princess, possessing a wonderful voice and a gentle, romantic soul. She dreams of the world of people, because it falls in love with a beautiful prince. She is ready for everyone, just to become a person, even give his voice to the sea witch.

(Name of the hero - the little Mermaid, Tale "Mermaid", author - Hans Christian Andersen).

26 Question:

This heroine has an icy heart and a cold soul. She abducts the boy and takes him away far to the north, in his snowy owners. It is indifferent to the suffering of other heroes. She is strong and powerful, but her power ends where the courage, kindness and love. She is afraid of sincere, good people with a hot heart. Brave girl manages to defeat her and free his brother.

(Name of the hero - The Snow Queen, Tale "Snow Queen", Author - Hans Christian Andersen).

27 Question:

This is a small rustic boy who really wants to learn, but he is still small, so the mother does not allow him to school. He is restless, decisive and bold. Not wanting to stay at home, he alone goes to school, which is behind the village. On the way the boy is found dogs, from whom he manages to escape. Once at school, he was frightened that the teacher would drive him down, but then when he was allowed to learn, he quickly Osmell. Inquisition, courage and perseverance helped him in achieving the goal.

(Name of the hero - Filipok, the story-called "Filipok", the author - Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy).

28 Question:

This king is wise and kind, but gullible. He believes a letter brought by the messenger, turns out to be a victim of evil goat and as a result loses his wife and son. He generously treat merchants, asking them about distant countries, at the same time can not be gathered to visit the "Wonderful Island". Having founded his wife and son, the king in anger is going to punish evil sisters, but generously forgives them and lets go home.

(Name of the hero - Tsar Saltan, "Tale of Tsar Saltan, about his son's nice and mighty bogatyr Prince Gwidone Saltanovic and about the beautiful princess swans," the author is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin).

29 Question:

This funny animal lived in a dense rainforest, then it turned out to be in the city, sailing on the ship in the box with oranges. In the zoo, he was not taken, as he turned out to be a "completely unknown science of the beast," he began to work in the store.

(Name of the hero - Cheburashka, a fabulous story "Crocodile Gena and his friends", author - Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky).

30 Question:

This is a Boy-Bulb. He has many friends, the same poor children, as he himself. But they never disappear, run through the streets, shalyat, indulge, having fun. He does not tolerate injustice and everyone who offends the poor. He is bold and decisive, no one is afraid and is always ready to enter into weak and offended. Responsiveness and Mascale helps him get the winner of difficult situations.

(Name of the hero - Chipollino, fabulous story "The Adventures of Chipollino", the author is Gianni Rodari).

Summing up, rewarding winners.

In the world of literary heroes

Quiz on fairy tales

Under the sounds of music, the teacher starts his introductory word.

- Tale ... Listening to the fairy tale, each of us finds himself in the magic world. We walk along the paths where the human leg never started. Wild swans fly there, built palaces of snow. In the magical country, the evil sorcerer turns the princess into the frog, the boy is in the goat, piglets are built at home.

Do you like Russian folk tales?

Of course, children and adults love them. These stories are familiar to us from the earliest childhood. We are kindly laughing on them, hopping the breath, we read about the most incredible wonders, sympathize with your favorite characters and the fear of an evil wolf and a fox cunning

There are a lot of interesting fairy tales, but among them there are the most expensive, most beloved. Today we will remember them, we will meet with many characters of fairy tales.

3 teams take part in our holiday.

1 Team - "Kolobok".
2 Team - Winnie Pooh.
3 Team - Cinderella.

Teams are represented. And now you will get acquainted with the terms of our game.

Keep quiet!

Do not prompt!

Each team for one correct answer gets a token. At the end of the KVN, we consider, who has more tokens.

1st task. What fairy tales these lines?Appendix No. 1.

- The girl took the biggest spoon and a hop of the biggest cup; Then he took a middle spoon and the middle cup of the middle cup; Then he took a small spoon and a fudgest from a blue cup, and Mishetkina Pravyubka seemed better to her.(Three Bears)

- lived - there were a cockerel and a chicken. Run the cockerel and pulled out the beans.(Bean grains)

I have a bright hut, and you have a dark! (Zayushkina Hut)

- I do not have a mustache, and the crash, not the paws, and the lamps, not the teeth, and the teeth - I'm not afraid of anyone. (Hare - Misk)

What is the furnace? No flour. Eh, old woman! In the box, they are sighted, in Suski, there may be flour and flies.(Kolobok)

- I got up in the morning Tanya with my grandmother, went out into the yard, and the courtyard walks in the yard, black barrel. Tanya was delighted, rushing herbs, became a bull to feed.(Resin bull)

Carries me Lisa

For dark forests

For quick rivers

For high mountains ...

Cat and Drozd, save me! (Cockerel - Golden Scallop)

- It's time: a man's peasant is digging, and the bear from Dubrova gets out:
- Well, man, let's share!
- Okay, Medvedushka! Let me bring you the tops, - and took him the tops of the top.(Guy and Bear)

- Opened, dismissed the door of the door. Wolf and jumped into the hut Yes, he ate all goats. Only the smallest in the stove wrestle, there I did not find a wolf.(The wolf and the seven Young goats)

I am a goat-deres, the floor of the Boca Puplena, for three pennies bought, how to emphasize how to around, scorch legs, bury the horns - Shoes will go on the Zakolem! (Koza Dereza)

"Here will be a gift to his wife," the grandfather thought, took a chanterelle and put on WHO, and he went ahead. And chanterelle chose time and began to throw away from the Vozha, everything on the fish and fish, everything is fish and fish. Promoted all the fish and left herself. (Fox-sister and Gray Wolf)

- Here are already two. Bunny runs, ran up to the mittens, asks:
- Who lives in a mitten?
- Mouse - Skill, Frog - Pumpshushka. And who are you? (Heading)

I took the Fox DosaDa: I thought it was to fit for a whole week, and I went home as unsolon bread. As it was awesome, it responded. Since then, friendship in foxes with crane apart. (Fox and crane)

2nd task. Rebus. The guys must guess the rebus and find out the name of the fairy tales.Appendix No. 2.

Cat, fox, cloud, sock.(Kolobok)

3rd task. Sold down the crossword? Appendix No. 3-4.

4th task. Guess the riddles and think about what fairy tales do they meet? Appendix No. 3-4.

  1. Came from the forest bird

In red fur coat

  1. She has little height
    But long tail,
    Serious fur coat
    Husty teeth.
    (Mouse - "Ryabina", "spikes", "teremok".)
  1. He is bright in uniform.
    Spurs for beauty.
    Day he is a gaby
    In the morning - watch.
    (Rooster - "Cockerel - Golden Grab", "Zimber")
  1. Winter white, summer sulfur. (Hare - "Kolobok", "Mitten".)
  1. In the summer, the forest walks,
    In winter, resting in the berry (Bear - "Kolobok", "Three Bear", "Masha and Bear", "Many and Bear", "Mitten".)
  1. Who has a patch
    Not squeezed into the cam?
    On the legs of his empty.
    He eats and drinks from the bodied. (Piglets - "three pigs", "wintering")
  1. Angry Nadrog

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

Needles a lot,

And the threads are not alone. (Hedgehog - "Winter Beasts")

Signatures for slides:

- The girl took the biggest spoon and a hop of the biggest cup; Then he took a middle spoon and the middle cup of the middle cup; Then he took a small spoon and a fudgest from a blue cup, and Mishetkina Pravyubka seemed better to her.

Lived - there were a rooster yes chicken. Rushing the cockerel and pulled the boboc

My hut is light, and you have a dark!

I do not have a mustache, and the crash, not the paws, and the lamps, not the teeth, and the teubes - I'm not afraid of anyone

What is the furnace? No flour. Eh, old woman! In the box, they are sighted, in Suski, there may be flour and flies.

I got up in the morning Tanya with a grandmother, went out into the yard, and the courtyard walks in the yard, black barrel. Tanya was delighted, rushing herbs, became a bull to feed.

Literary quiz "On the pages of children's works."

Nechaeva Elena Nikolaevna, teacher of primary schools KSU "Secondary school №21 Village Saryozek" Osakarovsky district Karaganda region Kazakhstan.
The literary quiz for children's works is intended for children of 9-10 years. This material can be used for extracurricular work on subjects, in class hours. The guys love fairy tales very much, they always know them much, they read them with pleasure. And therefore this quiz will be interesting to them.
Purpose: Expansion of knowledge of works for children.
Tasks: summarize knowledge of children's works; develop a mixture, resourcefulness, erudition, memory; Relieve love for reading.
Equipment: Fabulous heroes, crossword, can be presentation.

The course of the event.
Three teams participate in the quiz.
Guys, do you like fairy tales? Do you know a lot of them? But now we will check it. Today we will spend the quiz "on the pages of children's works", on the pages of your favorite fairy tales. At the end of our quiz, we can find out who is the best sign of fairy tales. For the game we need to divide into three teams. In my bag pictures with the image of items that belonged to fabulous heroes (key, pumpkin, flower). Children get pictures and grouped into teams. Guys who own the key? Those who have the key you are the "Pinocchio" team. Who owns pumpkin? You team - "Cinderella", but who owns a flower? You team - "Thumbelina". And so we begin our quiz.
Competition "Magic Words".
So, our first contest "Magic Words". You need to remember what heroes said certain magic words and in what work.
1. "By whining omen, in my opinion." (Emel in the Russian folk fairy tale "By whining kettling")
2. Squa Burk, prophetic canophage! Stand in front of me like a leaf before grass. (Ivan-Durak in the Russian folk tale "Squa - Burk")
3. "SIM - SIM OPEN!" (Ali-Baba, in the eastern fairy tale "Ali-Baba and 40 robbers")
4. Fly, fly petal, in the west to the east, north, through the south, come back by making a circle! Only touched the earth, be in my opinion! (Zhenya, in the fairy tale "Flower-semi-degree" V. Katayev)
5. "Once, two, three. Varia Pots! " (Girl, in the fairy tale Brothers Grimm "Porch Pot")
6. "Krekus, Fex, Peks" (Fox Alice, Basilio Cat, Pinocchio, in the fairy tale A.N. Tolstoy "Key or Adventure of Pinocchio".
7. "Mutabor" (Calif, in the fairy tale VGUFA "Calif - Stork")
8. "Kara - Baras". (Moydodyr, K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr")
9. "Oh, you, my poor sirts,
My irons and pans!
You are a trip-ka, unworthy home,
I am a key to the water.
I clean you with a sand
Will be boiling to boil
And you will be again
Like a sun shine. " (Fedor from the work of K. Chukovsky "Fedorino Mount")
Competition "Amazing transformations."
The second competition is called "amazing transformations". You need to remember who the heroes of various works for children were encouraged in whom.
1. Who did the prince of Gwidon turned in the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin "Tale of Tsar Saltan, about the son of His glorious and mighty Bogatira Prince Gwidon Saltanovic and about the beautiful princess swans"? (mosquito, bumblebee, fly)
2. Who did the giant-eater in the fairy tale, Sh.perro "Cat in Boots" turned? (lion, mouse)
3. Who has turned the old-wondrus of a beautiful jacob boy in a tale V. Gauf? (in dwarf)
4. Who did the princes brothers in the fairy tale x.k.andersen turned into anyone? (in the fairy tale "Wild Swans" in the beautiful 11 \u200b\u200bswans)
5. Who turned the wrong dot in the fairy tale x.k.andersen? (in a wonderful swan)
6. In Nanay's fairy tale in whom has a beautiful girl Ioga turned? (in the goose)
7. What did the Snow Maiden girl have turned into a Russian folk tale? (in the cloud)
8. Who did Ivanushka-fool turned in the Russian folk tale "Squa-Burk" climbing in the right ear, and getting into the left? (In a good item, that neither upheat, nor to spend nor in a fairy tale, to describe or describe)
9. What did the mermaid turned into in the fairy tale x.k.andersen? (in marine foam)
Competition "Who is the author."
Our third competition is called "Who is the author." Each team will read an excerpt from the work, you need to guess the author of this work, and the work itself.
1. Light my mirror say,
Yes, all the truth will report.
Yal in the light of all Mile
All Rushes and Beee ... (A.S. Pushkin "The fairytale about the dead princess and seven heroes"
2. The team only sat down,
All islet disappeared under water. (N.A.Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazay and Hares")
3. My phone rang.
Who says? - Elephant!
Where? - from camel.
What do you want? - Chocolate.
For whom?
For my son? ... (K. Chukovsky "Phone")
4. lived an old man with his old woman
In the very blue sea;
They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly thirty years and three years. (A.S. Pushkin "Tale of fisherman and fish")
5. Fly, fly petal,
West east,
North, south,
Come back by making a circle.
Only touches you land -
To be in my opinion. (V.Katayev "Flower-sevenceticism")
6. - Do you warm your maiden? Do you heat red?
- Heat, frost, warmth, father. (Russian folk fairy tale "Morozko")
Competition "Guess the riddle."
1. This girl is very small,
And in the flower she slept.
Beetle danced with her
The mouse is tortured in mink held,
She fell into the country of colors. (Thumbelina)
2. This boy is very strange.
Carlo is made from the village.
And with foxes contacted in vain
Become happy, it is impossible! (Buratino)
3. This small is very hitr.
He is with a tail, but famous.
In boots always walked
Giant won. (Puss in Boots)
4. This girl is very beautiful,
But Buratio learned in vain. (Malvina)
5. This dog Malvina served,
And Buratino closed in Chulana. (ARTEMEND)
Competition "In an unusual country"
The next competition is called "in an unusual country." You need to guess who from heroes visited this or that unusual, well or a magical country.
1. Who visited the kingdom of curves mirrors? (Olya and Yalo in the fairy tale "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors" V.G. Gubareva)
2. Which of the heroes went to the country of Limpopo? (Dr. Aibolit in the work of K. Chukovsky)
3. Which heroes got into the country of fools? (Buratino in the fairy tale A.N. Tolstoy "Golden Key")
4. Who visited Liliputia? (Gulliver in the fairy tale of Sviphta "Gulliver in the country of Liliputs")
5. Which of the heroes flew to the moon? (Dunno from the work of N.Nosov "Adventure Locking and His Friends")
6. Which of the heroes went with friends to the Emerald City to Great Goodwin? (Ellie in the work of A.M. Volkova "Wizard of the Emerald City")
Competition "Friends".
In the contest "Friends", you probably guessed that you need to call friends of fabulous heroes.
1. Crocodile gene (Cheburashka)
2. Gernd Girl (Boy Kai)
3. Carlson (kid)
5. Uncle Fedor (cat Matroskin, dogs ball)
6. Girl Ellie (Totomy, Iron Woodcutter, Lion, Straw Scarecrow)
Competition "Fairy Crossword".

In this competition you need to guess the crossword and answer the question: who writes fairy tales? (Fairy tales)
1. How was the girl who turned into a cloud called in the Russian folk tale? (Snow Maiden)
2. Who did the gene worked in the work of E. West in the work of the "Crocodile gene and his friends"? (crocodile)
3. What was the best medicine for Carlson? (Hreating)
4. Which of the heroes of the fairy tale went to the ball in the carriage of the pumpkin? (Cinderella)
5. Who in the Russian folk fairy tale was the golden egg for grandfather and women? (hen)
6. When meeting with what fabulous hero, have to pour tears? (Chipollino)
7. Name the main character of the Fairy Tales "Frog-Tsarevna", "Squa Burk"? (Ivanushka)
8. What did you put in twenty taughs and twenty perin for the princess in the fairy tale x.k.andersen? (pea)
9. Which vegetable raised the grandfather in the Russian folk fairy tale? (repka)
10. What flowers collected a stepdaughter in the forest in the tale "Twelve months"? (Snowdrops)

Literary quiz is repeatedly used by teachers in secondary schools. This is a peculiar form of monitoring learned knowledge on topics. From thorough preparation of the teacher depends on how fascinating and qualitative will be the result.

Goals and objectives

The purpose of literary quizzes is to develop interest in reading. Books should be for students real friends. Literary quiz can be carried out in a game form.

It will be able to increase the interest of children, help them actively show themselves and demonstrate their wonderful knowledge.

  • Education - deepening and consolidation of knowledge gained in the lessons. Expansion of the horizon.
  • Developing. It is to develop logical and figurative thinking, which is necessary at a young age. Formation of creative abilities, activation of imagination.
  • Educational. Will help to awaken interest in the works of Russians and

Quiz "On the guys-peer"

This is a traditional literary quiz for schoolchildren.

Questions and answers (in brackets):

Quiz "Writers about animals"

This is a literary quizzine with answers, which is devoted to various animals from stories and fairy tales. Children such a topic is close and extremely interesting, as everyone loves the brothers of our younger.

  1. Who was afraid of the main heroine in the attic in the story of V. Bianki "Arishka-Pantish"? (Spider).
  2. Who taught to swim and dive a bunny in the fairy tale "List Falls" I. Sokolova-Mikitova? (Beaver).
  3. Name the nickname of a huge and evil PSA from the story of "Course" N. Artyukhova. (Lochmach).
  4. Who predicted the queen's appearance in the tale "Sleeping Tsarevna" V. A. Zhukovsky? (Spider).
  5. Who is very frightened by the baby in the forest in the story "Conscience" A. Gaidar? (Dog).
  6. Name the nickname of a wonderful elephant from the story of "Elephant" A. I. Kurin. (Tommy).
  7. In the "fairy tale about a brave hare" D. Mamin-Sibiryak, the main character frightened ... (wolf).
  8. Who was under a mysterious hat in the story "Live Hat" N. Nosov? (Kitty).
  9. Where did the dog and the lion live from the story of L. N. Tolstoy? (In Zveztz).
  10. Name the book of the dog of Aunt Natasha from the story of "Friendly" N. Nosova (Dianka).
  11. What was the name of the fox, a girlfriend from a fairy tale A. Tolstoy "Golden Key ..."? (Alice).
  12. Who scared Petya and Shura in the dark in the story (hedgehog).
  13. Name a sad friend who lost the tail in the "Winnie Pooh" fairy tale A. Milna. (OSLO IA).
  14. Who Peppi Long stocking from the story-fairy tales A. Lindgren could raise and carry on himself? (Horse).

Literary quiz (grade 4) "on the pages of children's books"

  1. What is the favorite word of Emeli from the fairy tale "on a whitening vein". (Reluctance).
  2. Name the mainland from the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Shark". His shores occur the main events. (Africa).
  3. What was the Iron Wood Rover from the story-fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City" A. Volkov? (Water).
  4. Who writes patterns on the windows? (Santa Claus).
  5. Where did Komar from the fairy tale, A. S. Pushkin drank the cook? (Into the eye).
  6. Due to what kind of medicine Aibolit instantly cured her neck? (Ointment).
  7. What dish initially wanted to cook from Pike, which was the main character of the fairy tales "on a whitening courage"? (Ear).
  8. Where did Pineosa put in the house of Malvina in the punishment? (In a chulad).
  9. Who has turned the stunning leaf thanks to (in the donkey).
  10. What was inherited by the eldest son in the fairy tale "Cat in boots" sh. Perso (Mill).

Quiz competition

The literary can be carried out in the form of the game, which will increase the interest of students. You can combine all the tasks with one topic, for example, fabulous. Among the main goals are the following: activation of children's reading; Consolidation of knowledge on the topics passed, the organization of leisure of students, repetition of the names of the authors and the heroes of children's fairy tales.

The literary game-quiz may be called "on the pages of favorite fairy tales." You can start a quiz-competition with the introductory words of the leading. The teacher welcomes children, asks them about favorite fairy tales. Requests themselves to divide into two teams and helps them with it. Each team comes up with a unique name. Quiz can be divided into several sections. For the correct team responses get points. After all competitions, the teacher (or members of the jury) summarize.


It can be a separate literary quiz. Grade 3 with it quite cope. Children and the second and first class will be able to answer these questions.

In the first competition two teams can take part simultaneously. Pupils are responsible for questions.

  1. It was noticed on sour cream. It was cold on the window. He has a ruddy side. These are children, ... (bang).
  2. Mom his daughter sewed a beautiful hat. Girl to her grandmother went to visit. And pies with them took. What is the name of this girl-paw? (Little Red Riding Hood).
  3. Together, together, along the chain, they took up so firmly. Dage, grandma, bug, the granddaughter can not pull out. How sat down firmly. Who is it? (Repka).
  4. Bearded villain torments his children. Artemon and Piero, Pinocchio and Malvina. Knows each of you. This is a terrible (Karabas).
  5. A boy lived in a blue hat in a famous children's book. He is foolish and Zaka. What is his name? (Dunno).
  6. Wooden guy knows one mystery. Artevel, Malvina and Piero are friends with him. And his nose is long. Who is it? (Pyratino).
  7. The croup came through, washed to stepmate. The house cleaned and fell on the ball. Beautiful as sunshine. Who is it? (Cinderella).

Command game

Literary quiz can be held as a competition. For this, the teacher divides children to two teams. First corresponds to the first group. The second should not suggest. Answers need to be given instantly. The correct answer is 1 point. Wrong - minus score. Then another team answers the questions. Questions for the first group of children:

Questions for the second team:

  • What was the name of the boy from the fairy tale "Snow Queen"? (Kai).
  • What fruit ate Cheburashka? (Oranges).
  • Who wrote a fairy tale "Red Cap"? (Charles Perra).
  • What was the name of the girl who had "seven-family flowers"? (Zhenya).
  • Which hut was the hare in the tale "Zaikina Hut"? (Lubyana).
  • Who became eleven royal sons? (In swans).
  • What was the name of the cat from the fairy tale "Buratino"? (Basilio).
  • Friend Piglet (Winnie Pooh).
  • Who wrote a fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok"? (P. Ershov).
  • In which one should come back home from the bala? (Twelve).


Thus, the literary quiz is not only one of the forms of control of the knowledge gained in the lessons. It will help to activate schoolchildren, organize their leisure, increase interest in reading and books. Questions and Topics Quiz can be the most diverse. It will be quite interesting if the teacher organizes with several stages. Interestingly organized quiz will increase the interest of students to such a form of work. They will look forward to it and carefully prepare for subsequent quiz.