Question on the work. What happened to the Duni, the daughter of the station caretaker? "Tale of Belkin"

Question on the work. What happened to the Dunya, daughter
Question on the work. What happened to the Duni, the daughter of the station caretaker? "Tale of Belkin"

College registrar,
Post station dictator.

Prince Vyazemsky.

Who did not curse the station caretakers, who did not scold with them? Who, per minute of anger, did not require a fatal book from them, in order to enter his useless complaint about oppression, rudeness and malfunction? Who does not honor their monsters of human kind, equal to the late attiation or at least Murom robber? We will, however, are fair, we will try to enter their position and, maybe we will judge them much more condescertain. What is a station caretaker? The fourteenth-class martyr, fenced with its rank of Tokmo from beatings, is not always (refer to the conscience of my readers). What is the position of this dictator, how does the prince of Vyazemsky call him? Is not a real cautious? Running neither afternoon nor at night. All the annoyance accumulated during the boring ride, the traveler will take place on a caretaker. The weather is bad, the road is bad, the yamper is stubborn, the horses are not lucky - and the caretaker is to blame. Entering his poor housing, passing looks at him as an enemy; Well, if he succeeds to him to get rid of the unborn guest; But if the horses do not happen? .. God! What kind of curses, what threats will fall on his head! In the rain and sludge is forced to run around the courtyards; In a storm, in the Epiphany frost, he leaves in Song, so that only a minute to rest from the screaming and the joy of irritated guest. General comes; The trembling caretaker gives him two last three, including the courier. The general goes, without saying thanks to him. Upon five minutes - the bell! .. And the Feldgerer throws him on the table his zealous! .. I breathe in all this well, and instead of indignation, our heart turns with sincere compassion. A few more words: For twenty years, I have sought it from Russia in all directions; Almost all postal paths are known to me; Several generations of yammchikov know me; I don't know a rare caretaker in my face, I didn't have things with rare; Curious stock of my observations I hope to publish in a short time; I will only say that the estational caretaker is submitted to the general opinion in the most false form. These are so slandered cautors in general, the essence of people peaceful, from nature helpful, inclined to the hostel, modest in attractions for honors and not too soberly. From their conversations (by koim, the gentlemen neglect the gentlemen) you can learn a lot of curious and instructive. As for me, I confess, I prefer their conversation speeches of any official of the 6th grade, following the treasury need. It can be easily guess that I have friends from the fertile estate of caretaker. In fact, the memory of one of them is precious. Circumstances once brought us closer, and I intend to talk with my kind readers now. In 1816, in May months, I happened to pass through *** Wheel province, on the tract, now destroyed. I was in my fine rank, I was driving on the crosses and paid runs for two horses. As a result, the caretakers did not ceremony with me, and I often piral with battle, what, in my opinion, should be rightfully. Being young and quick-tempered, I indignantly on the lowestness and the farewell of the caretaker, when this last gave me a three-wheelchair to the stroller of the official Barin. As long as I could not get used to the tears of the slap, I would like me with a dish at the governor dinner. Now it seems to me in the order of things. In fact, it would be with us if instead of a general rule: chin rank read, was used by another, for example, mind mind read? What a dispute would arise! And servants from whom would the Kushan come to serve? But I appeal to my story. The day was hot. In three versts from the station ***, it began to stick up, and after a minute, the torrential rain pulled me to the last thread. Upon arrival at the station, the first concern was needed to change clothes, the second to ask myself tea, "Hey, Dunya! - shouted the caretaker, - put samovar yes, go for cream. " While the words came out due to the partition, the girl of the age of fourteen and ran in the sen. Beauty struck me. "Is this your daughter?" I asked the caretaker. "Daughter-C," he answered with a view of a satisfied pride, "yes so reasonable, such a prompt, all the mother in the late man." Then he began to rewrite my zaeznaya, and I was engaged in the consideration of the pictures that were adorned by the humble, but neutral abode. They portrayed the history of the prodigal son: In the first, the eagle old man in the cap and Slaforka lets a restless young man who hurriedly takes his blessing and bag with money. In other bright features, the depraved behavior of a young man is depicted: he sits at the table, surrounded by false friends and shameless women. Next, the well-trapped young man, in a rubbish and in a triangular hat, grabs pigs and divides me a meal; In his face depicted deep sadness and repentance. Finally, his return to his father is presented; A kind old man in the same cap and salafoot runs to him towards him: the prodigal son stands on his knees; In the future, the cook kills the still calf, and the elder brother promises servants about the reason for such joy. Under each picture I read decent German poems. All this donny has been preserved in my memory, as well as pots with a balsamine, and a bed with a motley curtain, and other subjects, I surrounded at that time. I see, as now, the host itself, a man of ages of fifty, fresh and vigorous, and his long green frocks with three medals on polynyaya ribbons. I did not have time to pay with the old my yammer, as Dunya returned with a samovar. Little coquette from the second look noticed the impression of it on me; She raised big blue eyes; I began to talk with her, she answered me without any timidity, like a girl who saw the light. I suggested a father her glass punch; I filed a cup of tea, and we threatened to talk to talk, as if the eyelids were familiar. Horses were ready for a long time, and I didn't want to part with the caretaker and his daughter. Finally I used to say goodbye to them; Father wished me a good way, and my daughter spent to cart. In the Seine I stopped and asked her permission to kiss her; Dunya agreed ... I can have a lot of kisses,

Since I do it,

But none left in me so long, such a pleasant memories.

Several years have passed, and the circumstances led me to the very tract, in the very places. I remembered the daughter of the old caretaker and delighted with the thought that I would see her again. But I thought, the old caretaker, maybe already replaced; Probably the Dunya is already married. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe death of this or the other also flashed in my mind, and I approached the station *** with sad premonition. Horses have become a postal house. Included in the room, I immediately recognized pictures depicting the story of the prodigal son; The table and bed stood in former places; But there were no colors on the windows, and everything and negligence showed everything around. The caretaker slept under Tulup; my arrival woke it up; He brought ... It was precisely Samson Vyrin; But how he aged! Ponysta was going to rewrite my zaiga region, I looked at his gray, on the deep wrinkles of a long unsubstantiated face, on the ground-born back - and could not put aside how three or four years could turn a vigorous man in a brilliant old man. "Did you find me? - I asked him - we are with you old friends. " - "It may be," he answered sullenly, - here the road is big; I had a lot of passage. " - "Is your Dunya health?" - I continued. The old man frowned. "And God knows her," he answered. - "Is it so seen married?" - I said. The old man pretended, as if he did not hear my question, and continued to read my zaja. I stopped my questions and ordered to put the kettle. Curiosity began to disturb me, and I hoped that Punche would allow my old acquaintance language. I was not mistaken: the old man did not abandon the proposed glan. I noticed that Rus clarified his gloominess. In the second glass, he became talkative: I remembered or showed the look as if I remembered me, and I learned the story from him, which at that time I took and touched me. "So you knew my Dunya? - He began. - Who did not know her? Ah, Dunya, Dunya! What a girl was! It happened who would emit, all praise, no one will condemn. Baryni gave her, that tiled, that earrings. The gentlemen passage was deliberately stopped, as if dinner, al dinner, and in fact only to look at her anymore. Bearded Barin, whatever angry, with her subsides and mercifully talks to me. Believe it, sir: couriers, Feldgerer with her halfcase spoken. Her house was kept: what to get, what to cook, I had time for everything. And I, the old fool, I will not know, I happened, I do not think; I didn't love my Duni, I didn't cherish my childhood; Has her no live? Yes no, you will not let down from trouble; What is destined, not to be avoided. " Here he began to tell my grief in detail. - Three years ago, one day, in the winter evening, when the caretaker ravened a new book, and his daughter was sewed for a partition for his dress, the Troika arrived, and passing in the Circassian hat, in the military overhang, enveloped with the shawl, entered the room, demanding horses. Horses were all in acceleration. With ses of the news, the traveler elevated his voice and Nagayka; But the Danny, accustomed to such scenes, ran out due to the partition and gently turned to the carriage with the question: would it not please anyone to eat something? The appearance of the Duni made an ordinary effect. The anger of the passage passed; He agreed to wait for the horses and ordered his dinner. After removing the wet, the ridiculous hat, letting the shawl and holding over the sevel, the passage was young, slender hussar with black mustache. He is located near the caretaker, he began having fun talking to him and with his daughter. Sung dinner. Meanwhile, the horses came, and the caretaker ordered that immediately, not feed, harnessed them into a kibitka of the carriage; But returned, he found a young man almost without memory of the bed lying on the shop: he was mistaken badly, the head got sick, it was impossible to go ... how to be! The caretaker lost his bed to him, and it was necessary if the patient would not be easier, to send in from *** in the morning. The next day, Gusaru became worse. The man drove him riding in the city for the pit. Dunya knitted his head with a handkerchief, wetted by vinegar, and sat with her sewing from his bed. The patient with a chalk oh and did not speak almost a word, however, he drank two cups of coffee and I ordered my dinner. Dunya did not leave him. He remembered to drink, and Dunya brought him a mug of a harvested lemonade. The patient loomed the lips and every time, returning a mug, as a sign of gratitude weakly his hand shook his hand. Head came to dinner. He felt the patient's pulse, talked to him in German, and in Russian announced that he needed one tranquility and that two days he could go on the road. Gusar handed him twenty-five rubles for a visit, invited him to dine; The doctor agreed; Both ate with a big appetite, drank a bottle of wine and parted very satisfied with each other. He passed another day, and the hussar completely recovered. He was extremely cheerful, jumped up with a dune, then with a caretaker; Wastened songs, talked to the passage, fit into their rigorous in the postal book, and so fell in love with a good caretaker, that on the third morning it was a pity to part with his delicious guest. The day was Sunday; Dunya was going to dinner. Hussari filed a kibituka. He said goodbye to the caretaker, generously awarding him for the post and treat; I said goodbye to the Dnene and volunteered to take it to the church, which was on the edge of the village. Dunya stood in bewilderment ... "What are you afraid of? Said her father, "because his gradually, not a wolf and you will not eat you: ride to the church." Dunya sat down into a kibitka near Gusar, the servant jumped on the iris, the yamper whistled, and the horses rocked. The poor caretaker did not understand how he could afford his dune to go along with Husar, as loyalty found him, and that then was with his mind. It did not pass and half an hour, as a heart began to whine, whining, and anxiety took possession of it to such an extent that he did not lose and went himself to dinner. Approaching the church, he saw that the people had already diverged, but the Duni was not in a fence or in pellets. He hurriedly entered the church: the priest came out of the altar; Dyachie quenched the candles, the two old women prayed in the corner; But Duni in the church was not. The poor father of Nasil decided to ask Dyachka if she had a lunch. Dyacier answered that he did not happen. The caretaker went home nor alive, nor dead. One remained Hope: Dunya on the windiness of young years did he think, maybe ride until the next station, where her godfather lived. In painful excitement, he expected the return of the troika on which he let her go. The bar did not return. Finally, in the evening he arrived alone and Hamlen, with a murderous news: "Dunya from that station went further with Gusar." The old man did not demolish his misfortune; He immediately run into the same bed where the young deceiver was lying on the day before. Now the caretaker, thinking all the circumstances, guessed that the disease was pretended. Poorly zalenor is strong hot; He was brought in from *** and on his place were determined for the time of another. The same doctor who came to Gusaru, treated him. He assured the caretaker that the young man was quite healthy and that then he also guessed him about his evil intention, but silent, fearing his nagikek. The truth was the German, or only wanted to boast a long-scale, but he did not comfort him a poor patient. As soon as it is rushing from the disease, the caretaker scored from from *** postmaster holidays for two months and, without saying any word about his intention, went on foot for his daughter. He knew from Zaporzhennaya that Rothmist Minsk was driving from Smolensk to St. Petersburg. The barber who was lucky, told that the whole path was crying, although it seemed to have been driving on her hunt. "Avos," the caretaker thought, "I'll give my home lamb home." He arrived in St. Petersburg with this thought, he stopped at the Izmailovsky regiment, in the house of the retired Unter-Officer, his old colleague, and began his searches. Soon he learned that the Rothmist Minsk in St. Petersburg and lives in the Derute restaurant. The caretaker decided to appear to him. Early in the morning he came to his front and asked him to report his gradually, that the old soldier asks to see him. Military lacquer, brushing boots on the block, announced that the barin is revealed and that before eleven hours does not accept anyone. The caretaker went and returned at the appointed time. Minsk came out to him in a bathrobe, in the Red Skuchery. "What, brother, is you needed?" He asked him. The heart of the old man boiled down, the tears felt in their eyes, and he said with a trembling voice only: "Your grazing vote! .. Make such a divine mercy! .." Minsk looked at him quickly, broke out, took him by the hand, led him to the office and locked him a door. "Your gradually! - continued the old man - what fell off, it was gone: give me at least poor my dunny. After all, you have come across it; Do not destroy her laughing. " - "What is done, he does not turnover," the young man said in extreme confusion, - to blame to you and glad to ask for forgiveness; But do not think that I could leave the Dunya: she will be happy, give you an honest word. Why do you need her? She loves Me; She looked away from the previous state. Neither you nor she - you will not forget what happened. " Then, having thrown into him something for the sleeve, he opened the door, and the caretaker, he himself did not remember how, found himself on the street. For a long time he stood motionless, finally saw a bunch of papers for a crust of his sleeve; He took them out and deployed several five and ten-membered crumpled assignments. Tears again felt in front of him, tears of indignation! He squeezed the papers in a lump, threw them to the ground, he poured it with a heel and went ... he had heard a few steps, he stopped, thought ... and turned back ... but no banknotes were already. A well-dressed young man, seeing him, ran up to the cabin, sat down hastily and shouted: "I went! .." The caretaker did not chase him. He decided to go home to his station, but before he wanted to even see his dinner at least once. For these days, he turned back to Minsk; But Military Lacius told him harshly that the barin does not accept anyone, the breasts pushed him out of the front and slapped the door to him under his breath. The caretaker stood, stood - and went. On this very day, in the evening, he walked along the foundry, after serving the prayer for all the grief. Suddenly they were rushed in front of him with shruzki, and the caretaker recognized the Minsk. The yeast stopped in front of the three-story house, at the entrance itself, and the hussar ran into the porch. Happy thought flashed in the head of the caretaker. He has grown and, having gone with Kucher: "Whose, brother, horse? He asked, - Does not Minsk? " - "Different way," Kucher answered, "and what are you?" "Yes, that's what: Your Barin ordered me to attribute a note to his dun, and I also forget where Dunya lives him." - "Yes, here, in the second floor. You were late, brother, with your note; Now he himself is. " "There is no need," the caretaker objected to the inexplicable movement of the heart, "Thank you for supervised, and I will do my job." And with this word he went on the stairs. The doors were locked; He called, passed a few seconds in his waiting for him. The key was drunk, he was discharged. "Does Avdota Samsonovna stand here?" - he asked. "Here," the young maid answered, "why should you need her?" The caretaker, not answering, entered the hall. "It is impossible, it is impossible! - screamed after his maid, - Avdoti Samsonovna guests. " But the caretaker, not listening, went further. The two first rooms were dark, there was a fire in the third. He approached the dissolved door and stopped. In the room, perfectly cleaned, Minsk sat in thought. Dunya, dressed with all the luxury of fashion, sat on the handle his chairs, like a rider in his English saddle. She looked at the Minsk with tenderness on Minsk, wining his black curls on his sparkling fingers. Poor caretaker! Never daughter did not seem to him so beautiful; He unwittingly admired her. "Who's there?" She asked, not rising heads. He was silent everything. Without receiving a response, Dunya raised his head ... And with a screaming fell on the carpet. The frightened Minsk rushed to raise her and, suddenly seeing the door of the old caretaker, left the Dunya and approached him, trembling with anger. "What is needed? - He told him, squeezing his teeth, - what are you standing for me everywhere like a robber? Or do you want to slaughter me? Go away!" - And a strong hand, grabbing the old man by the gate, pushed him into the stairs. The old man came to his apartment. The buddy advised him to complain; But the caretaker thought, waved his hand and decided to retreat. Two days later, he went from St. Petersburg back to his station and began again for his position. "For the third year already," he concluded, "as I live without the Duni and how neither a hearing or spirit about it. Lives whether, God does not know her. Everything happens. Not her first, not her last cleaned passage, and there he pulled and threw. Many of them in St. Petersburg, young fools today in the atlasa and velvet, and tomorrow, you will see, watch the street together with Gol Kabatskoy. How I think sometimes that the Dunya, maybe, immediately disappears, so impassing you will sin, but you wish her graves ... " That was the story of my friend of my, the old caretaker, the story, repeatedly interrupted by tears, who squeezed picturesquely he had his own body as a diligent terrentie in the beautiful ballad Dmitriev. Sears of this partly excited were the punch, which he pulled out five glasses in the continuation of his narration; But be that as it may, they strongly touched my heart. I stop with him, I could not forget the old caretaker for a long time, I thought about the poor man for a long time ... Recently, traveled through the place ***, I remembered about my friend; I learned that the station on which he bought was already destroyed. To my question: "Is the old caretaker live?" - No one could give me a satisfactory answer. I decided to visit the familiar side, took free horses and went to the village of N. It happened in the fall. Serious clouds covered the sky; Cold wind blended with fires, taking red and yellow leaves from counter trees. I arrived in the village at sunset and stopped at the postal house. In Songy (where the poor Dunya had once kissed me), a fat woman came out and my questions answered "that the old caretaker since the year as died that the brewer was settled in the house, and that she was a brewing wife. I felt a pity of my vain trips and seven rubles, reducible for nothing. "Why did he die?" I asked my wife's brewer. "Spark, father," she answered. "And where did you bury him?" - "For the Occolta, the deceased hostess of it." - "Is it possible to bring me to his grave?" - "Why can't you. Hey, Vanka! Fully you mess around with the cat. Conduct the Barin on the cemetery, but point him to the cloth grave. " While the words, a broken boy, a red and curve, ran out to me and immediately led me for the Occolic. - Did you know the dead man? I asked him dear. - How not to know! He learned me cutting me. It happened (the kingdom of heaven!) It goes from the Kabaka, and we are behind him: "Grandfather, grandfather! nuts! " - And he puts us on nuts. Everything happened to us. - And the passage remember him? - Yes, nonone little passage; Did the bureau won't finish, and not to the dead. In the summer he droveed the lady, so she asked about the old cavering and went to him on the grave. - What a lady? - I asked with curiosity. - Beautiful lady, - a boy answered; - she drove into a carriage of six horses, with three small barcats and with a cormal, and with a black Moskoy; And as she was told that the old caretaker died, so she was crying and told the children: "Sit to sleep, and I go to the cemetery." And I was volunteered to bring it. And the lady said: "I know the way myself." And he gave me a plot of silver - such a good lady! .. We came to the cemetery, a naked place, not fenced, littered with wooden crosses, not autonated with a single tree. The father did not see such a sad cemetery. "Here is the grave of an old caretaker," the boy told me, bothering his sand into his pile, into which the black cross was sworn with a copper way. - And the lady came here? - I asked. "Come," the Vanka answered, "I looked at her from afar." She lay here and lying long. And there the lady went to the village and called on the pop, gave him money and went, and I gave me a plot with silver - a glorious lady! And I gave the boy in Piglet and did not regret anything about the trip, nor about seven rubles, I was spent.

The image of Samson win in the story "Stationander" is very touching, original and tragic. A simple, good-natured person, an infinitely loving father, a man with a combat past. Of course, he deserves respect: a kind, decent, ignorant worker, a mental man. Fate turned out to be a niceness with him: she took away the most expensive man's most expensive daughter.

The world of old warriors has been stable for many years. He led the poor, but worthy life, honestly served as a caretaker on the post office. To people who were passing by, he treated equally well, regardless of the rank: surrounded by convenience, warmth and comfort. For the person tired of the long road - this is especially important: it is satisfied to eat, warm up, get a particle of human heat.

Special proud Samson Vyrina was his daughter - Dunya. The girl features a beautiful mother, she was slim, causing, well brought up. Father could not look at her assistant, she coped perfectly with the farm, everyone who visited the station admired her. After the death of the spouse, the daughter became the only consolation for his elderly father. But one day, Hussar was brought to Samson's daughter with her, she disappeared without explanation, without his father's blessing.

Life without meaning

After this incident, the life of the main character turned into a solid torture: he tried to break the daughter, talk to her, return back. The father's heart did not accept the betrayal and ungratefulness of his daughter, he worried that the daughter would be the contents that they were poorly addressed. The worst thing was the fact that Native Bloodowka did not speak with his father, did not explain to him his decision, threw the old man in the unknown.

Father cannot believe that his native daughter could leave, to do so imprudently, frivolously: He is looking for her relatives in the nearby station, does not allow thoughts about the possibility of such a act. The awareness of the loss does not give rest to the father's soul, he continues to believe that the daughter will come to come back and return.

The author says that in just a few years the caretaker turned into an old man: he looked down, began to apply to the bottle, stopped rejoice in life. Dunya was his only stood, without her Samson did not have any love or a ray of light in his life. In the end, he stopped looking for his daughter, he did not try to meet her, began to spend his days in beer. After some time, the old man did not.

The value of the image of Samson Osina

The hero personifies meekness, humility, unconditional devotion, fatherly love. The image of a small person - shows the insignificance of the person in the conditions of wealth and luxury. Infinite pity causes an old man looking for his daughter who lost the meaning of life because of her escape. Until the last days of his life, the caretaker hopes to meet with his daughter. She appears too late, comes to spend his grave.

10.3. Device. Father and daughter.

The story "Stationery" is followed by the tag of the "Undeller". Adrian Prokhorov's arter, - as we discovered, - at the end comes the consciousness of its separateness from the dead, in general, the individual of life from death, and - maybe - the ghost of death ... We led to the chapter about the "Ulochever" the unfinished poem of Pushkin on love Native ashes, love for the decent coffins ... It seems one contradicts the other, - how, the love of coffins, - and the feeling of yourself - separately from them? But you can only love what you feel with your separateness! You can only love - "Other", "Others", by choosing, having silent the subject of love from chaos. Until his sleep, the coffin lived in Chaos, mixed with his dead. In a dream, this situation is brought to the ultimate liveliness: the skeleton is ready to hug with a coffin! And then, from the depth of the creature of Adrian Prokhorov, a healthy feeling of disgust and horror rises, - and he strongly repels the dust from himself. Falling on him without feelings, the coffin is experiencing a crisis. And wakes up - healthy, - rejoicing the sunlight and the fact that Kupchika Trohukhina did not die. And I'm not ready to swear on my daughters, - as usual, - and drink tea with them together.

And now, at the end of the next story - "Stationander", - we see - the eyes of a storyteller - a beautiful, elegant, safeguard Samsonovna, motionlessly lying on the grave of his father and crying. And this scene is painted. Daughter did not forget the Father, she feels his guilt in front of him; She loves his native poor ashes, honors the graves of the father and mother. So, for her you can be calm, she is on the right path! And three of her children will grow good people.
But first, the Dunya left sculpt, forcing the old man to suffer and cry about themselves ...
Now we want to consider this story in such an angle, in which it was never considered, - since one hundred seventy years we are docked on Samson's perception scorched as a "little man." We assure you, the author himself never perceived it, and the term himself should be alien himself.
And what is a "small person" of his era? Alexander Sergeevich himself - the Great, the greatest Russian poet, who he was - not only in the eyes of the king or Benkendorf, - but in the eyes of the secular public, and on the other hand - in the eyes of the cabrs, tailors, the shops, who he often could not pay for their work or product? In the eyes of the Swiss, who called him the "writer" with a deep contempt for the non-seriousness of this classes ... who read him for a "big man" during his lifetime, - when even for Zhukovsky, Vyazemsky, Bratansky only after his death was the discovery that Pushkin knew how to think! ..
And the Decembrists - they were big or small people then? Heroes of 1812, hung by orders, the Savior of the Fatherland, to whom coarse soldiers in the mines spoke "you" and gave in the teeth for the "Barsky" spike ...
Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya, Princess, daughter and wife of the heroes of the Patriotic War, the greatness of the first Russian scientist, - she should not have appeared in the Chita Theater, because - the wife of the criminal ... The little man was Maria Nikolaevna, or - big? And her husband, Sergey Grigorievich, the only one in the history of Russia, a twenty-year-old General! .. the convict in the shackles ... Person Non Grata ...
But back to our stationery. First, for a "little man" he has too "pretentious" name: Samson. Samson is a hero, the winner of the Philistines; Running a lion, like a lamb, crushing stone vaults ... Secondly, what is he for the surname - screamed? Where is this surname? From what kind of "wisdom"? ..
Once, so our ancestors called Paradise - exjune.
"Exiting (Viriy, Iri, Uray) - in East Slavic mythology an ancient name of Paradise and a paradise world tree, the top of which the birds and souls died. In the folk songs of the spring cycle, the wizard was preserved with the key to the closary, where birds arrive. According to Ukrainian legend, the keys from the yard had once been at the crows, but she disgusted God, and the keys handed over another bird. With the view of the vivision, the magic rituals of the hill of the bird wing at the beginning of the autumn are connected. "
(Source: "Slavic mythology. Dictionary-directory.")

Is it possible to call our script then - paradise? Or, maybe - Raevsky?!
I hear the objections of the Democrat reader: "Raevsky - Aristocrat, and the church is a poor stationary caretaker, from the boss ..." (but - by the way, - Samson is also "Old Soldier, with medals on polynyaya tapes ...). Continuing an analogy, then it is necessary to name one of the daughters of General Raevsky - Dunes ... None of them was such a beauty that we imagine the Dunya - by the description of the author. And less than all, maybe she was Mary. .. But - after all, Pushkin wrote X u d about a work, in which there is always fiction. But Pushkin (and all large writers) is never completely fiction. Why would the prototype of the Duni not be Mary Raevskaya, and the prototype of Samson Vyrina - Nikolai Nikolayevich Raevsky, General, hero 1812?
Social situation, the origin and education of prototypes and literary heroes are different, but the relationship of the father and the daughter who did not understand each other, the drama of the father and his daughter, - she is the same - and the King Lira, and the Father Gorio, and the merchant Rusakov * . Both in the palace, and in the poor Domishke; And for the king, and for beggar, it comes an hour when the father for his daughter ceases to be the main man in life. When she chooses someone else, and this one becomes the most important father. And very often it happens that this other father does not suit ...
Although, - as for Nikolai Nikolayevich Raevsky, he was just satisfied with him, and he himself suggested him in the groom's grooms of Mary's daughter, - as Vinin himself ordered his dunger to ride with Husar Minsk. Recall how it was.
-What are you afraid? - the father told her, - after all, his highlands is not a wolf and it will not eat you ...
"Wolf" - Minsk: Wolf -On-one? .. **

(And besides, this surname is, of course, it combines the names of the two Savior of the Fatherland - a citizen of Min-Ina and Prince Fire-Sky).

* * *
And then, this is our portrait - it seems that the sisters Raevsky did not shine with beauty, but Pushkin in 1820 from Crimea wrote Brother Loevka that all the daughters of General - "Charm". In the summer of 1820, Mary was fourteen years old (born on December 25, 1805) - as much as the Author in the first meeting with her. Just like Minsk, - just not preferable, and truly, was then Pushkin himself was sick; At his trip "stumbled upon" Raevsky, in one of the poor huts, - and took with them. Probably, there was a kiss of the poet of the girl's sponges, - light, joking, chawed, - who left a particularly long and pleasant memories in it. ..
After four and a half years, - in January 1825, - Maria became the wife of Major General Sergei Grigorievich Volkonsky. Raevsky knew that the son-in-law consists in a secret society, he demanded that he exit him; Volkonsky promised, but did not do it. And who could know that Alexander first will die so soon, the blessed one, it seemed that these secret societies, "or, at least," having slept "against them," Pushkin said in Evgenia Onegin! ..
Mary Nikolaevna's decision to go to her husband in Siberia was perceived by the old man Rajevsky as a betrayal to him, his father (right in the "king of Liua"!) The Nikolayevich nikolayevich shouted after the left daughter who would shine her, if she would not return a year later. He still did not know what to return (in the reign of Nicholas I) it would be impossible, - even if she wanted to do it. But she - and did not want. She chose her husband, - leaving his father and a little son - as well as - mother, sisters and brothers. (Mother never reconciled with her daughter.)
Maria chose - the sufferer, - "Martyr of Truth."
Old General Raevsky wrote daughters Catherine after the departure of Mary Nikolaevna, in 1827: "If I knew in St. Petersburg, that Masha rides a husband irrevocably and rides from love for her husband, I would have agreed to let her go forever; I would pay it in bloody tears, and nevertheless I would let go of it ... "And yet - a few months before death - in 1829," everything is already in it - from Volkonsky, and nothing - from Raevsky ... ". I did not understand the old general (although - which old one, and until sixty did not live!) - That in his daughter, maybe more than in his other children, his own kindness and a sense of duty ...
When Maria Nikolaevna learned about the death of his father, she writes in the "notes": "... it seemed to me that the sky had collapsed on me, I got sick."
I must say in relation to Mary Nikolaevna, - that the act did not understand it and did not accept almost the whole family, except for the sister of Catherine, who herself was the wife of the Decembrist Orlov.
Pushkin invented in his story a happy, prosperous end, - at least for the Duni. She is rich, she has three well-groomed children, and she is a grateful daughter. The name of Evdokia - Avdota - Dunya, means "good glory", "favor."
From a spiritual point of view, Maria Nikolaevna was also a happy and prosperous man. And she is the only one of the Decembristians - she also experienced this drama: she spoke out against the dictate of his own family, to act as he considered the right thing - so that her soul was in harmony with her.
In total, the Decembristians, - the zhon of the Decembrists, followed by their husbands in Siberia, was eleven. Again - eleven! Probably, it was also the initiation - the providence itself.
In all of them, - in each, - the compassionate soul of the Virgin Mary was manifested, - the patroness of Russia; Soul of Russia itself!

* From the play A.N. Ostrovsky "Do not sit down in your sleeves."

** Our thought confirms F.M. Dostoevsky, mouth of his macarra girl: "... That's just our poor official, because he, maybe, the same Samson sculit, only his name is different, pots. The matter is the general, the ultimate, and above you and it can happen to me. And the graph that it lives on Nevsky or on the embankment, and he will be the same, so it will only seem to be different, because they have everything in their own way, on the highest tone, but he will be the same , Everything can happen, .. "/" Poor people. "

"Stationander" is one of the leaders included in the famous work of A.S. Pushkin "Tale of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin". The author introduces us with a severe, insane life of ordinary people with a heavy, insane person, namely, the stationery, in the time of serfdom. Pushkin draws the reader's attention to the fact that in the externally stupid and infertility fulfillment of his duties, these people lies hard, often ungrateful work, full of trouble and worries.

In the first our acquaintance with Samson Vyrin, he looked "fresh and vigorous". Despite the difficult work and often the rude and unfair treatment of it passing - the inconsistent and sociable.

However, how can a man can change the grief! ...

In his story, the narrator presented a little modified poems of a friend of Petra Vyazemsky poet "Kaluga Registrar, / Postal Station Dictator ...". In the future, getting acquainted with the story, we understand that deep irony is hidden behind these words. The author calls his reader instead of resentment to fill his heart sincere compassion. A storytellor, a lot of roads who knew almost all caretakers in the face can be believed. The author is interesting to these people with a kind heart, an unequelity, an amazing ability to talk that the writer often prefers the speeches of a six-class official.

Indeed, the words of Prince Vyazemsky are very ironic against the backdrop of Pushkin ideas.

The narrator with a sense of pride admits that he has friends from the respectable class of caretaker, and the memory of one of them is especially precious to him, and this precious memory returns it in May 1816.

The narrator is a young man who has a small rank - came to the station to relax, change the horses and change clothes after the rain. The traveler struck the beauty of the daughter of the daughter of the Duni, fourteen-year-old girls, her big blue eyes; It observes the manners of the girl of noble origin. According to the father, the Dunya is reasonable, agile - the whole mother in the late man. Another narrator notes in the behavior of the Luni, the Summistry and the desire to please the guest, he calls the girl a little coquette.

In 1816, in May months, I happened to pass through *** Wheel province, on the tract, now destroyed.

I see, as now, the host itself, a man of ages of fifty, fresh and vigorous, and his long green shade with three medals on polyny-tapes.

I did not have time to pay with the old my yammer, as Dunya returned with a samovar. Little coquette from the second look noticed the impression of it on me; She raised big blue eyes; I began to talk with her, she answered me without any timidity, like a girl who saw the light. I suggested a father her glass punch; I filed a cup of tea, and we threatened to talk to talk, as if the eyelids were familiar.

Dunya even allowed him to kiss himself on the cheek. Undoubtedly, the narrator - a good man, sincere, attentive, he is sleeping the furnishings of the room, where these good people live, pots with a balsamine, a bed with a motley curtain, as well as pictures on the walls depicting the history of the prodigal son. The student described in detail the plot of these pictures about the young man who knew sadness and repentance and returned to his father after a long walnia. They seem to hint at the future history of the prodigal daughter - the heroine of the story, and the honorary old man in the cap and the cloin reminds the caretaker himself.

In the story, the storytellor visits the post station three times. The first and second arrival concluded a lot in common. The narrator sees the same postal house, enters the room with pictures on the wall, the table, the bed is in former places, but it is only an external similarity of both arrings. There is no Duni, and therefore everything is familiar seemed differently.

The caretaker slept under Tulup; my arrival woke it up; He brought ... It was precisely Samson Vyrin; But how he aged! Ponysta was going to rewrite my zaiga region, I looked at his gray, on the deep wrinkles of a long unsubstantiated face, on the ground-born back - and could not put aside how three or four years could turn a vigorous man in a brilliant old man.

Pay attention to a very characteristic detail: "The caretaker slept under Tulup." She emphasizes how screamed running. The soreness and stiffness of the caretaker is emphasized by another detail. The first time is: "He began to rewrite my zaezhnaya." That is, he immediately began to fulfill his official debt. In the second arrival:

Showing, he was going to rewrite my zaeznaya, I looked at his gray, on the deep wrinkles of a long unsubstantiated face, on the ground-born back - and could not put together how three or four years could turn a vigorous man in a brilliant old man ..

The caretaker in Starikovsky Medlit, hardly disassembled written, says aloud the words of the elder whisper - before us is a bitter story of the extinction of one broken life.

The caretaker tells the story of the appearance at the Rothmistra Minsk station.

With a conversation with the caretaker, he demanded the horses rather, "there was a voice and Nagaika," and only affectionate appeal to Husarus dispelled his anger. Gusar has been supposed, agreed to wait for horses and even ordered dinner. Rothmist began fun talking to the caretaker and his daughter. Minsk, wanting to linger longer at the station, affected the patient and even bribed the doctor for this.

Samson Vyrin and Dunya sincerely believe in the Disease of Minsk, they did not even pay attention to the fact that the patient drank two cups of coffee and ordered her dinner, drank a mug of lemonade and together with the doctor ate with a big appetite and even drank a bottle of wine with a big appetite.

Samson Vyrin is a kind and trustful bug, he is convinced of the decency of Minsk and unwittingly lets his daughter when Gusar suggests to bring it to the church (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Illustration of M. Dobuzhinsky to the "Station Career" ()

Hussari filed a kibituka. He said goodbye to the caretaker, generously awarding him for the post and treat; I said goodbye to the Dnene and volunteered to take it to the church, which was on the edge of the village. Dunya stood in bewilderment ... "What are you afraid of?" Told her father; "After all, his highlands is not a wolf and you will not eat: ride to the church." Dunya sat down into a kibitka near the hussar, the servant jumped on the iris, the yamper whistled and the horses picked up.

The caretaker felt the guilt. The poor caretaker did not understand how he could afford his dune to go along with Husar:

As a blinding found on him, and that then was with his mind. It was not half an hour, as a heart began to whine, whining, and anxiety took possession of it to such an extent that he did not lose himself, and went himself to the dead. Approaching the church, he saw that the people had already diverged, but the Duni was not in a fence or in pellets. He hurriedly entered the church; The priest came out of the altar; Dyachie quenched the candles, the two old women prayed in the corner; But Duni in the church was not. Poor father for strength decided to ask Dyachka if she had a lunch. Dyacier answered that he did not happen. The caretaker went home nor alive, nor dead. One remained Hope: Dunya on the windiness of young years did he think, maybe ride until the next station, where her godfather lived. In painful excitement, he expected the return of the troika on which he let her go. The bar did not return. Finally, in the evening he arrived alone and Hamlen, with a murderous news: "Dunya from that station went further with Gusar."

The old man did not demolish his misfortune; He immediately run into the same bed where the young deceiver was lying on the day before. Now the caretaker, thinking all the circumstances, guessed that the disease was pretended. Poor Zalenor is a strong hot ...

The barber who was lucky, told that the whole path was crying, although it seemed to have been driving on her hunt.

The caretaker begins to fight for his daughter. He goes on foot in search of the Duni and hopes to bring his lingering lamb home. Minsk, having met in the hallway of the caretaker, especially not ceremony with him, explaining that the Dunya will be happy with him, looked off from Võined with money, which then he threw out. For the second time, the Rothmistra's servant explained to Vyrnian that "Barin does not accept anyone, he won his chest from the front and slammed the doors to him under his nose." When the quantity for the third time dared to demand his daughter from Minsk, Gusar pushed him into the stairs. Minsk truly loves the Dunya: surrounds her attention and luxury. And Dunya loves his kidnapper: With what kind of tenderness she looked at Minsk, on the matte-black curls (Fig. 2)!

Fig. 2. Illustration of M. Dobuzhinsky to the story of A.S. Pushkin "Stationander" ()

Dunya became rich lady, but from this life of her father was still unhappy. The poor man remained the poor man. But this is not the main thing. It is much more terrible what insulted and trampled his human dignity.

The tale ends sad. Years passed, the narrator specifically comes to the station to see the caretaker, but he was already cut and died.

Is the memory of Samson Vyrina among people? Yes, people remember him, they know where his grave is located, the master boy Vanka learned from the caretaker to cut his shoes. Samson Vyrin often played with children and gave them with nuts.

The narrator learns that repentance came to the Dunya, she came to his father, but found only his grave. Yes, she became a rich lady, she had three children, but Dunya violated one of the commandments: "read the father of his own and mother" and suffers from it. The fate of the girl makes you think about responsibility for your actions in front of our people close to us (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Illustration M.V. Dobuzhinsky to the story A.S. Pushkin "Stationander" ()

What is general and what is the difference between the history of the Duni and the prodigal son from the biblical parable?

The prodigal son repented and forgivers, the Danny was redeemed, but late: the father died, she did not receive for forgiveness from him, and the bitst of her fate.

Read the story of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Stationander".

What is she talking about?

About deep fatherly love, about subsidiary ungratefulness. This story about how poor man is difficult to compete with rich and strong, about little man, preserved its dignity, about the late repentance of the prodigal daughter, who will live with a feeling of guilt in front of her father.

SMALL MAN - This is the type of literary hero in Russian literature, which arose in the twentieth and thirties of the nineteenth century. The first part of a "little man" became Samson Vyrin from the story of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Stationander". "Little man" is a man of low social status and origin, not gifted by outstanding abilities, not characterized by the force of character, but at the same time, who does not make evil, harmless to anyone. A.S. Pushkin, creating the image of a "little man," I wanted to remind readers, accustomed to the romantic heroes that the most ordinary person is also worthy of sympathy, attention and support.


  1. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin performed by Masters of the Art Word / Collection / MP3-CD. - M.: Ardis Consult, 2009.
  2. V. Voevodin. Tale of Pushkin. - M.: Children's literature, 1955.
  3. Literature. 6th grade. 2 h. / [V.P. Polukhina, V.Ya. Korovina, V.P. Zhuravlev, V.I. Korovin]; Ed. V.Ya. Korhina. - M., 2013.
  4. Pushkin A.S. Tale of Belkin. - M.: Ripol Classic, 2010.
  1. Libruck. A lot of books. "Our all". What to read about Pushkin A.S. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: ().
  2. All the intelligent Russian language dictionaries in a single rubricator. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: ().
  3. "Encyclopedia of Russian Painting" [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: ().
  4. Electronic publications of the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) RAS. Pushkin Cabinet [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: ().


  1. Wordwork. In the story "Stationander" there are obsolete words and expressions whose value needs to know to understand the meaning of the work. Using the intelligent dictionary of the Russian language and comments to the work, write down the meaning of these words:

    College registrar -


    Feldgerer -

    Greeting -

    On the passage -

    Ramans -


    A. on behalf of Gusar Minsk;