Images of landowners and comparing them with chikchikov (on the poem dead souls). H.

Images of landowners and comparing them with chikchikov (on the poem dead souls). H.

The main characters of the poem "Dead Souls" personify the society of past centuries.

"Dead Souls" Main characters

A figurative system of the poem is built in accordance with the three main plot-composite links: landfares, bureaucratic Russia and the image of Chichikov.

The main hero of the "Dead Souls" Chichikov. This is a former official (college advisor retired), and now the Mahinator: engaged in the buying so-called "dead souls" (written information about the dead from the last revision of the peasants) for mortgage them as living to take a bank loan and buy weight in society. Dress up Shchogolski, follows me and after the far and dusty Russian road manages to look like only from the tailor and the valley. Its name has become nominative for people - prudillary careerists, podhalimov, chains, externally "prepric", "decent and decent"

Manil - A nice, but boring and lazy middle-aged man. Little is engaged in its estate. In his village 200 peasant rally. Peasants Manilov Limy, like the owner himself. Manilaov loves to sit in their office and dream all day, smoking a handset. Romantic and sensitive man who loving his family.

Box - Old widow. She is a good mistress, overwhelming and staging, foolish and suspicious old woman. In her village there is only 80 souls. The peasants of the boxes work properly, and the farm is well debugged. Holidays and buildings in the estate of the box are whole and strong. The box trades goods that produce her peasants. It is "one of those mother-in-law, small landlords who are crying for crumbs, losses and keep their heads a few next night, and meanwhile they type the money maker in the motley bags placed on drawers of the chest." Watercolor portrait of a box represents a good-natured old age of a small growth, in a cape and hood, in funny knitted shoes. The round, soft figure of Nastasya Petrovna, with some cloth tied on her neck, surprisingly resembles a tightly stuffy crust or bag - an important attribute of the domain landowners.

Nozdrov - Young widower, 35 years old. Big, cheerful and noisy. Loves to have fun and drunk. Can not sit at home more than one day. He is engaged in his estate and peasants. Not engaged in two children. Holds a whole flock of dogs and loves them more than your children.

Sobesevich - A prominent landowner is 40-50 years old. Married. Externally similar to the bear. Healthy and strong. Clumsy, rough and straight. It is thoroughly engaged in its estate. His peasants are strong and reliable. He loves to eat well.

Plushkin - Rich landowner. He has about 1000 shower. He has a lot of dead and runaway shower. Plushkin lives as a beggar: walks in cliffs and feeds on breadcrumbs. He does not throw away. His peasants live in old, dilapidated homes. He oversleeps prices and does not sell goods to the merchants, so the goods are rotting in storerooms.

The image of Manilov in the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

The gallery of landowners in the poem "Dead Souls" opened manilov. This is the first character, to whom Chichikov addresses the dead souls. What determines the "championship" of Manilov? It is known that Gogol's statement is that heroes are followed by one division of another. It turns out that Manilan in the poem is the first, smaller, degree of moral degradation. However, modern researchers interpret the order of the emergence of landowners in the "dead souls" in a different sense, in line with the first volume of Gogol's poem of the first part of Dante's "Divine Comedy" ("hell").

The dreaminess and romanticism of Manilov already at the very beginning of the poem creates a sharp contrast of the Cechikov immoral adventure.

There is here and another reason. According to I. Golden, "Whenever Chichikov meets with someone from landowners, he makes an inspection of his ideals. Manilov is a family life, a Babenka, kids ... "This" part "of the Chichikovsky ideal is just the best that is in the" rough-material "dream of a hero about contentment and comfort. Therefore, the story of Chichikov's baudders begins with Manilov.

This image in the poem is statical - with the hero does not occur any internal changes throughout the entire narrative. The main qualities of Manilov - sentimentality, dreaminess, excessive grace, courtesy and courtege is what apparently lies on the surface. It is these features that are emphasized in the description of the appearance of the hero. Manilov "There was a prominent man, the features of his face were not devoid of pleasantness, but this appeal seemed to be too transmitted to the Sahara; In the receptions and turnover of it there was something incorrect location and dating. He smiled tempting, was Belokur, with blue eyes. "

However, Gogol further proceeds to the description of the inner world of Manilov, and the first impression from the "pleasantness" of the landowner at the reader is removed. "In the first minute of the conversation, you can not say with him:" What a pleasant and kind person! "Next, then you will not say anything, but to the third you say; '" Damn knows what it is! - And you will stay away: if you don't go away? , Feel a boredom deadly. From him you will not wait for any living or even an arrogant word, which you can hear almost from any if you touch the subject of his subject. " With a fraction of irony, the author lists the traditional "interests" of the landowners: passion for greyhound dogs, music, gourmet, promotion. Manilov does not interest anything in life, he has no "rear". He says very little, he often thinks and reflects, but what - "Did God ... know". So many more characteristic properties of this landowner are clearly extended - uncertainty, indifference to everything, inertness and infantilism of life perception. "There is a genus of people," says Gogol, - famous under the name: People so-so, neither then, nor in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan ... "It is to this type of people treats Manilov.

"Neo-Oriform, vagueness" of the inner world of the hero The writer emphasizes the characteristic landscape. So. Weather on the day when Chichikov arrived at Manilov, extremely uncertain: "The day was not the clear, not that gloomy, and some light gray color, what happens only on old uniforms of garrison soldiers ..."

In the description of the Lord's estate, we open new features of Manilov. Here we already see a person who claims to "education", "culturality", "aristocracy", but all the attempts of the hero appear to be educated and sophisticated aristocrats of vulgar and ridiculous. So, the house of Manilova is "single to Jura, that is, on an elevation, open to all winds," but the mountain, on which the estate stands, "dressed trotted by the turf", on it "Two or three flower beds are scattered in English with the bushes of sirens and yellow Acacia. " Nearby is a gazebo "with wooden blue columns" and the inscription "Temple of secluded reflection." And next to the "temple" - an overgrown, covered with a greenery pond, according to which, "Pictures of the dress and joining the dresses from all sides," the two women wanda, wistor behind him. Gogol parody of sentimental stories and novels guessed in these scenes.

The same claims for "education" are guessed in the ancient Greek names that Manilaov awarded their children - Alkid and Femistocleus. The surface formation of the landowner turned out to be frankly stupid: even chikhiki, having heard these names, was tested some surprise, to easily imagine the reaction of local residents.

However, the ancient Greek names here are not only a bright characteristic of Manilov. Alkid and Femistoktyus are asked in the poem the topic of history, the motive of the hectares, which is present throughout the narrative, so, the name "Femistocleus" reminds us of the feminist, the state leader and the commander from Athens, who tried brilliant victories in the battles with Persians. The life of the commander was very turbulent, saturated, full of significant events (against the background of this heroic topic, the inaction, the passivity of Manilov) becomes more noticeable.

"Incompleteness of nature" Manilov (nature as if he stopped at the "pleasant" appearance of the hero, "not reporting" in it character, temperament, life) affects and in the description of its home environment.

In all of Manilov - the incompleteness, creating a disharmony. A number of interior details testifies to the tendency of the hero to luxury and sophistication, but in the inclination of this all the same incompleteness, the inability to bring the case to the end. In the living room Manilova stands "Beautiful furniture covered with Silkolsky Silk Matter", which is "very expensive", but it lacks it for two armchairs, and the chairs are "covered simply by the root." In the evening, a "Shchegolian candlestick made of dark bronze with three ancient graces" is served on the table, and next to him is "a simple copper disabled, chrome, rolled over and all in Sale ...". For two years now, the hero has read the same book, reaching only until the fourteenth page.

All landowner classes are meaningless and ridiculous, as well as his dreams. So, by testing Chichikov, he dreams of a huge house "With such a high Belvedere, that you can even see Moscow from there." But the climax of the image of Manilov is the "slides of the ash broken from the tube, placed not without trying very beautiful rows." Like all the "noble gentlemen," manilov smokes the phone. Therefore, in the office it is a kind of tobacco cult, which is embarrassed in the cardune, and to the tobashnitsa, and "just a heap on the table." So Gogol emphasizes that the "Transportation of Time" Manilova is completely meaningless.

The speech of the hero, "delicate", suitable, fully corresponds to its inner appearance. Discussing the dead souls with chikhikov selling the dead souls, he is interested, "there will be no conformity to civil regulations and further species of Russia." However, Pavel Ivanovich, who added two or three book turnover to the conversation, manages to convince him of the perfect legality of this transaction - Manilaov gives chikchikov dead peasants and even the design of the bomp assists. Only full of insensitiousness can be explained by the fact that he wants to please a friend, decided to give the dead soul to chikchiku. And the blazing phrase, which he utters: "The dead souls in some kind of perfect rubbish," - for Gogol, a deeply believer man, is evidence that the shower of Manil himself is dead.

Thus, under the cluster, its "positive" qualities - sensitivity and sentimentality becomes noticeable. His feelings do not bring goodness to anyone, they are not real, but only fiction, it's just a manner. Manilov does not appreciate people from the point of view of the criteria of good and evil. The surrounding simply fall into the general atmosphere of complacency and dreaminess. In fact. Manilan indifferenten to life itself.

Box of Nastasya Petrovna - a widow of the landowner, a college secretary; The second (after Manilov and in front of the nostril) "saleswoman" of the dead souls. To her (ch. 3) Chichikov hits accidentally: Drunk Kucher Selifan misses many turns on the return path from Manilov. Night "Potma", a thunderstorm atmosphere, accompanying arrival to Nastasya Petrovna, frightening-snake hissing of the wall clock, constant permeability of the Dania about the deceased-husband, confession of chikchiku (already in the next morning) that the third day she dreamed of "Okayanny" All this makes the reader to alert. But the morning meeting of Chichikov with a box completely deceives reading expectations, separating her image with a fabulous fantastic background, without a residue dissolves in everyday life.

Surname The box metaphorically expresses the essence of her nature: lean, incredulous, fearful, scordly, stubborn and superstitious.

The box is "one of those matushek, small landlords, who cry for crop, losses and keep their heads a few next night, and meanwhile they type the meaningringon in the motley bags ... in one ... Khatkoviki, on another half-one, in the third quarters ...". Dresser, where there are, besides linen, night blouses, threaded motches, rice salop, bags with money. - Analog box. (The image of the box is also a box of Chichikov with drawers, partitions, scan, hidden money box. Symbolically, the box has revealed, betraying the secret of Chichikov. Thus, a magic casket, a box with a "double bottom", thanks to the box gives his secret.)

If, in the image of Manilov, Gogol exposed the myth of enlightened Barine, then in the image of the box the writer dispelled the idea of \u200b\u200bthe thrifty and the businesslike landlord, which wisely leads the economy, cares about the peasants, keeps a family hearth. The patriarchalness of this landowner is not at all the careful preservation of traditions, which Pushkin wrote: "They kept in the life of peaceful / habit of cute ancient." The box seems just stuck in the past, time for her as if stopped and began to move along a closed circle of petty economic worries, which were absorbed and killed her soul. Indeed, unlike Manilov, she is all the time cotton on the housework. This is also said about the seed -annic gardens, and a bird house filled with "every domestic creature", and the peasant huts supported by "as follows". Her village is well-groomed, and the peasants, in it living, do not suffer from poverty. Everything says about the accuracy of the household, its ability to manage the estate. But this is not a manifest of the living household mind. The box simply follows a kind of "action program", that is, it grips, pro-gives and buys. And only in this plane it can think. No spiritual requests here can also be speech.

The metonimical transfer characteristic of Gogol - Stuffed on a long pole in the Cepzets of the Mistress, enhanced the impression of the comic nonsense leaning the lonely widow, the digging is unknown for whom and not seeing his nose. Things in the house boxes, on the one hand, reflect naive representations of the box about lush beauty; On the other hand, its skopidomism and a circle of home entertainment (fortune-telling on maps, rods, embroidery and strangne): "Road room is enjoyed by old striped wallpaper; Paintings with some birds: Between the windows, ancient small mirrors with a dark framework in the form of curved leaves: for every mirror there were or a letter, or an old deck of cards, or stocking: a wall clock with drawn flowers on the dial ... ".

House boxes with old small mirrors, hissing clocks and pictures, for which the Hall-female, lush perins and satisfying food, tells us about the patriarchalness of the mistress of the hostess. But this pro-stot borders with ignorance, the reluctance to know at least something coming beyond the range of her concerns. In all, she thoughtlessly follows the usual templates: visitors means "merchant", the thing "from Moscow" means "good work", etc. Thinking the box is limited, like a closed circle of her life, even in the city, located near the estate, she was chosen just a couple of times.

The way the box communicates with Chichikov, gives her nonsense, which does not interfere with the practical grip, the desire does not miss the benefit. With the greatest clarity, this is manifested in the scene of the sale and sale of dead souls. The box appears extremely stupid, which is not able to catch the essence of the "profitable" proposal of Chichikov. She understands him literally: "Do you want to abandon them from the ground?" - Wrongs the landowner. Velip and funny fear of boxes to sell dead souls, because it is not so much scares the subject of trade itself, but more concerns, as if not to sell, and suddenly the dead souls for some reason will be useful in the farm. Even chikchikov does not withstand impassable stupidity boxes. His opinion about her in an amazing way to converge with the author: it is a "distinth" landowner. The box is solved to sell the "souls" with fear and from the superstition, because the chicters are causing her the trait and almost cursed ("Yes, the abnormalities and the necks with all your villages!") Moreover, it was given to her in a dream: "Ugly, and horns That is longer than beaches. "

Fear of the extension forces the box to go to the city Recognize the price of the "Dead Souls", Handling Tarantas, "Ratherly similar to a thick-breakfast watermelon, supplied on the wheels ... Watermelon was filled with stente pillows in the form of plenty, rollers and just pillows, stuffed with bags with breads, kalachi , skins, booster and pretzels from custard test. " Watermelon Tarantas Boxes are another analogue of its image, along with the chest, a casket and a pest rapid bags, full of money.

Gogol shows readers that people like it are not capable of any movement - neither external nor inner, because the soul is dead in them and can no longer be revived.

The location of the village of Boxes (aside from the post road, on the side branch of life) indicates its "hopelessness", "hopelessness" of any hope for its possible correction and revival. In this, she is similar to Manilov - and takes the "hierarchy" of the heroes of the poem, one of the lowest places.

The main features of the nature of Nozdrev are arrogance, boasting, a tendency to debroid, energy and unpredictability. Gogol notes that people of this type are always "Govoruna, Cutles, Lihachi", in their faces there are always visible "something open, direct, delete", they are desperate players, lovers to walk. They are sociable and beser-monna, "friendship will be heading, it seems, forever: But it always happens almost that, that I have friends will exercise with them the same evening on a friendly feast."

Revealing the image of the Nozder. Gogol masterfully uses various artistic agents. First of all, the hero's portrait himself expressive. In his portrait, something that reminds Folklore Well-Wellness: "It was a medium-sized growth of a very thoroughly layer-magazine, with full ruddy cheeks, with white, like snow, teeth and black, like a resin, bundbards. Fresh it was like blood with milk; Heads seemed like that and the bone scald from his face. " Of course, there is clear irony in this description. No wonder the author, telling further about the fights, which is constantly involved in the nostrils, notes that "his full cheeks were so well created and contained so much plant forces that Benbankards soon grew again," when he was pretty pretty in another dumping. There is a hero in this and something from the animal (remember, because he was among the dogs "absolutely as a father among the family"), but also the definition of "historical person" is given not in vain. In the av-language characteristics of this landowner, not only irony and mockery sounds, but also another motive - the motive of non-union-bathrooms contained in this nature

It is characteristic that the nostrils possesses an attractive appearance, physical strength, he laughs "the voiced laugh, how only a fresh, healthy person is poured, ..." The motive of Russian hectares, which arises in the outcome of the nostrive, is comically declining. The contrast between his appearance and the inner appearance is huge: the life of the hero of the infidency, the "feats" of this "hero" do not go further a card chairs or a fight, subsided at the fair. Nozdrev is only "visibility of wide nature. He got, drunkard, a liar, he at the same time a coward and a completely insignificant man.

Characterized by a landscape, framing the episode of a visit to the landlord Chichikov. "Nozdrev led his guests a field, which in many places consists of bumps. Guests were supposed to be made away between the fasteners and the climbed Nivami ... In many places, their legs squeezed out water, to such an extent there was a low place. At first they were vividly and crossed carefully, but then, seeing that it was not a busy to anything, Brere directly, without disassembling, where big, and where smaller dirt. " This landscape talks about the divergent landowner's farm and at the same time symbolizes the nezokrev's carelessness.

So, the way of life of the hero is deprived of any orderliness. The landlord farm has fallen in decline. In the stable, his empty cost, a water mill without fill, in the house a mess and neglence. And only the dog is in good condition. "Among the dogs of Nozdrev ... Absolutely as a father among the family," says Gogol. This comparison sets the topic of the Hero's "eloquent" theme in the narration. As S.Shevyrev notes, the nostrils "is very similar to the dog: without a reason at the same time and barks, and bits, and caresses."

The hero is inclined to lies, deceptions, empty chatter. He can easily slander, to observe a person, to dissolve the gossip about him, "there is no more stupid to invent." It is characteristic that the nostrils lies without a visible occasion, "from love for art." So, inventing a story with the governor's daughter, he continues to lie and further, intensifying himself in this story. The reason for this is simple: Nozdrev understood that "he could put trouble in this way, but the language could no longer hold. However, it was difficult, because they themselves introduced such interesting details themselves, from which it is impossible to refuse ... "

The tendency towards deceptions and rods is manifested in it and during a card game. Therefore, the game often ends with a fight: "They hit his boots, or asked the overexposure of his dense and very good Bengnembard ..."

The character of the hero, his interests and lifestyle reflected in the interior of his house. There are no books and paper in the office of Nozdreva, but the sabers, rifles, Turkish daggers and tubes of various kinds are "wooden, clay, foam, smoked and unbalanced, covered sunsis and unrestructed". In this interior, one item is symbolic - a sacrahma, in which there is "one twin, very brisk, I have no way to calm down." This expressive detail symbolizes the character of the hero, its restlessness, irrepressive energy.

Nozdrev is unusually "active," energetic, the weakness and the breedingness of the nature of the characteristic to new and new "enterprises". So, he loves to change: a rifle, a dog, a horse - everything is becoming a subject of exchange. If he has money, then at the fair he immediately bores "all sorts of all": clamps, smoking candles, Iisha, tobacco, pistols, herring, paintings, pots, etc. However, the acquired things are rarely borrowed to the house -: in this same day he can lose everything.

Nozdrev is very consistent in his behavior and during the purchase and sale of Merrt's souls. He gut is trying to sell chikchiku stallion, dogs, scarmer, then underdeveloped is the sharing of the brithes, the game in the checkers. Noticing the nostroid rods. Chichikov refuses to play. And then, the "historical" man learn the scandal, a fight, and only the appearance in the house of Kapntana-Favorika saves Chichikov.

It is also characteristic of nostroid speech, his manners. He is talking loudly, emotionally, often screaming. Its speech is very slow and diverse in its composition.

In addition, it is worth noting the staticity of this image. Gogol gives the character of the already established, ready, the prehistory of this character for the reader is closed, during the narration with the hero does not occur any internal changes.

Thus, created by Gogol. Character - Bouncer, Boltun, Likhach, Cutles, Players, Deboshira and Dishistor, A lovedress to drink and nine something - colorite and easily recognizable. The hero is typical, and at the same time, due to a number of details, special little things, the writer managed to emphasize his individuality.

The image of a companion in the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

Sobesevich follows the fourth in the gallery of Gogol landlords. The main features of Sobesevich is the mind. Delightness, practical grip, but at the same time the fit is characteristic of it, some kind of heavy sustainability in views. Character, lifestyle. These features are noticeable in the portrait of the hero, which is similar to the Middle Size Bear. And his name is Mikhail Semenovich. "To sustain the similarity of the fracture, it was a completely bearish color, the sleeves are long, the pantalonons are long, the feet of the steps and it feet and occurred incessantly on other people's legs. The complexion had a crawled, hot, what happens on the copper patch. "

In the portrait of the Sobelaevich, he will notice the grotesque motive of the rapprochement of the hero with the animal, with a thing. Thus, Gogol emphasizes the limited interests of the landowner in the world of material life.

The quality of the hero Gogol also reveals through the landscape, interior and dialogues. The village of Sobesevich "Pretty Great". On the left and right of it are located "two forests, birch and pine, like two indoor, one dark, another lighter." Already these forests are talking about the economic activity of the landowner of his practical surge.

Fully complies with the external and inner appearance of the owner and its estate. Sobekevich does not care about the aestheticism, the external beauty of the surrounding items, thinking only about their functionality. Chichikov, approaching the house of the companion, notes that during the construction, obviously, "the architect is indispensable to the taste of the owner." "The architect was a pedant and wanted symmetry, the owner - the convenience ...", - notes Gogol. This is "convenience", the concern for the functionality of objects is manifested in the Sobevich in everything. The landlord courtyard is surrounded by "hard and exorbitant wooden lattice", stables and sheds are made of full, thick logs, even the villagers of the men "cut down on Divo" - "Everything ... curved tightly and as it should be."

The situation in the house of Sobesevich reproduces the same "strong, awkward order." The table, chairs, chairs are all the "hardest and restless properties", in the corner of the living room there is a "Puzzled walnut bureau on the pre-rail four legs, a perfect bear." The pictures of the "Greek commander" are hanging on the walls - "extraordinarily strong and tall young people, with such thick chains and unheard of mustache, that the trembling passes through the body."

It is characteristic that the motive of the hectares arises here again, "playing the role of a positive ideological pole in the poem." And they ask this motive not only the images of the Greek commander, but also the portrait of the Sobekevich himself ,. having "the strongest and on a dividious image." In this motive, Gogol's dream was reflected about the Russian warming, concluded, on the thought of the writer, not only in physical power, but also in the "unpretentious richness of the Russian spirit" the writer catches here the very essence of the Russian soul: "Russian movements will be somewhat ... and they will see how deeply nursed In the Slavic nature, what slid only by nature of other nations ".

However, in the image of the Sobevich "Wealth of the Russian Spirit" was suppressed by the world of material life. The landowner is concerned about only the preservation of his wealth and abundance of the table. Most of all he loves to eat well and delicious, not recognizing foreign diets. So, the dinner of the Sobevich's lunch is very "diverse": stuffed stomach battles are served to the sachams, then follow the "lamb side with porridge", chewing, stuffed turkey and jam. "When I have a pork, let's come on the table all the pig, lamb is the whole ram, goose all goose?" "He says Chichikov." Here Gogol is twisted with gluttony, one of the human defects with whom Orthodoxy is fighting.

It is characteristic that the companion is far from stupid: he immediately realized, in which the essence of the extensive speech Pavel Ivanovich and quickly appointed his Men to the deceased peasants. Logic and sequential landowner during bargaining with chikchikov. Yes, and he himself looks so that it becomes clear; He "From the past persons, on the finish of which Natura long wisely ... Enough for an ax once - came out of his nose, I was enough to another - you walked my lips, a big drill washed my eyes ..." It seems that he is only interested in the stomach . But such appearance is hidden smart, evil and dangerous predator. No wonder Sobesevich recalls how his father could fill up a bear. He himself turned out to be able to "dwell" of another powerful and terrible predator - Chichikova. The purchase and sale scene in this chapter is fundamentally different from all similar scenes with other landlords: not chikchiki here, and the companion leads the party. He, in contrast to the others, immediately understands the essence of a fraudulent transaction, which does not bother him at all, and begins to lead a real bargain. Chichikov understands that in front of him a serious, dangerous enemy, which should be fearful, because the rule of the game is taken. Sobeshevich, like Chichikov, does not confuse the unusual and immorality of the transaction: there is a seller, there is a buyer, there is a product. Chichikov, trying to bring down the price, reminds that "the whole subject is just fu ... who needs it?" To which Sob-Kevich dislarously notices: "Yes, here you buy, it became well-wives."

Soberevich in his own way is perceptive, endowed with a sober look at things. It does not feed any illusions about urban officials: "These are all fraudsters: the whole city is there such: a fraudster on a fraudster sits and a fraudster will chase." In the words of the hero, the author here is the author, his position.

The mind of a companion, its insight and, together with the fact, "wildness", dislike, the uninforcement of the landowner is manifested in his speech. Sobesevich speaks very clearly, briefly, without excessive "beautiful" and the fadiness. So, in the extent of Chichikov's extension about the duties of the submission for the audit souls, "those who graduated from life field", Mikhail Ivanov "reacts" by one phrase: "Do you need dead souls?" Discussing acquaintances, the landowner can and sneak, to use the "strong little character."

The image of a companion in the poem is statical: readers are not represented by the vital history of the hero, any spiritual changes to it. However, the nature that appeared before us is alive and multilateral. As in the chapters dedicated to the rest of the landowners, Gogol uses all the elements of the composition (landscape, interior, portrait, speech), subordinating their leitmotif of this image.

The image of Plushkin in the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

The gallery of the "Dead Souls" ends in Plushkin's poem.

The main features of Plushhina are stiffness, greed, thirst for accumulation and enrichment. Positive and suspicion. These workshops are transferred in the portrait of the hero, in the landscape, in the description; Furnishing and dialogues.

Very expressive appearance plush. "The face did not imagine anything special: it was almost the same as many thin old men, one chin only performed very far ahead, so he had to close him every time, so as not to heal: small eyes were not even nervous and ran From under high eyebrows, like mice, when, having slipped from dark holes, sharp muzzles, the ears and blinking the nose, they look out for whether the cat had no ... "Noteworth of Plushin's outfit - fell and torn bathrobe, pressed on her rag like ...

Little running eyes, similar to mice, testify to the alertness and suspicion of Plushin, generated by fear for their property. His rags resemble the clothes of the beggar, but not a landowner who has a thousand more than a shower.

The motive of poverty continues to develop in the description of the village of the landlord. In all rustic buildings, "some kind of special dilapidation" is noticeable, the huts are made of old and dark logs, the roofs are similar to the sieve, there are no glasses in the windows. The house of Plushhina himself looks "some kind of stupid disabled". In places it is one floor, in places in two, on the fence and gates - a green mold, through the decrepid walls you can see "naughting a plaster grille", only two are open from the windows, the others are forced or clogged. "Nishchensky kind" here metaphorically transmits the spiritual poverty of the hero, the tough limitations of his world acceptance of pathological passion for the accumulation.

Behind the house stretches the garden, the same overgrown and dreamed, which, however, "quite painted in his picture launch." "Green clouds and irregular domes lay on the heavenly horizon, the connected vertices of the treasured trees. White colossal birch trunk ... risen from this green thick and rounded in the air, like ... a marble sparkling column ... Seveled green thickets, illuminated by the sun ... "Dazzling white, marble birch trunk, Green thickets, bright, sparkling sun - in brightness of their paints and The presence of light effects landscape This contrast description of the internal decoration of the landlord house, recreable an atmosphere of lifeless, death, graves.

Entering the Plushkin House, Chichiki immediately falls into the darkness. "He stepped into the dark, wide sense, from which the cold came as from the cellar. From Seine, he got into the room "too dark, a little bit illuminated by the light, eaten from under the wide gap, which was at the bottom of the door." Next, Gogol develops a motive of death, lifeless. In another room of the landowner (where chicter gets) - a broken chair, "The clock with a pendulum who stopped, to which the spider had already adjusted his web": The chandelier in the canvas bag, thanks to the dust layer, like a silk cocoon, in which a worm sits. " On the walls of Pavel Ivanovich notes several paintings, but their plots are quite definite - the battle with screaming soldiers and drowning horses, still life with the "hanging down the bottom of the duck down."

In the corner of the room on the floor, a huge bunch of old trash, through a huge layer of dust chikchikov notices there a piece of wooden shovel and an old sole of the boot. This picture is symbolic. According to I. Golden, a pile of Plushkin is a "tombstone hill above the ideal of a materialist." The researcher notes that whenever Chichikov meets with any of the landowners, he makes "inspection of his ideals." Plushkin in this case "represents" a state, wealth. In fact, this is the most important thing that chicter seeks. It is monetary independence that opens the way for him to comfort, happiness, well-being, etc. All this is inextricably merged into the consciousness of Pavel Ivanovich with a house, family, related connections, "heirs", respect in society.

Plushkin does the poem in the poem. The hero seems to be revealing the root side of the Chichikovsky ideal - we see that the house of the landowner is completely launched, he has no family, all friendly and relatives he ripped, there are no other landlords about him for respect.

But aftermo, everyday Plushkin is a crumbling owner, married, and "a neighbor drove to him to have lunch" and learn from him. And everything he was not worse than others: "Welcoming and speaking mistress", famous for herbs, two pretty daughters, "blond and fresh, like roses", son, "Breakty boy", and even a French teacher. But the "good mistress" of him and the youngest daughter died, the eldest escaped with the headquarters, "the Son had time to serve," and Plushkin remained alone. Gogol carefully traces this process of disintegration of the human person, the development of his pathological passion in the hero.

The lonely life of the landowner, widowing, "gray in hard hair", dryness and rationalism of character ("Human feelings ... were not deep in it") - All this gave the "fusion food of misappropi." Pottakaya, Plushkin gradually ruined all its farm. So, hay and bread got rot, flour in the basements turned into a stone, canvas and matter "turned into dust".

Plushkina's passion for the accumulation was truly pathological: every day he went through the streets of his village and gathered everything that would turn her hand: old sole, bare rag, an iron nail, a clay shard. What was not only on the yard of the landowner: "Barrels, crossing, ears, lagunons, horses with stigmas and without a fishing, twin, Lukokhka ...". Someone wouldn't look at the working courtyard, where it was prepared for the stock of any tree and dishes, never used, - he would seek him, he didn't get into Moscow to a chipped courtyard, where millennochnyets and beets are sent daily ... Detail of your economic reserves ... "- writes Gogol.

Submitting the thirst for profit and enrichment, the hero gradually lost all human feelings: he ceased to be interested in the life of his children and grandchildren, caught up with the neighbors, daded all the guests.

The character of the hero in the poem fully corresponds to his speech. As V.Vitvanov notes, Plushkina's speech is a "one continuous grinding": complaints about relatives, peasants and beard with their yard.

In the scene of the sale and sale of dead souls Plushkin, like Sobashievich, begins to bargain with chikchikov. However, if Sobekevich. Without taking care of the moral side of the question, it is likely to guess the essence of the scam Chichikov, then Plushkin is not even thinking about it. Having heard that it is possible to get a "profit", the landowner seems to forget about everything: he "was hazard", "his hands trembled", he "took his hands," he accepted in both hands and carried them to the Bureau with the same caution, as if We would carry some fluid, every minute afraid to open it. " Thus, the moral side of the issue leaves him herself - she will simply fade under the pressure of the hero's "surging feelings".

It is these "feelings" withdraw a landowner from the discharge of "indifferent". Belinsky considered Plushkin "Face Comic", the ugly and disgusting, refusing to him in significant feelings. However, in the context of the author's creative intent, presented in the poem of the life history of the hero, this character is presented in the most difficult among Gogol landlords. It was Plushkin (together with chikchikov), according to Gogol, it was supposed to appear morally regenerated in the third volume of the poem.

The most interesting place in the poem I. V. Gogol "Dead Souls" is the chapters dedicated to the five landowners: Manilov, Box, Nozdreva, Sobevich and Plushhina. It is easy to note that the chapters are located in a special sequence: from the smallest to the greatest degradation of characters. The surname of the Manilov landowner is formed from the verb "Many".

The main features of this character are dreaminess, sentimentality and laziness. Gogol characterizes his hero as follows: ". Hells so-so, neither the same nor in the city of Bogdan or in the village of Selifan." Manilova's house is located on Yura, who is blown by all winds, which speaks of his frivolousness and inability to think real. The landowner loves to be attached to his dreams in a gazebo, on which the inscription is banging: "the temple of a secluded reflection." This is the only secluded place for Manilov, where he calmly can fantasize some completely unreal projects. But, as it seems to him, dug underground move from home or build a stone bridge over the pond is quite normal ideas. Doing the economy is not part of Manilov.

In his estate, everything goes awry, and the hero is even not before that. Gogol says that the hospitality and the Mililov's Mililov and the Mililov are too pronounced: "In the first minute of conversation, you can not say with him:" What a pleasant and kind person! " Next. You will not say anything, but you say to the third: "Damn it is what it is!" - And you will go away! .. ". This is manifested not only in the manners of the landowner, but also in his relationship with his wife. They all the time they are too much with each other, and it is very funny author. The image of this hero became one of the key. It happened the name of such a phenomenon as "Manovshchina", which means man's unnaturalness. Another no less bright character story - landlord box. Her last name was chosen by Gahol, it is no coincidence.

By nature, the landowner is immensely economical and superstitious. The box relates to the type of women who can cry out on the cripples, but still they will always share a penny. Her chest, except for any nonsense, filled with bags with money. The box is very small, it cares only the management of the household, in it she sees the meaning of life. Her entourage Gogol gives "animals" by the names: Bobrov and Svignin, which once again emphasizes that the heroine is passionate about only by its estate. The author allocates among the other "merits" of his character a distinth one. This quality box manifests in a situation where Chichikov is trying to negotiate with it about the sale of "dead souls". The heroine thinks her interlocutor gathered to dig away from the graves of the dead peasants. She does not hurry to sell his "wealth", and instead, he tries to slip hemp and honey. The box agrees on the Offer Chichikov only after he mentions the trait.

The next landowner who was visited by Chichiki was a companion. Its image is made up by N. V. Gogol from all the biggest: large boots, the cheese of "much more plates", "Turkey with an increase from the calf." Even the health of this character is Bogatyr. Thanks to these descriptions, the author achieves a comic effect. The paradises the great feats of the heroes, the Gogol thereby emphasizes the true essence of the most of the Schemevich himself, the main qualities of which can be called rudeness and clumsiness. All items in the house are the same bulky and smooth, like their owner: the table, chairs, a wooden bureau - everything seems to be shouting: "And I also sobesevich!". In his opinion, everything around the liars and the last scammers. He is not at all important a human soul, interest for the Sobelaevich consists only in money. Of the foregoing, it can be concluded that Sobesevich is one of the most "dead souls" of the poem.

There is nothing spiritual for him. Only money and things are valuable for this hero. He is interested only for "earthly" affairs. The most vivid character, in my opinion, is the nostrils. This is an image of an avid cutyl. The author is ironic about his character, speaking of him as a man "historical". In relation to his hero, Gogol uses the figurative meaning of this word. "Historicism" Nozdrev is that he always enters some stories: either dries in a buffet, or mercilessly lying about the allegedly acquired horse. Like any hood, he adores women. But the most important feature of the Nozdrevsky nature is the great desire to "nag the neighbor".

None once he made a vigorous actions. For example, the fictional stories told, disrupted the wedding, upset the trade transaction, etc. But the most prominent in his character is that after all his trial he continued to consider himself a friend of the victim. By tradition in the poem, the situation in the house of each landowner corresponds to the nature of his host. So the dwelling of Nozdreva is impregnated with the spirit of Azart and boasting. According to the nostride himself, in his possessions once "there was a fish of such a magnitude that two people hardly pulled out a piece." The walls of his chorus as the paint appeal, as the peasants whitish them. His office instead of books and papers is filled with weapons.

Nozdrevo likes to change some things to others, just not because of money or some other material interest, but simply because it carries this process. Since all kinds of trick are the main passion of the character, he is not difficult to circle around the finger and Chichikova, whom the nozzles solder and tries to deceive when playing checkers. What else can be said about Nostrote? Its description will tell everything much better: "He sometimes went home with one only by Bennbard, and that is rather liquid. But healthy and full cheeks were so well created and had so much plant forces that Benbankards soon grew again, even better than the previous. "

And the final image in the Gallery of the Russian "Dead Souls" is a landowner by the name Plushkin. As you know, in the poem all the names saying. Only "Plushkin" is given in a figurative value. It resembles a non-baked boun, but a completely dried tender. The image of a plush landlord is very sloping. Gogol mentions his double chin, which has to constantly cover, as well as about the fearful coat, which does not cause anything but disgust. The author gives her hero a very capable definition: "Standing in humanity." This character is a symbol of falnial mood and posting all the lives. And again the house speaks for his master: the bread in the storeroom rotes, the gate and the fence are covered with mold, and the roofs in the outstands are completely proud. Gogol adds a short story about the fate of his hero, who first died his wife, and then his daughter escaped with headquarters of Rothmistrome. These events have become for Plushin the last moments of the real life. After that, the time for the hero stopped.

All images of N. V. Gogol are very bright and in its own way unique. But there is one main thought that combines them. The author, showing visual examples of the degradation of mankind, calls on readers not to become a "dead soul", and always stay "alive."

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Show Master N.V. Gogol in the description of the characters of landowners in the poem "Dead Souls".

  • To form the ability to read, think about the text, find keywords, significant parts in the artistic text, draw conclusions.
  • Educating the love of domestic literature, interest in the study of creativity N.V. Gogol.
  • Registration:

    1. Portraits of Chichikov and landowners.
    2. The text of the poem "Dead Souls".
    3. Presentation "Images of landowners in the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls". (Attachment 1)
    4. Fragments of the movie "Dead Souls". (DVD series "Russian Classic")


    I. Orgmant (greeting).

    Message Topics lesson, goaling.

    II. Teacher's introductory word.

    Closeup in the poem "Dead Souls" drawn images of landlords, these "owners of life", responsible for its economic and cultural state, for the fate of the people.

    What are they, the owners of life? For analyzing the images of landowners, a plan is proposed. Slide 2.

    III. Analysis of the image of Manilov.

    Which of the Chichot's landowners visits the first? Slide 3.

    When is the first meeting of Chichikov with Manilov? View in ideophragment "Chichikov's Manilova"

    Task: Using a memo plan, tell us about Manilov. Speech of the 1st group of students.

    What item in the description of the hero is the prevailing?

    What is hiding behind manilov's smut? How the author himself characterizes the hero ?

    A pleasant Manilovy smile for everyone is a sign of deep indifference to everything around; Such people are not able to experience anger, sorrow, joy.

    With what details, Gogol give comic painting to the images of their characters?

    An integral part of Gogol portrait pattern is poses, clothes, movements, gestures, facial expressions. With their help, the writer strengthens the comic color painting, reveals the true essence of the hero. Gestles Manilov testify to mental impotence, the inability to comprehend what goes beyond his wretched Mirka.

    What is the distinctive feature of Manilov?

    The main psychological trait is a desire to everyone and always like.

    Manilov is a calm observer of all that is happening; Bribes, thieves, casnocraders - all for him the previous people. Manilov - a man is uncertain, there are no living human desires in it. This is a dead soul, a man "so-so, neither then."

    Output. Slide 4.

    Instead of a real feeling - Manilova "Pleasant Smile", showing courtesy and sensitive phrase; Instead of thought - some incoherent, stupid reflections, instead of activity - or empty dreams, or the results of the "labor", as "the slides of the ash broken out of the tube, placed without trying very beautiful rows."

    IV. Analysis of the image of the box.

    To tell briefly the content of the 3rd chapter.

    What can I learn about the main character of the box of a direct authoring characteristic?

    Gogol does not hide the irony regarding her thinking abilities: he thought, opened his mouth, looked almost with fear. "Well, Baba, it seems, paint!"

    The essence of the character of the box is particularly visible through the dialogic speech of the characters. Dialogue boxes and Chichikova - Masterpiece of comedy art. This conversation can be called the dialogue of the deaf.

    View video phrase "Dialog box and Chichikov"

    What features of the boxes were revealed in the bargaining stage?

    She was not embarrassed by trade in dead souls, she is ready to trade and dead man, just afraid to be used. It is inherent boulder slowness and caution. She went to the city to find out, where now they sell "dead souls".

    What is the position of the peasants at the box?

    The village is the source of Honey, Sala, hemp, which is trading boxes. She trapped and peasants.

    Take a conclusion about the meaning of business boxes .

    It turns out that landfill economic activity may have the same mean, inhuman meaning, like mismanitality.

    What made a box?

    Traditions in the conditions of patriarchal life suppressed the identity of the box, stopped its intellectual development at a very low level; All sides of the life not related to the accumulation remained for it inaccessible.

    Task: Using a memo plan, tell us about the box. Speech of the 2nd group of students

    Output : Slide 6.

    "DUBINOGOLOGICAL" box - the embodiment of those traditions that have developed in the gravity of small landlords leading the natural economy.

    She is a representative of the outgoing, dying Russia, and there is no life in it, since it is not facing the future, but in the past.

    V. Analysis of the image of the nostril.

    It consists of separate fragments in which he is told about the haugh of the hero, episodes from his life, manners and behavior in society. Each of these sketches is a compressed story, disclosing one or another line of his character: Drunk rampant, passion everything is changed, addiction to the game of cards, empty vulgar conversations, solid lies.

    How does the Nozreba desire to attract?

    In the Nozdrov office, Turkish daggers are shown, on one of which was cut out: Master Saveli Sibiryakov.

    What is the speech of the hero ?

    Speech Fucking: Fetuk, Swints, Scounds, Dryan. And this detects not only personal, but also a social trait. He is sure that he is allowed to insult him impunity, deceive - after all, he is a landowner, nobleman, the owner of life.

    What are the life goals of Nozdrov ?

    Nozzled Road Road: This intravenous hero is not suitable for the role of the acquirer. They are owned by the thirst for pleasures - such that is available to his dirty soul. And the neighbor nozzles with pleasure, without any evil intentions, even good-natured, because the closest for him is only a means or a source of pleasures. Dented in pleasure or it did not take place: "Fetuk", "Scounds", "Lyuban"

    Task: Using a memo plan, tell about the nostril performance of the 3rd group of students

    Output. Slide 8.

    In general, the nostril is an unpleasant person, since the concepts of honor, conscience, he is completely absent.

    The energy of the nostril turned into a scandalous bustle, aimless and destructive.

    Vi. Analysis of the image of a companion.

    What details are the things use Gogol with the characteristics of the Sobevich ?

    Description of the Lord's home: "... a wooden house with mezzanine could be seen ..." ... in a word, everything that he looked, it was a necessarily, without a stack, in some strong and awkward order.

    Greek heroes in pictures in his living room were strong, with thick loungers, unheard mustache.

    Is there a difference in the characteristic of the Sobevich in the 1st and 5th chapters?

    In the 1st chapter, Sobesevich is characterized as a man "clumsy in look." This quality is emphasized and deepened in the 5th chapter: it looks like a "middle size of the bear." The author persistently beats the word "bear": the fracture of bearish color, called him Mikhail Semenovich.

    What amazes in the portrait of a companion?

    In the portrait, the color of the face is striking primarily: ".. Chicken, hot, what happens on the copper patch";

    "It is known that there are many in the light of such persons, over the trigger of which Natura long wisely, did not use any small tools, somehow: Files, a Braschik, and other things, but just cut off the shoulder: I had enough of an ax once - the nose was gone, The other - the lips came out, the eyes of a big drill was filled ... "

    "Chicikov looked at him once again when they were held in the dining room: Bear! Perfect bear! "

    Why chichotists in a conversation with a companion careful: I did not give the souls dead, but only non-existent?

    Sobekevich immediately "learned" that the proposed deal - the Zhulnic. But even the eye did not blink.

    "Do you need dead shower? - asked the companion very simple, without the slightest surprise, as it were, it would be about bread. "

    Task: Using a note-memo, tell us about the SobeshevicEverment of the 4th Group of Pupils

    Chicchik's rights, thinking that Sobekhevich and in St. Petersburg would remain a fist, although they brought him up in fashion. Yes, it would be even worse: "Try it a slightly top of some science, he will give it to know later, taking the place more counter. All those that really learned some science.

    Sobesevich, like a box, mothers worked and practical: they do not ruin the men, because it is unprofitable to them themselves. They know that in this world everything is sold and bought.

    VII. Analysis of the image of Plushkin.

    The theme of moral fall, the spiritual death of the "hosts of life" is completed by the head dedicated to Plushhina.

    Plushkin - the last portrait in the gallery of the landowners. Before us is the full wreck of human in man.

    How and why the hardworking owner turned into "rush to humanity" ?

    Why does the head of Plushkina begins with a lyrical retreat of youth?

    Why Gogol presents in detail the history of Plushkin's life ?

    Gogol appeals from the past of the hero, since the moral deformity is the same as other landowners: an inspection that generates the rootless, loss of ideas about the meaning of life, about moral debt, about responsibility for everything, the service station occurs around. Plushkin's tragedy is that he has lost contact with people. He in all, even in his native children and grandchildren, sees enemies, ready to plunder good.

    The image of Plushkin is an embodiment of extreme dilapidation and moldiness, and in the characteristics of items associated with it, Gogol reflected these qualities.

    Find in the text artistic means by which the author reveals the essence of the Plushkin image .

    The dilapidation of all buildings, the log on the outbreak was dark and old, the roofs were drowned as a sieve, the fence was broken ...

    Task: Using a monument plan, tell about Plushkina. The 5th group of students

    Output. Slide 12.

    Mold, dust, rot, death and fesuity from Plushkin estate. Heart and other details are cold: neither daughter nor her son old man did not give a penny.

    So for what purpose is the image of Plushkina in the poem ?

    Consistently, from the hero to the hero, Gogol exposes the nichly life of landowners.

    Images of landowners are given as their spiritual cloak and moral fall.

    It is shown how the disintegration of the human person was gradually committed.

    Once Plushkin was only a lean owner. Thirst for enrichment turned him into the hole, isolated from society.

    In his image, one of the varieties of spiritual death is revealed. The image of Plushkin is typical.

    Gogol with bitterness exclaimed: "And to such insignificance, petty things, the man could converge! Could change so much! And it looks like the truth? Everything is like the truth, everything can be with a person. "

    VIII. Chichikov's similarity and landowners.

    Landowner, his distinctive feature

    How this feature manifests itself in Chichikova

    Manilov - Slastoughness, Restority, Uncertainty All residents of the city recognized Chichikov a man is pleasant in all respects
    Box - petty scramble In the box, everything is laid out with the same diligent pedantry, as in the dresser Nastasya Petrovna
    Nozdrov - selflessness Desire and ability to like everyone
    Sobesevich - Rough Faces and Cynicism No "... no straightforward, nor sincerity! Perfect Sobekevich "
    Plushkin - Collecting unnecessary things and careful storage During the inspection of the city, I broke off the poster, read, turned and put in the Lark

    The character of Chichikov is multifaceted, the hero turns out to be a mirror of the landlord, because there are the same qualities that make up the basis of the chalkgirls.

    IX. Crossword . Slides from 15 to 24

    X. Summing up.

    Xi. Homework.

    1. Fill out a table according to plan:

    • brief description of the landowner;
    • description of the estate estate;
    • description of joint meal;
    • as the landowners react to the Offer Chichikov;
    • further actions of landowners.

    2. Write an essay - miniature "Why did Chichikov visited landowners in such a sequence?"

    The poem Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Dead Souls" was conceived as a large-scale picture of the entire Russian society. The features of the characters of the main characters of the "dead souls" are represented by the writer in such a way that each class of the 19th century sample is found in them. In its work, Gogol frankly rizuats the sale of officials, ignorance of landowners. Only the first volume of the work was published: from the second volume, destroyed by Gogol himself, there were only a few chapters in drafts.

    Characteristics of the heroes "Dead Souls"

    main characters


    Pavel Ivanovich is a fundamentally new image in Russian literature, a representative of the emerging class of entrepreneurs and "Lovkachi". The college advisor retirement, he earns on the life of adventurous frauds, leading for the nor of gullible inaders. Carefully monitors its appearance: fashionably dresses, always clean, tidy. It is distinguished by a multipath, changeable in kind and ability to instantly adapt to the circumstances.


    A collective image of a landlord, for which infrequent fantasies, sentimentality and lack of activity are characteristic. This is a kind, modest and pleasant person who desperately seeks to like others. He is silent, thoughtful, trusting. In life situations, Manilov is lost and confused. Prefers to twist in the clouds, rather than engage in households. It seeks to make your life like a novel or sentimental story, in which there is no place of severe reality.


    Nastasya Petrovna is a small landlord, a lonely widow, living in a small village. This is a neat and exciting mistress that contains its estate in perfect order. The box does not seek to develop spiritually, it is not interested in anything other than its own economy. In each person she sees only a potential buyer who can bring her profits. Despite the stable financial situation, in conversation likes to be prefeeded and complaining about life.


    Young man, fresh and ruddy look. This is a lingerie lifestyle, an amateur is delicious to eat and cancel to drink. Possessing active in nature, unable to stream at home for more than one day. However, all its irrepressible energy directs not for the benefit of the economy, but to search for new sources of pleasure. Widower, father of two children, whose upbringing is absolutely not interested. He also takes little the fate of the estate and the peasants living in it. It is capable of easily playing a large amount of money in the card, absolutely not worrying about what funds will have to live.


    Mikhail Semenovich is a valid prefoliage age, distinguished by strong physique and excellent health. This is a straight, rough and clumsy person. In the appearance of the landowner, there is an elusive similarity with a wild beast: power, badness, hidden threat. Sobesevich little concerns the external attractiveness of things: much more it appreciates reliability and practicality. Despite some heavyness, it is a very quiet and cunning person.


    An incredibly stingy old man who is distinguished by amazing greed not only in relation to peasants dependent on him, but, above all, to itself. He goes in the hoarse, does not donate, does not even throw away the most dilapidated trash. However, excessive savings on everything does not make it a happy person. Painful pryushkin's scarce does not give him a chance to find a family.

    Minor characters


    Lackey Chichikova, young man 30 years old. It is distinguished by an uncommunicative character, however, if the case is not averse to take the tricks with Barin. A big lover of drinking and sit in a good company in Kabaska. Wears old basking clothes, extremely rarely washed because of his dislike for the bath.


    Chercher Chichikov, a large sign of horses. Irresponsible, simple, open man, incredibly devoted to his Barina. Do not mind drinking and negotiating dance with beautiful girls.

    Captain Kopeikin

    The impoverished Russian officer who lost his right hand and leg during the war with Napoleon. Being disabled, it remains without the slightest assistance from the state, for which he was bravely fought. The charter waiting for his retirement, it becomes, by rumors, the leader of the robber hay.


    Officials of the city n are represented by pronounced negative characters. This list contains the governor, the prosecutor, the Politzmeister, Chairman of the Chamber and the Emightyster. The author in detail describes the negative features of Russian officials, but at the same time it does not stop at the details of their personal qualities.

    In the poem "Dead Souls", the heroes are endowed with bright features inherent in the landlord and a blessing class in Russia. The table provides a brief description of the characteristics of the heroes, which will allow you to conduct a qualitative analysis of the work.

    Test on the work